Thursday, February 28, 2008

Pasión, Weds 2/27, #55: Have fun storming the castle!

At the tavern, Lafont says goodbye to his pals. Uriel with the canneloni curls says they really ought to go too, but Lafont doesn't want them to leave unconscious Gonzalo behind. Uriel protests that he has to get up early tomorrow to work in the store. (He's probably really sorry that Gonzo's passed out and can't make another sour-grapes remark about the store Jorge wouldn't give him.) "We'll take him home," Mateo with the Marcel waves says. Lafont agrees to this and leaves. Pablo follows discreetly.

Uriel tries to tap Gonzo awake. Uriel doubts what Lafont told them about the Englishman - it looked to Uriel as though the two had already met. He greeted him and even stopped to chat. Uriel suspects that this Englishman is the guy who's been buying their loot. Mateo is not so sure - would would he be doing here, considering that Jorge wouldn't even let them nab the most recent caravan? Uriel shrugs, says maybe Jorge didn't know he was coming. Mateo dismisses this, saying it's too much speculation. Mateo orders another bottle.

Jimena thinks maybe Ric can get his cousin Lis to back off. Camila asks how - by sleeping with her? Because that's what she really wants. Jimena says he could probably pull it off with a much smaller sacrifice than that, since she likes him so much. Cami doesn't think he would do that. Jimena gets all "I told you so" about buying the mill concession, but Cami says she never thought that letter would turn up again. J tries to cheer her up, saying surely the guys will find it. Cami feels guilty that Ric has risked so much for her. He's probably sorry he ever got mixed up with her!

Ric and Mario are inspecting Lafont's trunks - I mean his coffers, not his lacy underthings - when the call of a Long-Tailed Whistling Hawk, aka Pablo, warns them that the man of the house is on his way. Since they haven't found the letter yet, they assume it's on him. They prepare to welcome him.

Outside, Pablo makes sure Lafont's guard stays knocked out.

Since Ric and Mario don't have a fresh plate of cookies handy, Ric greets Lafont with a terrific blow to the head. Mario is impressed. Ric says he learned it from El Chino. They go through Lafont's pockets, but find nothing.

Camila is relieved when they get home. He tells her he didn't find the letter, and he doesn't know whether it means that Bernabe destroyed it. With her hand on Mario's arm, Jimena says maybe Jorge has it. "Could be," Mario says, looking as if he can't wait to find out. Sensing the birth of an even more frightening plan, Cami begins to protest. Jimena says she knows a way in - Vasco's got a key. She, Mario, and Ric start working out the details while Cami frantically tries to nip it in the bud! What if they get caught, what are they going to do, kill him? Mario suggests that they try to get in tomorrow on some pretext. Ric fears that it will be too late by then - the letter could already be in the hands of the judge. Cami says no, not at the cost of your life, but Ric says tonight's their only chance. She threatens that if he does that, she'll turn herself in.

"And what will you turn yourself in for?" Ric asks rationally. She says she'll tell them she's not Timoteo's rightful heiress because they weren't properly married. He reminds her that she can't pay back the money. She doesn't care! He says he cares. He tries to calm her down and suggests that they talk in private. As they leave the room, I see Mario take Jimena's hand. (I think Ric sees too!) Mario shrugs helplessly at her as he takes off his coat to wait for the fight to blow over.

Ric takes Cami to a bedroom. He says he had it made up for himself to sleep in out of respect for her ridiculous decision (to not sleep with him), and she's going to stay there until he comes back. She goes nuts and begs him again, loudly, but trying to kiss him goodbye too. He reminds her that this is his absolute last chance, and he locks her in! She screams for Jimena to let her out. Lis wakes and hears her. She wakes Fran.

Meanwhile, Ric, Mario, and Jimena hatch their plan. Ric asks J if she thinks she can get Jorge out of his room. J says she hopes so - she's always wanted to! "You're gonna sleep with him?" Mario asks, tantalized. J tells him to shut up - what does he care?

Clothilde comes down to tell them that Camila's yelling. Ric loudly tells the gossipy maid that Cami's being punished, and no one can talk to her or let her out. Then Lis and Fran want to know what's going on. He says it's between him and his woman, and tells them to go back to their room. He shouts at them again to get them to leave.

After they go, he apologizes to J, saying he knows it hurts her to do this to Cami, but there's no other way. J says she understands. She excuses herself to get ready. (Mario seems to reach for her vaguely as she leaves, but he's gonna have to be quicker than that!) Mario reminds Ric that this is very risky. Ric asks if Mario has a better idea.

Lis and Fran wonder what's going on. Fran guesses that Ric must have caught Cami at something really terrible to have locked her up like that. Lis wonders if he found her with Santiago. Fran thinks not - he would have killed them both, but they'll find out soon enough.

Cami throws herself onto the bed and sobs disconsolately. Meanwhile, the Mission Impossible team ring the bell at Justo's place, waking Vasco and Ines. Ascanio is there too, shirtless anddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

Wups, sorry. I think I had a blackout or something. Um, anyway, Ascanio is there too. Ric asks that they say something to Justo so he doesn't come outside too. Ines goes in to comply. Ric says he knows Vasco has the keys to the palacio, and he needs them. Ascanio seems lost. I'd like to give him a map.

A moment later, Vasco and Ascanio are dressed and they all make their way to Jorge's. Vasco warns that it's dangerous; Ric reminds him that this is all his fault. Vasco says again that he's sorry. Ric tells J to knock at the front door. She agrees, but tries to say that it's risky; he cuts her off. He tells Ascanio to keep watch nearby, and when she's been gone for a little while, to let Ric know. He tells Vasco to lead the way to Jorge's room.

Vasco asks what they should do if they get caught. Ric explains that if they're all very cautious, they won't get caught. The tone of his voice discourages further discussion. Ric and Vasco move off to the side. J watches with vague bemusement as Mario carefully arranges her shawl to hide her cleavage before he joins them!

A wagon approaches; everyone turns away and tries to act casual. Ascanio tells Jimena it's going to take a while for Mario and Ric to find Jorge's room; is she really going to try to sleep with him? "I'd rather go to bed with you," she tells him with a playful smirk. He rolls his eyes. "But Camila is my friend, and I don't want to let her down, so, fine - no biggie." He tells her to be careful. She takes his face in her hands and says she loves him - like a brother. "Same here," he says. They exchange a friendly (not hot) kiss and she goes to the door.

Jorge is awakened by a loud knock on the door. A guard says it's urgent - it's Jimena, they told her to come back tomorrow, but she insisted. Intrigued, Jorge tells him to send her to his study.

It's time for the guards to switch. One of the guys going off duty seems to notice Ascanio. Ascanio turns away and tries to act casual.

While the rest of the guys wait to get in, Vasco fills Mario in on the Santiago situation. Mario hopes that if Santi does become the señor, he doesn't try to get even with Ric for swiping his woman. Vasco says Santi would never do such a thing - he got married and Camila was free to marry someone else. Mario says - possibly from experience, we don't know - that just because they're married to other people doesn't mean he doesn't still have feelings for her. "You know," he adds. Vasco agrees with a rueful smile.

Jimena is adjusting her neckline, pinching her cheeks, and poking her eyes in preparation for the big show. Jorge comes in, and she gives him a sob story about how awful it is to live in "that house," Ric's a big meanie, and... and... today... (she turns to squeeze some tears out of her eyes) today he hit Camila and locked her in a room! Because she wanted to have a party to celebrate their wedding, he was okay with it at first, but then... she doesn't know... he went to see some English guy today... (she checks his face to see if it's working; he's lost in thought) and then he came back and threw a fit.

Jorge wants to hear more. She sobs for dramatic effect. Outside, Ascanio gives Ric & Co. the thumbs up. Ric says that if Jimena comes back too soon, to let them know; they'll leave the door open for him. They sneak into the building while Jorge pumps his seemingly cooperative visitor for information. He asks if she's ever heard anything to make her think Ric's a pirate. God forbid! she says, crossing herself hurriedly, but admits that his "people" are strange, and sometimes he goes on trips and doesn't say where he's going.

The guys sneak through the hallways, sounding like a herd of buffalo wearing tap shoes. Now they're in Jorge's room! They search all the easy places, then prepare to open a large coffer.

Jimena is telling her eager audience that she has to get out of that house - she'll become a tavern wench, if necessary. Jorge makes his move and says no, no need for that! I can take care of you! She says she'd be profoundly grateful. She giggles as he nuzzles her neck and tells her she's pretty. She tells him he's handsome. (Interesting - I didn't know apuesto could mean that.)

He suggests that they go to his room. "Just like that?" she asks, startled. "Why not?" he answers. They'll be more comfortable there. Thinking fast, she asks if she can have another glass of wine first. She glances nervously at the window as he pours.

It appears that Mario, Ric, and Vasco have found nothing. Vasco insists that Bernabe would have regretted his actions and burnt the letter. (But not returned the money, apparently.) He thinks the fact that he stayed in that miserable little village with his cousin, rather than living like a king in the big city, proves that he was sorry for what he did. He was a nice guy who just got blinded by greed for a while, same as Vasco, but he still loves Camila.

"Yeah, maybe, maybe not" Mario replies. Now he wonders if the letter is in Jorge's office. Ric worries that if J is there with Jorge, they'll get caught.

Jorge is getting a little frisky with J now, telling her she won't be sorry, and describing the lush lifestyle he'll give her. She tells him he's generous. He tries to pull her out of the room with the promise of champagne. She then falls prey to a well-timed stomach ache. She produces a nice dry heave and says she must have had too much to drink. He gives her a glass of water and realizes the party's over, at least for now.

After the commercial, Jimena joins the men outside. The first thing out of Mario's mouth is to ask if Jorge took her to bed. She tells him he was just about to, and she would have liked him to, but instead pretended to be sick and that cooled him off. As for the guys - no, they didn't find the letter.

Ric stalks off. Mario follows after another quick attempt to cover up Jimena's charms.

