Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Mi marido tiene más familia Wednesday 3/27/19 Capítulo 134 Rolling Right Along . . .

At the event, Neto asks why something like that is on the screen. Pancho and Susana have no idea. That is further evidence to him that they have not organized the event very well. Eugenio and Neto are both upset as Guido grins. Dani tells Linda about the anonymous messages concerning Gabriel. Neto doesn't understand the message since they did get a DNA test in a lab.  A new message appears: "Verify the truth." Susana tells them to shut off the screens. Eugenio is getting agitated. Blanca and Neto try to calm him down.  Susana and Pancho try to get things back on track. Lupita is declared the winner. The twins are happy. Their plan worked.  Eugenio decides he wants to leave since he is not feeling very well. Neto offers to tae him. Guido enjoys it all.   Later, Chun Ji , the leader of the Korean investors, (I finally saw this on a TV with subtitles tonight and found out that this guy had a name!) offers Susana and Pancho some further advice: working as a married couple doesn't work. They need to decide what part of their lives they want to prioritize unless they want everything to be condemned to failure.

Back at Blanca's, she gives Eugenio some tea to calm him down. Imelda, Dani and a still upset Neto are all there.  He cannot believe that the message said the DNA results weren't true.  Linda tries to call it foolishness and to let it go but Imelda does not agree. She doesn't want to be divisive BUT Yolotl wasn't exactly a "saintly " woman. Linda and Blanca  stop her in her tracks.  They all end up agreeing  that the message came at a strange time, was very specific, was not a joke and as Imelda has to add could have some truth to it. Neto asks Imelda if she thinks he is not a part of the family. Imelda admits to not being sure about anything.  Dani doesn't think that this doubt is going to disappear, so it wouldn't be a bad thing to go ahead and take another DNA test.
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Mi Marido Tiene Mas Familia, Capítulo 133, Tuesday, March 26, 2019; Boy wins girls’ contest and a surprise for Neto and Eugenio

We begin with seeing Dani lamenting over the strange messages she is receiving concerning Gabriel’s death. She looks at his photo and says, “What happened really?”

The Flor de Oaxaca begins and everyone who is important is there. Daniela introduces Alicia Guga, who stands.

Neto sits in the audience with Grecia, telling her they boys didn’t come because they were complaining about stomach aches.

Backstage, the girls argue about who is going to win. We see a woman telling them not to argue, all we see is the bottom of her face to the top of her shoulders.
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Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Por Amar Sin Ley, Season 2 Martes 3/26/19, Episode 10: Women On the Move

I'm Christopher Mason. In patriarchal societies it has always been difficult for women to be taken seriously when they take charge of their lives and other situations. The female attorneys at Vega and Associates know this all too well. It doesn't stop them. However, there are others who do things that cause setbacks for all women on the move.

I'm Candice DeLong. It wasn't easy being a female FBI Agent; I even wrote a book about it. But being accused of a crime is far worse.

Ricardo introduced Gustavo to Javier, who said they needed to review the information they had on the case. Gustavo told him that there wasn't much and that with Jacinto Dorantes dead they had less of a chance of finding out. Javier said that there would have to be another way. Ricardo left them alone to discuss this.
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Ay, Caray! Did I Say That?

Greetings, Carayers!

Welcome to the “Ay, Caray! Did I Say That?” page. You will notice that the sidebar and topbar comments rotate. Your old favorites may be gone, but certainly not forgotten; so don’t fret. This page has been developed so that you can reminisce and read gems written by commenters throughout the years. (A link is on the sidebar for your easy access.) New “gems” will be posted  every month for your enjoyment. After they expire, they will be moved to this page.

Have yourself a wonderful day!
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Monday, March 25, 2019

Por Amar Sin Ley, Season 2 Lunes 3/25/19, Episode 9: The Killers Among Us

I'm Christopher Mason. No matter who we are, rich or poor, we are shocked when we realize that there are killers among us. Evil can be greedy, lustful, or vengeful, but it is often banal. It is often hidden for long periods of time before being discovered. Yet, no matter how many tales we hear of in the news we are shocked every time.

I'm Candice DeLong. Evil can disguise itself in many ways. It can appear to you with the face of innocence and say “I love you.” It has no conscience.

In the morning staff meeting Alonso introduced Adrián to the rest of the firm, less Roberto and Juan who were still at the police station. They welcomed him to the firm. He told them he was also licensed to practice in the USA, and Alejandra told him she was about to go there on a client's behalf. He offered his help if she needed it.
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Mi marido tiene más familia Monday 3/25/19 Capítulo 132 Plotting, Scheming and Love in Bloom

Susana and Pancho are busy talking about the "Flower of Oaxaca" event which will take place tomorrow. They are all prepared and Susana is sure it will turn out well. Pancho and Susana are happy they were able to take care of their kids and their corporation.  Pancho thinks they need a  "lovey dovey" break.  Just as they start to kiss, Lupita comes in  needing help with her hairstyle. Susana will help her. Next, it is Sebas complaining that kids are making fun of him saying he has a mustache. Pancho says he will help him when it really happens. Julio didn't do his math homework. Susana will help him but now it is time to get packed up and leave.

