Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Eva Luna #81 Tue 3/1/11 Excrement hits fan, a little less idiotic man

Eva Luna, 3/1/11, Episode #81.

The RECAP IS UP! Scroll down the page for the bulleted list (summary) of the episode, plus additional photos and video clips.

We rewind to the scene where venomous Marcy is sneeringly telling Tilde and Deborah that she knows Deborah is Eva's and Alicia's mom.

Happy Francisco and Marisol. You can't make me care. They are all kissy-kissy smoochy and he's going to bring his stuff over to the pension in the morning and then they'll be wedded for real.

Jacky is literally wringing her hands with worry and distress over Francisco and Marisol getting together.

Deborah is denying that she's the mom of Eva and Alicia but Marcela is insistent. Marcy threatens to tell the girls. She wants Deborah to side with her against them.

Some more consolidation of scenes, because they all switch back and forth too much!

Having it out with the bruja about the fake suicide attempt. (Click on image to see larger version.)

Dan has it out with Victoria. He's tired of her mentiras (lies). He confronts her about the fake suicide. Victoria claims that Eva made that all up, but Dan says that he doesn't think that Eva would come up with something so awful on her own and he believes her. Then Icky changes tactics and whines that she did it because she looooves him so much. He is disgusted. All through these series of scenes she attempts to touch him and he recoils from her and backs away.

Daniel doesn't even want Icky to touch him, and recoils every time she comes near. (Click on image to see larger version.)

She then begs him to understand that she did it because she was desperate, but he has finally had it. The old comatose brain cells that have lain dormant for the last several weeks (well, over a year, actually) finally have kicked in and he is OUTTA THERE. He takes his jacket and exits swiftly, slamming the door behind him and leaving a screeching bruja wondering what happened and then blaming Eva for it all.

Adrian is chatting with Don Ricardo and Justa. He's told that if his dad is found, he'll be arrested. He's done some bad things. Adrian just wants to stay with Don Ricardo and Justa.

Tomas captures the attention of the cops and they start chasing after him. After some chase he has a shootout with a cop. The cop is shot and appears to be dead.

Marcela looks like she's drunk—probably on liquor but also on an especially potent brand of nasty evilness. She's going to make a big scene in front of those who are left at the party. She makes a snipe about how Eva's "bastard" kid is going to have her (Marcela's) last name! Well Eva wastes no time and smacks her across the face for that. Marcela just smiles venomously because she hasn't yet begun to get started.

It's late. Francisco returns to Danny's house and Jacky is in her jammies but waiting in the kitchen. There's an uncomfortable scene where Francisco has to break it to her that he's moving in with Marisol.

Eva hasn't yet begun with Marcela and she's ready to do more bodily damage but Leo restrains her. Tia Tilde also appears on the scene. Marcela is just getting warmed up, and as Eva attempts to leave Marcela calls her back by tantalizing her with news on the woman who left her—"for the trash you are!" Marcela sneers. This gets Eva's attention as of course Tia and Deborah cringe and try to stop this trainwreck from happening. Leo is absolutely USELESS in trying to stop his bruja mom.

Dan, in seek of solace, appears at the room of lusty Liliana, who is wearing standard issue skimpy skank gear. She's thrilled to see him. He sulks as he sits on her couch and talks about his marriage ending. She's eager to offer relief. She starts to massage his back and when he gets up from the couch, she kisses him. He responds. She tries to convince him how he needs her comfort, that he's looking for someone to love and care for him, but he doesn't look all enthused about this—mostly just miserable.

Marcela rants and raves and revs up to tell Eva the truth, and Deborah, frozen with fear, tries to restrain Marcela and yells, "Please don't tell her!" As soon as she does this Eva looks at her with full understanding and she KNOWS. Mother and daughter share a sad moment of realization as Marcela cackles like a bruja and says YES! It's HER! She's your mother!

The sadness and shock registers on Eva's face as she first realizes that Deborah is her mom. (Click on image to see larger version.)
Eva of course denies that Deborah is mom, but Marcela keeps screeching that it is the truth. Eva appeals to Tia to deny it but Tia can't. Deborah tries to explain but of course is interrupted. More tears and beseeching looks as the truth sinks in for Eva. Useless Leo keeps trying to shut up mom but she keeps yapping. She finally says triumphantly that this news is her "engagement gift" to Eva and leaves. Deborah looks at Eva sadly and says she'll see her the next day at their meeting.

Skanky Liliana is still putting the moves on Dan. She kisses him more and he responds again, but now he goes into Dan-Fantasy-Mode and it's Eva he's kissing, not Liliana. He just can't go through with it (you know what I mean) and Liliana tells him she can guess what he's thinking of—Eva. He doesn't deny it. He can't get her out of his mind but he knows he needs to. Liliana says she can help with that, by helping him form new attachments. She moves in again but he's balking. So she says, just remember that I'm nearby (and rarin' to go! No, she didn't say that part). He thanks her and leaves.

Francisco wants Jacky to look him in the eye. She's been acting kind of frozen and dull in response to the news that he's getting back with his wife. Finally she snaps and tells him that it hurts her to look at him and she's basically pissed. She calls him an idiot. (Well, I can't disagree with her there!)

Idiot Alicia is whining about her love for Leo and how he's playing with her affections. Let's just do a little FF past that>>>

Back in their bedroom, Eva demands that Tia tell her the truth about Deborah. "Look me in the eyes!" Eva pleads. Tia admits that it's the truth. Eva slowly lowers herself to the couch as her face crumples in unshed tears. Then we have the standard tearful "Por qué? Por qué?" from Eva as she digests this news.

Then Tia is an idiot and repeats the lie, saying that Deborah abandoned the girls for another man. She reinforces the hatred and resentment that Eva has towards her supposed errant mom. Eva vows to never forgive Deborah.

Tomas is still on the run and is thinking what he'll have to do to escape—take Adrian with him, he thinks.

Leo is pissed at mom. She ruined his engagement party. She called Eva's kid a bastard. You can almost see Leo thinking, "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, what got into you, woman?" Marcela doesn't care, she is glad she hurt Eva and after all, little Pablito IS a bastard! (Good grief!) Leo says, well if Eva breaks up with me over this and we lose the fortune, you'll understand!

Tony's at the gambling pit and is having a bad night gambling. Gallo is chatting in a friendly manner with him. Gallo asks him how things are with Leo. Tony says not so good. Gallo warns him that Leo is a dangerous man. Tony complains that not only does Leo owe him money, he also stole his girlfriend. Gallo again warns Tony that not only could he lose those things, but he could also lose his life.

Daniel returns home and is getting his stuff out of the bedroom. Icky is still begging him not to leave but there's no way he's going for that. It's better that they both end the marriage. She says, "You're the one who married me while loving another woman!" He tells her he's going to sleep in another room. As he closes the door, she vows to herself to not give him a divorce and she says she's NOT crazy.

Its morning and Leo wakes Alicia up as she sleeps in bed. She can't believe he's there. He reminds her of all the stuff they talked about the night before. Then Eva knocks on the door and Alicia, showing some backbone for a moment, says "Come right in!" Leo quickly leaps back from the bed and you can see his head spinning as he tries to think of a convincing lie to explain his presence there. Eva sees him and he has that fishy-eyed Leo look on his face.

Francisco is telling Daniel about moving in with Marisol. Danny is happy for Francisco but Francisco is scared of making a mistake. Daniel says that he understands—marriage without love is a bad thing. Francisco comments that he noticed that Danny's sleeping in another room now. Daniel says that's how it is going to be from now on.

Leo lies (which happens each time his lips move) and says that Alicia's door closed by itself and he was just in there to check on Alicia's health, because she was feeling too poorly to attend the engagement party the night before. Eva seems to accept this and asks Leo to leave because she needs to talk to Alicia.

Eva breaks the news about Deborah being their mom. Alicia is of course impactada.

(I'm still combining scenes here for the sake of sanity.)

