Monday, May 16, 2016

Sueño de Amor (SdA) #49. Monday May 16, 2016. This Novela Was Smushed With "Porque El Amor Manda" To Give You "Sueño Del Amor Manda"... Because You're Worth It!

At a glance

-- Osorio has decided to recycle Porque El Amor Manda, because he can and because he gets his paycheck no matter what.

A closer look 

Ricardo shows Esperanza the apartment he one-sidedly decided that she and her grown children should move into. He does, however, grant the little lady the privilege of choosing the furniture and the knickknacks that will fit out their new home. 

Accompanied by her adoring lapdog, Pedro, Princess Confundida goes to visit her saintly mother in jail. Despite her histrionic whining, prison life isn’t treating Silvana that bad. She is impeccably coiffed and she sports her favorite fluttering falsies. All that’s missing is her signature red lippy, designer glasses and military-style black garb and she's Principal Crazy-Eyes again!

At the constructora, Viviana complains to Luca about Ernesto’s objection to her “friendship” with Mario. Luca informs her that Ernesto pulled a heroic stunt during Pato’s birthday. Viviana’s eyes bug out in disbelief. 

In the reception area, Nacho informs Begoña that he decided to pull a Ricardo and cross the border illegally into the United States (irse de mojado). See you in 20 years, toots! 

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Saturday, May 14, 2016

Sueno de Amor, #48, Friday Ric can't even catch the faux Sombra

Hello, everybody! I'm going to keep this short and to the point, feel free to add details that I've missed and you think add to the overall plot. 

We start with the cat-fight between Kristel and Aranza. They are, indeed, fighting over bland Pedro, but who am I to judge?
The quarrel is interrupted by Pato, coming out of the toilet and reminding her two amigas that this is HER day and they should stop making a mess out of it.
Kristel almost starts weeping, apologizes to both Pato and Aranza and leaves. Aranza tries to defend herself, with the classic "She started it", but Pato bluntly asks if fighting over Pedro is something that Ara should focus on now, with everything else that is going on in her life. Touché!

Barbara Santillana informs Felix that she will take over for Silvana and no, she doesn't need his incompetent help to do the job, he's less likely to screw up things better in an administrative capacity. What she needs is a good educator, someone who knows about academics and is an excellent teacher. My mind goes straight to Esperanza, but then Barbara says another name: Cristina Velez Valderama - and here is how I suppose we'll be getting introduced to Marjorie de Sousa. Not even in the cast yet and she's already replacing my lovely Esperanza (oh, yeah, and I saw her in the credits, too, third position, with the mention Protagonista Invitada - whatever that means).

The scene switches to a child's room, a little girl - we see a picture of her with her mother (Marjorie), we hear her recorded voice saying how much she loves mom and we see a woman enter the room. No face for now, though, and I really don't get the mystery.

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Thursday, May 12, 2016

Sueño de amor, Ep 47 (5.12.16) This episode has been brought to you by open ''Death threats'' when doing it anonymously is not enough.

''A very long time ago, very, very long time ago, in a land very far, very, very far, a little princess was born. She was so hairy and her beak was so crooked that her Mapa called her  ''Pato''. When she turned ''18'' her dad gave her a luscious party. Everybody was invited, specially Eli and Pocoyó. The shadow, international art thief was not on the list but he assisted anyway because he had a special gift for her. I told you I would kill her when she turned 18, remember?''

Grandmamá Pepa thought she was getting weird, wired, but all Ricardo did was give her a tracking device that looks like Barbie's smartphone to locate her son. Can you really know where he is with this? Sure! Do you remember the tubes from the tv when you were a kid? Well... technology has made everything smaller... 
She thinks she is the only one to blame because Max grew up without a father figure. She said that she created a soulless monster because the absence of Max's father made him steal to fill that void, yeah right! To another dog with that bone!

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Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Sueño de amor #46 Wednesday 5/11/16

So, here we go with a little bit of this and a little bit of that.