Pablo and Dani are walking through the park talking about the triplets. Pablo will always be there for them.  Is she ready for the "Flower of Oaxaca" event?  Pablo acknowledges that it will be a tribute to Gabriel.  Dani cannot believe that Gabriel has been dead for almost a year.

Nonno is telling Gabriel that the tribute for Gabriel has to be perfect. Guido says no worries because he has been working on it for weeks. Nonno adds that that has been with Neto's help, of course. Guido agrees.  Nonno has also noticed that Guido has had this glowing look about him lately.  It looks like he is in love but Nonno hasn't seen Linda around. Guido says that Linda is a thing of the past. Guido gives credit to his therapy that has helped him quit drugs.  Guido is so happy that Nonno is proud of him.   Nonno says he so proud of him that he has been thinking again of putting him in charge of his businesses but has to remind Guido about getting married. Nonno hopes Guido falls in love very soon. Guido smiles.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Betty en NY, La Reina del Sur 1, y más: Week of March 25,2019

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week:  Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current evening telenovelas (all times are Eastern Standard Time):
  • 9-10PM - Betty en NY
  • 10-11PM - La Reina del Sur Season 1
The second season of La Reina del Sur will begin on April 22.  Telemundo is again showing the first season but somewhat shortened.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversation they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel.  Thanks for your cooperation!

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DAYTIME TNs (#1): Week of March 25, 2019

Welcome to page 1 for the week! Some of the current daytime telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Standard Time):
  • 2-3PM – Tenías Que Ser Tú: Ep. 49-51
  • 3-4PM – Sin Tu Mirada: Ep. 5-7 (Join the TN Bingo for this TN!)
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the daytime novelas (not just the ones listed above) share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Mirada”)

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT DISCUSS previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel.  Thanks for your cooperation!

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Friday, March 22, 2019

Por Amar Sin Ley, Season 2 Jueves 3/21/19, Episode 8: Sociopaths

I'm Christopher Mason. One does not need to be a lifetime criminal to be a sociopath. All it takes is a lack of ethics, a lack of empathy, and an unerring instinct for self-preservation at all costs. However, that does not always guarantee success, as we saw with Jacinto Dorantes. All because he let his guard down when he should have raised it higher. Julio Cervantes is also riding to a fall; he is no master criminal but only because he hasn't had adequate practice.

I'm Candice DeLong. Whether sociopaths are born or made, they start young. They're the ones who feel that the rules of society don't apply to them. While they don't all become criminals, they typically do not care about other people and behave accordingly.

There was a potential riot in the cell block as Jacinto's body was zipped into a body bag and removed. The prisoners were all locked in their cells except for Ramiro, who looked like he was still in shock. One guard said to another “He committed suicide” but Ramiro loudly denied that this was possible. A few moments later he was leaning against the wall when one of the killer guards made a call to “el patron”

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Mi Marido Tiene Más Familia, Capítulo 131, Thursday, March 21, 2019; Yolo uncooperative as usual and Pancho puts an end to his mustache masquerade

We begin with Ari vowing that he will walk again.

At the hospital, Pancho continues with his mustache debacle, speaking in two different voices, one as “Pancho” and the other sounding like a radio announcer. Susana wants a good explanation as to why he is talking so differently. They see Dr. Carlos in the hallway and he gives them his card as a pediatrician. Carlos offers to Daniela to help Ari and give him exercises to do.

Temo shows up with the gift of an electric keyboard for Ari. As Temo goes to give Ari a hug, Audifáz shows up at the door. “Aristotelis, can we talk?”

At the Córsega apartment, Eugenio, Blanca and Imelda are in the living room. Blanca and Eugenio are talking about Ari’s accident and Eugenio says he hopes that Ari recovers well. Then Imelda starts saying that this happened to Ari because it’s a punishment from God because he is living his life wrongly. Basically she says that he had it coming. Blanca gets angry and says she is not going to allow her to spew such hatred in their home and reads her the riot act. Imelda then says, “How dare YOU speak to me that way?” Blanca tells her, “Well if things don’t change, we cannot go on living under the same roof together.”
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Thursday, March 21, 2019

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Betty en NY, La Reina del Sur 1, y más: Week of March 18, 2019


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current evening telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 9-10PM—Betty en NY
• 10-11PM—La Reina del Sur (editión especial)**

**The second season of La Reina del Sur will begin on April 22. To attract and  prepare viewers for Season 2, Telemundo is presenting a somewhat abridged version (la Edición Especial) of the highly acclaimed Season 1 in the 10 PM time slot.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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DAYTIME TNs (#2): Week of March 18, 2019

Welcome to page 2 for the week! Some of the current daytime telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Standard Time):
  • 2-3PM – Tenías Que Ser Tú: Ep. 47-48
  • 3-4PM – Sin Tu Mirada: Ep. 3-4
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the daytime novelas (not just the ones listed above) share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Mirada”)

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT DISCUSS previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel.  Thanks for your cooperation...and let the comments begin!
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Por Amar Sin Ley, Season 2 Miercoles 3/20/19, Episode 7: The Truth Will Not Set You Free

I'm Christopher Mason. Sometimes the truth is very liberating; other times it leads to prison or worse. There are several people in Mexico City about to learn that lesson as their lies will fall apart in the face of the truth. While some wealthy people have bought justice in the past, there are two here who will realize they can't anymore.

