Thursday, March 27, 2025

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#2): Las Hijas de la Sra. García, Papas Por Conveniencia, & Juegos de Amor Y Poder- Week of Mar. 24, 2025

Welcome to page 2 of Primetime TNs/Series. Juegos de Amor y Poder is in its second week!! Papas Por Conveniencia and Las Hijas de la Sra. García have are both going strong! Kat and Adriana Noel are providing notes/recaps for LHDLSG; and discussion is strong on PPC with Diana and others providing invaluable notes. So let’s cheer our leaders on and join in on the discussions!! As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 PM – Papas Por Conveniencia: Ep. 47-48

9-10 PM – Las Hijas de la Sra. García:  Ep. 51-52

10-11PM – Juegos de Amor y Poder: 8-9

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Papas”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.

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PAPAS #47 Part 1

Previously, Guzmán had Tino jailed. Guzmán relishes telling Jason however, Aidé (and the children) remain in the dark! Fed will represent Tino (for better or likely for worse).

Refusing to believe Circe’s truth that her mother abandoned her, surprisingly insensitive Lila has delusions of sailing off into the sunset with her not so adoring mother and Jason with not an iota of regret in leaving her adoring father alone.

Chano catches Chofis home alone with Oliver. Fortunately, nothing untoward occurred.

In the last scene of the evening, Dámaso offers Aidé comfort, closing his eyes, nuzzling into her neck, moving in for a kiss that looks filled with desire…

In a flashback from long ago, we see Guzmán looking at Aidé in the school hallway. But her attention is diverted, she looks longingly at Tino as he walks by, not even looking in her direction. Guzmán talks to himself and I think he says something about realizing he is in love with her.

In the present, Aidé rises, rejecting Dámaso’s kiss. He declares what he feels is magical as she looks at him.

Back in jail, a rather self-righteous Jason tells Tino he has to face the consequences of his actions. Tino (wearing a strange ill-fitting robin’s egg blue shirt, certainly not standard prison garb) stares angrily and they exchange words.

Paulina and Lila talk about Tino. Lila, in torment, says how much she missed her. They hug as Emi and Bertha come in. Paulina juts her jaw out saying she and her daughter were talking. Emi brings up Tino and Lila again dismissing her father. Fed comes in touching Emi’s head as he inwardly cringes.

Chofis and Chano are still arguing, Chano is really hot. When Oliver tries to interject he tells him to be quiet; the second time he tries to talk, Chano orders him out. Oliver is mi novio Chofis insists; at that Chano’s head whips around like Linda Blair’s!

Aidé tells Dámaso everything is very complicated right now. He pleads his case to no avail.


PAPAS #47 Part 2

Tino tells Jason that his children are the most important thing in his world. Jason tells Tino he is responsible for Paulina not having her children all these years. He seems to threaten him at the end.

Chano is still lecturing/admonishing Chofis as she is on her cell. He takes the phone and finally, fed up, she goes back at him as Checo comes in, getting the rest of Chano’s wrath. Chano vents to his son who tells him to calm down.

Felipe comes to talk to Clara Luz. She walks next to him and they both end up standing with their backs to a wall. He wants to discuss Tino. He tells her Tino is in jail and he needs her honest opinion. She gives him a glowing report including that Tino is a wonderful father and good friend.

Rudolf visits Tino who mentions Felipe, which sours Rudolf a bit. Rudolf tells him Felipe is Clara Luz’ boyfriend. I think Tino tells him that if he is who Clara luz wants…

Paulina tells Fed she is living in the US with her husband. And you she smirks? I think Brenda tells her Fed is a great lawyer. Jason arrives…

Aidé and Guzmán talk, she is confused she tells him. She has an envelope in her hand…

We next have a flashback of Guzmán on that fateful night years ago watching Tino leave the room where Aidé had passed out. He creeps up the stairs and gulps, hesitating outside the door, looking in. We do not see what he does. Back in the present, Aidé thanks him and gives him a hug. After she leaves, he looks shaken.

Aidé thinks back to what Circe said about Guzmán being guilty. Igor runs into her startling her; I believe he tells her Jason was there.

The newly reunited “family” sit on the couch opposite Bertha and Fed. Emi brings up Tino and stares ahead as Fed takes his wheelchair and out of the room. Threatened by Paulina’s reappearance, she questions him about his “mami’s” return, threatening him. She spills the beans Tino is in jail.

Chano has now run to Lichita, bothering her at work, blaming her and telling her this is all her fault. Meanwhile, Checo comforts his inconsolable sister and actually gets her to stop crying.

Augusto tries to talk to Aidé about the children’s father when Circe and Uli show up unannounced; Augusto puts his hand over his head. Something about Emi is said. Can anyone fill in?


PAPAS #47 Part 3 of 3

Emi starts crying in obvious pain. Jason, Bertha and Lila rush forward worried while Paulina makes no move to do so, hovering in the background.

Tino is talking with a man I don’t know when Felipe shows up at the jail with good news for Tino.

Emi’s doctor addresses the small crowd, I believe he attributes Emi’s condition to stress. He recommends several US hospitals in Houston, LA and Seattle. Jason leaves as Paulina hugs Lila looking very guilty. Emi high-fives Jason and thanks him.

Fed visits Tino in jail and has to tell him Emi had a crisis. He is very upset and she tells him not to worry. He thanks her. Again.

Back at Tino’s Paulina “accidentally” lets it slip Tino is in jail. Lila doesn’t react well and Bertha tells her to respect her father, which Jason echoes. After Jason leaves, Bertha reams Paulina out a bit.

Now it’s Lichita’s turn to unload on her daughter. Poor Chofis.

Both Uli and Circe defend Tino to Aidé. “It’s horrible” they both say as they get up and leave the table.

Aidé and Lichita have Cokes and think it over.

Aidé is in Guzmán’s office looking through folders. She seems to have hit paydirt (definitely dirt) and she takes pictures with her phone looking gravely serious.

Paulina takes Lila to school. Lila asks her mother to share her perfume and Paulina obliges, spraying her liberally. She starts to pump Lia about Aidé and Tino’s relationship when they are interrupted by several of Lila’s friends. She proudly introduces her mother. The friend says something I didn’t understand that may have been important.

Tino is home (still wearing that ridiculous shirt) when Emi comes in being pushed by a smiling Jason. Jason’s smile fades as he sees Tino.

In the last scene, Aidé is interacting with “IA ideas” asking it questions.

I believe she has found out Guzmán is the beneficiary…

The dialogue was beyond fast and furious tonight. I was very uncertain of much of this but tried to do the best I could; thank you for adding to and/or correcting what I wrote.