At the office, Giorgio is sucking up to Marcela and Daniel busts in with an ass-kickin' look on his face. Another telling-off. He chews out Marcela for the fake suicide of Victoria. Marcela says she did it because she loves her daughter. Daniel thinks this is crazy and sick. He tells her that he's going to get a divorce. After he leaves, Marcela vows that she'll get him and his little dog too. No wait—she says she'll kill him and his daughter.

Eva meets with Deborah at the office. She tells Deborah that she told Alicia that Deborah is the woman that abandoned them. Deborah tries to explain but Eva won't believe it, of course. Meanwhile Tia is telling Alicia to not believe Deborah, because she left their dad. Same kind of scene going on at the office. Eva tells Deborah that their relationship from now on is going to be strictly business.

Slut Liliana tells Leo that Daniel and Victoria had a fight, and that he came to her room but nothing happened . . . yet.

Victoria is out jogging and thinking about Daniel leaving. She thinks that she's not going to let him go so easily. She meets up with a friend who tells her of Claw's death and says that the police think it has to do with drugs.

Francisco is leaving the house and sees Jacky in the kitchen. Regretful and sad looks from Jacky. Francisco feels bad that Jacky may have gotten the wrong idea about them. It was, after all, just a "beautiful friendship." He wants Jacky's approval for his marriage to Marisol. She fights back tears and she says sure, he has her blessing because she loves him. She's sad because she'll miss his silliness and lies. She retreats as he is left thinking by himself, his eyes a little reddened too.

Tomas sneaks up and watches Adrian playing soccer with another kid.

Eva is in her office, drinking water out of this interesting-looking glass and reviewing all the nonsense that has gone down today with her mom. Meanwhile Deborah busts into Marcela's office and calls her out for what she did. Marcela says I offered you a deal and you didn't take me up on it. Deborah replies that she'd prefer the hatred of her daughters over actually working against them.

Leo is visiting Danny in the office and gossiping about Deborah being Eva's mom. Eva's real upset. Danny hadn't heard. Leo then asks Danny, what were you and Eva talking about last night? Danny says, "About your wedding to her."

Leo seems to be feeling a bit insecure because he starts in with Daniel about how Eva loves HIM. Daniel needs to accept that! I think Daniel says that Eva doesn't seem so convinced herself about wanting Leo. Then the discussion moves to Victoria. Daniel tells Leo about the fake suicide attempt, used as a way to blackmail him (Daniel). Leo looks impactado.

Marisol visits Alicia all a-twitter with silly happiness. But Alicia is in the dumps and whines about Leo. Kvetching about Eva's engagement. "The man I love will marry my sister!" Alicia whines and then says that she doesn't think Eva loves him. (HELL no! She's not THAT stupid!)

Eva is at the beach thought-bubbling about all of her woes and stuff. She wants to get rid of the love she has for Daniel.

And speak of the Devil, here comes Daniel. This is a great scene and I'm afraid I won't do it justice, so if anyone wants to give a word-for-word dialog, you have my undying gratitude! But here's my attempt at recapping what they said.

Eva looks up at Daniel and can't figure out why he's there. "Don't be so vain. I don't do everything thinking of you. You are not the heroine of my life" he says. He then reminds her that this is what she said to him just the other night! (LOL.) She wants to go but he says no. He says he's heard about her mom appearing. "No, a memory appeared" she says, regretfully. "My mother died many years ago." Why am I telling this to you? She asks. He says that before at this place we had love. (Or something like that.) "I don't think anyone else is as close to you as I am," he says. She thanks him for the kind words but says that things cannot change between them. He isn't going for that, though. He says is she going to tell him again that she loves Leonardo? A thousand times, she says, until you believe it! He replies that her mouth may say that, but her eyes have not yet learned to lie.

We interrupt this touching scene with Leo confronting Mad Marcy about whether it was true that she orchestrated Icky's suicide attempt.

Eva starts to turn away but Daniel manfully grasps her by the waist and brings her close to him. (Oh my gosh, I am going to write this like a Harlequin romance! LOL.)

"You haven't forgotten me, like I haven't forgotten you!" he breathes huskily.
"I forgot you!" she exclaims.
"Lie!" he says, looking deeply into her eyes.
"Yes, you love me, you miss me, you suffer and yearn for our love (???), just like me."
"That's not true!" she cries, her breath coming more quickly.
He touches her face gently and says, "Confess it here and now and we can forget about it." he says, and draws her close, bringing her lips to his own in a deep, passionate kiss.

(The music swells and we have some new song playing as Daniel and Eva exchange noisy kisses in slow motion.)

End of episode!

Straight out of a Harlequin Romance—Daniel and Eva kiss on the beach. (Click on image to see larger version.)

Highlights of the episode:
  • Marcela is stinking drunk and spills all about Deborah being Eva's and Alicia's mom. Many tears and heartache. Tia Tilde does not back up Deborah's version of the story. Deborah is understandably devastated when Eva is unforgiving of the mother who "abandoned" her.
  • Francisco and Marisol are happy happy happy. Poor Jacky is not happy happy happy.
  • Daniel the Idiot Man gets a few brain cells knocking together for a change and tells off Icky Vicky for the manipulative, sick trick she pulled on him (faking the suicide). The marriage is over, he says.
  • Daniel the Idiot Man lives up to his name by seeking "solace" at the skanky Liliana's room, who is in industrial strength skank mode. Fortunately Daniel can only think of Eva as he locks lips with Liliana, so he wisely leaves before anything happens.
  • Tomas, who is on the lam, shoots a cop. It looks like the cop is dead.
  • Daniel catches up with a distraught Eva at the beach and for once they do not snipe at each other but instead lock lips. Finally! 
VIDEO CLIPS: Right-click to view link in new window. These are Flash clips (like what you see on YouTube). If playback stalls, wait for clip to fully load before viewing. Spanish Closed Captions are in each clip.
  1. The excrement hits the fan: Cuts between Daniel visiting Liliana and Marcela spilling the beans about Deborah being the mom of Eva and Alicia. 
  2. Final scenes and avances. We have noisy kissing!
SCREENCAPS: Click on any of these images to see HD version.
Marisol and Francisco are a happy couple. 

Daniel has HAD ENOUGH of the big-butted bruja, after finding out that she went along with her mom's insane fake suicide scheme.

Then Daniel tells off Marcela for her misdeeds. He's going to divorce the big-butted bruja. Marcela is impactada at this news. Later she mutters to herself that she's going to get him and his hija too. 

Daniel visits the slutty Liliana and has one of his Daniel-brand fantasies: Kissing Eva.

But the reality, he's not kissing Eva, and as we'll find later, that just isn't working for him.

Then Daniel meets up with Eva at the beach. She wants to leave, but no, Daniel isn't having any of that.

And then finally we have our noisy kissing.

Amusing side note: 
My mom is semi-following Eva Luna (thanks to English CCs) and when she found out that Eva had agreed to marry Leo, she said (fully spontaneously) "I have lost respect for her." Out of the mouths of telenovela babes! LOL.


Llena de Amor #139 (Mex. 144) Tue 3/1/11 Despite all the rage, Fedra is still just a rat in a cage.