I'm Candace DeLong. Corruption is as old as civilization, but we are about to see it die a slow death, one criminal at a time.

Dorantes shouted that the documents just entered were fabricated. The judge said back that they had been examined scientifically.
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Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Mi marido tiene más familia Wednesday 3/20/19 Capítulo 130 The Power of the Mustache--OR--Two Panchos are Better than One

Ari is off to surgery on his torn Achilles tendon.

Neto has a heart to heart conversation with Yolo.  He respects her decision to forgive her mother  but he doesn't want Ariana back in their lives full-time.  He needs to find out a few things like how she found out where they were and how long she is planning on staying. Yolo sees no need for any answers. She is just happy her mother is back.   Neto tries to explain that he doesn't want the kids hoping in vain because he doesn't want them to end up suffering one more time.   Yolo only sees that her mother wants to spend time with them. Neto understands that but she cannot forget that her mother betrayed them once.  The twins come out as Yolo expresses her exasperation with their father.  Neto wants them all to know he is only looking out for their heart and feelings. He is keeping a distance from Ariana because he has no intention of getting back together with her.  Yolo says they already know that but wants to invite her to dinner. Neto says the answer is "NO" to that until they find out the whole story about Ariana's return. Until then, all contact with Ariana will  be through him. That is the final word on the subject. Yolo is not pleased.

Dani tries to comfort Blanca explaining that Eugenio is not expressing his real feelings; it is just the illness affecting his mind.  Blanca realizes he would be forgetting things but he is forgetting their love story.  Dani reassures her that  their story is in his heart.  Dani tries to explain about  how unpredictable Alzhiemer's disease is.  Blanca understands but it is so hard not to take it personally. Dani says they will all live in her dad's heart until the day it stops beating.
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Por Amar Sin Ley, Season 2 Martes 3/19/19, Episode 6: Denial

I'm Christopher Mason. As is often said, denial is not just a river in Egypt. It's usually a defense mechanism which allows people to believe what they want to about themselves or others. It can also be a bold-faced lie intended to deceive or to gaslight. Very effective when used by a master of manipulation and very pathetic when the truth is easily seen. Too many people in our tale live in a state of denial.

I'm Candace DeLong. I've never met or studied a criminal who didn't lie at least half the time, both to others and to themselves.

Alonso visited Jacinto Dorantes in the cellblock and let him know that he will do whatever it takes to see that he paid for what he has done to the lawyers of his firm. Dorantes told him that he was risking the people he cared about “for caprice” because there were other enemies. He tried telling him he was fighting the wrong people. Alonso didn't buy a word of this.
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Mi Marido Tiene Más Familia, Capítulo 129, Tuesday, March 19, 2019; Neto to the Rescue and Daniela decides she wants a “good friend.”

We open with Neto talking to his children and offering Grecia to come over to talk with them. But Yolo shouts out that she wants nothing to do with Grecia and even less now!

Blanca is giving Polita English lessons. She is learning how to read and pronounce words. She can pronounce run and does a happy dance. But she didn’t know what “dream” was. Then she gets a phone call from Pancho about Ari being in the hospital.

Grecia lets Hugo know about the man who is stalking her.

Polita arrives at the hospital and Axel tells her that Ari has some fractures. Polita is wanting to know how this accident occurred and Linda says that none of them really know. They just saw a white van come barreling down as though they were trying to run over Ari. But everyone is mystified, including Pancho why anyone would have the motive to do that. Temo remembers that the drivers were dressed like clowns.

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Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Por Amar Sin Ley, Season 2 Lunes 3/18/19, Episode 5: Information

I'm Christopher Mason. In the modern world, the right information is as valuable as gold. For both arms of the law it is more valuable than the best stock tip. It's what can make or break everything. Some people will even sell their integrity for information.

I'm Candace DeLong. FBI agents and everyday police do whatever they need to do to get theh information they need to make their case. Usually within the law.

Jaime thanked Paula for allowing him to stay in her home. She told him that while their marriage didn't work, they had Alejandra. She credited him with Alejandra's courage. He said that Alejandra had her smile and her zest for life.
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Monday, March 18, 2019

Mi marido tiene más familia Monday 3/18/19 Capítulo 128 Guido and Ariana Put the Pedal to the Metal--OR--There Be "Clowns"

Guido insists on driving in spite of his sneezing from his "damn" allergies. When Luigi questions his decision, Guido tells him he might have allergies but is not blind.  They trade places. Guido is now behind the wheel and cannot wait to "return the favor" to the kids that took everything from him.  Luigi laughs as Guido sneezes again.

