Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Qué Pobres, Lunes 8/18/14 (#160): «Permesso»

Not a whole lot of laughs this evening, but the best moment for me was when Tizoc said "Permesso" to AS.

Saul hitting on Rita; Trofeo spiking AS's coffee; Leo and Diego (who, I notice, is now leaving his shirt unbuttoned like Leo does); Ahole lies to Emiliano about making peace with Mati.

Isela insinuates to Mini that she's got something on Ahole.

New stuff:

Ahole tells Lupe that she can have her divorce, and sole custody of Emi, just as soon as he's reinstated as president of the Editorial. Lupe points out that this was their original deal and he reneged, so why should she believe him this time? He gets angry, recalling that Mati spoiled it the last time by showing up safe and sound. Then he recovers and remembers that he's supposed to be sad that Mati is dead.

Frida chats with Emi. She tells him that Mati is in heaven with her husband and her sons and Emi's grandmother Marce too. Emi tells Frida she'll be a great mom someday!

Isela and Minerva attend the wake. Mini is wearing a super-sexy dress; MA has to peel her off of him. Isela taunts AS about their rivalry to become president of the foundation. Three sheets to the wind and counting, AS calls Isela a rude bleeped name several times. (The Spanish captions don't say what it is; the English captions say "hag.")

Nepo arrives with a band to serenade Mati personally. (Is that really him singing? They should have had him sing much earlier.) Irked by Ahole's histrionics, Leo pulls him off of Mati's coffin so that he can sob on it himself. Ahole protests the "vulgar" music, not realizing (until MA informs him) that Mati loved this kind of music. Frida adds that this is what Mati would have wanted for her farewell party. Ahole dramatically pulls Leo off the coffin to resume his own loud outburst.

Saul corners Rita. He flirts with her; she tries to keep up with trite conversation. Gwendy watches, stunned, as Saul trots out all of his best moves at his best friend's grandmother's funeral.

In front of the former members of the board-of-zombies, MA tells Ahole, "not long ago, Mati said that Aureliano wanted to surprise us a few more times with new lessons to learn." Ahole replies, "how dare you mention the clause at our grandmother's funeral!" "Excuse me, but I didn't mention the clause. YOU mentioned the clause!"

MA thanks the zombies for attending and says the burial tomorrow is family-only. Ahole puts on a show for don Tulio et al. He tells MA he won't be at the burial. He can't take it. MA says that's no problem, because Mati wanted Ahole to take care of the divorce tomorrow anyway, so why not respect her last wish and stay away from the Menchacas forever?
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Monday, August 18, 2014

Mi Corazón es Tuyo Lunes 8/18/14 #21

Capitulo 21: Call of the Mild, the Wild, and the Child

Zoológico de Zacango: Big family day at the zoo. León and the kids are having a good time looking at the animals. Ana is wearing I Dream of Jeannie Hair as Fernando decides it's time to channel Major Nelson and kiss his magical lady.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- El Señor de los Cielos II, En Otra Piel, et cetera, week of August 18, 2014

Hola! Our two named novelas on this page, El Senor del los Cielos II and En Otra Piel just went to "ultimos capitulos." They will presumably be replaced by the two novelas being promoted on Telemundo: Los Miserables and Señora Acera.
Thanks to deb for posting a link to an English language article about Los Mis here .

ALL the Telemundo novelas will be preempted on Thursday for the "Premios tu Mundo" broadcast.


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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS -- Reina de Corazones: week of August 18, 2014 - PAGE ONE

Okaaaaay! Welcome to a new week of discussions about our favorite "novela loca." Last week had fantastic recaps and comments ranging from the law of spousal privilege to who would call their boss, "El Supremo," plus there was our weekly compilation of the Wisdom of the Dragon by Anita and an updated mystery list from Vivi. Speaking of compilations,  here
is a link to last week's compiled recaps on Dropbox. (for some reason the text does not start right under the title. You have to scroll down to the next page.)

Sadly, though, we will only get four days worth of our fix since Thursday's capitulo is pre-empted by the Premios tu Mundo presentation. Bwahahahaha!  If the volume of comments merit a second page, I will post it later in the week.

Can't wait....

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Saturday, August 16, 2014

♫♫♪ I Wanna Hold Your Ha-a-a-a-and ♪♪♫

[….with apologies to Ringo, Paul, George and John qepd -ed.]

Cap. 20   

Alicia and classmate are home intending to practice a cheer leading routine for the   lacrosse team.  The two girls bump into Nando who’s on his way out.  Classmate sees hearts and flowers for Nando, still in neck brace and the retro head-warming golf cap, who is heading off to who knows where and for who knows what (not that any of us in Viewerville cares a whit whether we know what or where …..)  Nando is perturbed and tells Ali and friend to watch where they’re going.

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Lo que la vida me robó, Friday, 8/15/14: El gran final -- Always go to other people's funerals, otherwise they won't come to yours.*

*Yogi Berra

Mafalda's* dad tries to teach her a life lesson and ends up getting scolded for ruining a good story:

Papá:  ¿Ves?  Ponemos la semillita, la tapamos...La regamos un poquito...y dentro de unos días tenemos una hermosa planta.

Mafalda (muy indignada):  ¡Ya tuviste que contarme el final!

[Dad:  You see?  We put in the little seed, we cover it up...We water it a bit...and in a few days, we have a beautiful plant.

Mafalda (very indignant):  You had to spoil it by telling me how it ends, didn't you!]

*From the classic Argentine comic strip by Quino, excerpted from the collection, 10 Años con Mafalda

Unlike Mafalda's dad, we've waited patiently for the chance to tell you how it ends.  And here it is, brought to you tonight by Madelaine, Eli, Gloria, Julia Rold and NovelaMaven.  [If you listen very hard, you can hear Urban, elna june and Elvira kibitzing in the background.]

By the way, we loved Act 2 so much, we decided to give you two different versions of it.

So, my friends, roll your EZ-come EZ-go chairs up to your favorite table on the Patio of Lowered Expectations, and enjoy the show.  Just don't try this at home!
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Friday, August 15, 2014

Que Pobres tan Ricos... #159... Mati's farewell... A-hole believes he is at the finish line... but Mati still had some aces up her sleeve...

Isela swears to Mini that even if she spent money out loud, they would never stop being rich…

Mati and AS have a bit of emotional convo. Roberto was a gentleman… but a mother knows what she has and her son was useless and never valued what he had. AS admits he had it all… Mati admits that was their mistake, to give them everything without asking anything in return. Mati recognizes Rob was not faithful either. Mati tells AS that part of her bitterness is due to that. Even if you deny it. Mati asks AS to not waste what she has left of her life… even though you have your status back, I know you are not happy. AS argues she is. Mati says when my grandchildren move on, you will be alone. So use the opportunity and enjoy your children while you have them. Please hear the words of this old woman… not for anything but because I have more experience. Mati leaves AS in tears.

Lupe and Emi… she is ranting at him, he swears she won’t let him see his dad. You don’t love him, but I will keep seeing him, even if you get mad at me.

Mati goes to see Frida (this already sounds like goodbye speeches/final lessons of life) Frida tells Mati that she is ready to go on trip to see all of Mexico.. Mati tells her she has to stay and deal with a couple things and then will catch up with her in a few days. She has to leave another issue resolved. She wants to go on that one trip she has left feeling totally at peace. (oh my…)

Frida and Mati tell AS they are heading to Switzerland… AS has a fit with the idea. Mati tells her it is a pleasure trip they have been looking forward to… Leo and MA are also at table. MA is curious, why the idea of the trip. Mati says she has traveled with MA to London and with Leo to Broadway… AS rants that Mati has never considered her opinion… MA can only wish them to enjoy themselves. Mati says no circumstances can separate people. With Love, you can face anything.

At Menchacas, Chuy catches up with Lupe. He did not want to say anything in front of Emi, but he did not like the fact that Emi left school with A-hole without her permission.

At clinic again, Mati is back in, nagging that she does not want more tests… MA asks her to let them pamper and take care of her. Mati says ‘only because you ask, but I feel grrrrrreat!!’.

