Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #26 Tue 9/29/15 (Mex 35) Drop it

So much for "Don't tell Granny I shot you!"  Fabio spilled the beans!  Gael makes a run for it.  Or maybe he's just heading to the kitchen for some popcorn.  Osvaldo repeats his stupid story, but he doesn't have a good excuse for not telling his grandmother right away…or hiding it later.  Eloisa calls Pedro and tells him to get home right the hell NOW!

Sure, Diana, you were looking for office supplies.  Vito wouldn't have been moved by your fictional love note anyway.

Not popcorn, but Gael's wandering by the hedge contemplating the popping of pills.  Gianna busts him and tries to distract him from his need for a fix.  She even smooches his cheek, but addiction is stronger than her charms.  She begs him to talk to her instead of getting high and tries to forcibly drag him away to talk about his problems.

Eloisa's so furious at Pedro she makes sure to give his arm a good squeeze when he tells her where he was shot.  She forbids Osvaldo from EVER handling a weapon EVER again…even scissors!...without her permission.  And Dante's in trouble, too.  She wants to know about the police investigation.  Dante doesn't think Osvaldo will go to jail.  She tells all the boys they'd better not lie to her again and dismisses them from her sight.  Pedro finds out from Os that Fabio's the one who squealed.

Benito's trying to put some professional distance between himself and Roxi Racoon, but she'd like to get a little closer.  She answers his phone, tells him it's one of his "viejas" (not "old lady" in this context, but more like "bitch") and flounces away.  Turns out, it's Gi.  (Upon reflection, it was probably "Diana" not "Gianna.")

Osvaldo warns Gael that Eloisa knows about the shooting, but he'd better not tell Eloisa the whole story.  Gael's not looking so good and reaches for his pill container again.

Diana meets Benito for coffee and he babbles about some missing wine bottles that aren't his fault.  She proposes an alliance against Fi and Vito's impending marriage.

Eloisa interrogates Gael.  He's either high or going through withdrawal and can barely focus on her.  He sputters "Did they tell you Osvaldo shot Pedro on purpose?"  Pedro and Osvaldo hear this and Pedro is shocked. (Really?  Why?)

Fiorella isn't happy that Vito has come to visit during work hours.  I find it ridiculous that she's wearing that short skirt with a big 'ol sweater cardigan.  Vito brought her a Maratea snow globe, which she actually likes.  He just wants to see her happy (then let her go!) and goes on about wanting to give her time to get to know him and see that he can make her happy.

Gael swears he saw it with his own eyes and Os did it on purpose.  OK, so now Pedro's pissed.  Gael can't say anything more because he goes into a seizure.  Os has to be told twice to call a doctor.

Fiorella wants time and patience from Vito.  Whatever.

Diana and Benito agree that Fi and Vi don't belong together!  Diana's plan is to get Fiorella hooked up with Pedro.  Of course, Benito's not into that.  Plus he doesn't want Fi to be any angrier with him than she already is.  He's out.

Pedro tells Gael he knows he was high, but, hey, can we talk about the whole shooting thing?  He says he just panicked when Granny started questioning him and he doesn't know why he said Osvaldo did it on purpose.  Pedro spies Fi and Vi out on the lawn.

Benito comes up to interrupt Fi and Vi's alone time.  Thank you, Benito.  Not that I'm listening to your veiled insults to Vito's age and inability to breathe the cold mountain air, etc.    Vito ends up giving Benito the fakest-looking punch EVER, that gives Benito a humongous bruise.  Roxi Racoon shows up in the background.  Fiorella's upset at both of them--Benito for being insulting and Vito for punching him.  And being a big lying liar.  And now Pedro shows up to chastise Fi for conducting personal business during work hours.  Fi agrees with him--Eloisa must be looking for her.  Pedro dismisses Benito and Roxi scuttles away.  Pedro plays the "employer" card and tells Vito to quit distracting Fi.

Eloisa and Pedro have dismissed Gael's confession as drugged ranting.  Pedro is going to take charge of Gael, but he asks Eloisa not to be "against" Gael.  Pedro starts to ask about all the paperwork in the room and I swear she says something about having formerly been in charge of accounting for the company.  Pedro exits as she's telling Dante and Fio she wants them to help her organize it.  Drunken Fed, in a dress that looks more like one of Roxi's, comes stumbling in.  To observe and annoy, one supposes.

