Friday, November 16, 2012

El Mundo de Telemundo, Week of Thanksgiving 2012: Discuss Amongst Yourselves

What Telemundies have to be thankful for:

Hombre de misterio continues his impressive solo recapping of Pablo Escobar while the beautifully crafted recaps of Novelera and Jean lead us through the twists and turns of the telenovela that wouldn't die, Corazón Valiente.  And where would we be without Deb's terrific comments on the whole Telemundo lineup and especially her background information on the terrible Escobar years in Colombia?  Thank you so much to the four of you -- and to everyone who comments here -- for keeping this page lively over the past several months.

Rosa Diamante has its fans too and Deb and Shallowgal, among others, update us now and then on that show.

El rostro de la venganza gets some attention here from time to time -- Thanks, Bill C, for your writeups -- but like the orphaned Rosa, no one has really taken it on as a project.

A few cranky observations:

On Pablo Escobar
I'm still watching Pablo Escobar but I'm liking it less and less.  The historical facts are ghastly enough. Yet at times, the made-up conversations cheapen the very real tragedy being portrayed. (Think of the little girl on the plane who, gazing out at the clouds, tells her daddy they are now close to her [dead] mother.) 

Hombre, I apologize for not commenting very much on your remarkable daily summaries.  Please know that I always read them and always appreciate them.  I'm usually a day or two behind because I record and watch when I have time. 

So why am I watching this thing at all? I think I need to see some kind of justice restored.  I want to see the fall of the bad guys and the end of this terrible chapter of Colombia's history.

On El rostro de la venganza
I watch this because it's only a half hour long and it comes right after Pablo.  While the underlying story is gruesome and at times shockingly violent, the novela itself somehow manages to have no emotional resonance at all.  The dialogue is endlessly recycled. We sit and watch our favorite beautiful people forming various tableaux vivants.  (If People en español were a telenovela, this is the one it would be.) For me the only real mystery is how they are going to manage the Presto Chango of Elizabeth Gutiérrez into Marlene Favela.  That should be fun!

On Corazón valiente
Because of the way the evening telenovelas bleed over into one another's time slot, my DVR catches the last two or three minutes of this show.  Almost every episode ends with a cliffhanger that in another novela would mean últimas capítulos.  Here it just seems to mean "We'll keep this thing going as long as you keep watching."  I think Aurora (la princesa de hielo) tried to do this too but not nearly as successfully.  Folks are watching more or less enthusiastically, so I guess the production team is doing something right.  Anyway, I'm glad the talented Telemundo actors have work.

Your turn, amig@s.  And a happy, healthy, warm, dry and safe Thanksgiving to you all.  Eat well and not too wisely!

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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Amor Bravío #64 (Uni 59) Wed 11/14/12 “The Mean Streets of El Pueblo”

We begin our story tonight in the mean streets of the pueblo; LeoSordido has shot Pablo and Dandres.   Now both Dandres and Pablo lie in the street, bleeding, with Leo Sordido standing over them with a pistola aimed at Dandres’ heart.  LeoSordido aims carefully and we see the gun up close… and closer … he pulls the trigger, and CLICK.. bullets, no hay.  What a genius!  He shakes the  bubblegun but nothing happens. Viewerville hopes he looks into the barrel and finds the last bullet on its way out and into his empty little skull.  Suddenly, down the street, Amanda emerges from the hostel, yelling “Auxilio! Policia!” … LeoSordido disappears.   Amanda runs into the street, desperate and distressed as she sees it is Pablo and Dandres who have been shot and are lying in the street .

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Por ella soy Eva #84 11/14/12: I Heard You're Getting Married!

Finally, an action packed episode.

Eva and Adriano are in Adriano’s office and he feels abandoned and lonely because she is going away this weekend. He will miss her. He has an idea, he will work on the weeding preparations but Eva has a better idea. Speak to Modesto and Eugenia about the investigation that he needs to complete. Adriano asks Eva, what?? Am I going to tell Juan Carlos’ mother about the account that he opened in her name? Eva reminds him that it is the supposed account. Adriano says that its not supposed it is an actual account. Adriano wants to leave JC in the past.

Claudia asks Eugenia what are you reading? Eugenia is reading the play- The House of Bernanrda Alba by Garcia Lorca ( a side note, I love Garcia Lorca- he is my favorite author!!!!- Wow that bought back memories) Claudia asks Eugenia- is it true that you were famous? How come you don’t act anymore (Listen honey- Eugenia is acting right now by keeping herself calm, and being a class act because if it was any other woman- Claudio and Modesto would be living in the street) Eugenia tells her that she is not going to fall for her nonsense and that she promised to be seen and not heard.
The rude teenager- says that if you were so beautiful and so famous how come your husband met my plain ole mom who was a secretary? (Claudia is out of line) Eugenia lets Claudia know that if she wanted to bother her she has won, but that’s what Eugenia gets for letting her stay in her house.
Eugenia walks out of the room past a clueless Modesto, who asks, what happened? The little liar says nothing, I swear.

Back to Adriano’s office- Adriano wants to look ahead, but Eva says- yes Grupo Imperio is a part of our future and there are things that have to be clarified. Adriano agrees to speak to JC’s parents. Anything for Eva.
In Santi and Ferni’s non-productive office- Santi is complaining about his wife while Ferni is perfecting his paper airplane. Santi doesn’t have any money, credit cards are maxed out but all she wants to do is party every weekend. Ferni tells Santi that he needs to take control and stop complaining. Santi is upset because she spends all day at home doing nothing. A man enters their office and Ferni has had enough of his paper airplane and gives them privacy by leaving the office.

The rude girl is listening to music and Modesto tells her to have patience and compassion with his wife because she just finished undergoing treatments for mental treatments and Claudia asks- is she crazy? This girl really crosses the line!! Why isn’t she in school??? Modesto proceeds to tell her that no she is not crazy and that she is getting better every day and your presence is not helping the situation. Claudia throws a guilt trip on Modesto, reminding him that she is accustomed to him not being around when she needed him, etc, etc. Modesto tells her that this is not the time to discuss such matters. (Whoa- what about putting the little girl in her place. Whatever shortcomings he has needs to be discussed with her mother. Then he justifies his actions by blaming Eugenia. Did I miss something here, Modesto?? You had an affair with your secretary, had children born out of wedlock and you are blaming your wife for not allowing you to visit your other family, pleeeeeeeezzzzzzzzz!) He also throws in the death of Juan Carlos and that these are things that should be discussed with her mother- finally. His cell rings- it’s his buddy, Adriano. Claudia mimics Modesto.

The man in the office tells Santi that with his pay cut and the loans that he owes he will have a very small paycheck. Uh oh!! It’s time for somebody else in the Escudero home to get a job.

Helena shows her engagement ring to Lucia. Helena shares with Lucia, that in front of Lalo, Mad Dad, her mom, Adriano and Eva, Pluti asked her to marry him. Lucia wanted to be there and asks Helena how come she didn’t tell her. Helena tells her that it was a surprise. Lucia, who as silly as she is notices that Helena is not very enthusiastic about her engagement. If it were Lucia she would be doing the happy dance. Lucia (who is now getting on my nerves) is complaining about Renato and their non- relationship. A blue dress (I forgot her name) brings some papers to Helena and welcomes her back to work. Lucia proceeds to shout out Helena’s engagement to Pluti and the blue dress can’t wait to run out and spread the gossip to the other blue dresses. Lucia is so full of emotion that she and the blue dress do some type of bridal walk, dance, I was ready to reach for the remote, oh I can’t, I’m recapping. Just as I predicted, the blue dresses and Marsela are talking about the upcoming weddings, Dona Eva and Adriano and Helena and Don Plutarco. As usual everyone is not working and talking about brides and weddings and Rebeca overhears the conversation. Pluti is getting married? Yes, Marsela tells her, her asked Helena to marry him. Rebeca starts insulting the blue dresses.
Rebeca continues with her trepadora insults regarding Helena and says that she hates women like Helena. Marsela says that Helena is not like that and they are marrying because they are in love. Rebeca looks ill. Everyone is complimenting the physical beauty of the betrothed couple and of course Rebeca throws in her insults- Prince William and Princess Kate are a beautiful couple, Helena and Pluti are ugly, etc. etc. Marsela asks- aren’t you a little bitter? Be happy for them. I think that they make a beautiful couple and I am happy for them, as should you. Rebeca- the Queen Naca- blames herself for listening to the gossip from the naca bowl and flies away on her blue broom. The Evaleets and Marsela remember the song by Shakira-“No Se Puede Vivir Con Tanto Veneno”. (Shakira - No [Gustavo Cerati]
Rebeca bursts into Helena’s office- under the pretense of handing over all of the Playa Mayagua paperwork. We know that this will not end well. (Did I miss the blue memo at the office today?) Helena thanks her but you know that there is more to come. She congratulates the single mom for her good luck with the Vice President. The hypocrite Rebeca can’t believe that Pluto forgot so soon about his wife, Dona Tony, the lovely adored woman, and she has the nerve to blow kisses to her (she should have been struck down with a lightening bolt). Helena and I shared the same facial expression for once. - the look of disgust. Helena says that he hasn’t forgotten her, he is just moving forward with his life and he has a right to. (Says who?) Rebeca just thinks that its months later, its too soon. Rebeca shares that according to gossip- Pluti married Antonia for interest/convenience. She has the nerve to ask Helena, if she heard that? Uh no, Rebeca, unlike you she works. Helena doesn’t have time to listen to gossip. Rebeca also shares (from first hand experience) that Pluti was never faithful to Antonia.

