Tuesday, March 26, 2024

El Amor no Tiene Receta, Capítulo 19, Lunes, 25 de marzo, 2024 - "Fight or flight? A bit of both today"

We get a repeat of the last scene of the previous episode. The doctor adds that she doesn't remember from where she saw her, maybe she was in a commercial? Paz says no, that's for people who have money, not for them. Phew! Close one.

Esteban and Kenzo continue playing ping pong (damn, that skill though) as they talk. Kenzo tells him his kids have been calling him immature and Esteban tells him he has many virtues in the job that should be used in his personal life as well. The conversation shifts to Nandy, does he like her? Kenzo says he's not sure and tells Esteban Nandy confirmed she's a trans woman. Esteban has an "okay, and?" face. Kenzo legit says "what will my children think?" and that he feels conflicted.

Elvira is still fussing about Nandy working here, saying she already has an cook who doesn't have the necessary qualifications, she won't stand having another one in the company. She shouts that she's not going to be employed and what did Kenzo think, hiring her? She says some crap about men I didn't really catch and Nandy replies that she's no facilota (Google gives two translations, "homewrecker" and "easy one".) She asks Elvira if that's the real reason or if it's because she's trans. Elvira sighs and says that this company is inclusive, but the employees have to have qualifications. Kenzo and Esteban enter and ask what's going on. El fusses about how a taco seller can't fulfil the necessary requirements as Esteban says that maybe she should Kenzo decide, he's one of their best workers. Kenzo insists and with Esteban backing them up, Elvira is forced to accept, but she'll get sacked if she does even one error. 

The doctor has to do some tests to Luna. She reassures Paz that she will be with her all the time. Luna doesn't want to leave Paz. Paz cries as Luna goes to the examination room.

We get a flashback: a kid/teen Ginebra and Mauro, in the orphanage. Gin screams at some dude who works(?) there "tell me what my name is!" The dude says her mother didn't give her one, she just dumped her here. Gin insists and the dude asks her "you want a name?", laughs and grabs her head, puts it on the table so she can see a gin bottle in front of her and says she'll be called Ginebra. "Enjoy your existence", he adds. Gin is remembering this just as she pours a glass of gin (?). Here comes Felipa, who mentions having spies inside the company when Gin asks her how she knew she was here. Fel apparently came to congratulate her and mentions the tragedy she (Gin) has been through. She can't shut up about Nandy, telling Gin to please make her life impossible, she has to seperate her from them. Esteban and Kenzo arrive and inform Gin about having a meeting. Felipa mentions Gin is a very good friend of hers and she and Kenzo start fighting, the usual, don't cause me problems with my kids, your kids can't stand you because weren't there when they needed you. Gin is trying VERY hard not to laugh.

Jer brings Gala some macha tea, just as she likes it. He mentions liking girls who are cautious with calories, it makes him think of their bodies. Okay, cringe. Gala gets cringe as well, because Jer asks her what's up with that face. He also admits he got jealous seeing her with that boyfriend of hers on social media. 

Pepa and Salo have a discussion about Pepa wanting to leave the house. Pepa tells Salo he wants to explore the world and live his own life. Salo asks him if he feels proud of being a Roble, which Pepa responds positively to, and whether or not he's thinking about going in a foreign country. Pepa mentions travelling to Europe and thinking Salo can accomplish whatever he wants as well, he loves him. Salo says "you're my life, brother" and adds that, without him, the house won't have any colour, won't have his noise, won't have his scent. He doesn't want him to leave (that took a while to guess, not). They hug.

Mir and Paz talk about Luna. Mir says the doctors will realise she's got memory problems and Paz admits the doctor told her she has recognised her from television, but she doesn't remember where from. Mir advises her to go talk to Ginebra already, but Paz says they need to investigate, Mir Mauro and she Gin. She mentions Luna remembering her mom hitting her and says that no mom who loves their child would do that without caring for the affects. She also mentions Luna's words contradicting her mom's on her favourite things. Paz says she thinks that Gin knows what Mauro did.