We’re back at the Independence (from Fedra) Day party at the manor, where the mood is generally festive but Emanuel is sitting with Vicky and crying about all the awful stuff his mother has done. She even lied about who his father is. Vicky wipes off the tears and tells him that no matter how he got here, Emiliano is and always will be his father. She even gives Emil way more credit than he probably deserves for being a caring and attentive father when as far as we can tell he’s oblivious and negligent, but Emanuel wants to believe he has at least one good parent so he doesn’t argue. He cheers up a bit and MV says she’s happy about that because it hurts her to see him sad. “Why? Because you care about me? Love me, love me, say that you love me!” He’s desperate to hear her say it, and MV is now crying too and seems on the verge of granting his wish, but then their own personal little anti-Cupid aka Jorrible swoops in. They ignore him.
Out on the steps, Paula reads the letter saying that Gretel is their daughter. She graciously tells Max she’ll pray for God to forgive Carlota, but she’ll never ever forgive her. Bad enough she was such a snob she kept the two of them from marrying because Paula was a lowly servant (we still do not find out why Max was such a doormat), but stealing their daughter?! Too much. Max seems to think she should just forget the past, because now that he’s finally decided to marry her everything is swell. Paula looks into the house, where Gretel is hugging Emiliano. She decides they’re such a happy daddy-daughter duo that the two of them can’t ruin it by telling Gretel they are her parents. Max objects, but Paula cries a lot and makes no sense, so of course he has to give in.
Over at the pensión, Chema tells Netty that Fedra Curiel can’t possibly be all those nasty things! Swindler?! Murderer?! No way! But maybe it isn’t the same person as the woman he knew by that name, he says. “I hope not, because I really can’t imagine you with someone so crass and evil,” Netty says.
Max and Paula wander back into the house. Gretel and Emiliano eager wonder whether she accepted the marriage proposal. Paula says nothing, but reaches out to hug Gretel. Gretel hugs her back but looks confused. Max stands there being a waste of space as usual.
Tejeda lets Bernardo into Fedra’s cell, telling him to make it quick because he’s detained and will be going back to his own cell soon. “What’s he talking about, Bernardo?” Fedra hisses.
The big happy family and various hangers-on have all gathered with champagne. They toast to the absent Marianela and her efforts to reunite them. ¡Salud! Ilitia walks in and remarkably doesn’t say anything nasty about that. She just toasts to Gretel, so happy to see her back, and also, what the heck, a toast to la gordita. ¡Salud! Kristel is just appalled by this hypocrisy. Benigno interrupts with his own cute toast: When Fedra goes out the door, love comes in the window. ¡Salud! Emiliano tries to get Kristel to be nice…look! Gretel’s back! Don’t you want to give your sister a hug? Kristel just snarls at Gretel that she should have been the one whose life is a wreck, not Kristel. The brat stomps off and refuses to join them for dinner; what a shame. Gretel mentions missing Netty, whom she loves like a mother. This makes Paula jealous, of course, so Gretel says she loves her like a mother as well. ¡Salud! Then everyone hopes Emiliano and Netty will finally have their happily ever after, as well. ¡Salud! They’re all going to be sloshed before dinner if they’re going to rehash the whole plot.
Emanuel’s phone rings and he slips away. Ilitia starts to propose a toast to reconciliations and marriage-saving…right, Baby? Baby isn’t there. ¡Salud!, anyway.
Bernardo tells Fedra he’s taking the blame for the receipt forgery. Freedom means nothing without her, so he may as well be in jail. And guess who’s back? Their old Capitán, who so moved her heart. “And other things,” Fedra saucily sasses. Bernie glares at her.
Yikes. Who is the protagonista in this story? Marianela’s dress is hideously unflattering in full view and looks super-cheap, besides. Gretel, on the other hand, looks fabulous. Mari tells Gretel that she doesn’t know how long a sentence Fedra will get for the fraud, so soon they need to play all their cards and bring up all the other evidence against her. Gretel is really worried about the possibility of Fedra getting out, but she isn’t sure they have enough evidence. Brandon was never able to find the helicopter mechanic who had the evidence about the wreck in which Eva died. Mari says they’ve got Luis Felipe’s evidence, plus the poison chocolate analysis. But their biggest weapon is Gretel herself, because she was the only witness to Luis Felipe’s death. She’s got to be tough.
Emiliano and Oliver interrupt and ask what they’re talking about and they claim Gretel was just saying goodnight. {WHY don’t they all just discuss what they know? Why are the people who know they’re on the same side keeping secrets from each other?!?!?!} Emiliano of course thinks Gretel should stay there since Fedra’s gone and Bernie’s fired and it’s all totally safe now. Gretel just says maybe sometime soon she’ll be back. Ilitia minces in and demands to know where her Baby is. She peers at each of them suspiciously as if they might be hiding him under their clothes or something.
“Chema was HERE! …and as good as ever!” Fedra taunts. “Are you telling me…” Bernie starts. “Yep, right here in the bed in this cell! Like we’d never been apart! Whew!” Bernardo is furious. “Fedra, you will never change! Still the same two-bit whore you were in Veracruz” “Chema is my man! Always has been, always will be! I only married someone else because I thought he was dead.” Bernardo for some reason tries to convince her she should be loyal to Emiliano, the father of her children, like he hasn’t enabled her affairs and flings all these years. “Who are you to tell me what to do?” “You arribista (social climber).” “You bitter jealous servant.” “Damn you.” “Igualmente.”
At Mauricio’s domicile of dastardliness, Garduño wonders who the heck that new guy at the pensión was. Dandy says he’s never seen him before, but he sure defended the little reporter like they are old buddies. Maybe he’s El Lirio de Plata! And he’s in cahoots with Manolo, who is submitting stories under El Lirio’s name! The real Lirio walks in and takes down Dandy and points his gun gangsta-style at Garduño. Garduño whips out his own and points right back.
Delicia remakes the bed in the master bedroom for Mari, and they marvel at how much happier the house is without Fedra. Delicia offers to sleep in here with Mari, since it will probably be creepy in Fedra’s old room, but Mari sends her away and crawls into bed, still in her evening gown and makeup. She’s just finished thought-bubbling a little petition to her parents up in heaven to protect her when Malicio creeps up and grabs her. He’s come to collect what she owes him.
Over at Mau’s house, El Lirio wants the briefcase full of money back. Garduño tries to reason with him…he’s not a murderer; he won’t really shoot, right? So why doesn’t he just go away? El Lirio advises him not to test whether he’ll really shoot. Garduño tries another tactic: how about they team up? With their resources and skills combined, they could make oodles of money. No deal. El Lirio says he will dedicate his entire life to taking down Garduño and his ilk and leaving them in ruins. He easily kicks the gun out of Garduño’s hand and traps him, pistol pointed at his schnozz. The briefcase, please. Garduño sweats and says he’ll give up the location to spare his life.
Malicio forces kisses on Marianela. She begs him to stop and be reasonable. He’s just more turned on by begging. She manages to push him off and run, but doesn’t get far before he catches her and drags her back. He isn’t leaving until he gets what he wants. Ugly scene. {Also, I’m no fan of screaming in general, but if there was ever a time…go for it, Marianela.}
After the break, ugh, we’re back, and Mari and Mau are taking the time to argue. He doesn’t want her excuses. “I wasn’t just going to have a fling with you! I wanted to marry you! I respected you!” he yells at her, while pinning her down on the bed and threatening worse. Mari gives him a kick that sends him flying off the bed. I guess those workouts did come in handy. “If it’s true that you care about me, then don’t hurt me!” Now Mau has pulled out a knife. “That feeling is gone. Now I just want to have my way with you!” “Stop! I’ll yell!” {What are you waiting for, Mari?} Malicio strokes her face with the knife and says if she yells, he’ll send one of his goons to kill her fat friend.
Gretel flounces into her and Oliver’s bedroom and starts packing a suitcase. Oliver asks what she’s doing. She says now that Fedra’s in jail, she can go home. Oliver says he’s going with her, then. Gretel tells him he should just go live with Lorena, the better to cheat on her. “Cheat on you? I could never be unfaithful to you, not even in my imagination!” “What about the kisses? Did you need mouth-to-mouth resuscitation?” “She forced herself on me! My arm hurt too much to push her away!” “I told you to stay away from me, and you showed up for dinner!” “Well, I was invited to the guateque (party). I’m your partner! We belong together!” “That was before you took up with that tramp! Looked like you were about to drop your clothes right there!” “As if! Why don’t you just claim I gave her three kids and a house with a dog and everything?” “You take your slut and your house and your three kids and your dog and do whatever you want with them!” Gretel grabs her suitcase and tries to run, but Oliver blocks the door. “You aren’t leaving here unless you leave me flat on the floor without teeth!” “I’d love to!”