Pato is on the street and Anastasia approaches her. They end up on a bus where Anastasia wants Pato to get a message to Ernesto for her. She needs his help because she has no money: nothing. So far he has refused to give her anything. Anastasia makes sure that Pato sees a  gun in her handbag. Maybe Ernesto needs someone he loves to be in danger . . . Anastasia sure hopes that Patricia gives Ernesto the message. After getting off the bus, Anastasia pretends to shoot Pato through the bus window with her finger. Pato is left creeped out and alone on the bus.

At the hospital, the doctor is filling in Viviana and Luca about the severity of Adrián's problem. Luca and the doctor think that Adrián needs to go inpatient at a rehab center. Viviana is not too sure. Later at home, Ernesto agrees Adrián needs to be admitted to the rehab center. Adrián sees it as if they are throwing him away. Luca and Ernesto do their best to talk him into it. Adrián hysterical makes all sort of promises not to drink. Viviana is afraid they will mistreat Adrián and promises to take care of him rather than send him off to that terrible place. Ernesto sees Vivana as just stupid but then he has to stay quiet because it is all his fault anyway. Luca tries to convince Viviana and Adrián that Adrián's promises mean absolutely nothing. Seems to be enough blame to spread around.
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Sueño de Amor (SdA) #45. Tuesday May 10, 2016. Misery Loves Company.

Hello Patio Pals! We’ll have to make do with a quick summary until a volunteer takes over this recapping spot. 

Adrián is in hospital with alcohol poisoning (congestión alcohólica). His pity party for one is getting old. Everything that happens to him is everybody’s fault but his own. He treats both Estrella and Salma like crap when they visit him at hospital. That should teach them to care. 

In Acapulco, Esperanza and Ricardo do a lame copy of the “From Here To Eternity” kissing-on-the-beach sequence. Agent Alegría informs his starry-eyed fiancée that he’ll resign as soon as he catches La Sombra. Wouldn’t an immediate resignation be more conducive to La Sombra’s prompt capture? 
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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Sueño de Amor (SdA) #44. Monday May 9, 2016. The One Where Nobody Calls The Police.

At a glance

-- Aranza gets kidnapped, beaten and raped because Osorio is running out of cheap ploys to raise the ratings of this train wreck.
-- Adrián runs away from home and spends the night drinking on a pile of garbage.
-- Nobody has the presence of mind to call the cops! 

A closer look 

In their luxury suite in Acapulco, Esperanza and Ricardo mingle limbs in slo-mo and fall asleep in a pillowless diagonal embrace. 

Back in Mexico City, Kristel tells Pedro that Salma’s pregnancy brought their family together. Silver linings and whatnot. However, Kristel doesn’t know where her witch of a mother moved out to. Pedro informs her that her mom was the one who sent the CCTV tape that got him locked up in the holding cells (separos) of the police station. However, he is still alive and kicking (vivito y coleando), so no harm no foul. Pedro receives the sympathy he was fishing for in the form of a kiss. A kiss for which he’ll get admonished, at some point, by Princess Confundida

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Friday, May 06, 2016

Sueño de Amor (SdA) #43. Friday May 6, 2016. At Long Last, My Precious Turtledove! We’ll Bump Knees And Make Sweet Acapulco Love!

Are you sure this is what the book said? You got the position number right?

At a glance 

-- Esperanza got an engagement bling-a-ling in Mexico City and a bow chicka wow wow in Acapulco. 
-- Everyone is still pondering Salma’s pregnancy and debating what to do about it. Everybody except Salma. 

A closer look 

Esperanza is at Casa Manzanares giving unsolicited advice to the suicidal pregnant rapist teen. The rest of Salma’s cheering squad is also there: Margarita, Mario and Kristel nod along to everything the self-appointed Dr. Nosey Parker says. Salma is instantly reinvigorated by the magical pep talk. Yay! ¡Abrazo Juaréver! 

