Saturday, March 17, 2007

La Fea Más Bella #233 3/16/07 Crazy Carla has a plan...

Hello, everyone! I'm going to fill in for Julie for Friday. Three quick notes. One, I missed the first couple of minutes of the episode, I think all that happened was that Carla came up with the idea of making Lety jealous. She thinks that Fernando should use her (Carla) to make Lety jealous. This formula never fails, says Carla. If anyone has anything else that I missed please share!

Second, I erased my US version, so I'm recapping off the Mexican version. There may be additional scenes or scenes out of sync. I tried to organize it
so it would make sense.

Lastly, I can't get subtitles with the Mexican version. I wasn't able to give a very detailed re-cap of conversations. If anyone has anything to add or correct, please feel free to do so!

Who's running the office? (aka the Ariel, Alicia, Cuartel & Omar Part)

Ariel turns on the "charm" and demands to know why Alicia is sitting in that chair. She stands and says that she's the new President. He openly laughs at her. Alicia tries to explain that Marcia told her two. Ariel interrupts and insults her. He thinks that poverty has taken one of the two neurons that she had. He snaps his fingers at her and throws her out of the office. She walks halfway out of the office before turning to yell at him and tell Ariel not to snap his fingers at her. He gets right in her face and she backs down quickly. She turns and leaves.

The cuartel sees Alicia leaving and decides that this is a good time to make fun of Alicia. Alicia tells them to joke all they want. She was President for a day while they'll never rise above their current positions. (I hate to say it, she has a good point.) She pulls out the check and waives it around, telling the cuartel to look at her "prize."

Ariel and the man who was with Alicia exit the office. The man talks about re-decorating the office. He turns to PM and tells her that when Lety arrives to tell her that he came to the office looking for her.

At the bank, Alicia approaches the desk with her check. She sings to herself that she has everything that she wants. She approaches the teller and tells him to deposit her check into her account. He asks for a moment. She asks him if there is a problem. He replies that he just needs to check the signature. He walks away. Alicia talks to herself and says the first thing she will do is get back her car. She continues with a list of things that she needs to buy including new shoes and new make-up. The teller comes back and says that the check is not valid, because the signature isn't correct. Alicia is impactada.

Alicia recovers and says to the teller that this must be a joke. The teller replies that it's not. The signature doesn't resemble the one on file in any way. He hands the check back to Alicia. She reviews the signature and realizes that she's been outwitted by a dimwit. She starts to throw a fit and says that the teller and Tomas are going to pay!

Back at Conceptos the cuartel gossips about the check and whether it is real or not. PM walks into the room and shows them all a newspaper article saying that this is happy secretaries day. They need to celebrate. They discuss how they should celebrate.

Luigi is in the dance room, frustrated with all the preparations for the expo. The cuartel comes into the room and calls Irmita over the them. She dances across the room. They tell her about "Secretaries Day." They talk some more about how to celebrate. Luigi sees them and runs over to interrupt. He insists that they leave.

Irmita and the cuartel go back to the desks to make fun of the dancers. PM thinks that they shouldn't be so afraid. They should spy on the dancers. Lola's phone rings. It's Marcia, who asks for Alicia. Lola tells Marcia that Alicia went to the bank. Next, Marcia asks for Lety. Lola explains that Lety hasn't been in. Tomas told the cuartel that she's at a business meeting with Aldo. Marcia likes this, because that means that Lety is not with Fernando. Marcia asks Lola if she's sure. Lola begins to say that there's no way for her to know. Right at that moment, Omar walks in and loudly asks if Lety has returned from San Miguel Regla. Marcia overhears Omar and cannot believe that Lety went off with Aldo and not after Fernando.

In the editing room, Luigi and Omar review the most recent commercial. Omar asks to see it again. It's a commercial for condiments with lots of people dancing around the foods. [I'm guessing this part was not in the US version? I'm not going to re-cap the conversation because I don't think it was.]

Saimon clumsily exits the elevator. PM runs after Saimon, who made a weird face when she waived. The cuartel talk about PM and Saimon for a moment. PM seems to forget about everyone whenever Saimon is around. In the break room, Saimon looks for Luigi. He's surprised when PM enters and calls his name. She wants to talk to him about going out to eat and dancing, but he blows her off to go look for Luigi. She looks sad when she leaves the room, so the cuartel runs over to her and asks what happened. She swears that she'll get him back. He's the first guy who's never left her after the first night that they slept together. PM leaves the room, she doesn't feel like eating.

Saimon and Celso talk in the reception area. Saimon proclaims that he will not be snagged by that lasso again! She fought with him and then asked for forgiveness as though nothing happened. Never again! Celso and Sanzo don't seem so convinced. Celso tells Saimon that he (Celso) thinks PM is a good woman.

Fernando lets Crazy Carla talk him into a bad idea...

In a rare sign of clarity, Fernando tells Carla that he doesn't think making Lety jealous is a good plan. She agrees, but she thinks it will be pleasant. Carla rubs Fernando's shoulders. This changes his mind. Now it's a good plan. His phone rings. It's Marcia, calling from London. He very maturely makes a goofy face at his cell phone. Marcia wants to know why his phone was off. He tells her that he's been in meetings, as a matter of fact he's in a meeting right now. He pretends to tell someone where to sign a contract. He plays this game for a while until he accidentally says clavicle instead of clause (clavicula v. clausula in Spanish.) Marcia catches on that something is up. She tells him that he can call her because she's not going to call him anymore. She hangs up the phone. He stares at his phone and then makes some stupid little faces. (Carla seems to enjoy this.)