Malicio forcibly escorts MV down the stairs. He mutters that if she makes any noise, he’ll stab her with his navaja (knife). Down in the foyer they run into Nereida. Mau hides the knife and acts like they’re just really cozy. “My my, didn’t know you two were such an item,” Ner remarks. “Shut up and mind your own business, Minimum Wage,” Mau snarls. She’s willing, but Emiliano walks up behind them. “Qué the heck?! Victoria, what is that loser doing with you in this house?!”
Gretel tells Oliver that while he was busy leering and liplocking with leechy Lorena, she was attacked by Dandy and defended herself just fine, thankyouverymuch. So she doesn’t need him to protect her! She’ll just be going, then. “You are leaving this room over my dead body!” “You move away from the door, Oliver Rosales, or I will embed (empotrar) you in it!” She grabs him by the lapels and gets right up in his face, but holds off on the pounding long enough for him to give an impassioned speech, telling her she is the only one he will ever be in love with, mustache or no mustache, and he’d do anything for her and she won’t be rid of him so easily. “Just try to get me to let go of this door!” Well, she does…with one heck of a big smooch.
Emiliano’s too furious to notice that MV is super-nervous and looks like she might vomit. She tries to stutter out an explanation but can’t pull anything together. Malicio smooth-talks that he’s selling his shares in the agency to Vicky, and they’re just going to do the paperwork. Emil says they can do that right here in the house. Mau has lame excuses for leaving and Emil is certainly glad to have him out of the business, so whatever. He’s about to escape with his prey once more, but then a shrieking harpy comes flying down the stairs. Yes, Kristel, irate that this pelafustán (loser) would dare show his face here. Emiliano holds her back. He tells her she’s lucky to have been spared marriage to that scuzzbucket. Kristel is zero interested in his commentary, big shock. She lets Mau and Vicky know exactly what she thinks of them. While Emil is trying to settle her down, the wolf escapes with his foolish lamb.
Mau drags MV into his own lair, telling her that after this, she’ll never want to be with another man, he’ll make her go so crazy. Well, that is quite possibly true. She tries to fight him off. He…continues in his usual rapey snake mode, no need for more details, MV yells…and, yep, here he is, El Lirio de Plata. Mau holds the knife to MV’s throat and says if El Lirio comes closer, she’ll die.
Fedra lounges theatrically in her cell, kvetching about it all. She threatens revenge on everyone who’s taking away what she worked so hard for. The jailer brings her dinner and puts it on the floor. “You filth! On the floor, like I’m a dog?! (no comment) I’m used to finer things! Fancy dishes and crystal glasses! Don’t you know who I am? This is disgusting!” “Yes, ma’am,” the jail guard agrees, leaving her to her chow. Fedra kicks the tray, sending the food flying. Then she has to get down on the floor and stretch way out through the bars to pick up the roll off the grimy corridor floor. She starts shoveling it down, still crawling on the floor. Netty strolls in to mock her. Fedra says she’s going to get out and get even. No way, says Netty. Better hope a rat comes along to be your friend, because you’re never leaving. They threaten each other. Fedra chokes Netty.
El Lirio orders Mau to let go. “I don’t feel like it! We had a deal, and I’m collecting!” “Gross! I would never have anything to do with a jerk like you! Let go!” Mari squeals. “You heard the lady. Let go.” Mau hollers for help from Garduño and Dandy. MV tells El Lirio to leave before those goons come and kill him. “Don’t worry, they’re too busy to help Mr. Rapey Snake.” “What did you do to them?” Mauron asks. “The same thing I’m going to do to you if you don’t let her go.”
Fedra still has Netty by the neck. “Sure, go ahead and kill me! They’ll know you did it, and you’ll rot in here forever for SURE!” Fedra lets go. She won’t give Netty the pleasure. Netty says Fedra is too much of a coward to do any of her own dirty work. Fedra pretends she isn’t threatened. She tells Netty she’s too insignificant to outdo her. “It isn’t just me. Almost everyone is on my side. Plus, I’ve met a man who knew another Fedra Curiel. Someone who wasn’t you. Isn’t that interesting?” Netty leaves so Fedra can get back to the trough.
Back at the mansion, Jorge and Delicia are frantic. They tell Emil and Kristel that Vicky would never have willingly gone anywhere with that sleazeball; he must have threatened her. Where could they have gone? They’ve got to go save her. “Oh, please, they’re probably in some hotel, en pleno mochi mochi!” Kristel sneers. “Shut up!” Emil yells. Jorge demands that Emil call the police. Emil finally realizes that Vicky had a really strange look and something was wrong. He dials.
Fedra continues to rant and rave. Amid flashbacks of the mostly ugly things people said to her, she mutters to herself that she’s going to get out of here and prove to everyone who she is, including Chema! Who cares if he’s the love of her life; she won’t let him stir up the past. Juana Felipa is long gone! “YO SOY FEDRA CURIEL.”
Gretel and Oliver are in the sack making up for lost time (a few hours of fighting) and murmuring sweet nothings. Oliver’s phone rings and he has trouble getting it with one bad arm, knocking everything over. {I’m not sure how much of that was intentional, because Gretel seems to be really cracking up.} It’s Tejeda. Summoned for an operativo.
Lowrenzo feeds the kids dinner in the hotel suite. Well, Cristián is eating. Manzanita is sulking and complaining that she doesn’t want to be there and she wants to go back to Muñeca. I don’t know what else Low says but Cristián is cute.
Kristel and Ilitia are working themselves into a lather. Ilitia’s furious because now her Baby will probably be out trying to rescue that awful Victoria. Kristel is just sick thinking of that witch getting it on with her puchunguito. That slut has been planning this since Day One! “Don’t you remember how she was dancing sexy with mi baby at your wedding?” “Yes! And also with MI Baby! She wants all of them!” “Right! That slut doesn’t leave anyone out! Emanuel, Mauricio, that poli Brandon, even that bonbon husband of the gorda!...Whew! yes, he is a hottie!” Ilitia and Kristel both take a moment for Art Appreciation and then to fan themselves. Then Ilitia says seriously that Kristel should be throwing a party to celebrate being saved from marriage to Mau. Kristel says she was an idiot to be his loyal novia, but that is over. From now on, she’s going to be with any man who strikes her fancy, starting with Jorge. She’s going to make him fall in love with her. Take that, Marianela. Then maybe that poli, Gretel’s novio. Ha. And after that, why not the other naco poli? Ooh, what a bod. That’ll be a pleasure. ¿Qué? No way. Ilitia FORBIDS Kristel to get involved with Brandon. Kristel just smiles.
Mau still has MV at knifepoint. The police surround the house. Jorge stands by Brandon and watches. He looks like a pirate, still wearing his cummerbund but not the jacket or tie, and with his shirt unbuttoned halfway. Where’s Kristel to take a look? Why is she wasting time? Brandon bellows through the loudspeaker for Mau to let Victoria go. Jorge gets on to assure Vicky that everything will be okay. “Well, you’ve got most of your men lined up out there. Only missing Emanuel,” Mau tells MV. El Lirio takes him down and MV gets loose, but Mau pops back up and starts slashing at El Lirio with his knife. MV begs El Lirio to leave and save himself. Why don’t they both leave? They’re closer to the door than Mau is, and he’s armed with a knife.
Emiliano’s in the home office with Paula, berating himself for letting Mauricio get away with Victoria, and rightly so. Paula tries to stick to happier thoughts—Gretel came back! Emil says he missed her so much, and he doesn’t want to lose her again. Paula promises him that he won’t. Delicia comes in to tell Emil that a guy is here who says he needs to speak to the man of the house and it’s urgent. Chema joins Emil in the office.
El Lirio is assuring MV that he can take care of this clown. My recording cuts off there.
Arribista – social climber
Navaja -- knife
Guateque – party
Chiguagüeño – dog. I can’t tell whether it’s the same thing as a Chihuahua or another variety, but it’s something like that.
Empotrar – to build into; to embed
Pelafustán – good-for-nothing
En pleno mochi mochi – in flagrante delicto
Rifa – raffle
Muñecote – big doll, dummy…aka Oliver, Gretel’s big Life Raffle prize
Zangolotear –to shake, to lounge around


