Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Yo Amo a Juan, Mon. Feb 18 - Babes, Babies, Babes, BABY?!?!

With a flash of scenes bringing us back through the three ring circus of Monica -vs- Cesar Luis -vs- Paula -vs- Juan, we focus on the office of Juan and Molondron tossing leers errrr, glances at the Grable-legged Lorena sitting provocatively on the edge of Molo's desk pitching her charms across the room full on at Juan. She wants him to lead her to a hotel to errr, to check in, right, that's it,, so she can get to know the town. Heavy breathing by all three but Juan manages to pass this charming task off on Molo as Lorena promises to see Juan really, really soon.

Ana, Paula and Nidia walk into Ana's still talking about the taxi coming for Nidia who begins to fear her drunken slips of the tongue. She hopes she didn't say anything indiscreet??? Ana assures her that she offended no one. They make plans to meet early tomorrow to search for their gallery. Meantime, we see again as Paula and Juan both rethink their scene in Achichipico. Covering the bases of all the scenes, we listen to Yadi and Enrique fight over who is going to care for the baby, who is contributing the most to the family, who has the right to pursue their chosen career paths, his job -vs- her new university student status....

Cesar Luis tells Monica he has a little problem in his house and, not with Paula, but with Consuelo. Monica in whose mouth butter wouldn't melt says, ohhh, Consuelo still works at your house? No one is tipping their hand so they change the subject to the business matters for the day.

Molo walks toward the hotel with both a worried look and with the winsome Lorena drapped on his arm grilling him on the relationship status of Juan, Molo tells her she is asking the wrong person, she needs to ask Juan himself these kind of questions.

Enrique arrives at the market with the familiar pink blanket, Angarita begins to despair of Enrique being able to work but Enrique pleads that Yadi left for the university, Nidia has not returned from her trip back and that left only Perafán in the house, he looks at his daughter then shrugs, at the sound of of his rival's name, Angarita walks toward the infant and enthusiastically says give me the baby as he takes her from her papa.

The dower profesora and her dapper profe husband (hey, isn't he Tavo from Amar Sin Limites?, grease monkey to geek and still sexy) part company at the school. She goes to get coffee, he goes to get closer to Yadira who is shrieking about being on the list of accepted students. He tells her she was very interesting in her interview and he thinks she has real promise. Yadira turns her enthusiasm quickly into hugging dapper, she hugs, he smiles.

Heriberto sees Molondron escorting this leggy lovely and asks who was the womanly woman (mujerona). Molo says why do you want to know? She's Lorena and she's gone to the hotel. She's here to participate in the contest (certamen) for the future queen of anthuriums.

Dapper profe and Yadira are in the library, strolling in the stacks, she asks ingenuousy, I really have to read all this list of books? I don't even understand the titles. He assures he believes in her, she is a diamond in the rough but she will become erudite with practice. Erudite? She's as shocked as we are. But he keeps rolling out the plans for her to be a group leader to help him with exams, the curriculum and helping other students. He has perfect confidence in her and makes plans to see her in a couple of hours in the cafeteria.

Back in Achichipico at beauty contest headquarters, Molo is telling Juan that Lorena really covered him with questions about Juan and whether he was married, involved, available. Juan on hearing this declares her a divine danger but thinks she will be ideal for the trip to Televisa to present the best candidates for publicizing the queen of anthuriums contest. Juan launches into a brag fest on his plans to exploit this to help the village. We see Lorena posing on a balcony of the hotel rubbing lotion onto her well wrought legs behind the wrought iron railing. Herlibert looking up all eager eyes.

Ana advises that her daughter return home while Paula speaks of her nervousness and fear of returning home and confronting Cesar Luis. Meanwhile across town, Cesar Luis and Monica are discussing the risks of damaging the Farrell company image.They discuss the threat of Gaytano's client grabbing with his offers of better quality and lower prices. The later being the real weak point of Farrell. Monica is cajoling CL into taking on the challenge of this threat. She wants to see the old CL reemerge who could always find a solution to every problem. He wants to talk about last night but she puts him at bay saying last night needs to stay in the past. She refers to his marriage and just to punctuate her words, CL's cellular rings and it's of course Paula. She questions how he is, why does he sound distant and cold, he mildly digs in by asking if she is home yet or still at her mami's. She admits to being at Ana's but is on her way home soon. He feigns business and a bad moment to talk and rings off. Paula tells mami of his cold estranged tone. Monica then asks him if he and Paula are going to separate. CL asks would she like him to?

We come back to Enrique singing a jarring little song to the baby about witches and bouncing her with a bit of agitation, she responds with unabating screams. Angarita swings by and changes the tone and handles her much more gently which immediately calms the baby. His little diddy is about your daddy is ugly and your mama is out of tune (desafinada). What ever... it works baby begins to coo but Angarita also knows she is hungry not needing to be sung to.

Finally Paula rolls her suitcase into the apartment and is greeted by Consuelo. They discuss that CL didn't stay home much, ate out a lot. He seemed depressed (achicopalido). Consuelo acts really nervous but Paula is so distracted with her own nerves she doesn't seem to notice. Meanwhile, Cesar Luis is getting a lecture from the new improved Ivonne who is pointing out that Gaytan is eating his bacon by offering a better product, and better service at a lower price. She points out too that Gaytan is an expert at hatching plots and plans (tramar/ tramarse). She thinks CL better swallow his pride and talk to Gaytan who is continuing to call old Farrell customers and offering them better product for cheaper prices. The customers are biting the hook (morder al anzuelo).

Paula talks on the telephone with Marely while Consuelo listens in behind Paula and Fer is listening near Marely. Paula asks to meet her to talk. She doesn't know what to do.

Finally the proud Cesar Luis dials Gaytan who makes him tell who he is. CL says he will get right to the point (directo al grano) he wants to meet soon. Gaytan fusses with this desk calendar (agenda) and says the coming week is just a hanging/gallows (horcadisimo). Then he gives in a little and finds a spot for tomorrow. CL grabs the time without making more than that famous CL face.

Nidia comes home to an ever ebullient Alirio. Their classic struggle ensues with him demanding to know how was her vacation, she sneers back, fabulous (riquisimo) do you see a problem with that? You seem to forget we are married, do you want applause. You could at least explain why you, a married woman take a trip with a loose living profligate (libertino) like Juan Dominguez. Nidia lets him know that she needed to go off to see the course (rumbo) of her life. She begins to go upstairs but Alirio tries to block her to insist she give him an explanation. She insists she is in the right but he is a pirate and a vile delinquent. Enrique and the baby show up Nidia begins to ignore Alirio and coo to the baby to come to Ma. She takes the baby while Enrique explains about Yadira's classes.

Paula and Juan are both daydreaming again about their plans to succeed and get together. She still doesn't know what she will do, he doesn't know what he will do if not. Cesar Luis walks into the dream time and Paula blurts out that she saw Juan while she was on her journey. After the break they continue and CL lets her know that he knew right from the beginning what she was doing. Why did you do it he asks with great innocence. She quotes the counselor who said they need to kill the ghosts between them, he joins in and adds that they were also to stop lying and hiding things from each other. She grabs the point with saying that is why I am telling you this right now. CL insists that she now tell him all the truth for once....

The counterpoint scene with Juan, he sees Lorena hanging over the balcony and like a siren to the sailor lures him to her rocky shores, errrr upstairs to her room.

Cl is urging Paula to stop circling and clowning (payasos) He makes a direct hit by demanding, Are you in love with Juan? Inserting a quick plot device, she faints falling back on the bed. Juan shows up at Lorena's door bubbling about the Televisa show, she offers to show him her qualifications in public or in private. She begins to climb Juan with way too few clothes on and we know this because he begins to pray fervently to be saved from this temptation. The little saint answers by ringing Lorena's phone and it is her mother! Juan thanks the saint for the phone call, peeks a bit longer at the shapely underdressed Lorena then sneaks out the door while she is still engaged in telling her Mami how well the contest is going and she is to be on TV.

Dapper Profe tells Dower Profa that he has picked up the wrong exams and has to make an emergency trip to the car to get the right ones. She seems to accept this and he rushes off to the patio at the cafeteria to slide into the seat across from Yadira who has just pushed off two young admirers promising that they can come sit with her tomorrow. Dapper starts in on all his plans to spend time helping Yadira. She acts grateful but says she has a problem with doing more work today she has so many things to settle at home. He begins to argue but his wife's appearance near by catches his eye and he quickly agrees to postponing as he slides off the scene.

Cesar Luis is pressing Paula about how she feels. She dissimulates assuring him she felt a bit dizzy on the trip but it was the altitude or the climate. He insists they need to call Dr. Vaquero to be sure things are okay.