Ari finally takes off Temo's blindfold and he sees the wonderful picnic  Ari has created just for him.  Temo loves it and has always wanted to go on a picnic with Ari.  Ari explains that he loves Temo but sometimes doesn't know how to act around him.  Even though they are novios, he is not sure if he can touch him or if he is going to be too lame.  Temo shakes his head agreeing that he often doesn't know what to do either but that they can learn together. They hold hands and Ari asks Temo if he will go to infinity with him so he can show him a planet called Aristemo which is full of colors. Temo says sure but how. Ari takes out a kaleidoscope that his father gave him when he was little so he can show Temo.  As they sit observing the different designs,  Ari puts him arm around Temo and tells him that the color in his world had disappeared until Temo arrived. There is more kaleidoscope and picnic time.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Betty en NY, La Reina del Sur 1, y más: Week of March 18, 2019

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current evening telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 9-10PM—Betty en NY
• 10-11PM—La Reina del Sur (editión especial)**

**The second season of La Reina del Sur will begin on April 22. To attract and  prepare viewers for Season 2, Telemundo is presenting a somewhat abridged version (la Edición Especial) of the highly acclaimed Season 1 in the 10 PM time slot.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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DAYTIME TNs (#1): Week of March 18, 2019

Brought to you by popular demand—the Daytime TNs page, issued twice a week:  Mondays and Thursdays at 12:00 PM. Welcome!!

Some current daytime telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Standard Time):
  • 2-3PM – Tenías Que Ser Tú
  • 3-4PM - En Tierras Salvajes: Gran Final
  • 3-4PM – Sin Tu Mirada – Starting Tuesday
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the daytime novelas (not just the ones listed above) share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorteN the title to one word, i.e., “Mirada”)

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT DISCUSS previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel.  Thanks for your cooperation!

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Saturday, March 16, 2019

Por Amar Sin Ley, Season 2 Viernes 3/15/19, Episode 4: Man on a Mission

I'm Christoper Mason. Thomas Paine once spoke of times that try men's souls. This has been such a time for the partners and associates at the Vega firm. Even the most level-headed people can become unhinged in a crisis and forget what they are all about. There are explosions all around them. Sometimes a man on a mission implodes as well.

I'm Candace DeLong. In my experience I've seen some otherwise good people do bad things when provoked intensely enough. It would be ironically tragic for a lawyer to do this.

Alejandra called Ricardo to tell him her location so he could come to get her and her father.
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Coming Re-e-e-ally Soon to a Screen Near You…

·         Premios TV Y NovelasSunday night! March 17th on Univisión: 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm (E)

·        Sin Tu Mirada – starts March 19th on Univisión: 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm (E) to replace En Tierras Salvajes

The tale revolves around Marina (Claudia Martín) who was thought to be born dead, but, Nopis, she survives, but she is blind…and she is also rich! BUT only the village midwife knows that she is rich (sigh). Osvaldo de Leon plays Luis Alberto (main protag) who was born a few hours after Marina. He is raised rich, but was really born poor.

I won’t say anything more…watch it and weep J
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Friday, March 15, 2019

Mi marido tiene más familia Friday 3/15/19 Capítulo 127 Moving on Ahead with Guido and Ariana

In Nonno's office, Neto wants to know what Ariana is doing there. Her response is to the point: she needed to see her family. Neto cannot believe that when she HAD a family and she lost it when SHE abandoned them.  Is she trying to pretend that nothing happened?  Ariana only wants to see the kids and tell them she loves them in spite of all that happened.

Yolo goes to see Hugo to apologize thinking that a nice apology will get her her phone back. No way. It is his job to enforce the rules. She will not get her phone back for 24 hrs. Yolo uses the old "it's not fair" reasoning and finally resorts to begging. She wonders how she will contact Guido. Hugo throws her phone into his desk drawer. If she wants to talk to her dad, she can use his office phone.

Luigi asks Guido one more time if he is sure that he wants to do something agains the kids. It could endanger his inheritance.  Guido couldn't care less. He cannot stand two kids in the group and one of them is Temo.  His revenge will end up hurting all of their families. Temo's death will affect everyone.  Guido smiles just thinking of it all.
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Por Amar Sin Ley, Season 2 Jueves 3/14/19, Episode 3: Control

I'm Christopher Mason. Kidnapping is one of the most common crimes experienced by the wealthy and powerful. While the criminal's usual motive is to extort as much money as possible often it's a power play between the victim and the mastermind of the crime. It's one way a criminal can be in contol.

I'm Candace DeLong. You're right, Christopher. Truly effective criminals at any level understand one thing: If you want something done, you need to be in control of yourself and all the people involved. There are many ways to achieve this and no criminal mastermind relies only on one method.

El Ciego enjoyed discovering Alejandra's foolishness in her action... but he more enjoyed contemplating what she would feel like in three days.
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Mi Marido Tiene Más Familia, Capítulo 126, Thursday, March 14, 2019; Starting over and Big Surprises

We begin with Daniela confronting Guido about the fact that every time Gabriel got sick before he died, it was right after Guido cooked them a meal. Of course Guido acts totally innocent and tells her that all his ingredients were “natural” so it couldn’t have been that. [Guido, we all here know that arsenic is “natural” too.] Daniela starts to cry and says she needs to find out the answers concerning Gabriel’s death. Then Guido hugs her and tells Daniela he is there to listen to her and to support her.

