Tuesday, June 25, 2024

El Amor no Tiene Receta, Capítulo 79 - Lunes, 24 de junio, 2024 - "When life gives you lemons, turn evil and blame life"

We first get a repeat of the last scene of the previous episode, from the "I killed Berenice" part.

Sam is sad for Gin. Paz doesn't exactly explain why Gin was taken in prison ("she did some bad things"), but then again Sam is 7. We need a psychologist for this poor child. Sam asks her if it could be a mistake like Paz's, but from Paz's face it's an obvio no. They talk about the special connection they have ever since the day they met. When Sam asks her why does she think they connected immediately, Paz says "Because I'm your-" but Esteban enters and unwillingly ruins the opportunity. They talk about Kenzo and Sam asks them what happened. Esteban says that Kenzo had a little accident, but he's getting better, it's nothing. Sam comments that they're both acting weirdly. Btw, can she see her mom? Paz and Esteban exchange some looks.

Back to cárcel:

Ginebra: Leave, will you? You have the most hateful face and I know I have enemies [or something similar, I had bad audio here]. Seeing you here makes this place even more pathetic. (*turns away, sheds one tear)

Elvira: The only responsible for wasting your life in tragedies is you. What unhappy you are. You're a monster, Ginebra. You're a killer, you're a monster! You have to stop, Ginebra, you have to stop! You're going to stay locked up here like an animal and you won't be able to get out.

G: Even though I'll be stuck here, Elvira, my strings are going to continue moving and the people you love are going to suffer. Do you remember how little Eder fell into a come? I made that happen.

E: (*tries to grab Gin through the bars) You'll never going to hurt my grandchildren again, do it and I'll ruin you, Ginebra, I'll ruin you... You don't have a soul... You're a disgusting being...

G: Don't worry because I haven't forgotten about your beloved Gala, nor about Bosco, nor about you.

E: To me do whatever you want! Take your anger out on me, but leave my family alone! My family hasn't done anything to you, Ginebra-

G: Being your family is what they've done to me. It was fun talking to you and not having to pretend I love you anymore. Now leave me alone.

E: It's better not to pretend. Now that you've cut all ties with me I can see you so clearly. And you weren't anything more than a mistake, Ginebra. You were a pregnancy that should have never come to term. You're not anything more than the fruit of a an abusive man, a liar. That's all your inheritance.

G: You don't even believe what you're telling me, no?

E: It's the truth. You're the lowest that exists. You inherited everything from me and what your father was as well. You're nothing more than a footnote at the page. You're trash flying with the wind. And that's you're going to stay as. A pest that infects us, but at the end you'll get extirpated from our lives. I wish you had died in my womb.

G: (*gets up, enojada): LEAVE, WILL YOU? You're also condemned and you know it. You're also locked up because you're not going to have not even a minute, not even a second of peace in your life, you understood me? LEAVE!!! 

Something tells me Gin ain't going to celebrate Mother's Day next year.

Elvira, still tears in her eyes, runs to Fobo. They hug as he's trying to calm her down.

Paz tells Sam she'll be with her mom, her mom that has always loved her from the moment she was born, very soon. Sam wants to talk to Gin on the phone, Esteban says they'll do anything they can. After she leaves, Paz says she was about to tell Sam that she's her mom, but she didn't want to confuse her even more. 

Mir says she hates Mauro for being on his sister's side after everything she's done. Nandy says something about forging her own road after Kenzo gets better.

Felipa, Jero and Sandro visit Kenzo. Jero and Sandro must have read our suggestions for their Karmageddon, because they cry and say they're sorry and please forgive us. Fel says something about talking with Hum and maybe there's a way of taking all the blame so he doesn't go to jail. This was so nice and sunshine rainbows until the part when the police came in and I remembered I watching a telenovela. Kenzo wants to give a declaration so Gin pays. Castro agrees, but they're here to arrest Felipa Guerra. Sandro starts screaming "MI MAMITA NOOOO" and runs to her. She hugs her sons.

