Friday, June 07, 2013

TELEMUNDO Y MAS -- Week of June 10, 2013

Have a great week!

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I have a question. Isn't Monica the one who told AC that the President's cousin, Silva-Ramirez(?), was Guadalupe's connection in the government? That's why AC began dealing with him directly, through La Russa of course. So why don't we ever see any communication between Los Robles and the Gov't?



VRO: No, I think Monica told AC that she and Guad had a connection with the government. Their connection is Huerta and Castro. AC replied, I don't need your connection, I've got my own, which is higher up (Ramiro).

We used to see lots of calls between Huerta and the Robles. But the Robles are down, as are Huerta and Castro. Danny also was Aurelio's previous connection, but now he has Ramiro, too.

BTW, another thing I didn't mention the other day was that the Colombians think they are not only going to steal all the routes of the Robles, but they think that Cabo will get Monica as his woman. But I think they're in for a big surprise, since I think Aurelio is going to double cross them.

I like Cabo, but I don't think he is the smartest narco & I think Oscar will get his revenge. So Cabo will be history, either Oscar or Aurelio.

Aurelio is friends with everyone until he doesn't need them anymore or they double cross him (Guadalupe) or he wants their action (Isidro)


Variopinta, of course money is always in the mix, but Aurelio didn't kill Isidro to get his action. What happened is that Mónica arranged for the assassin in Houston to bomb the car that Ximena, Heriberto, and the little girl (sorry, forgot her name) were to have left the airport in. This was to get her rival and her children out of her way.

Can't accurately remember how El Turco found this out, but the communications arranging the hit came from Isidro's computer, but it was Mónica who was using it.

So Aurelio had Isidro poisoned by Miss Sinaloa and, up to this point in the novela, still doesn't know what Mónica did.


I won't say too much in case anyone has a chance to see El Cartel. It was a very entertaining novela and my introduction to Colombian narco speech patterns.

But the relationship and plot developments between El Cabo and Oscar Cadena are portrayed very differently in Cielos than they were in the original novela.

El Cabo was Oscar's enforcer, the one who fearlessly killed Oscar's enemies. Oscar did end up in jail, but not in the way it's portrayed in this version.

I thought it was interesting that they stayed pretty closely with the trajectory of the Pablo Escobar novela, but deviated a lot, plot wise, with the characters in the Cadena cartel.

In the earlier one El Cabo was much, much more sinister and a thoroughly horrible guy. They've humanized him in this one, and he's even doing comedy.

La Patrona,

Hombre and others,

I posted something at the end
of last week's page re Locuturio;
it also means a waiting room or visiting room in a prison.

Did anyone else see Friday's episode?
In my area (West Coast) it aired at 10:00 PM because of soccer.
J in Oregon


Thanks Hombre. Byway, why do you think that AC is going to cross the Columbians? Doesn't he need the Columbiand for the 'merca'? Is it because he said he's going to kill 4 birds with 1 stone?

Also, in the last episode, I thought it was Tijeras who sad something about Monica becoming his lady, but Cabo told him to slow his role because that's AC's girl. Then Tijeras was like "It's okay, no soy celoso."



I really don't know what Aurelio is planning. He did ask Guadalupe to be the one to kill the Cardinal, though. I'm sure he's going to use this to get Guadalupe either arrested or killed. As to how the Colombians and Topo fit, in, I'm not sure. I also remember that Cabo told Aurelio that Topo was double crossing him. Ironically, I think this was related to some extra routes that Cabo said Topo could have, but don't tell Aurelio. In other words, Cabo was also double crossing Aurelio. Maybe AC stills trusts Cabo, and is just going to take out the others.

AC's daughter is Rutila.


Ahh, the suspense! That's what makes this such a great show! Never know what's going to happen. Also interested in what Oscar is going to do next and what the Villalobos next move is.


Also, I haven't seen anyone talk about this yet but what about Don Cleto wanting his men back from AC? This cannot end well. How does he expect to pull this off without any consequences? Does he really not give a f_ck? Old man is playing with fire!


Floridia, thanks for the other meaning of locutorio.

For those of us who forgot the name of Macario's cousin, who Alejandro is talking to in jail, the guy's nickname is Chopo.

I also don't think Gaby is in on the guys' plan. It's so, it's okay with me - she didn't let him in on HER plans for a while. Although I guess now that they're together (or are they?), they should tell each other everything.

As to Val's will, maybe they COULD just tear it up. Of course they won't. But I don't think Antonia is related to Val. Correct me if I'm wrong (J desde NYC, you know all this stuff), but isn't Val just Antonia's goddaughter? Was her father Marco Beltran, who was also Alejandro's father? That would make Alejandro her half brother. But Antonia just married her father, right? So she's not related. I'm probably totally off on this. Help!

Aurelio doesn't trust anyone except his hermano & Turco. Look how he is turning on his suegro.

I don't remember, is Topo Colombian?


Hombre - If I'm remembering correctly, Val is Ale's step-sister, the daughter of Antonia's second husband and no blood relation to Ale or Antonia. Val was young when her father married Antonia and always loved Ale as a big brother.

If the will is destroyed, Antonia collects everything because she was Val's guardian, and Val died before turning 18. It's to Antonia's benefit to have the will made public since she is only one of three heirs.


Cielos -

wasn't it originally Oscar that gave Topo the extra routes on the sly, and that gave Cabo reason to call him out to Aurelio as betraying him, and of course now Cabo doesn't have to honor Oscar's deals, but Topo was true to helping Aurelio with Ximena,

so four birds with one stone, Guadalupe, Cabo, Tijera, Topo, and the Cardinal make five, (with Chacorta also on the way), someone else has to be clearly responsible for the death of the Cardinal, because you would never want your name connected with that, or the Cardinal could be collateral damage if someone else was clearly the target,

I'm thinking Cabo and Tijera will clean things up, under Chacorta's direction.


Pasión Prohibida -

if you haven't heard, Telemundo announced that Dama y Obrero starts Monday the 24th, so 2 more weeks,

Bruno's love boat is all but sunk, and it looks like the captain might be going down with the ship,

his red eyed, hallowed faced pleas with a totally stressed out Yair are hard to watch,
but they have struck a deal,
(so where is that cd)

and I suppose it doesn't help much that Bianca who is now sleeping with Ariel,
makes her regular phone calls to Bruno to remind him that he is a coward,

and Saul is turning out to be a professional bad guy,
he doesn't fit into our household at all,

and where is Flavia, still in NY with her new boyfriend,
interesting that Eliana is still with us,

so who here thinks that Bruno, given his track record,
will be able to turn things around in 10 shows,
and enable everyone a have a happy ending.



Sorry guys. I got caught up with stuff and had to recap late. This is what I remember from the 2 previous episodes:

Bruno visits Yair in PR who tells him that he knows about their pet elephant. He tells Bruno that if he doesn’t make Nina happy he will spill the beans.

Eli calls Bruno to tell him that Willy wants to bring him down and to be careful but its too late.
Saul and Willy enter Brunos house of horrors and find the pet elephant.

Willy was having some old billionaire seduce Flav. And so far its working.

Yair is airlifted from PR to Miami.

All the servants except for Cami feel bad for Yair. Cami says Yairs sickness doesn’t change the fact that he abandoned them.

Kat suspects Saul and tells the other servants.

Nina and Deniz return from Boston. Ariel, Bianca, and Santi return from NYC. Flav stays behind.

Saul takes Brunos bags upstairs and finds Biancas diary but doesn’t read it.

Nina learns that Yair is in love with her but does she give him a chance? Hellllll no! Shes still obsessed with Bruno.

Bruno tells Bianca that Yair knows about their relationship but promised not to tell under a certain condition. Bianca wants to know what the condition is but she sees Saul staring at them from the balcony.

And the previews for Monday show Bruno proposing to the spoiled brat…….

Did I miss anything important? Feel free to add.


Thanks NovelaMan! As I recall, after a weekend of looking at colleges in Boston, Nina announces she has decided on Harvard, and plans to study music. (Guess all she has to do now is call Harvard and let them know she's coming...).
It feels like we are watching the slow-motion decay of the two main characters. Have never seen a novela written this way before.
J in Oregon


Pasión Prohibida -

thanks NovelaMan,
I think you summed up the two episodes rather well,

it was interesting to watch Bruno plead his case with Yair who could care less, but that they were able to reach a shaky deal, in that neither of them wants to hurt the family,

hmm, I've been kind of noticing, and it may just be me, that Bruno seems to be a little possessive when it comes to his women, let's see, he was hitting on Penelope the day she wed, and has NEVER gotten along with Nicolas, Eliana is still around, but just mention an amante and it sets him off, now this scene with Neena at the hospital, sure Bruno was hanging around to make sure Yair didn't say anything, and he could have just hung out at the back of the room, but it seems to me that anytime Neena and Yair might have got something going, he would move between then and change the subject, sure Neena has stars in her eyes, but what does it do to Yair's side when Bruno has his arm around her.



I wonder if it has anything to do with this cardinal.

TeLeMuNdO - chisme

"La Patrona finished filming Friday",
"GRACIAS a Ustedes por vivir día a día conmigo junto a Gabriela Suárez y Verónica Dantés tantas Emociones...GRACIAS por hacer de La Patrona un éxito y una historia que llevaré en mi corazón", expresó Aracely Arámbula en su cuenta de Twitter."

Santa Diabla - will debut later this summer in the U.S. by Telemundo replacing, "El Señor de los Cielos", Ximena Duque and Carlos Ponce, (who were an item but announced there breakup in February), will star as antagonists, (wow, this might be good), and the good guys will be Gaby Espino and Aarón Díaz. btw, this is an original story ("that promises to break the traditional pattern of classic melodrama") written by José Ignacio Valenzuela, author of 'La Casa de al Lado', and "Dama y Obrero",


Pasion Prohibida

Thank you for the recap, NovelaMan, I think a brief recollection of what has happened was a great idea, because it was all about Bruno and Yair and their ...gentlemen's agreement?

Deb, Bruno really IS very possesive, you make a great observation. And by the way he acts whenever someone talks about his precious Neena, it's like he's already her husband.
I still believe that if Yair had any balls back in the day, Neena would have had a relationship with him, she did go to his room at night and that kiss was pretty hot. But with a guy like Yair, Neena should have had to do all the heavy lifting and it's not like she was some experienced foxy either.
Bruno fixing the situation in the next 10 episodes is next to impossible, especially if all he seems to be doing is complicate them even more (hint at the preview)

J in Oregon, every time you comment something you say makes me LOL;
"Nina announces she has decided on Harvard, and plans to study music. (Guess all she has to do now is call Harvard and let them know she's coming...)." - priceless!!! still laughing...

So we have 10 episodes left....

Very interesting LXV. I guess we now know what happens to our Cardinal.


Variopinta, I had to delete your comment because it may have been a spoiler. Sorry.

[Links are fine though. That way readers can choose to click on them or not.]



That's ok Novela Maven

Here is the link


LXV - thanks for that link. Very interesting. I went ahead and also read the Wiki summary on the cardinal. Both articles show how far reaching and powerful the cartels were and still are.



Variopinta - thanks for the link. Excellent commentary on the very sad situation the Catholic church faces in Mexico. The complicit clergy take advantage of the status quo, and those that fight the drug trade are punished or outright killed.



Thank you, NovelaMan!
Wondering, about that gentlemen's agreement, am I the only one who thought Bruno was going to somehow do away with Yair, vulnerable in his Puerto Rican hospital bed? The means, motive, and opportunity were there. I was pretty certain we were headed there. Guess I've seen too many TNs.

Can someone please explain the Neena joke? I dont get it.

Clara--me too! I thought Bruno looked insanely desperate enough to put the pillow over Yair's head right there in the hospital! Glad they didn't go that direction.
NovelaMan...Not sure I get it either, except that "Neeena" sounds so, so whiney--just like the character.
Is it bad writing when you dislike all the main characters? Or just the consequence of a dark plot?
J in Oregon


Hombre, Valentina and Alejandro are not blood relatives. Val's father was Guerra's second husband, so Ale and Vale are step-siblings. However, as you could see from how Ale treated Val, and reacted to her death, she was his sister and daughter to him. When Ale said "Era mi nina" when she died, I lost it. I agree with Beth that having the will come to light is actually better for Guerra--if the will is torn up, disappeared, etc, she gets everything since Val died before she reached 18; if the will reappears, Guerra isn't seen as a suspect because she, Alejandro and David are the heirs in the will. Guerra told Anibal that she had it put that way to remove any blame for Val's death. And Anibal freaked, because he said Ale and David are innocent, to which Guerra said, "If they (Ale and David) get the benefits from the will, they should also share the drawbacks (accusations that they might have killed Vale.) Mother of the century that Guerra I tells ya!

Deb, thanks for that link to Aracely's Twitter. The link links to a YouTube page where Aracely and Martin Barba answered questions from fans and it's good to listen to if you want to improve your Spanish. I'm gonna miss this show when it's gone in July not only because the characters were so complex and the drama good, but not too over-the-top--Patti's speech at the cloob, Patti's response to her mom dying and Gabriela's odyssey in the manicomio,were feats of acting prowess--but it really did help me improve my Spanish listening and speaking skills. I rarely had to rely on the closed captioning because everyone's accents, except Jorge Luis Pila, who you can tell is definitely from a Spanish-speaking Caribbean country--was really clear. (JLP is an amazing actor, but I knew he was Cuban from his accent alone, and since it's similar to the Dominican accent, which I hear a lot here in NY, it wasn't so bad; but, boy, he needs to use the same accent coach Christian Bach and Diego Saldano (Balmaceda) used to even out their Argentine accents if he's gonna be in Mexican novelas. You don't hear their Argentine accents anymore, but when you hear JLP say Mexicanisms, like metrefeque and chamaco, I almost cringed because it's a bit unnatural. Plus, he eats a lot of his consonants and vowels. He's great actor, and that covers a lot his sins, but boy, his accent distracts me.)


Pasion Prohibida

NovelaMan, Neena is a reference to Nina's whiney personality. Also, Bianca always calls her "nena" (little girl), but she plays a little with the sounds. Therefor: Neena!

J in Oregon, I don't think we are supposed to like any of the main characters at this point. I mean, how could we? This is more the type of story that makes you kind of sick but you just can't look away...this is how it is for me, at least.

Clara, you know, for a moment I thought about Bruno killing Yair, too, but he is not a murderer, thanks God...besides, where would he get all that courage from???
As for the gentleman's agreement, it will all be very clear tonight, I guess. It was part of the review, I think you've seen it, too (if not, I'm not gonna spoil it for you).


J in Oregon, Adriana Noel, thanks for weighing in about Bruno's possibly offing Yair so I know I'm not losing my mind together with the rest of them. Whew, I too am glad we did not go there, but Yair -- sick, all alone in the world -- did confirm his B&B knowledge, Bruno got all purple and vein-poppy in the face as he leaned over his hospital bed. Of course that CD is still floating around somewhere, right?
Boring, but my favorite character on this dark tale is Deniz! Maybe Don Salo, too.
Let's see how Bianca reacts to the the gentlemen's agreement.

AdrianaNoel, Deb, Clara, NovelaMan and others who are commenting on this show: your company makes the tension of these final few weeks easier to bear. I sense a train wreck coming, but still, as AdrianaNoel said, can't look away.
A.N., I am glad you appreciate my little attempts at levity, there's not much that's funny on this show except for what we make fun of ourselves.
J in Oregon

Pasion Prohibida Monday
Part 1

B&B are fighting about Yair's secret in the hallway when Saul comes down and Bianca screams at him; After Saul is ordered out, Bruno goes to sleep, too, leaving Bianca "boca abierta" and unhappy....his favorite hobby lately.

Bruno is writing something on Facebook, I guess, but I couldn't understand what.
Then he calls Eliana, asking her if he ever hurt her (what? the fact that she treid to kill herself wasn't enough to clue you in?). He apologizes to her for all the bad things he's done, he doesn't want to hurt people anymore, he wants to be a better person, stop thinking about him all the time. Eliana wishes him luck and reminds him to be careful with Willy.

The servants talk about Yair, how sick he is, Ariel is there, too, there is some talk about Saul's position in the house...Katia tells Ariel that he gives her a bad vibe (two warnings, now, Ariel, when will you ever listen?)

In the living room, Ariel tells the family that the servants don't trust Saul; neither do Flavia or Bianca.

Enter Bruno, all dressed up and with a red rose (prepare a tequila bottle for all the cheesiness that follows).

Bruno asks everybody to stand up; during his trip to PR he had a lot of time to think and he doesn't want to be like the rose Neena threw away, he doesn't want to be forgotten for always (drink up). He gives Neena the flower, saying he removed the thorns, so they won't hurt her (drink up). Neena smiles at the sweet gesture, but then smells the rose and sees a ring in it (mentally slapping Bruno really hard on that pretty face of his, hoping that some of the shock might rattle his two neurons and make them work, but I guess it's to late for that).
Neena gets teary eyed, while we get to see Bianca, who looks like she just got stabbed with a dagger through the chest. Bruno proposes, telling Neena she would make him the happiest man in the world if she accepted to wear his ring and never take it off (drink up), while Ariel smiles like the happy father who is silently giving his blessing, Flavia is rejoicing and Bianca is barely hanging in there, forcing herself not to faint, while holding onto the backseat of a chair for dear life.
The scene is truly excruciating to watch, I'm not doing it any justice, but how could I?

