Tuesday, April 10, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #75 Tuesday 4/10/12 Two deluded men, an insecure freak, a (maybe) reformed alcoholic.

La que no podía amar, April 10, 2012, Cap. 75

Two deluded men, an insecure freak, a (maybe) reformed alcoholic

Hello again, I'm starting to run on empty, so will try to give you a run-down on tonight's episode and flesh it out when the video capture has finished processing. I won't promise anything heroically thorough, though.

Let's start us out with a screencap of Rohell.

Rohell has a heart-to-heart chat with Cupcake, unaware that she's got plenty of drama that she's not sharing with him. (This scene was shot during Jorge Salinas's recovery from near death, and had to be filmed in his very real hospital room.   You can see that he still looks thin and gaunt from his ordeal.)

A synopsis of tonight's episode (not in complete perfect order):

* Gus doesn't understand why Cupcake doesn't fall into his arms, now that she's got a mini-Gus in the oven, but she says she needs to talk to her husband and sort things out. She also is afraid of Gus confronting said husband, for fear that he will do violence. She couldn't live with that. Gus isn't sure if she'd feel guilt or love if something happened to him? (Or I want to add, fear for her husband if he were to lose it and do violence?)

Delusional Gustavito tries to convince the Cupcake that all she feels for Rohell is "gratitude," but Cupcake (and Viewerville) have their doubts about that.

* Gus stupidly tells Sin that he got the Cupcake with a bun in the oven. He assures Sin that the Cupcake impregnation happened when he and Sin were not together (so he wasn't cheating on her), but this does nothing to make Sin feel better. She begs him and wants to marry him, but he's pretty much decided that it's Cupcake all the way for him.

A tip for Sin: Being so transparently desperate and needy is not a good tactic for snagging a man.

* Vainessa has a talk with her mom's doctor. It's official, mom is off her rocker. Later Vainessa has her mom committed (or put in a rest home or some sort of facility) which makes her feel no better. She even confesses to Sin that she was wrong in blaming Cupcake for her father's death, now realizing that it was her bonkers mom who caused papa's demise. But ever-bitchy Sin urges Vain to not apologize to Cupcake, that'll just embolden Cupcake to demand her half of the dad's inheritance.

* Miguel is still sober.

* Little Margarito stands again. Ernesto is there to make sure he is okay. This delights the whole hacienda. Margarito will have to keep his oh-so fetching neck brace on for a while and do exercises, but he'll recover.

Margarito is on the mend, and is into groundbreaking fashion with a fetching neck collar.

* Miguel has a confrontation with Ulysses and Macaria. It doesn't go well. They still are mourning their daughter and think Miguel is the culprit.

* Consuelo gets "permission" to work with Ulysses and Macaria from Cupcake. She tells Cupcake that she doesn't want to see Miguel, the supposed murderer of Maripaz. Cupcake tries to set Consuelo straight about Miguel's innocence, but Consuelo politely says she doesn't believe it, yet is grateful to Cupcake.

* Some bullcrap scene with Chio seeing Esteban and Mersnotty yukking it up at the San Gabriel restaurant and accusing them of being a couple behind Chio's back. No amount of explaining helps. Go away, Chio, go away. I'm just saying.

* After more lather-rinse-repeat handwringing and worrying about Cupcake's pregnancy, what will Rohell do, blah blah blah, Maria says she used to think that Cupcake coming to the Hacienda was a good thing that would make everything better, but now she's not so sure! She's worried about Sinthia's happiness.

* In a rather gobsmacking amazing turn of events, Ernesto's bratty daughter is brattily snooping through his letters in his office and finds a letter written by Mersnotty which basically advises Ernesto to forget about her (Mersnotty) and that his daughter is the most important thing. This completely changes bratty daughter and she regrets giving Mersnotty a hard time and believes (finally) that there was never anything inappropriate between them when Ernesto was married. She gives Ernesto the green light to be happy with Mersnotty.

The little snot actually sees the light. Now if Ernesto marries Mersnotty, he can have a snotty wife and a snotty daughter!

* Ernesto tells Cupcake that Rohell is wanting to have an operation so he can walk again. It has its risks, but he's a good candidate and has hopes of walking again. This delights Cupcake, but she's worried because of the risks. Also, it seems like Rohell's got it in his head that he wants to do this for Cupcake, as he will now be a "complete" man, even though Cupcake has repeatedly said that his malfunction isn't in his legs, it's his sometimes crappy personality and horrible temper.

Maria is elated at the news that Rohell may walk again and is over-the-top with her effusive excitement, hugging and kissing a bemused Ernesto.

* Ernesto urges Cupcake to not tell Rohell anything that will distress him—this surgery requires that the patient have a good frame of mind, and some distracting drama (like, you know, a man's wife being PREGNANT BY HIS SISTER'S NOVIO) might be detrimental to the success of the surgery. Okay, so now we have an actual doctor-sanctioned excuse to keep Rohell in the dark about what's going on! LOL.

* Ernesto also stresses that if the surgery is a success, that there will be a long, arduous recovery time, like months and months.

* Rohell calls the Hacienda and we have another Jorge Salinas hospital room scene (and we see that he still looks pretty thin, haunted, and gaunt after his near-death illness). Rohell tells Cupcake that he wants to walk again, to be a "complete" man for her—that maybe they can have kids of their own now! At this Cupcake places her hand over her already-occupied womb and has a look of extreme guilt. Rohell blathers on with childlike hope and optimism (so we know the anvil is poised over him fer shure) about how she is his whole world (anvil! anvil! It's just about to drop!) and how much he loves her, blah blah blah. Well, what can a girl do, but keep silent about the guy's sister's novio knocking her up—I mean, I ask you, what to do, what to do!

Rohell gives some lame-ass excuse for disappearing in the middle of the night with no warning. He says that he wanted to walk so bad and come back to her on his own two feet. Or something. They had to come up with something to explain Rohell's sudden disappearance, after poor Jorge Salinas fell so suddenly—and critically—ill, so we'll cut them some slack.

Cupcake is happy to hear from Rohell, finally.

A guilt-ridden gesture of holding her pregnant, mini-Guscake-filled belly, while Rohell obliviously prattles on with optimism, bless him.

* Rohell and Cupcake also talk about the recovery time of this surgery. It would extend past the contract duration. At first Rohell sighs and resignedly thinks that she'll bail when the year is up, but she assures him it's not that, and she'd stick around to look after him, but it's just that . . . but of course she can't tell him that she'll be in an "interesting" state herself, since she's got a mini-Guscake in her oven. Then Rohell talks about how she's given him hope, and he thinks that being a whole man again will help him win her. She stresses to him that he should do this surgery for himself only, not for her sake. (Again thinking of the mini-Guscake and what his reaction might be to that.)

Rohell talks animatedly about his hopes for the success of the surgery.

* Cupcake seems genuinely loving and happy to talk to Rohell, unlike her somewhat queasy and guilt-ridden exchanges with Gus.

* Evil Skelator tells that one Cattleman Association guy that Rohell spiked his beef with the clebuterol crap or whatever it is. Cattleman guy is appalled and angered that Rohell (who is usually so on the up-and-up) would do anything so underhanded. An emergency meeting is planned on what to do about this, as Rohell's (supposed) misdeed could besmirch the reputation of all the cattlemen in the region.

A fellow rancher is incredulous at the suggestion that Rohell would dope his cows with an illegal substance, but evil Skelator works hard to convince him.

* Ernesto is so happy to see Mersnotty in San Gabriel, but she snottily gives him the cold shoulder, because she thinks he never left a note telling her where he went. (When in fact he left it in her room but it fell in the floor.)

* Sin is freaking out over being dumped by Gus. She tells Vain that she really, really, super-really loved Gus and wants to marry him forever and ever.

* Some sort of FF scene where Tia goes outside and is repulsed by all the creepy crawlies, like insects and snakes, that are on the hacienda grounds. Efrian is on hand to taunt her and tease her about her squeamishness.

Efrian teases a squeamish Tia about all the unsavory critters that will be surely crawling up her leg any minute now.