Lupe and Porf's first date consists of Ginebra-bashing. Count me in as a third wheel. At some point Porf calls Ginebra "old" (vieja) even though he's way older than her LOL. As they're grounding coffee beans, Porf suddenly kisses Lupe. Gee, that escalated quickly...

Esteban throws almost everything we know about Gin, with an emphasis on her forcing him to marry her, to Elvira, who has an emotional breakdown. She asks him to forgive her to thinking he was the one behind Berenice's murder and for being so bad to him. Esteban takes her hands in his and says that of course he forgives her.

Porf is apparently a very good kisser because Lupe is about to turn into a female Fobo. Thankfully no one practices yoga in this house. She says something about sharing the rest of her life with him. Geez, girl!

I admit it: when I saw Paz having a murderous facial expression and being led to prison by guards, obviously to confront Ginebra, I screamed "YESSSSSSS" in my language. Not kidding. The guards let her in Gin's cell, not before threatening Gin ("don't try anything, Ginebra, or the consequences will be worse!"). Paz enters. Gin has the nerve to say "How lazy, are you all going to visit me one by one?" Paz replies that not only she wants to confront her, she wants to kill her because she separated her from her daughter! She slaps her and starts choking her, kinda, while the guards are screaming. 

The police separate Paz from Ginebra, they get Paz on the other side of the bars. The scene is practically begging me to translate the dialogue:

Ginebra: This is not going to stop me, you understand?

Paz: Go ahead and you'll have another crime on your back!

G: (*laughs) How does it feel being so stupid that you didn't realise your brat was under your nose all this time?

P: Shut up! You're not going to talk to me like that again. From the first moment I saw my daughter, the blood called me. I knew she was my daughter.

G: Look how fast you gained courage! But it took you so long to find her, so long. So long I enjoyed humiliating her, belittling her, minimizing her. And you know what? Her little pig squeals were as annoying as yours'. She would [should?] have died.

P: Your life is so despicable, so empty, that you only live to ruin the existence of others. You don't have a heart, you're a monster, I hate you!

G: I have money, I have power, I have contacts and none of this (*looks at the cell) is going to stop me. You're never going to breath calm again, just thinking with terror of everything I can do from here to you, to your ridiculous daughter and to Esteban.

P: Do it and I'll kill you with my own hands, you listen to me? I'll finish you, Ginebra! (*the guards are taking Gin away)

G: Look how I tremble, idiota!

P: I'll finish you, estupida! 

Yes. Just yes. Go Paz!

Elvira and Esteban are talking about Ginebra. Est says she's an expert manipulator, El says she thought she was untouchable and that made her an easy target. She tells him Gin admitted that she killed Berenice and poisoned Eder. Esteban tells Elvira that Bere described her (Elvira) as a someone with a sensitive heart under her cold exterior.

Kenzo tries to get up and Jero tries to get him to lie down. Sandro cries about Felipa and asks him to do something. Kenzo says that she has to pay for what she did, Sandro mumbles something about Jero being involved (in the scam) with that girl who was disturbing Bosco. Kenzo is confused, Jero tells Sandro to shut up and something about Gio being in the house once or something.

Nandy says that as much as she doesn't like Felipa, it was cruel to see her getting arrested in front of her kids. My video freezed here, if I missed anything important (which I doubt) please add it.

Esteban and Elvira bully Castro a bit because the police can't find the parents of the stolen children. After he leaves, Paz comes. El tells her she wants to talk to her in private.

After the intro song, El apologies to Paz for her behaviour and pretty much everything she's done to her and asks for forgiveness. Paz accepts and says she knows she's a good person IIRC. El is moved by Paz's character and views on life, says many people (her included) would like to have that. El also apologises on behalf of Ginebra, says she hurt her so deeply. Paz tells Elvira she forgives her, but not Ginebra. At this point so I'm happy they didn't go for a "forgive everyone" angle like in Minas de Pasión that I can swallow Paz forgiving Vermin (especially because of the video - that added some sympathy points). Esteban enters to tell them he'll talk to Gin, cops are searching for Mauro and Fobo and Mendoza will guard their and Paz's house respectively. El says she's sorry she's been in the way of their relationship and says it's pointless to continue this war. Est says it's not a war, it was never a war.

