Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Gancho Tuesday March 2, 2010 Dire Warnings From The Paranormal Palace: Will Monita Pay Attention?

Is it just me or does it always seem that the most exciting part of the episode is some pivotal scene shown in the previews? Today's was a dilly. But then, as Hombre has noted, the writers are clever in the way they always leave us yearning for more. Let's not get ahead of ourselves, though. Here's what happened today.

We start with Nieves getting out of Isabel's car (valet parking no less) to go confront Marcos. When she takes note of how expensive the car is, Isabel is happy to imply that it's not from Mauricio's money but rather part of Marcos' continuing care of her.
N: Well, he "pays for your favors" no doubt.
I: He values me, whereas you have to make do with that weird little shaggy-haired Cesar of yours.
N: That weird little man LOVES me.
I: Love is only for sentimental folks. I have a child with Marcos. Do you even know who fathered your Beto?
N: Someday you're gonna get what you deserve!
I: Tsk, tsk, you're the one who brought up "love".

Okay, Nieves is a tigress, but once again, our cold, composed Isabel has won this round. However, the tigress is ready to confront Marcos in his lair and to see if he'll actually admit to her face that he's the father of Valentina.

Dying to see what happens, but the scenes switches back to the cantina. Cesar is definitely looking the worse for wear. His disastrous porcupine coiffure appears to be wet and even more unattractive, God love 'im. All four men are sloshed, singing groggily with some accompaniment, and getting to that drunken affectionate soul brother stage.

But no affection chez Marcos. Nieves pushes her way in, all aflame. Marcos looks genuinely scared. Nieves uses an expression I've never heard before: "no dejar titere sin cabeza". Looked it up and the actual expression, at least in my dictionary is "no dejar titere con cabeza" and meants "to spare nobody". Well, anyway, you get the picture. She's reaming out Marcos and he's defending himself by saying he just found out recently that Valentina is his daughter and wants to make amends by getting to know her, giving her money and his "name" as well. Nieves, like Isabel, is completely opposed to this. No way!!!! No Marcos, no Isabel in Monita's life, not if Nieves has anything to do with it.

Back at the cantina, love's in bloom. The boys are toasting their romances while also noting (in Mauricio's case) how handsome he is and what a good guy (buena onda) he is as well. You too, Beto, Mauricio slurs. Handsome? No, buena onda. Well, one out of two. Beto laments that "buena onda" doesn't apply to Constanza, alas. She's still hell bent on vengeance.

For the pleasure of Carlos, Ms. Hellbent is thrashing around on the bed with a lot of shapely leg exposed. Seems she's locked in a nightmare à la Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow (remember that film with Sophia Loren?). Pregnant with her umpteenth child, a little Betito clamoring for a milanesa sandwich, another whelp running loose, loads of laundry to do, a drunken bum of a husband, slapping her butt and asking for dinner, our weary gal labors over the sink when lo! there appears the golden couple, Mauricio and Monita, dressed to the nines, ready to pick up their laundry. (Okay, longest sentence ever. Sorry.) Yep, seems the ever-pregnant Connie is the sole breadwinner. And Monita has morphed into a bitch, throwing the clean laundry on the floor so our poor Constanza has to do it all over again. Wow. Fun scene.

Back to the fight at the hotel. Isabel calmly reminds Nieves she can't forbid her to see her own daughter. Well, my love will protect her, blusters our little tigress, and departs; while Marcos calls after her and Isabel glares. Now, confrontation no. 2:
M: you love making people suffer, don't you?
I: I didn't bring her here. She insisted on coming.
N: But you didn't resist, right?
I. Offer me something. A glass of water.....
M: What do you really want?

Isabel goes on to explain that all this is Constanza's doing. She's the one who dropped the bomb, but now Isabel's taking advantage by proclaiming an immense love that doesn't really exist--and at the same time, poisoning Monita's mind against Marcos. I'll make sure she loathes you and has contempt for you....forever! You'll pay for hurting me, Marcos! Wow. Isabel wins another round. Is it possible the babies got switched in the hospital and Constanza is her actual, biological child? Just sayin'....

Now we're back at the Paranormal Palace where our favorite "maga titulada" is reading the cards for Monita. Our little monkey sniffs that she doesn't believe in stuff like this but the bruja assures her she needs to....'cause she's in big danger. Yep, darkness, confusion and danger are all around her. And she's torn between two people she loves, one of whom is lying to her, the other telling the truth. Well, gosh, this IS a "maga titulada". So far she's been right on the money every time. And I love the big heavy false eyelashes she's sporting.

Brief scenes to break up the tension. Oscar and faithful pup Jeronimo in the country house. Nurse going off duty. Oscar musing that he needs to find out what Monita knows. And take care of her. Uh oh!

Constanza, still in fetching deshabillé, is raiding the refrigerator, trying to recover from her nightmare. Mom up too. Ready to sermonize that if daughter would give up vengeance, she'd sleep better. Nevah! Nevah! I'll never stop hating Monita.

Back to Dad Marcos. He's twisting the knife as he assures Isabel he won't let her hurt Valentina. He'll protect her, give her unconditional love, money and his name....all the things he wouldn't give Isabel. Ouch! Feeling a little sorry for our viper. Noooo, she hisses, I'll make sure Valentina has what I have...a life of enduring regret and bitterness, hatred, contempt. This is WAR. I have arms. Okay, forget what I said about feeling sorry.

We're back at Creepy Castilla. Our bruja is asking Monita to choose three cards. Another uh oh. It's worse than she thought. Someone's going to kill her. And we have a montage of all Monita's enemies. Oscar: Yes. Eliminate her. Constanza: I want her out of my way. Do away with her! Isabel: If necessary, I'll kill her to keep you from knowing your daughter, Marcos. I gave her life. I can take it away.

Mama mia! this is scary. But wait! Bruja has an idea. Take this amulet, she pleads with Monita. It's a powerful talisman. And let me and Gaston do a cleansing. Monita protests (and you ain't gonna get any money either, witch!) but our good bruja persists. " Leave evil spirits", she intones. When Moni calls her crazy, she tells her to shut up so she can concentrate! Good scene. Much fun. Bet they had a blast filming it.

Next scene: Hooray and halleluja! Monita is out of those wretched clothes and in a nice, clean fuzzy pink robe. Raise the flag. She's gazing tenderly at her mom, asleep in her bed. Isabel actually looks rather sweet with her eyes closed. Lots of affectionate mommy dearest talk and then on to the bad stuff. Mom hesitantly explains that she's no longer at Mauricio's because he treated her badly once everyone had left. Oh dear, oh no, oh crap!

And speaking of....what a mess at Mauricio's! Stentorian snoring from the bathtub where Cesar and Beto have landed. Christian is spread out on an uncomfortable retro couch. Mauricio, unable to sleep with the snoring has gotten up-- and good thing-- because just then the doorbell rings. Enter Marcos, clearly horrified at the sight of Beto and Cesar. Let's just compress this scene before we go back to Mom and Monita. Cesar awakes in outrage to see "the enemy" in Mauricio's pad. Marcos is equally outraged to see this drunken clown in Mau's bathtub. Beto just wants a beer. Marcos suggests a bath instead. And then a job. Which he'll provide. He'll do it for Nieves. That gets Cesar in a lather. Nieves doesn't need anything from you. Staggers into fighting stance. Mauricio breaks it up. Manly Insults are exchanged. Beto's still asking for a beer. Mauricio and Marcos wisely leave to talk elsewhere. Christian, the only "mandilón" (guy with some props in the kitchen; can also mean "henpecked) is elected to make the coffee and breakfast.

So now, back to our Poisonous Parent. Isabel gradually spins the web that yes, Mauricio is a fine fellow but he's been hoodwinked by Marcos who is Evil Incarnate. Because of him, she had to abandon Valentina. Because of him she had to flee. Because of him her very life is in danger. But she's tired to running, tired of fearing. Together, she and her beloved daughter will stand up to this monster. This cur who engendered "la Momia", who left Nieves at the altar will not be allowed to destroy Monita's life like he destroyed Isabel's. No, no no! Monita's completely on board. Assures her mother that she never doubted her. Big hug. Isabel looks triumphant and gleeful. She's won Round 3. Alicia enters, is thrilled to see this happy pair reunited. Joins the group hug. Complete KO.

Now the scene shifts to Estrella and Gabriela. More pregnant bladder jokes. Gaby may be as tired of them as I am, or she just wants to return to the comfort of her own apartment. Needs her space, her private bathroom, her home base. But really appreciates the warmth and kindness of the vecindad. What would she have ever done without them? They discuss Isabel's hatred of her own daughter (Gaby can't believe it) and Monita's need for protection. Paula enters and confirms that Isabel is a real danger.

Meanwhile, still sweetness and light at Monita's. She's dressed and ready to go to the gym. Isabel is also looking natty, and quite motherly, in a dark suit. Monita hates leaving her alone. No problem. Mom would love to go to the gym and watch her darling girl train. But wait! Enter Oscar. With gun in his belt. Oh dear, oh no, oh crap! Can Isabel win this round? Or Monita?

You'll have to wait to find out. We're back with Mauricio and Marcos. Papa is noting what a bum Beto looks to be (tener pinta de ser un vago sin oficio ni beneficio, un mequetrefe) so he's got to offer him some kind of promising career. Mauricio notes that Beto would frankly be better off without Constanza. Maybe so, but Marcos is here to assure his daughters' happiness, both of 'em, and clearly Constanza loves this bum. And he loves her. Some further discussion of how Marcos didn't believe Mau at first but now realizes what a danger Isabel is. Her look froze his blood. Why she's even capable of ending Monita's life. At that, Mauricio's mouth hangs open. For way too long. He's clearly impactado. And maybe not too bright. But hey, "guapo" and "buena onda". You can't have everything. And there we end.

