Friday, December 02, 2011

La Fuerza del Destino #84 Thu 12/01/11 La Fuerza de bullheadedness

Carolina comes to visit Antolín in jail. She happily announces to him that there's no pain and she did see some fuzzy shapes, so in a few weeks when she gets the bandages off, she'll be able to see. She wants to see him out of jail and free.

The annoying lawyer who can't possibly need those glasses to see since he spends all his time cleaning them, makes sure Saul and Carmen know what they're going to tell the judge.

Antolín is upset about Carmen going to the lawyers. Ivan talks him down and says it will all be ok, he just needs to say that Toni offered to pay for Carolina's surgery and that they talked about it three weeks ago.

Carmen tells the judge that Saul's story to her was that he suspected his dad of carrying on with Lucrezia and he wanted to catch them. When the judge asks her about running into Saul and Gordo out on the road the week before, she says Saul was coming to pick her up. She explains that they went out years ago and have a kid together, so Saul's been trying to patch things up with her. She says on the day the gave her a ride home, they talked about the kid, about Lucrezia's movements. "And did they know your brother had a gun?" Carmen tells him the three of them were friends, especially Gordo.

David comes to see JJ. He seems pissed that JJ is at home. JJ tells David he's the one who should be feeling bad after the stupidity Saul's been engaged in. He says that Saul is up to his neck in Gerry's death.

The judge now interviews Saul, who is distracted by the court reporter transcribing everything he says. Saul claims that his dad made him get back together with Carmen because he found out about the kid. Since his dad took the car away after his accident, he had to get a ride from Gordo, and he figures that's where Gordo got the idea. The judge asks if they weren't both friends with Antolín. Saul claims he and Antolín were acquaintances, but Gordo was a really good friend, until the day Antolín gave him a good beating. "Gordo said he wanted to get even." Saul claims not to know the reason for Antolín and Gordo's falling out. "Did you know Antolín had a gun?" Saul says he didn't. He knows what neighborhood Antolín lives in, but he's never been in his house. He has been in Gordo's house a few times, to have some beers and stuff. He wasn't with Gordo on that day, though, and he's got witnesses. "And if you knew that on Mondays, Mrs. Curiel went out to run errands, why didn't you follow her on that Monday to find out if she was seeing your father?" Saul says he was going to, but when he asked Gordo to take him, Gordo said he had something else to do. Saul says he tried calling him after that day, but Gordo never answered the phone. The lawyer fills in that the cops are already looking for Gordo and for the vehicles involved in the attempted kidnapping, but so far they haven't found either.

JJ is upset that David is there to get his mother's money back. As far as he's concerned, Esther should consider herself lucky that he's going to let her have half of the ranch. David informs him that Esther is entitled to half of everything that JJ earned during their marriage. JJ says no way! He's the one who wheeled and dealed to "earn" that money, not Esther who was puttering around the house, doing her charity work. JJ refuses to negotiate and says with the rent from her half of the ranch, she should be able to live "like a queen" and he's not going to give her a penny more than that. David says he's going to fight for what's due to his mother and he hopes that things with Saul turn out ok. He starts to leave, but JJ has to get his final digs in. "Oh, I know what you're after! You want to end up with your mother's part of the property! Over my dead body! Don't you leave me talking to myself, you ***, come back here!" Since they muted him out, I'm not sure what he said…two syllables, looked like "puto" maybe, which would be a male prostitute, which doesn't quite make sense, so anyone else's guess is as good as mine. Damnit, don't they realize we're trying to get an education here? JJ starts feeling sick from all the drinking and the screaming.

The lawyer comes out of the judge's office and tells Ivan and Carolina that Carmen and Saul gave their testimony, but that doesn't mean Antolin is getting out just yet. It depends on the judge's "analysis". Probably he'll make his decision tomorrow, because that's the end of the time limit that the lawyer requested to gather additional evidence. The lawyer reminds him that the matter of the gun still isn't resolved. The judge isn't inclined to look kindly on Antolín for having possession of a firearm without the proper permit. Camilo asks how things look for Carmen and the lawyer says "good" in his usual "OMG you people bore the hell out of me" tone.

JJ's maid comes home from the market and nearly trips over him in the dining room.

Mr. 5ft and I very uncharitably advise the maid not to call just yet. I mean, after all, JJ will be very upset if he wakes up in the hospital and he didn't really need to be there. Best take a moment to be absolutely sure he's not ok.

The maid calls David, in tears, telling him she didn't know if he was dead or passed out, and all she could think to do was call the doctor whose number was written in his address book, but while the doctor was checking him out, the ambulance got there and they took him to the hospital. "Which hospital?" David screams at her…wait, is there more than one in Alamos? In any case, the maid doesn't know.

Lucrezia is calling JJ, but he's not answering his cell. Carlota jokes that Lucrezia is calling to take him up on his marriage proposal. Lucrezia Borgia MeanDragon has a nice ring to it. They're going to need a moat and a dungeon. Lucrezia scoffs at her mother and says she has to maintain good relations with JJ and she needs to ask his opinion on a certain matter. She ends up talking to the maid, who tells her that her prospective suitor is in the hospital.

David collects Judith and tells the secretary to let Toni know.

The secretary lets Toni know and he asks which hospital.

The Mondragon kids are all at the hospital. Saul brushes off JJ's insulin shock and subsequent coma. Saul gripes that if he doesn't die, he'll be a burden. He uses the word "bulto" package, baggage. David tells him lots of people get out of comas and get better. "It looks like you're enjoying this." Saul says if he dies, they'll have money and he'll be able to get his operation, so, duh, of course he's happy. Toni comes in and asks how JJ is. Saul tells him he's in a coma.

Ivan calls Lucia, who's playing with the baby and talking to Carlota. Ivan says he feels sorry for JJ, but he's like to see her. He suggests she come over and says Carolina needs her. Lucia doesn't want to leave Perlita alone, but Ivan would like to see her too. He offers to pick them up and drop them off. Lucia fills Carlota in and Carlota tells her to go. And if she wants to "tapar el ojo al macho" (cover the macho's eye; do it on the sly; make the situation look innocent) Carlota will go with them and spend some time with Toni. Lucia agrees to come over. She hangs up the phone and jokes with Perlita that they're going to see her daddy…but after she changes her super-stinky diaper.

The doctor comes out and tells the Mondragon kids and Toni that it's too soon to give a prognosis. Right now, he's in Intensive Care. He had a severe drop of glucose, probably from getting upset. "This is one of the risks of his illness." The doctor says that since he got medical treatment in time, he probably avoided any brain damage. He hopes JJ will come out of the coma in good shape. Saul asks if there's any risk of JJ dying. The doctor admits there's always a risk, but they can't get ahead of themselves.

Carlota tells Cleto to tell Lucrezia they've just gone out for a bit. Maripaz drives up just then, upsetting Carlota. She tries to suck up to Lucia, saying the baby looks cute, "She takes after me!" to which Carlota replies "brincos dieras!" (you'd jump at the chance; you wish!). Maripaz heard that JJ is in the hospital in a coma, so she came to tell Lucrezia. "And where are you two going?" They say they're going wherever the heck they want. Maripaz wants to wait for her mom. "I'll stay in the car if you don't want me to go in the house." Carlota tells her she can go in the house, but if she steals anything, this time Carlota will turn her in to the cops.

Lucrezia is upset that the doctor won't give a prognosis. David feels guilty about their argument. Saul says JJ fights all the time. David tells them they were fighting about the division of assets and Saul jokes that JJ must have set his eye on someone else, to agree to a divorce. Lucrezia jumps in and says now is not the time to be talking about that. She asks if Esther knows. Saul says she won't come, and it's better for Esther if she dies. When Lucrezia tells them not to fight because their father is on the verge of death, Saul crosses his fingers behind his back. Ah, but he does take after his daddy.

Ivan and Alex are happy to see Carlota and Lucia and Perlita. They all go to show the baby to Carolina.

Maripaz goes into Lucia's room and rubs the bottom of her shoe on the comforter. She opens her laptop and finds Lucia's presentation and deletes it, happily chirping "oops!" She hopes Lucia flunks her exam and everything goes wrong for her.

Ivan and Lucia ditch the kids to talk about "them." Ivan will wait as long as it takes. Or so he says, but now he's being as jealous a dick as Camilo was…"He came over to see Perlita, or to see you? Doesn't he understand you don't want him anymore?" Lucia is worried about Camilo accusing her of infidelity and taking Perlita away.

Camilo goes over to El Socorro and notices Maripaz's car. He goes into the house anyway. Dipshit. He runs into Maripaz, who informs him that everyone is out of the house. He starts to leave, but she stops him, saying they're alone. She wants to "talk" but Camilo tries to refuse. She proposes they become lovers. "No one has to know. It'll be our secret." Maripaz, haven't you seen this show? There are no secrets. "Come on, we both need it! What's wrong with finding consolation in each other's arms?" Predictably, he gives in.

Antolín is getting transferred to prison.

The ladies come home. Cleto tells Lucia he doesn't know when Maripaz left. She asks him to send Gloria upstairs to help her with Perlita.

Toni lets Ivan know that JJ is still in a coma and Antolín has been transferred to prison. They agree not to tell Carolina until the bandages are off.

Lucrezia fills Carlota in on the goings-on at the hospital. She mocks Esther for being upset when she arrived…"they're about to get divorced!" She says if JJ doesn't get better, she's sure as heck not going to saddle herself with him!