Carla's a little too good at what she does. She now has Fernando shirtless while she massages her back. Carla decides to give it a try and leans in to kiss Fernando's neck. He realizes what's going on and immediately jumps up and covers himself. Crazy Carla asks him what's wrong. Doesn't he want to make love to her. Let's see... 1. He runs from her when she tries to skinny dip in the park; 2. He leaves her when she is half naked in the bedroom; 3. He runs away from her in the middle of Manhattan. I'm thinking...probably not. Fernando has a little more tact and explains that he would like to (grrr...) but he just can't. Carla says there's no reason to hurry. She lets him know that they're going to be together the whole time he's in the United States. She's going to travel with him. A lot can happen in that time!

Aldo, Lety y la familia

Aldo tells Lety that until she forgets Fernando, she will never be able to experience true love. This really doesn't help Lety's mood. She asks Aldo what right he has to say this. Does he think that her love for Fernando wasn't real? Maybe so, he says. But Fernando never loved you back. [Ouch!] Lety questions his right to tell her this. What authority does he have to give her a lesson? Since a bitch slap doesn't seem appropriate in the moment, Lety uses a harsher method. She reminds Aldo that his indifference pushed his wife into the arms of a lover! [Double ouch!] Aldo is impactado. Lety immediately pulls back and tells Aldo she's sorry. He replies that she speaks with reason. She replies that she has no right to judge. She tells Aldo that she needs to tell him something. He asks her to speak. She loves Fernando, very much. She's tried to forget him. She knows him, and knows that he's suffering. She doesn't know why, but Fernando is suffering, and that hurts her.

Back in San Miguel, Lety and Aldo continue to talk. Lety thinks it's a good thing that they fought. It helped her a lot. She understands her feelings better. She's angry with herself, not with Fernando or Aldo. Aldo leans in towards to Lety and says he also has something to say. If she's so sure that she really loves Fernando, then she should fight for his love just as Aldo will fight for hers.

Aldo approaches Lety, who has moved outside, and continues to talk about her fighting for Fernando's love. Lety does not think it's worth it. She would rather fight for herself. She wants to be happy. Aldo asks for permission to fight along with Lety, for her happiness. They can kill two birds with one stone. They will both be happy. Lety thinks that once she finds happiness she will be ready to love. He kisses her hand. They have a fun playful moment.

Lety sits in her bedroom and writes in her diary that she has been unable to forget about Fernando. She thought this time apart would do it for her, but the opposite happened. The emptiness he left has been filled by her imagination. She remembers their past together. She thinks that that Marcia must be going through the same thing - unable to stop thinking about Fernando. Lety acknowledges that Marcia also really loves Fernando.

Next, Lety sits by a fountain and writes some more in her diary about Aldo. He's kept his promise and stayed close to her. [While Lety talks we see Aldo and Lety attempting to cook something. Aldo pretends to like it, but when he turns away he grimaces. Lety doesn't pretend. She doesn't like. More examples of Aldo's great skills as a chef, no?] Lety continues to talk about how he gives her strength. Now she's in her bed, and we hear the first strands of "La Vida Despues de Ti". She still loves Fernando. [Now we see scenes of Fernando and Carla - one in what appears to be the airport and another eating dinner. Has Carla satisfied her mission? We can't tell from these "photographs" of the time in the United States.] [We also see Aldo in his office, writing the end of his book.]

Lety is no longer writing in her diary, but we're back in the kitchen. Tomas, Julieta and Aldo stand around the counter preparing food. Tomas makes a joke that Erasmo doesn't like. Erasmo reminds Tomas that he is not in his mother's house; he is in Aldo's house. Aldo tells everyone not to worry. He's preparing a surprise. Lety walks into the room, talking on her cell phone. She's talking business - all about the two types of mole that Aldo will prepare. Erasmo compliments Aldo by saying that everyday he surprises Erasmo a little more. He cannot believe that Aldo can prepare a dinner like this. Aldo points out that the upcoming Expo is very important. Aldo sort of toasts Julieta who humbly replies that the important thing is that Aldo has impressed Erasmo.

Aldo tries to teach Lety how to cook. With love, of course! Lety thinks that once the restaurant opens in Acapulco, they should all go stay in Aldo's home. Erasmo doesn't want to be a bother to Aldo in his own home. Aldo gives a speech about how they are all family. Erasmo agrees. Tomas cannot believe that he's never been accepted and now Erasmo easily accepts Aldo as part of the Padilla-Solis family. Aldo has to leave, because his phone rings. Lety takes off after him, thinking it's about the book. After they leave Erasmo comments that they make a beautiful couple. Tomas and Julieta are impactados! Julieta is proud of Erasmo is accepting Lety and Aldo together. Erasmo clarifies and says he was talking about them as work partners. Aldo and Lety run into the room to tell everyone that the book is now ready. Everyone cheers and toasts the happy moment. Erasmo keeps a watchful eye on Lety and Aldo throughout the toasts.

