Thursday, June 07, 2018

Corazon Que Miente, Week 1 (6/4/18) Thursday Update: Fire and Brimstone

Episode #4 (Jun 7)
We return to Don Manuel's humble home in the country, surrounded by his lands. He's waiting for Mariela to return. Instead, he's knocked out by an unseen hand--to which Rogelio is attached. To add to the maliciousness of knocking out Don Manuel, Rogelio laughs as he spreads enough gasoline to send Don Manuel to the devil, in flames. Mariela arrives just as the flames reach the roof. She's beside herself with fear and grief. She knows her grandfather is still in the house. She heard him call out. She's yelling for help. Here comes Leonardo the Lionbearted [newly minted name by Susanlynn] to the rescue. He brings out Don Manuel's body, no longer among the living. This sainted doctor is knocking on St. Peter's gates, not Lucifer's. (You can tell by the choral music in the background.) Distraught, Mariela falls over her grandfather's body while Leo covers her with his arms. The house is nothing but a pile of charcoal briquettes. Over Mariela's objections, the EMTs remove Don Manuel's body. Leo takes her to Fr. Daniel's for the night while he attends to the arrangements for the funeral. Daniel tries to console Mariela, but she just wants to be with her grandfather.

Rogelio reports to Demian that everything went up in flames splendidly. Dem dismisses him and sends him to the construction site to avoid suspicion. Alonso has been summoned by his father. He tells his dad nothing is wrong. Lucia enters and urges him to tell his father whatever is wrong. He looks at her, declines the offer and turns to leave. Upstairs, Sara talks to Al, letting him know she knows. Even though she tells him he's too young to understand "adult things," he states he knows enough that his mother kissing that man was wrong. Sara does agree. She tries to excuse the behavior by explaining that his mother attracts attention, being such a beautiful woman, but she would never respond in kind or do anything to bring shame to her husband or her children. She's sure Luci will give him a full explanation later.

Demian tries again to get a boink out of his wife, who cringes at his touch but is willing to submit. She's saved from the act by Sara knocking at the door. She's come to tell them about the fire--the one Dem neglected to mention to Luci. Dem is worried about "things," Lucia is worried about the child. He tells her Mariela is with his brother the priest and it's none of her business anyway. Next day Luci learns from the maid (some day I'll hear her name) that Mariela has no family other than the doctorcito. Her heart goes out to her.

Mariela has been dressed for the funeral. Before they leave, she tells Fr. Daniel and Leo that her grandfather's death wasn't an accident. When she arrived, the house had started burning and there was a man there who left quickly. He could have helped get her grandfather out, but he didn't.

At Demian's office, Eduardo can just about grab the worm off the hook (i.e. notary position) Dem is dangling over him. Nothing is free, however. In exchange for Dem's personal intervention, Ed will have to figure out how Demian can end up with the doctorcito's lands. Rafaela interrupts the sensitive discussion. Ed leaves. She's just missing Dem and wants to make sure she's still his #1 boinkee. Well, to no one's surprise, guess who is walking up to Dem's office door. None other than Lucia. After hesitating and hearing some of what passed as love-talk, she realizes she must decide how much more abuse and torment she can take. She decides to take the plunge and walk in on them. There's an uproar, naturally. She tells Dem off. She wants that divorce and by the way, she NEVER loved him. Rafie is surprised Dem goes after Luci and then he kicks the little strumpet out. Dem's well-ordered world comes crashing down on him.

At Don Manuel's interment, Mariela stands with Carmen and Leo as Fr. Daniel intones words about life and the afterlife. A little way off Mariela sees Alonso and Santiago watching. When she can, she goes over to them. Al says how sorry he is about her grandfather, gives her a rose and when she hugs him, Lety and Santi urge him to hug her back. (I guess it didn't take 15 years after all to patch things up between them.)

Luci waits for Rafie in Rafie's office. Luci hauls off and smacks Rafie a good one. She tells her to get out of the family business and out of her house. Rafie says she stays put until Dem says otherwise. Luci wants to know why, after all she did for her cousin after she became a widow--gave her a job, shelter, did she do this to her? Why? Rafie says she was jealous of everything that Luci had. Rafie goes on to brag that she has Dem eating out of her hand. Luci scoffs that she can have him, but she shouldn't believe for a moment that she'll be happy with Dem. Sara comes in the office and hears first hand that Rafie will be leaving the house and she really doesn't care why.

