Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Eva Luna #61 Mon 1/31/11 Mama Marcela Pays A Price For Her Pesos and The Bimbutt Gets Her Man

Cap. 61

First the 2 minute replay: Malevolent Marcela  is griping  at Don Julio’s lawyer about forcing her to come there to read Julio’s letter.  He tells her he’s only following instructions.  She wants to know when the next one is due.  He still cannot tell her.  After the harpy reads it  she screams that this is over the top and isn’t possible!  At the boarding house, Ricardo walks in on Tomas packing his duffel bag and blocks his way out of the door.  Don Ric demands to know why Tomas hates his son so much.  

Mad Marcy curses Julio over what he’s written in the letter.  She feels she’s being blackmailed by a dead man and she refuses to do what it says.  The lawyer tells her to calm down and think it over, because it’s the only way she’ll get access to her bank accounts again.    “--It’s unacceptable!”  He says it’s fair, though.  She asks what he’s insinuating by that.   He explains that from what her husband told him before he died, it’s putting an end to a huge lie that has cause a lot of pain.  She harrumphs and leaves.  After she’s gone he says to himself that this is only the beginning; that she has no idea what is about to come.  (Works for me!  I can hardly type because I’m rubbing my hands with such anticipation!)

Back at Justa’s, Tomas is telling off Ol’ Ric with  the same nasty stick yer nose out of it crap.  Ric says Adrian’s a good kid and deserves some TLC.  Finally Tomas knocks past him and says the kid should never have been born!

Mad Marcy’s come home from the attorney’s.  Renata asks how it went.  Marcy says bad.  Each day Julio has her cornered even more and he now has more power over her in death than when he was alive.  “--All because of that damned Eva!  She’s the cause of all the nasty things happening to me!”  She refuses to answer anything more and yells impatiently at Ren to get out of her way.

In the kitchen at Eva’s fancy new digs, Tia Matilde wants to know what else Julio mentioned about the “transformation” with Eva.    Nothing much, she says, but to prepare her to go back to the Arismendi manse and begin their plan for revenge.  Mati wants to know why it involves Eva.  Eva explains that his wife was using her to poison him and also because she and her two kids were doing everything they could to humiliate her. 

Speaking of the malicious Marcela, she’s gone to her room and started whining again that Julio’s succeeding and turning out to be even more intelligent dead than he was when he was alive.   (Well, he did create an advertising empire.  He just wasn’t paying attention before.)  She reads the letter again, crumples it up and angrily tosses it onto her bed.

Back at Eva’s, she tells her aunt that she’s also going back to avenge her father’s death.  Mati  doesn’t like Eva’s attitude.  She’s not this way she says.  Eva agrees that she wasn’t, but life has taught her that the weak get trampled.   From now on nobody is going to step on her!   Mati asks her again if she really thinks that Daniel was responsible for her daddy’s death.  Eva says that’s what they told her.  Mati says it’s not what they said, it’s what her heart tells her.  Eva says her heart isn’t part of this.  Mati says not to close herself off this way because from what she’s told her about her and Daniel, something tells her the man could very well be innocent.   Eva needs to speak with him before attempting  any revenge.

Downtown at the firm, Leonardo is having a heart to heart with Bruno.  He wants to insure that Bruno’s friendship can be counted on.  Bruno assures him it can.  (Viewerville thinks it’s gotta be hard for Bruno crossing all his toes in those stylish dress shoes!)  He brings up how he’s noticed Leo is really hot for the new make-up artist.  Leo admits she’s just another in a long list of conquests.  They snicker.  FF&>> 

A bit later, Tony has an appointment there at the firm with Leo also.  This time, says Leo with a glint of evil in his eye, it’s his turn to bring up Alicia.  Tony swallows hard.  “--Your really great at threatening women, Tony.”   Tony tries to play innocent.  Leo tells him not to play the fool because it doesn’t look good.   He invites Tony to play darts with him.  When Tony gets close enough, Leo grabs him and holds a dart to his throat and then threatens him with it.  “--I’m talking about Alicia and the way you are frightening her.”  Tony asks what it’s got to do with Leo.  Leo growls that it’s got to do with her working for him now, and that it puts him in a nasty mood when Tony slugs down four drinks to get his “courage up”.  Leo says he won’t stand for him to put a hand on a single hair of hers.  Tony grunts back he’ll have to put up with it cuz she’s his girlfriend and he’ll treat her any way he feels best.  Leo tells him he won’t touch her again, because if he does Leo will first fire him and then he’ll kill him after.  “--Now scram!”  Tony leaves, anger in check.

Back at the manse, Marcy tells the detective she and Daniel  are withdrawing the charges against Eva for theft.  It was all a misunderstanding and they don’t want the girl to be wrongly accused of a crime.  “--We all make mistakes, detective.”  He agrees to and she bear hugs him.  (Damn, she almost squeezes him to death!)  He thinks to himself afterwards that there’s something fishy about all of this.

Leo is now waiting for Alicia in a restaurant.  He worries that she might stand him up, but Ali shows just like he figured she would.  She says she was thinking of not coming and was a bit upset about what happened the last time, but he did give her a job and she didn’t want him to think she was ungrateful.  He flatters her to loosen her up and then butters her up saying it’s her beauty that made him lose all sense of priority.  He now knows she’s a respectable girl.  He then makes a big deal out of apologizing and gives her a gigantic bouquet of roses and a two sacks with gifts in them. It works like clockwork.  Alicia is dazzled by the swine.  He tells her he wants to formalize their relationship.  They toast to the moment. 

Leo mentions his sister’s wedding is in a few days and that she’s marrying--who else-- Daniel.  Ali curses.  She hates him!  She remembers who Victoria is and is embarrassed to bring up the fact that Daniel and Eva were engaged.  Life’s full of surprises, he says. He asks her how her sister is and if she’s heard from her.  Ali says no, she hasn’t heard anything for days.  He thinks to himself that she’ll spill it all in no time.  He takes her hand and smoothly starts in about themselves.  “--Well, enough about them.  Let’s concentrate on us.”  He can’t think of anything but her when she’s around, says the spider to the fly.  Alicia is enthralled.  They kiss.  She says she doesn’t want to be another affair for him.  He promises she won’t be.  (Oh, Alicia!  What an air-head!)  This is the beginning of something very serious, believe me, he says.   They kiss again.  (What a silver tongued snake!)

Renata comes in to clean up Marcy’s bedroom and finds the crumpled note.  Of course (thank gawd) she reads it.  “Marcela,  by now you’ll have taken out your jewels and you will have decided you’d die rather than do without them, right?  Je-je!   I know you, woman!    I suffered you too many years!  As I  was so generous a man, I offer you once more a favorable solution:  If you withdraw that perverse accusation against Eva, my lawyers will automatically free up the bank accounts we shared.  I offer you hands full of money in exchange for a little bit of justice for that girl. You decide.”

At Justa’s later on, Ricardo tells Justa what happened with Tomas earlier and what he said about his son.   They’re both shocked and heartbroken over it.  “--The man doesn’t have a soul or a heart!” The topic turns to Justa and him again.  He proposes to her.  She says it wouldn’t be fair to him and she’s not ready.  Maybe she will be later on and then can give him the love he deserves.  (Dunno, maybe he’d  have better luck with Justa’s BFF, Beatriz.)  FF>>

Marisol and Francisco meet again outside the mall.  She asks why he wouldn’t use a realtor.  He says he doesn’t trust them.  Then he says it’s over.  She thinks he means the relationship.  He tells her he means he won’t buy a mansion. He spins another yarn about how he spent a couple million helping out a friend and doesn’t have the cash now.  He has other places to live, i.e., New York and Paris so no reason to, but if she wants one then she can buy it.  Mari continues playing her role and shirks away from that idea.  She says no.  No need.  Another stand off between two penniless con artists.  FF>>

Days pass.  Dano is getting his suit ready for the wedding.  Laurita comes in and says, yes, Jackie has bought her her clothes for the wedding but she’s not going.  She again tries to talk her daddy out of making a big mistake when he is still in love with Eva, but he refuses to listen.  (Ever heard of “out of the mouth of babes”?)  She leaves.

Across the way at V-icky’s,  she and Mama are merrily discussing her dress for the wedding.  She’s wearing something simple, but will dress in a gown for the church wedding.  She feels a little strange it’s only a civil wedding. What will her friends think?   Mama says it only makes sense so soon after her daddy’s death.  They’re still in mourning, remember?  Oh, yeah.  Ok.  That works for her.  Big smile!  Icktoria is soooo glad because she’s finally caught Daniel!  (I’d rather use the other meaning for atrapar, “trapped”).   So much for thinking fondly of dear dead daddy.

Eva is still in bed and remembering making love to Daniel.  Dan is thinking about the same thing while he is supposed to be getting dressed for the ceremony.  (Definitely doesn’t look promising for Icky’s wedding night!) His cell rings and he answers, but there’s nobody talking on the other end.  It’s Eva but she’s too rattled to say anything.  He guesses it’s her and asks her to say something.  She hangs up. She wonders how he knew it was her.  Dano thinks it couldn’t have been her and that he’s going crazy.  He now has doubts and remembers all the dubious statements from Franc --especially how nutty Icky was after he broke up with her; also he remembers Laurita saying he's marrying Icky on the rebound just because he’s mad at Eva.   He ignores these, though.  

At the same time, Eva thinks she was crazy to have called him.  Her only choice is to hate him and “to convince” herself that he killed her father.

Back at the boarding house, Justa asks Alicia why she’s not at work today.  Ali says there’s a wedding so there’s nothing going on today.  She wonders if Tony’s apologized yet.  Ali says no and she doesn’t expect him to, either.  Ali then mentions her new Prince Charming.  Justa’s very happy for her.  (We aren’t.) 

Renata comes to tell Marcy that the agency employees are arriving for the  ceremony and the judge is on his way.  (Some guest list!  The best she can do is her employees?  The employees get a day off but it's only to work at being happy for the bosses bitchy bimbutt daughter.  Some day off!)  Marcy thanks Renata for having brought her V-icky all those years ago.  Ren says no use discussing it now.  She tells Ren that her sister should be grateful she kidnapped her little girl and gave her to Marcy.  The girl was raised with every luxury and is now marrying a millionaire. Ren starts to leave, but Marcy grabs her by the wrist and says she feels that every since Justa appeared at the house, Ren’ been having doubts.  Ren says it’s way too late for that.  Marcy smiles evilly, pinches Ren's mouth with her nasty gloved hand, and hints broadly that as long as she recognizes it  and keeps quiet she’ll stay alive.

Eva calls.  Ali wants know if D. Julio found her and if she was right to tell him where she was.  Eva says he did and it was fine.  Ali actually did her a favor  telling him, but nobody else can know!  Ali says fine.  (Let’s hope she can remember that the next time Leo plies her with a little bubbly!)   Ali tells her that Dan and Icky are getting married that day and that Eva was right thinking the guy was only playing games with her. 

Dan’s made it to the Arismendi’s to take his place in front of the judge.   He’s pacing and obviously nervous.  Everyone there notices and makes funnies about it.  The sexrataries get a big yuk out of it too,  but Icky gets the last laugh on them! 

