Wednesday, May 08, 2024

El Amor No Tiene Receta #47: Confessions, Lies, and Coersions

Ginebra's words echoed in Esteban's mind as Paz came to the visiting room to see him. He began with a speech about the beautiful dreams and memories, then released her hands and ended their relationship, fulfilling Ginebra's vicious demand. His face showed reluctance and sadness. He was crying. Paz needed an explanation.

Elvira and the boys revived Gala, who had fainted. They were concerned that she had hit her head. Elvira said she would call the doctor.

Felipa demanded that Kenzo explain why he would not reconcile with her. She got nasty when asking whether this had to do with “that phenomenon”. Kenzo ordered her to stop insulting other people. When Jerónimo asked him about Nandy he admitted he was in love with her. Felipa covered Sandro's ears saying he should not hear such things. [Grow up, harpy.]

Esteban told Paz he did not want to hurt her. He sounded tearful as he told her it was complicated and he could not talk about it. She did not understand and said he was cruel. He had given her a ring and did that mean nothing to him? He said that it had and that he wanted to stop time and change thing, but could not. He apologized for the inability to do so. She suspected that Ginebra had something to do with this and asked “Are you going to let me die here, locked up?” He told her he believed her innocent and that she took good care of Samara and that Humberto would take care of her case. Also that they would find her missing daughter. She – understandably – could not understand why he was ending their relationship. He finally forced himself to use the words Ginebra had demanded.

Ginebra was sitting next to Samara in the police station in an effort to make sure she said what she wanted her to say. Mauro stood near the end of the desk and watched her stroke the child's hair as she told her to tell the details of her captivity. Castro stood at the other end, encouraging Samara to be calm and tell what happened at the Robles' house. Ginebra's face as she looked at him showed she was not pleased. Castro asked Samara if Paz had hurt her. She looked back at him as Ginebra handled her hair, telling her not to be nervous. She looked her in the eye as she told her to talk about being locked in and the mask party so her mother would not find her. Samara flashed back to Paz teaching her how to roll dough for tortillas. The child hesitated a moment, then said that Paz was good to her. Ginebra looked at Mauro whose expression did not change. Monito was standing in front of the window and started to smile as Samara said Paz treated her as though she were her own daughter. Ginebra looked sternly at her. Castro looked at the child with some combination of confusion and surprise.

Paz cried as she shouted at Esteban to explain himself. She had not known such sadness since her baby went missing. He said he had just been using her as a diversion. She slapped him hard, saying he was the worst of all men, worse than Vermin. She really let him have it, finally saying she was a fool to believe in him.

Kenzo stood up to Felipa to defend his relationship with Nandy but this was happening in front of their sons. She ranted about how this will affect their sons in their schools and on the street. Sandro was his usual bratty self, Jerónimo tried to be reasonable by explaining the issue calmly, and Kenzo replied that he isn't gay. Felipa – who refused to see Nandy as a woman – said she would talk to Ginebra about contacts whom she could go to to get a restraining order against him on the grounds of perversion. She pretended to cry while leaning on Jerónimo. She finally shouted at Kenzo that after today he would never see the boys again.

Ginebra kept touching Samara's arm as though she would break it if she said anything close to the truth. She tried to prompt her to say that Paz would not let her out of the house when she came there. Samara wanted to leave. Castro watched with eagle eyes. Ginebra tried to get her to say more but Samara didn't want to. She didn't want Paz to suffer. She got up and ran to Mauro, saying she wanted to go home. He stroked her hair and told her to calm down as he looked back at Ginebra, knowing what she must have been thinking. He said this was quite sufficient and to “Let's give her time so she can tell everything, right?” Ginebra pretended to agree, kissed Samara's head, and looked back at the police. She did not see Mauro smile sardonically behind her. Castro was watching the frightened look on Samara's face.

Paz became sarcastic, demanding to know He tried to tell her she had become important to him. She told him to shut up and called him a coward, accusing him of taking advantage of her while being a hypocrite in front of his children and Elvira. Esteban tried to back up without telling her the truth but it did no good. She said she would never forgive him because he made fun of her this way. He tried to tell her there were reasons he could not explain and she would not understand. That if they continued it would hurt her and her family. She finally told him to get out of her life and walked away.