Neena says YES (what did you think?), and promises to never throw away this rose, while Bruno puts the ring on her finger. Flavia is the first to react and congratulate the new couple (drink up), not forgetting to whisper to Neena "I told you so". Then it's Ariel's turn to congratulate his daughter, while Bruno talks to Santi, who truly is a smart boy, noticing how sick the situation is, because now Bruno won't be his cousin anymore, but his brother-in -law. Well, why not, Bruno and the rest of the family doesn't seem to mind it.
Then it's Bianca's turn to say "felicitaciones"; I can almost see smokes of rage coming out of her pores, while Bruno just looks at her like he is about to cry. She hugs him, whispering in his ear that no matter what he does, he will never forget her. The hug is quite long, but only Flavia notices, while also hearing what Bianca says. Bruno, in the meantime, really looks like a pathetic loser (which is pretty accurate), when Bianca mentions that he'll never stop loving her, a tear falls down his treacherous cheek. When she moves away, he can't even look at her, while Bianca seems to find some solace in this.

Ariel comes next to them, asking Bruno if he ever plans to hug his father-in-law (drink up).
Then he asks if he bought the ring in PR, but Bianca willingly helps out with an explanation.
Neena looks on, stars in her eyes and all (drink up), while Bruno caresses her cheek.
So now that they are engaged, are these two ever going to kiss, or they plan to wait until marriage? Not that I would ever want to see them smooch, but how awkward is this?

Pasion Prohibida Monday
Part 2

Willy fights with Daniel, Flavia's pretend boyfriend, who turns out to be Nuria's divorce lawyer, too. Later on, he argues with Nuria, too, he'll never give her the divorce.

Tere tells the other servants the good news about the engagement.

Deniz is visiting Yair at the hospital (won't she be surprised when she gets home?). They talk about Neena, Yair needs to forget her, Deniz says he only needs time. He asks about Bruno and Neena, but Deniz still doesn't know anything, and with Bruno being so wishy-washy, you never know; as far as she is concerned those two will never work as a couple. Yair is not that sure...

Flavia wants a wedding date (GOD, Flavia!) Ariel wants an engagement ceremony firts(like the one Bruno had with Eliana, Santi says - HAHHAA). So tomorrow is the party and Flavia will set things up. Bianca wants to know where will Bruno take the "nena" for a celebration, but Bruno was so tired, he didn't have the time to think about this, too. And then they kiss in front of Bianca, whose face is indescribable.

Saul is waiting for Katia in her room, asks her out. She refuses because he is very mysterious and he was seen doing strange things around the house. She doesn't trust him, so nothing will happen between them.

Bruno and Neena are alone, she is happy her ring was a perfect fit, but Bruno knows her since she was a baby, so he knows her very well. "No toda" (not all of me) Neena says and this seems like a promise of future sexy times, that just makes me throw up in my mouth and wonder at Neena's sudden spunk.
Bruno kisses her on the forehead and asks her to go to bed (how is this any different than how they were yesterday?) but Neena wants to know why he wants to marry her when he could have asked her to be his novia first. Why this sudden jump straight to the altar? (Neena, with all her love, doesn't lack awareness, but she could have asked him these things before saying yes to his proposal. But if they all start questioning and rationalizing Bruno's actions, they'll see right away that there is something rotten in ...Casa Piamonte). Bruno babbles something about being together forever and Neena mentions Puero Rico. Bruno understood that his love for her is bigger than his fear of hurting her (do you still have that tequila?) He kisses her on the cheek and says good-night (and I just realize they haven't yet "properly" kissed), but Neena proves to be a rather demanding prometida, because she asks for a real good night kiss. So, Bruno, just go on with your farce, in time it will get easier... How can he kiss the woman who he sees like a sister is beyond me, but he barely does it anyway, so we're good. If she were less in love, Neena would really miss Yair's kiss back in the, that was a real smooch!

LA PATRONA - Monday (episode 110)

Alejandro spills his plan to Veronica, he wants to get close to Lagarto,
she says he's crazy,
and goes to see Ricardo to stop him,
"too late",

Gastón tries to comfort Francisca,
(who seems to be in bed most of the time),
she says, when Max died, she did to,
she asks him to leave,

Gastón and Lucho talk about Antonia's safety deposit box key that fell out of her looted safe stuff,
Lucho has a plan, calls Irene, who gets permission from Lucia to travel to the capital with their Duende,

Gastón returns to Francisca's bedside, she is having a dream/vision,
[she follows Antonia into Alberto's hospital room and watches as she kills him, notices the security cameras]
Francisca awakes, tells Gastón,
they rush over to see Balmy, wake him,
"what now?",

Balmy stops by the hospital and picks up the security tapes,
(did they even decide back then that Alberto was murdered)
exhausted at sorting through the dvd's,
González spots ??? coming out of Alberto's room,

"is that Antonia?",
with a black wig,

Balmy swings by Ricardo's office,
who is packing up his stuff, he is resigning,
Balmy gets him to sign a search order for Antonia's,

Alejandro is transferred to the penitentiary, creepy place with creepy inmates,
and a creepy cell mate,

Balmy searches Antonia's place for the wig,
they find nothing,
(and don't even trash the place like the searchers do with the good guys)

Gastón tells Veronica about Francisca's dream,
David overhears, doesn't believe it,
but the evidence is mounting,

LA PATRONA - Monday (episode 107)
(part 2)

the Antonia/Macario look-a-likes (Irene/Lucho) arrive at Antonia's bank in the Capital,
(this is so cool),
and fool everyone,
the baldheaded Lucho/Macario sneaks a kiss whenever he can,

Lucho/Macario with vinyl gloves on, opens the deposit box,
some money, jewelry, letters, pictures....
hmm, here is one where a younger Antonia looks like a hooker,
and the guy behind her, is that her pimp,

and what's this, a deed, to the Doll House,
with Antonia listed as the owner,

meanwhile Alejandro finds out Lagarto is in the infirmary,
then beats himself unconscious running into the bars in his cell with his head,
(that's using you brains Alejandro)
and wakes up in the bed next to Lagarto,
instead of a dumpster,
(couldn't Alejandro just gone as a visitor and seen Lagarto in prison)

Balmy walks into his office interrupting Veronica checking out his suspect board,
she makes a crack about how he should make up a board like this for Antonia,
and all of her contacts,
instead of one about me,
he pulls her picture off the board and says, this is a picture of Gabriela, not you,
(but the hair on the Gabriela picture had been altered to match Veronica's)

Alejandro is working on Lagarto to spill,
but he looks real bad and relapses,

the Antonia/Macario look-a-likes leave the bank,
Irene is ready to start running,
Lucho stops her, walk slow or you will look suspicious,
steals yet another kiss,
Antonia/Irene dresses him down just like La Patrona would,
(these guys are funny)

Balmy makes a call to one of his higher up contacts,
I want all you can find out about Verónica Dantés.

Pasion Prohibida Monday
Part 3

The next morning, Nico and Penelope talk about the engagement, they are both surprised. Nico doesn't trust this sudden love, if they were not even together before. And with Bruno who is such a Don Juan... Willy calls but Nico doesn't want to answer.

Camila comes to visit Yair, she has some food for him. She is very cold, calls him out on the way he left. He says that he missed her a lot and asks for a kiss and a hug. She caves in, runs to hug him and kiss him all over.

Bruno is eating when Bianca comes in, mentions the way he bought Yair's silence. She sarcastically thanks him for what he's doing, saving her marriage by ruining his life. She advices him to show some happiness, though, and keeps taunting him until he gets upset, too. She says that at least she cares about her husband, but he doesn't love Neena that way and he will never be able to because he will always have her in his heart, like a shadow. He leaves.

Saul tells Willy that he found a diary in Bianca's room, but didn't read it yet. Willy orders him to go back to the room and then Saul gives the news about the engagement. Like everyone else, Willy is stunned.

Camila is spoon feeding Yair and telling him about the engagement. The news cuts his appetite (you asked for this, idiot!), but says that he's happy for them and gets all teary eyed AGAIN! Camila can relate to loving someone who doesn't love you back, but Yair doesn't have ears for her anymore.
Later on they talk about him going back to the house, but Yair isn't sure yet. Then all the servants come for a visit.

Neena and Deniz talk about the engagement party, the nanny is surprised Bruno took this step but congratulates Neena. The girl knows something must have happened with Bruno to propose so fast, she feels like all this happiness is going to vanish as quickly as it came. Deniz tries to cheer her up, advices her to just enjoy the fact that she finally got her wish, but as she hugs Neena we see that she is very worried.

Flavia and Bianca in Flavia's room...Flavia asks her daughter to change the funeral face that she carries, make Ariel happy, make him believe that SHE's happy. And throw away that diary that everyone can see.

Willy and Nico fight about Nico's so called betrayal.
Santi wonders if Bruno truly loves Neena now, because just the other day he was calling her "little girl". Willy and Nico appear, still fighting and, in front of his son and Santi, Willy asks Bruno if now that he's engaged with his cousin he'll stop going to his country house and sleep ("revolcar") with his uncle's wife?
I didn't see THIS coming! You've got to love Willy's balls, no matter how slimy he is.

9 episodes left, gang! Let's see how Bruno gets out of this latest mess.

La Patrona:

Mondays episode should read 107,
not 110 as I mislabeled on the first part of the summary.

Pasión Prohibida -

great recap Adriana Noel,

That was QUITE the engagement,
I was waiting to hear a thud when Bianca hit the floor this time, while Flavia was having her out-of-body experience, and Neena with her starry eyed meltdown, didn't know how Ariel would react, thought he might pick up that chair he was clenching and drop it on Bruno's head, but he just smiled, is he on some kind of medication,

and so I guess Bruno came up with the same solution as Flavia, that marrying Neena will solve everything, and Bianca really nailed it when she said something like "so nice of you to totally ruin your life to save mine", but what I see as what will keep this from ever working is that Bianca will NEVER let it rest,

but wow, Guillermo who really has had nothing to do with any of this, who has not been buried in clues like everyone else, just burps the whole Bianca fling right into Bruno's face, wow, totally putting Bruno on his head, and did Nicolas and Santi hear?


Pasion Prohibida

Deb, Ariel wasn't clenched to the chair, Bianca was, with Ariel blisfully unaware of the emotions running on his wife's face (as always) and completely willing to marry off his precious daughter to Miami's number one playboy. How cab a father not question this rush to get married??? Even Neena thought it strange!
I was kind of expecting Bianca to faint, too, but that would have been a little hard to explain. And you're right when you say she'll never let this go; Bruno thinks he found an easy fix to all the problems, but he can barely bring himself to kiss Neena, so I don't know how he plans to stay married to her forever.
Just the other day he told Bianca: "We have a problem, Yair knows about us." Now, he'll go to her with: 3We have a problem, Guillermo knows about us, too." What will his deal be this time, promise Willy his first born? And then someone else will find out and so on, until B&B can have daily meetings about who found out and what has Bruno agreed to do in order to silence the truth.

You make a great point about Willy just blurting it out when there were others buried in clues but couldn't bring themselves to tell the truth. I'm sure Bruno will deny, deny, deny - I can even hear him tell Ariel: "Tio, como crees? A quien se le ocure algo asi, por favor!"
Nico and Santi heard it all, they were standing right there, next to them.

I think we're in for a H.ell of a ride these last two weeks, and the best part will be that we get to leave it all together here, I have a feeling we're gonna need a place to vent more than never.

Pasion Prohibida

ooops, I meant: "we get to live it all together here" -

And also, did Deniz decide to embrace the madness, seeing how there is nothing she can do to stop it?
I believe this will be the end to Neena's Harvard dreams, she'll go to the same University Bruno doesn't seem able to finish and start working at the company, as she said the other day. Or, since she'll be a married woman, she can do charity work, like Bianca...(eye roll)


The hit on the Cardinal hasn't happened yet, but we understand a lot more of Aurelio's plan. He tells Guadalupe to go to the airport and kill the Cardinal. Roxana thinks it's a trap, but they never listen to her anyway. Don't worry, says Mónica, I smoothed things over with Aurelio, he's giving us more routes, and now Guad just has to do him a favor. Right.

Aurelio tells Cabo and Tijeras that their job is to take out (quebrarse) Guadalupe! They're okay with that. Back in Colombia, Oscar is gathering forces. He has a special confidant in the jail (don't know his name), and when Cabo and Tijeras come back to Colombia, the confidant is supposed to kill THEM. Then Oscar will go back to Mexico with his new crew and re-establish his power.

Topo's job is to talk to the Villalobos. Tell them that Aurelio didn't kill their cousins Juan and Sabino, Don Cleto did. Try to establish peace. And offer them a sweet new drug deal. Topo is dubious over whether this will work.

Aurelio's other plan is the party for Ximena. Turco tells Aurelio this looks suspicious, the last time Aurelio had a party (his wedding to Ximena) it was an excuse to kill Isidro. If lots of people die while this party is going on, Xime will suspect things. Aurelio tells Turco not to worry. Turco tells Xime about the party. She's adamantly opposed, but he sweet talks her, and she finally agrees to go along with the party. She also asks Turco for a large quantity of money, outside of Aurelio's knowledge. Turco agrees to lend her his own money.

Chacorta tells Mati she has to go back to the ranch. She's not going on tour, he wants her close by. She hates that ranch, with Xime and Alba, but goes. When she arrives, there are Aida and Victorcito. Mati explodes, insults Doña Alba. Chacorta does little to stop this. Mati later says fine, Victorcito can stay, but Aida has to leave. I'LL raise little Victor, and we'll just buy off his Mom! Doubt this'll work.

She also renews her teasing of Bert, who isn't happy about it.


CIELOS, Part 2

Eugenia has a discussion with her new boss, Alfonso. She's at first mad that she can't do her drug stories, but he says we need some more positive messages, and some of our drug coverage is actually sensationalizing and promoting the allure of the druglords. She realizes he's not totally wrong, and later checks out his background on the internet. He's a good looking guy, could something develop there? Meanwhile, she has Linares staying at her house, they're both lonely.

Leo is all lovey dovey to Alejandro, but so far, has avoided sleeping with him, although he's trying for it. Later, Marco meets her at her apartment, she's still in her Claudia outfit, he's turned on, she goes, wait, let me switch back to Leo. She goes upstairs, comes down in her bikini underwear, looks just as sexy. Whoops! She says why are you worried about me sleeping with Negrete, we both know what the job is? No, he says, I'm worried you're going to get killed. Marco himself has decided to guard the Cardinal, because he thinks (correctly) that the Cardinal's life is in danger. And he's going to do it alone. Leo is worried about HIS safety. They decide they're both worried about each other more than just co-workers. This means.....SEX! Yes, they do it again.

Don Cleto is gathering henchmen. He's plucked a few from Aurelio, a few from Chacorta. They're both half angry, half amused by this.

Danny walks in on Marco, Ponte and Orejas as they're listening in on Leo and Negrete's sexual banter. What's going on? Marco covers, well, sir, we're working on a trafficking on women ring. Danny thinks they should concentrate on their other stuff. Whew!

Marco tells Benitez that Ramiro could be dirty, this is huge! He relates about the little black book. Benitez wants to consult Comenares, the opposition candidate, who may be the next President, as to what to do.

Since Leo/Claudia is going to sing at Aurelio's party, Aurelio has sent Carmona, one of his security guys to check out everyone who's coming. He almost thinks he recognizes her (she remembers his face from the whiteboard), but so far, things are okay.

But as Ramiro says to Huerta and Castro, tomorrow, some shocking event may happen that the country's never seen before!


And Miss Sinaloa is brought before Mónica, Roxana and Guadalupe. Can they force the truth from her about that night with Isidro?


Great recap, Deb, hilarious! I really enjoyed the Irene/Lucho disguises. And she was playing the part well, snapping at the guard, ordering "Macario" to do stuff. But she's so innocent she didn't even know the word for pimp (proxeneta).

I don't think I'd ever smash my head against the bars to get to the infirmary, but Alejandro is a little bullheaded.

Poncia continues to tease Antonia, this is fun to watch. She said something about being either related to Antonia ("cousins") or coming from the same background.

Francisca is very helpful to the police, with these little videos Tigre is sending her.

Veronica's identity can't last long. Half of the cast knows, David is close, Balmy just about knows. But he's been so convinced recently of Antonia's evil, could he possibly agree to keep Gaby's identity quiet to trap Antonia?

I think we already sort of knew Antonia owned the Doll House. But of course, of the cast members, only she and Anibal knew this.

We should have some more revelations tonight, and I can't wait!

Cielos -

thanks so much Hombre!
especially for sorting out Aurelio's plan,

so I guess Marco trusts Benitez, at least more than General Dan, that really is quite a bomb about Ramiro, but I'm confused why Benitez, let alone Marco, wants to spread it around, especially since there is no proof as yet, and with the candidate running against our current good guy president, did you say? Benitez should have checked out Ramiro and the boys like he did Danny, but he acted surprised, can we trust him. Either way, there are suspicions coming at the Cardinal from so many different directions if something does happen to him it will be hard for someone to figure out by whom, but as we know the order came from high up in the government, who's hands are clean, real life scary stuff,

that was interesting when Doris and Danny were discussing Marcos, who is sure to give Danny ulcers, didn't she describe him as the jewel in the crown.