Eva can’t believe he’s marrying Icky.  She’s resolved more than ever to hate him.  (Seems to me you either do or you don’t.  Hate isn’t exactly an emotion you have to work at!) 

The half-happy couple say their vows and it’s official.   Marcy, Icky, Ren and Leo all take a deep breathe and can relax now.  Icky tells Mama how grateful she is that she taught her to go after what she wants.    Leo mentions kids.  Icky and Mama tell him to hush his mouth.  Marcy doesn’t want grandkids and Icky isn’t wrecking her figure.  Kids cost you sleep and give you wrinkles, she says.    The four toast the couple and so does the crowd.

Eva’s crying and Don Julio wants to know why, but Eva won’t discuss it with him.

Back at the reception, Leo tells Icky that Dan looks like he might be thinking of Eva still.  No problem, says Icky.  She’s Dano’s reality now.  Besides, the woman isn’t anywhere near them.  Besides, Icktoria can be  his  greatest happiness or his worst nightmare!  (Wimp that he is, I bet he’s in for  what’s behind door #2.)

Laurita is so sad, even chocolate ice cream doesn’t excite her.  Jacky bombs at trying to get her to cheer up.  The only good thing about the wedding is that he and the witch will be gone a few weeks on their honeymoon and they’ll have a chance to get used to the idea of her being there.  Her dad even forgot/left  his phone on the hall table he was in such a hurry.  (They’re going straight from the wedding it seems.) Jacky goes to answer the doorbell while Laurita continues to mourn.

Julio calls Lic. B. to find out if Marcy withdrew the charges.  The lawyer says yes she did eventually, though she was dead set against it.  Julio tells him to get the second letter ready now.  Lic. B. asks if he is  certain he wants to take things in this direction.  Julio says he’s completely sure......


Llena de Amor #119 (Mex. 124) Mon 1/31/11 Upstairs Downstairs

Friday: The Jorge has landed. MariVicky tells disappointed Netty that she can meet him later. At the agency, he makes a splash with Ilitia, paying her gallant compliments, and offering her a modeling gig in Paris. He tells Emil and Eman that he’s come to work with MV on some international ad campaign.

Now, let’s see what this week brings!

Netty tells the assembled pension peeps that she completely supports Oliver and Mano, and they all have to too. Brandon gives his whole-hearted support, and Consuelo snipes that he just wants to keep MV around that way. Gladiola says she’s getting used to the idea, it’s just taken her time, and she holds their hands together, gamely but squeamishly.

Consuelo tells MV, as she’s leaving, that she still thinks there’s something fishy about Mano and she warns MV again to keep her hands off Brandon.

Now Jorge is in the meeting room with Ilitia, Eman and Emil, telling them that the big campaign is for a weight-loss group, and it’s going to make the company a bucketload of pesos. Eman says great, bring a proposal and I’ll sign, but Jorge tells him no deal unless he signs with MV herself. Emil and Eman are a bit doubtful about Jorge just signing with MV, but before the discussion can go any further, she swans in, saying she’s all set to work.

Brandon is driving the comisario to someplace, telling him he’s sure the Lirio had an accomplice, and that they’re going to find both accomplice and money wherever it is they’re headed. The comisario is doubtful, but he calls for backup. Poor guy, he may be the boss, but it seems like he’s always bobbing in Brandon’s wake.

Coming down the stairs at their house, Muñeca and Lorenzo are giddy, he calling her Camila and she telling him to always wear the costume, pant, snort. Fidel comes in with a big cardboard box from the Lirio. Lorenzo grabs it and says he better hide it, but Muñeca doesn’t want him to do anything stupid, so she’ll take it, etc., back and forth in a tug of war until Flora runs in with the news that the police are there, then it’s hot potato as they try to shove the box back at the other until Flora says she’ll hide it and up the stairs she goes. Lor and Muñeca quick freeze into a happy couple pose to greet the police.

Surprise! They’ve come to arrest Fidel as the Lirio’s accomplice.

Oliver and Mano are at the big house, confronting Bernardo who assures them Fedra isn’t bringing any charges about last night. Oliver tells him it’s not about that, he’s got a whole laundry list of other issues with him, and Mano says they’ve come to hold him accountable for what he did to Gretel. Bernardo studies Mano quizzically.

Fedra is upstairs, struggling with some vocabulary in a book when in comes Delicia looking cowed. Fedra tells her off for coming to the event after she’d expressly forbidden it, and tells Delicia that her type of people are lower than a burro and should live in unending gratitude for what they are given. Fedra comes up close and adds that no makeup can cover what Delicia is, nor (she sniffs her) any perfume cover that smell.

That’s what I learned last night, says unhappy Delicia, then she hands her a package. Fedra is excited, then horrified when she sees it’s a box of chocolates like Mari used to receive. She flings them and grabs Delicia and holds her down on the desk. You’re the one who put the snake in my bed! You know where Marianela is!

Back to the agency: Jorge gives Mari a hug and Eman and Emil are worried that she’s come back to work too soon. She assures them she’s fine and asks Jorge how he’s been. He confesses that he lost his head after she left, but now he’s okay, and awfully glad to see her. You’re lovely, he says, caressing a strand of her hair.

Whoo-hoo say Eman and Ilita, what’s up? Jorge says she’s so attractive and intelligent, he thought she might be the woman for him, but she proved hard to catch. It worked out, though, because thanks to her he found true love with her best friend and got married. Eman gets nervous and wants to hear more. Yup, he married la gordita divina, says Jorge.

Emil leaps up and gives him a big hug, and Ilita comments what a bonbon Mari landed. Emil asks where Mari is, and Eman butts in that she’s in Mexico and this guy is lying. Jorge feigns surprise and says he brought something she wanted them to give them, which turns out to be a wedding album. Emil hovers over it happily, exclaiming how lovely Mari is. Ilitia proclaims that she looks like a piñata. Emil, astonished, sadly observes that she’s beautiful. Ilitia is sure she put on weight. Jorge glows over his favorite photo of him between his two loves, Vicky and Mari. We get to see the photo, and sure enough, there he is between Mari in a wedding gown and Vicky with her short ‘do.

The air is crowded with thoughtbubbles…
Mari (sadly watching): Eman wasn’t the one who poisoned the chocolates.
Eman: Bernardo was wrong, Mari and Vicky aren’t the same person.
Mari again: Forgive me, my love, I had to keep on with it.

Fedra is holding Delicia down on the desk, insisting that she’s lying, that Mari is in town. She tries to force a chocolate at her, saying she knows they’re poisoned. Delicia squirms and Fedra shakes her hard, bashing her head against the desk, and knocking her out just as Axel comes in and demands to know what Fedra’s doing. Fedra quickly begins to fan Delicia.

Downstairs, Oliver is holding a gun on Bernardo who snarls threats. Benigno runs in exclaiming, and Bernado uses the distraction to try to grab Oliver’s gun. While the two struggle, Mano grabs a handy bottle of cabernet and clobbers Bernardo with it. Oliver looks at her in admiration. She’s his right-hand Mano! He gives her a hug and a big kiss.

Benigno’s eyes widen and he radios the general that a couple of gay guys have just taken down Bernardo.

At the agency again: Emil wants to know if Mari really is in Mexico, but Jorge demurs that he’s not allowed to say, but when she’s ready, she’ll come to see them. Emil says that he’s sure Marianela thinks of them, and the music turns wistful as does MariVicky while Emil asks Jorge to tell Mari he’s sorry he wasn’t able to protect her from Fedra, and that he loves her with all his heart and hopes she’ll come see them soon.

Let’s change the topic, says Ilitia adjusting the spotlight back where it should be, namely on her, and asks if la gorda knows she’s been asked to do the commercial in Paris. This is news to Emil, and Ilitia happily explains how Jorge said she was perfect. But first she has a couple of conditions. First, she doesn’t want to see Mari, as she told her “bye” forever. Second she doesn’t want Mari taking away her contract (I think). No problem, says Jorge, and Ilitia gloats over Paris.

Now the transmission jumps, and I think Mari has told her the agency can’t let her go right now, but I’m not sure.

Delicia has come to, and Axel reproaches his mother that she could have killed her. Fedra scoffs that poor folk are made out of cast iron. Delicia sadly leaves to go back to the kitchen, and Fedra tells Axel she liked him better the way he was before. Oh yes? he says, so you could humiliate and manipulate me as much as you liked? Fedra tells him he’s turned into a pathetic figure, all stupid over a servant. He better give her up, or Fedra will have to get rid of her. I’ll kill her, she adds just to clarify. Axel stomps out.

Back to Muñeca’s where Flora hustles the kids off to the kitchen for some ice cream. Fidel protests to the police that he doesn’t even know the Lirio, and Muñeca backs him up, saying he’s been her chauffeur for years and years. Brandon tells them they’re going to look for the money. Just then the comisario comes down the stairs, carrying the Lirio outfit which he says he found on the master bedroom bed. He wants to know what’s up with that. Muñeca and Lor both look like Ummm.

Down in the basement, Bernardo is out cold on the general’s bed and Mano and Oliver stand at attention in front of Max, while Benigno keeps an eye on Bernardo. Bernardo comes to, and Beningo gives him a good solid whack on the head with the gun. Max demands to know who Oliver and Mano are. Oliver shows his police badge and says Mano is his pareja, which I guess we could translate as boyfriend. He tries to backtrack a little, but Max asks if they know what they did with kissing men in his day. Shoot them? asks Mano, scared, and he rips off his moutache to reveal himself as Gretel. It’s me!

Big hug from Maximo, who then demands to know why Oliver was kissing her. Gretel tells him that’s her boyfriend, and Max glares.

Back at the agency: Ilita vamps a bit in front of Eman, and then kisses him, saying they can have a more private goodbye later. She sashays out. Emil says he understands now why Jorge just wanted to work with Vicky, so as not to upset his wife. That’s not it, says MV, it’s because he knows I’m the best.

Eman has been angrily flipping through the wedding photos and now claps the album shut and says time to get down to work. Jorge politely says that he’s going to meet alone with Vicky. Eman protests that he’s the director, and an officer in the company. Jorge rises to leave with MV, and tells Eman he’ll leave the contract with his secretary so Eman can check out each little comma. Out they go, and Eman explodes to his father that the fellow is insufferable.

Basement again: Benigno is holding Oliver at pistol point while Max exclaims over Gretel’s excellent disguise. Gretel asks him to call off Benigno, but just then Bernardo starts coming to. Benigno slugs him back into unconsciousness with the hand that isn’t holding the gun. What a good little multi-tasking soldier! Max wants to know if Oliver truly loves Gretel, would he give his life for her? Of course, says Oliver, stroking her face while cheery violins frolic in the background.

They all want to give Bernardo a taste of his own medicine, but Max says not the wine cellar. The basement! Gretel thinks he’s giving up his quarters, but Max says there are other rooms in the basement, in fact it’s like a labyrinth under the whole house. Indeed, he opens a door and we see a series of clean brick rooms, some with water heaters, etc.

Back at the agency, Emil is telling Eman that Jorge is the best publicist in all of Spain, and Eman doesn’t have to be his friend, but he does have to respect him. Eman still thinks he’s a jerk. He treated Eman like an office boy, and on top of that, even though he’s married to Mari, he was making eyes at Vicky. Emil thinks Eman’s acting jealous, like he was in love with Vicky.

