Monday, September 21, 2015

La Vecina Discussion and Highlights #65-69 Sept. 21-25

Things I'm pondering...

Guillermo is still setting off my alarms. I feel like his deal with Eduardo is not above board. He was a little too icky when he saw Sara.

How will Cheo react when approached by Pedro's guy? He's not capable of murder, but will he warn anyone?

Pedro is surrounded by henchmen. One of them is Anselmo...played by Eduardo Shacklett. Normally his roles are larger and he has more lines. Will he be given more story?

There are lots of little possible plots that we've been given.....

  • Simon and Edwina
  • Laura and Bruno
  • The farmers collective (not to mention the loan needed to buy the truck)
  • Laslo's new position in the community outreach
  • Rafa and Quique
  • Luisita
  • Nacho and La Bruja
  • Cheo and the insurance
  • Ema knows about Isa and Ric
  • Titina and Sebas
  • Sara and her restaurant
  • Add your own! I'm sure I'm missing some.

Will the writers follow through, or will there be loose ends?

Monday and Tuesday highlights: Sara
Wednesday Recap: Sara
Thursday: 5ft
Friday: Denise

Previous: Episodes 60-64
Next: Episodes 70-74


I'll do my best this week. My plate is kind of full this week.


Oh, Cheo. On the scale of bad guys, I don't even think he's on Ric's level. He's more of a malicious prankster. He may have been gloating over the spill, but I don't think he would have done what Ric did and helped with the theft. On the other hand, he's pretty steamed at Antonio so maybe now all bets would be off.

But wow... Would he off Antonio? Isn't that what Pedro was meaning? That's the impression I got.

That's what I thought as well, but how rude! At least buy the guy dinner before you ask him to commit murder!

I'm stating the obvious, but there is the Isa / Ric / Antonio triangle.

And will Leila and Nacho become a couple?

Thanks for all you do, Sara.

Hey, state the obvious because there are lots of ways the Isa/Ric/Antonio triangle could go!

That's her name! Yes, I want Nacho and Leila together too. But I wonder if this divorce will actually happen!

Ha! I meant to laugh earlier, 5ft! The only thing Pedro seems to be offering for this hit is that the minion gets to stay alive. And I honestly wonder if maybe death would be better than being Pedro's minion. He's really scary!

I just put my house guest on a bus to NYC, where she'll stay till Wednesday. So I get to watch my tns tonight and tomorrow. Yay!

Monday 9/21 Cachititos
In no particular order…. (and as usual I seemed to get lots of tech talk. I just heard white noise as my eyes rolled back in my head…)

Recapper Sara is an idiot. It’s CARMELO, not CAMILO. No wonder you couldn’t figure out who I was talking about, Denise!

Pedro orders a guy to switch Bruno’s fertilizer out for herbicide.

Laslo accepts the job with Conatrol.

Anselmo overhears Cheo telling Roque he wants to kill Anto. Anselmo really doesn’t understand hyperbole. Pedro has to explain it to him. (Then Elias calls Pedro and yells at him about the Las Peñas business. Elias wants to find more spots to rob gas. Pedro wants to do a little more research.)

Laura and Bruno move furniture. He hurts his foot. Pedro sees the two of them leaving the church. She does some quick lying, saying that some parishioners were with them earlier. Nope, she and Bruno were not alone. Bruno wonders why she would do that.(She did a lot of lying this episode. She was forced to do so again when Pedro asked who else was teaching classes. ) Bruno does seem to be catching a little bit of a clue, but Javi sort of dismisses Bruno’s worries. Besides, Laura is the only person that can really decide to leave or not.

Ay, Merce!! I just can’t even with you. You don’t protect your child by telling such a hurtful lie. Ok. First Merce tells Anto that he’s hurting Sara. Leave her alone. But then she tells Sara that Anto said he wants Sara to stay away from him. Sara only brings him problems. ¿Cómo se dice “GAH” en español?”

Leila visits Nachito in jail. When she hears about the picture that shows her “kissing” Nachito. She plans to set the record straight and explain to the judge (or someone) There Berenice La Bruja abandoned Nachito.

Pedro’s men switch out the fertilizer for herbicide.

Anto visits Nachito as well. Nachito still has connections at Conatrol and I think they are close to deciding whether to close the plant for good. He tells Antonio this.

Sebas aka Chebi plans to see Titina and break it off with her. It turns into a “meet the family.” Titina’s brothers crack me up...until they let a skunk drunk Chebi get in the car and drive. But before they do that, they notice the chupetones (hickeys) on his neck. They think Chebi is playing their sister for the fool.

The composite sketch looks nothing like the guy (I can’t even remember his name now...starts with a J?)

Isa has it bad for Ric. These two just make me...blech. Ugly kissers, slimy theme music...just no.

Chebi left his cell phone at Titina’s. The brothers try to rough him up because of the chupetones. He escapes.

Bruno and Braulio(?) get the crops “fertilized.”

Anto tells Sebas about the possible plant closing. They call Lic Uribe. Lic Uribe wants them to come to the DF and convince the board(?) not to close the plant.

Sara- Bravo, amiga! You had this up fast.

Titina's brothers cracked me up too, and I was more than fine with Chebi feeling the heat. He's not going to get out of this one easily-- neither with Titina and her family, nor with Natalia when she finds out. Good!

I was so hoping the plot to ruin Bruno and Simon's harvest would get ruined, but alas, Pedro's plan was a success. Ugh!

I was also disappointed in Merce for lying like that to Sara, even if she did it for a good cause. But it's only going to cause Sara more pain, not make her forget about Tonio any sooner.

Don't worry, Sara. I didn't remember Carmelo either. I haven't watched the episode yet, and I have to teach a class tonight, so I'll probably be commenting in the wee hours of the night tonight.

Vivi-I wish I could be as fast and as thorough as you!

Denise-Whew! When he said "Carmelo" today I was like "crap. I screwed up the name." I don't like confusing people. Unfortunately I often do!

Thanks Sara for posting the new page of the week and recap, always appreciated.

I do like the three brothers with the eldest being my fav:) But ITA about letting skunk drunk Chebi drive home, that's never funny. Although I did laugh when Sebastian tried to escape the muscled brothers the next morning by jumping through the car window as Antonio was driving away. Especially the way his legs stuck out the window,LOl

With the assumption that Bruno ends up victorious I'm kind of looking forward to a showdown between Bruno and Pedro. The young, smart, noble hero triumphing over the cold & calculating villain. So Bruno is not related to Simon&family right? I can't remember.

And a comment on an episode last week, so glad Antonio didn't let himself be pushed by his future FIL. Now why can't he show that decisiveness with Sara...



Sara, Btw I can do a recap for tuesday


That's great! Thank you jlk! I look forward to it. :-)

Tonio has been decisive with Sara. He's decided, despite the fact that he's in love with her and can't go a day without speaking to/seeing her, that he and Sara aren't suited for each other and that it's the "correct" thing to do to marry Isa, despite the fact that he feels no passion for her.

Passionate Isa is not very sexy. I can't blame him for not feeling it.

Oh. Did I say that out loud?

Yes, jlk! That scene with Chebi's legs hanging out the car window was a hoot!

I think I like the brother with the porn 'stache the best.

Welp I'm behind ... again - haven't even had a chance to read Denise's recap for last Fri yet (btw thanks for it Denise)
but I'll stop by again when I catch up

I'm hoping for no loose ends in this story - you can do it writers!

No worries, sneaky! We all get behind. :-)

Thanks, Sara. I don't know how you get so much done.

I'm still laughing at the image of Sebas with his legs sticking out of the car window.

The brothers were adorable, and I also loved Titina's yelling for her "apá" to set those boys straight.

Denise- "I don't know how you get so much done."


By doing it half-assed. :D

I think Titina is a hoot and a half. I also enjoyed her shouts for ¡Apá! I just don't know what to think about her. The character is so cute and funny to me, but she's got bunny boiling potential. I honestly like the character more than Natalia. Natalia is so bland to me.

Ugh, but what Titina and Chebi are doing is wrong. For the record, I blame Chebi more (perhaps unfairly.)

I hate when I love a character who is doing the wrong thing. Hmmm. Maybe Titina and Cheo can end up together. Her brothers would get him under control.

Sara- Oh, I LOVE that pairing! Titina, Cheo, and her BIG BROTHERS. Yes!

Denise, thank you, I couldn't remember her name...yes, please, Leila and Nacho make a good team!

Sara, I guess "I won't kill you" is a fair enough deal. Would you rather...Pedro or death? I'm going to have to think about that one.