Pedro.  Vito.  Snow globe.  Macho posturing.  La, la, la, I'm not listening!  She's a woman, not a tree.  Put your legs down.

Gianna feeds Gael some soup and teases him about eating it all, while Joaquina watches.  It's all smiles until Roxi comes in to…well, what I said about lifted legs applies here, too.  Joaquina ushers Gianna out after Gael has gotten Roxi to promise not to tell Eloisa that Gi was in the house.

[HINTS OF IMPORTANT STUFF ABOUT DEAD!GABRIEL ALERT: SCENES COMBINED] Eloisa and Fi are looking through a photo album and Drunk!Fed gets fixated on a picture of Maximo and her dad.  Long story short, she drunkenly insists that they conned her dad into doing a business deal, but it wasn't for him, it was for Maximo and Eloisa.  Fi wants to get the hell out of there.  She grabs a pile of paperwork and dislodges some newspaper clippings.  Federica starts to read that her father's death happened under mysterious circumstances.  Even Dante tries to tell her they were just old rumors.  Now Fiorella really gets out of there and Dante shuts the door.  Eloisa wants Fed to stop reading, but she (drunkenly) insists she's ready for the truth about how they got all his money and how he died.  Eloisa insists Gabriel died of a heart attack and the press just made up stories because he was alone and far from the ranch.  Dante insists all the news reports were false.  Nobody gives her a real answer about why it took so long to find him.  Eloisa rips the newspapers out of Fed's hands and tells her to let the dead rest in peace.  Fed wants to keep the picture of Maximo and Gabriel, to remember them that way--close, but hating each other.  Like Pedro and Osvaldo…one day they love each other, the next one shoots the other.  Eloisa insists it was an accident.  And Gael wasn't in his right mind when he said it.  Fed says that's lucky …wouldn't want one to kill the other by accident.  Eloisa has some folder she says she's putting in the safe, away from prying eyes.  THEN DON'T TELL FED!  Drunk!Fed asks if there's anything in there about how they swindled her dad and killed him.  (Uh, sure, Fed.  They wrote it all down and it's in that folder.  QTH?)  Dante tries to get her to go to her room, but Fed says she's got it alllll figured out.  Eloisa and Maximo took advantage of Gabriel's heart problem to destroy him.  They pressured him to invest his money and made him go broke and then they abandoned him.  Eloisa and Dante trade glares.  Fed insists after he died they took all his property.  She starts smacking Eloisa and Eloisa loses patience with her.  "You and the rest are mentioned in the will.  You'll get what's fair."  Fed says she's Maximo's accomplice in destroying her father.  Eloisa slaps her and Fed runs screaming from the room "I HATE YOU!!!!!"  Eloisa says to Dante that time will put her in her place.  Dante replies that time will correct everything…and everyone.

Aitana shows up to go to dinner with Pedro.  He only keeps her waiting long enough for Fi to have a brief run-in with her and give them both the stink-eye.  Pedro doesn't want to leave the house while Gael needs him.  Simona and Fiorella come in to say there's not a lot for dinner.  Fi paints the situation as needlessly dire…stale bread, burned coffee from this morning…and nudges Simona into going along with it.  Pedro says they'll just postpone their dinner until tomorrow.  Aitana says they'll need a special, private dinner.  Fio is ready to take the night off tomorrow.  And insists on being the one to walk Aitana to the car so Pedro won't be leaving Gael alone.  I want to smack his smug face when Simona says she thinks Fio is jealous.

Osvaldo accuses Sonia of giving Fabio the gossip to give to Eloisa.  She protests her innocence.

In Vito's deluded mind, he and Fi have cleared up their differences and are getting married next month.  But Pedro seems like he's after her.  Diana helpfully and cheerfully suggests maybe they already have a thing!  "There is absolutely nothing between them!"

Ahhhhhh, but we're shifting gears here…because the theme song is playing…and Fi and Pedro are (separately) taking a moonlight walk.  And (separately or jointly?) remembering their dip in the lake and the kisses…and suddenly, there they are, face to face.  Fiorella starts to go back the way she came, but Pedro pulls her back.  Instead of saying anything meaningful he tells her to rest.  And then he calls her back again…to say good night.

