Wednesday, March 09, 2011
La Fea Más Bella #245-246 3/9/11 The Diary.
Read Amanda's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

2. Fernando searches Lety’s office for the cookbook but instead finds her diary and starts reading. Lety and Aldo enter. Lety asks, “What are you doing in my office?” Aldo corrects her, “Our office.” (Since when??) Fern ducks out to his office.
3. This is not a transcript. I’ve extracted the key points from the exchange between Lety and Aldo.
Lety: It’s my fault. I should’ve supervised the project better.
Aldo: Stop thinking about it. Tomorrow we’ll find an answer. It’s everyone else’s fault.
L: No, it was my responsibility.
A: Thinking like that will destroy you. Your only obligation is to be happy. Come live with me in Acapulco.
L: I have obligations to Conceptos.
A: That’s only because of Fernando. You trembled when he was near. You should move in with me to prove that Fernando doesn’t interest you.
L: I have a commitment to Humberto. It’s about my promises and my honor.
A: You work too hard. Do you want to keep working hard?
L: If that’s necessary.
A: I’m offering you a paradise in Acapulco. Be free! Make yourself the most important thing in your life.
She asks for time to think about it.

5. Lety tells Mama what Aldo wants her to do. She loves Fernando. Aldo is wonderful but she can’t love him. But working next to Fern will make her suffer.
6. Tom takes Ali to breakfast and says he can take her to restaurants every day. She likes that. At work, Tom encourages Lety to take Aldo’s offer. He says he’ll take care of Conceptos.

7. Fern says he should not have been born and he belongs in Hell. He starts throwing things. Omar asks what’s up. Irma asserts again that Fern is jealous of Aldo.
8. Aldo calls his manager, Gerardo, about the restaurant. He says he coming back to Aca with someone special.
Capitulo 246.
Read k-Fuego's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.
1. Fern tells Omar, “I never knew how much that woman loved me. I knew I hurt her, but I never imagined how much. I fell in love with an angel who lived only for me. She deserves that I love her for the rest of my life.”

3. The cuartel tells Fern that Lety left with Aldo, and that she’s soon moving to Acapulco with him. He’s too late to catch them, so he tells Paula to call her for him.

5. Fern answers, “Yes, but I regret it and I’m paying for it. Not like you, who can still laugh at what we did to destroy a woman.” Omar explains to Marcia that Fernando is trying to wash his hands of it (a reference to Pontius Pilate). He tells Fern, “I hope it works, so that you purify your soul and you redeem yourself.”
6. Marcia assures Fern that Lety is a lost cause and when he comes running back to her she’ll be waiting. She plans to make Fernando president to show she’s the only one who will love and support him.

8. Paula calls Lety, who orders her to tell Fernando she couldn’t reach her. Fern knows Paula is lying, and he’s disappointed that his cuartel has turned against him and wants Lety with Aldo. MamaJ hopes Aldo will crowd Fern out of Lety’s heart. Lety wants her parents to move to Aca with her and she won’t go without them.
9. Fern says to himself, “Lety, I’m going to show you that I wrote the truth because I love you.” He removes Omar’s trash from the black bag, and he takes the rest. Irma tells Fern that Lety’s at home. She says, “I know you love Lety; go get her,” and she blesses him.
10. Pop tells MamaJ that Lety can’t leave until she has fulfilled her commitment to Humberto.
Labels: fea-2010
He proposed the scheme and taunted Fernando with ever-direr consequences if Fernando did not continue the charade. (Mentally, I am pronouncing it "sha-rahd"... am I pretentious?) And even now, he's still making fun of Lety's diary.
He can try to foist all the blame off onto Fernando, but the evidence is in writing: The Letter. It has been read by pretty much everyone in the world at this point.
Ahem, I mean thank you Pata for your time and effort. Your tireless and unflinching dedication to the visual depiction of the good, the bad, and the UGLY of LFMB is gratefully noted and deeply appreciated.