Mauricio still impactado and open-mouthed, learns that Estrella is pregnant with Aldo's child.
Monita pulls a gun on Oscar (who's also armed) and he takes Estrella hostage.
Oscar starts to fire but Isabel throws herself in front of Monita and appears to be shot.
Narrator intones: Isabel's Evil knows no bounds, but tomorrow...the Inexplicable happens.
That's it folks. We're hooked again. Is there a 12-step group for telenovela addicts?

chido = fantastic (Mex. slang)
no dejar titere con cabeza = to spare nobody
maga titulada = certified wizard, conjurer, magician, soothsayer, whatever!
bañada en llanto = bathed in tears, Isabel describing Monita after their motherly talk yesterday
guarrada = mess. Marcos actually said "guarrapeta" to describe the mess at Mauricio's
abriste tu juego = "showed your cards", showed your game. Marcos, accusing Isabel
procurar = to take care of, secure,
tener pinta de ser un vago sin oficio ni beneficio = looks like a bum with no job, no career to speak of
mequetrefe =good-for-nothing

Dicho of the Day
El que a buen árbol se arrima, buena sombra le cobija.
Lit. he who takes cover under a good tree gets good shade. (if you stick to a good person, you will reap the benefits.) Now, the problem is: who are the good people and who are the bad? And will Monita ever figure it out?


March 1, 2010 Dinero: brief outline

Here’s a short little synopsis from last night. Didn’t have much time to do more then a brief outline but thought this was such a fun little episode and worth posting.

There is a brief recap of Jaime and Rafa. Main point is Rafa always has his bottles of whiskey to fall back on if he doesn’t sell any cars at Siglo. Jaime almost chokes on his drink.

Rafa cant quite figure out why he feels so bad about Ales’ upcoming wedding. Ale seems to be having second thoughts as well.

Rafas’ alarm clock is working again. (Ale calls in the morning to make sure he is ready for work.)

At breakfast with Marco and Chavez, we are given a few more details of their diabolical plan to take over the hacienda.. Chavez wants to know why Jorge wants to wait with signing over some document to Marco till the wedding. Marco explains it is because it is a wedding gift. Bottom line of this conversation is Marco has to marry Ale before Jorge dies. They hatch some plan, that after he marries Ale they have to maintain the embargo (this is Chavez’s job). Then they will sell it cheap . This all sounds like some shady dealings so that Chavez and Marco end up either with the Hacienda or the profits. Not quite certain which.

Chavez is concerned that Jorge is not healthy enough to last till the wedding. Marco assures Chavez nothing will happen, he will take care of this. He is taking Jorge to the Drs today.

Chavez is also worried that Ale might not even want to Marry Marco anymore. Marco tells Chavez not to worry about that. He has everything under control.

At Siglo Susana and Ale are still ticked at each other. Rafa arrives and reminds Ale of his plan to sell a truck to the Cheese man. Ale isn’t convinced he can do this and walks off.

Rafa Asks Susana why wont Ale help him. Susanas’ answer is why would she help you if she wont even help herself. She gives him an essential oil to sniff to help him relax. This was a cute scene, because Rafa gives it back to Susana and says Ale needs it more then he does. We here Ale screaming in the background.

Little scene with Claudia and Ramirez, and his talking photo of the wife and mother-in-law. He ends up finally putting the photo in his desk drawer and takes a swig off an antacid giggling nervously.

There is a long meeting of Ale reminding everyone of their sales goals.

Marco takes Jorge to the Drs. There is a sweet sad little scene when Jorge is asking the Dr. if he can help him with his little problem, but cant remember what the problem is. Marco says you mean your memory. Jorge looks at Marco and says yea, how did you know. (okay Marco is a sleeze, but such a funny actor) and just shrugs his shoulders at Jorge.

Marco gets a call from Karen at the Drs office. He looks at his phone and tells the Dr he is about to have a heart attack and leaves to take the call. She tells him she isn’t willing to give up on him. She wants to help him out. She even has her own psychiatrist she wants to him to see. (told you she was smarter than Marco).

Julieta and Jaime go to collect Juliette’s’ money. It turns out it was a scam and not only were they victimized but other vendors were as well. The restaurant is empty and the doors are locked. We all knew this was going to end badly for Julieta. Julieta tells Jaime they have to go see Pepito. He was the one who recommended this guy to her. When they encounter Pepito he tells them he’s sorry things didn’t turn out for them. He doesn’t want any troubles with Rafa. Jaime vows to help Julieta come up with the money. I think the guy owed her something like 70 thousand pesos.

Rafa tries to convince Ale to let him borrow the truck to get to his appointment. Ale is not relenting. Rafa ends up telling Ale he quits if she isn’t willing to help him, and walks out on her. Ale appears indignant.

Susana scolds Ale . How can you expect him to do his job if you aren’t willing to give him a hand
Ale finally gives in and agrees. Beltran gets involved and the upshot is Ale has to go with Rafa to his appointment.

Rafa is packing all his things. Has a little conversation with Ramirez who tells him he knows someone who would buy his bottles of whiskey. Susana comes out and lets Rafa know that Ale has agreed to let him barrow the truck.

Funniest scene of the entire night. Rafa is in the Siglo parking lot signing papers to borrow the truck, Ale walks out screaming at him that she will be accompanying him. The entire Siglo group helps Ale get in the truck. Her leg gets all twisted up. She is shouting and screaming at everyone. But they manage to get her in the truck. I was laughing so hard I had to replay this part.

She ends up loosing a shoe. When they hand it to her she is waving it at them like a crazy woman. She starts to scold them and Rafa is amazed that she still wants to insult people. She tells Rafa she just wanted to tell the group that when the cats away, the mice will play, waving her shoe at them. Rosaura is taking pictures of the whole scene on her cell phone. (I think Rafa was having a hard time not cracking up during this entire scene.) Rafa Drives off the lot nervously with the entire Siglo crew wishing him luck.

Rafa and Ale arrive at their destination. Rafa finally admits to Ale that it is a wedding that they are going to. Ale Scolds Rafa. She wants to know how they could just show up at the wedding without even a gift. Ta dah, Rafa pulls out a cute little gift bag with one of Ales’ bottle of expensive champagne from her botched wedding. There is a funny little exchange of words between them.

We see them entering the wedding, which looks like it is held in an outside garden area. Very informal and very opposite of what Ale’s wedding was to be like. We see both Ale and Rafa listening to the priest talking about love and Marriage. And how important it is to marry someone you love. That there are couples who get married and don’t love each other. Both Rafa and Ale have similar looks on their faces as if the priest were talking about them.

Marco calls Chavez and informs him that once again they have problems with Karen. He needs his help in trying to figure out how to “kill” Karen before she ruins his chances with Ale.

Back at the wedding, the priest is pronouncing the young couple married until death separates them. Rafa turns to Ale and says in our case until the money separates them. Ale says Lets hope it is as soon as possible.


En Nombre del Odio Monday, March 1, 2010: Purple Rain

Before we start, I’d like to thank all of you commenters for your wonderful words of support and encouragement. You make recapping rewarding – it’s such a delight to know that there’s someone out there actually reading our stuff and that our humble efforts are kindly received.

Friday: Eugenio, asking Paloma to go see Carlota, pleads Do it for me. Paloma says okay, but it’s going to be the last time I ever talk to her. Gabriel offers to go with her, but she says no, it must be something that concerns just the two of them, so she’ll go alone. Where are the bassos when we need them? Carlota is sitting in front of the mirror with her scarf thingy on (will we ever find out what’s up with that?) when her phones rings. Eugenio tells her Paloma is coming. Carlota hangs up and smiles. Everything happens just the way I want it to. She fingers her scarf some more.

It’s been 34 weeks, or at least this is the 34th Monday in picturesque but tortured Real del Monte. We’re in the final stretch, so we know justice and true love will prevail over evil this week, and we can’t wait to see exactly how it will happen. Let’s find out.

Diana shows up at Rafa’s door. He says he thought Em took care of her situation. She said yes, but she just wants a minute, the taxi is waiting. She says she realizes what a good man he is (a bit late, notes Rafa ruefully) and she made a lot of mistakes. If she had the whole thing to do over, she’d do differently. She just wants to say that now she appreciates him.

He says I was never good enough for you, and we get a few flashbacks of her foolish and selfish behavior. She takes his hand and says she never learned to love in the way he did, but she did love him. Perdoname. I thought you would always love me no matter what. I hope you find happiness. Weeping, she pecks him on the cheek and leaves.

Luz is pushing her little girl on a swing in the park when a kid comes up and asks her for 5 pesos to buy some tacos. She says you might give the money to somebody else; I’ll buy them for you. She leaves the Xochi on the swing, and walks the boy away to the taco stand.

Right now, she and Diana are vying for the gold in the Really Bad Judgment event.

She buys the tacos and when she turns back, the swing seat is swaying, empty. Luz starts calling for Xochi.

Gabriel walks Paloma up to Carlota’s door. Paloma is weirded out by the men standing outside – Gabriel doesn’t know who they are. Meantime, Romina arrives at her mother’s house and watches from across the street.

Paloma doesn’t want to go in, but Gabriel says if it weren’t important, Eugenio wouldn’t have insisted.
Carlota, in the lace scarf, goes to answer the door. We see that the furniture has been draped with cloths. (Who owns that many big cloths? Maybe the family inherited a truckload of sheets from dear dead dad?) Thank you for coming, says Carlota. Paloma says I wouldn’t have if Eugenio hadn’t asked me.

Paloma walks in slowly, her eyes switching back and forth, creeped out by the covered furniture. She doesn’t notice Carlota locking the front door. Tell me whatever you want to quickly, says Paloma, because I don’t want to be here.

As Gabriel walks past Romina’s door, she pops out. (Quibble: Romina lives across the street – what is he doing walking down the sidewalk on her side?) Smiling, she says why did you humiliate me the other day? Want to come in? I’m alone. We could have fun. No thanks, says Gabe. Have a nice day.