Ines is trying not to nod off when Vasco and Ascanio come home. V tells her they didn't find the letter and asks for some coffee. She hopes that if Jorge didn't have it and Lafont didn't have it, then maybe it no longer exists. Ascanio is not so sure. They looked in Lafont's study and Jorge's bedroom, but there are other places it could be. Vasco's not happy with Ascanio's gloomy attitude, but Ascanio thinks Lafont could have killed Bernabe to keep him quiet even if he did get the letter.

At Ric's place, Ric tells Jimena and Mario that they've run out of hope. Jimena reminds him to get Camila out of her room.

Mario tells Jimena that she's a very courageous woman and gives her a hug. "And very pretty, too," he adds. She weeps on his shoulder with relief, and slaps his shoulder weakly when he calls her "sirenita."

Cami is still at 100% Pissed Off when Ric comes back to the room. She screams, "you can't do this to me!!!!" After he shuts the door, she asks in a much calmer voice, "you didn't find it?" She cries and says she's so sorry and it's all her fault. She should have listened to him and not bought the mill concession. He tries to cheer her up and says life is full of mistakes. He holds her and they make up. And make out. Just when I think they're going to have a pleasant accident in the Room of Celibacy, he apologizes for his poor behavior. He offers to take her back to her own room, but she wants to stay there, because it's not fair that he can't sleep in their room, it's his room too. He says no - all of his stuff's in here anyway.

They laugh over how they're driving each other crazy. She suggests that they just talk. About him. "But not on the bed," he says. She tells him about the time Timoteo told her about Ric. (There's a sepia-colored flashback to their day at the beach.)
She had asked Tim why he hated his nephew so much. He said they had been a happy family until their father died in the prime of his life, and his older brother (Ric's father) inherited everything and came down hard on Tim and Fran. Everybody else thought he was a swell guy, but he was awful with them. And Tim wasn't his mother's favorite, either. Then Tim fell in love, but the big mean brother married her instead. To get rid of Tim, the brother gave him a miserable little piece of property. Eventually he died, and his wife had had a son; he offered to marry her, but she turned him down. However, he was the executor of the son (Ric)'s inheritance; the boy had inherited his father's evil blood. 19 years later, he had become a murderer, escaped, and now he's a pirate.
Ric says he now understands why TIm hated him and his mother so much. His mother died shortly after Tim did. Cami says she didn't quite believe what she said about Ric's father anyway. He says he has only good memories of his father, and if he was unkind to Fran and Tim, maybe it's because he sensed the evil in their hearts. He explains that Tim hired Bermejo, the guy who ran the slave auction where she was sold, to kill a woman and frame Ric for murder. Fran was in on it too. The man even confessed.

Shocked, Cami asks why Fran isn't in prison. Ric says he asked his godfather to leave her name out of it to expedite the process. Cami says it was her fault he had to run away. He says he ran away like a coward. She says no, he was young, he had to. He says Fran's an older woman, and she needs to take care of Lis - and Lis knows all about the murder story.

That's why he wants to have a family. He lost his father too soon, and his mother was hard and bitter; his aunt and uncle wanted him dead. When he met Camila, he knew that with her, it would be possible to have a real family. She proimises to make it happen. He asks her to never again saying that he's only interested in her for her money! He asks her never to doubt him.

Jimena brings out a snack for herself and Mario. He asks what if she had stayed with Jorge. She tells him about the house and the mesada (I don't know what this is) and jewels he offered her. "So are you going to accept?" he asks. "He's a very pleasant gentleman," she teases. He reminds her that she told him the other day that she was looking for a husband, not a lover. (Mario, Jorge IS a husband!) Did Jorge's offer make her reconsider? She tells him it was an attractive offer.

He feeds her a grape and says he could set her up with something, too. "And marry me?" She asks. "I'm not the marrying type," he says, feeding her another grape, and she bites his finger! She says if she's going to be a mistress, she'd rather do it with a rich guy.

She asks what they're going to do about the letter. He asks who she discussed it with. She says only Vasco, and that was because Ric wasn't around at the time. (I think they're referring to the fact that Bernabe had the letter.) He wonders if Lis and Fran overheard something. She thinks this is likely, and that they went straight to Lafont with the gossip. Disgusted, she says she hates them. Mario says he hates them too, and that's not the only reason - there are plenty more.

It's morning. Fran and Lis weigh whether they should go down for breakfast, or have something sent up. Lis wants to stay in because of what happened last night. Fran says they can't stay shut in just because those two fought. She asks Lis how she left things with Lafont. Is he going to come over to tell them what the judge says? Lis seems surprised to imagine that Lafont would dare come over (he's been there before, but only once, when Ric was away). If Ric suspects that they've been plotting against him - and when the letter shows up to prove it - he'll throw them out on the street and maybe beat them up first.

Lis wonders if they could ask him not to turn the letter in. Fran thinks this is crazy-talk. Lis reminds her that she got it by bribing the doctor. She told Lis and Ric! Fran innocently says she doesn't remember that. Lis scolds her for feigning senility. Fran asks Lis if it wasn't unfair of Tim to leave everything to a whore. In that case, there's nothing to debate. She's tired of Lis's indecision and of arguing with her. Ricardo's lost to Camila, and he'll throw them out the day she asks. Then they'll enjoy Lis's father's inheritance while Lis and Fran live in misery. (With their little trunk full of gold coins.)

Camila and Ric chat over breakfast after spending the night in separate rooms. She asks about dinner with Foreman (I guess I should really be calling him Lancaster for now). Ric says he's going to go get him. She wants to know how many in the party - Lis and Fran too? Is the guy going to bring "someone"? Ric says he'll bring his peeps, but they won't be eating with them.

Lis and Fran come down to breakfast. Lis is taken aback when she hears Cami's voice.

Lis: "Camila?"
Camila: "Yes?"
Lis (in a very small voice): "uh... hello."

Ric tells them about their dinner guest. It's the guy that Lafont introduced to them yesterday. "I didn't know you knew him," Lis answers in a still-subdued voice. Fran says they're going to see Ofelia later to have some things made. Ric tells Fran she doesn't have to report to him - they're free to do what they like.

Jimena and three servants come out with a lavish breakfast. She asks about Mario; Ric mutters, "I guess he'll come now!" He seems surprised by the feast; I think they're supposed to be test dishes for tonight's meal. To break (or maybe to exacerbate?) the heavy tension, Jimena tries to get them excited about the food. Fran is irritated as usual. Lis sulks.

Meanwhile, at Mt. Carmelo...

Rita is here, and she's already telling Ofelia it's time for Santi to go home, or is he going to become a monk? Ofelia says she brought Rita with her because she insisted, but they'll leave if Rita's going to harrass him. Rita says she won't do that, but it's been too long already - doesn't he want to be around for the birth of his child? Ofelia says there's still a ways to go.

Santiago approaches. Ofelia warns Rita to stop. He's happy to see them and asks about Justo. After addressing this, the next words out of Rita's mouth are "when are you coming home? I've missed you so much. We need you at home." He says "soon," and she asks why not now. Ofelia shuts her down and says he came here to be in peace and to think about what he's going to do. Rita says that reality isn't going to change just because he's holed up in here. "I'll leave tomorrow," he promises. This puts a rare smile on her face. She tells him that Jorge and Sofia have been looking for him.

He asks about Pancho and Crispin - if they know. Ofelia says they've been curious, but she doesn't think they know. Ascanio knows, but he's sure he hasn't told anyone, since he's so reserved. (He did mention it to Mario, in fact, but he thought Ric had already told him.) Rita says she didn't tell Justo, but maybe Ines or Vasco did. Ofelia thinks that in that case, Justo would have asked her about it.

"So, what have you decided?" Rita asks, getting back to the one subject of interest to her. She says it was so swell of Sofia to do this for him, and he should go for it.

Santi is angry with her for asking him to accept the surname of the man who raped his mother and the woman he was going to marry.

Awww, he just had to mention that. Too soon, Santi. Too soon. It will always be too soon to mention Camila. Rita throws a fit. "I knew it! I knew Camila was in this!" Ofelia goes off on her, tells her to leave her sister alone, or else she'll disgrace herself and the entire family, including the baby.

Santiago says he's going to find the head priest to thank him, and check out today. Rita smiles triumphantly. She thinks she's just won a battle.

Back in the town, Fran wonders what the deal is, with Ric and Cami fighting last night and acting so pleasant today. They're going to Ofelia's today to confuse their spy... at least, that's the plan, but Ramona, who's cooking something, tells them they all went out to Mt. Carmelo to see Santiago, he went there to pray because he's so pious. She offers them some food, and Fran says they'll come back another time. She holds her nose and gags as they leave.

Lafont has a temper tantrum in front of his security staff because of last night's breach. Manuela lurks nervously in the hallway as he tells his guards that they're a bunch of dopes who are only fit to watch pigs. "You didn't see anything, huh?" he says, grabbing one of the guys. "You didn't see anything?" shaking him. He turns and sees Manuela. "And you? You didn't see anything?" She shakes her head in mute terror. "So it turns out that there's some Pedro out there who can just come waltzing in here like it's his own house," he fumes.

She asks, if they didn't take anything, what could they have been looking for?

Lafont hisses at her, "that's what's killing me: I DON'T KNOW!!" And he knocks over a chair for good measure.


Guess who's coming to dinner?


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Al Diablo Con Los Guapos #27, Wednesday 2-27: Everybody Was Kung-Fu Fighting

OK, so, Constancio hugs Mili and introduces her to everyone as his daughter…or at least he tries to. He tells them how much better he feels now that the cat's out of the bag, but Mili cracks up laughing. She reminds him that if he were her dad, she'd beat the smack out of him. Claudio grabs Constancio and calls him "Daddy". It's all too much for Constancio, who heads upstairs and skips dinner. Regina introduces Claudio to his "siblings" and Valeria, predictably, just walks off, but Alejandro makes nice. Hugo welcomes his new cousin at this "harmonious" time. Padre Manuel also asks to skip dinner, but he wants a word with Mili. He and Mili head off for the study while the others, except Andrea and Damian go in to dinner. Damian tells Andrea he's got to look after his own interests, never mind that the kid's no good for Andrea's plans.

Mili thinks the reappearance of Constancio's "son" is a miracle. Padre Manuel is pretty nervous, but won't say what's up. He gives up and says Milagros should get back to work. Mili makes fun of Constancio thinking she's his daughter and tells Padre Manuel that her real daddy's going to be a squished cockroach once Mili and her cuate Jesus get done with him.