Maripaz and Camilo are in bed somewhere and he's ignoring Ivan's calls.

Toni counsels patience and consulting the lawyers. Apparently, being transferred to prison still doesn't mean that Antolín is guilty, so there's a chance for more evidence to clear him.

Antolín arrives at prison and meets his cellmates. Predictable hazing ensues. He tries to play nice, but ends up kicking the other guy's asses and warning them not to mess with him.

Maripaz wants to see Camilo again, but he knows if anyone finds out about them, it will make the divorce easier on Lucia. "I'll call you" he says and Maripaz smarms that he'll be back.

Lucia finds her files missing.

Camilo goes home just long enough to hear from Arcelia that Ivan's been trying to reach him to give him news about Antolín. He runs right back out the door.

Antolín sleeps while the guy in the cell across the hall watches his cellmates attempt to assault him again. And fail miserably, again.

Lucia tells her mom and grandma that Maripaz erased her files. And, ok, perfectly justified for her to be upset, but seriously, she's a grown woman. She should understand by now that going crying to Mommy and Grammy isn't going to fix anything. Password protection, frequent backups, changing her address and never letting Maripaz know where she lives…all of those things would have helped, but it's too late for any of that. Lucrezia asks why she's accusing Maripaz. Are you frickin kidding me?! That's about what Carlota says, only she's more polite than I am. Lucrezia doesn't think Maripaz would go so far. She accuses Lucia and Carlota of constantly demonizing her. Carlota says she sure as hell IS a demon, and tomorrow she's getting taken out of Carlota's will. And Lucia doesn't feel sorry for her about it, either.

Lucrezia calls Maripaz, who tries to pretend she's not drunk. Maripaz plays dumb about Lucia's file. "What would I have to gain from that?" Lucrezia tells her she's about to get disinherited. Maripaz says she doesn't care, cause she's just found a guy with the best bod…and he gives it to her the way she likes it "sexo rudo" (rough sex). Maripaz hangs up. Duuuuuude! You do not say shit like that to your mom! What the hell is wrong with you?! Lucrezia is shocked to be hung up on and repeats "sexo rudo" like she doesn't comprehend either word, much less what the two of them could have to do with each other.

Toni, Ivan, and Camilo meet in Toni's office. They fill him in and Camilo blames them. Camilo questions Ivan's "affection" for Antolín and tells him there's something he needs to know. "He's the one who knifed the guy that beat you up. When he saw he wasn't going to be able to pin it on you, he told you I had done it, knowing you'd do anything for me. Even leave for the US without protest. He didn't even care what was going to happen to you over there. He just wanted to save his own hide. And you were so naïve you believed the whole thing." Toni just bites his lips and shakes his head. Ivan tells Camilo that either way, Antolín saved his life. "You explain it to him, dad." Ivan leaves and Toni says that they really need to talk about his brother. Camilo agrees.

Ivan calls Lucia and she tells him that Maripaz erased her entire thesis. "Because she hates me!" Ivan tells her to retrieve the files from her hard disk. He learned a few things about computers and he offers to come over and help her. I'm going to laugh so hard if all he does is show her where the recycle bin is located.

Camilo now gets to yell at Toni about Antolín being in prison. He asks what the hell other proof are they going to be able to gather. Toni reminds him that if they can find that mechanic to corroborate Judith's testimony, it will help strengthen their case. Well, excuse me, but if they've already decided that even though he wasn’t there, he planned the whole thing, that's not going to make a bit of difference! Toni is going to pay a bunch of guys to cruise that stretch of highway until they find the mechanic who helped Antolín. Camilo accuses him of fixing everything with money. "What's wrong with using money to do some good? What do you have against us?" Camilo admits he's grateful, but everything Ivan does makes him look even better in Lucia's eyes, and Ivan is taking away the woman Camilo loves. Toni reminds Camilo that Ivan and Lucia were in love and engaged before that whole mess with Maripaz happened. Camilo is hurt that Lucia accepted him when he offered, but now that Ivan is back she wants to get rid of him. Toni asks him if he'd rather have a woman who's with him by force or one who is honest with him. One who doesn't love him, or one who's in love with him? "Where's your self-worth? You're a good guy, successful. You can find another woman." Camilo says Ivan can find another one. "Ivan already found a woman who loves him. Her name is Lucia. You can't take a person's love away. Don't be stupid. You can fight against anything…except love." Camilo accuses Lucia of being dazzled by Ivan's money and status. "Is that really what you believe? Then that means you don't know her."

Esther cries over JJ. She loves him, she just couldn't live with him. Judith says they've got to stay optimistic. "And what if he doesn't wake up?" She wants them to be prepared. Judith recommends shutting off the machines, but Esther won't hear of it. OK, first of all, "coma" is not the same as "hooked up to life support" and second…if it comes down to a vote, Saul's going to back her up on that!

Toni fills Ivan in on the conversation with Camilo, including the part where Camilo thinks Ivan is just trying to look like a hero in front of Lucia. Ivan can't believe it. "So what, then?" Toni says they keep going, for Arcelia's sake and for Carolina's sake, and as for the rest, they'll have to work that out. Or rather, Lucia will have to work it out, because Camilo won't quit being jealous. Ivan calls Lucia, who's still fussing over her laptop. "Nothing. Still sitting here trying to get my file back." Ivan tells her to calm down, he'll come over and look at it tomorrow, and if he can't figure it out, they'll call a tech. Do they have Geek Squad in Mexico? Equipo de Obsesos de Informática? Lucia is steamed that she's sure Maripaz did it and on top of that, she heard that Camilo's truck was there around the same time…but she's sure it was Maripaz and not Camilo.

Arcelia is up late, drinking some "té de tila" (lime blossom tea). She offers some to Camilo, but he'd rather stay grumpy. Carmen comes in and Camilo has to tell them that Antolín has been taken to prison. Carmen wants to turn herself in. She can't live knowing that her brother is locked up and it's her fault. Camilo reminds her she's not responsible for what Saul and Gordo did, and turning herself in won't solve anything. What if they accuse her of being Antolín's accomplice? They'll both end up in prison. Carmen insists she'll turn herself in and Camilo tells her she'll do what he says. Arcelia tearfully tells her to obey her brother and not complicate things further.

JJ is out of the coma and on his way to a regular room. There were some complications, though. He might have some physical limitations, temporarily, and he might need help moving around and feeding himself. He also might have trouble talking. Oh, great, that's going to make him even more pleasant than usual. The doctor takes Esther to see him just as Berenice and Enginiero Hottie (I'll remember his name eventually) come in to see David and Judith, respectively.

JJ is sedated and Esther wonders if he'll remember who she is. The doctor and nurse leave them alone together and the doctor tells her to keep him from getting upset. Because that worked so well the last eighty times. Esther tells JJ she knows the last few days haven't been easy for him, but nothing is more important to his health. She tells him she's ready to forget everything and stay with him. She says she loves him and gives him a kiss on the forehead, saying she'll always love him and she won't leave him unless he asks. But for now, she'll be there for whatever he needs.

Out on the highway, Camilo approaches a mechanic and asks him if he helped out with a classic convertible on Monday, but this isn't the guy.

The guy across the hall from Antolín's cell is apparently the "boss." He comes in to introduce himself as "El Mas Fregón" (The Big Bad, or thereabouts), but Antolín can call him "Jefe" (boss). Antolín insists on calling him "amigo" (friend) and says the only "jefe" he had is dead and buried ("jefe/a" is also used for parents) and he doesn't allow anyone to walk all over him. A guy tells "Jefe" to be careful with "Mister Antolín." Antolín says he doesn't want any trouble. "You can keep being El Jefe. All I want is to be left alone." Antolín walks out of the cell and the guy who warned Jefe comes in and tells him to be careful, that Antolín is like a rattlesnake, and attacks without warning. Jefe doesn't appreciate the warning.

Camilo approaches another mechanic, who also doesn't remember helping Antolín.

The guy who knows Antolín chats with him. He's only been in for a week, and Antolín asks about Gordo. Well, Gordo, being the brain trust he is, had told this guy that his next job was going to be a kidnapping. "Who was he going to kidnap?" Gordo didn't say, but he did tell the guy that he was going to make sure that Antolín got busted for it.

Camilo is pulled over at the side of the road and waits for another mechanic to stop. Finally, he finds the right guy.

Tomorrow: We're in ultimos capitulos…Camilo is still trying to get Lucia back; Antolín isn't making friends in prison; Lucrezia gets an eyeful of Camilo in a bath towel in Maripaz's hotel room; and Camilo still thinks he can fight Ivan for Lucia. Le sigh.


Una Familia Con Suerte #40 Thu 12/1/11 Blue letter in Pina's hand, scarlet letter on Rebe's chest.