Lol, Vivi, you mean you didn't introduce your house guest to the joys of La Vecina? My brother and some friends came through town and spent a couple of days at my (way too small for that many people) apartment once. I don't remember what soap I was watching at the time, but one of his friends was fascinated by the protagonista. I don't know if he kept watching after he got home, but I had gotten behind, so he got to watch several hours of the show before they left :D

Sara, thank you for the Monday...summary? It's a recap in my book.

"Anselmo doesn't really understand hyperbole." I think you can cross out "hyperbole" and that sentence still explains Anselmo perfectly. How many more things is he going to screw up with his lack of understanding by the time this show is over. He already got one guy killed for nothing. Although, the way Pedro acts, he might have bumped that guy off anyway just for looking in Laura's general direction.

"Ay, Merce!! I just can’t even with you." DITTO! I'm furious with her!

Titina's family cracked me up! As soon as Sebas walked in I thought "There go your plans for the evening!" He could barely walk out of there! No, that was not cool letting him drive himself home. And while Titina annoys me, I have to give her credit--she's got her entire family fooled. Well played, Titina. Well played.

jlk, I agree, the legs sticking out the window was one of the funniest bits of the episode. The outtakes must be hilarious!

Vivi, yes, he's been decisive. As has Isa, and with the same motivations (except she's more classist about it). They kind of deserve each other for that, but it's not what I want.

Denise, those boys may be big, but they are scared of their apá! That cracked me up! And watching those interactions, I understood Titina's big shouty voice a lot better. How the hell else was anybody going to hear her over all her brothers!

Sara, "bunny boiling potential" Word! I think it's fair to blame Chebi more. He's the one who's in another relationship. It's up to him to be faithful or not.

Sara and Vivi, I'd even settle for Cheo just being mistakenly harassed by the three brothers!

Diva - Ditto, Ditto, Ditto.

I have to stifle my laughter at your comments and at the funny images that you make me remember, because I'm sneaking peeks at Caray while my class is working on grammar. The boys fear of their Dad while Titina was bellowing for him! Ha ha ha ha!

Denise! My sister in education! I have to stifle Caray giggles all the time! My students all think I'm half crazy. I think it scares them. Classroom management is a breeze.

Sara - Only half crazy? I have it on good authority that the general consensus is that I passed the half-way mark some time ago.

I am so pissed, Uni again, this has been on at 3:PM EST from the beginning, TODAY it started at 2 WTF???? So I missed all but the last 10 min.Did anyone else experience this? Have they changed the schedule (forever) or are they just messing with us.? Is this a popular novela or not???,so they can do anything at will????

Don't they know they just discourage anyone getting involved with a novela just to see it moved & we can't see it?

!Maldita sea!

Variopinta- Looks like my dvr caught the time change today. I'm assuming the show came on early because the Pope is in my hood (literally, I live a few blocks away from where he's saying mass tomorrow).

Possible Vivi but I didn't see Pope stuff in place of it.

Just checked my dvr. The show is on tomorrow at 1pm because of Pope stuff. Check your dvrs and vcrs to make sure it records the show.

*recovers from heart attack*

I was lucky. My DVR did catch the change. I have today's episode. Which I'll watch tomorrow. (Lichita tonight!)

It looks like my DVR caught tomorrow's change too.

Variopinta-I'm so sorry about your issue today though!! I share your anger. I wish Uni would let people know. This isn't even on Hulu, so I *have* to depend on my DVR. If Uni drops the ball, I don't get to watch.

8/22/15 PART 1

-We start off with Antonio calling Lic. Uribe about the rumors of closing down the San Gaspar plant. Uribe says that some on the board are aye but others are nay. I need you and Sebastian to come to the D.F. for a board meeting tomorrow & convince them to keep the plant open. Only you can do it Antonio. [Probably hundreds of jobs on the line Tonio, so no pressure.]

-Sebastian doesn’t want to go because then Natalie will see the lovebites. Antonio comes up with the idea to not even tell the girlfriends they’re going. We can stay at my apartment. We’ll be in and out, and no one will be none the wiser. Sebastian ask Antonio if he would do that for him. Of course because we’re besties! But what about your phone, are you giving up on that? Sebastian says NO, I can’t lose all my contacts. Sebas calls Marina into the office, and ask her to get the phone because he’s a scaredy cat...oh umm I mean busy. They go over the game plan. Marina says no worries I’ll get your phone.

-Nachito is leaving Fidel’s office after serving his jail time, but before he leaves he sees the sketch of one the gas robbers that Sara saw. He looks familiar to Nachito, and if he remembers anything he’ll be sure to let Fidel know.

-Conversation between David & Rick at the office. David ask if Isa has left Tonio for Rick. No but she can’t live without me. Which is kind of the same thing. [*Snort* if you say so Rick] David seems to agree with me, and kind of laughs at Rick for being so understanding with Isa about not breaking her relationship with Antonio yet. David leaves. Rick monologues that it doesn’t matter if she doesn’t decide, because Pedro will make Antonio disappear from the face of the earth.

-Merce is about to head back home, and telling Juancho to be on his best behavior. Simon says not to worry, we’ll have plenty of time to talk man to man. He also plans on making Juancho study 3 hrs a day over the material he failed. Sucks to be you Juancho! Sara drives her mom to the bus station. On the drive up there, Sara tries to causally ask her mom if Antonio really said that Sara causes him problems whenever she’s around him. [I found this whole conversation very moving & wanted to do it justice].

Merce: Stop the car please.
Sara: You’re going to miss your bus. Just please answer the question.
Merce: I’ll get the next one. Stop the car. [They stop the car and face each other] Until when are you going to understand that you need to get Antonio out of your life? He’s engaged, and is going to marry his girlfriend of many years. You have to understand that as much as you might love him, it will never be. If he has already decided to spend his life with another woman, you have to accept it as hard as it might be. The only way to forget him is to put distance between the two of you. And I do like the guy, he’s a good man, but not the one you deserve. I say the same thing about Cheo. Love, you have to be a realist. You have to be tough to get over a love that cannot be. Unfortunately you put your eyes on someone you shouldn’t have, and you have to move on. You can’t spend your whole life lamenting over something that could have been.

Throughout the whole conversation Sara has big teary eyes and a trembling chin that trembles more and more the whole time. At the end of her speech, Merce holds Sara close and comforts her. It’s sad that Merce’s lie has been on Sara’s mind all this time, but think that this was a good conversation for mom & daughter to have.

9/22/15 PART 2

-Edwina & Magda [I always want to call her Rosy because of her character in QE] decide on what to do with Vladimir during his school vacation. Edwina plans on having him help her with an experiment she’s planning involving a balloon and rocket science, since he’s into all things rocket spacey right now. Later we have a cute conversation where Vladimir calls his Tia Edwina about their experiment. He ask if Simon can help, but Edwina fobs him off by saying how Simon is busy with his own stuff.

-Marina rings Titina’s doorbell, and introduces herself as Sebastian’s secretary who is there to pick up his cell phone. He’s in the D.F for an urgent meeting, and needs his phone. Titina tells Marina to have Sebas call her [Titina], and ask her personally. [Like me I think that Marina is holding in a big eye roll] Ok, but can I see the phone to get some important contact information. Titina reluctantly hands over the phone. Mariana slowly walks away like she’s trying to get the information when suddenly she’s high tailing it out of there. Unfortunately, she’s wearing heels and doesn’t get far before Titina catches up. There is some hair pulling before Titina gets the upper hand. Ding Ding Ding! Titina wins round 1. Marina better be getting hazard pay.

-Bruno is making plans for the fruit piscadores (pickers) to come at 6am. Juancho complains about having to help, but hey that’s what adults do, they work. They go clean the tractor for tomorrow.

-Cheo is at work doing his smoozy salesman pitch. He sells a car. I guess all that pushiness has to work for something. Cheo gets a call from an unknown caller. It’s Anselmo. He tells him that he got his number from a friend, and wants to do a business deal with Cheo. He doesn’t take it seriously at first, but pays attention when Anselmo says he knows he’s having problems with an engineer that’s circling his girlfriend. If you’re interested in talking, I’ll meet you tomorrow at noon at the café in the park.