Juan enters the bank looking for funds and support for the contest and hits his type of jackpot with yet another lovely lady, this time a bank officer who coquettishly assures him she can extend credit to him. He launches into his braggart tones with how he'll make millions to help his people. She has ideas about how he can help her even sooner. We switch to a line of women and one man. Juan is making his way down the gauntlet line, kissing, flirting, shaking the male hand, flirting, kissing. Lorena nibbles his ear as she reminds him that they have a pending conversation. Juan has to narrow down the line to a mere three lucky lovelies who will go with Juan to Mexico DF to get the publicity spot on Televisa. Juan assures all the rest that they can only take a few representatives of the lovely women in this town.

Next morning Alirio and Marely are at breakfast when Yadira joins them and a discussion of the university ensues, Alirio is characteristically negative about Yadira not meeting her motherly responsibilities and living the luxurious life. As Nidia joins, Yadira begins to brag about being named the head of her group and needing to get to school early to find out more about her responsibilities. Alirio pushes off about how things were when he was a student and demeaning Yadira's experience with a probable ulterior motives of the professor to name her to anything. Even though for a change old Alirio is right on, the women jump to defend Yadira, congratulate her success with a modicum of eye rolling at Yadira's sudden academic prominence. Enrique joins in to an endless and pointless argument about rights and responsibilities. Even Enrique makes more sense while whining that he could be responsible for baby either mornings or afternoons but has to work and can't do all day. Yadira huffs, nothing is resolved. Yadira gives more details about Dapper Profe seeing her aptitudes. She wheedles with Enrique about her needing love and support and understanding from Enrique her King.

Juan discusses his publicity trip with Juanito who gets to go to Mexico City too. He celebrates with a somersault into bed. Across town Paula does a different kind of somersault. She does end up thanking Cesar Luis for his support and concern. He counters, I am your husband, STILL. Monica and Laura are discussing Monica's plans with CL. Are you falling for him again. Monica says things are taking a different course than she expected. Laura reminds here that Paula is the most astute woman she knows (Ed. - Huh?? can't resist the disbelief but Sylvia and I think it's more like crafty, sly type of astuta).

Cesar Luis and Paula are seated in the doctor's office waiting for news which he assures is not serious but it is news that will change the rest of their lives. Congratulations, Paula, You are Pregnant!!

Next: Juan and Juanito on another little bus heading toward Mexico City and another view of the stunned couple hearing the doctor's pronouncement that indeed does change all their lives forever more...


Pasión, Mon 2/18, #49: Father Knows Best

I'm filling in for Jardinera tonight. I share her enthusiasm for alliteration, but not her skill... perhaps she'll give you a double-helping next week.

A cheering crowd is waiting as Ines and Vasco come out of the church. They are congratulated by everyone, including the New Improved Ultra-Polite Ursula (Sofia gives her a look). Even Fran is friendly to them.

Mario asides to Ric that Lafont must have noticed his letter (from Foreman) is missing by now. Ric says he's not happy that Lafont is becoming so familiar with Lis and Fran, either - and talking secretly.

Ursula finds Santiago, who politely asks if she's staying for the party. Vasco glares at them over Fortunata's shoulder as she hugs him.

Justo stiffly thanks Jorge for coming to the wedding. Jorge thinks this would be a great time to tell him not to take the withdrawal of his concessions personally. Justo brushes this off and asks if he's staying for the party. Jorge says no, but can't resist telling Justo the "good news" that Camila bought the mill concession. Justo tells her she shouldn't have, but he's obviously pleased. "Blessed was the day you were born!" he tells her. (I bet gRita doesn't hear that very often.) Hugses.

Lafont drags a reluctant Manuela home from the party, claiming that these people aren't good enough for her, including Sofia who likes to mix with the poor people, and Ursula who's just looking to get laid. He sends her into the house, then goes back looking for Jorge.

Back at the reception, there's dancing and merriment. Ursula pretends to be interested in whatever Ofelia has to say so that she can sit next to Santiago. Rita is on the other side of Santiago, scowling vaguely at the rest of the party. The twins are there, fully dressed... I miss the leather aprons. Marcelino is there, and I almost don't recognize him because he's not wearing his ruff and he doesn't look frightened. Ric and Camila watch from the sidelines, but don't dance. Mario seems to be sitting alone.

Now at home, Jorge pokes at a cloth-covered harpsichord and explains to Lafont that he had to let Camila buy the mill concession so that people couldn't say that he took it away from Justo for personal reasons. He gave Uriel the store because he seemed responsible and hardworking. He wants to marry Manuela.

Lafont is impactado. (Not sure whether it's because of Uriel, or if he just didn't think anyone would marry his daughter.) Jorge says he thinks it's a good match, plus Sofia hadn't found anyone else for Manuela yet, so there shouldn't be any problem. Lafont flatly says no. He doesn't want his daughter to have such an unscrupulous husband. "As if you were such a holy soul!" Jorge laughs. Lafont doesn't care, he wants a decent man. Jorge says it won't be easy to find such a man, nor for his own daughter. For her, he wants a macho man who can keep her under control; while Lafont wants a son-in-law he can manipulate.

Lafont denies this. He says his daughter is fragile and innocent and needs a nice husband. (Did I miss a scene where he got a bump on his head or something? This does not sound like Lafont at all!) "And in such a twisted world, where are you going to find him?" Jorge snickers. "Do you want a goody two-shoes [santurrón, i.e. saint] like the blacksmith?" Lafont says no, not someone so low-class.

"They're the only decent people, because they accept their miserable condition in the name of Christ and they don't have the guts to confront those in power." Lafont laughs at Jorge's armchair psychology and reminds Jorge that the blacksmith did confront him. Jorge says it was just a fanatical fit and Santi told him that God would punish him. He's still a real saint deep down inside. (He's being sarcastic.) He's got a pregnant wife and he's still hot for Camila.

Lafont comments that Jorge was with Ofelia once - hasn't he ever thought Santi could be his son? "You too, huh?" Jorge asks. He tells Lafont that Sofia's been pestering him about the same thing - who knows why. He says when a guy gets with some woman, there's always the chance she could wind up pregnant. He shrugs noncommittally.

"And if Santiago were your son?" Lafont asks. "What would you do?" "Dunno," is Jorge's deeply pondered answer. "Despite his insolence, I kind of like him. But to recognize him as my son... I doubt it."

I guess San Fernando is just lousy with those harpsichords, because there's one out on the lawn. It can't possibly be the same one that's in Jorge's study, because it doesn't have a yellow tablecloth over it. One woman plays, while another sings as all the kids sit at her feet and smile up at her happily. GRita looks around aimlessly while Ursula and Santi chat, and Sofia watches with worry. Lis and Fran mutter amongst themselves. Everyone else seems to still be having a good time, including Vasco and Ines.

"I can't stand any more of this," Rita says, throwing down her napkin. "I feel crummy." Santi excuses himself and follows. Sofia asks Ursula what happened. "Dunno, she said she didn't feel good," Ursula says. She lifts an empty glass to her lips to hide a faint smirk. Camila goes into the house to see if she can "help." Ofelia follows. Sofia takes Ofelia's seat.

Rita is accusing Santi of chatting with Ursula right in front of her face. He says he's not going to defend himself because he's got nothing to hide. She calls him a cynic and a hypocrite, wanting everyone to think he's such a great Christian man who's unable to do any wrong, but inside he's completely the opposite. "If that's what you think, then why'd you marry me?" "Because I fell for your façade too, I thought you were good, but you blew your cover after Camila came back!" (He tells her she's talking crazy, but she disagrees.)

"As for that brooch you gave to Ines, that was meant for Camila? Deny that you're still in love with her, deny it!" He doesn't bother. "Nope, I don't deny it. Are you satisfied? Is that what you'd like to hear? Well now you've heard it!" He bursts out the door and swoops past Camila and Ofelia, who have heard all of this in the hallway. Ofelia goes in to try to comfort Rita, while Camila goes to tell Santiago that Rita just wants his attention and affection.

"But it's not faaaaair, Camila!" he whines. She tells him to try to understand. He says, how can he understand a woman who's not in her right mind? She talks trash about everyone, and her jealousy is making her sick. Camila says Rita's suffering. "And I don't suffer?" Santi asks.

Okay, I am really seeing the resemblance to Jorge now, personality-wise.

Camila says men are stronger. He disagrees. He asks if she heard what he said to Rita about her (about not denying that he still loves Camila). Cami says yes, she heard, and he shouldn't have said it. She loves her husband. He says she can't already have forgotten the love they shared. "Well, I did forget it," she says, and takes off.

She is still flustered when she returns to the wedding celebration. She tells Ric that Rita isn't feeling well and Ofelia's with her; she conveniently neglects to tell him the rest. Justo gets up to give a speech; he talks about marriage and asks God to make the happy couple patient with one another, fill their hearts with love, and give him many more grandchildren. He thanks Sofia for giving them the party. He calls attention to Cami and her new husband Ric (the guy sitting next to Marcelino is surprised by the news that they're married) and announces that they bought back the mill concession, which Jorge had taken "in service of the crown," to keep it in the family. Sofia asks Justo to sit down before he becomes overwrought and sick. Cami thanks Ric for supporting her decision. He says her father's a good guy and he deserves it.