I guess Guadalupe left it up to the girls to sort out the Miss Sinaloa stuff, while he ran off on his errands, kind of odd that they have a sit down in their living room, not the usual back country torture,



Hombre, I think Balmy will keep Vero's identity secret-he stopped sleeping with Guerra because he was so disgusted by Coni telling him, and Dr Gertrudis backing her up, with the fact that Vero was tortured. Plus, the fact that he believes Guerra killed Espino, I think Balmy needing to confirm Gaby is Vero is just for him to understand the animus between Guerra and Vero. He hid Coni until she was ready to show herself and Balmy will do the same for Vero.

Deb, yes Ale finally used his head, indeed. The funniest part were his cellmates counting off the times he hit his head. I roared when the cellie said 'cuatro!' when Ale hit his head on the bars the fouth time.


Deb - great recap - too funny!

Balmy Rod should be making regular visits to Fran to solve his cases. I loved that Tigre sent her file footage!

The whole Alejandro knocking himself unconscious in his cell scene was hilarious. And the other prisoners cheering him on. Loved your comment, Deb - "couldn't Alejandro just (have) gone as a visitor and seen Lagarto in prison"?! If this is the best plan the guy tigres can come up with, they need to go back to letting Gabriela do the thinking.

I'm sure Balmy knows Vero is Gabriela and is biding his time to get more information. He knows the tigres don't trust him and give him either no help or misinformation. And he's coming to understand and appreciate that the history of all these crimes goes back decades.

Super sophisticate Irene was so funny with her ignorance of what a pimp is.

The Antonia-Poncia "cousin" connection is probably that they worked as prostitutes together.

Maybe Balmy will be the one to visit the dungeon.

So Ricardo will now become a defense attorney. I'm still doubtful as to how many of the evildoers will make it to trial.



Adriana Noel, great descriptive recap! I loved "a tear falls down his treacherous cheek."
Interesting scene with Neena and Bruno post-engagement as she starts to assert herself as prometida, while still realizing something is amiss.
Deniz's change of expression was interesting ?????
Ha! Bruno's great sacrifice with Neena means nothing if Willy exposes B/B. Maybe Willy will want Bruno as a mole in Piamonte Enterprises?
deb, Bianca thud, LOL
Adriana Noel, ditto, 9 epi mas, shot glass required.
Maybe our "happy ending" will be Neena dumping Bruno and realizing her dreams at Harvard after all. With the Piamonte do-re-mi it would probably just take a quick phone call to get her enrolled there.
One thing I love about this TN is it always keeps me off balance. I really can't predict how we're ending up.
Thanks Pasionistas for being there/here.


Deb, the problem is that Ramiro is the President's cousin. So even if the President is good (and we're not totally sure on that, but we think he is), would he ever go against his cousin? And Benitez talked about the scandal this would cause. He needs an outsider, and I guess that's Comenares, to give advice. Of course, if Comenares loses the election, so much for TBAT plan!

Marco is the "crown jewel" or the nation's top cop, protected by the President, so Danny can't go against him. And he and Ramiro have both told Aurelio not to harm Marco (which is good for our story!). But if Marco is guarding the cardinal, this could be a problem.


Short on time this morning for commenting. Thanks so much for the terrific recap, Hombre. That was a very exciting episode. I especially liked the total lack of Irina.

Deb, Colmenares won't be running against the current president, Ramiro's primo. In México the President is limited by their constitution to one six-year term. So I think maybe Benitez' strategy might involve waiting until after the election to out Ramiro so as not to embarrass a sitting president.

I can't imagine how Leo is going to be able to continue to fend off Negrete.

I noticed Aurelio had sort of a blank face when Turco really risked giving him a bad time about killing people at Ximena's party. He didn't jump right in there denying that something like that was in the works.

I surely hope we don't see Miss Sinaloa tortured. I hate scenes like that.

Tks Hombre
I really need you for these involved plots. Where is the little black book?

Benitez told Marcos he wasn't sure the prez could be trusted awhile ago.

Now wouldn't Matilde be a great stepmom for Victorito? She could raise him to be her lover in about 10 yrs.


Hombre - thanks for the excellent recap and sorting out the "4 Birds Plan". The poor Cardinal doesn't have a chance (in hell?) of making it to Rome.

Leo and Marco just crack me up. First Leo comes home and has to get out of her Claudia outfit because Marco's so turned on by it, then she comes downstairs in her sexy bikini underwear looking just as hot as before, then they agree they can't have sex, then they're going at it like rabbits. And her tough veneer is cracking - she's admitting she cares about him.

Mathilde was awful! And Chacorta is afraid of her. Interesting that he talked tough to Ximena, but won't stand up to Mati. No way will Aida allow Mati to raise Victorcito.

I wonder what Ximena is planning to do with all that money.

Is Benitez really a good guy? And why would he consult with his opponent regarding the black book and his cousin's involvement in an assassination attempt on the Cardinal? I cannot get a good feeling about any of this.

When Ramiro told Huerta and Castro that a shocking event might happen tomorrow, he let them know that he was involved in it. Probably not a smart move on his part since they can use this against him in the future.

Miss Sinaloa looked appropriately terrified.



Novelera - thank you for reminding us about the presidential terms in Mexico. You could be right about Benitez' reason for consulting him.

Variopinta - the Cardinal has the black book. Which means that Marco, who will be guarding the Cardinal, could end up with it.

Hombre - the prez and Ramiro told AC not to harm Marco, but Lupe, Cabo and Tijeras haven't gotten that message. AC would be delighted to have Marco taken out with the Cardinal and he could sit back and say, not my fault, as he has done with Juan and Sabino and Don Cleto.


AdrianaNoel, I think we're going to need some crying towels to go along with your bottle of tequila! When Bruno realizes that Santi has heard Willy's accusation, he is utterly devastated. Actor JC Canela has shown a willingness to move away from his pretty boy image and delve into some pretty dark places. On the other hand, the Ariel actor hasn't really moved beyond the stereotype "wronged husband". I expected more from his character.
Can't wait to see tonight's opening...
J in Oregon


I think the point of someone, Ale in particular, going undercover to get Lagarto to testify, is to get Lagarto to see that it's being done in good faith. If Guerra's own son was willing to go to jail to get him to talk, he can trust the tigres. It's a trust building exercise.

Irene's ignorance of what a pimp was was hilarious. I love that Lucho gave out the definitions in all sorts of Mexican slang and English for the benefit of the audience. I have to give Antonia her props, though, she went from
working girl to Patrona in her

Poncia and Guerra are blood relatives who worked as prostitutes at one point. It seems to me that Marcos Beltran, like Tigre did with Francisca, took Antonia out the lapanal to make an honest woman out of her and it
backfired on him bigtime.
Also, Balmy is trying to prove 100% that Vero is Gaby by asking a friend who works with the FBI to do a background check.
prostitutes. It seems to me Macros Beltran took


Pasión Prohibida -

thanks Adriana Noel for helping me out with the clenched hands on the chair thingy,

and GREAT comments all,

I just wanted to throw this out, not to start a fuss, spread rumors, etc. but didn't Jencarlos Canela hook up with the older married Gaby Espino during "Más Sabe el Diablo" and later have a child together?

so hasn't he had some experience with a Pasión Prohibida?

I in no way want to pass judgment here, or even comment on another's personal life, I actually think they make a nice couple, love them both, and I have no idea how a novela actor/actress could have a normal relationship,

but I think I see some of his own experience being weaved into this novela, or am I reading too much into this?


La Patrona -

GREAT comments all!

Balmy is an interesting character in this story as his untouchable status has him standing like a rock in the middle of our story, and it's like he has this obsession to turn over any and all of the other rocks to see what crawls out, and is actually attracted to anyone or anything that is hiding something, and so our Tigres who wear their lives on their sleeves are always becoming prime targets,

while the clever squeaky clean Antonia, who doesn't leave any clues just goes, "who me",

and it's interesting how he protected Constanza and her identity, BUT, she came to him first, and came clean, something Gabriela has not done.

remember earlier, the anonymous letters, maybe if they would flood him with all of there not-good-enough-for-prime-time evidence, it would better direct his attention.



hola a todos! Haven't had the stomach to watch this in the last 2weeks or so, but have been reading/appreciating all your wonderful summaries/comments.

I AM happy to know that Bruno has not properly declared his love to nor kissed Neeena in any romantic way, and her realizing something's not right.

now that Willy's blurted out the secret, I may tune in to the show again.

oooh, deb - why yes! I didn't think anything of it at that time when JC/Gaby Espino hooked-up... salacious. no malice intended. He was about 21-22yrs old at the time. so young.


and it's interesting how he protected Constanza and her identity, BUT, she came to him first, and came clean, something Gabriela has not done.

Seems a bit self-righteous of Balmy if this was his rationale for getting the truth out of Vero. I'm sure he won't reveal her identity, but he knows enough now to know that Antonia Guerra is VERY dangerous and Vero revealing herself as Gaby is dangerous to her health. This is especially the case since it seems Guerra is gonna have Macario's cousin Chopo killed tonight (this was in escenas proximas, so not a spoiled, right?)

I fear that Lagarto isn't going to live long enough to testify against Guerra if he want to, and Macario, because he'll be so upset over Guerra killing cousin Chopo, will be the witness. I've always thought Macario would be the eventual witness because he always seems to value loyalty more than pay, and if Guerra broke her loyalty towards him, which she did by not defending him from Alejandro, and killing Chopo, he'd turn.


Here is a link to a longish, and quite interesting article about the "Drug War" in México.


J desde NYC, our customary routine here at Caray is not to post anything about the previews of the next night's episode. Some people prefer to be surprised.


WOW! What a crazy episode tonight! So much emotion. I don't even know where to start.



In Balmaceda’s office, Ricardo recognizes Antonia from the hospital surveillance video, wig or no wig. But, conservative as always, he says the video doesn’t show any murder. Balmy says she arrived at the very hour when Espino died.

Antonia works a lawyer to defend Aníbal and her. When he says it looks like Villegas is guilty, she reminds him that he helped her defraud the Suárez family of El Chamuco, so don’t pretend to be a saint. She tells him he could be a millionaire whether he wins or loses Aníbal’s case. She wants him to be Aníbal’s lawyer for as long as it suits her. [I think Aníbal is going to be thrown under the bus pretty soon.]

Someone said they thought Poncia was a prostitute along with Antonia. I don’t really think so. After Poncia tore up her incriminating paperwork, she talked with Antonia and said something about their youth. Antonia continues to insist she and Poncia aren’t related. But Poncia said something about when Antonia was “taken away” or when the bad thing happened to her. So I think Poncia stayed where the two of them grew up, and married the guy who turned out to be a batterer. [Plus, it was revealed that he helped Antonia kill Marcos Beltrán, the first husband.]

The adorable Lucía is bonding with Vero. She smiles at her and tells her she’s figured out the reason Vero likes her so much: because she’s Alejandro’s child.

Chacón is in a bad way in the prison infirmary. Alejandro is still there as well. The prison doctor basically says “whatevah” and leaves Chacón to his fate. Alejandro tells him he’s going to die, but he could help him.

Inés of the brass cojones comes to Casa Villegas and is met by Constanza. She brazenly says she wants to know why Ricardo quit his judge job. Ricardito comes in, and Inés tries to approach him, starting to say she’ll soon be his …. Connie puts a stop to this right away.

Balmaceda comes to the hospital to have Macario press charges against Alejandro, but he’s not going to do it. Antonia comes in. While she’s standing there, Balmy asks what familial relationship Macario has to El Chopo. Macario lies, but Balmy produces evidence that they are cousins. To Antonia he says: Algún día voy a encontrar el hilo que enrede este madeja (Find the thread that unravels this tangle.) and says he’ll find her at the center of it.

Ricardo comes home and is irate at Inés for coming to his house, where his mother, his son, and his wife live. She says she’s his woman, and the insipid Patti has left. She tries to get him to take her to “our” bedroom. She gets more BSC every episode. She pushes him back on the sofa and starts forcibly kissing him when, of course, Patti comes in. Ricardo tries to explain things to Patti. Inés pipes up that what Patti saw was passion, something Patti never could produce in him. Patti tells him to just keep her away from her son. He finally pushes Inés away. She tells him she’s the only one who can fix his problem, and that he’s going to beg her to make love to him.


Aníbal is wheeled out of the hospital by Antonia and the next scene we see is a courtroom. Ricardo is Constanza’s lawyer and Antonia’s shyster represents Aníbal. The judge grants him house arrest at Antonia’s and a trial will commence in a month.

Lucho is taking Irene to a “culinary treat” in DF. She’s blindfolded, and he feeds her tacos de cabeza from his favorite taco stand! Later he takes her to a major dive bar and gets her to drink pulque [a traditional Mexican alcoholic drink made from agave, milky looking, and approximately as strong as beer in alcoholic content]. She tells him she cares for him, and he says one of these days he’ll surprise her and say the same.

Apparently Antonia’s connections have worked. El Chopo is released from jail for lack of evidence. He exits, mumbling to himself that he’s ready to be paid. He’s met by Lucas who says he’s there to bring him his money and, by the way, let’s visit the whorehouse.

Antonia and Aníbal talk. He tells her he helped her escape “that life”. She doesn’t want to talk about that ever. She does say they have to unite to defend him. She produces some papers that she says transfer all his money in the Cayman Islands to her name! She tells him it’s the only way to save his assets. The judge will order the “embargo” of everything. He signs. [We can’t see it, but a huge target has just appeared on his back.]

Alejandro tells Chacón he’s through asking and is returning to his cell. He vividly describes his kidney failure symptoms and gives him maybe a week to live. He tells him to rot in hell and starts to leave. Chacón calls him back.

Irene has returned to SPDO and is visiting Lucía. They say that it’s time for her injection. This is the day the chemo starts.

Alejandro promises Chacón dialysis and private guards to protect him from Macario. Chacón wants Vero herself to come and tell him the terms of this deal.

Lucho shows Gastón the photograph of Antonia as an obvious prostitute. Gastón: “¡Órale!”

Vero comes to the prison and guarantees Lagarto dialysis and protection. He tells her he’s a dead man if he names Antonia Guerra. He does confess to killing Julio Montemar and planting evidence against Max in the death of Espino. Vero tells him this doesn’t move the ball for her. It’s all the way in, or he’ll die.

Vero talks to Ale through the prison glass. She says she’s going to get him out. The thing with Chacón isn’t going to work.

We see the gals at the Casa de las Muñecas debriefing with the madam about a successful night. Gastón comes on the radio and they all listen attentively. He says that the good news is that Aníbal Villegas is now revealed for the shameful, corrupt person he is. He says there’s another well-known person who will be unmasked.

The scene switches to La Fortaleza, and David turns off the radio, while Cecilia wants to listen. She finally convinces him to turn it back on. We hear: “Now we know who Antonia Guerra really is. While she’s judging other women in town, she is the sole and legitimate owner of the house of prostitution known as the Casa de las Muñecas." The madam is quite upset, and chases the girls out. Brigitte finds Chopo deader than a doornail in her room.


Novelera, you are amazing! Great recap and I apologize for the spoiler from yesterday.

How awful is it that when Gaston was announcing Guerra is the duena of La Casa de las Muñecas I cringed and hollered 'No, you can't say that yet. You didn't tell GabyVero yet!'

And Guerra's face when Gaston said it was classic! Total shock. And Poncia's face was even better. It was all 'Oh well, I guess that's what Irene and Lucho found out in DF.'

I'm wondering how Ale and David will react to that news. Even though they know Guerra is evil, they keep on trying to defend her when she is indefensible.


Novelera - thank you for the super quick recap. It was an exciting episode, but we still have so many loose ends.

J desde NYC - I think you may be correct that Lagarto won't live long enough to testify against Antonia, and Macario may be the survivor who testifies against her. Lagarto did not help himself with Vero tonight.

The courtroom scenes are strange. I don't think many US judges would allow people to interrupt during trials the way Antonia and Vero did.

I think Anibal will miss his court date next month. Antonia is very graciously serving him her special tea. And very solicitously protecting his assets.

Someone (?Pati, ?Ricardo) needs to have Ines locked up for stalking and harassment. She's gotten scary crazy. Her attempts to touch little Ricky were frightening.

That was a great double smack that Vero gave Gaston and Lucho. Pretty good wrist action.


Cielos was EPIC !!! Waiting for awesome recap....


I am very surprised at how Leo was not smart enough and unprepared with a background story for her new character Claudia Rojas. When Matilde was quizzing her about her history in Columbia, Leo was blank and had no answers. It led Matilde to believe something suspicious is going on, which is true. Also, for her to have picked the same last name as Matilde (Rojas) makes no sense whatsoever. Leo set herself up for a trap. As much as Leo has been plotting this, I would think she would be better prepared.



I have been gone the past week, but have been reading the recaps. What an episode to come back to! Epic does indeed describe it. Everyone, and their mama (literally), got shot! I hope Emma will be ok.

I was also surprised that Leo didn’t have a stronger back story. Her vague info might work on the men who are dazzled by her assets, but Mati is: 1) a woman, 2) very astute, and 3) from the same place Leo is claiming to be from. She better step up her game tonight or it’s game over.