* Skelator and Tia have a conversation about Rohell's surgery and possible regained mobility. Tia thinks it's great—now Cupcake won't have any "excuse" to reject Rohell, because he'll be rich, handsome, AND able-bodied! As soon as they can deal with the little inconvenience of the baby . . . Skelator is not happy, because he doesn't want Rohell to be happy (and walking certainly would make Rohell happy) plus Rohell would be out and about and not as easier to fool if he could walk. Skelator is still hoping that with Rohell gone, Cupcake has the right to sign documents for Rohell or something? (I am forgetting something here.) Anyway, the two evil ones conspire and plot.

* Gus acknowledges that Rohell is a good guy and ordinarily he'd like him, if it weren't that he's taking Cupcake away from him (Gus). He thinks it's a good thing that Rohell may walk again, because then they both can fight for Cupcake, man-to-man!

* Earlier in the episode, Gus overhears Hugo lament that even though he loves Dani, she's got a thing for that loser Miguel, and no matter what a guy does, if a girl isn't into him, she isn't into him . . . Gus has a thoughtful look after overhearing this bit of wisdom, as it echoes what may be happening to him—the Cupcake just ain't into him as much as she should be.

That's all, folks. I am tapped out for this week! END OF RECAP!!!

Avances: Something with Sin wanting to conspire against the Cupcake. She's becoming unhinged in her freaky neediness.


Una Familia Con Suerte #201-202 Tue 4/10/12 This episode brought to you by the Riviera Maya board of commerce!

I missed the first 1/2 hour. Sorry folks!

The kids and Lupita are seeing a social worker. She's going to be pulled out of that house, and they give her a room at la casa popular. UH OH is Temo gonna have a thing with her? He gives her a wink and a kiss on the forehead, after pledging to protect her himself.

Enzo comes to menace Pepe some more on Monica's account.

Pancho and Rebe are having more lovey scenes, this time in a discoteca surrounded by drugged-up ravers waving glow-in-the-dark pool noodles. That is all. No dialogue, no nothing, just hugging. Cut back to a more interesting story.

Two older people (unfamiliar to me) are having relationship trouble... oh, it's Rebe's parents. Her mom calls up to complain just as Pancho is about to get some smooches, and he shuffles around awkwardly while they talk.

Chela wants Enzo to butt out of his daughter's love-life. They're adults, let them work it out on their own.

The surest sign of a throwaway riviera maya scene: the two-pictures-at-once effect. This time Pancho browbeats Rebe into going parasailing with him.

For the 5th time this show, Ana falls for the Kari-pretending-to-be-with-Fred gag. She's helping him move his stuff out of his parents' place, and calls him "mi amor." YET AGAIN Ana storms off without investigating.

pajaros en el alambre... Vins calls to tell Candi that he's finally getting rid of that old witch. She's pretty happy.

Ana is in tears. I guess she's also sad that Fred is moving away. But mostly about Kari.

Now Pancho and Rebe are going on Jet-Skis. I have the feeling that the tourism board of the Mayan Riviera got some advertising bucks in.

Arnold is sad about Candi, but is willing to accept the consolation of a bald gay guy with a silly mustache... at least until the uber-masculine half of his personality takes charge and chides him about it after the guy leaves. He tries to take his crisis of sexuality to Pina for advice, but she's more interested in her self-help book and her discovery that she may be a mercurial person.

Nayeli's dad shows up to grab her, despite all assurances that she would not be found.

Either Moni changed her look or she's wearing a wig... She has come to menace Frida, who is pretty funny. "What are you going to do, Frenchy?" She's been in real fights, and she isn't going to let Moni push her away from Pepe. BUT Moni gives her a little slap and they get to girl-fighting for real, complete with hair-pulling. A bunch of pedestrians hangs around egging them on. It seems like Moni might have been winning, but Pepe shows up and takes about 10 minutes in an attempt to break them out. He hoists up Moni and puts her down in a waiting convertible. She climbs out. He puts her back in. She climbs out again. He puts her back in again.

The SWAT team shows up to help w/ the kidnapping! Tomas too. Ahhh, he's actually still in cop school, but it still seems like a pretty quick turnaround. He wants to help him, and they all head out.

Another dull Rebe/Pancho scene, this time in some hotel, wearing fluffy bathrobes.

Pepe tries to patch Moni up, and she whines about Frida. I get my first good look at her new style. God, her hair is AWFUL! Pepe says Frida needs him more than Moni does.

At the same time, Frida is patching herself up, not whining about the disinfectant. She definitely got the worst of this fight. I guess crazy beats streetsmart.

The SWAT team is outside some broken-down old industrial building. The girl is screaming inside, and Tomas swiftly kicks in the door (sweet!). The cops grab the dad and everything is good her.

Temo gets the news about Nayeli. She's in the hospital, and she has lesions. Doc Oc appears to have his mojo back. Anyway, Temo unbuttons the top button of his shirt and races off to meet them.

Next, brought to you by the tourism board of the riviera maya, fishing on a fancy boat, with Rebe and Pancho! There's a funny phrase for when you get something on the hook (a bite) - ya pescaste! Anyway, Pancho pulls a huge heart out of the water on his fishing line.

Pepe lets Frida know that he's quitting his job and won't be able to hang out with her. Moni gave him no choice. Very sad. Frida is so much better than Moni.

Vins will "reconquer" Candi, as he tells her at dinner. He admits that he's done some terrible things, and she nods quite earnestly!

Nayeli wakes up to the sight of Temo, with some memory loss. Multi-side-plot-power activate! child-abuse, amnesia, and a love story (my money is on this turning into an itty-bitty love triangle, like the rest of Temo's family).

Ado is very sweet to Pina as they talk about selling the house, trying to make sure she knows how to be happy.

This coming to you from the Riviera Maya board of commerce: Pancho and Rebe get in a taxi.

But now they come home, and there's some kind of commotion happening inside. The enjoy a last peaceful moment before entering in. "But everyone's talking at once!" "That's what the Lopez do..." "We're both Lopez now." Aww, they were all waiting for the pair to get home. Doc Oc has a very touching speech about how much he loves them all, and they're the family he always wanted. He tells them about his Alzheimer's. Interesting timing. "Welcome home Pancho, I have Alzheimer's!"


El Talismán #50 Tue 4/10/12 Bribes, A Fight and Wills

Previously on El Talisman:
Pedro, Cameel, and Lucrazy are arguing in front of El Tal
Pedro grins at Cameela, grabs Lucrazy and kisses her as
Cameela turns her back.

Today on El Talisman:
El Viral is in Pedro's office thinking about money and has a fantasy
that money if falling all over her, as she grins like the mad woman she is
Then reality sets in and she realizes it was a pipe dream. She asks why
why can't I be happy?

Pedro asks Lucrazy to leave and he tells Cameela to come with him.
They go into El Tal and Pedro explains to Cameela about the cheque and
how he isn't able to issue a new one, due to Mariana's frozen account.
She tells Pedro Dr. Raul told her why and how Pedro married Mariana.
Pedro says he never wanted Cameela to be unhappy. During this conversation
Dr. Raul calls to make sure Cameela got there to get El Viral. Pedro tells him she
is right there, but Dr. Raul says he didn't call to speak to her, but to Pedro.
He tells Pedro he has heard from Margarito who wants to reconcile with
Claudio. After Pedro hangs up, he and Cameela continue to talk. She tells
Pedro she doesn't want anything from him. Pedro explains to Cameela that
Mariana wanted Cameela to have this money, because of what Pigorio did
Cameela reiterates she doesn't want anything from Pedro, but he wants the
money, whenever he gets it, to go to El Viral. Cameela asks Pedro to forgive her
for thinking all this time he was a bad guy. They kiss alot, really slow not sucking
off each other's faces. After Pedro and Cameela come up for air, he tells her he
has missed her so very much and he feels like this is a dream. He wants to know
if she loves him, and they keep with the kissing. Pedro tells Cameela so what was
up with you kissing Tonio at the carcel? They talk some more but I didn't get some
of the last of the conversation. It was something about don't you trust me, and
something about being right? Somebody fill this in for me. Cameela tells Pedro
she wants to find her Mother and go, and that she will leave his property. Pedro
takes her to the office and as soon as they get there, she begs Cameela to have
Pedro cut her another cheque! Cameela stalls for time and tells her wait till your
better, and Pedro says as soon as things clear with the bank, he'll make sure
El Viral gets the money.