Carm talks to Lupe… when your dad finds out A-hole and you are married… Lupe is still hopeful her divorce will be done today and she won’t need to tell her family.

Frida and the nerd friend at school. She tells him she is going on trip. He knew she would not fulfill her promises… he should have known better…

Doctor and Mati… she has to rest a bit before leaving… Doctor leaves her alone.. (YIKES!!!) we see nurse legs … but hands are a bit too big for a nurse woman… nurse puts a pill on her hand… gives her a glass of water.

Nurse leaves the room… and we find out it is A-hole.

Something happened or the pill is slow to take effect. MA joins Mati… she is a bit tired. He rolls her chair out of the place running LOL!

At RP house, Leo is watching Frida pack. He seems to want to go along. She says he has the commitment to help MA out. He says not same option A trip to Europe vs Option B staying and working.

Mati and MA share a cute moment looking at a spectacular view of the mountains and fountains… MA glad she is better. He sees her happier every day. She says she is at peace, Life has allowed her to recover not only her sanity but the time to enjoy her loved ones. MA says he was pained to be away from loved ones for so long. She says what matters is that you came back fully grown and mature.. .now you can care for your family. MA says almost everyone accepts him as before… only Emi he is still working on. Mati says we are all one great family (the Menchacas and RPs). That is the biggest valuable we take from life, the love of our loved ones.

Leo and Frida are still packing. She brings up the subject of his relationship. Leo says he spoke to Mati and she was taking it ok. Frida says we have a great grandma. Leo can’t close the suitcase. He nags about it and leaves. Frida finds an envelope that says ‘Fridita, don’t open this letter until you get to your destiny’… (yikes!!)

Mati and MA… she now talks as if she is saying goodbye… she then talks about Aureliano and her always wanted to have a daughter. Mati says ‘the more love you are capable of giving, life will be as beautiful as you want to dream it to be’. (Mati dies right there on her wheelchair, MA doesn’t even notice… he is saying it is a great feeling of peace…) (we hear a song)…MA gets desperate and yells for help. (editor’s note… we will miss you at the patio, dear Mati…)

Frida has the envelope in her hands when she gets the call from MA… she is shocked, puts hand over mouth.

At hospital, Leo and Frida arrive to hug MA… AS is sitting… no need to get upset. We have to wait for news. Doctor comes out. Mati has passed. MA is shocked… Frida hugs him, AS breathes a big sigh.

At fonda, Gwendy and Carm talk to Lupe to coordinate the menus for the wedding.

MA talks to doctor, does not understand what happened. Doctor is also puzzled, she had a heart attack, and even though she did not have any other signs, she did not respond. So sorry…

MA asks Leo, Frida and AS to be strong. AS will make the arrangements for the service at the cathedral… MA will take care of that. He tells them that Mati asked to be watched at the Fonda. AS protests, but MA says it was her last will and it is not up for discussion. AS says ok but then there is no use our friends to find out about the watch since the would not go. MA says Mati’s true friends will be there.

Rita asks Gwendy if she will get a bachelorette party… Gwendy is confused because Rita asks this when she is Nepo’s ex. Rita says she is indifferent to Nepo now. She is glad that DA would have an ‘ally’.

At A-hole’s… A-hole is anxiously waiting for a call to get news of her passing. MA calls him. A-hole fakes not knowing, asking MA if his call is about the divorce. MA is very sad and says have very bad news, want you to find out from me. Mati has just died. A-hole is shouting a skid about being upset when he is smiling from ear to ear… They hang up .’’how sad… I did it!... I got rid of that mummy!... finally she is in heaven’’

DA tells Nepo he will eat at the Menchacas to talk to Rita a while. Nepo is not quite ok with it… thought DA was going to study at Nuevo Leon… DA says he wants to take the opportunity to go to the United.

At fonda kitchen, Lupe is happy telling Carm that Gwendy is so happy with her wedding. Lupe says she will shower a bit before MA gets there. Carm asks if Tomas will go with them. Lupe says yes, but she can’t wait another day… MA arrives very somber… Lupe can tell something is very wrong. MA tells Lupe and Carm that Mati died. Lupe is teary eyed, hugs him hard.

Nepo asks DA.. tell me the truth..the real truth… are you happy?... not that much. Nepo still is reluctant to talk about ‘that’. DA says ‘that’ has a name. Nepo says ‘that which you are… is something I still can’t understand that well… please understand me… I was educated another way… very macho…’ DA says I know… Nepo says ‘put yourself in my shoes (the only ones that matter to you, jerk!)… when one finds out that your child is … like that… well….. I love you my son… I love you very much’.

MA tells Carm and Lupe that he was with her in her last few minutes… and he can tell she went at peace. Chuy and Perla are very upset. Carm too… the mother, mother in law, grandma and friend we all dream of having. Lupe does not know how to tell Emi. MA says it won’t be easy but sometimes children know more than we do about these things… Lupe goes upstairs. Emi can tell she is crying… Lupe tells Emi that ‘your grandma got ill… she had something in her heart… and she won’t be with us anymore… she died, mijo’… Emi gets upset quick. Lupe says all we can do is remember all the nice moments we lived together, about everything she taught us when she was here… and to pray for her.’ Emi is ok with it.

The watch is on. The place is full, all men are in black suits, they are praying the rosary led by Carmelita.

There is a huge portrait of Mati on one wall… there is not a dry eye in the whole place. Chuy talks about the deep pain in his heart. La Donita left us. His wrestling friend tries to cheer him up a bit. Chuy says she was just enjoying time with us, she was laughing… The son of perro A is also there to comfort him. Chuy says Mati left the papers of the house with him. Now he can breathe easy that no one will get them out of there. He will always thank Mati for not leaving them alone. AS is protesting that they are watching her at the ‘colonia’… AS is nagging about the ‘customs’ of the salt cross and onion they put under the coffin… Even Leo says those customs don’t offend anyone… AS keeps nagging. MA leaves her, he’s had enough.

DA comes and Leo hugs him. A-hole makes his appearance. ‘my grandma Mati… granny… why did you leave us, granny?... you were always my model… you left me all alone in this world… why, God??... why granny?... My God! Why did you not take me instead of her?? She deserved to live more!! She did not deserve it!!’ Emi approaches him and A-hole continues the skid ‘she left us, my son, she left us for good’

Nepo arrives to the wake… Trofeo behind him… Nepo remembers when he helped Mike to pay for Mati’s tests… he never thought she was so ill… and she was so pretty, truly… he has brought some booze to help deal with the sorrow… he rants at Trofeo to not take it all… Gwendy comes to them… Nepo does not know it is her… Gwendy tells Nepo ‘we have to love and pamper each other all the time, we never know when it will be too late…’

A-hole keeps feeding crap in Emi’s brain… tells Emi that last time Mati talked to him at the office, she was no longer mad at him. A-hole says he wants them to be a family and live together. Lupe joins them, she is not happy that Emi is alone with A-hole. (too late, Lupe…damage done already)

Trofeo offers AS some of his cup… She is not happy about it until she tastes the ‘coffee’ then her eyes pop out…

Mini and Isela at their house… they can’t believe Mati is being watched at the Fonda. At least after this, A-hole can fulfill the clause from the grandpa. Isela says she has lots of money now, besides, she has another ace card under her sleeve. Mini asks her to spill the beans, Isela won’t.

Leo tells DA that just when grandma and him were getting close and he had discovered that she was very understanding and knew him more than he thought, she is gone … DA tells Leo that Rita is inviting him to go with her to the Uniteds.

A-hole keeps his skid with Lupe… losing Mati is like losing his mom all over again. Now more than ever he wants Emi to go live with him. Frida comes to them… Lupe sends Emi with Frida. Lupe rants at A-hole not to keep looking for her… A-hole starts making smart remarks about her being prettier… no divorce… He warns her that if she keeps pushing for divorce, he will have Emi tell a judge who he wants to live with… Besides, A-hole can sue her for abandoning the home… He basically warns her that she has no choice but to come live with him at his house. When he can fulfill the clause, he will give her the divorce.

