Tuesday, March 19, 2013

PEAM, Tuesday 3/19/13 (#7): The Bleeping Perils of Fernando's Bleeping Package Bleep Bleep Bleep

Xochi stifles her rage as the other secretarias have the laugh of the century at Chucho in his ill-fitting uniform, a raspberry-colored wreck. Alma herself stops cold at the sight of it. Fernando joins in with some particularly withering comments and even takes a picture (and why does he want such a picture, hmmmm?).

(The secretarias are all so busy making fun of Chucho - do any of them notice the way Fernando dresses? He always looks like he's on his way to a "Miami Vice" fan club convention. That look was mockable enough even when it was actually in fashion. I think it's ten times more hilarious now.)

Alma rescues Chucho by inviting him into her office. Outside, Xochi offers to give the other secretarias the money she won on the bet (about whether he would get fired today or not) if they'll stop laughing. They pause for a moment as if to consider it, but they can't control themselves.

In Alma's office, Chucho half-jokingly suggests that the secretarias conspired with Cardenas and Fernando to get him this ridiculous uniform as revenge for his insulting remarks. Alma tells him it's really not that bad, but they both know she's only being nice. Chucho tries to be a good sport about it.

Then Alma says, "I know it's none of my business, but are you, um, well, are you gay?"

[Pretend you just read my lengthy rant about all the different reasons why an intelligent and discreet professional like Alma would nunca jamás ask this question of a brand new employee she barely knows; and why Avon should pay more attention to the way it is depicted as an employer. I didn't actually write any such rant, but it took me so much time to not write it that I felt I should acknowledge it.]

Then she apologizes profusely and says "I shouldn't have asked." If she were not the protagonista, I'd accuse her of being disingenuous. In any case, Chucho says no, he sure isn't even a little bit gay, but the uniform doesn't really inspire confidence, does it? Alma admits that she heard some gossip. He assures her it isn't true, but adds that if it were, it wouldn't be a big deal if she knew about it. But he does like women, and when he saw her nekkid this morning, she was the most perfect specimen of womanhood he had ever seen.

They look as though they might kiss, but they snap out of it and she says he should forget about it (the nudity). He says he's got a mental picture of it. "I just had to know," she apologizes. "Well, now you know!" She giggles as he bows out of her office.

Rogue and Fernando meet a shady dude for lunch. The shady dude is wearing a decent suit, but somehow has the air of a shoe salesman. Specifically, a seller of overshoes. Of the concrete variety. And maybe more as a supplier than a salesman. He tells the Blunder Twins that Yuri's been transferred to Monterrey (thanks for the clarification, Pablo V!) and it looks as though he's ready to tell the authorities everything. Thanks to bad sound and no captions I can't get all of this conversation, but shady dude mentions Chicago (which I think Jesus also mentioned to Ferni or Rog yesterday, so perhaps they will eventually connect the dots?). Ferni worries that Yuri will take them down with him. Rogue says they'll have to pay him off. Shady dude says it'll have to be a very large amount. Again, he's talking with his mouth full, and they're all talking fast, so I miss a little of the next bit, but a package needs to be delivered someplace. They talk about getting some jackass to do it, but the shady dude - I think his name is Cantu - says what they need is not a jackass, but a fool. And Rogelio knows just the clueless fool for this mission. Fernando loves the idea.

Chucho tells Cardenas these are ladies' pants, and he won't even be able to use a urinal in this outfit because it doesn't open in front. Cardenas says he can help, and he reaches for a knife. YOW!! No, he just wants to clean his fingernails with it. But he calls a Doña Concepción and tells her he needs a pair of men's pants for the new [vulgar adjective bleeped, but you can see Chucho's shocked reaction] secretario. The new pants won't be available until tomorrow, alas.

Some jokester has changed Chucho's password. He tries to ask Xochi for help, but Susana calls her away. Then the Three Sillies show up and make fun of his "luke." (Again, Fernando passes through and adds his dos pesos to the festivities, but no one criticizes his dubious fashion sense.) More words get bleeped, and an angry look from Chucho sends one of the Sillies scrambling backwards, knocking down the other two like duckpins. They pay way too much attention to Chucho's butt as he walks away from them; they score him at 4.0 points, 3.5, points, and "8.9... okay, 8.6" says the third man. (I think the third man says he's a 9.0 himself.)

In Ferni's office, Chucho says he's not gay, and Ferni says fine, whatever, it's all the same to him. He wants Chucho to pick up a package. He's not to tell anyone what he's doing or where he's going. Chucho really doesn't want to deal with another package. (I think Fernando makes the obvious joke about Chucho liking "packages" that gets bleeped.) Fernando says it's a box of very expensive Turkish cigars and gives him cab fare. Chucho carefully verifies the amount this time!