Ursula corners Santi and casually tries to arrange a date with him. Santi tries to get out of it, saying Jorge wouldn't like it. Ursula suggests that they meet outside the palace; it'd do her some good to "talk" with him. He gives in reluctantly, and she promises to send him a message. Looking scandalized, Fortunata hurriedly splits them up and ushers Ursula away, sending good wishes for Rita, who (she not-so-subtly adds) seems to be having a rough pregnancy.

As the party breaks up, Sofia says goodbye to Camila, saying she hadn't realized she'd bought the mill, and that she's a good girl and Ric is like a gift from heaven that she deserves. Meanwhile, Ascanio updates Ric on the Bernabe Quest - long story short, he didn't find the guy. Ric asks for Bernabe's relatives' addresses. Paco interrupts, asking Ric about some knots he promised to show him.

As the last of the guests leave, Rita makes a big dramatic huffy sweep through the yard, and Santi tearfully tells his mother he can't stand to live this way much longer. He wants to run away and disappear forever. He hopes the baby comes soon so he'll have something to look forward to.

At the palacio, Fortunata tells Sofia about Ursula's attempt to set up a date with Santiago. The poor guy couldn't get out of it, because Ursula wouldn't take no for an answer. Sofia says she has to talk to Jorge. Fortunata worries that Jorge will punish Santiago again, or send Ursula to a convent.

Ursula, who's been stalking Santiago all afternoon since the wedding, finds him again and pounces. She says she needs a special favor: she wants new furniture and can't decide what. He says she can take a look at they have stashed at the forge. No, she says she can't decide, so he has to come up to her room and check it out and make suggestions. He tells her that's not how it usually works, and she says that's why it'd be a special favor. He says maybe he'd do that for a house in the 'hood, but not at the palacio. (I guess she should have asked him to make her a trunk instead.) She pouts. He tells her he's still willing to make the furniture.

Sofia finds Jorge and asks if he's sober enough to hear what she has to say. He says something about a gentleman not drinking enough to lose his figure. (I may have that wrong.) She says his daughter has found a new hobby - Santiago. Jorge asks if he isn't still in love with Cami. Sofia says yes, but he just might give in to temptation to try to forget her, and Ursula's inherited Jorge's wiles. Her solution: to make public that Santiago is Jorge's son. Jorge says, "this again?" Sofia tells him that even though Ofelia denies it, her cousins confirmed that "well, you know." And he's Jorge's only son.

Jorge thinks Ofelia would have told him. Sofia thinks not. She encourages him to recognize Santi as his own. Jorge thinks it would be ridiculous to do so after all these years. Sofia says it's never too late to correct an error, and it'd make him look good. Anyway, Santi's the kind of man anyone would be proud to have as a son.

Jorge is still not sure. Sofia says she's willing to take this to the archbishop, and if Ofelia protests she'll escalate it even further. He questions her motives - wouldn't she rather see her own grandson as señor of San Fernando? Sofia says they don't know if Ursula will ever have a son, and she doesn't even seem to be interested in marrying, as she's into "other things." She urges him to find out for himself.

After she leaves, he mutters, "damn witch! She always knows just the right words to bother me."

Fortunata springs out of her chair as soon as Sofia returns. "What happened? What'd you tell him?" "That Santiago is his son," Sofia answers matter-of-factly. "Whose son?... Your husband's? How? Why??" The shocked look on Fortunata's face is almost comical. Sofia explains that Jorge raped Ofelia some years ago. Fortunata, who has difficulty believing bad things about other people, asks if Sofia isn't just saying it to prevent Ursula from getting crazy ideas about Santiago. "That too, but also because he's his son."

Fortunata stills seems unclear on all of this, and follows Sofia up the stairs, demanding a more thorough explanation. I fear Sofia will have to go all the way back to the birds and the bees. Thanks to a strange photographic illusion, as the camera follows them up the stairs, it looks as though the table in the foyer is chasing them too. (I know it's an illusion, because if that table really could move on its own, it would head straight for the exit.)

Santiago is just leaving church, and the priest is telling him to pray for strength against temptation. He runs into Ascanio outside, who says he's feeling a little worried now that Vasco is married. Santi assures him that his dad still thinks Ascanio's a good guy, and although Vasco seems to have turned a corner now, there's some concern he could go back to his old ways. Ascanio says he hopes not, because Ines deserves a good man. He asks Santi why he's not at home. "Because I can't stand my home, my wife, nor the life I'm living." (Hmm. Sounds like someone's ready for a dramatic change in his lifestyle!)

I remember a time when I could not shut up about how Sebastian Rulli was the hottest man alive. With him standing next to Ascanio, I can't remember why I thought that. (Oh right, I remember now. Back when he was in Mundo, he was standing next to an evil dude with a bad combover and only one eye.)

Fortunata bursts into Ursula's room to give her the news about Santiago. At first, Ursula dismisses it as a bad joke, then she thinks it's a lie that Ofelia made up; but when Fortunata says that Jorge didn't deny it, Ursula realizes it is no laughing matter. Fortunata's not sure if Jorge will accept Santiago or not, but that's what Sofia has in mind.

"And where does that leave me?" Ursula realizes she'll no longer be the favorite only child; and even if she marries and has a son, he won't get to be the señor of San Fernando. Grasping at straws, she asks Fortunata if perhaps Sofia and Ofelia hatched this plan together to trick her father into shutting her out. Fortunata is puzzled by this bizarre accusation. Ursula says her mother hates her. She runs to her father to straighten things out.

She finds him in the foyer and asks if it's true that Santi is her brother. Jorge asks if it's true that she's been flirting with him all day long. "Of course not, Father! Who told you that? If it was my mother, it's not true! She hates me!" She tells him her theory that her mother and Ofelia worked up this scam to spite her. Jorge tells Ursula her mother's not dumb enough to make up a story that would be so easy to disprove. "So you believe her??"

"If you're referring to your flirting, then yes." He tells her she's grounded! She can't go out, and she can't have visitors! She whines and says he can't do that. He says he can and he WANTS to! And if she yells at him again, he'll hit her. He's barely out of sight before she resumes wailing and screaming.

Jorge goes out for a walk and finds himself at Ofelia's. She is struck with horror at the sight of him. On hearing that Santiago's not home, Jorge says it's better if they speak alone anyway. "It's been many years, but you're still just as pretty," he tells her. "My wife tells me that Santiago is my son," he adds casually. She insists that Santiago was her husband's child, but Jorge points says he could very easily check out the date of Santi's birth. If it's less than nine months after her wedding, he's probably Jorge's; because when he "took" her (I hate these euphemisms of his), she was a virgin.

Ofelia gets flustered and says so what if he is - what's it to Jorge? It didn't matter to him all these years so far. "It didn't matter to me before, but it does now," he says. It was no secret that he had some bastard children, but they've all been females, and now that he's heard he might have an heir, he's curious. "Out of curiosity, you're willing to destroy the life of a good and decent man?" Ofelia asks.

Jorge disagrees that it would destroy him. On the contrary, he's hoping to spoil (favor) him. Blacksmithing is heavy, dirty work. No doubt it's enough to live on, but that's all. With Jorge's help, they could become rich, and they'd all enjoy in it. Ofelia says that Santi is content with what God has given him. "God didn't give him that, but a destiny much more important," Jorge tells her. "But you want to interfere with the designs of the Lord?"

Ofelia accuses him of trying to tempt her the way Satan tried to tempt Jesus in the desert. He says he just wants to know if Santiago is his child. She says "I told you no." "Would you swear to that on a consecrated Host?" he asks her. He says he'll check the official records tomorrow for Santi's date of birth, and then he'll take her to church, where she can swear in front of the sacristy that Santiago isn't his. She protests, but Santiago shows up. Jorge excuses himself, telling Ofelia, "don't forget what I told you." Santi asks if he needs something, and Jorge says something like "you resemble someone."

Santi asks Ofelia what that was all about. He can't remember Jorge ever visiting them before. She stammers and says he came by to ask how Rita was because Sofia told him she hadn't been feeling well at the party. "Do you think I'm going to believe that? What was it that he asked you not to forget?" He knows Jorge was threatening her, but he can't get her to talk.

Lis is clutching her cane in the dark and crying big hot tears of crazy hate. Fran comes in to say that Ricard's talking to Mario in the salon, and Camila's in her room with her vulgar (alcahueta) friend. They're going to have a light snack.