The nurse pops out the door and tells Romina that the baby needs feeding. Romina says what am I paying you for? Hop to it!

Carlota has taken Paloma by the arm and is slowly walking her up the stairs, saying that Macarena was her mother, but she wishes she had been, and that Paloma would have been her child and Chris’s.

Paloma, very weirded out by the trip up the stairs and Carlota’s comments, pulls her arm away and says I don’t know where you’re going with this, but please just spit it out. Carlota takes her hand and says come, don’t be nervous.

Paloma balks again. Carlota says Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you. She takes Paloma’s arm again and leads her further up the stairs.

AHHHHHHH. My bassos! Where have you been? Smoke break?

Gabe runs into Rufi in the park – she’s been to see the police to see if there’s any news about Dr. B. Gabe says he’s fine. Rufi says how do you know? He waves that off. Rufi asks where Paloma is, at the hotel? And Gabe tells her she’s at Carlota’s, Carlota had something to tell her. Rufi is apprehensive. She doesn’t think Paloma should be alone with Carlota, or Chris either.

Carlota has Paloma upstairs now and says Your mother and I talked so much in this room. Paloma is huge-eyed like a kid in a haunted house. She tries to break away again, but Carlota is all persuasive arms. Then she gives Paloma a final shove into her office, closes the door behind her and snarls You’re going to listen to me whether you want to or not.

What are you doing? says Paloma. Carlota says I want you to listen to me up until the last moment, and then we’re going to take a little walk in the house. Carlota thoughtbubbles about pushing Paloma down the stairs.

Carlota says you never appreciated how much I cared for you, you were all about Macarena. Paloma says she was my mother and she always treated me lovingly. Paloma tries to make for the door, but Carlota shoves her to the floor.

If you’d loved me, things would be very different. You’re going to pay! You’re never going to be happy! Paloma says my mother didn’t lie to me. You fell in love with a man who didn’t love you back and now you’re alone and bitter. You hate the whole world.

Maybe you’re right, says Carlota. That’s why I had to get rid of your beloved Inaki. To keep you with me, I had to put a little belladonna in his drink. You did that to keep me here? says Paloma, whose hair has come loose. Yes, says Carlota, though I was sorry to see you so heartbroken about it.

You’re sick, says Paloma, pushing her away. You’re crazy. She runs out of Carlota’s office, Carlota in hot pursuit. Just like Arcadia, Alonso and Dr. Bermudez, says Carlota, confessing everything, which is, as we know, de rigueur for criminals in TV Land who are about to murder somebody.

Dr Bermudez? says Paloma, horrified.

It’s sunny and peaceful outside the house. It’s amazing how in Real del Monte there is never ominous thunder and lightening, or bats flying out of windows. Its walls are always serene, no matter what goes on behind them, its streets charming and leafy, its cafes cheerful.

Don E has arrived and asks the men if Paloma has come out yet. Nope. He says he doesn’t think Carlota will hurt her, but they need to keep their eyes peeled just in case. He’ll wait with them for Paloma to come out.

Rafa has come to the park and Luz is having a meltdown. Rafa figures the little boy wanting tacos was probably a distraction set up by the bad guy so he could take the little girl. He says let’s go to the police. She talks him into going directly to the guy’s home, though he thinks it’s very risky.

Camila is in tears, and Monica is telling her it was hard, but she did the right thing. Camila says it’s not surprising, as Angelica was in love with Orlando all along and valiantly tried to squash her feelings down. I thought I was in love with him, but I wasn’t really and didn’t learn to be. I blew it again.

At this juncture, repentant Diana shows up.

German gets a call telling him that they’re caught – apparently the judge wasn’t as corrupt as they thought. The other guys are going to pin it on German, as he’s their lawyer. German says Hold it! We’re all going down together! Tough luck, says the guy on the other end, you’re on your own.

Rufi, Gabe in tow, has come to get Chris at the church. She tells him that Paloma is alone with Carlota. Chris is scared for her and they all rush off.

Paloma is horrified, crying. You’re totally insane, she says. Carlota shoves her. You’re not going to leave me alone, she says menacingly.

German calls Romina, who tries to blow him off. He says listen to me. I have to leave Real del Monte. Come away with me! We could start a new life, anywhere. Just us and the baby!

What have you gotten yourself into? Says Romina, suspicious. Olvidalo. She hangs up. He says to himself I wanted to do things the right way, but you didn’t want to. He grabs his laptop and leaves the apartment.

Diana says to Camila We were good friends once. I have to leave town because of Samuel. We all will do things we’d never imagine just to feel loved. Camila says I know better than ever what you mean.

Diana says she hopes Rafa will be happy with Luz or whoever. She tells Camila she’s saying goodbye now. She says she hopes Camila will be happy and Camila says she hopes Diana will be too. Diana asks for a hug for old time’s sake. They hug, both sad about their lives.

The baby is crying and Romina goes to his cribside and tells him to knock it off. She wonders why she hired two stupid nurses who can’t even get him to stop crying. She starts throwing things into an overnight bag.

Chris, Rufi and Gabriel come running up to the house. They ask Don E if Paloma is alone in there. He says yes, but he’s sure Carlota won’t harm her. Rufi says she’s nuts! Paloma is in danger!

Inside, Carlota has Paloma by the hair and is holding her right in the spot on the landing that Macarena was pushed from. You were all against me, you were against me, so you deserve to die.

Makes sense to me. I guess I’ve been watching this show too long.

What did you do to my mother? says Paloma, struggling mightily. Carlota says she went against me and even was going to marry Chris. See? This is her engagement ring I have on!

You killed her! No, says Carlota, I just pushed her against the glass. Flashback of Macarena falling through the glass. I got lucky and she died without saying a word about it.

Paloma freaks out and grabs Carlota, gets the upper hand, and shrieks at her while Carlota’s back is arched over the rail. Push her, Paloma! Do it!

But Paloma is too good to push Carlota over the edge, she just flees down the stairs instead. Carlota rushes after her and grabs her by the hair and drags her back up to the landing. Now that Chris knows you’re his daughter, nothing would hurt him worse than your death. I’ll get my revenge.

Paloma runs partway down the stairs and inexplicably stops. She’s screaming. Chris tries to get in the front door.

Big fight on the stairs. Carlota says I’ve hated all your life, from the minute you were born.

Chris kicks down the door. The three rush in and see Paloma and Carlota on the stairs.

Die, says Carlota through clenched teeth, and she goes to give Paloma a shove.

But Paloma squats down on the stairs to duck the push, and oopsies! there goes Carlota over the handrail in slo mo. We linger on each horrified, wide-eyed face. And, finally, we get to see Carlota, out cold on the floor in the same spot her sister lay in a pool of blood. Don E licks his lips nervously, as well he should.

Ad break.

And now Gabe is up on the stairs with hysterical Paloma who says She killed everybody! She killed Inaki, Arcadia, Alonso and my mother! Macarena? Says Chris.

It wasn’t an accident! Says Paloma. She pushed her through the glass because you were going to get married!

It occurs to Rufi to wonder if Carlota is dead. Chris kneels beside her, but says he can’t tell. Repent, Rufi tells her. Repent so God will forgive you.

Luz and Rafi are at the mean guy’s house, but so sign of him or the little girl. Rafi says he’s probably fled Real del Monte. They decide to go to the police.

The paramedics are at Carlota’s house. Carlota is on a stretcher with a neck support. Don E is standing there with his arms folded. Chris gives her a blessing I guess because it’s the Right Thing to Do. Closeup of her eyes, but we can’t tell if she’s conscious or not.

Paloma sobs that Carlota has killed all the people that she loved. Gabe tells her that’s all ended now. Paloma says And she killed Dr Bermudez! Don E says he’s alive. Chris explains that Carlota shot him because he was going to take Paloma away, but Don E whisked him away into Natalia’s care, and had to keep him secreted away for witness protection.

Gabe says So you knew Carlota did that, and yet you asked Paloma to come here to see her? Don E, arms still crossed, says Yes. Sorry. I thought she still had some small spark of goodness in her. I’m an idiot. I was right outside, and I never suspected anything like this was going on. He looks perplexed and annoyed like a person might when surveying the damage from a little fender bender. This is a telenovela – shouldn’t he be agonizing? Weeping? On his knees?

Chris says She probably went after Paloma because she knew nothing would hurt me more. Yes, says Paloma. Chris says if it weren’t for Rufi…..

Rufi says to Paloma All this time we were living with a killer. I sensed something like that, but I just couldn’t believe it.

Chris says I think this is the end of her evil. (He doesn’t know we have 5 days to go.)

Camila and Monica are walking to work, and Camila tells her to take some time today to get flowers for her wedding. Monica leaves and here comes Em who says he’s been trying to get hold of Romina, but she’s not answering her cell. Does Camila know anything? No. She says she wishes he was the real daddy. He says I know.

Meche runs up – Have you heard the gossip? They’re saying Carlota had an accident just like her sister!

Orlando is on the phone with Angie – he tells her he’s not living with Camila any more. She says Did you tell her? He says yes, but it’s more than that, it turns out that she’s still in love with Rafa. We’re just married on paper now. It’s over.

We’re in Pacheca now, outside the police station. Romina comes up with the baby in what looks like a giant picnic basket. She asks a policeman if he can hold the basket for a second while she parks her car. He says But…umm.. okay.

As she walks away, she looks like she’s going to cry, almost stops, then keeps going.

German is driving along and suddenly the police are behind him with their sirens on. He keeps driving, looking frantically in his rear view mirror.

Gabe has brought Paloma back to her hotel room. How are you feeling? he asks. (This is the same stupid question TV reporters ask when they shove a microphone in the face of some person who’s just been through some horrific, life-altering disaster. The person never says How the #&@ do you think I’m feeling? And neither does Paloma the Sainted.) She says What kind of person would kill her own sister, her own niece? Gabe said she couldn’t love you the way you deserved because of what you represented. And here she was running around pretending to be so upright and moral.