It's time for Valentina's appointment with her "life coach." The way the camera pans up from the therapist's shoes and lingers on her shapely figure, I can tell we're supposed to notice that she's hot. It also quickly becomes clear that it is Vero, not Valentina, who needs therapy! The therapist asks Val how she feels about meeting her biological father, but before the child can open her mouth, Vero complains that their lives were perfectly organized and orderly, and now her daughter is drawing pictures of her two dads at school.

The therapist sits directly in front of Valentina, at eye level, and tries to speak to her. Vero interrupts with complaints about the giant pestilential teddy bear. She actually seems to be glaring at her daughter. Finally the therapist stands up and asks Vero to let Val answer for herself. "May I remind you that the therapy is for Valentina and not you?" Vero sulks.

In answer to the therapist's question, Valentina says she felt weird about Jesus at first, but now she really likes him. And he brought her a big teddy bear that Mommy wanted to sterilize. (Mommy interrupts again; Doctor Hot Lady cuts her off.) Valentina indicates that she would like to spend more time with him. (What is that little finger gesture? Is it like a timid way of nodding?) The therapist encourages her to talk: "don't worry; your mother won't scold you." The girl can only nod. Mommy interrupts AGAIN and the therapist basically tells her that now Valentina's father is in her life and they can't put that genie back into the bottle. Vero retreats to a corner to sulk some more, and Valentina explains her drawing to the therapist. She's the little one at the bottom of the picture. Jesus and Elias are on the sides, and Mommy is the biggest one in the middle because she protects her. "What does she protect you from?" asks the therapist. "Germs that cause disease and flu." Vero is so happy to hear this. But the therapist brings the topic back to Chucho: it's very important for Valentina to bond with him, and Vero mustn't get in the way. Val does the little finger-gesture again, and Vero glares.

Fernando calls a pal at a warehouse (not the bodega/stockroom where Jessica supposedly works when she's not loafing in the executive lobby, but a different bodega that belongs to the bad guys) to ask for $200,000 US. (Didn't this guy just have his tongue cut out by gangsters in PESE? Nope, that was Julio Bracho - this is someone else. He seems to have recovered. And visited a cheap tattoo parlor.)

At the office, Team Chucho - that would be Xochi and Alma - wonder where he's gone off to. Xochi asks about his rumored gayness. Alma tells her it's not true. I'm glad they have time to ponder these deep mysteries.

The "cigars" pickup is uneventful, but just as he's getting back to the office, Jesus gets a call from Vero wanting his address so she can bring Val. "I don't know that neighborhood," she says suspiciously. The driver really wants him to pay up and get out. Jesus absently hands him the rest of his cash and gets out of the taxi, still on the phone. He tells Vero it's a very nice area, but she doesn't believe him (since she's sure he was lying about working at Avon too) and she's going to his place to check it out for herself first!

She hangs up on him, and that's when he realizes that he left the "cigars" in the taxi, which has already driven off.

Xochi tells the other secretaries that Chucho isn't gay. They scoff. Bleep bleep bleep. Jessica, who should be issued a pair of ladies' pants herself, teases Xochi for being so excited by this news. Xochi says there's a God and they'll all have to pay!

In the hallway, Chucho prays to a portrait of the Virgen for help. Xochi shows up (she is LITERALLY the answer to his prayers!), and he asks her for a phone book.

Rogue is having either a second lunch or an early dinner with Alma. His phone keeps ringing, and he keeps not answering. She asks who it is; he dismissively says it's the bank. She finds this rather suspicious. Finally he steps away to answer it "so they won't call back again." It's Patimelt, of course. She flirts and whines and demands while he winks reassuringly at Alma.

Chucho calls all the taxi places around town, trying to track down that package. Fernando gets tired of waiting. "Dearie! Secretaria! Where is that bleep bleep?" Chucho hides under his desk. The secretarias don't say anything. Or it looks as though one of them might be trying to get Fer's attention, but Fer ignores her. Then Chucho calls a radio talk show. He explains the situation, and because it is such an incredibly popular show, the taxi driver just happens to hear it. The talk show host says there's a big juicy reward! (Chucho doesn't get a chance to contradict her.)

Alma says something about wanting to go to Spain, but Rogue for some reason does not like the idea and immediately shuts her down. He excuses himself to go to the bathroom, leaving his phone behind, which immediately starts ringing. Alma picks it up, but strangely enough, she does not recognize the number that's calling. It's Pati again, and when she realizes that Alma's on the other end, she pretends to be a bubbly telemarketer. (I still think she doesn't hate the idea of getting caught - it's just that she wants it to be Rogue's fault when it finally happens.)

Fernando calls Tattoo Man, who swears up and down that he gave the money/"cigars" to the bleep bleep secretario and suggests that maybe he took off with it and has already fled the country. Just then, the taxi driver calls Chucho with the good news. Chucho manages to get out of there before Fernando can catch up, but bumps into Alma - literally - as they pass each other on/off the elevator. She falls into his arms as Rogue watches with burning disapproval. Chucho apologizes and gets on the elevator.