Kenzo fusses because he thinks Hum and Fel had a thing. Hum says they didn't, everything was professional. Kenzo says that Hum helped Fel get money from him and Hum tells him he was helping her out with the pension the law grands. And he didn't participate in the restriction order. Kenzo then asks him how long had he known Sandro isn't his son, but Hum says that it was a professional secret. Kenzo asks about the family he was taken from, but Hum doesn't know. Kenzo now says that he can imagine the pain of the family, but Sandro is his son and he doesn't want to give him away (why? JK)

Esteban goes to see Ginebra. Another dialogue translation, this scene is also begging me to translate everything:

Esteban: If you see the list of accusations against you, [you'll see] it's getting bigger minute after minute. Why are you laughing? You're a damned sick [person]. I see you lost your sanity.

Ginebra: How does it feel being in front of the mastermind behind the death of that dull Berenice?

E: How does it feel being behind bars? Knowing that your absurd revenge has come to an end? Well, at least you're getting the attention you have never had, poor thing. How does it feel knowing that not even your mother loves you? You were never reciprocated by anyone in your sick love. And you never will, because you're whole life is summarized in this; being empty. I would like to end you, but death isn't enough punishment for you. You're going to see that at the end of your days, your brain is going to be your real prison.

G: You should better kill me, my love, because prison is not going to stop me, they don't have evidence against me. Everything is circumstantial. 

E: They have everything. Your tax deviation, information about your contacts, the artificial intelligence video. 

G: They're not going to be able to link me to any of this. I have an explanation for everything. And I didn't pull a single trigger.

E: Do you think it's a small thing pretending to be Berenice? You usurped her identity! You manipulated the authorities and made up evidence. You killed Elías and your ex-husbands. 

G: You don't have proof. You don't even know what they were called. 

E: It's a matter of keeping on digging to get information out. Not many millionaires have died under suspicious circumstances.

G: Yes, my love. Dig like the dog you are. You're only going to get dirty anyway.

E: You were left exposed and with your reputation strained. On my account everyone will find out that you are a black widow. Everyone will find out that you wanted to kill me and that you poisoned my son. I also know how to play your game.

G: You're similar to me. Have you noticed yet?

E: I can also wear masks. I can ruin you in a way that you can't even imagine. I can be an honourable father and kill you with your own [game] pieces. You're never going to get calmness.

G: Don't continue please. (*fake yawn) They can accuse you of gender violence.

E: You're not even a woman. You not worth of anything. You lost all your humane. You stole the baby of the woman I love. You're not that smart. You got lost in arrogance. You trusted. And the nail to your coffin was your own brother. He helped us build the trap. He loved Sam and you could never understand him with your rotten heart. But wait calmly, your brother won't be long to keep you company.

G: Mauro is going to get me out of here. He'll find a way because he would never abandon me here, don't have doubts about it, eh?

E: Look at me. This is the last time you're seeing me. Paz and I are going to continue with our story with your mother's blessing, with the daughter you should have never had. Soon, reality is going to hit you. I know it'll stay in your head, so imagine me happy with Paz and enjoy your own hell.

Oh noes, Esteban. You just triggered Gin's worst fear: her victims becoming happy.

Lupe, Pepa and Salo talk about how they'd like María to be eating with them right now.

Paz, Esteban and Nandy are with Kenzo at hospital. No important info.