Daniel, Carmen and Leo confer regarding Mariela's fate. Daniel will have to put her in foster care since she won't be able to stay at the parish house. Carmen wants her. Leo is uncertain as he has no experience raising a child, but gives in to Carmen and agrees to try it out for a short while. Mariela finally decides not to join her grandfather and agrees to the arrangement.

Demian is now deviously angry. He tells Ed he wants to strip Luci of everything in a divorce settlement. Well, she can keep the house, but he's not going to let her have any part of his business empire. Ed reminds him he's not thinking of his sons. Dem says of course he is. He intends to keep them and Ed is going to make sure of that. GULP.

Lety wants her parents to adopt Mariela. She could be her sister. Her parents tell her it's not possible under their circumstances, where would they get the money for her education and such. They can't impose on their patrones either.

Leo and Carmen bring Mariela back to their mansion. He's going to go out for a bit to buy Mariela some clothing (and this from a man who earlier said he knows nothing about raising children). Carmen comforts Mariela as best she can. She promises never to abandon her.

Luci is reliving her past, happy or not, by thumbing through a photo album. Demian comes in looking for her. She declares she wants Rafaela out of the house or she's ready to move ahead with adultery charges. Dem had hoped she'd changed her mind about the stupid divorce. Her answer to his threat to take the boys away from her merits her a big sock on the jaw.

Leo has stopped by the police office. He's there to try to get the officer to investigate the fire and the man Mariela saw there. It's useless. The officer tells Leo the fire inspector declared the fire to have been an accident and unless the man can be identified or he has other proof of arson, Leo should forget about bringing any charges. Leo is sure Demian Ferrer had something to do with it. He always coveted those lands and now, how convenient was it that Don Manuel is dead and the house is in ruins. He can't get the officer to be interested in looking into Demian's businesses.

Sara comes into Rafie's room at the house to find her unpacking rather than packing. They trade insults, one specifically aimed at Sara. Why hadn't she kept her husband from making Luci marry Dem, if he's such a despicable man. Sara doesn't answer, but she's going to make sure her bags get packed and she's ready to go.

Luci comes to see Fr. Daniel and tells him bout Demian's plans to take her sons. He's ready to go give Dem a piece of his mind, but Luci restrains him. Then she confesses she never should have married Demian. It should have been Leonardo, but her father threatened to kill both of them. Now she's afraid Dem is liable to kill her. She's always loved Leonardo. Leo just happens to be within earshot and lets Luci know that he has thought of her every day of his life. She runs outside the church and hangs around long enough for Leo to catch up to her. He pleads with her not to spurn him again. She doesn't have to live with that jerk any longer. He swears he loves her and asks her to spend the rest of their lives together.


Wow! It was a slap fest in this episode.

I wonder if the grandpa had a will?

Thanks, Anita!

This sainted doctor is knocking on St. Peter's gates, not Lucifer's. (You can tell by the choral music in the background.)

Love your sense of humor Anita...and describing the burnt house as a pile of briquettes was funny too. But oh how sad the death of the good doctorcito and the destruction of Mariela's home. I had to fast forward through the whole thing.

Sounds like Lucia had an abusive dad who forced her to marry an equally abusive man. That vicious slap (as well as his casual go-ahead to kill the doctor) makes me think that she's in danger of her life as well. Anything that threatens his greedy plans is something to be summarily eliminated.

They picked the perfect actress to play Rafaela. Her pinched, dried up little face and thin, bitter lips shout to all the world about the ugliness inside her. So dreadful. Would like to see her kicked out of the house "cuanto antes" but I don't think that will happen.

Like you, I was like huhhhh when Leonardo sallied forth to buy clothing for Mariela. Should have been Carmencita. And together with Mariela if possible. Little girls have definite ideas about what they want to wear. Although given how gorgeous our Leonardo is, I'm sure some saleslady will be only too happy to spend time time time helping him choose something appropriate.

Glad Alfredo is giving this a thumbs up and hopefully the Patio will build like it did with Camino. But why couldn't they put this on at 7 pm instead of that saccharine Rosa de Guadalupe?

Thanks Anita. No one better than you to give this a kick start and get it moving.

Thanks a million, Anita! I agree with Alfredo that this just keeps getting better. My favorite phrase from your recap: "Demian is now deviously angry." That describes him perfectly.