-CONATROL HQ. Uribe calls Rick into his office, and tells him about the important board meeting scheduled for tomorrow morning. Your opinion is important, and I need you to be objective. Rick says of course. Despite all the problems, I have all the confidence that Antonio can move the plant forward. Later while in Rick’s office, David ask why Uribe wanted to see him. Rick tells him about the meeting to discuss whether they’ll close down the plant or not. That’s good right? You can take Antonio down, and have the road to the VP free. Not so fast says Rick. If they close the plant down, they’ll bring Antonio back HQ, but he’ll probably resign out of dignity. That means more time with Isa, and getting Isa is more important than the VP. Now scram, I have to get my speech ready to convince the board not close down the plant [I’m very surprised on how important Rick’s opinion seems to be]. David leaves. [Sometimes I feel that David is just a little puppy that Rick likes to kick. He needs to get a bestie like Tonio or Sebas.]

-CONATROL SAN GASPAR. Antonio, Sebas, and Rafa are getting ready for the super duper important meeting. Rafa will be in charge of the plant while they are gone. Just then Marina walks in the office hair all mussed up & empty handed. Somebody hand her a hair brush please. Rafa & Antonio try to hold their laughter in. Marina calls Titina a fiera (wild animal?), which I think it is quite nice of her that she doesn’t call her something else. Sebastian comes up with plan #2. Later they visit Sara at the restaurant to rope her in the cell phone mission. So much for staying away from Antonio.

9/22/15 PART 3

-Isa calls Rick. He thinks that she’s going to cancel their plans, because Antonio is flying in that night for the meeting tomorrow. Well that’s news to Isa. Rick pokes at the slight by asking her if she’s not that important that Antonio doesn’t even tell her these things. Isa tells him she hates his sarcasm, and they are not seeing each other tonight. It’s the truth says Rick. How much more desprecios (contempt, insults) are you going to take before you cut it off with Antonio. [Can we collect a fund and buy this girl a clue?]

-Scene where Pedro is looking over his gas robbery sites. Laura comes in, and wonders why he never tells her about his work. Because you wouldn’t understand. Stick to your charity works, that’s all your good for. [Bastard!]

-Nachito is at work when he sees Anselmo walk up asking if they sell cigarettes. [Dude, it’s a restaurant not a store]. As he walks away Nachito suddenly remembers that he would see the guy in the sketch talking to Pedro’s bodyguard [Anselmo] at El Molcajete when Pedro still owned it. He [the guy in the sketch] might of even have worked for Pedro. He remembers seeing all this months ago. Nachito tells all this to Fidel

-Round #2. Sara rings Titina’s doorbell, and says she came for the phone. Titina ask if Sebas is scared to come himself. [Yes] No, he’s in the D.F. Titina says that’s what the other one said. Why don’t you tell him….but Sara cuts her off. I’m not going to tell him anything. Either you give me the phone a las buenas or I’ll take it a las malas. Oh yeah how?? Sara goes past Titina, and sneaks into her house for the phone. Sara threatens to tell her whole family that Titina is not the innocent girl her family believes, and that she gave Sebas his lovebites. So give me the phone or they’ll find out. Just then Titina’s mom comes in, and Sara is introduced as a school friend. Sara says she just came by to pick up her phone that she left in Titina’s purse. Can you please give it to me? Smooth Sara. Sara gets the heck out of there with the phone, but Titina gives her a parting message. Tell Chebi it’s not going to end like this. Sara shoots back to stop with the foolishness. A la fuerza ni los zapatos entran. Titina thought bubbles, that’s fine if you take the phone. I already got all the information I want. Either way, Sara for the win.

Scenes at Simon’s apartment:

-Bruno takes Juancho to soccer practice. Juancho doesn’t want to go. Exercise is good for everyone! [I know I know, don’t make me feel guilty writers]

-Simon tells Sara they sold their all their crop to one buyer. Everything is going great. They almost paid off the truck, and there will be money left over for his rocket. Now off to bed. Simon ask Sara to tell Bruno to wake him up early.

- Bruno & Juancho come back from soccer practice. Juancho is all sore, and Sara reminds him to take a shower because he’s all sweaty. Then off to bed Bruno says, because they have to get up at 5am to pick the crops. Juancho complains, but they all seem to be in a good mood. I think we’re in for the metamorphosis of Juancho.

9/22/15 PART 4

-Antonio and Sebas are at Antonio’s D.F. apartment. Sara calls to give him the good news about the phone. He is still on the phone laughing with such a happy smile, when Sebas answers the ringing doorbell. It’s Natalie & Isa. His smile leaves pretty quickly. The girls are not happy, and want an explanation on why the boys didn’t tell them they were coming. Natalie also wants to know about the ridiculous handkerchief around Sebas’ neck. Sebas pretends to be sick, coughing and sneezing all over the place to keep Natalie from getting near him. How did ya’ll even know we were here? They say it doesn’t matter. What’s important is that they didn’t tell them. Antonio tells the girls it was a last minute thing, and Uribe told them not to tell anybody. So now we’re nobody. [Ughh stupid pointless argument] Antonio responds it’s not about not having confidence in them, but about confidentiality. So who told ya’ll? Isa fibs that she called the San Gaspar plant & someone told her. Well we have to work all night for tomorrow’s meeting. Sorry but this is urgent. They leave.

-Sara is at the restaurant & has a sad face after Antonio hung up [because Isa & Natalie showed up at his apartment in D.F.] Rosa ask her what has her all sad. Nothing new says Sara. When will I learn that I have no place in Tonio’s life? Her phone rings but she doesn’t answer. Then she gets a text from Cheo. “Just wanted to let you know that during our time apart I will become the man you want me to be.” Rosa ask if Sara is going to give Cheo another chance. Not right now, but you never know. They go back to work.

-Cheo complains to Roque that Sara doesn’t respond to his calls/txts. [Another one that needs a clue, we gotta dig deep people to fund all these clues] Roque wonders if Cheo will go to the meeting tomorrow. Cheo doesn’t know but is intrigued that they knew about his whole business with Antonio.

-Isa is all mad because Antonio didn’t seem happy to see her! [We should have that clue shipped express]. He didn’t smile when he saw me, and greeted me with the same lukewarmess. Fine, I’ll call someone who will give me more than a hi. Natalie does not approve.

-Tonio calls Marina to find out who told. She has no idea. Only she and Rafa knew. Antonio thinks it might have been Rick. He is friends with Natalie after all.

-Lucia is playing cards with her son. He doesn’t seem to be up to play cards all night long. It seems Padre V is always up for Lucia’s card playing nights. She calls Padre V’s boss [Not God, the other priest]. She wants Padre V back, and plays the dying card while playing cards. She can’t die without giving her last confession. And I suppose you want Padre V to hear your confession says the priest on the phone. Let me see what I can do. Hold on until tomorrow, don’t die yet.

-Sebas and Antonio strategize over what to tell the board. They call Rick to see what his position will be at the meeting. Rick is in his apartment when he answers. He tells them that he doesn’t know yet. He is waiting to see what Antonio says at the meeting. [How many times how I written meeting in this recap? Feels like a gizzlion times] And if he is being sincere, he doubts the nayers will change their minds. Just then Isa comes up to Rick with a glass of wine, and says “Here’s your drink love”. Rick quickly gets up, and says he’ll talk to them tomorrow because he’s busy. A shocked look on Antonio! He tells Sebas that he swears he thought he heard Isa’s voice in the background……..[do we have enough left to also buy Antonio a clue?]


Just brilliant, jlk! I was reading in anticipation in real time as you posted. :)

Is it too soon for Isa to get busted by Antonio? Probably, but he's getting closer.

The confrontations with Titina and Marina and Sara were hilarious. Very well played, Sara.

Thank you for taking time on that conversation between Sara and Merce. Yes, Sara's big tear filled eyes and quivering chin got to me too. Poor Sara.

I think Bruno and Simon are going to keep Juancho too busy and tired to get up to any mischief. Good! I'm so bummed about what they are going to find when they go to pick the crops. So sad.

Oh, and that call between Vlad and Ed was adorable.

Not even past the first bullet and I have to stop and praise a line "hundreds of jobs... No pressure." Right? Shouldn't Lic Uribe have more pull than Antonio?

Back to reading...

Whewww, that episode felt long with a lot going on.

Variopinta: Yes, this happened to me too! Had to go and watch an online version. I think that in addition to the time change tomorrow, it's also going to happen Friday. So check your tv listings people.

Vivi: That's pretty cool! But I bet traffic is going to be horrible. I heard that they are going to be closing down roads for his visit. But hey it's the Pope!

I loved the showdown between Sara & Titina, and Sara did it all with a smile. Can ya'll tell I'm not a fan of Titina? But like you pointed out Diva, I guess her family is the reason she has to have a loud shouty voice. It seems like only the strong survive in that family.