And now I'm going to put a sticky note on my screen so I don't have to see that again. ;o)
-Aldo has put on the full court press and managed to convince Lety to leave behind all of her commitments. He definitely stepped way over the line today - but I have to admire his persistence. He has a target and he recognizes that he has a much better chance of acquiring his target on his home playing fields so he convinces her to go back to his turf (la playa y mar de acapulco). Well played Aldo, well played sir!
- Fern finally realizes just how much pain he's caused Lety...I felt really badly for him. It must have been like looking into the mirror and realizing that the guapo reflection staring back at you was really just a mirage and in reality you're just another feo. :( I think he's firmly on the road to redemption now! He's ready to fight! I loved that he finally set Omar straight on a few things...Omar can't like himself at all...I wonder how he sleeps at night?
- Marcia proposing that Fern assume the presidency again? Wow she's really out of her ever loving mind isn't she?
- I'm glad Irmita came to her senses and told Fern the truth. He needs a fairy godmother and tonight Irma was his...
- Wow- Lety, Tomas, Julieta and the cuartel must have been sprinkled with some sort of crazy fairy dust that causes them to completely ignore reality and their responsibilities. I think the only hope is Erasmo to make them realize just how stupid and irresponsible the plan to run away to Acapulco is for everyone involved. I think the reason Aldo recommends this is because it's what he did before when he ran away from his life to it makes sense that he'd give the same advice to Lety. It's not to be evil - it's truly how he has lived his life focusing only on him - it's maybe why his first wife cheated on him too.
Oh and I really hate that Fern violated Lety's privacy by reading the diary. I know it's a necessary plot device and all, but I HATE it just as much as when Julieta read it before. Why hasn't Lety learned to be more careful???
I can't wait for tomorrow's caps now.
Yesterday's foreshadow? Omar asks Fern, "Until what day are you going to keep that promise (to leave Lety alone)? Until Aldo convinces her and takes her away?" Today Fern found out Lety's going to Aca with Aldo, and look what happened.
Don't spend much energy looking for foreshadows at this point. Fea was bursting with them up until Lety was made president, but there have hardly been any since then.
Today's song MUST be If I Could Turn Back Time by Cher.
GP, your prediction in 235/236. "I'll watch out for the fallout (from the inscription) if there is to be any...I'm still wondering if someone is going to read Lety's diary!!! Who writes in their diary at work?" Back when you posted it, and you connected finding the diary to Fern reading the inscription, it was so hard to keep my mouth shut!
Frankly I think Lety should move in with Aldo in Aca. Then Erasmo would go down to Aca with his shotgun and take care of the Aldo problem. He’d drag Lety back to DF by her ear and send her back to Conceptos to fulfill her responsibilities. Right into the arms of the new perfected Fernando.
The original Lety that Fernando hired lo those many months ago was awkward and unsophisticated, but full of potential. That Lety would have been horrified if she'd known what she would become.
Some months ago, I vaguely warned that the healing process for Fernando and Lety would be long and ugly, and that at times we might find ourselves hating one or both of them. Hmmm... did I understate the horror?
To defend Lety a bit...think about her situation and why escaping to the beautiful place that made you feel better before might be attractive.
- she has to go to work every single day with a man who pretty much stomped all over her heart. she doesn't think he truly loved her and he torments her on a daily basis
- working everyday with the novia of the man who broke your heart and having her to be nasty to you every single moment you're together when all you're trying to do is save her family's company?
- your work friends & knowing almost every single embarrassing detail of your torrid affair with your boss & then finding out that it probably was only a lie?
- being ridiculed on an almost daily basis by some of the work colleagues that should be kissing your arse? (Alicia, Omar, Luigi)?? (remember has that fantasy where she thinks everyone is laughing about her behind her back?)
- your mom, best friend and the cuartel telling you that you're lucky a man like Aldo would even look your way and that you should really take a chance on him...
- realizing that even with all of your hard work - you still haven't achieved the work goals you had...
I think Lety just wants to end the pain, jealousy, anger, embarrassment and all these other intense feelings by going back to a place where she felt happy for a while. That's why she'd run away to Acapulco...I don't think it's right by any means, but I get it. She's had a really horrible stretch and she has this guy offering her what seems to be a ticket to paradise...why not?