Ferni is on the phone talking to someone, sounds like an order and gets off of the phone in a hurry when Marsela enters the office and pretends to be working, typing one finger at a time.
Rebeca shares her memories of Pluti before he got married, going from one to the other. Helena has confidence in Pluti and she will have him clear up any lover issues. Rebeca is so sad, just looking for any type of reaction. She says how life takes a turn and starts on JC, saying that he was the lowest of the lows, mistreated women and now you are engaged to his rival Pluti. What irony? Helena says that they are men with virtues and defects. Rebeca says that JC knew how to hurt women including her. He was an enchanter and knew how to attract women. Helena does not want to speak of the dead. Rebeca still looking for the sting- tells Helena that he would have never married you.

Santi is talking to Angelica about his cut in pay, lack of finances and he doesn’t know how he is going to make it through the month. and how she has to sacrifice. She needs to think about going to school but she is not sure what she wants to study, something technical, fashion English, interior design (picture that??) She suggests that he asks her parents and he can’t. He tried when he was with Patti and it was a no go. Lucia walks in listens to the conversation and asks Santi, if everything is okay. Santi gives her a look of defeat.

Rebeca is still in Helena’s office talking about JC and his player ways (sheer foolishness), gossip about players who promise to marry their girlfriends, blah, blah, blah and Helena cuts her off and tells her to get back to work, she doesn’t have time for foolishness (listening to gossip) because she has a lot of work to do. Rebeca’s last pearl of wisdom- whoever gets angry loses, then she flies out on her broom. Helena tries to contain herself.

Fern the idiot is waiting for Rebeca and wants to know more details of their partnership. Rebeca tells them that they can’t talk there.

Rebeca bursts into Pluto’s office to start her foolishness. Rebeca is one miserable person. She says that she heard the gossip in the hallways that he is going to get married. What a pathetic couple. So you prefer a single mother to me. You are a naco. Pluti doesn’t want to hear her opinion. She tells him that its not a good idea to live where bad has happened Pluto tells her that she can’t spoil his happiness and don’t think about trying to blackmail him. He told her that she should be on her knees thanking him for allowing her to work there. He told her to disappear leave his office before he throws her out. They insult each other about the 10 years that they spent together, she calls him a hot mess (I think) and he can’t believe that he spent so much time with her.

One of the Evalettes has free time and asks if they want to get coffee, what free time, they don’t work. The Evalettes are sad and talking about how they miss Mimi and her Avon. They can’t live without it.
Eva goes into Helena’s office to talk about the construction company if Helena has time and they have a que, que, and que contest. Que, Que, Que. Eva wants to know if Helena is angry with her. Helena said that she has gotten over it. Eva starts asking about Pluti and Helena asks her to stop and leave it in the past.
Pluti wants to talk in private with Helena about Playa Mayagua-ewwwwwwwwwww!!! Eva says that that the three of them can discuss it, but she is sent out of the office. Kissy, kissy time- yuck!!!
Helena doesn’t seem to pleased with the kiss, maybe her b.s. detector is finally working or maybe she can still hear Rebeca’s conversation.
Helena and Pluti are talking about choosing a construction company- Fitsi. Pluti seems to favor them.

Santi and Lucia (who make a great couple and will probably end up together) Santi wants Angelica to work or go to school. Lucia tells Santi that she has always worked and has paid for her schooling. She should be proud. Lucia suggests that perhaps Angelica can talk better with a female than her husband. Rebeca is her best friend- enough said. (Dumb and dumber)

Pluti notices that Helena is a tad bit cold and asks her what’s up? She says that even though we are engaged, I don’t know much about you? Pluti tells her that he worked his way up the ladder, he studied, graduated worked for Grupo Imperio for about 10 years, met Antonia fell in love and married her. He is proud to be a VP based on merit and not marriage. He is not interested in the past, only in being a family with her and Lalo.

The two gold diggers are conversating on the phone- Angelica is complaining to Rebeca that Santi wants her to go to school. She doesn’t want to go to school, she teases Rebeca because at least she is married and has a husband to take care of her and for cuchi cuchi.
Rebeca said that she would rather stay single than to be married to someone as useless as Santi and have kids. Angelica tells Rebeca that she knows that she is dying to marrying Pluti who doesn’t want her and she is an old maid and can’t find anyone else. Rebeca disagrees, she get whomever she wants. (What a toxic relationship these two “friends” have? I don’t want to have one up on my friends) She wasted 10 years with Pluti; she has work to do- bye!

Renato and Pluti discuss his work with Helena that Renato is working hard and that Pluti can help Speed Racer move up in the company, he has influence over Adriano. He can move up and have a position like Juan Carlos. Renato seems pleased. The ball is in his court. The VP position may be available soon and it could be his, just like JC. Renato can help him.

Santi tells Helena that he is behind in his work but he will try to catch up. He also congratulates her on the upcoming nuptials. She stops him and says that she has to ask him something about JC.

Mimi and Eva are having lunch and Eva, he feels like he is operating on automatic pilot. She/he finds it hard to continue without Helena’s love and feels useless.

Helena asks Santi if JC was really going to marry her? Santi asked her why did she have the doubt and Helena said that it was something that Rebeca said. Santi told her that Helena was the only woman that he loved. He was madly in love with her. He wanted to have a family with she and Lalito. It was a little uncomfortable but it seemed to revive Helena.
Here comes Pluti, what a pain!!! He wants to take her out to dinner after work, but she wants to work alone. Buzz off- Pluti!!!!

Lucia, Santi and Angelica are out having a cup of coffee and Lucia is giving suggestions to Angelica on how to find things that she is interested in. Angelica is interesting in dancing and being Santi’s kept wife.

Helena visits JC’s grave and she reminds of a line in The Godfather III- just when I thought that I was out they pulled me back in.”

Angelica doesn’t do anything, that why she got married so that her husband can take care of her. She and Santi proceed to slobber over each other at the table. Lucia tries to suggest- secretary, waitress, catalog seller, etc. but it doesn’t work.
Helena is still having her conversation with JC. It always feels as if you are so close to me at all times. I can touch you. She doesn’t believe that he is in his grave. She needs JC to die in her heart.

At Ferni’s house, Ferni arrives with a flat screen TV and a home theatre system. Jennifer helps Ferni the idiot say high definition. Marsela wants to know- where did you get the money to buy this.

Coming attractions- Oneismo is visiting Eugenia and having her sign some papers. Eugenia recognizes Oneismo at Grupo Imperio.


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #153 Wed 11/14/12 Lorenzo gets into Hot Water with RE; Mati gets into Hot Water with RE; Jana gets into Hot Water with RE; RE gets into Hot Water with Patricio; Max stays Lukewarm

El Refrito
Rod and Alexia are sitting at the coffee table drawing.
Claudio and Luci are driving by where Claudio met Rodrigo’s little friend Mateo, but she isn’t able to see him because his head is inside the white bag.