Guido’s phone rings and its’ Yolo, so he disconnects on her.

Susana and Pancho get ready for bed and Susana relates about Sebas and that he is hiding something from her. She fears she is not a good mother because Sebas isn’t sharing what is wrong. Pancho says they are a great team, “Corsega-Lopez”.
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Thursday, March 14, 2019

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Betty en NY, La Reina del Sur 1, y más: Week of March 11, 2019


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current evening telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Standard Time):
  • 9-10PM - Betty en NY
  • 10-11PM - La Reina del Sur - Season 1
The second season of La Reina del Sur will begin on April 22.  Telemundo is again showing the first season but somewhat shortened.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.   Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement,this group DOES NOT DISCUSS previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel.  Thanks for your cooperation!

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Friends, Carayers, Anons, Lurkers, Lend Me Your Minds…

Greetings, One and All!

It has been noted that the number of recappers and members appear to have decreased; and we would like your opinions and ideas as to how to make Caray, Caray more appealing and productive. We come to improve Caray, not to derail what Melinama has so generously and graciously built.

Please share with us your thoughts and constructive criticisms. What is it that you like, don’t like? What pages do you find useful/not useful (check out the sidebar; there are some pages that have never been used or commented on). Give us your wishlist! Please note that any changes will take some time; so please be patient with us.

You may post your thoughts and ideas in the comment section or, if you prefer some privacy, please e-mail me at
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Por Amar Sin Ley, Season 2 Miercoles 3/13/19, Episode 2: Connecting the Dots

I'm Christoper Mason. When we last met there was an attempt on Alonso Vega's life that resulted in other deaths. This is another link in a chain that leads back to Jacinto Dorantes, a corrupt politician. The course of justice never runs smooth in such situations and will ultimately depend on someone's ability to Connect the Dots.

I'm Candace DeLong. I've dealt with both criminal masterminds and their flunkies and this situation is full of them.

Alejandra advised Sofia that since four lawyers recently left the firm there was a heavy workload. Sofia did not seem intimidated by this. She specialized in criminal law and human rights issues, which pleased Alejandra well enough.
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Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Mi marido tiene más familia Wednesday 3/13/19 Capítulo 125 Love is in the Air--OR--Dani Discovers a Clue

Pablo continues talking about Gabriel's cause of death. He knows it will be difficult to come up with a definitive diagnosis but his symptoms should give them an idea. He asks Dani if there was an autopsy.  She knows now that she should have had one do e but at the time she didn't want to see his sisters suffer more.  She also thought it was better to let Gabriel rest in peace. Pablo is sorry he brought the issue up. Dani  tells him not to worry and excuses herself to go feed her babies. Pablo tells her he won't be bothering her. If she needs anything, she can give him a call.

Neto is still talking to Grecia.  She is okay and is with Crisanta. He will be over ASAP.  Neto asks an inquisitive Yolo to look after the twins.

In Blanca's kitchen, Pancho isn't happy about the tattoos and is angry that the boys hid them from him. He expresses his concern because you have to be careful where you have them done. When Ari says that is why they had them done on their forearm, Pancho has to explain he was talking about the "place" the  "tattoo parlor" itself. If Temo had only asked, he could have recommended a good clean place. Susana comes in wondering what is going on since she could hear them all the way in the living room. Pancho tells her.
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Por Amar Sin Ley, Season 2 Index

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Amar a Muerte, 3/13/19: A Post-Mortem


Of all the tragic characters who have suffered greatly in this story, Valentina Carvajal is the one I suggest has suffered the most. We wish her well in whatever path her future takes her.

First she loses her mother at a very young age. As a teenager, her father decides to remarry someone about the same age as her older sister, Eva.

Vale then loses her father in a most unfortunate incident on his wedding day--right before her eyes, including the stabbing to death of the stabber by a trusted family associate. Detective Montilla grills her on her father’s associates for enemies he might have had. It just serves to rattle her further—she knows nothing of her father’s business. She takes solace in alcohol and withdraws. She is most probably clinically depressed, but no one does anything except urge her to “get out more.”

She’s basically ignored by the rest of the household. Even her interaction with Lucia is at a minimum, though congenial. Her sister Eva bullies her regularly and dismisses her contributions. She has an abusive boyfriend who "owns" her and uses her to meet his own needs.

She has her own brush with death when she falls into their swimming pool, drunk, and nearly drowns. Jacobo, the new family chauffeur saves her. This is not what the family meant by “get out more.”

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Mi Marido Tiene Más Familia, Capítulo 124, Tuesday, March 12, 2019; Grecia’s life is in danger and Daniela moves forward

We begin today with Mássimo complimenting Neto for his good work. He can become as master maker of mescal. He wants him to come up with a special formula to honor his grandson Gabriel.

Susana and Pancho are discussing the details of the business. Susana is profit minded and lets him know one of her duties as Vice President is to maximize profits.

At school, Sebas tells Julio and Lupita he is sick and feigns a cold. But he is really embarrassed about his smelly feet and once they leave the room, he sprays his feet.