Previews: A-hole thinks the ‘clause’ is in his hands… but surprise, surprise!! The notary tells him that Mati left a statement that the ‘marriage’ he had with Lupe was forced, so it is not valid for fulfilling the clause. (YOU GO MATI!!!! ‘otra vez fria, hah, A-hole??’)

I will try to edit this tomorrow… but it was not as bad as I thought … it was nice for her to go at peace even though we know in reality A-hole did kill her…)


De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #157, 8/15/14

De que por poco me dormí, me dormí

Can anyone recap for me Tuesday (August 19th)? It's Open House and I won't be home til late.

The beginning bits may be a little out of order.

Alonso's secretary is a dirty, rotten spy. What does Al care if Karina as an admirer? The sneaky broad managed to get Oscar's name and to pass it on to Al. Al calls the hospital, but Oscar the camillero (hospital porter/stretcher-bearer) is on his break.

Mali mentions that Brigitte is starting to show. She gets a tongue lashing from Brat. Carmen reminds Brat a child is a gift. Mali feels bad for setting off Brat. Poor Mali.

Simona is good at business. Even Vicente likes her. Nat pouts. Somebody said conejillo de Indias (guinea pig) at the meeting, but I didn't catch the context. I think Irene was concerned about Telerman not having a lot of experience with fashion textiles and using Eskenda as the guinea pig to expand their business (I completely made that up, but it sounded good didn't it?)

Rod goes to the airport. He is cleverly disguised in a white cap and shades. Reina fans know that only BLACK caps fully disguise the wearer.

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Lo Que La Vida Me Robo 196 - A Mixed Bag - Ding-Dong! We Think The Witch Is Dead but Pedro Makes the Marquis de Sade Proud--14 August, 2014

Robo 196

Private Hospital In Aguazul, Campeche State, Mexico
Several years in the future

Dimitrio Mendoza, his sister Montserrat and her husband Alejandro Almonte are at the bedside of their friend, Victor. Victor, whose personality is normally vapid, bland and insipid, is today showing signs of life, as he indignantly delivers the following news about Graciela Mendoza;

“That woman is not sick! She is not paralyzed, All of us were fooled by her. She got up from her wheelchair to let that MONSTER Pedro and his goons into your house. She shot me!” He jabs a nod at Montserrat and Alejandro.

Montserrat Mendoza appeared shocked as she murmurs,

“My own mother! She led that rat bastard to my children!”

Dimitrio Mendoza’s reaction to the information is much stronger—he is enraged. He rushes out of the room and runs into his ex-wife Josefina in the hospital lobby. Josefina tells him that Pedro Medina has also kidnapped Amalia. Dimitrio stares at her and says,

“It was all a (confidence) trick. It is all a lie. Graciela is Pedro’s accomplice.”

Josefina looks on stunned as Dimitrio mutters with self-loathing,

“I was fooled—another time.”

Alejandro and Montserrat run by them, making their way out of the building. Dimitrio joins them but turns back at the last minute.

“Josefina, call Graciela. Tell her that Victor is dead.” Josefina agrees and makes the call.

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Mi corazon es tuyo, Capitulo 19, 08/14/2014 Family portrait

Seven kids in the house, but it takes a weasel to make a family
Fernando and Ana are in Fer’s room.
She is trying to catch the strange animal that he found in his bed, so she crawls on the carpet, calling for the creatures, while he acts like a freaked out damsel (isn’t that nice, for a change?).
Their eyes meet for a second and it looks like they are about to kiss, but then the kids rush into the room, one by one, and then the adults, too (Nico, Bruno, Manuela). Ana manages to find the animal and the younger kids introduce it as their new pet, Nandito. Nando doesn’t look too happy to share a name with such an animal, but Fanny is more than willing to help Luz and the boys convince Fer to keep it in the house. Ana, Bruno and Nico also try to convince the boss, but he is very serious and very allergic to the furry one, so it doesn’t look like he’s going to play nice.
Deciding this would be a great moment to change the dynamic in the room, Ana starts a pillow fight, one that the kids and even Fernando eventually join, all laughing and having the time of their lives, while Nico, Bruno and Manuela watch from the sidelines. I would have thought that Manuela would be freaked out by all the cleaning that pillow feathers dancing in the air imply, but she doesn’t look worried, she just thinks that Don Fernando should marry Ana. The men agree with her: this is how a family should look like and thanks God that they are all a family again.

At Chicago Club, Jonny is saying something suspicious to one of Doroteo’s guys, I think; Jen sees the whole exchange, although she can’t hear what they are talking about. 
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Que Pobres Tan Ricos # 157 and 158: 8/14/14: Frida takes a Day Trip

Hola Amiguis! Due to a snafu it seems there was no recap for Wednesday, so I am combing capitulos 157 and 158. The Wednesday recap will be very short. Shall we begin?

Capitulo 157

The micro bus has been renamed Lupita and the Menchaca plus Rita, and Emi, Rita is driving get on the bus. Tizoc sings the micro bus song and some guy cuts Rita off. (Ed Note: The actor Rita hit is Brazilian I beleive last seen in Estcrito en las Estrellas) Anyways, Rita isn't happy and gets out of the bus when this guy insults her. She is so mad she head butts him and knocks him out. Chuy convinces Rita to move the bus and get out of there. They finally arrive at Xochimilco to the Our Lady of Sorrows Shrine. While the Menchaca are debarking here come the RP's that would be Dona Mati, AS, Leo and Frida, driven by chofer. MA takes his own car. The Menchaca are happy they could make it. AS has done a deal with two photographers and some actors. The actors are playing poor people that AS is giving alms to. She plays it up for these photographers and the "poor people" play right along. She gives them food and money I think. The photographers take pictures of AS and the "poor people" for El Editorial Magazine to show her largesse toward the needy. Frida and Leo roll their eyes.
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Thursday, August 14, 2014

De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #156, 8/14/14

De Que Todo No se Vale en el Amor y la Guerra, Todo No se Vale en el Amor y la Guerra

Not much happened tonight folks, so I’m keeping it short and sweet.

Diego’s captors take him bound and gagged to the police station. El, Morales and their police crew have been informed of “Rod’s” capture and hustle him off to the cells without question. Mom and son bounty hunters tell El every detail of the capture and then try to get their reward, while Diego tries to convince the underling cops guarding his cell that he’s in fact Diego. They don’t believe him, so he uses the ruse of needing to use the bathroom to knock one of the cops out and make a run for it. He is swiftly knocked out cold by another cop. El informs Alonso and Grumps of Rod’s capture, and Grumps informs Irene. They all rush to the police station. By the time Irene and Grumps get there, Diego has managed to convince El and Al of his identity by telling them things only Diego would know. Bounty hunter mom and son don’t believe the twin story and think the cops just don’t want to give them the million peso reward. El is able to pacify them by saying they'll get a letter of commendation, AND a police escort back home.

At Caprico, Simona makes the mistake of asking Nat if she’s seen Diego. She hasn’t been able to reach him all weekend since she saw him Saturday evening. Unfortunately, Nat has decided that all is fair in love and war. In other words, she’s decided she can be a mean girl. She tells Simona about Diego being seen kissing on some older lady that weekend, and that it’s not unusual for him to just disappear for a couple of days like this. Even after Nat learns that Diego actually spent the weekend tied up (literally), she’s content with letting Simona continue to believe that Diego is a cheater and a flake.

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS -- Reina de Corazones: week of August 11, 2014 - Page Two

Just keep chatting!  This page should take us through the weekend!

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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Lo Que La Vida Me Robó, # 195, 8-13-2014: Pedro Goes For Broke!

And Kidnaps Victoria, Laurito, Romina, and Also Amelia For Good Measure.  Lots Of Other Awful Things Happen, Too!

My swan song final full recap, folks.  Enjoy!

Warehouse o' All Nefarious Activity

Montserrat has been chained into a fancy-looking water torture box by Pedro and his goons.  The box is filling up slowly and steadily.  She calls for help.  The water will soon be over her golden head.