Vince accosts Candy outside the house. She’s furious about the terrible things he said in front of the reporters. He claims he didn’t mean it and did it all for her, to throw off suspicion.
Pina flounces out of her house on the warpath, waving the letter and ranting that that rhymes-with-witch will pay. Catana and Adoración are perplexed.
Vince claims he and Candy have chemistry, physics, and biology. They duck out of sight when Pina drives by. Pina mutters about shamelessness and vows to mess HER up. Vins has cleverly managed to do his ducking prostrate on top of Candy on the lawn. He’s not complaining, but she’s getting squashed. Candy huffily takes her leave and Vins can’t believe the letter didn’t have her swooning.
Fer wants a grandmotherly chat with Lupita but is held at arms’ length. Lupita admits she doesn’t approve of the way Fer tricked Pancho into signing the contract.
At Avon, Pina brandishes her claws and accuses Rebeca of having an affair with Vins. She waves the letter as proof. Rebe tells her she’s crazy. Pina tries to shake a confession out of her. Pancho breaks them up and hauls Pina off while she unleashes a torrent of insults on Rebeca.
Lupe: You used us like puppets
Fer: I did it for your own good.
Lupe: How do you know what’s good for us?
Fer: You’re in the best school in the city! So many good opportunities!
L: What about my life before?
F: What life before? Your novio?
L: No, that had nothing to do with your meddling. He cheated on me.
F: I’d like to be like a grandmother to you. What do you think? {I think that was an abrupt and presumptuous question given the conversation, but Lupita smiles.}
Vins shows up at the office glowing orange (high alert level) and Rebeca furiously catches him up. He’s amused that she’s so incensed that Pancho in particular might think they are amantes. Rebe demands that he go tell Pancho it’s a lie, and if he doesn’t she will tell Pina about his real amantes.
Fer suggests that Lupita see her forced rags-to-riches meddling in their lives as medicine that tastes nasty, but then you are cured. “We were not sick,” Lupita says.
Pina’s been ranting so much her throat feels like she swallowed a fish spine. She spins a tale to Pancho about Vins’s and Rebe’s torrid history, which she swears is true. Vins arrives and denies he wrote the letter to Rebe, but even when he’s telling the truth he sounds like he’s lying. Pancho’s amused at his mad poetry skillz, though. Who wouldn’t want to be described by a paramour as “gut-moving”?
More Fer and Lupita bonding. Lupita thinks family unity is more important than worldly success. Lupe confides that Candy is in love with Vins, and it’s all Fer’s fault for getting the two families together, obvio. Fer thought they met at El Paraiso. Well, still.
Vins chases Pina out to continue their fight more publicly in the lobby. They cross paths with Candy, who blows off Vins.
Pepe hops into Monica’s car ready for more amor but she’s still wah about Daddy. Pepe rolls his eyes. Monica thinks they should break up because she doesn’t want Pepe to suffer from their secret noviazgo, but he says only being without her would make him suffer. Huggy smoochy while Freddy drives up and villain-mutters that he will not allow it. Monica breaks up with Pepe for reals because she has to marry the evil prince. “As you wish, Princess,” says Westley, I mean Pepe. Now we just need a good fencing match in some clifftop ruins.
Pancho roundaboutly confronts Rebe about the accusation and finally outright asks if she’s Vins’s amante. She’s so offended she nearly slaps him. NEVER, she says.
Alex and Lupita have their usual conversation. He tells her men like Tomás only get away with being abusive manipulative cheaters because women like her let them. It ain’t love. “Do you just like to suffer? I don’t understand AT ALL.”
Vins tells Candy the letter was meant for her but must have fallen out of her handbag. He starts reciting it for her but she’s furious that he said such opposite things about her to the reporters. All she wants is a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T. He launches into his best wooing routine but Enzo interrupts.
Same old, same old some more with Alex and Lupita, but they call a truce and agree to be friends for now. Alex gives her an MP3 player with songs picked just for her. It’s the new mix tape. {Let me just add here that every mix tape I ever got from a gentleman caller only made me question his taste and whether I really wanted to be dating him…and I probably should have gone with my instincts based on the mixtape selections.} He gives her a kiss on the cheek, but with lips emotion, while she listens.
Rebe sobs to Barbara.
Enzo’s busy asking Vins what interests he can possibly have in common with that vulgar woman; what do they talk about? “Talk?” says Vins’s face. Freddy flounces in and announces he just saw Moni sucking face with that caniquete.
Barbara thinks it’s Chela spreading these lies about Rebeca and Vins in order to separate Pancho and Rebe.
Freddy and Vins go to El Convento to chat. Ha. It’s a restaurant, though. No nun-seducing today. Freddy confesses he doesn’t really care about Monica; he just can’t stand to lose to that street rat Pepe. Vins agrees that their high-class selves (snort) have to prove their superiority. More antler-bashing to come.
Pancho gives Candy the rundown on the day’s events. Candy glowingly tells him that the letter was actually meant for her. “WHAT?” Pancho asks in English.
Enzo yells at Monica and throws his ice at the wall. Then Daddy takes the T-Bird away. No more fun fun fun for Monica.
Candy deduces that Pancho is jealous because he’s smitten with Rebe. I just noticed that Pancho is wearing white socks with his business clothes. Rebe lets him get away with that?
Fer listens to Ana’s band practice. She’s an instant fan.
Most of the family gathers for dinner but Chela makes them wait until Pancho arrives. They all complain that they are dying of hunger.
They’re going to starve longer, because Pancho has gone to Rebe’s apartment to apologize. This could take awhile.
At home, Pina continues yelling at Vins. Vins says he didn’t write the letter to Rebeca. “Then to WHOM?”
Pancho apologizes profusely and Rebeca emphasizes that she can’t stand Vins. If she were going to be interested in someone at work, it would be someone else. “Quién?”
Pina tells Vins that if he won’t tell her the truth, she wants a divorce. He claims he wrote it to her.
Pancho cheers Rebe up with a joke I don’t get. Then they’re looking like they might actually discuss what’s really on their minds.
Avances: Pina plays detective. Pancho and Rebe maybe just maybe get to smoochin’.


Thursday, December 01, 2011

La Fuerza del Destino #83 Wed 11/30/11 Dining, Whining, y Caras Impactadas as two divorces begin brewing to the boiling point

Recap by Urban Anthropologist

Please provide any missing details. Gracias.


In the hospital in D.F. Carolina asks about Antolin while lying in the bed after the operation. Tony leaves to call Ivan while Carolina confides her anxiety to Lucia.


Hotel, D.F.: Ivan arrives at the hotel in D.F. and tells Tony what happened with Camilo and the Merry Piece, also the update on Antolin's situation.

Restaurant, evening: JJ and Lucrazia dine and whine, with lots of vino tincto.

JJ: After everything you've told me, don't doubt that Lucia will ask Camilo for a divorce. I spoke with him the other day about the fight with Ivan and he's dying of jealousy.
Lucrazia: And this stupidity is ruining everything.
JJ: Is it true he's been ordered off the ranch?
Lucrazia: My mother did that.
JJ: Carlota is very decisive.
Lucrazia: But I don't want another family scandal.
JJ: Lucrezia, times change.
Lucrazia: And what about your wife?
JJ (takes off his wedding ring): I will begin again. (drops the ring in the wineglass) That's what I think of divorce. She was good for nothing. And who knows? After a while you and I can get married. Think of it: Two important names, combining our ranches. We could recover the prestige we had. How does that sound to you?
Lucrazia: I will think about it.
JJ: Think about it, mi reina. Think about it. It could be a good solution. (pours more wine)

As long as we don't have to watch the wedding night, who cares?

Hotel Restaurant, D.F.: Lucia goes down to eat and finds Ivan at the table.

Lucia: What are you doing here?
Ivan: My father was tired and I asked if I could accompany you to dinner.
Lucia: He didn't say anything. Why are you in Mexico?
Ivan: I came for all of you to bring you back to Alamos.
Lucia: I thought he would send for Benito.
Ivan: Yes, but the only chauffeur he'll trust is me.
Lucia: Sounds a little presumptuous.
Ivan (amiably): But I drive very well, I have good reflexes, and this is an important cargo I'm bringing back. Besides I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to talk with you away from home. So we can open our hearts. My godmother told me you and Camilo have separated and she told me the reason.
Lucia: Well, it doesn't mean anything.
Ivan: If you say so, but why don't we talk like the good friends we used to be? Lucia, I know I'm the most responsible for what happened between us for putting my son before you.
Lucia: But there was nothing else to do.
Ivan: Maybe, but many times I've thought that there was another solution.
Lucia: What?
Ivan: Allow Alex to live with Maripaz for a while. Soon she would have started drinking again and I could have refiled for full custody. But he was too afraid to live alone with her.
Lucia: Ivan, you did the right thing.
Ivan: But it hurt me so much to leave you.

Casa Galvan: Camilo whines. And cries. Arcelia reminds him that he knew Lucia didn't love him when they got married. Same conversation as several times before, ending with him swearing he will not give Lucia a divorce. If she can't be his, she will not be anyone else's.

Hotel Restaurant, D.F.:

Ivan: And how is the baby?
Lucia: Very well. Very happy and healthy.
Ivan: And very pretty. Why did you name her “Perla”?
Lucia: It was Camilo's idea.
Ivan: I spoke with my godmother and she said Camilo is no longer living at the ranch.
Lucia: No. We have problems. Thanks for the dinner.

Ivan signals for the waiter.

Commercial Break that leads with a promo for La Que no Podia Amar.

Hotel, D.F.: Ivan walks Lucia back to her room and kisses her, but chastely, She looks like she wishes she were elsewhere. Like a convent.

Casa Mondragon: David brings Berenice home to introduce her to JJ.