I really hope Mati doesn’t succeed in getting little Victor from his mother Aida. I am disappointed in Chacorta for letting her run all over everyone, including his own mother.

So does El Topo really want an alliance with Don Cleto, or is this another trap set by AC? AC was a master puppeteer this episode! He moved all the pieces (people) around exactly how and when he wanted.




I take the outbursts in the courtroom as 'telenovela antics'. I doubt Mexican courts allow people to get boisterous.

I think Macario will be the witness because he'll be angry at Guerra for killing Chopo. Macario values loyalty more than pay and Guerra killing Chopo after he didn't press charges on Ale for assault will be his breaking point. He'll realize that Guerra doesn't value anyone but herself.

I think David and Alejandro are going to flip on Gaston about exposing Guerra as the duena of the prostibulo. I don't get the need in Mexican novelas about blood mattering even when your family are killers.


In a truly brutal, earthshattering episode, Aurelio proves that not only is he a master of interpersonal relations, as he did last week with Ximena regarding the Don Cleto encounter, but also a master of tactics. Unfortunately, about 8 people died while this mastery was unfolding.

Everyone's at the airport. Chacorta has a higher position, with a tripod holding his high powered assault rifle in place. Aurelio's even higher, surveying the scene with binoculars. Guadalupe is waiting in a car. Cabo and Tijeras are waiting in their car. Topo is meeting with the Villalobos brothers (why at the airport?). Aurelio is in contact with all of them by cellphone or radio.

He tells Chacorta to watch for the Cardinal coming out of the airport, he's going to get into a white car. The Cardinal comes out, gets into the car. Chacorta can't get a shot, it's too far away. He sees Marco is the guard, and Aurelio says if he's in the way, take him out, too.

Aurelio calls Guadalupe, get out there and kill the Cardinal? Guad hesitates, takes a breath, exits his car and walks towards the white car. The white car moves, but Aurelio has a big tanker truck block its way. Uh oh.

Cabo and Tijeras are waiting for their cue to kill Guad. Guad steps out to shoot the Cardinal when BOOM! Chacorta shot him right through the window of the car! Guad is confused. Aurelio tells Cabo to hold tight. He calls Topo, tell the Villalobos brothers that Guad, who tried to have Sabino killed in jail, is right there. They walk up to Guad and kill him! Then Aurelio calls Cabo and Tijeras, you guys, kill the Villabolos! They do. Topo escapes.

By this time, Marco is out of the car, shooting, not hitting anyone. He looks in, and the Cardinal is dying, but says take the little black book, it's in my briefcase. But there's no time. Marco jumps out goes to shoot, and is hit three times in the chest by Cabo and Tijeras. He goes down. Tijeras walks by, adds a fourth shot to the shoulder for good measure. They then calmly grab the briefcase containing the black book, and leave the carnage behind.

Fortunately, Marco isn't dead, he was wearing a bullet proof vest. The shoulder hit wounded him. But he doesn't know what happened. He saw 3 groups of druglords, the Villalobos, the Robles and the Colombians. It was meant to look like a drug shootout, and the Cardinal just accidentally got caught in the crossfire. But he doesn't believe that, it seemed more like a big show to him, to hide the Cardinal's assassination.

We see Aurelio, Chacorta and the Colombians flying back home, drinking champagne, looking through the little black book. It all went perfectly !

Marco is taken to a hospital for his shoulder wound. He calls Benitez and tells him the bad news. Danny finds out and gives Marco hell for not telling him about the operation. And look what happened, the Cardinal was killed! Marco says sorry, sir, but Benitez requested complete secrecy.

CIELOS, Part 2

Benitez is livid. He marches into Ramiro's office, how dare you! Ramiro says I had nothing to do with it, and don't you try to slander me, or I'll tell my cousin the President to have you fired. Benitez replies, we know you just met with the Cardinal and pressured him. You may think you're getting away with this, but there are lots of cops that are on the side of GOOD, and WE are going to bring you down!

After he leaves, Ramiro is shaken. Lots of cops? He calls Irina, we need another hit. That Mejia has to be stopped! Cut to Marco in his hospital bed, they wouldn't discharge him, he needs to be treated for the wound, and needs an operation. After Danny leaves, his mother is visiting. Outside, an assassin with a shaved head approaches the door. The two policemen guarding the door leave with a wink. Uh oh. The assassin enters the room, raises his gun. Emma turns, slams the assassin's arm up, the shot goes into the ceiling. But he grabs her, and points the gun at her head.

Marco pulls his gun out from behind his pillow, let her go or you're a dead man! He replies, I'm the one in charge, you'll do what I say! Marco says there are lots of police, he can't escape. Nah, we bought them off. He start to pull Emma out of the room. She's managed to grab a scalpel off a table.

Outside, the assassin's partner wonders about the delay, and heads inside. He goes upstairs. Emma stabs the assassin, whose arm flies up. Marco kills him. But the other guy is right there and fires. Emma's hit in the upper chest! Marco kills the second assassin, cradles his Mom, hold on, please, hold on, Ma!!!!

Back in Sinaloa, Mónica wasn't able to make Miss Sinaloa talk, so she has Triste tie her up and gag her somewhere. Monicá gets a call, Guadalupe is DEAD! She tells Roxana, who goes bananas, don't you see, it was a trap! Aurelio arrives, wants to explain, Roxie grabs a gun, you killed Isidro, and now Guadalupe, and this time you won't get away with it! She points the gun, and BOOM! SHE'S dead, shot in the back by Mónica! Mónica holds the gun at Aurelio, tell me the truth!

The master quietly explains he had no idea why the Villalobos were there, and killed Guad. And tell me, Mónica, didn't Guad give the order to have Sabino killed in jail, or was it YOU?

Topo visits Don Cleto, I want an alliance against your son-in-law. He's a total traitor. He told me to work things out with the Villabolos, then had his guys kill them in front of me. We need to join up for our own protection, he's nuts. Oh, he'd never touch me, says Don Cleto. Topo tells him that's why I'm coming to you, you're the only one who can deal with him. Don Cleto will think about the alliance.

What an episode!


Thanks Hombre! What an episode indeed, and what a great recap too.

Thanks for making Topo's intentions clear. Since I had missed the last few episodes, I wasn't sure if this was just part of AC's master plan. I don't hold out much hope that Topo's gang and Cleto's recently re-formed gang, will be able to take on AC and his allies.


Great recap, Novelera, of a great episode!

I enjoyed Irene learning about the authentic, down home Mexican food and drink. Thanks, Novelera for giving us the names of the items, which I couldn't hear. Lucho tells her she has to stop being so "fresa", which literally means strawberry, but actually means a spoiled rich kid.

Balmy has gotten the evidence that there was no record on Verónica Dantes before 2 years ago. Vero goes SO? But we all know Balmy knows.

Gonzalez overheard Lucas and Chopo talking, seemed to hear come incriminating stuff, but hasn't told Balmy so far. Maybe now that Chopo is dead he'll say something.

The whole thing of signing without witnesses or notaries continues to be convenient for our story, as Aníbal just signs over all his goods, and that's supposed to be binding. But he can trust Antonia, right? :)

The producers were able to save on actors by having the same young lady who previously posed as "Eugenia, daughter of Antonia's friend" in a failed effort to seduce David, be the hooker who gets to entertain Chopo and discover his death. If David IS upset that his mother was accused of owning the Doll House, and goes there to find out, he could run into that same girl.


!Dios mio! Qué episodio!

Tks Hombre, I needed a roadmap trying to figure out who shot who.

Is Topo Mex or Colombian?

Pobre Don Cleto, he created a monster that is going to kill him. Topo was taking a chance going to him to form an alliance.


Variopinta- Topo is Mexican.

Cielos -

great summary Hombre,
great show, and you made it all real again,

I was wondering about Chacorta missing that first clear shot, while he rubbed his eyes,
but I guess that wasn't the plan, they needed Guadalupe in there close,
but not actually make the kill, a stray bullet would do that,
Aurelio really is the master,

I was wondering how the interrogation of Miss Sinaloa would go,
I'm thinking Monica has never got past the killing part, to ask any questions,
I can see why Aurelio keeps her around, he likes it hot,

I like Marco's mom, she is one tough lady,
stood behind a great man,
raised a great son,

so Leo, so many ways this could go wrong, did she have a gun in her luggage,
Matilde, a finger in everyone's eye, but Chacorta likes her,
and as nasty as she is, it seems family still trumps outsiders.



Hombre - what an amazing, explosive episode. Thank you! You captured it perfectly.

AC really is the master. Every move was orchestrated. His plan unfolded just as he wanted it to. Four birds!

Two thoughts about Marco protecting the Cardinal: why didn't the Cardinal wear a bullet proof vest, and why didn't Marco have more men with him? If it was dangerous enough for an agent to be in the car with a vest on, I would think there would have been more protection for the Cardinal.

Marco should have grabbed the black book before jumping out of the car.

I thought Ramiro was going to have Benitez hit, not Marco. Maybe next time….

Poor Roxana. She was right about AC all along - dead right!

Poor Miss Sinaloa. She's going to face Monica's wrath.

" - he'd never touch me, says Don Cleto". This delusion will get Cleto killed.

Speaking of delusions, I didn't think Monica could continue to be so dumb, but apparently she can.

So sad about Emma. I don't see how she can survive.



Variopinta, Topo is Mexican. He is mostly known for smuggling drugs from MEX to US through underground tunnels. I've heard that his character is supposed to represent the modern day Chapo Guzman. Not sure though.

Hombre, you mentioned that Topo escaped. Why do you say that, I don't think AC had any plans on killing him, did he?

Also, who were the assasins that were trying to kill Mejia in the hospital?


La Patrona -

thanks so much for your summary novelera,

I learn so many little things from the details you throw in,
like tacos de cabeza,
or pulque,
(which I guess is the fermented sap from certain types of the agave plant, while Mezcal and Tequila are distilled products)

I guess the prison doesn't offer any dialysis treatments, so without Veronica's offer, it's the bad kidney or none, (and I see a transplant wasn't part of the deal, but where would you find a big enough lizard)

I'm surprised Ines didn't bring a bag, since she is Ricardo's new wife, Not! (but this is a new one, that Ricardo's only sexual relief is with this one lady, I'm sure if that could happen it would really twist a person around)

so Chopo was released for lack of evidence, but isn't Lucho only out on bail,

on Anibal, yea stupid signing that form, but really what choice did he have,
old, sick, looking at prison, no friends, his own wife and son against him,
Antonia is his only hope, too bad Anibal,
actually his first bad choice was moving in with her,
too many people have not survived that one,

Hombre, I was thinking it was only a funds transfer governed by whatever rules the bank has, like writing a check, one signature only.



Beth, I believe the only reason Monica is close to believing AC's story is because she has a guilty conscience. She knows the Robles are responsible for attempting to kill Sabino Villalobos.



I have a feeling that whether Leo/Claudia has a gun in her purse or not, and no matter what Mati says, Leo is going to wriggle out of it, for now. It's just a much better story if she's successful in her undercover work, although they'll probably continue to scare us.

VRO - I didn't mean that Topo escaped, as if he were targeted, just that he escaped harm. He didn't get hit by anything and left.

The guys in the hospital were definitely the product of Ramiro's desire to kill Marco. I also thought at first he'd target Benitez, but I replayed the section, and he referred to Mejia. We saw him call Irina, and she called Aurelio, so I guess Aurelio had to have sent these guys, but we never saw that. We do know they failed, and Ramiro will be mad. Maybe tonight we'll learn more.

I'm hoping Emma lives. Again, it makes for a better story.

The Cardinal didn't think he was in danger at all, probably either declined a bullet proof vest or wasn't even offered it. Marco also didn't think there was a big threat (how wrong he was), but wore his vest out of standard operating procedure he learned from his father (he said this). Marco just had a feeling the Cardinal should have some security. If he really knew what was going to happen, of course he'd have had lots more guards. Leo did think Marco shouldn't be alone, but again, there was only a vague feeling of a threat, nothing concrete.



VRO: Monica is also guilty of ordering the hit on Ximena's car in Houston. Chapo means Shorty and as we've seen, our Topo looks pretty darn short when he stands next to any of the other guys.

Hombre: Gracias!! Excellent recap. I wish I could stick around for the rest of this novela, but I'm leaving town for the summer, where ther's no internet. But you can be sure I'll read up when I get back. You capture everything!

Oh, and about the cardenal, you can read the wiki about his death here.

Pasión Prohibida -

things are continuing to heat up,

Saul, under Guillermo's urging goes back to get Bianca's diary for proof,
finds an empty book,
(I hope Bianca rigged it so she knows someone looked)

engaged Neena is getting desperate for a good kiss,
when Bruno goes for her forehead she jumps up for his lips,

they have their engagement party, then off alone to a club, then home,
Bruno leaves her to go to his room,
Neena says wait,
let's go to your country house,
(thought Bruno might say he has a big test tomorrow),

Bianca, who left Ariel in bed to write in her diary,
is running from nook to nook,
scantly clad, bright red lips,
following this conversation,
Neena, at last talks Bruno into a real kiss,
Bianca's face is in this picture as well,
(this is actually scaring me)

so who knows about Bianca and Bruno,

for sure,
Yair, has a cd of them together
Flavia, has read the diary and has a page from it

pretty sure, but no proof,
Denis (on again off again)

heard but may doubt it,

may suspect,
the staff

didn't quite hear it all,

doesn't have a clue



Variopinta and VRO - Topo is our Mexican tunnel smuggler who had all the diggers slaughtered when the tunnel to the US was finished.

Topo's part in the plan was to get the Villalobos to the airport. AC used Topo to stage his plan, and probably didn't want him killed because he'll want to use Topo again.

The assasins trying to kill Mejia in the hospital were AC's men. Ramiro had Irina set the hit up with AC.

I don't think Monica is feeling too guilty about anything. To me she's a calculating, cold blooded killer who does not want to get caught, especially by AC, the object of her obsession. She wants to believe that he loves her and can't live without her, and she'll do anything to keep him.

Hombre - I agree about Leo/Claudia. She'll put Mati off long enough to get more information on AC's operations and then she'll have to get away. As you said it's a much better story if Leo goes back to her job, and Mati has continuing suspicions about 'the little singer'.



The whole Bruno/Neeeena thing is off-the-charts awkward! Most uncomfortable proposal in history by the way... they didn't even hug afterward! Bruno is avoiding lip-kissing like the plague, and so awkward around her, and she is so naive and ridiculous ("I'm your prometida now! Is this how you kiss your prometida?), even though she knows something's up, she keeps insisting! It is sickening... what does he think is going to happen on the wedding night? **SHIVER**

Ariel is an idiot--Deb, I love your list of who knows what. And I can't believe the whole rape thing is done. It's like it never happened!

This is so painful to watch, and I just. can't. look. away.

By the way, the whole Nina going to Boston thing was hilarious... "I've decided, I'm going to Boston." "When?" "Tomorrow." The comment about calling Harvard to let them know she's coming... PERFECT.

I am literally on the edge of my seat with this one. Still feeling really sorry for Bruno... for all his impulsivity and cowardice, he is going through hell and JC is knocking it out of the park! Those tears, those tortured looks, man... he's good. This is the first novela (in about 10 I've watched over the past two years) that has me this invested!

Pasion Prohibida Tuesday Part 1

We are back to the moment when Willy asks Bruno if he’ll still sleep with the aunty if he is now engaged to Neena. “Como se atreve?” Bruno screams and punches Willy. You will be sorry! No, you will be sorry! ... And so on and so forth.
Enter Ariel & Francisca, asking what is going on. Willy promises he will give Ariel proof that the Santillanas are betraying him. Then he leaves and Nico follows him just enough for dear old dad to tell him about B&B. Nico doesn’t believe a word.
In the meantime Ariel has summoned Bruno to his office. He wants to know why he punched Willy, fighting is not the way to solve problems; what is the “traicion” Willy was talking about? Bruno is so upset that he can’t even bring himself to mention the words…Poor boy, they hurt his feelings. He leaves and Santi, bless his soul, tells his papi that he heard what Willy said!!

Nico is still upset with Willy, at first doesn’t want to share what he found out with Pene and Nuria, but eventually tells them about B&B (ooooh, this is spreading like the disease that it is…). Pene and Nuria don’t believe the rumor either, they think Willy deserved the punch he got.

Back to Santi, he mentions he heard some talking about a country house and “revolcarse” (sleeping with someone). Ariel is surprised because he doesn’t know anything about no country house (but when did Ariel know something about anything!) and Francisca doesn’t think they can question Bruno on it, anyway, because he was surely defending their family.

Willy calls Saul to urge him to find proof about B&B. The diary, he needs to read that diary, or else…!!

Bianca is in her room remembering how her mom told her to get rid of the diary. Bruno comes in, telling her about Willy. Oh, whatever will we do, how can he know? It will be his word against ours, Bianca says. No, he has proof, Bruno adds, and she is not to go to the country house, just in case. Well, Bianca had no intention of going, thank you very much.

Later on Saul is lurking on the halls, hears Bianca’s phone ringing. It’s Pene telling her about the fight between Bruno and Willy. Bianca pretends she is not aware or interested, but when Pene mentions the rumor and somehow shows suspicion, Bianca can’t believe her family would doubt her! Bianca does a good “ofendida”, too.