At a restaurant, Jorge is paying MV too many compliments, making her uneasy. He exclaims over her sexy change – she’s become so feline. Yes, she says, like a lion. He says he’s here to help her however she wants. She assures him she does appreciate how he’s always been such a good friend. Because you won’t let me be anything more, he says. He says he’ll fake being Mari’s husband for a while more and by the way, those photos cost him a fortune to have made. She tells him since she’s been there, she’s getting closer to the truth, and that Fedra is very dangerous. And Eman, asks Jorge, are you still in love with him?

Eman denies being jealous, but Emil guesses it’s either because of Mari or because of Vicky. Eman caves and says both. Look at how Jorge treats Vicky like a lover! Eman imagines that Jorge married unsuspecting innocent Mari, and now her best friend comes to Mexico and the first thing she does is to take over the agency. It’s a plot! Emil looks at him like he’s nuts, then kindly tells him he understands, but Eman needs to accept that Mari has married, and so has Eman. Eman’s lip quivers and he says he knows, but they both made a big mistake, marrying the wrong people.

Emil gives his sad son a loving hug.

Bernardo is tied to a chair in the basement, and somebody tosses water in his face. He comes to, and demands to know where he is. Never mind, says Gretel, who has Manoed up again, you’re going to be here a long time. Bernardo, apparently not any clearer than Fedra on some words, rages that he’s agoraphobic, he has to get out of there.

Back at the restaurant, Jorge says he can tell Mari still is carrying a flame for Eman, and not to forget that he did her a great deal of harm. Mari says she found something out and now she’s not sure about some things. Jorge snarks that she found something out all right, she found out that she’s still in love with Eman.

Talking about me? says Eman who has materialized behind them.

Down at the police station, Lorenzo tells them that he’s not the Lirio, at the time of the robbery he was secluded with his wife in his office, wearing his Lirio outfit. He and Muñeca smile, remembering. Lor doesn’t want to say anymore, so pragmatic Muñeca steps in, saying that married couples sometimes act out little fantasies to rekindle their passion.

Lor points out that the police didn’t find the money, and Muñeca swears that the Lirio hasn’t contacted her. Okay, says the comisario, who amazingly enough has bought their story, but we’re going to put a round-the-clock guard on your house. Lor and Muñeca leave and the comisario picks up the Lirio mask, but Muñeca comes back in and takes it from him and scoops up the rest of the outfit. We need it, she says, it’s helped us a lot. How did this guy get to be comisario? She could be walking out with important evidence. We know Lor didn’t get to do the robbery, but you’d think the comisario would want to scrape some DNA off it, or something.

Back at the restaurant, MV fudges to Eman that she was just telling Jorge about her work experience. Eman, pulling up a chair at their table, is sure she told about their rotten relationship, but Jorge stops him, saying that she said good things about him. That’s right, says MV. She acknowledges that they’ve had their battles at work, but she really respects his talent, and she believes he’s gotten where he is through hard work, not by being the boss’s son. Eman puzzles over why she’s suddenly being so nice to him.

Jorge wonders why Eman tracked them down at the restaurant, and Eman says he has some ideas for the campaign. They invite him to have a coffee and say they’ll hear him out.

Now Fidel is being questioned by Brandon at the station. Brandon notes that he’s very close to Muñeca, and by being her driver, he’s been at all the charities. Every one of them knows who he is. Plus the day of the robbery at the Ruiz y de Teresa wedding even Muñeca was surprised to see him show up. Brandon is sure that he works for the Lirio, and he’s going to find the proof. Better he cooperate than to end up in jail. He’s allowed to go, though.

Fedra has sent Nereida to look for Bernardo, but she can’t find him. Fedra is shaken, and remembers him telling her that he might just up and leave her.

Oliver tightens a handkerchief over Bernardo’s mouth and welcomes him to the 5-star lodgings. Gretel corrects that it’s not a hotel, it’s private rehab. Mmfff says Bernardo. They turn the lights out and leave and we see a few bold rats already sniffing around. They need an exterminator for these little bad boys, and for the rats upstairs too while they’re at it.

Eman is talking about his concept for the campaign against obesity, about how they need to start with the kids, while MV gazes at him and thoughtbubbles how she could lose herself in his voice. She realizes she still loves him, and Jorge can tell they still love each other.

Eman rattles on about good diet, exercise, proper hydration, etc., all stuff everybody knows, except apparently Jorge who says he’s really impressed. Eman says he studied all that stuff two years ago when he and Mari were boyfriend/girlfriend. Jorge knows about that, yes? Jorge presses his lips together.

Mano and Oliver are leaving the house, Oliver worries about leaving Bernardo in the care of crazy Max. Mano is heatedly defending Max’s sanity and integrity when they are spotted by Fedra who wants to know what they’re doing near her house. Myself, I wonder what she’s doing among the garden walks and so far from her decanter. She accuses Mano of spying for his newspaper articles about her. Oliver says they’re looking for Gretel but Fedra assures them Gretel is in the house, and waves them away.

Doris is making up Andre, who is flirting. She resists, but he wants to kiss her and they’re about to go for it when Andre’s girlfriend whatshername, the model, comes in and pitches a fit. Andre laughs and assures her he would never go for someone like Doris. That earns him a slap from Doris for flirting with her and then disparaging her. On hearing about the flirting the girlfriend gives him a healthy slap too.

Mari asks Eman if he studied up on weight loss to get Mari looking better on his arm. Nope, he says, I loved her pudgy self, but I better not talk about that in front of Jorge. Jorge says he realizes Eman was part of her past. Eman says he wanted to be her present and future. Jorge points out that Eman must’ve realized that Ilitia was the love of his life, so he married her. Eman observes that you don’t always marry the person you’ve loved most in your life, and he adds that Jorge knows what he means because he’s noticed how he looks at Vicky. Jorge parries that he could say the same thing about Eman – is he in love with Mari, or with Vicky?

Avances: Lorenzo tries to kiss Kristel who seems to be resisting, and Maricio walks in and sees and lunges for Lorenzo. Axel proposes to Delicia in a dress shop and kisses her, and we see MariVicky in bed with Eman, kissing, but it’s filmed in a red glow, so it is fantasy or reality?


Triunfo del Amor #21 1/31/11 The Accident that’s No Accident; and Cruz and Fer Cross Paths.

LindaHo continues in full stalker mode. She waits for Victoria’s car and then throws herself in front of it, landing flat on her shameless face. Why doesn’t she look beat up? C’mon, give us something, a broken nose, a few chipped teeth. But no, when Victoria runs out to her, concerned, and she turns over and starts to fake cry -- There's no blood, no nothin’. Thinks Victoria: I know that girl!

Country Cousin Cruz is telling the gang at Yenta Center how he lucked into finding a job, how the boss had been talking to a pretty girl outside the building and the girl was crying… Milagros and JuanJo try to guess who that girl might have been. There are a lot of pretty girls in the neighborhood.

Osvaldo is musing about his last encounter with Linda. He didn’t want to hurt her… he hopes she’ll be lucky enough to find herself a good man who will make her happy.

Don’t worry, Os. LindaHo, now being carried on a stretcher to the waiting ambulance, is the kind of girl who makes her own luck. Victoria climbs into the ambulance to accompany her to the hospital.

María Desamparada shares her news with Nathy: She has been chosen as the top model in the upcoming show.

In the ambulance, Victoria asks LindaHo what happened. Linda has a well-rehearsed story. She was waiting to talk to Victoria about work -- she wants to be a model -- and she was sooooo desperate and couldn’t get an appointment with her. Victoria promises she’ll give her a job.

Back at the Sandoval home, Fer tells Osvaldo that she has enrolled in the University. She doesn’t want their driver to take her to school. She wants a chance to show off (presumir de) her new car. She manipulates her father into giving her permission to do so.

Clearly, they have not taken LindaHo to the Cruz Roja. She is lying in a hospital bed in what appears to be a nicely decorated suite. She asks Victoria to let her fiancé know about the accident. Victoria looks at her closely and says:
Yo te conozco, ¿no es así?(Don’t I know you?)
LindaHo admits she’s a great fan of hers – and of her husband too. She’s the best designer in Mexico, she oozes, and he’s the best actor – and the handsomest!

At the Sandoval home, Osvaldo tells the housekeeper to expect the new gardener.

Then it’s just the guys at the table. Fer has gone to the University, or so she says, and Victoria has gone to work, or so they think. When Max asks his dad when his poetry reading will be, Osvaldo looks rather sad. It was cancelled a long time ago, he tells his son. He says: You haven’t been paying a lot of attention to me, have you? You didn’t come to the opening of my film, you never ask me about my work. [Um, Osvaldo, Max is your grown son. Not your wife.]

A contrite Max gives him a big hug and apologizes for not paying more attention to the emotional needs of his 50-something father. And Os reminds him:
A veces los padres necesitan sentir el amor de los hijos aunque se hayan convertidos en hombres grandes, hechos y derechos como tú.(Sometimes parents need to feel their children’s love even though they’ve become adults, like you.)

Their father-son epiphany is interrupted when the maid announces that there’s a priest at the door, the same one who was here before. Osvaldo goes out and tells Padre Juan Pablo that Victoria isn’t home. The Padre starts to walk away but Osvaldo runs after him saying:
Necesito hablar urgentemente con usted.
(I really need to talk to you.)

The Milagros contingent has arrived at LindaHo’s bedside, JuanJo carrying a huge bouquet of flowers. Millie and Don Napo introduce themselves to Victoria. Linda gives a self-serving version of the accident and the sad life events leading up to it. And she was so desperate for work. JuanJo reminds her that she won’t need to work when they get married. But spunky Linda insists that until then, she has to support herself. While Victoria is reassuring her and congratulating her for her independent spirit, the hamsters are running on their wheels in Linda’s brain. What an idiot Victoria is to believe me, she thinks:
Si supiera la muy tonta que todo esto es un plan para quitarle a su marido.(If she only knew, the fool, that all this is a plan to steal her husband.)

Padre Juan Pablo sits beside Osvaldo in his car. They allude to the secret he confessed earlier to the Padre – we don’t know what it is, exactly – and the fact that it wasn’t hurting Os’s family back then. Now, Os tells him, things have changed. He is hurting his family: He cheated on Victoria with a younger woman.

Milagros gives the girls, Nathy and María, a jingle to tell them Linda was run over, but they reinflated her and she’s good as new. Nah, not really. She says except for some bruises, she’s ok. Nathy and MD leave for the hospital.

In a nod to good hygiene and water conservation, we see Ofelia and Guillermo showering together.

At the Sandoval home, Fer shows her big brother Max the classes she’s going to take at the University: marketing (mercadotecnia) and advertising (publicidad). He’s impressed – just the preparation for entering the family business. He shouldn’t be though. Cuz as soon as he leaves for work, Phoney Fer pulls out her cell to call Scuzzy Tattoo Boy, arranges to meet him and heads out the door where she crosses with –

Their gazes meet. A norteña song plays somewhere: ♫Me enamoré♫♫……scriiiitch goes the needle on the record player when Fer proceeds to instruct him on precisely who uses the front door (we do) and who uses the back door (you do) in the Sandoval house. His response:
Señorita, usted es más bella que todas estas flores en todo el jardín.(Miss, you’re more beautiful than all the flowers in the whole garden.)
Her haughty look is softened by a small smile. All it took was a little fertilizer.