Partial Refrito
Roselena has kept Jana’s date at the Café de Chinos with Lorenzo.  She’s punctual, she points out, showing Lorenzo Jana’s cell phone.  Her presence commands respect, she radiates power and possesses complete self-control.  What is she up to?  Smiling sweetly, after cleaning off her place, she avers she’s never been to a place like this, accepts Lorenzo’s choice of Bisquets and orders coffee, but wants the liquid boiling.  They watch as it is served at the table.  Lorenzo is sweating bullets, expecting a show-down in the OK corral.  The internal heat is getting to him, so he takes his jacket off, then politely warns her not to burn herself as the coffee is hot.  RE answers, still smiling sweetly, I know, as she flings the hot liquid across and splatters it all over Lorenzo’s chest.  Then she innocently exclaims, Que Barbaridad, as if someone else had perpetrated the deed.  She looks around saying, Forgive me, Forgive me, to anyone who might have been watching.  She gets up, and while Lor is in agony, hisses in his ear, this is the last time she’s going to warn him to stay away from her daughter.  Then she sweeps out.  In the car, she tells Genaro to vamoose and we are witness to that sick smile as she rolls up the window.  The woman at the next table who saw the “accident” thinks it was deplorable behavior and remarks, as Viewerville knows already, that señora is LOCA.  Poor Lor, although badly burned, says the thing that hurts most is his heart.

Note:  Why do the episodes I recap have so much important dialog.  Or is it just me that thinks every spoken word is critical to the storyline.  Forgive my verbiage—again.  Ultimas semanas is giving me ultimas headaches with the rapid-fire scene changes; so I, too will be combining action in the interest of saving on aspirin.

Lo de Hoy
TL Mansion, Cellblock  J – After being locked in by MamaLoca, Jana has cried herself out and is a bit calmer, pining away on her bed, remorseful that she bears the blame for leaving her cell phone at the house, giving her mother the opportunity to snoop and discover her movements. (Q-Jana knew where she and Lor were going to meet, why didn’t she just GO there, and forget the phone?)

TL Mansion, Living Room –Pato arrives to find Mati in hysterics.  He can’t make heads or tails of the nonsense she’s trying to tell him—that Roselena locked Jana in her room when she found out Jana was on her way to meet Lorenzo…she knew because she saw Lorenzo’s cell phone message because Jana forgot and left her phone in her bedroom…then RE left probably to go intercept Lorenzo at the Café de Chinos, pant, pant, pant.  Mati couldn’t let Jana out because RE took all the keys, including the duplicates. (Your recapper also calls that dangerous and irresponsible, in case of fire, but our Roselena is only thinking of carnal dangers.)  Pato wastes no time—Let’s GO.

El Barrio  – We see Lor, with serious 1st degree burns and in pain (and shirtless) being tended to by Estelita.  She wants him to report this incident to the police but Lor doesn’t want to.  This is just between him and Roselena.  Meanwhile, Estelita is applying salve with her fingers and he’s flinching with pain.  Lor is firm that he doesn’t want Estelita to tell anyone, not even Fabian.  She calls Roselena a LOCA.  Lor, bless his heart, is still trying to see the best side of RE—menacing him is not enough to kill his love for Jana.  It’s true love he feels for her.  He’s not going to give her up just because of the kind of mother she has.  Señora Roselena is the mother of the person he loves and so, deserves his respect.  (What a guy!  Can we have some more just like him, please?)

TL Mansion, Cellblock  J   Mati and Pato arrive too late to help Jana.  RE got there first, and as cold and dangerous as dry ice, is unlocking the door.  Pato reacts—What are you doing, mama? Are you making our house into a prison? Are these new house rules? Locking up your children so they will listen to you?  Merely reading her look, it says, who are you to challenge me, I am the mistress of this house.  There’s a staring contest between the two and neither RE nor Pato back down.  (Can your recapper call this a Mexican stand-off without getting into trouble with the PC police?)

Rod and Gala’s Doom ‘n Gloom Room— Rod comes in to Gala’s bedroom to find out what she wanted.  It sounds like the start of a civil conversation.  Gala says she recognizes she didn’t behave properly last night and begs his pardon, but asks him to put himself in her place and see how it feels to live this way.  Five years of silence, rejected, scorned (despreciada), ignored, undesired.  Rod replies that he is sorry he can’t respond to her the way she’d like or deserves but he can’t fake it (fingir). In trying to fix one mistake, they committed another.  Gala thinks he’s referring to Alexia as the mistake.  No, the mistake was getting married when the love between them had come to an end.  That causes Gala to state (she’s fingiendo, no?) she loved him then, loves him now and always loved him.  (What a two-faced Juli she is.)  Does he think there would be any other way she would tolerate his constant humiliations?  Rod is struck dumb(a$$).  Is he thinking she’s right or is he thinking she’s a great actress.  (Being the dumb(a$$) we know is dead to us, he’s probably thinking the former rather than the latter.)

Rod backs down (darn) with a weak-kneed, sorry, I couldn’t love you.  He agrees that it’s not pleasant living this way, without love.  Gala wants him to try, for Alexia’s sake.  Rod says it’s Alexia he’s thinking of.  It’s not her fault things are the way they are between them.  Don’t put her in the middle of their battlefield.  He would give his life for her and Gala knows it, so she shouldn’t use Alexia to get to him (agredirme).
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Amores Verdaderos #6 Wed 11/14/12 A new day/show in the Ring-Round-The-Rosie Brothers Frankie and Angel Circus… and Salsero better be a good dancer, he sucks at coordinating kidnappings..

  And let's not go there about Salsero's job as security manager for the B family.

And the day/show begins where the last show cut off... 

On ring no. 1 we have an unnamed man in black grabbing Vic from behind, she  calls for Big Angel (her guardian angel Arriaga), although not really very loud or sounding very alarmed … Big Angel responds ‘digame senora!’ but without coming out of the try-on room…  The men in black drag Vic out of the store and down the mall, Big Angel finally exits the try-on room and asks the employee lady for Vic, she tells him Vic left with another man, Big Angel gets worried and runs out, wearing only his shorts and a white shirt that belongs to the store. The shirt he is wearing belongs to the store, thus there are about three mall security guards instantly on his tail in hot pursuit of him… they catch up with him and a brief tug-o-war with the white shirt ensues since Big Angel has the clear mind to take the shirt off… but of course it is not enough to just send the security guards away… then he maneuvers them off himself, but to no avail, they continue in pursuit… Meanwhile Vic and the two thugs in black are heading down the escalator…
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Amor Bravío #63 (Uni 58) Tue 11/13/12 Catfight at the Ok Corral; ACME Anvils is hard at work.

Mariano tells Camila about the doctored documents Alonso gave her.  She’s not surprised.  Oh ho!  But that’s not all!  Mariano also tells her that Alonsobusted and Ximena are lovers!!! He recounts how he saw them macking outside of Alonso’s place, (well, actually her place) in town.  He’s sorry to have to be the one to tell her this.  She’s shocked!  He understands her reaction and that’s why he waited to tell her.  She flashes back to that conversation with her loving sis.  Remember the one where Ximena called her a témpano (iceberg) , insufferable and unbearable?  Yeah, that one.  We come back to the present and Camila has an aha moment.  Of course, now she realizes why Ximena defended Alonso so vehemently.  Now she’s angry (yes!) to think they’ve cuckolded her this whole time!  Mariano hopes it wasn’t wrong to tell her. He didn’t feel it was right for them to continue to deceive her.  Camila is soooo grateful to him for opening her eyes to this deception.  He still feels bad for being the bearer of bad news.  She knows he’ll understand that she’s so shocked to learn that her sister, her sister! she realizes they were shagging while he was still living at La Malquerida.  She would expect this of Alonso, but her sister?  To think that the only thing she’s done since she came here was to shack up with her husband?  If her own sister would do this to her, what can she expect from anyone else?  Mariano hugs her and consoles her but she turns away in frustration and anger. 

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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Amores Verdaderos #5 Tue 11/13/12 Praying to Porcelain Gods and Frustrated Hunks

NOTE: I started writing this recap a few days ago, when I wasn't clear on all the characters' names. (And heaven forbid I research that! LOL.) So I gave them all my own descriptive names. Forgive me for calling Big Ed . . . Big Ed. I know his name is Jose Angel. But just this one time I call him Big Ed. LOL.

