Thursday, June 07, 2018

Papa A Toda Madre #101: The Cul-de-sac Crew is Accepting Brain Donations

Or "What Was the Point of All of This?"

Or Let's Be Honest....Kika is the Real MVP

As Renee and Maria put Maria’s bags in Fabian’s car, Fabian texts his henchman to watch Renee, and then demands Maria help him find Anifer and Mauricio or both of them will pay for their crimes, dearly. Maria tells Fabian that she has no idea where they are, and she had nothing to do with Mauricio’s actions, but Fabian hopes she was smart enough not to defy him and risk losing Anifer. Both Maria and Renee wonder what to do.

At Jorge’s, Dulce calls her contact to confirm if Isauro is still in jail. She confirms that he is and awaiting trial so Dulce smiles because there is no way he is getting out ever.

Lili is walking home with groceries when she runs into her school friends. Lili uses the grocery bag to hide her stomach as her friends greet her, surprised that she came back from Tijuana, and invite her to go eat with them that night. Lili tries to get out of it but they kiss her goodbye, make her promise to come, and run off. Lili sighs deeply.

Rafael and Rodrigo help Manuela with her homework and instruct Ryan to come do his with them too so they can help. Ryan whines that he doesn’t want to do it now but Rodrigo asks him to cooperate so all of them can be together, as a family, and help each other. Ryan nods and goes to get his books as Rafael reminds him that he still has to apologize to Ernesto for hitting him.

Jorge visits Renee and she informs him of what Mauricio did. Jorge confirms that the police can arrest and accuse Mauricio of kidnapping and Renee shakes her head. She then asks him what happened to his face, which is all bruised up, and Jorge tells her how it happened last night, from the beating to the car robbery to Dulce kicking him out. He tells her that he’s fine though, despite everything, and Renee laments his dilemma. Jorge nods but then goes back to Mauricio, who needs their legal help, because he’s going to be in trouble if he doesn’t come back. Renee thanks him for his help but can’t believe this is happening.

Mauricio and Anifer arrive at his father’s cabin but they can’t open the locked door and Mauricio doesn’t have a key. Mauricio asks her for a bobby pin, so he can MacGyver the door, but she doesn’t have anything, so he choses to kick the door open but changes his mind. Anifer thinks they should just use the open window to climb into the cabin, as her mother would, and Mauricio tries to play off the fact that he is brainless. He barely climbs into the window and then opens the door for Anifer, who takes one look around the dusty, sheet covered cabin, and tells him that she likes. She wonders why they didn’t go to the cabin, which reminds her of her home in San Crispin, when he first sold his penthouse and Mauricio explains that it’s too far away from civilization and missing all the modern amenities. Anifer doesn’t care and Mauricio declares that he will do anything for her, including live in this cabin but Anifer wants to know when Renee and Maria will join them. Mauricio hesitates then realizes that his cell phone is out of battery, so he goes to charge it, but finds that they have no electricity either.

At Mauricio’s, Renee calls him again but it goes directly to voicemail so she goes to her computer to search for something.

At Tono’s, Tono tells Veronica and Esperanza that he found a comedy club that has an amateur night so he’s signing up. The women shake their heads and Veronica then goes to answer the door. It’s Rafael with Ryan and Manuela and they are looking for Ernesto so Ryan can tell him something. Tono and Veronica ask Ernesto come down and he obliges. After a moment, Ryan looks at Ernesto and huffs but Rafael urges him to do the right thing and Ryan apologizes. Ernesto shrugs and tells everyone that everything is forgiven before shaking Ryan’s hand. Everyone smiles.

Fabian takes Maria to Anifer’s new room in his house and declares that an interior designer designed it and it’s full of the best things for his daughter. Maria tells him that they need to add a bed for her but Fabian proposes that she sleep with Anifer’s, for the time being, and then get into his bed and help him form a family, however they can. Maria cringes and tells him that she doubts it will ever happen though Fabian is sure it will.

Renee asks Veronica to let her borrow the car and she obliges but urges Renee to be careful, even if she can’t say what she’s doing or where she’s going. Renee promises to tell her soon and drives off. Outside of the cul-de-sac, Fabian’s henchman sees Renee drive away and gets in his own car to follow her.