Y ya.  It's the next morning.  Fed is skulking around in Eloisa's room.  She replaces Eloisa's eye drops and gets busted by Dante.  She insists it's just to put her out of commission temporarily while they search for evidence.  Dante tests the replacement drops and says they're acid.  He takes the bad drops, wrestles the good drops  out of her hand, tells her to focus and go down for breakfast.  He makes the mistake of leaving her alone, where she pulls yet another bottle of mystery drops out of her bra and re-replaces them.

Pedro and Osvaldo question Fabio, who claims it was Ramiro, Osvaldo's driver, who told him what really happened.

Fi had become indispensible to Eloisa.  She apologizes for Fed's drunken ranting.  Fi swears she's forgotten it all.  This is all so Eloisa can wave the bottle of drops around.  As she tells Fi the "real" story about Gabriel.  He and Maximo had the usual sibling squabbles, everyone was sad about Gabriel's death, Federica was left an orphan very young.  Fi says that must be why she says such crazy stuff.  "Uh, should I not have said that?"  Eloisa's fine with it.  She's going to put the bad eye drops in but decides she needs to visit the "toilette" first.

Osvaldo fires Ramiro.  And Ramiro says he'll tell Eloisa that Osvaldo shot Pedro on purpose after Ramiro told him, mistakenly, that Sonia and Pedro were sleeping together.  Osvaldo plays the "I'm an Angeles and you're a nobody" card.

Gael and Sergio visit the doctor.  Gael's mostly healthy, but mildly predisposed to epilepsy.  He asks about a family history, but Sergio says his brother was always very healthy, so it must have been inherited from Gael's mother.  But Gael doesn't remember his mother having epilepsy.  The doctor says genetics are only a risk factor, but not the only one.  Yesterday's seizure was drug-induced.

Fi is about to put in the evil eye drops when Ramiro comes barreling in, insisting he has to talk to Eloisa.  Osvaldo just fired him!  And for something he didn't do!  Eloisa calls for Dante and says she's perfectly willing to fire him for coming into her room with out permission.  So there's a reason. Dante comes in and drags Ramiro out before he can say anything, but not before he makes a swipe at Eloisa and knocks her brush and the drops off her dressing table.  Eloisa insists every time an employee gets fired around there they make up wild stories and try to blackmail the family.  Well, whatever…eye drops.  But now there's more commotion…it sounds like Julieta.  Eloisa and Fi go running to see what's happening.

Well, Simona had a floral arrangement of something Julieta is allergic too.  She can't stop sneezing, even after Simona and Fi drag the offending arrangement away.  Between sneezes, she tells Fi where to find her allergy medicine.  And Eloisa adds that she should also grab the eye drops.  Oy, with the eye drops already!

Office.  Pedro wants to know what Sonia wanted to tell him about "the accident" back when he was in the hospital.  Osvaldo listens at the door as Sonia hems and haws…and then bursts in to ask what "truth" Sonia was going to tell.

House.  Julieta.  Sneezing.  Eloisa.  Fussing.  Pills.  Fiorella.  Eeeeeeevil eye drops.  Fed arrives just in time to see Julieta scream when a drop hits her eye.  Well, um…that should take her mind off her allergies?

Previous: Episode 25
Next: Episode 27


The preceding recap is original and written exclusively for Caray, Caray!

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So, uh, yeah. Totally thought that whole bit up in Eloisa's bedroom was going to lead to something, but no.

Thank You Diva--I enjoyed your great recap so much!

Well, tonight's episode was sort of a pot-boiler; every once in a awhile an interesting morsel would float to the top, but it seemed like it was mostly a lot of stirring. There were tantalizing hints of what happened to Feddy's dad, but I was distracted by wondering how Feddy could pull off complete wardrobe changes while falling-down drunk.

Off to finish chores, look forward to reading the comments tomorrow.
J in Oregon

Thanks for the recap, La Diva, detailed as always. "Pedro. Vito. Snow globe. Macho posturing. La, la, la, I'm not listening! She's a woman, not a tree. Put your legs down." hahaha, me when I read it: *stands up and clap*

I think it was Urban Anthropologist who mentioned it first, but I move we permanently call Osvaldo, Assvaldo.