Lis says she ate too much at the party, and she told Ricardo that Santiago came by twice looking for Camila. "To get him upset with her," Fran says. She predicts that they'll fight, but then they'll make up, because once a man's in love, there's nothing you can do about it, try as you might. Fran says she's going to see Lafont tomorrow, and Lis can come with if she likes, else she'll go alone. Lis says that'd be better. "Are you afraid your cousin would find out?" Fran asks. She says they can always claim they were going to see Manuela to bring her a gift, or something she left behind at their place. Lis says she'll think about it.

Fran asks if Lis asked Ric where he went this time. Lis complains that with Camila around all the time, how can she talk to him any more?

Ric and Mario are talking about the next caravan that's coming through the day after tomorrow. Maybe Lafont and/or Juancho will try to attack it. Mario suggests that they take a look and see if they recognize anyone. Ric says he'd like to go with Pablo and Jesus, and he'd like Mario to take over finding Vasco's friend Bernabe and the ED letter. Mario gets up and reminds Ric (in more of a tired than combative tone) that they need money, and for that they're going to have to go out to sea. Foreman told them that the Spanish are starting to give out corsair permits (government-endorsed pirating) - Ric should ask Gaspar to get him one. At least this time he'd be doing it for Spain!

Ric says he's been thinking the same thing, except he's not sure where Gaspar is right now. Last time he saw him, he said he was going to Mexico City, then to Spain or Rome or someplace - he's not sure.

Camila is rehashing with Jimena about Jorge telling Justo how Camila bought the mill concession, Justo got all choked up and blessed the day she was born. Then Ric smiled at her, and aw, it all turned out okay. Jimena says God will pay her back. Camila wonders if Ascanio found Bernabe. Jimena figures they would have heard about it.

Camila is grateful for all the things Ric's gotten himself into with her and her family's problems. She wonders if he's starting to regret it - he looked very serious today. Jimena says no problem, he's crazy for her. Camila jokes that sure, he's crazy for her, but not for hers (her family and problems).

Ric shows up, and Jimena beats a hasty retreat. Cami then repeats most of what she just said to Jimena. Her father's thrilled about the mill, sorry to get Ric involved. Nah, Ric says that's fine. No, Ascanio didn't find Bernabe, but he and Mario are going to retrace Ascanio's steps to find out more. (Liar, Mario's going alone, Ric's going to scope out the caravan robbery with Pablo and Jesus.) As for why he's been so somber all day, Ric asks Cami why she didn't mention that Santi came to visit twice while he was gone. She explains that Santi actually came to do a job for Lis, but while he was there he also tried to talk her out of buying the mill concession. Vasco did the same thing. Ric asks why he's meddling in that. He can understand why Vasco did it - he's her brother. But why Santi? Cami says, well, you weren't here... (awkward silence).

But he still wants to know why she didn't tell him. "Because I knew it would bother you." He says if she knows things will bother him, then don't do them! She tells him okay, but he can't forbid her to see him when he comes over. "Why not?" "Because he's my brother in law." (I have a BIL too, but he never comes over to visit all by himself!) "And you are beloved by all the world," Ric sighs. Cami smiles and says "I don't love him any more, I swear." "And he?" Ric asks dubiously. He doesn't like to see that man around her - can't she understand that? She can, and she cheerfully agrees to avoid Santiago.

He brings up the money problem again. She says "but you have mine!" He tells her he appreciates it, but he doesn't want to spend any of it. He says he's got an opportunity to ask Don Gaspar about, concerning a Spanish pirating license. Cami says great, so you'll be fighting against the English this time, but it's still the same thing. He'll kill, or they'll kill him. (She doesn't even know he killed Lazaro just yesterday.) He reminds her that he WANTS to retire, but he doesn't have the money for it, because they stole it all. Sure, her money could make a nice enough life for the two of them, but there are lots of others depending on him - all his men, and their families at La Iguana, the orphans and the widows? They all depend on him.

She says if things don't work out, she'll die of sadness. He says nobody dies of sadness, and if he's successful, they can afford to have all the kids he wants, and he wants a bunch with her. It'll be fine!

Jimena is nibbling on a giant mango. She's saying how "they" (Ric and Camila) never come down to eat. Mario says El Antillano is very much in love. She asks if that's such a bad thing. He says it depends - if it weakens, that's not good, especially for men like them. (He's already given this speech, that time when they were taking care of Pablo. If someone hadn't interrupted them, I think they would have had sex right there on the bed next to their comatose patient.)

Mario complains that Ric doesn't want to go pirating and stealing money any more, and it's all because Camila doesn't want him to. Jimena says it's because she's afraid something will happen. Mario says sure, but you could get killed by a scorpion or worse here on land, too. She says Camila's got money; he explains to her why that's not good enough.

"And you? You got any money, Shark?" Jimena asks. He takes off his jacket and says he's got a little stash. And his wife and kids? she asks as he helps her down to a comfy spot beside him on the floor. He says he doesn't have a wife. Kids maybe, but if so he doesn't know where they are.

"I like you, Jimena," he says with a devilish smile.
"I like you too," she says between bites of mango.
"Sooooo....?" he asks hopefully.
"So whaddaya want, a quickie?" she asks in annoyance. He says it wouldn't be a bad start. She says "no, dearie, I've known guys like you. They hang around for a while, and then they get bored and take off, leaving you with a little kiddo in the tummy."

He wants to know if she's had a kiddo in the tummy. She says thank God no, she wants a different kind of life. She wants a great man who will care for her. "A husband?" Mario asks, stretching out on the floor (just in case she accidentally falls on top of him, I guess). She says yes, a totally legal husband. He laughs and says he's not that guy. "Then find yourself someone else who'll go to bed with you when you're hot - good thing there are plenty of whores. Good night." She throws her mango at him. He finishes it happily.

Vasco is waiting in bed. Ines comes in wearing a white shawl over a white robe over a white nightgown, with a white cap. She's nervous as anything, saying Paco was still excited about the party and couldn't sleep. Vasco says Paco's big enough to understand these things, so she shouldn't indulge him so much. (She is slowly taking off her shawl and putting it away, stalling for time.) She says yes, but it was a special day, full of emotion, etc... He reminds her that they're husband and wife now, and invites her to bed.

She shyly takes off her robe and slowly takes off her shoes and says she can't tell whether he's happy or not. He says what's done is done (that's what every girl wants to hear on her wedding night), and anyway, tonight she looks very pretty. He takes her cap off and kisses the side of her face. She says she'll try to be a good wife for him, not only because it's her duty, but because she loves him. "Yeah, I love you too," he mumbles as he gently pushes her down to the bed.

Then he pulls up her nightgown, sorta... wiggles... into place, and suddenly I realize, no matter how bad things get between them, they will never be anywhere near as miserable as Santi and Rita, because they already know the worst about each other. There's nowhere to go but up.


"You're not going to like this," Ofelia tells Santiago. "You're going to hate me."


Monday, February 18, 2008

La Traicion, Episode 15

Inside the cabaña, Dr. Max is holding Hugo, supported on either side by Guillermo and Helena, at gunpoint.

Helena asks how Dr. Max found them. Dr. Max replies that he knew Hugo would need the medicines and he followed Guillermo from the pharmacy. Helena says that Hugo forced her and Guillermo to help him and Dr. Max calls her a liar and scornfully points out that Hugo can barely move.
“Dr. Max,” says Hugo, “I need my medicines. You can’t do this. I need to get out of here.”
“That’s not going to happen, Señor de Medina,” replies Dr. Max, “Everyone thinks you are dead and that’s how you are going to stay – dead!” In desperation, Hugo lunges at Dr. Max and knocks him down. Guillermo gives Hugo the medicines and he staggers out of the cabaña. Dr. Max orders Los Burke to go after Hugo but they initially refuse saying that they did what they were supposed to, now Dr. Max is on his own. Dr. Max points his pistol at them and demands that they go after Hugo. “If anyone sees him,” says Dr. Max, “we are all lost.” Los Burke go out. Dr. Max says that Hugo will be his greatest investigation even if he is dead.

At the Obragon house, Ester is scandalized. She says that Soledad cannot be married in a black dress. Soledad says that Hugo was buried two days ago. Everyone knows she is in mourning and Alcides knew it when he insisted that she marry him this day. When Ester demands that Soledad change, Soledad refuses. She says that she has done everything they have asked of her. The one thing she will not give up is her dignity. Lucas supports Soledad’s decision. He says that Alcides won’t like it when he sees her but he won’t have time to avoid it.

As Rebeca is about to leave for the wedding, Marina asks to speak to her. She says that she heard that Boris bought some property for her. Rebeca says that is true. Why does she ask? Marina says that Alcides has accused Boris of stealing a large sum of money. Rebeca says that Boris was at her house and bought her late husband’s hacienda for a large sum of money. Marina says that Rebeca is the only one who can help her get Boris out of jail. At this point, Alcides comes down the stairs and asks why Marina is bothering his guests.

“Alcides, what is this about Boris being in jail for stealing money from your late brother?” asks Rebeca, “I thought we made it clear last night that he bought the hacienda.” Alcides says that is clear and he escorts Rebeca outside.