Sweet William in the kayak – Don’t go! There’s more! Max’s training is going swimmingly!

Osvaldo continues to unburden himself to Padre JP. He’s quite sure he doesn’t want to see the girl again and he and Victoria have made up their differences. Still, Victoria is difficult. Sometimes she’s affectionate and loving and other times she’s abrupt and comes on strong. JP says that even though Victoria may be voluble (fickle, changeable), she does love him. Osvaldo insists he needs more affection, more time, more attention from Victoria.

Victoria, however, is still at the hospital dancing attendance on LindaHo. She is on the phone with Antonieta arranging a model job for Linda (What could she possibly model? Does Victoria have an exclusive contract with a burdel? Ay, Pipino, be prepared for a challenge!) Victoria is puzzled when Don Napo exclaims: Now we have two models! And then María and Nathy walk into the room.

Os takes the pacifier out of his mouth, adjusts his drool bib, and continues: his need for affection made it easy for him to fall into another woman’s arms. JP advises him to do whatever it takes to avoid any further involvement or he’ll end up hurting the girl, Victoria and himself. He warns him:
Estos amores ocasionales lo único que generan es un gran vacío en el alma.(These casual affairs, the only thing they bring is a huge emptiness in the soul.)
But, he goes on, if you’re in love with the girl, you need to be honest with Victoria.

Nathy and María, both aware that Linda deliberately caused the accident, are nonetheless fussing over their reckless roomie, when María’s phone rings. Victoria, who is closest to it, picks it up and is surprised to hear Max’s voice. When she says: ¿Eres tú, Max? (Is that you, Max?), he doesn’t reply. She is distracted, for the moment, by her own phone ringing and hangs up María’s.

It occurs to Toni to let Osvaldo know about Linda’s Accidentally on Purpose Accident.

Cruz dances with a broom to the strains of “Me enamoré” and thinks:
Qué rechula es esta señorita!(What a cutie that little lady is!)

And doesn’t she look cute as a button rolling around in bed with Scuzz Boy. Rechula!
Osvaldo appears at the door of the hospital room. Sly Linda looks up and says: It’s a pleasure to see you again, Señor Sandovaaaal.

Oscar whines to Toni about how hard it is for him to have Victoria so close and yet be unable to console her. Toni looks as if she's thinking: Yeah. Tell me about it.

JuanJo places a protective arm around his beloved while Osvaldo tells her how sorry he was to hear of her accident. Nathy and María are looking frantically for a barf bag, as are we at home. Milagros is star-struck: Osvaldo Sandovaaaal!

Since LindaHo is now well attended by friends, the Sandovals take their leave. In the car, Victoria lays it on the line: Osvaldo clearly knows the girl – she is Linda Sortini, the one whose phone number he had in his wallet, the same one who accosted him so weirdly at the premiere. Yeah, he says, a lot of my fans give me their phone numbers. So what? And you see she has a boyfriend and she’s getting married.

Victoria continues: I’m paying for all her hospital costs. Then she adds: And I’m giving her a job in my agency…
Osvaldo seems to lose control of the car, and slams on the brakes. Screeeech!
--You’re giving her a job???
--It’s the least I can do, answers Victoria. Don’t you think?

Max is working the phones. First he talks to María and reassures her he’ll take care of the problem with his mother. Then he calls Osvaldo and tells him, over speaker, that he’s delighted about Fer going to the University. Victoria asks why he called María’s cell earlier. She’d prefer that he stay away from her. No can do, says Max, reminding her, ever so nicely, that he’s not a child.

LindaHo sends JuanJo home. Ho hum. The chicas, Nathy and María, will keep her company. Before she leaves, Milagros offers her piedritas curativas (curative little stones). When the roomies are left alone, LindaHo pulls the sheet over her head and giggles.

Fer tells Victoria she couldn’t register at school today because of the long line, but she’ll go back tomorrow. Victoria is as proud as any deluded mother would be that her wayward girl is finally turning her life around.

Then she notices Max is missing from the dinner table. She calls him and he tells her, truthfully, that he’s dining with Fabián. He hands his friend the phone and he confirms what Max is saying. He knew his mother would call, says Max, and he wanted to be able to tell her the truth. If Fabián is offended by being used as part of this game, he doesn’t let on. Anyhow, Max is planning to see María later.

Fabián wonders how Max will handle the Ximena problem. When she gets back from Paris, she’ll come looking for Max. But he’s not worried. María is the only woman he cares about. For the first time in his life, he’s in love.

Back in the barrio, Cousin Cruz has prepared a feast for the family: comidita norteña. Too bad Linda’s not here, rues JuanJo.

Nathy confronts LindaHo. She tells her:
Deja de jugar con fuego, te vas a quemar.
(Stop playing with fire, you’re gonna get burned!)
But fires are precisely what LindaHo is looking to set. María is disgusted with what Linda is doing and how she has insinuated herself into the Sandovals’ life all to get back at Osvaldo. This is nothing, she says, just wait:
Yo no soy desechable y se lo voy a demostrar.(I’m not disposable and I’m going going to prove it to him.)

Victoria and Fer are sharing a sweet moment together. You’re so lovely, so young, and you have your whole life ahead of you, says Victoria. Sometimes, says Fer, I feel that something is keeping us apart:
A veces, yo siento que no soy la hija que esperabas.(Sometimes I feel I’m not the daughter you were hoping for.)
Well. Victoria is much nicer than most of us who are overhearing this conversation. We have to bite our tongue. But she tells Fer how much she loves her and how she would give her life to keep anything bad from happening to her. Hugs. Tears. Kleenex.

Nathy and María put their heads together over the Linda Problem. They never thought she’d go that far.

Victoria tells Cruz she’s glad Osvaldo hired him but wants to know the story. He tells her about returning the dropped wallet. Where did this happen? she wants to know. But before he can answer this interesting question…

…An ominous cloud fills the room. It’s St. Bernarda! (And I was just thinking she had the night off, was probably getting ready for her SuperBowl party, mixing the dips, buying the chips). She thunders:
¡Dile a ese mugroso que se large!(Tell that filthy person to get out!)

Cruz is no fool. When the devil tells you to leave, you get out while you can.

Once St. Bernarda has Victoria alone, she delivers her message:
Si vuelves a molestar a mi hijo, soy capaz de matarte con mis propios manos.(If you bother my son again, I’m capable of killing you with my own hands.)

Victoria fires back: You don’t scare me! (She scares me! I inch back from the screen.)

But Bernarda keeps ranting. She wants Victoria to tell JP that the child wasn’t his. That damned bastard is nothing to me, says that pillar of the church.

Alarmed by the sound of their shouts, Max comes running downstairs. Bernarda turns to leave. Her parting salvo: You were warned!

Max wants to know who that woman was and what she wanted, but Victoria only answers cryptically:
Sólo a mí me incumbe.
(That’s my business./It is only important to me.)

He’s unsatisfied with her reply.

Take two: Sweet William in a kayak.


La Verdad Oculta #95: Turning point for Yolanda; new role for David

Yolanda's screams draw armed Édgar and awakened, exclaiming Zaida to her side; where Édgar orders Zaida to call Adolfo and fires into the ceiling to halt the aggravating clamor. Desperate Adolfo demands they stay put in Yolanda's condo until Pablo and Ears get there.

Yolanda can hardly believe Édgar's assurance it was Adolfo himself ordered her shut up; and she's willing to risk them shooting herself -- but not one of the kids; so she acquiesces, but promises if they survive this, this time she's going to denounce Adolfo. The three goons and Zaida carry off their captives.

At Juan José's, poor Pancha is just reporting her husband regained his butcher shop job when Asunción drops the kidnapping news on her. And across the way at Mario's, David tells Gabriela he's getting a P.I. to look for Dora, as distraught Alejandra enters and shocks them with the news, too -- recalling Juan José's wealth.

Back in Chicles's bedroom, superstitious Pancha notes in horror the broken dresser mirror and prays earnestly for his return. Bertha calls Adolfo at the condo with her return travel plans just before Édgar enters and reports Yolanda's threat, which Adolfo can't help now. He has no choice.

But he doesn't want her or the kids hurt; and when Édgar admits his doubts over Pablo and Ears, Adolfo reminds him he trusts no one, including Édgar -- whom he'd off at the whiff of disloyalty. And even though Zaida looks fragile, she's strong and ambitious, Adolfo says.

Yolanda's maid, Juanita, enters as Édgar exits; and Adolfo lies that Yolanda's gone to a foreign facility and gives Juanita severance pay and permission to take her belongings. At the AFI, Leonardo explains to Juan José and his counsel that Dante agreed to return Elsa's jewelry sale money and that they have no evidence against her.

But since her convict brother is involved in smuggling, they're holding her a couple of days. When Mauricio enters with his own lawyer, stubborn Juan José gets his hackles up and has to be rebuked by Leonardo to pipe down and let them all work together for Elsa.

Alejandra visits Santiago at the apartment to cry on his shoulder and brings him up to date on the present disaster. Meanwhile at Pablo's hideout, Zaida brings the three victims some sumptuous ramen noodles for breakfast, which convalescing Yolanda can't eat -- nor upset Caramelo.

Chicles makes the best of things, as usual, and promises he's going to save them, as Yolanda tries to assure Caramelo someone will come. While Chicles rummages around and ponders how to escape, Yolanda urges him to inform her before he takes action.

At the AFI, Ramón brings Leonardo search warrants for Yolanda's and Adolfo's condos; and they rush out just as furniture movers tote maid Juanita's mattress with the infamous letter stowed away within a broken seam. Back at Pablo's hideout, the hostages are horrified to hear two cracks of gun shot outside on the grounds.

Édgar had just dragged off formerly gleefully cruel Ears after disarming him for threatening the hostages and bashing Yolanda a bloody head wound. Didn't he warn him not to hurt them, on pain of putting his ears out? Ears managed to re-tape Chicles's hands behind him before being hauled away.

Leonardo and crew arrive at Yolanda's to search, while upstairs Adolfo hears on the phone from Pablo that Édgar destroyed Ears's hearing by discharging the gun point blank next to each ear. However, Adolfo's sure Ears deserved it, stresses that Édgar's the boss, not to bother Adolfo with stupid stuff, and hangs up.

Pablo's not happy, however, and gives Ears an evil chuckle surmising what might happen if they get rid of their hostages and blame Édgar. Back at Adolfo's, Bertha returns happily from the beach; and Adolfo is just enjoying her conversation when Leonardo & Co. arrive at his place with the warrant.

Adolfo lies to Leonardo that Yolanda has sadly disappeared after attempting suicide -- and shrewdly requests the police's help in finding her. The crew finds nothing before Leonardo searches Adolfo's office, also encountering only the two cuff link rings in the wall safe.

Adolfo points out he has the genuine pair, and Carlos has a copy -- unbeknown to Adolfo that Yolanda switched in the fake on Adolfo to give to Carlos. Leonardo can make nothing of them and exits, after Adolfo reminds him Yolanda is like a sister and the most important thing in his life.