Grecia is sitting out by the pool thinking about what Neto said to her last time she saw him. He said he would protect her. But out from the shadows appears her worst nightmare! Felix has come for his revenge. He knocks her into the pool. As they struggle and he tries to drown her, she calls for help. However, Crisanta is the only one at home and is looking around the house for Grecia. She and Felix struggle in the pool for a few minutes before Crisanta is able to come out and Felix runs away. Grecia is frantic and in tears in the pool. Crisanta brings her inside and tries to comfort Grecia as much as she possibly can.

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Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Por Amar Sin Ley, Season 2 Martes 3/12/19, Gran Estreno: No Honour Among Thieves

I'm Christopher Mason. When last we met the partners and associates at Alonso Vega's firm were steeped in ugly and dangerous situations. Jaime Ponce was being held captive, Gustavo is grieving for his wife and son, Ricardo had advised his ex-wife to flee with their children, and Alonso had considered dissolving the firm. He was outvoted by his partners, all determined to fight for justice.
I'm Candace DeLong. I was an FBI profiler and I had many cases involving psychopapths and other cold-blooded criminals. No matter how they dress or what kind of cars they drive, they are the lowest form of human life and deserve to be locked away. Thanks, Christopher, for inviting my observations.
Alonso lunched with the police chief and talked about the murders of Gustavo's wife and son, looking for assistance in some way. Also about the kidnappng of Jaime Ponce, all because he refused to represent Jacinto Dorantes. He was told that the department was doing everything it could. Interpol had been informed and they would be watching out in case Dorantes tried to leave the country. Alonso wasn't sure how long they could deal with this and said that they needed help. In the name of Justice.
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Monday, March 11, 2019

Amar a Muerte, 3/11/2019, GRAN FINAL: Death Has a Plan for Everyone…But So Does Love OR Redemption Doesn’t Come Easy

Recap written by: Kirby and RgvChick. “The Helpers”

Previously: LCJ and Cami find Beltrino. LCJ tells him that he needs his help. LCJ helped Beltrino rescue his daughter; now, LCJ’s daughter is in danger and needs help from Beltrino to rescue her from Alacrán. Montilla is at Johny’s place trying to arrest him, but Johny shoots at the cops.

Beltrino doesn’t hesitate to agree to help LCJ; he asks if LCJ knows where El Alacrán is. As they talk, Cami interrupts and tries to tell them that they need to let the cops handle it, but LCJ and Beltrino talk over him. Beltrino regrets not having killed Alacrán the first time, but this time he won’t fail. Cami keeps interrupting; so LCJ finally tells him to call Montilla and ask about sending back up. As Cami calls, Beltrino and LCJ quickly get into the SUV and drive off leaving Cami behind.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Betty en NY, La Reina del Sur 1, y más: Week of March 11, 2019

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week:  Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current evening telenovelas (all times are Eastern Standard Time):
  • 9-10PM - Betty en NY
  • 10-11PM - La Reina del Sur, Season 1
The second season of La Reina del Sur will begin on April 22.  Telemundo is again showing the first season but somewhat shortened.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversation they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel.  Thanks for your cooperation!

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Por Amar Sin Ley, Season 2: Recappers Needed

Por Amar Sin Ley, Season 2 begins tomorrow night at 10PM EST.  Season 1 ended on a cliffhanger with the kidnapping of Alejandra's father by a corrupt political figure whom he was investigating in addition to the funeral of Gustavo's wife and young son.  There is another killer to be caught as well.  
Here is the recap of the Season 1 finale for those who need a reminder of events.

New cast members will include Kimberly dos Ramos (remember her from Vino el Amor), Federico Ayos (Mi Marido Tiene Familia, La Candidata) Marco Mendez, Erika Buenfil, Marc Clotet, Manuel Balbi, Arturo Carmona, and Marisol del Olmo.  There will be location shooting in New York and Boston which will have a storyline mostly spoken in English.

Of course the great and sinister Juan Carlos Barreto returns as Jacinto Dorantes.

Do not read the Wikipedia page for this as it already contains spoilers on an episode by episode basis.

Who is up to recap?  Please e-mail me!


Saturday, March 09, 2019

Amar A Muerte, 3/9/19, Episode 86: In Which Confession Is NOT Good For The Soul

     Parte 1~~
  • Aprehensive over what comes next, Johny and Lucia walk into the living room followed by Jacobo, aka León who is ready for bear.  "--It's time that the three of us should have a talk."  Johny objects to speaking with a lowly chauffeur but Leo is ahead of him.  "--The chauffeur is outside and I am in here asking questions.  Now, there's no better time than now wouldn't you two agree?"  JC turns to Lucia and asks just what's going on here.  Lucia is temporarily suffering from lock-jaw brought on by severe panic.  "--Care to explain a bit about which one of you two orchestrated--or perhaps it was bright little Lucia who contributed to this plan."  JC starts to say "Excuse me--" but Leo cuts him off.  "--No there's nothing to excuse.  Or, well let's begin at the beginning: Wasn't it you who hired Lucia and put her at the reception desk so that she would stop me from entering simply because I didn't have a name tag [gafete]?" JC stutters and Leo repeats the question more forcefully.  "Jacobo, or Chino...or...--"  "--León!"
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Friday, March 08, 2019

Mi marido tiene más familia Friday 3/8/19 Capítulo 123 Threats on the Horizon--or--Susana Lowers the Boom

Susana tells Temo when the right moment comes and they let themselves go, it will be something beautiful and he will not have to be afraid. Ari is getting his own romantic advice from Polita and Dani. Dani suggests that Ari and Temo get away to a great spot  that is out of the ordinary for them to shake things up.