I doubt that Antonio thinking he overheard Isa with Rick will result in anything, but it's nice to dream. Hopefully it will start putting seeds of doubt in his head.



jlk- I get to work from home the next two days, and most of the streets in my hood, including mine, will be closed off at one point or another during the visit.

Home run, jlk! Dayum you were on fire with those asides, then you got that fund a clue riff going! I just loved it!

You are so right about David needing a bestie. Poor little puppy.

I don't think I can give you enough thanks for this. You offered to do it yesterday and still brought us a wonderful reading experience even after discovering you didn't have it recorded. Thank you a million times over!

Jlk, you're so good at this!

Favorite line (there were a lot!):
"[Another one that needs a clue, we gotta dig deep people to fund all these clues]"

My DVR cut off the very last part of the last scene, but I knew I could count on your recap to rescue me. Thanks.

It is on at 1 today. Like NOW

Just watched my recording (don't judge, no one is on email at work today). Juancho both made me really mad, and shocked me by for once showing some compassion. Poor Bruno and Simon!

I'm so ready for Isa to get busted by Tonio. But I really don't know how Tonio will be able to forgive his mother once he eventually learns she knew about Isa's affair, and did nothing because she put money/business/status above his happiness. That's just cold.

Continuing on with jlk's theme, Laura needs someone to buy her a clue about Pedro and his shady business.

thank yall for the kind words!

Vivi, no judging more like jealous :)

I hope we eventually get some backstory on Laura & Pedro. I'm not always a fan of laura [don't know if it's because of the actress or character], but I hate seeing her so powerless against Pedro. Hopefully when she get's a clue about what Pedro's business dealings are she'll help in his downfall.


I can understand that jlk. I think I'm ok with Laura the character, but the actress is still a little stiff. I think Vivi once said she is only in her early 20s. This might be her first "big" job?

Juancho made some major points with me today. He truly seemed contrite and remorseful. I think he's starting to get a clue (for free no less!) that he is not the center of the universe.

I'm seriously loving this "get a clue" theme. It's really fun, jlk!


Starting the recap now.

Wednesday 9/23 Parte 1
Condense and combine in a half-assed manner! That’s my motto!
Rick, ever the gentleman, tells Isa that if she sees him talking on the cell phone she should shut up.

Antonio is sure he heard Isa’s voice. When he ponders it later, he’s sure have must have heard wrong.

Isa gets home. Thank goodness! No calls from Antonio. Natalia is still up. Isa needs to talk to her. Antonio might have heard her at Ric’s! Nat thinks it serves Isa right. Isa was bound to get caught. Isa blames it all on Anto. If he hadn’t ignored her she wouldn’t have had to get her “needs” met elsewhere. Natalia is the voice of por favor. Isa is in way to deep with Ric and she’s obsessed with him. Isa denies that. She can quit any time she wants. You keep telling yourself that, hon.

Juancho has no intentions of waking up at 5 AM [which seems perfect normal to me] and resets Bruno’s alarm for 7. They all get a rude awakening the next morning. Graciano’s call wakes them up. Bruno and Simon groggily head out to the farm. There they discover that something is wrong with the trees and the oranges. They are all dying. They wonder what could have happened. They go over the events of the day before and they are sure that they used the usual fertilizer. They’re also sure the vats and equipment were free of any other chemicals and there was no residue. Bruno is going to take some samples to his professor and have some tests run. Unfortunately, the entire crop is ruined.

Simon reports this to Sara at El Molcajete. Juancho is there. He is worried that maybe the plants could have been saved if everyone had arrived on time. (This was a thoughtbubble--which I learned this weekend is bocadillo in Spanish. Thank you old Caray vocab posts!)

Fidel and Quintin question Pedro about Jacinto. According to Pedro, Jacinto was fired about 6 months ago. He had a feeling the guy was bad news. Fidel asks if Pedro and Jacinto had a contract. Pedro didn’t have a contract with Jacinto. He hired him on the recommendation of someone. Fidel found it odd that Pedro would hire a bodyguard without references. Fidel wants to talk to Elias. Pedro calls him in and explains [read leads the witness] why Fidel is there. Elias seems to recall Jacinto was from some town near Puebla called *too lazy to rewind back and listen but it ends with “pec”* Jacinto was a quiet guy. He really didn’t talk much. His last name was Robles or Flores or something. Fidel asks Laura if she remembers anything. She quickly says she has no idea. After Fidel leaves, she asks why Pedro said Jacinto left 6 months ago. She knows she saw him recently. Pedro tells her she must be mistaken.

Antonio gives Ric a preview of what he plans to say at the meeting. Let me warn you all now that when old men sit in a meeting, my eyes start to glaze over before a word is even spoken….and the meeting took up a bit of time. Long story short, Antonio’s arguments include the following: closing the San Gaspar plant would hurt Conatrol’s image, but most importantly, the job loss would be hard on the community.

Theme Song Mumble Along! (Since the words are really fast and hard for me to sing.)

Wednesday 9/23 Parte 2
Padre V’s replacement has arrived in SDdlP. Padre V asks what he did [which sort of reminded me of a prison inmate. Hey, what are you in the pokey for.] The new Padre had an incident with the ceremonial wine. Padre V repeats Lazlo’s creepy speech about the wild animals. The new Padre is nervous until Padre V tells him he’s kidding. All Padre V has seen are cats and dogs. At a going away picnic [I assume], Atila says he’ll miss the Padre. But Lazlo reminds us all that this is not a final goodbye since he has that job with Conatrol [which makes me happy. I really like the SDdlP peeps.]

Juancho goes to see Simon. I am totally impressed. Without anyone forcing him to, he confesses what he did with the alarm clock. He is very worried that he may be to blame for what happened. Simon assures him that even if they had arrived on time, the trees and fruits would still be lost. But what Juancho did was still selfish and juvenile. [Thus sayeth the rocket man]

Pedro tells Anselmo about Fidel’s visit. Pedro wants to know how Fidel found out about Jacinto [and now I’m worried for Nacho.] Anselmo knows to keep his mouth shut. Pedro sends Anselmo to Progreso to continue the plan with Cheo...but warns Anselmo not to be seen or Cheo will recognize him.

This thing with Cheo really flabbergasted me. He actually wants to meet with this person who called about getting rid of Anto- “out of curiosity.” Even Roque thinks this is crazy. I really didn’t think Cheo would go this far! The rendezvous is at an outdoor cafe. Anselmo watches from behind a tree. Cheo is about to give up and asks for the check. Anselmo calls and tells Cheo to meet him at another location. Cheo is about to hang up because he thinks this “mystery” guy is trying to make a fool of him. About this time the waiter brings the check. Anselmo tells Cheo to order another coffee. Cheo knows he’s being watched. Cheo is told to wait until someone brings him something. A gentleman does. It’s 25 pesos. There’s more where that came from as soon as they close the deal. They want Anto dead, too! Cheo says he’s never killed anyone. Anselmo says there’s always a first time. Don’t worry about the weapon. They will get one for Cheo. If he wants to work with them hang a prenda azul (blue article of clothing) in the window of his apartment. Cheo has until 8 PM. When he gets back to the car lot, Cheo lies and tells Roque no one showed up.

Bruno goes to see Merce and tells her about the crop. He lets it slip that he thinks Pedro had something to do with it. This is worrisome news to Merce. They call Simon. They tell Merce about Pedro mistreating the farmers. Bruno even says something about Pedro beating Laura.Simon thinks Bruno needs to calm down. They only have proof that Pedro is a user. After the call, Merce tells Bruno to tell her when the test results are back. If they prove that Pedro was involved, she wants to know. Somehow she and Sara will pay back the loan and get Pedro out of their lives forever. [Somehow Bruno has to be an actual relation, she said something about how important family was. And that seemed like there’s a very close bond between Bruno and Merce. Maybe he’s her godson?]

Isa and Ema have plans for lunch. Before they leave, Isa gets a call from the gallery. Silvina (gallery owner) needs some measurements. Isa excuses herself to do that. Ema thinks it’s just a cover story. She calls Anto and convinces him to meet them at the restaurant. According to Ema, Isa is feeling ignored.


Wednesday 9/23 Parte 3
Fidel thinks either Pedro really didn’t know anything, or that Pedro was lying Fidel is a smart cop. He leans more toward the latter. Elias and the other bodyguards are probably well trained enough to know to cover for Pedro. Fidel tells Quintin to check with Puebla. Maybe they have some record of a Jacinto Robles.