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Thursday, May 05, 2016

Sueño de amor, Ep. 42 (5.5.2016) From teacher warrior spinner hope... to cliché weepy nosy counselor!

¡Feliz 5 de mayo!

Bienvenidos al mundo del revés, donde nada el pájaro y vuela el pez

Adrián and his terrible, horrible, no good, very bad life 
Adrián was hiding behind the boxes full of the most expensive glassware from around the world talking with Estrella on the phone, and she broke up with him for the ''N'' time. Then he is showered in insults because he is un ''estuche de monerías tonterías'' and Ernesto lists his ''achievements'': He likes K-pop spontaneous musical numbers, he had to repeat school year and was demoted to attend the poor one across the street, he is a drunk and a minor impregnated herself while he was drowned drunk. Sadly, that was the saddest thing and none of the above, because during the impregnation, he was not even aware and thus didn't enjoyed it! At least Salma can say that those 45 seconds of ''pleasure'' will ruin her whole life, but what about Adrián? 
Los De la Colina discuss abortion vs. adoption, and seem not to agree on any of them.
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Sueño de amor # 41 Wednesday 5/4/16. "Waterworks"

I have never seen so many tears in any production anywhere anytime. We pick up the action with Luca being taken in for questioning in the death of Vicente. Luca tells the officer what happened with Vicente. He was not going to let him threaten the girl he loves. The officer sees that as reason enough for killing him.

At school, Tracy is visiting Silvana in her office. They are looking at the security footage that shows Pedro's fight with Vicente. For a change of pace, Tracy corrects Silvana's Spanish. They talk about the murder. They are all excited that Pedro can be implicated in the murder and in that way they can make Esperanza suffer a bit. Silvana asks her secretary Quintina to get a hold of the detective that is investigating Vicente's murder.

Esperanza is with Ricardo. Ricardo sees Vicente's murder on the news on his phone and that Luca was brought in for questioning. He goes over in his own mind his encounter with Vicente. He tells Esperanza about it. Pato overhears about Luca and is immediately hysterical. Luca is not answering his phone. Ricardo explains that Luca is only in for questioning. He has not been arrested. Ricardo will find out what he can.
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Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Sueño de Amor (SdA) #40. Tuesday May 3, 2016. Estalkin' Is Bad. It Gets People Stabbed.

Hello Patio Pals! We’ll have to make do with a quick summary until a volunteer takes over this recapping spot. 

Someone does us all a favor and stabs Vicente. In 24 hours, witnesses saw him tussle with Luca, fight with Pedro and get roughed up by Ricardo. Neither one of the three has an alibi, this was made abundantly clear throughout the episode. 

In other Sueñolandia news: 

Salma discovers she’s pregnant. At long last! Poor thing is distraught. She is barely 14, she sexually abused a drunken teenage boy, she got a very average boink out of it at best AND she fell pregnant to top it all off. I know this sounds sarcastic but I actually felt sorry for the kid. Thankfully, she has the support of her grandma and her older sister. 

Kristel gets fired from her job as visual enticement at the antro. She has plenty of free time now to blubber and be confundida
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Monday, May 02, 2016

Sueño de Amor (SdA) #39. Monday May 2, 2016. This Episode Was Brought To You By Lala Cheese, Salty Tears, Morning Sickness And Poisoned Juice.

At a glance

-- Shira is La Sombra's sister. She attempts to poison Rodrigo.
-- Kristel is channeling Victoria "The Crier" Ruffo and Julia "The Confused" Gómez Luna.
-- Vicente the estalkerr is still estalkin' and harassing PatoLuca. 

A closer look

Ricardo catches Pato’s estalkerr lurking outside Esperanza’s house and demands to know what he’s doing there. “Don’t you know who I am?”, says an indignant Vicente, “I’m the son of Gonzalo Santillana!”. “The Board Director of Instituto Palacios?”, asks Ricardo. “How do you know?”, wonders the obsessed fool. A little unintentional comedy to get us started. 