The taxi driver wants that juicy reward. Chucho has no money. The driver asks for his watch. Chucho says he can have it, but it's not worth much. "Don't you have a ring or a chain or something?" Nope. He offers his wallet (minus the photo of Valentina), but the driver isn't impressed since the wallet is empty. He accepts it anyway and gives Chucho the "cigars." Chucho delivers them safely to Fernando.

Fern has a hard time explaining to Alma why he thought Jesus might have taken off with a box of Turkish cigars. The best he can come up with is, "they're so expennnnnnnsive." He and Rogelio excuse themselves to sample the "cigars."

Alma tells Chucho she's not convinced that those were really cigars. Chucho admits he didn't look inside.

Vero tells Elias about the therapist visit. He thinks it all sounds fine. Vero gets mad. Valentina starts wiggling her finger. Eli asks what she thinks. She hugs him and tells him how happy she is. Vero tells her to shut up. Vero and Eli argue and Val wiggles that finger like crazy. Eli says that since they're paying the psychologist for her expertise, maybe they should listen to her. Vero sulkily says she's going to check Jesus's place out first anyway to make sure it isn't full of snot monsters or whatever the hell it is she thinks everybody else has and she doesn't. She scolds Valentina in advance (in case she doesn't get her homework done) and stomps away to annoy the maid for awhile. Elias gives Val words of encouragement and a big hug.

Rogue counts the money. It's all there. Rogue is pleased with Chucho's ability to deliver a package and considers sending him out on additional errands. We don't get to hear about any of these plans, though, because Fernando wants a cut of the cash. Rogue lets him choose one note at random from a bundle. Fern is disappointed to get only a $20. Too bad!

Chucho calls Vero and tries to get her to agree to a later time for the "inspection" because he's worried he won't get there in time to clean it up. Of course she says no. He imagines all the drafts, pests, inadequate plumbing, etc. she might encounter there, and shudders.

Next time:
Vero inspects Chucho's apartment... with her bare hands. The germs and bacteria flee in terror. Also: Alma gets a ten-cent tour of the place too?


Is it just me, or was tonight's episode more interesting than the last four all put together?

I'd be a lot happier if my captions weren't all garbled, but I guess we can't have everything. Please bear with me; I'll catch up...

Love your title, Julie. The package indeed.

The way they keep bleeping the gay references & leaving them out of the captions does make it hard to follow sometimes.

I am enjoying Fernando's outrageous outfits. And all his teasing of Jésus is all the funnier because Fernando himself is so flamboyant - in mannerisms as well as in dress.

There were a lot of interesting bits in this episode. I'm looking forward to the rest of your recap & to hearing what everyone has to say.



Great title and yes it is becoming a better story. I hope they are nearly through with the goofy parts of the back story.

Who was thinking Rogue and Fernando might commit frau-day but remember the very first capitulo had Rogue up to his pretty eyes in a money scheme with our be-chained Uri. And now here he is again. By the way is he out of jail yet? There are obviously other local operatives in this laundry business. I think this will be a very fun thread.

Also at lunch was Almita getting a bit sceptical while Rogue kept ignoring and/or taking phone messages. Pati really thinks on her feet considering she usually isn't on them so much.

Julie: Thanks so much for this first part of your recap. They do more bleeping in this one than Maury, jus' sayin', lol. I hope that comes to an end soon. I agree this epi was much better than the other ones so far. Can't wait for the rest of your wonderful recap : )

Turns out I was lucky to have the garbled captions for the first 10 minutes or so. I had NO captions for the rest of the episode!

Julie: Just a quick note before I catch some zzz's. That guy in the warehouse is not the same actor that was in PESE. He is a actor that speaks very good English as a matter of fact. He was in 7 episodes of "JAG" when it was on the air as a Russian counterspy. Just thought I'd let you know : )

Great title! So appropriate! Wharehouse tattoo guy was also in TdA. He married the Erika Buenfil character. Off to get coffee. I'll return to read the recap when I'm awake. You are so right about this being a good episode. Sorry about your CC woes :(

What a great recap! I kind of wish you *had* included your rant about Alma's "are you gay" question. What a ridiculous scene.

I especially like how you incorporated the bleeps. As a viewer they are distracting. I can't imagine how annoying they are for a recapper.

Oh! The Miami Vice fan club convention quip= brilliant (and oh so accurate.)

The whole therapy scene annoyed me to no end. What the heck is Vero's deal? Was the child seriously ill at one point and almost die? That could maybe explain some of Vero's attitude about gérmenes. I found Valentina's little finger nod sort of sad. Like she was afraid to voice out loud that maybe mommy should rethink some things.

Thanks, Julie. I don't think that a guy wearing a turquoise tee and pants with a white jacket with the sleeves pushed up [ sonny crockett called,,, he wants his wardrobe back] has any business making fun of...anyone. Gee, I miss FC with long hair, a beard, and mustache ...sword in hand...racing along the surf on his noble steed. I need a historical drama.

I wonder how the therapist is going to fit in. She is obviously meant to be noticed and emembered. As you pointed out Julie, they made a big point of her entrance.