Maybe it's just me, but when Vito gave Fi that snow globe, all I could think about was Fi breaking it like a beer bottle and shanking him then running away.

I am still confused with the situation between Maximo and Eloisa/Gabriel. If Freddie is right, wouldn't that make Eloisa the antagonista-ish? She is acting pretty close like one with her attitude. She wouldn't even help Gael until Pedro buttered her up. She is getting on my nerve.

I think it is a bit unfair for Fi to be annoying Pedro. If she plans on keeping her stupid promise, what else is there for Pedro to do, but move on.

We can also call Osvaldo Osdevil. Besides being a bad husband he is the worst brother ever. Uni cutted several scenes from him hitting and threatening poor Gael with telling grandma that he was fired from medical school for stealing medicines if he accuses him of trying to kill pedro and also he approached that Gael consumed drugs to ask the doctor if those substances made his brother say stupid things. Oh he left his brother like a lyer or a crazy person. Oh it seems that Gael has a very big fear to Osvaldo and that is easily manipulated by him.

Thank you, 5ft! I was mostly in and out last night and you filled in a lot of gaps. I missed almost the entire Drunk!Freddie scene. Am I over thinking Gabriel's heart condition?

(PS- after some half-assed googling, I think it was doris who came up with Assvaldo.)

Kat- Gracias amiga. Well done with an episode that had many high emotion scenes.

Since it seems this is a combined episode, I'm sure we missed some scenes that led up to the ones we saw. I kept wondering why Fed chose that moment to get drunk and to wander into Eloisa's bedroom. At first I thought she was just pretending so that she could stealthily grab some of the paperwork Eloisa had out. But the scene really did seem pointless, except for giving us a bit more crumbs about Gabriel. At this point it really is she said-she said. And it's hard to know if Eloisa or Fed knows/is telling the truth, or if the truth is somewhere in between what they are both saying.

Marla- Thanks for telling us what was cut with the Gael-Os interaction. Gael looked so scared and traumatized, I figured something bad must have gone down for him to want to escape with drugs. Not surprising that Os physically abuses him. I hate him even more now.

Will his epilepsy diagnosis stop Gael from taking drugs now? It was nice to see Sergio actually being proactive and taking Gael to the doctor. That's way more concern than Eloisa seemed to show.

Grazie, Diva.

I didn't invent "Assvaldo" but used it because it suits him and isn't confusing or unnecessarily insulting. Just for the record.

Dante either had a role in Gabriel's demise or he is telling the truth about the gutter press inventing stories. Since this series has 178 total hours it could be a while before we know which this is.

Of course, Fiorella will be getting blamed for the acid. If this is how she ends up having to leave the ranch she ends up with Vittorio prematurely. That would not be pretty.

Sara- What are you thinking about Gabriel's heart condition?

Just that we have Gi with a heart condition and now we discover Gabriel did, too. "Overthinking" may be a strong word considering it was more like a passing thought. But could it be genetic? Or is this a complete coincidence and the writers didn't mean for there to be a connection.

Gab would be way too old to be shower guy, and there's been no mention of Freddie having a brother. Maybe I'll ruminate a little more and come up with a reasonable CrackPot Theory. Or I'll make a sandwich.

Sara- So you're thinking shower guy is Fi AND Gi's bio dad? And that he's also Gabriel's son?

No it was more like I was wondering if Fi is a red herring and Gi is the child. But they have sort of clubbed us over the head with hints that it's Fi.

Thanks so much , Kat, for yet another excellent recap.

Ahhhh..Vito gave Fi a snow globe. Maybe tomorrow he will bring her a dolly and a new jumprope. Whee !!! I know what girls like ! I am waiting for someone to mention concern for Vito's health being with such a sweet young thang so that he can respond with the punchline from a verra old joke : " Well, if she dies, she dies." Ba.rum. bump...rim shot.

Some advice to Eloisa..Lock your damn bedroom door. You would think that there was a revolving door with all the people in and out of that room.

Pedro petting Ai-yi-yi... stop it ..just stop it. You are going to get ensnarled in that wild in the country hair, you ninny. I am verra disappointed in you snarming all over Ai just to make Fi jelly.