David: Papa! I present to you Berenice Escalante.
JJ: Holâ.
Berenice: Holâ. It's a pleasure to meet you, sir.
JJ: Escalante?
Berenice: Yes.
JJ: That's not a local name.
Berenice: No, my family is from Hermosillo. My father is a nuclear physicist and my mother is a professor of physics and math.
JJ: Interesting. And who works?
David (reproachfully): Papa!
JJ: You'll explain another time.
David: Berenice and I are novios. And when she gets her degree in child psych we'll get married.
JJ (sarcastically): Married? Do you make enough money to support her?
Berenice: I will also be working.
JJ: Getting married and working?
Berenice: Yes.
David: Dad, I'd like for you and mother to come with me to Hermosillo to ask for her hand.
JJ: No; it's better if they come here.
David: But it's the custom.
Berenice: Mi amor, it's not important to me, and less to my parents.
JJ: You really mean to get married to this –
Berenice: We're in love.
JJ: Are you aware of his problem?
Berenice: Yes. Don't worry; we've slept together.
JJ: You're very direct, aren't you?
Berenice: Yes.
JJ: Oh, well. That's your business. It was a pleasure to meet you. (exits)
David (sardonically): And now you've met my father.
Berenice: Mi amor! I'm not marrying your father or your family, or you mine. What do you say we go back to my place, have something delicious, and then you and I will make love?
David: Hmmm. (They kiss. JJ -- who has been watching them -- clears his throat)
Berenice: It was a pleasure to meet you, Señor Mondragon.
JJ: Carry on.

David and Berenice exit. JJ clearly doesn't believe he's seeing another decisive woman in his house. Get out of the Victorian era, JJ; strong women are the current norm.

Jail: Carmen visits Antolin. She tells him she won't let him pay for her stupidity. He is still determined to protect her at whatever cost to himself. He asks about Carolina, but Carmen hasn't heard anything yet. She surreptitiously slips him a cell phone. He makes her promise not to admit her guilt and she promises.

Hospital, D.F.: The doctor takes the bandages off Carolina,, who is afraid to open her eyes. Finally she does and sees Lucia and the doctor for the first time! The doctor tells her she still needs to wear the bandage and wants her to return in a week, etc.

Lawyer Zabaleta's Office: The receptionist informs him that Carmen is there to see him.

Jail: Antolin calls Camilo, who is out in the fields. He tells him he's worried about Carmen spilling the frijoles and how this will affect their mother.

Lawyer Zabaleta's Office: Carmen tells him of her role in the situation. She had been under the impression that Saul wanted her to help him help his dad with Lucrazia. She doesn't want Antolin to pay for her stupidity. At Zabaleta's enquiry as to her relationship with Saul, she tells him that he's the father of her child. Zabaleta is un poquito impactado.

Rancho Socorro: Ezekiel tells Camilo that Lucia went to D.F. with Carolina and Tony. Camilo flashes back to the time he taught Lucia how to drive the tractor. [Camilo, snap out of it!] Carmen runs out and Camilo gives her the same lecture about prison. Their mother is prepared for the day when something happens to Antolin but not to her. He talks about her being locked up with violent criminals and how she could easily be killed in prison. She tells him he can't stop her. She doesn't care if she goes to jail as long as Antolin doesn't pay for something he didn't do. Besides, she's already talked to the lawyer.

Road back to Alamos, night: Ivan drives back with Lucia in the shotgun seat. They stop. Tony gets out for a few minutes to stretch because his back hurts.

Hacienda Curiel: Lucrazia and Carlota talk about JJ's proposal.

Lucrazia: How lonely this house feels.
Carlota: Daughter, what do you know of Maripaz?
Lucrazia: Nothing. Mama, the other day we talked about Juan Jaime. Did you know he's getting divorced?
Carlota: Yes, you told me.
Lucrazia: What do you think – Juan Jaime proposed to me. Well, that we might get married.
Carlota: You and him? Are you crazy?
Lucrazia: Why not? He said we'd combine our ranches and our position would improve.
Carlota: Ah, how obvious it is. He's got his claws out for our lands. Tell him no.
Lucrazia: But Mama, we'd benefit. Besides he knows a lot; he's been about cultivation all his life. Now that we have nothing I don't have much confidence without him.
Carlota: And I don't trust Juan Jaime. He'll do what benefits him, as always.
Lucrazia: But if I was his wife...
Carlota: Ay, daughter if you marry him you'll be living in hell. As to the ranch you're not putting the lands in the hands of that shameless arsehole. [sinvergüenza] Punto.
Lucrazia: How negative you are.

No; just realistic.

Road back to Alamos: Ivan and Lucia stare at Cosmo's moon – which looks more like a pepperoni pizza than a giant snowball – and mention destiny. She finally admits she loves him. Kisses that look real. Por fin. ”That's amore.”

Commercial Break that leads with promos for El Talismán and CME.

Casa Galvan: Camilo lectures Carmen again about how horrible prison would be for her compared to what it would be for Antolin.

Angelina's Casa, morning: JJ arrives and Angelina tells him she's glad to see him and that he needs to prevent Esther from doing something stupid. “There has never been a divorce in our family. I pray to God this won't be the first. To think of the loss of values of our parents.” [Egad; she's either senile or nobody told her about David and the Merry Piece.]

JJ: What's up, Esther? Aren't you glad to see me?
Esther: Of course.
JJ: Well, then give me a kiss. (Kisses her, but she just stands there stiffly)
Angelina: Well, I'll leave you alone. You must have a lot to talk about. Can I get you a drink?
JJ: No, thanks. (Angelina exits)
Esther: You want to sit down?
JJ: Yes; after you. (They both sit) Esther, I miss you a lot.
Esther: Ah, si.
JJ: Your children miss you, too. Lucrezia asks about you.
Esther: I guess she asked about our divorce.
JJ: That's what I've come to talk about.
Esther: If you're here to get me to change my mind, you're wasting your time. I have made my decision.
JJ: Yeah; I've never seen you this firm. But no; I'm not here to try to get you to come back with me. After all, you have your reasons and I respect that. I came to say that I'm going to give you the divorce.

Hospital, D.F.: Ivan, Tony, Lucia, and Carolina leave. Ivan and Lucia are finally smiling. This obviously is a signal for the anvil to be hoisted.

Angelina's Casa:

Esther: I couldn't have changed my mind. Your infidelities and maltreatment will help me win. [conseguir]
JJ: I'd like us to avoid [evitar] the scandal and unpleasantness. It won't do us any good. A lo mejor, women always get the worst of it. You know that. But in exchange for avoiding those bad moments allow me to continue to manage your property that's part of the estate. What do you say?
Esther (ironically): I knew you'd try to get me alone for this.
JJ: It will benefit you, woman. If we're getting a divorce and dividing our assets, you aren't capable of managing the land.
Esther: You know what, Juan Jaime? I'm going to talk to David.
JJ: Well, there's nothing more I can do here. (gets up) I'm going.
Esther: Tell me the truth. Why are you suddenly agreeing to the divorce?
JJ: Because I have plans. Aren't you curious? Just to let you know my plans don't include you. Say goodbye to your sister for me. (He gives her the once-over before departing. What a tool. Esther rolls her eyes before sitting down again. Angelina re-enters)
Angelina: What happened? Has he left?
Esther: Yes. He agreed to the divorce.

Angelina is impactada.

Casa McGuire: Alex is happy Carolina is home.

David's Office / Angelina's Casa: David and Esther talk over the phone over the property situation

David: No, Mother. Things can't go that way. Whom does the ranch belong to?
Esther: The ranch is from your father's family. But my inheritance paid for repairs.
David: And the house?
Esther: Also his family, but my inheritance helped pay for the remodeling.
David: And the bank accounts?
Esther: Ay, son, I don't know anything about that.
David: Mom, I want to see all the papers to make sure everything is correct.
Esther: But I don't want to annoy your father. Leave things as they are.
David: No, Mother. You have the right to your share.
Esther: Son, I don't want to annoy him. I'm afraid.

Casa McGuire: Everyone finally convinces Carolina to stay there, as she can't live alone yet. Tony introduces her to Bruno, who seems to like her. She seems to like him, too.

Commercial Break

Rancho Socorro: Ivan takes Lucia home and he asks when they will see each other again. She reminds him of her exam in a few days while he's eager to see his daughter. She doesn't deny that Perla is his.

Ag Ass Office: Camilo explains to JJ about not wanting for Carmen to end up in jail. They talk about a solution. JJ tells the secretary to get Tony on the phone. Camilo doesn't see what good this will do because Ivan hates Saul enough to want to see him in jail.

Hacienda Curiel: Lucia explains about Carolina's operation to Carlota, who is glad that in the midst of all the turmoil Carolina gets the blessing of sight. Carmen exits uncomfortably, saying she's getting the baby's food. Lucia and Carlota notice that something is up with her.

Casa McGuire, Tony's office: Tony gets off the phone with JJ and tells Ivan that JJ was looking to get Saul to marry Carmen. There will be a meeting and Tony says Camilo will be there because this is about the future of his siblings. He asks if Ivan would like him to handle it, but Ivan wants to be present as well.

Hacienda Curiel: Lucia finally tells Carlota she loves Ivan, etc. She praises his fatherly ways and Carlota brings up the issue of whether he was jealous about Lucia sleeping with Camilo. She says that nothing has been said, that it's logical that a married couple would sleep together. Carlota comments that this speaks well of Ivan. The anvil's rope is starting to fray.

Casa McGuire, Tony's office: Zabaleta reveals Carmen's information. That Saul planned the kidnapping because JJ wouldn't pay for his surgery. He was looking for information about Lucrazia's routine; Carmen merely suspected that there was an extra-marital relationship between Lucrazia and JJ, who mentions he would have paid a ransom. And that after his divorce he will marry Lucrazia.