Las papas

In the flashback scene Guzman had a chocolate treat for Aide, her name was on the note. When he saw her gaze longingly at Tino and admitting she suffered from unrequited love for him, he offered her the chocolate, saying he got it for himself. She refused saying she didn't want to get fat.

Las papas
Chano is making Chofis delete all her social media apps ( I actually approve of this move) then he decides she can't be trusted with a phone at all and takes it from her. I think in this scene Chofis wants him to tell her the facts of life which scares him to death and he runs off.

Fede was her typical cruel self telling Emi Lila is wanted by her mom and Jason, but not poor broken unable to walk Emi.

Chano tells Luchita at work that he stopped them becoming grandparents in 9 months. Checo is a good big brother. He says dad doesn't want her to make the mistakes he and mom made ( they had to get married as we all knew if we did the math). He gives her the sex talk and asks is this really what you want? She nods yes. Well then we'll go to the local planned parenthood, or the Mexican equivalent, and you can get birth control. How old is Chofis? 14? Too young imo.....
Augusto is worried how Emi and Lila will take the news that dad is in jail. Uli and Circe overhear, and Guzman's cat is out of the bag. The kids blame aide for putting him in jail and insist she needs to find the USB that proves his innocence.


Las papas

The guy at the jail was taking Tino to a penitentiary or something since he hadn't made bail.

Paulina claimed she had a migraine and wanted to leave and go back to the hotel. Jason reminds her she belongs with the kids, hell get er meds. Bertha notes that Jason cares more about semi than Paulina.

Lila admired moms perfume. I smells so nice. I think the name has Lily in it. Lila says she loves her name because it is Mom's favorite. Paulina is the one who decides to spritz her with it. ( As bad a mother as she is, I do think she loved and has feelings for Lila. She probably ran off because she couldn't handle a handicapped child).


Kat, I'm so appreciative that you provided your (always) valuable and insightful comments.

"Fede was her typical cruel self telling Emi Lila is wanted by her mom and Jason, but not poor broken unable to walk Emi" was truly heinous. Fed is beyond cruel; a monster.

I think Paulina does have some feelings for Lila, but had she not been tracked down, doubt she would have ever tried to contact her daughter. When she made no move toward Emi when he was writhing in pain, I almost wondered if she was his mother. She his bereft of a conscience.

I completely agree that 14 is far too young but if that is Chofis' decision, then Checo was wise to steer his sister in the right direction.

Thank you for your generous time and clarification Kat!


Las hijas, capitulo 51
Part 1/3

We start with a repeat of the confrontation between Mar and Camila. And it’s worth it because it’s so fun to watch. Ofelia arrives to help Mar, but there is no need, since Mar manages to rattle Camila all by herself just fine. Side note: I love Mar’s shoes!
Ofelia is proud of her daughter, but Mar is in no mood to celebrate, she brushes her off and leaves. Paula overhears and mocks Ofelia.
Then she goes to work on Mar a little bit more. Once again, she plays the victim about not having any power in the house. They are so much alike, and she understands that Mar needs some time but hopefully one of these days they will get closer. Mar actually buys this nonsense, agrees to be friends. They hug.
Ughhh, Mar, just when I was so proud of your treatment of Camila, you go and do something this stupid.
They start complaining about Camila, Paula says she used to treat her badly also. She however never had the strength to fight back. Mar feels like she overreacted, but Paula cheers her on, that girl even jeopardize her marriage several times. Knowing how whipped Leo is, I highly doubt that.

Art and Nick brainstorm, Art thinks they should just work on their own, invest their own money in the sports line. He trusts their project! Nick asks Art to control himself with Val, Art promises he will do his best, Val is not over him and he will get her back.

Graciela is dead (and I can’t believe I even forgot about her). Rocio watches from the sidewalk and feels bad, apologizes to God. She gets back home crying and fretting. What is she going to do now?

Camila gets back to the vecindad, whining to Susana about Mar. She will never allow her to get close to Juan. Susana says the only reason Juan got interested in Mar again was because of the baby. Maybe Camila could give him a child, that would make him happy…. Hmmm, she’s just saying, you know.

Art presents some ideas in a reunion and Luis likes what he hears. They are interrupted by a lawyer who wants to talk to Luis. He tells him about Graciela being found dead.

Paula and Mar are talking about nails and manicure, Ofelia doesn’t like it that they are getting close again. But Mar no longer wants to listen to her mother. No matter how much Ofelia tries to warn her, Mar won’t listen, so Ofelia rightfully says she is stupid. Mar only wants her mother to stop putting ideas in her head, she is sick and tired of living in fear.

Val and Juan are talking about Mar suffering over his relationship with Camila. She is a good girl; Juan needs to listen to her. But Juan doesn’t want to hear about Mar or Ofelia ever again. Which is great, since I feel big mouth Val would have definitely spilled the beans about Mar’s baby.


Las hijas, capitulo 51
Part 2/3

Luis and all his sons come to see Camila in the vecindad. Seeing them all together she realizes something has to be very wrong. Yeah, tia Graciela is dead. Camila starts to cry, Arturo and then Luis hug her. They are all very sad.

Later Luis is back home, crying while holding Graciela’s picture. Mar comes to comfort him, he tries to keep it together, but she assures him he can count on her. They promised to always be honest with one another, she will always be in his corner. Luis says she is the only person he can fully trust. They hug.

Camila is downstairs, Juan is hugging her. Nick and Art come to speak with her, neither can understand what happened. Ofelia comes to say she is sorry for their tragedy, but Camila feels like starting a fight. Ofelia offers her support to everyone, they can call her “tia Ofe” – boy, talk about bad timing! But it’s hilarious.
When Ofelia leaves, Camila accuses her of Graciela’s death. She is even upset with Arturo, because those women are in the house because of him, too.

In their room, Leo and Paula talk about this shocking turn of events. Paula thinks now Ofelia will have even more power, she will get them all thrown out. Leo doesn’t think so, but Paula points out that Val is working for the company and Mar is carrying the next Portilla. Leo needs to be intelligent about this, get his siblings on his side, not allow these women to separate them.

Val arrives at the mansion and tries to comfort Arturo. They hug and Art says he needs her so much. Nick sees them and walks away.

I don’t know how much time has passed, but everything is already set for the funeral – the Portillas must have a great package deal, with all the business they are providing.
The entire family is reunited, Ofelia sees that Juan and Mar keep staring at one another and warns Mar to stop. She then asks Luis how this could happen. Luis doesn’t understand it either, what was Graciela doing in that part if the city… When he mentions the neighborhood, Mar says it’s very close to their old house, but Ofelia must see the connection to Rocio, since she knows where she lives. Luis must be thinking it too, because he kinda says “unless…”, but then he stops himself.

Rocio is hearing about the death on the news. There is a wake and then Graciela will be incinerated. She is still in shock.