Porfirio asked Humberto if he was in love, which would be a new thing for him. Humberto tried to dismiss this, not really wanting to talk about it. He finally fessed up and told him that he was in love with Paz.

Lupita scolded Salomón about Gema's [alleged] pregnancy. He said he would help caring for the baby. Mireya added her outrage with “Without a hat, there is no party” [Sin gorrito no hay fiesta], reminding him that he was only 19 and no girl like Gala would want a guy who was already changing diapers. Nandy said they needed to be more cool-headed, raising the issue of possible pregnancy entrapment. Salomón talked about tests and Mireya finally said that Paz needed them now. Lupita said that they needed to stop fighting.

Neither Bosco nor Gala understood about the attack that happened the previous day. She was scared to the extent she couldn't close her eyes. She speculated whether this had anything to do with their mother's killer. Bosco said they had to worry for their lives if they needed to stay inside. Elvira was also home and there was additional security. Bosco finally asked her if she had food issues. She sat up and confessed she did and couldn't take it anymore. He hugged her as she cried.

Mireya calmed down and went to Salomón's room to apologize for yelling at him. He looked as though he was going through his clothes to prepare to leave home.

Paz cried to Em about the breakup. A guard came to tell her that her sister was there to see her.

As he arrived home Esteban was railing against his fate, thinking back on happy times with Paz. Ginebra called him to taunt him about the breakup, ending the call with “Wait for my next orders.” He cursed her.

Kenzo went to the Robles' home to tell Nandy he loved her.

Elvira called the hospital to ask about Fobo. She thanked the person on the other end of the line. Esteban came in and asked why there was a doctor in Gala's room. Elvira explained that she had fainted. He started to leave, but she stopped him, saying that Gala is alright. He sat down, saying he could not understand why Rubio's people attacked them. He suggested that they're angry that he was in jail. Elvira commented that there was a sniper [francotirrador] after them, a sign that they had a powerful enemy. Esteban agreed, someone powerful and evil. She told him that Fobo was out of danger and that they should all leave the country. That would also get them away from the scandal over Paz. He told her this was no longer a problem “for you.”

Gala felt out of control. She opened up about how she saw herself in the mirror. She saw herself as fat and ugly. Bosco seemed fully human once again, telling her she was pretty and he wasn't saying this just because he was her brother. She was panicking over weight and liked herself less every day. He told her she is not defined by her weight and that she was a nice girl with a big heart. She went into more detail and he told her she needed help. She feared their family members' reactions. Bosco told her he lost his mother and didn't want to lose her, too. “Papa, Eder, and me, we need you.” [Good boy!]

As we all expected, Elvira was happy at the news of the breakup, citing the crimes she was accused of. He told her that breaking up with her was one thing but it had nothing to do with the injustice she was experiencing. He changed the subject to the company. He was not going to permit Ginebra to take control because she had no experience with a large company. This did not matter to Elvira [obviously, to us] and Esteban said he would raise this before the board. He then went to see his kids.

It was Ginebra who visited Paz to gloat and taunt her, starting with an insult about Mireya. “Of course I came to make fun of you. I knew you wouldn't want to see me so I used the illusion that you have to see your sister to deceive you.” More insults about her naco relatives and about how she was now alone in the jail without Samara and without Esteban. “Esteban came running to see me when he ended the absurd engagement to you. Esteban only wanted you as a lover and you were of no use. If not, I wouldn't have sent you to hell, would I?”

“So are you happy now? You know what? It's better I go because I'm on the verge of smashing your face in.”

No, don't go. Not without knowing the most important thing.” She stood up. “It's just a matter of time before Esteban and I marry. I'm a much better lover than you.” [The best laugh we're going to get this episode] “ I am enough for him. I am the class of woman he needs.”

Yes, he ended it with me and despite that it hurts me to my soul that he didn't truly love me, I will fight to bury all the love I felt for him.”

That's best. A love story of a master and servant only triumphs in dreams. And considering that you are a prisoner servant, it is worse for you, right?”

Stop insulting me because I am proud of my profession. And, yes, I made a mistake, but I took care of your daughter. I gave her affection, protection, you should thank me.”