Paloma tells him she wants to go to the hospital to find out if she’s dead or alive. She asks him for a hug.

The police are still after German, right on his bumper. One police car blocks his, and the officers stream out, guns drawn. Don’t shoot! he says. They arrest him for extortion.

Diana is about to get on the bus when Inez runs up. Diana explains about what happened and how Inez was right about not signing away her house. Inez wishes she’d been home when it all happened, but Diana says it’s better this way. She has a job waiting for her, and it’s best for her relationship with Emiliano.

Inez says I’m sure Juancho could have found you a job. Diana says this way is the best. You’re the best friend I ever had. They hug and cry.

Anamar has chased Em down at the hotel. She tells him German was trying to call him and is at the police station. German is asking him to come, he’s desperate, he’s asking in the name of the friendship they once had. We see Gabe sit down in a lobby chair to wait for Paloma to take her shower.

Em spots him. Anamar follows his gaze and says He came with Paloma. Em says Paloma is here?

Luz and Rafa have arrived at the police station. They explain to the officer about how they know who it was. He tells them there’s a child exploitation ring, and maybe this will be their undoing.

In her hotel room, Paloma is still weepy, but looks ready to step out. There’s a knock at the door and it’s Em. He says What happened? She throws her arms around him and sobs. (The front desk gave out her room number? Tsk.)

Little Bernardo has been brought by the police to a child shelter. They point out that there were extra diapers and food, and medicine for cystic fibrosis in the basket with the baby.

Now Paloma is sitting on her hotel bed while Em marvels about Carlota being a killer. Obviously she has told him the whole story (Belladonna and Old Lace). Paloma says she remembers when Romina suggested that Carlota had killed Inaki, but she didn’t believe her. Em realizes when Inaki said he had a surprise, it must’ve been about the will. And Paloma realizes that Carlota had messed in Em’s life, but thank goodness she saw to it that he married Romina, or else he would have been dead too.

Em, apparently thinking that she isn’t in a state of shock over being almost murdered, seeing her evil aunt fall to her maybe death, and finding out about all her loved ones having been slain, brings up what to him is the most important lesson of the day. He says Do you realize that nothing stands between us now? Paloma says Let’s not talk about that. Our paths have already diverged. When I felt death so near, I realized I’d made the right decision, to marry Gabriel.

(Is that what she was thinking when Carlota was holding her by the hair, about to toss her over the handrail? “Gosh, you know, marrying Gabe is a good idea! Maybe I’ll go for that white dress after all.”)

Em says he will respect that, even though he wishes their fates had been different. She weeps and anguishes.

Camila comes home and finds Romina sitting on the floor, drinking, with tears streaming down her face. Camila tells her she needs to see to her baby. Romina says maybe he’ll have a better mother, an adoptive one.

Romina says I took him to an orphanage. Camila is impactada and says if you think that will fix his suffering, well, it’s just begun. Camila yells at her, but Romina says I couldn’t take the crying, the illness, the medications. Camila says tell me where he is.

Camila unleashes a torrent of anguish on Romina and says she will adopt him herself. Where is he?

Avances: No avances! I was hoping we’d see Carlota’s eyelids flutter. Well, instead of that here’s a pop quiz. No peeking!

Match the maid to the employer:



Who are these characters?
Pablo Lara

What is Casa de los Monteros de Espinoza’s street number?

Extra credit: Who is your favorite character?


un Gancho al Corazón Mon. 3/1/10 Walpurgisnacht

Isabel has been identified here as a cold-blooded reptile and as such has virtually zero maternal instinct. We know that she was emotionally damaged by an horrific trauma, but this does not explain nor mitigate her utter (and probably udder as well... sorry for that) rejection and abandonment of Valentina. Perhaps Elna June would enjoy doing a guest appearance as a recapper and incorporate an analysis of Isabel's character from an expert point of view, perhaps giving us a more sympathetic opinion of this unfortunate victim. Until then, I'll continue seeing her as a manipulative, evil bitch (apologies to Bonnie Belle). She does however have the admirable ability to hold in check maintain total control of the hate and bitterness seething just below her outer crust and is able to take calm control of a situation, appearing to all but the most discerning (can't believe this group includes Mauricio) as a thoughtful, reasonable, though misunderstood woman. She seems to hold a Svengaliesque power over the minds of Moni and Alicia, the two most damaged by her malevolence.

From Friday, Moni and Estrella have stepped outside to deal with Aldo's cellphone which went off at an inopportune time. Both are shocked to find that the caller was Oscar. Why in heavens name would Oscar be calling Aldo, and why would his number be stored in Aldo's phone? Both are right to be concerned.

As Nieves is about to leave the vecinidad, Por casualidad (remember?), Isabel and Alicia are arriving. Isabel is there to diddle with her daughter's vulnerable mind, having reconverted a backsliding Alicia to the Cult of the Cobra. She and Alicia are barred from entering the barrio by the skeptical and committed non-believer, Nieves. Alicia tries to dissuade her but to no avail. She will be To Moni as St. Patrick was to Ireland. No snakes allowed. As long as she lives there, Isabel is a persona non grata. Content to let Alicia represent her point of view, Isabel stands stonily silent, directing all her energy into an ocular assassination attempt on Nieves. Don't they make amulets to ward off just such assaults? Suddenly she lowers the wattage of her deadly gaze, and makes a perfectly reasonable request, "Let's talk, Nieves.

Standing in front of the Paranormal Palace, Estre and Moni try to decide what to do about the intercepted call by Oscar to Aldo's cell phone. Estre, normally quite good with voices and improv blows an imitation of a voice message by Aldo, lowering her voice, "Hola, this is Aldo, el cachorro. ¿Ccccóma estás, Oscar? I ccccan't talk right now, pppporque I'm in the bathroom." . Moni, more direct and honest, snatches the phone and calls Oscar, "This is Monita, what do you want with Aldo?" She warns him to stay away from Aldo and threatens to tattle to Mauricio. Oscar tells Jero that they've been discovered.

Looks as though Nieves has relented. Maybe she sees it as an opportunity to vent a little more. I doubt that she's softened. She confronts her about Moni's daddy. "Did you know Marcos is Monita's father, Alicia?" She just found out. Shes calls Isabel a vibora, well, that's what we say, an oferecida, and we inferred that. "How could Marcos hook up with such as you? Marcos could never have loved you." Alicia curtly scolds Nieves, then looks on disapprovingly.

The fashion disasters continue their conversation on the sidewalk in front of Bartola's Ghosthaven. GIRLS! GO CHANGE CLOTHES! Of course they are concerned about Aldo's dealings with Oscar, but the conversation drifts inevitably to revelations about Isabel. Moni desperately wants to believe in her mom. Moni begins to cloud up, but Estrella orders her not to rain, "¡No, no, no, ¡No chilles, hija! ¡No chilles!"

Now Alicia tries her hand at mediation, "Why don't you talk another day." Nieves is not cooling off. Alicia continues, " Isabel didn't do anything. It was all Marcos' fault." Sure, blame the guy, he's not here to rebut. Acting as though she is above the fray, the serpent urges Alicia not to argue with Nieves, "She doesn't care to understand..."Does anyone else want to see this reptile get a wedgie? Alicia continues but Nieves is buying none of it declaring at last, "Monita es mi hija." Let's pause and hoist our snifters laden with fine Tequila Añejo in a toast to Nieves. Well said!

The viper coils, fangs dripping a cloying venom. She strikes. Like it or not she points out, She is the real mother here and Monita needs her. Nieveis not visible scathed. Like a cat, she fearlessly clutches Issy's throat, moving in ever so close in order for Isabel to hear her well. She describes how she cared for and protected Moni like a true mother. She releases her grip and Isabel grasps her throat and I'll swear, she actually hisses. Nieves vows to protect Moni now... from Isabel. You have to give it to Isabel, she remains impassive, suggesting that they take it up with Monita. "She's the only one who deserves an explanation. Right now "She's not here." Then I'll wait." Nieves suggests that they go talk to that imbecile, Marcos. Let him admit that she was his amante and Moni is his daughter. Certainly self confident, Isabel agrees, "Let's go talk to Marcos." Nieves wavers. Drat.

OK, fellow denizens of Club Gancho, here's the scene we all paid to see. Yes indeed, Ximena and Lalo have been shown into the inner sanctum, and come face to face with Bartola and Gastón. Lalo is reluctant. Ximena encourages him. Gastón is turning out to be quite the frisky fantasma. A true free spirit. Barty has to keep him on a rather short leash, constantly scolding him for his capriciousness. Ximena wastes no time in identifying Lalo as the patient here. Meintras tanto, Gastón seems to have a more than professional interest in Ximena. Lalo makes him nervous. Well, we learn something every day. Who knew that fantasmas get nervous too? Lalo admits that his heart is blind, concerned with Arnie and he is seeking guidance. Barty is sorry, but Gastón has a problem with Lalo and wants him out. Lalo appeals directly to Gastón, "Gastón, don't be that way!" but to no avail. Ximena scolds Gastón and turns to leave with Lalo. Wait! Barty has a little orange cloth sack for Ximy. "Don't open it!" She signals sternly with a wave of the hand for Lalo to leave, "It's an amulet to retain true love." She then enters into a light mini-trance, undulating and waving her arms about. She observes that Ximy has been looking for her true soul-mate and has found him and...

As if by magic (wow, this is definitely your above average psychic), we are transported to Ximy's apartment where... yes, I guess this confirms suspicions and speculation, we find Arnie hard at work, apparently composing another letter for Ximena, "My heart whispers you name with each beat..." He is intruded upon by Rolu who seems to have found a diversion from his marital woes. "Arnie!" "No, no, don't call me Arnie. Only Ximena is permitted to call me Arnie." Arnie's nose picks up a scent of a woman. He is scandalized. How dare Rolu cheat on his wife! He even has a hickey on his neck.