Hacienda Curiel: Carlota and Lucia talk about the divorce. Lucia is afraid of the pain this will cause Camilo, but Carlota reminds her that she needs to think of herself.

Casa McGuire, Tony's office: Licenciado Lara and his near-Italian accent ask Camilo if he knows El Gordo. Camilo answers in the affirmative. The guy's real name is Miguel Hernandez, but he seems to have disappeared. Camilo denies that Carmen knew about the theft of the pistol. Ivan points out that the place the pistol was found must mean something. JJ denies that Saul could have been involved because he took away his car after the accident. He implies that Carmen is dragging him into this. Ivan doesn't buy this and knows JJ doesn't. JJ accuses him of wanting Saul in prison out of hatred, but Ivan only wants to avoid sending an innocent man to prison. Saul got Carmen involved through false promises and now she's the one being dragged into this. Camilo agrees. JJ says to go ahead and arrest Saul, but that Carmen will have to answer for it as well. He leaves.

Lara is all for getting this out in the open. He asks Camilo whether El Gordo is a friend of Antolin's and whether there is a reason he would do this to him. Camilo says that Antolin gave him a bloody good hiding [paliza]. Finally he says that Antolin is willing to go to prison to spare Carmen. Carolina overhears this part and nearly falls on the step on her way into the room. Tony catches her before she falls.

Commercial Break

Casa McGuire, Carolina's room: Ivan tries to reassure Carolina, who is carrying on as she used to.

Casa Mondragon: Saul begs his father to help him.

Saul: Papa, help me. I don't want to go to jail. I promise I'll change.
JJ: But you're a pobre diablo. Useless. I should never have recognized you as my son. You're not the only bastard I have around here. [WTF???] (The phone rings twice) You're as useless as the servant. Nobody is answering. (picks up phone)

Licenciado Lara wants to see him and Saul in his office about this whole affair. JJ agrees and asks for the time and address. Who wants to bet he will throw Saul under the autobus?

Rancho Socorro, night: Camilo drives up to Lucia's room saying he's there to see Perlita, who is sleeping. Lucia doesn't answer her phone; Camilo realizes it must be Ivan. Camilo apologises and begs her not to leave him, but she doesn't want to discuss Ivan. Camilo tells her she might become Ivan's mistress, but never his wife because he will never give her a divorce.

Someone needs to tell him it's not easy to stop one.

Ivan gets the recorded message that the cell number is off or out of the service area. He calls Carlota, who goes to Lucia's room. Lucia tells her she didn't answer because Camilo was there. Carlota brings up the matter of divorce. Since Camilo was caught in flagrante delicto with Maripaz, Lucia has the perfect grounds. Lucia, however, starts singing her mother's favorite song “No Quiero Escandalos”. Carlota tells her it will get worse yet: JJ is divorcing Esther to marry Lucrazia. Lucia is impactada and her expression indicates distaste.


Looks like the Merry Piece will get her way with Camilo as something appears to be wrong with JJ. Camilo is planning to accuse Lucia of infidelity and sue for custody of Perla.


conseguire to win
evitar to avoid
paliza beating
sinvergüenza swine, shameless arsehole


Cuando Me Enamoro #157 Wednesday 11/30/11 Chema bids farewell and departs on a positive note, an indecent proposal and an abandoned baby

Recap by Marta Ivett!!

Saul offers Marina the moon and the stars and even the kitchen sink… new family, a father for her children, the partner he wasn’t before… you don’t have to be a single mom. I can rekindle our love. I can make you happy. I can make you love me again. Just say the word. Don’t want to lose you again. You are the love of my life… yada yada.

But Marina insists it wasn’t easy but she got over him… she smiled again and… even fell in love again. He recognizes she would not have children if it was not for love.

At Connie’s she and Adri are talking while Connie rocks the baby on couch… Adri is understanding, but says don’t want to see you sad or anguished. Adri tells her Corina is using her. They are running late for Chema’s restaurant opening. Connie would take the baby there but Hono and Ines would nag her for it. But ever since I touched this baby’s hands, I fell for her. (well, I know touching a baby’s hands is very moving… but you don’t have to feel responsible for that baby for the rest of their life either, woman. )

Corina arrives appologetic. Adri looks on Corina as if she was seeing a vampire.

At their honeymoon in some town center plaza, Gina and Gonzo are enjoying themselves. Gina seems to be concerned about everything going on back home. Gonzo convinces her life has its ups and downs… and then they get cheesy… lets think only about us… about our love… we deserve to be happy. He makes her say I love you several times.

At LaB, Anibal and Allison are chatting.. they are happy they found each other there. They begin to dismantle rolls of bread and throw them at each other. She plays a prank on him that he hurt her eye… GOT YA!!, then they are about to kiss and she pulls away. Walks to the fridge and then turns back to him and smiles.

At the opening, Matt and Adri arrive, they run into Sele and Diego, who will marry soon. Matt has no resentment from past for Diego. Don Ben and Jul arrive, as well as Ines and Isidro. Hono and Connie run in behind them. Chema arrives to a shower of everyone’s compliments.

Chema asks Adri and Julieta to cut the ribbon…

At unison, they cut the ribbon and Chema opens the champagne bottle and sprays everyone around. Everyone is very happy for Chema.

At MR manor, German comes to visit Berta… (Mana’s Mariposa in background)

German seems to be more pushy on Berta than before… Berta tells him she likes him being forward but she is shaking and her voice is stuttering. She hugs him but then smiles at her plan going so well.

At church in Ensenada, Padre Seve is concerned about Marina.. He is mad that she is out with Saul… remembers how Marina suffered before with that man. Antonio tries to calm him down. Padre tells Antonio that Saul lost everything, even an apartment he had bought with Marina, for gambling. Apparently Marina found out suddenly and was devastated. Padre is hopefull Marina won’t fall for that story again. (Marina seems to be as naïve as a little toddler when it comes to men… even if she is totally smart for everything else)

Chema tells everyone not to worry, he is not going nuts, he just had time to reflect on what has happened and he realized everyone had done what they did because they love him. He thanks his dad for being there when he was born and now is there when his end is approaching. Chema gets really emotional. He announces he bought a plane ticket for Paris so he can learn as much as he can while he can. He thanks everyone for contributing to making his dream come true. If he never found out about his illness, he would never have done it. He thanks Ines for giving him the chance to serve his fellow brothers at the charity center. He thanks Isidro for showing him what unconditional love is when Adriancito was ill and come up with the phrase ‘noone gives up here’ as an example to follow. He thanks Julieta for her friendship. Matt for his solidarity. Hono for letting him be close to his family despite what happened. Connie for her support and love. (we hear Fran Cespedes Senora song while Connie remembers their moments together). Adri… for being a wonderful woman who did everything to please his dad, to make him happy. These last few days at your side were incredible. (she remembers their times together). He thanks both Adri and Connie for showing him what being in love is. HE thanks everyone for showing him that it was worth living. Cheers!

(He takes a sip and gets fainty and falls down… The scene gets chaotic instantly. Yelling for ambulances… Julieta says he has no pulse… Ben begins CPR…

Marina gets home and Padre Seve asks her what happened. She says Saul got over gambling, wants to marry her and be a father for her children. Padre asks her if she said no… she just stays quiet and serious. Antonio excuses himself out. Padre gets concerned. Are you even considering that proposal?

Saul goes to see Augie to give him a debriefing.. He is confident. Messing with a couple of dice in his hand (if this guy is over gambling then I can fly me to the moon). Saul tells Augie that everything is under control. This was just a first meeting after a long time. You were right. She is still hurting for loving the father of her children. Augie asks him to pressure her to accept his proposal asap. Saul nods yes.

Lazaro, Nata and Kari are walking and Antonio ran into them. He asks bout Jero… they tell him they are working on getting him freed asap. They tell Antonio that Lazaro and Kari just got married. They want Padre Seve to give them his blessing. Padre is busy but nata comes up with idea that they will give them a dinner at LaB to celebrate the marriage. Then Padre S can give them his blessing there. Antonio will take Padre S there. Lazaro and Kari are super happy.

At jail, Jero is talking to his lawyer. Tells Jero that Nata is very brave… Jero agrees, she does not give up. They talk about Alvaro testimony tomorrow. Lawyer says might not be worth much since he is an ex convict. But it can’t hurt. The already arrested Dr Izaguirre. They sound hopeful. They will try Nata’s idea…

At hospital they are all in waiting area with droppy faces. He was so happy. Too bad this happened today. We all thought he was dead. The end must be very close. Adri hopes Chema will be able to fulfill his dream to go to Paris. Lets have faith. Doctor comes to them, there is not much anyone can do. Even more droopy faces. Sorry, the end is very close. He wants to see Ben and Adri. So they go in with Doctor.

German and Berta are in her bed. They enjoy themselves… Surely they will be able to spend more time together when he gets divorced… Berta not thrilled with the ‘lover’ role. He tries to convince her saying she represents his will to live. Berta asks why he is married to that ‘ruca’. You are attractive, interesting, but your wife… He tells her he married young. (but has a face of liar, nose growing) He was interested in her family and that she knew about business. All she has to do is lift a finger to get everything she wants. Berta asks again what keeps him tied to her. He says he does not want to hurt her. He would never leave a woman like Gema, except for you.