You will serve your sentence. And, as you saw, everyone begins by hating you, beginning with Samara. My daughter can't even stand me saying your name anymore. That convinced me that you are a liar and separated her from her mother who truly loves her. She testified against you. My daughter always tells the truth contradicting your lie that you didn't know she was my daughter.”

Whatever happens my love for her will not be extinguished.”

Then bury it with that for Esteban because you will never have them again. I will make a family with him with his children, my daughter,..”

Well, keep him. If he never loved me he will never love you.”

You will eat your words on our wedding day. It's a shame you can't come to the wedding although you will surely be scrubbing toilets.”

You and your brother killed Dr Monica.”

I am not a killer or a criminal like you. The one who has the doctor's death on her conscience is you. You dragged her down. It's your fault she was arrested and your fault she died.”
“I had nothing to do with her death.”

It's your fault many people are suffering, Paz. You're a loser. You don't deserve to be happy.”
She walked out. Paz gritted her teeth to avoid a major display of emotion.

[If the ancient gods were real Ginebra would have been roasting in Tartarus long before this].

Esteban told his kids he broke up with Paz but offered no explanation other than that he and the kids needed each other more than ever. Bosco asked if he heard anything new about the attack. Esteban said that their security people analyzed the area and found the sniper's exact location. They found footprints, but he wasn't going to talk about this. He addressed Gala, saying they were going to talk about her health. Gala finally said “I have anorexia and bulimia.”

Salomón tried telling Mireya that he didn't think Gema's baby was his. She told him they won't know before it's born. “If it's yours, you need to be responsible.” He did not want to lose Gala, which he felt certain he would. She told him that if the love was pure he would recover it. He was sure of what she said earlier. He didn't want to be with Gema and never thought about becoming a father. Mireya agreed but said she would try to become the best grandmother in the world. They hugged.

Gema was welding something together as her madrina arrived. The madrina asked her if she really was pregnant. [That was also our question.] Gema did not answer directly, saying that the Robles doubt her but her family does not. Madrina pointed out Gema's long-term obsession with Salomón which feeds her doubts. Gema claimed test results and insisted that Salomón knocked her up. Madriina warned her that Salomón would not want to be with her so she would be a single mother. Madrina then suggested abortion. Gema shut up.

Porfirio warned Humberto that Esteban would not like this situation. Humberto knew this and felt that nothing would change between him and Esteban. Porfirio said that Paz was a good woman who didn't deserve the confusion this would provoke. Humberto agreed, but wanted to help Paz because she woke him up to want to help and protect her. Porfirio pointed out v”You don't pedal other people's bicycles, hell, and even less those of someone closer.” (No se pedalean las bicicletas ajenas, carambas, y menos de alguien mas cercano.) “Esteban is almost your brother.”

Something tells me that their relationship has no future.” He was sure he could have a relationship with Paz once she was freed. Porfirio said nothing, only shaking his head as he drank his coffee.

Gala explained that her issue was not a recent thing. Esteban did not feel good about not having been aware, just as he hadn't known about Bosco's vaping, and Gala was sorry for not having told him. He had spent too much time at the office. He and the boys all told her they would stand by her.

Ginebra gloated at the first step of separating Paz and Esteban. Mauro reminded her that they could not do anything bad to either Samara or Monito. Ginebra was frustrated that she could not punish Samara – with the belt – for her disobedience at the police station. She then said that Paz and Sam had a connexion, as though they knew they were mother and daughter.

Mauro pointed it out as Instinct. “The call of the blood is real. You and Elvira are an example.”

That is stupidity,” she replied. “What I need is for Elvira to endorse my plan for Esteban. Now, explain to me how that injection works.”

Mauro had her move over to see the computer screen and explained that the injection he gave Esteban included a chip that was designed for pets. It did not need a battery. It would enable them to locate him, connecting to cameras and microphones, and hear what was going on around him. He would be totally surrounded and unable to escape. [We can only hope that such a thing can be detected by forensic means.]


Sorry this took so long but chips like this could be a real thing by now. There was already an article in Atlantic Monthly about this sort of thing in 2017 so something this sophisticated could already be in use.

That is frightening. So is something I found online today that this tale is projected to run for 92 episodes.

Question of the Day: How will Elvira feel when she finds out that Ginebra is behind all this and what will Ginebra do then

Thank you, Urban. The recap was fantastic.