Neena calls Bruno, she is at Macy’s, wants to buy him a watch…Bianca walks in, listening the talk. Then she tells Bruno that Willy talked to his family about them and that she accepted the truth in front of Pene. Bruno is almost pi.ssing his pants, so Bianca admits she was joking, but reminds him he will never be able to love Neena, he will always love her, no matter how much he tries to forget and “do the right thing”. She gets closer, leans in for a kiss, which Bruno can’t resist (and what a kiss it is!).

Saul is in Bianca’s bedroom, searching for the diary and he finds it!! But it’s completely empty!! Bianca did a switch!

Back to B&B smooching. Bianca can’t stand to see him with Neena, but there is no other way, because now both Willy and Yair could tell the truth. Bianca again suggests they should leave, run away, but Bruno says there is nothing they can do, they have to accept their faith. “I love you’s” are exchanged, but things don’t go any further.

Ariel and Francisca (at Yair’s hospital) talk about Willy, then about Yair going to Francisca’s house because Bianca doesn’t want him in the mansion anymore. Francisca disagrees, so Ariel tells her that Yair loves Neena, and considering the circumstances…. Then Ariel calls Nico, wants to know what did Willy say; Nico knows why the boss is calling, he doesn’t want to talk to him, but Pene tells him that Ariel might know anyway, because she told Bianca. Nico gets upset. Ooops!


Pasion Prohibida Tuesday Part 2

Willy and Silvia plot some moreabout Daniel and Flavia and how to stick it to them.

Flavia is with Ivan, she seems bored, she must be preparing her exit…He calls her up on her lack of dedication to whatever they have together, but Flavia gets a call from Daniel…Daniel is rich, too, he has a driver and all, so I don’t think Willy’s game is that great, he should have chosen a poor schmuck! After she hangs up she tells Ivan she talked to a friend, but he doesn’t buy it.

Bruno visits Eliana, wants to talk about Willy, because NOW he believes her that Willy is trouble. Bruno thinks Eli told him something about the country house, which Eli did, but Willy got his gossip from somewhere else, anyway.

The great engagement night, which nobody has been waiting for, is upon us. The servants talk about Yair going to Francisca’s ranch…. FF>>>

In the living room, we are already at the toast part, but Flavia wants to wait for Nico and Pene. Ariel thinks Nico is evading him because of Willy, but Bruno stops this train of thought.
Neena (who never looked worse) gives Bruno an expensive watch and I think we are supposed to be impressed by this, but a watch is such an impersonal gift. Anyway, Bruno kisses her like you kiss your girlfriend… if you are twelve, but Bianca (dressed in white, how appropriate!) still has death in her eyes. Anyway, this is an engagement watch, now he is “comprometido”, too (as in no way out, you gave your word, you big pile of stupid).
Now it’s time to drink some champagne, but Bianca purposely drops her glass on the floor before drinking, as everybody looks on in shock (bad omen, bad omen…).

With the “party” finally over (but this has got to be the lamest excuse for a party ever, remember the big fiesta Eliana got?) Bruno and Neena are out celebrating just the two of them. Only now I notice what Neena is wearing…If she were getting ready to sail off on the start ship Enterprise those rubber like shoulder pads would have been a good choice of clothing; and did I mention that her hair looks awful, too, like she’s spent the entire day being licked by a cow?)
Neena is ASKING Bruno to use a lovable nick name with her, other than “brujita” (little witch). My amor, bebe etc…. She wants him to stop treating her like her cousin…Bruno agrees and drags himself in for a kiss.

Yair and his sailor friend talk on the phone and Yair confesses that his trip didn’t help him forget his feelings. Ramiro asks him to confront the truth and his reality, take the bull by its horns. If not, he will become an “amargado” (a little late for that!).

Ariel and Bianca talk about Yair going to the ranch, away from Neena. Bianca thinks Yair is taking advantage of Ariel, but Ariel wants to know what is the real reason she is so against him. Bianca gets upset and leaves the room, she’s going to write in the living room.

Tere and Camila talk about Bianca being odd and also Saul…But, well, everything is strange in the house, so …

Bianca is actually writing in her diary, while lounging on the sofa. She hears Neena and Bruno come in. Bruno wants to sleep, Neena wants to go to the country house (Neena, you nasty little girl, Sebastian wasn’t even allowed to kiss you)…Bruno says NO, they have all the time in the world (don’t count on it!). Ok, then, if they won’t go to the love shack, then he has to sing for her.
As Bianca spies them from a corner, unseen, Bruno starts playing a song while Neena looks on. He stops, she asks him to come to her and kiss her like he means it because until now he’s been faking it. And since she’s his fiancée, she shouldn’t have to beg (good point!!! dump him!). They do kiss and it’s better than before, but still lame in comparison to the smooch B&B shared earlier in the episode.
And Bianca is still looking at them and if she ever had any killer instincts, then this is the moment they might be awakening.

This comment has been removed by the author.


Hombre, are you sure you aren't a screenwriter in your day job? That was a first-class recap.

I watched the balacera twice to clearly understand Aurelio's four-birds plan.

Since the cardinal had the evidence Ramiro's wife had so carefully compiled, he had to die and the evidence had to be seized. The novela has a long way to go, and Aurelio needs his compinches in the government to keep operating.

I hope Emma survives. It's just too, too much for Marco to have lost both his parents to the narcos.

Marco was forced to lie to Eugenia about Leo not working with him any longer because Danny Boy was standing right there in the hospital room.

I LOVED the way Benitez went after Ramiro! I also thought Ramiro contacted Irina about having Benitez whacked.

The actor playing Mathilde is doing a bang-up job. She's SO menacing in her scene with Leo. I knew these two would not get along, but I thought it would be more about a younger, very attractive woman catching the eyes of the men in the novela. And, yes, Leo was very weak in her back story about Colombia. Maybe she's from Bogotá and didn't know much about Cali?

If I remember it correctly, I think the new publisher of Eugenia's newspaper got a wake-up call about his "uplifting stories" idea upon discovering they'd shot a CARDINAL at the airport!

Pasion prohibida

Deb, I'm sorry I didn't see your recap, I had a hectic day today and only now I managed to get online (it's already 20.00 where I live). But this way is better, we get a double dose of PP!

You comments about Bruno saying that he has a big test tomorrow and the one with Bianca running from nook to nook make me laugh out loud in front of my hubby who thinks I've lost my mind...but this is what PP does to people.
Great list about who knows what, again I had to laugh when you mentioned how Ariel knows nothing about nothing ever happening ever.

Amy, I'm on teh edge of my seat, too. When Saul opened the diary, I couldn't breath!!


Since you will be leaving town, you can catch the episodes on Telemundo's website.



deb/ Adriana Noel - gracias mil veces!!!

AnotherAmy - JC is maaaahhhhvelous!!! really incredible acting in this; total package.

Pasión Prohibida -

Adriana Noel, I just threw in some bits, because I know you have been so busy lately, but I really love reading yours, I especially love all the little details you throw in that I miss,

when Bianca was moving in on Bruno for a kiss in his room, as Saul looked through her diary in her room, didn't she reach down to undo his pants, and he looked totally freaked, now, here, and knocked her hands away, and then wrapped it up and got out of there,

Bianca is by far the biggest wild card Bruno has to deal with,

and when Ariel told Yair he could stay at Francisca's didn't she have a look of, "what, have this weirdo stay with me",

and when Penelope tells Nico that she told Bianca, wow, what was that thing Nico did, kind of a shriek, shiver, upset, shoulder roll, yowl!

oh yes Flavia, she sure knows how to make a guy feel good, poor Ivan,

and Neena's hair,
"like she's spent the entire day being licked by a cow?"


you really can tell a cute story Adriana.


Thanks VRO, but I will be off the internet. I'll try to catch up in the fall, because this is such a great dramatization.


Deb, 50 points for "How will they find a big enough liver for a Chacón/Lagarto transplant?" I really did laugh out loud.


Monica didn't like Roxana very much. She has an addiction to Aurelio, she told that to Roxana & she is not happy with her own weakness which will probably be her undoing. Aurelio knows how to play her perfectly.

About the Cardinal's safety, how many priests have been killed, let alone a Cardinal? The narcos would never kill a Cardinal.


Whoops! I meant to quote Deb correctly: How will they find a big enough lizard for the transplant?

Thanks Deb and AdrianaNoel!
Nina's hair looked like like "she’s spent the entire day being licked by a cow"--hahahaha! Actually maybe that would be more exciting than the kind of kisses Nina has been getting from Bruno.
And her dress: were those burnt cinnamon rolls glued to her shoulders?
Really I am just getting punchy now from all the stress...
J in Oregon


Pasion Prohibida

Deb, Neena really did look awful for her engagement, she was hotter when she was still acting like a little girl. I did like the bare back of her dress, but the rest was just a mess.
I hadn't noticed the bit about Bruno's belt, but he is so freaked out these days, I think she should really keep his room locked; with a fiancée literally begging for attention and a lover always on the prowl, what is a guy to do?

I have to Hahaa at the way everybody keeps avoiding telling Ariel anything about something remotely maybe, possibly happening between B&B. And the one who is brave enough to scream it out loud (Willy) is not exactly a trustful source.

Amy, Bruno and Nina together are more than awkward to watch, especially since he still sees her like a little sister. But he's such a disappointment, I wouldn't be surprised if he convinces himself that he does feel something.

Shallowgal, DO watch; no matter how much we try with words, we can't do justice to what is happening on screen. In a normal TN when the end is so close things start to settle down, the bad guys get into trouble, the protas start get over their issues. But with PP, it feels like we're only half way through, every other scene ends in a cliffhanger and, the most important part: who are we supposed to root for? The good guys are either nerve wrecking (Yair), don't have a story (Deniz) or are just to oblivious to attract any passionate fans (Ariel) and the bad guys are in so much hurry to dig their own graves that we can't help but watch in stupor.

The other day you were talking about JC Canela and Gaby Spino, his wife. I know the story about how they got together, I'm glad they found a way to make it work for them, they truly look great together. When PP first started I thought about this many times, while looking at JC Canela. This story feally must have hit close to home for him...Now, could we hope for a happy ending for B&B, too?


Tks for that link. This is following true events pretty close, only the names are changed to protect "the guilty ?" Truth being stranger than fiction.

So Topo is based on Francisco Javier Arellano Félix, also known as El Titi.


Adriana Noel - i'm watching, i'm watching. after being away for 2 or so weeks, I've finally accepted there'll be no happy ending to this one (I think).

J in Oregon - roflol on the 'cinnamon rolls.' my first thought last night were Princess Leia's 'buns.'


Everyone has said it already, but I just have to add my two cents to the mix about Neeena's StarTrek make-over... the hair. the dress. AWFUL. It managed to push those scenes with Bruno past awkward to cringe-worthy.

Cami + Yair, please. He needs a good kick in the @$$, the kind that only she can provide. For the love of all that's holy, please get him to stop crying.

I didn't know Gaby was married when they met, that kind of bums me out (even tho ironically I'm rooting for the prohibida pair in this tn). I love them together, and I think I've kind of had her on a "good girl" pedestal. Silly me.


LA PATRONA - Wednesday, (episode 109)

Alejandro, locked in his cell hears Gastón's broadcast, goes nuts,
but doesn't start banging his head on the bars,

Veronica is upset they didn't tell her,
David can't fit this into his world,
Balmy, who has gotten to know Gastón, figures it's true,

An irate Antonia gets a call from the Doll House,
Chopo is dead, ya ok I have worse problems,
so the madam calls the police,
Balmy shows up,
red flags go up when he sees it is Chopo,

Lucas visits Lagarto,
Lagarto is having second thoughts,

Antonia, with lawyer in toe, visits Balmy,
I want to press charges against Gastón,
Balmy gets a call from Ricardo, relaying a message from Alejandro, Lagarto wants to talk,
got to go Antonia,

Gasto and Lucho, back at the manor, so proud of themselves,
await their applause from Veronica,

we are a team, why didn't you tell me, blah, blah,
(then we get the real reason)
what about Alejandro?

Balmy practices his bedside manner with Lagarto,
he'll talk, but only after the dialysis is started,

as Balmy leaves he chats with Alejandro and his lawyer Ricardo, who wants his release,
ok, but first tell me why you beat Macario half to death,

Antonia, with lawyer still in tow, visits Veronica, who owns the radio station,
same deal,
Veronica's like,
so you are going to prove in court that you weren't a prostitute,
this should be fun,

Gastón swings by Francisca's,
David who still can't fit this square peg about Antonia, through his round hole of life,
confronts him,
Gastón is not comfortable with this, but David keeps pushing,
fact: she had your grandfather tortured and killed,
fact: she put your mother in that manicomio,
fact, fact, fact,
David leaves,


Pasion Prohibida Wednesday
part 1

Neena and Bruno are kissing while Bianca watches them. When she goes away she drops something. The noise makes Bruno go and check out what is going on. He sees Bianca and asks her to go but it doesn’t look like she’ll listen.
He goes back to Neena, she wants to kiss some more, but he prefers to wait for a special moment – besides, they have all the time in the world to kiss – exactly what a guy would NEVER say! He manages to convince Neena to go upstairs (and how is it that only now I notice how long and baggy her dress is when yesterday I kept complaining about the way she looked? This is the gift that keeps on giving).
They go up the stairs until Bruno decides he wants to gather whatever it is that fell (because Bruno has always been so interested in helping out the servants, I guess) and Neena ends up leaving alone.
He returns to the living room, Bianca is waiting for him, just around the corner.

They don’t fight, Bianca doesn’t seem to have the force for it, she is just upset, says she can’t see him with Neena, kissing her and hugging her. Bruno says they have to stop hurting one another, they have to be over, but Bianca is already crying and JC Canela is singing his song on the background, so we know what that means.

We get a brief intermission, with Saul calling Willy to tell him about the diary and the fact that it was empty. Willy is upset Saul called for a non-news and…

…we’re back to B&B in the living room, making out like there is no tomorrow. And from nook to nook they go (thank you for the great description, Deb), Bianca wants them to make love, Bruno tries to resist it but he is powerless. And just as he is about to lose his jacket, Ariel comes down the stairs. Of course he can’t see the pair of lovers, they are hidden by a wall, but just as he is about to get to where they are, he stops to gather what Bianca dropped earlier.

B&B hear the noise and stop, while Ariel is taking his sweet time getting together the chimney thingies, while looking around in a state of complete oblivion. When he finally reaches the corner where B&B are supposed to be, he finds Bianca seated on a chair, writing. Where did she get the diary so fast and where is Bruno hiding?
Ariel asks her to come upstairs, even if she resists at first, she eventually stands up. Ariel notices her hand is sweaty, but Bianca manages to mumble an excuse. Her voice is not to clear, though, as I imagine she must still be very horny and frightened that they almost got caught.
As Ariel and Bianca leave, we see Bruno looking at them, tie undone and looking like scrumptious h.ell, teary eyed and all.

In the morning the servants talk about some food for Yair, Katia offers to take him the soup FF>>>

Silvia comes to visit Flavia, all fired up about what she just found out about Daniel (supposedly); she tells her that Daniel was sent by Willy, but Flavia doesn’t believe it at first –Silvia still manages to put the doubt in her mind, though.


Pasion Prohibida Wednesday
part 2

Willy is visiting Eliana, asking her if she ever found out about Bruno cheating and if she suspected someone. Only Neena, Eli says and then finds out Bruno is marrying his cousin. So Eli thinks what she suspected about them is true, but she doesn’t care anymore.
Willy insists that maybe there could have been another woman, too, like, maybe Bianca?
He thinks that since Bianca is young and pretty and her older husband isn’t quite the greatest treat in the world, she might have had something with Bruno.
Eli doesn’t want to listen to any of this, asks him to leave.

Katia is at Yair’s hospital with Saul, Katia shows Yair the soup, then goes to the nurses to heat it up for him. Yair tells Saul he won’t go back to the mansion, so Saul’s job is safe. Saul mentions the engagement party and how pretty Neena was. Yair pouts…

Bianca is downstairs, still wearing her night clothes and reminiscing about kissing Bruno the other night.

Flavia asks Daniel if he got closer to her because of Willy, but he denies that he’d ever harm her and warns her that Silvia is on Willy’s side, not hers.

Bruno and Neena talk wedding dates. 2nd of June, during the day, they decide. Neena sees Bruno’s bed, it looks like someone is sleeping in it, but there are only some pillows (thankfully, because Bruno was dreading it could be Bianca). He laughs at Neena, saying he did this to tease her. Then, he rushes her out, but Neena has plans to go dress shopping all day, so all is good.
When he is alone he mentions how crazy Bianca is to have pulled the pillows stunt and, what do you know, his sweet torment is in the room (but where did she come out of? The bathroom?). She’s wearing a coat and underneath some very sexy and revealing white lingerie. Now it’s Bruno’s turn to have starry eyes…haha.

But then he covers her, asks her to leave, someone might see them. But Bianca doesn’t care about any of that, instead of leaving, she cuddles in Bruno’s bed, asking him to join her because there is no danger of being found out. She drags him to bed and although his mind says no, his body says yes, yes, yes.