Interesting that even though the secretaries are still on their campaign against Jésus they played along when he was hiding from Fernando. Maybe a first thaw?

Need coffee. And then it's off to class. I'll read the rest of this recap later. I love what I've read so far. Your descriptions are hilarious.


Thank you, Julie for a detailed recap.
I totally agree with you regarding Fernando's wardrobe. It is more beach club casual than business professional.
I think that the silliness is keeping me on the fence. There is a difference between comedy and silly and right now the line is very close.
Vero the Zero is the one that needs the therapy not Valentina, what a warped personality. Why is Elias with her? There must be a redeeming quality that has not surfaced, because I can't imagine them kissing. She wouldn't want to swap spit and be prone to an exchange of germs. And yes, what is with that finger thing?

Julie, thank you so much for the fun recap. The title said it all!
I like seeing Alma and Jesús so flirtacious with each other. The episode was okay.


The Miami Vice description of Fernando's outfit was right on target. What a hypocrite! What a "bleeping bleep!" Gertie

Great stuff Julie.

"Miami Vice Club"

Blunder Twins

giant pestilential teddy bear

snot monsters

You DO have a way with words! I think the therapist slow camera stroll was to highlight the differences between the therapist and Veronica. Great body, womanly dress,sexy shoes, full lips, EMPATHY!!!!...as opposed to Vero who was horribly dressed (those shoes, gah!), and has thin pinched features to go with her thin, pinched soul. Maybe Elias will end up with the therapist!

I am becoming quite smitten with the child playing Chucho's daughter. Her ears stick out just like Mickey Mouse which somehow makes her so endearing. And those sad little finger movements indicating "yes". Children learn sign language for communication when their verbal skills are low...if I'm doing something fun with a child in the nursery, they often tap their knuckles together to say "More!" (also works for cookies) so I wonder if that's what it is. Anyone, gives a little extra poignancy to the child's attempts to speak for herself with such an overwhelming mom.

Julie, I bow to you dealing with the bleeps, pratfalls, garbles and general mayhem of last night. At least we are getting some plot development now, but wow, I still have to say there is just a whole different level of "WTH?" going on watching this TN. Trying really hard to put the offensive comments, which I guess are supposed to be "funny repartee" aside and deal with the plot, but they make it hard. The former HR manager in me just keeps wanting to surface. Julie-- I so appreciate your non-rant. Couldn't agree with it more, though it wasn't really put into words, I get the drift.

Again, Vero needs to be slapped silly. I am so NOT about even remotely enjoying/accepting/thinking it's humorous on how she is treating that little girl. Do what you want to an adult--park it with a child. Valentina is NOT the one who needs the therapist obviously. My theory on the bombshell doc, how about she and Elias hook up as they try to help Valentina? That man needs to run, don't walk, as far away from that woman as possible. Germs indeed.

Miami Fer is starting to grow on me, is that wrong? At least he plays it for camp...but those three idiots and the three secretaries are so worthless. yeah, yeah, there for the humor, such as it is, but I bet we could do without them and not miss a beat. (And I can't wrap my head around Violeta I. who I've seen play all those sweet tween roles now so bitchy and well-- grown up).

But I will be shallow for two secs here and say...FC does have a nice tuckus.

This is what I saw:

Jessica is never in the warehouse. But when she bends over the dinner table, the camera is right behind her @$$... (by the way, they eat well in AVON, with carrot cake and everything)...
During dinner with Raúl Buenfil, he made a mistake and said: Ury has been transfered to Monterrey.
Here? To Monterrey, here? Fernando remarked, to make us believe they are actually in Monterrey when they're not.
I hate the pink pantheresque music they play when Jesús is wearing the uniform, and when Fernando ask the tattooed guy about the package and they both laugh because of Jesús looks, Fernando still insists asking, did he get the package?
Tattooed guy saw Jesús, therefore, Jesús got the package, hello?
Oh, BTW, the twitter thing has changed to #secretariochucho or something like that (from #yoveoPEAM)... who's following?


Julie...also forgot to mention that for me, I learned a new word last night..."tocayo"= namesake. When Chucho was praying for help to the virgen and asked that his "tocayadito" help him out, I thought at first it was a word for guardian angel but no...."namesake" makes perfect sense. I'm still watching as long as I can learn more español (regardless of the numerous bleeps)

I kept hoping the cab driver would find the package & voluntarily return it. I had just such an honest cab driver in San Juan last spring. I left my backpack purse in the cab at the airport. Luckily I had my ID in my pocket. After trying to locate the cab ( whose number & driver's name I also didn't notice -- just like Chucho). I had to go home without it. That night I got a call from the driver. He had searched my purse looking for contact info -- He finally found my medication record which included my phone #. I gave him my address & he mailed the purse back the next day. I sent him a check as a reward & he called again to protest that all I owed him was to reimburse him for the postage. What a nice man.


Julie: Thanks so much for the rest of this marvelous recap. I too liked the Miami Vice reference.

