Friday, November 02, 2018
Amar a Muerte, 11/2/2018, Episode 5: Where There is No Will, There is a Way…ward Heir
Labels: Muerte
Not sure how Leonchi is going to get out of this mess now that he has been identified by his fingerprints. I found the scene where he tried (at first in vain) to convince Camilo that he was truly his friend Leon. Thought both actors played it very well.
And I see that we're having a typical Cinderella romance shaping up between Guille and his secretary. Introducing the upper class to street food is always the first step. Works for me.
Do you think we're going to see each "transmigrated soul" evolve as the story goes? El Chino in Beltran's body will learn to become more compassionate and caring for others as he witnesses his "son's" illness. And will Leon in Chino's body become tougher, more ruthless, but also more macho? And will Lucia fall in love with the new improved Leon in a 30 year old body? Lots of intriguing possibilities in this one.
Thanks so much for starting this Rgv Chick. You have made a lot of people in the virtual family room happy. Welcome aboard Kirby, Jardinera and Princess.
Thanks RGV. I am still trying to memorize all the people's names.
So Johny openly discusses making Eva disappear with Lucia. I dislike her so much that a great pair of legs can not even bring me around.
I am anxious for LeonChi to start discovering how Johny (and partially Lucia) plotted his death. He needs to go to the Comeback gym and train. He has Chino's body, but not his skills. He has managed to get his ass beaten a couple of times already. He still THINKS like a rich powerful man, but he and Camilo are the only ones who know who he is.
I wonder, does he have ONLY Leon's memories, or both Leon and Chino's or mostly Leon's with a smattering of Chino's? I have seen a few spots that made me think both he and Lanky have some of each, but can not recall exactly where.
JudyB, "Do you think we're going to see each "transmigrated soul" evolve as the story goes?" I was wondering the same thing. Leonchi's exasperation at having a murderer's body and his beating up the show host was much more in line with what El Chino would do. And Beltino playing with Javier and going to apologize to Octavio is not in line with what El Chino would do. Each soul has a different heart now. Could it be that teh hearts are affecting the souls. There have bern many incidences when heart recipients get emotions and sensations that the heart donor experienced...could that be happening here?
Kirby< I'm having trouble keeping up with names too..and trying to figure out names. I'm still not sure if the Carvajal maid's name (she is the maid right?) is Celina; it sounded different last night. Theses people talk too fast!
And Kirby, "I dislike her so much that a great pair of legs can not even bring me around." I'm shocked! LOL
Johny must have a lot of trust in Lucia to tell her EVERYTHING and suggest more murders. He shows no restraint in telling her about all his devious deeds and plans.
And there always looks to be corroborating evidence when we all know the heart is simply a fairly reliable fluid pump.
I have always assumed, based on absolutely nothing, that the heart is an autonomous section of the brain.
But I actually know I should just stick to carburetors and spark plugs.
Ginger, so glad you're back, welcome! This TN has pleasantly surprised keeps getting better with every new episode.
Kirby, "the age old question about heart and mind" ... quite a conundrum isn't it, but what wondrous testimonials give it merit.
Today I binged the first 5 episodes, so some of the details are a little murky in my head, but I think I got most of the story and where this is headed.
What I don't get is what was the plan that Lucia and Jonny had at the beginning. After Leon died Lucia kept saying "this is not what we decided." What was it, then, for her to play happy wife to the older guy, live the fancy life and enjoy the young stud on the side, while Jonny did shady stuff at the company?
The flashbacks and her general demeanor show us that she did care about Leon, but then she says that too bad she fell for Jonny instead. She is one sick puppy.
I would be in Eva's corner 100% if she wasn't so "big eyes crazy" about the whole thing. How long before hubby gets tired of her routine?
The only downside so far is the fact that this reminds me too much of En otra piel, which is only a few years old. But Michel Brown is a big draw for me, it's been a while since I've seen him act.
See you, guys, around, after my next binge (or hopefully, sooner than that).
I'm not exactly sure what the duo had in mind when they first plotted against Leon, but I'm thinking Lucia thought they were just going to try to take control of the company or swindle as much money from start their own company?? So many possibilities.
Michel Brown was a draw for me too. I saw him in "Falco" and liked him...especially those sexy blue eyes.
Looking forward to your comments!
When is Leonchi going to shave or trim his beard? It's a dead giveaway, even in Mexico. I noted he did get a nice haircut between the bath towel scene and putting on some clothes.
As for Leon's body, maybe the real body had other commitments. Besides, obviously, he is recognizable all over Mexico so he would have to have transmigrated somewhere else. They may be keeping Beltran's soul for a later on surprise.
I'm with Adriana's take on what Johny and Lucia were up to. He may have told her a lie and planned to kill Leon all along. He had to do it immediately after the wedding, before Leon had time to either write a will or change the one he had. Since Johny was his right-hand trustee, he probably would have known or advised Leon about a will, apart from the lawyer. I can see why Lucia was willing to be wooed, won and wed to Leon, even if she set her eyes on him first. For someone 30 years older, he was fit, handsome and rich. And she'd probably tried him out in bed, too. Nothing wrong with that. We'll soon know from Leon himself if there is a properly executed will.
Johny was showing Lucia on his computer all the ins and outs of the Carvajal enterprise and gloating that all this was hers. Maybe he knows something we don't. Lucia was mildly interested, but more concerned about Eva.