UPDATE: It's finally done! All screencaps are up.
Amores Verdaderos Cap 5, (Nov 13, 2012)


Big Ed taking a furtive peek at his jefa, reading in her bubblebath. Why, Big Ed! You're a married man!

Big Ed, after jumping out a second story window (Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!) covers for himself by pretending to be doing push-ups.

"Guzmancito" (Francisco Guzman, aka Sebastian Rulli) is singularly unamused by Nicki's snarky and spoiled attitude.

Victoria has a fit about her dad's current lady love. Doesn't want to hear about her. Dad says okay, okay, calm down. She calms down and they chit chat about something else.

Said lady love is hiring a private detective to find out if his former lady love, Candelaria Corona (who predated her) met Vicki's Dad (Anibal), about 40 years ago, she says. Candaleria worked as a nurse at a small village, she and Anibal had an affair, and then she disappeared a few years after that.  Paula (Main Squeeze) wants to know if this woman had a kid. Any guesses on who that kid that might be? LOL. Lady says that her future is at risk here, she needs to know!
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Por ella soy Eva #83 11/13/12: Lalo Gets His First Lesson in Villainy. So Does Fer

  • Fer, lazy idiot macho jerk, thinks Rebe lusts after his dirty smelly body. Ha! She doesn't put out for less than a vice president. She proposes a partnership with Fer in a scam against Grupo Imperio. He waffles, but half an hour later, after Rebe says: "your commission will be more than your wife earns," he says ok.

  • Juan wakes up with a gruesome hangover after his tantrum of the previous night. He is not grateful for the breakfast and cheery attitude Mimi provides but sucks down the beer.

    After a product placement for Mimi's Blackberry, Adriano shows up with flowers for Eva. "She'll be spending all day in bed," says Mimi. Adri: "These flowers pale in comparison with the radiance of Eva Maria." However, he notices Mimi is also radiant and notices her perfume is familiar - he was engulfed in it on that Enchanted Night...

    She wants to hear how enchanted that night was. He says it would go down in history. "Every day I love her more, and all because of that night, the best of my life."

  • Awful Claudia stares at a picture of Juan Carlos and asks Eugenia about him. "He was everything." We find out Claudia's brother (they are holding back the grand reveal of his identity) is really an angry guy.

    Modesto says he's sending Claudia back to Carmen but she doesn't want to go. She whines her protest to Eugenia. I would have thrown her out immediately.

    Later Modesto thanks Eugenia for letting Claudia stay. "It's just for a few days. And after all it's not her fault." Modesto goes on and on about how good it is that Eugenia has accepted that JC is dead. Finally she says: "The work of an actress is to make lies seem like the truth."

  • Science Fair. I would like to have heard the kids talk about their fine projects! Helena, Pluto and Silvia notice Lalo looks very sad. He's pouting because the volcano at the next table is better than his - the girl figured out how to make hers explode!

    Pluto asks for a private moment with Lalo and says: "Never let a girl win, take advantage of every opportunity." He has a bad plan. We see he will, given the chance, turn Lalo into a little Brylcreemed villain.

    Helena reminisces about Juan playing with Lalo. Silvia points out he was just trying to get at the computer in his room.

    Pluto got Lalo to steal the fire-maker out of the little girl's volcano. Now Lalo's is great, and the little girl's doesn't work. She cries and runs away. Pluto reassures Lalo it was ok and lies to Helena about it. Lalo is silent.

  • Eva shows up at the science fair, apologising for her impertinent drunken rant of the previous night. She tells Lalo he's "a Mexican Einstein."

    She again asks Helena: "Do you love Don Pluti?" "Uh, yeah, sure, that's why I'm marrying him. Juan did nothing but harm me, my present is Pluto. ... When I was in the hospital I thought I saw Juan, that hallucination really hurt me, it seemed so real."

    "What if I were to tell you that he's alive?" "Even if he came back from his tomb, it would be too late. Never mention him again. And enough already about your dead husband! Enjoy Adriano; the present is all we have."

  • Renato says he's too busy to go to some happening place with Lucia. She whines and nags until he says he'll go for a little while. He gets a mysterious text message.

  • After Lalito wins first prize for his now excellent fire-spouting volcano, everyone cuddles him. He moans to Pluto: "I won by cheating." "This won't be the last time. Sometimes it takes a trick to win. Don't tell anybody - you know how women are." "Mother says one shouldn't cheat." "It's ok. Let this be our first father-and-son secret."

    The teacher wants to talk to Helena, and we think she's going to bust Lalo for his stealing, but no, she just says he's a great kid, recovered from his past glooms.

  • Some guys needle Eva. "What would your girls, your mother, your daughters think if they knew you were acting like this?" She pummels them with her magnificent pocketbook.

  • Helena has found a GIGANTIC new apartment suitable for a millionaire. She's annoyed that Pluto lets the real estate agent think they're married. Helena makes it clear that's not the case.

    She notices Lalo is not as pleased with Pluto as he used to be and was about to ask him about it when Silvia comes to say she'll be leaving when H & P get married. "No, ma, the three of us (you me and Lalo) will always be together."

  • Renato brings Lucia home and wants to leave. She whines, "No, don't leave, have some booze, let's talk?" "What do you want to talk about?" "Now that we're going out, I want to know more about you. What's your mom's name? Who was your last girlfriend?" "I don't live in the past." He bolts, citing family issues.

  • Juan sulks in existential despair and decides the best course of action is to prove to Helena what kind of (rotten) guy Plutarco is.

  • Pluto, after showing us how glad he is to finally get the tiresome mucoso out the door, tries again to persuade Helena not to go back to work. "Haven't you thought then when we're married you'll have lots to do? And now, don't you need time to organize our wedding!?" "I can do it all, and anyway there's plenty of time, we're not getting married tomorrow..."

  • Fer shows up at home in a nutty mood. Marcela is working on her thesis. He apologizes for his bad moods and says everything will go back to normal now. I guess larceny is an aphrodisiac: he grabs her and grins like a lunatic.

Tomorrow: possibly Rebeca will spill a few beans to Helena. Or maybe it's a trampa.


Refugio Para el Amor #152 Tue 11/13/12 Well At Least She Didn't Throw It In His Lap!

Sorry to make light of Lorenzo's scalding rebuke by Roselena, but I once covered a much worse story about a domestic dispute back in the early 70's. An angry woman dumped a pan of boiling water on her husband's lap. And my heartless editor wrote the headline “He's Wearing the Hot Pants Now”. So let's face it, Roselena, heinous and hideous as she is, hasn't done anything we can't read about in the paper any day of the week. Alas.

Now let's backtrack a little and see what led up to Rose's red-hot revenge on Lorenzo. However,I counted 43 scene changes tonight so I'm still going to consolidate scenes to avoid mental whiplash.

Patricio's Anvil-Laden Rehab Plans:

Our episode begins with Max talking to Oscar and the physical therapist about arranging to adapt a vehicle so Patricio can drive it. That's one possible way for our dear Pato to perish. But Aldo and Patricio are also researching other rehab clinics all over the world—Russia, China etc. to see if he can reach his goal of walking again. A goal that he has promised Luciana to achieve. This stated with a yearning look her way. A look she gently turns aside. Another way for Pato to come a-cropper. (O please writers, spare our favorite, will you? I'm willing to sacrifice Boris, by the way.)

Speaking of Boris:

Yep, our relentless stalker is lurking in the foyer of the corporativo again, wanting Jana to clarify their relationship. Because he's called and called her cell and she never answered. That's when Jana realizes she's left her cell at home. While putting off Boris, she frantically finds a land line and calls Mati to have Genero bring her the phone. No dice. He's running errands for Mom. Okay, so hide the phone. Roselena overhears the conversation, quickly finds the cellphone after Mati stuffs it in a drawer and makes her nefarious plans.

When Jana later comes home and neither she nor Mati can find the cellphone , Rose coolly listens while they both haplessly lie. See, Mom, the frantic rummaging is because I've lost my blue mascara. And? Well, I'm going out to meet talk about Boris!...and want to give myself a little manita de gato (freshening up) before the date.