The next day the cuartel stands on the curb wondering if they'll be invited to the expo. They've noticed that Lety and Aldo have been hanging out together all the time, but they haven't said anything about the expo. AT that moment, Lety pulls up to the driveway. They greet her and her Focus. They ask for Tomas and Aldo. Aldo is with his editor and Tomas is picking up his new car. Lety is nervous about the expo the next day, but the cuartel assures that they will support her. Lety tells them that they are all invited. This makes the cuartel very happy. They only thing PM is excited about is the amount of handsome men that will be present. Sara decides to spoil the fun by pointing out that today is the day that Fernando will return.

Have a great Saint Patty's, everyone!


I was SO confused last night!! I guess this was a fast forward through time? It seemed they were jumping all over the place. I hate it when they make all the jumps without explaining. It reminded me of when Lety and Fern were in Germany in one scene and then home in the next. What happened????
I loved Fernando without the shirt!!
Carla is obnoxious with her constant talking and scheming.
I'm glad that finally Fernando is coming home.
Thanks so much for the recap Amanda!

Carrie L.

Very bad cutting last night. We, or at least me, never saw Omar other that we he arrived at the desk. Perhaps that small scene viewing commercials was cut. In any event it doesn't look like Carla is getting her way other than traveling with Fern or at least I hope so.

The family cook off - boring and I couldn't help wondering how Erasmo is going to cope when Lety makes her choice between her suitors. He doesn't like the idea of Lety and Aldo as a pair and he likes Aldo.

The whole Alcia presidenta was a waste of time and energy and apparently Lety is back in charge with no explanation of what happened or what Ariel wanted. Thank heaven Alicia ordered redecorating because the previews look like things have been spiffed up. Lety wanted changes in her office but apparently Alicia set it in motion.

One odd note when Fern was in an airport in the US obviously thinking about Lety the sign over his head was in Spanish. I've been in a lot of border area airports and in NYC and never saw a Sala sign.

Ooh and that coat Lety was wearing. Must have gotten it at Goodwill or the Mexican equivalent or else picked it up in a stable somewhere.

What did you mean that the scenes might have been out of sync or scenes added or subtracted, because you were going by the mexican soap? I see some of the mexican la fea on the youtube. Isn't it exactly the same? I thought they are just playing that one here in the states?????

Amanda, thanks for filling in for Julie. Julie, I hope that you are recovering from that migraine. They are terrible and if you've never had one, you are quite lucky.

All I have to say about last night's unstellar episode is; OOOH LA LA, Fernando without a shirt!! My, my, my....too bad he was with Carla, but I thank her for that scene :-)

Lety still can't get her big girl panties and grow on her own...I think if you look the whole building has been decorated in seascape colors. Yeah I'm sure that was some big $$ while the company is in dire straights...Lety for all her financial awards is not good at running a company. Tomas is there absorbing a check to stalk Alicia.
I didn't watch it last nite, but if I recall from watching the Mexican version, wasn't there just a whole lot of "Brady Bunch" good wholesome cheesiness goin on at the Solis household & doesn't Lety act childish around least that is what I remember

I am so glad Fern's coming home, yippie. Fern without a shirt, WOW.

Carla planning to make Lety jealous, um me no likey.

Aldo & Lety in the kitchen, jury's still out.

Not for nothing but in a way the FF helped move things along, maybe they should do that more often but in a less jumpy kinda way.

I can't remember the coat but I can only imagine, LOL.

Julie, hope your feeling better. I've never had migranes but have co-workers who suffer from them and I feel for ya.

Amanda did you watch these scenes in youtube?? b/c probably the reason why they did not show the scene with Omar and Luiggi is b/c they are promoting some mexican foods or probably it was not even shown. I watched the novela last night and the scene was not shown but after all it was not so important but probably it was not in the Mexican version b/c it did not look like they cut anything last night.

Great recap, Amanda, very entertaining! Thanks! It was really neat of you to pinch hit. Everyone appreciates it, and probably Julie most of all. We wish her the the best and thank you again.

“The signature doesn't resemble the one on file in any way. He hands the check back to Alicia.” I admit, I was a concerned that he gave her a check. When I saw the signature—“Tomás Ena- Mora–Da” on the check, I nearly split a gut at his cleverness. He’s not the ditz people think he is, and Malicia can’t manipulate him as she thinks she can.

I chuckled at Irmita dancing across the room so Luigi wouldn’t notice her going to the door to talk to the cuartel. Very cute! Irmita’s balance and calm continue to impress me.

“In a rare sign of clarity, Fernando tells Carla that he doesn't think making Lety jealous is a good plan. She agrees, but she thinks it will be pleasant.” I’m sure she does think it’ll be pleasant. For her. She’s got all the angles figured.

“Carla's a little too good at what she does. She now has Fernando shirtless while she massages her back.” I really dislike Carla, but she definitely gets points for getting Fern’s shirt off.

“What authority does he [Aldo] have to give her a lesson? Since a bitch slap doesn't seem appropriate in the moment, Lety uses a harsher method. She reminds Aldo that his indifference pushed his wife into the arms of a lover!” ROTFL!!!! She did make her point, didn’t she?

Decie girl said “One odd note when Fern was in an airport in the US obviously thinking about Lety the sign over his head was in Spanish. I've been in a lot of border area airports and in NYC and never saw a Sala sign” Not even at Mexicana Airlines? (But I’ve never flown them, so I wouldn’t know, just guessing).