Jenn - I think Lety will eventually mature, but she def needs to get away from Aldo and her own parents to do it. I think they are horrible enablers too! In fact I don't mind her getting away from it all for a little bit, but maybe not with Aldo. She should go away to a nunnery or something like that! lol
Good song of the day Paula. :)
LOL @ Julie - everyday I always laugh at the different ways Lety tries to get out of Aldo's embraces. Today over the desk was killer, but in some ways I think Lety sort of enjoyed it...she looked a lot less uncomfortable than she has in recent weeks. I thought it was verging on a bit of seduction on her part...she should have put on her Lety anti-seduction pout!
Watching Fern punch out Omar was second.
Something is going on with Omar and his words of women being hell. Something in his past turned him into the shallow womanizer that he is today. At least I think that's what it looks like.
I totally get the foreshadow now. "Until what day will you keep that promise? Until Aldo convinces her and takes her away?" OMG that DID light a fire under Fern. Now I hope he doesn't stay away from her for one more minute. He HAS to stop her, go after her, something. (Although Paula, I do like your suggestion that Erasmo follows Aldo & Lety to Aca with a shot gun and shoots Aldo dead.) But I don't want Lety going to Aca where Aldo can have more control over her thoughts and actions. What a creep.
Now at least one "good" person at Conceptos knows Fern loves Lety. Everyone has to believe Irmita. She wouldn't lie to them about a thing like that. So hopefully, she will fill in the rest of the brujas and they will quit with the Saint Aldo Parade.
Aldo is getting more dominating by the day. (I wonder if he keeps his duct tape in his desk drawer.) He pressures Lety to shack up with him, a man she doesn’t love, and has said so many times. He frames the issue as a challenge to prove that Fern doesn’t interest her. But Lety never claimed, at least not recently, that she’s forgotten Fernando. On the contrary, she’s told Aldo she loves Fern.
Aldo’s basic message: Forget about commitments, obligations, and responsibilities. Live to make yourself happy. En mi pueblo (where I come from), we call such a person an irresponsible selfish jerk. And we saw the fruits of that world view at the cabin when he pushed so hard to seduce Lety when she’d told him no repeatedly.
But did you notice? When the commitment is to him, he expects her to abide by that (you told me you'd go with me), even if it means breaking prior commitments to others.
Aldo tells Lety he needs her in his restaurant business because he knows absolutely nothing about finance/accounting. Gee, perfect candidate to mange a $2M advertising campaign!
On a lighter note. Alicia says she never has hunger, only appetite. It reminds me of the words of my old drill sergeant, “Ladies don’t sweat. They beam and glow. NOW I WANT TO SEE YOU BEAMING AND GLOWING!!!”
Lety spent the night crying in the cave because he’s with another and she has no hope of winning him. Sound familiar?
Aldo is a stalker! Not in the traditional sense of a stalker, but he is one beyond a doubt. He has stalked Lety from the beginning and used his persuasive words to get her to cave into him. Aldo wants Lety at all costs including her own happiness. He cannot see himself and will not see himself as he truly is. At least Fernando faced who he was and admitted to his failures and has repented. Aldo will never do that. He is a little boy dressed up in a man's body. His solution to problems is to run away and do what pleases him. He speaks mounds of words to Lety to convince her that she can't survive without him. Yet he knows how conflicted she is but he still pushes and pushes and pushes and pushes. I wish Lety would haul-off and hit the daylights out of him the next time he crowds her personal space. But Aldo has Lety convinced that his psychobabble is just what she needs. He is manipulative, scheming, self-serving, and has no idea how to love unselfishly. Fernando is now learning how to do that.
I truly wanted to reach through the screen watching this show today and wipe that smirky look off of Aldo's face. He's so sure he's won - that his con has been successful. But when push comes to shove would he fight for Lety's love the way Fernando is going to fight? I think not. Aldo doesn't have the courage or the commitment to go for something that might pull him out of his comfort zone. He's an "all about me" person and right now, Lety feeds into that. When she stops, he'll cut her loose and blame Lety for the breakdown and never see his role in it.
