Sunday, April 14, 2024

El Amor no Tiene Receta, Capítulo 31, Viernes, 12 de abril, 2024 - "An aggressive jail visit, two moving in-s and making deals with the devil, all in one day"

We start off with Mir and Mau on the cucaracha table (good one, Blue!)

Esteban and Kenzo are talking after the fight. Esteban starts being Mr. Disculpas and Kenzo follows right along, so it's pretty much "sorry" "no, I am sorry" for 2 minutes straight. They whine some more and now they're back to being best bros again.

Elvira tells Fobo her need to tell Gin she's her mother and her worries about it. Fobo hugs her, but you can bet on Elvira ruining any good mood. She is shocked at first and then gently pushes him off, saying he's her employee and they shouldn't get too close to each other. I have to say, we're not sure about most people's relatives, but she's definitely related to Bosco. Fobo says everyone needs a hug, saying something like "up to 4 a day" and El goes like "4?" She insists on not getting closer and orders him to find out if Paz Roble has anything to do with Gin's daughter's disappearance. When Fobo leaves, El remembers seeing in his swimsuit and turning to face the wall. Giiiirl ;)

Eder and Gala are playing together and talking about Bosco, their dad and Paz. Eder says he'd love it if their dad and Paz got married and they got to know their grandfather Porfirio. Gala hugs him and says there's a long way for that. She's right, only epi 31/70. 

Bosco, meanwhile, is whining to Gio (Gala's friend) about his dad being with Paz. Gio holds his hands to calm him down but the dude's like an active volcano, erupts when she asks him if he's got a problem with his dad dating in general. No he doesn't, just NOT WITH PAZ ROBLE! SHE'S NOT OF HIS CLASS! Gio asks him what kind of woman he wants for his father. Yeah, I agree, let's get her delivered online. Bosco says the magic words "Ginebra Nicoliti". Gio knows her I guess, because she doesn't say anything. I love how every single character knows every other single character in this show. In a bit they'll know Cobija the dog too.

Ginebra is with Mau and Vermin, who insists he doesn't know about Luna. Gin says it would have been a real pity to have him stay without hands just for not telling her the truth about where her daughter is. She throws something in some liquid, I assume it's some sort of chemical that can burn his hands completely.

Bosco starts listing all the things Gin has and goes on and on whining for no reason until Gio tells him they should talk about something else, like how cute he is and kisses him. She just wanted him to shut up, right? Bosco has a stupid smile on his face and temporarily shuts up about his dad and Paz.

Los Roble arrive in some forest. Lupe is the most grumpy of them all and I can't really blame her. Cute moment: Monito says he knows from forests, he protected himself and Salo says they'll protect him now, aww. Paz and Nandy go back inside the car to go talk to Kenzo.

Nandy has the hard job of explaining to Kenzo they're hiding Ginebra's daughter. Kenzo freaks out and Nandy tells him the girl is in danger, her own uncle wants to kill her.

Paz is being all cute with Esteban (and we get a bit of an odd camera thing there with Bere's photo) when he says he doesn't like that she's hiding things, there shouldn't be secrets between them. She knows, but... She quickly explains the current situation, her family doesn't have a place to stay and they don't have money. But wait, I know how it sounds like but I'm not asking you for money, really. Esteban knows, but offers her anyway; she refuses. Esteban then proposes they stay in his house until they can go back to theirs. 

Gin puts a glove on and Mau grabs Vermin's hand, smacks it on the table and points a gun at him, telling him not to move or he'll lose more than his arm. Gin sloooowly moves the glass with the chemical so that it falls, but is careful to make it go sloooowly near the edge without falling. Vermin screams that Paz and her family are hiding some kid from the hospital from his parents and Paz acted like this because they want to denounce them. Mau tells Gin it's true and I think says he saw the kid in that place? Vermin swears he doesn't know where her daughter is. Gin throws the chemical to the ground and Vermin looks relieved.

Paz still isn't sure, we get cute in love moments and then Esteban says he's in love with her. She smiles and says she's in love with him, too. Kiss kiss.

Lupe tells Pepa and Salo about her being anxious; she IS worried about Sam, but is also worried about any family members of their going to jail. Mir arrives and they all talk about how she should stay away from Mauro. Samlunamaria (I think we should add Chema to the mix) and Monito are playing together in the forest.