Gael probably is epileptic, in which case Gia should not marry him or have kids with him. Now Now I'm sounding like the Tarleton twins' mother in GWTW.

Whatever the case, he may not be related to any of the people he's with and this "Who are your parents?" thing has gone too far already.

Federica got on my last nerve in this episode. She is a leech, a bitch, a skank, and words I won't use here. Why Eloisa didn't find some way to rid herself of her long ago I don't know.

Pedro is playing a childish game flirting with Aitana in front of Fiorella. It is completely out of character for him to do such things. He needs to step up and approach Vittorio to tell him to release Fiorella from this absurd promise.

Diva! Grazie, girl! You got an exciting episode. Haven't read comments yet. Just want to quickly react while I can!

How sweet was Gianna's intervention? Oh, Gael, you've got a real gem there!

He just wants to see her happy (then let her go!) Amen! I wish Fifi had said that!

Yah, that punch was AWful!

These are hilarious and vivid word pictures:

She's a woman, not a tree. Put your legs down.

It's all smiles until Roxi comes in to…well, what I said about lifted legs applies here, too.

Okay, drunk assed Freddie showing said ass up in Eloisa's room. Here, we get something else that makes me ask what side is Dante on and what's his end game: Even Dante tries to tell her they were just old rumors. Very tantalizing. And why in the heck would he later leave her in Eloisa's room after knowing she tried to replace her eye drops with acid? Dumb move! Dante doesn't really know Freddie obviously and I fervently hope he's undercover for Grannie Eloisa.

Osvaldo accuses Sonia of giving Fabio the gossip to give to Eloisa. She protests her innocence.

Ozzie, please hold that thought in your contorted, angry little mind and you can save yourself and the family a lot of grief!

I can't wait to see what y'all think of the Dr. visit of Sergio and Gael. (Incidentally, those seizures were terribly real looking, unlike the punch). So did we know that Sergio has a brother who is Ozzie and Gael's father? I get confused on what has been speculated about.

And Freddie. Oh, my word! She is reaching new depths of evil and again, I know she's not done! Poor Julieta. Diva, you so bad with this:

Well, um…that should take her mind off her allergies?

Cracked me up, though. What y'all bet Fifi will be blamed! Will Dante speak up when he learns Julieta's eyes have been burned by Visine from Hell?

Mille grazie sorellina mia!

Pedro. Vito. Snow globe. Macho posturing. La, la, la I'm not listening. She's a woman, not a tree. Put your leg down.

Such a funny and succinct way to sum up that scene, Diva. Loved it. And actually enjoyed all Benito's sly remarks about Vitto's age and the dangers of an AARP courtship in a cold, high-altitude climate. Our randy old Vittorio deserves all that kidding and more.

Add me to the list of those annoyed by Pedro's blatant flirting with Aitana when Fiorella's around. About as much fun as watching someone torture a small, helpless animal. I don't get the deliberate provocation of jealousy so beloved in these telenovelas, but it's a staple, that's for sure. Needs to be added to your legal file, Sara!

Still absolutely enchanted by the theme song and the brief, all too brief, tender scenes between Fiorella and Pedro. But looks like we're in for another Slough of Despond with these two.

Thanks for a sharp and snappy recap, Diva. Always entertaining. And always appreciated.

Kat - Thank you for the recap! Can't wait to watch!

There is no way Italian shower guy can be both Gael's and Gi's father, if those two are to be together by the end of this story.

It is seriously doubtful than an epilepsy diagnosis will stop Gael from using, if he is truly addicted to the pills. This story line will drag on for sure.

Oh, Kat you brilliantly captured the whole concept of watching last night. Details on the good stuff, the "whatever" on the filler. Or maybe it seemed like filler since it was spliced and diced. Anyway, wonderful and we thank you!!!

Have to say, I did enjoy watching the whole Freddie/Eloisa escapade and kept trying to zero in on who exactly Dante was siding with. Something isn't right in this whole thing, and Dante's cryptic comment on everything coming out right had me wondering. Maybe Eloisa doesn't even know that maybe Max wasn't on the up and up with dealing with Gabe? Or she knows a small part of something in the whole mix was not right.