Luciana gripes to Constancio about needing to get "that bastard" out of the house. Constancio agrees, but he objects to throwing the word "bastard" around so much and tells her if she's so against bastards, she should start by throwing out Alejandro.

Los del servicio are in the kitchen having dinner, Braulio included. Lina doesn't think it's fair that he doesn't get to have dinner with his nephew. Horacio is jealous of Braulio because he found his nephew, but Horacio hasn't found his daughter. Horacio gets all choked up and has to leave the table.

Claudio stuffs his dessert in his face and talks with his mouth full about needing to catch a bus back home. He wants to say goodbye to his "Abuela" but Alejandro says she's probably tired and he'll pass on the message. Damian takes Claudio home. Andrea tries to kiss Alejandro good night, but he turns his face. Hugo wants to continue their discussion about Carmen. Alejandro says he's tired of talking to Hugo when Hugo won't listen. Hugo disagrees and Alejandro changes his mind and says Hugo's deaf.

Out front, Damian coaches Claudio to be more affectionate to his new "family". Claudio hands over the money Regina gave him and Damian hands back $1500. Damian is such a parasite.

Mili goes up to say good night to Doña Regina. Doña Regina's down because she thought the reunion would be different, more affectionate. Mili begs for another chance for Claudio as he must be in shock. Regina agrees. Before Mili goes to bed, she asks Regina if, now that the real grandchild is found, she's not the pretend granddaughter anymore. Regina, with tears in her eyes, says Mili will never stop being her pretend granddaughter. She and Mili hug and cry. See, that's what Doña Regina was talking about--that's what the reunion should have looked like. Mili tries to lighten the mood by telling Regina to dream of angels and let her know how she (Mili) looks with wings on, ja, ja.

The next morning, Mili surprises Alejandro with roses for his room again. She nags him to get up and go to work and he tries to convince her to get in bed with him and wake him with cuddles. She starts to say something and he guesses that Sor Cachete told her if a guy wants to cuddle it ends up with him wanting to "hacer la cochinada" (do the nasty). Mili said she wasn't going to say anything about that, but she sees he's got his mind on the nasty. He wants her to hang out for a while and she's trying to beg off when someone knocks on the door and Mili hides behind the couch. It's Andrea, of course, who all but steals the roses, then tries to sneak into Alejandro's bath. He says he forgot he already had a bath and now he's in a hurry to leave. He shoves her out the door and says he's got to talk to her later. Andrea: "About the wedding preparations, right?" Alejandro: "Uh, yeah." Well, "Don't make any because I'm breaking up with you," counts as a conversation about wedding plans doesn't it? Mili pops up from behind the couch mocking Andrea and complaining that she stole the flowers. Alejandro reminds Mili that he's going to break up with Andrea soon and then they can celebrate that Mili's going to be the only adolescent girl, digo, woman in his life. He suggests dinner, but Mili wants to cook for him. They agree to have their dinner at Bobby's house tomorrow night since he's taking Valeria to the Rodeo tonight. Mili says they'll see each other at the rodeo. They kiss and we get the scratching record sound as Mili realizes that Alejandro is only wearing his "calzoncillos" (and praise be the wardrobe people that they're boxers and not briefs) and so she runs away to fight another day.

Constancio summons Claudio to the study for a chat. Claudio asks if he should call Constancio "boss" or "daddy." Constancio says not to joke around--they're going to go do a DNA test tomorrow. I guess Damian didn't think of that. Loser.

Damian comes to collect from Regina, but she tells him it will have to wait until after the DNA testing tomorrow. The little weasel tries to smarm his way out of it, but to no avail.

Rorgan asks Lina to be his first psstchoanalysis patient. He has her lie on a bench in the garden and start free associating. Lina starts talking about herself, how much she loves butterflies, her absent mom and dad. She thinks dad is handsome, tall, well-dressed, and rich.

Two out of three ain't bad. Horacio's in the kitchen, moping. Socorro comments that Braulio looked a bit pensive, as if the reunion wasn't quite what he expected. Horacio wonders if his daughter hates him like Mili hates her dad.

Lina finishes some story about fighting with a woman at the supermarket. Rorgan has fallen asleep. He flips open the book and diagnoses Lina with an Oedipal complex and a fear of incest and she's nuts. Lina asks if Rorgan doesn't have problems. He says Valeria and Bobby are both going to the Rodeo. Lina gushes about Bobby and Rorgan asks her to run interference for him. Sounds like a good plan. Lina is offended at the thought that Valeria might be acting "resbalosa" (giving him the slip, trying to get away from him) with Bobby.

Andrea comes to visit Luciana and tries to drive her a little bit more nuts. She says that with the arrival of "the bastard" she thought she'd find Luciana passed out drunk on the floor. But Luciana's determined to stay sober and get rid of both "the bastard" and Andrea.

Doña Regina has coffee with her two grandsons. Claudio's doing a better job of being mushy this morning. Alejandro invites him to the Rodeo (how long before they recognize each other?) and he accepts. Luciana walks in and tells him not to hang with the riff-raff, but Alejandro insists that he's got to hang out with his own brother. Claudio and Regina leave for the garden. Luciana asks Alejandro how things are going with Andrea and he avoids the question by leaving for work. She looks a bit worried.

Socorro sneaks into Damian's room looking for Roxana's address. She gets busted by Karla who tells Socorro where to find Damian's planner.

Valeria and her model friends, Bim and Bo, snark about going to the Rodeo that night. They remind Valeria that they've got to have their Naca disguises in place. Not to worry--Valeria has called Lina in to nacafy them. She tells Lina they want to fit in at the Rodeo and Lina graciously says she'll hook them up. Then the light bulb goes on over Lina's head as she shuts the door. Valeria and her friends laugh after Lina leaves. Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lina.

Bobby invites Hugo out to the Rodeo with him, Alejandro, Valeria, Bim, and Bo. Hugo will think about it, but what he really wants is for Bobby to get information out of Alejandro. He tells Bobby that Damian told him that Carmen and Alejandro were kissing the day she died and then took it back. Bobby can't believe Alejandro would do that. Hugo says he doesn't know what to believe and he can't ask Alejandro because he'll deny it, so he needs Bobby to do it for him. He pulls the "you said we were friends" card on Bobby and asks for help putting his life back together.

Lina has put Valeria's hair into a style that looks like she went to prom yesterday then got completely smashed and slept in the back of the limo. Half up-do and half falling-down-do. Valeria asks if Lina and all the other "chamagosas" (filthy nacas) really do their hair like that. Nice talk, sugar mouth. Lina swears up and down it's how everyone looks. Bim and Bo are up for it, but Valeria's still cranky. Score one for Lina.

Socorro finds Roxana at the Refuge of Roulette and asks her where to find Horacio's daughter.

Alejandro asks Bobby to stay out of the apartment tomorrow night so he and Mili can have their romantic dinner together. He clarifies it's just dinner--nothing less, nothing more. He's looking forward to the alone time without a bunch of metiches around, but no, they won't be sleeping together because she's not that kind of girl. Bobby asks about Carmen and tells Alejandro that he's doing it on Hugo's behalf. Alejandro admits that he and Carmen had a thing. Carmen came at him and he just couldn't stop himself from boinking her. He has that problem with a lot of women, no?

Luciana comes to the Bunker to ask Mili to help get Andrea away from Alejandro for good. Mili's impactada. She reminds Luciana that Luciana's been insulting her from day one. Luciana says she didn't realize that Mili had a lot of good qualities. Plus she thinks Andrea will ruin Alejandro. On that she and Mili are agreed. Mili says it's as if when Andrea were made, she fell to the floor and "the Devil sucked on her." No, I swear, it's funny. It's from an old Pepito joke (Pepito is a little boy who is the subject of a lot of jokes in Spanish). Pepito drops a lollipop on the floor, picks it up and starts to lick it when his nanny tells him not to because the Devil already licked it. Later when the nanny falls on the floor and asks Pepito to help her back up, he says he can't because the Devil already licked her. Hm, maybe it's funnier when you're a kid. Most Pepito jokes are way dirtier than that. Back to el show…Luciana says that's why she needs Mili to help her, and she'll even compensate her for it. Mili excitedly tells her that they're already novios.

Alejandro tells Bobby that Carmen had a secret life as a skank. He resisted her "a thousand" times, but finally gave in. When she died, he thought it would be better that Hugo not know, but now he thinks it's better to tell Hugo and clear his conscience. Bobby advises him to just tell Hugo he kissed her and nothing more or Hugo will think that Alejandro took advantage of Carmen. Alejandro says that he's not the only guy Carmen slept with besides Hugo and he doesn't care what Hugo thinks of him, he's going to tell the truth.

Roxana threatens to throw Socorro out and keeps refusing to give her any information. She's glad that Horacio's suffering. Socorro reminds her that her daughter never did anything to deserve living without a father. Socorro assures her that Horacio will give his daughter everything to make her happy, but Roxana doesn't care. She calls the bouncers to throw Socorro out, but Socorro will not be thrown out of anywhere! She tells Roxana she's got "mala entraña" (bad guts?) and "atole" (traditional hot corn and chocolate beverage--you can get a packet of atole mix at most grocery stores, but I won't vouch for its quality) instead of blood in her veins. She leaves rather than be thrown out.

Mili explains that they hid their relationship so that Andrea wouldn't try to kill herself again. Luciana tells Mili it was a staged attempt. Luciana tells Mili to tell Alejandro to break up with Andrea ASAP. Mili thanks her lucky stars that she's got such a great future mother-in-law. She's even starting to love her ("querer"--and as we learned from beckster, that too will pass). Luciana asks Milagros not to tell Alejandro that they had this conversation. She reminds Mili that the relationship was supposed to be secret, but Mili told Luciana and she doesn't want Alejandro to get mad at her. She tells Mili to think of her as a friend, or a mother. Is there another word that's supposed to come after mother in that sentence?