That night, Renee drives down a road as Fabian’s henchman follows with her realizing it.

In the cabin, among a roaring fire and candles, Anifer hugs Mauricio and asks him for a story, a scary one, but Mauricio thinks she will get too scared. Anifer thinks he’s the scared one but then Mauricio sees headlights and runs off with Anifer to hide behind the couch. Moments later, Renee walks in and Anifer jumps up to go hug her as Renee looks at Mauricio, wondering how he could be so stupid.

Valentina meets with Kika at the cul-de-sac park and Valentina confesses that she’s glad Kika and Jorge broke up because he’s not worth it. Kika chides her for talking about Jorge like that because she’s seen how hard it has been for him to change, but he has in his own way. Valentina confesses that Jorge lied to her about her godfather too, and how he wanted to sent her to juvie, but Kika reminds her that he was different then, though she can’t excuse his actions, she understands. Valentina wonders why she broke up with him, if she defends him so much, and Kika explains that Jorge is different as a father than lover. Dulce arrives then and demands to know what Valentina is doing with the Peruvian chick. Kika makes it clear, again, that she’s Venezuelan and activates her shield of stupidity to block Dulce’s insults. Valentina is caught in the middle, a young adults in the middle of two children.

Fabian’s henchman informs him of where he followed Renee and Fabian realizes that he knows exactly where the cabin is and confirms that Mauricio is as dumb as a bag of nails. He tells his henchman to take care of it and then hangs up as Maria arrives and thanks him for not calling the police. Fabian reminds her that he is just trying to make sure his family is happy and safe and is waiting for the time when they can all be together as a family.

Sometime later, Renee and Mauricio sit by the fire and Mauricio tells her that he’s missed her dearly and hopes they never have to be apart again. Renee gives him a kiss but hopes he doesn’t do something as crazy as kidnapping Anifer again. She then asks for Anifer’s bag, sees it and throwing it into the fire. Mauricio demands to know what is going on but Renee promises to explain everything later as Anifer comes and asks about Maria. Renee wonders what to say as Mauricio blocks Anifer’s view of the fireplace.

At the comedy club, Tono gets up and begins to tell a joke about how he gave up his office life but no one laughs, except Veronica, who claps and helps him along. Tono whispers that being a comedian is going to be harder than he thought.

Renee thinks Mauricio should bring Anifer back to Maria, for now, but Mauricio doesn’t want to because that would mean that he would take her back to Fabian, who would be anything but a good father. Renee understands but the law is on Fabian’s side and they to think things through, especially for Anifer. Mauricio thinks they will be happy in the cabin, living away from the city, under the stairs, and Renee thinks she could be happy, but they need to resolve their issues first. Mauricio smiles and gives Renee a kiss before declaring that he is shocked to see he is the happiest man and the happiest father ever. Anifer then comes and asks if they are going to help her with dinner or kiss all night. Mauricio and Renee laugh.

Valentina begs Dulce to take her home and tries to push her away from Kika but Dulce is going in for the kill. She warns Kika to stay away but Kika is going to do whatever she wants to do, not what Dulce wants. Dulce begins to raise her voice as Neron and Flor come over with Milady and invite them to go for a walk in the park. Dulce screams that she has class, and Flor and Neron are living in sin, so she will not walk with any of them. She then turns her attention back to Kika, and screams that she will stay away or else, but Kika doesn’t want to fight with her anymore. Flor is tired of Dulce’s attention though and, after asking Neron to hold their baby, she grabs Dulce hair, pulls her to the ground and proceeds to show her who’s boss.

Neron passes the baby onto Valentina so he can try and break up the fight and Valentina passes it to Kika so she can help.

Meanwhile, Kika covers Milady’s eyes because she’s too young to see her mother beat the attitude out of Dulce (LOL!)