Poor Chucho leaving the package in the taxi. I too liked how the Secretaries didn't out Chucho when he was hiding. Maybe there will be a little thaw.

I felt bad for Chucho too with the pants. Cardenas I think said that in actuallity that they were women's pants, no zipper. He tried to rectify it, but the lady couldnt' do it. I hope it is fixed soon, and the length of the pants. These uniforms make the ones in PESE look 20 times better.

The Warehouse guy was funny and I also just remembered, besides being on JAG, he was also Phillipe in CS2009, Madame Marlene's right hand man at the brothel. He looks much better here.

I too like little Valentina. She is so cute and so sad. She livens up around Chucho and Elias. I liked how the therapist told Vero the therapy was for Valentina and not for her. I have the feeling with all her rages and over the top rants that Vero is still a wee bit in luuurrvve with Chucho.

I really like how Xochi keeps helping Chucho. It's nice to have an ally in that office. Liked Almas little talk with Xochi about Chucho about the gossip.

Fern and Rog are two bumbling boobies I must say. I can't wait until they really get in a jam just to see how they will get out of it. And glad that Fern is having stumbling blocks put in his way.

Can't wait for tonight when Vero comes to "inspect" poor Chucho's place. And it looks like Alma tags along.

Excellent recap, Julie! You have a great talent!

This episode zipped along. The story is picking up speed. Am tired of the beeps and am cringing at the behavior.

Did anyone else notice this? The three sillies insult Chucho, then when he gives them a stern glare they fall back on each other. Then they give him a rating, with the final guy giving him a 9. The guy sitting almost in the #9 rating guy's lap (cause they've all collapsed on the floor) all of a sudden gets this HORRIFIED look on his face and skooches his fanny away from #9 guy (what would be #9's crotch) as if he . . . noticed something? Felt something, perhaps? I want to be delicate here, but I hope you get what I'm hinting at. But it was truly bizarre. Maybe I imagined it but I don't think so. Did anyone else notice that?

I enjoyed the flirtatious manner in which Chucho answered the question about being gay. He couldn't have demonstrated to Alma more clearly where his interests lie! LOL.

Just to refresh my memory, I re-watched the Three Sillies scene. It's a little more ambiguous than I first described it. The oldest Silly (the one with the moustache) says that Chucho is maybe a 9. One of the other Sillies (the guy who played Oliver in LldA) looks horrified but it could have been just because of what the guy is saying, nothing more. But it's still weird because they're all sitting on each other's laps.

Boy, this crazy show is getting to me! LOL.

Thank you, Julie. You were right on with the Miami Vice look. I couldn't place it, but I did notice Fernando's outfit and pointed it out to my guest to mock it. I love the name Blunder Twins. And thank you for your guesses at what got censored. Count me in with those who would rather just hear it and decide for myself if I'm offended by it. My big laugh for the evening was when the head of HR pulled out the knife and Chucho thought it was to give him an opening in the front of his pants. OK, it was junior high school humor. I'm trying to fit in.

Thanks for the Tocayo info JudyB. I kept meaning to look it up but well... I was lazy and my brain isn't what it used to be lol.

Oh good...I was thinking..Does everybody know this word and I'm a hopeless nerd for getting excited about it? Youse my pal, Sara.

I had no clue. Every time he said it I reminded myself to look it up and well.... you know how it is. (Or maybe you don't. I expect your tacks are much sharper than mine)

Mads, thanks for the tip about the tattoo warehouse guy. I can't edit my post now at work but I'll fix it tonight for posterity's sake. I was 95% sure that was Julio Bracho, but I should have gone with the other 5%!

Pablo, thanks for clearing up some of the conversation about Yuri. I wondered how they were going to get that cash to him in Chicago since their previous effort to send him money went so poorly. So now he's in town... I can tell that Rogue wants Chucho to be the bagman for this cash transfer, too. Oh, if only he realized the irony.

Judy, I like Valentina too. I don't like every kid in every TN, but I think this one is doing a great job with a fairly complicated character.

Speaking of complicated characters, my armchair analysis of Vero is that she obsesses over germs and whatnot because there is something overwhelming in her life that she feels she cannot control, or that she can't bear to think about. She channels all of that anxiety into things that she thinks she can control, like germs and diet and keeping track of what time it is.

I have to assume that she wasn't born this way, or Chucho would never have been able to come near her. I bet there's a whopping big plot point in her backstory. She's always saying what a liar he is - I wonder, when they broke up, if there was someone else involved, somehow who was telling her lies about him that made him sound a lot worse than he really was.

Someone did remark last week that they didn't sense the "call of blood" between Chucho and Valentina. That would make sense if yet another man were her biological father. (Three dads!!) That would actually explain a lot about Vero!

Okay... with all the weekend comments on this show, I watched it Monday, and flip back and forth on Tuesday night. ( Peam / NCAA)and will do the same tonight.

Judy B., this show reminds me of "I Luv Juan", and "One Family with Luck", that starred the Mexican Princess Mayvin Villanueva. Now she could easily have played Alma in this show....