Vivi in DC contacted Susanlynn and heard back from her on October 31. She said I could post her reply.
"I heard back from Susanlynn. It's just so sad! They had been together since she was 17 and it's really turned her world upside down to lose him. Luckily, her daughters have been trying to help her, but she still feels lost without her hubby. Thanks again for letting me know. Let's keep sending her our love."
If anyone wants to send Susanlynn a personal message, contact me by e-mail and I'll share her e-mail address. I know she always wanted to remain a private, non-Google person, but she certainly shared so much of her life with her hub and family with her Caray family.
Susanlynn would have loved Amar a Muerte, I'm sure.
I do wish Michel would trim his beard too; he looked so much better in Falco.
When Johny was showing her the stuff no the computer she was indeed "mildy" interested but also seemed mucho confused.
I can tell you are all having fun here and wish I could join you but it's just too late.
Adriana Noel, nice to see your post!
Anita, I will be e-mailing you...
I noticed that Valentina goes at the same school where Beltino teaches. When Leonchi manages to infiltrate his family, how long before Beltino sees his own own body around campus and freaks out ?
Are both Valentina and Eva developping a drinking problem? We've seen Eva's hubby worried about her but for now she seems to be hanging in there. Valentina is a bottle away from a serious accident, imo (maybe with a car?)
Leonchi doesn't even guess what is waiting for him back home.
I say YES to getting rid of that awful beard. Either way, Johnny doesn't stand a chance when Lucia will set her eyes on him.
Thank you,all,for the warm welcome.
Johnny has to have something else up his sleeve. Would he really have killed Leon so fast before he could have drafted a will in favor of Lucia? He settled for 25%, when he could have gotten half perhaps? Leon really did seem blindfolded about Lucia. Or is he counting on the children to die one by one in some way or other? And why would Leon not have made a will in the first place? With Johnny being his righthand, its very believable that even Johnny would have received a part of the estate, however small. He was the son Leon never had.
Not sure how Beltran's body has affected el chino's actions, but Bertran apparently neglected his son and wife and was very into his work. The wife and the maid were surprised that beltino was spending the tine playing ball with the son. The son also seemed shocked at the table when beltino accepted to play with him at all. Beltran apparently never spent quality time with him ever. Perhaps in some way el chino feels some type of affection for the kid knowing that physically it's his son, or he's living a fantasy of actually having a son that he can mold into him. Maybe it's both. But i think chino went to apologize to his friend to get money for his son's operation. Or for help in something else. The scene where they're both drinking suggests he has something up his sleeve.
If Johny is planning on the children dying off, he is really stoopid. The investigator is already very suspicious...can you imagine what he would suspect if the children died? OTOH, Johny is already trying to bribe him; so who knows what cover-ups could be in store.
And you're right about Beltino having something up his sleeve. Your suggestions are quite on target...let me just add that maybe Beltino needs a quick lesson on being a professor???
Jarifa alerted me to the fact that AAM will be preempted this coming Tuesday due to election coverage (eye roll). It will also be preempted on Thursday, Nov. 15th due to the Latin Grammys...let the preemptions begin! BLECH!
Now I wonder about Johnny Be Bad's motive (sorry, Rgv, but the guy is truly rotten). In the flashback with Leon at the office on the balcony they talked about one of the kids one day appreciating the job as much as Leon. Could Johnny be a long lost son from Leon's youth? Maybe Saint Leo did have his fun before settling down and becoming the best at everything (therefor being more forgiving with Lucia's past).
Why would he hate the guy so much, just because of his political ambitions? It seems much more personal than that.
There was a scene before Chino was electrocuted when he was fighting with his wife and he kind of implied that his daughter wasn't his flesh and blood. Maybe he thinks that his wife cheated and that's why he could never get close to the girl? Or maybe he's just a macho who would have preferred to have a boy to play sports with? Either way, he does seem to connect with Javier. Where did he hide that huge briefcase of money, was it in the US?
As far as Johny Be Bad, I had assumed it was just pure greed and jealousy. It seems a popular theme that there is a thin line between a helper's admiration of his/her successful boss before it turns into psycho jealousy. But they usually want the big guy's woman after she is with the rich guy, not before.
Yes Johny seems to be an inextricable part of the family, and he has weasel written all over him. For Lucia to be crying over Leon so long and so genuinely after his death, does she not hold any malice toward JBB for having him killed? She sure seems forgiving about the whole mess. What ya want to bet that LeonChi will not be quite so generous?
Adriana, “Johnny Be Bad” I like that! And interesting theory about him being Leon’s “old blow” teehee I like that too, JudyB!
Kirby, you’re so right about Lucia not holding any malice toward JBB. Is she that in luuurve with him? If she is, her body language says quite the opposite...except when they’re in bed.
Kirby, I assume pure greed is a good enough reason, and if you add Jonny having to witness Leon always putting his less worthy actual kids before him than maybe we can get a glimpse of his madness.
Lucia seems to suffer the "idiot because it serves the plot" ailment, more usually seen in spineless galans, where she goes along with Johnny's plans because her brain doesn't know any better. She has a bit of a Scarlet O'hara complex, too, she swore she will never be hungry again...whatever takes her through the day, I Guess. We've seen that her nights are not so great.
You being close all the time looks like a win-win situation.
I forgot to ask earlier : is it true that Mexican law stipulates that a fortune is devided equally between all heirs ? Doesn't the wife get more ? Anyone here an expert ?
I'm still looking though.
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