Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Por Siempre Mi Amor #100 (Mexico #139)- Wednesday, April 23, 2014- Isa Is Still Being Held Hostage and The Witch Doctor is Really A Snake Charmer

Isa rides around and sees Art talk get to the witch doctor and begins to remember who he is. She first saw him crying in the elevator of the hospital. 
Osvy tells the witch doctor how he trusts her and she feels such love for Art. Osvy tells the witch doctor that now is a good time for her to get with Art.  He was always seen her as the " good wife" for Art.
Dante visits his parents snooping around for info on Isa. He finds out that Daphne got shot and Este is alive and okay and Gaby heard from Isa.
Daphne tries to walk but can't and is extremely frustrated.
Bruno calls Ally to let her know that now is not the right time to adopt the others, it's too late she has already told Pulga that she's the next one up.
Isa is still on her cab ride to regain her memory and stops
Tita tells Bruno that Ally lied to her about adopting all of the other kids with Bruno's blessing.  Tita wants to know, why doesn't Bruno want to adopt any more; Is it because of the money or something or someone else? Tita confesses that when Bruno and Gaby worked on the orphanage it was a test. (Tita, I'm really disappointed in you- take the tit out of Bruno's mouth). Bruno wasn't too happy to hear about the test.  She wanted to clear up his feelings because he had so many doubts.  Tita thinks that Gaby and Bruno can be good friends.

Dante chews out this flunkies for messing up the job and shooting Daphne instead of Este. It was too risky! Hmmm- FeVier calls at that precise time.

Art initiates the divorce but feels a little nostalgic- idiot!!!
Isa stops at a church asks the Virgencita to help her regain her memory, give her clarity. She gets a feeling- the hospital and runs off.
Casa Arte needs the money that they lent to Art back.
Tita confronts Ally about lying to her about Bruno wanting to adopt the other kids.  Ally and Pulga have a special bond. The family situation is a little delicate that this time. Ally apologizes.

Bruno brings Gaby a cookie basket but since Gaby is gaining a lot of weight the doctor is restricting her flour intake. Gaby has to go to her ultrasound appointment and Bruno will take her. It would be inhumane not to allow him to go.
FeVier meets Bruno for the 411 on what's happening at the De La Riva house. FeVier suggests that Dante get a job at Casa Arte to keep a vigil on Gaby.
Dante asks Fervier if he knows where Isa is. Is she with him?
Fervier seemed happy that Daphne got shot. (Sleaze bag) He gloats and asks if she is dead. Fervier calls Dante incompetent. Just focus on getting hired at Casa Arte.
Pulga is going to be named Nuria after Ally's mom.
Bruno and Gaby see the baby on the ultrasound.  The technician asks if they are first time parents. They are both emotional. They can't be just friends because Gaby is still in love with Bruno. (Bruno looks like he said YESSSS!!!! internally)
Isa finds some telephone number and starts dialing...
Tita is not sure about the adoption paperwork for Pulga because Bruno has doubts, but Pulga pulls at Tita's and Osvy's heart strings. ( Tan chula) Throw that hat away, Pleazzzzzzzz!
Gaby realizes that she missed the boat with Bruno, but working together on the orphanage let her know that she never stopped loving him, but he is not available. Uh oh, he still loves her too, more than ever.

Isa communicates with Dr. Lara. She is looking for her identification. He tells her that her friend has it all. What friend?. My husband?  No, the doctor was clear, the man presented himself as her friend not her husband. Isa thinks that there is a miscommunication. The doctor describes Javier.  Isa doesn't know who that is. She asks if anyone else is looking for her and he tells her that someone thought that she was kidnaped.  The doctor cleared it up saying that Isa left on her own accord. He has the number of the person.
Since they each have their own lives it's better for Bruno and Gaby to part ways and they do so tearfully.

Gil and Agatha plan a surprise dinner for Mari and Dan.  The surprise is on Gil and Agatha and Dan leaves in haste, telling Gil to mhob- (mind his own business.) Dan didn't explain the reason. Gil has no idea what is going on and feels bad and thinks that Dan is upset with him once again.
Gaby shares with Andrea how she feels for Bruno.  She needs to distance herself from him.  Their love is too little, too late.  Andrea breaks it down- Gaby is alone and Bruno is with a woman that he doesn't love.  Bruno confesses the same to Art and Art tells him to snap out of it and focus on his marriage.  Art's hate for Gaby is fogging his nonexistent logic.
Isa remembers Art and showing him baby clothes. She is trying hard to remember WHO Art is.
Isa calls the police.