At the cabin, Anifer reminds Renee and Mauricio that they didn’t bring water and she’s thirsty. Renee offers to bring her some water later on but proposes she go get ready for bed in the meantime. Anifer gets the hint and goes to put on her pajamas as Renee and Mauricio go in for a kiss. Their happiness is short lived though as the police begins to pound on the door. They demand Mauricio open up and he begs them to be careful because his daughter is in the cabin. As soon as Mauricio opens the door, the police put Mauricio in handcuffs and take everyone to the police station, despite Renee’s and Anifer’s protests that Mauricio did nothing wrong because he is Anifer’s father.

Neron manages to get Flor, who screams that Dulce had no right to embarrass Baldo, off of Dulce but neither has given up, especially Flor, who knocks Neron out by mistake. He hits the floor like a rock as Dulce grabs Valentina and runs off. Kika runs to Flor as Neron screams that he is going to be a cripple his whole life.

Fabian talks to his henchman and confirms that everything has gone according to plan and Mauricio has been arrested. Maria comes and Fabian informs her of what happened though Maria lets it slip that Renee knew where Anifer and Mauricio were and so did Maria. Fabian can’t believe she was stupid and warns her to stop doing stupidities or else. He then goes with her to the police station to pick up Anifer.

Tono is still trying to make anything laugh as Veronica takes picture and video and tries not to laugh. Some of the guests get up and leave as Tono tries another joke on the increasingly annoyed crowd. Only Veronica continues to smile and laugh but Tono asks her to stop because no one is going to laugh, except her, who even laughs when he undresses (not a peep from anyone). He tries another joke about a desert island but the owner of the club thanks him for his time but kicks him off the stage regardless before telling jokes himself. At their table, Tono tells Veronica that it’s very hard to tell jokes, harder than he thought.

Pablo arrives home and finds it empty. He is shocked that Lili is out but then receives a call from Flor, who asks him to come to the hospital by the cul-de-sac, quick. He considers this.

At the restaurant, Lili eats with her friends and they note that she looks fatter, to which Lili agrees. They then notice a young, pregnant woman walking by, criticize her, and then ask Lili if she’s going anywhere on vacation. Lili thinks she may go back to Tijuana as the girls continue talking about their own vacations.

At home, Valentina asks Dulce about what happened with Baldo as Samuel hugs her. Dulce tells Valentina everything but Valentina finds no difference between what she tried to do to Baldo and what Jorge did to her. Samuel can’t believe Dulce did that but Valentina reiterates that Dulce is just as bad as Jorge and hopes he stays with Kika because she treats them better. Valentina then storms off as Dulce tries to call her back.

At the police station, Renee hugs Anifer as Maria comes with Fabian and runs to her. Fabian is not surprised to find Renee there and then the police call them over to confirm that Renee is Anifer’s aunt and, therefore, not kidnapped like Fabian reported. Fabiana agrees but then tells Maria that he wants to leave with Anifer right now because a police station is no place for a child. Anifer doesn’t want to leave without Mauricio though so Fabian promises to get his lawyer to help and that way they can go home. Anifer agrees so Fabian whispers something to his lawyer as Renee waves goodbye to Anifer. She begins to cry, wondering how things could go so wrong, so quick.

In his cell, Mauricio talks to Jorge about what happened but he doesn’t think he kidnapped anyone. Jorge explains that Fabian’s lawyer, on top of the kidnapping, also let the police know he may be implicated in a drug situation so they need to be careful with what they say. First thing’s first, they have to get Mauricio out of jail and then find someone who can help them defeat Fabian. Mauricio suggests they find Falcon but Jorge reveals that Falcon and his son haven’t been seen since they left.

At Neron’s, Pablo helps him sit on the couch as he now has a cast and is walking around with a crutches. Flor thinks it was great of Kika to pay the whole hospital bill, especially because she thought Kika wasn’t nice, but it turns out she is. Neron promises to pay her back every sent but Flor suggests he take it as a gift and that’s that. Neron nods and Flor then thanks Pablo for helping them and Pablo leaves after saying goodbye to everyone including Milady, who is now walking. Once alone with Flor, Neron wonders who will take care of the shop and Flor proposes that she do it, while he takes care of Milady, and smiles.