Esteban says something about the denunciations I didn't catch and about Rubio. Gin says that she of course wants to help him, how is he feeling? Esteban IIRC says he's been hurting for years. Gin says that his wife and her husband aren't here anymore, but they are alive and they have a destiny to make.

Mir tells Paz that Rubio tried to attack her again. Paz asks her if she's alright, which Mir confirms. She tells Paz about Mauro being there to save her, which still stumps her, how was he there? Another question which stumps them is why did Rubio get obedient, like Mauro was his patrón

The doctor still can't remember from where she knows Luna. 

Vermin is still fighting his way with the papers, but the nurse insists: get the papers ir you won't be able to leave the hospital.

Paz tells Mir she wants a real family for Luna. She has the same age as her daughter. She mentions only being a mother in her dreams. Mir says no one learns to be a mom and there's this stereotype that moms have to be super powerful, all-knowing and make no mistakes, but it's not true. Sometimes she feels as if she's the worst mom in the world. She knows Paz will make the best mom ever, because, even though being a mom doesn't have a recipe (I see what they did there), Paz has the main ingredient: love. Paz thanks her, whild crying and says she has the best sister in the world.

Elvira visits Rubio. Rubio asks her "who are you, doña?" Elvira replies that she's the mother of Berenice Moncada, the woman he killed. 

Paz opens the door, the doctor just came outside. She says they needs to wait for the results of the tests and mentions that the injury the kid has isn't the first, she has received multiple. The amnesia was caused by something more severe. Oh and by the way, she has remembered where she saw her from, her name isn't Luna, it's Samara Barral Nicoliti and Paz isn't her mother, this woman is! She shows her Ginebra's face in a photo she found. Paz admits she lied, she's not Sam's mom!

Jer says Salomón's name wrong (salmón, which is salmon in Spanish) and then proposes to Gala they get together, it's going to be a big bomb in the media: the fashionista and the gamer. Gala gets pissed that he only said that for publicity and calls him the same patán (uncouth) as always. Some friend of hers sees this and asks if this is some sort of lover's quarrel. 

Esteban sees from the cameras Bosco telling Gala and Eder about him seeing their dad and Paz almost kissing. Uh oh.

Paz tells the doctor that she's only protecting the child, they want to kill her! The doctor says she'll call the police, but Mir, clearly freaked out, closes the door and grabs the doctor's phone.

Esteban leaves a voice message to Bosco, he saw that he said in the camera and they have to talk. Gin enters and says he looks tense. Esteban says he's sure Rubio didn't act alone, he had an accomplice. 

Rubio mumbles something I didn't catch and Elvira asks him how does he know she has another daughter, except Berenice. 

Mir refuses to return the phone to the doctor. Paz grabs it and does it instead. She tells the doctor to listen to her first and then, if she wants to turn her in, she'll accept it. Mir and Paz explain the story quickly, full af anxiety. They say they're telling the truth.

Monito remembers the conversation he had with Luna when the shots were getting fired. He walks around the Oliver Twist camp, sad. #savemonito!

The doctor asks Paz and Mir why haven't they told the mom any of this and they say they're not sure about her. Paz adds that Gin hit the girl and Mir says that she caused her daughter physical and mental pain. The doctor asks them what proof they have and they say just their word, the girl's word and the place the shots were fired. Mir swears to the Virgin Mary and Paz to her mother that they're telling the truth.

Gin gives "advice" to Esteban: get over it and leave it to the past. He refuses and mentions his soul calming down when he finds out all the truth.

Vermin, Salo and Pepa talk about Luna. Vermin has a plan.

Elvira shouts at Rubio to talk, but he doesn't. After some time, he says he doesn't know anything about her other daughter, but IIRC mentions that he'll extortionate her (the other daughter) from jail. He mentions the dead wanting to live as Elvira leaves.

Vermin dresses up like a janitor.