Y’know, for as slow as the day of the big meeting and the two or three days after went in telenovelaland, the 20 days in America and back on the ranch went REALLY fast. It’s enough to make a girl’s head spin.

Jeanne (holding onto my head)

Hey, THANKS THANKS for the last-minute pinch-hitting! You're a champ! And without subtitles, no less!

Thank you so, so, so much. I finally got around to watching this episode but was half-asleep. For people who don't know, I have some kind of sleep thing that causes me to sleep A LOT, and lately it's gotten worse.

After sleeping most of yesterday and then having the migraine last night and then waking up and going to sleep a few times today, I finally came downstairs to discover that my dog had gotten into some things on a counter I thought she couldn't reach. This included two bottles of doggie pills - pain medication and thyroid supplements. The bottles had child-safety caps on them, but she managed to chew through the bottles - I'm not kidding - and ate all the pills.

Long story short, she'll be fine, but she's at the hospital and I won't get her back until Monday. When I got back from the hospital I slept some more (!!!) and whatever non-sleeping time I have tomorrow I will have to spend dog-proofing the house. (She can open cabinets, too.)

So... I don't know when I would have gotten around to doing this recap. I really appreciate Amanda stepping in so quickly. Thanks again!

I really dont think that the check tomas wrote was purposeful. I think he was just too shook up and wrote it worng. Tomas is too thick to do someething that good.

Oh, I disagree...Tomas has been severely tempted before and managed to wiggle out of it. No matter how much he wants Alicia, he is loyal to Lety signing his name "enamorada" was both honest (he IS in love, hopelessly) and dishonest...he had no intention of shipwrecking the company and his relationship with Lety by giving Alicia all that money. He's not as much of a doofus as he looks or acts. Judy B.

Beckster, I'm in total agreement on the absolute cheesiness of the Padilla-Solis cook-off with Aldo. UGH!! The chefs' hats were so dorky. As for the $$ spent to redecorate, I thought the decorator and Alicia were talking that this had been in the works for a long time and he'd already been paid. Besides, if it is a capital improvement project I believe there are some tax benefits (at least in the US). Otherwise, I agree that in the middle of a financial crisis is not the time to redecorate, and that's perhaps why no one followed through with the decorator. Leave it to Alicia.

Jeanne-- I agree about Tomas. He can be pretty tricky and knows how to "CYA" really well. Irmita's dance was smooth. My head is spinning as well, with the fast forward in time.

I noticed and liked how Ariel gets the cuartel working just by his mere presence. Perhaps it would be a good idea to make him president. I think it might lead to a more efficient workforce at Conceptos.

Julie---I'm glad to hear that your dog is going to be OK. Sometimes they are more challenging than children. Just remember, studies show that having a pet adds years to your life. I repeat that mantra whenever I'm on poop patrol in the back yard or doing damage control inside the house. Anyway, I also hope that you are feeling better (notice--animals 1st, people 2nd--I can't help it I love animals).

It looks like Aldo's cuisine is so powerful that it turned the Padilla-Sollis family and Tomas into Smurfs. Brainy-Tomas Smurf looked a little windswept as he tasted Aldo's gourmet cuisine. Mama-Chef smurf was radiant while stirring the mole sauce. Leticia-Sassette smurf was constantly under the watchful eye of Gargamel-Robopop while she made eyes at Aldo. The only member of the family that was missing was Moty and it was not because he ate things that he shouldn't have. He was probably chased away by the evil Ariel (oops) Azriel the cat.

I have missed a lot of LFMB episodes because I started watching it in December. I heard that the soap is being replayed in Mexico. Do you think that Univision will do that here?


This was the craziest episode. After spending weeks for one day, we now spent one day for weeks of time. The cuartel started wearing winter coats. Lety spent more than a day away from work, but there was never a consequence or did she deal with Alicia's assumption of the presidency. Did someone tell her that Marcia was appointing people in her absence?

Those cooking scenes with the big white hats were surreal.

Anyway, I think Tomas did the signature thing on purpose. In the previous episode, he had said to himself, "Aha, I have the solution."

I agree Cathy, animals first and people second. That's how it is at my house. The first thing in the morning they get their food, water, etc. The people have to wait. The same in the evening when I get home. First the cats, then the dogs (or vice versa whoever is the most insistent), last I start the people dinners.
Hope all goes well with your dog Julie! I understand, you really have to think like you are childproofing for a toddler!

I don't think my brain can take too many fast forwards like Friday! I too am glad to advance but it was done in such a haphazard way.

Carrie L.

The concern over Carla slam dunking Fernando or anything similar,please don't worry..I have a feeling she'll be gone in a New York minute..She's a diversion at the moment for our beloved Fern-but he's not stupid to her antics.His heart is totally with Lety,and only a few here give him any credit at all considering his past.

Good morning, all you lovely bloggers!!!
Can anybody please tell me what id the name of the song that Julieta
(Lety's mother) sings in the opening and closing of the episodes. I think it's just beautiful and her voice is heavenly.
Have a great day, everyone.

That's not Lety's mom singing - it's Lety. It's Aqui Estaré by Angelica Vale (not Angelica Maria).