But this show has "Jessica", Jeimy Osorio which will be my primary reason to watch this Telenovela.... Someone commented earlier that the camera seams to follow her from the rear....they must be trying to boost the male ratings.

This is the first African-Latino I have ever seen on a Telenovela, and I have been watching since '06.
I am just saying.....

P.S. CC3 tranlation is better than I have ever experienced...It runs ahead of the conversation sometimes.


There was a black girl on PESE (one of the three secretaries along with the red head and the blonde) and another blackish friend of Olga on CORONA DE LAGRIMAS. Power to the people!!

Julie, you're right, Val's finger gesture means "yes" like a nodding head. I've only ever seen women use it, never men. And it's normally more distinct and deliberate to convey a clear "yes." I'm sure Val's wiggle was vague and unsure because she was afraid to contradict her mother.

I've seen the gesture used in two situations.
1. The most common. Women will be talking. One will say, "I think Festus is so pushy because he's insecure." The second will nod Yes with her finger. It's a way to agree with the first, and show solidarity, without interrupting the speaker. I think that's why it's a women's gesture - women show agreement with each other to strengthen bonds.

2. Less common. When you want to confirm or agree to something, but it's awkward or delicate. It's a way to say, "Maybe I shouldn't say this, but, um, yes, maybe so."


Excellent work, Julie! And with crap captions, no less. And I say "AMEN!" to your lengthy (unwritten) rant about the toxic office atmosphere Alma allows and her unprofessional questions. She should have addressed the issue of her employees being nasty gossips, not followed up on the gossiping.

She was so unprofessional, I didn't even mind so much when Jesús pretty much blatantly hit on the boss he's worked for all of two days.

For someone who spends so much time and energy calling Jesús a Bleeping Bleep, Fern sure was taking a good look (and pictures!) of Jesús's pompis. Projecting much?

I think Vero must not have always been so horrible. She's got increasingly pent-up anxiety about something (it doesn't seem pent up, but I doubt the stuff she rages about is her real issue). She was probably more tolerable when Elías married her, and now he's too attached to Val to leave.

Yeah, I suppose I should have not-written a lengthy rant about Chucho hitting on his boss too, but somehow that just didn't strike me as such an issue. I feel like she kind of opened that up by asking about his orientation.

Paula - interesting about the finger wiggle. (Festus? Really?) I think Lucia used to do it in PESE, too, but just thought it was her own personal thing. I think when Valentina does it, it's because she's afraid Vero will bit her head off for trying to use her words!

Whenever Val does the finger gesture I hear "RED RUM" in my head.

About the three sillies and the elf shoes in the intro to this TN. America Sierra does the song for this TN but behind her are those three guys with DJ type things. That is 3 Ball Mty(Tribal Monterry) they use the elf shoes in their concerts and are sort of thier schtick so to speak.

Julie: I so agree with you about the finger thingy that Valentina does. Vero cuts her off everytime she speaks or goes to say something and maybe that is why she does it to let the therapist know she agrees. Am with Paula too about the finger movements. I always wondered why Lucia did in in PESE, but I think that is right too.

Julia: LOL! Vero had better hope it's not REDRUM!!

Tks Julie, I especially appreciated it since I missed it & can't find it online. I think I saw tonights episode. You will like it.

The therapist should have sent Veronica out of the room so the kid can open up.

The therapist should go back to the Bar, she looks like a Czech table dancer...

Vero is intriguing in her anxiety, isn't she? Perhaps some of that has come from the simple fact of parenthood. My eldest daughter, with two children, also insists on an 8 pm bedtime and frets if it gets off, and is also very worried about germs. She was not this way growing up and she and my other two kids went to bed when they were tired, not at some set-time.

I can attest that coming home from the hospital with that little bundle, (and no longer any nurse within call) is an overwhelming responsibility and some people react just like my daughter...or in the exaggerated (for dramatic purposes) like Vero. I had a lot more sympathy with my mother's seemingly arbitrary and controlling ways after I became a parent. And it never ends! You still worry about them when they are in their forties, hair turning gray (or just disappearing).

Lee...glad you have found a point, or points of interest in this show. Since I'm looking forward to the possibility of future shower scenes with Colunga, I can relate. And I will also be switching back and forth to the NCAA starting tomorrow night. Good luck to your guys!

Hello all and thanks for the hilarious recap Julie. I'm glad the show is picking up a bit because i am such a HUGE colunga fan that i really don't want to bail. Just a note as to the finger nodding of Valentina, it was actually one of several nods in the episode to the show "El Chavo del Ocho". Apparently the finger nod was used a lot in that show. I thought it was cute, but the sound effects were making it less so. Could they cut that out already??
One last thing...thanks Madelaine for mentioning Tribal Monterrey as i was about to do the same. They have an interesting style of music...at first i wasn't a fan, but it has grown on me and i thought it was cool they were using it in the novela. Check out their song "Intentalo." Okay, back to lurkdom i go!