Mili and Lina are at the Rodeo and they have a good laugh over Val, Bim, and Bo's outfits. Skanky guys hit on the trio. Alejandro comes to the table with Claudio, which pisses off Valeria. Bobby comes up and asks if Alejandro is asking the skanks what their price is…oops, he didn't notice that the head skank was his beloved Vale. Valeria points out Mili and Lina dancing. Bim (or is it Bo?) suggests they all go dance. Looks like some line dancing's going on. Everybody gets out on the floor. Valeria and Lina fight over Bobby, shoving each other out of the way. Mili shoves Bim away from Alejandro repeatedly. Rorgan shows up to partner Valeria and fights with Bobby over her--to begin with her name is Va-le-ria, not Vale! Hugo confronts Alejandro, but Alejandro says it's not the time or place. Hugo calls Alejandro a killer and shoves him. It's chaos as everybody shoves and punches everyone else for anything they've ever disliked each other for. The matchups are Hugo v. Alejandro; Lina v. Bim; Valeria v. Mili; Rorgan v. Bobby. I don't know if Bo fought with anyone, but Claudio mostly stayed out of it except for trying to pry some of the girls apart.

Cut to the Delegacion Benito Juarez. The slightly jazzy music of post-adolescent hijinx plays as we see all the girls in one cell on one side of the hallway and all the boys in a cell on the other side. Everyone looks the worse for wear and are huddled as close to the bars as they can get. Claudio quite innocently says that even though they're all in there, he's never had brothers or sisters before and he had a good time. "We should all go out again sometime!" Hugo smacks him upside the head for that as everyone groans. And in walk Constancio, Damian, and Braulio. Hey, wait, shouldn't there be a fourth horseman? Fin.


Juan Q - 2-26 Wed - Fat night and Cat fights

Juanito asks if Mar is in love with his Pa. She emphatically denies it that she has a wonderful boyfriend named Fer, and what makes him thinks that anyway. Jito says because of the way she looks at him and the things she says. She tells him to forget the gossip and go to bed. He can't sleep until his Pa gets home so she agrees to stay with him as long as he is quiet and keeps his eyes closed. They fall asleep together and Juan gets home to find them. He covers and thanks her for being so sweet with him.

CL busts into Moni's apartment to yell at them for their little trick messing with Pau and Ma. They promise it was coincidence, but he doesn't believe them. He leaves warning them to leave her alone and he doesn't care what she does with her life.

Pau asks Consuelo why she came to work there. Con reminds her that she was recommended by a friend of CL. Pau says what friend. Con says someone from Farell. Pau says who maybe I know. Finally she asks if it was Mon. Chelo swears she knows no Mon. Finally she feigns being offended and says if Pau doesn't trust her maybe she should just resign. Pau chases her down and tells her not to do that that she'll believe her and she's sorry for questioning, but something happened that makes her distrust everyone.

Juan sleeps on the couch and dreams he's in the forest and Pau comes running up begging for him to take her to Achichipico and she wants to be his wife. Just then he is splashed with water. He awakes to Jito telling him to get up he wants to eat breakfast now!! Juan starts to tell him he was dreaming, and anyway, nevermind.

Delfi calls Nid to see when they can meet. Nid tells her she can't today because she's a hospital volunteer and her sick people are waiting for her. Delfi doesn't believe her and says fine call me when you have time and see if I'm still in the city!

At breakfast Yadi starts asking Juan some questions about what they did last night, and he said we did nothing bad, trust me, just spread some gossip. Yadi wonders if she was in the gossip. He says of course. Yadi gets up to answer the phone, and Juanito wonders why Juan is spreading gossip, he says his teacher said you shouldn't spread gossip and speak badly of others. Guess who is on the phone. Our favorite gloom spreader, Ivy. She says she's doing Yadi a favor as a woman. She pops the news that the boys were accompanied. Yadi changes her mood and starts asking more questions about the night, are you sure you were alone? He says of course, . She says well then who were those women dancing with you all!!! Busted. She yells at him for shamefully lying in front of his son and setting a bad example for him. Yels yells at him for doing this to them and even having them watch his boy while he did it. She leaves in a huff.

Jito wonders if they were telling lies and Juan tells him not even to ask because he doesn't understand what's happening either. Next Ivy spills the beans to Marely who tries really hard not to bite, that Ivy is trying to be a cizana ( spreader of discord) but in the end she's a bit miffed. Next we see Yadi yelling at Kike for the same thing.

Fer comes in with his ZZ Top look. He gets blasted by Marely who knows about the evenings exploits, he immediately unleashes his anger on Ivonne, yelling at the top of his lungs in the reception in front of all the lounge lizards. This time I think Ivy is right that he shouldn't take it out on her. Anyway, of course they disturb the sleeping lion who comes out of his lair. CL reminds them that personal problems belong far from the office.

Cl beckons Mar. She and Ivy exchange words before she goes in.

Cl makes some business remarks about this turning into a vegetable stand -Verduleria and CL remarks that since Pastor has been missing it is absolute chaos. He then reveals his true intention. He asks Mar where she's going to eat with Pau.

Mar is back outside and worrying about CL asking about Pau. She tries to reach Juan at home. Nid tells her he's gone, in fact all the guys are gone because the are in trouble and the chiles have been teased chile toreado (it's heated up around here).

Pau makes her first ob gyn appointment just when Mar tries to reach her to warn about CL.

Delfi calls the store to find Anga to find out that he's ill and at home. The clerk gives her his address. Kike observes this and yells at the guy that if someone called and said he wanted to kidnap Anga he wouldn't give the address would he? Well, if they are going to do that they won't say that so never do that again!!

At college, Maestra wife with VPL (thanks Sylvia) comes across Yadi and shares her view that Yadi should go home and be a Mom, and not waste her time in the school and let others have her space. Topete comes along and says she shouldn't give up and there will be people who are jealous of you and you are following a dream and should go for it. I actually thought this guy was pretty nice about this even if he has other motives.

The doorbell rings at Anga's and Delphi discovers the reason Nid couldn't see her. Nid tells her to leave, but she barges into the room and fawns over him. Nid follows in and tells her he's got someone to take care of him so off with you. Nid and Delphi screech at each other about who deserves more to be taking care of Anga. Will there be a female duelo? No. Anga tells them both to shut up "with Carambas." He tells Nid he wants to speak with Delphi alone. Nid is impactada, but graciously goes out of the room.

Profe is still laying it on thick over coffee and Yadi proclaims how wonder it is to chat with him because in a few minutes she feels so much better, that he listens to her and understands her. Just then Profesora Marga shows up frothing at the mouth over see them together. She accuses him of this being his motive for evading her, and asks if Yadi knows they are married, which Yadi didn't.

Anga breaks that there will never be anything between Delphi and him and he tells Delphi that he's in love with NId and no matter how hard he's tried, she just keeps showing up in his life and he's got to stop fighting it.

Nid tells her she'll give her Perafan, and even the wedding dress. Delphi stares blankly. Nid says ok, I'll even get you tickets for your honeymoon to Timbuktu then. But please leave Anga alone to be with me. Delphi tells her none of that is necessary. Anga doesn't want her, he only wants Nid.

Yadi and Profesora duke it out over el profe. I was waiting for tables to start flying and chairs too like old high school fights, but it's a bit more subdued, though Profe does get smacked. Yadi defends herself she didn't know he was married. She calls him Nacho and the wife of course takes offense that she uses his first name, and says her socks and says Yadi is the only nacha (butt cheek) around here.

Nid thanks Anga for what he did. He tells her he's tired and wants to rest. Nid worries maybe all this was a story and they are going to see each other behind her back. He tells her that's foolish and to please just let him in peace for now. She tells him she'll go. As soon as she leaves he calls Perafan. Perfan is cynical of course. Anga asks him to go over because this is something that concerns them both. He says he'll come but wants to know if he should bring his machete or if he's supplying the guns. Anga tells him just shut up and come.

Mar tries to call Pau again to find out she's already left. She decides she'll go directly there. She begins to walk out when CL sees her and tells her he'll take her to Pau. Doh!!!!!!!!!!!


A query from Canada

A fan from Waterloo Canada writes:
I have been following Caray! Caray! and the interminable saga of "Destilando Amor", or "The Misadventures of a Supremely Stupid Hero", and enjoying the recaps immensely. As you can guess, TLN, the latino network out of Toronto, Canada is away behind both the U.S and Mexico in its lineup of telenovela broadcasts. Destilando is going to end next week for us.

HOWEVER, the bums at TLN are NOT showing "Pasion" as the next novela in line!!!!!! It is something called "Palabras de Mujers". Do you know anything about the story line of this thing? Needless to say, I am really disappointed, and emailed them to say so.

The good thing is that my Spanish is improving to the point where I can follow the story, and some conversations I can grasp 70% of what is being said. However, it helps to have read the recaps before hand, which ups my comprehension quite a bit more. So.... keep up the great work. You do have your fans.

Anybody know about Palabras de Mujers?

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Pasion - Feb. 26, 2008 - cover-ups, sacrifices, and a future boat ride for Paco

* Pablo tells Rico that Foreman and Hernan have arrived in town, and that he had a lengthy conversation with Alberto near the posada; and then he saw that Alberto and Lis got quite chummy as they walked back to Alberto's house. Rico isn't too happy with the news about Lis.

* In her bedroom, Manuela and Agata discuss what they saw between Alberto and Lis in the salon. Then they discuss Manuela's crush on Ascanio. Manuela says he's as kind and polite as Santo and Rico. Agata reminds her that her dad will never permit her to marry him, so she needs to get him out of her mind. Manuela pouts.

* Lis returns to her room, with good news. Fran scolds her for leaving without notice like that. Lis tells her she went to see Alberto and he has to medical letter. Fran quickly closes the doors and they discuss how Alberto will take the letter to the jurisdictional judge of San Fernando, Don Eustaquio de la Oca, directly, and that Lis is sure that he is sincere in his feelings towards her. Fran is happy to hear that and wishes for Lis and Alberto to get married. Fran continues with her thought and starts to insults Lis with the notions of Alberto's age and her disability. Lis is furious and asserts her rights to decide what she herself will and won't do.