At Casa Guerrero, Esperanza gushes over her date, the coin found in the stupid love vault and the promises contained in the stupid love cassette, namely, eternal love, 2 children and a house with a blue door. 

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New Telenovela: Yago begins tonight. Here's a synopsis. Who is in? We need recappers.

Hi friends,

I ordinarily write the synopsis for a new show but because this one is starting tonight I'm giving you one I found elsewhere. If you would like a recapping slot please leave a comment. We need somebody for tonight if possible!

Our main character is Iván Sánchez. (See dreamy picture.) The story begins with Omar Guerrero, a simple young man living in a middle-class neighborhood next to his inseparable best friends Abel (Pablo Valentin) and Lucio (Flavio Medina). Omar’s life changes dramatically when Sara (Gabriela de la Garza) moves into the neighborhood with her father Damián (Manuel Ojeda) and her sister Ámbar (Ximena Romo). Damián is a conman who is about to pull off the perfect heist on the big Casino in the city. Unable to do it alone, he convinces Lucio, Abel and his daughter Sara to involve Omar. Even though Sara has fallen in love with Omar, her father manipulates her to go through with the plan. During the heist, a guard is murdered and Omar is framed for both crimes, and is sentenced to sixty year in prison. While in prison, Omar meets Fidel Yampolski (Patricio Castillo), an old and powerful mafia boss who becomes his mentor. After a prison riot burns the prison down, the two men plot an ingenious revenge; Fidel helps Omar get a new face and a new identity: Yago. Now, twelve years later, Yago has returned to execute his revenge upon the three people who betrayed him. But, will love be stronger than his hunger for vengeance?

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Sunday, May 01, 2016

New Telenovela: Yago - Synopsis & Main Characters. Gran Estreno Monday May 2, 2016. Recappers Needed.

Hello Patio Pals! I took the liberty to post this page as a brief introduction to the story and the characters of this exciting series, premiering tomorrow night at 9 pm EDT on Univision. 

Yago is a remake of the Turkish drama series, Ezel, which is loosely based on the literature classic "The Count of Monte Cristo" by Alexandre Dumas (Père).

Iván Sánchez is Yago. Yago used to have a different name, a different face and a different voice. In what seems like another life, he was Omar, a kind and loving young man with a head full of dreams and a promising future ahead of him. However, everything came crumbling down when the love of Omar’s life, Sara, and his two best friends, Lucio and Abel, accused him of a crime he never committed. The crime in question made the traitors very rich and landed Omar in jail for life. Then, one day, Omar manages to fake his own death and he creates the Yago persona to exact his vengeance on those who robbed him of everything: of his family, freedom, innocence, love and life.

Gabriela de la Garza is Sara Madrigal, the woman whom Omar loved more than anything in the world. She ended up betraying him and destroying his life.

Flavio Medina is Lucio Sarquis, Omar’s best friend and one of the perpetrators of the crime for which Omar became the scapegoat.
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Saturday, April 30, 2016

Sueño de Amor (SdA) #38. Friday April 29, 2016. You Make Me Solve Clues But Don't Show Me The Bling? Worst Non-Proposal Ever!

At a glance

-- Tricky Ricky makes Peppy Espy work hard for a proposal that never happened.
-- Kracy and Anastasia get to know each other over copious amounts of tequila.
-- Erasmo ditches Kristel, this TN's Princess Confundida, over her smooch with Pedro.

A closer look 

Esperanza receives a dress box with a first clue that asks: “What is square-shaped and has a combination?”. Paper! Snow! A ghost! No, it's the stupid love vault. Is this another one of Osorio’s protracted and exhausting marriage proposals with clues? Oh, how original! 