Coming attractions from online:
Dante tells Fervier that the witch doctor told Art about him
Cuca tells Gil that Mari is Sucia's daughter 
Casa Arte needs the loaned money back
Gaby tells Andrea that the witch doctor told Isa that she has cancer. They don't believe her
The witch doctor knows a lawyer that can get immediate divorces 
Isa calls Gaby


I just did a quick summary of everything that I saw tonight. It doesn't have my usual detail.

The grand finale is on Friday, May 9th.
Does anyone know the name of the next novela??

TJ thanks for your recap. I think you gave us plenty of detail as so much time was wasted on Gabi and Bruno's realization that they are in love. As recapper Carlos says, NEXT. Bruno's just such a loser like his BFF.

I know Mari has had some less than stellar moments but why can't Dan tell her the supposed real reason he broke it off. It's annoying but it looks like tomorrow that particular anvil for Sonia might come to pass.

Glad Isa is getting her memory back and that she keeps getting out of the house. I need her back w/Gabi and away from Feo.

My short rant is I don't think I've seen a tn with so many worthless galans/leads: fArt, Bruno, and Ara. Not liking Dan or Borlas that much either. The lameness of these leads then brings down the bar for everyone. Isa, Gabi, and Ileana all get matched w/men who are so not worthy of them. Este's love is another hot mess. If this tn had more of Mau & Andrea along w/Ileana's parents, we could have seen some smart and decent people more often, sigh.

TJ, I know La Gata is premiering in Mexico right after but on Uni I'm guessing Quiero Amarte.

Cassandra G.

Thanks TJ, for all the extra effort you've been putting in for us. You da Woman!

I could not believe the scene between Bruno and Arturo. Art telling Bruno he has to love and respect his wife because marriage is sacred. Really writers? You expect us to swallow that hogwash after the way Arturo has treated Isabel? That scene wasn't even believable. I was hoping Bruno would let Arturo have it over his hypocrisy.

Also weird was the Ozvi-Marcela scene. Are we to believe that the entire time Art and Isabel have been married Osvi has never really liked or approved of Isabel, the same way he disliked Eugenia? I got that feeling a few episodes back when Osvi was so quick to tell Arturo to move on. There's just something not quite right there between Marcela and Osvi.

Does anyone else think the last couple of episodes have been full of "filler"? Maybe it's just because we're endured weeks of edited chop-jobs that seeing entire episodes makes them seem kind of long and drug out.


Karen- you are so right. This novela does not do any justice for the galans.
Thank you- Cassandra G.
Xintperuvian- thank you
I couldn't believe Art's gall either. He has never heard of the saying- practice what you preach. What an idiot!!

Thanks TJ.

Seriously, how hard would it be to tell Mari the truth. I'm most annoyed by that situation.

I did not actually see the scenes (I only caught the tail end), but why is Tita coming down on Ally? All Ally did was marry a dope. I feel just as bad for her as for Isa.

TJ Thanks !!! you cleared up some unclear. Sara, so agree with you. Why is Tita coming down on Ally. Bruno is turning Ally into a witch with his Gabi stalking .. she should just be done with him and get on with life. My hope for a Gab and Fab relationship went out the door last night in those cringeworthy scenes with Gaby, Bruno, and fetus. Yuk. Gaby your choice of men is pathetic.

Oh about the Finale and what's next..

La Gata premieres in Mexico May 5th. I can't imagine Univision starting La Gata with just a five day delay (Though secretly I hope they do hee hee.)

If La Gata gets great numbers in Mexico, Univision will probably want to get it ASAP, but I still doubt they will put it on so soon.

Personally, I would like to see QPTR move to the 8PM slot. I'm tired of being days and weeks behind on that one.

I suspect that DQTQTQ will go to two hours a night for a little while because that is over in Mexico. It has 186 episodes, according to Wikipedia.

I might pass on La Gata because Daniel Arenas does nothing for me, especially after CI.

QPTR should be at 8PM. LQLVMR is OK at 9 but I think it belongs at 10.