I cannot believe that Ginebra told Paz that she was a better lover than she. How would she know? LOL With 92 episodes we are around the half way point. I don't know how they are going to make Ginebra any worse than she has already been but am sure they will find a way. They have been quite creative if not realistic at this point.

I laughed at "Sin gorrito no hay fiesta." They need to drive home that a gorrito is the MINIMUM protection to provide at least one useful PSA in this one.

Thanks, urban. I'm glad you included a translation for sniper because I meant to make sure that word meant what I thought it did.
I don't envy Esteban. So much happened in one day. Is this the first telenovela where a break-up is for noble reasons? I can't remember ever seeing anything similar.
So are they going to believe Gema till the very end? If she isn't pregnant, how does she plan to keep Salo around? Unless she plans that age-old trick. I find it hard to watch these kinds of characters.
I wish Paz hadn't told Gin she'd bury her love for Esteban because it just makes it seem she lets herself be vulnerable in front of her. Her come back that he won't love her either was good,though.
It seems it's no longer just about money and the company here. Gin is for some reason jealous. I can't see any other reason for her treatment of Paz. She is enjoying this way too much for it to be just a general 'I like seeing others suffer' kind of reaction. She seems to think she can 'make' him want her.Does him saying no one will ever love her have any effect on her?
Does Felipa have any brain cells at all? Why on earth would Kenzo get back with her when she does nothing but insult him? I mean, I'd rather get a dog than be with someone like her.Wait...that's insulting for dogs and I didn't mean it that way... A woman has nothing to recommend her and asks why wouldn't you like a bit more humiliation,dear?
Mauro smiled...Is he switching sides?

Urban, your title was perfect as was the first screen shot.

As always, your dialog translations were exceptional and added so much to my understanding of exactly what transpired. Thank you for "sniper [francotirrador]" and so much more.

Sweet, courageous Sam telling the truth about Paz despite trembling in fear, likely knowing what punishment would be meted out to her later. I savored Monito's sweet, knowing smile. To his credit, Castro was taking the testimony seriously. To be fair, his confusion is understanable but hopefully he will keep this in the back of his mind for future reference.

The Esteban/Paz scene was upsetting and every bit as horrific as expected. Of course Ginebra would show up immediately after to rub coarse salt in the wound. "...I will fight to bury all the love I felt for him” followed by Ginebra's “That's best. A love story of a master and servant only triumphs in dreams. And considering that you are a prisoner servant, it is worse for you, right?” was stomach churning.

Finally, Gala admits her truth with surprising support from Bosco. Now she will get the help she so desperately needs.

Are we SURE Sandro isn't Ginebra's??

Too bad Humberto didn't take a shine to Mir who deserves so much more than Mauro.


There is a saying we often hear in Mexican novelas Un caballero no tiene memoria which would be said by men like Esteban. No gentleman would talk about his lady's sexual talent or lack of it unless saying so to a shrink. Ginebra was looking to isolate Paz from Esteban by any means necessary and certainly has no conscience about implying that he would tell her about Paz's moves... or reactions to his. This deal with this example is proving herself superior by taking a man -- one regarded as a "great catch" -- from the competition. The thing is, though, el corazon no se manda.

Ginebra envies women who have had happy lives. You don't have to be rich to be happy. You can even learn to be happy if you're ugly. I have a friend who is happy despite being disabled. Through no fault of her own Ginebra endured a childhood of abuse but never learned how to beat it. She blames Elvira and would likely not listen to the truth if and when that conversation happens. She is so full of hate there is no room in her for anything else.

I keep hoping for the timelines to be filled in on both Ginebra and Mauro. We know she was taken from Elvira a few days after birth straight to the orphanage. We also know that she is a few years older than Mauro from a line of dialogue about 20 episodes ago, but we don't know when he arrived at the orphanage. He was turned in by parents who were drug addicts. He has never spoken of them since that episode so that is all we know. He could have been an infant as well.

He is still human which was established in Ep 2 when he did not kill Sam. Later he had at least two anxiety attacks over the prospect of killing. Especially now he knows that Ginebra enjoys killing despite not needing any more money. He should have booked long before this.

Urban, thank you for oroviding us with a detailed recap of all the gloom and doom.