Chema is talking to Ben and Adri.. he is saying goodbye, he is at peace, the end is near. Wanted to have you both with me. Don’t want them to cry. Remember me with a smile. Take my ashes to that tree, the one we planted when I was a kid. Ben will comply. Chema says I am leaving happy, content at the life I led, as I wanted, as I wished. .. I bought a ticket for Paris… but the journey I will do now is even more beautiful. I know. Thank you for so much love. For being with me. I love you too. (Cuando un amigo se va song and the long BEEEEPP… RIP Chema…)

At waiting room, the droopy faces continue… Ines talks about Chema’s will to serve others. Always bringing fruit from the farm… Julieta tells them he taught her to make hot cocoa. Everyone has good memories of him. Adri comes to announce Chema died. Matt rushes to hug her.

(song continues… like a bottomless well… don’t go yet… my guitar cries when it says goodbye)

At LaB Anibal and Allison continue having a good time… Augie comes over. Nata, Lazaro and Kari arrive too. Kari and Lazaro go ahead inside. Augie asks about Jero. Nata says still locked in… Augie again offers his help anytime… Inside everyone is happy that Laz and Kari got married. Manuela wishes she had been there. Priss arrives and puts a frown face… Manuela wants to celebrate. Nata says we will… here tonight. Padre and Antonio are also coming over. She volunteers Allison to help her. Kari wants to invite Alfo and her children. Mati says the next wedding is ours. Herminia keeps bringing up the curse and everyone nags her. Prissy keeps staring at Carlos and Mati with sneaky smile.

Antonio visits Jero in jail… he is convinced that Nata is Gina’s real daughter. He will manage a way to get Nata’s prints… Jero says when Nata finds out she is Gina’s daughter it will take a huge load off her back. Jero wishes he could help. Antonio says he can manage with the prints but Nata should get an EKG to show that she also has the cardiac condition of her dad’s. Jero promises he will take Nata for both of them to get a medical checkup and it will show any cardiac condition she has. Antonio is excited to help give Gina her real daughter. Antonio changes the subject and asks Jero not to receive Marina there… She gets very affected everytime she sees him. Jero admits both Nata and Marina have a hard time when they find the other with Jero and he feels bad about it. Antonio tells Jero about the old boyfriend that came to see Marina, who Padre Seve says is not a good man, destroyed her years ago, had earlier problems with gambling and alcohol. He seems to have come back to try to get Marina back. Jero agrees that they have to get this guy away. Antonio says it seems Marina sees in this guy a way to stay away from Jero … Jero wants Marina to find someone but someone worthy of her, someone who respects her and cares for his children…

At LaB everyone is in prep for the party. Prissy offers Herminia to help. She wants to know more about the curse. Herminia sings like a canary with the stories of old boyfriends of Mati’s.

Carlos agrees to give Nata the money Jero stated, but is not happy with the idea of giving so much money to Alvaro. Nata wants Antonio to help convince Alvaro to say the truth… Carlos is not very convinced Alvaro will tell the truth. Nata needs to find a way, ANY WAY to get Alvaro to tell the truth. Carlos asks her to let him go with her. She agrees.

Jero asks Antonio to try to convince Marina to prevent her from getting back with Saul. Antonio says he has not known her so long. Not sure. Jero says maybe I will have to talk to her then… Antonio does not think it is a good idea. Marina has not decided anything and going to see her could get him in trouble with Nata. Jero agrees.

Anibal tells Augie that there will be a celebration dinner at LaB… Anibal guesses right that Augie wants him to tell him about everything that happens there.

At jail doctor’s office, Blanca and Fina are with sellout doc… He gets off the phone with someone who says everything went well. (Corina?) … Doc tells her to stop by for her money. Hangs up and Fina is happy that everything is going according to plan.

Connie, Hono, Matt and Adri arrive at the house. Suddenly the baby begins to cry… Connie begins looking for Corina… Matt asks who is Corina. Hono says the baby’s mother who is using Connie to help with her baby. Hono gets mad, guesses Corina abandoned her daughter in their house… Connie impactada…

Previews: Augie saying don’t matter how far I have to go or how I have to buy out, but Jero will stay in jail. Fina happy, there is nothing like vengeance… Augie licking his hand remembering Nata in his bed ‘I am sure that the end of this story will feature Nata and myself’. Voiceover: Be witness of an episode that will make history!


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Una Familia Con Suerte #39 Wed 11/30/11 Catwoman-Unmasker... Unmasked (it's Vins)

Ezra begins this recap:

So things pick up where they left off, at the Blowout party (in more ways than one), in the jungle with Bam Bam and Carmen Miranda. The rich people start arriving, and it looks like they didn't get the memo. That or they don't feel like dressing to fit the theme. The latter appears to be the case as all the rich people and the reporters start fussing about how "vulgar" this party has become.

Candy shows up in her Slutty-Chiquita-Banana suit and sets them off on a new round of twittering... all the rich ladies decide to drag their drooling husbands away, leaving just Pancho&co., the reporters, and Pina/Vins (Pina hasn't managed to drag drooling Vins away yet, which is just as well, because he's going to be part of this episodes first *shocking revelation*.

The reporters start asking Pina about her show, and express disappointment that she's taking on a vulgar bimbo like Candy, which strikes a nerve. After all, many of the men who just got dragged out by their noses had been potential sources of capital for the reopening of Pina Opina.

In a misguided attempt at damage control, Vins grabs a microphone and proclaims the bosque bash to be an event of low class put on by the lowlifes Lopez. He basically insults the entire Pancho clan, at one point calling them "prototypes of the prosaic."

Pancho can't take this, so he grabs TWO microphones and begins to run his mouth. Everyone can tell he's about to spill the beans (I guess this show has a lot of beans to spill... to be more specific, he's about to spill the Vins-and-Candy beans). Eventually his frustration peaks, and there go the beans. He yells that it was Vince who ripped off Candela's catgirl mask. Everyone gasps and I grab my burrito, because it's time for a commercial break.

Rebeca wants a word with Pancho in private. Chela, obviously, objects, but doesn't get anywhere.

Beca and Pancho, private meeting: Gee, Pancho, you really blew it. But Beca, I was defending your honor. I can only take so much. But Pancho, that wasn't an honorable thing for a president to do. But Beca, my family comes first. He storms off, leaving her not mad but rather kinda charmed... "Ay Pancho," she whispers.

Now Vins is denying everything. He'd never do such a thing. He should have expected these lies from such a cabal of vulgarity. Incidentally, that will be the title of the first album my grunge garage band releases. Thanks a lot, Univision.

Pancho is rehashing the evening's events with his buds. They think he's got something with Rebeca. He doesn't. But he does.

Candy is rehashing the evening's events with Chela and the maid. She is clearly anguished. Hooray, more forbidden love!

Pancho has learned how to tie a tie, and Fers strolls in. She seems somewhat bemused by the night's events, and wishes Pancho would just cool out. He protests.

Melinama: At this point I strolled out to the living room and realized my son Ezra was about to fall asleep so I am taking over, if I can read his cryptic notes. Unfortunately it seems the last few paragraphs he'd written were lost.

Fers guilts and coddles Pancho, who is so frustrated with the three evil musketeers: "I need you, you've become indispensable." He eventually says ok, he won't throw in the towel, and they give each other lovely hugs. She is about the 11th person to tell him that both Chela and Rebeca are in love with him. He continues to deny it.

Ezra's notes say this is when Pina dreams of her yummy plumber - sadly, Vince intrudes into the dream and when she wakes up he complains she's been snoring like a jabalí (wild boar). She's annoyed he woke her up and tries to get back into her dream immediately...

Pancho can't sleep - Chela hears his television and comes in. He tells a joke about a "gay cockroach" (which came out of the closet). She says (again) he can't trust anyone at Avon and then tells him: "While I was hiding under her desk, Rebeca came on very seductively to Vince, she wanted the two of them to go out and said 'Pancho is of no importance.' " He is miserable.

Chela once again warns Candy she can't keep playing both sides - Vince is an infeliz (you might think that means he's unhappy but rather, he makes other people unhappy - an infeliz is a bum) and her brother's worst enemy. They wail together that Candy always chooses the worst men. "You can't serve God and the devil," Chela concludes.

Pina accuses Vince of spying on Candy with the closed circuit tv AND his little telescope. He admits it but says he could hardly avoid it since Candy's body is so tremendon heh heh. "But I would NEVER..."

... Candy strolls in, skin tight red outfit rendering Vince speechless and docile, and as eagerly attentive as my son's dog when you wave Thanksgiving turkey fat in front of his snout.

Pina asks point-blank: "WAS it my husband who ripped off your cat-girl mask?" It takes Candy the whole of the commercial break to compose her answer: "I would like to deny it, but you are my dear friend so I must tell the truth, yes it was him ... BUT ... it was the first time he ever came to Paraiso and he did not know the rule about not touching the masseuse." Thus, she partially told the truth and appeased Pina and Vince was relieved as well...

... and there was peace at la casa Irabien until Pina's friend shows up, does not want to hear about the dog's poop, and is listening to Pina's somewhat mollified take on the catgirl-unmasking-revelation when the maid finds VINCE'S LOVE LETTER TO CANDY.