Nico talks to Ariel, he didn’t come to the engagement because of Willy. He’s sorry, thinks Ariel already knows about the B&B rumor and mentions it. Como? Ariel asks and we’re back to B&B doing it in Bruno’s bed for a moment. Then back to Ariel. How dare Willy say this? Nico thought Bianca already told him, but Ariel just lashes out at him. Who could ever think such an atrocity? That is why Bruno didn’t tell him, this is such a great offence.
And back we are with B&B…
But Santi is at the door, he wants in to say hello, thinks Bruno might be with Neena. Bianca acts like she couldn’t care less, gets more comfy in the bed, but Bruno gets out to tell Santi he was sleeping and takes him to his room to play.
Bianca goes back to her room and she is very happy, but I don’t know if they finished what they were doing when Santi interrupted them (by how happy she looks, I think they did).


LA PATRONA - (109), part 2

Balmy runs his theories by González, who doesn't seem to get anything,
that's not explained first,

Ricardo has a new client,
(I need some help on this one, they seem to know each other)
she is emotionally distraught, he hugs her, and...
is something being stimulated here, of course not,
is there a little sparkle in Ricardo's eyes at what's happening,
can he at last be free of Ines?

Meanwhile Patti is meeting with her lawyer,
(did I hear this right, not really a divorce, but a separation,
that becomes final after a year),
she signs it,

Balmy catching a snack in the square,
sees Gastón, and walks over to talk,
he wants the facts on his broadcast, claiming Antonia was a prostitute,
my sources are confidential,
a plane flies over town dropping leaflets,
nice pictures of Antonia in her more risqué days,
Gastón hands Balmy, Antonia's deed to the Doll House,

Lucas, with a now walking Macario, stop in to see Antonia,
hand her one of the leaflets,
(we know she is smoking on the inside,
but so controlled on the outside)

Alejandro is brought to Balmy's office,
his cuffs are taken off and he is free to go,
Macario refused to press charges,
Alejandro grabs a copy of the leaflet off Balmy's desk,
what's this,

as Patti and Irene, sip coffee and chat in Lucia's hospital's waiting area,
about the leaflets, about revenge for their mother,
a bad looking Lagarto is wheeled in, probably for his treatments,

Patti's lawyer drops by Ricardo's office with some papers to sign,
what's this,
but I don't want a divorce,

González hands Balmy a copy of Chopo's autopsy,
death by injection of a cocktail of drugs,

David arrives at Antonia's,

the Tigres celebrate their recent successes,
but Veronica isn't looking so happy,
Alejandro abruptly appears,
We ARE finished... he tells a tearful looking Veronica....


Pasion Prohibida Wednesday
part 3

Nico calls Pene, he is upset because he was the one to tell Ariel about the B&B rumor. He thought Bianca had already told Ariel.

In his office, Ariel remembers that Willy said he has proof that he is being betrayed and how Bruno didn’t want to talk about the great offence.

Deniz and Camila go to the hospital to take Yair to the ranch, now that he can leave. When he is alone with Deniz, he tells her his body feels better than his heart. He knows about the engagement, but he doesn’t understand why Bruno is rushing it so much (God, he’s killing me!). He only wants Neena to be happy, if Bruno won’t succeed this, the family will be over (again, with his stupid mysterious speeches).

Ariel calls Bianca, wants to go out at night. But Bruno already has plans for all of them at the club, for tango, Bianca says. Ariel looks a little uncomfortable and suspicious, but when he hangs up, Bianca is giddily anticipating dancing with Bruno at night.
So, while Bruno is bending over backwards to fix their “mistake”, Bianca is totally unraveling. What she wants is to get caught, there is no doubt in my mind about this.

Silvia and Willy talk about Flavia not believing her, but now at least she has doubts. Willy doesn’t really know what his end game is, but he likes playing with Flavia. And then he starts flirting with Silvia, but she won’t have any of it (so at least of this we’re spared).

After what I think was Bianca telling Bruno off screen about tango night, Bruno calls Neena, letting her know this is the new plan and calling her “mi amor” in the process. Bianca gets upset over this and the fact that Bruno and Neena are getting closer every day. And what will Bruno do in the wedding night? Well, that is one big problem, because he’d be Neena’s first, so, oops.

Pene calls Bianca, tells her why they couldn’t go to the engagement party (her pregnancy) and that Nico told Ariel about the rumor, because he thought he already knew. Bianca freaks out, Pene asks her to be honest with her, because they are sister. Bianca hangs up the phone.

Ariel calls Francisca to tell her that Bruno didn’t tell them the whole truth, because Willy dared to invent an awful rumor about B&B. Francisca is so shocked, she wants to call the president of their association, to get Willy thrown out. Ariel wants to sue Willy for calumny, too. Saul hears this, as he is with Camila and Yair arriving at the ranch.

Bianca goes to Bruno’s room, he looks scared that she might try to seduce him again, but she just casually lets him know that Ariel found about them. Hahaha. What they have to do is deny it, Ariel won’t believe his enemy and Willy doesn’t have any proof, Bianca adds. All they have to do is continue playing the roles they’ve been playing so far, perfect wife/ perfect nephew and future son-in-law. But the walls are closing in, and Bruno is truly frightened.

8 episodes left and the resolution is nowhere in sight.



J desde NYC: "I don't get the need in Mexican novelas about blood mattering even when your family are killers."

That, and Alejandro was totally on board with exposing his mother as a murderer.... does he think that prostitution is worse than murder?! His belief system and thought processes really stand out for being muddled, inconsistent and irrational, even in the wacky TN universe. Of course galanes are always the worst offenders in this regard...

The writers even make it seem like this murder= lesser moral offense than prostitution equation seem like an obvious and normal reaction by having Gabriela anticipate that he'll feel that way about it.

David is wrong-headed about Guerra, but at least he's consistent.


Deb, Ricardo's new client is a wifow from the cloob-that's how she knows Ricardo-and she wants him to defend her from her dead hubby's family who won't allow her to get her portion of his estate..She was too flirty with Ricardo for my taste but he realizes he isn't stuck with Ines since he was attracted to the teary, merry widow.

Yes, the papers Pati signed were a legal separation of sorts-I'm guessing Mexican law allows you to file for divorce, but gives you a year to reconcile possibly, before the divorqce is finalized.

CIELOS, Wednesday

This will be my last recap for the next week and a half, as I'm going on vacation (Spain, France, Italy), and will probably not be able to watch the show live, although maybe I'll see it the following day on the internet. I'm hoping to be able to comment, though.

Monica stutters, tells Aurelio you didn't believe we had anything to do with Sabino's murder attempt, did you? I hope not, says Aurelio, but remember, I'm always there for you. He calmly takes away her gun, hugs her. She seems shaken but reassured, he's the consummate actor, has her in the palm of his hand.

After he leaves, she tells Triste, let's make that Miss Sinaloa, whom we have tied up in the basement, talk. If she says Aurelio killed Isidro, I'll know he also killed Guadalupe. If that happens, Triste, will you help me kill Aurelio? Whatever you say, Patrona.

Aurelio goes to meet Don Cleto, it's a "peace mission" (yeah, right), he gives him 1,000 kilos of coke as a gift. He pretends to grovel to Don Cleto (I notice Aurelio always used usted with him, while Cleto uses "tu"). Aurelio wants Cleto to help him get Marco. But Don Cleto says the biggest mistake AC is making is dealing with the government. They'll use you, then when anything goes wrong, YOU get the blame. I'm not sure Aurelio agrees with this assessment.

Marco is at Emma's side. She's going to have an operation to remove the bullet which is near her heart. She asks him to promise if she dies, he'll try to pursue happiness. This kind of thing is never good. Sure enough, as soon as he promises, she dies! Later, Eugenia hears about it, and rushes to comfort Marco. Her new boss Alfonso had green lighted her drug stories about the Cardinals' murder, even wrote his own piece about it, which impressed her. But as she rushes off, and he's told Marco's mother died, Marco was her boyfriend, he remarks, gee, I thought she was single!

Aurelio hears that not only did Chacorta's men fail to kill Marco in the hospital, but they killed his mother. He reams out Chacorta, who sort of thought these assassins would be okay. Tijeras said his guys wouldn't have messed up.

CIELOS, Part 2

Marco does want revenge. From now on the rules are going to change. But Eugenia reminds him he can't change the law. Well, he replies, then I'll have to change myself.

Leo does wriggle out of Matilde's questions, throwing out some choice Colombian slang to show she's cool. Later, she tries and tries to avoid sleeping with Negrete, and also tries to turn off her microphone. I think she fails on both, and may have slept with him. We're not sure.

Ximena has that money from Turco. She gives it to Aida. I think maybe Aida is going to move away, taking Victorcito, with Xime's approval (in defiance of Mati's plan). But Aurelio's men are tailing Aida, and this plan may not work. Once again, we see Turco and Ximena getting closer, as he spills some coffee on his sleeve, and she wipes it up.

When Doris hears about the murders, and then about Emma, she's horrified. She yells at Danny, what's wrong with you? You'd better cut it off with Aurelio, or you're next in line to be killed! Danny meets with Aurelio, tells him I want out. Aurelio says how about just one more big deal, then you can leave. (I don't like this, say no, Danny). But he says okay. The hint is that this big deal is something like killing Benitez.

And while all this is going on, we're getting ready for a big birthday or anniversary party for Ximena. What fun!


Great recap, Deb! I like how Anibal is so used to using flowery language, that even now, in his wheelchair, after signing his money over to Antonia, he's still doing it. When he sees the leaflets with the pictures of Antonia the prostitute, he says, that's a "desatino", which means a mistake. Ya think! :)

I thought it was strange that after Vero criticized Gaston for the radio broadcast, she apparently paid for the leaflets.

J desde NYC, you're right about that new client. Good analysis about how it's affecting Ricardo.

I enjoyed when Poncia brought Guerra her pills, Guerra said you wouldn't poison me, would you? Poncia replied, no, I don't do that (unlike Guerra!).

One would think the ownership of the Doll House could be discovered from tax records, or other kinds of public records, and wouldn't have to rely on whether the prostitutes "said" Antonia was the owner (as the Madam told them not to). Yes, one would think that, unless, one knew this was a telenovela.


Thanks, Deb. Great recap - I love your prose.

Especially liked - "David ... still can't fit this square peg about Antonia, through his round hole of life."

That was a smooth move Gaston made, giving Balmy the deed to Antonia's Dollhouse. Balmy will have to investigate its validity, and, since Gaston is a journalist and didn't steal it himself, he'll have some degree of immunity.

I loved Anibal's reaction when he saw the flyer - "MY name's in here too!"

The Merry Widow (Thanks, J desde NYC!) may provide more therapy than Ines ever could. MW (can't remember her name) acts like she's looking for esposo #2.

Gonzalez is just a dolt - Chopo died from being too stimulated by all that sex!

And Balmy didn't seem to have any suspicions about the little pro being Antonia's former house guest?

Lagarto really does look like death warmed over.

I LOVED Antonia's reaction to the flyers - 'how many people am I going to have kill for this?'

When Antonia goes down, the funeral business in SPdO may go into recession.



!Maldita sea! Hombre, you can't go on vacation & leave us w/o your wonderful recaps. Have a great time & I am so envious. Don't think you are going to be spending much time on the web.

Aurelio seemed horrified that Marco's mom was killed. Don't know if it was the hitman's incompetence or that it was the fact that it was someone's mama.

I thought Benitez would reach the top of the hit list.

La Patrona-

thanks J desde NYC, for throwing in those details,

Hombre, on deeds and such here, if I got this right, when you buy a property you then take the deed to the recorder's office, have it copied and made a part of pubic record, but if you don't do that, well you kind of remain obscure, especially if no one says anything and someone takes care of the taxes and such, (but then if the deed is lost or never comes forward, then you are out of luck), I think.

haha Beth, I can see the SPdO undertakers talking to each other in the unemployment line,
does Antonia have a sister? They really should have a sleazy guy that collects the bodies and sends Antonia a kickback.

speaking of sleazy, I wonder how Gertrudis is doing,

ah yes, Balmy deducts that it would take someone with a lot of money to flood the town with those leaflets, and that could only be...,
González, after it is all explained, agrees.



Hombre, have a fabulous time! The rest of us will have to step up with recaps while you’re away.

Here’s my take on what AC is offering Danny. He told Danny he would give him a big fish as a parting gift—the opportunity for a BIG bust. And he wanted Marco to be the man in front. Danny said no way was he just going to hand Marco to him on a platter, after they had already tried to kill him. AC seemed to accept this, but I’m still not clear if Marco will get pulled in. Right after that AC brings the HUGE shipment of pure cocaine to Don Cleto. I think he’s offering Cleto up to the government to take down.

Variopinta- AC made the point with Chacorta that killing someone mom is the best thing you could do if you really want to fuel someone’s hatred and thirst for revenge. Mothers are sacred. If they just thought they were on Marco’s hit list before, they can be sure now.


Pasión Prohibida -

thanks so much Adriana Noel for your wonderful summary!

Bruno wants to wait for a special moment for a kiss, ha!
five years after they are married,
Neena: this might be special,

I thought Eliana's eyes were going to pop out,
when Guillermo mentioned Biamca/Bruno,
was she going out?

Yair has Katia on one arm and Camila on the other, is he blind?
I thought Saul, was going to work Yair for an earful,

yea, you don't want to mention Bianca/Bruno to Ariel,
touchy subject,
poor Nico, always trying to do the right thing,
always in the crossfire,

You would think that things couldn't get any worse,
but it does, every show,
Bianca seems to be unraveling, and on the fast track to getting caught,
and I don't think Bruno has slept in days.



wow, sounds wonderful Hombre,
maybe a little wine tasting on the way,
any chance you can take that ferry ride to that Spanish town in north Africa,
where Teresa (La Reina del Sur) ended up?

great recap, as always!

isn't the President, a close personal friend of Marco's mom,
no wonder everyone is upset,

and is there ever a moment when Irina isn't wrapped around someone's leg,

I think Leo was desperate to turn off the mic so Marco and the boys wouldn't hear the lovemaking,
I think she locked the door, but didn't Negrete have the keys, and caught her off guard,

I know Turco has guys watching Aida, but I'm wondering if the guy we saw following her wasn't one of them, what if Matilde bumps her off and brings little Victor back to their place to raise,

oh yea Danny, one last deal and then you can go your own way, I'm sure he knows that one, but can he still work his way around it, he is in a way Aurelio's equal.


Emma was close friends with Doris, Gen Dan's wife.

I don't think Matilde has the influence to get someone bumped off.
Why is Turco having Aida watched?


Variopinta- Ximena's mother-in-law, whose name escapes me right now, told Turco that she suspects Ximena is planning to take off/leave the ranch and leave AC. Ximena has been acting suspiciously and it's clear she is not happy with AC, although she still loves him. Turco didn't think this could be true, but he also started to suspect something was wrong when Ximena snapped at him when she got home and he questioned her about her movements. He then asked her driver/guard, who said she went shopping for the party, and visited Aided. That's when the light went on over Turco's head and he told the men to have Aida followed.

Something about what Ximena said when she gave the money to Aida makes me believe that whatever Aida is doing is for Ximena. Then we saw Aida existing a travel agency as the guy Turco sent was following her. I think Ximena is planning to take off with the kids (at least the two little ones).

Aurelio maybe is setting up Don Cleto, could be why he gave him the coke, 1000 kilos = 2200 lbs

Vivi, so glad there are people here that understand español so well, tks


When i read of comments of Ninas dress and hairstyle on tuesdays cap, i thought an intestine would explode from laughing too hard. I dont know how anyone would find that attractive!
Sorry guys but yes were supposed to act like the rape never happened. Am still furious that Ariel gunning for Bruno was just a fantasy. Any chances of the rape being exposed were gone with that fantasy (Someone commented that they thought Bianca would get shot, i was wondering if that was gonna happen too)
And Ariel so delusional about B&Bs loyalty to him its almost hilarious.

LA PATRONA: as ive mentioned before my mom watches this. I only see it from time to time. I think JLP is doing a great job (Loved his cop roles in previous novelas). Antonia makes Flavia look harmless imo.

El Señor: If "El Señor de los Cielos" comes out on dvd ill make sure to get it. I agree with a few people that Rafael Amaya still has that creepy look he had in ATM. So glad Porras shaved that beard, wish Carmen Villalobos didnt cut her hair (Any body seen Porras and Villalobos together in SIN SENOS?).

TELEMUNDOs future lineup looks promising with DAMA Y OBRERO, MARIDO EN ALQUILER, and SANTA DIABLA. Now im stuck and not sure which one to choose. DAMA and MARIDO have a promising cast, but SANTA DIABLA has Gaby Espino and i havent seen her since MSED. Maybe ill the watch the one my mom chooses.

Balmy knew Eugenia, er Brigitte, was a young prostitute and had called out Antonia about it when she was at La Dorada trying to distract David. So, he wouldn't be surprised to see Brigitte in the Casa de las Muñecas. Iirc, prostitution is legal in Mexico-in fact, iirc, working girls have to be licensed and can participate in Mexico's Social Security pension plan.