As Mir is walking home, she asks Mendoza if he'd like something. Which is great, except from the teeny tiny detail that Mendoza is passed out and Mauro pops up with a GUN. He says he doesn't want to hurt her. He claims she betrayed him and he admits he heard her say she hates him. Mir, even though she has a frickin' gun pointed at her head, says that yes, she hates him. That's some courage right there. Mau can't believe she actually admits it, she asks him if he'd rather she manipulated him like his sister or played with his feelings. Mir adds that he didn't do as he said, he didn't turn himself in and he replies that she didn't do as she said either, she didn't give them an opportunity. At some point he does threaten to kill her. Mir says that if he does it she'll confirm that what she thinks of him is true. Mau whines about life turning him what he's today (what a cliché, a bunch of good people faced difficulties in life but didn't help their sis poison people). Mir admits she loved him and she felt with him like she did with no other man. She asks him to leave, she won't say a word because she loved him. Mau is hesitant, but at last does live because "he also loved her", but threatens her that if she talks, he'll kill her. Poor Mir is sobbing.

In the last scene of the episode, Felipa is taken in jail by some guards and she's put IN THE SAME CELL with Ginebra. Gin loses it when she sees her, calls her a traitor, hits her against the bed and says she'll make her have a nice slow death.

And with Felipa sobbing, we have the Fin del Capítulo...



Your dialogue translations were exceptional and added so much to understanding the true depths of Ginebra's fiendishness. The recap was beyond...

"Lupe and Porf's first date consists of Ginebra-bashing. Count me in as a third wheel" was fantastic. Porf really gave that kiss his all. 9.5 overall (I can see where Este gets it).

That said, Porf owes Esteban a hell of an apology. He's been a terrible father and his grandparenting skills aren't "all that" either.

"Esteban tells Elvira that Bere described her (Elvira) as a someone with a sensitive heart under her cold exterior"; truly words to warm the heart :) Actually, Esteban was very gracious in his forgiveness. Elvira has been horrid to him.

I did feel for Sandro who has hopefully at last seen the good in his father. No child wants to see their mother being ripped from them and taken to jail. I don't blame him for snitching on Jero who I have far less pity for. He started (and/or at the least encouraged) Gio's false accusations against Bosco and was treacherous toward Gala.

Paz WAS fierce although her righteous anger wasn't terribly effective against Ginebra's cool and deadly defiance.

Mauro is sticking with Ginebra. We can only hope something will occur at the last moment to have him jump ship...


Thanks Weirdo, I enjoyed your translation of the dialogue, especially between El and Gin. I wanted a bit more clarification than I could glean from El's discourse about Gin's bio dad.
So Gin says they can't tie her to anything. Wasn't she the one that shot Kenzo? Seems like that would be attempted homicide and the entire barrio witnessed it, along with the police.
I know the police are incompetent, but wouldn't you think all the mother's that had their babies stolen would have their DNA on file to match themselves with the missing children. Well, maybe not the baby Fermin was involved in stealing from the most likely drug addicted woman in the alley, but the rest? No more receta until Friday!

Thanks, Weirdo. This was excellent. I just got to watch the episode.Now we have to wait until Friday for the next episode! Oh, no!

A few thoughts:

I loved Elvira comparing Ginebra to the plague.

I always have to laugh when they allow victims and perpetrators together in an abandoned jail cell. Where in the real world? Okay . . . At least Paz got the satisfaction of attacking Ginebra. It must have been a fun scene to film.

YES! Paz finally got it right by forgiving Elvira but refusing to forgive Ginebra for what she did to her daughter. The kid could be in counseling for years given the trauma she has been through. Ginebra and Mauro both deserve to end up dead and gone like Vermin.

So, now Felipa gets to have the Ginebra treatment up close and personal. What an end!


Thanks so much, Weirdo, for the fine recap and for the terrific, detailed translations of key scenes with Gin and her "visitors". Loved: "Something tells me Gin ain't going to celebrate Mother's Day next year".

It was a relief they humanized Sandro a bit. I no longer think he's a future serial killer.

When Porfirio mentioned that vieja, I think he was referring to Gin in that slangy way of saying woman, sort of like dame in English. This usage would kind of fit Porfirio's portrayal as a humble guy from the country.

I'll bet Claudia Martín really enjoyed the opportunity to flash some anger and badassery after spending a whole novela being mostly saintly.