Salo and Pepa are writing down where the cameras are. Salo hits on some nurse who works there. Ugh.

Gala tells her friend (who are now alone upstairs) a secret: she and Salo aren't dating, it's a plan to get Jer jealous. Her friend mentions wanting to be like her and being a subscriber. Gala helps her out with some outfits. Oh and we get a sponsor, of course.

Pepa and Salo write down more cameras. Salo calls Pepa the brain of the family.

Gala's friend (Gio?) asks Bosco, who just arrived, out and even kisses him on the cheek. He has a dumb happy look on his face.

Gin tells everyone at the meeting that she thinks Esteban shouldn't have any (public) moment with a woman, romantically, the responsible widower will be good for his image. Esteban agrees.

The doctor says she has doctor ethics and she'll have to call the police. Paz understands and asks the doctor to let her say goodbye to Sam. She agrees and we get a super sad scene, in which Paz tells Sam they'll have to get separated and she'll have to return to her family. Poor Sam doesn't want to, she cries and says she doesn't want to leave, she wants to stay with Paz, Mire (Mir laughs), abuelita, Salo and Pepa. She remembers how she saved her from the shots fired and thanks Paz for giving her a family. Paz thanks her for all the days she gifted her. They cry as they hug. The doctor looks sad.

Vermin enters, dressed as a janitor and claims he has to clean the room for the girl. Paz, Mir and the doctor exit. Vermin closes the door, removes his medical mask and tells Luna he has to get her out of here. 

Paz and Mir are still begging the doctor not to turn them in. The doctor looks sceptical. Come on, now!

Vermin explains to Luna that the only way out, the only way she'll be able to stay with Paz is to hide in the janitor's garbage can. Luna remembers being thrown in that box and asks him what if he abandons her. Vermin swears he would never do that and manages to make Luna trust him. He mentions being willing to sacrifice everything. Some of you guys predicted that he'll die protecting Luna and I tend to agree after this. She obediently gets in the garbage can. 

Paz and Mir are still trying to convince the doctor not to call the police. She seems convinced, I think I heard her say "okay" at some point. Vermin, mask back on, exits the room with his garbage can. Paz looks at him and appears to recognise him...

And with that overly tense situation, we have the Fin del Capítulo...


Thanks, Weirdo. Wonderful recap!

The doctor clinically knows that Luna has suffered previous injuries and has been told that Luna said that her mother beat her but brought up talking to her mother? Is there such a thing as mandatory reporters of child abuse in Mexico as in the USA? The doctor would be one here. That process would bypass the parents and would be a direct line to police/social services. Will a social worker be involved with Luna before considering her return to her mother if the police are called or am I getting too far into the “reality weeds” here? Will the doctor just hand Luna over to her abuser/torturer?

Now we know something about how Ginebra got her name and her horrible childhood. I can’t imagine being nameless.

Wowee, Weirdo . Thank you so much for delivering every tense moment to us.

This novela is moving right along , and I am loving it.

Gin is, perhaps, incapable of love , but she is definitely in lust with " the responsible widower. " ( wow...). You can actually see the wheels whirling in her head. She looks like she cannot want to pounce on good old Responsible and make him a lot less responsible . Widowers often remarry fairly quickly, especially if they have young kids and had a happy marriage. Six years is a long time to be raising young kids alone .

So...Kenzo has now shared with Esteban that Nandy is trans , and Esteban is cool with it .

Maybe fussy , judgemental Bosco will lighten up if he gets a novia...maybe .

Jer is a little weasel. Gala seems to have his number .

Well, Vermin has stepped up to save Luna. Now where will he take her?

Adriana , I watched that video of Daniel and Claudia dancing . They are both natural dancers . I love music and dancing , and I saw videos of Daniel on a dance competition show " Bailando Si Puede " from years ago. He did several dances ...merengue, salsa, fox trot,freestyle, aqua dancing , aerial dancing . This guy is a Renaissance man ...acting, singing, dancing , ping pong .....