Meanwhile, Lucrazy is talking to Claudio and he tells her why Cameela has come
to El Tal. Lucrazy wants to know where El Viral is and he tells her. Lucrazy goes to
Pedro's office and starts right in on El Viral, about how pathetic she is, she's an
old lover of Pigorio and good luck with getting any money or getting Cameela back
with Pedro. El Viral ignores her and cries. She finally tells Lucrazy she doesn't care
about the problems of Cameela and Pedro, she just wants the moola.

Pigorio is still talking to Rennie. He wants him to still press the charges to make
sure Tonio never gets out of jail. Rennie tells him you would do this to your own
son? Pigorio says never mind that , are you going to do it? Rennie wants to think
about it but Pigorio says, no thinking, just yes or no? Rennie wants some conditions
but Pigorio says no conditions, and he doesn't have all day. Rennie agrees to the
terms and the money. A lawyer comes by to tell Rennie they will either sue or send
Tonio to the carcel and there is a lot of money involved. Rita couldn't be happier.
Too late, Tonio is out of the carcel, his lawyer sprung him. He is determined to
see this new will. Tonio gets back to Al Catrash and the first person he sees
is Doris. He tells Doris he is out and he wants that divorce tout suite and he
wants to see that will. Doris tells him whatever you want Mi Amor. Pigorio
comes home and asks Tonio what are you doing here? Tonio says he wants
to see that fake will like yesterday. Pigorio tells him it is real, and Tonio's sainted
mother had it done and it is notarized and everything. He takes Tonio to his office
to show him.Pigorio shows Tonio the faked will. Tonio keeps saying this is so fake
and not for realz. Pigorio keeps insisiting it is for realz. Tonio wants to take it and
have it authenticated, but Pigorio tells him it doesn't leave Al Catrash. Tonio takes
the will tears it up right in front of Pigorio and laughs as he does it. Well, Pigorio is
pithed off and fist fights with Tonio. He gives Tonio a bloody lip and Panchito gets
in between them to stop. Pigorio tells Tonio to leave until he can respect him.

Tonio has flashbacks (ed note they should have had these in the beginning of this
TN just sayin) about Tonio when he was a boy, a really nice boy with emotions
before Pigorio basically phyically and emotionally abused all the good feelings out
of Tonio. Tonio goes outside and kicks some trees, and thinks about how he'll show

Doris wants to talk to Brigette. She tells her friend (sorry don't know her name) she
urgently needs to get in touch with her about that fake will of Pigorio's.
Fabi and Army talk. She wants him to meet her family, he doesn't want to because
of what he did to Flor and he is afraid he can't keep his story straight.They have a tiff
and Fabi walks off.

Flor can't make up her mind between Jose and Claudio and she tells her friend that
Army is cute too. Tracy is cleaning again and talking to Flor. Flor tells her that
Claudio is just a friend and Jose is gone. Tracy thinks about what Doris said.
Tracy asks Flor is she is sure about that, and Flor tells her yes. Fabi comes home
and Flor tells her she met Armando and thinks he's fine. Fabi is say what!!!
Army talks to Angel and tells him about the mess he is in. Angel says he
heard from his Mom about some of it. Army doesn't know how he is going to
fix it.

We have another Margarito sighting. He is wondering whether to tell Pedro
that he saw Mariana. And that Mariana might not be dead.

Panchito is talking to Pigorio about Pedro looking for Mariana and about
LA. Pigorio says that Dr Raul said something about somebody seeing Mariana
in LA but that Dr Raul thinks Mariana is dead, and that it must have been a ghost.
While this conversation is going on, he and Panchito drink tequila.

Lucrazy goes to see Jenny, (I don't know if she is the Cameela look-a-like or the
Mariana look-a-like) with some clothes and tells her not to make a mistake and to
be sure Cameela sees her. So there we end today.

Next Time on El Talisman:
Margarito sees Mariana again in an SUV with a nice guy in a suit. Margarito calls her name
and chases after the SUV.

* recap by Madelaine, quick-posted by Blue Lass


Monday, April 09, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #74 Lunes 4/9/12 Another child is waiting... for the Sword of Damocles

That which has passed
Lady Ana Paula has apparently discovered that she is pregnant. Tia MentiRosa loses what is left of her mind.
Current Happenings
Lady Chatterley's Bedchamber: Efrain attempts to distract Lady Chatterley with kisses and caresses, but she is not of a mind for this now. He does not like that she will be marrying Sir Gustavo, declaring that she belongs to him. He doesn't like the idea that she is hiding things from him. He is somewhat relieved when she informs him that the marriage will not take place (He will not marry her for money), but disconcerted when she tells him that this is because Sir Gustavo loves another. He states he does not understand how another woman could be regarded as superior to her. Finally, he suggests the possibility that when she receives her inheritance he might take some of it to start a new life with his ex-fiancee.
Parlour: Maria speaks with His Lordship on the phone – he still does not reveal his whereabouts – then goes running for Lady Ana Paula, leaving a confused Lady Sneerwell alone with the waiting telephone.
Lady Chatterley's Bedchamber: Efrain is truly convinced that he wishes to remain with her. He wishes to approach His Lordship regarding his intentions, but Lady Chatterley tells him he cannot, as her brother would kill him. He does not wish to hear this, stating he has waited forever to have her share his life. Indeed, he may have truly predicted the outcome of this irregular situation as he emphasizes his feelings with some rather brutish kisses.
Miguel's Bedchamber: Tia MentiRosa and Lady Ana Paula have a disagreement regarding the situation. Maria enters to inform Her Ladyship that His Lordship wishes to speak to her. She has to inform him of what has been happening at the ranch. She tells her aunt once and for all that she will do what is best for her child.
Ana Paula: But, Aunt –
Rosaura: Of course it's my business. At least you haven't told Gustavo yet. Wait a little longer.
Ana Paula: Why? For what?
Rosaura: Didn't you hear Maria say that the relationship between Gustavo and Sinthia is serious? They are going to be married.
Ana Paula: No, Aunt. There will not be a wedding.
Rosaura: I don't believe it. Why not?
Ana Paula: Gustavo doesn't want to marry her because he doesn't love her. He still loves me and wants to fight for it.
Rosaura: What does that mean? You can't leave with him. If you do we all have to leave. Miguel, me... where to?
Ana Paula: To begin with, neither he nor Rogelio would care for you and Miguel. That's my problem.
Rosaura: Well. For all that he love you why didn't he think of all that? (Sits on the bed in Fred Sanford mode again) We are your only family. (clutches her chest) And I have a heart condition. And Miguel, well, you know –
Ana Paula: Ay, Aunt, enough! Don't start this over again.
Rosaura: I only tell the truth.
Ana Paula (truly harta): You know what? Leave me alone. Don't start up. Leave me alone, please.
Rosaura: Ay, don't raise your voice. I will help you in any way it suits you.
Ana Paula: All I have to think about is what is best for my child. This I will not discuss with you.
Maria (entering in a hurry): Paula, Paula!
Rosaura: What rudeness! What a way to enter.
Maria: It's Rogelio calling you!
Ana Paula: What? Rogelio has returned to the manor?
Rosaura: No, he's on the telephone.
Rosaura: Let me get my things. Don't argue with me, girl. (stars to exit)
Maria: Vamos! (exits past Rosaura, who prevents Ana Paula from following Maria)
Rosaura: That's a fine thing you've done, Ana Paula. Are you going to tell him that Gustavo broke up with Sinthia for you? Do you think you can be happy with Gustavo and the baby you're going to have?
Lady Ana Paula shakes her head and exits, leaving Tia MentiRosa behind.
Lady Chatterley's Bedchamber: Lady Sneerwell knocks, interrupting the tryst. Lady Chatterley lets her in as our foreman hides in the water closet. Lady Sneerwell informs Lady Chatterley that dinner is ready and that His Lordship has called Lady Ana Paula. Upon hearing that she is not yet on the phone with him, Lady Chatterley runs for the door, hoping to get to the telephone first. After her departure, Efrain speculates that His Lordship will consent to him marrying his sister once he knows that Margarito is his son and heir. We shall see.
Parlour: Her Ladyship picks up the telephone, but the line is dead. Poor service reigns in Chiapas. Just as Maria tells her she still does not know His Lordship's whereabouts the telephone rings again, but it is a wrong number. Lady Chatterley enters, demanding to speak to her brother, but is informed that the line went dead. She then orders Maria to send for her first the next time he calls before exiting with Lady Sneerwell. She pointedly looks at her unwanted sister-in-law during that exchange, obviously delivering a nasty snub. Lady Ana Paula then suggests to Maria that they continue their conversation in a less public place.
Miguel's Bedchamber: He finally acknowledges that he is an alcoholic because of his blackouts. She assures him she knows he didn't kill Maripaz. He is willing to go to AA. He tells Lady Daniela he loves her. They kiss as a new love song is played. He promises to become a better person for both their sakes.
Galván Mansion: Sad music plays as Vainessa cries. She is looking at the photo of her father, wishing he were there to help her in her current problems.
Corridor: Her Ladyship informs Maria that she is in a delicate condition. Ominous music plays.
Miguel's Bedchamber: Consuelo knocks, interrupting the next kiss. Lady Daniela excuses herself to get some secretarial work done for Skelator and exits. Consuelo enters with a food tray and refuses to speak to Miguel “I don't talk to killers.”
Corridor: Her Ladyship is worried about Maria's opinion, but it isn't an issue. Maria is only concerned that she care for herself and the baby. And that His Lordship not find out that Sir Gustavo is the father.
Ana Paula: You must be thinking the worst of me.
Maria: No. What I think isn't important. Now what you have to do is take care of the baby.
Ana Paula: What do you want to say, Maria?
Maria: That you have to take care of yourself.
Ana Paula: I don't know. I only know I can't do anything to put my baby's life in danger.
Maria: It is also important to think about what you are going to do.
Ana Paula: I have to tell Rogelio what is happening.
Maria: Don't leave.
Ana Paula: No, Maria. I have to tell him as soon as possible. The next time he calls I will.
Maria: But, Paula, if you do that there will be tragedy. Please don't tell him that Gustavo is the father.
Miguel's Bedchamber: He tells Consuelo that other people's opinions of him matter not, but hers do. She is angry at having lost her dearest friend, who had been like a sister to her. She parcels out the guilt in abundance, citing Maripaz's ambitions, how she was loved, and the pain her parents are experiencing. Because of him. They cannot sleep, have no desire to run their business or do anything because their only daughter is dead … And he has his previous girlfriend back. She insists that he tell her what happened, but he still has no memory of that night. Consuelo is then completely fed up, convinced that he must be guilty, and leaves the room.
Corridor: Moments of truth take place.
Maria: Think about it, Paula. Please.
Ana Paula (crying): I know this is a very precarious situation.
Maria: Sinthia told me Gustavo broke up with her over you.
Ana Paula: That's it. Gustavo doesn't want to marry Sinthia because he doesn't love her.
Maria: And because he continues to love you. (sad music beings) You're having a baby and this will destroy Rogelio and Sinthia.
Ana Paula: Ay, Maria, I don't want to be the cause of that.
Maria: Then don't tell Rogelio that the baby is Gustavo's. Tell him it's your ex-fiance's but not his name. Not his name. (opera music begins)
Ana Paula: But I don't want to deceive him any more. Every time it gets worse. I can't do this anymore, Maria, because I can't take any more. Besides, where is Rogelio? Doesn't he think that's important to me? How could he leave without saying anything to me? (Maria hugs her)
Maria: Remember he wanted to surprise you. We don't know where he is but of course he's thinking of you. That's why he just called you.
Ana Paula: In all things I thought the same. But once he knows I'm pregnant he won't want anything to do with me.