Remember I said we would have a week full of fantastic episodes. Well, we're only at Wednesday!
In BLF, see the clip, Armando totally trashed his office, whereas Fernando only threw one vase. Is it just a big temper tantrum? NO! The following is missn's post from the TNW BLF board. I've changed the names to LFMB names.
He isn't regressing. He is cleansing all past "loves" from his heart. He is casting off that fear of discovery (open confession in front of all), the friendship that nearly ruined his life (bye bye Omar), and the final bit of misplaced love for Conceptos (breaking up the room is a big metaphor for ending that love of company, finally meaning nothing but trash compared to his love for Lety). Fernando's Trashing Conceptos = End of Fernando's "love" for Conceptos. Not only is Conceptos off the front burner, he has just kicked the kettle to the floor.
Omar then tries to put the distruction back in order again. Hasn't that been the problem all along? Fernando wants to abandon who he once was, but he always has others telling him how his life should be ordered. Omar, Marcia, Teresita. telling him his love for Lety is something to 'get over'. go back to they way they want it. organze it so the world doesn't see the mess you have made. Well blast it this time Fernando is sure of himself, he is a mess. He will not choose a life to please everyone else, so the world be damned!
Before the diary, Fernando's perspective was entirely with him at the center.
* The despicable act I did to Lety.
* I lost my Lety.
* I love her, I want her, I can't get her back.
* My life is empty without her. Just being in the same room as her gives me joy.
After the diary, Lety is at the center of his universe.
* She loved me that much.
* She suffered unimaginable agony.
* She deserves heaven, and I gave her hell.
* The only thing that matters is her happiness.
The trip made him grow up into a responsible adult. But that was not enough – she still rejected him. The diary is what transformed him from selfish love to selfless, sacrificial love. Now, and only now, does he merit her boundless love.
Come to think of it, does Aldo realize that Lety would expect this of him? And that she could do the same to him?
For that matter, does Aldo remember how bad he felt when his wife decided that he was no longer fun for her?
So now that Fern is capable of showing his love, Aldo MUST keep Lety away from him. That's why the sudden push to take her to Acapulco. And he must do it fast! He wants her to leave even before she sees Tom’s numbers the next morning or tells the board that they can't make the loan payment. He wants her to CALL her parents to tell them. As such, I think he wanted to take her out of DF that very afternoon, without even going back to her house to see her parents. In 245, he tells Gui he’s bringing Lety, before Lety agrees. In 246, he pressures her some more.
He reminds me of the cults who convince their victims to break all ties with friends and family so they can exert absolute control.
You're right, Julie. Aldo is spiraling down. It is his own words that convict him. "The only obligation you have, is to be happy." "Remember that you are the most important thing." "Thinking like that (fulfilling your responsibility) will destroy you." "Will you let these people ruin your happiness?" (Meaning she should leave them in poverty so she can go enjoy the beach.)
He says he loves her so much, that he wants her to shack up. Never a word about forever, never a word about marriage. After all, Aldo's only obligation is to be happy.
La Paloma
You're right Paula- Aldo has never mentioned a word about wanting to spend the rest of his life with Lety. He's just chasing the feeling she gives him for now...I've always sort of felt that he's just sort of caught up in the excitement of feeling something (anything) after the two years he spent mourning the loss of his wife and best friend. I don't think Aldo has really thought past winning Lety's affections and what that really means long term.
Up until today I don't think Fern had thought much of it either...I was happy to see he now must spend the rest of his life loving her. My heart melts when I think of that line. It's also nice to see Fern's shift away from selfish love.
I wonder who hurt Omar so badly in the past? It would have been interesting to get more of his character's backstory to understand his cynicism.
The Omar/Fern blowup was what I forgot because obviously through out their lives it had never happened. Omar is right Fern bears the greater blame. Yes he came up with the plan but Fern acted on it and no one forced him to do so. That is really what I think sent Fern over the edge having to face his own guilt. Typical men blame it on someone else.