At Tono’s, Veronica serves him up some food as they talk about the comedy show. Veronica tells him that it’s hard to make strangers laugh, even if he makes everyone else laugh unprofessionally, and suggests he learn how to do comedy and take classes, etc. She promises not to let him give up and Tono thanks her for her support. He eats more tacos as they discuss the best way to go about making him a professional comedian. She then gives him a kiss and he accepts it with a smile.

Pablo waits around the house for Lili when she arrives, fresh as life, and Pablo demands to know where she was and with who. Lili explains that she went out with friends but Pablo asks her to be considerate because he works all day and the least she can do is be home when he arrives. Lili demands he calm down because she is not his prisoner so she can go out whenever she wants. Pablo thinks she should at least learn how to cook, if he works all day, to pay for their room and board. Lili doesn’t think their room is big enough either way but Pablo reminds her that this is all he has money for and she should get used to it, or not.

Everyone from the cul-de-sac gathers at Neron’s to talk about Mauricio’s situation. They all agree his actions were wrong but his heart was in the right place. Neron thinks they must work on the cooperative company, now more than ever, and Jorge thinks they have an uphill battle ahead because they must prove Fabian is dangerous and take away his rights but Rodrigo tells them that there is something else: the police is com8ng tomorrow to follow up 9n the drug bust from yesterday. They all complain, resolve to find out what is happening with all the drugs in the neighborhood and then Jorge asks Rodrigo to come outside with him, so they can talk privately.

Sometime later, Pablo remind Lili that he never lied to her and he could only give her what he could. Lili nods but she never thought it would be that hard. He reminds her that they have to hanker down and work hard because they are having a kid but Lili thinks they should ask for help, if it comes to that, but Pablo wants to make it on his own. If not, he suggests they move back in with Jorge and Neron instead of living a life they hate.

At the gazebo, Jorge tells Rodrigo about the drugs Fabian put in Anifer’s bag but they sadly have no proof so they cant help Mauricio get out of ja.

Renee visits Mauricio to tell him that Maria and Anifer went home with Fabian and Mauricio cant believe he was so stupid. He thinks he is the same airhead he always was but Renee thinks he’s changed and Anifer will never love Fabian like she loves him. Mauricio thinks Fabian has his owns ways to gain Anifer’s love but Renee reiterates that he will not and they declare their love for each other.

In Anifer’s room at Fabians house, Fabian shows her around and tells her that they are going to be a family (sans Mauricio and barely with Renee) though Maria makes it clear that she and Fabian aren’t together. Anifer reminds Fabian that she went with him because he promised to release Mauricio but Fabian tells her not to worry about all that right now. In fact, Fabian thinks she should just forget Mauricio. Anifer begins to protest and Maria explains that Fabian didn’t m3qn it th3 way it sounds though Fabian makes it clear that he is now her father and Mauricio is nothing to her right now. He also explains that the law decided that he is her father so she better get it in her head that her ONLY father is him…


Alfredo, Thank you! Wonderful recap but the title said it all. Perfect!

Flor and Nerón get my prize for the best couple on the cut-de-sac.

I was happy that Vero is so supportive of Toño’s dream.

Lili is having a rude awakening sooner rather than later which is good.

Nobody had a bottle of water on them?

More later.

tHanks, Alfredo, for this final recap and for all the time, effort , and talent that you have devoted to providing us with recaps.

mauricio is pretty but clueless.

What was up with that big, fake fur coat that Dulce was wearing?

First rule of fight club...always have Flor in your corner.

Not enough Rodrigo in this novella...waste of talent.

Susanlynn, ITA about Rodrigo. Such a cutie.

Alfredo, I laughed out loud at the title. I knew something special was coming and was so happy to know that for once I was right! Excellent all the way around.

"Mauricio tries to play off the fact that he is brainless" and "Valentina is caught in the middle, a young adults in the middle of two children" were a few favorites.

"Mauricio thinks they will be happy in the cabin, living away from the city, under the stars". Sigh. Mauricio, you may be endearing but Peter Pan you are not.