Back at Spook Central, we see Ximena's image in the crystal ball. Bartola seems to be wearing down under the barrage of Ximena's tireless prattling about her relationship with Rolu as she nervously fiddles with Bartola's troll. Enough. Bartola tells her that the man hopelessly falling in love with her is... Gastón. We suspected as much. Ximena acknowledges that she is flattered, then rambles on and on about Rolu. "What do you think?" Barty yawns. Ximena continues... finally Bartola admits defeat. Yea, Ximena! No one babbles better.

In the cantina, the boys, Cesar, Beto, Mauricio, and Cristian are sitting at a table tossing back caballitos de Tequila. They are sitting at a table with a bottle, mugs of cerveza, and saucers of peanuts and lime wedges. Beto offers, "¡Salud, por todos!" All respond,"¡Salud! Cesar is glad they came. Next, Cristian stands, "¡Por mi Paula!" Each in turn, joins him. "¡Por la Costanza!" "Por mi Nievecita!" "¡Por la Monita, el amor de mi vida!"

Batola is purifying her Tarot cards, passing them over candle flames and singing an incantation. Paula peaks through the curtains, "¿Se puede?" arty scolds Gastón, "Don't make fun of the pobrecita." Paula bursts in complaining. This causes several poltergeistic manifestations. Paula has angered Gastón. Now Paula must ask pardon from Gastón. She does. Apparently not quite good enough for our sensitive spirit. "You must sing it." She does. Not good enough. Barty demonstrates, "♪Per♪ don♪ a♪ me♪," Paula joins in and I'm about to fall off of my chair. This satisfies our spirit guide and she signals that she's ready to get on with it. Paula takes a seat. I try to compose myself. Bartola asks what Paula wants. Talking a kilometer a minute, Paula gets quickly to the point. "I want to know whom I'll marry." "Well let's check the cards."

Carlos' day is now complete. Here's Coni, ready to crawl in the sack after a long hard day of chasing clues in red envelopes. Wow! she removes her short black silk robe revealing a short revealing flowered baby doll nightgown in black, white, brown and orange with spaghetti straps. Nice. Mom joins her looking pretty nifty herself, in a burgundy paisley chiffon blouse with black pants. Jaqui rags on her. Why not take advantage of this new opportunity to find happiness with Roberto?" Or something like that. I was looking at Coni.

Back to Paula, Barty, and the cards. A type of king, I think she said Basque King... Cristian... a young man full of doubts. Yep, that's him alright. A type of queen... Paula is very pretty. We knew that already. Lovers... a beautiful wedding. Now we're getting somewhere.

Pobrecita. Coni looks exhausted. More encouraging ragging by Jaqui. "Mamá, could I ask you a favor? Close the door on your way out." Now alone she sadly says to no one in particular, "No, I could not be happy with Roberto... not now."

Our jolly witch is thrilled wit the prospect of the nuptials. She gives her a candle to burn until completely consumed. Some love oil to scatter all around. Never fails. Paula is ecstatic. "That'll be five thousand pesos." Next!

Moni and Estrella still haven't changed clothes. I believe the fashion police have a warrant out for their arrest. Estre doesn't like to see Moni cry like this but right now she needs to go to the bathroom. Pregnancy. She pulls the cord ringing the huge bell. An excited Ximy opens the door. She starts to bring her up to date but loses her train of thought. Estre is squirming and doing a restless dance familiar to every woman who has ever been pregnant. Later. Ximy joins a pensive Monita. Moni asks what she learned from her session with the Bruja. "I'm not sure, she said that mi media naranja, the love of my life is he man who wrote me the letters. Moni thinks that should make her happy. Well, no. Ximena sums up her marriage by offering three, of course, things. "Uno, he's lying to me. Dos. If he really loved me he wouldn't lie to me. Tres. I'm not sure I love him anymore." Next, Moni tells her that she's discovered that Mao lies just like the rest and she is breaking up with him. For the moment Ximena looks at her with mouth agape, speechless.

Not speechless, are the four drunken machos. Liquor has liberated their tongues. Cesar starts it off, "Time is too slow for those who fight(?), too fast for those who fear, too long for those who suffer, too short for those who dream, but for those who love as we do, eternal." All, "¡Salud!" Mao's turn, "I would ask Monita to add all the stars, all the grains of sand in the oceans, and every smile in history to have an idea of how much I love her." "¡Salud!" Cristian just wants Paula in his arms.

Ximena can't believe her ears. Moni must be possessed by Gastón to be uttering such insanity. She thinks that they are the perfect pair. "¡Gua!" Mao's lies can be no worse than Rolu's. She tell her of Rolu's faking inability to walk or function in other ways in order to keep her with him. Moni tells her of Mao's complicity in the supposed death of her mother. "¡Auch!"

Arnie is harsh with Rolu. He calls him names, cynic, liar, disgrace. He upbraids him for exchanging bodily fluids with that hussy. Rolu pleads innocence. Next he avows that all men are unfaithful. Arnie announces he'll no longer write letters for him. He's really angry with his brother. Rolu pleads that it meant nothing to him. A fling. He loves his wife. Men have needs. It's been a long time since he and Ximena... Enough of this... next!

Cristian is longing to be together with Paula but he's not sure about this marriage thing. Beto's offers encouragement, he launches into a plan for his wedding night which begins with Coni in white and he in his regalia as Fantasma Vengador, moving on to writhing, biting of her lip, removing garter belt (liguero) with his teeth, swats on the butt, grabbing her... Cesar is getting queasy with Beto's earthiness, the others are a little bit uneasy as well. They toast this unfinished tableau. Cesar wants to marry Nieves. The lads are getting drunker. Beto exalts Mao's great love for Moni. Mao chimes in, "¡Hasta la muerte!" The rest join in, "¡Hasta la muerte!" Lots more "¡Saluds!"

Oh crap! More of the brothers. Arnie insists that Rolu confess that he can walk. "If I do I'll lose her forever," Rolu mewls. "I can't tell her that I can walk." "She already knows," Arnie blurts. He once again resigns as Rolu's Cyrano, wadding and tearing up the unfinished drafts, then storming out in disgust. Rolu gathers the debris, he's not going to let such talented writing go to waste.

Ximena continues her counseling, first trying to smooth out Moni's furrowed brow. Moni professes confusion. "Then how about a session with Bartola? I'm sure she can help." Yes! We here in Club Gancho approve. Go for it! The last thing Moni wants is a witch's advice. "Then I ask you, give my primo one more opportunity. Think of all that he has done for you. One opportunity. Think about it."

Estrella's turn with Barty. Barty is still having to cope with Gastón. "Yes I already know that, Gastón," she says, a bit annoyed. She lays out the cards. "The inverted magician. A man." Young?" "No not young. This is the prince of cups. Young. A dreamer. Passionate. A novice in pleasures of the flesh.""That's my Cochorro!" The crone consults with Gastón. Apparently he has called Estre a cradle robber. Estre chides Gastón. It's becoming clearer. The young man is in danger from the older man. Hmmm, now who could that be? She see's much success for Estrella. "You're an actress." "¡No manches!... Paula told you, didn't she?" Both Barty and Gastón take offense. "Just leave if you don't believe!" Estre's sorry. "Pay attention!" "You're pregnant!" "No manches, Paula told you,right?" Once more this offends the Divining Duo. Estre is sorry and wants to hear more. She will eventually achieve great success, but things aren't so bright for our little puppy. To the contrary, he chooses a path covered in shadows. His future is very dark indeed. "There is no light."



Cristina Show- Sortilegio Part 2

Gabriel S. speaks about how much he has admired Daniela Romo his whole life. Daniela playfully corrects him and says, since you were little (to make her not seem so old). They joke around a lot about how nervous he was during their scenes, sweaty hands and all. But they both say wonderful/touching things about the other. Daniela then goes into how much she enjoyed their loves scenes. She got really into it and felt the desire in those moments when they were caressing, etc- she was very much enjoying it. Gabriel blushes and William grabs Jackie and jokes that they should leave those two alone.

Cristina asks if Gabriel’s girlfriend/baby mamma minds when he has love scenes and gets jealous. He says, no, and especially not when it’s someone whom she respects and admires like Daniela. He and his girlfriend met years ago when they were both in L.A. at different acting schools. Cristina asks about his choice to not be married. He explains that for him marriage isn’t the key to happiness. He’s quite happy with his girlfriend and daughter and not being married and that’s his lifestyle choice. Punto.

David and Chantal do a skit (in Bruno and Raquel mode) in the green room about being the last after Jackie (la flaquita), William, Gabriel and Daniela, and what’s up with that. Cristina welcomes them both out. Cristina congratulates Chantal on getting her figure back so quickly after baby. Her baby is less than a year old (didn’t catch how many months). They show a clip of the rumble on the stairs when Bruno was in his tight yellow briefs. Apparently this scene was MUCH talked about and Cristina wants to know the dirty details from David. I picked up that he couldn’t do the scene in boxers, because things would have popped out and been flashed, so it had to be the briefs. It was not his favorite scene to film. He got quite banged up and his toes even had to be taped. They talk about his antagonistic relationship with Cuco- who he really had to rile up to get him to bark at him. Therefore the two of them did not have a good relationship and David slips up and says that damned dog when he first starts speaking about Cuco. This gets some laughs out of his castmates, and David assures the audience that he loves animals.