* Rico talks in the bedroom with Cami, about Foreman's deal with Jorge and Alberto and they are almost certain that they are involved with the caravan assaults. Cami is pleased and thinks they should turn them in so Don Gaspar can get him his full pardon. Rico says they can't, they don't have proof, and Jorge's so powerful he doubts if anyone will testify against him. They discuss - Rico thought bubbles that maybe Lis can help them. Cami glares, like she isn't so sure about that.

* Jorge and Alberto discuss Foreman's arrival in town, how to handle business discussions with him and whether to schedule a meeting. Alberto then asks about Gonzalo. Jorge comments.

* Rico and Cami discuss his meeting with Foreman. She's nervous; he tells her to trust him. He kisses her and leaves.

* Out in the yard, Rico sees Mario and Guerrero return. Mario reports in that they got to the house too late. Mario says that they found Bernie dead inside Eusebia's house - he talked with Eusebia and her little girl - from the description, Rico supposes the man is an official from San Fernando; Mario thinks it is Alberto who killed Bernie and took the letter. Rico and Mario ponder who could've told Alberto about the letter - Ascanio, Vasco, Jimena, who else? Mario warns Rico to be very careful with Foreman, due to his business deals with Jorge and Alberto. Rico tells Mario not to say a word about the medical letter to Cami. Rico mounts his horse and rides away. Mario squats and thinks.

* Rico dismounts and walks fast to the hotel.

* In the lobby, Rico stops by the front desk. The desk clerk greets Rico Lopez de Carvajal - Rico asks which room is John Lancaster in? Desk clerk replies.

* Foreman sits at the table filled with food. Secret pirate knock on the door. Foreman preps his rifle. Secret pirate knock again. Foreman calls out, who is it? Rico answers, Antillano. Foreman puts down his rifle and lets Antillano inside. Rico asks Foreman about how long he's known Alberto? Foreman says hardly. Rico asks what they talked about when he arrived the other day, was it about him? Foreman explains the discussion briefly, and said he met Lis. They sit down and Foreman mentions meeting Mario on the road to town - Mario mentioned his marriage and he is intrigued to meet Rico's wife. Rico is uncomfortable and changes the subject back to talking business. Foreman asks to have dinner and meet his wife. Rico ignores the suggestion. Foreman asks about Rico's identity in town - Rico explains that he is a successful merchant businessman and goes by the name Ricardo Lopez de Carvajal. Foreman says they can continue this farce by saying that they know each other through shipping business in Cartagena, Columbia. Rico asks what business he has had with Alberto and Jorge. Foreman asks him to describe what type of man Don Jorge is. Rico gives a basic description. Foreman is intrigued.

* Alberto walks across the plaza and into the hotel.

* Foreman continues to talk with Rico about his wedding to Cami. Rico is uncomfortable and wishes they would stick to discussing business (nothing personal please). Foreman brings up meeting her - Rico says when do you want to come over? Foreman says how about dinner. Rico agrees. Knock at the door. Rico and Foreman are stunned. Foreman calls out, who is it? Alberto says his name through the door. Foreman opens the door and lets him inside. Alberto stares right at Rico - they greet each other. Foreman says you two know each other already - Alberto explains, small town, everyone knows everyone else here. Foreman explains that he and Rico know each other through business dealings in Cartagena. Rico leaves. Foreman tells Alberto that Rico just invited him over to his hacienda for dinner and to meet his wife. Alberto says he also came to invite Foreman to the palace for dinner to meet Don Jorge.

* Rico finds Mario on the street - they discuss privately about his meeting with Foreman, as well as their mounting suspicions about Jorge and Alberto. They watch Alberto and Foreman walk inside the mansion. Rico and Mario walk down the street, Mario tells him that Cami and Jimena went over to her father's place; Rico tells Mario to go talk with Ascanio, he'll go find Vasco.

* Inside the mansion entry hall, Foreman admires the decor. He and Alberto discuss Rico, - Alberto wonders if Rico is really who he says he is - Foreman changes the subject really subtly and starts mentioning Cami, Rico's wife; Alberto then mentions how they may be all gentlemen there but there is always a need to take precautions - Foreman is curious, what precautions are you talking about? Alberto explains. Jorge comes downstairs and joins Alberto, who introduces him to Foreman. They go into the salon to talk. Jorge and Foreman discuss whether he's encountered any problems since he's british in a spanish country; as well as the peace treaty between England and Spain. Jorge tells a butler to get some wine for them.

* Mario walks with Ascanio to the blacksmith shop. They discuss how Mario found Bernie dead and didn't find the letter in his belongings. Who else knew that Bernie had the letter? Ascanio doesn't know. Mario asks Ascanio for his help with spying on Alberto and Jorge. Ascanio is offended and reminds him that he only agreed to help keep the secret of Rico's identity because of Cami - no more no less. Ascanio leaves to return to work. Mario tosses a large green apple to a little boy nearby.

* As Ascanio attempts to get to work, Pancho and Crispin surround him and pressure him for information on Santo and what's going on? Ascanio adamantly refuses to tell them anything.

* Jorge, Foreman and Alberto have drinks in the salon. Jorge asks Foreman if he likes music - Foreman says yes, he does. Violinist starts to play. Jorge and Foreman start to discuss Foreman's travels - Jorge mentions one city - Foreman says too much pestilence there. He much prefers Florence (Firenze). Jorge agrees. Ursula comes downstairs. Jorge presents her to Foreman. Foreman is enchanted and greets her - Ursula and Foreman exchange flirtatious looks.

* Rico enters the yard and finds Vasco. He says he went to the mill to talk with him - Vasco said he came home to get some important papers. Rico tells him that Mario went to Eusebia's house - but Bernie was killed and the letter wasn't there. Vasco is stunned. Rico asks him if he knows who else could've known about Bernie and the letter. Vasco has to think - Rico wonders about Santo - Vasco says no, not him. Vasco remembers the chief of guards stopped by asking a bunch of questions, said he was there because of Bernie's mom, but Vasco suspects maybe Alberto and/or Jorge was also behind it. Paco runs over - Vasco says he has to get back to work now. Rico and Paco have a delightful uncle-nephew conversation - they go to the side of the garden and Paco shows off his garden plantings, Paco asks Rico if he can visit him at his home sometime. Rico says of course. Paco is excited. Cami spies on their conversation and approaches. Paco runs off to the house. Cami asks Rico about his meeting with Foreman. Rico smiles and replies.

* Cami and Rico join Justo, Paco, Ines and Jimena at the table. Paco tells Justo that Uncle Rico invited him to his hacienda. Justo acts surprised. Justo remembers their past conversation where Rico mentioned owning two boats - he would be enchanted to see them. Rico hesitates and then invites him on board, whenever he wants. Paco chimes in that he wants to see the boats also (botas grandotas).

* On the plaza, Alberto and Foreman discuss how much a part of their business deals is Jorge. Foreman mentions the caravan assaults and all the investigations going on surrounding them - wonders how much help there is to avoid the investigations. Alberto replies briefly. Foreman thanks him and goes into the hotel. Alberto glares in the door and then turns and returns to the mansion.

* In the office, Alberto discusses with Jorge how well Foreman and Rico covered up their stories. They may never get any proof if Rico is a pirate or not. Jorge thinks this is getting really dangerous. Alberto says he invited Foreman to dinner at the mansion tomorrow night. Jorge doesn't like that idea.

* In the raguan, Ursula talks with Sofia and Fortunata about Santo; then Ursula asks Sofia for a favor - to get dad to end her punishment/grounding. Sofia and Fortunata are rewinding up some yarn.

* Mario and Pablo are outside the hacienda talking. Rico, Cami and Jimena return home. Cami talks with Rico about inviting Sofia, Fortunata and Ursula to their wedding party. They see Mario and Pablo - Cami panics and asks Rico about Bernie and the letter - Rico doesn't really respond. Cami and Jimena go inside. Rico joins Mario and Pablo by the railing - Mario had no luck with Ascanio; Rico had the same with Vasco. Rico is frustrated, wonders if Lis said something. Pablo agrees with Rico. Rico wonders if Jorge or Lis now have the letter. Mario suggests that they break into Alberto's house and search for the letter.

* In the bedroom, Cami wonders about who to put on the invitation list for the party - Jimena sits on the bed and wonders about Cami and Rico sharing this bed together. Cami says stop that; she has many other things to worry about now. As Cami makes her list, Jimena asks if she will invite Ofelia? Cami thinks Ofelia may not be in the mood for a party.

* Lis and Fran are talking in the salon. Rico enters and interrupts. Lis is pleasant with her cousin. Rico asks her why she went over to Alberto's house? Lis says to visit Manuela. Rico doesn't buy that excuse - they used it yesterday as well. Fran pipes in that's their story, as well as Alberto is interested in courting Lis. Rico is growing frustrated and wants the truth - he thinks the story is only a pretext so that she can talk to Alberto about something else, perhaps tell him about the medical letter. Lis is impactado, and Fran is bothered by the insinuation. Rico warns them that if Alberto has the letter and uses it, Cami will be a servant again and in jail! Fran and Rico argue about family - Rico says that Cami is part of his family now too, she's his wife! Fran says not really! Fran spouts off about Rico's mom, the estate, Tim, his pirate past. Rico gets really angry and furious at Fran - he finally screams fine then, DOES ALBERTO HAVE THE LETTER OR NOT? Lis and Fran both continue to say they have no idea. Rico screams at them. Fran says "DON'T YOU DARE!" Rico fires back, "OF COURSE I WILL DARE! AND YOU SHOULD BE AFRAID! VERY, VERY AFRAID!" Rico storms out of the room. Lis cries, he hates us.

* Rico enters Lis and Fran's room. He takes the key from the shelf and opens up the chests.

* Rico finds Mario in the office. Rico tells him that Lis and Fran claim they didn't tell anything about the medical letter to Alberto. Rico tells Mario that tonight only he, Mario and Pablo will go search Alberto's house. Rico leaves.

* In the bedroom, Rico enters and Cami shows him the invitation list. Cami notes that Rico has something else on his mind. Rico tries not to tell her; she presses, after all they are married, right? Rico confesses that Foreman will be coming to dinner tomorrow night - Cami freaks out at the late notice. Rico tells Cami about Foreman. Rico and Cami discuss how he is almost sure that Jorge and Alberto were involved in the caravan assaults. Rico washes up and says he has to leave. Cami presses for information. Rico finally tells her that Mario found Bernie dead and there was no sign of the medical letter in his possession. Cami is impactado.