“Pablo asks her to be considerate because he works all day and the least she can do is be home when he arrives”. Has Pablo forgotten women have lives too and it is not their duty to sit and wait for the not so lord of the manor to arrive home? Blech.

I loved Flor taking Dulce down. Literally. Spunk and fire. I think it's great she is taking over the shop. I predict a greatly enhanced client base.

My favorite scene was Kika shielding Milady's eyes from the tiger fight. I didn't say cat because Flor is certainly more fierce :)

Jarifa, yes, it was bad enough Mau didn't charge his phone but to have no water? Sad but not surprising.

Susanlynn, yes, that fur coat of Dulce's was strange. And I love that she thinks Isauro is still stewing in jail. Thinking she is safe is gravely underestimating him. He was a predator to her own daughter right under her nose.

Tono just needs to hone his skils. I do think comedy is very difficult but I have faith he will master it. Love Vero's support.

Glad Ryan offered an apology. I see brighter skies ahead for Rod and Rafa's family.

Alfredo, I don't know what we would have done without you. Your dedication and time are truly appreciated! Look forward to seeing you on the next.


Alfredo, you are a champ. Without your leadership, this Patio probably wouldn't have gotten off the ground. And without Jarifa, Rgv Chick and Cynthia, you probably would have had to toss in the towel. When Melinama started this blog, she would write one brief recap each week for the five episodes of Alborada. But nowadays, with all the detail you are including I know it takes hours....hours of watching, hours of writing. We are truly truly grateful.

Together, you all were terrific and always provided us a nice, cozy cyberspace where we could hang out together. Best Clubhouse in the world.

Your title was excellent. Mauricio can't even remember to bring water bottles to the wilds? A bit scary. But once the dust settles, Mau will have "a village to raise a child" with the rest of the cul-de-sac dwellers I guess. They will need to clue him in periodically when he forgets Life Essentials.

Liked your characterization of Kika as MVP. With our delectable Flor coming in a close second. Or maybe it's a tie!

Thanks again AAA. You're our MVP.

Have a great day Patio.

Alfredo, Thanks man. I do not know how you have soldiered on silently through this lately, but many Thanks.

Kika Kika Kika. Cutie Pie coming trooping into the hospital, still carrying MiLady awkwardly, like it is her job.

I'd like to know what thread Kika's dresses are sewn with, as I'd like to try it on my boat canvas, as normal polyester or nylon upholstery stuff would have given up long before, on her skin tight outfits and her rambunctious life.

I assume by now that nice cabin which I have to assume (only child) Mauricio has owned all this time, through the lean times is now a smoldering pile of ruble, their having high tailed it out of there with a roaring fire in the fireplace with no screen or glass, and fifty candles burning.

Tono ------FF FF FF snack
Vero ------FF FF FF drink

Try walking around on this with wet feet.----------------------------------------------------------------->>>>>>


What eloquent and lovely words Judy.

Also, I loved "They will need to clue him in periodically when he forgets Life Essentials".

Kirby, I am blessed with a few close friends. That said, there would deifintely be room in my inner circle bor both Flor and Kika. I couldn't pick one over the other as they are so different but fierce, strong and determined. Each in their own way. Beauty and brains. Both.


Kirby, excellent point about the cabin! It would not be surprising with this group.

Diana, so true about Flor and Kika. : )

Jarifa: Fabian wins once AGAIN!

So how is this going to work?

After D'ulcer and Fabian are dispatched somehow, Renee notices something. Mau goes to the doctors and they discover his carotid arteries are almost totally blocked and his brain has been operating in survival mode this whole time with no oxygen? (That explains a lot)

A couple of exercises unblocks everything and he begins to think and act like a normal man? He and Renee get married, and a couple kisses later, she is expecting Andrew? We see the doctor removing Andrew's tiny leather jacket so he can spank his ass and start him breathing on his own.


I would like to give great thanks and heartfelt appreciation to our phenomenal recappers: Alfredo, Jarifa, Rgv Chick, Cynthia and "Ghost".

You gave so generously of your time and your recaps were carefully crafted, wonderful to read and full of wry humor and insightful observations.