Esteban insists about wanting to know what's she's hiding, they're a couple, there shouldn't be secrets between them! Paz understands, but she needs a bit of time, she swears she did what she did out of love, with good intentions. Just a few days, she'll tell him everything, she promises. Esteban says ok, but she has to accept his proposal about living in his house for some time. He adds he's told his kids and Doña Elvira; let's prove them their love is real! More kiss kiss.

Kenzo tells Nandy to go to the cops, she says no, they're involved (did I catch that correctly?). Kenzo then says just because the girl's uncle is evil doesn't mean that Gin is too; go tell her, she's Sam's MOTHER! (Says the guy who has Felipa as the mother of his children.) Nandy says Paz was about to but then Sam remembered Gin mistreating her. And now their house is full of cucarachas. She wants a little favor: can she and Sam live with him for a bit? 

Gin and Mau tell Vermin they still have jobs for him. Mau tries to justify selling his daughter ("I thought she'd have a better life", please dude, a otro perro con este hueso) and then actually tells Gin she doesn't have maternal feelings AT ALL. Gin slaps him and Vermin gets his sorry culo in more trouble; he doesn't like Paz with that Esteban guy, she knows she doesn't either, how about they team up? I have to admit, great life choices on the whole. I expect Vermin to start giving TEDx Talks anytime soon.

Elvira is thinking about the hug with Fobo when Bosco enters. El says she doesn't like being like this with him and mentions both of them not wanting Esteban with the cocinera. Bosco asks to be taken to face his mother's killer like she and Gin told him. El says his father said no, but Bosco insists.

Gala is preparing for a video, I assume, when she starts getting nauseous. Gio trolls her ("maybe you're pregnant") and when Gala tells her she hasn't had relationships like that Gio says about how she kissed Bosco and how she'll start calling her cuñada (sister in law) from now on. Gala goes to the bathroom and swallows the contents of a small packet, which I assume it's some sort of these ones that supposedly make you thinner. Oh, Gala, why?

Gio, meanwhile, is trying out necklaces and pretends SHE is making a video and being a new influencer.

Salo brings up Pepa wanting to leave when they're alone. Salo says everyone compares HIM to their dad, but Pepa is the one who wants to abandon them like he did. Another slap? No? Fine. Pepa adds it's not the same, he doesn't want to abandon them and their dad left for a woman, he'd never do that! Mir pops up without having heard their convo and asks them how they would react if she had a partner. Salo says she doesn't need another man, she has them. I'm not sure she meant she wants someone to throw tantrums at her and needing to be babysat, but perhaps I misunderstood. Pepa says it's her decision, not theirs. (I mean, Mauro isn't exactly el príncipe azul though. I would certainly mind my partner being able to kill his niece, but maybe I'm just too picky *sarcasm*)

Gin and Mauro talk. She doesn't really buy Vermin's story. El and Bosco don't let them finish their convo; Bosco wants Gin to accompany them to go see Rubio. She and Mau hold hands behind her back and smile.

More cuteness with Paz and Esteban. Paz finally agrees to stay at Esteban's, just for a few days. They both go all like "thanks for giving me a second chance in love", "thanks for existing". More kiss kiss, hug hug.

Kenzo at first says he can be considered an accomplice if he accepts, but finally agrees to let Nandy and Sam stay at his house (I'd love to see Felipa's face). Nandy is very thankful, Kenzo smiles.

Whoosh, we're in Kenzo's place. He opens the door to let her in and then Sam. The funny thing is that he keeps trying to close the door, but another Roble keeps popping up. Sam hugs Kenzo and thanks him for letting them stay here, aww. They tell Monito he'll have to go with Paz and the rest of the family in Esteban's house. (The mention not being able to take Sam for obvious reasons.) Samchemalunamaria and Monito hug.

Elvira bribes the guard to let them (her, Gin and Bosco) pass, mentioning her grandson being an adult. When they get in, Bosco immediately attacks Rubio. El and Gin manage to pull him off. Gin, though, takes acting on a whole other level; SHE attacks Rubio, slapping him and asking him where her daughter and husband are. Rubio just laughs and says she'll never see her daughter again, just as he (Bosco) will never see his mother again. Bosco spits on him and he, Gin and El leave. Gin hugs Bosco and says she'll never leave him. 