Randomly diced pieces of film are thrown our way, without regard for coherence. Salma thinks she is nauseous because she is riding the bus and mocks Kristel for selling her car to help their father. Felicia breaks up with Mario. Ricardo asks his kids’ permission to have a dinner date with Esperanza. Kracy and Ernesto have a very vocal session of desk-boinking that scandalizes Anastasia, who can hear their carnal howls from the hall. 

Luca formally accuses Vicente of sending him a dead rat. A pair of detectives made the trip to the constructora just to take his statement. No wonder La Sombra is running amok. Law enforcement is busy investigating pranks. 

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Thursday, April 28, 2016

Sueño de amor, Ep. 37 (4.28.2016) Reecherd is officially free but it's not taking applications.

You get a box, and you get a box, everybody gets a box...

Novia de estudiante, nunca esposa de profesionista
Mapato (Mapa[mamá+papá]+Patricia) get ready because Patolucas (Patricia+Luca) have a date. For them, none of their dates are just ordinary dates. All are special. This is the first after he quitted school to be closer to the women he loves, his mother and this duck.
Luca arrives with rose bouquet #1 and while their music plays only for them and stops when they are off screen, Patricia tells Luca something she has never told him before: He is the perfect man. He is a hero for being so understanding, he is more good than the bread (as long as it is gluten free), and even when he confesses he is selfish, is only for love, because he wants her only for himself, so that's fine. Have you seen the slug's trail?well, these two leave a trail too, a syrupy viscous molassey sticky trail. 
They keep with the arrumacos and giving like! to anything they say. Suddenly, while they start animorphing into ducks, Luca shows his Kinky side and unveils that he likes handcuffs, BDSM and even Gorilla glue. And is not the Aflac duck showing up for the commercial, is them who now quack to each other. Translation: Yo mucho más, in duck language: quack!!  <(") Ditto. Me more! I love you, quack (me more), quack, quack!! Like this or more ridiculous? ('')> quack! (more!)
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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Sueño de amor #36 Wednesday 4/27/16

So, here we are just waiting to see what happens after Tracy has told Ernesto his kids need to see him as a hero to gain their affection.

Pato talks to Kristel at the school cafeteria. Kristel tells her about what is happening at home and that her mother is being thrown out of the house. She looks upset even if she knows her mother deserves it. They get up to get some coffee and suddenly Pedro is there. Before anyone can say anything much, Ara steps up to protect her interest in Pedro in a a new "punk" costume mouthing off to Kristel about how Pedro is HER boyfriend. Kristel gets the message loud and clear and starts to laugh which just incenses Ara more. Félix comes by (announced by his whistle) and is not impressed by Ara's new look. He tells her he is writing her up and she is to report straight away to detention. Pato turns a second to check a text on her phone and someone covers her eyes. It turns out to be jerky Vicente from her weekend at Harvard. He has missed her and so just appeared in the hallway of her school. His life has no meaning without her. He has brought her a lollipop shaped like a heart. He grabs her by her arm when she tells him to get lost. He will never let her go. She warns him not to touch her again. (She should have hauled off and hit him up side the head the first time,) Creepy. He is very much a stalker.
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Sueno de Amor #35 20160426 Both Esperanza and Shakira Are Annoying

Full Disclosure:  I don't know who the hell these people are and what is going on. 

So some chick named Esperanza is totally freaked over some guy named Ricardo.  Ricardo is out on a stakeout.  I'm not sure who called whom, but Ricardo and Esperanza talk while he's on the way to the stakeout.  Esperanza whines to her daughter Patricia that Ricardo is in danger, yet she has not problem with texting him and thereby distracting him.  Let me know when the stakeout is over.  I'm very worried. 

Meanwhile, across town, Ernesto and his wife seem to be having a little tiff.  She is surrounded by a lot of boxes and wants to separate the crystal wine goblets.  Ernesto tosses all the glasses to the floor.
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Monday, April 25, 2016

Sueño de Amor (SdA) #34. Monday April 25, 2016. Some Characters Need To Get Whacked And Cristián Needs to Take Off His Shirt! ¡Pero Ya!