Your summary was expertly detailed and infused with heart and great humor. You did an outstanding job…

Ginebra having no name was heartbreaking. But I paused at “The dude says her mother didn't give her one, she just dumped her here”. Elvira’s baby was taken from her by her father, who actually gave the baby up to that monster? Has anything been said about Elvira’s mother?

I found “Salo says "you're my life, brother" and adds that, without him, the house won't have any colour, won't have his noise, won't have his scent” very touching. Salo is a womanizer but he does have heart.

At the other end of the spectrum, “Jer brings Gala some macha tea, just as she likes it. He mentions liking girls who are cautious with calories, it makes him think of their bodies. Okay, cringe” was exactly right. The actor usually plays a good character but he’s a nasty piece of work here.

It was so hard watching Paz and Mir argue with the doctor! Jarifa, thank you for your wise summation: “The doctor clinically knows that Luna has suffered previous injuries and has been told that Luna said that her mother beat her but brought up talking to her mother? Is there such a thing as mandatory reporters of child abuse in Mexico…? The doctor would be one here. Will the doctor just hand Luna over to her abuser/torturer?” Therein lies the dilemma.

Vermin has a good plan. Keeping hope alive that it works!

“Gin says that his wife and her husband aren't here anymore, but they are alive and they have a destiny to make”. Subtle, Gin, very subtle!


Thanks, weirdo.
Susan, I didn't know widowers with happy marriages remarry quickly. Is there a reason for this?
This whole 'I want to make this social media star jealous' plot irritates me. I don't know what it is about social media in telenovelas that pisses me off so much, but I find these plots hard to stand.

Waterlily, it seems that widowers remarry fairly quickly . If there are kids, I think men would like a mother for their kids. If the kids are grown up, I guess men want someone to take care of them!

Thanks Weirdo, I enjoyed reading your detailed recap. I didn’t realize the boys were mapping the cameras for Vermin, first I thought they were stealing a map and then I figured they were drawing one.

So when the doctor goes back in the room and Luna is gone won’t she have to call the police anyway. Poor Luna not wanting to go in the enclosed space.

I guess Elvira wanted to go to the jail to see how he knew about her other daughter. Rubio is real cocky for someone facing a murder charge. I’m glad Mir noticed he seemed to know Mauro, that fact should help down the line.

Ginebra’s comment that their spouses are dead but they’re alive was a bit much. How much time has gone by? I think a few months at the most. Thankfully Estaban has no interest. But Paz will be in danger when Gin realizes where his interest lies.


Thanks Weirdo for another fantastic recap!!!

Asking a doctor to cover for keeping a missing child is a bit much! But I don't know, if Luna is just missing the doc could possibly call the cops and say the child was there but ran away - and not necessarily involve Paz and fam. Or she might not call since Luna ran away - that's if she believes Luna ran away and doesn't suspect the 'janitor'. Of course, if she does suspect the janitor she might not tie him to Paz and she may believe that Luna is kidnapped again and thus still in danger like Paz said.

Salo has shown some womanizing tendencies but in this case, I think he was just flirting to distract the nurse from their mapping cameras, I don't think he was really trying to get her number. He gave the paper immediately to Pepe after she left, so he didn't seem that interested in keeping the number. His scene with little brother was sweet!

I am going to have a hard time forgiving Vermin, IMO he's unforgivable, but he does seem to be genuinely taken with Luna and their scenes are actually sweet.


Thanks again for a terrific recap, Weirdo. Your comments on some of these people were, as always, right on.

Vis a vis Kenzo's children...who lets their kids treat them like that? I deserved and expected respect. Of course there were big fights during teenaged angst, but I never would have permitted the disrespect shown (and apparently taught by Filipa) by these brats.

So...the main reason Berenice was killed IMHO is that that awful drunk in charge of the orphanage told Gin that her mother dumped her there. I mean I get the rage, but the odd thing is that she waited that many years to zero in on Elvira.