Cristina asks Chantal about taking such an intense role. Chantal speaks about how passionate she is about acting and loves to work. She loved this role and felt like it was more complicated that others she had done before, and wanted the opportunity to portray this woman consumed by alcoholism. She started filming just 40 days after having her baby. Cristina asks about the strong theme of bisexuality, and they all agree that it’s a real lifestyle and that it was done with realism and without being offensive in the novela. Cristina asks how Chantal’s husband took her doing this role, particularly with these strong sexual situations. She says what a wonderful man she is married to- so intelligent and has told her that he wants her to be successful at her work. He does not watch her love scenes, however. Cristina comments that Chantal is following in the family business, having grown up with both a mother and father who are successful actors.

Cristina then turns to David and points out that acting was not the first field he intended to go into. In fact, he was in law school. David then talks about when he went to Miami years ago and that’s when he met William. Since David grew up with only sisters, William became like the brother he never had. They are very close. He then gets even more sentimental talking about what a wonderful family William, Jackie, Dani, Gabriel and Chantal were during Sorti.

Cristina shows us a day in the life of Gabriel Soto in L.A.: riding his motorcycles through the streets of L.A. (with a helmet on); going to the gym to do boxing training; and hanging out with his cute baby girl and girlfriend on the beach (he wants his daughter to grow up next to the water).

Cristina asks Jackie to share some stories about William’s eating habits. Apparently William eats A LOT, does not need to watch his diet (eats pizza, tacos, and all things fattening), never needs to go to the gym, and gets very cranky when he has not been sufficiently fed. JB recounts one day when they had taken a break from filming to eat, she had finished her lunch and Carla asked her to go get William so that they could start filming again. William had not yet finished eating and started a tirade at Jackie (he swears it wasn’t at HER per se) about having spent 15 years in Cuba with nothing to eat but bread and now should get to eat what he wants (his excuse whenever he is kidded about eating a lot). She goes into this tirade, perfectly imitating William’s accent and tone and the whole little tirade. This cracks everyone up, including William, and David jumps up to show physically how cranky William gets when he hasn’t had enough to eat- slamming his fist on the table, pacing like a wild animal and insisting he can’t film if he hasn’t eaten.

From previous previews, there was a lot more to this segment with JB getting up and doing some kind of imitation of someone (this seems to be her thing; remember her imitation of Elena), Gabriel shows his tattoos, including ones under his shirt, and Daniela sings. We get none of that because Cristina is showing the exclusive world premier of We Are the World in Spanish- Somos el Mundo. We see lots of Latin singing stars behind the scenes of the filming/recording the song, and then we get the song and video itself. Very well done, and for a good cause. Most of the money from the song sold on iTunes will go towards Haiti relief and to other causes that the We Are the World Foundation supports. Hopefully Chile will benefit too. There might be more of the Sorti cast stuff they didn’t show on the Cristina site on Univision.com, keyword (clave) Sortilegio.

Photos: http://www.univision.com/content/photoalbum4.jhtml?cid=2292908
Short clip: http://www.univision.com/content/videoplayer.jhtml;jsessionid=VWAE1ZIWONSR2CWIAANCFFAKZAABWIWC?cid=2302552


Corazon Salvaje - Monday, March 1: All Aboard the SS La Promesa!


* Narrator introduces us to Regina (the straight laced, sweet lady), Renato (the honest, hard-working hacienda administrator), Aimee (the flirtatious tart), and Juan (Tarzan in gentleman’s clothes). Narrator asks many poignant questions hoping to peak our curiosity about the upcoming meetings and reunions.

* We are on the beach - Juan, still in his brown adult diaper, carries two children out of the water (one under each arm). He laughs with his gang of friends. He loves his life there as a fisherman and living with them, because his dad was a fisherman and they are honest, caring, hard-working friends. He asks if they want him to leave. They chime in, “NO!”

* Aimee is outside the schoolyard - she has a secret meeting with a school beau. As they are about to kiss, the school headmistress catches Aimee. The beau scrambles to leave the premises. Aimee and the headmistress discuss the punishment for disobeying the rules of the school. Aimee doesn’t really care - she’s more about the parties and the beaus than studies anyway.

* Juan tells his friends that he needs to leave. He knows it’s time to start his vengeance plan. One lady tells him he should find a lady and get married. He says no, that's not in his plans.

* Rod wakes up in his big extravagant bed. His new bride comes in and has to remind him of his daughters’ graduation today. He is more interested in making love with her.

* Regina is in the school classroom talking with the head director of the school about her future plans and her trip back to Mexico. He notices that she’s staring off into space and asks if she has a beau back in Mexico.

* Arcadio is arguing with Renato in the hacienda fields. Arcadio tries to threaten to go to Leona. Renato shouts back that he will be the only one to tell his mother anything. Renato rides away on his horse. Arcadio stands and grumbles.

* In the kitchen, Clemencia is starting to bake bread. She is startled when Leona growls as she appears in the kitchen. Clemencia drops the bowl and the salt sprays all over the chair and floor. The women are petrified that they will have another run of really bad luck. Leona orders Clemencia to clean it up immediately. Then Leona lets is slip that Rod and the twins are returning. Clemencia is on cloud nine with the news.

* Rod talks with his new wife about their trip to Mexico, and he warns her never to speak about one subject.

* Arcadio catches Maria and Mirta out wandering the dungeon hallways. Maria still cries for her lost baby. Arcadio yells at them to get back in their cell. They scurry back inside the cell. He locks the gate. Maria tries to cry and whine. Arcadio tells her to shut up already, he’s sick of hearing it. Maria starts to whisper to Mirta.

* Clemencia enters the bedroom. Leona, seated at her dressing table, growls that Clemencia didn’t knock before entering. Clemencia tells her that everything is prepared in the dining room. They start to talk about Regina and Aimee’s return to the hacienda, along with Rod and his new wife. Leona is happy to have the twins back home again, however she isn’t too thrilled to see Rod with another woman. Then she growls at Clemencia and waves her out of the room.

* Celestino whines about how sick he is, and how he’s stuck in his hammock bed, and orders Rosenda around the little room. Rosenda yells back that her life hasn’t been a happy picnic with him either.

* Meanwhile, Magda is talking with Felipe about her one true regret, that she abandoned her daughter in Mexico. She wants to return and get her daughter back. Felipe tells her the sailing arrangements have been made.

* Maria looks out the cell window and dreams about being in a church and suddenly seeing Juan. She looks and is stunned to see a white dove fly in and sit on the table. She kneels down and talks about this being a sign that Juan is coming for her now. She plays with her little ragdoll and sings it a lullaby. Mirta stands and watches. The dove stays on the desk. Maria tells the dove that she can’t leave, not without her son. She cries how she has to stay until her son comes for her. As she gets close to the table, the doves flies away out the window. Maria is impactado and sad.

* Ship captain tells his assistant that Juan will be on board the ship, but in secret. They talk about his travel companion, Gabe, as well as Santo and Mabel Aldama. They are well-respected with the company. Assistant leaves the office and walks with a servant and tells him about the secret passengers that will be sailing on the ship - Federico Aldama (Juan’s secret identity).

* Gabe is in a cabin and starts to look through a trunk. He starts to thought bubble.

* Jimena, the gypsy, wanders around the ship’s deck and smiles as she hides in a corner.

* Regina and her best friend are packing up her things for her trip back to Mexico. They discuss their trips and fun outings together. The friend brings up marriage and asks her if she’s thinking about Renato. Regina ignores the question. Regina tells her friend to take any clothes she likes. Regina doesn’t care. The one item that is really precious to her is her camera.

* Captain and assistant are in the office discussing other passengers for the voyage - two daughters of a well-to-do man will be boarding.

* Aimee talks with her dad on the elegant port staircase. He tells her to watch over her sister. Aimee smiles and says of course she will. Regina finally appears.

* Three ladies are seated in the cabin on board “La Promesa”. Felipe and Magda are speechless by the ladies’ conversation topic.

* Martin del Campo is escorted to his stateroom. He is harsh with the steward and orders him to leave immediately. Alone, he grumbles to himself about his family’s misfortune and hopes that his future in Veracruz will bring him better luck.

* Leona stops by to visit with Celestino. Celestino grumbles a reminder of how he has been keeping his mouth shut about her secret. Leona is startled and frustrated.

* Everyone starts to board the ship. Crew prepares the masts and the ship for sailing. Aimee and Regina stand on the deck and enjoy the sea air and sunshine.

* Captain and Rod discuss a change in their accommodations on the ship. Rod isn’t happy. Captain explains that he has two special dignitaries of the company on board. Rod is upset and demands to speak with the ‘patron’.

* Juan walks down the stairs to the lower deck. Aimee glances at him and is quite enchanted at first sight. She elbows Regina and whispers about the handsome gent she just saw. Regina tells her to stop with the ‘salvaje’ flirtations. Aimee doesn’t like that advice and thinks about getting him to fall for her. Regina gives up on her sister and wishes her good luck. Aimee loves to have fun - she turns and bumps right into Juan. Aimee scolds Juan for bumping into her and not apologizing. Juan is startled and defends himself against Aimee. Regina tells Aimee to back off. Juan thanks Regina and says that she is the only lady he sees in front of him. Aimee corrects him and says Regina is her sister, and they are both educated ladies. Juan doesn’t care for Aimee’s attitude. He takes Regina’s hand and kisses it. He leaves. Aimee is very curious about the mysterious gentlemen.

* Gabe is in the stateroom, trying on the tuxedo from the trunk. Juan enters the room and scolds Gabe for putting on the tuxedo.

* Felipe and Magda sit and she tells him how worried she is that Rod may arrest her or do something to her for stealing his expensive jewels a long time ago.

* Rod and Captain check on the new accommodations. He still isn’t pleased with them. Regina tries to tell daddy not to worry, but Aimee defends dad’s reasons. Rod finishes with the Captain. Captain leaves. Aimee tells daddy how much she loves and respects him and is so very proud of him.