Julio wakes up in the middle of the night and sees a  clown that looks like  Sebas. The clown tells him "ya te cargó el payaso" (literally: the clown  has carried you away); in other words,  you are in big trouble. The clown pulls off his covers and Julio starts screaming.  It turns out that it was  a nightmare. Pancho has been sleeping in his room and is there to calm him down when  Julio really wakes up.   He will not any clown hurt him.

Neto finds a stuffed bear for Dani outside the door of the building that was left by Carlos. He  delivers it to Blanca's. Blanca and Dani look upset. Dani opens the envelope trying to see who is is from. It only says it is for Dani and the triplets. Could it be a message from Gabriel? Blanca sadly shakes her head.
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Mi Marido Tiene Más Familia, Capítulo 122, Thursday, March 7, 2019; Pancho comes through for Susana!

We begin with Audifáz returning Arqui to Polita. Then we go out to the hallway where Yolo is having a meldown about her father getting involved with Grecia. Grecia tried to tell Yolo that she is not trying to replace her mother. But Yolo thinks her mother is going to return to the family and can only focus on that. She runs off and Neto starts to go after her, but then lets her go.

Grecia finally says, “It’s better that I leave, since you need to speak with your daughter.” Neto says, “We can talk later.”

Back in the Córsega apartment, Audi tells Polita that he has tried to do the right thing and now he can leave with a clear conscience. Polita thanks him. Audi tells Eugeno that he laments about what happened and how it caused separation in their family. He bends down to hug Eugenio as he leaves.
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Amar a Muerte, 3/7/19, Episode 85: Watch Out Kiddies—Daddy’s Back

To bring you up to date with our main transmigrated souls, here is a quick overview of Leon Carvajal and Macario, El Chino, Valdes, followed by Thursday night's highlights.

León Carvajal/Macario El Chino Valdés/Jacobo Reyes/Leónchi/LCJ/León
At the top of his game, León Carvajal, this scion of a successful media conglomerate, with a beautiful young trophy wife, two adult children and one nearly ready to fledge, is stabbed to death on his wedding day. End of story.

No, as prepared as he was to manage a large and diverse company with foreign business ties, meetings, daily reports, ratings, fiscal bottom lines, board of directors to head and a very public face, he finds himself in a world he merely reported on from the comfort of an executive suite. A handsome new and younger body is the least of this transmigrant’s problems.

He is dirty, smelly, in the hands of not so nice prison personnel. He’s being turned loose as his execution was not successful. He’s not even in his own country. Two women he does not know, claim him. He struggles to understand the unknowable. Before he can extricate himself from them and the poverty they live in, narco assassins come after him for some stash of money stolen from them and a hurricane destroys everything. He’s separated from these two who assured him his role is hired killer, suspected philanderer, husband and father, in that order.

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Thursday, March 07, 2019

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Betty en NY, La Reina del Sur 1, y más: Week of March 4, 2019


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current evening telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

• 9-10PM—Betty en NY
• 10-11PM—La Reina del Sur - Season 1**

**The second season of La Reina del Sur will begin on April 22. To attract and  prepare viewers for Season 2, Telemundo is presenting a somewhat abridged version (la Edición Especial) of the highly acclaimed Season 1 in the 10 PM time slot beginning this Monday, March 4. I think the unabridged version is the best telenovela I've ever seen.  I suspect that even an abridged version will be well worth watching.  To make room for Reina 1, El Barón has been relegated to the 1:00-2:00 AM time slot.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Wednesday, March 06, 2019

Amar a Muerte, 3/6/2019, Episode 84: At Carvajal there is Good News, and Baaaaaad News

The good news is, Daddy is back, the bad news is Sister is leaving.
Previously: Eva walked into the editing room and saw everyone watching the special report on HER!

Eva tells Palomarez to turn off the television, she frantically tells everyone not to believe everything they see. Everything is false, they know she wouldn’t do something like that. She is going to sue that TV station for slandering her. She then orders everyone to get to work instead of standing around gossiping.

At Silvina’s house, Beltrino bangs on the door as he holds a bouquet of fresh flowers in his other hand. He yells out to Loopy and Juls. He knows she is angry, but he wants to talk it out. Just then, Tiberio arrives and tells him that they no longer live there, they left the city. Meanwhile, in their apartment, Lupita and Juls are washing dishes as Lupita confides in Juls that she dreamed of her father…it was odd…and erotic. Juls wonders how Lupita can be having erotic dreams of her father when she saw her on the couch with Pancho. Lupita reiterates that that is why it is odd, but it is one thing she and El Chino did very well. Juls is disgusted that Lupita may still be in love with El Chino. Ha ! Everybody else is.
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Mi marido tiene más familia Wednesday 3/6/19 Capítulo 121 Polita's Very Good Day--OR--Pancho and Neto Cannot Catch a Break

Bouquets of different colored roses are being delivered to Imelda. She is looking for a gift card to see who they are from. She doesn't have to wait long since Nonno follows the roses and he has the gift card: The roses are in different colors because he didn't know her favorite/ He hopes she will forgive him and will understand that he loves her/He wants to capture her heart again.