I agree, dogs before people - which is why Polly's crisis kept me out of bed for 3 or four more hours more than I would have been up for my own benefit.

Just to clarify - Marcia never appointed Alicia as president. Alicia bribed Lopez to name her president in exchange for a kiss, which (I think) he didn't actually get.

But I don't understand why Alicia didn't get fired as a result. It's not as though the cuartel wouldn't have told Lety about it!

Now, back to dog-proofing the kitchen...

I thought alica was talking to marcia on the phone and told her they had no president. Marcia got made and said somethim about "it may as well be you". Alica was very happy after speaking with her.

Re: Fernando. I gave him credit for his behaivor. I admit tho, he could have avoided alot of problems by not going anyplace with carla; however, compared to his behvior in the past and his past reputation. He did so excellent under that constant temptation. With regards to Tomas, I don't think for one minute that he was smart enough t do what he did. One could see how shook up he was and how he was shaking as he wrote the check. I think it was accidental. At this point he would not purposely do something like this, to make her mad and lose any chance he has left with her. With Lety. Although alica as pres was a waste of time, I would like to have seen lety come back and chew her out. Alicia had her office desk a mess. Doesn't lety see that? Alica also put her title under the writing mat on the desk. Doesn't Lety see that. Doesn't Ariel come in and chew her out for her unprofessionalism as a President, to leave town for two days and to let her knw what they were all doing while she was away????????

Marcia said "it may as well be you" in a very sarcastic tone. I'm sure Marcia didn't call Lopez and tell him to put Alicia in charge. She'd be far more likely to put Lopez in charge... if she had the authority to put anyone in charge, which she doesn't.

It was also clear when Alicia and Lopez spoke confidentially that Marcia had nothing to do with it. She knows better than to put Alicia in charge of anything, anyway.

Good to know you & your dog are doing okay Julie.

I have two cats and a dog and I feel for ya. My cats love to open cabinets and they'll even doze on a shelf. One of them (Pepsi) stretches herself to reach bedroom doorknob and starts fiddling with it, I swear it sounds like somebody breaking into a room.

I think I heard Marcia also say something like Celso could be in charge for all I care.

Tomas signing the check Tomás Ena- Mora-Do” that was cute and funny, I can't believe I forgot that part.

I loved Lety finally showing a spark of spunk when she ripped into Aldo when he told her her love for Fern wasn't real and then in truly female fashion tossed in the remark about his wife. Loved it -too bad seconds later she was back in child mode. Also Aldo's tears were really fake looking and shows why blond men don't cry well with the red rimmed eyes LOL.

It also amused me when CC told Fern if he loved Lety to fight for her than came up with the looney celos idea. I suspect that the very important guest coming to the expo will be the she dog. I only hope that someone gets their hands on Lety before the big event and tries to make her look half way decent especially as she is president of the company.

I must have been dreaming but I had a horrific thought that PM was talking about getting the cuartel to put on a show. Please tell me I didn't hear that. She even did a few dance steps. Knowing we will probably be subjected to one of Luigi's terrible numbers the thought of those gossips dancing boggles my mind.

Monday - Fern's back in the house and now maybe things will start moving in the right direction for him. I live in hope


Did the entire cast in the "cook-off" scene seem smashed to you? Lety's brown shirt with white rick-rack and buttons made her look like a demented gingerbread boy.

Liz: loved the Smurf analogy. = ; )

Marie from Mass


"Lety spent more than a day away from work, but there was never a consequence or did she deal with Alicia's assumption of the presidency. Did someone tell her that Marcia was appointing people in her absence?" The nice thing about being the boss is that you can be AWOL for a little while on business, and there ARE no consequences, because the only permission you have to have is your own. ;-) But I agree that there was no satisfactory resolution to Malicia appointing herself president for the day with Lopez as her accomplice. They both would have gotten a written rep in my school at the very least.

I had forgotten that Tomás made a comment about having a solution the episode before. Thanks for pointing that out.

Julie, it's good to hear that both you and Polly are in much better shape. Lay low today and get 100%!


Julie-Have been off the site for a few days and just now am seeing about your migraines. I empathize with you since I also have them! I am starting a new natural hormone therapy and will see how that goes. If it helps, I will let you know! Also, what kind of dog do you have? My Giant Schnauzer used to be able to get into things and let herself out of the garage via the opener on the wall! However, even though they can sometimes be a pain, or a worry, I love my "kids" and could not imagine life w/o them!

Amanda, you are really great to step in and do all of this work-I know we all really appreciate it! Thanks SO much!

Diane, Yes, I got that too. PM WAS trying to get the cuartel to spy on Luigi's dancers, and then get a routine of their own together. She even showed them a few dance steps they could do, (as she flipped her already short skirt around)! lol. The rest weren't too crazy about the idea, but who knows? They may just do it (if they need ANOTHER filler episode)!! Can't imagine what they would come up with that would work for all of them to be in it...

I somehow have a feeling that CC will still be on the show-how else could the PG's prediction about a foreign woman being a threat or doing harm to Lety come true if she did not come to Conceptos, right??

Loved the way that Julieta was trying to keep Erasmo from looking at Aldo hugging Lety in the kitchen, by holding her sweater open...not too obvious or anything! ;)

With all this talk about naughty dogs, I can't help posting something about our Daisy. In the last two weeks she has figured out how to open our step-on garbage cans by pressing on the lever.