Esteban gets pissed when he sees them, asks them to say they didn't do what he thinks he did, he said no! Bosco says he almost killed his mother's killer. "Almost killed", this kid and exaggeration are best pals, aren't they? Fortunately for them, Paz and her family arrive with their stuff. Esteban announces that they'll stay with them. Because a picture is worth a thousand words, here's the look Bosco, Elvira and Ginebra gave them: 

Nandy has made lemonade and Kenzo says they'll order pizza. Sam says she doesn't remember if she likes pizza or not. Kenzo lets him slip that they'll have problems, Sam says she's a problem for everyone. Nandy quickly denies it, Kenzo does too, although objectively he does a poorer job: "Oh no Luna, it's just we WILL have problems if your mom Ginebra finds out". Nandy gives him a look.

Elvira almost has a stroke seeing the Robles' with their things here. She fusses about not being able to have them here and asks about Monito. Esteban says he can stay with Eder, Eder is really cool with it. Pepa and Salo can stay with Bosco... Yeah, if you want there to be a massacre. Bosco shouts that he won't let them, Esteban has made his mind. Gala starts saying they can go in her room and she can go somewhere else but El starts screaming again. Paz says they'll leave, Esteban says no. Gin, who hasn't said a word until now, proposes to come and live in her house, the kid (Monito) can come too! She caresses his cheek as the Robles all look at each other.

And on that note, we have the Fin del Capítulo...


Thanks, weirdo. This was excellent.
Is Mir seriously considering getting involved with Mauro? Or was that question about getting a partner just hypothetical? Because she is seriously crazy if she wants to be with a man like that. Please don't tell me she is meant to'change' him.
Why did Ginevra get so mad when Fermin said the obvious? I thought she doesn't mind the truth. So why not just admit it and move on?
Elvira apparently is willing to do anything if it goes against Esteban's wishes. I wonder why she agreed to take Bosco to see Rubio. Is it really necessary for her to 'keep him on her side' so to speak?
Poor Monito will end up with the evil twin for sure. But I hope he can feel the smell of creepiness wafting from her.
I doubt Esteban will believe Paz when she decides to tell him the truth. He doesn't smell the creepiness at all.
Wouldn't Bosco like to marry Gin if she is so great? I know age gap and all that...But if he chooses a wife for his father based on what he thinks about her, why not just keep her for himself?
Esteban really knows where to hit his friend. It's surprisingly easy to punch down on someone when you think you are betterthan them and I do think Esteban believes he has done a better job.But he should take into account his kids didn't have Yaya around, who would have ruined them. Nor did they have a mother like Felipa. It's always interesting to me that even the best of friends can say very hurtful things in anger. I think it's because I really have to be pushed to a breaking point for this kind of 'I'll say what I think' kind of reaction.

Thank you, Weirdo, great read, as always!
Did Esteban really think that inviting Paz & family to move in will go over well with Bosco and Elvira? And aren't Bosco and Eder already sharing a room? How are they supposed to share with Monito and the bros?

I don't get Mireya, she is probably falling in love with Mauro. This sl is not written properly, they should make Mauro a bit more human if they want us to root for them.

So now Kenzo knows the truth. I didn't see this coming. I have a hard time believing that he'd agree to lie Esteban, his best friend, for Nandy, who he barely met. And he's now an accomplice, too.

Thank you, Weirdo, for bringing some levity to this depressingepisode. I have been laughing throughout your entire recap from Vermin being threatened with the flesh dissolving chemical to Monito's look of terror when the wicked witch invites the Robles to come and stay at her place. I especially appreciated: " Mau tries to justify selling his daughter ("I thought she'd have a better life", please dude, a otro perro con este hueso) and then actually tells Gin she doesn't have maternal feelings AT ALL."

Aww, they must have cut the continuing cucaracha table action here. : ( They should have cut the stupid jail scene instead.

Loved Kenzo telling Esteban that he didn't appreciate his sad old dog face.

It looked like Berenice was happily approving Paz and Esteban's relationship from her smiling portrait.