Now, on to the real stuff:

Yes, please, get rid of those ridiculous hats. Also, those children should all have real names by now.

I still don't get why Oszy thought Marcela such a great prospect for Arturo in the first place. Of course, he doesn't see her evil now, either.

If Gaby hires Dante I hope she puts him in the accounting department under Mauricio. He's not smart enough to embezzle and at least Mauricio can keep an eye on him. Lucha and Gabino are going to need a shrink when the truth about him comes out.

Isabel needs to figure out an escape plan and fast.

Dafne is a lame duck as a girlfriend and she knows it. I'm sure she's faking.

Tablet jefa, I missed most of this and your riveting recap had me on the edge of my seat. Hardly a quick summary! You have great style and wit.

"Art initiates the divorce but feels a little nostalgic- idiot!!!", "(Bruno looks like he said YESSSS!!!! internally)" and "Art's hate for Gaby is fogging his nonexistent logic" were among my many favorites.

Isa is now totally alone due to Feo's evil machinations to separate her from Gaby. I am so happy she is starting to put the pieces together and save herself!

Tablet jefa, from what you wrote, I gather Daphne is not faking her paralysis? If so, I really do want her to recover.

Karen, “My short rant is I don't think I've seen a tn with so many worthless galans/leads”. Wise words indeed! I totally agreed with everything you noted. It is my great affection for Isa/Susana that is continuing to draw me in. I truly care what happens to her!

I think the Gaby/Bruno discussion was inevitable. My heart goes out to Gaby (but girl, is he really worth it??). Yet, I don't want Ally to get hurt. I don't believe she really loves Bruno, so we need an ending that will result in a rosy future for her. Perhaps she can adopt Pulga herself. Couldn't the two of them be happy together? Must a man be involved for true happiness? I hardly think so.

So Dan refuses to talk. Still. That scene was cringeworthy - I felt so badly for Mari! Gil is now one of my favorites, thanks to the wonderful Agatha.

I am so excited that you noted Isa calls Gaby tonight!

Tablet jefa,thank you. This was awesome!


I just thought I'd post the end and premiere dates to most of the new novelas according to Canal de las Estrellas Wikipedia Page.

Quiero Amarte- October 21, 2013-
June 1, 2014

Que Pobres Tan Ricos- November 11, 2013-June 29, 2014

Lo Que La Vida Me Robo- October 28, 2013 – July 27, 2014

La Malquerida-June 2, 2014

Mi Corazon es Tuyo-June 30, 2014

Hasta El Fin del Mundo-July 28, 2014

(MCET and HEFDM have me thinking Que the Hell but the sooner the better I guess. As for those that are ending, I await Alejo's anvil in QPTR and I hope it isn't blasphemy to say I don't care Robo.)


Much appreciated TJ. Loved (Tita, I'm really disappointed in you- take the tit out of Bruno's mouth)

Worms, worms, worms so many squirmy wormy worms. Dan's a worm and don't respect that poor girl enough to tell her the truth. Osvi's a worm in his 20+ year advocacy of Marcela. Art's added to his wormyness using funds from Casa Arte as he goes forward with divorce proceedings and they need them to hire punk worm Dante. Now we got Tita the old bitty worm performing test on the unsuspecting. And good god almighty the wormiest worm, Bruno, panting for months after a woman right under his wife's nose. Well at least he and Gabi didn't start making out.

Gabi - good thing you missed the Titanic

Bruno - go hump a tree

Osvi - maybe you'll slip in the shower

Tita - busybody

Isabel - is Paris Hiltons house on this tour?

The Duck - baby steps

Dan - hypocritical coward

Mari - justifiable abandonment issues

Cuca - well, you're no help either

Art - Mexican Divorce & head to Vegas

Ally - take all them kids and get far away as possible from crazy

Fernando - at least the bullet wasn't wasted, it hit flesh & bone


Osvi never did like either Eugenia or Isabel. It's quite obvious he's pushing for Maricela and Art to get together.

Ally might as well leave for Spain and take one of the kids with her too.

Where is Maury Povich to settle who are Mari's biological parents?

Tita and Cuca: still lucky so far


I forgot to add Ally to the list of women w/wretched men. And based on the icky vibe I'm getting from Osvi (see below), Tita has no price either. But then again he's fArt's dad. Thank goodness Fab was raised by his mother.