La Verdad Oculta EP116 03/01/2011 – Taken

* Yolanda visits her onetruelove Mario in the Genovés villa but she meets Faustiago who confesses her everything, the accident that wasn’t an accident at all and the scam Mario invented. When Yolanda realizes Mario didn’t know she was in love with him she freaks out, but later she praises Fausto’s acting skills and apologizes for everything she did. He forgives her, he believes she’s already paid for everything.

*Mina calls Alejandra who’s spending the day with her husband in the Genovés’s garden to tell her she has to go to the design studio because one of their clients is a disgruntled brat.

* After stealing a van Édgar calls Adolfo to tell him he has gifts for him, can he hear the crying of the waitresses? Adolfo’s head over heels and tells his favourite little goon they’ll meet in the warehouse. Then he calls Dante to tell him they already won the war.

* There must be a congress in the Genovés hall because virtually everyone (Fausto, Yolanda, Dora, Jorge, Asunción and Abelardo) spend the afternoon there. Slowly the family realizes the Guillén girls disappeared a long time ago, and when David arrives at home and tries to call Gaby she doesn’t answers the phone.

* The young, naked coyotes are enjoying the afternoon and the afterglow in the bedroom when Adolfo storms into the flat. When he sees his wife and his son in bed, he tells Bertha he’ll divorce Bertha and she will get nothing! It doesn’t matter, says the girl, she doesn’t want his money anymore.

* Carlos visits the Genovéses and learns his sisters have disappeared. Yolanda asks him to take her home and the muñeco confesses to her they told Adolfo she was kidnapped. WHAT?! They know what his father is like, what if Adolfo kidnapped the girls to take revenge? Oh, and by the way, Mario is dead. Totally. Long story.

* Adolfo arrives at the warehouse and when he sees the frightened, tied women he burst out of joy and kisses both Édgar and Valentín. The boys and the girls start to realize Adolfo’s getting crazy. A few minutes later Dante and his gorillas show up, too, and laugh at the Musketeers’ and their women’s misery.

* Leonardo storms into the hall of the Genovés villa and asks the family about Julieta’s whereabouts. When he learns about the crazy kidnapping plan his head explodes and informs the pumpkin plantation that Ávila got Hernández murdered and he probably has their woman, too. And you provoked this! David quickly calls Juan José.

* Leo and half of AFI break into the Ávila condo but unfortunately it’s empty. Leo sends Ramón to Dante’s house and tells him to arrest him and his gorillas.

* Valentín and a goon show up in the design studio, they knock both women out with chloroform and put Alejandra into a box. While Juan José is driving through the city and tries to call Alejandra, Mauricio walks into the studio and finds unconscious Mina on the floor. He wakes her up and when worried JJ arrives they tell him Ale has been kidnapped.

* In the meantime Valentín and his little friend deliver another gift to Adolfo: blindfolded Alejandra. Gaby and Julieta tell Adolfo he’ll pay for his crimes but he’s way too sure of himself. He tells Dante they can’t return to their homes and offices but they don’t have to worry, either, they have their own life insurances.

*After frightening everyone at Sagitario to death, Leo visits Yolanda to ask her about the girls’ disappearance. She doesn’t know anything, honestly, and unfortunately she doesn’t remember the place where she and the kids were locked up.

* Adolfo tells Dante they’ll have to leave the warehouse, surely Zaida will tell the police about its whereabouts. They need another headquarters. What about the seaside house? No, Carlos knows about it. First let’s put the women into a van and they can find out a solution later. Well, Édgar isn’t happy to leave the warehouse since his treasures are hidden inside a container.

* A hysterical and loud JJ storms into the study and tells David Alejandra is kidnapped, and Adolfo surely has Gaby and Julieta, too! That man is crazy! But it was their fault because they pushed his buttons too hard. But they have to use their brain and find out a solution.

* Dolphie, the Demented calls his sweetheart Yolanda and begs her to find a new hideout. She has fifteen minutes.

* In the meantime Ramón visits Elsa to ask a few questions? He only wants to talk? No more arresting? No, but the police needs her help.

* Lucha, Asunción and Chicles are about to leave when the little boy overhears David’s and JJ’s conversation about the tons of warehouses in Mexico. It’ll be very hard to find their women. At home he tells raging, desperate JJ he knows exactly where that specific warehouse is.

Question of the day: what will our genius do?
1% call Leonardo
2% call David
2% call Carlos
95% go to the warehouse with Chicles



Tuesday, March 01, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #233-234 3/1/11 I hate writing titles.

Capitulo 233.
Read Amanda’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Tom gives Ali the check. But when she takes it to the bank it’s refused because the signature is invalid.

2. Fern tells Carla that it would be easier to solve his problems if Lety were with him. Carla says then he should fight for her. Fern wants to, but he doesn’t know how, especially with Aldo in her life. Carla says he should make Lety jealous via Carla.

3. Ali brings in a designer to redecorate the office since she’s president today. Ariel arrives and screams at her for sitting on the throne, then he loudly kicks her out. The cuartel mocks her, but Irmita’s dicho for today is, “Quien mala anda, mala acaba (he who goes doing bad gets a bad ending).”

4. Lety and Aldo fight. He says, “As long as you don’t forget about Fernando, you will never know true love.” See the transcript. That goes too far. She knows Fern is suffering, and it hurts her.

5. (Time passes.) Lety says it’s good that they fought because it forced her to examine herself. Aldo says, “If you’re sure your love Fern so much, fight for his love. In the same way I will fight for your love.” Lety says that’s a lost cause. So she wants to fight to be free and at peace. Then he says he’ll fight for her happiness. She says that if she can recover, then maybe she’ll be ready to love him, and she’d like that.

6. Marcia calls and says Fern can call if he wants to talk to her; she’s not going to call him any more.

7. Lola suggests that for secretaries’ day, they learn the routine of the dancers for the expo. (There’s more to it that I don’t understand.) Marcia calls, and she hears that Lety went with Aldo to SMR, so she’s not with Fern.

8. Meanwhile Carla gives Fernando a massage and kisses his ear. He leaps away and covers himself. She says they’ll be traveling together for the next 20 days, and a lot can happen in that time.

9. Lety tells her diary that even with this time apart, she can’t stop thinking about Fernando. Time passes. Fern travels with Carla. Aldo finishes writing the book. He teaches Lety to cook. They work on recipes for the expo. Erasmo considers Aldo like family, and he thinks they make a nice couple. Aldo gets the call that his book is finished.

10. Saimon is still avoiding Paula, and she determines to win him back, because he’s the only man who didn’t ditch her after she slept with him.

Capitulo 234.
Read Chapel Hill Fiddler’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. MamaJ tells Aldo that Erasmo likes him, unlike any other male friend of Lety’s. She says Pop is very protective because of unpleasantries in the past. Aldo probes for more info but Pop arrives.

2. At the front gate we learn, A. the expo starts tomorrow, B. Fern returns today, C. nobody has news of Marcia, D. Tom bought Ali’s embargoed car, and E. Ali arrives on the micro. She sees the MB and is sure it’s hers. When they say it’s Tom’s, she’s sure he bought it for her.

3. The vortex has had a makeover. Does that mean it’s moving into a new etapa in its vortex life? Will it dump its good-for-nothing boyfriend? Finally forgive the mother who abandoned it in infancy? Confess to a canallada and begin restitution?

4. Ali offers to set up arrangements to pay Tom back for her car. He says, “Don’t worry, you don’t have to pay me anything,” and she’s thrilled. But he says, “I bought the car for me!” She says he’s always ruined her life. He says he’s always wanted to be close to her.

5. Tom admits to Lety that he bought the car so Ali would pay attention to him again, and so they could enjoy it together. Tom asks about Fern returning. Lety says she’s different from Tom because she’s learned her lesson, while he still chases a lost cause.

6. Lety tells her diary that she’s dying to see Fern again. She remembers his promise that when he returned he’d find a way to show how much he loves her. Paula says Fern returned and didn’t ask about her, only Marcia.

