Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Gancho Tuesday Sept. 29 '09 Beto's In Trouble And So Am I

My oh my...just when I was feeling cocky about not bothering with youtube versions, my Univision went on the blink. Fortunately Carlos was able to give me the link to the episodes and I know I missed a lot, but here's what I got on first go-round. (And after this I'm fixing myself a big drink!)

The new stuff begins with Christian and Paula discussing their future. They have very different ideas about where it should go. She wants a ring and a wedding veil. He can't even say "ca...ca...casarme" without turning green. Nope, what he suggests is that they live together first to see how they get along. Oh sure, she snaps, and then you change your mind and I go home to dad "empaquetada" (with a bun in the oven). She's not buying that particular line.

There's a little misunderstanding going on with Katja and Aldo also. She's saying unkind things about Estrella, including calling her a "zorra de cien pesos" (basically a two-bit whore) and bless him, he's defending his actress friend. This minor spat is settled with a kiss and then a few more. Ah...young love...or young infatuation...or just young hormones. Whatever...it's a great way to end a spat.

The discussion between Beto and Mom isn't being settled quite as easily. She's berating him for losing his job again and wondering when he'll ever settle down ("sentar cabeza"). He's defending his decision to train for a fight with Mauricio because then Moni will finally see that Beto's more of a man than that old "doll's hair" fella.

Señor Doll's Hair has just arrived home to find Aldo and Katja lip-locking. A little "ahem" is enough to send Katja on her way, but actually Mau is all for the new relationship. She's a nice girl (is she? I haven't decided) and the right age for Aldo. But what about Estrella? Aldo assures him that's all in the past and he's going to give himself a chance with Katja. Given Mau's relationship with Connie, this hookup seems all wrong but whatever...We'll see where this leads. Ideas, anyone?

Meanwhile Estrella and Moni are dishing about the latest developments with the Lucha Libre. Estrella is thrilled at the thought of the menfolk battling for love of Monita. Monita thinks it's all about macho pride but our romantic actress disagrees. And now on to the topic of choice...Tano stayed all night. Totally special. He's a good guy and Estrella really wants it to work. And Aldo...ah, he's just a "mocoso" ( little kid)

Fortunately, Tano, who's now at Mau's house, seems equally enthusiastic. Estrella's cute, spontaneous (that's for sure), fun...it's all good. And what's more, now that he knows about Mau's upcoming fight, he'll look for the best trainer available. But if he's fighting about Moni, what's Connie's situation? There's some mumble mumble about Connie being "illusionada" but Mauricio loves Valentina with all his heart. In other words...situation murky. As always.

If there's a unifying theme to tonight's action, it has to be poor Paula's quest to have someone...anyone!...listen to her dilemma with Christian. She spends all day trying to have first Moni, then Gabriela, then Ximena pay attention to her woes but comes up empty. One day you'll want to talk to me and I won't be here, she fumes. Pobrecita.

And poor Beto! He's being ground to a pulp by our muscular Costeño and doesn't like it one bit. Costeño reminds him that they stand to make a lot of money from the grudge match between him and Mau, but Beto assures him that for once, money doesn't matter. He wants to win for Monita's sake. (Is our Beto bruto really "distinto" as he promises? Wait and see.)

Sal is in Mauricio's office trying to talk business and how to rein in Jeronimo. Mau's distracted and musing that Tano's going to find him a trainer. Gaby is equally distracted in the coffee room. Paula's doing her best to unload the Christian-live-together-or-marry dilemma and Gaby can't quite focus. More sulking. Pobrecita de Paula.

And pobre de Jeronimo (of course I don't mean it). Oscar's having to hand feed him, his mouth is so banged up. But did the blows damage his brain? This question is left hanging. Oscar maneuvers him into signing some papers giving him power of attorney over all his shares, should something happen to Jerry. Anyone hear anvils falling? Sure hope so. Jerry still has enough sense to resist signing but Oscar helpfully guides his bruised little hand into a signature on all the papers.