Sara tells Rosa about Simon’s crops. Pepe, Nelson and Rafa are also at Molcajete and overhear her. She explains what happened.

Prick [wow. I that is the most Freudian thing ever because I totally meant to type Ric] meets with Lic Uribe and another older gentleman. Rick is also trying to keep the San Gaspar plant open [albeit for his own reasons.] He tells the two executives that it’s highly likely that Anto would turn in his resignation if the plant closed. Anto feels like it was his responsibility to solve the problem with the gasoline robberies and profit loss. Now, Antonio himself has said nothing like this to the executives, but Rick claims he would do the same if he were in the same position.

Anto makes it to lunch with his mom and Isa. Ema wants to move up the engagement announcement and do it now. He’s in town after all. Anto is against it. He’s in town for important meetings. He’s trying to stop them from closing the plant. Ema thinks this is wonderful news! Close the plant! Anto can come home and be with Isa. She’s working too much at the gallery anyway. That Rita woman won’t leave Isa alone! Anto tells his mom and Isa that if the plant closes, he will resign from Conatrol. [Rick knows his enemy well, don’t you think?] This doesn’t seem to phase Ema or Isa at all. In fact, they love the idea. Then Anto could go work for Guillermo. Ema has one little bocadillo about having to put up with Isa’s unfaithfulness since they need to keep the connection with Guillermo.

Juancho and Simon discuss the crop loss. Simon is mad at himself for spending so much money. Juancho gives him a pep talk and even offers to sell his video game console. He echos Merce’s earlier line that “Dios aprieta, pero no ahorca.” He gives Simon a big hug.


Sara- This was a full and satisfying recap! Not half-assed in the least.

I think Cheo received WAY more than 25 pesos as an incentive to kill Tonio. Like you, I can't believe he is even considering it. Call the police, Cheo! The only good thing I can see about this is that Cheo will for sure screw up the hit, and that will mean Pedro will likely get rid of him. Pedro doesn't like problems or loose ends.

Juancho really showed some growth this episode. He admitted the truth about the alarm, unprompted. He passed on advice his mom gives. And he gave Simon a needed hug. Now, if only he would stop being so hateful with Sara.

I liked the scene with Bruno and Merce too. Still have no idea how he's connected to their family, but I like your idea that he's a godson.


Sad the Padre's time in San Di is coming to an end. I hope they find lots of reasons to come visit him in San G. The folks back at home need Padre now more than ever, though.

HAHAHAHA! Yeah, Vivi... It was 25 MIL pesos. Guess I forgot an important word.

Cheo is a jerk and macho and a hot head, but if he actually goes through with it I'm going to need a beanie tune up. That would seem wildly out of character to me. I suspect that somehow the insurance policy he failed to read is going to come into play. My guess is he's going to be desperate for the cash and feel forced to take the cash. But you're right, he'll screw it up.

sara and Denise, now I'm wondering what my teachers used to be doing up at their desks in the pre-Internet days when we were all pretending to work on things or "journaling" or whatever.

I think my DVR mostly caught stuff for the last two days, but the endings got cut off. Good thing I've got recaps!

jlk, thank you for the Tuesday recap. I loved all your asides, but the one that made me stort out loud the loudest was "She calls Padre V’s boss [Not God, the other priest]" I have no doubt she would bully God himself to get Padre V back in town if she had his number.

So many clues to buy and so much money being lost to the gasoline thefts and the Cetrocal cleanup. If I chip in to the "clue" fund, can I designate a clue recipient or does it go to the one who's most in need? And how do I decide who that is. Oh, no, wait...I decided...I want Cheo to get his clue first. Dude bugs.

Sara, thank you for the Wednesday recap! I actually was having a hard time paying attention to the Big Important Meeting, too. Your summary was more than adequate.

The prison inmate thing cracked me up. I think San Dionisio will be a good place for the new Padre. No temptation and no easy way to get access to booze without a Fidel of his own to make deliveries!

Please, Cheo would totally try to bump Antonio off for 25 pesos. Even at 25 mil, Pedro's only going to get about 25 pesos worth of effort.

I got a kick out of "Prick"...I was going to edit that, but what the hell.

OK, I think I'm all caught up and ready to recap today!

Sara thanks for your wonderful recap! Loved the Freudian slip :D

I can't not believe how self involved Emma & Isa are, although I really shouldn't be surprised by their behavior. Yay! the plant is closing! who cares about the negatives effects this will cause. Yay! you can come back home! who cares how all this might actually make you feel.

How many episodes in and we're still playing "how are ya'll related?" Hahaha. I wonder if the writers are being vague for a reason. Aren't we usually hit over the head with this kind of stuff early on? Either way I like the family bond they all have. And speaking of Bruno, just an observation but I like how you don't think farmer when you look at him.

So So happy that Fidel has his thinking cap on. And liked that look he and Quintin exchanged while Pedro (as Sara so aptly put it) lead the witness while asking about Jacinto. Your downfall is coming Pedro.

"Even at 25 mil, Pedro's only going to get about 25 pesos worth of effort." LOL So true Diva. Oh let us count the ways he'll screw this up.....



Your whole it! Especially the description of Ema and Isa. I was so annoyed by them when I watched yesterday. My husband actually came out from his man cave and asked who I was yelling at. Silly man, he should be used to my TN induced rants by now.

La Vecina #68 Th 9/24/15 Part 1

Marina and Rafa are worried about how the big meeting in the DF is going. Rafa passes on the news about Bruno and Simon's oranges.

Edwina has signed up for an email list about balloons, and she joined a club, but it's in the DF, so she may not get to go. She ad Vlad are partners in this balloon project and Edwina declares it'll get off the ground, unlike some people's rockets.

Ric went to bat for the San Gaspar plant at lunch and tells Sebas that Antonio owes him one. Sebas casually mentions that Antonio is at lunch with Isa and his mom.

They've made it back to Isa's apartment where Antonio is liking what he sees of her latest paintings. She shows him the wedding invitations she designed and his response is to ask if she seriously wants to marry him. She proves it with her lips…bleh!

Ric is seething about Antonio, Isa, and the wedding. Plus the potential loss of the Veepship. David tries to talk some sense into him, but Ric is determined that Isa will be "his." He warns David not to go against him. Aww, poor David.

Antonio likes the invites, but they still don't have a date. Isa tries to sincerely say she understands work comes first, but she fails. Marina calls asking for a decision and wanting to tell him about the oranges, but he asks her to tell him LATER. Lots of shifty eyes on Antonio's part. Isa even leaves the room, and just then "Rita Suarez" calls, but Isa gets back in time to shut off the ringer and get a semi-threatening booty call for 9pm that night. More face smushing.

Padre Vicente is back in the SG y'all! There is much squeeing from Sara, who then gives him the bad news about the oranges.

Bruno gets the report from his proof, with the University seal, no less, so he can use it to file a police report if he wants to. Something was added to the stuff he sprayed to kill the orange trees [insert additional technical vocabulary here]. Bruno is sure it was Pedro! Pedro knew he would be spraying! The prof will back Bruno up if he needs him to. But in the meantime, the effects of the "envenenamiento" (poisoning) can be reversed if they act now. YAAAAAAAAAY! There will be some chemical magic to do.

Cheo is checking the time. He decides to hang the sock on his doorknob…I mean, the blue shirt on his balcony.

Family meeting. Simon is angry. Bruno blames Pedro. Padre V is confused. Sara is in denial about Pedro. Bruno wants to confront Pedro. Simon says they should go to the cops and Padre V agrees. Sara is still in denial. She reluctantly agrees that if he did the crime, he should do the time.

Sebastian and his scarf show up at Antonio's. He tells him about Ric and the lunch. Antonio can't figure out why Isa wants to marry him, as big a jerk as he's been lately. Sebas says she'll get over it.

Ahhhhh, the theme song. Makes my day! Sometimes I like to imagine that they're saying goofy things, since we don't get audio. Like when Sara looks deeply into Antonio's eyes maybe she says "I just ate onion rings" and he replies "I had garlic fries."

It's more of an "interrogation call" than a booty call. Ric wants to know what Isa's intentions are with him. She finally lays it out that they're from different classes and that's why they can't ever be anything but a fling. There's a lot of ugly yelling on Ric's part and some very rough physical treatment. I hate that Isa finds it sexy.

Dudes. Whiskey. They decide to call San Gaspar and get the 411 about whatever's going on with Bruno and Simon. Marina is happy to fill them in and Antonio and Sebastian are appropriately horrified.