Maria embraces her comfortingly as the music swells to opera-level anguish.
A (real) Hospital Room in D.F.:* His Lordship looks disappointed as the telephone line goes dead. Dr Ernesto enters with an envelope of X-Rays and the news that he can operate on him. There is the possibility that the operation will enable him to walk again. Dr Ernesto warns him that there is a chance it will not be efficacious, but he is willing to try. He wants to be whole again... for Her Ladyship. They discuss returning to San Gabriel to inform everyone of their plans, including establishing a proper clinic there.
Ernesto: Have you spoken with Paula?
Rogelio: No. The call was cut off and without communication capability I can't find out what's happening at the estate.
Ernesto: I see. (taking out an x-ray sheet) Rogelio, I came to talk to you about your test results. (hands it to him)
Rogelio (looking at it): And?
Ernesto: What we were hoping for. I can operate and with good fortune you will regain the use of your legs.
Rogelio (laughing): By Jove! I'm..I'm... happy to get an opportunity I didn't think existed.
Ernesto: Well, I have to have to make you aware that after the surgery you still be the same. You might not recuperate movement.
Rogelio: Yes, I know, but at least for now I have hope. I want to take the risk.
Ernesto: You're doing this for Paula.
Rogelio: Of course. I want to be a man. A whole man for her. For my Paula. (Their love theme plays as he smiles.) Can you imagine how surprised Paula would be? I'm sure this will change many things. I know once she knows she'd come with me through all of this.
Ernesto: So, therefore let's go back to the estate tomorrow to give her the good news.
Rogelio: No; I can't go. I want you to see Margaro. I know it's some time before we know if he can walk or not. Check up on things, let me know what is gong on, and I'll stay here for the test that hasn't been done.
Ernesto: Of course; I agree. Before I go I'll have to stop off at Tuxtla to get the radiologist to take him to the estate and also to see my daughter.
Rogelio: So all should go well.
Ernesto: It would give me great pleasure to tell Mercedes of our association.
Rogelio: And we can begin building the clinic in San Gabriel. (They exchange a slight conspiratorial look, Rogelio rubs his hands together in delight, but then both look slightly apprehensive)
*This clearly is a scene shot in Jorge Salinas' hospital room; we can see from his paleness and the tired pain in his eyes he is not well. Pero, que actor; que hombre.
Kitchen: Lady Sneerwell has prepared Lady Chatterley's favorite meal and as Lady Chatterley praises it, asks her how she can help. Lady Chatterley informs her of the broken engagement and how she doesn't understand how Sir Gustavo can do this, as she could make him forget Lady Ana Paula.
Lady Ana Paula's Bedchamber: Sad music plays as Margarito still lies in bed, clad in his plaids and neck brace. Her Ladyship enters. He asks what she talked about with His Lordship and she tells him that the call was cut off. The boy is worried about his adoption. Her Ladyship tells him that she does not know what will become of her marriage to Lord Rogelio. Margarito asks about Sir Gustavo, but Lady Ana Paula says not to say more of this. Finally, she lays on the bed next to him, telling him she loves him and wants to take care of him (Margarito). He tells her that he would want to go with her if she leaves.
Kitchen: Maria sits at the table pensively drinking her afternoon coffee as Consuelo enters. They discuss Miguel. Maria is certain that Consuelo is in love with him. Maria herself is certain that Miguel had nothing to do with Maripaz' death. The police have found no proof so they can draw no conclusions.
Miguel's Bedchamber: Lady Daniela enters, happy that Miguel has decided to get treatment for his drinking problem. He is still anguished at Consuelo's condemnation. Lady Daniela proclaims her love and support. Their music sounds optimistic but then bittersweet.
Lady Ana Paula's Bedchamber: Sad music underscores Her Ladyship looking pensively at her reflection in the full-length mirror.
Ana Paula (with a maternal gesture): My love, if you were here I'd tell you everything. Forgive me for having to do this. But I love you and I want you to be happy. I swear to you I will fight for this.
Corridor, then Parlour: Underscored by opera storm music one evil pair attempts to plan.
Bruno (almost charging into the parlour): No, no, Rosaura, this can't be. This can't be! Paula can't be pregnant!
Rosaura (following): I had hoped not. She is an unthinking fool. By God, she's a nurse. She should have taken care of herself!Bruno (grabbing her arms and staring bug-eyed into her face): This can't be! How could she have had sex with that idiot Gustavo? We will lose everything!Rosaura (breaking his hold): Yes! I kept telling her that. What do we do?Bruno: Knowing Rogelio, this is something he will not forgive. Ever.Rosaura: Then we will lose everything. Home, accomodations...Bruno: Of course, of course. Me, too. Everything I've sacrificed, everything I've done –Rosaura: That fool. I don't know what she wants with that filthy brat.
Tia MentiRosa will surely face the fires of hell for that.
Galván Mansion: On the telephone, Vainessa attempts to persuade Lord ShadyDeal to remove the dam at Negra Manor, which he flatly refuses to do. She warns him that her former husband is a water commissioner and could get him arrested. He refuses to back down, determined to ruin Lord Rogelio. He thinks he has time before the charges are actually official. He also thinks that Lady Chatterley was in agreement with hitting her brother from all sides. We suspect that Lady Chatterley is also a target, in view of the fact that she had jilted Lord ShadyDeal for Sir Gustavo. Lord ShadyDeal is sure that when Lord Rogelio finds out about his sister's involvement, she'll come running to him for assistance. The conversation ends on a bad note, and Vainessa looks more worried than ever.
There is a full moon over Chiapas that night.
Galván Mansion, morning: Elsa wanders around, looking for Vainessa. She is still in pyjamas and robe and appears to be hallucinating, telling an unseen being to go away.
Ulisses' Café: Lady Sneerwell informs Sir Gustavo that she will be returning to Tuxtla. She wishes to see their mother. She asks him to reconsider marrying Lady Chatterley and he responds that he will not marry without love. “That can come after,” she tells him, citing Lady Ana Paula as an example. Before this conversation can go farther, Lord Esteban arrives.
Galván Mansion: Vainessa returns home to find her mother hallucinating that Lord Federico is sitting in his favorite chair in the very room in which she had murdered him. Elsa continues to whine, plead with the invisible, and display her madness.
Ulisses' Café: Lord Esteban hands the documents to Sir Gustavo, stating he would rather not enter Lord Rogelio's property. Sir Gustavo mentions the formal accusation against the owner of Negra Manor, whom he does not realize appears to be Vainessa.
Study: Maria asks Her Ladyship's permission for Consuelo to work temporarily for Ulisses and Macaria; Lady Ana Paula grants it for as long as necessary. There is more discussion of Consuelo's attitude toward Miguel for all the aforementioned reasons.
Galván Mansion: To horror-film notes in minor keys Elsa continues to hallucinate, expressing regret at having killed her husband. She imagines his ghost is following her around the house. Her madness is becoming worse and Vainessa's anguish increases. Truly she should send for the nice young men in their white frock coats.
Study: Skelator is truly at his despicable best.
Bruno: Every animal will have to be tested. To see if the clenbuterol –
Ana Paula: No; no. We will have to sacrifice them. It's horrible, but we need to find someone from whom to buy more cattle. (He turns his back and rolls his reptilian eyes) Bruno, I paid the contract penalty for the US deal and with this water problem have to buy mineral water. No, no, no, Bruno, we must think of solutions. I can't let Rogelio find the estate like this.
Bruno: Yes, yes, yes. I believe you're taking on too much, as before. But you would know that.
Ana Paula: Thank you very much, Bruno. I think that's all. Thanks,
Bruno (deliberately, while putting his hands in his pockets): Paula, are you sure you have nothing else to tell me?
Ana Paula (folding her arms): Such as?
Bruno: What your aunt told me. I know you are having Gustavo's baby.
Ana Paula (momentary expression of annoyance): But why do you –
Bruno: Because she's worried. I'm also –
Ana Paula: But why? (a knock on the door) Come in. (Gustavo enters with the file from Esteban. Bruno turns away)
Gustavo: By your leave --
Ana Paula: Bruno, will you allow me to talk to Gustavo?
Bruno: But –
Ana Paula: Please, Bruno. I ask you, please.
Bruno (angry, but only able to conceal it from her): As you say. (exits, pointedly closing the door behind him. The music takes on an impatient character.)
Gustavo (a little awkwardly): I guess I need to talk about this with you alone. Here are the papers about the water, for your signature. (hands her the file)
Ana Paula: Thanks. (opens the file as she goes behind the desk and picks up the pen) Here, right?
Gustavo: Yes.
Ana Paula (signs, closes the file, and hands it back to him): It's ready. Here.
Gustavo: Thanks.
Ana Paula: Gustavo, wait. We have to talk. Today I told you I had doubts about my feelings.
Gustavo: Yes, yes; I know. But I don't understand what you have doubts about. (ominous music begins)
Ana Paula: Listen to me because now more than ever I want you to know I'm being honest with you. I'm going to tell you something very important.
Gustavo: What's up, Ana?
Ana Paula: I'm... I'm pregnant. I am going to have your baby.
Gustavo: Are you sure?
Ana Paula: Yes. Of course yes.
Gustavo: I can't believe it. My baby? You're going to have my baby! (embraces her to the sound of sad opera music almost like Puccini's. She embraces him somewhat less ardently and releases him). What is it? Doesn't this please you? (releases her)
Ana Paula (going back to the desk): Of course it pleases me.
Gustavo: Then what is it?
Ana Paula: For all that I want this baby it isn't planned. In these circumstances although I'm happy I'm very worried.
Gustavo (kissing her hand excitedly): It's our baby. Made from our love. Doesn't that matter? (tries to turn her face toward him)
Ana Paula: Yes, yes. This baby was made from much love, but –
Gustavo: But what? Other things don't matter to me. For you and the baby I am capable of anything.
Ana Paula: Gustavo, it's not just that I'm married –
Gustavo: This baby is mine. I am the father and I will assume responsibility. That will be. Ana, forget about Rogelio. Marry me, please.
We see that she has been crying.
Ulisses' Café: Lord Esteban and Lady Sneerwell share coffee and speculate on the reason for Dr Ernesto's sudden departure. He suggests that it may have to do with the good doctor's daughter. She agrees, but thinks it could also be about their disagreements. However, Lord Esteban thinks that this will be resolved in a surprising may. He also tells her that he is aware that everything Vainessa does is about Lord Rogelio and that has led to a massive legal problem. He wishes to help her, but not if it makes him run afoul of the law.
Study: Notwithstanding that Lady Ana Paula remains uncertain of her feelings, Sir Gustavo is becoming possessive.
Ana Paula: I agree that you should know our child
Gustavo: I want to be present for his entire life.
Ana Paula: Yes. But I can't marry you.
Gustavo: What?
Ana Paula: That I can't marry you because I don't know my own feelings. That wouldn't be fair.
Gustavo: What isn't fair is you doing this.
Ana Paula: Gustavo, you are my first love, the father of my child, and all that I have felt for you can't be compared to anyone or anything. But if I have feelings for someone I can't have them for anyone else. Not until I can define what is in my heart.
Gustavo: And when do you think you will do this? (sarcastically) When our baby is born?
Ana Paula: Ay, no. Of course not.
Gustavo: It's certain that the baby is mine. I will not permit anyone else to take care of him or you. At least while you're pregnant.