Well, Paula's not the only one with "boda" on her mind. Connie has now invaded Mau's office and wants to talk about room rentals, music and menus. He's not interested. The business will go under if they don't get a handle on Jerry. So she scoots. Wise move.

Sal meanwhile is trying to make Gaby see reason about the dangers of not only Jerry but Oscar as well. And they were both behind the accident and the precipitous drop in share values. No way, insists Gaby. Jerry's garbage but Oscar is her savior and she won't hear a word against him.

Our dark prince enters the office at this moment and Gaby rushes to greet him. Papers are dropped. She picks them up and in a mere glance seems to realize that Oscar is indeed pulling a fast one with Jerry and his shares. He grabs the papers and sends her off for a cappuchino...but our gal is thinking a mile a minute. Hey, we always knew she was too smart for this cheesy guy.

Whoops...but our favorite cheesy guy is in trouble. Jeronimo is pressing charges against Beto and his Lucha Libre gang for criminal damages and homicidal intent. Lordy those are serious charges, and while Christian is reluctant to arrest him...after all, he's knows he and Beto are buds...he has to do it. The law is the law. But amor is amor, bleats Beto. No good. Off he goes to jail.

Another futile attempt for female solidarity. Paula tries to talk to Xime but our little gal hears the word "police" and immediately starts in on her brief film career.

Next we see our misunderstood Paula helping Monita and Gaby set up the conference room. Ximena's there too and our four gals decide they have to band together to foil Jerry and save Mauricio. Did I say four? Suddenly there are FIVE! Yes, Connie slams her hand down on the table. As the future esposa, she's part of this or it's not going to happen. After some brief bickering with Paula (she's dismissed in importance as a simple "afanadora" cleaner) they make the pact. And since everyone admits that Connie's got great legs, she'll have the task of seducing Jeronimo.

Okay. Back to juicy romance. Tano has arrived to take Estrella out on a date. Nieves does her best to deep-six the relationship, calling Estrella promiscuous whatever and a discredit to the barrio of decent folk. Tano cuts her short, telling her people driven to criticize others are just making up for an emptiness inside. Well said Tano!! Our sour little Nieves is left with something to think about.

Tano and Estrella exit stage left and in comes Don Cesar. Man, I love this guy's hair. He is one piece of work. Alas, he's got bad news. Beto's in jail. Mom is sure that Mauricio's behind it all, even if Jeronimo is the one who pressed charges. Right away, Señor Mamita is on the phone to Monita, begging her to get Beto out of jail. No way. There's a lot of classic blame-shifting. Nieves: Your fault he got fired. Moni: He asked for it. And if he's stupid and irresponsible, you made him that way. Nieves: Your lies are what did him in. All he's ever done is love you with his whole heart. You're not washing your hands of him this easily!

Okay. Both these ladies need counseling and Beto need to grow up. But then we wouldn't be having this much fun, would we? Okay, we'll let 'em go on fighting.

Paula's still wandering the office trying to find a listening ear. Gaby's doing her annoying "chiss chiss" sound to get Moni's attention and sic' her onto Jeronimo. Jerry's taking a tough line, mouthing stuff about having a "mano duro" but allows as how he might be persuaded to change his mind if Monita is "really nice" to him. Guess he's an equal opportunity lecher. She coldcocks him and that's the end of that discussion.

Nieves makes a brief appearance at the jail, to let Beto know (flanked by Costeño and the gang) that she's not paying bail. "Me estas dañando" Beto wails. His theme song.

Next Nieves hits the office, vowing to not budge until she has a face to face with Mauricio. Monita caves and says she'll try and help Beto. She can't fail him, even if he deserves it...but go home, Mom!

Meanwhile, the master plan to derail Jerry and Oscar has now shifted to the Gabriela front. He's wolfing down food at the restaurant, as a prelude to a hot night with Gaby, and she's watching with barely hidden glee. Whoops...he feels bad...his stomach hurts...excuse me, and he rushes off to...well, no need to go into that. And Gaby blithely says she hopes it goes well. Lots of ways to interpret that statement.