Guillermo, Helena and Dr. Max are not having any success finding Hugo. Dr. Max suggests that they each take a different direction but Helena says that they should go to the church because for sure Hugo will go looking for his fiancé.

Meanwhile, Hugo gives himself an injection of the medicines that Guillermo brought him. The medicine must be good stuff because immediately Hugo is out of pain and is high as a kite.

Alcides scolds Marina for making him look bad in front of his guests. Marina says that she was just trying to help Boris. Alcides says that he has already decided to drop the charges against Boris. Marina asks when will he do it. “Later, I don’t know when,” replies Alcides. Marina says that she only asks because being in prison seems to be getting to Boris. He is saying strange things.
A: Like what?
M: That Don Hugo was buried alive and things like that.
A: Poor guy. Is that what he’s saying? If that’s so, I’ll get him out jail today.

Hugo steals some clothes from a peasant’s hut and finally gets out of the suit he was buried in. For the next couple of weeks, we will have to see Hugo wearing this horrible campesino outfit complete with floppy hat – a sad come down from his previous sartorial elegance.

At the sanatorium, a nurse gives Beatriz a pill. Another nurse comes in and they have a conversation about Alcides marrying Soledad while Beatriz takes the pill out of her mouth and hides it with the others under her pillow. When they leave, Beatriz say that she will ruin that bastard Alcides’ wedding plans. She says that she has to get out of the sanatorium.

Eloisa and Alcides exchange compliments in the Church. Then the wedding march starts. Soledad comes up the aisle in her black dress while the congregation whispers.

Hugo hides behind a tree while Los Burke walk by saying that he must be at church since Soledad is at this minute marrying his brother.

Hugo flashes back to Manrique at the velorio. “Soledad will have to clear all this up,” says and sets off.

In the church, Alcides stares at Soledad:

A: What does this mean?
S: You know that I am in mourning [de luto].
A: But it’s our wedding, Soledad. We look foolish in front of all the guests.
Ester: Alcides, the dress isn’t important. Soledad will finally be your wife.
A: I won’t marry you dressed like that.
S: Alcides, you’re the one who wanted the wedding to be today so accept the consequences. It will look even worse if you walk out of here. You decide.
The priest comes up and and asks what is going on.

Beatriz overpowers the nurse and injects her with the sedative. “Alcides de Medina, I’m coming for you,” she says.

The priest tells Alcides and Soledad that if they have a disagreement, they should wait and think it over. Lucas says that he agrees with the priest but Alcides interrupts and tells the priest to begin the ceremony. Soledad takes a deep breath and nods. We can see Ester breathing a huge sigh of relief. Alcides offers his arm to Soledad and the ceremony begins.

Disguised as a nurse, Beatriz makes good her escape from the Sanatorium.

Marina comes to see Boris in prison. He asks if she found the documents. She says that the horse was there but the saddlebags were gone. She assumes that Alcides found them first. Boris is upset. He thinks he will never get out prison. Marina tells him not to worry. Alcides has agreed to get Boris out of prison after the wedding. Poor Boris doesn’t know anything about that and Marina has to tell him that Soledad is marrying Alcides. Boris says that he can’t believe it. If Hugo were alive, this would be too much for him.

Hugo is alive and he stops and leans on a tree to rest. Beatriz comes up behind him and hits him with a big stick thinking he is Alcides. She says that he doesn’t deserve to live after what he did to her. She says that she is going to kill him and raises her stick again.

The doctor discovers that Beatriz was not taking her medications and scolds the nurses.

He tells them to get guards and search until they find Beatriz. Another nurse tells the doctor that Beatriz’ mother Gladis wants to speak to the doctor.

Hugo and Beatriz are struggling on the ground. Hugo keeps saying that he is Hugo and can prove it but Beatriz says that Hugo is dead and he must be Alcides. Dr. Max comes up and knocks Beatriz out. He points his gun at Hugo and says, “Do you think you could run away from me so easily? I’ve got you, Hugo de Medina!”

The doctor tries to put Gladis off by saying that this isn’t a good day to see Beatriz because she has been very nervous lately. Gladis complains that Beatriz doesn’t seem to be getting any better. She demands to see Beatriz immediately. The doctor says that Beatriz is violent and seeing her could be dangerous. He asks Gladis to let him do his work and to come back when Beatriz is calmer. Gladis tells her maid that she doesn’t think the doctor is telling the truth.

During the wedding ceremony, Soledad flashes back to an idyllic picnic with Hugo. She and Hugo make a pact to always be together.

With his gun pointed at Hugo, Dr. Max says that Hugo forced him to do. He had to be sure that Hugo wouldn’t accuse him. Hugo says that he wasn’t going to do that. He isn’t dead and he isn’t going to allow Dr. Max to experiment on him. “Everyone thinks you’re dead,” says Dr. Max, “and you’ll return to the cemetery after I finish studying your body.” Los Burke have come up behind Dr. Max and Guillermo pulls out a knife. Hugo tells Dr. Max that they can come to an agreement that will benefit them both. While Dr. Max is saying that he will kill Hugo, Guillermo comes up behind him and puts his knife to Dr. Max’s throat. Helena asks what he is doing. Guillermo says that he is stopping an injustice. They aren’t killers – unlike some. Hugo gets up. Guillermo tells Hugo to go – he will take care of Dr. Max. Helena asks Guillermo if he is sure about what he is doing. Guillermo says that he is sure. He will take care of Dr. Max and Helena should take care of Beatriz. Guillermo marches Dr. Max off. Helena looks around but Beatriz is gone. “ Kitten!” she yells to Guillermo, "The crazy woman took off!” [¡Gatito, la loca se fue!]

At the church, the priest gets to the part of the ceremony where he asks if anyone knows any reason why this couple shouldn’t be joined in matrimony. Lucas starts to make an objection but Ester tells him not to do anything foolish. Úrsula weeps silently. Eloisa says that it such a waste but she will be the one to provide relief for such a lack of love. Alcides looks at Soledad and she looks so lost and alone, it’s heartbreaking.

Meanwhile, Hugo is trying to get to the church. It’s too late. The priest declares Soledad and Alcides man and wife. The congregation applauds. Hugo is in the church. He sees that he’s gotten there too late.

Los Burke tie Dr. Max up and gag him.

Guillermo tells Helena that they are all Hugo has and they can take advantage of the situation. from the situation. Helena is relieved. She was afraid Guillermo was acting out of noble motives.

Hugo weeps at the betrayal of Soledad.

As horrible as being buried alive was, this is probably his lowest moment when he thinks that the one person to whom he has given his unconditional love has betrayed him with his brother. Hugo starts to leave the church when Beatriz shows up. Now she recognizes him as Hugo. “I’m going to tell everyone the truth,” she says, “I swear to you that blood will run.” Hugo stops her. He says there is another way to make them pay.

In the church, Rebeca, Paquito and Eloisa congratulate Alcides and Soledad. Alcides introduces them to Soledad and tells her that they will live in the hacienda that Hugo bought from Rebeca. Soledad excuses herself. Alcides follows and asks where she is going,
S: Alcides, I did what I had to do for you. My father is still sick so I’m going to take care of him.
A: You will have time to visit them. Now you are my wife. It’s your duty to be with me.
Ester: Alcides is right. You’re married now. You should be together.
Lucas: No one has said otherwise. Soledad will get her things and Úrsula’s, who as of today will be living with you.
A: That won’t be necessary. Marina can take care of both of us.
S: Yes, Úrsula will live with me. She always has. Alcides, please, I’ve given in to everything you wanted. Let me have this.
A: Are you sure? Not in everything.

Alcides goes to see Boris in jail. He asks the police to leave them alone. He tells Boris that he has spoken to the police inspector and he will be freed.

Boris thanks him. Alcides says that thanks aren’t necessary. Boris was always faithful to Hugo and that should be rewarded. Alcides asks Boris why he said that Hugo could have been buried alive. Boris says that there’s no point in keeping the secret anymore. Hugo suffered from catalepsy just like Alcides’ father. Alcides pretends to be surprised. Boris asks Alcides to let him dig up Hugo’s grave. He says that there is a possibility Hugo might still be alive. Alcides says that he can’t permit that. Boris says that he has to find out the cause of Hugo’s death. Alcides says that cause of Hugo’s death was the injuries he suffered in the accident. Boris pleads with Alcides. He says that when Hugo was faced with a difficult situation, he would get a catalepsy attack. “If my brother was buried alive,” says Alcides, “and he died of asphyxiation, like my father, I would never forgive myself. I couldn’t bear the guilt of letting… (Alcides feigns being unable to speak from horror) ..my own brother die. For you own good and for the memory of Hugo, you’re going to keep this a secret. If you don’t, I’ll make sure you are locked up forever.” Alcides turns and walks away.

Hugo leads Beatriz into Dr. Max’s laboratory.

