Friday, May 10, 2019


Greetings, Caraymates!

Meet your recappers who dedicate much time and effort to bringing you a bit of entertainment with the English language recaps of selected telenovelas...

"Young at Heart" in the Mid-Atlantic and has a Certificate of Completion from the University of Telelnovela Cliché Writing

Blue Lass

"No me toques!" on the Mid-Atlantic coast
Cynthia Hampton 

Busy as a Bee in the Pacific Coast


Live, Laugh, Love, and Listen from the East USA


Bucket Lister in Southeast USA


Full of Life and Facts in Central USA

Hola! from the West Coast


"Amor Con Amor Se Paga" in Columbus, Ohio

Kirby Johnson

M.A. in Snarkery and Free as a Bird in Flori-DUH!


Tenured Recapper! in the Pacific Coast


"Hay Mas Tiempo Que Vida!" in the Central USA

Urban Anthropologist

Proud Mother of Carmen in Northeast, USA

 Andy Banda

Founder of the Andycaps and loves to slice, dice and julienne in New York


Busy as a Bee and Wrestler Mom in the West Coast


Writing away in the NY Tri-state area


Fascinated by all things Turkey--language, customs, and TNs!!

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Thanks Rgv Chick. You are tireless! Loved all the pics, but especially that lovely one of UA's cat.

RgvChick, thanks for this and all you do! This is just perfect. I love it!

Thanks! and my little girl looks so sweet on the screen!

Thanks SO much, Rgv Chick. I love having the gallery back. It's such a pleasure to see both faces and avatars for people whose recaps I've enjoyed so much. I've changed to watching Telemundo novelas, so I'm not commenting as regularly as I did before. I think the last Uni I watched all the way through was Mañana es Para Siempre. But I always love reading the comments on generic posts, like this one; that is, not specific to a novela I'm not watching.

Beautiful faces, sweet cat, fun avatars, lovely rose and another amazing avatar from Kirby.

Thank you all!!!

Rgv Chick, there is nothing you do not think of! Thank you


Thank you RGV Chickie! You have done a great job and I so much appreciate all your hard work on getting these pages together.

Love the recapper pictures.

This is nice. Tphank you!!!

Rgv Chick and all our recappers, muchisimas gracias! I love the community here. This is the best blog ever. Witty, wise, thoughtful, sometimes sad, always caring and supportive. Caray rocks! Fabulous pics.

Thank you, Chickie , for featuring our dedicated recappers. Yay..and thanks to you all. After all these years of dropping by the patio almost daily, I appreciate all of your efforts to have it continue.

Thank you to everyone! I had been working on this in bits and pieces until I told myself to “Just do it!” I’m glad everyone enjoyed the pics. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a Caraymate Gallery though?

Love Andy's picture. He's my idea of "eye candy". Thanks RGV CHICK

Andy, you obviously have nothing to worry about--except in the kitchen. Better watch out for those flyling julienne strips!

Ms Chicky this is very creative. The recappers are amazing. The pics and the avatars are lovely. I get to have convos with people from different parts of this country and other countries Also. And it's nice to know that some of you are just as nutty as Iam🥰😁. Great job Ms Chicky.👍

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