Kathy & CD, this Marcela/Osvi things is very creepy. As Kathy said there is something off there and his continued sharing "family" info w/her is just the beginning.

Karen, I'm waiting for a major twist in which Osvi would be involved in the evil manipulations such as being involved in the deaths of Eugenia, etc.,

CD that would be crazy but his hand holding w/Marcela last night was so icky I wouldn't be surprised. At least he never had contact w/Eugenia so he didn't know her but she did marry his SORRY son and he should have been happy as fArt is no catch. But since he has known Isa, it makes his betrayal similar to fArt's.

Man, I wish the writers would allow Isa, Gabi, and Ally (possibly Tita too) to realize they should be alone or find better men. It's too bad Este is hung up on the Brat b/c though young, he was raised by one of the only men who has sense in this tn.

What if Feo is the actual hero of the series and ends up happily ever after with Isabel while Fart and Marcela spend their days together in a manicomio?
Of course Feo has to so his evil laugh before the screen rolls FIN all over the place!

Thanks , TJ, for another excellent retelling. I so appreciTe your dedication in recapping this novela. I am fascinated to see how the writers wrap things up and start the anvils raining down on the wicked.

I was telling Isa not yo return to that creepy house, but I guess she didn't hear me.

I will not be pleased when fArtie cones crawling back dragging Aragant with him. Ugh. I want Isa and Gaby to have a Mau clone. Now there is a stand up guy.

Why is Osvy so pro wicked witch doctor ?

Does anyone know if Ed Yanez it Fernando Colunga have started new novelas ? I miss them both. I liked Big Ed in AV, but I could not stand watching Fernando in PEAM.

Beginning to believe something is wrong with me because I laughed all the way through the Gabi Y Bruno tell all and boo hoo session. Guess I'm supposed to care about a missed opportunity of everlasting love.

However, it ripped my heart out that scene at Gils and poor Mari pleading for Dan to tell her why in front of everyone. Her anguish I believe, her voice, body language and expressions & tears.


I can't date you because you are my niece. Now..How hard was that, Danny ? How about a little truth ?

Susanlynn, I believe Eduardo is seeking to obtain more movie roles in the US. I thought I read that this is his top priority and that he felt time to step aside for others to take over the TN roles. It sounded very much as though his future work in TNs might be questionable.

Huge sigh. As you know, he is my all time fav and I would be very sad if that were the case.

Hoping his fan base will lure him back somehow!


I don't know about Fernando.

I loved him in Pasion and also from what I saw in AV. MEPS began a downward spiral in roles for him in my humble opinion. He was dreadful in PEAM.


I meant to say in Amor Real, not AV.


Thanks a lot TJ---A great job but I do disagree with you about Pluga's hat, I think she looks cute in it. The only hat that is bad is the ugly green one that flops down over the ears.

Wow! Dante will start work at Casa
Arte? Well they don't know that he is one of the bad guys.

Karen said why can't Dan tell Mari
why he has been rejecting her? I agree. This just doesn't make sense and is very hurtful to Mari.
Why? Why? Why? Mari's tears must stop. She's so sweet and this hurting her just isn't right.

Karen---Your rant. Everyone was bashing CI, now it's Por Siempre.
The world is not full of perfect or near perfect galans---or other
people for that matter. We just have to take them as they come. I loved imperfect Maricruz and Octavio. Even when they were fighting and making bad decisions
they still had chemistry. There will be chemistry here too I believe, I believe, I believe.

Xlnt---Art telling Bruno about marriage and morality---I remember our "beloved" [I say that sarcastically] President Bill Clinton giving a speech on morality shortly after the Monica Lewinsky affair [yes, that's really true] I couldn't believe the hypocrisy but he actually lectured the nation on morality. I heard the speech but at the time
couldn't believe what my ears were hearing.

Dafne faking it? I don't think so.
The poor lady being shot in the back] must be panicking. I can't even imagine how I would react if I were in her condition.

Tofie---I loved your list as always and your comment on worms.

Speaking of worms---We often tend to look down on the lower classed "worms" but there are just as many upper classed "worms"
as we are finding out while this story unfolds.