I had to don my beanie for a minute, though: fire from natural causes? Because a doctor with a minor child just happens to keep a big ol' can of gasoline in the kitchen? COME ON, MAN. But from his po-faced expression, I'm guessing that cop is in Dem's pocket. We'll see. If so, there are bound to be MORE crimes he fails to investigate.

JudyB, this would have been perfect at 7.

Thanks, Anita.

I am loving this fast The actors, the story, the sets (,remember that sofa from he** in the haciena with two rooms in Amor???) And I like having a new telenovio ..Leo.

Judy...I can no longer buy clothes for the ten year old , but the five and seven year olds wear anything I buy. Leo is an artist, so he might pick out some very interesting clothes for Mariela that she would like.


Thank you for stopping by and encouraging us to keep the posts moving along with the show. As I said earlier, I was ready for a nice, traditional telenovela...and Diego Olivera being in it doesn't hurt a bit.

Yes, it should have been very easy for the fire inspectors to determine the fire was started by igniting gasoline poured everywhere, so it's a foregone conclusion that Demian has a lot of influence in that town. I bet the municipal government looks the other way when it comes to permits and such and then finds coffers filled with cash.

Rogelio's delight in burning down a house with a living person in it, makes him almost more despicable than Demian. At least Dem's hands and conscience are "clean."

I left out what it was that earned Luci that sock to the jaw. She snarled that she was not going to step aside and just let him take the children. She was going to fight him tooth and nail, if necessary.

Hey y'all. I'm not recapping this one, but I do have a discussion post on my forum. You're welcome to drop a link there to the index page for this show.


Thanks, Kat. So far Melinama hasn't created an index for us. Glad to know you are still going strong.

As for Friday's episode. I though I had someone who was going to do a short recap today, but it didn't work out. I'll put something up tomorrow. It ended with a BANG!

Anita, you can sure say that again!

Episode #5 (Thu Jun 8) Part 1
In the meet-up outside the church, Lucía tells Leonardo that aside from her feelings for him, she just can’t up and leave her marriage and her children to run away with him. He wants her to bring her children with her. They don’t deserve a life with that man. Luci says she’ll think about it. Karla stumbled on this tête-à-tête and stayed to watch.

Carmen continues to console Mariela. They preserve the flower Alonso gave her at the cemetery. Leo returns and tells Carmen what he was up to at the police station and how he ran into Lucia outside the church. Nothing came of it, pinky swear. Then they notice Mariela has disappeared. She has returned to the only home she knew. Leo finds her there, hugging a surprisingly unsinged Paddington Bear. She’s persuaded to leave the bear and come home with Leonardo the Lionbearted. (Aha, now I get it, Susanlynn, Leo is also a bear.)

Two police officials make an impromptu visit to Demián. He discharges in anger on them at being accused of such perfidy as the death of an old man. They claim they are not accusing him. They are merely informing him of the accusation others made. He insists he’s innocent. In fact at the time, he was right here at home with his family. Alonso and Santiago overhear the angry exchange and Dem’s dismissal of the two officers. He tells his sons the same thing, in a more pleasant voice.

Sara gets Luci to admit that Dem gave her the bruise on her face. Holey Moley, the Patio gets to find out why Luci’s dad forced her to marry a man like Dem and it wasn’t because he thought he was a good businessman. He had an enduring hate for Leonardo. Apparently, Sara and Leo’s widowed father (whose wife died when Leo was very young) had a burning thing for each other—although it was very strong, it was above board, never carnal. Lucía’s dad found out about it and could never forgive them, nor the son.

Alonso is cogitating while Santi plays a video game. He’s figured it all out. Sr. del Río said those things to the police about the fire and the death of Mariela’s grandfather so his father would go to jail and his mother would be left alone. (Kids, really.)

Rafaela wants Dem to countermand Luci’s orders for her to be sent packing (or unpacking it seems). Dem surprises her telling her it would be better for everyone if she did. She claims she doesn’t have anywhere to go. Dem suggests she get a room in a hotel and he’ll catch up with her later. The scorned woman’s fury becomes evident—things aren’t going to stay like this, she warns, nobody plays her for a fool. Dem doesn’t take her threat seriously. (We’ll see about that.)

Episode #5 (Thu Jun 8) Part 2
Karla is enjoying her role as town gossip. She’s spreading all she witnessed with glee to an unnamed companion. Her husband Ed has overheard her and scolds her for spreading lies. Karla swears she’s not lying. She saw Luci with her own eyes. Ed says it could have been an accidental meeting. They talked. So what’s bad about that? He adds that if he hears the gossip has spread, the D-word will be theirs.