The priest is saying some words about what truly matters in life: not material things, but what the love we leave behind. Val is standing by Art, hugging him and holding his hand, while Nick is watching them, all alone in his corner.
They all say goodbye to the urn containing Graciela’s remains.
Valeria sees Rocio arrive and grabs Arturo’s hand to keep him away from her.
Mar would like to give Luis some space, but Ofelia asks her to stay glued to him, she is Senora Portilla.
Ofelia sees Rocio also, goes towards her. Rocio leaves in a hurry, Ofelia wonders what she could be after.


Las hijas, capitulo 51
Part 3/3

The maids are sad over Graciela’s passing. Paula asks them to keep an eye on things, especially what Ofelia does, and they need to tell her everything. With Graciela gone, someone else must take charge and that can’t be Ofelia, right? The girls agree.

Art and Val talk about the meaning of life, bad things happening to good people. Art is worried for dad, he already lost his wife. Val remembers how much she suffered when her dad died. Until one day she understood that life is like this, they need to learn to accept it. Art says he’s lost so much recently, he even lost her. They can talk about it later, but he misses her so much. Val wants to leave, he offers to take her home, she eventually accepts.
Arriving in the vecindad, he says he really wanted to leave the house. They are in so much pain, money doesn’t change that. The only place he feels good is with her. They start kissing for a bit, but then Val pushes him away. She hasn’t forgotten how he doubted her. Art says he was confused, but he’ll never do that mistake again, his aunt’s death put things into perspective. Val makes him promise he will never doubt her again. Art swears and they kiss and make up yet again.

Luis, Mar and Ofelia are in the living room when Camila and Juan arrive. Luis hugs his daughter, she says they are leaving. Luis says this is her home, also, she is always welcome. But Camila knows he has his preferences… she and Juan leave.

Paula tells Mar they need to be strong to comfort their husbands. She especially needs to always be close to Luis, he has lost so much recently. And with his health in such a bad shape who knows what might happen.

Nick is going to visit his aunt’s urn. Now he feels all alone. Who can he talk to about all his feelings? The more time passes the stronger he feels. And his love is forbidden.

The next day Ofelia goes to see Rocio. What happened with Graciela, a woman like her all alone in that neighborhood... it doesn’t sound right. Rocio says she doesn’t know anything. Ofelia understands that a mother is capable of everything, that’s why she thinks Rocio is behind Graciela’s death.


Las hijas

Tia Ofi! I wanted to post that as a spoiler last night. I laughed so loudly my husband would have heard me from the other room where he watches TV, but he was asleep in his recliner. I also wanted to remark on Juan's T-shirt. When there was only bread for breakfast the previous episode his T-shirt has Make Money (in English) on it as it's slogan. He was still wearing it in the beginning of this episode when he spoke with Val I noticed.

Adriana I love your writing style. I enjoy reading your recaps as much as watching the episodes.

At the funeral service I was thinking, where is Rocio, and poof, she appears. If they had cremated Luis, Paula would have had to search out a hairbrush of his....

Gullible Mar continues to live up to our nickname.

And the question of where Val will live waits for another day. Next to Nick was a good guess.


How popular is this Telenovela amongst the viewers overall ?



Adriana Noel, another sterling recap. You explain so much so thoroughly and your wise wit is evident throughout.

I of course did not understand the "Tia Ofi" comment when she said it but thanks to you am also now shaking my head in amazement. While Ofelia (unlike her daughter) is not gullible, she has no filter or sense of timing.

Like everyone else, I was proud of Mar but she went from dominant to doormat once again in seconds flat.

"Juan doesn’t want to hear about Mar or Ofelia ever again. Which is great, since I feel big mouth Val would have definitely spilled the beans about Mar’s baby". Adriana, I was also on the edge of my seat thinking the same thing!

I cannot believe Rocio showed up at the funeral! She is obsessed and it will be a matter of time before Luis' patience evaporates. If he finds out she is responsible for Gabriea's death, all bets are off.



I'm watching it. It's on too late for me to recap. On the 3 nights when I recap other shows I watch it the next day. I like it a lot so far and would recommend to any liking a bit of law and order type show to give it a go.


Thank you, Adriana, for your always insightful recap as this morning's. I especially appreciated " But Juan doesn’t want to hear about Mar or Ofelia ever again. Which is great, since I feel big mouth Val would have definitely spilled the beans about Mar’s baby." She sure would have. Does anyone remember the term BLABBERMOUTH? I also loved the comment about the funeral home.: "the Portillas must have a great package deal, with all the business they are providing."

What better lives all of these characters' would have be if their family and friends just shut up, offered no advice unless asked and let the chips fall where they may. Mar needs to make mistakes and live with the consequences. That is the way people become adults.

I did not like Paula commenting about Luis to Mar "And with his health in such a bad shape who knows what might happen." I think we all know what is most likely to happen at Paula's hand.

Diana, so true: "I cannot believe Rocio showed up at the funeral! She is obsessed and it will be a matter of time before Luis' patience evaporates. If he finds out she is responsible for Gabriela's death, all bets are off." I suspect that Rocío may have a legitimate complaint or issue with Luis Portilla but she has clearly lost it.

Kat, I. too think that Val will end up with Nic. Since I like neither, I will say they deserve each other.


Thanks Diana for another great recap. And thanks, Kat, for filling in details that are over our heads, or language skills!

If Guzman loves Aide he sure doesn’t show it in his actions. He should be wanting her to have a successful business, not trying to ruin her. I think he may be incapable of love, proof being sending Pipe away. And didn’t Tino basically tell Rudolf that if he loves Clara Luz be happy for her.

Fed was beyond awful with Emi. She needs a very special ending. But with her only crime, so far, being fraud, I don’t know what the writers can do. I hope Tino discovers what she’s really like very soon. I wonder if Aide will realize she had to be in on Guzman’s fraud as she drew up the papers. She already doesn’t trust her.

I like Jason, he is being a bit pushy in wanting the kids, but he only knows what Paulina told him. She left when Emi was a baby, I think she couldn’t handle a handicapped child. And still can’t!



Steve, I’m watching it, but mostly try to catch up on weekends, so I’ve only seen the first four episodes. Probably would do better if it wasn’t still day light after supper! Might watch just a day later.



Cher Adriana, merci, what a great morning read to start my day . I don't have much time to comment , but I loved your witty , wonderful take on all the chaos.
Last night I thought of the old movie " Four Weddings and a Funeral " because the title of this show could be " Three Funerals and a Wedding." Wow, another funeral. !!! People are dropping like flies .