Ulisses' Café: The two friends lament their ill luck in love. Lady Chio's name comes into the conversation. She is supposed to be on a buying trip for her shop. For the moment Lord Esteban wants to be a bachelor.
Study: Sir Gustavo is prepared to fight dragons.
Gustavo: Neither you nor my child will be anywhere near Rogelio.
Ana Paula: And do you think Rogelio would want me to be with you once he knows I'm pregnant? No, Gustavo. He will hate me and that is not the worst. You don't know what he would do to you if he knew you were the father. Don't think about me, Gustavo. It's better not to say anything now. It's better he doesn't know you're the father.
Gustavo: And what do you want me to do? To be grateful you're worried about me? Who are you, Ana Paula? I swear I don't know you.
Ulisses' Café: Lady Chio arrives, asking directions. She is staying nearby and the concierge recommended this Café. Macaria converses with her but without any enthusiasm. She then sees Lord Eseteban with Lady Sneerwell. And is not pleased.
Study: Sir Gustavo is determined to speak with His Lordship; Her Ladyship fears he would kill him and she doesn't want that to happen. He seizes her hand and inquires whether this is out of guilt or love.
Ana Paula: Gustavo, I am the same as ever. I am just telling you I want to be free of my doubts, of everything.
Gustavo: Do you think that this baby gives us another opportunity?
Ana Paula: I think that before we talk about this I need to speak to Rogelio when he returns. Then we can find the solution.
Gustavo: I will talk to Rogelio.
Ana Paula: No, no, no, please. He will kill you. He will kill you and I will die because I can't live with that.
Gustavo (seizing her hand and looking into her eyes): For guilt or for love?
Impatient opera music closes the scene.
Lady Ana Paula hears some good medical news while Sir Gustavo tells Lady Chatterley about Lady Ana Paula's condition. Surely he cannot know what havoc this will wreak.


Una Familia Con Suerte #199-200 Mon 4/9/12 Let’s Just Finish One Wedding Before They Let the Hounds of Hell Loose

It’s good to be back with all of YOU but I keep asking when this train will finally pull into the last station. JP just told me we have about seven weeks to go. So by my calculations, that means we are here until the end of May or early June. So let’s just get over it! After all rumors are that the Lucero telenovela is in the wings.