Thanks for pointing that out about Alicia appointing herself. I thought it was something like that, but I wasn't sure that Lopez was in on it or was Alicia's dupe.

I was looking at some old episodes on u tube and I saw an actress who looked a lot like Crazy Carla. What is her real name any way?
This was the epsode when Fernando was in bar/club and he wrote the note "only God knows how much I love Lety....etc." There was a woman dancing up on a platform and she looked a lot like Crazy Carla.
Did anyone else remember that?

Also while talking about dogs, I have a 92 lb Doberman who is a big baby Huey and aldo a female German Shepherd. My children are grown but these dogs are just like kids.
They bark and act up when I am on the phone.


The actress playing CC is Marianna Seaone and she wasn't in the scene you mentioned. She is a
singer/actress who has been the lead in other novelas. I've always liked her but hate her guts in her current part.

In the mess that was Friday night i thought there were two significant things.

Lety told Aldo that she knew that Fern was suffering. She didn't know why he was suffering so much but it hurt her to see it. She is obviously still too dumb to consider it might because he truly loves her and she is causing the pain. With her track record for not getting things she will probably come to the conclusion he is suffering over Conceptos when he couldn't give a flip for it.

Then Fern in his conversation with Aldoette was very clear on what Lety would and wouldn't do and on the kind of person she was. He clearly sees her exactly as she is and knows what to expect from her. Her coldness since her return has completely thrown him.

Both of the short statements clearly revealed to me how in sync and right for each other the two of them are. Now we need PG to lock them in a room where they are forced to communicate.



"In the last two weeks she has figured out how to open our step-on garbage cans by pressing on the lever. " That is so cute! What's the real objective? Leftovers? Or is it just a rush for her to know she can do it?

Our garbage dog! Her objective is to pull old food and paper and plastic out and chew it and strew it over the house! Isn't that every dog's favorite activity?

To Anony 5:47 pm,
The actress's name playing that dancer is Maiana Seoane. If you can find that episode on u tube, you will see that it is her. I am going to try to find it again. In fact I think that her name appears in the title.

Here is the link to that you tube episode. Fernando is with Omar and it looks like Tomas is there too.
It is Crazy Carla dancing with the short skirt.

Although the episode seemed disjointed toward the end, at least we had some time pass by quickly for a change. Unfortunately, I have not seen much of Ferni shirtless. Does he wear a rosary around his neck?



"Our garbage dog! Her objective is to pull old food and paper and plastic out and chew it and strew it over the house! Isn't that every dog's favorite activity?"

So funny! I guess that would be every dog's dream activity. We don't have any pets, because of my allergies, but hubby's brother and wife have two dogs, two cats, and a horse. The dogs and cats are sooo cute when we go there! (I take lots of antihistamine and play with them all).





Jeanne, we have 3 cats and two dogs and I didn't have any idea I had allergies until we got them! By then the we all loved them and we couldn't give them up.
So, 10 years later I am still getting my monthly allergy shots and everyone says I'm crazy!!!
All I can say is no matter how bad they may be, you love them. They are part of your family. When they are gone you miss them just like you would a person.
None of mine get in the garbage but my beagle only follows orders when she can get a treat.
The little jack russell barks and runs and jumps all day until you think you will become deaf from the noise.
The cats fight among themselves and spit up hair balls all over everything.
My house is like a zoo but I couldn't imagine life without them!

Carrie L.

Teresa-- It does appear that he wears a red rosary around his neck. Apparently I've spent some time analyzing this.

Cathy (busy rewinding and repeatedly watching the all too short segment of Fernando shirtless)

Yesterday, I posted a link to an episode on you tube of Crazy Carla dancing. I thought that it was an old episode but it might actually be a new episode. It is not actually a spoiler because it only shows her dancing and Fernando & Omar clapping. So this is just a warning. Don't watch it. Sorry. My bad.

Dear Julie,
Thanks for the info about the song.
I thought that it was Angelica Maria, because when they showed Lety singing to Fern, she was terribly offkey.
I still think it's a beautiful song.
Thanks again.

Cathy - keep watching that scene, please! I really want to know what Fer's wearing around his neck. ;)
Great scene...except for Carla being there.

Alice - it's not that Angelica was singing "off key," she was singing in a different key, on a different occasion, and for some reason they've superimposed her two different renditions. Why, why? It's ghastly.

Did anyone notice on Bailando last night that Edith Gonzales refrerred to Jaime Camil in her little commentary on Liz and Jorge's dancing - I just caught the tale end of the comment.

Even tho Lety might not be all the way in big girl chonies, she scored some major points with me when she asked Aldo who was he giving her advice when his wife slept with his best friend. OK, so it was a little below the belt, but desperate times for desperate measures. He's been overstepping and she finally had enough and had to stay something. I did a little victory dance when she said it.

Carrie, that's right. Even the horse(s, they used to have two), who is/are stabled elsewhere, are family. The kitties are the cutest to me, but the doggies are awfully cute. Their dogs are pound rescuees, which I admire greatly.

Melinama, I think they had that singing thing the way it was as part of Lety's fea-ness. Her art and her brains for business are her strong points. I think the writers played with the idea of making a really great singer sound like a mess.


Thanks, everyone for sharing their animal stories. I hope Julie you are feeling better today, and so is your dog.