Fern certainly wasn't having a good day what with the fight with his BFF and his feeling that "his" cuartel had abandoned him.
GP - for some time I've been curious about Omar's back story. He once equated love to pain and his comments today reemphasized his fear.
Aldo revealed his true colors many times today. He is a stalker, he absolutely smothers Lety just as her parents did only with a little sex tossed him. He also showed how selfish he is with his comment to Lety that her only obligation was to be happy. Maybe that's why his first wife gave up on him. Women know better than to go haring off to have fun when they obligations and Erasmo is not going to Lety skate out of hers to Humberto.
In a way I was glad that Aldo and Lety got away before Fern made his appearance. I don't think I could have stood another does of Aldo smirking and Lety reverting to that babyish mouthful of marbles way of talking that she falls into at time.
Hey the pencils remained in one position all day,
I've always said that Fernando's Prime Dirvective is, "Lety must not suffer." The diary is his pivotal point when he transforms from selfish to selfless love. And WHY does it move him so? Because he sees the magnitude of her suffering. It comes back, once again, to the Prime Directive.
In fact, did he even think much about her pain before he read the diary? I don't think so, but I'm not sure.
Maybe Fernando's Maybe “Only God knows how much I love you” was a sort of foreshadow. He wrote it in Cap 170, on Doomsday. Think how much his love has grown since then. Remember on Doomsday, he heard Lety crying and still followed Mama into the meeting. Contrast that to how he is now, after reading the diary. Back on Doomsday, even Fern didn't know how much he loved her. Or maybe, how little. Only God knew. Fernando would have to take the long journey to find out.
When BLF’s Armando trashed his office, if that symbolized him purging the company from his heart, then what about Fernando pounding Omar? What does that symbolize? I quoted certain lines in my summary that suggest answers, but I can’t get it to all coalesce into a single clear metaphor.
I can think of a few answers. The most likely to me is that he was purging Old Fernando from his life completely. Remember when the show started, Fern and Omar were two of a kind, so Omar could represent Old Fernando. Also he told Omar he deserves to die and he should be in Hell. So wanting to make sure Old Fern is completely dead lines up with that.
The second possibility is that Omar represents dark side of the romance. That includes not only the false romance before the hotel, but also the impure parts thereafter: the ghostwritten cards, the intention to still marry Marcia, Omar’s intimate knowledge of their relationship, and Fern’s constant awareness that he needed Lety’s cooperation for the balance and the embargo. After reading the diary, Fernando hates himself for how he hurt Lety. Since Omar was such a major part of that, including writing the letter, by pounding Omar he is pounding himself for what he did to her.
The third and least likely possibility is that Omar represents Fernando’s character flaws – his lack of backbone (Omar always dissuaded Fern from what he really wanted to do), his love for Conceptos (Omar always held loss of Conceptos as a threat), and his concern for his image (Omar’s warning that he can’t go public with Lety).
Did I miss any?
I can definitely see the ballet vs. opera analogy -especially because I think LFMB relies heavily on physical humor which can be tough to pull off. I liked that the cuartel on YSBLF was a lot more dialed back. I noticed were all dressed a lot more appropriately for the office environment. It was a nice change...the Alicia (Paty) character was even more modest (yesterday I thought for SURE our Alicia was going to pop out of her dress!)
Decie - your comment about the pencils reminded me of the scene with Tomas and all of the pencils behind his ears and in his nose today. I thought it was sort of funny...and I thought about all of the comments about pencils here on the board. LOL
Until now, he's relied on Omar's advice and help, through the "rutina de horror," after Lety's return from Acapulco, and during his trip to New York. It's like a boy (or girl) in school trying to get a friend to ask some girl (or boy) if she likes him.
Now Fernando realizes that any scheme that was inspired or facilitated by Omar is going to fail. As a grownup, Fern has to handle this stuff on his own.