Kat, I always notice the English words on shirts in these novels and definitely noticed Juans shirt " make money." One of my best friends is a Spanish teacher.She went to Mexico in the summers , and she told me that more and more English words were being used . Susan


I habe Been recording this show . Great cast. Love Claudia and Arap. Susan


I am still watching this and like it very much. A great cast. (And Juan Soler still to come!) I am on tn overload, also watching Papas and Hijas. But, so far it is worth it. (And the other two are past halfway, so it’s not forever!). I sometimes watch it the next day. As we don’t have recaps, then do we just comment? We might have a small patio.



Las Hijas

Thanks Adriana, I really enjoyed the recap, you do such a great job. Ofelia may be able to size people up but she sure doesn’t know when to speak and when to disappear. Can you imagine a group of people that are leaving their home because of her and she thinks they’ll want to start calling her Tia Ofe.

I was one of those that was sure Val was going to tell Juan the truth about the baby. I do wish Juan would have a flashback and remember himself yelling to Mar to leave(the jail)and she saying she had to talk to him. Although he can’t pull up his mom’s memory of her telling Mar he had someone else. But his mom could when she thinks the baby is his.

I was a little surprised to see Rocio show up at the funeral. You’d think after pushing someone in front of a bus and seeing them dead a person would want to lie low. But she just marches right in. I wonder if eventually Ofelia will tell the family her suspicions.

I didn’t understand Camila blaming Arturo for Ofelia being there. He had nothing to do with her getting hired. And Mar turning to Paula again. Luis might think she can go to school and become anything she wants but I have my doubts that she should even be out in the real world alone!


Babachita Susan, Steve and I seem to be watching. Possibly others. It might be fun to comment on the weekends as people watch and catch up on Juegos, and the rest of the TN threads tail off. With the patios going strong for papas and hijas the comment section is really long already.


Thank you for your always gracious comments Liz. I always look forward to what you have to say.

Totally agree with you in that Guzman is incapable of love. His character is creepy; no other way to describe him.

I had thought that Felipe would have ensured Pipe was safe at home by now, but nopis. With over 30 more epis to go, there is likely quite a bit of space to fill. :)

'And didn’t Tino basically tell Rudolf that if he loves Clara Luz be happy for her'. Yes! I believe I noted something to that effect but you said it better!!

Fed's crimes against Emi alone should be worthy of a very heavy TN anvil. I have faith she will receive the punishment she deserves. That said, while Aide is suspicious (as you noted), Tino seems to be completely blind to who Fed is. So frustrating.

Thank you for the reminder that Jason only has Paulina's word on what transpired with the children. He is really coming off a bit too pushy though but the poor guy is in for a horrible letdown isn't he?


PAPAS #48 Part 1

Previously, Uli and Circe continued to champion Tino, speaking up in his defense to Lila and Aidé. They blame Aidé for putting Tino in jail; they insist she needs to find the missing USB so he can be proclaimed innocent.

Fed had Tino released from jail.

As everyone rushes to Emi as he cries in pain, nonmaternal Paulina remains riveted in her seat.

Chofis is chastised by her parents for being found alone with Oliver. Checo (surprisingly) dispenses some good advice.

Jason (with genuine caring) works at a feverish pace to ingratiate himself with Emi and Lila.

Aidé found incriminating documents in Guzman’s office…

Right out of the gate, I must admit I was unable to decipher almost all of tonight’s dialogue.

IA Ideas conveys something startling to Aidé about Guzmán after which she gets up, holding her stomach, a bit in shock. Lichita comes in and Aidé seems to gently pump her for info about Guzmán until Lichita tells Aidé she needs to get back to the reception desk.

Aidé asks IA something about Maxiclick and is told the answer is confidential. Aidé harkens back to a conversation with Tino where he was very upset regarding Guzman.

Lila and Paulina talk and Lila tells her mother the most important thing is that she is back!

Poor Emi is left alone with Fed momentarily when Bertha leaves for refreshments; she threatens him again.


PAPAS #48 Part 2

OMG Tino is STILL wearing that blue shirt as he and Jason talk. Tino seems to be reminding him he is Emi and Lila’s father when Rudolf arrives.

Lila gives Circe and Uli the brush off. They talk about Tino and Uli tells Lila to respect him. Lila acts like a brat, reinforcing Tino is HER father, not theirs. When Circe reminds her Paulina abandoned her, Lila takes great offense and leaves.

Aidé recalls talking with Guzmán after the incident where she refused the chocolate he bought her back in the day. We are friends forever Guzmán reminds her; then she recalls recent talks with him and is confused.

Clara Luz comes in and Aidé invites her to talk. She mentions Pipe and asks Aidé if she knows him (which viewerville had wondered as well). Aidé does remember him and asks her to tell her more. It’s a long story, Clara Luz admits.

Jason has a moment with Emi as Tino and his mother exchange looks. Tino opens the door and ushers Jason out rather quickly. Fed gets hugs as she leaves. Tino tries to reassure his son, gently stroking his cheek as Rudolf smiles from across the table.

In Seattle, Jaime calls Jason with a report regarding a doctor (I assume for Emi).

Clara Luz and Aidé are still talking about Guzmán when the devil himself walks in. Aidé hands Clara Luz her folder back and she leaves. Lichita interrupts telling Aidé a lawyer is here to see her. They shake hands and he gives her a folder. Who is he she asks Guzmán. I can only interpret from the expressions and tone that Guzmán now has control of Maxiclick (please correct me if I’m wrong)

Oh no, another Maxiclick meeting. Igor strokes his crush’s (Chano’s) arm. After Chano and Lichita talk about Chofis.

Aidé mentions Jason and Guzmán says something about a persona non grata (not sure if he was referring to him or not).

Felipe needs to meet Clara Luz.

Jason and Paulina are in their room discussing the children. He gets heated reminding her they are HER children. She tells him she loves them and he says OK. She doesn’t want problems and musters up a few false tears. He asks her forgiveness. She tells him Emi is very important to her. She gives a shifty side eyed look.


PAPAS #48 Part 3 of 3

Aidé calls Guzmán a traitor. Tears fall down her face, he has no sympathy. She calls him miserable and after he mentions Tino, she goes to slap him but he stops her grabbing her hand as the attorney tells her to stop.

Felipe and Clara Luz meet for coffee talk. Pipe is briefly discussed and she thanks Felipe for all his help. He kisses her hand as she sits back and smiles.

Guzmán continues to pour salt on Aidé’s wound mocking her crying.” Why” she cries, “why?” He says something about being solo and she slaps him. He tells her to be calm. Next we see Aidé grimly walking down Maxiclick’s hall followed by several “suits” as a crowd gathers. Guzmán turns and says something to them I couldn’t get.

Checo spies on his parents in the warehouse then confronts them about their treatment of Chofis. Chano reinforces she will not get her cell back.