7. Saimon is still cold to Paula, so she says that from today on, she’s “libre,” i.e. she has no obligation to him. He says he doesn’t care. Tom sees his phone bill from the month Ali has used it.

8. Fern tells Omar his plan to act like he doesn’t care around Lety. Omar says Lety and Aldo have been together all the time.

Spanish Lesson. Lety Overheard Aldo.

Aldo and Lety in the cabin after the gorge. She overheard, “She should let me kiss her and make love to her.”

A: You have every right to be angry, I only ask you to be clear who your anger is against.
L: I don’t like you pressuring me. Ever since (?) I’ve felt guilty with you, I would prefer to feel free to..
A: (he interrupts her) to keep dreaming that Fernando will marry you one day.
L: Claro que no.
A: Claro que sí. That’s why you’re angry at yourself. You haven’t lograr (accomplish) break away from him. You keep depending on that guy, who the only thing he’s done is betray you.
L: It’s that I would like to..
A: (he interrupts her again, yelling) Why don’t you realize that like this, you’ll just keep suffering.
L: No, I …
A: (he interrupts her again) Look. As long as you don’t forget about Fernando, you will never know true love.
L: How dare you say that to me? What do you know? (harshly) Do you believe that my love for Fernando wasn’t real?
A: Maybe it was. But he NEVER loved you. (LIAR!!!)
L: Enough! You can’t lecture me. What right do you have? Remember that because of your indifference, your wife took your friend as her lover. .. (She regrets that she went too far.) Forgive me. Please.
A: Maybe you’re right.
L: I don’t have the right to judge you either. But let me say something I’ve been thinking about. Aldo, what I feel for Fernando is very strong. Very strong because [we went through everything together / it went beyond everything ?]. I fell in love for the first time, and I fell deeply in love. I swear that I [XG – hated?] him with all my strength. But now, I’ve also learned to worry about him. He’s suffering, Aldo. I don’t know the reasons, but he’s suffering, and that hurts me.


Eva Luna #80 Mon 2/28/11 Word Verification: Jealousy

Cap. #80

If your screen had a green tint to everything while viewing this episodio, do not bother adjusting it.  It won’t do any good.  It was a little green-eyed monster covering everything like a fog. 

As we begin Eva is thinking that she can’t believe she’s actually agreed to marry Leonardo tho’ Daniel is Pablito’s father and the man she still loves.  She’s going to double down on her attempts to exchange her love for hate where Dano’s concerned, whatever the cost.

Meanwhile, Leo is still visiting with Mama Marcela.  Both are elated that he finally got Eva to accept his marriage proposal.  She’s been despairing over it, she says, and wanting to kill the shameless harpy with her own hands!  Leo says no more talk like that now.   The plan is for him to get a prenup signed declaring him Eva’s heir and then she will disappear and die.  Then their fortune will return to them and all will be right with the world.  Marci warns him it better work.  “--Better not fail me in this!”  Leo says not a problem!!  Trust him.  Tomorrow they’ll announce the engagement at a dinner party.  All she has to do is dress up and look her most elegant.

At the boarding house, Marisol and Alicia are giggling like schoolgirls over Francisco’s suggestion that Mari should give their marriage a try.  Mari says she’s scared the marriage will be a failure.  Ali says well, since you have the piece of paper anyway, might as well live together and see what happens.  A few minutes later, flowers arrive from Franc with a note asking her to tell him she loves him and an invitation to repeat their wedding night.

Marci asks if they plan to invite the mother-in-law [suegra].  Leo wonders who she’s talking about.  Mama informs him that Deborah is Ali and Eva’s mother.  Cara de impactado for Leo. 

A bit later, Leo is getting ready for bed.  He thinks about the problems he’s got to handle and starts checking off the list.  He thinks back first to the time he ran over Eva’s father during the hit and run.  He figures no sweat there since he’s convinced Eva that Dano did the dastardly deed.  Then he thinks about Ali’s angrily threatening to tell Eva that they are lovers because he’s been playing her for a fool. No problem there, either, because if she hasn’t done it by now, it’s because she doesn’t dare to.  Last thing he considers is the problem with Claudia blackmailing him about telling Eva why he broke up with her. That won’t be a problem either.  He’ll go by the next day to see her and then resolve that situation also.

The next day arrives.  Bruno looks on as Victoria shoots for the commercial.  Icky and he exchange google eyes at each other.  (Blech!!)  FF>>

Justa visits Don Ricardo at the hospital.  He tells her to go home and rest.  She’d rather stick around, but admits she’s got things to do for the boarders.  FF>>

Tía Matilde tells Eva over breakfast about Tomas shooting Don Ric and him being in the hospital.  Tilde mentions  Ali’s strange behavior and continual crying.  Eva thinks it must have to do with Tony, but Tilde says no, it’s over some other guy she is in love with but wouldn’t tell her about.  Leo comes in to have breakfast with them.  They discuss the engagement party and Leo’s making sure that Dano will be there From tonight on Dano will be well aware that she will be a “happy woman.”  Eva’s look says she’ll be anything but!

Later that morning, Eva calls Claw from the office to see if they can finish their discussion from the other day.  Eva will be there in the afternoon.

At the same time, Leo calls V-icky while she and Bruno are driving back from the shoot to tell her he’s engaged and about the announcement at dinner.  She’s elated and says she’ll never doubt his ability to come through for her again.

Justa makes a detour to see Renata first to tell her that Julio came to see her and to ask why.  Ren tells her he faked his death but she has no idea why.  She also warns her that absolutely no one can know he’s really still alive.  Ren then advises her it’s best to speak with him to clear up whatever has been needed to be said between them once and for all.  She figures let what’ll happen happen.

That morning, as planned, Leo pays a visit to Claw.  He asks how much she wants to disappear for good.  She leaves him dangle for a bit and then demands a million or she’ll tell Eva about how he dumped her over the baby and that his mother managed to slip her something to cause her to abort it.  Eva’s coming there this afternoon, she stupidly tells him, and so he better make up his mind fast.   He pretends she drives hard bargain.  He has that and much more, she says.  Leo says he’ll have his new assistant deliver a check to her that night.  However, first she has to cancel the appointment with Eva.  ¡Trato hecho!  [It’s a deal!]

Eva has Dano come to her office that morning to supposedly discuss business.  (Business is the last thing either of them really has on their minds once they’re together.)   She asks him to sit down cuz she’s got something important to discuss.  He asks if it has anything to do with her sudden exit last night.  She says she doesn’t know what he’s talking about and anyway, she isn’t going to discuss anything that doesn’t have to do with work.  He rides her a bit more.  “--Awww.  Perhaps it made you jealous that Liliana kissed me?”    “--Where did you ever get the idea I was jealous?”  “--Oh, perhaps because of your attitude-- it was so obvious, Eva.   I’m talking about your little temper tantrum.”  She gets upset again but he cuts her off.  “--If it didn’t bother you to see that kiss, then why did you and Leo leave without saying good-bye?”  Eva tells him she’s got no reason to discuss her personal life with him and “--BTW, I am not dying for you so get down off your little cloud!”   Dan says she’s dreaming if she thinks he’s still pining away over her!  (Excuse me, but are we back in high school or what?)   “-- Why should you be since you’re a married man--and with lots of little girlfriends to boot?’’  (Nice zinger!)  Dan says to Eva that it’s a good thing then that it doesn’t bother her.  She says nope, not at all.  He can do whatever he wants. They discuss the auto account again and she pulls rank.   

Eva calls Ali next to see how she is and to ask about Don Ric and to tell her she has something important to discuss but it will have to wait till she gets home.  Leo walks in on Eva afterward.  He locks the door “to keep anyone from hearing” what he has to say.  He asks if she’s told Dan yet about the engagement.  She hasn’t and they agree to let him find out at the dinner party so he’ll be just as shocked as she was when she found out about his engagement to Icky.

Speaking of the bimbutt, she pays a surprise visit to Dan at the office and then Lileach shows up a minute after.  Icky spies the candy box on the desk and asks who sent it.  Lileach says she did to thank her gentleman of a husband for keeping her company the night before while she was away.  Icky smiles at the compliment and agrees Dano’s the best!