Thanks so much, Julie. I love your writing style!!

I'm pretty sure Rogue doesn't want Alma to go to Spain to study because she's the only one at Avon who works. It's hard to launder money through a company that doesn't make any because no one at all works.

I noticed that when both Rogue and Alma looked at Rogue's phone, it said desconocido and had no photo of the caller. That explains why Alma didn't know it was Patimelt.

I either missed or had forgotten that in the first episode Rogue was the one involved with Yuri. So I was taken by surprise by Rogue and Fernando being involved in money laundering/drug stuff. I thought he was just an inept, womanizing fool.

Wow, Elias has had a major cojones extraction done with a dull knife by Vero. I can't stand the way she treats him.

One more thing. I was laughing out loud when Jesús kept raising up his jacket to demonstrate to Cárdenas that there was no zipper in his "flood" pants. And the guy repeatedly didn't get the point!

Isabel B: Welcome and please don't stay in lurkdom. Come and comment as much as you like. I had to look up 3BallMTY myself. That tune in the beginning is so catchy and it is good to dance to. Those elfy shoes though, lol.

Paula H: Please click on my avatar and email me please : )

I like the music, and I like "Inténtalo" also. The shoes, though. I don't know why they bug me. Usually I like goofy attire for performances. Maybe it's the way they dance in them.

I hope the three stooges get a chance to become better, more mature, and more interesting people. The actors are too good to waste on a one-note annoying role.

I am sorry I am such a nit-picker

I don't like one of the ''stooges'' always quoting something from the Bible.
I don't like real characters (La Chicuela) playing themselves in fictional stories.
I don't like Alma's laptop logo of the SAME NOVELA SHE IS IN right now!
WTH? Porque el amor manda? Where did she get the sticker logo?
Did she already watch it and like it?

In Una Familia Con Suerte, there were all these pillows around with the show logo on them. It was distracting. I agree about the laptop sticker. Seems like a random choice of words for an exec to decide to put on her computer, even if there were such a thing amongst the sticker selection in the shop.

I also hated the Alejandra Guzman plotline in UFCS. She played herself, and her real-life mother showed up as herself, and they had this weird sort of therapy session right there on the show. It was odd.

And yet, I still loved the show overall.

Lee Fox, there were other Afro-latino characters. In LFMB- one of the secretaries and in DA- Yanez's youngest sister's (Dani in the novela) boyfriend, Elvis. I can't think of any more at this time.

Costeño in Un Gancho al Corazón, I think it was the same actor who played Elvis in DA; I didn't watch that one.

Edgardo Eliezer is his name. We were speaking about him recently on the Amores Verdaderos feed.

In Dinero, there was the Afro-Latino character who was friends with La Generala, known as the Poet.

He's also known as Edgardo Tejeda. Someone mentioned that he was also in Cuidado con el Angel. He gets around.

I also really like the theme song for the show. So far, it's what I like the most about this show. :)

There is all kinds of potential for interesting plots and subplots with the money laundering thing and Jesus being used, once again, as a mule. Let's keep our fingers crossed that he doesn't yet again become the fall guy. I would think getting caught a second time would mean serious jail time for him, and the writers wouldn't allow that, would they???

In Alborada, Don Luis's wife Esperanza had an Afro-Latino maid. I think that this actress was in a later, modern day novela, but I can't remember which one.

Thanks so much for an excellent recap, Julie. It helped me to hold on another night, as my telenovio struggles through wave after wave of silly/nasty stuff.

As if the frustration Jésus faces weren't enough, there's the ignorance and petty persecution that Fernando shows over and over. That's hard for me to take, because Alejandro Avila is one of my favorite TN sidekicks. It hurts my heart for him to be so stupid.

I noticed Valentina's ears last night. It's a good thing, 'cause she was in danger of being just too cute and sweet.

Thanks for all the educational stuff, like the finger nod. Always something to learn here.

La Paloma

Thanks folks..... There seems to be a few African-Latino Telenovela actors, Jeimy just happened to catch my eye.....To be honest I hadn't thought much about it until now.

Univision, and Telemundo are filled with female Afro-Latino personalities, along with all other females they tend to look like they are playboy covergirls.



There is a black actor named Rudy Casanova who was in MEPS, HQDNS, Mujer de Madera, Las Vias del Amor, Alborada, and a few others.

Totally agree that Vero is the real head case and she is now turning her child into one by treating her as though there were something wrong with her. True narcissistic behavior.

If she sees Jesus' apartment he's done for.

Remember Edgardo as the head footman in Alborado? With that and Destilando as the artist boyfriend he is usually the smartest person in any scene he is in. I haven't seen him lately though.

Edgardo Tejeda, Elvis in Destilando
Vicente in Alborado
El costeño in Un Gancho de corazón

Lots of blacks in the islands, stopovers for slave traders. Not that many in Mexico, the Spanish had indians for slaves.