Wrt Alejandro thinking prostitution more shameful than murder, I think he knows his mother was a prostitue but repressed the memory. He's literally the only man in the novela who HAS NEVER been to the whorehouse, even for a drink. Even Max and Davud stepped in the whorehouse for drinks, and Ricardo went there pretending to be one of the guys before he married Patricia. Ale has never been there, though, and I think the fact he knows his mother was a prostitute, and a traumatized and unhappy one at that made him not go there.

For one thing, Ale said he saw Guerra with her lovers as a kid, and somehow I think it wasn't some random tennis instructor but her clients.

I also think from the convos Guerra and Poncia are having that Guerra was unwittingly forced into prostitution by a man she loved, not Anibal, because of her blonde hair, blue-eyed looks and that's what embittered her. I'm thinking this because after the flyers went out, GabyVero got a pang of guilt and said 'Everyone has their hurts' as if to hint that there was something extra traumatic about prostitution for Antonia and maybe it wasn't a good idea to hurt her in that way. They seem to be building up some sympathy for Antonia, or at least to get the audience to understand why she became so evil. I feel sympathy for young Antonia, but not the hypocritical, killer harridan she chose to become after her experience as a prostitute.


Vivi, wow! I didn't think Cleto could be the big fish. I thought maybe Ramiro Silva.

Deb, that guy following Aida was the same guy that Turco questioned when they dropped Ximena off. So I'm assuming Turco sent him because he told them to keep an eye on her.

Also, I must be in lala land because I don't recall ever seeing a scene with the president. Has he made any appearances?



Hombre, we're going to miss you! I'm planning a September trip to Spain, so maybe you can post something about your favorite place.

And thanks for the swan song recap.

VRO, the president has been shown a couple of times. Once Marco met with him and was complimented by the president for his fine work.

And, the president came to the hospital to visit Eugenia and Linares when they had been shot by Chacorta.


Thanks so much for the recap, Deb. My DVR somehow cut off quite a bit of the end, so I kind of avoided reading what I missed and comments about that. I'm going to try to watch the rest of it online.


Hombre - thank you! Excellent recap. And what a wonderful trip you're taking. Enjoy! I hope you have a great time.

AC was almost convincing when he handed off that load of coke to Cleto. Cleto must suspect that something's up. He doesn't trust AC as far as he can throw him, especially after his talk with Topo. I guess we'll see soon enough.

I couldn't believe Danny told AC he wants out of their partnership. Didn't we hear awhile back that once you're in (the drug business), there's only one way out?

Vivi - so true about Moms. AC knows Emma's death will give Marco more anger and determination to come after them.

AC's Mom is Alba.

Deb - you're really rocking it today - "is there ever a moment when Irina isn't wrapped around someone's leg?"

Turco showed he'll do anything for Ximena (give her large sums of money, protect her and her children, track her activities). Now will he tell AC what he knows about Aida and the travel agency?

Tonight we'll find out if Leo slept with Alejito and if they had an audience.

Poor Miss Sinaloa. She made a very bad deal with AC.


Okay gang it's getting close! AdrianaNoel, once again you put in a great recap for rest of us to mull over...
As for Nina's "look", maybe up and coming designers pay a little money to have their clothes featured on the show. Can't think why else they would dress Nina like that. I remember Fabian Rios in Corazon Valiente sported a tuxedo with a hoody-collar...NovelaMan, I'm glad I only get Telemundo, it would be too hard trying to choose which show to watch otherwise!
J in Oregon

LA PATRONA, Thursday (episode 110)

Alejandro and Veronica have it out,

Alejandro is disappointed that Gabriela is not the sweet girl he once knew,
"Antonia robbed me of everything I loved"
"It wasn't my choice, but I am her son"
Gabriela digs her heels in,
"Antonia is a murderer and she will pay for what she has done"

as the Tigres pass the time,
Francisca has another gut pain, causing her to sit,
"it's nothing", and Cecilia doesn't say anything,

Balmy talks about Chopo to González,
points out the mark on his neck where he was injected,
Balmy decides to close down the Doll House,

Ricardo pleads with Patti's lawyer, "I don't want a divorce",
"sign the papers or explain your infidelity in court",
Ricardo wants to talk to Patti first,

Balmy and entourage arrive at the Doll House,
he demands the Madam call the owner,
she calls Antonia,

Alejandro walks,
the Tigres can't hold him back,
Gabriela blames herself, she totally insulted him,
the two things she loves the most, Alejandro and David, have left her,

Antonia and Anibal chat, about their new predicament,
Antonia says, the past can be erased,
with enough money this whole town will have amnesia,

Alejandro drops by the cemetery, David is sitting at Gabriela's grave,
they both mourn the loss of a woman, that will never return,

Balmy questions a ragged looking Macario about his cousin Chopo,
he has a pretty good alibi, and nothing more to say,

Macario leaves as Lucas is brought in,
as they pass, Lucas apologizes for Chopo,

David swings by Francisca's, packs up his stuff, leaves as Francisca enters,
you are a Suárez and will always be welcome here,
I am a Suárez and a Beltrán, says David,

David shows up at Antonia's
she is elated,
he mentions that Alejandro has also split with Veronica,

Alejandro gets a room at the hotel,
he replays what Gabriela has told him,
Antonia shows up with a sweet face to reclaim her son,

Balmy starts working on Lucas,
he follows Macario's advice, and says very little,

Ricardo visits Patti,
she's done, sign the divorce papers so we can move on,

Macario drops in on Antonia,
"pay me the money you owe me and I'm out of here",

Francisca flips on the Tigre channel,
she is dressed in white and comes on six children sitting on a lawn,
Tigre points to the one in dressed in blue,
she goes to him,
and wakes up,
she calls for Gastón, who is in the other room,

Veronica is talking to Luceita, from old,
with Julio gone, Lagarto in prison, etc., she has returned,
her son is with her mother, times are hard, can you help,

Gastón and Francisca arrive with her latest revelations...


Santa Diabla,

official Telemundo press release,

"Telemundo Studios kicks off the production of its new primetime telenovela "Santa Diabla" starring Gaby Espino, Aarón Díaz and Carlos Ponce, along with a stellar cast, including the return of Ximena Duque..."

read more here,



Deb - what a wonderful recap - so beautifully written. Thank you.

So, with Gaby/Vero's help, Antonia has pulled Ale and David back into her web. David clearly loves his abuela and does not want to believe she could possibly be as evil as people say. But Ale keeps justifying his anger at Gabriela by saying "I'm her son - she gave birth to me", in spite of the fact that he knows Antonia killed HIS son. Ale is an adult and even he must see how wrong he is - aah, I forgot, this is a TN!

Good to see Luceita back in town. Maybe Balmy can get some meaningful info from her.

The very interesting development last night was Tigre pointing out the little boy in blue to Francisca ("Francisca flips on the Tigre channel" - good one, Deb). Could this be the cause of Francisca's abdominal pains and a signal that Gabriela is pregnant with Ale's child?



Updated Death List (feel free to add any I've missed)

Poncia's husband
Marcelo Beltran
Marcos (Antonia's second husband, Val's father)
Julia Beltran
Pascual Duartes
Leonardo Guillen
2 miners
Milagros RN
Romina RN
2 lawyers in DF
Gabriela's unborn baby
Casanova (patient)
Natalia (Val's grandmother)
Prudencia Montemar
Alberto Espino
Julio Montemar
Cecilia's unborn baby
Max Suarez


La Patrona,

thanks Beth,
I miss a lot of the conversations but hope I get the essences,
and count on you guys to keep me straight,

I thought Boy Blue may mean Francisca is pregnant, (because these gut attacks confuse me, is this really from her spiritual conflicts or is she seriously sick, she would never go to see a doctor, and is probably a lot better at healing others than herself), but then I started thinking like you, Gabriela, and decided to wait and hear more.

am I getting this right, that Alejandros main beef is with Veronica's revenge, and in part I agree, that revenge of and for itself is not always a good thing, but I guess I'm like the other Tigre's in that I put up with Alejandro, because Gabriela loves him, but he has always had a blind spot when it comes to his mother, and the only reason he knows how horrible she is, is because others have repeatedly pointed it out, and what he is not seeing in Veronica's revenge, is that his mother has not changed, and everyday innocent people are being harmed. (and I'm not really getting the part where beating his head on the bars equals Gabriela's 4 years in the catacumba) Alejandro is such an honorable guy, who always tries to do the right thing, (the scenes in the cemetery with David were touching) but his mother is quite the match, in the end I'm afraid it will be Alejandro that has to take her down.

also of interest was Marcario's conversation with Antonia, he pulled his gun and waved it around, but he didn't actually take a stand and threaten her directly, as we have seen him do so many times with others, something about her prevents him from doing that, she always retains the control.

shouldn't Anibal be getting bypass surgery or something, does Antonia have him wheeled down to McDonald's and KFC for his meals,

I think Lucecita may help, but it sounds like she was there asking for money.


La Patrona:

I also have a hard time understanding why it’s just expected that a person would overlook the fact that their mother is a serial killer, plus a thief, swindler and blackmailer, simply because she gave birth to them. It’s not even like she was a good mother. If it were my mother, I wouldn’t hesitate to have her locked up, and I certainly wouldn’t begrudge someone, whose life she destroyed, their quest to bring her down. Of all the things Gabi/Vero could do to Antonia, revealing publically the she was a prostitute and is the owner of the local (and legal) brothel, is the least harsh.

Ale has no problem taking out his rage on Macario and nearly killing him for killing his unborn child, but can’t quite seem to hold on to his anger at the woman who gave the order to do it, or understand why Gabi/Vero, the one who had the baby kicked out of her, would do whatever it takes to bring Antonia down. If motherhood is so scared, isn’t her anger at Antonia for killing her baby perfectly understandable? Much more the fact she also killed her father and brother, and stealing her other child?!

I just can’t get why Ale can’t swallow whatever lingering mother-child feelings of pity he has for Guerra, and put more emphasis on his empathy and sympathy for Gabi and his own feelings of anger for what was done to them all by Guerra.

If we apply this logic of children forgiving mothers for everything, just because they gave birth to them, then wouldn’t Gabi be secure in the fact that David would pick her over Guerra and stand by her side in the final showdown?



Deb, thanks so much! Terrific recap! I'll do one tonight.

As annoyed as I am with Alejandro, I'm just putting his behavior down to the usual TN writers crap where they keep the main love interests apart as much as possible.

It makes absolutely no sense that Ale would turn on Vero because she outed his mother as not only a hooker, but the owner of the town bordello. As if all those horrific crimes had been wiped from his memory banks.

I also didn't like when she sobbed to the Tigres that she'd been harsh to drive him away. Every word she said to him was the absolute truth and he 100% deserved her scorn for even daring to criticize what she'd done.

And I'm fed up with his constant references to how sweet and simple Gabriela was compared to the tougher Verónica. With what she endured seeing her tortured father, being tried for killing her own father, and the fiendish torments in the nuthouse, it's a wonder she's as kindly as she still is.

I'm leaning toward Vero being the pregnant one.

CIELOS - viernes

Wow! I was away for a week, and I return to find that all hell has broken loose on the telenovela AND we'll be without the marvellous recaps from Hombre de Misterio for a week and a half. ¡Caramba!

I wasn't able to watch Cielos while I was away, nor was I able to access CarayCaray more than once or twice. So I'm still trying to catch up. I did see last night's episode. I'm no substitute for Hombre, but here are a few things I recall about the episode.

Poor Miss Sinaloa is tied up in the basement (of Monica's house?) and Monica is insisting that she tell what she did to cause Isidro's death and who paid her. At first, Miss S. insists that she did nothing and knows nothing, but when Monica threatens to burn her face with a blow torch, Miss S. gives in and says that Chacorta paid her, but just to help Isidro have a good time. Monica is skeptical. Toward the end of the episode, Monica decides that she and Miss S. will talk to Chacorta to see whether he backs up Miss S's account. Triste doesn't buy any of Miss S's story; he's sure Aurelio is involved, both in Isidro's death and in Guadalupe's. Monica clearly prefers to think that Aurelio is not involved.

There was also a great scene between Marco and Ramiro. Marco goes to Ramiro's office and asks how his wife is. Ramiro gives the standard story: she's having a psychological crisis, she's in London visiting their daughter, and it's a blessing that she wasn't in Mexico when the Cardinal (may he rest in peace) was killed. Marco isn't buying any of what Ramiro says, and at one point, though Marco says nothing revealing, he gives Ramiro a look that leaves no doubt either about Marco's distrust or his anger. I suspect that Ramiro will need a lot more than the ministrations of Irina to calm his nerves.

CIELOS - viernes - part 2

This will have to be short, because I've got an appointment in a few minutes, but I'll try to mention a few more events from last night's episode.

Leo (aka Claudia) and Alejandro are now at Aurelio's ranch, where they'll perform at the party AC has planned. It takes about 30 seconds before AC begins to hit on Leo. He tells her how attracted he is to her and invites her to come for a ride in his plane. Leo turns down his offer, telling him that she's madly in love with Alejandro and that she's a one-man woman. Of course, if he wants to take Alejandro on the plane ride as well, she'll be delighted to go. Aurelio tells her that he doens't like threesomes, especially not when the third person is another man. However, he goes on, he's a very insistent person who will keep insisting until she gives in, and she will give in, he assures her.

Oops, gotta run.



(Juanita- I was typing at the same time you were.)

I should have taken notes last night, but I didn’t, so here are a few things I remember. Hopefully someone else can fill in/do a more complete recap.

- Ms. Sinaloa tells Monica, after being slapped around and threatened with a blow torch, that Chacorta was the one who told her to get close to Isidro. She does not admit AC’s involvement, nor does she admit that she put something in his drink to bring on the heart attack. She sticks to the story that he died from their bedroom activities. I am impressed that she was stick to her story under pressure. She is much tougher than I thought…or more scared of what AC would do to her if she told the truth. Monica tells Triste she doesn’t want to kill Ms. Sin, nor let her go. She’s got other plans for her. She’ll use her to confirm the story about Chacorta. Uh oh!
- Chacorta seems to be in agreement with Matilde about bringing little Victor to live with them. Alba is dead set against it, and can’t believe Chacorta would separate a child from his mother. Chacorta seems to feel he can work it out with Aida by paying her off. Alba tells him she will no longer be his mother if he does this.
- Ximena meets with Aida and Aida passes on the info about the bus, train and plane tickets she got for Ximena. Ximena plans to take a roundabout route to L.A. with the girls, to throw AC off her trail. She wants to use her own small savings to open up a little store when she gets there and live a simple life with her daughters. She has written off Beto as he has already been sucked into his father and grandfather’s world. Ximena urges Aida to also leave with her son before it’s too late and he becomes part of the business too. Aida doesn’t seem to see the urgency, but we all know she may be losing her son sooner than she thinks.
-Aida mentions to Ximena that Beto has been seeing a girl that he used to go to school with—a pretty girl who has fallen into the bad life of clubs and drugs. (Is this the Mati look-alike?) Ximena asks Aida to find out a bit more about this girl. On a related note, after Chacorta catches Beto flirting with Mati and telling her how beautiful she is, Mati throws Chacorta off the scent by saying Beto has a girlfriend. They both insist that Beto bring her to the anniversary party.
- AC returns home, and immediately hones in on Claudia/Leo in her itty bitty bathing suit. He offers her a private plane ride (hint, hint). She rebuffs him, claims she is a one man woman (Alejandro), and proclaims she isn’t a slut. This makes AC want her all the more. She suggests a couples date in front of Alejandro- Claudia/Alejandro + AC/Ximena, and AC can’t refuse. AC is determined to make her his. Mission accomplished Leo.
- El Topo meets with Don Cleto, who tells him about AC’s cocaine peace offering. Topo doesn’t trust AC as far as he can throw him. Don Cleto prefers to work things out with AC, after teaching him a lesson. He invites Topo to attend the anniversary party with him.
- Before going to his mother wake, Marco stops by Ramiro’s office, looking hot and as cold as ice in all black. He calmly asks after Ramiro’s wife and he tells Marco the standard lie about her being in England with her kids, getting over her bad nerves. Marco’s hard unwavering stare shows that he isn’t buying a word of this. He gives General Dan and his wife the same look when they give him their condolences at the wake.
- Danny calls the police team, who are up north listening in and backing up undercover Leo. They tell him they are on a mission that Marco sent them on. Well Danny wants them at the ready to bring down a big narco fish. No details yet, but the bust will happen up north. What a coinkidink! That’s exactly where they are right now!
- El Turco goes to the travel agency where Aida went to arrange Ximena’s travel, and shows the owner a briefcase full of large American bills in an offer to buy the business from him.



Don’t we already miss Hombre like crazy!

I’m no good at recaps unless I write down some notes, but here’s a few things my sieve of a memory retained.

It turns out that Ximena is planning to leave Aurelio, with her two daughters I believe. Aida visited a travel agent and gave Ximena some information. It wasn’t clear to me if these arrangements were already booked, or just being discussed. Ximena planned to take buses until she got to Tijuana. And from there she planned to fly to Los Angeles.

Mónica and Triste threaten to put a blowtorch on the lovely face of Miss Sinaloa. She tells them that it was Chacorta who hired her to seduce Isidro at the wedding reception. She doesn’t tell them she poisoned him, of course. Mónica has decided to somehow get her hands on Chacorta and find out what happened. She still entertains the possibility that Isidro might really have died of a heart attack.