Have to admit, Eloisa is not exactly the endearing matriarch and the way she bosses people and is so controlling is getting boring to watch. Loved her telling two grown men that can't hunt or whatever unless they ask her. Really? "There will be no playing outside until I tell you can go. Otherwise go to your rooms and do your homework." Cripes.

So now we see poor Gael might have an inherited illness. What is it with all this finger pointing to a parent that may not be the one you thought? WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?? But did love the soup scenes. Man, the looks between those G & G and the fact that Roxy's "mother" for once was not making excuses for her. She looked pretty pissed and disappointed in her. Blinders coming off?

Didn't pay attention to pretty much anything that was Vitto. He's just a diluted lecherous old man and it's disgusting the way he's sliming his way into Fi's life.

Is there a reason why Fi also can't be given a set of jeans or an outfit that isn't a summer weight dress to have to walk around in when apparently it's getting rather cold outside? I'm so done with this uniform stupidity.

And speaking of sliming, Uni, if you are going to cut, all things Aitana rubbing up against Pedro can be snipped. She's a skank-ho, we got it.


Thanks for letting me sit on the couch with you Kat.

"La, la, la, I'm not listening! She's a woman, not a tree. Put your legs down"

With all the cash, a lurch of an omnipresent homeroom monitor and puffed up pride grandma has over protecting her brood (while bitching non stop), why only now it discovered her grandson has epilepsy and it took a seizure at her feet for the clue?

Damn Freddie google it or can't you drink and type?

I'm glad Vitto punched Benito what a punk that punk is.

While Aitana is all kind or wrong for Pedro his juvenile blatant attempts to make Fio jealous work and not close to being as infuriating as Fio whining about martyrdom.

Guess if the writers took all that trouble to have two bottles of acid it had to go into somebody's eye. Julieta didn't deserve it for sure.


Thank you, 5ft. Loved how you sashayed through all this and put it in an understandable and entertaining order.

I thought the snow globe was unbelievably cheesy. I wish he would have given her one of those 8 Balls that you ask questions of, and that it had continually said "NO".

I'm beginning to like Diana because, while we agree that she is a gold digger, everything that she is offering him in a relationship is right up front; security in exchange for companionship/sex. Fi, on the other hand, is not so forthcoming.

Fi and Pedro's protests about the inappropriateness of Vito's visit were right on target. The guy doesn't understand boundaries.

Also, I wonder if his offer to take her in and let her live like a queen might also involve bussing tables. He seems to be an inconsiderate people user.

Don't understand where this medical stuff with Gael is going.

Ah, so Freddie is a drunk too. Good. That might facilitate her getting caught before she can do too much damage.

Thanks again, 5ft. Love your work.


Caroline, you crack me up with that imagined scene of Fifi breaking the snow globe, shanking Vitto and running away! TSIF!

Urban, you speak truth along with everyone else about the Pedro trying to make Fifi jealous. The two of them, Fifi and Pedro, need to go to Vitto together, declare their love for each other, demand he release Fiorella from a promise she made with false data and that if he wants to fulfill his promise to the late Mario AND make Fiorella happy, he should let her go so they can be together!

But then, we wouldn't have a show, would we?

Pedro seemed subtly amused when Fifi dragged Aitana away "so that Pedro could be with Gael." That and the whole "ain't nothing for dinner" leads me to think we're going to see more of this comic subterfuge and sabotage of the relationship between Pedro and Aitana from Fiorella and sidekick Simoneta!

Daisy, ITA with you that Eloisa didn't and doesn't know the depth and quality of the personal and business relationship between Max and Gabriel nor the shady side of Max's "business" dealings at all. In that scene where Max freed the young Dante in exchange for unquestioned loyalty to him, the whole environment was screaming GANGSTA! MOB! MERCHANTS OF DEATH! Max wasn't just into canning corn and beans or whatever the hell the business is. Dante knows this and plenty more that neither Eloisa, nor Freddie, nor anyone else knows. He is a very interesting character!

Ah, Freddie. I have personal knowledge of situations where folk carry their own version of events that happened during their lifetime and this alternate reality can create big time problems and pain in families. When the person has this alternate view of events from before their birth or when they were a child, they can be even more wed to the version they have and ditto for the havoc it can wreak in family dynamics.