Aidé walks down the hall clutching her chest. She must have called Dámaso as he is outside waiting for her. He walks up to her and they hug as slimy snake Fed takes their picture. “Vamos” he says as they leave, Fed smirking around the corner.

Aidé tells Dámaso about Guzmán’s treachery; he calls him a traitor and a number of insults. Aidé tells him she must take care of her children.

Tino shows up at school and Lila runs into his arms. Uli and Circe are also there and are happy to see him. That glow is short lived as Lila and Circe get into it. Hugs for Circe and Uli as Lila glowers.

Chofis and Checo are walking down the street when Checo goes into a store. Chofis spies Oliver down the street and waves to him. He sees her and deliberately crosses the street to avoid her.

Aidé hugs her children to her as Circe asks her if she is OK. She lies and says she is. Aidé picks up the phone showing Tino’s contact information but she doesn’t call him.

Back at Maxiclick, Lichita and Chano are talking with Clara Luz. Igor slimes out and has an announcement: the CEO of Maxiclick is now Guzmán Muriel!! Everyone is impactada, exchanging looks. Igor snaps his fingers, says “chow” and disappears (unfortunately not forever).

Tino and his family are having a fun time at dinner when Fed comes in. She tells him something about Maxiclick and shows him the picture of Aidé hugging Dámaso. Tino looks unhappy and hands her back the phone.

Clara Luz and Lichita text Aidé. All of a sudden the doorbell rings and to Aidé’s astonishment it’s Guzmán. What are you doing here in my home she screams – get out! I believe he says something to the effect that the house belongs to Maxiclick and therefore it is his…She stares in astonishment. It appears Aidé was the main target of Guzmán’s vengeance all along…

By far, the worst and most difficult episode to follow to date. I had to go by emotions for most of what I’ve translated, most likely quite poorly. Your comments are greatly appreciated as always.


Las papas #52 part 1

We start with O confronting Rocio about her suspicions concerning Graciela being in her neck of the woods when she 'fell' in front of the bus.

Luis is staring into space on the too short for his height to sleep on sofa in the master suite. Mar notices he doesn't look well. He claims it's because of missing his sister and things at work. She thinks he should rest. He stands up and nearly keels over. Has Paulina been bringing him his morning tea? He talks about checking with his Dr as he fastens his tie and gets ready for work.

Rocio is tired of O's threats, she will see Luis if she wants to. More arguing about Graciela just happening to be there and then O walks away muttering asesina. Rocio mutters damn old lady.

Juan helps mom clear the breakfast dishes. Susana wonders how is Cami. Juan says she cried all night, she isn't doing well. Susana then gives him relationship advice about caring for her, loving her, etc. not bad advice and he is enthusiastic about following it.

Mar wants to watch some TV, but she doesn't want to disturb Paula who is on the couch texting someone. Mar is worried about Luis. Paula suggests maybe some homeopathic remedies would help him. Mar falls for the bait. Like tea?

O is now going to educate the maids on how to cook. No more of that tasteless slop, Luis' diet be damned. Mar needs to be fed properly. The maids say she eats what is served, O says that is because I've raised her right. (Actually I'm with her on this, spices do make a difference and I'm pretty sure she can make things taste good without salt. I know O isn't everyone's favorite character, but I love all the scenes she is in).

Juan brings Cami breakfast in bed. She's not hungry. She's too sad. He gets her to agree to go out with him.

Well they didn't have enough photos cause Val is back in one of the bare midriff outfits ready to work. More Arturo talking. More glum look on Val's face because she can't trust him.. I'm literally typing blindly now so I'll post this segment. Anyone else ever have that happen to you on the long comments. Downside to using the phone. ( And now the type back so strange).

Leo sees Luis at his desk and encourages him to go home and rest. Luis has too much to do. Leo says me and my brothers can handle it. Luis doesn't want to mope at home. Leo thinks he doesn't trust them (can we blame him, no!).

Val caves. They're back together. Kisses. Nick interrupts but is happy for them.

Mar is on her phone checking into college classes. O comes in and asks what is she doing? Mar explains. O squashes the idea, your going to be a mother soon. Caring for the baby will take all your time. Mar thinks I'll bring the baby with me. Around all those germs, O exclaims ! What do you want to study? No idea, there are so many options. O reminds Mar the former lady of the manor didn't go to college, she painted and drew (sat around eating bonbons, oh wait that is what I and O would enjoy). She also raised 4 kids so she had her hands full. I haven't seen any nanny's coming out of the woodwork except the not nanny Rocio, and there has been all those funerals that afforded them an excellent opportunity to show up.

Las papas #52 part 2

Val, Arturo, Nick. Rinse wash repeat....

O returns to Mar with the perfect thing to study. Fine cuisine as (I think) she shows her recipes in a magazine. Mar will read it later, she is not enthused. Is their a finishing school for married women? I'm thinking O is looking for exactly that to teach her daughter how to be the lady of the manor.

Juan and Cami's excellent adventure...riding a tram over the city, sitting at a fountain, eating street food. All in all a successful outing as they take a smiling selfie together.

Funny scene eating dinner. O shows them how to eat burritos or something. It's Mar's favorite. Leo leaves. Luis eats....Paula even seemed to like
it or she was playing it up to lull Mar.

Hector shows Val her new apartment. Val loves it.

Arturo has been productive. He shows Nick his ideas with Val's photos. He wants to paste her photo on pantellas all around the city. (Billboards?)He's on cloud nine now he is back with Val. Nick is happy for them.
Well upscale black walls are just her cup of tea. I guess that is why she kept the burn patina look in the Casita. She should have bought black paint and dressed them up. She walks out on the balcony giddy with joy.

Arturo thinks Nick should find a girl, settle down, if you want you can marry (Cat Stevens song playing in my mind). Nick says it's not the right time for me.

Cami and Juan get off the tram and both are happy. He admits he's afraid of heights. She teases him.

Back at the dinner table chicharrón is the name of the burrito. They are tasty and very nutritious O says. Luis agrees they are very tasty, O reaches for his arm to pat it, oops perdon as she realizes her faux pas.

Cami is being treated to chicharróns also at a street vendors buffet. Except she doesn't eat that stuff, she likes Japanese, French cuisine, she's had pate de fois gras in Paris. Juan's like wow you've been to France. Yes, and Italy, Thailand, England etc. where have you traveled. Juan rattles off several Mexican towns as we see the wide Gulf in their life experiences.

Luis is off to the Dr. Mar wants to go too. He refuses. She mentions calming drinks to reduce his stress. He doesn't believe in that stuff. He asks did you really prefer that lunch. Yes. He likes it too. Then I'm not sure what was said about cooking, but he did tell her he is tired of her mother ordering her around. Mar is happy he's on her side against mom.