Though I agree about the cooking scene (very bad!!), I think I'm one of the few people on earth who had actually preferred Aldo. He always treated Lety better than Fernando, who is an immature spoiled brat who is more than willing to use people. However, after Friday's episode, I can't support Aldo any more, because I can't see any reason why he would be in love with Lety. It would be one thing if she had a good personality, but she doesn't. All she ever does is whine and moan and cry (how dull), not to mention some of the other bad things she's done. Then to throw Aldo's dead wife in his face, that was just the lowest of low, worthy of Omar or Ariel. I'm sorry, being a widow myself, that was just NOT cool and he let her off WAY to easy for that! Aldo's the one who needs to put on some big boy boxers and move on.

"Demented gingerbread boy," LOL. There's an apt expression I never figured I'd see on this blog. ;)

(Polly's still recovering. I could use a nap, myself.)

I think Fern and Lety both wear the necklaces that the PG gave them for "good luck" or something. Fern wears it under his shirt because it is bulky and not professional looking.

Friday did seem like a crazy episode if all of a sudden the 20-day trips are done. Julie, I hope you and the dog are both feeling better. Amanda, thanks for the recap. I believe Tomas signed the ena-Mora-do on purpose as a way to save himself from Lety's wrath. The chef caps on the whole family? Poofy, goofy, doofy as well as ugly. And speaking of ugly, that checked jacket wins for ugliest attire ever worn by Lety. That's saying something, considering some of her outfits. Yeah, shirtless Fern looked fine, but Carla has about reached my last nerve. Glad Lety feels that Fern is suffering, she needs to talk to him.
I'm afraid I did hear PM or someone in the cuartel propose putting on a little show for the children and doing their own choreography. Someone please tell me I misunderstood that.

I couldn't tell if it was a rosary or not and wondered if it was that bead necklace that PG guy gave him back when Lety had run away. At first I was afraid he might have been wearing CC's necklace.

I can hardly wait for the first confrontation, oops scene, between Lety and Fern now that he is coming back. Both of them have wrong information about what the other did or didn't do and it will be interesting to see which one eventually, if ever, tosses the grenade into the mix. Aldo and Aldoette are sure to let the misunderstanding sit out there and fester like garbage because it suits their own purpose.

I'm willing to bet that Omar will be giving Fern one of those wink wink smirk conversations about Carla since he now thinks Fern is over Lety.

I don't necessarily think Lety was off base tossing Aldo's dead wife into the converstion. He is awfully full of himself in telling her her love for Fern wasn't real and Fern didn't love her when he knows damn well that he does. No body has the right to tell someone else there love isn't real. I never could understand how Aldo got over his grief just getting a letter, after moping for four years. Grief just doesn't heal like that.


A note on the "necklace" that Jaime Camil is wearing in that FABULOUS no shirt scene with Crazy Carla....Yes, its a Rosary. If you look at some of the other pictures out there on the web of Jaime when he's at a premiere or an event you'll see that he often wears a Rosary. Here's a link to a site with at least 3 pictures of him wearing a Roasary .

- Michelle in Minnesota

Lord are we all praying that we misheard PM and the feas talking about putting on a show. If this were a Juan Osorio production that would make sense since he always gave Niurka a chance to prance around almosI saw her wearing nothing but a g-string and pasties and apparently dancing.

So right about that ghastly jacket. Someone mentioned it must have come from Goodwill or a stable somewhere because without a doubt it is the ugliest thing she has ever worn by a long shot. Even Ugly Betty's poncho looked like Paris couture next to that mess. Caro time to take Lety in hand before the big night or Conceptos' presidenta will be the laughing stack of the expo.


Thanks for the link. I now have to go and wipe all the drool off my keyboard. Great picture with Oscar de la Hoya (who I can't stand) and Edith Gonzales looking MUCH better than she does in MDF oooh and leather pants. Now if I could only figure out how to download some of those shots to my blackberry or for that matter my IPod.

Looks like it's all good. Blog, Dog, Blogger. Glad to hear it, and nothing missed.

Thank you Melinama for saying so - I myself have wondered forever why the heck they sync Lety's acapella singing in a different key with the recorded version. It makes her sound awful, and it's not really her doing as either by itself would be just fine, but together? Caray, I just don't get that one either and was thinking maybe it was only going to last a few episodes shortly after something related happened on the show, but now we are months into it, and my gosh!! I want the Banda el Recordo back!! Bienvenido al club, al club, al club....

Especially since they aren't showing us the pool scene anymore....

thanx for those pics of Jaime Camil, NICE. I think I just found more pics to add to my laptop screensaver.

Enlightenment, please:

1) "Even tho Lety might not be all the way in big girl chonies..."
posted by Anon.- Mon, Mar 19, 11:48 AM
- what is the meaning of the term "chonies" ? In the deep recesses of my brain, this term sounds vaguely familiar, but I cannot place it - this use seems to me to be an abbreviation. Thanks for clarification.

2) So - does Lety have any redeeming qualities?
" ... I can't see any reason why he would be in love with Lety. It would be one thing if she had a good personality, but she doesn't. All she ever does is whine and moan and cry (how dull), not to mention some of the other bad things she's done. Then to throw Aldo's dead wife in his face, that was just the lowest of low, ..."
Posted by Anon. - Mon, Mar 19, 12:47 AM
An observation of Lety that left me perplexed - perhaps b/c I have only watched LFMB since Jan.
Any enlightenment - to better understand the story - greatly appreciated.