* Alberto and Mateo walk out on the dark streets. Mario, Pablo and Rico are hiding nearby. Guard takes a drunk to the city jail. Rico pops out of hiding and follows Alberto and Mateo to the saloon. Rico finds Mario and Pablo - they whisper their plan. Mario plays drunk and distracts the guard at Alberto's house. Mario hits him upside the head and he is out cold and on the ground. Rico tells Pablo to stand guard, make sure the man doesn't wake up and keep watch for Alberto. Rico and Mario enter the house.

* Alberto, Mateo, Uriel and the really drunk Gonzalo are sitting at a table. Gonzalo blubbers to Alberto - Alberto calmly talks to Gonzalo and passes along Jorge's apologizes. Alberto and Gonzalo discuss the caravan assaults - it is good they all stayed calm and didn't go through with it.

* Mario and Rico are in Alberto's bedroom, sifting through all his personal, private papers and chests. Mario and Rico don't find the medical letter anywhere.

* Alberto leaves Uriel, Mateo and the now passed-out drunk Gonzalo at the table. Mateo spouts off about where Alberto is going - home perhaps? Alberto tells him to shut up, it's none of his business. Alberto leaves. Uriel and Mateo talk. Pablo had been spying on the group - he leaves fast when he sees that Alberto is leaving.

* In the salon, Jimena and Cami debate the search for the letter and all of Rico's sacrifices for her sake. They are pessimistic about the letter turning up and dooming them all; Jimena wonders if Cami regrets buying the mill back for her dad now? Cami is really upset; Rico has sacrificed so much for her; she thinks that he may regret ever getting involved with her in the first place.

* Rico and Mario are still in the bedroom. Pablo whistles from outside. Rico realizes that Alberto is on his way back home.

* Pablo is outside - the guard is about to wake up and Pablo kicks him out unconscious again.

* Rico and Mario hide in the shadows in the bedroom as they hear keys jingling out in the hallway. Alberto walks down the hall and into the bedroom. Rico jumps from behind and knocks Alberto out cold and Alberto falls onto the bed. Mario is impressed, "calmadito tiburoncito, where'd you learn that move?" Rico replies, El Chino taught him. Rico search Alberto's pockets. They leave quickly.


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Guapos 02-26-2008 "Oh Where Oh Where Can My Grandkid be?"

This is a FYI, I heard a hispanic guy on NPR today talking about the elections and he used the term
“Te Quiero” and “Te Amo” to explain it. He said non-Spanish speakers get confused. He is right but once he explained it, it made perfect sense. The term “Te Quiero”, while it means I love you. Querer condition can be a transitory condition, like Quieres Comida? You want food? Meaning I love you now, or I want you now. The other is a deeper I love you for life, it won’t change. Seems like I should have remembered that, I always just remember the root thing like the Soy or Yo, I just read them all the same. Anyway he said he believes the love both sides are showing the hispanic voter is the “Te Quiero” kind. This is good to know in case you are ever in the Rodeo Bar and some guy or for you guys some lady; says Te Quiero, meaning things may change in the light of day and lack of love inducing alcohol.

We begin with Damien giving Consti the stink eye and Consti wondering why? Damien has been trying to get the 411 on the lil’ usurper that Consti has hired to be door washer boy or whatever. Consti doesn’t have time for Damien. Consti is annoyed that Damien is trying to engage him conversation not relating to Damien trying to squeeze some dinero out of Consti, or some elaborate plan to screw his own sister over for dinero. Really Damien is a rather boring conversationalist. Damien leaves, convinced that Consti is clueless to he paternity of said “Bastard”.

Meanwhile as Damien slithers off, young lawyer hawtie (I don’t know his name…the one Val was flirting with), comes in. He asks Damien a few questions about family and such. He asks Damien some pointed questions. Yes, Al was conceived before marriage, but “Que the Hell”, Consti did the right thing and married Luci. Does he have any other Bastards floating around. Consti gives that half hearted “Ah not that I know of”. What about Amantes? “Another Ah….”. Consti passes the test. Really he got about a C-; but in today’s political world, he hasn’t been caught in an airport in drag so all’s good. So Consti is to go on a little overnight trip to meet the governor and other political biggies. The guy leaves and tells Consti, see ya later at the airport. It is a good thing he left cause Consti is getting a big ego swell and there is scarce enough room in the office for Consti.

Damien has gone to see Andrea who is literally about to pass a golden brick over the thought that “real” son has appeared. He convinces her that Consti has no idea about the Hijo, now they must plan a defense.

Karla is up in Hugo’s room saying isn’t it a bit weird that you painted Mili’s head on the body of the painting of your dead girlfriend. Yeah Hugo, I think it is a bit strange also. Hugo doesn’t want to talk about it. Karla says Mili is still messing around with Al. Mili comes in and Hugo tells Karla to leave. Mili yells at Hugo for wearing the bearded disguise and he yells at Mili for believing Al. Hugo locks Mili in the his room, but Al comes in and Hugo starts yelling at Al about lies and so on. Al & Mili leave.

Damien corners young Claudio (the pretend Bastard), he quizzes him about the necklace and threatens to call the police, the kid confesses that he stole it.

Al tells Mili to stay away from Hugo cause Hugo is BSC. She thinks that he is just sad. On a scale of sadness Hugo is probably a 7, but on a scale of BSC he is a 10. BSC outweighs sad.

Damien passes the 411 on to Claudio, telling him that he is going to set him up as the missing grandson. The kid is all about it. They will weasel big bucks out of the ol lady and the kid will get 20%. Oh Damien this is such a surprise.

Lawyer guy and the other guy that started this whole political thing are having coffee. Egads, seems this is all just a ploy to control Consti, set him up and make him take the fall for something. Looks like whatever it is may land Const in jail. As if being a kid denying, wife torturing giant AssHat isn’t criminal enough.

Hugo goes to see Andrea, Mili & Al are meeting in secret. Hugo is such a little snitch and we get to see the always pissed Andrea, even more pissed and what’s worse we are forced to endure this as she wears a 1970’s polyester red pantsuit. One fashion zombie that should have stayed dead.

Mili & Granny are chatting it up, when who knocks at the door, but Damien. Guess what, I found your grandkid. Luci listens at the door.

Luci rushes in and tells Damien to shut the hell up. “Where oh where can my Grandbaby be?”, Regina is looking like she could stroke out at any moment. Damien not used to anyone paying attention to him is basking in the glory.

Now over to Al bedroom, Andrea slips in wearing the Polyester Pantsuit, stayin alive, staying alive. She tries to pull the remember the hawt times in my apartment, remember that time I actually sucked not one, but two golfballs through that garden hose, not to mention the chrome from that bumper. Al is looking so Benjamin as Mrs. Robinsona continues trying to seduce him. Sorry, but it ain’t happening. She just plays it off.

Back in the bedroom of screaming. Regina continues with “ Where oh Where”, Regina screams that Prince Al ain’t about to be usurped by some lil bastard. Now Mili joins in with the screaming. Luci has no right to speak that way about some poor kid, we are like one phone call to Miami from having Cristina do an entire show devoted to the Bastards of Consti, the literal Bastard of Consti vs the literal Bastard of some French guy, but last got the last name of Consti. Meanwhile Regina, continues whimpering, “Oh where oh where can my grandkid be?” Finally Damien drags Luci out.

Damien, tells the story so good it is like he believes it himself. How can Luci deny a poor old lady. Easy, Luci hasn’t suffered all these years for nothing, years she has forced herself to swill down vats of booze. Not just to see it all be handed to that bastard of a servant. Luci, really this isn’t your best side.

Bobby arrives and Val is talking about Hello Kitty cellphones and spring break in Cabo with her model friends. I’m sure these chicks are up and coming female versions of Damien, cause there is no other reason they would hang with Val the Vapid. They are probably just hanging out til they can move on to being full fledged Amantes, which according to TeleNovelas is the career of choice for females who are not very wealthy and weren’t dumped off on the Catholic Church as orphans. Anyway, Bobby the Impotent comes in and he might as well have a collar with a long chain, cause Val jerks it and gets him to say he will that the three Amigas to “The Rodeo”. Of course the girls think this will be great fun, hanging out at the Naco bar.

Now Mili has tracked Damien down. Spill it, give up the info on the grandson. Yeah for a kiss, Damien says. Damien is not put off by Mili swallowing mouth full of bile that just rose up. They argue and now Gloves comes in. What missing kid? Hey that is my Nephew/Niece whatever. Damien says he will speak to Granny only.

Damien promises he will bring the kid to see Granny tomorrow. Gloves and Mili are listening at the door. Damien leaves and Granny swears Gloves and Mili to secrecy. Not a word can be spoken til Granny makes certain of the kid.

The much anticipated NEXT day.

Hugo is out by the pool, he asks Al if Al was making out with his dead girlfriend, that is Hugo’s dead girlfriend, before she was expired. Bobby comes up and offers the boys a beer. Hugo says no and Al returns to the house.

Damien presents the kid to Granny, she sees the necklace and she is overwhelmed. She makes him call her Grandma and Damien stands behind Granny giving signals to the kid to hug Granny. He leaves the kid to talk to Granny. The kid brings up the fact that rent is due and Granny is gonna give him $600.00 to catch up the rent.

Val comes out and questions Bobby about the Rodeo. Rocky comes up and tells Bobby to back off. Now comes the Naco humor, Bobby falls asleep dreams he is dancing with Val, she kisses him, Rocky comes up dressed like a boxer, knocks Bobby out and dances off with Val. Bobby wakes up sees Rocky painting the fence and tells him to stay out of Bobby’s dreams. Really I can scarcely type this as I am having trouble seeing due to the tears of hilarity.

Regina goes to talk to Luci. Regina says she wants her grandson to live at the house. Luci is muy impacted. Egads, the vermin living with her fine family. Regina says she isn’t going to change her mind. Blood is blood and alas Al isn’t blood so don’t push it beeyotch.