Almonte Beach House

Half of Agua Azul (Dominga, Macario, Josefina, Esmeralda, Rosario, Padre Anselmo, Carlotta. Nadia, Romina) has gathered together to worry collectively about the fate of Montse.  The only person not present is Graciela, who is in her bedroom alone in her anguish, having just confessed to Padre Anselmo that she has been lying to everyone about her illness.  Carlotta asks Padre A. if Gracie needs anything, and he responds with one of the best lines of the night:

"Yes," says Padre A. "She needs the presence of God in her heart."

Very much on board with Padre Anselmo's diagnosis of what ails Graciela

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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #155 - Wednesday 8/13

De que todo es cuestión de Lupita, todo cuestión Lupita

Hola amigas/os.  I thought this was going to be another grumpy Karen installment but by God’s grace I had a Lupita heavy episode.  I recapped a bit of the two dunces who kidnaped Diego in spite of my  poor nerves (think Jane Austen’s Mrs. Bennet) but later pulled out my recapper privilege card.  But I promise I included the important stuff.  Thanks so much Sara for this important option.

Rod manages to escape his latest conquest and almost – unfortunately almost–  gets caught by the police.
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Mi Corazon es tuyo, # 18, 13 Aug 2014... New pet in the house... and Nando awakes in more ways than one. Even the 'perfect kid' like Leon has secrets

Refrito: Fer thanking Ana for being there in this moment. Ana saying couldn’t be anywhere else but at your side and with him.

Outside in waiting area, IsaSkank returns and Fanny tells her Fer and Ana went in, Isa turns green. Leon arrives to support Fanny, ‘don’t worry, everything will be alright’.

Ana tells Fer to talk to Nando and tell him everything his heart wants to tell him.

My son, my great pride and joy, please forgive me. When you get better, I have many plans for us. We can go camping like when you were little, remember? Remember I taught you to shave for the first time? It turned out all uneven (laughs). We can talk by a bonfire, we can talk about everything we haven’t talked about, you can tell me about your life… and I will tell you about mine. I need for us to talk… time does not come back… we have to make up for all the lost time, the time I wasted… I want to get to know you, what you think, what you feel, I want to hear about your dreams… I need you to get better, I know you will get better. You like the idea of camping? … we can have a great time, dear. You and I alone…. I need you, son…. I love you so much. (Ana grabs his shoulders in support, he leans back on her, crying desperately)

Isa asks Fanny why the nanny went in with the father.

F: Doctor asked if they were Nando’s parents, and my dad said yes… that is why. (Isa leaves confused)

Leon asks Fanny how is Nando doing. She says he hasn’t woken up. He is sorry. She thanks him for coming. She introduces him to her grandpa Nico as her novio. He in turn introduces Jenny, his novia. Leon is shocked… Nico asks ‘why that face? … seriously! She is my girl!’

Fanny and Leon show support to Alicia. Fernando and Ana come out (minus the surgery bunny suits). Fernando and Ana join the family. A few yards away, IsaSkank grunts through her teeth ‘I should have been the one that went in with Fernando! Not that stupid!’

At the house, the small kids are also worried about Nando. Sebastian gets scared about some small animal coming by.. the kids walk toward the animal one behind the other. It is a huron (sp?) Sebastian grabs him. Luz wants to touch him. Sebastian says probably a neighbor lost it. We have to be careful we don’t get caught. But surely Bruno caught them right away. Even though the kids hide the pet behind Seba, it makes enough noise and Bruno insists long enough to know ‘something is rotten in Denmark’ LOL!.

Back at hospital, in ladies room (well, one of the ones there is not really a LADY) IsaSkank is confronting Jenny (whom she refers to as ‘mecerita’[little waiter]) and Jenny is too happy to engage… yup, Nico is my guy and we love each other… IsaSkank demands Jenny address her as ‘Miss’. Jenny happily replies ‘if you are a Miss, I am the Novels prize in literature’. IsaSkank does not waste breath in correcting her ‘it is Nobel prize, nak-ha… and I will make sure you won’t see a penny of the Lasc fortune’. ‘why? Is it all going to be for you?’ ‘what are you insinuating?’ .. then she called her ‘trepadora’ … IsaSkank brags about having lots of money… I don’t need Fernando’s, my family has CLASS… I have degrees, I have seen places you can’t even pronounce… yada yada… Jen rebuttes ‘no matter how hard you try, you will end up empty-handed, because the nannie will will Don Fer over you, you white-collar ‘trepadora’. It shows easily that Ana is infinitely better than you! ’.(no she didn’t !! yes she did!! IsaSkank slapped Jen!!) … (round 2) ‘did your teachers and doctors teach you this?? Oh my, what a great education, Miss!! (Jen gets closer to IsaSkank in a very confrontational chest-forward way that scares Isa, she uses her purse as shield.. )‘no, I am not going to lower myself, if I slap you I will contaminate myself… ‘ Isa laughs it off, ‘where do you know Ana??... why are you so sure that Ana…’ ‘Nico told me!! And let me repeat it… you will lose, you ranch guerita… you skunk tail’ (Jen leaves on that high note, leaving IsaSkank grunting names for Jen like nak-ha and fifth rate waitress).
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Mi Corazon es tuyo #17 08/12/2014 Nando takes a nasty spill

Hi friends, I'm still crazy busy at work but I hope to be back to normal next week, until then enjoy the recap.

Two jerks at a restaurant:

Johnny,Ana, Fernando and Isabitch find themselves in the same restaurant, it's an awkward situation, made worse by Isa throwing a tantrum that would make any toddler proud. How bad is this encounter? She loudly states that she's surprised the "help" can afford to eat at such an establishment, she then follows this up my loudly insulting Ana. When Ana tells Fernando that she is happy the situation with Fanny was resolved Isa shouts from her table to "keep it down, we are not in the market"-Ana fumes but says nothing else, although I find myself wishing that she would go over to Isabelas table and beat her to a pulp.

Fernando for his part just sits there and lets Isabela throw her fit-he's a smart man and I can't for the life of me understand why he would allow this scene to continue. Isabela has just verbally attacked the woman that takes care of his children and he sits there and says nothing?!
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Lo Que La Vida Me Robo, capitulo 194. 08/12/14. Welcome to Pedro's circus.

Skipping the old and moving right into the new.......

Nadia can't believe that Adolfo fooled them all. It appeared that he had changed for the better. He was so loving. Padre agrees. He was a good guy who realized all the damage he was causing by being el alacran. He tried to fight between the good and the bad. Unfortunately he realized the only way out was death. Pedro gave him no other options.

Montse advises Dimitro to finally close this chapter in his life and move onto a new one. He never wanted to kill anyone but once he found out Adolfo was el alacran he had too. Even though he knows that Nadia and Josefina hate him. Montse admits that all this affected Josefina greatly but she doesn't hate you. She above anyone knew that you had to do what you had to do to detain a criminal. I didn't detain him replies Dimitro. I killed him. That is what I wanted and he wanted too. A policeman told me that his gun was not loaded. It's true that he wanted an exit and unfortunately chose that way to do it replies Montse. Dimitro thought that once he killed el alacran, he would be free. But instead he feels cold and more dead then before. Montse advises him to seek peace from within. Your life did not die with Monica, you have to lifetime to live. You are a great person and I love you. Give yourself a chance. You are the only one that can. Dimitro says he loves her too.

Next day.... Dimitro stares at a photo of him and Monica. He walks around the apartment pulling down her picture and putting it away. The doorbell rings and its Josefina.
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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Que Pobres Tan Ricos #156: our loving couple is reunited and a pilgrimage is planned

Lupe brings her rose to Mati, who's glad to see her all better already. Mati asks how the divorce is going, answer: nothing. They find out from Carmelita that it was Alejo behind the terrible contract Tizoc signed, which MA bought him out of.

Diego visits Rita, he says he's glad he saw Leo but they are of different worlds and he's still planning to leave town. Rita suggests they could go off together and start over someplace else.

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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #154 - Tuesday 8/11

De que no puedo más, no puedo más.
Ok, can I just start with the Avances?





Andres is going to show that picture of Rodrigo smooching the ruca (which annoyed me. She didn't look that old to me...or worn out) to Nat and she's going to fall for it?! Please. Make this stop.