At the hideout, Yolanda learns the kids already know Édgar from the white-board fiasco at Elsa's and explain about the letter tale, including they don't know what is says; but the news is Chicles recently heard it referred to as "Juan José's letter."

In the tunnel house, David's just making up his disguise when Leonardo phones, and they plan to meet in the covert control room at Campo Real; David tells Abelardo he wants Leonardo to see how they are foiling Adolfo. At Adolfo's condo, Carlos is hugely upset to learn from him that Yolanda is lost somewhere alone.

And he's shocked to hear Adolfo has even apparently enlisted the help of nemesis Leonardo and also employing a P.I. to locate her. Bertha wants to accompany Carlos home to mull things over, and he's pleased she does. At Campo Real, Abelardo and David are monitoring the council gathering when Leonardo enters the control room.

They are astounded when the moment Leonardo lays eyes on David he pulls his weapon and shouts for a "Hernández" to raise his hands. Leonardo only lowers his gun in confusion upon David's assurance he's in disguise to avoid detection that he can walk now.

David explains what they are doing covertly; and Leonardo explains David's disguise looks practically identical to former law officer, Luís Carlos Hernández. Meanwhile up in Carlos's condo, Bertha's not helping, advising that suicides often keep trying until they succeed.

Carlos is very upset and swearing vengeance if someone hurts her; and it seems so odd she'd run off. Carlos grabs Bertha, shaking her, insisting desperately Yolanda promised him she wouldn't try it again. He weeps he couldn't protect her from brutal Adolfo and demands Bertha leave Adolfo right away, too.

He begs Bertha to leave Adolfo, embracing her, worried something bad will happen. Back at the AFI, Leonardo gets a notion he shares with Ramón to catch Adolfo in a crime by having David sidle up to Adolfo, posing as the crooked cop, Hernández, who could offer to help Adolfo in his crooked deals and wouldn't be suspected.

Finally, the cops having no evidence to hold Elsa, they inform her together with abiding and loving Mauricio that she's free to go. At Carlos's, he tearfully reveals to Bertha that he's been seeing a therapist over never having known his mother, among other things, and informs her about doctor-patient confidentiality.

And she's delighted to learn he told the therapist about Bertha and her growing importance in his life. At Elsa's, she and Mauricio learn from Ulises about the kids' disappearance. And back at Campo Real, Gabriela is doing nicely in the meeting, until suddenly David loses the signal in the control room, just as Adolfo's demanding she explain the term "synergy…"


Monday, January 31, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #191-192 1/31/11 The old dogs have to learn new tricks.

Capitulo 191.
Read Alma’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Erasmo says that he and Humberto resolved everything. Lety is to blame. MamaJ insists that Fernando used Lety.

2. The HaHAs say that Lety will turn over FI. Conceptos’ attorney, Manuel Santamaria (MSM), says Lety need to come to a meeting. Teresita objects to Lety coming to Conceptos.

3. Rosales flirts with Alicia. Sara flirts with Sanchez to try to get chisme.

4. MSM says liquidating FI won’t solve their $6M debt problem. Marcia suggests they sell off parts of Conceptos, and Humberto nixes that. He says they should sell their personal property. Ariel jumps up, refuses to sell his property for Fernando’s mistakes, and starts shouting at Humberto (and stops calling him “Papa”!).

5. Lety arrives home and Erasmo chastises her for deception. She says she committed no crime and she’s an adult. Lety’s afraid the Mendoreals humiliated Pop, but he says Humberto was a gentleman. Lety says she did it all for Fernando; she got nothing for herself. Then she had problems with Fern and told the board the truth. They treated her horribly. She had to get away and put her life in order. Now she’s ready to fulfill her responsibilities. (Remember, Acapulco is to restore you so you can return to the real world and function again). Pop forgives her.

6. Teresita’s not willing to sell their housES. Ariel says they need to sell off Conceptos assets. MSM says they can’t, since they’re embargoed. Marcia says FI will lift the embargo tomorrow. MSM says if it does, the banks will embargo Conceptos. The only solution is for FI to continue the embargo. Teresita throws a tantrum and pounds the table! Marcia tries to run away and hide under her bed.

7. Lety tells Tom about Aldo, while Aldo tells Caro he can’t stop thinking about Lety. Tom says Julieta knows all about her romance with Fernando. Lety realizes Mama read her diary.

Capitulo 192.
Read Julie’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Tom says Lety shouldn’t have left her diary out. Lety wants to get rid of all those memories. Tom asks if she stopped loving Fern, and does she hate him as he deserves? She forgave him but it will take a long time to stop loving him.

2. MSM tells the board Conceptos can recover if Lety continues the embargo. She probably knows that they are in deep kimchee if she doesn’t help them. Marcia adds her tantrum to Teresita's because she'll have to deal with Lety. Humberto is disturbed because of the friction with the banks.

3. Lety knows what MSM knows she knows, but that’s their problem. She’s eager to be done with it. Alicia prays for Baby Jesus to send her a boyfriend. One with a new car.

4. Humberto gives the board the choice: beg Lety, or say goodbye to Conceptos. Ariel says sell it off and split whatever’s left. Humberto calls him a fool and wonders how he can walk away from the company his parents sank their life into. Ariel pouts that it was Fernando’s fault. Fernando says they’ve been shown a way to save the company, and Ariel wants to destroy it just to get revenge on Fernando because he didn’t get the presidency.

5. They vote: liquidate or keep it afloat.
A. Ariel votes to liquidate as a way to stick it to Fernando.
B. Fern votes afloat, to recover what he lost.
C. Omar votes to talk to Lety – interesting his orientation.
D. Humberto wants afloat, for the sake of pouring his life into it.
E. Teresita votes afloat, but only for her husband’s sake.
F. Marcia votes afloat for Conceptos and her parents’ memory. She smacks down Ariel for having no loyalty to their parents’ memory.
MSM says one of them should entreat Lety, but who will bell the cat? She has pésimo relationship with each of them except Humberto

6. Lety and MamaJ have a heart to heart about Lety’s diary, Mama’s place in her life, and how Lety has grown. She tells Mama about Aldo, and she’s glad she won’t see Fernando again.

7. Meanwhile Fern tries to convince Marcia that he won’t see Lety again. Marcia observes, very accurately, that when Fern came back to her, he thought Lety had stolen his company. But now that they know she hasn’t, Marcia suspects Fernando has changed his plans. Fern says that he and Lety are finished, and she knows it. He doesn’t have any opportunity to get back with Lety. He knows he has to forget about her, and he asks Marcia to help.


Sunday, January 30, 2011

Eva Luna #60 Fri 1/28/11

Daniel is trying to convince Laurita that marrying Victoria is the best thing to do. Laurita (the mature one) tells him that if he does, he will not be happy. Well we thought we would be happy with Eva and look what happened. Laurita tells him that she heard you should only marry for love. You don't love Victoria. Of course I do replies Daniel, but Laurita isn’t buying it. Perhaps you care for her, but enough to marry her asks Laurita.

Leo tries to smooze dummy Alicia. He wants to know all of her history especially where she lived before moving to Los Angeles.

Eva and Tia Matilde talk about Julio and everything that has happened since his arrival. Eva comments how odd it is for Julio to fake his own death. Tia agrees. They wonder why. He overhears and tells them it was because of something very bad.

Marcella arrives home upset for being tossed on her ear by her boy toy Bruno. (Come now, you should have known what he was doing. You’re a smart girl) She’s crying about how everything is turning out bad for her and especially with no money. She thinks about selling her jewelry, but decides that she can’t part with them. She’s throwing herself a pity party, but nobody cares. She tells herself to think of a solution.

Eva wants to know what went down and why he’s faking his death. Now is not the time he replies. But I will tell you soon. When are we leaving asks Eva. Tomorrow replies Julio.

Daniel tells Laurita that in time he will learn to love Victoria and so will she. Laurita refuses. Victoria is not bad, she loves you. Just give her a chance to show it to you. Laurita protests, but Daniel wants her to accept his decision. I want to know that you have my back. I understand what you say replies Laurita. But how can I have your back when I know you’re making a mistake marrying Victoria.

Leo has gained more information from Alicia by getting her drunk. About her mother leaving them when they were young and her Tia’s house in San Pedro de Rey. Dummy drunken Alicia.

Marisol dancing with JoJo watching.

Leo consoling drunken Alicia and swearing to protect her from Tony and anyone else who wants to cause her harm. She tells him how wonderful he is while he starts putting the moves on her. Finally in her drunken haze she realizes that he wants to “collect” from her his favor from protecting her from Tony. Leo realizes his error, but to late. Alicia leaves.
He laughs and can’t believe she’s just like Eva. He calls the investigator guy and tells him where to find Eva.

Julio tells Tia the more Eva spends in the pueblo the more dangerous it is for her. They worry about moving so soon because of his heath, but he says absolutely not. He tells them not to worry about him.

Victoria tells Marcella that she and Daniel are back together. Marcella thinks that if they marry, then she can get rid of the daughter and later on Daniel. Then all of his stock in the company will be Victoria’s and eventually hers. What a cold, cold witch.

Adrian and Ricardo talk about Adrian’s no good dad. He wishes that Ricardo was is real dad. Why is that asks Ricardo? Because you take good care of me and worry about me. It makes me feel good.

Francisco tells Jackie about his narrow escape in buying the house. Jackie asks him if he’s tired of lying all the time? Don’t you feel guilty? Yes, replies Francisco, but I don’t want to lose Marisol.

Ricardo tells Adrian he also wishes he was his son or grandson so that he can give him a different life. Like what asks Adrian? A life where you don’t have to hide, where you can go out and play with your friends instead of staying in the house all the time. Where that sad face no longer exists says Ricardo. I wish my dad was like you replies Adrian. I wish you were my son replies Ricardo.

Jackie tells Francisco that sooner or later Marisol will find out. So wouldn’t it be better to find out before you marry? You may have a point, but I think it’s too late says Francisco. No, it’s not to late responds Jackie. I believe if she loves you the way you say she does, and then she’ll understand. You have a great heart and can be smart when you want to. Francisco tells her that his dad once said that no one is interested in another if they have no money. That’s the problem with you says Jackie. You think no one can love you because you have no money, but you know what? You’re wrong.

JoJo tells Marisol that Francisco is hiding something.

Daniel thinks about Eva, Eva thinks about Daniel. They tell themselves they cannot forget the other and can’t stop loving.

Daniel tells Francisco that he will forget Eva and move on.

Eva, Tia and Julio drive up to their new place.

Investigator calls Leo and tells him that Eva and Tia are gone. But he learned that an old man was with them. Leo wonders who that is.

Eva and Tia are looking over the house. They are in awe. Julio tells Eva to get comfortable, because here is where they start the biggest transformation of her life. What are you talking about asks Eva. Julio tells her that Eva Gonzalez dies here and a new woman emerges. What exactly are you planning asks Eva and Tia. Julio tells them not to worry. It will be different then the one that she grew up in. Eva is scared, but Julio tells her no worries. Tia wants to know when it starts. In a few days replies Julio. Now lets have a tour of your house.