Regroup: The joyful wedding has all but concluded when Candi spots Napoleon up in the balcony. Is he really in blue jeans? Almost as important, will she resist her urge to scream bloody murder? Well….. she assures Arnold it was nothing so on we go with the ceremony.

Alfredo discusses the possibility of growing up with his MomsAmors who would like to go on controlling his life, his choice of girlfriends and all things Mother’s want to control. She doesn’t want to be left at her worst hour by an ungrateful son. He doesn’t want to continue the co-dependency (and what the hell does moisho or mosho mean anyway? I have wondered for weeks). Alfredo leaves with determination to lead his own life and even get a job. The determination propels him out of the front door and who knows how much further.

Pancho and Rebeca give their wedding vows with great feeling and who are those darling singing guapos? I thought maybe new tenors but they sound slightly barbershop crossed with golden gospel sounds. I love the applying of the lazos by the Ana and Moni) and wow, Pablo Montero steps up in impeccable white ranchero finery to sing a love song. How can Napo compete with this? After on the steps of the cathedral, Pancho wants to climb into La Burra but Rebe holds out for her fine white convertible chariot as he tosses keys to Pepe to get La Burra safely home. Boy am I getting off easy so far tonight. Next we have cartoon pictures leading to the reception. Chela is filming with her new video camera as the couple arrives and all the family demonstrates their joy that this wedding didn’t end in a disaster (don’t let me speak too soon). But the music starts and the food looks the best on any set I’ve seen. The Cirque du Soleil folk on cloth drape ropes accompany Rebeca and Pancho as they sing catchy tunes from Phantom of the Opera. Does this count as extreme filler? Rebe begins to break glasses with her high noted song. Did she really sing that part so high? Chancho brings us back to earth with his toast then Alejandra sings the Pancho+Rebe love song.

Back at Pina’s den of tears we see Kari come in to interrupt Pina’s self-help session.

Candi is telling Chela of her hallucinations then the visit to the psychiatrist when we see fancy shoes appear and Vicente begins to yell for Candi. Napo isn’t her only nightmare.

Back at the pining of Pina she tells Kari off for encouraging Freddy to seek his independence when she most needs him in her disaster. This is the first she has found fault with the simpering Kari. They part both in a snit.

Back at the reception, Vicente demonstrates his tickets inviting him to the wedding. Chela is annoyed, but Enzo is friends and says Vice is simply a drinker (tragua, like borracho). She tests his loyalty to Pancho while the diplomat Enzo says yes, they are both my friends. Rebeca is surpised that Vice was invited but Pancho passes it off that Vice is his cousin after all.

Vice tells Candi he is living in their apartment of love. Candi corrects him that it is Enzo’s apartment. Pepe and Monica begin to dance but finish arguing over his helping Frida refurbish her precious car that was trashed. Adrian escorts Ana up to congratulate the bride and groom. They are upstaged by Vice who greets all but wants to go off to talk to Ana. Everyone is surprised. Vicente chastises her for turning Freddy in for this naco Adrien. He tells her that Freddy is suffering from her rejection and he won’t turn his back on his son. He kisses her cordially on the cheek and leaves.

Barbara is about to leave when she is swept off to dance with the announcer guy. She suddenly seems interested in staying at the party longer. The “we want cake” (queremos pastel, pastel, pastel) song begins. The cake is brought in which looks like hard boxes, then the cake is turned around by Pepe and Chacho and then after stabbing it several more times but without tasting it, Pancho gives up. The dancing begins again. The cake didn’t look very yummy. I would rather dance too.

End of hour one with no real disaster, I am looking over my shoulder as Rebe and Pancho arrive at the airport to fly off for their honeymoon. Pancho makes a silly show, a server brings them tropical coctails (I don’t get treated in airports like this).

Ana and Pepe talk about the disagreement with Moni while Moni and Chela discuss Moni’s overwhelming sense of jealousy. She seems to be channeling her mother in this paranoia but. Back to Riviera Maya, I guess this is the hotel where Pancho and Rebe have arrived for their romantic honeymoon. They enter the petal strewn room and the camera goes fuzzy against red roses. The cinematography of this rather silly story really pleases me.

Ana talks sense to Pepe about Monica’s point of view feeling left out and didn’t he actually kiss Frida? Well yes, well yes twice. Only twice, mocks Ana. How would you feel if she kissed some appealing guy twice?? A little of the truth sinks in behind those dark dreamy eyes of our ingenuous Pepe. Hmmm, he muses, that would be different? Ya, think maybe, baby? It’s otra cosa mariposa? NO, no.

Kari and Freddy discuss Pina’s disappointment that he want his own life.

Rebe Senior and Candi exercise and talk about Arnold coming across the lawn toward them. Are you carrying watermelons? quips RebSr. Seems an obtuse way to comment on the way Arnold carries himself without saying anything dreadful.

Arnold tells Rxnso heneeds a divorce right away since it is one condition Candi insists on before she will have anything more to do with him. Enzo is sympathetic but surprised.

Lupita and Luke talk to little Nayeli about the legal papers to go through to protect her since she is a minor and in the control of her parents even though her mother works all the time at her three jobs and her father hits her and the mother. Nothing happens fast when a minor is involved.

A pathetic Frida calls Pepe (lordy she really doesn’t have any other friends) to say she is sick and needs his help. She is dizzy and doesn’t know what to do. I hope she isn’t preggers or putting on something to get Pepe to rush to her side again, but I’m being cynical.

Freddy has ended up at Kari’s and she asks a penny for his thoughts in half good English. She agrees that his mother is a master at enchanting people. She insists that this is hard for his mother, the blackmailer(chantaje). But it will be better for both of them in the end. Freddy asks are you saying this because it is like this for you too? No, now a sadder, wiser Kari says no her parents hardly exist for her and she is so hungry for love and acceptance. Her mother ignored her and her father bought her happiness by giving her things and now the only thing that makes her feel a bit better is getting close to Freddy and he should love her and fill the great vacancy in her life. Seems like Kari and Frida have the grounds for a fast friendship. And the beginnings of a new club: The Needy Girls.

Pancho and Rebe walk on the beach and kiss in the beautiful sunset. Another nice piece of cinematography.

Back at the Lopez ranch, Elena and Orion announce that they are in love and even though Pancho isn’t there to approve, they want everyone to know they are leaving for the north. THE NORTH! echos the entire room.

Pancho show up at Frida’s place looking a bit worried and finds a dizzy Frida whom he wants to get to the hospital. He calls Doc Octavio to make plans to have her examined. Right then Moni calls him and he turns his phone off. She tells Chela that he turned his call off. When Chela thinks it is just off or out of range, Moni counters, NO, she can tell that he rejected the call after it rang. She calls again and he answers as he is putting Frida in the car. Clumsy and causing no end of problems later, he answers Monica and says he is at Frida’s house without another word of explanation. Looking deer in the headlights confused, I can only agree that he is a naïve animal stumbling into danger. Monica looks steaming as she hangs up on him.

Pepe finally gets through to Moni’s phone but it is Chela who listens to his whole story but does confirm that Moni is burning mad. She at least listens to how sick Frida seems and that Pepe has called Octavio for advice so now they are on their way to the hospital. Frida does look peaked in the car. Maybe she isn’t faking illness.

Elena and Orion are going to hitch or walk to the states to scare the daylights out of all the family that they will be wetbacks. But then they will go to Africa and maybe Australia, yeah Australia is a good idea. Elena is wearing better makeup and really seems much happier but not much smarter.

Doc Oc is examining Frida. He declares that she is anemic. He gets ready to prescribe a course of iron and tells her to eat foods rich in iron. Let’s hope Pepe doesn’t get all romantic about saving someone who can’t take care of herself and needs him so, unlike the well cared for Moni. Doc and Fernanda send off the kids. She grins that she likes to see him full of life and acting so capable. He is really glad he didn’t forget anything. They are a good pair and they know it.

Oh good back on the Riviera Maya. Pancho jokingly turns down water from the waiter since they are surrounded by it. They kiss while she tries to get him to focus on her eyes and not on her other obvious assets.