 Mom sends Mati off for some other mascara, slips out the door, locks Jana in and leaves to take her place at the café.( I guess if there were a fire, little Jana would have to perish and mom would say “Serves you right!”) These various scenes do give us an interesting insight on the family portraits. The photo of Roselena with her sons is in the main living room. The photo of Max with his daughter is in Jana's bedroom. A photo of the whole family together? If it exists, we haven't seen it. More later.
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Monday, November 12, 2012

Amores Verdaderos #4 Mon 11/12/12 Code names: Athena, Zeus and Aphrodite

I can’t help but Salserito reminds me of the one and only Agent Smith.

* The very first meeting of Nikki and Franisco is splendid. Not. Guzmán is annoyed by the little brat who acts like he was dirt on the bottom of her shoes, and Nikki is even more annoyed by the hunkalicious guy who dares backtalk her and calls her a niña (little girl). A niña! However, as soon as Blondie’s out of the room, a nervous little smile appears on her face.
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Amor Bravío #62 (Uni 57) Mon 11/12/12

Capitulo 62: The Night Has a Thousand Eyes

Viewer Discretion is Advised.  The author recommends that viewers make certain the door to the vomitorium is wide open and a path cleared toward it.

Lo del pasado

Alonssso gets back on the phone to Leoncerdo to send him after Andres once again. Leoncerdo appears to have the sense to be afraid of El Diablo (but lacks the knowledge of sophisticated phones).

Lo de nuevo

Hostal de Amanda:    Aaron updates Andres over the exchange with Francisco about the power of attorney. Andres decides to inform Becerrra about this. Aaron tells him he will await his instructions and expresses his sympathy over the mala suerte Andres has to have a father like Francisco. Andres has no illusions about all this. He decides to take advantage over the differences El Diablo and Hissadora are having and use that in their favour.

Ximeana's Room:   She calls Bruno to tell him she has his money.  She can't wait to get this over with, tossing the cell phone on the bed in disgust.
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Por ella soy Eva #82 11/12/12

Adriano and Juan get really smashed together - I bet they did a lot of drinking together like this in the pre-Eva days, and they are starting to seem like drinking buds (rather than awkward ~lovers).

They're hanging out with a remarkably-less-drunk Helena and Plutarco. Eva/Juan is not so pleased about the engagement, of course, and has something to say about it: "I must express my fillings or I will asphyxiate!" However, she's super drunk, and her speech comes off almost congratulatory. Helena lets her know that she's had too much: "le subieron las copas!" That's for sure!

Eva stumbles out. Mad Dad frowns and comments on the social acceptability of sloppy-drunk chicks: "a man drunk, meh, that can pass, but a woman? That's a deplorable spectacle."

Adri gets to take Eva home in his fancy car, and as they say goodbye, he tries to get his hands on her. But doesn't get very far. "You don't know what kind of woman I am." How true.

He keeps trying, though, and Eva gives him a good-natured but significant punch in the gut... It's all very cute, but Juan is clearly looking for an out (even as Adri keeps trying to get him/her back in the car).

Modesto's awful whiny daughter is pitching a fit about her room. Gawd, her forehead-braids are almost as bad as her attitude. Later, on the phone, she plots with her mom, and promises to be a little spy.

Mad Dad advises Pluto (orders him, really), to :maintain a strong hand with my daughter." Then he turns around and lets his poor wife know that he was always in love with her and other mushy things. Her: "Really? Then why the shouting and the evilness? Why are you nicer to dogs than you are to me?" Him: "Because I love you so much." Me (and her): "uhh what?" Her: "know what? I just want to forget about you." Yay!

At long last, with Mimi's help, Juan gets a smashed Adri to putter off in the convertible. Juan is really a wreck right now.

Pluto is now pushing Helena to move in with him TONIGHT.

Drunk Juan has come to a really bad place. "I'm a cockroach, a rat on two legs. God is punishing me." He looks even more pathetic in his half-Eva mode. "WHO AM I???!!?!? soy Eva Maria leon jaramillo, viuda de Zuloaga." Ugh. He gets a flashback to the proposal and smashes Mimi's mirror with a giant tacon. He gets even more pathetic and self-loathing.

Fortunately, Helena doesn't look that happy either, and contemplates the engagement ring. She doesn't quite know what's wrong, as she still claims that she thinks marrying Pluto would be the best decision of her life. She congratulates her mom on being strong with Bad Dad...Then she puts the ring on.

Juan: "I hate Eva - she kept me away from Helena." He looks terrible. He should do what I do when I'm too drunk to thing straight: eat some cake and go to bed. It bugs me that Mimi does so much for him and he never does anything for her.

I guess he finally does go to bed, because he has a dream about marrying Helena (funny that in the dream, he still uses the Argentinian accent).

Pluto shows his safe full of $3,000,000 bucks to his photo of Eva and practices looking like a ridiculously smug bastard.


Refugio Para el Amor #151 Mon 11/12/12 Looking for the Light at the End of the Tunnel; Things Still Look Pretty Grim

Roselena, that BITCH, has just called Luci up in Het Het to rile her up by telling her Rod has most likely found her little boy, but declined to tell Luci about it. She begs Luci not to tell Rod that she’s the one who spilled the frijoles. She’s doing this because she doesn’t feel it’s fair that Luci is the only one who’s gotten the blame for LOSING her son (BITCH!).  She just can’t imagine how Luci can go to bed at night not knowing if her son is alive and well. Oh no, Luci doesn’t deserve that. (BITCH, BITCH, BITCH!) Luci says that although she can’t remember what happened that night, she’d rather be dead than have lost her son.
R: I know Luciana, and you don’t know how sorry I am (that you DIDN’T die).  You must be suffering a living death (muerta en vida).

Luci agrees that this is exactly how she feels, but she won’t give up looking for her son, until her last moment of her life. Paz, not liking the sound of this morbid conversation, comes up quietly behind Luci. Rosa pledges her support and promises to help look for her grandson. (Your recapper is really getting sick of this hypocritical conversation.) Rosa finally twists the knife a little more by mentioning that Claudio is in on hiding the big news from Luci too. He went to the clinic with Rod when he did the DNA test, doncha know?  They just want to surprise her. Remember, not a word that I’m the one who told you.

Once they hang up, Luci turns to Paz and predictably blows her top about being kept in the dark.  Rosa gloats that Rod’s lack of faith in Luci has once again separated him from her. (BITCH!)

Max arrives home and shares a mutual enablers’ moment with Mati. They are both worried about Rosa, who Mati thinks is worse than ever. Max tenderly touches Mati’s cheek and agrees that Rosa is not well at all. (What’s new?)

The Little Princess of the Dungeon in the Sky greets her papa when he arrives home.  She ate all her lunch today and it was delicious! (No more liver!) She even ate her veggies. This poor child is really deprived of familial attention because she thinks the visit of her grandmother was an exciting thing. Rod asks why grandma came. Gala swoops out of her bedroom to dish out her daily dose of trauma to her little daughter. She tells Alexia, in the most salacious way possible, that her Papi has another child with a woman who is NOT her Mommy.  Rod shoots up from the couch like he’s about to slap the grin off her wide grill.
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Amorcito Corazón Discussion #149-153 Nov. 12-16

Well gang last’s week trend – baddies out of control – seems to be continuing.  rIcky snatches Jaibo’s baby.

Doris and Pancho finally kiss and congress, yeah.  But she gets a call from Jaibo letting her know he has the child.  She goes into a meltdown about el nino is her baby, boo.
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Saturday, November 10, 2012

Amores Verdaderos #3 Fri 11/9/12 Two Hawt Guys Have An Eventful Day; The Brat Is Back; Who Is Really Running The Beatdowns?

Our Two Hawt Guys have an Eventful Day; There are some secrets revealed; The Bratty Girl is back; And we in Viewerville find out who is behind the beatdowns of the Balverneras, how you ask, please read on!

The Refried:

Victoria picking up Anibal, her Papa, at the airport and they are going to the house in the D.F.

The New:

El Banco:

Jose Angel is finding out the letter he got that said his loan was caught up/paid off is a fake. The loan number and the file number are not in the computer's files at the bank. Come to find out, all the money Jose Angel sent to a lawyer to catch up the loan was never paid to the bank. In other words, if he doesn't come up with the money, in about a week, his ranchero will be put on the auction block. Jose Angel is wayyyy pithed and raises his voice so loud, the security officers come up to the desk where he is but he calms down, and the lady tells him to find that lawyer, get a receipt for the money that was paid toward the loan, and everything will be honkey dorey. Jose will do this right now! He leaves and wishes them a good day.