Investigator tells Leo that the old man showed up and took the girls. Leo says but Eva has no family other then her sister. Investigator guy is baffled. Leo says start asking everyone in town about their whereabouts.

this is how far i have gotten. i apologize. i have had a migraine for 3 days that has hardly let up. seeing doctor today.


Llena de Amor #118 (Mex. 123) Fri 1/28/11 The many faces of El Lirio de Plata..

We start with CinDeerella, being upset about being Deefrocked. She climbs onto the bus wailing in her ball gown while Axel searches everywhere for her holding her one shoe.

Doris visits VMar in the hospital, not impressed with the fru frus at the party, except for Deli who looked amazing. Brandon leaves. Doris says all is ready for their trick on Kristel… yeeps! Folks are starting to suspect she and Mari are the same, and she says the only way to throw them off that track is to bring Mari back. Doris agrees this is her specialty, except she wonders where they will get this french hunk that she is married to.

Back to the party where there are all sorts of thank yous and ceremonial money throwing into the bin. Eman finally shows up, and Kristel announces to Ili her impending nuptials to orangeman. Ili says congrats you two are “the perfect match”

Back to the hospital Doris just can’t help herself and makes up VMar who is telling her that LdeP came by for her, and he thinks she is Marinela. She can’t believe how much she is drawn to him. They chat about this for a while, his mystery etc. while in another scene, LdeP is chatting with his henchman about the plot for later.

CinDeerella shows up at the hospital hating the Ruiz de T family. D &VMar try to calm her down and tell her of the same evils that befell them at the hands of this family.

In yet another locale, Axle shows up to find G-man and tells her what happened with Dee, and how they are now novios, and what else happened at the party. G-man promises to help.

Back to the party, Fedra and her rack are chattin’ up Low, who promises to make love to her on top of his desk. She is thrilled at his offer. Sizzle.

There is another discussion happening where Ili tries to convince her Mami to forgive our Low. Ili is in cahoots with him and winks. He smirks a kiss to her. Brandon is confident he’s got the place covered. No LdeP will show up here, nope not a chance. Anvil.

Krissy is making fun AGAIN of poor Dee but Los parientes tell their daughter to respect her brother, well Mama not so much, but Papa does not agree with Mama and reminds Fedra what his Tio thought of her initially. She scoffs that her family is high culture, yeah whatever, she might be high hung but that's about it. Krissy goes on about having them put up her video collage of the happy couple.

Axel finds out that Oliver and G-man are an item, and all is revealed...he tells them of his saga and they all agree Dee must be at the hospi with VMar.

At the party again Muneca thanks Mau, and Emil who thanks everyone for their contributions. Fedra joins him and decides that this charity fundraiser is the appropriate forum for announcing that her daughter will be married and will receive a huge engagement necklace. Anvil of course. We do see a hand signal from Eman to his man at the door indicating the moment we've all been waiting for. Before that though, we get Kristel's video...definitely more than I wanted to see, don't know about you. Was supposed to be family pics but it's very unfamily, unless you call an attempt at making a family that way. :)

Mission successful. Emi is outraged and Fedra throws a tablecloth over the screen. Except that there are about 20 more.

LdeP II is preparing himself for I don't know what, but the imposter Low is getting into costume very anxiously. Just as he finishes and opens the door we have Muni right there, already hot for him.

At the party everyone accuses Mau of taking the video of poor innocent Kristel. Mau of course says he knew not of the video. Ooooh Emi takes out a few episodes of rage beating him up. Mama pulls Kristel away and aks how she could do such a thing, she of course learned from the maestra. That earned her a smack from her Ma. Just then the lights go out and of course all is gone when thye come back up, including Kris's new necklace. Ili screams for her Eman who has also disappeared...uh doesn't he do that like EVERYTIME the LdeP shows up? Huh... :)

There's quite a bit of drama about the necklace etc, and a liria de plata appears on the screen.

OK, funny scene...Muni goes nuts for our Lirio #2...she can't help herself she wants to stay true to her hubby but then realizes that's sort of not necessary and gives in ....Camiiiiilaaaaa he screams she screams loca loca loca....it sounds like dying animals, but I guess they are having fun.

Our Trio of Dee seekers show up at the hospi in time to here that CinDEE has come and gone. Vmar says Mari knows he's not so bad, he apologizes for rudeness from the past, he was forgiven a long time ago. He thanks her for protecting his sis. Gman explains that everyone knows of her duality.

Uh oh...evil maid Nereida rubs it in when Deli returns home. She says Deli is stupid to think she could be anything other than a servant. Neri thinks there is a world of difference between being a servant and being head housekeeper. Hmmm...

Ah back at the luct fest...cute striped boxers...more screaming and then, whoops, mask comes off, it's it's it's LOW!!!!!!!! Big screams now!!

Eman returns to the party he's fine, Emil and Fed go to look for Muni.

Muni is disgusted with Low, he tells her how she charges him up and they have so much fire, this was what was missing. She wonders if he did this onpurpose, and he says uh, yeah, of course, they are back at it when second whoops, Fed and Emil find them. Heee on the desk. Fed snips while he was with his wife on the desk the LdeP was there.

back at hopsi G-man is saying Oliver won't know. VMar repeats how many folks are suspecting already. She tells G-man of her plan for Mari to return.

Back at home Fed is whining about Low's low. Berni reminds her she was never his principal. She is not swayed and whispers slimily into Berni's ear, she will fight for him, Low she has loved as much as Captain Sevilla.

Low returns to the criminal den, explaining he did not get teh necklance back. Ah, I see it now, that was the plan all along. They yell at each other, Ornageman telling him how he messed up and Low bugged that L de P has a "special" relationship with his wife. Ooops. Anyway, he'll get all of that back when his wife gets it.

Ok, finally Berni burstand wants to know what role he plays in Juana's life...shesays never use that name. Berni reminds her he saved her and reinvented her and he is sick of this situation. She thinks he can't be without her, he says he could return ot the sea and find him some one nice. One of these days she might go looking for him to find he is not with her. he leaves and she smirks, sort of fearfully that this might come true... :)

Our trio of well made up dames returns from the hospital to Netty's discussing all the secrets that have come out and how they must not go out any further. Netty thinks this will be hard but agrees, yet begs for the one last secret she knows they are carrying. Ok VMar says they will tell her.

OK now for some non-sequiturs....Kristel is hassling Neri again, wondering how she could have been robbed of what I'm not sure, when paula comes in. Kristel decides it's her lucky day, she has risen in post to be the new Head Housekeeper and she should tell Neri what toliets to go clean. Pau smiles.

Ok, so the secret appears not to have been what we may have thought, instead Jorge LLauma is arriving from Spain today, and they have ot go meet him at the agency, she wants to come, but they say they'll introduce her later. Oh well.

Doris and G-man are worried about her plot.

OK at the agencia, Ilitia meets up with Jorge, they exchange some flirts, he invites her to do a commercial with him. Emil and Eman greet him also. He explains he's here to work with Vmar. Ilitia's smile turns ot a smirk. I like this guy, he's pretty.

And that's it!!!!


La Verdad Oculta 94: Kidnapped Kiddies, Naughty Nurse, Mini MacGyver, and a Sleepless Señora

The mini-summary: Alejandra returns to her car to find the two kiddies missing and begins to live every parent/guardian/babysitter’s worst nightmare; Adolfo sends Yolanda’s loyal maid Jaunita away, to make room for Zaida, Edgar and the kidnapped kiddies in Yolanda’s condo; Zaida is disguised at “Aida”, the dark haired nurse who will nurse Yolanda back to health; Carlos and Adolfo bring Yolanda back to her home, where the kids are bound and gagged in Juanita’s room in the back; JJ and Mauricio vow to get the best lawyers money can buy to free Elsa asap; Edgar gets a promotion to Adolfo’s right hand man for his fabulous work; JJ, Ale and Limon enlist Leo’s help in finding the kids; Adolfo is visited by the Ghost of Crimes Past—a very sexy looking Roberto who scares the Dickens out of Adolfo; Chicles uses his ingenuity to call for attention and free himself and Caramelo from their bonds; a sleepless and inpactada Yolanda discovers an equally sleepless and impactado Chicles and Caramelo.

The full recap:
At Yolanda’s, Adolfo has let himself in and orders Juanita to go on vacation as it will be a while before Yolanda will return. He will call her when they need her.

At JJ’s, he’s returned home bushed from dealing with Elsa’s precarious legal situation. Limon feels bad about the situation, although Elsa ticked him off by taking la niña from him. (Hey, Limon. She didn’t take Caramelo from you. But social services sure as heck would have, if not for Elsa.) He asks JJ if perhaps Elsa knew she was selling hot jewelry. (Did he just meet her yesterday?) JJ is steadfast that Elsa would never do something like that. But now they’ve got to prove it—they’ll get the best lawyers. JJ ponders the ironies of life. While he and her brother were in prison, loyal Elsa brought them food and comfort, and paid a lawyer to get him and her brother out of prison. It created tons of problems for her, but she dit it anyway. And now, she’s the one behind bars. He can’t let the same injustice that happened to him happen to her. Limon suggests that JJ get recommendations for a good lawyer from the Genoves, and in the meantime, they can enjoy having Caramelo with them! (Really Limon? I expect a bit more concern from you.) She’s like a light that illuminates the dark! JJ agrees and runs off to Casa Genoves. Limon has a bad premonition…and we see why when we return to the shopping mall.

…Where Ale has just made the worst mistake she has ever made in her life (even worse than dating Roberto). She has left a squabbling Chicles and Caramelo alone in her car in the mall underground parking lot, to go get help changing a flat tire. She has left instructions to lock the doors, which Chicles promptly ignores. Great luck for the kidnappers. Crappy luck for Ale and the kiddies. Adolfo’s two goons (much younger and more attractive than the last ones who got shot up) swoop in, snatch the kids, and stuff them in sacks and into their car trunk. They have been instructed to deliver the kids to Adolfo’s new henchman, Edgar. Ale expectantly panics when she returns, calling out to the children in the hope that they have wandered off not too far, and of their own volition. She runs back into the mall frantically looking for the pair, and enlists the help of the mall security to find the 8 year old and the 10 year old. He somehow does not laugh at their names.

Abelardo announces a very upset looking JJ to power couple David and Gabi, who are side by side at his desk going over a business plan (so cute). JJ explains the situation of his “best friend” Elsa Rivera. She has been caught in a jewel smuggling trap similar to the one Gabi nearly got caught in. They took advantage of her innocence and her financial need. David and Gabi are understanding, and are sure Adolfo must be involved in it somewhere. David shares the info of the best lawyer he knows with JJ.

In the AFI interrogation room, Elsa is joined by her second knight in shining armor—Mauricio. She greets him with a big tearful hug, swearing that she didn’t smuggle those jewels. He has no doubt of her innocence and tries to calm her down. He asks how this all came about and she explains about Zaida, Dante and the jewels, Dante’s confirmation about the bills of sale, and the list of clients. Mauricio wants to know if the cops have questioned Dante yet, but Elsa has no idea what’s going on beyond the time she was arrested. Mauricio holds her hands, strokes her cheeks, and reassures her everything will be alright. He will speak to Leo to get more info. Then he’s going to find the best lawyer for these kind of matters. He is not going to leave her alone in this! Elsa can’t believe he is being so good to her after she treated him so shabbily. There’s no question in Mau’s mind; he doesn’t want her to worry about all that. Above all else, they are friends. He won’t allow this to happen to her. She thanks him, and he lovingly wipes away her tears.