Guido is in his office thinking of Yolo. He calls her and they flirt on the phone. She says that she played some mind games with her father who ended up paying for the room and now she is being punished for not coming home last night.  Guido clarifies that the room was technically paid for;  it was "comped" by a friend who is the manager. He asks if her father has any idea of what is going on between them.  She explains at first he seemed to know but she convinced him that Guido was not involved. Her father said  that he was a bad influence and that she should stay away from him.  Guido insists that he only wants to know her better. She wants to get to know him, too, but they will have to do it on the sly. He suggests they chat and write so she won't get lost. They both are going to be thinking of each other.
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Mi Marido Tiene Más Familia, Capítulo 120, Tuesday, March 5, 2019; Yolo throws another tantrum; and Pancho to the rescue!

We open with Ernesto receiving a phone call; he thinks it’s going to be Yolo, but it turns out to be Ariana, his ex wife who abandoned him and the children. “Why are you calling me? Did you run out of money?” says Ernesto. Ariana says not to insult her she just wants to see her children. “I just want to see them and hug them, I’m their mother, Ernesto.” Of course Ernesto says NO and tells her that he doesn’t want the children to suffer anymore. “You are selfish.” Says Ernesto and then he hangs up on her.

Yolo and Guido lay in bed fully clothed and Guido tells Yolo that he can’t stop thinking about their kiss together. He kisses her again. Guido wisely stops before things get out of hand and tells her that she is not of age. So he leaves her there to sleep and says he will see her for breakfast. Yolo says, “Thank you for everything.”

Blanca and Eugenio try to figure out what to do about Polita as Ari is in tears. Blanca asks what happened at the party and Ari says he and Temo came out as a couple and everything went wrong after that. Temo offers his financial help, but Ari rejects it. Blanca swears they will get the money somehow.
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Tuesday, March 05, 2019

Amar a Muerte, 3/5/2019, Episode 83: (Non)Sense and Sensibility OR A Sinking Ship and Bailing Yeo(wo)man

Montilla is still in Johny’s office questioning Magda, the secretary. Once finished, he asks for a copy of Johny’s agenda for the day on which Susana was murdered. Montilla takes the cups of coffee and is about to leave when Lucía rushes in, but when she sees Montilla, she excuses herself and starts to leave. Montilla tells her he is leaving and regrets that Johny didn’t want his coffee. After Montilla and Magda leave, Lucía asks what happened with Montilla. Johny assures her everything is well, but wonders what is going on with her since she looks so upset. Lucía doesn’t know whether to call it a miracle or craziness…Jacobo Reyes is León Carvajal! Johny smirks and wonders if she is going to continue with that nonsense; those are ideas of the common folk. Lucía swears that this is different; she just came from talking to Lupita, Jacobo’s alleged wife. Lupita confirmed it; there is a different person in her husband’s body. Johny thinks it’s something that many wives say; maybe they got together and want money or he is lying to her. Lucía also went to see Camilo who also confirmed that LCJ (León/Chino/Jacobo) is León. Johny insists that Cami is Jacobo’s friend and is defending him, Lucía points out that Cami is also a scientist with an impeccable reputation; they call this transmigration of souls. Johny argues and tells her to think it through because he doesn’t have time for her stupidities…their boat is sinking and she comes with this nonsense. Lucía gives up and storms out.  (And takes her shark repellant with her)
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Monday, March 04, 2019

Mi marido tiene más familia Monday 3/4/19 Capítulo 119 The Mysterious Stench--OR--Guido Falling in Love

Pancho wants to get organized at home with Susana so that work can stay at work and they can have time for themselves.  He has a bulletin board all set and divided in two. They can split up their responsibilities.  Suddenly, all the kids appear wanting help with their homework and attention.

Linda and Yolo get into it. Linda calls  Yolo hateful. Yolo calls Linda pretentious and out of style. Linda gets up and Dani has to hold her back. The twins hold Yolo back. Yolo looks at her cellphone and decides she has to get out of there. They are all left staring.

Pancho has a board and is putting up stickies as he and Susana divide up the chores.   The kids come in  and want to know what they are going to do next.  Pancho suggests a movie. The boys want a horror movie; Susana a cartoon or comedy She is overruled because Pancho wants a horror movie, too. Susana says okay but if it is too scary, they will have to stop it.

Grecia gets another heavy breather mystery call.  Who is it? She is worried.
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Amar a Muerte, 3/4/19, Episode 82: Discomfort, Revelation, and Resolution?

Jacobo went to see Camilo to up date him on his failure to convince Lucia about his situation. Both of these men should realize that this situation isn't exactly logical-sounding to people who haven't experienced it. However, his main worry now was about Mateo, whose situation was a complete disaster.
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