Next we see fake Grandkid, being introduced to the kitchen help.
In the living room, Andrea, Val, Granny, Crazy Ass Hugo, Al are waiting for Const. Padre arrives from the church and now here comes Consti. Granny says she has a great surprise, the missing kid.
Consti looks like he is going to puke.
Here comes Mili dragging fake Grandkid (the necklace is no where in sight).
Aren’t you going to give your kid a hug?
Consti just smiles that puke sick smile. Yeah
He hugs Mili, “Hija”.
Mili’s eyes bug out in a “Have you lost your ever lovin mind?” look.

Well that’s all folks…
Somehow I’m just feeling that the truth will not come out tomorrow…
I feel better knowing Padre Miguel of St. Deception will be more than happy to muddy the “Holy Water” of Truth. I only hope Luci will join the fray, cause this is definitely something to drink to.


Yo Amo a Juan-Tuesday 2/26/08 Boys Night Out But Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

As usual, the first few minutes are a rehash of the night before...Juan frantically searching the city for his "lost flock" and Cesar Luis trying to make nice with Paula, who's being even more sulky than usual. The woman is definitely not glowing in her pregnancy.

Once Juan locates his lost lambs (except for Laurenita) he chews them out big-time for dining out without money, washing dishes and dancing hoochi-coochi in a restaurant (what if the press had found out!?) and losing Laurenita. The gals protest, "She lost herself!" and "don't worry, she'll turn up soon."And
Juan evidently isn't too worried, he's too busy primping for boys' night out, polishing his belt buckle and looking forward to his eventual meeting with Paula. But there's a knock at the door...the ladies didn't go to bed as ordered, they're all dressed up and begging to go along with him. He's definitely lost control of this gaggle of geese. Are you ashamed of us? they whine prettily, and he caves.

At Casa Cachon, Alirio continues his badgering of Juanito. Asks him what his father does. He works. Doing what. Sowing seeds in his field. Oh, working his little field (milpita), Alirio chortles. Oh no, Juanito answers...he has many fields, many people working for him and he's going to supply anturios to the whole world.

Is that what your papa told you? counters Alirio. Who knows if it's true? Nidia tells him to shut his mouth but of course nothing can stop Alirio's flow of soul. Now he wants to boast about his own very important clients and growing business but eveyone at the table shuts him up.

The taxi, full of queen contestants and Juan arrives at the house. Delfina wants to know who lives in this "casa grandota" but of course Juan doesn't tell her. He wants to keep Nidia and Delfina apart as long as they're fighting for the same man (Angarita).

Of course there's much hue and cry when Juan arrives and Yadira, Marely and Nidia wants to come along on the outing. Juan protests that it's guys night out only. Then Alirio wants to come along!, but Juan reminds him he needs to stay and keep watch over his wife. Marely tells them to behave, then takes Juan aside to tell him that Paula wants to see him tomorrow.

Juan is in the clouds over this, sure that because Paula wants to see him on the sly, it bodes well for their future. Little does he know! Paula at this point is talking to a telenovela, Piel de Otoño. where the heroine Lucia is trying to decide between her gorgeous, loving amante or her misogynistic husband. Cesar Luis thinks she should return to her family and spouse and Paula of course disagrees.

When Fernando and Kike get outside and realize there are three women expecting to go out with them, they're clearly worried, but Juan brushes it off. And Luarenita, returning finally to the hotel and being exquisitely rude to the desk clerk, is informed that her fellow contestants are out, dressed to kill and obviously out for a good time.

Good times are NOT being had in the Cesar Luis bedroom. Paula continues to sulk, she skipped dinner, ignores Cesar's pleas to think of the baby, not just herself, and ignores his quip about her following the diet of Mahatma Gandhi. She's a pill for sure, but Lord knows C.L. deserves all this and more. The phone rings and it's Marely telling her about Juan. She lies to hubby about her plans for the next day, pretending she's going to have lunch with Marely. More karma coming back to bite Cesar in the butt. Hard to feel sorry for him.

In the nightclub, which is called Carpe Diem, Fernando thinks they should order champagne and Kike seconds the motion. Juan looks worried about the budget. Then Yvonne shows up and they're all worried. What if she spills the beans to Yadira, Marely and Paula? Which is just what she plans to do, clearly. While she gloats, Fernando finally says, "Yvonne, porque no te pintas de colores?" It's not in my diccionario but I figure it means, why don't you beat it?

Yadira and Marely are in the kitchen and Yadira is worrying about Alirio's it possible Profesor Topete wants her to be his assistant know, what all men want? Inquiring minds want to know.

And speaking of what all men want, Angarita is complaining about the tasteless (no salt, no sugar, no fat) food that Gaytan is foisting on him....and planning on taking the bull by the horns, and attacking the problem of Alirio by the roots. Are you going to kill him? asks Gaytan. No, but I'm going to confront him. Pastor thinks that's a bad idea. Alirio is too tricky, too "rastrero" (contemptible). But, you know how to handle yourself, he concludes. But Angarita now wants to know if Gaytan is going to return to Farrell. Why do you ask me these things when you're supposed to be staying calm. You're like a tricky woman, never answering the question that's asked! All right, yes, I'm thinking of going back, they'll make me a vice president, give me a big raise in salary, I'll have status and all the perks of a high ranking executive. Okay, but if and when they kick you out again, don't come to me for help! At least they get through this testy exchange without Angarita having another heartache. Must be that Pritikin diet Gaytan is feeding him.

Back at the love nest, Paula is staring at the TV, obviously a million miles away, and Cesar can't get a staight answer out of her. She claims her distraction is due to fatigue and stress so he proposes a cuddle to get her to relax. Fortunately that's the last we see of this gruesome twosome for the evening.

The guys aren't having any fun either...too worried about what Yvonne is going to do with the news of their outing. They turn on Fernando, blaming him for choosing the spot where he used to take her and telling him he's responsible for persuading her to keep quiet. Yvonne tightens the screws...."Me trataste como un zapato" (you treated me like dirt, literally a shoe) when I came to your table and now you want to make nice!? Well, what do I get out of it? After all, I can't let you cheat on Marely. Turns out she wants Fernando to spend the night with her but he refuses. Give Fer some points for that.

Meanwhile Kiki is trying to bring Juan down from the clouds a bit. He knows darn well things aren't going to work out with Paula but Juan refuses to believe him and even berates him for trying to ruin his evening. The "queens" aren't happy one is dancing with them. Juan tells them to sit down and stay off the beer, only water and soda for them.

Fernando and Yvonne are still negotiating...she doesn't give up easily... but when he says he's in love with Marely, Yvonne makes good on her threat, whips out her cell phone and calls Casa Cachon. Great scene follows when Nidia picks up the phone and reams out Yvonne big-time for calling at that late hour for Marely. But it's urgent! Did anyone die? Well no. Then it's not urgent! don't call a decent house at this hour!!!! That Nidia is the best, isn't she?

And the worst?....clearly Alirio... who now wakes up and starts yelling, certain that there's something sneaky going on. Nidia does her usual, telling him," Sure, it was really my lover. We were talking in code..." Big barrage of accusations with Alirio calling her the MOST cynical, the MOST shameful, the MOST wanton.....Well, I don't know if I'm the MOST but Im in the 5 finalists, she retorts. (you gotta love Nidia...her quips are the best) The storm continues and Marely, Yadira and bebita are outide the door listening. Baby's awake but calm as usual....what DO they feed that child? Then little Juanito arrives, awakened and frightend by all the insults Nidia and Alirio are flinging back and forth.

Juanito's dad, at this very moment, has taken it upon himself to sweet talk Yvonne into submission. You know you could do a lot of damage with this gossip, Yvonne. Oh don't worry, I was just doing that to scare him (Fernando). I wouldn't spoil your fun! Juan returns to his guys, certain he's resolved the situation. After all, he's a specialist in women! he knows when they're telling the truth or lying just by looking in their eyes! (anybody hearing anvils falling?) Fernando tries to tell him Ivonne can't be trusted, but to no avail. Juan thought bubbles that he's looking forward to the next day, not realizing it's going to be his worst nightmare...(and how, Juan!)

Back at the hotel, his little flock is still rambunctious...wanting to party on in the corridor. He finally calms them down by promising to arrange some hotel trips around the scenic sights of the city the next day. Of course Laurenita is furious she missd out on the fun, but Juan makes a quick exit, saying that they can have his room since he's sleeping at Casa Cachon that evening. Delfina makes a request to see her cousin Nidia but Juan sidesteps that least for now.

A second bedtime for Juanito, with sweet Marely at his side (wouldn't she make a great stepmom for this little guy?... c'mon Juan, figure it out!) and Juanito says he doesn't know if he can sleep. Then Marely tells him a secret...and we don't tell secrets do we Juanito?...about how tomorrow is going to be a very tough day for his dad. He's going to get some very bad news so we, and especially you, Juanito, have to be real nice to him.

And Juanito asks, "Are you in love with my papa?" And our show ends with Marely looking very impactada.


Yo Amo a Juan, Mon. Feb 25 - Israelis and Arabs Think They Have Problems

Cesar Luis and Monica are unhappily non-communicating about what is not happening now between them. The quick review, Monica is tortured and wants to get as far away from the miserable situation as possible and rejects CL's suggestion that she stay with the company but move to a branch to manage. CL, which conveniently starts off the word CLueless, actually does not have a clue here about Monica's heartbroken feelings and desire to leave the country.

We again see Juan and Juanito visiting in the living room at Casa Cachón when Alirio answers the door to let in his "client" (our romance waiting to happen) Professor Topete. After Yadi and Kike bring Juan quickly up to date on Alirio's ejection from Farell and his newly launched law practice in the house, Yadi and Topete share amazement of ending up in the same house, Juan learns that Yadira is in school.