After Juanita heads off to her unexpected vacation, Edgar and Zaida make their way into Yolanda’s condo. Once inside, Zaida puts on her disguise—dark haired Naughty Nurse. Edgar likes what he sees, so they take a sexy sax break.

I guess the afternoon delight didn’t relax Edgar because as soon as the goons arrive with the kiddies, he kicks and tosses one of them around to show them who’s the boss. It works. They bring the kids kicking and screaming up to the condo, and deposit them, bound and gagged, on to Juanita’s bed.

Ale, meanwhile, has just frantically arrived at JJ’s wondering if the kids have somehow found their way back. “Qué!!!!!!” JJ and Limon, suddenly looking like the mature adults in the room for the first time ever, yell at her. How could she be so irresponsible and careless?! She’s the adult! This is not helping Ale who looks like she’s close to having a breakdown. She screams right back at them to not treat her like an idiot!! She explains how it all went down. Her tears and obvious anguish move JJ and Limon. They try to calm her fears. Surely they must still be in the mall somewhere. That’s what Ale thought too, but they searched. Then she thought they must have taken a taxi and come back home, but alas, no.

At the hospital, Yolanda also has two knights in (tarnished) armor who have come to her rescue-- Adolfo and Carlos. The nurse notes Carlos’ devotion and how much he obviously loves her. She loves him too- more than if he were her own child. The first of her men to show, however, is not her muñeco- it’s Adolfo. He explains that he’s contracted a “nurse” to take care of her at home, as well as assigned one of his boys, Edgar, to be at her disposal. Yolanda objects, but Adolfo won’t take no for an answer. When Carlos arrives, Adolfo explains about the nurse. Father and son actually agree, and in fact, Carlos was planning on staying with Yolanda too. Yolanda thinks this is a great idea, and there would be no need for a nurse. Adolfo insists on the nurse, and nixes the idea of Carlos staying there. They finally give in. Yolanda thanks them both, and the three members of this unconventional family take their leave.

JJ, Ale and Limon wrack their brains trying to figure out where the kids could have gone off to. (With the way Mexico is, and the fact that he’s been a victim of blackmail, shouldn't the first thing they think of be kidnapping?) They wonder if perhaps they kids didn’t make their way to Elsa’s, since Caramelo wanted to see her. They call Elsa’s apartment. Luckily, Ulises is walking by and let’s himself in to answer the phone. He gives JJ the disappointing news. “No papi. Aqui no hay nadie.” Ulises asks about Elsa and get’s equally disappointing news. He can’t believe how much bad stuff is going down. He’ll stay close to Elsa’s apartment in case the kids show up and will help in any way he can. More anguish and despair at JJ’s.

Adolfo, Carlos and Yolanda arrive at her condo. Adolfo introduces Yolanda to Nurse “Aida” and Edgar, while Carlos stares hard at the pair. It appears that he recognizes something or someone, but for the moment can't put his finger on it. In the bedroom, Chicles listens at the door to the adults in the living room. He decides to find a way to call attention to their whereabouts-- cleverly nudging a glass vase from the shelf, and smashing it to pieces. This clever act gets the desired response—everyone is startled and Yolanda is asking questions. Unfortunately, it’s Edgar who goes to see what’s going on. While he cleans up the glass, he warns them that being clever will only make things end badly for them. They better behave! Understand?! (I know he scared the pants off of me, but our kiddies seem to be made of stronger stuff.) He leaves them once again in their bedroom prison. Edgar reports back to the adults that an open window and a curtain caused the vase to fall and break. Yolanda apparently did not kill off too many brain cells in her attempted suicide because she questions this. Juanita always keeps the window closed to keep out the noise from the street. And where is she? Adolfo explains that he gave her time off, and anyway, Nurse Aida will be here to take care of her. Aida and Carlos take Yolanda up to her room.

At JJ’s, Ale has turned her back on JJ in her hurt at being spoken to so harshly. Doesn’t he know she’s worried too and how badly she feels? He had no right to speak to her that way. He apologizes and calls himself a brute. He begs her not to cry. Ale wonders what they are going to do. She’ll never forgive herself! JJ assures her that everything will be alright and envelops her in a bear hug.

Adolfo and Edgar share a celebratory drink. Things are going so well, that Adolfo is thinking of making Edgar his new right hand man. He wants them to keep the kids tied up tonight, and by tomorrow they will be so scared that they’ll tell them where that letter is. They toast to their successful kidnapping.

In the bedroom prison, Chicles has not given up. He’s wondering how to cut the rope just when he hits the jackpot (loteria) with a missed piece of the broken glass. Caramelo watches as Chicles pulls a MacGyver. Back at the homestead, Limon is wondering if they should call Lucha (the answer would be, yes), but JJ doesn’t think they should worry her yet. JJ comes up with the brilliant idea to call the police. (He’s just thinking of this now?!) However, Ale did that long ago, but was told of the need to wait 24 hours before being able to declare a person missing. (For children too! Remind me never to lose a small child in Mexico.) Ale suggests they go to the Ministry of Public Affairs to make an official report (levantar un acta). (They make this way too difficult. Where’s the Amber Alert? Remind me never to lose a small child in Mexico.) JJ decides to call Leo to get his help. He instructs them to meet him at the Ministry of Public Affairs where they will make the report. Bring pictures of the children.

Chicles’ escape attempt is interrupted by Edgar who sort of apologizes to them for being so harsh. He then tucks them in to bed and tells them if they tell them what they want to know tomorrow, they’ll be free. The kids seem to ponder their next step, but Chicles decides to carry on. He retrieves the piece of glass and continues cutting.

At Leo’s office, the report is done, and JJ and Ale listen to Leo’s recommendations. He will serve as the point of contact between them and missing person’s bureau (CAPEA). Although the 24 hours hasn’t passed yet, Leo will get on them to get the search started right away. In the meantime JJ and Ale need to return home, wait for the kids to return, or for a call from someone who’s found them, or….. kidnapped them.

At Yolanda’s, Edgar has tucked himself in for the night in the couch. Chicles manages to get himself free, and decides that the letter, that is now tucked into his shoe, is safer either destroyed or elsewhere. He decides to leave it intact, and stuffs it into a opening in the lining of the mattress. To keep up the ruse and to keep them safe for now, he decides to put back Caramelo’s gag.

At his condo, a very pleased (and strangely very hunky) looking Adolfo enjoys a brandy and a ciggie on his couch. His moment of serenity is interrupted when, an even more hunky looking, Roberto peeks from around the corner. “It can’t be. You’re dead! ” Leo told him he was dead. Oh contraire. Roberto’s more alive than ever. To prove it he gets himself a drink. He’s got unsettled business with Adolfo. “Vaya!” He’s not as big of an idiot as Adolfo thought. Where are the shoes?! “Everything in time. First, we have to talk.” He refreshes Adolfo’s drink and reclines himself on the adjacent couch. Adolfo will not be squeezed for more money! He’s already been paid for his work. That’s not why Roberto came. Remember the last time he came, he said there was something he had to tell him about Mario? Well it was about this. He pulls out a bottle of poison and begins to drop it into Adolfo’s drink while chuckling. Adolfo shoots up from his seat. Roberto must be crazy if he thinks Adolfo is going to drink that. Oh contraire. Adolfo already has. Bwahahaha!!!!!! “How do you feel? Bad?” Adolfo begins to clutch his chest and cough. “Why did you do this to me?” “Because YOU poisoned me! YOU poisoned me! And now the one who will die is you! The student has become the master! Hahaha!” Roberto leaves the room in triumph as Adolfo yells no and begins to cough, seize and writhe from the effects of the poison. He falls over on the couch foaming at the mouth as we hear the midnight bells toll. As he sucks in his last gasp of air, he suddenly springs awake from his bed—terrified and disheveled. “Damn Roberto!”

Yolanda is also having a sleepless night. She rises from bed to find an empty water glass- empty, like her life. Zaidad and Edgar’s conscious is not bothering them in the least. They are both soundly asleep. As Yolanda passes Edgar on the couch with her glass of water, she hears the voices of children. Caramelo wants to get out of there. She wants her mommy! Chicles thinks they need to play along. When Yolanda rattles the door, they reposition the gags and feign sleep. Yolanda gets the spare key from a nearby vase, unlocks the door, and screams in horror to find two bound children in the bed. “Niños!!!” The three look at each other in horror and surprise.


Mujeres Asesinas 3, Thursday January 27: The case of the disappointed dancer.

A woman with a bloodied-up arm opens an exterior door. Another woman in an animal print coat and sunglasses smiles, but then looks shocked as she sees the blood.

We're all lost souls…

Kika Edgar is Paula, Bailarina (Paula, dancer)

Isaac walks into an office, where another man is just finishing a phone call. Isaac tells the other guy "me amenazó" (he threatened me). If he doesn't get his sales figures up, he's out. He's been there for 15 years and he's had good and great years. He think he deserves support if he's not doing so hot right now. The other guy says in this company it's what-have-you-done-for-me-lately. Isaac agrees, it's the same at home too. He's tired of it. The other guy tells him to chill. He'd offer to take him out for tequilas, but he said he'd take his wife to the movies. Isaac calls his wife and tells her he's got a last-minute meeting. He asks after his son and she says he's eating without his father, just like she is (eating dinner without him).

Isaac heads for a strip club, balm to the wounded souls of businessmen everywhere, if the suits in this place are any indication. And I hear they have good steaks, but I can't vouch for that. A woman with two large feathered fans takes the stage. Isaac is instantly captivated as she does what's jut a touch closer to "exotic dancing" than some of the other girls can claim. She works the fans for a bit, then takes to the pole…now this, I hear, is a serious workout and a great way to tone the thighs. Again, not that I can vouch for that. She notices him watching her and gets a little thrown off. Her pole skills aren't really up to snuff. In fact, I can't see what's so captivating about her dancing except that the feather fans are a little different. Did anyone see that episode of Castle where they investigate an exotic-dancing-type club? That was a much better quality dance.

Isaac heads for a curtained-off alcove, where he is joined by Paula. He wants her to sit and chat and offers her a drink. She kind of remembers him, or at least pretends to. He compliments her dancing. She laughs at him. He insists that he doesn't think it's easy to dance in front of people and she does it really well. "So, you called me back here just to talk?" He says he didn’t, so she asks, "Well, then?"

Later, he sneaks into bed, but his wife hears him and tells him it's 3am. He says he had to stay for dinner and they talked a lot. She can't remember the last time the two of them talked a lot. He looks like he can't either.

Paula lifts one leg up high, then stands up and starts giving him a lap dance. He grabs her hips and she laughs again, telling him that he called her because he likes everything about her.