Well, on to the recap. School started yesterday, so I'm a little punchy. Pardon my brevity and grumpiness.

El gets his evidence and proceeds to show it to Alonso and Diego (that won't compromise the case at all.)

Karina is still lonely and falling back into her old habits of emotional blackmail. She also uses the word "incubator" a lot. It reminds me of Diana. Alonso spends the episode trying to appease her. He knows he needs to get someone to stay with her. He ropes his secretary into the job. Meanwhile, the mail nurse asks a hospital administrator for Karina's phone number. I'm all for this. Maybe he will shut her up.

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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #153 - Mon 8/11

De que encontraron pruebas, encontraron pruebas

El sees Carmen's frantic mouth-to-mouth of the Mushroom Man and as usual, comes to the wrong conclusion.  He kills a perfectly innocent bouquet of roses.  Carmen tastes Paul's soup to see QTH kind of spice wimp he is and not only notices just how spicy it is, but notices the innocent face of Lupita peeking around the counter.

Grumps wonders what Rodrigo is living off of, out there in the cold, cruel world.  But, oh, well, whatevs.  Diego brings up his plan to partner with another company and Grumps heartily approves.  Caprico's reputation should earn her the interest of plenty of suitable suitors.  And, in the meantime, there's enough cash in the safe (dun, dun, dun) to cover their expenses for 2 months.

Rodrigo ponders how far he's fallen, having to buy suits…off the rack!  At the mall!  He runs into Karina, who mistakes him for Diego, but still wonders why he's at the mall, buying a cheap suit.  He makes an excuse about it being a present for the chauffeur, for his daughter's wedding, and Karina goes on her merry way.  She's already showing a little bit of a bump.

Karina was on her way to meet with Alonso.  She jokes that she's getting fat and happy and mentions running into Diego.  Alonso asks her to wait while he runs after…Rodrigo!  Rod gets away, but Alonso calls Eleazar to tell him where he saw Rod.  El says he needs details…in person.

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Qué Pobres, Lunes 8/11/14 (#155): I'm an Executive! WHEEEEE!!

Can any other recapper claim to have done TWO weddings where the groom dies before he can consummate his marriage? Yeah, because I've done that. Here's the other one.

Leftovers from Friday:

- "How dare you hang up on me? Don't you know who I am??" Ahole screams into his dead telephone; Tizoc's manager Charly terminated the call some time ago.

- Frida ponders her choices: Adoption? Go out of town to have the baby, so no one will ever know? Or perhaps she can choose the child's new parents herself.


It's the day of Lupe's surgery. She tells her family she's taking a Chinese cooking class, so she might be out late. (Is she planning to make egg rolls tonight after her surgery? Silly.) After Lupe leaves the house, Carmelita phones MA, who is waiting outside, to give him the all-clear. He enters the fonda and greets the rest of the Menchacas, who give him a chilly reception.
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Monday, August 11, 2014

Lo Que la Vida Me Robó #193, Lunes 8/11/14: Little Boy Lost

Chapter 193: Little Boy Lost

Valverde House, Study: Dimitrio Mendoza had suspected that his old friend Pretty Boy Argüelles was The Scorpion. Facing that this was fact was a different kettle of fish.

How do you know this?”

He himself confessed to Nadia.”

Adolfo. Adolfo killed Mónica.”

And Refugio. And many other people.”

Dimitrio took one second more to take this in. He silently left the house.
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Mi Corazón es Tuyo Lunes 8/11/14 #16

Capitulo 16: Two Men, Two Women, and the Same Problem

Chicago Club: Back in the dressing room, Ana tells Johnny that in retrospect, his reluctance to have children was the right thing. She now feels she doesn't want to have children with him. He goes into immediate denial, saying she must be joking. She sure isn't because she reveals that she doesn't love him. Smart girl. He looks like he's going to cry like a little boy. Sorry, dude; this lady deserves a man.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- El Señor de los Cielos II, En Otra Piel, et cetera, week of August 11, 2014

Here's your page for the new week, folks.

Many of us watched the chilling Pablo Escobar: El Patrón del Mal.  The telenovela inspired me to read Gabriel García Márquez's account of the kidnapped journalists' ordeal, Noticia de un secuestro and to compare GGM's version of events with those in the novela.

Recently, I came across a review of a novel that has just been translated into English but whose original Spanish version appeared in 2011:  El ruido de las cosas al caer by Juan Gabriel Vásquez.  The author -- as well as the narrator of the novel -- grew up during the bloody ascendency of Escobar.  The narrator was 14 in 1984, the year Escobar had Rodrigo Lara Bonilla killed; he was 17 when Guillermo Cano, the fearless editor of El Espectador, was slain; and he was 19 in the terrible year when the presidential candidate Luis Carlos Galván was assassinated and some time later, a commercial airplane was blown up, killing all the passengers on board.

El ruido de las cosas al caer feels like a very personal novel, but it is well-grounded in time and place; it may be of interest -- either in its original Spanish or in its English translation -- to some of us who are still trying to make sense of that terrible time in Colombia's history.  The opening sentence of the novel caught my eye:

"El primero de los hipopótamos, un macho del color de las perlas negras y tonelada y media de peso, cayó muerto a mediados de 2009."
(The first of the hippos, a male pearl-black in color and weighing a ton and a half, fell down dead in the mid-2009.)

The animal had escaped from Escobar's vanity zoo, Nápoles, and had been a menace to everything -- animal and vegetable -- around him.  The decision to kill him and then display his cut-up remains triggered a media circus in Colombia.  The writer uses this incident to draw his narrator's thoughts back to his own past and how the national trauma affected his life.

Interestingly, while author Juan Gabriel Vásquez lives in Spain these days, he spent some time as a reporter on the late Guillermo Cano's newspaper, El Espectador, in Bogotá earlier in his career.

You can get a sample of this book on Kindle, if you're interested.  I'd be curious to hear what you think of it.

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS -- Reina de Corazones: week of August 11 - Page One

The Queen of Hearts continues to have a place in our hearts here.  Although as I write this, the total number of comments hasn't quite reached 200, I suspect it will get there in a couple of hours.

Assuming our enthusiasm continues to be strong and the comments numerous, I will be posting a Page Two on Thursday, just before the evening's episode.

Have fun!

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Saturday, August 09, 2014

Hasta el fin del mundo - English synopsis - robo bloggers phone home

This is the telenovela replacing Lo que la vida me robo; it's starting Monday August 18. Robo blogging team, please write me at caray@mappamundi.com and let me know if you are staying on for "Hasta." Anybody else who's interested, let me know.

Sofía Ripoll Bandy (Marjorie de Sousa), a tough, beautiful, intelligent and distinguished woman, is director general of the Ripoli Factory, the girlfriend of Patricio Iturbe (Julian Gil) and the older sister of Alexa and Daniela. She is head of the family business.

Salvador Cruz aka Chava (Pedro Fernández), a simple, noble and sympathetic man, a race car driver and mechanic, met Sofia when he lost the chance to compete in an important race. Both felt an immediate attraction, the start of a history during which they will have to overcome obstacles thrown in their path by Patricio - an ambitious man who uses Sofia to rise in the business hierarchy - and Silvana Blanco (Mariana Seoane) - the supposed best friend of Sofia. Patricio and Silvana form an alliance to obstruct Sofia and Salvador.

Alexa Ripoll Bandy (Claudia Álvarez) is an extroverted, capricious girl, doted on by her mother, just back from Spain. A great attraction arises between her and Armando Romero, Salvador's friend, causing jealousy in Irma, Armando's girlfriend and mother of Nando.

Daniela Ripoll Bandy (Jade Fraser) is the youngest of the sisters, a pretty girl who lights up the house. She meets Lucas Cavazos at a shopping mall; he will become the love of her life. He is spontaneous and sympathetic. Lucas undertakes several illegal jobs to help his grandmother.

Fausto Rangel (Alejandro Tommasi), head servant in the mansion, is a man of exquisite taste. He counsels the Ripoli women and dedicates himself body and soul to them, living through the most unusual situations with them.