* Juan explains to Gabe that they are not there to show off his wealth. They need to be very discreet and not let anyone know of his last name “Montes de Oca”. Gabe understands Juan's reasons and mission, but he has his own mission also. They discuss the destination - Veracruz. Juan says this business trip is more for honor. (Flashback - Juan Jr./Sr. in the thunderstorm)

* Noel is trying to read a letter. He looks and looks and finally locates his spectacles and a candle. He reads that Rod and the twins are returning soon to Mexico. He is thrilled and knows Leona and Renato will be very happy. He remembers when the twins were last there as little girls.

* In the stateroom, Regina scolds Aimee for always being a ‘salvaje’ flirt and party-girl. Aimee tells her sister that she can be straight-laced and a nun if she wants, but she much prefers to have fun and flirt, especially with one gentleman in particular.

* Juan is alone in his stateroom. He yells at his reflection as he rips off his coat and vest, opens his shirt, and rips off his ponytail ribbon. He yells, "he isn’t a gentleman! he is Juan del Diablo!" He then reminds himself and his dad about his promise and vows to complete his promise and make the entire Montes de Oca family pay dearly.

ADVANCE: WIll Aimee’s enchantment turn into a night of passion with Juan on board the ship?


Monday, March 01, 2010

El Clon, Mon. March 1- Latifa gets married; Jade gets hope and Lucas gets bad news

Here is my kitten, Wolfie, 'helping' me write my recap.

You could summarize this episode in two sentences: Latifa gets married and Lucas learns about Diego's death. But of course we won't leave it at that.

Ali tells Jade that he will feel more secure if she is in the US with Mohammed and Latifa. The foreigner could still be hanging around and she has slipped twice - it mustn't happen a third time. Little does Ali know that he is harboring the foreigner in his own house! When he leaves, Zoraida says that there is no fighting destiny.

Leo has his guards remove Cristina from in front of his car. She carries on. Rosa calls her a venomous snake.

Marisa calls and Rosa is sweetness and light. She tells Marisa to come over to take a remembrance of Diego.

Out in the driveway, Cristina asks the guards to tell Leo that all she asks is for him to tell her to her face what he has against her. It worked the last time - why not again?

Leo and Cristina have memories of their past and Cristina has a hallucination of Diego.

Mohammed's uncle Abdul comes to see him to give him the advice his father would have.

At the same time, uncle Ali is also giving Latifa advice. After determining that Mohammed is a virgin too, his uncle tells him not to rush things on the first night and to make sure he pleasures his partner. For his part, Ali tells Latifa that the book says that sex was created so that men and women would enjoy it as they wished.

The wedding festivities start.

Sylvia tells Dora that in time Osvaldo may come to accept the idea of AI but Dora says that she can't wait. Her biological clock is ticking. She asks Sylvia to choose a donor who looks like Osvaldo in case he ever comes back, he will recognize himself in the child.

Luisa tells Dora that she is marrying Albieri and Dora is surprised to say the least. She is even more surprised when Albieri comes in and can barely look at Luisa much less touch her.

In his lime green office, Albieri confides to Julio that he doesn't know how to treat Luisa. He says it's as if he suddenly doesn't feel close to her. Julio replies that he ought to feel something more than closeness with his fiancee. Luisa calls to say that Lucas is arriving on Sunday.

Lucas tells Ali that he misses his brother and is sure that Diego is thinking of him. He tells Ali that although he and Diego fought a lot, they complemented each other. Ali changes the subject and tells Lucas that they should go to the party.

More wedding fun. Latifa is carried on a palanquin with a big crown and is met by Mohammed.

Zoraida tells Jade about the benefits of marriage for a woman and regrets that she will never have them. When Jade protests that Zoraida might yet get married, Zoraida says that could only happen if she were a millionaire. Now that Nazira is a millionaire, she can get married. Money makes women look good.

At that moment, Nazira boasts to Zoraida about how much money her family will have from their inheritance and how everyone wants to be friends with her. When Zoraida says that now Nazira can marry, she says that she wants to go to Europe and buy designer clothes and jewels. Maybe marriage will come later. All this time Jade and Lucas have barely been able to take their eyes off each other. Ali's trust is going to be really betrayed.

Cristina barges in to the clinic to tell Albieri to return to Leo the jewelry that he had given her. Cristina is extremely tiresome.

The newlyweds are about to leave for their wedding night. As if these two virgins didn't need more pressure, Nazira tell Latifa that she wants to see the 'proof of blood' afterwards. Abdul tells Mohammed that he had better not fail his bride or he will shame his family and his marriage may be broken.

In their honeymoon suite, the newlyweds start out awkwardly.

Mohammed washes Latifa's feet.

He says a sweet prayer in which he asks that Latifa accept and love him and that there will always be harmony between them. They kiss and things go from there.

Ali tells Leo that Lucas is coming back to Florida the next day. Leo doesn't want to go to the airport and makes Albieri do it.

The next morning Ali and a whole bunch of people bring breakfast to the newlyweds. The 'proof of blood' is on display for the women (at least they're not going to parade along the street with it). Everybody is happy.

Back at Ali's house, Zoraida warns Jade and Lucas to be careful. Lucas says that once he is back in the States, he will ask his father and Albieri for help and he is sure Ali will relent and let him marry Jade. Zoraida throws cold water on that idea. She tells him that Ali will never let his niece marry out his faith. No problem, says Lucas, I'll convert.

Ali returns home and gives Lucas and Jade their plane tickets. He bought two seats for Jade so that no stranger sits near her. When they have gone to get their luggage, he tells Zoraida that Jade seems to have forgotten about the foreigner because she seems so happy. "So it seems," says Zoraida unahappily.

Albieri meets Lucas. He asks where his father and Diego are. Albieri says that they'll talk in the car. Lucas is allowed to say goodbye to Jade alone. He says that when he gets home, he'll talk to his father. Soon they will be together.

We have a little travelogue of Miami from Mohammed's taxi. Latifa says that it has changed a lot.

Back at the house, Leo lies to his servant, Jaime, by saying that he didn't go to the airport because Enrique needed him. In response to Leo's question, Jaime says that he left Cristina's jewels with a girl friend (amiga). He says that he was told Cristina wasn't there because she was traveling with a friend (he uses amigo here so it is clear that he is referring to a male friend). It is also obvious that Leo is upset by this information.

Lucas comes in and asks what is wrong and where Diego is. Leo says that Diego isn't here anymore. Lucas asks what he means and Leo says that the twins never listened to him and it ended in tragedy. It is Rosa who tells him that Diego had an accident in his helicopter and Albieri who tells him that Diego is dead. When Lucas asks his father if Diego is really dead, Leo says no and walks away. It is Rosa who comforts Lucas.

The credits roll.


Nick mailed me this SNL sendup of telenovelas: "kisses and tears"

I sure hope Nick comes back and recaps for us again! He just sent me this, heh heh.


Saturday, February 27, 2010

Gancho, Friday, February 26th. The Preferred Search Engine, Ladies´Version, Guys´Version

Lost, but searching. Our little novela seems to have lost its way, lost some steam. It keeps going down picturesque side streets, constantly looking for a way to keep us entertained, as new characters are introduced, plots twist and turn, and unlike in the earlier phases of the drama, very little gets resolved. In like manner, our characters are lost, but searching. Searching for answers. Gabi wants to know why she feels Sal’s call so strongly. Estrella wants to know if she’s making the right decision, to marry a 17 year old boy. Paula wants to know what she can do to get Cris to commit, or if he won’t. could there be another guy for her? Lalu wants to know why Arnie won’t return his affection. Ximena wants to know what to do about Rolu. And Moni wants to know whom to believe, her mother, or her true love. They’ve decided to get their answers in the most logical way – a fortune teller, of course! Makes perfect sense to me.

Our lovely ladies (including Lalu) are escaping the local brouhaha by visiting the local bruja, highly recommended by Ximena. On the way out of the vecindad, Estrella discovers she still has Aldo’s cellphone in her purse. Moni offers to hold it, since Estre’s a bit absent-minded these days.

Over at Nieves’ place, with Nieves and Beto as his audience, Mauricio lets loose a few bombs (not the Beto kind). First of all, he told Moni everything – that her mother was alive, and that he helped fake Isabel’s death. Coni had taken Moni to see Isabel, with the aim of destroying Moni’s life if she learned her mother faked her death, and hated her. But Isabel (who’s now staying at Mau’s warehouse) turned the tables, and convinced Moni that she always loved her, and still does. Later, when Mau said Isabel was lying, Moni didn’t believe him, and now she doesn’t believe anything Mau says. She doesn’t even want to see him. Beto thinks it’s all Coni’s fault, all part of her plan of vengeance. Nieves gets fire in her eyes – take me to see Isabel, right now.

Luisa is standing between Ivan and Andrés. She tearfully explains that ever since Ivan left the house, she felt alone, especially when Katia left. She needed a friend, hoped Andrés would fit the bill. She’s sorry to both the guys that she didn’t make things clear, but the truth is, she just wants to be friends with Andrés, and she wants to be Ivan’s girlfriend again – if he’ll give her another chance. He does, they hug, and Andrés accepts the news like a gentleman. After he leaves, Ivan promises to visit Luisa every day at the school. She tells him she’ll be waiting. They kiss, and he’s off. Dani comes in, “told you so, all you had to do was say you were sorry”. Luisa hugs our little matchmaker.

It’s a dark night, and the ladies have arrived at the bruja’s casa. Are you sure this is the place? they ask Xime. Of course. Madame Bartola said just follow your instinct, the house would call to you. She also gave me the address. Everybody thinks the house is very mysterious, except skeptical, down to earth Moni. The rest are very excited about getting answers to their various problems. But where’s the doorbell? Xime notices a long chain, and gives it a tug. An ominous bell tolls, and a very tall, pale-faced gentlemen appears behind them. As they all scream, he intones “Do you seek Bartola?” in a deep voice. The ladies cower (except Moni, who goes into her boxing stance).