I could not believe Kenzo telling Nandy IN FRONT OF Luna that they were going toe in big trouble when the truth came out about them hiding Luna. What a stupid thing to say in front of a child. Uh, maybe he hasn't been as sensitive with his own kids as he should have been.

Yes, Nancy did say to Kenzo that the police were in collusion with Ginebra.


Thanks Weirdo, your recap was more entertaining than the episode. I was shocked when Nandy was telling Kenzo about Sam. I didn’t realize it was part of the plan. I was wondering what they’d do with Sam as they can’t take her to Esteban’s.

Also in shock that Mir is considering a relationship with Mauro! She knows enough about him to keep far away from him. I don’t understand why Vermin isn’t warning them off Gin and Mau. He could say something about the word on the street, so he doesn’t raise suspicion about him knowing them.

Not sure why Ginebra and Mauro were so happy to have Bosco go to the jail. Was it just so Gin could attack the guy and Bosco would like her more. Elvira should have known better than to go along with it. But she worships Gin and will never see the person she really is.

I can only hope that the family stays with Esteban and doesn’t go with Ginebra. Especially Monito!



Weirdo, hope things are calming down for you . I appreciate you giving giving us an excellent recap.

I finally got to watch this episode on the bigger tv. I noticed every frown, smirk, and grin.

Esteban and Pad have taken another step forward in their pong .

I can't imagine what it would be like to have a spouse whose 9 to 5 job was kissing and hugging people .

Fobo should get out more and meet some nice women.

Has Paz noticed that Vermin wears his wedding ring on a chain around his neck? If so, why hasn't she called him on it?

Well, that final scene of the Robles clan rolling into Villa Villa was fun. Elvira, Gin, and hissyfitting Bosco had the same reaction as the Robles did when they met the cucaruchas . When Esteban was handing out room assignments , I am sure all three of the (Not)Welcome Wagon was wondering where Paz was going to sleep. hmmmm. I hope the clan doesn't end up at Gin's haunted mansion . Gin gave Monito a lzook like he might be tasty.

Is Paz going to tell Esteban about Samlunamaria and that Gin is an abusive wicked witch and Mauro is her henchman ?



The only tidbit I can add is the woods scene. Sam said she was afraid of the woods because that was where she was abandoned and lost. Monito offering to protect her was sweet. Then they commence to running around with the perro in total abandon and freedom. Sam certainly relished the fresh air after being cooped up in casa Roble for so long.
Also everyone piling into Kenzo's pad, including Fermin, was rather funny.....


Thank you for making the escalating craziness here so much fun. You did a fabulous job!

The recaps and comments are elevating these dank, dark episodes and I'm so appreciative.

"Gio asks him what kind of woman he wants for his father. Yeah, I agree, let's get her delivered online" was excellent! 😊

I realize there were virtually no options where sweet Sam could find shelter. But Kenzo's?? First of all, I sense Nandy talks a bit too much. Also, how long is Sam going to be safe with Felipa lurching in and out?? Further, I can't remember if Kenzo knows Felipa and Ginebra are friends. Ginebra's already been there and with their scheme to use Jeronimo's setup to help in their dirty dealings, won't she be popping in an out?? A disaster waiting to happen.

"I would certainly mind my partner being able to kill his niece, but maybe I'm just too picky *sarcasm*)" was perfect Weirdo. Mir can't possibly be considering having a "real" relationship with Mauro, can she? I mean Mauro is incapable of having a normal relationship with anyone. I can't fathom what she is thinking.

I love anything making Bosco and Elvira unhappy. Bring on the guests!!


Thanks so much, Weirdo, for your clever, witty, and thorough recap!

Every once in a while the writers have Esteban do something that takes some of the galan gleam off him. Hitting Kenzo was one of them. And I could do without his insisting Paz can have no secrets from him. How long have they been a couple? Three days? I know it's to make us nervous she'll have to tell him about keeping Sam, but just in general I'd run the other way if a new boyfriend insisted I could have no secrets.

I was surprised how quickly Vermin thought on his feet and came up with Monito as the child the Robles were hiding.

It was great to see Samara get that chance to play outside with Monito.