La Vecina #68 Th 9/24/15 Part 2

Cheo's doorman brings up a shoebox someone delivered…with a shiny new wad of bills inside. Another 25 mil, and there's another 50 mil on offer after Antonio is dead. There's a flannel bag…with a gun inside. His cell phone rings. It's just Roque. Sounds like Cheo turns down a night out. He's busy contemplating the gun and the money.

Antonio decides to call Simon and Sara, but neither are answering. Natalia calls the apartment to talk to Sebastian. He claims they're working. And he's still deathly ill. So no nookie. For her own health. He says he'll go home when they're done working. Besitos. Yet another phone call…from Titina! The horror! She's furious about the cell phone incident. He pretends it was all an innocent mistake. Of course he's not playing around with her! Well, she's not playing around either. And she would have called any of his hundreds of contacts to find him. (The horror!) Now Sebastian drops the sweet talk. Antonio is dying of laughter. She gives him until Saturday to go back or she'll come find him. And he has to call her twice a day, other wise she'll start making calls to his contacts. Besitos! (The horror!) Antonio's laughing over how Sebastian's going to have to come up with a way out of his…predicament.

He calls Sara again and she and Padre V just sit there listening to the phone buzz. Sara refuses to play "The Other Woman." Padre V advises her that as long as she knows what she wants, screw the rest of it. Uh, but he didn't say it like that 'cause he's all priestly.

Anselmo tells Pedro that Cheo took the bait. Pedro says it's a given--anyone would do the same to the guy who messed with "his" woman. Any caveman, sure.

Bruno and Simon explain to Fidel that Pedro has had it in for them since they bought the truck. They didn't say anything before, because they didn't think he really meant his threats. Bruno thinks it's way too much coincidence that Pedro just happened to be there when he was buying his chemicals. Quintin wants to go right over and find out what Pedro purchased, but Fidel nixes the idea. It's too common and it won't prove it was Pedro. If they accuse him without good evidence, he'll just sue them for defamation. He insists they just press charges against "whoever is responsible" and let HIM be the one to investigate and figure out who that is. He resents the implication that he's covering for Pedro. Quintin even wants to defend Fidel by letting slip that they're already suspicious of him, but Fidel cuts him off before he can say too much. "Do what you want. I'm just giving you advice. If you want to denounce Pedro, feel free to go out there and make your accusations to the MP." Deflated, the guys leave his office. Fidel explains to Quintin that he's sure Pedro's got "mucha cola que pisen" ("a lot of tail to be stepped on"; he's a shady dude) and if they don't do this right, he'll get away. He'd rather the guys think ill of him than screw that up.

In the outer office, Bruno is still steamed, but Simon sees the wisdom in what Fidel said. Bruno reluctantly agrees to let the police do their jobs. Meanwhile, they've got to get the money for the chemicals to save the orchard. Even if that means selling the truck.

Isa and Ric. Postcoital. He kicks her out. He's in charge from now on. She's still digging his roughness physically even if verbally she's angry. He shoves her out the door and throws her shoes after her. And here I thought it wasn't possible to dislike him any more than I already did. He looks ill--dark circles under his eyes, pale--when he calls Pedro. Pedro assures him Antonio is as good as dead.

La Vecina #68 Th 9/24/15 Part 3

Sara shouts for Juancho to come say goodbye to Padre V. Juancho's still super bummed about the orchard. He doesn't even take Sara up on her offer of dinner.

Back at her place, Isa's still turned on by the memory of Ric. EWWWWWW!

Doña Lucita will take this matter all the way to the Pope if she has to, but she wants her Padre Vicente back! She'll go to San Dionisio and drag him back herself if she has to! But here he is. She scolds him for getting home so late. She fixed him a welcome dinner of chilpachole (a seafood soup). He can tell her all the news while he eats. Her son trails Lucita, Padre V and Rodobaldo into the parish house with the soup container.

Fidel is home and wondering if Edwina has heard about Simon and Bruno's orchard. He felt bad about what happened to them. They're so hardworking.

Padre V is loving the chilpachole. It's Lucita's recipe, but "Lupe" actually made it. Padre V shares the news about the orchard with them. The oranges are lost, but the trees can be saved with some expensive chemicals. Doña Lucita asks for an estimate. Send the boys over to her place tomorrow and she'll cut them a check. Now, let's finish our chipachole and get our card game on!

Antonio comes to Uribe's office. The board of directors decided to keep the plant open. Antonio is determined to turn things around.

Sebas and Ric are anxiously awaiting the news and Antonio happily announces it to them. He thanks Ricardo for his help. He and Sebas are headed back to San Gaspar this afternoon. Ric thought bubbles that Antonio's going home "con los pies por delante" (feet first; in a coffin).

Doña Lucita hands over a check. I want to be Doña Lucita when I grow up. Simon and Bruno are going to pay her back, but she's not worried about it. She invites them to have some lunch, but Bruno says they quicker they get to work, the greater the chance they can save the oranges. She shoos them out.

Juancho is doing research online. Edwina comes looking for Bruno, which gives Graciano an opportunity to tell Juancho about the Edwina-Simon. I'm facepalming in advance as Juancho says he'll take care of it. My facepalming is not in vain. I don't even think Edwina owes him the slightest politeness, the way he's talking to her. Juancho's all proud of himself, but Graciano thinks he went too far. Juancho is sure Simon will thank him, but Graciano just shakes his head.

Cheo is waiting outside of Conatrol. He's sure Antonio should have arrived already and calls the office. He pretends to be Lic. Villaseñor from the department of Urban Development. Marina helpfully informs him that Antonio's arriving on the 6pm flight. Rather than leave a message, he says he'll call back. Cheo looks down at the box with the gun and the money and decides to go to the airport.


I had to stop reading immediately and praise:

Ahhhhh, the theme song. Makes my day! Sometimes I like to imagine that they're saying goofy things, since we don't get audio. Like when Sara looks deeply into Antonio's eyes maybe she says "I just ate onion rings" and he replies "I had garlic fries."

From now on I'm going to play the same game!

*goes back to reading*

Thanks so much, Diva!
My recording was pre-empted by the Pope right after the part where Lucita welcomes back el Padre Vicente, so again our recappers come through to save the day!

Oh sure, now I'll never be able to listen to our song again without thinking "Onion rings" and "Curly fries"! Ha ha.

I hate that Isa finds it sexy.

Burp. I know what parts I'm FF when I watch.

Thanks for the recap 5ft. I swear, between you and jlk I've pulled a gut muscle laughing.

Random thoughts:
Fidel is a great cop. Very refreshing.
I'm glad I can look forward to seeing Mariana Karr!

Ditto, Diana! I wont be able to think of anything else during the song either. I will be smiling even bigger!

Kat- Thank you for this expert retelling of this episode's events. You know, I really didn't think Isa and Prick (thanks, Sara) could get more disgusting, but they proved me wrong. Blech!

Fidel is also changing the way I feel about him, but in a good way. Not only is he proving to be a great cop, he's also showing he's a good brother by telling Edwina about Simon's oranges.

Yay for Lucita!!! Not only does she bring seafood soup (yum), she also bails our heroes out of trouble. Awesome.

I love Lucita. This whole show could go to crap, but will be worth it for the scenes with Mariana Karr.

It's on at 2:00 EST today

Thank you, Sara! Um, yeah Mariana Karr > Isa and Ric. FF that ish.

Thank you, Denise! Glad I was able to help out.

Thank you, Vivi! I continue to be pleasantly surprised at Fidel. They seem to have dropped the Fidel of early episodes who was suspicious of his wife and checking her phone and messing up her knitting. And yay for that!

Variopinta, wait, what?! That makes no sense...I'd better check my DVR. Thanks for the warning. Looks like 2 EST is "right now" for me, but that's not what's airing. I'm just going to grab a bunch of extra hours. I need my comedy fix!

Oh the pope *sigh*
I wouldn't be irritated but half the time this week my converter told me the right times and half the time it wouldn't tell me anything at all
On the other hand missing episodes made catching up quicker
Which is kinda good since this week has been crazy and so will the weekend be

So thanks Sara x2 and jlk and Diva and Denise(preemptively)- the recaps are always appreciated but this week maybe a little extra 'cause they help keep me from missing out on what's going on

I liked jlk's getting a clue fund started - how much are clues runnin us these days?