Lawyer's Office:

Jose Angel has tracked down this crooked lawyer and is wanting to see him and is confronted by a secretary, and I use the term loosely here, cause she is stuffin' her face, talking on the phone with an amiga, sipping soda thru a straw and totally ignoring our teddy bear of an Angel, who I am sad to say, is loaded for bear. That secretary ignores him so much, he hangs up the phone for her and demands to see that lawyer. The secretary finally tells him, very snottily I might add, that the lawyer isn't there, won't be back till six! Six, our wonderful Angel says, yeah six, he'll be back.

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Amor Bravío #61 (Uni 56) Fri 11/9/12 It’s Five Card Draw So Ante Up: Team Dio Forces the Bet; Team Isadora Bets Blind; Team Daniel Bluffs and Francisco Folds

[Seems like it was time to shuffle the deck chairs on Dionisio's Titanic Turistico and lots of things happened. -- ed.] 

capítulo 61

Lo del Pasado:
Daniel and Amanda pay a visit to Licenciado Becerra.  They give him the 411 on Dan’s true identity; meanwhile, Dionicio pays a visit to Rafael and Viviana to confront them about hiding DDA there and his (Aaron’s) supposedly claiming to be Vivi’s live-in lover; Ximena also pays a visit to Alonso to blackmail him over Team Dio’s tourist development plans, saying she wants a cut and that their romantic relationship has to be made public.

Lo del Nuevo:
Rafa and Viv ask Dio what his interest is in whether they are in on something with DDA or not.  Dio’s now married to Agustina, he informs them, and as such, Camila is now “part of his family.”  Viv says that’s nice but it still doesn’t mean he’s become her guardian.  Well, let’s just say, threatens Dio, that if they want to stay friends with Camila, and they want to help Daniel “the same as I do,” then they’ll tell Daniel to stop with those little games of his and meet him there at the same time and day as agreed to in that e-mail!!  As a show of good faith he calls off his watchdogs that have been following their every move 24/7.

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Refugio Para el Amor #150 Fri 11/9/12 it is always worse when a secret is held for too long to avoid someone pain


Repeat of Rod telling Gala that they will know if Pablo is his kid via a DNA test. Gala quite concerned… Rod comes out of kitchen with the dreaded liver and veg puree dish and asks Gala why they have not thrown that out. Gala tells him she is waiting for Alexia to eat it… Rod mad, gets silverware and sits Gala forcefully on table in front of plate. ‘You teach by example!! You will eat this and you will not get up from table until you eat it!!’

Luci and Pato at Het Het… Luci thanks Pato for being there, feels like she met him today. Pato says I am the thankful one to life for having you near me, for you who gave me back my will to live from the moment you walked in my house.  Luci says she would like to have at least some of his strength, his will to live, his joy… to help her overcome the pain that is with her every second of her life, as long as she does not have her child with her, she has no reason to live. Pato gets scared at hearing her speak like that. Luci says it is such an emptiness, she asks God not to let her wake the next day. Pato begs her not to even think that. He says these tests/challenges God only gives the strong ones like Rod and her. Only the strong in spirit can handle it. Luci says the strong as you. Your faith never leaves you. She leans down on table and he leans his head on hers. (wonderful scene by two young but extremely talented actors)

Lo Nuevo:

Paz, Magda and Ariche arrive, they will eat a bunch of reheated leftovers (descarrile as Luci’s dad used to say)

Back to Rod fighting with Gala to eat… Alexia comes out due to the shouting and asks her dad not to talk like that to her mom (we can see Gala smirk satisfaction at this)… Alexia asks Rod not to give liver to Gala, it tastes nasty, ‘guacala!!’
Rod grabs her on his shoulder and calms down instantly. Tells her her mom won’t eat it and neither will you, you will not be forced to eat what you don’t like. Rod takes Alexia away. Frigida comes out of kitchen, asks Gala if she can pick up table. Gala leaves after calling her ‘estupida’. Frigida mumbles thru teeth ‘now you know how it feels’.

Rod brings Alexia to her room, changes the subject and asks what she did with Janah, Aldo and Melissa… Alexia is excited to tell him everything…
R: Did you miss me?
A: Yes! Very much!!
R: really? Me too. Come here (hugs).

At TL manor, Max has told RE about the DNA test Rod will take for Pablo… RE obviously refuses.. and expects Max to prevent it. Max says this time Rod and Claudio really think this kid could be his son. Max goes away to change, RE mumbles it can’t be.

At CHelo’s…
C: My Mateo.. if you were that child that has caused that family so much pain… if you were well born, what need would you have to be needy at my side? … this medal is pretty nice… yes, son, you are well born, but you are not the child of those people. They have been years looking for their kid… and you… you were left in the trash. Someone evil wanted you to disappear. What harm could a child like you do to anyone, you are a blessing.  No, Mateo, I will not leave you for anything in the world. You are my son and I am your father … nuff said.

At Het Het Pato is really enjoying the feast on reheated leftovers… Ariche asks Luci about Claudio, Luci says no he is not coming. Will call him tomorrow to see if there are any news. Pato asks if she misses the ‘pace’ of the city. Luci says no. Magda says maybe she misses the traffic. Ariche says she must be missing ‘el mushashon!’. Luci, Pato and Paz all put on a ‘ phewy! Meal is spoiled!’ look.

At the unhappy suite in penthouse…
Rod goes to Gala’s room to bark at Gala for what she was trying to do with Alexia. Gala tries to call it ‘teaching’, discipline… Rod says baloney, her education has been done by her nanny and Frigida, you are the one who stays away all the time. Gala tries to sell it as if she is finally trying to spend the time to pay attention to Alexia. Rod warns her he can’t take her right to educate her child, but he certainly will not allow her to hurt Alexia. Gala claims she would never hurt Alexia. Rod won’t buy what she is selling. Gets rough with her arms again:  ‘you are talking to me, and I know you well’. If you are going to spend little time with her, let it be quality/positive time. ‘Sure, whatever you say dear.’

At TL manor, RE is barking at Janah… she can’t believe she told the priest that she gave up on a ‘good prospect’ for a miserly ‘taquero’.  RE tells Janah that she will be six feet under before she allows Janah to get together with loser. Also tells Janah that she went to look for Lorenzo and threatened him (because warnings don’t work with them) that she would do anything to protect her children…RE says Janah is ‘a nina’ and does not see the evil in men.. (how old is Janah again? 7?), that Lore will just get what he wants with her and then abandon her. RE does not want to harm her or Lore. Don’t disobey me! (RE leaves, Janah stays there very worried)

Oscar and Connie have made it to a restaurant, Oscar is asking Connie why she keeps inviting him to the ‘family events’. Tu gente es mas rara que un perro verde! (your folks are stranger than green dog!)
Connie agrees it was an awkward moment, RE should have backed up her daughter in front of Bore-us and his parents, and THEN  ‘discuss’ with her later on. Oscar says ‘you will never see that… but I am with you 100%, if you don’t want to invite your sister to the wedding’.  ‘what wedding?’ ‘our wedding!’ ‘ what are you talking about?’ ‘I am thinking to invite your children to eat, you think they will agree?’ ‘sure, what are we celebrating?’ ‘nothing, I think I should be building a relationship with them, right? I am in love with a woman with baggage, everytime you see them or talk to them your face lights up, and that makes me very very happy.’ ‘you are right, so sweet!.’

Following day. RE is at TL offices asking Rod about the DNA test. And is faking being hopeful that child is his son. Have to tell Luci. I can call her myself. Rod says don’t want to raise her false hopes… asks her to let him do things as he wants. Depending on the dna test, he will tell everyone.  RE is really loony, wants to hug him to congrat him and wish that child is his… (during hug, with a bit of brow lift, we can really tell her true wish)

At Het Het, Pato tells Luci he had been thinking at the hotel and is returning to the city. He came to have a meeting with the mountain. Was angry, resentful, hurt inside. Already faced that and now want to attack it again. I will walk again and will climb it again. I am all decided. He assures her he will walk again.