At a glance

-- Rodrigo is preparing a sleepover with his best friend, Homero, who turned out to be La Sombra's son! Doh!
-- They haven't even kissed como Dios manda, yet Tricky Ricky is practically living at Peppy Espy's house.
-- Viviana nearly gets thrown off the balcony for suggesting to give her shares to Luca instead of selling them to Ernesto.
-- Kracy tries to mow Esperanza down with her car.
-- Iker's sister is the new nanny of Ricardo's kids.
-- Ricardo encounters a suspect who can lead him to La Sombra.

A closer look

Ernesto explains to Luca a little toxic parenting 101: “I treat your brother like crap this because I love him and I want to help him become a good man just like you”. Yeah, whatever you say, bub. If I cared, and I really don’t, I would suggest to Ernesto to dial down the tough, dial up the love and seek urgent professional help. But then again, meh! Me vale gorro. I’m only here to mock and ogle. 

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Saturday, April 23, 2016

Sueno de Amor, #33 Friday, 04/ 22/ 16 Questionable fathers and their offsprings: will Ernie be a better grandpa than he is a father? Will La Sombra get a Dragon gift for Father's Day?

We begin with a rehash of Ernesto and Viviana's  ugly fight - Viviana wants the divorce and half of everything, including half of the company that Ernie built with her father's money. This whole mess happens in front of their children - classic La Colina family moment!

Felix asks Margarita to meet up at night and at first she thinks it's a romantic rendez-vous, but he only wants to go ghost hunting (hey, if a girl has to settle...). Later on, they meet the certified ghost hunter (if such a thing even exists) and start roaming the school at night.

Aranza arrives for her "job" and is greeted by a lecherous looking overweight man, who looks at her with nauseating lust, approving of her big cleavage. She looks disgusted, but we don't actually find out what she's up to.

Esperanza of the Tell No Lies Family and Ric of the Incompetence in Every Job Order want to talk with PatoPedro about something very important. The teens think that since Ric's divorce is almost final, things around the house are about to change: Pato will get another new daddy and Pedro another chef to cook his vegetables (does he know that Ric only prepares pancakes?). But no, the  talk is about a big secret. He's a super secret agent, who came to Mexico to track down his arch enemy and put everyone's life in danger. Pato seems to believe this is all a joke (who can blame her?), but then they are informed about La Sombra and his activity, the way the bastard killed Ric's partner and only friend and how he has a kid in their school. 

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Thursday, April 21, 2016

Sueño de amor, Ep. #32 (4.21.2016) The case of the search of the criminal based only on a crayon drawing

Antes muerta que arrugada
Better dead than wrinkled. Its hospital time again and the turn now is for Viviana who just woke up from an express coma. Too fast for a non-believer. I guess Esperanza has ''palancas'' with her sponsor Virgen de la Paz and her circle of prayers worked. Viviana is (as Esperanza was in her moments of need) surrounded by her loved ones, including the ones who will be always around her as long as she has money. 
Be careful what you wish for, she wanted to be at least 15 years younger and she is now a newborn. Talk about taking 50+ years off with a single surgery! 

Pato, in a very convenient scene, heard about Ana and Ernesto's affair and immediately told Luca, who confronted Ernesto, who denied everything until proof was shown. This is unforgivable, it is scandalous (and I come from the theater). Luca thinks father and son should never share the same woman. He almost asked for his kidney back. Just when he was saying ''you're dead to me'' Adrián shows up and his jaw falls to the floor. Don't worry brother, assures Luca, there's no problem between father and I. I said ''your head is clean'' 

Commercial break: Lala cheese is soooo good, that even when you put it in the coldest tortilla, it melts by itself!! Yummy, and it doesn't contain polyethylene terephthalate!!
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