Maybe he and Omar can continue being friends, and maybe someday Omar and Lety can even be friends; but in the relationship between Lety and Fernando, there's no room for Omar. He can't be lurking on the sidelines for the rest of their lives, putting words into Fern's mouth, putting schemes into Fern's head, and writing cards and buying gifts for Lety.
Hello, Grownup Fernando!
Julie, you said what I am thinking...
See, this is exactly why I don't like Aldo. The longer Aldo hangs around, the more childish and helpless Lety becomes. His plan for her in Acapulco would make her even more dependent.
GP and Jenn, I totally agree that lety needs to get away to figure out what she wants and what to do, and I totally agree it needs to be AWAY from Aldo. Aldo like you all said, will be too much 'in control' of Lety and not let her be herself and achieve her potential... how far could she go managing some restaurants? Her career would stall, not to even talk about him calling all the shots on her...
As far as Fernando... I really enjoyed watching his scenes yesterday, a very different way from the similar scenes in YSBLF where we don't really hear Armando say much at all, he thinks 'how long have you loved me, Betty?' but that's about it, we see it all in his facial expressions, basically all Fernando says Armando says with his face... but Jaime also did great in here...
And Omar... where do we start with him? In a way I see Fernando punching Omar as the last part (of 3, one conceptos, one Marcia) of Fernando breaking with the old Fernando... by punching out Omar and kicking him out, Fernando is also kicking his old self out of him, the old frat boy womanizer is gone for good by kicking his 'coach-caddy' out of his side...
Now Fernando is free to really do what he wants to do and go after what he really wants, Lety.
And yes, the foreshadow is the best of all...
great song, Paula... (lol)
As for kicking Omar out, don't count on it. The friendship is too deep and long standing. While women can and do expel people from their lives most men don't. It will be interesting to see how it unfolds.
and now he sees just how much Lety's pain experiences narrated by Lety herself are affecting Fernando..
Could Omar be feeling some jealousy even on top of his sickness at seeing who Fernando is suffering so much for? Omar has never been in love, according to his own admittance. So could he be jealous of Fernando feeling so deeply and wanting to dedicate the rest of his life to someone like Lety? Omar used to be the 'caddy', the inseparable sideman for Fernando but now Fernando wants to go in a totally different direction so Omar puts up the only fight he can... to try to bring things back to normal, and when that doesn't work (Fernando punches him instead) then he puts all the blame and mudd on Fernando for the seduction. IF I can't get my fun partner back and someone will go down for what happened, its not going to be me!!
i have been saying this for a while now...
I've always sort of felt that he's just sort of caught up in the excitement of feeling something (anything) after the two years he spent mourning the loss of his wife and best friend.
exactly, Aldo does not see Lety for Lety. He sees her as a companion after two years of basic solitude, as someone he can live the 'now' with and he can win a 'game' against Fernando as frosting on the cake...
A very selfish stance, if you ask me, and one stance where Lety's feelings don't count for much...
Whereas Fernando now puts Lety's feelings and happiness first and foremost... Aldo is very far from that even if he paints the picture to Lety otherwise.
and regarding Aldo's counterpart in YSBLF, his name is Michel (french guy) and he was not anywhere near as possessive and dominating as Aldo here. Michel did offer Betty a job at Cartagena (Aca) and tried to convince her, but within the normal gentleman limits, and once he realized Betty's 'business' with Armando was not concluded, he gave her all the space she needed to do that before hauling her back Cartagena.
Its almost like the prime directive used to have a subtitle clause before this day and it no longer has any clause...
It went from "Lety must not suffer so that I will not suffer (which is same as saying I will not lose the presidency)" to "Lety must not suffer. PERIOD."
LFMB was lighthearted, it did tell a story but it is more entertaining and lighter on the emotional side. The humor in YSBLF was more informal, even un-intended. The humor here is totally intended and the actors (esp Jaime) even inject a bit more on their own.
The fight with Mario seemed more real to me than the one with Omar but I liked it anyway...
The one scene I loved in YSBLF we did not see in LFMB I will find and post here... it is at the end of these eps, after Irma sends Fernando to Lety's house because she's there.
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