At Farell, CL continues to be obtuse about Monica's discomfort and hopes she doesn't run into anyone else like him. Laura wants Monica to go home since she clearly can't concentrate but Monica resists since she has so much work to finish. Marely and Fernando return from lunch, passing Monica running toward the ladies' room, in seconds, followed by Paula sauntering in dressed in alluring turquoise von Furstenberg jersey wrap dress clinging to her divine form. [Ed note: I looked twice for the shoes but they carefully block them by shooting from just below the knee or putting furniture in the way]. Paula greets Marely and notices Laura sitting in her old office. She is told that Laura is a very good friend of Monica's and visits from time to time, what a coincidence, Paula thinks she knows her. (Excuse the lapse but I may have been in Mexico when they met before) anyway, in short order Paula and Laura are having a very unpleasant renewal of acquaintance while Monica berates herself for her stupidity in the bathroom mirror. Back to Paula accusing Laura of being a spy and of tricking her by not revealing her relationship to Monica the ex wife of Paula's current husband in their previous dealings. Monica steps back into the office asking Paula what she is doing here. Paula is outraged and asks if they think she was stupid enough to fall for their ruse. (Can we all vote now?)

Enrique has the look a bull get just before he charges the matador while Alirio and "Nacho" reveal their former great friendship from Alirio's law school days. In his inimicable style Alirio rubs in that he can see why Yadira had such admiration for her new Profe. Yadi back pedals that she is just so excited about returning to University... and then Enrique gets a sudden jealous surge when he gets a real clear signal about Topete's motives. Well, Yadi asked for it by not explaining who Enrique is. He coughs for attention as he introduces he is the HUSBAND. Alirio actually does everyone a service here by sweeping Nacho/Profe off to take care of their urgent business in their meeting in his office. But Profe is asking about Yadira's true status and who is this crude person (tosco). Alirio waxes as usual bringing in Juan being an interloper in the house but of the same crude type as Enrique so go figure. While Nacho makes a crack about the intellectual characteristics (perfil) he wants to know about Juanito, the kid/brat (escuincle - Hairless dog of ancient Mexico) Nacho asks too about Yadira's family situation, Alirio says he really doesn't know but quickly turns to the real subject of Nacho's visit. No surprise, it turns out to be his problems with his wife. Yadira and Juan coo about her University career while Kike begins to complain and Yadi and he launch into their eternal argument about her leaving him with the baby all the time. She accuses him of jealousy since he hasn't finished high school. Juan thought processes the unintelligible carping between the couple comparing it rather accurately to the Israeli-Arab classic conflict. He ends up protecting Juanito's eyes and ears and finally picks him up to remove him from the pathway of the word flames Yadi and Kike throw at each other.

Monica recovered from her bathroom breakdown, returns to ask Paula what she is doing in her office. Shouting and shoving ensue between CL's darlings as Laura watches, while Ivonne marches into CL's office to warn him of the fireworks. He snaps at her about knowing how to knock, clearly forgetting that she used to be one of the main reason he wouldn't want just anyone entering his office without permission. As the two lovelies hurl insulting epithets at each other. CL enters and has to physically separate them before there is blood or ripped out hanks of hair. The round ends with ads instead of a bell but next Laura pulls Monica out of the office and CL shouts about this scandal in the office and gruffly tells Paula, let's go to my office, loudly barks at the lounge lizards to get back to work which is what they are paid for and finally growls at Ivonne, what are you laughing at?

Enrique whines to Juan and Juanito that he and Yadira fight all day (pasar pleitos), over the University,who's activities are more important, care of the baby, on and on and he has to carry the baby to the market. Maybe Yadira is really studying but for her the infant just doesn't exist then he has to listen to the praises of Profe Topete whom he has now met who is arrogant, unpleasant (antipatico), etc., Juan tries to raise his buddy's spirits that he has nothing to envy about the Profe who may be very learned (letrado) but he is shouting to the bushes, what a heart of gold Enrique has.

CL tries to calm Paula's ranting with the assurance that Monica wants out in fact just told him this afternoon that she's going to Europe. Paula isn't buying it, she accuses Monica of planting a spy in her house and playing the victim while she tries to manipulate them.She rants a bit more about being sick of being shut up (encerrada) in the house after CL suddenly asks her what she is doing in the office in the first place. Off in a cafe, Monica assures Laura that if Paula want war, war she will get. Monica now rants about Paula's insulting her in her own office. She vows to stay around to make Paula and CL's life as bitter as possible.

Back to the Topete Alirio conversation building out to reveal that Nacho wants a divorce and is worried that his wife won't sign the papers for a peaceful split. Alirio spouts off about a mutual separation, he can help with this and says something weird about this being the year of the soup? (el año del caldo). Nacho becomes anxious that Alirio not discuss this case with anyone in his family, especially Yadira. Alirio, working to be named lawyer of the year, asks why the confidentiality issue??? Nacho says that since Yadira is his student, he has an image to maintain. Alirio assures him that he knows all about legal issues he has hundreds, hundreds of cases landing on his desk every day. They make silly remarks about Nacho being able to find his way out the door and seeing each other soon. Profe Nacho goes looking for Yadi, they flirt about his being late or she thinks perhaps he was rushing off because he doesn't value his student, he lets her know that he cares so much about his students, and that the offer for her to be his assistant still stands. She is his idea of an ideal student. She accepts the post, he wants to kiss her goodbye but they don't quite make this contact. He leaves on his motorbike while his wife appears out of the treas, She appears at Alirio's door he assumes she must be Margo Gomez. Inside she reveals that she is the wife of Ignacio Topete to Alirio's shock. She demands to know what why her husband just came to see him. Alirio bites his knuckles. We switch to Nidia and Gaytan coming together to discuss Angarita's health. Gaytan flatters her helpfulness, Gaytan begins to carry on about how awful Angarita had looked, she demures but he has something important to say.

Margo continues to push for information which Alirio surprisingly withholds inspite of her indignation. She gets up to leave apologizing for wasting his time. He counters with it being an occupational hazard or risk (gajes del oficio). She storms out, while we switch to Gaytan telling NIdia he would like it if Nidia and Angarita could be together. She protests that she is a married woman but he insists that her love is not placed with her husband but with his brother. Is that not true? They compare notes about the value of having loved so much, Gaytan urges her that sometimes two people have to continue to fight when they have a love with such intensity. She protests in her life there are complications, walls, she just can't get around them (no puedo zafar). Gaytan pledges to give a hand to Nidia and his brother so they can succeed in being together.

Shift to the anthurium beauty contenstants finishing stuffing themselves at the restaurant. When the bill arrives they begin to reveal that none of them has any money. Lorena tries to maintain that she was invited! NOT. The others are worried about what they will do.

The crowd, consisting of the Juans, Kike, Gaytan and Nidia, is sitting around Anga's living room discussing what he needs to change or maintain to regain his health. Nidia proclaims that nature and figure last until the grave (genio y figura hasta la sepultura) like saying a leopard can't change its spots. Gaytan pays attention to Juanito while he adjusts his wig. Juanito is clearly afraid of him, in a kind of homophobic way. Juan covers with saying he is a bit shy, but Gaytan says he seems to have plenty of self-confidence (desparpaju). Juan moves toward the door to get back to his business at hand, NIdia asks him to wait so she can tell them goodbye.

Back at the restaurant, the lovelies are confronting the manager with the fact they cannot pay the check. They offer that Juan will come and pay them, the manager cannot believe they could eat so much and have the nerve to be there without money but he suddenly says he has another way for them to PAY...

Paula is questioning Marely about Laura but Marely cautions her not to get her nerves in a knot to do damage to the baby. Paula begins to question Marely about Juan's activities, Marely joins that she is surprised about Juan's son. Paula presses Marely to be sure Juan does not call the house when CL is there. Marely realizes Juan must not know what is happening with Paula.

Juan goes in to tell Angarita goodbye. He asks Juan about the beauty contest which Anga is worried he is paying for all of. Anga asks Juan if he came to the city only to find patrons for the contest. Juan tells him how well, how fantastic things are going between Paula and him. Anga tells him it is his hour for something good.

The hour for something good is approaching in the restaurant with aroused men beginning to vie for position while the lovely contestants worry that they will be expected to do something indecent. The manager approaches to see if they have made up their mind what they will do to "sing for their supper" so to speak. If not, he says he will call the police. Delfina seems to be taking the lead as the others whine. Switch scenes to an illegal crush of the Juans, Nidia and Kike in the truck, Nidia wants to know what the men are planning, which is an outing with just the big boys and Fernando, Juanito has an appointment to be cared for by Marely and Nidia assures him they will have a great time while the men go out to dance. Juan arrives in the lobby, calls the ladies room but no answer. The desk clerk tells him they left at noon and haven't come back. Switch to Delfina doing a sexy chair dance, driving all the men wild while the young ones get to wash dishes in the kitchen. They surmise about Delfina's bravery, or wildness, Lorena, always quick with the insults says she is an enchanter but of snakes. The other two defend Delfina who is actually saving their hides.

Fernando and Marely are discussing the boys night out, she doesn't mind him going but she finally lays on him that he will have to tell Juan about Paula's pregnancy... His oops they got me look is priceless. After the break they continue discussing that Paula can't be counted on to do or say the right thing to let Juan know and it isn't right to let Juan go on building castles in the air. Fer hopes that Marely and he won't have these many problems in their relationship. Marely mocks him that only when he starts with his jealousy. He says he can't avoid it but he loves her, his princess. The only happy couple laughing moment in the entire program so far tonight.

Alirio comes into Yadira's room where she is heavily involved in studying while the baby sleeps. He comes right to the point of wanting to know what flute Yadi is playing with Topete! As she acts offended he drives on about the nature of their ACADEMIC relationship. He claims to understand her deep reverence about the intellectual capacities of Topete but she was trying to exempt or excuse her personal feelings. Aliria always ready to push too far reminds her that even her beloved professor Nacho could have inappropriate feelings for his students. Yadi threatens to scar his face with her book. Alirio is smart but never wise.

The lovelies are released from their payments schemes and are arguing about the way home. Not one of them can remember the name or the location of their hotel so they eventually get on a double decker bus with tickets that one grateful patron had given them. They drive past all the familiar Mexico City sites again trying to get a clue about where they are. Juan asks people along the way to the restaurant if they have scene the beauty contestants until he arrives at the restaurant and hears about the escapades of the lovelies especially that Delfina was the star. Finally the bus approaches Juan but the ladies are on the other side and Juan turns his back as they approach him for our final coincidence with reality.


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