Tomorrow Julia of the splendid vocabulary list is going to do us a little recap. Thanks Julia! And thanks Ez for joining the team!!!! And thanks Julie for taking time from your busy schedule to do our Fridays! Signing off for the night - Melinama


Cuando Me Enamoro #156 Tuesday 11/29/11 Tales for Sale


Humbly submitted by Lila

From yesterday:

Maritata sniveling to Antonio, attentive but unmoved, insists that Tata gets real already.

We are introduced to Auggie’s latest purchase, Saul, the one that got away from Tata.  Auggie wants Saul to woo Tata away. . .far, far away.

Kari gets her divorce decree and is thus free to marry Super Laz. . .”dicen que las flores no dejaban de cantar tu nombre, tu nombre cariño” Juan Luis Guerra serenades us. . .

Nastynez crawls out from under his rock at The Rock to meet Renata who asks him to tell the truth about the feigned death plot.  What you gonna give me in return, he leers. . .

New stuff:

Renata doesn’t dignify his leer with a reaction.  All Renata has to offer him is the opportunity to clear his conscience.  Ah, that’s just cheap romanticism that doesn’t go far here in the pen sniffs Nastay.  Seems a cash cushion will make life easier. . .[gulp! Oh no, don’t do it Renata!] 

The youngsters, Anibal and Alison stroll through the house at La Bonita.  He remarks that he is treated well here despite being Auggie’s son.  His motorcycle is still not out of the shop and it’s curious that at first Auggie wanted him to scram but now he wants him to stick around so they get to know each other.  Aye, this puts a light in Alison’s eyes, she’s like, cool, that means you’ll be around more?  Well, not cause I want to, but I need to Anibal looks away, pained.  Why, what’s up?  Anibal takes Alisons hands and vows to give her the whole truth but she has to swear not to tell a soul!

Back at The Cruz de Desamor Saul questions the logic of Auggie’s plan. . .Auggie quiets Saul’s qualms with a briefcase full of cash. . .is that enough for you to go to the parish and convince Marina to begin a new life with you.  You bet your sweet bippy it is grins Saul!  It’s a deal!

As we watch the sad, jaundice-toned replay, Anibal tells the story of his Mom dying of cancer about two months ago. . .there was always just him and his Mom, she never married.   It was her dying wish that he know of his roots. . . she instructed him to take out a box from the nightstand. . .within the box was the proof that Augustin Dunant is his Father.   Poor Hortensia had kept the letter in which Auggie told her to get an abortion and the check to pay for it.  How romantic. [What’s the male equivalent of a skank?]  Anibal doesn’t know what he’s going to do with the letter, he’s not sure what his next step will be.  Alison entreats Anibal to stay, maybe with time his Dad will accept him and even come to care for him.

Ahhhh, Hon enjoys a hot cup o’ joe while he cruises the news in the morning paper.  “Waaaah!” His comfy concentration is interrupted by the cute report of a baby’s cry.  Hon calls to Con as he gets up to investigate.  BUSTED!  What are YOU doing with this baby HERE.  Connie stammers she is taking care of her for Corina.  Hasn’t Regina warned you you cannot get involved with this woman.  She explains that Cornia has gone to her house to get more clothing and other things she needs.  Hon maintains that the baby cannot stay in their house.  No, it’s only for a couple of days pleads Connie.  Whoa!  Now it’s Hon’s turn to jut HIS jaw. 

Awww, Chema of the dreamy eyes and cheek-sweeping lashes shares a subtle smile and ushers us to the next commercial break. . .and a lovely Adriana welcomes us back. . .

Isidro and Ines discuss Renata’s return to La Bonita:  this complicates Isidro’s efforts to confirm his suspicions.  Ines convinces Isidro to talk to Antonio and enlist his help in getting Renata’s finger prints.  After all, Antonio himself promised Regina that he would help her find her daughter:  we’ll help him keep his word!

Well, Hon is not making much headway with Connie, she’s got a serious baby buzz again!  You can’t get involved with a child that’s not yours, who sooner or later will have to go and it’s going to break your heart!  Well, I’ve thought about that, why don’t we adopt!  No! No! No!  Neither of us are of the age to start taking care of a baby!  Connie’s buzz dissolves into a pout.

Matias, Adriana and Julieta sit in a café discussing the Chema situation.  Julieta thinks it’s very strange that Chema doesn’t want to talk to them but has made a special point to have his Dad call them to ask them not to miss the grand opening.  Adri and Mati thinks he just needs to time to sort his feelings out and don’t think anything is amiss, Julieta is not convinced.

Oh, goody, things are about to pick up!  Here’s Fina and Berta who is informing malamama that the money is in the car and she’s not bringing her another peso!  Roberta tells Fina that Regina traced the ransom money and has recovered it from Fina’s accounts.  Maldita! spits Fina, but she’s not finished:  Inside Empresas Monterrubio is somebody who will tell Roberta exactly what she has to do to get the money Fina needs! “voy a buscar a nuestra asesora financiera.”  I’m going to get our financial manager chirps Fina with a bow.

Connie has regrouped and argues that plenty women her age have happily cared for newborns. . . .good for them but we don’t need it counters Hon.  I have emotional needs as well that caring for a baby can satisfy. . .well, when Adriana has children you can meet those needs as Abuela, not as Mother!  This is Hon’s last word and as soon as this bundle of (not) joy is well, she and her mother have to leave this house!  Hon cautions that he thinks Cornia is taking advantage of Connie.  Connie is like a pink record player with one broken disc and she just keeps going at Hon with her one tune but Hon stands firm:  you’re breaking the rules of Regina’s Hope and taking this too personal.

Holy loco-motion, it’s Blanca, the asesora financieraRoberta, working in the credit and collection section of EM is supposed to get clients making payments to make the checks out in her name and split the ill-gotten gains with Fina!? [Okay.  Anybody feel free to chime in here, I’m not sure how this is going to work even if Roberta was not unscrupulous, grasping and with zippo business saavy?!] 

Okay.  Lovebirds back at Hoosegow Light.  Renata explains that NauseousNesme has agreed to “tell the truth” in exchange for dinero. . .Jero is as surprised as I was, this is like blackmail, no, don’t do it he says.  Renata sees this as a simple incentive or gratuity for doing what needs to be done.  [Once again, am I missing something here?  How is the purchased word of psycho-perverted-lush going to help Jero?]   Just for our Carlos, doubts are settled with kisses and sweet nothings from one side of the sun-drenched bars to the other! “Cuando me enamoro. . .”  Renata takes us to break with her sexy inhalation of the heady bouquet of a freshly-picked bunch of grapes. . .

A radiant Kari meets Super Laz at the Po-Po station, divorce decree in a green-means-go folder.  I feel Laz is restraining himself from one of his award-winning gritos when he simply picks Kari up off her feet in a joyous embrace.  Green does mean “go” as Kari proposes the get hitched right here and now!  Laz is way past ready.  Off they run hand in hand cute as can be to the Registro Civil. [I love the Kari song so much sometimes I don’t even hear what the two of them are saying but I got this loud and clear!]

Ho boy, here’s Ms. Ain’t got a professional bone in her body – Prissy – working amongst bubbling flasks and beakers questioning Charlie about Matilde, and marveling that he not only fell for such a country bumpkin but that his mother accepts her as well.  Charlie confesses that at first it was not so but she won her over.  Prissy calculates that she’s got a new card she’s gonna play in that Charlie never told Matilde they were novios.  [I thought Matilde found this out?]  Carlos attitude is “lo que no fue en tu año no te hace daño.  (If it’s not in your era, it shouldn’t scare ya).  We hear Prissy’s wheels-a turnin’ as Charlie hobbles off to look for Renata.

Uh oh, back in Sunnydale Hoozegow Jero is juro-ing to Renata that nothing is going to separate them.  [This is known as anvil whispering!]  Jero agrees that Nesme’s nasty palms may be greased [sickening metaphor, isn’t it?]  They discuss and then dismiss the lying Doctor Ezaguirre as an arse-covering, ethically-challenged wimp.  Anywho, Renata is to get cash from the safe at LB for Nas-T.  I don’t know if this is noble or stupid:  Renata doesn’t want Carlos to take the money to Nesme, she wants to do it herself!  At least she promises not to go alone and there’s more smooching between the bars. .

A smiling Saul pays TaTa and Padre a visit at the parsonage.  “Saul, que haces aqui?”  This is Saul, asks Tio Padre, the man that made you suffer so much?  [Oh Lord, there’s a pattern here].  Git yo’ ass outta here, snarls Padre, neither me nor my niece want anything to do with you!  Saul pleads that he’s come to ask her forgiveness, he’s looked for her everywhere, please listen.  Padre opens the door, Saul begs and Marina sits there, her usually quivering lips agape.

Speaking of lips, back to the Horny Hoozegow where Renata tries to kiss her way out of telling Jero that it was Auggie who told her he was in jail.  Jero is pissed.  Oh he was just trying to be helpful and offering his support.  Don’t be naïve, Renata Jero pleads, having backed out of kissing range.  Dunant’s a bad person.  Renata manages to drag him back to her lips, which Jero fights, trying to tell Renata about Auggie and Roberta’s shaggin’ behind her back while she was engaged to Auggie.  No importa, no importa she cries, chanelling Matilde as she swallows Jero’s protests in kisses. [Ok, Carlos, this time it was annoying!]

Meanwhile, Saul has taken a seat and Tata is listening.  Saul feigns surprise at her preganancy and use of a wheelchair.  How big of him, he still wants to talk to Tata even though she’s pregnant.  Padre, like us, shakes his head in disgust.