Las papas #52 part 3

Rocio states at magazine shots of the two son candidates. She says I have to do something...picks up her phone.

Arturo and Val meet at the Casita. She tells him she has a new place, it's part of her work perks. He is shocked she's leaving her beloved home. She says a lot needs to be fixed in it. It's time to move on. She gets a call, Rocio. She doesn't answer, over and over. Arturo is suspicious. Val says it's some lady that wants her mom, but mom won't answer so she calls me all the time.

Nick is sitting glumly in his apartment, thinking back on his interactions with Val.

O is pestering Mar who is resting. I never had the chance to rest a single minute when I was pregnant. Ask the Dr for something to give you more energy. Running this house is a full time job, get to it. Mar blows up at her. Leave me alone as she storms off and Paula walks in.

Amparo and Val eat together. More Rocio calls that she ignores. Val says this lady is bothering her about Portillo family matters and she doesn't want to be involved.n

Nck and Arturo meet for breakfast. Nick couldn't sleep all night thinking about the launch (Val). He thinks they should divvy up the jobs around the launch according to their abilities. I think he suggests Arturo is in charge of Val.

Val brings the Madonna statue to her new place asking her to bless it.

O continues to harangue Mar about being the lady of the house. Luis overhears and calls her out, you will treat my wife with respect. O tries to get Mar to say it's just a misunderstanding but Luis says she will say nothing of the sort. ( If she keeps it up she'll be banished back to the Casita)



Thanks, Kat. Great recap! Loved the Cat Stevens reference. Too funny.

Ofelia is quite a unique character and very entertaining, too, except when she is trying to control Mar. Ofelia is living the dream . . . her dream at least. Her reading magazines and eating her chocolates on the couch is what she has aspired to. All the talk about “running the mansion” is so ridiculous. Guess she is also enjoying telling others what to do and not being ordered around herself being the mother of the lady of the house.

Ofelia is clearly making sure that more Mexican food she likes is being served now at the mansion rather than what the family was used to. Chicharrones wouldn’t be anywhere on their menus. Nope, chicharrones weren’t on Camila’s favorites list either. She is into any food but Mexican. I think that the first dish that Ofelia had served was called beef Mexican style and was not a big hit in the Portilla household either. Pure classism on display.

Here is hoping Luis’ days are not numbered.

Highlight: Luis stopping Ofelia from haranguing his wife. He seems to be getting his fill of Ofelia.


Diana, I've discovered I'm better able to answer your questions if I watch the show after you post!

Checo and his parents. He chastises them for always fighting. This will cause Chofis to rebel, just like he did. Try to unite as co parents and friends so the kids don't suffer.

Actually Luchita was the one to say she had left the reception desk unmanned and needed to go back to it.

Since there were several discussions between Jason and Tino I'll summarize. Jason thinks Emi would benefit from care in the US and he can facilitate it. Tino is opposed as it means his son will leave him. ( Tino is not right on this instance, speedy intervention is needed. Let Jason handle it, especially financially if he is willing).

Paulina is ready to go home without the kids. Jason's rise colored glasses are getting clearer
He asks if she really loves her kids or is she just playing him. Realizing her mistake she backpedals rapidly.

Felipe tells Clara he discovered pipe never left the country. So now we wonder what orphanage he's in or did he sell him to an unscrupulous child trafficking ring or put him up for adoption somewhere. Felipe will have his work cut out for him finding Pipe.

I wonder where aide and the kids will end up? In with Tino? Damaso? I still cannot believe it understand why Aide transferred her shares to Tino to shield them. It makes zero sense and proves she really is not that good a businessman. On top of that the company owns the house you live in! So much for diversification. Will she join Tino, Rudolph and Felipe on their new start up and bury maxiclik? One can hope, but I'm not sure if I'd want her on my team.


Marvelous Kat. You did a fantastic job on this.

Loved "...(sat around eating bonbons, oh wait that is what I and O would enjoy)"! and "Well upscale black walls are just her cup of tea. I guess that is why she kept the burn patina look in the Casita".

Mar's face fell when Ofelia nixed her taking classes! She never ceases to make Mar's mind up for her. I wish Mar had told Luis first, I'm sure he would have encouraged, not discouraged her.

The little montage of Juan and Camila out and about discussing all they don't have in common fell flat to me. Camila is so horrible, the thought of she and Juan growing closer just makes me cringe. She is so not worthy.

Luis was game to try new food; Leo's face mirrored his disgust and disdain to the point I had to laugh. Juan Diego (the actor) is doing a great job playing this totally unlikeable character with no redeeming qualities.

"Highlight: Luis stopping Ofelia from haranguing his wife. He seems to be getting his fill of Ofelia" was well said Jarifa! I'm nodding my head in vigorous agreement. Ofelia would be wise to be seen but not heard. But we know that won't happen!



Kat, thank you for shining your wise and illuminating light on much that transpired last night.

If Jason had not come in roaring like a freight train to spirit Emi out of the country I sense Tino might have reacted differently. While Tino should always have Emi's best interests in mind, letting his son go with someone he doesn't know, married to the woman that left her son is likely weighing heavily on his mind.

"Paulina is ready to go home without the kids. Jason's rise colored glasses are getting clearer He asks if she really loves her kids or is she just playing him. Realizing her mistake she backpedals rapidly". Thank you for explaining this with crystal clear clarity. There was definitely tension but I didn't realize she actually said out loud she wants to go without her supposedly beloved children. Red flag for certain.

Pipe never leaving Mexico was a shock. The poor little kid!! I have faith Felipe will find him.

"Will she join Tino, Rudolph and Felipe on their new start up and bury maxiclik? " I can't wait to see what she does once she processes Guzman's hateful revenge.

The one thing I did get right was Lichita telling Aide she (Lichita) needed to get back to her desk! :)

Thank you for your generous time in sorting all of this out. It is so appreciated.


Las Hijas
Diana, no, O needs to be heard. Even her soliloquizing is great comic relief. This show so far isn't doing murder and mayhem ( Graciela accidentally falling under the bus notwithstanding) and narco stuff is exactly the type of show I need for mindless escapism. Well not so mindless as I stop and look up new to me words throughout or fish for words just out of reach in my mind to describe something. Does adding a new language stifle your old vocabulary? asking for a friend 😂. Other seniors ( I'm not quite medicare eligible yet but it's fast approaching) do suduko, etc. I never loved math so new language learning is what I'm hoping will keep my brain active. Level 107 in Duolingo Spanish. 25 in French.


Diana, thank you for great recap of an episode with lots of revelations .
Kat, thank you for the extras.

Wow, so many twists and turns .