She asks who told everyone that he was dead. She thinks it was Arturo. Hugo says that it is a long story but Arturo didn’t have anything to do with it. Beatriz recognizes that she is at Dr. Max’s and gets agitated saying that she isn’t crazy. Hugo reassures her that no one is saying that she is crazy. He suggests that she go lie down and Helena leads her away. Guillermo asks Hugo if he made it to the wedding. Hugo says that he got to the wedding but too late. Soledad is married to Alcides. “My brother tried to kill me with the help of my enemies,” says Hugo, “and the woman I loved my has been deceiving me the whole time. But it won’t end here. It won’t end here.”

In Hugo’s bedroom, Soledad finds the watch that she gave him. She flashes back to finding Hugo apparently dead on his bed and their happy times. She looks at the locket he gave her and remembers their lovemaking.

Manrique and his goons are waiting for Alcides at the police station.

Manrique says that Alcides has no more excuses. Alcides says that Manrique should congratulate him. He just married Soledad de Obragón. Manrique says that is great. Now Alcides can repay the money that Manrique lent to the Obragóns. Letting Manrique see that he is armed, Alcides says that he is a man of his word and suggests that they go somewhere more private. They leave walking past Boris and Marina who overheard their conversation. Boris ask Marina is she heard that. “The marriage between Soledad and Alcides was set up,” says Boris, continuing with hatred in his voice, “That woman never loved Don Hugo.” Marina says that Hugo is dead and can’t be hurt. She asks what Boris is going to do since he can’t work for Alcides. Boris says that there is one very important thing he has to do and not to worry. He’ll be fine.

Hugo tells the bound and gagged Dr. Max that he wants his help with his illness while he carries out his plan of vengeance [This is ‘Plan of Vengeance I’ or ‘Plan of Vengeance Lite’ to distinguish it from the much more elaborate Plan of Vengeance Hugo sets up later.] Dr. Max says that he isn’t interested in teaming up with someone who could, at any moment, reveal that Dr. Max gets corpses from the cemetery for his scientific studies. Hugo says that won’t happen. As soon as he finishes what he has to do, Hugo says that he will disappear. If Dr. Max finds a cure for catalepsy, he could become a notable figure in the medical world. Dr. Max agrees to play on Hugo’s team but only because his illness is so interesting. Hugo unties him. Hugo tells Los Burke that he is goin to get revenge on everyone who has harmed him. He asks if Los Burke will help. They reply that as long as there is money in it for them, they’re in. Los Burke ask what to do about Beatriz. Hugo tells them to let her sleep. She needs to rest and get better. He leaves.

It’s dusk and once again someone is digging up Hugo’s grave.

This time it’s Boris.
B: I’m sorry, Don Hugo, I’m sorry. I have to see you. I have to see you, Don Hugo. I have to know what the real cause of your death was. I hope your death wasn’t related to catalepsy. I’ll never forgive myself if it was.
Out of the shadows comes Hugo’s voice:
H: Don’t wear yourself out looking, Boris. I’m not there.
B: Don Hugo? Don Hugo?
Hugo comes out of the shadows and faces his friend.

B: Don Hugo. Don Hugo.

In the taverna, Alcides orders another round of drinks (the cheap stuff) for everyone. He carries a bottle to a table where Arturo is sitting. “So this is the official celebration of your wedding, Alcides,” says Arturo, “I don’t want to imagine the honeymoon. I imagine we’ll be seeing you in here a lot.” Alcides tells him to keeps his comments to himself. At this moment, Paquito and Hercules come into the taverna. Alcides asks Paquito to show the article to his friend, Arturo. Alcides reads it to Arturo:

“What very few people knew was that Hugo de Medina had a brother, who, aside from being his twin, was much superior to him. Alcides’ virtues are only matched by his generosity and good will. He’s a sensible and intelligent man. He’s an honest lawyer who stands by his principles.”
Arturo is amused. He compliments Paquito by saying that he knew he was journalist but didn’t realize that he wrote fiction. Paquito is offended and tells Arturo that he is a serious journalist who doesn’t allow anyone to make fun of his articles. He is about to leave in a huff when Hercules asks him to point out the man that he told him about. Paquito points out Manrique and says he is a loan shark who likes to gamble. Hercules wants to try his luck and forces Paquito to introduce him.

Arturo asks Alcides when he is going to get his inheritance. Alcides replies that the new judge hasn’t arrived in town yet so Arturo will have to be patient. Arturo says that he can’t be impatient about moving into Alcides’ house. He needs to get his mother settled. Alcides says that he will move to the Montenegro hacienda very soon. Doña Gladis’ maid has come looking for Arturo. She says that his mother needs to see him right away. It’s urgent.

Marina says that she understands that Úrsula will be working in Hugo’s house again. Úrsula replies that she will be Soledad’s maid. Marina says that Úrsula already knows the workings of the house but that some things have changed. Boris no longer works there. Úrsula says that she understands. Boris was Hugo’s right-hand man. She says that Marina must miss him. Marina tells Úrsula to mind her own business and says that Boris is hers. When Úrsula is gone, Marina wonders where Boris is.

Boris and Hugo are catching up at the cemetery:
B: I thought you died of asphyxiation, señor. I felt so guilty.
H: The only guilty one is my brother Alcides. He knew about my supposed death and let them bury me alive. If it weren’t for Los Burke, I wouldn’t be here.
B: Los Burke? They dug you up, señor?
H: They dug up my ‘body’ to sell to Dr. Max for his experiments. Later on, they helped me escape. For money, of course.
B: Los Burque are not trustworthy, señor. Guillermo tired to rob your house many times. As for Dr. Max, I don’t trust him.
H: I understand but they know my secret. I have to keep them on my side.

Úrsula encounters Soledad in the hall on her way out. Soledad says that she can’t stop thinking about what happened the night before at the cabaña. She is sure that she saw Hugo and she has to go back there. Úrsula gives her standard: Hugo is dead and you have to accept that speech but Soledad is sure that Hugo’s ghost is angry at her for marrying Alcides. She says that she has to go there and apologize. Úrsula knows better than to argue with Soledad when she has one of her crazy ideas. She says that she will go with Soledad to protect her and the baby. Eloisa is listening to all this. She comes out and tells Soledad that she wants to be her friend. When Soledad and Úrsula have gone, Eloisa savors the information that Soledad is pregnant. She wonders if it is Hugo’s or Alcides’ baby.

Back at the cemetery, Boris starts to tell Hugo about Soledad marrying Alcides.

Hugo says that he saw Soledad coming out of the church. Boris says that he heard Alcides say that the marriage was arranged. “Soledad married Alcides the day after my death,” [Three days after, actually. This is Tues. evening and Hugo ‘died’ on Saturday, but whatever.] says Hugo, “She never loved me.”

The credits roll.


Sunday, February 17, 2008

La Traicion, Episode 14

At the Obragón house, Ester and Soledad come into the living room where Alcides is waiting. Soledad says that she can barely get her father to calm down. Ester reminds her that Lucas is very ill and must not be upset. Soledad says,
S: We’ll get married tomorrow. I’ll arrange the wedding.
Alcides: Does this mean that you agree to register the child you are expecting as mine?
S: What else can I do? I have no other choice.
Listening outside the room, Úrsula weeps.

Arturo and Dr. Max-
Arturo has come about his sister. She is having violent attacks that her doctors can’t explain. Dr. Max says that mental illness is like that. Arturo says that he has come for Dr. Max’s help. Dr. Max replies that mental illness isn’t his specialty. Dr. Max is fidgety and nervous. He says repeatedly that he is in the middle of something and can’t be disturbed. Arturo says that he wants Dr. Max to hypnotize Beatriz like he did before. Arturo thinks that will help calm Beatriz down. He offers Dr. Max any amount of money that he wants.

Alcides walks away from the Obragón house like he is on top of the world. Suddenly he is grabbed by a bunch of thugs who say they are going to take him to their boss. They drag Alcides off.

Dr. Max and Arturo:
Dr. Max tells Arturo that he doesn’t care about money. He cares about the health of his patients. He has a patient inside who needs special care right now. Arturo responds that his sister isn’t just some whim. If Dr. Max’s patient makes any trouble, Arturo says that he will get him out of the way right now. Dr. Max says that Arturo can’t go into his consulting room.

Úrsula and Soledad-
Úrsula tells Soledad that she can’t marry Alcides. Úrsula doesn’t trust him. Soledad replies that it’s the only way she can save her parents’ house. She can’t let anything happen to her father. Úrsula says that Soledad has a right to be happy and that won’t happen if she is with Alcides. “Happy?” says Soledad incredulously, “ I can no longer be happy. Since the day Hugo died, everything is different. The only thing I care about is taking care of my child.” Úrsula asks if Soledad is going to remain silent about who the real father of the child is. Soledad says that someday she will tell her child but now she can’t say anything. “I only hope that Hugo forgives me for what I have done,” says Soledad.