And on another front, Connie waits in seductive splendor for Jerry. Xime is shocked by how "mujerzuela" (slutty) she looks but assures her that bro' should be there any minute. After all, Xime told him to come right home so she can sell him all her shares.

Great! Someone's coming in the door. Xime scampers upstairs. "Come in Jeronimo,"purrs Connie. I'm waiting for you."

Oh Lordy. It's Mauricio. Looking shocked. Connie's grabs a pillow and covers up as best she can. And on that cliffhanger, we end.

There were several different scenes, including Ivan asking Luisa to be his "novia" but the biggie was a confrontation between Nieves and Constanza. Nieves says that if Connie doesn't do what she asks, she's going to spill the beans about her romps in the hay with Beto. I think our Connie has met her match.

Oh the heck with it! Whatever you got during the recap is it for tonight.

Dicho of the Day:
Well, guess what. Can't find my Dicho book either. This has been a no-good, very bad day. But thanks to Carlos it wasn't a total loss. And now for that drink!


Wow Judy, I'm even more impressed with your skills than ever. I know when I sent you the address and for you to have a recap already done and posted is nothing short of amazing. I'm humbled.

I already have my doubts about Katia. let's see, the've been novios now for what? 3hrs 26 min and she is already chewing on him like a rawhide treat. No thank you. Everything about her shouts,"High maintenance!" She's a very pretty girl but...next!

I'm not feeling too sorry for Beto. The hoosegow is his spa, sort of his own personal briar patch.

Poor Connie. No doubt she'll explain her way out of this but I'm eager to see how. I revel in irony and this is dripping with it.

Great job Dr. A tus pies.


Hey, did you catch Nieves and Costeno having a bit of a flirt at the jail? I think there IS something between them! I'm not sure what that something might be, but hmmmmm, I wonder.

I'm not surprised Oski started feeling bad. Did you see the way he was wolfing down those oysters? He wasn't even enjoying them. What a pig.

Wow, nice job on the recap amiga! It was delightful even with all the angst you had to deal with. So sorry you had such a crappy day, however you blessed us with a wonderful recap. I hope you don't mind, I opened a beer so I could enjoy happy hour with you.

Judy, you're a total recapping pro; it seemed effortless as always. I hope you enjoyed that drink anyway, though. I liked the love...well, infatuation...well, hormones bit.

There was definitely a little something something between Costeño and Nieves. Hmmm.

It really should be all over for Constanza now, but Mauricio is stupid enough that she can probably convince him she was just showing Ximena her new lingerie designs or something.

Hi guys...yes! in the middle of the night I woke up and thought...I forgot to put in the bit about the LOOK between Nieves and Costeño. I'm beginning to think maybe there's a "cougar" on the writing team 'cause we got several older women/younger men wink wink sub-themes going on.

Lots of intriguing mysteries with Nieves. What does she know about Monita's mom? Was that lady seduced and abandoned by a rich guy, giving Monita a high class, albeit wrong side of the blanket background.?

And what went on with Costeño? Has he bedded both Nieves and Ximena? That's a 180 degree turn!

And finally...WHO is Beto's dad? Will we ever find out? This show is still interesting, funny, intriguing and unexpected. Hooray.

Ah no, Dr. Carlos....a TUS pies. I was hyperventilating last night like I was in charge of National Security or something. If you hadn't sent me that link, it would have been a much worse night than it was.

Loved your briar patch and rawhide treat. And Sylvia...thanks for joining me in a beer. Actually searched high and low and couldn't find a drop of alcohol. Had to settle for Sleepytime tea with honey....bleeccccch.

Julia...now that I've read the comments, I'm going to zip back and read YOUR recap...I already know I love the title.

Excellent recaps tonight and last night!

I really laughed at Beto's gang and their antics. Good for Monita for letting him sit in jail and letting Nieves know whose fault it is that Beto is like he is.

I think Don Cesar and Nieves should get together. We could have a whole new story line on hair styling tips. Who knows? It could be the start of a new show: Stylin' in the Barrio. Just a thought...