I loved seeing Paz figuring out that maybe Gin was part of what she overheard Mauro saying about killing the child.

I was sort of surprised about the insistence of the hospital staff that Paz come up with documents proving Luna was her child. That's certainly not the crack hospital staff I've seen in SO many years of telenovelas. You know, the ones who permit patients being smothered by a pillow or injected with a drug.

I was also surprised by the Vermin plan. I thought Paz and Mireya would convince the doctor to come with them to the deserted Oliver Twist Camp and, as a byproduct, find little Monito.

Yes, Salomon just wanted the paper the nurse had, but that charm of his seems to work on every young woman. Pretty sure it's going to work on Gala, especially as she gets a good look at her hero...Jeronimo.

So much for sad gay Bosco. Guess they're just going with the brat never got over losing his mother. I think that was the first smile we saw on his face.

Thank you, Weirdo, great recap as always.

Ginebra once said thar her name in the orphanage was August 7th (I believe) and Mauro's was December 25th - kids were "named" after the date when they were abandoned.
That's a pretty awful childhood and Ginebra, instead of becoming a defender of victims such as herself, has become a psycho you know what, starts with a B.

The Responsible Widower name made me LoL. Esteban sure has all the NOT sexy nicknames in the book - lucky for him he's hot.

That doctor actually keeping Paz' secret is unbelievable, in what world would that happen, considering she doesn't know these women?

Still don't care about Kenzo and his story. Kind of interestes in Gala and Salo.

Adriana Noel

Adriana...Hey, The Responsible Widower had better watch out for The Irresponsible Black Widow .

Weirdo, you are a wizard on the dialogue! I admit I've gotten lazy now that I can just count on you to explain it all to me. ;}

I've never heard the name "Gio" before. Is it short for Refugio, I wonder? I had to laugh at Gala dressing her pal all up from her own closet, since Gala's about two feet shorter. As for Bosco, well, I don't get the dorktraction. Why doesn't his sister give HIM a makeover? She might be able to pull off a sort of James Dean thing. He certainly has the scowl.

I just found out that "Si o Si" means "no matter what" in Spanish. It's a good thing that's Paz & Esteban's theme song, because there's going to be a lot of WHAT before we're through.

Adriana, my favorite couple is still Luna and Monito. I'm sure I'm not alone.

Great work, Weirdo.

Their plan looked good, but I doubt they won't be spotted in the security footage.

Vermin is a bit smarter than I ever thought but I still predict a redemptive death for him at the end. I hope that Elvira isn't dumb or frightened enough to be blackmailed into springing Rubio and I can't wait to see her face when she finds out that he worked for Ginebra.

To answer your question, we know nothing about Elvira's mother. That low-life in the orphanage could easily have lied to Ginebra, who was turned in as an infant and would therefore not have memories yet.

I was also wondering about the demand for documents taking priority over immediate treatment for an unconscious child. No idea about mandatory reporting in Mexico. The doctor was creeping me out until she saw Luna cry at the prospect of being taken away from Paz and her family.

France is kind of the same health wise. When you take your kid to the emergency room, they ask to see your health inssurance at the same time as the kid is taken to be seen by a profesisonal. And if the injury is not life threatening, then you end up waiting anywhere between 4 and 5 hours to be taken into account..
And since kids are always on the parents' inssurance, there is no need for another proof thay the kid is actually yours.

Susan, the Irresponsable Black Widow is another gem!
Whay does that make Paz? The Virtuos Love Interest?


Forgot to sign. Adriana Noel with news about the french health care system. 😀
Also wanted to add that Bosco doesn't really need a makeover...but is desperate need of a reality check. He's so annoying, I just want to switch channels when he appears.

I forgot to comment on Rubio earlier, that dude has a lot of bravado for a man who is royally screwed! He is being forced to take the fall for serious crimes and rot in jail but he still has the energy to mock and torment El??? That’s one man that needs to never get out!!!

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