And Sara thanks for bocadillo, it rolls off the tongue much easier than thoughtbubble

Speaking of rolls how about a group eye roll for pretty much all the characters this week
Except for Fidel, and Padre V, and Lucita

La Vecina, Friday, 9/25 Part 1

Cheo is waiting outside Conatrol for Antonio to arrive. He gets anxious and calls Marina who informs Cheo that Anto will arrive on the 6 o’clock flight.
Cheo: “ I’ll be seeing you at the airport, ‘Ingeniero’.”

Quintín enters Fidel’s office and informs him of the progress of the Tree Poisoning Case so far. Turns out that the herbicide, Ceprenixina, used to kill Bruno’s “huerta” is very expensive, and guess who has bought some in great quantity? – Pedro Arango.

Anto to Sebas: “Time to hop a flight back to San Gasp. “
Sebas: “What’ll I tell Natalia?”
Anto: “You said you were an expert at handling women! Ja ja.”
Anto makes a date with Isa for dinner before his flight. Then to Sebas:
“Have you thought what you’re going to do about the Natalia/Titina debacle?
Sebas: “I gotta go along with Titina cause she’s got me by the ***s!”
Sebas calls Titina at the appointed time and makes fake lovey talk to her while gesturing stabbing motions at the phone for Anto’s amusement.

Simón and Bruno are at the bank to cash Lucita’s check. Bruno remarks that it’s odd that Edwina is not at her usual post. Simón: “Ah, really? I hadn’t noticed.” (Uh huh.) He sits to wait for Bruno to complete his transaction and steals a glance over in the direction of Edwina’s spot.

Slick Ric calls Isa saying he wants to have lunch with her. She says “Can’t. Having lunch with Antonio.”
Ric: “Great. Tell me where we’re having lunch – the three of us. I can’t wait to see the look on your face when I caress your leg under the table.
(You think Isa is going to be horrified, right? Nope. She is diggin’ it.)

Edwina arrives at the bank, and Simón jumps up to greet her. She is icy cold to him. “Your nephew made very clear to me what your opinion of me is! Let me pass!” She leaves Simón standing there, dumbfounded.
“Juancho is going to hear from me,” Simón declares to Bruno.

Pedro interrogates Laura about her relationship to el Padre Vicente and his other followers/friends. “I’m not five years old!” says Laura. Pedro: “Don’t answer me that way! “ Laura: “Fine. Whatever.” She stands up (in more ways than one) and walks out of the room. Pedro thought bubbles, “That padre is in my sights.”

El Padre and Sara review facts of the Huerta Tragedy. El Padre is concerned, but philosophical too. “God will help them.”

Juancho is on the computer at Simón’s workshop. “Whoa, here are the specs for my uncle’s cohete! Ha, that’s not how this formula should work. I’ll just make a few changes here.” (Hey, what could go wrong?)

David brings Slick Ric some reports he requested. Ric receives a text from Isa. They’re eating at Los Alcatraces. Ric smiles and comments to David that it’s so great to have so much power over another person.

Cheo is outside El Molcajete watching Sara say goodbye to Vicente. Cheo is agonizing over his decision to take Antonio’s life. “Sara, I hope what I’m about to do brings us back together,” he says.

Sebas The Weasel is on the phone with Natalia begging off of seeing her before he returns to San Gasp. After hanging up, he promises to himself that he will make it all up to her whenever he manages to get rid of Titina. Enter Slick Ric. Sebas pulls at his collar to hide his Titina bite.
Ric: “What’s up with your neck? I didn’t think Natalia was that intense.!”
Sebas: “Leave her out of this, and why are you sending her flowers anyway?!
Leave her alone.”
Ric: “It would be a shame if Natalia found out about those ‘chupetes’.”
(Apparently, pretty much everybody has Sebas’ where they want him.)

Vicente greets Laura at the church. He’s so glad to be back, and he’s impressed with Laura’s initiative in preparing for the new classes they will offer.
El Padre: “Your husband is so kind to make all these donations. I must go and offer him my thanks.”
Laura: “Totally not necessary. He’s way busy with his business stuff.”
Padre: “And do you help him with his business?”
Laura: “Heck. I don’t even know what it is that he does.”


La Vecina, Friday Part 2

Juancho, “curioseando” (perusing, snooping) on Simón’s computer. Enter Simón.
“Don’t you know it’s bad manners to snoop around in other people’s business? And what the heck did you say to Edwina that made her so mad?”
Juancho: “Don’t worry, Unc., she won’t be coming around bothering you anytime soon!”
Simón: “Mind your own bleeping business. It’s like it’s impossible to keep you out of trouble! Come on and help me unload the truck.”

Anselmo (?), Pedro’s gato, enters Pedro’s office to inform him that Simón and Bruno are spraying chemicals on the dying orange trees. “Not worried,” says Pedro. “They’re going to lose at least two seasons of harvests. We’ll just see if they can survive that!”

Antonio and Isabel are at the restaurant, discussing what to order. Ric makes his entrance as planned. Isa invites him to eat with them, also as planned. Ric sits down and begins to sing Antonio’s praises while giving Isa a little cuchicoo under the table. Isa gets a thrill up her leg.

Theme song.” Doo doo dee doo. Onion rings and curly fries.”

Marina tells Rafa that Anto and Sebas’ flight will be arriving at 5:00. They don’t yet know how the all important meeting went with the big wigs in the D.F..

Rafa thinks Anto sounded cheerful enough on the phone, but he can’t be sure.
Nelson lurks in the background as Rafa and Marina speculate about how terrible it will be if the plant closes. Nelson takes off like a cat with his tail on fire to tell someone the news. He calls Pedro, telling him that the plant might be closed for good. Pedro is “impactado”.

Ric and Isa are doing the passionate face-eating somewhere in the restaurant, but not where Anto can see them. Passion interrupted by a call to Ric from Pedro. After denying the call once, Ric finally decides to pick up. He sends Isa back to the table where Anto is. She is still panting with luuuust, and plants a big wet one on Anto. He is taken aback, but he doesn’t seem to hate it. He has asked for the check. “Here’s the credit card. I’ll just be going to the men’s room.”
(Hmmm. Would that be where Ric is talking to Pedro?) Dang. Ric sees Anto in time to make a save. He tells Pedro he’s got nothing to worry about. It’s just a rumor.

Sebas and Anto arrive at the airport in San Gaspar. Titina is there! Waiting for Sebas! “Uh, how did you know when we were arriving?” asks Sebas. “Oh, I have my contacts, you know” Titi answers.
Antonio rings Isa, but she is, um, occupied and doesn’t pick up.
Cheo is behind Antonio calls Anto’s name. He tells him to come with him.

Sebas to Titina: “Remember our agreement that we were just going to have a little fun with no strings attached?”
Titina nods her head while saying “No.” (Ha ha. She’s a riot!) “I’ll make you forget your novia. I’ll be all you need.”

Cheo has Antonio in the parking garage. Anto says, “I’m not getting in that car.”
Cheo says, “Hey, I just want to show you something.”

Back to Sebas and Titi.
She: “Why don’t we give us a chance? We’re so good together!.”
He (aside): “If this is ‘no strings, what would ‘committed’ be like?!”

Anto and Cheo in the parking garage. Anto: “What game are we playing?”
Cheo: “It’s no game. Look in that box and see what they’re offering me to kill you.”
Anto: “Fifty thousand pesos!”
Cheo: “That’s what you’re worth to them.
Don’t ask me who they are, because I don’t even know.”
Anto: “If you’re here, you must have accepted.”
Cheo: “I hate your guts, but I’m not a murderer.” (Cheo, I suddenly love you!)


La Vecina, Friday Part 3

Sebas to Titina: “Where is that Antonio? Where’s my cell phone?”
Titi: “ I gave it to Sara. Your friend probably wanted to give us some time alone. Let’s go get coffee.”

Cheo and Antonio still in the garage.
Cheo: “I just came here to warn you. They’re not going to stop. They made a mistake with me, but they’re going to find someone who’ll follow through for a few pesos.”
Anto: “ We have to go to the police, Cheo. You have a price on your head too now.”
Cheo: “I hadn’t thought of that.” (My eyes got a little wet during this exchange.)

Pedro to his goons: “I’m going to send Ric his money a little early - with a little message regarding who exactly is in charge around here.”

Ric and Isabel. Panting and kissing.
Ric: “Okay, well, I gotta go now.”
Isa: “What? You’re leaving?”
Ric: “Yeah. I got my kicks from playing with you right under Antonio’s nose! See ya’.”
Isabel begs him to stay as the door slams shut. Natalia asks what is Isa thinking, begging him like that?
Isa: “I don’t know. I NEED him!”