Heriberto is caught by Chacorta calling Mathilde guapa. Mati & Chacorta tease him a bit, Chacorta pretending to be jealous. Mati keeps insisting that he bring his “novia” to the big party. Later Ximena talks about this same girl, telling Aida she’s heard she hangs around in bars and doesn’t have a good reputation.

Doña Alba wants to talk to Chacorta alone, but Mathilde keeps up her insulting behavior toward her suegra. She preempts the conversation by telling Chacorta, in front of Alba, how great it would be if they could bring Victorcito to the ranch and the two of them would raise him. Alba blows her stack, and Chacorta finally gets Mathilde to leave. His mother then tells him that, if he takes Aida’s child from her, she will no longer be his mother!

Don Cleto invites Topo to come to the party with him. He also wants to use Topo’s tunnels to move the cocaine across the border that Aurelio just gave him. He doesn’t seem to see the potential trap.

After I started this, I noticed that Juanita posted a recap. Thanks so much, Juanita. I’ll go ahead and put mine up anyway.

Oh, I'm pretty sure Turco is on to Ximena's plan. He found out from the guy following Aida about the travel agency visit. At the end he goes to the travel agent with a suitcase full of money.


Oh, boy. Three different recaps at practically the same moment! Oh well, three is better than none.


Novelera- I guess we all got tired of waiting for someone else to do it at the same time. LOL! Next time we should coordinate better. But I love that we have three recaps!


What an abundance of riches! Thanks so much, Vivi and Novelera, for your excellent recaps. I'm now back from my appointment and am delighted to see that I don't have to write more. Well, perhaps one more thing. I enjoyed it when Ponte was assuring Marco that Leo was doing a great job infiltrating the Casillas cartel and that she had already met Aurelio and.... at which point Marco hangs up! Apparently Ponte's assurances were a bit too much for Marco. :-)


I thought Lucecita said (at least CC said) she had run through all the money Vero had given her, and no is back in town to claim her son's inheritance (look out, Irene!).

It occurs to me that Antonia single-handedly wiped out Val's family.

Another interpretation of Little Boy Blue is that he is Gabriela's lost baby.



Bruno asks Bianca how can he react when people are closer to discovering the truth. Bianca tells him to keep playing the loyal nephew and she will keep playing the loving wife. She kisses him and then leaves.

The next morning Nina is showing Bruno some houses on her iPad. Bianca shows up and Nina tells her the 2 are house hunting. Nina wants to leave the house after she and Bruno get married. Bruno tells her that they can search for houses after they get married. Nina makes a joke about making calls now that she understands what they mean by “Men don’t help at all”. She and Bruno share a kiss. Nina leaves and Bianca looks on with jealousy. Bianca cant stand Nina with Bruno. She sits next to Bruno. They talk about being in love with each other.

Saul tells Willy about the conversation he heard with Francis.
At Piamonte Ent. Nico and Ariel are talking business until Willy calls Ariel. Willy wants Ariel to hear him out but he says if he keeps bad-mouthing his family he’ll be sorry. Willy claims hes helping him. He should ask Bruno about his country house or ask Bianca since she also knows the location. Ariel doesn’t want to hear more of this. Willy tells Ariel to ask Bianca about the speeding ticket she received. He tells Ariel to open his eyes. Ariel swears he will destroy him and of course refuses to believe that his nephew and wife have a thing going on.

At Franciscas ranch, she asks Yair if he is doing well. He feels better. Cami is also staying to care for him. Francis gets a call from Ariel. Willy found out about their plan. Francis thinks Willy just suspected it. But Willy did know. Ariel wants to know who was with her when they talked about their plan.

Nico is in Willys office the two argue about B&Bs fling. Nico thinks Willy is making it up. Willly claims he is defending Ariel who refuses to open his eyes. He tells Nico that if he really cares about his boss. He should help him investigate.

Ariel is still in his company remembering that Santi told him he didn’t like Saul. Some cops show up. Apparently they searched the building for hidden microphones but nothing. Ariel asks one of the cops to search a man (presumably Saul). Not for a criminal record, but to see if he is connected with Willy.

At the Piamonte mansion, Bruno and Nina are playing with Santis hair. Bianca is calling Ariel about the reservations to a dance club. Ariel is busy and probably wont show up. Bianca says he promised the two would dance. Ariel says she can go on ahead. Nina and Bruno head out and Bianca makes a joke about Santi being her date.

At the dance hall, Santi has Nina dance with her (Bianca made her LOL!). B&B get up to dance (Could Nina be suspecting or is it just jealousy?) B&B are dancing “Our love is like dancing.” Bianca says “sensual, passionate, dangerous” She doesn’t want Bruno to stop dancing. “Not until the music of our heartbeats cease to play.” Ariel walks in on B&B.



Santi runs to his dad commenting that he likes B&Bs dance! Nina kisses Ariel on the cheek. Bruno is scared he thinks Ariel caught them red handed. Bianca says the 2 are just dancing. He wants them to stop. Bianca says they should wait for the music to end or else he will suspect. Nina asks her dad if he was busy he says he was. I guess the song ended B&B greet Ariel.

Pens water finally breaks.

Flav is eating with Danny he says he needs to come clean, Flav thinks Sylvia was telling the truth but Danny says he is in love with her and want to know if she feels the same. Flav says there are many ways to tell if she does or not. Her phone rings and its Nico who speaks to her.

Cami was feeding Yair. When she leaves Francis asks him about the CD. Yair tries to lie first he says it was for his doctor then he says it for another doctor. Francis says the CD had no medical records. Yair sent the CD to confess to Ariel and repented so he took back the CD. Francis asks if she is right.

Ariel has Nina dance with Santi somewhat forcefully. Ariel tells B&B that they need to talk. Ariel says when he saw the two dancing they looked so comfortable. Bianca gets pissed saying she cant believe he would think that of her. Bruno tries to calm her down saying the dance made Ariel uncomfortable.
Bruno says the tango is just a dance. Bianca asks Ariel if he wants her to stop dancing tango with his nephew. Ariel says forget about the whole thing and calls for a waiter.

Yair admits the CD was a confession meant for Ariel. Francisca guesses what the contents had but Yair doesn’t want to talk about it. It’s a secret. Francisca states that the family is too small to hide secrets. She says sooner or later the truth will come out. Yair says he prefers it that way. Cami hides behind the wall eavesdropping. Francis asks if he is in love with Nina. Yair coughs.

At the dance hall Santi tells Nina that the adults led the 2 away to talk but they hardly said anything. She knows somethings bugging her father and she hates that he wont tell her. Bianca asks Ariel if he is going to talk. Ariel says that he said what he had to say. He calls it a casual comment and that B&B can ignore it. Bruno says its not a big deal. Bianca gets a phone call and learns of Pens labor.

Saul drives Ariel and Bianca. Bianca thought the baby would be due next week. Ariel says the doctor decided to induce labor. Bianca says she is surprised Ariel is speaking. She thought she would talk to herself. Ariel admits Willy has been bothering her. He found out about his plan with Francisca. Bianca says news travels fast. Ariel says that Willy knew this 5 minutes after they discussed the plan. There is a spy in the house. Saul looks like he swallowed cough medicine. Bianca says that’s impossible. Ariel says maybe Willy tapped his cell phone. Bianca says that’s illegal but then again Willy is obsessed with hurting the clan. Ariel is betting on the spy theory. When he discovers who the spy is he will be sorry. I bet Saul wishes he drove Bruno Nina and Santi instead.



Francis tells Yair that though it hurts he must get over Nina no matter what. Especially since she is going to be married in a few months. Yair promises he will. Francis asks him if he has any other secrets. Yair doesn’t answer and Francis asks if there is more. Yair says that a great man once taught him that everyone has secrets. Sometimes its not up to us to reveal it. They find their own way to come out into the open. There is another secret but he will rather wait to see if he should reveal it or if it will come out on its own.

Nina and Santi want to know what Ariel talked about. Bruno says it was a big deal. Nina is Brunos fiancée she has a right to know. Bruno says he wants to leave and Santi does too. Nina asks if Bruno cares about what she wants Bruno says he does they danced and talked and since Ariel and Bianca left theres nothing else to do here. Nina says the 2 havent danced yet. Bruno says hes tired and wants to leave. Nina doesn’t. Bruno calls her a spoiled brat. Nina calls him a machista. Bruno offers to dance with Nina. Nina doesn’t want to anymore. She wants him to kiss him in front of everybody. Bruno leaves saying he wont let her control him. Hes her man not her puppet. Santi follows Bruno.

Saul calls Willy. Ariel thinks he tapped his cell phone. Willy laughs and says they wont find anything there. Saul is scared since he thinks Ariel is suspecting him. Willy thinks hes being paranoid and tells him to go home. He cant since hes in the hospital. Pen gave birth.

Nico Ariel Nuria and Bianca are with Pen. She wants her baby. Bianca says most likely her baby is being examined and will be handed over soon. Willy calls Nico about the baby hurt that he wasn’t invited. Nuria asks if it was Willy who called. Nico says yes. Ariel asks if he knew about Pen giving birth Nico doesn’t know how Willy found out since the only people who supposedly know are in the hospital room.

Willy invites Sylvia to celebrate his 2nd grandson. He tries to put moves on her but fails. Willy tells her that sine he doesn’t have a son he has no grandchildren. She can tell he is hurt that he wasn’t invited. All Willy wanted to do was help out. Sylvia says he did things the wrong way. Willy admits he was mean to Pen but Bianca and Flav are evil. Sylvia says in his attempts to hurt Flav he came out even worse. Willy says that Bianca is more evil that Flav.

At casa Piamonte, Bianca calls Bruno. Ariel hardly spoke to her since the dance. Bruno tells her to tell him ther is nothing between them. Bianca says that would make them look guilty. Bianca says there is a spy in the house. Bruno thinks the spy told Willy about their relationship. Willy also knew Francis was going to ask the Union to expel him and told him Esteban was born. Bianca doesn’t know who the spy is. Bruno thinks he know who the spy is.
Bruno thinks the spy is Yair. Bianca says she thought the 2 made a deal. Bruno thinks Yair betrayed them. Hes staying at Franciscas so he had to hear the conversation with Ariel. Bruno plans to speak to him. Bianca says its hopeless. Willys obviously paying him a lot of money.

Cami is feeding Yair. It seems she still wont forgive him for leaving without saying goodbye yet she says she cares a lot for him. Cami says that maybe he should stay away from her.



Ariel is in the kitchen and Salo finds him. Ariel asks him about Bianca. Salo says the servants don’t like her but they learned how to deal with her. Ariel asks if he needs to know anything about B&B.

Sylvia leaves Willy. Willy asks Saul if he still has the keys to Brunos country house.

Salo says Bianca always mistreats the servants and was surprised to learn of Brunos engagement with Nina. Ariel asks if he Salo knows anything else. Salo ask if he mistrusts them. Ariel says hes drunk and doesn’t even know what hes saying. He tells goodnight to Salo and leaves.

Brunos door openes. He thinks its Bianca but it was Nina…..


La Patrona,

thanks novelera,
I enjoy reading your recaps 1000X more than reading mine,

btw, I'm writing these summaries because no on else is, and I always check this blog first, after "El Señor de los Cielos" runs at the west coast time, to make sure no one else has indicated they want to do one. (yours are usually posted by then)

Also you mentioned trouble with your recordings the other day, I was wondering if you are aware that, at least here, La Patrona is on twice a day, it's running in that late night slot where they re-show the new novelas.



Wow! Three great recaps! Thank you Juanita, Vivi and Novelera!

Hombre, are you listening - we miss you already, and the ladies have jumped in to cover your absence.

The only thing I could possibly add to everything you ladies wrote is - Cabo has another new multi-toned blue sweat jacket with his signature sheriff's star!

Turco's briefcase full of cash was an interesting twist. I wonder if he'll facilitate Ximena's escape - or help Ximena start a new career as a travel agent.

Maybe Ximena will give Aida the tickets so she and Victorcito can get out of town.



wow, three recaps,
thanks Juanita, Vivi in DC, and novelera!

to be honest, I really need to be led by the hand through this one, and so deeply appreciate anything anyone has to say.

ha ha Ponte,
Marco hangs up on him,
and didn't general Dan do the same,
hello, hello...


Pasión Prohibida,

thanks so much NovelaMan!

I think Guillo has succeeded in planting a seed of doubt in Ariel,
and Ariel is now planting that seed into the staff,

I don't think it is ever supposed to click for us that Neena could be right for Bruno, hence the way she looked at her engagement party, and last night when she looked so nice, then dancing with Santi while the adults talked or danced, I think there will always be something off about her when she is around Bruno,

I was thinking earlier that no matter how bad things got, when the roof finally caves in on Bruno, and the whole family turns against him, there would always be the kind and innocent Nina, who would stand by his side, irregardless, but with this constant snub he does with her, I think he will burn that bridge as well,

I thought for sure Ariel's business sense was zeroing in on Saul, and that he was setting him up on the ride home, but then he seemed to fade into that clueless mode, it's funny, but it doesn't seem so bad that our family is deceiving each other, but it seems really outrages that Saul, an outsider, is doing it too, this guy has got to go,

Guillo was really taken by being left out of his grandson's birth, duh!
and sleazy Sivia is continuing to prove that she is not "that" sleazy,

btw, since I haven't seen any gran final announcement, I looked ahead on the local tv schedule and next Friday's show is listed as the "gran final".



Novelera, I agree that Turco seems to be on to Ximena's plan, but I'm not sure what his plan is. I doubt that the suitcase is filled with his private money. To spend the cartel's funds, wouldn't he have to consult with Aurelio? That would probably mean that Turco isn't trying to help Ximena--or am I missing something (highly likely).


I'm pretty sure Turco is going to stop Ximena from leaving. However, in order to protect her, I don't think he'll tell AC anything about her plans. We'll have to wait till tonight to see though.


Gracias a las tres for the great recaps.

Ximena would be better off in
Des Moines instead of LA.
I don't think Turco was in on Ximena's plan but he found out by having her tailed.

I was worried about Miss Sinaloa's survival since Triste had a knife in his hand. She isn't going to survive no matter what but Monica told them to give her food & water.
Chacorta follows orders from Aurelio, so anyway you look at it AC is responsible.


Variopinta- I can't decide if Ximena would be safer in a place with NO latinos where she and her two kids would stick out like sore thumbs, or in a big city with a huge Mexican population like L.A. where her husband would have lots of contacts.

My thought was, so many Mexicans go to LA, that would be the 1st place AC would look for her. Now agree with Vivi, Turco is going to keep her from leaving.


Turco has to stop Ximena from leaving. AC knows that Turco knows just about everything that happens on the ranch and in the business. Turco would be the first person AC suspected of giving Ximena the money to get out of Mexico. Also, Turco is not willing to let Ximena leave him.



We have a lot of episodes to go, sorry, Ximena ain't going nowhere.


As someone who growled and questioned Alejandro's intelligence last night during his nonsensical defense of his mother last night, I think I figured out why it was logical. He and Gabriela weren't really arguing over the same thing.

As I said earlier this week, I think Ale already knew his mother had been a prostitute, but repressed the memory. I think he may have be been born at the tail-end of Guerra being a working girl so he has memories of being in the prostibulo and wondering what the heck is going on. As Guerra said, since he was a child, Alejandro had been judging her and trying to change her. Maybe, like David did with Gaby, he was asking about his Dad as a kid and given her job, Guerra didn't know and married Marcos Beltran to become a decent woman, but something went wrong and Guerra killed him. So, I think Ale was upset about the flyers because it raised some insecurity in him about not being legitimate. He winced when Gaby said 'miles de tipos' about Guerra's past.

So, while GabyVero was arguing that exposing Guerra's past was about exposing her hypocrisy, Ale was saying it was too personal a thing to expose because it hurt him more than it hurt Guerra and plys, the tigres hadn't told him about it for him to prepare himself. When he said it was a hit in the back, he was talking about himself and not Guerra. Think abiut it this way: Ale is the only man in the novela who never went to the casa de las muñecas; he married Irene only to make sure Lucia was legitimate, not to keep the partnershio between Guerra and the Montemars, showing that having an illegitimate child was an issue for him; he always told David that he wished he had been his father and not just his uncle. He was the one who wanted David and Ceci to get married after they got pregnant. Ale's illegitimacy, and his shame about it was what he was arguing about, not Guerra. Like he told Ricardo in the jail, 'She didn't tell me about it.'

Pasion Prohibida

For the first time since B&B started Ariel seems to be getting a clue, finally! He also had some suspicions when they were not yet a thing, back when he discovered that note from Bruno to Pene (and, in the process, made them really think about the possibility).
I have to admit he is kind of scary with this new attitude, makes you wonder what he'll do when he finds out the truth.

Neena is becoming more and more pathetic around Bruno, who can barely manage to do the strictly required around her. I'm always annoyed when in TN women put themselves in the position of begging for attention - get a grip, woman, stop behaving like a doormat. It hasn't gone that far with Neena, but she is starting to show signs of a very jealous and demanding future wife. If Bruno thinks he's getting sweet prima as a wife...ha, I can totally see him on a short leash, trapped in the Piamonte family, with Neena always there, asking for kisses and dances and time alone :))

Yair seems to be doing better, but can he not end up crying in all his scenes?

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