Greta Bandy de Ripoll (Olivia Bucio), widowed mother of the three daughters, is hiding a secret that will change the lives of her daughter Sofia and also of Francisco "Paco" Fernández (César Évora), shop keeper in the Union colonia and father of Araceli (Ximena Herrera), who struggles insatiably for Salvador's love.

The characters are seeking the road to happiness. Sofia and Salvador fight for their love, beginning a voyage that will carry them to the end of the world.

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Mi Corazon Es Tuyo #15, Who's turn is it to clean the bathroom?

I can’t believe it. My second recap and our second Diego siting. The first one was on my  first recap. 
We open with Diego still in the jungle, still sexy sweaty, and still taking pictures of Natalia. Not sure what the purpose of the scene is, maybe so we don't forget he exists,  they flirt-fight with each other, the end.

Nando is at school looking at a party invitation on the web. Ximena comes up and kisses him and asks if he’s going to the party. Probably not. She asks why Fanny isn’t answering her phone. He tells her that she’s fought with their father and left home over Leon. She then asks him to do more homework for her, when he hesitates, she asks him to come with her to the party as a couple. He agrees, Xi kisses him, and Gus snaps some pictures of the kiss.

Isabela arrives at León’s room to talk with Fanny. Fanny says she has nothing to talk about with an ‘ofrecita’. Couldn’t find this slang, but I’m sure it means a woman who offers herself to a man freely.  Nice! 
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Lo Que La Vida Me Robo # 192: 8/8/14: Who Will Save Your Soul Fofito?

Ahoy Amiguis. What an episode. This is my last full recap for Robo and I want to thank all the recappers who recapped this longggg TN with me. Thanks goes to Urban, Gloria, NovelaMaven, Julia, Eli, Elna June! I have loved all of your recaps and most times they have been way better than the episodes themselves, it was a pleasure to recap with you. You guys rock for sticking it out. I also want to give kudos to all the commenters who stuck it out with us and the oftentimes hilarious comments and snarking that have gone on. What a pleasure it has been to see new people comment and also our faithful group that continues to comment and give us pearls of wisdom. I thank you! I have included an earworm that really has nothing to do with the storyline here, but we need some levity, si? So I have picked a great one for you to listen to. Undercover Karoke

Shall we begin?

Eric and Esme have arrived at Don Regino's home, that would be Eric's Papa. Eric greets his Papa and wants to talk to his Mama too. Problem is Mama is dead has been for months. Eric asks for forgiveness, but Don R seems to think it's a little too late, it's been years now. Not only did the Moms grieve for her lost little boy, she also grieved for Eric not knowing what had become of him. Don R tells Eric he is dead to him, and as Eric is about to leave, Esme, bless her heart, isn't having it and puts her foot down. We'll get back to them in a tic.

We interrupt this very What Would Esme Do, hereafter known as WWED, for the warning du jour, when PBN (Poor Blind Nadia) tells Monse for the fourteenth millionth time that not only is Vicki (Victoria) in danger but so are Monse and her children, cue the male chorus of doom (Thanks NovelaMaven).
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Hasta El Fin Del Mundo-Index

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Friday, August 08, 2014

Que Pobres tan ricos #154 08-08-2014 MA plays anonymous fairy godfather. Tizoc's brush with jail nightmare is over! he got off easy... Nepo is a free man... Isela plans her new wedding, white gown and all


MA and Dr Maffus

Lupe and Perla with everyone in Perla’s room

Lo Nuevo:

Isela’s reaction of shock/speechless (LOL!) to Lauro’s proposal… Mini encourages the idea…

Isela finally finds her voice, says she is flattered… Lauro is about to die of a heart attack right then and there.. Mini gets worried. But he reacts and says he is happy go lucky. Isela starts planning the celebration (the wedding of the millennium!!... Mini coaches Lauro to let Isela have her day).

Carm and Rita seem to try to figure out their brand new cell phones. Carm is delighted about having a signal (LOL!) Rita will go swap hers …

MA and Mati… he told her about Lupe. He never would have imagined it. Mati understands. Mati will support him in whatever he does to support Lupe. He knows she would know he can’t stay and watch from outside. Mati is sure Lupe will understand sooner or later… But Mati tells MA maybe he should tell the Menchacas…. MA says if he knows her as he thinks, Lupe would face it without bothering her family.

Lupe and Carm at Fonda… they talk about needing help. Rita heard it on her way down and volunteers.

Nepo comes in, he came to see Nepo. He is there ot talk about their divorce. She also wants ot talk about DA. ‘That’ that he is going through… Nepo says that is his bidness, not hers. She insists they need to talk about ‘Lalito’ No, DA. But you won’t go until you hear me out..
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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #151- Friday 8/8/2014

De que hablan mucho, hablan mucho.


Vivi, thank you for yesterday's recap!

Really short and sweet. Minimal details.
  • Irene and Grumps hug it out.
  • El ignores Carmen's call.
Brat (Brigitte) is still looking for work. Paul le Champignon (MM) overhears her griping about her father not helping her. He doesn't think he should be just a sugar daddy. She shouldn't have something if she doesn't deserve it. Brat leaves in a huff (when does she NOT leave in a huff?) Carmen lets MM know they can only be friends.
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Family Fallout

Cap. 14

Don Fernando has retrieved the car keys (Nando is shocked!) along with the credit cards (No! Not the credit cards, too??) from Fannie, who’s careless late night napping at Leon’s has caused a mini-scandal.  “--My house, my rules!”  “--Papa, you’re such a disappointment since Mama’s death.  You’ve ignored us and when you are at home you close yourself in and do nothing but work!”  She races off and slams her door.

Ana realizes there’s a deeper pain here seeping to the surface and mentions this to Bruno.  Bruno stammers back to Ana that they’ve never had a blow up like this in the family before.  “—Why not?  It’s a family full of kids and they all have their problems, right?"  “--If only Sra. Stefania were still alive…..”    "--Well, she’s not so they’ll have to learn to deal!” 

DonFer tells his wife’s portrait that he’s failed as a father.  And now, Fannie’s dating his messenger boy.  

Fannie’s solution is to pack her bags and head for Leon’s digs at the boarding house.  (That’ll last about as long as it takes her to realize she’s gotta share the bathroom with six hairy beasties who are also strangers.) 

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Que Pobres Tan Ricos # 153 : 8/7/14: Secrets and Lies, We Are Looking at You Lupe, Ahole and Perla!

Hola Amiguis! Let me explain how I recap. I do it by what I call free range ear and the way the actors move and speak. I use no captions and when they throw the slang in there and talk in rapid fire sequence or all talk at once, I have to think about the episode.  I have a little earworm for Y'all to listen to Live To Tell! This is for you Vilma!  

Shall we begin? We are in the juice office with Trofeo, Dona Mati and MA with the new Innocence Juice that is organic. MA has a great idea about marketing this juice and Dona Mati is sure that he will make this juice bidnez a success just as MA did with his bidnez in London.

Perla has fainted and Tizoc carries her to the hospital The check in doctor is rude to the Menchaca, he tells them there are lots of people ahead of them, they sit Perla down and she passes out again. Tizoc carries her straight back to an ER bed.
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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #150, 8/7/2014

De que lo denunció, lo denunció

Vicente pays a visit to El at the police station and squeals on Rod. He tells El that Rod killed Alberto, and that it was his (Vicente’s) fault for not putting a stop to Rod sooner and for enabling him. El graciously tells Vicente that only Rod is to blame for his actions. It really seems that Grumps has finally seen the light, until he makes his condition for turning Rod in known. He thinks Rod was damaged by the 2 year coma, and that’s what’s turned him into a homicidal thief. He wants the police to declare him mentally ill and charge him as such. El is just gearing up to tell him hell no, when his boss comes in and mistakenly thinks that El has reopened the case all on his own, and is harassing Vicente. Vicente actually speaks up and says he’s there to turn in his grandson himself.

Meanwhile, back at the mansion, Diego and Rosa try to distract Rod and keep him away from Grumps’ empty room. Rod yells for Lala to serve them some dinner, but she’s with Grumps, so Diego and Rosa lie and stall some more. Lala, meanwhile, sends a detailed text to Rosa about where they are and what Vicente is doing. In a rookie move, Rosa leaves her cell phone on Vicente’s bed—the perfect place for Rod to see and read all about how they have been trying to get one over on him. He erases the message and tells Diego he has to leave to see a client. Instead, he goes to Caprico to transfer the last of the company’s funds into his bank account.