Hmmm Val didn't seem too blue to leave her beloved casita when she took the Virgin of Guadalupe to her fancy new abode . ha

Ofelia is getting more and more brazen. She is living the dream thanks to Mar's pregnancy and Luis's concern for Mar. O is getting more and more comfortable in her new position of mother of the lady of the manor. Her nagging of Mar never ceases , and I doubt that Luis's scolding will stop it . Luis is weakening , while Ofelia just gets bossier and more arrogant .

O has now taken control of the meal offerings...the bario comes to the mansion...Ofelia's face showed utter bliss as she dug into that meal, which looked very gray and gooey as the maid plopped a portion on each plate . The actress is a master. She has been in so many novelas , but I think this is her first leading role.

What is O planning regarding Rocio? O always schemes to her advantage.



P.s. chicaronnes is fried pork skin often eaten in tacos . Not for me. Susan

Las Hijas

Thanks Kat! Fantastic recap! And Adriana, for yesterday's gem! Thank goodness it's finally Saturday and I can catch up and relax a little!

Graciela didn't survive the bus, and I hope Luis lives long enough to survive O! I agree she has her funny moments, but I can't handle the controlling shrew of it all. I keep thinking it would have been interesting to see the friendship between Nic and Mar develop if O hadn't stepped all over it! Speaking of friendships, should we have any room at all to hope that Mar actually does suspect Paula and is just doing the whole 'keep your enemies closer' routine?? Probably not, but I'd sure like it if Mar had more edge than the dumb gullible shell, she projects herself to be.

I've also been wondering if maybe Val has three admirers? Hector seems a little impressed with her too...she definitely has an effect on men.

Cami is pretty horrible but she's also pathetic which makes me feel a little sorry for her. She's running out of friends. Her BFF - is crazy in a nut house somewhere, mom is dead, auntie is dead, her brothers love her but don't understand her, her sis-in-law is a nightmare, her dad has no idea what to do with her...... I'm surprised to say it, but I'd actually like to see her redeemed, I feel like there is a really vulnerable side to Cami - we've seen it in the moments when she was taken aback by Mar or Val offering her genuine friendship, and it was compelling. I want to see more of it.



Susan, you can save the chicharrones for me. Delicious with lime juice in them. ; )


I also am finding Ofelia more interesting. The actress is doing a great job. I recall her in supporting roles, but here she gets to show her broad range of skill as she portrays this complex character. However, I wish she’d stop pestering Mar!

I think Hector is interested in Val, too! Things may get interesting. I think Arturo looked surprised about her apartment, or was it Nico? It’s a corporate apartment. Who offered it to her?

Chicharrones are an acquired taste for foreigners. I never was too fond of them, but they are very crunchy and would add flavor to tacos. IIRC, George W Bush is a fan!

I see glimmers of a nice kid in Camila. She is horribly spoiled. Perhaps her outbursts and attitude were a way to get attention while competing with three older brothers? I don’t see how she and Juan can make it work unless they move to a neutral site. Maybe the baby will soften things. It might ease things with both families. So, I hope the few glimmers of niceness in C will grow!

Wonderful recaps and comments!




Kat, "Does adding a new language stifle your old vocabulary? asking for a friend 😂" had me laughing away. Too funny.

Agree that Ofelia's censoring what she says would diminish the enjoyment of this conflicting character. I do think though that her continuing harping on Mar is irritating Luis and she might well be out of a place to live. I think she'd be quite comfortable in Val's new not so humble abode except that there would be no one to wait on her hand and foot. :)



Susan, thank you for your kind words and stalwart support.

"Hmmm Val didn't seem too blue to leave her beloved casita when she took the Virgin of Guadalupe to her fancy new abode" was a great observation and was spot on!

Maria Sorte is making the most of her every second on screen. What a resume she has! It is so great to finally see her in a leading role isn't it?? Having a woman "of a certain age" in the leading role is sadly a rare exception.

I don't know what Ofelia has in mind for Rocio. It will be interesting to see.



I think I am starting to get the headings mixed up....Papas?...hijas???

Anyhoo, Diana , i laughed at your comment about O perhaps moving in with Val if she keeps nagging Mar and irritates poor Luis !!! I think that would be a definite step down for O after her a long, hard, tenecious social climb. She was like a special forces Ranger struggling up a cliff. Susan


Susan, Hijas, Papas, it's all good!

Yup, Ofelia is "a special forces Ranger struggling up a cliff" just great.

We're all having so much fun chiming in on all the action...:)



Thanks, Diana, for your great recap. And thanks to Kat for filling in details of conversations. Tino had put the kids shares in Guzman’s name, or a trust. But I thought Fed had switched a paper or folder out. I could be wrong, but I wonder if Guzman really had all those shares. Also, I don’t understand why he’s been out to get Aide. Is it just spite because she never loved him. He was particularly obnoxious last night.

I know Jason is rushing things with the kids but I’m hoping that once he realizes that Paulina doesn’t really want them he will have enough feelings for them to bring Emi to the states for the surgery.



Liking this novela but I have been jnable to find a character list that is complete anywhere. This is what I put together.

Enrique Ferrer- candidate for president
Inés Avendaño-his wife and her father supported Enriqueand paid for his college education. She lost a 6 month baby girl.
Patricio-their son and the drugged/drink driver of the car in the accident.
Adrián-another son
Alejandra-Patricio’s girlfriend stricken by guilt over the accident
Francisco-Inés’ father and another politician

Mariana Avendaño-Ines’ sister, mother of Memo
Memo Solís-“Mr. Instigator” is her son who leads a kind of double life.

Elena Leal-mother of the Saldaña boys in accident: Toby who died and Daniel who was hospitalized.
Omar-Elena’s husband

Roberto-“The Fury” prosecutor
Karina-Roberto’s almost ex and campaign manager for Enrique and also his lover
Roberto has two assistants: red headed Victoria Jiménez and a new guy Joaquín Rivas who is interested in Luciana.
His boss is played by Juan Carlos Barreto.
He had a sister and a niece who were killed which was the motivation to leave his law practice and become a government prosecutor.

Luciana-Enrique and Ines’ god-daughter and also Sofía’s grand-daughter. She wants out to find out truth about her dead father’s fraud conviction. Francisco is possibly involved. Luciana baby sits Roberto’s daughter. Joaquín is interested in her but she isn’t in him.

Sofía Durán-grief counselor and Luciana’s grandmother who raised her after her parents’ death on the way to a birthday party. Could Francisco have been involved?

Gabi-Roberto and Karina’s daughter.

What I know . . .

Joaquín tells Luciana that Roberto is only interested in her to get more info on the accident investigation involving Enrique’s family.

Roberto sees Joaquín in a very friendly chance encounter with Luciana. He now believes that her only interest in him is to get info about the accident investigation so she can inform Enrique.