Luci learns about Demián’s plans to take himself and the boys on a one-way trip to the States.

When Leo and Mariela return home, he finds Demián waiting to tell him to stay out of his affairs. In the middle of this dispute, Leo gets a phone call which Carmen urges him not to put off. It’s Luci. She accepts his offer. She and the boys will go with him, but it has to be that very day. Sara (ok) and Rafie (not ok) have heard every word. (Folks, here it is, the most unlikely, real life solution to running away from someone to someone else—meet at night in a local park. Who does that other than telenovela characters anyway?) Leo covers for the phone call and after hanging up, dismisses Dem, telling him to take his threats elsewhere.

Sara tries to talk Luci out of this crazy idea. Sara predicts Dem will never let them live in peace. Besides, she and Leo might have changed. Luci declares she’s never stopped loving him. Rafaela goes back to her room to unpack. She has enough dirt on Luci now they’ll never evict her.

Carmen gives Leo the same talk Sara tried with Luci. Each, in their own quarters are resolved to go ahead with these plans. Sara finally comes around when she learns that Dem planned to take the boys away physically from Luci. Carmen wonders what will happen to Mariela. Leo says she should be taken back to Fr. Dan’s for him to find her a good home. Carmen asks him to take his leave of Mariela personally. Leo finds Mariela in the studio looking at the sculpture of Luci. He tells her he must go back to New York and she will be going back to Fr. Dan’s. She doesn’t take it well at all. She tells Carmen he lied to her. Carmen tries to console her. She’ll try to arrange for Mariela to stay on with her. If not, they’ll always be friends.

Luci is to meet her mother and the boys at the park. She has errands to run. She also asks her mother to get all her jewelry out of the strong box. Sara still has reservations regarding Alonso. Will he want to go, based on his negative attitude towards Leo. Luci says if she has to tell him the truth, she’s sure he will understand.

We learn from Dem that Rogelio is no longer with them and subordinates like the sweatered chauffeur have no need to question their superiors. (I notice he didn’t say no longer works for the company.) Dem’s secretary goes over his daily appointments. Rafie stops Dem in the hall. No, it can’t wait. His darling wife is about to leave him—with the boys—for someone else. He doesn’t believe her. She tells him if he hurries, he can see for himself at the appointed time and place. Dem calls someone and asks the person to come to the park, but not do anything, just wait until Dem gets there.

Episode #5 (Thu Jun 8) Part 3
Luci is busy making her last minute arrangements. She has to go out and says good-bye to her sons with a certain finality we on the Patio don’t like at all. She says she’ll see them later. Sara tries to prepare Al for what’s coming, but he reacts, well, not positively. He declares he’s not about to go anywhere with Sara or with his mother. Sara is quite tee’d off with him and tells him to go wait in his room.

It’s nightfall, Leo is in a hurry to leave. Fr. Daniel catches him about to get in his car. Fr. Dan plays the old recording about not interfering in problems between a husband and wife despite the abuse and Leo’s feelings for her. Leo can’t stand that Fr. Dan brings Al and Santi into the mix. Daniel leaves and so does Leo.

It’s time for Sara to come get the boys. Al is nowhere to be found. They can’t leave without him. No one, including Marita (she’s the housekeeper) and Lety have seen Al. Dem, meanwhile grabs the car from Sweater Man (is it Noe?). He'll drive himself. He checks the glove compartment. Yep, the gun is in the glove compartment.

Luci is wandering around the dark, deserted park. Finally she hears a rustle behind her and calls out Leonardo’s name. Unfortunately for her and for the Patio, it’s Demián. No more expectations of happiness at the side of her only love. She makes a valiant try. He, on the other hand, is not going to permit her to run off with that sculptor fellow and humiliate him in such a manner. She spits out that she never loved him and always loved Leonardo. She only married Dem because her father threatened to kill Leo.

Never in her life did Luci believe that, as angry and abusive as Dem could ever be with her, he’d pull a gun on her. Well, actually, he doesn’t pull a gun on Luci. He pulls it out and waves it around in her face telling her that this time he’ll be the one to kill Leonardo. As she begs him to put it away, they struggle. The gun goes off. Both back away from each other, stunned by what has happened and what may come next. Back in the bushes, stands Rogelio, not sure what he saw was good or bad, but shaking his head unbelievably.