On another night, Paula is flirting with the bartender when Isaac walks in with roses for her. "For the prettiest one," he says. "In the world or in the club?" He says the entire world. They sit at a table together, but are interrupted by Paula's friend, Jessie. He invites her to sit down and Paula doesn't look too happy. Jessie interprets Paula's look and leaves the two of them alone together. He offers her a drink again, but she says she doesn't drink on the job. He tells her he'll go speak to the owner and she won't be working tonight, no problem. He goes to find the owner and tells her to go get changed and not worry about a thing. She looks worried and picks up the flowers.

Paula and Isaac walk down a sidewalk. She tells him that he's been coming to see her every day for two months and she wonders what he's after. He says he's never felt what he feels for her before. "Que sientes?" (what do you feel?) He says he feels like the most manly man of them all. He and Paula start kissing.

Isaac sits at the breakfast table with his son, looking at divorce papers. His wife sits down and he shoves them into a manila envelope. His wife tells him not to make promises to his son that he's not intending to keep (he had just said he'd take him to the zoo). She says he's never there for his son or for her. He gets up and leaves.

Backstage at the club, Jessie and Paula are walking in late. Paula says it's going great with Isaac. He says things that make her believe him. "He's married." "Well, he's getting separated." Yeah, they all say that. She doesn't even really care if he does get separated. She's having a good time. The friend warns her against falling in love with him. "They want us for what we are and then that's why they get rid of us." Paula says he invited her for dinner at a restaurant. They start looking for something for her to wear.

At the office, Isaac gets a call from his wife, Dora. His son is waiting for him to take him to the zoo. He gets off the phone before she can make him tell his son himself that they're not going to the zoo today.

Isaac comes to the club to pick up Paula. She's wearing a cheongsam that does nothing for her figure. It has that borrowed look and she's covered up to the neck. She's upset when they pull up in front of what looks like an apartment building, or maybe a cheap hotel. She asks what happened to the restaurant. "I changed my mind." "Te da vergüenza que te ven conmigo?" (Are you embarassed if they see you with me?) He picks her up and carries her inside the apartment we saw at the beginning, announcing that it's hers.

She asks him, after The Sex, why he did this. "Did what?" "The house." "To be with you." "For how long? In what way?" "What do you mean for how long?" "I'm not asking you for anything, but I also don't want to expect anything. Do you want me to be your lover?" "My lover, my friend, my fiancee. I'm going to get divorced, Paula. I want you to stop working--" She refuses. She needs money. "The operation is something--" He says they'll work it out together.

She does the walk of shame back into work the next day, minus any actual shame. Jessie is thrilled. Paula flashes her keys. That's not a euphemism. Paula whispers that he got her an apartment. Jessie is impressed and asks if she's happy. Paula says it was a big surprise. She asked for time, but Jessie says she should do it. Paula is afraid he won't want something serious. "Una no puedo olvidar quien es y como es el mundo." (One can never forget who one is and how the world is.) Jessie asks her who she is and reminds her that he fell in love with what she is, this divine creature…another girl busts in and says she's the only divine one in there, harshing the vibe.

Paula sits at her table, all set for a romantic dinner, complete with wine. She goes to her bag and digs out her phone. Isaac's phone goes straight to voicemail. She tells him it's 4:30 and if he's not coming home he should just say so. She says she really needed him today, blows a kiss into the phone, and hangs up. She's decorated the house really nicely. Looks classy.

She's getting ready at work, talking to Jessie. She says she went to the doctor and he told her she needs six more months of hormones. Isaac couldn't come with her to her appointment. Jessie tells Paula there's some fabulous guys out there…Paula doesn't want to be with anyone else but Isaac. He's the only one who wants her. He got her an apartment and he's getting divorced to be with her. "Sure, whenever he feels like it, so he doesn't have to pay you by the hour because it would be to expensive for him. Don't tell me you still believe in Los Reyes Magos" (the three Wise Men…because that's who brings presents in Latin America; we would say, "Don't tell me you still believe in Santa Claus). Paula gets upset and Jessie says, "Don't say I didn't warn you and hurry up because we're on in 20 minutes."

Paula and Jessie do a little number where Jessie's the bunny and Paula is the dominatrix. Jessie is still giving her a hard time, whispering to her onstage. Isaac is backstage waiting for Paula. He starts making apologies, but she says she knows he's married, and not to her. She reminds him he's paid for 10 minutes, so he'd better hurry up. Isaac says he doesn't want her to work, he wants them to be together. "Oh, so that's why you stood me up!" He proudly presents her with a fancy envelope containing his divorce papers. She gets weepy and he hugs her and kisses the top of her head.

Det. Capellan questions Dora. "Did you know about the relationship your husband was having with Paula Trevino?" "Paula? What a joke. This is supposed to be a department of investigation specializing in women, right?" Capellan says they're not there to judge anyone's identity or sexual orientation. They're there to investigate crimes. Dora says to investigate, because for her to kill him like she did, it must have been for a reason.

Paula and Isaac lie in bed. He says it's her birthday in a few days and asks what she wants to do. "It's your first birthday with me, after all." She wants something romantic, but he suggests a dinner party at the apartment. "We can invite all your friends, we'll eat, we'll celebrate, and they can all see our house." Paula agrees and giggles and kisses him.

The house is full of strippers who raise their fruity, umbrella-decorated drinks in honor of their little Paula, who found her Richard Gere, giving hope to another generation of sequin-clad women. Jessie says she'll miss her and says she's glad she was wrong about Isaac. The girls get down to business and start singing Las Mañanitas to Paula.

Meanwhile, Dora and Isaac are rushing the kid to the hospital with a high fever.

The strippers take their leave of Paula. Jessie says she's sure something bad happened. Paula hopes he didn't deceive her and once again Jessie says she hates to say "I told you so." Paula looks around at the remains of the party and pops a balloon.

Isaac comes home. The ladies didn't even bother cutting the cake. Paula is sleeping on the couch and he whispers her name and wakes her up gently. He tells her he had to take Juan to the hospital. She sits up groggily, and shakes off his touch. She says she was an idiot. She gets even more upset when he says he couldn't call because Dora was right there the whole time. "You're never going to leave her, are you?" I believe When Harry Met Sally established that no, he's never going to leave her. Paula is pissed that it was her birthday, all her friends were there, and for what? Just to see him stand her up. She starts smacking him around and he ends up hitting his head on a door frame. Paula is horrified.

Isaac wakes up in bed, with Paula sitting on a chair next to the bed. She tells him she doesn't feel well. She doesn't like what's happening. He repeats there was a problem with his son. She dislikes that she's always the one who has to understand: that he's married; that he has a kid; that she's just the mistress. He says he loves her, but she thinks he's scared of loving her. "Do you like the sea?" he asks. Paula doesn't answer.

Isaac's friend from work talks to Aranda. I know I was pretty vocal about my hair envy, but I seriously dislike that they've got it all slicked down on top and pulled to one side. Can we please have the fabulous curls back? She wants to know if his behavior had changed. He says Isaac always worked like crazy, extra hours, working weekends. "He was…hopeful."

Isaac grins when his friend picks up the brochure for Acapulco. The friend says his kid and his wife will love the vacation! "Fall in love again…in the sea!" he reads. Isaac looks uncomfortable.

The bags are packed. Paula is wearing a too-short dress, looking for her keys. She picks up the phone, but changes her mind and doesn't call anyone.

Dora comes running to Isaac laughing and kisses him. She found the reservations for the trip and she's excited. Juan brings Isaac a picture of the beach that he drew. Dora wants to celebrate.

Paula is calling Isaac and the phone keeps ringing. His voicemail picks up. She says it's her, it's the fifth time she's called, he was supposed to be home at 2:30 and it's 5. She's worried. There's a prescription bottle and a bottle of wine sitting in front of her with half a glass poured. Paula grabs a pill and downs it with the wine.

She fell asleep on the couch. When she wakes up, it's dark. She looks at her watch and gets up off the couch.

Isaac sits in a restaurant with his wife and kid, looking extremely unhappy.

Paula walks down the street and sees them through the window. She sees Dora kiss him and then they all get up from the table. Paula walks away, in shock. She stands a little ways away and watches Isaac put his wife and kid into the car. She comes up and just stands there staring at him. Dora gets back out of the car and asks who it is. "Nadie, vamos." (no one, let's go). They pull away and Paula cries…then she starts seething.

Capellan questions Jessie. "When you got there, Mr. Del Campo was alive?" Jessie tearfully says he wasn't. She describes their relationship, "She was in love, hopeful. She thought she would finally be a woman just like any other. With a life she'd always wanted. With a husband, a home, a trip. But none of that happened."

Paula starts ripping up fabric with scissors. Isaac comes back to the apartment and calls to her. She sits down at her dressing table and lights up a cigarette. Isaac walks in. "You forgot we were going on a trip?" He says it's difficult to explain. "Yes. I've been trying to explain to myself why I'm no one." He says it was an odd moment, complicated, and he couldn't do anything. "Do you want something to drink?" He just stares, then asks her to forgive him. "You can't be with someone who doesn't exist, right?" She brushes past him.

Capellan questions Paula. "Mr. Trevino…" "Paula. Paula Trevino." "We're here to investigate what happened, according to the procedure set out by the law. And according to the law, you're a man. Because of that, I should transfer you…" "Paula is the name I feel is mine, not the one the law says. Look at me. What do your eyes see? Do they see into me? That I'm a woman, like you, like any other." "You feel like a woman, but your body…" "My body isn't what I am."

Paula mixes more booze with pills. The bottle says "Sleepy" in big letters, in English. She puts some of the powder from the pills into one of the glasses of alcohol and mixes it in with her finger. She offers it to Isaac, back in the bedroom. They toast and down their shots. Paula smiles and takes his glass. Isaac asks her if they can start over, forget everything that's happened. "I can't forget what I am, Isaac." He lies down. "If we started again, I could be just Paula." Isaac calls her his princess, his love. "I would never again be this woman trapped in a body that isn't hers. Would you like that?" She pulls Isaac back up to sitting and asks him if he'd like that. She starts unbuttoning his shirt and then takes off her robe.

"You had an amorous relationship with Mr. Del Campo? And he knew you were a transexual? Mr. Trevino?" Paula insists on being called Paula and says she doesn't know. "That's why I had to break what we were and start again. To see if he could look at what I am and know that I exist."

I'm not entirely sure what happened at this point. Did Paula use the factory-issued equipment in a more traditional manner? What were the censors blurring out? (Well, that one I can pretty much guess.) She reaches over for the scissors. " Shall we start again? My love?" She reaches around and stabs him in the gut. The bloody butterfly flies away and she drops the scissors. Paula sits up in bed, looking at the blood on her arm, before turning to look at Isaac.

"Paula Trevino fue declarada culpable por homicidio simple y condenada a 21 años de prisión. A pesar de los esfuerzos del DIEM y de otras organizaciones defensoras de los derechos humanos y transgénero, fue internada en un reclusorio varonil. Por buen comportamiento quedó en libertad después de estar presa 9 años y 2 meses. Tiempo después volvió a trabajar como bailarina en un bar de provincia."

Paula Trevino was declared guilty of manslaughter and condemned to 21 years in prison. Despite the efforts of DIEM and other organizations that defend human rights and the rights of transgendered people, she was interned in a men's prison. For good behavior, she was freed after being in prison for 9 years and 2 months. Later she returned to working as a dancer in a provincial bar.

Next week: Jacqueline Bracamontes


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