I certainly hope Jero doesn't get off the hook completely. Viewerville remembers him choking Gio so as to leave the marks on her neck supposedly done by Bosco. He may even have concocted the whole plot to drug Bosco. I don't remember if that was clearly shown.

Humberto did a good job sticking up for himself with Kenzo. Yes, he got close to Felipa to help Esteban and Paz. But helping her ask for more child support was within the law.

Gin looked like Esteban was the one who really got to her. More obsession than love (probably part of her envy of her sister) was what she felt for him. But it was something, and parts of what he said did hurt her (good!).

Good one, Kat, about dozens seeing Gin shoot Kenzo (actually aiming at Estaban). That at least can be proven.

Weirdo, thanks for a great recap, especially the detailed conversations . It probably wasn't a good move for Elvira, Paz, and Esteban to confront and taunt BSC Gin . I dont see how she could legally be released because she shot Ken in front of a crowd of people , but maybe Mauro will get their powerful , evil friends to make an escape . We know that Gin isn't done with her revenge rodeo just yet.

Hmmmm...Elvira talked about Gin's bad dad. I hope this is a speak of the devil and he appears remark.

For a tiny person, Altair really throws her weight around . Felipa is taller and heavier , but Gin can throw her around . okay.

One thing about telenovelas,, they let all the generations have romance . Porfirio is this show's Golden Bachelor , and wardrobe has been putting Lupe in nicer clothes and a bit of jewelry. Maybe we will see Passionate Port in one of Luke's apron...like just the apron. These crazy kids.

I cant believe that we can't see the next episode until Friday .

P.s. I loved the title . If life gave Gin lemons she would squirt them in somebody's eye. Girl is vicious. Altair is on fire . Her low voice and that creepy slit of a smile...yikes. Susan

Thanks so much Weirdo, I enjoyed the recap. And the conversations were a big help. So much better to know exactly what they were all saying even though you can get a general idea. Although I don’t think the visits were a good idea. I would have let Gin stew in silence. No matter what anyone said, she had an answer.

She said she never pulled a trigger but, aside from Kenzo, she pulled the trigger and killed her hisband. And I think Sam saw it and might remember it some day.

I don’t think anyone can let their guard down. We know more stuff will happen. We just have to wait till Friday!

But I do like that the truth is out and everyone knows how bad the bad guys are.



Thanks, weirdo.
I want to laugh every time the good guys come to confront the bad ones. It's just that they mak the antagonists soclever that the confrontations don't feel as satisfying as they could be. Ginevra always had a response. The satisfying parts were Elvira's comments that made her angry and Esteban taunting her with the fact no one loved her. Well, Mauro does, but it's not like she can appreciate it. I found it interesting she got so angry when Elvira said all those cruel things. It's like Ginevra likes believing Elvira didn't try hard enough to find her, but she also doesn't want to think she now doesn't even want her to be alive and regrets having a daughter like her. I suppose knowing it and hearing it said are two different things. And I suspect Ginevra is right that even Elvira herself doesn't believe this. But they really should give the good guys some amunition before letting them loose on the bad ones. It's like letting a rabbit into a lion's cage. It doesn't matter that the rabbit ate all the carrots. The lion will eat the rabbit!

Mil gracias, Weirdo, for a stellar recap. I thought about skipping this episode — you gave me everything I needed, and this show has had more jail visits than all of my previous telenovelas combined — but then I had to tune in just for Elvi’s apologies and Porfirio’s kiss. Dude’s still got it!

Great work, Weirdo. I finally caught up. Your translations were much appreciated.

I am perplexed at how Elvira had that damning conversation with this Satanic bitch without recording it. Someone should have suggested that she turn on her cell. Since she was on the other side of the bars there was no risk of Ginebra getting her hands on it.

Those scenes were first rate.

I expected Paz to go seriously Mama Bear on Ginebra and am very surprised the police allowed her to enter the cell. It sounded like other women in that lockup were cheering her on.

Stoning to death would be too good an end for a villana this evil.

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