At his place, Don Aq is buiding himself a 3 pound taco with all types of pork stuff (the last thing you want in your diet when you are trying to get over a gout burst). Procopio comes in and shouts to him ‘what are you trying to do? That is poison for you! Are you committing suicide?? No one dies in this town, but I don’t want you to be the first!’ Don Aq just waves him away and keeps on eating.

At vecindad, Selene and Vio are talking about the ‘bomboncito’ guy who showed up at the car wash… Vio is not ready to take chances with  a guy again. Fabi comes in and teases Vio again. Then asks her to be careful. Vio assures him she learned her lessons.

At Het Het Pato says his goodbyes… Rod calls him, Pato tells him he is heading back. Want to continue the therapy, have a commitment to come back to fulfill. (of course Rod puts a sad/concerned face, thinking the ‘commitment’ is about Luci).  Pato tells Rod he will witness the commitment he made. Rod asks what does Luci say. Pato says Luci is the happiest of the bunch. (poor deflated mushashon is almost wordless)

Oscar is in a hurry, is introducing the justice of peace to Aldo and Melissa. Connie is very pretty. He asks Connie if she is up for a civil marriage ceremony for dinner?’. Connie is totally surprised but not in a bad way. Oscar wants her children to be the witnesses.  Aldo is like ‘wth’ like he came to the wrong party. Melissa is like ‘wth’ but in a good way.  Connie thinks the surprise is wonderful. Melissa wishes them all the happiness… Aldo piggy-backs her wishes… alright we are ready licenciado.

At Het Het, Procopio has run to get the priest to help him with Aquiles. He has come to the priest since the priest would not hold grudges against Aquiles.

RE has gone to see Gala. Alexia comes running to greet her ‘abuela RE’. RE asks Alexia about how she is doing in school but two seconds into Alexia’s response, Gala cuts her off and sends her to her room…
RE tells Gala that Rod is getting the DNA test with the child today. And if that child turns out to be his child, all ‘our’ efforts to disappear that kid will go down the drain… Gala agrees but wants to take the conversation on outside, so they both head out. Frigida opens the door and is smirking ‘so!... that is what you two are up to!’..

Rod and Pablo do their dna sampling via saliva…

Out on the street Mateo is selling his papers in between the lanes in a high traffic road. Rod wants to stop to say hi but the traffic behind him honks and urges him to move on…
But it was long enough for Mateo to see him and realize what happened…

At the unhappy pent house… Alexia is trying to put makeup on Frigida to take her ‘grumpy looking expression’ out of her face, Frigida says ‘what do you want? My parents made me that way..’ (when Frigida looks at her self in the mirror… OMG!!! LOL!)

Connie and Oscar are celebrating with Aldo and Melissa going to dinner (steak and veggies, yum!!) Connie wants to go to the salon to get herself look very pretty for hubby.
Aldo and Melissa discuss if they have been in love before… Aldo realizes Melissa is in love, and says ‘that is an epidemic!! I will pass, thank you!!’.. they all toast to happiness.

Janah stops by Lorenzo’s taco stand by her house… they have a bit awkward greeting…
Lorenzo says they have things to talk about. Janah more than willing to talk ‘ahorita’. Lore say no way, want to take her to a nicer place, now am working… I know of a café where they always have fresh warm bread… Tomorrow at 7 ok? Sure! Ok, will send you the address to your cell phone.  (they kiss on cheek goodbye, see you tomorrow…)

At the salon (with Vicky, of course, Aldo invites Vicky to dinner, Vicky accepts, Aldo leaves), Connie tells Vicky she has no problem with Vicky’s history with… you know who.. that is why she keeps coming. Vicky congratulates her on her wedding to Oscar. Today she wants ‘the works’. Vicky happy to oblige. Vicky texts Max. thanks but no thanks. Max mad, is sitting in front of Oscar at office, Oscar asks all well? Sure, all well.
Max congratulates Oscar on the wedding. You know Connie and I, unplanned surprises. Max is sad commenting his life is full of surprises, but rather terrible moments. Oscar suggests he go travel with RE… Max says their marriage is long worn out, love is gone.
Connie asks Vicky how she has been since her dad’s death. Vicky says good… every night I pray for him to keep me safe… and when I get home I thank him. I remember him most when Mr Campos visits me… who is that Mr Campos? … a friend of my dad’s, they were friends since before I was born. He is like my second dad. (I wonder how good Connie’s memory is and if she can connect  the name to Claudio’s trial, then again she wasn’t there… it would mean anything to her, but perhaps to Melissa it would… hmmm!)

At TL manor, RE barks at Mati. Mati comments she is trying to get used to the silence at the house. Miss the noise of the children, the big parties… RE barges that the next celebration was Janah and Bore-us wedding but thanks to that ‘taquero’ it won’t be!

At TL offices, Max, Rod, Claudio and Oscar again comment DNA test and the decision not to tell Luci about it … Max does not let Claudio forget the child is also ‘mi nieto’ (how old is Max? 15?)… Oscar rolls his eyes, Claudio and Rod just stare at Max like don’t go there…

At Het Het Luci is working in a very big very pretty pot… very detailed the paint design.
Paz is complimenting her on it. Ariche won’t go without a bit compliment to his pigs…
Procopio comes in, asking for help from Magda for convincing Don Aq to take care of himself. He is there eating all things pork. Magda says for me, he can eat all of Miss Piggy… she will throw a party when he dies… Luci feels more charitable. Paz already sent the garlic remedy of her great grandmother (this is why Aquiles felt good enough to get up and eat his heart out). Paz reprimends Magda on keeping all that resentment/rancor inside. Luci tells Procopio to tell Aquiles Luci sends a message to take care of himself, that she wants to see him walking through town again… Procopio says Don Aq will be very happy with that message, he might even turn vegetarian!! (LOL!)

At TL manor, RE calls Selena at TL office to ask her for Luci’s phone number at Het Het.
Pato greets Mati at his return… Mati tells him the news about Janah saying no to Bore-us… Pato celebrates that… That’s my sister!! … Mati tells him RE is worse than ever, she seems to change moods by the second, is acting very strange… when she prays at the chapel, she screams sometimes begging, sometimes angry, hurtful. Pato wants to rest some before going to see RE.

At Het Het, Magda asks Luci what if you had fallen in love with Pato instead of Rod? Luci says she loves Rod, even if she realized Paz is right, Pato also has ‘feelings’ for her. But the love of my life is my ‘Mushashon’. Phone rings. It is RE … to give her the ‘good news’. Rod asked her not to tell Luci anything… but it seems Claudio and Rod found the baby you lost!!.

Previews: RE smiles satisfied… Luci calls Claudio, she is hopeful, he is concerned.
RE tells the family (Max, Rod, Pato) that she wants to go to the shelter to meet the kid…
Gala tells Julie if she was capable of putting the baby in trash 5 yrs ago, she is now willing to put him down the sewer!!
And we have a finale date!! Dec 3rd!! ( in 4 weeks!! but it will be pre-empted several times by then, for latin grammys and possibly during thanksgiving week)


Por ella soy Eva #81 11/9/12: Rebe Has a New Plan; Eva Is A Closet Lush, At Least That is What Everyone Thinks

This recap is not in any order. I will try to condense some, and now on to the recap.

We start this epi, with Eva having signed her shares away as a guarantee that when those 100 women are hired back, it will be fiscally viable. They have a big toast of champagne in the office. Pluti also invited everyone to his house for the remodeling that he did, after Antonia died, sort of like a second housewarming. Eva is trying to get out of it, but when she finds out Helena is going, she is going too.

JC is back as himself with Mimi and Mimi wants to know if it was wise of JC to sign those shares away the way he did, he could get in some more trouble, well JC tells her it is the best thing he could have done, to make sort of restitution for having those 100 women fired in the first place after all Antonia always wanted to hire them back too, and it is sort of a way to honor her memory.

Helena receives some nice flowers from Pluti and is very emotional. She tells Silvia every day she is more convinced that Pluti is the love/man of her life. Run Helena run, por favor!