In the meantime, Julio pays a surprise visit to Don Ric at the hospital but introduces himself with his fake name, saying he’s a distant relative that Justa thought was probably dead by now.  He heard about the accident and wanted to pay his respects.  Julio realizes how much Don Ric loves Justa and decides Ric’s good people.  Eva walks in just as he’s leaving and she nearly gives him away.  He smiles and says she must be confusing him with somebody else.  Eva agrees.  He leaves.  Eva tells Don Ric she’s paying his hospital expenses.

At the same time, Mari goes for her audition and they like her so much they want her to return to sign a contract; they plan to make a record with her.  She’s elated.  FF>>

Leo joins Dan, Lileach and Bimbutt in Dan’s office and invites them all to the dinner party but won’t say what it’s about.

Justa comes back to visit Don Ric at the hospital since he’s getting out that afternoon.  She’s a bit puzzled because when she went to settle his bill, they told her somebody named Vicente Olmos had already paid it.  Ric thought she’d know him and explains he was there a bit ago to chat and said he was a distant relation.  Obviously she draws a blank; then Ric mentions Olmos told him that she would probably think he’d died.  It hits Justa then that it had to be Julio who paid their bill.  She pretends she does know him but did think he was dead.  (I guess Don Ric will blame this confusing moment of half-truths on the drugs they’re giving him.)

That night the guests are there for the dinner party.  Eva still hasn’t talked to Ali yet to tell her about the engagement or the party.  Marci gripes at Leo because Eva’s late.  Deborah appears and Marci gets a weird look on her face.  Just then Eva makes her entrance.  Deb explains that Marci invited her.  Eva says fine with her. 

Mari and Franc get together for happy hour.  He wants to know if she’s thought about what he told her.  Franc surprises her with the rings.  After a bit of hesitation Mari says she’s game if he is.  He tells her then she has to quit working as a dancer at the club.  She explains she can’t because she signed a three year contract and owes a lot of money that she borrowed.  Franc says he’ll think of something because he really doesn’t want any wife of his working at a place like that.

Lileach tells Leo she doesn’t think Dan and Icky are going to show.  Leo says sure they will because his sister wouldn’t allow him to miss the fun tonight.  Sure enough, they arrive right after.  Dan wants to know first thing the reason for the party.   Icky, Lileach, and Marci all pretend not to know why either.

Claw answers the door and El Gallo walks in with an envelope for her.  He has her sit down and, while she’s looking at the check and thinking of how she’ll probably spend it, he walks behind her and pulls out a gun with a silencer.  He shoots her through the heart.  Claw immediately assumes room temperature.  El Gallo takes back the check and shuts her eyes.  He makes sure to leave a packet of heroine in her hand in place of the check, making it look like a drug hit or something.

Back at the dinner party, Leo announces to Dan and the others that this is an engagement party.  He and Eva are marrying in one month.  Dan suddenly looks gut-punched-impactado.  Eva enjoys seeing the shock on his face.  In the back of the room, Ali has peeked in by the doorway to see what’s up.  Her mouth drops to the floor when she hears Leo’s announcement.   Tilde is on the other side of the room but notices the look of shock and disbelief on Ali’s face as she stands in the doorway.  All the evil conspirators are smiling from ear to ear.  Eva now looks haughtily over at Dan who looks betrayed and angry.  Ali races away to her room in tears.  

Leo says he knows it’s a bit of a surprise, but he hopes all will join them in a toast.  Dan literally chokes out a toast to be polite since he can’t exactly do otherwise.  Bimbutt says something like she guessed it would happen since there was some history there and something about marriage being the best state a man could live in.  She asks if Dan doesn’t agree.  Dan just keeps quiet and looks at the spot of dirt on his shoe instead.  The shocked Renata whispers to Marci that she wonders if Leo is nuts or what.  Marci snickers a bit and says, no, he knows exactly what he’s doing. 

A few minutes later, El Gallo leaves a voice message for Leo telling him the job is done.  Leo smiles self-assured that all is going to plan, and then publicly gives Eva an engagement ring with a rock the size of a tennis ball!  Dano’s face is almost to the floor by now.  Leo makes a toast to their happiness and then he twists the knife into Dan… “—and to that of our son”.  Dan is totally destroyed with that last remark. He watches Leo and Eva kiss to the applause from the guests.

Ali is in her room crying her eyes out. 

Eva goes over to Dano to rub his nose in it.  She asks him if he isn’t happy for her.  He says it doesn’t matter to him.  He’s neither happy nor sad and wants to know why it matters to her.  She says the look on his face gives him away.  She walks to the other side of the room.  Marci gets in Eva’s face now.  “--Who’d a thunk it?  My D-I-L [nuera] !!  Eva gets snotty and says yep!  She has Marci’s money and in a month she’ll have her last name as well!  (Damn!  Eva’s hitting on all cylinders tonight!)    Marci calls her nouveau-riche and says something like she finally managed to get all she wanted; but that was what she came for, right?  (I think.)  Eva says with the same “bite-me!” grin that, yeah, and that perhaps someday she’ll have to thank her!   Eva walks off to speak with Tilde.

Tilde tells Eva not to ask her to congratulate her because she won’t.  She doesn’t like the idea a bit and doesn’t like Leo at all.  Eva needs her support.  Tilde says nope.  Why?  Because she’s not in love with the guy and is only getting married to get revenge; but the one who’s going to get hurt will be Eva!  Eva gets stubborn and says her mind’s made up and that’s that!  She asks where Alicia is.   Tilde doesn’t’ know, so Eva goes to check at Ali’s room.  The door’s locked.  Ali lies that she has a headache and can’t talk.   Eva says then they’ll talk in the morning.

Meanwhile, Bimbutt and her BFF gloat over finally getting Eva out of the way.  Lileach warns Icky to pay close attention to hubby because it’s obvious Eva and Dan’s past is still very much in the present .   “--When a man and a woman look at each other with the kind of rage they look at each other with, you’d just better be careful!”   Icky says then Leo better finish what he started.  Lileach asks what she means by that.  Icky smiles and says she’ll know all in good time.

Eva turns away and finds Dan coming through the hall, wanting to talk to her. 

At the same time, Bruno and his kissin’ cuz are at some bar.  She tells him she’s pissed at him for going to bed with Ick-toria.  He gets a kick out of her being jealous and says he did it because he felt like it!  She denies she’s jealous and then says she’s just worried he’s overexposing them both. 

Eva races off to her office but Dan follows her in.  She asks what he wants.  He breaks down and says he’s really not at all happy about her engagement.  She says she knows, it’s written all over his face.    He tells her that finally her mask is off.  She doesn't understand.  He says this means that she was in love with Leo the whole time and never cared for him at all.  She gets angry and hisses at him that he was the one who played with her!   “--You made a fool out of me!”    “—But, then what?  Are you marrying him because you love him --or to get even with me???”    She tells him not to be so self-centered; that she doesn’t do things thinking about him. He is not the main man in her life!  He says then Leo was the main man in her life from the get-go, right?   She says he needs to worry about other things, like maybe his wife, or about hiding his new lover.  Eva’s voice cracks a bit. Those are your problems, not my marrying Leo.  Their faces are only millimeters apart when Icky and Lileach show up in the doorway looking for him.   

Meanwhile, Marci continues to play naive and nasty.   She tells Deb it’s obvious she likes Eva’s child a lot –it’s almost as if she were his grandmother.  Deb gets a shiver down her back. 

On the other side of the room Leo asks Tilde where Eva went.  He gets upset when he hears Eva went to speak with Ali in her room.   He races off to do damage control.

Dan tells Icky he was there speaking to Eva and says they should all go back to the party now.  Icky says he and Lileach can go, but she’s got to talk to her new sister-in-law first.  Dan and Lileach leave them alone. 