The cops come to the mansion with Lala, who mentions the text. Diego quickly realizes that Rod must have seen the message and that he has fled. The police arrive at Caprico just as Rod has finished his transfer, and he sees them through his office window. By the time El and his team burst into his office, Rod has made his escape—he’s running across Caprico’s roof. Diego calls El, and informs him that: 1) Rod knows; and 2) he’s (Diego) on his way to Caprico. (Is it really a good idea to head right into a situation where armed cops are searching for and gunning for your IDENTICAL TWIN? Yeah, the cops who stopped Diego and demanded identification didn’t think so either.) El heads to the roof and gives chase. Both he and Rod do some athletic jumps off a neighboring roof and take the chase to the streets. El yells at Rod to freeze, pointing his gun at his retreating form. Diego hears and runs right towards them!

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Lo Que La Vida Me Robo 191 --The Miraculous One-Day Redemption of Jose Luis Alvarez-- 8/7/2014

Dear Friends:

This is an episode that you really must see if you have followed Lo Que La Vida Me Robo. It has some very sweet moments along with a distinct foreshadowing of more darkness to come.

Sadly, I have a migraine headache tonight and I will not be able to complete a full recap. Lo siento.

Here are a few highlights of the episode:

·      Jose Luis talks to Angelica. He admits he does not love Montserrat. She is no longer (in his heart).
·      Graciela asks her children for their forgiveness. They agree and she says she can now live in peace.
·      Jose Luis visits Amalia.
·      Jose Luis visits Esmeralda and apologizes for not being there for Refugio.
·      Jose Luis visits Father Anselmo. He confesses his faults, and Anselmo encourages him. God will never abandon him.
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Thursday, August 07, 2014

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS -- Reina de Corazones: week of August 4 - Page Two

From Monday's post:
"NovelaMaven and I have decided to do two Reina posts a week while this high level of comments continues. That way, we should avoid having to deal with the dreaded "second page" of comments, which is a pain and baffling for new followers of our blog. We will do the usual post on Monday and second one on Thursday, just before that day's capitulo airs."

So now it's Thursday and here is Page Two for your comments for the rest of the week.

Here is the dropbox link to the recaps for last week:

Reina Week 5

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Graciela is evil, Adolfo is no better and Angelica pays us a visit Lo que la vida me robo 190 08/06/2014

The recap is fully done, sorry it took so long but I had so much to say!

Editors Note: My dear patio peeps, this is the end of a long journey, tonight is my last full recap of Robo and I wanted to take a moment to thank all of you for staying with us through this whole trip, this story has taken some very dark turns and it has not always been easy to watch-let alone recap, but the awesome community that we have built here always kept me going, sometimes I'd read a comment/recap that would make me laugh out loud, or think about something that I would normally dismiss, all of you here through your comments have made recapping an awesome experience, I often wonder if you all realize how wonderful you all are? I thank you all for the kind words you have had for me every other Wednesday and encourage those of you that are lurking to come out and join us on the patio, we don't bite, we just snark! Again, thank you all for being total super stars, I consider you all friends and am honored to have worked with this team and to have commented along with you all. The recap can be found below, enjoy!

I' am skipping the old and getting right to the new stuff.

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Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Que Pobres tan Ricos August 6: in which Perla plays a tree.

Ezra is in Canada so I'm subbing tonight, and skipping the retreads. There appeared to be missing chunks, did we lose an episode?

  • I don't think "Cherubs Hospital" is a good name for a place where abortions are performed. Frida is shown into a room and while waiting for the doctor and looking at all the sharp scary instruments on the stainless steel table she loses her nerve and leaves.

  • Emi invites Alejo to eat at the fonda. Chuy is furious to see him and, seemingly talking about mosquitos, says "We can't let these bloodsuckers in."
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Mi corazon es tuyo #13 06 Aug 2014... not your typical PG rated family show anymore... Fernando is human... and so are Fanny and Leon

Sorry this is so long... but a lot of the dialogue was very telling of the moment...  i will try to edit it shorter tomorrow.

Refrito: Ana talks to a charcoaled Bruno.

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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #150 - Wednesday 8/6

De que no está muerto, no está muerto.
Is anyone surprised that I continue to have cable woes? Now my DVR is freezing and rebooting itself randomly. Thank God it didn't affect my watching and taking notes, but while I was playing back to translate Tad's letter, the picture froze and the box rebooted itself. I took notes tonight, but not a lot. Sorry if there aren't more details. Aaaand  I have another cable guy coming out tomorrow.

Hilda forgot the address so had to come back earlier than expected. The door is locked and Rod is still with Tib. Hilda calls out that she's going to go get someone with the key and Rod slips out.

Andres acts like a petulant child and thinks Diego is just at the funeral to bust moves on Nat. Diego over hears and informs him that he's there for his Aunt, but if he's making Andres uncomfy he'll leave. Nat thinks Andres is the one who should leave.

Hilda realizes something is wrong with Tib and calls for the nurse (? what exactly was that person's position?)

Rod is back at his office and gloats about leaving no witnesses. He fires up his computer and gets a message about there being in interruption in the last process that was trying to run. He calls the secretary and tells her to get the IT Crowd (Have you tried turning it on and off again?)

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Lo que la vida me robó, ep. 189, Tues., 8/5/14: Murder and Meningitis and Vengeance, Oh My!

Someone has finally noticed the elephant in the room, says I.

I have a confession to make. As tragic as Monday's episode was, I saw it as the awakening of Aguazul, and not its downfall.  I've been waiting to hear someone say the problem out loud, as Alejandro did in his conversation with Victor...

Ese miserable [de Pedro Medina] está jugando con todos, colocándonos en situaciones que sacan lo peor de nosotros mismos.  Quiere que peleemos entre nosotros mismos para debilitárnos.

(That bastard is toying with us, putting us in situations that bring out the worst in us.  He wants to pit us against each other to make us weak.)

...and then to propose its solution:

Y tenemos que hacer todo lo contrario; necesitamos estar más unidos que nunca.

(And we have to do exactly the opposite -- we need to be more united than ever.)

When Alejandro stood up to Pedro Medina and refused his Faustian bargain and then later forgave Victor, refusing to see him as his enemy, and when Refugio did the same thing by refusing to compromise his integrity even while looking down the barrel of a gun, I was sure that this show had turned a moral corner.  

After tonight's episode -- crap!  Was I wrong!
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Mi Corazón Es Tuyo, Tuesday August 5. Wrong Kind of Fire, Fernando.

An episode mostly composed of cute but pointless little vignettes…until the end where Fernandolt takes complete leave of any senses above the beltline.

Skipping the repeats:

Via telephone: Fanny and León Exchange sweet nothings while León irons jeans. He gets so caught up in the flirtation that he leaves the iron sitting there. If he scorched a hole in his britches, it would serve him right for ironing jeans, the adorable weirdo. Fortunately, he also seems to have forgotten to turn the iron on, so no harm is done.

Next morning, garden: Nicolás does tai chi (aka chai chi) with Luz, Guille, and Alex. They all have special outfits for this. FF>>

Now it’s evening again. Sala: Fernando is all giddy because Lolana has agreed to see him. Nic wishes him luck.

Casa Johnny: Fer arrives and is greeted by a VERY slinky seductress in long curly hair, a painted-on skimpy red dress, and a mask. Fer and Fauxlana slither all over each other, Fer nearly drooling, until he gets her to take off the mask. He tries to hide his reaction, but you can nearly hear the downer slide whistle. So much for that little crush. He asks her about the whole Italiana bit and she says that’s just an act to entice her prey.