Mau has brought Nieves and Beto to the warehouse to confront Isabel (with “800 truths” says Nieves), but no one’s there. Nieves is mad as a bull, bursting with the desire to put Isabel in her place. Mau calmly surmises that Isabel went back to Coni’s apartment to get her things. But why is she staying here? wonders Nieves. Well, says Mau, Valentina brought her here, and actually it’s good, because we can keep better track of her this way. Nieves notices two empty coffee cups, is mad that Isabel doesn’t even clean up, but Mau points out that means Alicia is with Isabel. Nieves, still pacing wildly, besides her self with anger, says Alicia is so weak, who knows what ideas Isabel will put in her mind?

The tall majordomo (I’ll call him Igor) tells the gals “Silence!”,

and leads them into the foreboding mansion. They’re barely surpressing giggles, though, this is fun! But when Igor says he’s brought milk to drink for dinner with his horns (cuernos), they get a little freaked out.

Nieves tells Mau (whom she calls guapo, causing Beto to warn her not to get so heated up) not to worry, little by little, Monita will realize that they’re all telling the truth, and Isabel isn’t. They agree to stay close to Moni, and close to each other. Mau lets out his second bomb. Valentina was not the product of a rape. The father of La Monita is….Marcos Lerdo de Tejada!

Isabel and Alicia arrive at Coni’s apartment, so Hissy can get her suitcases. Without going into the details, let’s just say that at first Alicia is very suspicious, and asks lots of good questions. But Hissy is the mistress of mentiras, and Alicia is weakening.

Now Nieves is REALLY mad. Not only did Isabel prevent Nieves from marrying Marcos, she was his lover, and had his child! Nieves wants to KILL her, grabs a pillow, and slams it over and over against the bed. Damn, disgraceful, betraying, hypocrite, I’ll kill you! Beto rushes over to calm her down, she tells him to shut up, then kicks him in the family jewels! As he winces in agony,

she realizes what she did, offers to massage or rub him (sobar), to which he quickly squeaks out “no me sobes, no me toques”). Mau intervenes, and Nieves needs to hug him. She also apparently needs to grab his pompis, which she does with mucho gusto.

Inside the dark blue, gothic room filled with strange statues, many candles are lit, as the seeking sisters await the arrival of the mysterious madam. An owl hoots in the corner.

Paula notices a curtain, could that be the portal to the Other Side? (la más allá, one might also say the Great Beyond, as más allá means beyond) Xime points out that for those on the Other Side, WE are on the Other Side. They notice that Moni’s a little sullen. Paula and Estrella pull her aside, what gives? My Mamá is not dead, she’s alive! The owl hoots and flaps its wings. Estre says Moni’s giving her goosebumps (me dejaste la piel gallina, last week Xime said la piel chinita for the same thing). It’s true, replies Moni, Mauricio helped my Mamá fake her death.

Among Hissy’s lies, she says Marcos always knew about Moni, and he’s the one who forced her to abandon Moni years ago. She also says Marcos contacted Mauricio months ago, and they’ve been plotting together. I think she also says Marcos made Mau go along with the faked death of Isa, and the two of them are still plotting against Isa. She asks Alicia how could anyone believe she’d hate her own daughter, how crazy is that? She pours on the waterworks. Don’t leave me alone, Alicia. Tell me you’ll help. Alicia gives in. I promise you, Isabel, that together, we’ll protect Valentina from her father.

The clock strikes midnight, and Igor appears. Please turn off all cellphones and other electronic devices, as they could interfere with the signals from the other side. Grab hands, La Bruja Bartola is about to arrive.

Everyone stand, please. And here she is, a middle-aged woman with a crazed look, suitably garbed in a long gray robe trimmed in silver, a feathered turban, and scads of gaudy necklaces and bracelets. She also has WAY too much lipstick.

She walks through the fog, and starts coughing. She starts criticizing “Gastón”, telling him the smoke doesn’t work, it’s choking her. Don’t you remember you died from asphyxiation? Who’s she talking to? asks Estre. Gastón, replies Igor. The spirit who always accompanies her. Everyone says good evening to Gastón, but Bartola says how silly of you, Gastón’s not on my left, he’s on my right. They greet the imaginary friend again.

Gabi asks Gastón to let her talk to Salvador, but Bartola says Gastón doesn’t do that, only she does. Who wants to pass first? It’s Gabi, but before she follows Bartola, the bruja looks at Moni, her body goes rigid, she points her finger, and says You. You have a dark aura. She then beckons Gabi to follow her to the other side (of the curtain). Be seated, bellows Igor. Lalu thinks Gastón may be gay, but Igor commands them to be silent.

Nieves is still mad. Now she’s not only mad at Isabel, but at Marcos. How dare he say he still loves me. Mauricio says he thinks Marcos is not a bad guy. No way, says Nieves, he’s a PIG, like all men! Beto looks at her, hello? Oh sorry, she replies, except you two. Beto also doesn’t trust Marcos. First he was Coni´s Dad, then we thought he was Beto´s Dad, now he´s Moni´s, who´s next, Estrella, Paula? When Mau defends him again, Nieves gets up, gets into HER boxing stance, she wants to go three rounds with him, at maximum weight! All of a sudden she feels faint, starts hyperventilating. She says she’s okay, but Mauricio says she looks pale, would she like to lie down? Her face lights up. With you? she asks hopefully. Beto tells her it’s time to go home. As he starts for the door, Nieves falls into Mau’s arms again, and can you believe it, as they support her out the door, her hands wander again, down, down, down, trying to squeeze the Charmin.

We have a short scene where Luisa tells Aldo she reconciled with Ivan. Aldo agrees it’s good to fight for love, not give up. Luisa thinks he looks worried about something, but he denies it. After she leaves, though, he replays Oscar’s warning in his mind – keep your mouth shut about Lorenza and the cabaña (Oscar’s haunted house).

Madame Bartola tells Gastón to leave the lady (Gabi) in peace. So what are you seeking, my dear? As Bartola sits wide-eyed, elbows down, hands on the side of her face,

Gabi relates how even though Salvador died, she still feels his presence. She tells how Sal died violently, in an airplane crash, but she suspects someone was behind it. Bartola gets possessed, starts half singing, half talking to Gastón. She shrieks a bit more, decides she needs something that belonged to Salvador. Gabi has something, Sal’s wig. Bartola starts channeling. A wooded (boscoso) place. A cabaña, there’s a man locked in his body, screaming without being heard, he can’t talk, he’s trapped in his mind, he’s ALIVE! (this gal’s good).

Cut to a wooded place, a cabaña, and Lorenza is trying to get Sal to talk. C’mon mi amor, repeat after me. Lor-en-za. But it’s not working. The nurse enters to administer the injection, but Lori says no, stop drugging him up. Oscar and Jero arrive, and Oscar reminds Lori than if Sal didn’t have his meds, he’d leave, don’t you want him to stay here? Yes, she says, but not like a wax statute (una figura de cera). Oscar prevails, and Lori and the nurse escort Sal to his room for rest (and the shot). Once they leave, the Count von Count and Jerry the Jester discuss the Aldo situation. Although Oscar thinks the boy won’t talk, Jerry thinks something could slip with Estrella and Moni. So Oscar decides to call him, and lay down the law.

Ringggg! Gee, didn’t our girls turn off their cellphones and other electronic devices? Wait a minute, it’s Aldo’s phone, which Moni has conveniently clipped to the inside of her blouse (she didn’t notice it for a bit, guess it wasn’t on vibrate, you’d think she’d want to keep abreast of the situation). She decides to take the call in the hall, so as not to upset Igor. She whispers hello, and is shocked to hear “Hello, it’s Oscar. Are you alone, Aldo? We have to talk.” Moni snaps the phone shut. Whoa!

Meanwhile, we have another group of lost souls in the vecindad. Beto’s sad that his Mom is mad at men. Don Cesar wants to go to her, until Beto says Cesar’s one of those men. Cris is down that Paula broke up with him. Beto laments that Coni dumped him, too. And Mau’s in Moni’s doghouse. The solution – how ‘bout a few cold ones down at the cantina? Cesar thinks that’s not the way out (salida). But he corrects himself, it could be the way in (entrada) – to forgetting everything. Cris is off duty, just has to change, and he’s in, too. Mau demurs at first, but Beto convinces him. So our message is clear. If you’re lost and down, ladies, go to a bruja. Guys, go get a brew, Hah!

Outside of Bartola’s, Estre and Moni discuss why Oscar would call Aldo’s phone. They know Oscar is bad (Gabi keeps suggesting he’s involved with Sal), but what could Aldo have to do with him? Estre checks the phone, and sure enough, Aldo has Oscar Cárdenas saved in his contacts. Moni decides that the only way to get to the bottom of this is to call Oscar back. As Estrella looks on nervously, Moni dials the number.

Meanwhile, Nieves has grabbed her unicorn purse, and is sneaking out, she wants to talk to Marcos. She heads out of the vecindad. But just outside,
Alicia is walking with Isabel, telling her it was smart to change her mind, and not stay with Mauricio. She’ll be much safer with Valentina. They approach the gate, and Nieves is there, looking very serious. She puts her hand on her hip, saying, “What a small world it is. Right, Isabel?” Isabel’s glare could melt a statue,

but Nieves’s eyes blaze like a thousand nuclear suns.


Previews: Ximena urges Moni to think, and boys will be boys.

Vocabulario: Not much, as my captions were muy mal. However, we do have:

Sobar – to rub, or massage
Me dejaste la piel gallina
– you gave me goosebumps, literally you gave me chicken skin, last week we had la piel chinita, or little pebble skin

Boscoso – wooded
Una figura de cera
– a wax statue, wax figure

– annoying. Our characters are always saying no seas gacha. Guess what, when I googled this, it came up with one of JudyB’s recaps, where she translated it as “don’t be snotty”. Thanks, Judy!


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