Mari and Franc come back from the bar to the boarding house.  Mari tells Justa that they are back together and are going to live there at Justa’s.  Justa and Don Ric are happy for the two of them.  Mari later tells Franc about the recording contract.  Franc is excited.  It may be a way for him to fix the problem about the club.  Thoughts turn to him being her manager and how then the “money will stay all in the family!”  (Sorry, Jackie!  Better set your sights on somebody more your style.)

Icky warns Eva off Dan.  Eva laughs haughtily and lets her have it right between the eyes.   “--You mean to tell me that after being married all this time you still can’t be sure he loves you”   If looks could kill, Eva would be six foot under five minutes ago!  “--That’s not true!  You don’t know what you’re talking about!  Daniel does love me!  You just take every chance you get to flirt with him so that you can continue to force yourself on him! [meterse por los ojos = mesmerize, brainwash]  Eva looks down her nose imperiously at Icky and smiles mockingly.  “--You’re mistaken.” “--No I’m not!  You’re still the same slut that doesn’t miss an opportunity to insert yourself into Daniel’s life!”   Eva stands up behind her desk and literally looks down on Ick-toria.  “--Enough already, Victoria!  I’m not your enemy!  Better you worry about other women much closer to you!”  Icky takes a moment to absorb this.

Back at the party, Dan is worried about what’s going on between Eva and Icky.  Lileach tells him not to worry about it; they’re both adults and he should just let them alone to say what has to be said.   You don’t know Victoria, though, he says.  Leach says she’s known Icky for years and yeah, she’s defensive, obsessive, and aggressive.  “--What’s the matter?  Doesn’t Eva know how to defend herself?”  “--Oh yeah, I’d say so.  She’s learned rather well!”  Ok, so if he wants to see if she’s killed her go ahead, says Lileach.  She’s leaving, though.  She gives him a sensual kiss on the cheek good-night.  He heads back towards Eva’s office.

Leo gets a box out from under his bed and heads for Ali’s room.  She tries slamming the door on him but lets him in after. (Bad mistake.)  He tries to sweet talk Ali, but she’s not having any of it.  “--Don’t call me lover!  Why don’t you go look for my sister!  He acts like he doesn’t understand what the fuss is about.  “--Why are you getting this way?  Hey, it will all work out.”  She screams at him.  No it won’t!  He tells her his marrying her sister won’t keep him away from her, and then he starts loving on her.  (OMG!  I have got to wash this slime off me.  He’s just so up from the deep!)  She’s angry and disgusted, but too weakened and heartbroken to resist him or his disgusting and depraved ways.

Back in Eva’s office, Vicki yells at her that she’s not going to get wrapped up in let alone confused by her lies.  “‘--I know you want Daniel!  It is pure gall [el colmo] that the night of your engagement party you do almost the impossible to be alone with him!”  Eva sweetly denies this and says he was the one who came looking for her.  Icky spits back that it’s obvious that she just loves the fact he’d do that!  “--Because when I arrived you were stuck to my husband like glue!”  Eva continues to speak in a reasonable tone while Icky’s screaming makes her sound even more irrational than she usually is.  “--It’s obvious to everyone how insecure you are about him.   It must be horrible living with a man you can’t trust.”  V-icky screams back that Eva’s the one she can’t trust!!  She wants to kill her!!  “--Really?  Are you thinking of trying it again?”  (Whoa!  Eva just keeps racking up the points tonight!)

Back in Ali’s bedroom, in between fighting Leo’s kisses off and bawling wildly, she threatens telling Eva that they’re lovers.  Leo says that’s why he brought her the box.  “--Open it.”  Inside is his father’s gun.  He warns her that if she says one word about the two of them to her sister that he will kill her. (No doubt about it. This apple sure didn’t fall far from the tree!  Definitely a case of like mother, like son.)  Ali takes it out and suddenly aims it at him.  Leo stares her down.  “--Ok.  If you really hate me, then kill me!”  Unfortunately she can’t bring herself to pull the trigger and she collapses in tears onto the floor.  Leo calms her down eventually, picks her off the floor and takes her to the couch.  He continues giving her what she really wants-- sweet nothings about how he really cares about her and a few tender kisses.  (I am emotionally drained after this scene.  I’ve got to have a smoke.  Back in a sec.)

Ok.  The pause that refreshes...... Dan now walks down the hall towards Eva’s office and hears the two women yelling at each other.  “--You’re not taking him away from me, you damn wench!  You’re a liar and a phony!”  “--No, the only phony here is you!”  Dan stops just outside the closed door and continues to eavesdrop as Eva lets the anvil drop on Bimbutt’s head.  “--You did the impossible to keep Daniel, or have you forgotten faking your suicide attempt??”  “--That’s beside the point!  [no venir el caso = neither here nor there]  Apparently not for Dano!  He’s suddenly all ears!  (Eva is still on a major roll.  Damn!  This is way better than chocolate!)  “--That was your mother’s idea—and you supported it to manipulate him so that he’d feel sorry for you and would come back to you!”  “--Liar!”  “--No lie, Victoria!  Don’t waste your time denying it!  I know your mother managed the attempt at suicide, but when you found out , you actually thanked her!  Why?  To keep Daniel at your side out of a sense of guilt, right?  “--Who told you that?”   “--Your father!!”  Dan is now one major, saucer-eyed-impactado hombre. 

The bimbutt, now in tears from Eva’s below the belt emotional judo, screams back that her father could never have told her that!   Eva yells back that he heard her and her mother discussing that it was the way to get him to come back to her.  “--But you never really managed it, because remember that the only way you married him was because I left him!”  “--You’re crazy!!  He loves me!  Daniel loves ME!”  Dan walks in on them at that point and Icky wipes away her tears--a first!  He looks at Eva and tells Icky innocently enough that if they’re done with their chat they should leave.   Icky says he’s right.  She sneers over at Eva.  We have nothing else to say to each other.    Eva watches the two of them leave and takes a few deep breaths.

Leo returns to his room and hides the gun again under his bed.

Back at the party, Tilde tells Deb that she usually doesn’t mind what Eva decides to do because she’s always had a good head on her shoulders; but this time she’s really stepped in it.  Why?  Because the man she’s marrying is a charlatan and she wouldn’t be able to swallow his B.S. even with water.  She’s sure he’s setting some sort of trap for Eva.  Just then Malicious Marci walks up to them with a sh!t-eating grin on her face from ear to ear.  “--Well, I suppose that since we’re going to be family we can speak frankly to one another, right?  I’d like to hear more about your two poor, abandoned nieces.  It wasn’t so bad having you and your brother to raise them, huh, or they’d have been even worse unfortunate wretches.”  The operative words she left out:  “than they already are”

Eva now comes in to speak to Ali, who fakes a headache.    Eva sits down on the bed with her and begs her to tell her what is going on. 

Leo calls back El Gallo to see if he took care of things.  El Gallo says sure, he cleaned everything up.  Leo says the party went even better than he thought, especially after the message he left him.  El Gallo says it’s a pity about the girl because she was some real eye-candy.  Leo agrees, but says she went too far with him and got too big for her britches.  They agree to meet the next day so El Gallo can get paid for the job.  He warns Leo that he won’t stand for anyone dealing from the bottom of the deck either.

Back in Ali’s bedroom, Eva apologizes for not telling Ali sooner about the engagement.   She wanted to this morning but Ali wasn’t around, and then at the hospital, but something else came up.    Ali says she’s got no reason to forgive her.  Eva can do what she wants to.    Well, Eva says, she still feels bad because they were going to discuss the pro’s and con’s about hooking up with Leo.  Ali says it’s all the same to her, and what does it matter anyway?  She just wants to be left alone.  

Tilde tells Marci that her two nieces were never unhappy wretches!  They had plenty of love from her and their father!  Marci tells her not to get so offended and starts to philosophize:  “--Some are born poor in spirit and others are born to riches, beauty, money and intelligence.”  Tilde gets miffed and asks what she’s getting at.  Marci says that coincidences simply fascinate her.   “--Two abandoned daughters and Deborah now looking for hers for who knows how long.... Could it be that her two daughters are Eva and Alicia?”    


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