Anyhoodle, menos blablabla y mas glug glug glug, she says, going to pour some drinks. Suddenly he remembers he needs to leave. She gives him a hard time, gropes him a bit more, and blocks the door, but he makes his escape. Ana, Jen, and Johnny come out of hiding in the bedroom and they all have a good laugh…then Ana looks sad at not getting to seduce Fer for real.
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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #149 - Tues 8/5

De que murió hoy, murió hoy

Well friends we knew this was coming but that doesn’t make it any better.  Grab your beverage of choice, get tissues if you need them (I know I will, it’s sad and very well acted), and hunker down.  Sadly there is little to celebrate this evening.

Mushroom Man (MM or Paul) shows up at the fonda, finds the note Mali wrote for Carmen revealing El’s clue, and learns Carmen and El have never been intimate.  He’s already gross so finding this out just makes me ill.

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Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Que pobres tan ricos Tuesday 8/5 (#150) - we find out Rita's secret.

I'm tired from loading and unloading a truckload of hay for my donkeys today, and the subtitles were a mess, so this is going to be minimal. Please add what you will.

Alejo sort of promises Mati he'll get his lawyer right on that divorce thing, but that he wants to be with his son. Mati says she will allow him to try to convince Lupe (this seemed very bogus to me).

As somebody guessed, when Minerva does the big reveal of the next magazine cover, the model is her own mother! The grandsons share a united moment of flabbergasted astonishment. All say it's a risky idea but she's confident it will be a big hit. Mati likes it so MA gets on board.

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Monday, August 04, 2014

Lo Que la Vida Me Robó Lunes 8/4/14 #188

Chapter 188: I Regret

Almonte House, Gracie's Bedroom: Monserrat finished helping Gracie get back to her previous appearance. She had colored her hair back to the ash blonde it had been before Fabiola's suicide. She had applied makeup. She brought the mirror to her mother's bed so she could see herself. Gracie was pleased.

You did a really great job on my hair,” she said.

You look beautiful, Mother,” she said.

Thank you, my love,” Gracie said. “You don't know what this means to me. I want to say it matters your caring for me.”
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Qué Pobres, Lunes 8/4/14 (#149): Fear of the Unknown

We're in ultimos capitulos now, and the gran final is August 24.

Reruns from Friday: Tizoc and Frida "agree" that they aren't in love because they don't think of one another all day long, and Frida doesn't tell him about the pregnancy. Ana Sofia's swell friends bid bitchy goodbyes and say they'll be in touch. Ana Sofia complains to MA that Mati's dinner with the Menchacas interfered with her own plans to worm her way back into the good graces of the buena gente.

MA has already heard Mati's side of the story. Mati didn't know AS was planning a party that same evening, and it's Mati's home too. She has every right to invite people over. As for friendship, well, the Menchacas certainly are their friends; they helped them out when the swell friends didn't. As usual, his words go in AS's one ear and out the other; she hopes never to see the Menchacas again.

In La Nopalera, the Menchacas assess the damage to the fonda. The kitchen and dining area are thoroughly trashed; even the walls have been vandalized. But the rooms upstairs appear to be untouched, and nothing seems to be missing. Lupe mentions that she learned her lesson when the 300,000 pesos were stolen, and now all their cash is safe in a bank account.

But Rita's not home.

And Ahole is on the phone with an unidentified person who has confirmed that the job is done.
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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #148 - Mon 8/4

De que no murió todavia, no murió todavia

All the best clandestine operation planning happens in mall cafés.  Which is why Morales, Diego, and Rosa meet there to discuss The Case of Rotten Rod.

Toño makes a brief appearance to help Carmen bring some groceries into the fonda and let her know that El left her a present.  It's a puzzle.  El texts her to say when she puts it together, she'll know what he's trying to say.

Morales explains that they're having particular difficulty busting Rod because Rod has the authority to move money in and out of the company.  An audit would help.  Morales brings up the payment to the shady shrink.  Diego gets curious about the drugs when he hears that and calls Alonso away from Tad's deathbed to talk about it.

Tad reiterates his plea, but Alonso says he can't promise anything, especially because he doesn't know how Irene feels.  "Just because you're gone doesn't mean her love for you is just going to go away!"  Well said, Al!  Tad just keeps pleading for Al is not to leave Irene alone.  The lady in question comes in without hearing anything.  Al takes his leave and Tad starts 'splaining.

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Mi Corazón es Tuyo Lunes 8/4/14 #11

Capitulo 11: La Dolce Vita?

Lascuráin Manor: Sebastián and Luz are hip-hopping it on the patio with a little direction from Ana, who collapses in fatigue on the couch. She gets the kids to go inside, then collapses on the couch in the parlor, next to Luz.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS -- Reina de Corazones: week of August 4 - Page One

Reina fans - you rock - more than 285 comments last week! As NovelaMaven already mentioned, we have decided to do two Reina posts a week while this level of comments continues. That way, we should avoid having to deal with the dreaded "second page" of comments, which is a pain and baffling for new followers of our blog. We will do the usual post on Monday and second one on Thursday, just before that day's capitulo airs.

So strap on those beanies and let's get back to the silliness, the mystery and mayhem that is Reina. We still have an opening for a recapper on Tuesdays if anyone wants to give that a try. It's fun.

For the truly obsessed, I have compiled the first four weeks of Reina recaps (not including the comments or corrections ) into 4 Word documents, one for each week, and put them in a public folder in Dropbox. It is very time consuming to try and search the recaps in Caray. You should be able to download the documents by following these links:

Week 1:

Week 2:

Week 3:

Week 4:

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- El Señor de los Cielos II, En Otra Piel, et cetera, week of August 4

August already! Where does the time go? Here is the page for the non-Reina Telemundo offerings. Enjoy!

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Saturday, August 02, 2014

Mi Corazón #10 -- Hash tag# Golddiggers Aren't Always Golddiggers Unless They Are!

Viewerville revisits Ana’s unfortunate witnessing of the argument between Don Fernando and Don Nicolas over the wisdom-- or rather the lack there of—in Don Nico’s frequenting such quintessentially depraved nightspots as El Chicago and, his potentially picking some Latin American clone of Ana Nicole Smith to be the next Sra. Lascurain.  Ana learns DonFer’s aversion to and loathing of loose women in shady nightclubs who fool men into marrying them for their money.  She might as well forget ever telling Don Decencia the truth about her “other life”.

As for Fanny, she and Leon have motor-scootered over to the other side of the tracks to enjoy the heretofore unknown epicurean delight of such common fare as the taco.  Once back at the college’s parking lot Leon offers her the pencil drawing of her he did; mentions his lifelong dream to become a successful illustrator; and confesses that he thinks she’s the prettiest girl he’s ever known and that he realllllly realllly likes her a lot—all of which makes Fanny’s day, natch.

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Lo que la vida me robó, ep. 187, Fri., 8/1/14: José Luis STEALS Romina, The Scorpion Switches Letters, and O.M.G -- It was Victor Who Saved Pedro!

Reader Beware:  We descend steeply from the poetic to the prosaic tonight, my friends, from the soaring imagery and singing rhythms of Elna June to the pedestrian plodding of NovelaMaven.   [Just chew some gum and you'll be fine.] 

Lo de ayer:
Poor Blind Nadia emotes.  
How dare Montserrat sell out Victoria to save Alejandro's life?  Carlota hears the kerfuffle, is told to butt out, but still hangs around the corner and listens.  Montserrat loses her cool: what did Nadia expect her to do?  She had no intention of handing over Victoria; she knew they'd have time to figure out how to deal with Pedro and keep their children safe.

[And I have to say that I go with Montse on this.  Didn't Poor Blind Nadia ever watch Law & Order reruns (I mean when she was just Poor Nadia or even earlier, when she was Nadia a secas)?  Because she'd know that the police always lie to the criminals.  They say what they need to say to save a life.]

Victor quietly retrieves a pistol and loads it.

The Odd Couple: Adolfo Outsmarts Dimitrio

Refugio, after spending the day chasing down guitar boy and then lollygagging on the beach, has finally thought to call Dimitrio and tell him about the Very Important and Confidential Letter bearing Ezequiel's Words from the Grave, probably including the identity of Mónica's killer, the Scorpion.   Of course, the actual Scorpion, that is, Adolfo, has also heard about THE LETTER since Dimitrio obligingly put the phone on speaker in his presence.
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