I knew Elvira bribed the guard to get to see Rubio, but I was really shocked the cell was unlocked. Every conversation I've ever seen with a prisoner inside a cell was with someone outside the cell begging, ragging on them, weeping because they're in there, etc., etc. But always on the other side of the bars. That must have been a sizeable bribe because, if any of the "visitors" had actually killed Rubio, I doubt the guard would have kept his job.

I am finding it hard to watch Elvira's scenes. She's supposed to be "high class" but is nothing but a harpy. And Esteban doesn't seem to call her on the extreme rudeness to every single Roble. And her behavior with Fobo is just ridiculous. She clearly lusts for him, but can't swallow the idea of falling for a working-class person. Every TN character needs to have someone to talk to, to move the plot along. So he's the one she's telling everything about her father giving up Ginebra. Why doesn't she tell Ginebra her father jerked the baby out of her hands?

Great work, Weirdo.

Ginebra can spot weakness from miles away. She is looking to torture Bosco because she thrives on the pain of others. The more messed up he gets the more Elvira will blame Esteban and become weaker than they are now. She is looking to destroy this family one by one with Elvira probably being last.

Waterlily, I don't think Elvira telling her what really happened will do any good in this situation. Ginebra being the evil bitch she is would not be likely to believe this and even then it would do no good. Ginebra is a total psychopath, devoid of any normal human emotions. She can fool Elvira -- maybe into ultimos capitulos -- but she can't fool Paz, Mireya, or Lupita.

Mauro is still a wild card. He still has some humanity left, but is he changing for the worse or is he fooling Ginebra? He is probably the only person who could do that successfully.

Vermin, however, is not smart enough to navigate this dangerous course. He will face the ultimate consequence.

If Rubio survives to the eve of the finale he will spill a lot of beans.

Can't wait to see what happens tonight. I hope that the Robles clan doesn't go to Gin's House of Horrible People . Maybe Elvira will invite Lupe to bunk with her . Yes, it is bound to happen since El is always the epitome of love and kindness . Perhaps, the boys can all room with Fobo. Paz and Mir can sleep in Gala's room. Mi casa es su casa, right?

Will Esteban fold or stand up to El, Gin, and Bos ( acting like a boss) and insist that they welcome Paz's family . Of course Esteban doesn't know that Gin is a demon , so he might think that Gin is making a gracious gesture inviting the whole lot to her place. Please, please don't go there. far away is Poririo's ranch. Could Esteban take them there ?

Susan , willing to welcome the Robles ...and Esteban at my house

Wonderful, Weirdo -- definitely worth waiting for. Hard to choose a favorite line, but I'll go with: "Gio tells him they should talk about something else, like how cute he is and kisses him. She just wanted him to shut up, right?" Seriously, Bosco is about the most erotically unaware teen boy in the world. I guess he's channeling it all into el esgrime.

And yes, the reason Los Roble never want to call in law enforcement is that Mauro had his henchies dressed up as police during the Camp Twist raid, so now everyone thinks they're in collusion. Clever on the writers' part.

Haha, Susan, Gin DID look at Monito like he'd just wandered into her Gingerbread House.

Diana, Filipa doesn't live with Kenzo (they're divorced), but you're right that she does appear at inopportune moments. Not that there's ever a good time to see Filipa.


Still trying to figure out what the empresa actually sells. I think the writers are having fun with us: "Let's not ever tell them! Let's make them guess! No one cares anyway; all the plot twists are exactly the same, whether it's make-up or chili peppers."

I did notice that Kenzo has the open outer wall of his office decorated with what look like soft-drink bottles (including the iconic Coca-Cola.) And Esteban made a throwaway reference when he took his kids to the barrio that "their factory" was nearby. Presumably there are chemicals involved somewhere, or they wouldn't have hired Gin...gawd, they better not let her near any open bottles.

Thanks so much Waterlily, Adriana, Jarifa, Liz, Susan, Kat, Diana, Novelera, Urban and Blue!

The story is continuing strong. I've noticed that many of our quotes have made the sidebar. Still laughing at them. Thank you for existing, Caray!

Weirdo, where does one see the side bar? I bet I'm missing a lot only using my phone. This Caray is so helpful, but occasionally I wish it had some features like FB where one can like or react to posts and comments! (And edit them as soon as you see you had a typo or mistake).

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