And speaking of hookups: I'm hoping Connie gets a thoroughly awful fate, in true telenovela fashion. I'm thinking a life with Beto in the barrio: 8 children, Nieves as her suegra, new hairstyle and clothes a la Nieves. I can just see her washing clothes in that community sink with all her esquincles surrounding her...Maybe Katia could be her nanny.

I'm really not liking Nieves anymore. Never liked Connie. Seems like a fate made in heaven. What do you think?

Deb...my thought exactly. Connie deserves an overbearing manipulative suegra like Nieves. She would be rummaging in their private lives, suborning the (numerous) children and generally making her life hellish. Beto, naturally, would go off and pull another borrachera every time his two viejas got into it. A perfect fate for our perfidious princess.

I agree! Coni is such a grand manipulator I think her fate should be a lifetime of someone bossing her around. Good thinkin' there Deb. However part of me wants her to end up there because she is truly in love with Beto and because she chooses him as opposed to just settling for him. Time will tell...

Well, we know Beto really turns her on "¡me prendes!" but how could she ever adjust to that tight (nonexistent) budget. Shall we also dream that Beto becomes an entrepreneur? Well...why not. Maybe he can end up in partnership with his hermano de alma Mauricio.

That's an interesting proposition Judy. Beto would be a much better partner than Jeronimo. At least Beto tries to be faithful, while Jero tries to be a double-crosser. Hmmm...I like it!

Wow the look on Connie's face when maurice walked in was priceless. How is she going to get out of this one? The girls will tell maurice that it was a plan to get shares, maybe?


Speaking of the blossoming romances, Oscar and Jero really do seem to be nurturing a developing bromance. One of the hallmarks of courtship is feeding one another, just like Oscar was offering bites to Jero. "Open wide for the little airplane."


Good morning Rebecca and Carlos.

Oh, I'm sure Connie will wriggle her way out of it. Mauricio seems to be missing a few vital brain cells, right along with his cousins Jeronimo and Ximena. But it will be fun to see how she does it.

Ah yes, Carlos...what a tender scene with Oscar hand-feeding his little pet Jerry. And from there, just one small step to signing his shares away to Oscar. They do make an interesting couple. And certainly Jerry doesn't have much luck with the womenfolk. I'm all for it.

Judy, another superb, fun, breezy recap, despite the technical difficulties. And you even put in some vocab. One word I noticed (we may have had this before) was tajada, or slice (or kickback). Oscar told Jerry not to go with the Fabrimex deal, but wait for another deal in which they could get a tajada.

I also thought it was interesting how they used carta de poder for power of attorney.

I fully expect Beto and buddies to get out of jail free. It seems that no matter how much they beat each other up in this novela, there aren't any real consequences.

And what is the wrestling match between Mau and Beto supposed to prove? Do they really think that Moni will go with the winner? No matter, I want to see it.

Thanks for the extra vocab notations Hombre. "Tajada" was a one of the first words I learned when I was studying grocery ads in Spanish. Funny, the associations one has.

But "carta de poder" is a good one to have in our arsenal also. Univision is still on the blink today. Don't know if this is just a Columbus problem, a Time Warner problem or what. Very disturbing.

Judy excellent recap. All the trouble you had to endure was worht it because this was perfect and I always enjoy your views on the characteres.

I enjoy your views for Coni's possible future. Just one little problem, she actually has money, but I'm sure Beto would find a way to blow it away at this point in time.

Oscar and oysters, now that commbination makes ME sick. I dislike both.


Thanks for the recap Judy and your dedication in spite of technical difficulties and even worse, a bad day. Your recap gave me a smile as my cable is acting up also.

ITA with Carlos, though Katia is pretty she does scream high maintenance (and she's Connie sister so its genetic).

Connie probably will end up with Beto but I do hope she has to suffer for her antics and partnership with Oscar and Jerry. While she's not evil on the Evil Barbie or Carlota level, she's a meanie (particularly with the kids).

Hi Jarocha and Karen. I must have been in sympathy with Oscar...and Jarocha. Was feeling really nauseated yesterday on top of the reception problems. And they continue today. But oysters I love...even though it's been years since I've tasted any.