Pepe tells Frida that she has to eat a lot of spinach. They joke but Frida continues her inappropriate protestations of love. Pepe is her angel. Yeah, did you ever see John Travolta as Archangel Michael? Makes one think about ... well, religious experiences for one thing.

Breakfast at the homestead next morning where Candi receives a present in front of Chela and the kids. It is a video copy of Cyrano de Bergerac? Now who could have sent that?

The old troika is back together at the Avon offices. Since Pancho is away from the presidency on his honeymoon, Vicente plans to promote his love for Candi, he tells his friends what he wants. Arnold remains silent then leaves in anger leaving Enzo to explain he doesn’t understand either. Neither of them seem aware of Arnold’s quest for Candi. Arnold runs into Pina’s office and drops large tears on her desk. She is still reading her self-help manual. She at least says tell me all about it. He has been abandoned by Vicente.

The honeymooners wake up in dreamy romance.

Moni is more than annoyed next morning hearing that Frida is anemic as she and Pepe meet on the street. I’m so happy for you both, she sneers. She is on her way to a meeting with a career director and she is late. They part in a double snit. She won’t listen and he started explaining way, way too late.

Chela and Candi argue about Vicente. Candi says you forgave Pancho and she can forgive Vicente if she wants. Meanwhile, Vicente meets with the only lawyer in the family so he can push for an immediate divorce. He is determined his only path to success and happiness is to get Candi back even on her terms.

Next: Looks like Candi is all ready to give Vicente another chance and still no Napo in sight. Hmmmm, there are plenty of others who are not pleased with her choice.


Abismo de pasión #21 4/9/12: Interactive Post! Add Your Own Title Here!

Many thanks to Julia and Blue Lass for the inspiration for tonight's recap. I hope these ladies are not offended by my poor imitation of their fine work.
Lo Refrito
Heeeey, what are you two doing coming out of the bedroom?

Lo Nuevo
*Casa Castañon, skanky and sneaky*
Dr. Tovar: Gulp
Carmina: Uh...he's giving me a check-up.
Disgusto: What's wrong?
Dr. Tovar: Gulp
Carmina: I'll explain later. He's got more patients waiting.
Dr. Tovar: Yeah. Bye!

*Hacienda Harangue-o ™, mood music: soft porn*
Damian: I thought you left.
Flo: Aw, I was just joking. I'm so sorry! I even went to apologize to Elisa and invite her to the party!
Damian: How did you know where to go?
Flo: Unkahunkapunk told me!
Damian: Huh?
Flo: Yeah, he and Elisa are BFFs now!
Damian: (internally) Huh?

*Blanca's Casa de Modas. Eddie Haskell-esque*
Paolo: Is Elisa here, pretty lady? I'm Paolo!
Blanca: Nope
Paolo: Where does she live?
Blanca: I'm not an idiot. I'm not giving you that info.
Paolo: Oh all right. Here's a rose. Please tell her I'd like to take her to the party. Bye (turns to leave an runs into Gael) Dude!
Gael: Dude! (to Blanca) Where's Elisa?
Blance: She's here. Come see her tonight.
Gael: Yay!

*Casa Castañon. Hoodwinked*
Disgusto: Why didn't you tell me you were sick?
Carmina: Doc is still running tests.
Disgusto: I'm going with you to the Doctor from now on.
Carmina: No, really. You have enough problems right now.
Disgusto: Oh. Ok.
Carmina: Whew!

*Dr. Tovar's waiting room. Girly*
Paloma: But I wanna go to the parrrrtyyyy...
Elisa: No!
Paloma: Are you saying that because of Alf or the engagement announcement?
Elisa: Engagement? Piffle. I just don't wanna see that cow's face and listen to her mierda about my mama.
Dr. Tovar: Hi, girls!
Elisa: Can we talk?
Dr. Tovar: Ok.

*Dr. Tovar's office. Nervous *
Elisa: How's my aunt?
Dr. Tovar: Gulp.
Elisa: She tells me you are running some tests.
Dr. Tovar: Uh. Yeah. Waiting for the results.
Elisa: You'll tell me if she's really bad off?
Dr. Tovar: Sure. Now scram, kid. I've got things to do and patients to see.
Elisa: Ok. Thanks.
Dr. Tovar: Gulp with a side order of drat.

*Disgusto's office. Night. Bull-headed and stupid* Note: I took some license since this scene was spread out.
Lucio: Elisa is staying with us. Sorry about lying.
Disgusto: Dude! Why did you act so indignant?
Lucio: 'Cause you treat Elisa like crap. Ever since her mother died you act as if the girl is a burden.
Disgusto: I don't even know if the girl is mine.
Lucio: You're an idiot. Of course she's yours!
Disgusto: I have my doubts.
Lucio: two words: Paternity test.
Disgusto: I'm afraid.
Lucio: Dude. Don't be a twit. And even if she wasn't yours, you've been her dad all this time.
Disgusto: Every time I see her, I think of Steffie and her deception.
Lucio: Quit being an ass. If you keep treating Elisa like this you're going to lose her forever. Watch it or you will end up a sad, old man. Alone and with nothing.

*Refreshment stand. Refreshing*
Two ladies: Elisa gossip gossip caught hugging him in the plaza gossip gossip just like mom gossip gossip
Gael: Ladies, with all due respect. SPLASH! Old biddies!

*Street. Argumenative*
Gael: I hear there've been problems with dad.
Elisa: Yeah.
Gael: Why didn't you come look for me?
Elisa: It was late.
Gael: You looked for Damian.
Elisa: Whoa cowboy! He ran into me by coincidence. I didn't seek him out.
Gael: You were hugging!
Elisa: Dude! Not your business!
Gael: Is too! I love you and adore you.
Elisa: Er. No you don't.
Gael: Yes I do! Really!
Elisa: You're my bro!
Gael: You love Damian. *pout*
(Day-um. how much saxophone are they gonna use in tonight's soundtrack? I feel like I'm stuck in a bad 70's movie.)

*Blanca and Lucio's House. Confrontational*
Disgusto: It was a stupid fight.
Elisa: I love you and respect you, but I can't make you feel the same. Did you know Lolita broke her engagement 'cause she didn't want to leave me alone?
Disgusto: Huh?
Elisa: Yeah, mom died and you married Tía about five minutes later.
Disgusto: Um. yeah. But I'm here now, trying to make it up to you. You decide and let me know.
Elisa: *sob*

*Casa Harangue-o. Schemey*
Flo: Dude! You weren't really supposed to take Elisa to the party! I just invited her to get girlfriend points!
Paolo: Dude! It really benefits you more if she actually comes to the party. Trust me. Now, help me find out Elisa's address...or I can ask Damian if you prefer.
Flo: No. I'll find out.
Sabrina: Hi!!!

*Blanca and Lucio's House. Conflicted*
Elisa: I just don't know what to do.
Blanca: Well, the old fart did come to see you. That has to mean something.
Elisa: He only came 'cause my godfather told him. I can't stop thinking about everything Lola gave up!
Blanca: 'Cause she love you! Oh, here's a flower that Paolo left for you. He wants to take you to the party!
Elisa:*eye roll*
Blanca: Gael stopped by too.
Elisa: Yeah. I've seen him.

*Church. Whiny*
Gael: I told Elisa I loved her.
Padre: Yay! Maybe now y'all can have a more normal relationship.
Gael: She'll never love a guy like me. No name. No family No nuthin'.
Padre: Basta! I'm your family! Pep talk! You're a hard worker and...
Gael: Er. About that. I quit today.

*Barn. Bitchy*
Flo: Kissy kissy?
Damián: Someone can see us!
Flo: This place (La Ermita) is changing you. As soon as the party is over we are so outta here and back to a normal life.
Damian: Maybe you're right. It's late. Let's go.

*Dining Room. Tentative*
Carmina: This is a wonderful opportunity to get rid of the brat. She just creates more and more problems.
Elisa: Good evening.
Carmina: *choke* How nice you're back!*choke*
Disgusto: Have you eaten?
Elisa: No
Disgusto: Well, have a seat!
Carmina: *seethe*

*Hacienda Harangue-o Kitchen. Brow-beaten*
Tonia: Lolita bought our son a beer!
Braulio: No way! He probably scammed her!
Tonia: Way! And stop defending her. FYI: She was quite chummy with Horacio. *nyah!*

*Cocina Castañon. Guilt-trippy*
Elisa: Aw Lolita. Aren't you glad I'm back.
Lolita: Yeah, but you didn't even tell me where you were! I love you. I thought you loved me *sniff*
Elisa: I love you bunches! I know you've put up with a lot of crap for me.
Lolita: and I would put up with more. I love you! You are my child. I don't have a husband or my own kids. I live for you!
Elisa: That's why you never married?
Lolita: Promise you won't leave again?
Elisa: Ok. Now that we're square...Who's the dude?
Lolita: Drat those gossips!
Elisa: I'm not a little girl anymore and I want you happy! Go get yer man!