Joaquín lets Luciana know that Roberto supposedly wants to get back with his almost ex.

Roberto is prepared to try to get back with his almost ex but then sees her making out with Enrique.


Las Hijas

Thanks Kat, I really enjoyed your recap. I guess I have to admit Ofelia does add to this show. But I was so mad when she was such a downer on Mar’s wanting to go back to school. Just because Ofelia would love simply running a house with cooks and maids she thinks Mar should love it. I did enjoy Luis telling her off. Although if she gets thrown out I picture her in their little house. She burned it so she deserves it. Plus I don’t want to watch she and Val arguing constantly.

I love how the rich don’t want to eat their own country’s food. I almost liked Camila enjoying simple pleasures with Juan until she turned up her nose at the street food. I hope she doesn’t get pregnant!



That’s a very helpful list, Jarifa!

One change might be that I think Adrian was the driver. Patricio has been living abroad and just showed up late this week.

There is definitely something fishy about the earlier deaths and Francisco looks guilty of something or everything!

I don’t know why, but I sense some reluctance in Enrique, so perhaps not completely black-hearted. Ines is his strong supporter, but she might have a conscience. Francisco seems like the mastermind!

I don’t trust Joaquin.

Can’t wait for Soler to appear! Hope he’s a good guy.

Thank you for the great list! It really helps to keep people straight!




Liz, I also recall Fed hiding a page from the document, so here’s hoping it’s not complete legally. She is usually up to no good, but this might help Aide.



Thanks, Babachita for the correction. I appreciate it. Keeping track of names of characters is always a challenge for me. As for Joaquín, he does seem “too smart” for his own good. I like Soler, too. Hopefully, we do not have to wait too long. This started here before Mexico so there is nowhere to look ahead. ; (


Jarifa, thank you . There are so many excellent actors and actresses in this one.

In the last episode , it looked like Roberto might still be in love with his ex , and he saw her kissing Enrique.

I don't know most of the young actors , but the guy who was in the coma was in Fugitivas. His father was the horrible, scary barrio criminal in Receta.

I am a big fan of Claudia Martin ever since Receta. Susan


Yes, Fed might be holding the document that is the key to stopping dreadful Guzman . However, she won't want to help Aide .

Will we ever find out who the twins' father is ? susan


Susan, you and me both when it comes to the young actors. Claudia Martín has grown on me over the years and novelas I have seen her in.

Poor Roberto! Anyone can read him like a book. He would be a bad poker player.


Liz, thank you for your always nice comments.

The intensity of Guzman's spiteful hatred for Aide really shocked me. "Is it just spite because she never loved him". Liz, I think you nailed it - what else could it possibly be? She was his staunch supporter and friend for years, but I guess he couldn't forgive her for rejecting his rather secretive (and evidently sick) love.

After Paulina's mask drops, I also hope Jason does the right thing for Emi too.

I appreciate you and Babachita bringing up the missing page in the documents Tino signed. Fed might be holding onto that to force or blackmail Tino into something, perhaps to keep Aide from losing her CEO status and home.



I'm wondering where all the money Guzman supposedly paid Tino for the shares is when Igor set up the bank account. Tino could be sitting pretty and able to bail Aide out. I thought Guzman had a crush on Luchita in high school.

There was something I wanted to add or clarify on this show but it has slipped my mind.



I remember now. Paulina was talking to Lila at the school. Lila has told her friends she is an only child. Paulina questions are you ashamed of Emi. Lila isn't ashamed but she has felt dad loves Emi more, it's always about Emi and his health. Paulina actually seemed upset about this and perhaps is seeing how wrong she was to abandon them. Id like for her to be redeemed for the kids sake and co parent with Tino ( and Aide after they make up )


I remember that unexpected moment, Kat. It seemed out of character for her. But, some characters do seem to grow/improve in this tale. It does give a little hope that she might come around. I don’t like her husband being sneaky, but he may help them get help for Emi. It would be wonderful for the kids if their parents work together.



Kat, I also thought Guzman liked Lichita back in the day. The intensity of what he must have felt for Aide wasn't apparent. Until now...

I hadn't realized Lila said she was an only child so thank you for noting that as well as the fact Paulina was upset.

Babachita, I hope the writers didn't bring Paulina back only to disappear from her children's lives again. Paulina may not be able (or want to) be a full time parent but perhaps it would be possible to co-parent with Tino. Not sure how Jason would feel about that though. I think he would want them all, not part of the time. I just want Lila and Emi to be happy.



Susan, my money is still on Dámaso being the twins father.

In view of what's transpired and seeing how heinous he is, it can't be Guzman.


Las hijas
(or Las papas LOL - goes both ways)

Greats comments everyone, I loved reading everything after getting through Kat's amazing recap.

I didn't get how Val was still upset with Art, but then they kissed and made up yet again. I'm tired with these two.
The new apartment looks great. Is it in Nick's building or not?? The patio demands to know.

Camila might have her nice moments, but I silmply can't stand her. She screams to much, and I find her just nasty. How Susana can like someone like this is beyond me.

I can't help but enjoy Ofelia's highjinks. Mar needs to grow a pair and put her in her place a bit, but she is so entertaining.

Juegos #9

What did Joaquin do that was against the rules when he questioned Alejandra. I'm assuming some break in police protocol but I didn't understand.

Francisco admitted he stole the money and invested it in Enrique's political career. I think he sort of admitted to setting up the accident that killed Lucy's parents ( I'm going to shorten her name as they call her it at times).

Enrique does seem to be not totally bad but by trying to cover up his sons accident he is going to the dark side and won't be able to get out.

The look on moms face when Patricio showed up after telling her sister it's best he stays away until after the campaign, lol.


Kat you are correct about mom's (Ines) expression when Patricio (her other son) showed up. Well Enrique probably will be disappointed as well. Wonder if Patricio's novio came home with him? Apparently Memo and German might want Patricio to stay around ! We should see this coming week.


Kat, Joaquín tried to pressure Alejandra with info he dug up on her father who didn't pay taxes on his snack shop for a while. He said that her father could be arrested but wouldn't be if she cooperated. Roberto reminded him that extortion was illegal and if he committed one more mistake, he would transfer him out of his office.

I agree that Patricio doesn't seem to be an evil man but he is being snookered into the dark side (as you said) by his son's accident and his crooked father-in-law.


Yes, Ines didn't look happy when she heard that Patricio was coming home , but her sister was standing behind her with a gleeful look on her face .

Is Roberto trying to go back to his ex? He wasn't happy to see her kissing Enrique. Susan


Jarifa, thanks for the explanation. I had no idea that was what he did. Extortion and tax evasion aren't words I've learned yet, lol.

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