Laz and Kari in the Registro Civil explaining their crazy, mixed up courtship.  All the papers are in order and Laz gives a 2 on the Richter scale grito.  Okay, cool, do you each have two witnesses? Nooo. . .hang on you crazy kids, un momentito says to RC official and she leaves.  Well, who should be walking by the large internal windows of the RC office but Renata?  They anxiously beckon her in and pull her in on the happy plot.  Renata squeals, one witness down, three to go.

Tata and Saul talk in the courtyard, he’s gonna rebuild his life, blah, blah, blah, he knows his ADDICTION hurt her but he’s a new man and he continues to get his beg on, big time.

Padre seeks refuge in consultation with Antonio about this Saul who is the cause of Tata closing her heart to love, losing herself in her profession and low-cut cleavage-baring blouses. [emphasis mine]  Saul destroyed her past but Jeronimo represents the present and future Padre explains.  Padre is worried that Tata is vulnerable and may become reinvolved with Saul as a way out of her problems.  Donde hubo fuego, cenizas quedan.  Where there was fire, smoldering embers remain.

Our Darling Chema is at a travel agency and has called Selene on the phone, inviting her to the grand opening of his restaurant. . .where we find Julieta and Chema’s Dad.  The worry together about Chema’s state.  .

Hmmmm. Chema is buying tickets to Paris?  Yes.  Pah-ree.  It’s a dream of his, he always wanted to go there and study with the great Chefs.  Nunca dejes para mañana lo que puedes hacer hoy. [To prove this is also a learning space, those who don’t know the meaning of this saying, your assignment is to look it up].

Oh Boy!  Tony is talking to Isidro on the phone about helping him get Renata’s finger prints!  Isidro gets right to the point:  He thinks Fina and Roberta are breaking one off in everybody and he wants to extract the appendage as it were.  I want proof of what I suspect that Roberta IS NOT the daughter of Regina.  But there was a positive DNA test and Roberta has the same congenital heart defect as her Dad, Roberto.  Yeah, but fingerprints don’t change and Roberta’s do not match those on the birth certificate of the baby Roberto and Regina registered!  Isidro answers Tony that he’s not saying Roberta is faking the heart defect but that Renata could also have one.  Tony agrees to help get the prints!

And as the flowers sing her glorious name, Super Laz and Kari are pronounced Marido y Mujer in the company of Renata and three other witnesses the official gathered.! They share their first marital kiss as we are treated to a montage of the cheers, tears, trials and tribulations of our beloved and patient Novios!

Meanwhile, back at La Bonita Carlos startles Mati with one of his endearingly cute gestures:  the presentation of a paper flower [methinks thou shalt need more than that after Prissy filleth her ear]  Mati plays hard to melt,  declaring her annoyance over his friendship with Prissy.  Said Prissy has just thought-bubbled her skank application:  “No, he will not have eyes only for you.  Your eyes will return to me.  This “Matilde” will soon be a thing of the past.  I’m not going to permit you to continue with this foolish, absurd idea of marrying her.”

Now Saul is hauling Marina around in her chair continuing to put the beg on [her listening adds at least another couple of paragraphs to the excellent psych eval EJ gave her the other day] He offers to take care of her babies, to be their Father.  Oh, he’s going to give her a new life, be the couple they never could be before [hmmm, this is giving her pause, a decades-missing crack-head promising a new life. . .], he’s going to give her the family she always wanted. . .All Tata can offer is “don’t insist, Saul”.  With this half-assed protest he shifts it into high gear. . .Oh, you’re the love of my life, let me win you back. I don’t want to lose you again.   Thinking on this most attractive tale, Tata fades to grey. . .

[Aw shoot!  I thought I was going to get the outing of Roberta, had a title picked and everything.  So forgive my slightly lame title.  Oh well, it could be in no better hands than my friends who have capped and recapped this number from the beginning.]

Preview:   The Batty Bobsy Twins ramp their plan into the next level,  Auggie and Saul do the same and oh my goodness, did I see Chema slipping into darkness?


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

La Fuerza del Destino #82 Tue 11/29/11 Everyone Changes Their Position on Everything and MP Nearly Gets Another Notch on Her Bedpost

All- Gloria was unable to get a recap up this evening, so I am providing these bullet points based on what I remember. I likely forgot some things and things are out of order. Please feel free to add anything I’ve forgotten.

-MP, Camilo and Ivan all get their wounds tended by family and doctors. MP is turned on by the idea of two lions fighting over their female (hembra), especially two lions with such amazing bodies.
-Lucia comes home to the news of the fight and first asks how Ivan is. She goes to check-in on Camilo who is on the phone with Celia. Celia wants him to go with her and Caro to Mexico City tomorrow for Caro’s operation (seems Caro changed her mind about not going without Antolin). Cam can’t because he is too battered.
-Lucia hears his half of the conversation, ignores his jealous interrogation about why she was in Ivan’s car, and decides that SHE will go to D.F. with Caro. Camilo immediately thinks Ivan will be going with her and gets even more crazy with jealousy.
-Camilo seems to have changed his mind about Carmen marrying Saul, because now he’s pressuring her to do it so that he can become the Ag Assoc president and get lots of money and power like Ivan. That’ll show Lucia!
-Carmen also seems to have changed her mind and decides she will not marry that delinquent.
-Tony decides to go with Caro and Lucia to D.F. He’ll rent a private plane to take them early the next morning.
-Tony and Carly decide that they had a huge part in causing this mess between Lucia-Ivan-Camilo, and they need to try to fix it.
-MP catches a mostly naked Camilo in his room and starts to skank all over him. He can’t move much because of his bruises, but does respond to her kisses. Next thing you know, they’re naked under the sheets and making out.
-Carly comes to talk to Camilo and hears him and MP panicking and getting ready to shove MP out the window. Carly busts in and starts yelling up a storm, bringing Lucia (who was on the phone with insistent Ivan) and Lucrezia running. Everyone is impactada at the sight of half naked Camilo and MP.
-Lucrezia kicks MP out of the house that very night, even after she insists that things didn’t go further than kissing. Lucrezia also tries to downplay what happened with Carly.
-Carly thinks this is the perfect opportunity for Lucia to get a divorce and move on to Ivan. Lucia continues to be stuck in limbo. She’s depressed and tired of BOTH men. She just wants to be alone with her daughter, with her women folk, and without problems.
-After Lucia leaves the next morning, Carly kicks Camilo out of the house AND takes away his ranch admin job and gives it to Ezekiel.
-Ivan and Celia visit Antolin in prison. He’s happy Caro went for the surgery. He’s antsy to get out of jail. Celia and Ivan tell him about Caro’s inheritance from Gerry. This actually complicates his case because it provides even more motive for why he would kill Gerry.
-The lawyers prove that Anto’s lock was forced. It helps a little, but not a lot. In order to show that Anto was not desperate for money, Ivan and Tony decide to (lie) say that Tony had already offered to pay for Caro’s surgery long ago. They get their story straight with Anto.
-Cute engineer asks Judith out again. She puts him off since MP has just called her crying and wants to see her. Cutie pie engineer is not deterred and makes a date with Judith for tomorrow instead.
-Judith and MP have dinner in her hotel room. Judith scolds MP for trying to get it on with her sister’s husband. She just did it to bug Lucia. MP still wants to get her a big hunk of Camilo pie.
-Camilo commiserates with JJ. Will these two be plotting with each other soon?
-In D.F., Caro’s doctor says the outlook is good before and after the surgery. As with the last time, Caro will not be able to fly back to Alamos when she is released in two days. Tony decides to ask Ivan to come pick them up.
-Lucia seems both excited and scared by the idea.
-When Tony presents Ivan with the idea he is hesitant, because he doesn’t want to be pushy with Lucia. He feels he’s pushed enough and now the ball’s in her court. Tony also changes his position on things and tells Ivan to keep fighting for Lucia.
-Camilo and Anto talk about implicating Saul and Gordo. Anto still refuses because it would lead to Carmen.
-Anto can’t believe Camilo was stupid enough to fall into MP’s trap. Camilo says he’s a man, isn’t he?! And he hasn’t had nookie in months! Anto tells him how he hasn’t touched a woman in YEARS since he’s been in love with Caro, and that doesn’t make HIM less of a man. (Take that Camilo!) He advises Camilo to let Lucia go if she is in love with Ivan. Camilo can’t force her to love him.
-When Celia finds out the reason Camilo was run off Ranch Curiel, she starts to knock him upside the head. Later she calls Ivan and tells him that Camilo and Lucia are caput. Ivan then looks a little more willing to make that drive to D.F.

Avances: Lucia and Ivan make up and make out.


Hi Everybody!

It's me again, Melinama's son...

I need a little help for my Statistics 101 final project. I need to gather data on an amusing topic, and Novelas offer just the thing. I'm hoping to do some hypothesis testing on the claim that Mexican TV is more dramatic than domestic TV. It may not be a very scientific way to go about it, but I need your help! Would anyone willing to volunteer please please please watch their show as normal but keep a side tally of every time a character makes a dramatic gesture with their hands and arms (this is subject to your interpretation - the project is more about math than it is about accurate data collection).

I've only got a week left on the project, so the more responses I can get the better. If you could help me out, just put in the comments section below, for whichever novela(s) you're watching, the number of gestures you counted.

I'll owe you big. Thanks so much!



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