Arturo forces his way into Dr. Max’s examining room. Dr. Max is astonished to find no one there and Arturo asks if Dr. Max was playing games with him.

Once again (and not for the last time) Hugo, accustomed to fine carriages, is bouncing around in the back of a cart being driven by Los Burke. Helena says that Dr. Max will kill them for taking Hugo with them. Guillermo tells her to think about the money Hugo will give them for helping him. Helena urges Guille to hurry up and get out of the city before Dr. Max finds them.

Arturo tells Dr. Max that he is glad Dr. Max has reconsidered his request. Dr. Max says that he isn’t going anywhere with Arturo. Arturo replies that Dr. Max evidently doesn’t understand. He is going to go with Arturo to see Beatriz right now. Dr. Max pulls a knife and says that he doesn’t take orders from anyone. He will go see Beatriz when he can. Arturo says that no one threatens him and lives to tell about it but he leaves. Dr. Max curses Los Burke and says that he has to find them.

Manrique’s men are beating Alcides up. Alcides produces a knife but Manrique has a gun.

Manrique says that this is so that Alcides will never, ever think of publicly making a fool of him again. Alcides tells Manrique that he is marrying Soledad the next day and with Hugo’s money Alcides can pay Manrique all the money that the Obragóns owe. Manrique says that seeing is believing. He wants the money the next day. Alcides says that he can’t get Hugo’s money until a judge declares him to be the heir. Manrique asks what if Hugo left a will leaving the money to a third party. Alcides responds that as the only living family member, he is entitled to half Hugo’s fortune regardless and that’s a lot of money. Manrique says that he won’t change his mind. He wants his money the next day or he’ll go to the Obragón house and evict everyone by force.

Boris is in jail and Marina is visiting him and taking care of his wound.

She says that Boris was crazy to have run away. The police might have killed him in the cemetery. Boris says that Marina doesn’t understand. He had to go to Hugo’s grave. Hugo might have been buried alive. Marina asks what craziness Boris is talking about. Boris says that there’s no longer any reason to talk about it. It’s too late to save Hugo now.

Guillermo stops the wagon and tells Helena that they have gotten out of the city but he doesn’t know where to go now. Hugo tries to say something about a house. “Poor thing can’t even talk,” says Guillermo, “He’s very weak.” They argue about who should give Hugo some water and Guillermo hands Helena the reins and gets down to do it.

Boris tells Marina that she has been very good to him. If it wasn’t for her, he’d be dead now. Marina says that Boris can’t begin to imagine what she is willing to do for him. Boris says that she doesn’t have to say it. She’s proven it to him. They kiss.

Guillermo gives Hugo some water. Hugo says that he has a house where they can hide. He tells Guillermo that the house is on the old road. Helena tells Guillermo to hurry up.

Marina pulls away from Boris and apologizes. Boris says that he finds her attractive but right now he has other things on his mind. Marina says that she understands. She gets ready to leave his cell and tells Boris that she is working for Alcides now. Boris says that he understands that she has to live. Boris says that he supposes that Alcides is living in Hugo’s house now. “Like lord and master,” says Marina [“Como amo y señor”]. Boris tells Marina that her working in Alcides’ house can help him. He asks her to find the saddlebags that have the documents evidencing the sale of the Montenegro estate. That would prove Boris is innocent of theft. Marina says that Boris told the inspector that his horse ran away during the shooting. Boris says that a horse always returns to the stable it left.

Alcides also knows that horses always return to the stable they came from and he already has the saddlebags. He looks at the papers and says that now he is the owner of the Hacienda Montenegro.

“My luck couldn’t be better,” says Alcides.

In the taverna, Margot tells Paquito that Alcides is a good for nothing who got lucky when his brother died and made him a millionaire. Margot says that she didn’t like Hugo much either. He was very strange. He made women fall in love with him and then left them for no reason. Paquito says that Hugo was going to marry Soledad. Margot replies that Soledad was spared because Hugo showed his true colors when he raped Beatriz de Linares who then went crazy. Paquito says that Hugo was acquitted of the charge of rape. Margot replies that since Hugo was rich, he could buy witnesses but there will always be doubts. Then Margot tells Paquito about the vault in the basement of Hugo’s house where Margot believes Hugo kept his millions.

Some cops are staking out a road to catch Boris. No one has told them that Boris was already arrested. They see Guillermo and Helena’s cart approach. Guillermo and Helena panic but it’s too late to turn back. The police order them to stop. The police ask if Los Burke have seen Boris Monsalve who is wanted for robbery. Guillermo says that he and Helena haven’t seen Boris. One of the policeman looks in the back of the cart and sees an unconscious Hugo there.

Dr. Max goes looking for Los Burke at their rooms but their landlady hasn’t seen them. Inspector Duarte comes up. He is looking for Los Burke too. He thinks they may have information on the disappearance of Miguel, the gravedigger. Duarte goes on to say that he thinks Miguel’s disappearance might have something to do with the grave robbers who have been seen in the cemetery. Dr. Max pretends that he doesn’t know anything about any grave robbing. Duarte says if Dr. Max sees Los Burke to tell them that Duarte is looking for them.

Helena improvises and tells the policeman that the man in the back of their cart is Alcides de Medina. Guillermo takes up the story and says that Alcides took the death of his brother so hard that they had to drag him out of the tavern completely drunk. The policeman thinks their story is strange. He doesn’t believe that Alcides, no matter how drunk he was, would get in a cart like this with people like Los Burke. The other policeman agrees and says that Los Burke are under arrest for abducting Alcides de Medina.

Soledad and Úrsula are at Hugo’s grave. Soledad asks Hugo to forgive her. Speaking to Hugo, Soledad says that she was going to go far away with their child and show him that she was a wonderful person like Hugo but she can’t do it. She tells Hugo’s grave that her parents on the brink of ruin and her father’s health is failing because of it. The only option she has is to marry Alcides. She asks Hugo to forgive her and says that he will always be in her heart. Paquito comes up and introduces himself.

He says that he is doing a story about Hugo and wants to interview Soledad. Soledad says that she doesn’t have time for that and besides she knows about people like him who write stories to sell papers without regard for the people he is writing about. Soledad and Úrsula leave. Paquito says to Hugo that he had very good taste. He tells Hugo to rest in peace. He, Paquito, will get to know Soledad better.

Los Burke indignantly protest that they haven’t kidnapped anyone. Guillermo says that they are respectable people. Hugo has woken up and he tells the police that Los Burke are telling the truth. They are helping him. One of the policemen says to ‘Alcides’ that he doesn’t understand why he is with people like Los Burke. Hugo asks what the problem is. He can be with whomever he pleases. He tells the police to leave Los Burke alone or he will file a complaint with their superiors. The police back down and let the cart pass.

In the tavern, Arturo congratulates Alcides and admits that he is surprised at the speed with which Alcides gets things done. Alcides says that the next step is to get control of all of Hugo’s property. Then he can pay his debts, starting with his debt to Arturo. Alcides says that he needs to ask a final favor of Arturo. “Whatever you want,” says Arturo, “as long as it doesn’t involve money.” Alcides tells Arturo that it does involve money. Manrique is pressuring Alcides to pay the debt owed to him by the Obragóns. His marriage to Soledad depends on that. Arturo offers Alcides a deal. He will give Alcides the money to pay Manrique in return for Hugo’s house. Alcides replies that he and Soledad will live in that house when they are married. He offers Arturo any of Hugo’s other houses. Arturo says that he only wants that house. His mother needs to live in the city to take care of Beatriz who seems to be worse every day. Casually, Alcides asks what is going on with Beatriz. Arturo says it is very strange. She has become very violent and says over and over that she knows what happened and she knows who it was who hurt her. “The strange thing is,” says Arturo, “that she never mentions Hugo’s name.”

Where have Los Burke taken Hugo – to the cabaña in the forest, of course. Somehow Guillermo manages to carry Hugo inside and he and Helena lay Hugo down on the bed. Eyes closed, Hugo appears to be unconscious. Helena says how much she dislikes Hugo. Hugo is not unconscious, though. In a barely audible voice, he tells Guillermo that he needs a pencil and paper. Helena scornfully asks what Hugo is going to write when he can’t even walk.

Hugo tells them that he needs his medicines. After a prolonged attack of catalepsy, all his muscles hurt a lot. Guillermo says that he will go get Hugo’s medicines when the pharmacy opens the next morning. Hugo then asks Guillermo to find Boris. Guille tells Hugo that Boris is wanted by the police for robbery. Helena makes a move to take one of Hugo’s rings but Hugo clenches his fist and Guillermo scolds her.

At the Obragón house, Soledad is sleeping. She has a dream that takes place outside the cabaña in forest. Hugo asks Soledad why she betrayed him.