Coming attractions indicate that a lot will be going on tonight---I
can't wait!! I'm counting the hours to tonight's episode.
the gringo


Thanks a lot TJ---A great job but I do disagree with you about Pluga's hat, I think she looks cute in it. The only hat that is bad is the ugly green one that flops down over the ears.

Wow! Dante will start work at Casa
Arte? Well they don't know that he is one of the bad guys.

Karen said why can't Dan tell Mari
why he has been rejecting her? I agree. This just doesn't make sense and is very hurtful to Mari.
Why? Why? Why? Mari's tears must stop. She's so sweet and this hurting her just isn't right.

Karen---Your rant. Everyone was bashing CI, now it's Por Siempre.
The world is not full of perfect or near perfect galans---or other
people for that matter. We just have to take them as they come. I loved imperfect Maricruz and Octavio. Even when they were fighting and making bad decisions
they still had chemistry. There will be chemistry here too I believe, I believe, I believe.

Xlnt---Art telling Bruno about marriage and morality---I remember our "beloved" [I say that sarcastically] President Bill Clinton giving a speech on morality shortly after the Monica Lewinsky affair [yes, that's really true] I couldn't believe the hypocrisy but he actually lectured the nation on morality. I heard the speech but at the time
couldn't believe what my ears were hearing.

Dafne faking it? I don't think so.
The poor lady being shot in the back] must be panicking. I can't even imagine how I would react if I were in her condition.

Tofie---I loved your list as always and your comment on worms.

Speaking of worms---We often tend to look down on the lower classed "worms" but there are just as many upper classed "worms"
as we are finding out while this story unfolds.

Coming attractions indicate that a lot will be going on tonight---I
can't wait!! I'm counting the hours to tonight's episode.
the gringo

Yes Tofie---I too am feeling sooo
sorry for Mari, her tears are getting to me. What is WRONG with Danny boy??

Sorry for the double post--damn robot.
the gringo


Mari broke my heart last night, too. She's not shrieking and being hysterical (I guess she got it out of her system at the wedding.) It's the very quiet crying that gets me every time!

Personally, this TN needs a Victor Newman-type to call out Art and Aranza for who they're are: SPOILED BRATS.

On Dante being hired by Art: OH WOW ! They're really that STUPID, STUPID: that's like Olivia Pope of Scandal trusting her CIA father, who we knew was an evil person.


Gringo, I hear you. And yet the democrats accuse the GOP of a "War on Women". The democrats most vaunted leaders are serial women abusers and rapists.


Wow, re above comment ... I thought this was a blog for tns - not a place to vent about politics.

Fab was better off being raised by his redhead mother.

Art on the other hand, is all hypocritical on family values: 1st wife murdered by her cousin and he's likely divorcing the 2nd wife.

Assuming he marries Maricela between now and then, she'll be the 3rd wife.


Anon at 5:37, Not venting, just a fact based observation.

Sara- Tita was making a mountain out of a mole hill. Ally did say that Bruno was okay with her adopting Pilga before she had mentioned it to him she really wants to,adopt the others but the time is not right. Thank you for the info.
Glad that I could be of help- anon 7:00 am
UA- Daphne is such a drama queen that you are probably right.
Diana - my pleasure!!!
Tofie- as always- thank you, your lists are- da bomb ;-)
I can't stop laughing- Bruno- go hump a tree
Thanks Corazon for the dates
CD- exactly- where's Maury when we need him?
Victor Newman would sleep with or marry all of the woman if he was on.
Demtrioso- Welcome!
Feo a hero, perish the thought
Susanlynn - thank you. I don't want to let anyone down. I'm with you for Yanez. I am so desperate I'm watching. Destilando Amor for the third time.
Diana- say it isn't so. I need my dose of Yanez!!!
Gringo- the hat is so torn and tattered, a new one would be okay but she is cute enough without one.

Where's Vivi???

Agree with Anon at 5:37. If I wanted to argue with a Republican I'd go to a family dinner.

Tablet hefa, I'm just now reading this blog and I'm surprised that you did not delete the political comments (unless of course you went anon and wrote some of them yourself). If I had seen them earlier, I guarantee you I would have responded to the ones I object to in a very nasty way with plenty of F words and telling the offender what she can kiss and where she/he can go.

Deleting such messages keeps you in control. You lose control when you allow such off topic BS as politics.


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