Ah, another telenovela novio of mine is Edgardo Eliezar/Tejeda. I loved him in DA and have found some epi's of Un Gancho on Youtube. I love his eyes and the way he smiles. He should be a galan in a new novela.

Julie: the recap’s way better than the ep.

I caught FC smiling for a split second when BS fell into his arms. I don’t think it was a bit of character business.

If I was going to pick someone who is stereotypically gay, it would be Fernando.

When was the last historical TN?

JudyB: I also thought it would be nice if Elias ended up with the therapist. Veronica isn’t an evil person, but she’s very hard to like.

I’m kinda hoping the cab driver will turn out to be a friend for Jesus.

Thought the therapist should have kicked Vero out of the session. Thank goodness, Val was not entirely intimidated.

Was hoping Alma would loan Jesus the use of her apartment to trick Vero.


Nanette, the last historical TN was Corazon Salvaje 2009 at least on Uni. I really liked it but some really couldnt' stand it.

Julie, thanks so much for a great recap! I had lots of favorite lines; hopefully I'll get a chance to spell them out later. Good comments, too, everybody.

Mads- Yep. I think CS2009 was the last Televisa historical tn. But RCN (Colombia) did La Pola (2011) most recently. That was shown on Telefutura (now UniMas). I think it's really expensive to make those and we probably won't be seeing a lot of historical tns in the future.

Hilarious, Julie. Great job.

I'm beginning to feel a bit sorry for FC. He seems ill-at-ease. So far this part fits him about as well as that uniform. Adjustments need to be made all around. This show is giving us a whole new context to WWJD?



Julie--Fab is the only word for the recap. We certainly were all over the place with the action and the little groups of characters.

I don't know what traditional child psychologist sessions are like, but I can't believe they would let a mother sit in, especially when it was so obvio that she's part of the "problem" if there is one.

Pablo--Jessica was never in the bad guy's warehouse, she was in Avon's stock floor, but they called it a bodega, didn't they?

Seems everybody missed, or didn't want to bring it up that even Alma and Jes-tocayo-us included some banter over his zipperless pants. Brave Jes didn't mind poking fun at himself.

Lee Fox - Then you never got to watch Alborada. There was a very handsome African-Mexican footman in that one as well as Mirtha, Espe's companion (I think she was actually a slave at that point). In Sortilegio, when Alex & Fer went to the Dominican Republic, the little boy with the unpronounceable name got marooned with them--and saved their lives. I could probably think of a few more, but it's getting close to PEAM time and I haven't quite finished all the comments. Forgive me if the above have already been mentioned. Vivi and I got a chuckle out of a scene in Refugio where two characters were in the States and at the table behind them in the restaurant there was an African-American woman (can you remember if her companion was, too, Vivi?), in what was otherwise a fairly blanche cast. Oh, and there was the black slave in La Pola (great historical novela).


Thanks for the historical TN info. I was bummed that I had to miss Alborada the last time it was shown. I think it ran while CME was on and I have a one TN rule (only making an exception this time--watching AB, too--because the overlap is only a few weeks. And I'm finding myself fastforwarding through more than half of this show).

Anita- Yep. They both were. Everytime they were meant to show them being in the States, they would pull some Black extras into the background. LOL!

Oh, and in case someone missed the convo between Jesus and the taxi driver. He's holding onto the wallet, but Jesus promised him a reward the next day. He told the taxi driver that he's honest, doesn't have anything right now, but the driver knows his name and where he works, so please, please come back tomorrow. So maybe we *will* have a little bro-bonding.

Yes, sorry. I meant Bodega (and I never thought about the ''other warehouse'' with the money) and I never thought of bodega de Avon as stock floor. Anyway, Jessica spends more time in the chitty-chit-chat than in the stock floor, where she belongs...

Carlos, I guess perception is everything. I was thinking the exact opposite. That Colunga is enjoying himself immensely in this comedy role. I hope I'm not blinded by his stunning good looks, but I think his acting is good in this one.

Novelera, you may absolutely be correct. I may be feeling the discomfort of the character, Chucho, with the situation in which he finds himself. I do hope he gets a new uniform...SOON!


Just to let everyone know. I have emailed my recap for tonight's (March 20) episode to Cheryl to post for me. I can't open new topics and post it myself. Whenever she finds it in her email, she will post it. (If anyone knows how to contact her to remind her to do so, it will be much appreciated.)

I just sent an email with my recap for tonight's episode to the group of recappers for PEAM. Hopefully someone will copy and post it on the blog for me tomorrow.

Like I said before, I can't - I don't know how - I haven't been here for four years and nobody so far has been nice enough to volunteer and provide me with a step by step tutorial on how to post on this blog.

BTW, if it hasn't been posted by tomorrow morning, I went ahead and posted it in the PEAM forum on TNworld. It's labeled 'episodes 3 and 8'.

Jody--Vivi, Mads and I can all post for you. If it's not up by noon tomorrow, one of us can do it. You can send me an e mail at almeg at v e r i z o n dot NET.

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