Anto and Cheo at the airport. Anto doesn’t see Sebas anywhere. Where could he have gone?
Cheo: He’s probably off with his “amiguita”, leaving you to fend for yourself. What if I had really come here to kill you?
Anto: What about your friend King Kong who seems to be your shadow?
Cheo: He doesn’t know I came here to save your skin.


La Vecina, Friday Part 4

Isa and Natalia still in their apartment.
Isa: I thought I could control my feelings for Ricardo, but he’s becoming an obsession.
Nat: Does he make you do things you don’t want to do?
Isa: No, everything he does excites me. I love it. But I never thought he would gain so much control over me.

El Padre Vicente is caressing La Jaibolera when Juancho rings the doorbell and enters. He says he was helping with the unloading, but then the guys told him to take off. “They probably thought I was gonna blow it and ruin everything.”
Vicente: Well, they have a point. “Crea fama, y échate a dormir.” (Your reputation precedes you, or STTE.)
Juancho: It’s just that I seem to mess up everything all the time.
Vicente: Tell me, what have you messed up in your opinion?
Juancho: Just the stuff here, or should I start back in Progreso?
Vicente (laughing): Let’s start with the stuff here.

Sebas and Titi are on their way to have coffee.
Sebas: Where are we going for coffee?
Titi: To my house, where else? My brothers will love seeing you, and, besides, I made you cookies! Sebas cara de Oh Jeez NO!

Juancho continues explaining to his uncle: “So I told Edwina to stop coming around. I was just trying to help Simón avoid an annoying situation. Is that bad?
Vic: It’s not bad, it’s being DUMB AS A ROCK! Don’t interfere in the lives of others!
Juancho: What about ‘Love thy neighbor?’
Vic (exasperated): That’s not loving your neighbor; that’s being a METICHE (buttinsky)!

Edwina and Vlad arrive at her house. They are going to make popcorn and watch a video about how to send a paquete (pack, package) up with your balloon.

Cheo and Antonio are in the comisaría telling Fidel the whole story about Cheo and the bad guys. Fidel sends Cheo and Quintín off to find the “perito”(expert) to analyse Cheo’s phone. Fidel asks Anto if he believes Cheo. He does. Then Anto questions why Fidel didn’t send Cheo’s phone off with the expert along with the other items.
Fidel: I have a plan.

“Chebi” is at Titina’s house enjoying the charming company of Titi’s family. Titina’s Dad asks about Sebas’ trip to the D.F., but he evades the question.
The brothers suggest they discuss wrestling! That will be fun! Let’s show Chebi the “Urruca-rana!”
Cut to Chebi limping out of Titina’s house rubbing his back and wincing in pain.

Fidel goes over the points of his plan with Cheo and Antonio. Cheo will basically be the bait to trap the bad guys. Cheo and Anto reluctantly agree since they really have no other option.

Edwina and Vlad are discussing the video about globos when the doorbell rings. It’s Juancho, there to offer an apology – but Edwina cuts him off before he can say much. She shuts the door in Juancho’s face.

It’s nighttime. Anto is briefing his escoltas on the present situation. They will be on guard. They leave as Sara approaches. They catch up on the recent events in their respective lives. “One more thing,” Antonio says to Sara. “Cheo is at the police dept.” She: “What has he done now?” He: “Someone hired him to kill me.”

Cue the music.


sneaky two much are clues? I dunno. 25 mil?

Denise, thank you for the Friday recap!

Oh, nooooo...Juancho's bad enough when dealing with other humans, watching him at that computer had me terrified.

"They don’t yet know how the all important meeting went with the big wigs in the D.F." I was surprised at first, but once Nelson started listening in it made sense from a story point of view. So I guess Nelson is still semi-employed by Pedro? I don't have a great feeling about how that's going to end up for him.

"He is taken aback, but he doesn’t seem to hate it. He has asked for the check." That cracked me up. She's all hot and bothered and he can't wait to get away from her.

"Cheo: “I hate your guts, but I’m not a murderer.” (Cheo, I suddenly love you!)" I don't know if I can go that far, but damn! I was really impressed with Cheo today. Except for the part where he didn't seem to realize you can't just give back the gun and the money and the bad guys will let you walk away.

Cheo and Anto fighting over whose bestie is better was funny to me. Those two have pretty good chemistry for a couple of guys who can't stand each other.

"Vic (exasperated): That’s not loving your neighbor; that’s being a METICHE (buttinsky)!" I love the Padre :D And the look on his face was he was holding himself back from throttling Juancho.

"They are going to make popcorn and watch a video about how to send a paquete (pack, package) up with your balloon." What's that you say? A *cough* package *cough*? ;)

Muchas gracias, Denise! I always look forward to your theme song line and today was great!

I'm so glad that Cheo did the right thing and you didn't have to recap the episode where everything starts to get dark. You still had toto get through some skeevy Isa and Rick scenes. Ugh, and Juancho. You and 5ft really took one for the team this week.

Also thank you for the mini translations and the vocabulary.

And oh my... Was the package line on purpose? Or are we all getting Freudian Slippy?

Freudian. Ha ha.

Does this mean we're collectively becoming middle school boys?

And that's perhaps an insult to middle school boys since even my juniors sort of lose it with jugué and poner in the past tense. Those are always fun to teach... Not.

Yeah, the past tense of PONER is always a fun day.

I'm really enjoying Juancho and his cluelessness now. When he asked his uncle Vicente,
"Do you want me to list my tarugadas starting back at Progreso, or just the ones here in S.Gaspar", I about lost it. Ja ja.

Diva - Yes, that scene where Anto and Cheo compare their Besties was fun!

Forgot to mention that I like the abbreviation San Gasp.

I really need to watch the last two episodes, but you and Kat have covered them so well that I really don't need too. And it's really appreciated because I have a backlog of Sra Aceros to watch!

¡Es un gusto!

I'm so glad there are people to enable my inability to say "no" to another telenovela :D

There's a character on my Chilean telenovela that wears a kerchief and it cracks me up because he's almost 70. Here's a link to a picture:

I think he wears it better than Sebastian.

Denise- I loved this recap. So many great lines.

Can't believe I actually had to cheer Cheo on for something. But how dumb is he to think he can just return the gun and money and be clear of the folks who contracted the hit.

Juancho is also short in the brains department. Ay yay yay!

Y'all are cracking me up about Cheo! I'm gonna have to at least do a FF viewing of these episodes.

As usual, I'm working on this weeks post. Speak up if you would like to take a day!

Thank you Denise! Wasn't able to see the episode but your recap allowed me to imagine everything perfectly!

Cheo totally surprised me by going to Anto and telling him what was up. Of course typical Cheo didn't think further than that as far as the consequences that could come his way. Can't wait to see Fidel's plan & where they go from here.

Juancho's bumbling self is starting to grow on me "Just the stuff here, or should I start back in Progreso?" HA! Found this line hilarious too Denise!

So Pedro mentioned Simon & Bruno can lose up to two seasons of harvest? Yikes, that sounds like quite a lot of time and $ they're losing.

Hee hee on Antonio calling Cheo's friend King Kong.

And I find it so icky (yes I know I sound like a 4 year old) that Isa is macking on Rick & then immediately goes and plants one on Anto. I shudder for Antonio.



Sara, LOL now I'm imagining a "who wore it better" between the Chilean actor and Sebastian.

And for this week I can do a recap for Tuesday


Hmmm. I have to go with the Chilean actor because he's not using it to hide the proof of his infidelity.

I'll put you down for Tuesday. Thank you!

I can do Friday, Sara, assuming life doesn't have something else in mind.

jlk - This was a fun and surprising episode. I tried to go a little faster, so instead of three hours, it took me three hours and fifteen minutes! I need to ask Sara where to get a "half-assed button."

Um. Half-assed is kind of a lifestyle.

Sometimes it takes me forever to recap, too. I used to try and get every.last.fact into the recap. Now I just skip any visuals (unless noteworthy), admit that I hate recapping bidnez and tech conversations (unless there's something major.)

It really helps when the episode overall has some flow/actual events. It makes it easier to remember the action. It is also helpful when it's La Gata...because that was repetitive nothing that made it a breeze to recap...digo...rantcap.

The biggest help is an understanding audience. I am forever grateful to the folks at Caray for allowing me to half-ass my recaps.

I need a "Half-Assed" button too! I'll take Thursday if that's ok.

I'll put you on the schedule. Thank you!

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