She tells him that she did it for her family and asks him to understand. A little girl inside the cabaña says, “Daddy, Mommy, don’t let your love die.” Soledad sits up in bed and then gets up. Úrsula asks her what’s wrong. Soledad says that she doesn’t know. She had a strange dream. She tells Úrsula about the dream and says that something is telling her to go to the cabaña. She tells Úrsula that she will go alone because she doesn’t want Úrsula to get in more trouble with her parents.

Alcides is talking to the doctor in Beatriz’ room at the sanatorium. We see Beatriz being given a pill and she seems to be catatonic.

Alcides asks if the fact that Beatriz says that she is remembering things means that she is getting better. The doctor says that right now there is nothing to suggest that Beatriz is getting better. Alcides says that he feels a great affection for Beatriz and he also feels responsible for what Hugo did to her. He tells the doctor that he will soon inherit a large fortune. He will donate some of it to the clinic. Alcides says that in exchange he wants the doctor to protect Beatriz and keep her under his care for a long time. The doctor says Alcides is very generous but is he saying that Beatriz should stay locked up even after she gets better? Alcides says that he is only trying to avoid a tragedy. If Beatriz confuses him with Hugo again, she could try and kill him. The doctor says that he understands and he assures Alcides that Beatriz will be at the sanatorium for a very long time. The doctor and Alcides leave Beatriz’ room. Beatriz takes the pill she was given out of her mouth and puts with many others under her pillow. She says that Alcides is a bastard and she swears that she will destroy him. Soon she will get out of the sanatorium and make Alcides pay for what he did to her.

Marina is in the stables but the saddlebags with the deeds are gone. She realizes Alcides has the documents. In the house, Alcides is calling Marina. He comes into the main room and sees Hercules, Eloisa and Rebeca. He asks who they are and what they are doing in his house. Hercules introduces himself and the ladies. Rebeca says that she did business with Alcides' late brother and Eloisa says that they have come to pay their condolences. Alcides is obviously quite taken with Eloisa. At that moment, Paquito comes in and says that his friends just arrived in the city. Alcides invites them to be his guests and dine with him. Peeking from behind the door, Marina says these are the people who can get Boris out of jail.

In his laboratory, Dr. Max is reading from a book about catalepsy. It says that patients who come out of a catalepsy attack suffer intense pain in their muscles, which is treated with medicines. Dr. Max nods and says to himself that now he knows how to find Hugo de Medina.

We see Hugo, asleep or unconscious in the cabaña in the forest and Soledad driving a carriage and whipping up the horses to a gallop on an unlighted forest road at night.

At Hugo’s house, Alcides and his guests are having wine. Hercules asks what Alcides plans to do with the Hacienda Montenegro that Hugo bought. Alcides replies that he will sell this house, which is full of painful memories, and live at the Hacienda with his wife. “Your wife?” says Eloisa, seeing her hopes of rich husband disappearing, “I didn’t know you were married, Alcides.” Paquito clarifies that Alcides is about to be married and he has had he good fortune to meet the bride. Alcides tells them that he is going to marry Soledad de Obragón tomorrow morning. Rebeca asks if that wasn’t his brother’s fiancée. Alcides says that he recognizes that would raise some questions that he is ready to answer. But first he invites them to the wedding. Rebeca says that they would be honored. Paquito excuses himself telling Eloisa on the way out that all is not lost. He will explain later. Hercules offers a toast.

Paquito is in the basement of Hugo’s house checking out the vault that Margot told him about. Suddenly a cane taps him on the back. Paquito starts and swings around. He tells Alcides that he was looking for the bathroom. Alcides wants to know how Paquito found out he was getting married and when did he meet Soledad. Paquito says that he met Soledad when she was visiting Hugo’s grave and he overheard her say that she was marrying Alcides to save her family. Alcides tells him that information cannot be made public. Paquito says that as long as his pockets are full, his lips are sealed. Paquito leaves. Once again, Paquito’s cologne makes Alcides sneeze as he unlocks the door of vault. He looks inside and says, “Very soon, I’ll get rid of all your things, little brother. Very soon. Then I’ll have my day in the sun.

With time and a little luck, Hugo. With time and a little luck.”

Eloisa tells Rebeca that she thinks she wasted her time coming to the capital since Alcides is going to marry Soledad de Obragón. Rebeca advises her not to despair. Doubtless, there are other rich men in the city. Eloisa says that Alcides was perfect: handsome and a millionaire. Rebeca leaves to go to bed saying that they will see what happens the next day. Eloisa starts to undress. Her door is ajar and Alcides walks by and watches her transfixed. Eloisa is not at all upset to be observed. She archly tells Alcides that a man who is about to be married shouldn’t go around spying on women. When Alcides leaves, Eloisa laughs and says maybe everything isn’t lost after all. She won’t be Alcides’ wife but she’ll be something much better.

Soledad has arrived at the cabaña in the woods. She doesn’t go to the door but rather goes up to the window where she saw the little girl in her dream. She looks inside and sees Hugo on the bed inside. “Hugo?” she says, “but how could this be possible?”

Eloisa is asleep. Paquito comes in and gets into bed beside her.

Eloisa says that no one can know he is in her bedroom. Paquito tells her to relax. He says that she seemed sad when she found out about Alcides’ wedding so he decided to keep her company. Eloisa says that she isn’t sad. “It’s obvious that it’s an arranged marriage so it’s bound to fail,” says Eloisa, “and when it does, I’ll be right by Alcides’ side. It’s obvious that he likes me.” Paquito takes some water from the basin in Eloisa’s room and smooths down his hair beginning to show us that his effeminacy is an act. He says bitterly that all the men in this city want the same thing but Eloisa is his, only his. Eloisa tells him not to be naïve. She and Paquito are lovers but he doesn’t have enough money to give her the life she deserves. She says that Paquito is only a journalist who has to pretend to be effeminate [Eloisa uses the word, ‘amanerado,’ ‘mannered’] to get stories. Paquito tells her to be careful and reminds her that it is because of his ‘talents’ that he has rich friends and is able to get the information she needs to catch her suitors. Eloisa acknowledges that they are a team and says that they will get a lot of money out of Alcides. Paquito doesn’t want her to mention Alcides’ name. Tonight is only for them.

Crying, Soledad looks through the window of the cabaña and says, “Hugo, my love, you’re here. Hugo! Thank you God.” Suddenly, she is pulled down to the ground by Úrsula who has followed her to the cabaña.

Soledad tells Úrsula that she has seen Hugo. Úrsula doesn’t believe it and begs Soledad not to keep on claiming that Hugo is alive. She has suffered enough. Soledad insists that Hugo is inside and tells Úrsula to see for herself. Both women look through the window only to see the bed empty.

Soledad can’t believe it. Úrsula says it is getting late and they should go home. Soledad insists that Hugo was there but she lets Úrsula lead her away. When she is gone, we see that Los Burke have gotten Hugo off the bed onto the floor concealed from view from the window.

The next morning [according to our timeline, it is now Tuesday morning] Ester and Lucas are getting ready to go to Church. Ester asks if Lucas is up to going. He says that he is and even if he weren’t, he would go to support his daughter. Ester tells him not to be so dramatic. Soledad comes in and says that she is ready. Instead of a wedding dress, she is completely in back with a mantilla.

Ester is scandalized. She asks if Soledad has changed her mind. Soledad says, “No, this is what I’m going to wear.”

Guillermo comes back from town with Hugo’s medicines. Helena runs out of the cabaña and scolds him for taking so long. She demands to know if he was at the tavern. Guillermo denies it and says that if she keeps scolding him, he won’t tell her what he heard in the city. Helena wants Guillermo to tell her.
G: Where is Don Hugo?
H: He’s having some soup that I made for him. Tell me! Tell me what you know!
G: I went to buy the medicines for Don Hugo and then I passed by the church and guess what?
H: If I were a fortune teller, I’d have a crystal ball and lots of money. Tell me!
G: All the people at the church were talking about the wedding of Don Alcides and Soledad de Obragón! They’re getting married today!
H: (yelling) They’re getting married? The would-be-widow of Don Hugo is marrying Don Alcides?!
We see Hugo coming out of the cabaña behind Helena.
G: Shut up.
H: I can’t believe this! What could the girl be thinking! What are we going to do? It’s not a good idea to tell Don Hugo. He’s too weak.
Helena babbles on while Guillermo tries without success to shut her up and Hugo comes up behind her. He is hunched over and trembling from the pain in his muscles.
Hugo: Is what you’re saying true, Burke?
Guillermo gives Hugo the package of the medicines.
G: Yes, Don Hugo, that is what I heard.
H: Don Hugo, where are you going?
Hugo: I have to see it with my own eyes.
H: You can’t go out like this. You’re too weak and it would be dangerous for us. Everyone will find out.
Dr. Max appears and points a gun at them.
Dr.: You should listen to those traitors. It would be a huge mistake if you left right now!

The credits roll.


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