Thanks to all of the re-cappers (you do an unbelieveable job) - and to the rest of you who post comments - sometimes the highlight of mundane days.
Take care.

P.S. as to the song, I will be happy if they play Dueña de Mi Vida, its one of my faves, I get all mushy inside when I hear it.

I think w/Fernando he fell in love with her cause she helped him out and cause she basically worshipped him...she made him feel like he was smart and good, and in turn he wanted to please her, well she seemied so grateful to him. They both saw something in each other that no one else saw..they were more than their outside appearance...
That said...I have never gotten the whole Aldo thing and this is my second go round...I mean it took Fernando months of being around quirky Lety, but some water and CPR later and Aldo is all "Woman of my Dreams". I don't get it, never got it, never will get it.

This is gonna sound far more sensitive than I care to let on but..for Fernando...gag gag Lety completes him. For Aldo (he just makes me gag anyway), he is the master and she is the clay, he is trying to mold her...Yuck, I feel so dirty...Sensitivity is highly overrated...Just gimmee Omar...


Lety does complete Fern because she brings out the caring and whimsical fun side of him and gives him an emotional anchor and on the other hand he also completes her by letting her whimsical side play and he gives her validation that her looks are unimportant.

As you point out with Aldo he is more like Svengali trying to mold her to be what he want , a plain women who hangs on his every word and would never think of turning to someone else. It will probably take FOREVER for Lety to see that in his way he is using her more than Fern ever did.

Yes - it's gaggy but it's true. The Aldo relationship is based on him being Lety's great healer. What happens when she finishes healing?? Same thing that happens to every rebound boyfriend. "Being around you reminds me of that time when everything sucked and you helped me out, but I'm a different person now. The kind of person who wants to see other people. Thanks, it's been fun!"

Anon 3:59 - chonies is a mexican slang word for underpants - might be more prevalent out here in Calif though.

Aww Beckster, you have a sensitive side?

I still don't think it's that Aldo wants to manipulate/mold/use Lety. I think her appearance on the beach, sad and lost, got through his armor (remember two years since his wife died = no social life according to his friend on the answering machine) and he felt something again. That made him crazy. He wanted it. He's riding a high of - feeling something. He's pursuing it at any cost. I don't think he even cares who Lety is particularly - he is just so happy to want somebody, something again. she woke him up and that's priceless to him.

"Aww Beckster, you have a sensitive side?"


I got here 2 hours ago -- sifting thru info abt where I'm gonna move to in a couplamonths &thinkin of theaviator's post at the same time. I haveta gohome now to see lfmb. Mypost wooden have been sogood. luvit.

Glanced over at t-n's site and finally noticed they have names of those roosting at any given moment (not just the total number of those looking in). teehee. Do we have anythinglikethat in here? (I don't see anything to click on to find out who's in the rafters.)


Cathy and Michelle, thanks for answering my question about the rosary. Thanks also Michelle, for the link with the Jaime pics.

I have long thought of Aldo as the older guy looking for the young woman to mold. He may not be consciously doing it. I think it was just a bad idea for the writers to throw in the Aldo character. I agree with Beckster, just don't buy this guy falling for Lety so quickly. Being that Lety had just had her heart ripped out when she met/got CPR from Aldo, I don't buy Lety getting all chummy with Aldo either. Guess it is supposed to be the whole life-saving bond. (Now I am gagging.)
Ah, how I wish she had just thanked him, shook his hand and said contact me if you ever need a kidney!


No just sayin...and how's about this...Aldo was all livin on the beach for 2 years, chafing in his wet daisies, now no doubt he saw lots of hot young things..and we all know what visual beings men are and yet nothing stirred him till he saw Lety draw breath thru her moustached lips? Huh Huh? Maybe the Sancho'd one feels guilty that he neglected his wife so now he figures he'll burn off some later purgatory time by HEALING lety.
If you watch Lost, Aldo reminds me of John Locke...another philospher.
I prefer Sayid and Sawyer myself.

PS. Fernando is sensitive and I gotta respect that. I guess

Melinama, good call. I think your theory about Aldo's motives makes a lot of sense. Tiene razón.


yes mab/ there is a sitemeter on the home page, play with it and you can figure it out.

Oh and to anon about the Mexico v US versions, yes sometimes they play the scenes in a different order, though they usually still play all the same stuff. The timing is different, as are commercial breaks, so I think to maintain somewhat logical (though we definitely know after Fri that logic is not top priority)suspense and timeslotting they move things around ever so slightly.

Treasa that was so funny. Shake the hand and say if you ever need a kidney ROTF ROTF So cruel and indifferent ROTF

Regarding Aqui estare. Lety sings it bad because she has a mouth full of braces number one. Number two, she is singing without music (when she was with fernando) and three she was not supposed to sound like a singer. She was a la fea in love with the president and she is trying to sing while they are having fun. Like if we just starting singing to our spouse or whatever. Then her singing was superimposed on the actual song. So we hear how beautiful it is and we hear lety singing it in her innocense, which is beautiful

The 2011 discussion for Capitulos 233 & 234 is at this link.

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