Those who commented always had something interesting to say. I so enjoyed the fact that we had some differing opinions but were always respectful in understanding other's viewpoints. The differences were minor. Together, we celebrtated the few characters here who gave us much joy (Kika and Flor in particular), hissed at the villains (Dulce and Fabian especially) and both cheered, booed (and everything in between) just about every other character here.

I will not be able to watch tonight and will not see the finale as I have to travel for work. Despite things being sometimes ridiculous and frustrating, I did want to see how this ends. This is the second straight finale I will have missed, Caer was the other. Sigh.

I hope to catch up sometime the week after next.

Thank you all - it's been a great ride!


Good Day Patio!

Thank YOu, AAA!! Your are the greatest! It was surely a pleasure being on your team though he TN was not at all the best. I will never tire of saying that it's the patio that we come back to...such an awesome, supportive and caring group!

So Mau has poop for brains...maybe if he farts more, the gas will fire him up enough to get him through the FIN.

Agree with everyone, Kika and Flor are the heroines in this one..whodda thunk??

On with the finale...hope it makes up for some of this nonsense.

Alfredo, thank you, thank you, thank you! This was a great recap and I, like everybody else, appreciate all you have done to keep this TN covered, even doing extra duty some weeks. Thanks!

This chapter had some interesting and fun scenes, definitely Flor and Kika's turn to shine yet again. I was a fan of Flor right from the start, Kika not so much, but she has really blossomed. She was so funny shielding Milady from the fight scene. Funny and cute both. After a while she looked like she was enjoying carrying Miladay around. Jorge, your problems are not over yet...

I also have to give credit to Vero. What a great, supportive wife!

I don't have anything else to add right now, I'm a bit worn out from repeatedly calling all the men in this TN idiots.


Alternate title... "Socked in the Cul de Sock."

Alfredo, thank you for this recap and all the recaps you have written for us. Your labors are so appreciated!!! I read this recap over breakfast and couldn't wait to watch the cat fight over lunch. LOL! (and it delivered!)

More alternate titles -- "papá que falta cerebro" and "Are you smarter than a 5th-grader?"

So tonight is the "Por Fin". . . meh .....

Is it my imagination, or does Milady look like a Down Syndrome baby?

" I'm a bit worn out from repeatedly calling all the men in this TN idiots." Me, too, Andy. They are an insult to men everywhere. And our intelligence. Gah!

Dulce had on a heavy coat, so did Renee before she even knew the cabin had no heat. There must have been a cold snap during filming. Everyone had on coats in that episode.

Lili got a dose of reality last night.

OT - - - I'm so happy the Washington Capitals won the Stanley Cup!!! WoooHoooooooo!!!!! And it could not have happened to a nicer man, their coach Barry Trotz (our Predators' former coach). (yours truly was parked in front of the TV watching and cheering)

Thanks, Alfredo. The very best title and fabulous recap. I couldn’t watch most of the show cause seeing Jorge and Mau both so stupid was driving me crazy – surfing to the Caps battling for the Stanley Cup was my antidote.

Doris, Yes, WoooHoooooooo, they won!

I'm glad though that I surfed in to see Milady trying to peek at her mom giving Dulce a whack-down. First time I laughed out loud in awhile. That little girl was so cute prying Kika's hand.

As teenage fathers go, Pablo isn’t so bad. He is taking responsibility and does have a job. But he and Lili need counseling (Kika to the rescue?). Lili doesn't need to sit around waiting for him all day, but she does need to do something constructive to help build a good life for her for the three of them (maybe two, if being a couple is too much for her).

I won’t miss the show, but I will sure miss the recaps. RGV Chick, Alfredo, Jarifa, Cynthia, you all rock! And of course all the comments. I couldn't have watched this alone.

Alfredo - I forgot to tell you how perfect the title of your recap is today!!!

Niecie - Go Caps!!! :-)

Hey, y'all. I'm probably not recapping La Bella y Las Bestias, but I'm discussing it on my forum. If you get a team together and you want to let people know there are recaps available, leave a comment on this post when you have a tag or an index page for it. (No rush, I know it's not ending until Monday.)


Kirby: Kika must be Steph Curry.

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