Onesimo and Pluti are meeting at Pluti's I think and he is telling Onesimo, finally, he will get his hands on those shares of Antonia's that should have been his. He will have a plan to get those shares and when those 100 women come back to work, he will find a way to get rid of them too! As Pluti is talkin' about this he is caressing the jar of Antonia's ashes and he has the evil shit eating grin on his face. Note to Pluti: Hope that lovely Antonia haunts you foreva, jus' sayin'.

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Friday, November 09, 2012

El Mundo de Telemundo - Discuss among yourselves - week of November 12

The election is over, the storms have passed, let's get back to what's important - our novelas!!

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Weekend Discussion: Villains; They Who Make Our Flesh Crawl

Dirty Dozen # 5 The Sleazebags

These are the evil men who are not accepted in polite society.  They mostly lack the social skills and the minimally acceptable-to-excellent appearance of their higher-born and higher-educated brethren in evil.  They normally cannot enter parlours or drawing rooms.  They usually dress badly, are often less than hygienic, and usually have no family ties or any other kind other than to their paymasters who are usually the mastermind villains.  They happily do all the low-level tasks the others are unwilling to do as long as they are paid for it.  They sometimes initiate evil acts of their own, but frequently they aren't clever enough to always assess risk vs. reward.  They are usually expendable once their dirty work is done, but sometimes clever enough to outwit their masters.

Who is the most evil of them all?
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Amor Bravío #60 (Uni 55) Thu 11/8/12 Amor Revelado

Pablo hangs out at the hospital in Zacatecas.  He decides to try calling Luzma at La Malquerida.  She answers the phone, and he makes like Stevie Wonder…"I just called to say I love you!"  Luzma is glad he's far away.  Pablo says he misses her, but Luzma lies and says she wants nothing more to do with him.  Pablo's not buying it, but Luzma insists she's already over him.  She hangs up the phone on a hurt, confused Pablo.

Dio gets into his marital bedroom and snaps at Agustina not to ask him questions, damnit!  He wants some alone time, but Agustina wants to talk.  She says it's best he hear this ASAP, "Camila doesn’t want us to live here.  She'd rather we live at your place and you're not going to have a say in anything to do with the house or the ranch."  Dio asks what she wants and Augie wants to stay, but she doesn't want Cam being rude to Dio.  He tells her not to worry about him.  They'll stay because she wants to.  "Don't worry about Camila either.  I'll gain her affection, acceptance, and trust little by little."  Augie wants him to read in bed, but Dio would rather read elsewhere and menacingly asks her if that's clear.  Yeah, Augie, is it at all clear what kind of jackass you married?

Camila is sad that they're stuck with Dionisio.  She tells D'Andres that Osvaldo the lawyer is also worried about Dio and wants to talk to Camila about it in person.  D'Andres tells her to remain calm until she talks to Osvaldo.  Camila wishes that Daniel would show up already so she could just hand over the ranch to him and she and D'Andres could get the hell out of there.  That's going to be difficult.  Their impending nookie is interrupted by Isadora's entrance.

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Por ella soy Eva #80 11/8/12: No, My First Name Ain't Baby, It's Eva; Ms Jaramillo if You're Nasty.

The gang is at the big colorful table at Grupo Imperio.  Plutarco is shouting that it's impossible and reiterating that the 100 women fired cannot be rehired in a financially sound way.  Eva has a proposal, and after she's done reading it she demands to know what people think.  Everyone looks uncomfortable except Adriano who continues to look rapt at Eva's every word; she blows him a kiss.  Pluto says there is no financial guarantee to back this proposal, and Eva says that the shares in the company that her beloved Antonia left her, she will put them up as backing.  Adriano thinks this is all swell.  Pluto gets up to follow up on this, and Rebeca says everybody hold on.  She has something to say that affects everyone that works at GI.  Pluto and Eva each look nervous because Rebeca has the lowdown on each of them.

Eugenia is talking to her doctor who thinks she's doing much better.  He asks if she still believes her son is alive and she tells him no, like are you crazy?

Mimi is talking to her nephew in the pension, and she vacillates between happiness at her night of love with Adriano and sadness at the fact that he wasn't making love to her.  Her nephew questions this, and she tells him that it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

Just as Rebeca is ready to tell all, Adriano interrupts to say that he and Eva will be getting married.  He thanks Rebeca for her aphrodisiac advice last night and she, looking confused, stutters "Are you saying something happened?"  Eva pretends to be embarrassed and Adriano pretends to be subtle, but both basically confirm that yes, they finally did the deed.  Everyone is shouting "Vivan los novios!" and Eva scolds them "Don't throw rice!"  Rebeca storms over to Eva, calling her Juan Carlos, ripping open her shirt, and OMG there are real breasts under there.  Eva runs from the room while Adriano yells at Rebeca for offending his honey.  Pluto gets in some digs, too.  Rebeca is fired.  But wait.  This was all Rebeca's daydream and she reconsiders that maybe spilling the beans isn't such a good idea.  So she merely congratulates the two of them on their engagement.

After the big announcement, in his office Adriano continues to try to steal kisses from Eva who pinches his lips together.  Eva tells him there will be no sex, no touching, and no kisses.  She feels impure after last night's lovemaking and calls to the heavens that "I am yours, Christ."  Adri protests that what they did was completely natural, but Eva says there will be no more of that until a priest gives them the benediction.
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Thursday, November 08, 2012

Amores Verdaderos #2 Thu 11/8/12 A Tale Of Two Hawt Guys and Their Problems; One Gets a Job Offer

Our two hawt guys, that would be Jose Angel and Francisco of course, are having a myriad of problems. Jose Angel's house might be going into foreclosure and Francisco is having a hard time finding a job. What went on with our hawt guys last night you ask? Read on to find out!

Hacienda Balvanera:

It is the aftermath of the attack on Victoria, she won't let Jose Angel go. She is clinging to him like a sweater with static cling, until the Nanna comes out. I am calling her the Nanna, cause later she calls Victoria, mi nina. The Nana asks if everyone is ok? I have to say here, where was she during the screaming and yelling, fighting, etc ? Must have been watching her telenovela, lol. Anyhoo, Jose Angel tells her to call the popos and an ambulance. While she goes to do that, Jose Angel gets Victoria to sit down, as she cries, and he tells her to remain calm it is better for her. He goes to leave, but she doesn't want him to go. He just wants to go check on the people that were hurt. He wants her to trust him. He goes as she watches him. Now she picks up her cell phone!!!! It was right there on the table, couldn't she have picked it up and called the popos herself? Guess not. Instead she calls Nelson and tells him a group of men got into the hacienda and tried to kill her, as she is crying like crazy. Meantime, the bad guys, with their injured team member, are making their escape in that black SUV they came in on. One of them kicks the security guy for good measure. Seeing the coast is clear Jose Angel unties the gatekeeper and tries to revive him.

Meta Imagen Internacional

Salsero, our resident bad guy, is talking to the photographer, Aldo, and they are waiting for Nelson. Nelson comes in to cancel the shoot, somethings come up. Nelson says something is up with his wife, very upset when she called, is taking his daughter and is on the way back to the hacienda. Salsero and Kendra so not happy, awww their mis planes went awry!

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Refugio Para el Amor #149 Thu 11/8/12 The Grief, The Hope, The Rant and the Retribution


The Refried:

Pato tells Luci he had to go confront that mountain that changed his life.

The New:

Layby in the D.F.

Rod and Claudio talking to Mateo about the good news/bad news/ where is your Mommy? Don Chelo comes over and Claudio introduces himself. Don Chelo wants to know what they want with Mateo.

Taco Corner and the Slap:

Rosa has come up and slapped the crap out of Lorenzo. Not only that, she is screaming in his face about all her hopes and dreams going bye bye, not really but she is pithed at him. He screams right back to stop insulting him. Fabian is a great witness and is trying to hold Lorenzo back. I think we in Viewerville, would love to see Lorenzo return that slap, jus' sayin'. Rosa calls him a wretch, he says he is a hard worker. She just continues the insults with he comes from a bad family and as a matter of fact, his sister got pregnant, without benefit of marriage, here is that non ending rant of hers, and to stay away from Jana or else something really bad is gonna happen! The maids eating behind them snicker and laugh at the la loca one. After Gennaro, sucks to be him, whisks her off in the big SUV, Fabian is still holding Lorenzo back as he calls the loca one the devil.

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