Oh boy, this one didn't take long to get into really explosive events. First the fire and death of Abuelito, now what looks like the end of lovely Lucia. Does this mean I'm going to have to put up with Rafaela's nasty face for capitulos to come? The only thing I enjoyed about this episode was Demian being so dismissive of Rafish. Everything else, though seemingly hopeful, had Shadow of Doom written all over it.

Loved your "pinky swear" comment and amusement over the ill-fated plan to meet after dark in the park. Yeah, right, WHO does that? Befuddled telenovela characters, that's who. (Or is it whom? miss Carlos' whimsical humor)

Whaddya think...Are we going to have an "años después" after this? And will the slimy Rogelio use this secret knowledge to blackmail Demian? Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

Thanks so much for all your hard work this week Anita. If anyone can build a Patio, it's you kid. Mil gracias.

I did like Carmelita admonishing Leonardo for his plans to sneak off with Lucia as leaving by "la puerta de atrás". Yep, not noble or straightforward. And leading to tragic loss, alas.

Oh boy is right, JudyB. These characters have to do everything wrong right now in order to make the time-jump believable. Yes, we will be getting anos despues because we have to see the adult Alonso and adult Mariela work through their animosities and fall in love. At any rate, that's what I'm waiting for. Sadly we never got to see Leo and Luci do anything more than engage in a chaste kiss outside the church.

Yes, loved the leaving by la puerta de atras, but I just couldn't translate every perfectly crafted dicho or I'd still be writing it up....

You're already my hero for doing this day after day. I don't expect vocabulary lessons. But share your love of language, my friend.

Who is Who and To Whom it May Concern--Missing Carlos.
Thx JudyB

Anita, wow..thank you forgoing above and beyond all alone to provide a recap.

I am enjoying my own patio while stopping by the virtual patio. Gorgeous day. Got lots of laundry hung out in the line.

I miss Carlos, too.

Who is for the subject, and whom is the object. The subject does the action, and the object is acted on. Ex. Who took you to the party? Johnny took me to the party . Whom are you taking to the party.I am taking g Johnny to the party.

This show is speeding along. I am mostly in it for Diego and Pablo. #honestyrules

Thanks, Susanlynn. The teacher in you is coming through loud and clear. Thanks for the mini-lesson we all need from time to time.

Thanks, Anita! I haven't watched this epi yet, but it will be easier now that I know what to expect. "Kids, really." Ha ha.

I look forward to being able to help out as soon as PASL winds down. For now it's chaos over there in Alternate Mexico City with all the slicing and dicing and what-all.

BTW, all you grammar nerds out there, did you notice that during the funeral service Padre Daniel used the vosotros form to address the saints? (Escuchad, perdonad, ayudad, etc.) I don't know if he was using an old-fashioned prayer book or if that is common in ecclesiastical Spanish.

In the old fashioned Bibles ( like our King James) yes, that’s how it’s written and recited. There are now many updated versions of the Bible though in more colloquial language. I think in most traditional churches however the vosotros forms would be used.
JudyB, a nerd in any language

The plural familiar, vosotros, is still used in common speech in South America, at least from what I know (and that's not much), in Argentina and Uruguay.

I believe the vos form used in South America is something different from the vosotros used in Spain. I found the following very interesting:

(Can you tell I'm supposed to be doing lesson planning?)

In Wikipedia, I also found, which probably explains its use in the funerary context:

"Vosotros is not unusual in oratory, legal documents, or other highly formal or archaic contexts."

Thank you BL--At least I got the right part of the continent. I didn't use the vos form growing up in Montevideo, but then I was a school-age child and none of my friends use it, nor my Spanish-speaking teachers and most of my parents' friends were English-speaking. But now, I hear it everywhere among River Plate adults. I had assumed that vosotros was the plural of the familiar and vos was short for vosotros. Someohow, vos is different.

One is never too old to learn something new.

While we're on "learning something new" I wish telenovelas would show proper CPR technique rather than what one sees mostly on tv. When Leonardo was trying to resuscitate Lucia he was doing it all wrong. His arms needed to be straight, rather than bent (and therefor ineffectual) as his were. It takes tremendous pressure to stimulate the heart and his flimsy efforts would have achieved nothing. CPR training should be mandatory for anyone who wants to get a driver's license. Some state out West (maybe Washington state...or Oregon?) did make it mandatory and cardiac deaths dropped dramatically in that state. Clearly not many folks are getting trained in CPR in least no many actors.

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