So Connie has money eh? But wants more...hence her obsession with Mauricio. Well, she's invested a number of years in him so that's another reason to hang on.

Karen,while it's true that she's not on a level with psychopath Carlota, our Connie is definitely a nasty piece of work. Only the cartoon antics of the novela keep her from seeming really sinister.

I don't think we know just how settled Constanza is financially. She seems to have plenty of pocket change, but is it her own money or is she still getting an allowance from Daddy? She did start her boutique, so that's a potential source of income, but probably wouldn't bring in nearly as much money as Mauricio has. So I don't think they'd be starving if she married Beto, but she wouldn't have the buckets of cash and social status that marrying Mau would give her.

Katia seems exactly like Constanza to me; she just hasn't had as much time to get disillusioned and conniving. Also her hair still bugs me.

Her hair fascinates me...but not in a good way. Just can't imagine anyone cutting it that way or allowing them to. Estrella is a gazillion times prettier, even with that weird red wig. But of course, Tano is closer to her age, and I LOVE the way he stood up for her.

"bleats Beto" I love this characterization of him...perfect. He does an awwwwfffull lot offf bleeeaaatttinggg. :)

Well done amiga considering yoru obstacles. As I've said many times before, indeed it is beyond obvious that you are a pro writer, you roll with the punches and know exactly how to characterise things so rapidly.

Holy Comments!!! It's taking me forever to get through them!! FYI I commented on Carlos post yesterday. Maybe I'll repost over here so folks I addressed don't miss.

You all rock with your dedication...I don't know. I love this novela, but I must admit the antics are starting to seem repetitive to me and I'm not enjoying as much as I did earlier. Oh well, beats several alternatives and every so often a great line or two comes out for us. Sigh.

Thanks again to you Carlos and Hombre in Vegas for the recaps, which I think are the better way to take in the show lately!! There is some intrigue on the horizon at least though with the whole parental origin thing.

OK gotta go for now,,,

oh and yeah Katia's hair, interesting, but yeah, I'n not keen on it either. Oh well.

Copied from yesterday:

Ah I've missed much over the last few days, censorship, and screen shots galore with this crowd, now. Whoo hoo!

Jarocha I do hope your little pup dog is much better...poor little things, they are so valiant!

Hombre impressed at your cap even in sin city!! Spectacular!! And double thanks for the download tip. I always wanted to be able to do that when I traveled to locales that have no univision. I'll take a look.

Carlos loved this observation : " Uh oh, she's one of those. He is underwhelmed and leaves." so funny. I admit in my youth I could have probably done that too. I guess when your head doesn't have to worry about real life problems there is more room in your brain for minding such things. Good one!

Now on to read Miss Judy....
Permalink posted by Gancho a los Dedos (k-Fuego) : Wed Sep 30, 03:49:00 PM EDT

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really gotta go now!!!

Kris, it's so good to hear from you. I've missed you the last couple of days. Now if Mike and Emilia will check in everyone will be accounted for. I think Diana still has an excused absence. Jarocha, I'm surprised that someone from Vera Cruz doesn't like oysters. Almost every Thursday the lovely Linda and I stop by Bluewater Seafood and have raw oysters and gumbo. I think oysters taste like the sea. Salty, a little bit nutty, and with a hint of sweetness. Those that Oscar was eating looked great. Too bad he got sick. That was sure quick. Hate when that happens. Carlos

Oh dang...hearing about those wonderful seafood nights is making me soooo hungry. What I have awaiting me for supper isn't nearly as lovely.

Kris...so good to hear from you. We do miss you when life gets busy...and Mike and Emilia...if you're out there "LURKING", stop in and say "hi".

Yes, it's getting a little repetitive but for those of us who lived through FELS and the closing months of Cuidado...this baby is still a romp in the park.

Gancho: thank you, doggie is more than fine. I'm envious of how fast she can recover from her injuries.

Carlos: I love many kinds of seafood, but there is something about oysters that I can never like. Now, give me some shrimp and I can eat them in any style with great gusto!


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