Poor Paz has no idea that Esteban is breaking up with her to protect his family and hers . The pain he was experiencing was evident on his face.

Then, he goes home to find out that his beloved daughter has anorexia and bulimia. How much can one person stand?

Technology has certainly changed the plotlines of novelas. Yikes ..Esteban has a chip in him now that will allow Gin to know where he is and what's happening around him . Where are the writers going to take us.

No party without a hat.That's a good one ! I wonder if Esteban had a hat on during the one night of bliss shared with Paz ? Could she be pregnant ?

Thank you, Urban, that was a hard episode to watch, especially the jail scenes.
I'm all caught up now, I have to say that after watching the last few shows back to back I'm not surprised that Esteban would decide to lie to protect all his family. He is, after all, the hero of the story and as soon as he confronted Ginebra the whole thing became very predictable.

If we still have half a novela to go, I predict that Gin will want Esteban to marry her - and her power will probably only get bigger.

Mauro has to be the one to cause her ruin, but I don't know how. I'm afraid something bad will happen to Mireya and that will be a turning point for him (as the only other person he cares abou, Sam, will definitely live to see the last capitulo).

So now Humberto will have his chance with Paz. I'm guessing she'll be out of jail soon and somehow end up working for Esteban again, therefor be in constant contact with him, too.
Porfirio is right, Humber should stay away, but where would the fun be then?

So Gala has anorexia AND bulimia? One wasn't enough? And What's her name is pretend pregnant after how many months since she and Sal haven't... you know?
How much time has it been since it all started anyway?
And what in God's name is Elvira's company selling/ buying/ producing/ creating/ investing?

I don't understand why Esteban didn't tell Paz the truth about why he had to break up with her, unless he figured someone in the jail would report back to Gin. A written note handed to her with instructions to destroy it after reading would have worked too. Castro definitely looked very interested in Sam's testimony and Ginebra's handling of her.

Overall, a year has gone by since the time jump during the first week. Samara is now 7 years old.

Esteban aged 10 years overnight in this episode.

I agree that Mauro has to be the one who takes Ginebra down. He knows her better than anyone else does. However, the little information we currently have on their backstories is inadequate to figure out how he will do that. The writers might still be making up their minds about it.

They had 11 or 12 weeks of episodes in the can before the first airdate and if this is 92 episodes we have 45 to go, or 9 weeks if there are no pre-emptions. So who knows?

I agree that Esteban should have had a note, but the risk of it being found by someone Ginebra paid off is very real. I think it was the one in the kitchen who's giving Paz grief now.

Thanks Urban, what a great detailed recap.

Wow, I heard Ginebra and Maui talking about a chip but didn’t realize it was already in. I guess we are happy if our pets are chipped, us, not so much.

I will admit I thought this show would be “lighter”. The title and the two main characters, and those little scenes we get before it begins, made it seem mostly romance. Ginebra is one of the evilest people I’ve seen on a telenovela.

Paz is a fighter and she’ll be ok, she’s already holding her own in jail. Poor Esteban is just trapped and I don’t see any way out. Plus he has his kids to worry about.

At least Elvira is happy. No more Paz and family in her life. And I wonder if she’ll be more open to Fobo now that he’s been shot defending the family.

At least Gala’s problem is out in the open and she can get the help she needs. I thought Paz had suspected it and said something to Esteban when she first started working as their cook.

I also thought the detective looked suspicious when he was interviewing Sam. Hopefully suspicious of Ginebra. You captured his look perfectly in your screen shot.

92 episodes and we’re halfway there. I hope there’s some bright spots. When, or if, Elena tells of her relationship with Ginebra Esteban should put 2&2 together and realize how far back she’s been terrorizing the family.

Enjoyed your hat or no fiesta comment. Sadly I didn’t pick up on it’s true meaning until reading the comments!


I am currently on my cell in the subway en route to a surf and turf dinner, so there could be typos ahead...

The question was raised about whether Sandro the Brat is Ginebra's spawn. We therefore need to know:
☆☆ how old he is
☆☆ how long do Ginebra and Felipa know each other and how did they meet
☆☆ who is that kid's sperm donor

Although I have seen evidence of sexual tension between Ginebra and Mauro it can't be him. This kid doesn't have enough brain cells. Could Ginebra have become pregnant from rape?

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