*Curandera hut. I told you so*
Ramona: Gael came here....
Paloma: ???
Ramona: Looking for Elisa.
Paloma: *internal sob* I don't care. I just care about the party.
Ramona: As stubborn as your mother!

*Cantina. With Bravado*
Gabino: What are you doing here kiddo?
Useless Vicente: Nuthin'
Braulio: Hey! You better not be doing stupid stuff! Your mom told me all about the beer!
Gabino: I'm out!
Braulio: And stay away from Gabino! He's no good!
Useless Vicente: No good? I wish you were like him!  He's all in charge of the procesadora and stuff! You're just an employee!

*Recámara Castañon. Disgusting*
Carmina: Feel better now that Elisa is back?
Disgusto: Sure.
Carmina: I'm seeing the doc tomorrow.
Disgusto: Shall  go with you?
Carmina: Nah. You know...I wonder what it would have been like if our son had survived. Now I'm sick and I may die. I hate to think of the child losing a parent like Elisa.
Disgusto: The three of us should make an effort to be a normal family.
Carmina: Are you asking me to stay here tonight?
Disgusto: Hugs.
Carmina: Ha! I win?!

*Hacienda Harangue-o. Generous*
Alf: What?! No engagement ring! Bad boyfriend!
Damian: Er.
Alf: Here, take mine.
Damian: That's the one dad gave you!
Alf: Take it! Oh, and here's another gift!
Damian: Horsey! I'll ride him now!
Alf: Not dressed like that! There are more gifts in your bedroom!

Bare chest and Belt buckle close ups. Giddyap! Rawhiiiiide!!!!!

*Elisa's Bedroom. Jealous*
Paloma: See the pretty dress Blanca loaned me for the party? Maybe I can convince Gael to go with me? He was looking for you, huh?
Elisa: Yes. Um... We're friends, right?
Paloma: He loves you doesn't he? *pout*
Elisa: Whatever. I love Damian! I'm totally jealous he's marrying someone else!

  • Fight for Dam!
  • Don't mess with Elisa!
  • War!
  • Jealousy!

Sorry for the rush job!


El Talismán #49 Mon 4/9/12 Schemes, Cheques and Screams

Last time on El Talisman:
Lucrazy and Tonio plot and scheme in the jail cell.

Today on El Talisman:
Pedro looks at the house for the orphanage and deems it to be perfect. His friends come with and love it too. He closes on the house right then and there.

Fabi is thought bubbling about Army, when Doris comes in to talk to her about her boyfriend and when is she going to meet him? Fabi says with all the divorce stuff going on, she didn't want to bring him by. Doris wants to know if Cameela and Tonio have met him yet? She says no, not yet. Fabi tells her it is very personal and she isn't ready for Doris to meet him yet. Doris tells Fabi that Cameela is no good and just wants Tonio for his money.

Pigorio is talking to a guy (sorry don't know his name) about the forged will and that Tonio and Lucrazy want to investigate if it is real. Pigorio gets a call from Piglet who tells Pigorio that Tonio is in the carcel.

Lucrazy and Tonio talk about how he will get Cameela to fall in love with him, Lucrazy tells Tonio that Cameela is still in Pedro's head. Tonio tells her to get pregnant pronto. Lucrazy is QTH, it isn't easy, Tonio tells her it is as easy as pie, and she better do it soon.

Flor is talking to Army who says that his girlfriend has the same color and make as car as Flor does. Flor tells him this is my sister's car and how do you know her? Army says that Jose is his brother and Flor says have him call her.

Tia Maria and Cameela meet with the Dr who says El Viral is on the verge of a breakdown and needs a psychologist. He needs her to come into the office after her release for a consultation.

El Viral is in her bed in the hospital and is afraid of being put in the street with no money and her enemies will laugh at her.

Rennie is having nightmares about what happened, and Rita comes in and strokes his face and tells him he is strong and she wants him to get better. She has a worried look on her face.

Lucrazy tells Tonio about the fake will. Tonio loses it in the cell and beats the table and chairs and says we have to investigate cause the will old Pigorio showed you is surely a fake. Lucrazy says they will investigate.

El Viral escapes from the hospital and goes to El Tal and goes to Pedro's office. Claudio is with him and El Viral wants that cheque already! Pedro tells her to get out, he doesn't owe her anything and he can't give her a new check.

Cameela tells the Dr. about what happened to El Viral before the breakdown, the fraud by Rennie, the cheque etc. The Dr tells Cameela that he was a friend of Mariana and her Dad, that Pedro married Mariana to give the baby a name
and that Pedro is still in love with Cameela. As they are talking Cameela gets a call from Pedro that tells her El Viral is there and come and get her.

Meanwhile, El Viral is screaming at Pedro about that cheque, she deserves it, she wants it and he better give it to her. She tries to tell him that Cameela is still in love with him and he tells her yeah right, sure. Cameela is in love with Tonio and don't you forget it. He tells her to leave the property and get out.
He leaves the office and poor Claudio is stuck with her now. She is still screaming she wants that cheque and to help her find it. She starts searching the desk and screaming about that cheque. Claudio tells her, he will not help her find any new cheques. Pedro calls Cameela and tells her to come get El Viral.

Lucrazy and Tonio are still talking in the carcel. Lucrazy asks him if he just wants Cameela or does he want Alcatrash too, Tonio tells her he wants it all. Tonio tells Lucrazy that little by little Cameela will fall in love with him. He is going to make sure.

We have another Margarito sighting. He is still in LA moving things and he tells his friend he wants to reconcile with Claudio.

Rennie wakes up in the hospital and Rita looks really happy he is alive and awake. They scheme to get money from Tonio due to Rennie's injuries. The Dr. (same one that is treating El Viral) tells Rennie he will fully recover with no adverse effects. Rita tells Rennie they should still get money from Tonio, but Rennie is afraid of the Negretes.

Doris corners Tracy and wants the scoop on her daughters and their boyfriends. Tracy doesn't want to tell, but Doris says she is the duena of the house and she better fess up. Tracy goes to the kitchen. In the meantime, Doris corners Pancho the Piglet and tells him to spy on her daughters and she wants to know everything about their boyfriends etc. He is glad to do it. Piglet tells Tracy what he is going to do, but Tracy isn't down with that. He tells Tracy he will look good in Pigorio's eyes for doing this. Tracy says oh, anything for the Pig.

Pigorio has a drink at Madame Brigitte's and tells her Tonio is in jail and that Tonio is going to try to have the will investigated. The Madame tells Pigorio, well while Tonio is in jail he can't get any money can he? Pigorio thanks her and grins as he walks off.

Army sees Fabi and they talk a little bit. They talk about how much they love each other,and Army is thinking of a way to tell her about the ruse he pulled with Flor, but saved by the bell, oh friend Fabi has to go, and Army thinks about how he is going to tell her.

The lawyer comes to see Tonio in jail, and the lawyer tells Tonio that Rennie is going to want a lot of money. Tonio says nah, he was rescuing El Viral and Cameela from that loathsome roach Rennie. The lawyer says ok, we'll go with that.

Finally Cameela comes to El Tal to collect crazy El Viral but Lucrazy won't let her pass. They argue about Pedro ad nauseum, blah blah till Pedro finally comes out front and has to rescue Cameela from Lucrazy. Cameela wants to know where crazy El Viral is so theycan leave tout suite. Pedro grabs Lucrazy and kisses her right in front of Cameela, but she turns her back.

Pigorio goes to the hospital to visit Rennie. Rennie wants to know why the Pig is there. The Pig wants to know if he wants a bunch of money. Rennie wants to know what for? The Pig tells Rennie to press charges against Tonio that will keep him in jail for a long time! The Pig will pay him for this service.

Tomorrow on El Tal:
Lots of kisses between Pedro and Lucrazy and Pedro and Cameela!

* recap by Madelaine, posted by Blue Lass


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