Yah. I like this show. It's more than fluff but not dungeony dark like Sombra and we get lots of purty sunshine, too! Love y'alls comments!

Was anything said about how long ago Julieta was blown off by Santino? We had Fiorella picked as the missing baby, not Gia.

Not that it matters; neither of these girls deserves to have her for an egg donor.

However, it's overdue that we get more of that story.


I think we can guess it was around 23 years + some months ago-- as long as Fiorella has been alive. This is an uncomplicated tale. The writers have made it clear Julieta is Fi's bio-mom and Santino (aka Italian Shower Hunk) is her bio-dad.

The question Sara put out there this morning is whether Gianna's heart problem and Gabriel's (Federica's father) heart problem are somehow genetically related. Not likely, but not impossible. Since Gabriel is in no way blood-related to Julieta, this theory doesn't need to be mixed up with Fiorella's birth back story.

I think after a few years of watching telenovelas, I've gotten to the stage where I see things that aren't really there. So that's where I went when they said "heart condition" about Gabriel. Because if two people have a similar ailment there has to be a connection, right? Sometimes a heart ailment is just a a heart ailment.

JudyB: I did check the books...

[TN Law 15.9-1 Sec. 10J] Jealousy must be provoked in either the galán or protagonista via blatant dumbassery, fake kissery or pre-planned malentendido.

Heart problem? I must have missed that. Only heard probable epilepsy.

Any ideas about Sergio's brother: Ozzie and Gael's dad? Either I missed something or this is yet to be revealed.

Lila- Gael has epilepsy. Gabriel (Federica's dad) had a heart condition, which supposedly killed him.

Lila- From early on, we knew there had to be another kid or two that Eloisa and Max had, in order for Gael and Osvaldo to be her grandkids (with the Angeles last name). But that kid or kids were never spoken about.

Then we learned from Gael that his father always favored his brother. We guessed Osvaldo was the brother (no other options), but we only got confirmation that Gael and Os were brothers after the shooting. Osvaldo was named after his father Osvaldo Senior.

We then learned that their parents died, I believe in an accident. We don't really have any more info about them.

Thanks Sara. Love the way you write the laws..."blatant dumb assery and fake kissery". You missed your calling, girlfriend.

David, so with you on the Diana/Vitto hookup. What she's offering is straightforward, except for the "faked enamorada" part, and he's getting value for money. Time now to leave the younger ones to their romance, unimpeded.

Gracias, J! I agree...how does Fed manage to dress herself without ending up in tangle on the floor of her closet? And how does she drunk-walk with those platform shoes?

Gracias, Caroline! I'm laughing at the idea of Fi turning that snow globe into a weapon!

Gracias, Sara! I can never tell when the details are highly significant and when they're just throwaway, so I don't know if the mention of Gabriel's "heart condition" is a clue or just a lie. With all the looks between Dante and Eloisa, there's something shady about Gabriel's death, I just don't know if it's what Fed thinks it is. That would be too easy...wouldn't it?

Gracias, Vivi! It seems like Fed is getting more drunk than usual more often. And oddly, Sergio's more sober.

Gracias, Urban Anthropologist! Dante seemed pretty sincere about the stories being made up, but at the same time he still looks like he's hiding something. Would he lie to his...uh, I don't even know what word to use...person that he seems to be having a genuinely serious romantic involvement with...*shudder* ok, even that was too much...anyway, would he risk lying to Fed about something that important, and if he's "in the know" then why wouldn't she just ask him about it? Maybe she'll ask him now.

Gracias, Susanlynn! Agreed--for somebody with a "Head of Security" that whole damn house is pretty un-secure.

Gracias, Lila! We were robbed! I wanted more of Gianna forcing Gael to eat soup, and Roxi ruined it all. I'm so furious, I could saw the heels off all her shoes.

Gracias, JudyB! If Vito were sincere and Fi actually liked him I'd be annoyed at all the jokes about his age. But since he's a manipulative, lying creep...too bad! Go, Benito!

Gracias, doris! Maybe Pedro will be more successful at getting Gael into rehab than he was with Tania (QEPD). I can hope. But it's going to be a process either way.

Gracias, Daisynjay! You and me both, when it comes to the uniform! It's a party dress! In what way does it say "Personal Assistant to a Wealthy Matriarch"? Blah!

Gracias, tofie! Ooooooooh, I think my Suspenders of Disbelief snapped on that one! Newspapers have been scanning and putting older issues online for years. Fed should not have been surprised to find out there were rumors. And they totally goofed on that when we know she's been stealing cell phones, passing information to reporters, showing Eloisa videos on her tablet. She's totally capable of research.

Gracias, David! You just know delusional Vito's custom Magic 8 Ball only says things like "Go for it!" and "Chicks dig you!" I can't help rooting for Diana.

Sara, that law sums it up so perfectly!

Thanks, Vivi!

"I can never tell when the details are highly significant and when they're just throwaway."

I tend to confuse the two; completely missing the blatantly obvious and significant and obsessing over the insignificant throwaway.

Oops! Thanks JudyB for mentioning the law so I could go look it up! I think y'all are better at remembering what they are. I'm better at "finding" them. ;-)

Kat, you were on fire as usual with such splendid lines as "Not that I'm listening to your veiled insults to Vito's age and inability to breathe the cold mountain air, etc." (Although I'm in total agreement with Judy that Vito deserves every insult that goes his way.)

I will only say that I hope Julieta is all right (and that it takes her "mind off her allergies". Had to laugh!)

I want Fiorella to come to her senses and call off her ridiculous engagement. What is it going to take??


David..ha..you are right. A Magic 8 ball would have made a better gift. Should I go with the hot, young , rich guy or the guy who is old enough to be my abuelo, MAgic 8 Ball ????


Kat.."suspenders of disbelief" ha

if I remember right Gia's and Fi's "papa" they resided with had a poor ticker too didn't he? Or did he die of something else.

Watching Dante last night, he may be looking to aid and abet Freddie in her pursuit if kidding rid of competition among the den of inequity members, but Dante seemed genuinely concerned as well over Eloisa anguish as Freddie's through that whole thing. He seems to have a divided allegiance between those two when it comes to the history of Max and Gabe. So yeah, I lean to him knowing a whole lot more than maybe even Eloisa knows...why he is silent is another thing to both is another thing. Maybe if he coughs up what happened, it would set one or the other on a path that may be better left unexplored and put them in danger...which yes, screams, MOB!!

By the way, in the scheme of background, do we really have the whole story on who Fabio really is? Business wise? Sure he's an investor, but from where and what company. Again, MOB infiltration? Maybe kicked out of the business once, trying to get back in again?

Sort kinda hope it doesn't go that route. Mob and fairy tales don't mix.


Here we go, "getting" becomes "kidding". Love auto correct. I want to meet the people who make the rules on this stuff.


"thunking" and "live" are the bane of my existence. I am thInking 99% of the time and I've told my husband "I love you" countless times, yet swiftkey continues to change those two words.

Luckily swiftkey knows exactly which swear words I want to use.

LaDiva this was a very lively recap. Episode was very busy.
I thought gael was osvaldos brother not pedros. And then when pedro was talking to
Gael in his room the cc3 was on and I could
Sware pedro called gael uncle, was that typo
From the cc3 or is he his uncle? I don't know
About this family's dynamics. Well whatever.
Frederica is an insane mess. The lady needs therapy and to find out what happened to her
Papa. Shes dangerous, acid eyedrops, what
Will she put in her(Eloisa) food. That old lady better watch out.
"Eloisa says to dante time will put her in her place, and Dante says time will correct everything........ and everyone". Im lookin to
Forward to that, and all the confusion gone.

Nina- Gael IS Osvaldo's brother and they are both Pedro's cousin. Don't know if your ccs were lagging behind or mistaken.

The day got away from me.

Gracias, Diana! Gracias, Nina!

Hopefully I'll have more time to catch up with everybody on the next recap :)

Oh well is too bad for the sweet Gael to have a brother like Osvaldo. Pedro treats him better and cares mores than Assvaldo who only manipulates and punches him. I think that Assvaldo is the most responsible for Gaels drug addiction. He is a a 2 face hypocrite, in front of pedro and the doctor he was acting like a very caring brother but for a moment he was left alone with Gael and it was when he threatened him with the medical school and punched him in his arm and forehead because he accused him.

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