Monday, April 04, 2011

Eva Luna #104 Fri 4/1/11

We start off with Eva being questioned by Marcella’s attorney on the stand.
A: How did you go about working for the Arismendi’s?
E: Leo offered me a job.
A: So Marcella did not interview you for the position.
E: No. But I needed her approval to stay.
A: So tell us exactly what were your job duties?
E: I took care of Don Julio.
A: you made sure he took his medicine?
E: Yes. And I noticed the medicine wasn’t helping him. It was making him worse. I told Marcella
A: are you sure you were giving him the correct dosage?
E: Of course.
A: Is it true that you left that employment and the police were looking for you because you were accused of being a thief?
E: Yes, but I was innocent.
A: Isn’t it a coincidence those days after your disappearance Julio found out his medicine contained poison.
E: Yes. It was just a coincidence. I had nothing to do with that.

Tony and Alicia talk about Marisol. Alicia tells him how much Marisol is loving doing interviews and promoting her album. Tony says sounds like she’s being treated like a queen. Yes, replies Alicia. Wouldn’t you like to be treated like one too asks Tony? Yes, but I’ve given up hope says Alicia. I can treat you like one says Tony. Take care of you and the child you’re expecting. Alicia asks how? You don’t make an honest living. Tony tells her it takes time to get out. She says he’s not a very good person. Neither are you points out Tony. When are you going to tell Eva about the baby?

The prosecutor? asks Renata if it was her responsibility to buy the medicine for Julio.
R: should have been, but Marcella insisted she do it herself.
P: Before Eva, were there other assistants?
R: Yes. They either quit or where fired if they commented that there was something wrong with the medicine.
P: How do you know that?
R: Well, I would listen to the conversations. I remember one case, Rita, was killed in an assault before she was fired.

Next up in the stand is Dr. Garcia. Julio’s friend and accompliance.

A: Is the poison easily bought.
G: I believe so.
A: So anyone present here can buy it?
G: Not in the way it was used.
A: Please explain.
G: The poison had to be chemically altered and that is not available to the public.

Up next to the stand is Daniel.

A: After the death of your parents you were left with no family is that correct?
D: Yes.
A: Who took care of you?
D: Marcella.
A: Who administered your fortune that you inherited?
D: She did.
A: Did you ever suspect anything odd in the administration of your money?
D: No.
A: I understand that she also helped you out when your first wife died.
D: Yes, that’s true.
A: Then how can you think that someone that has shown you so much love have anything to do with the death of your parents?
D: Eva told me what her mother overheard and the investigation they started into the death of my parents.
A: Interesting. The same person who gave the medicine to Julio put that idea into your head.

Up next in the stand is Marcella.

P: Did you know that Pedro Villanueva wanted to sell his stock in the company?
M: No.
P: Have you ever had in your possession the poison that killed the Villanueva’s?
M: No. Never.
P: Where were you when they died?
M: I was at a hotel resting several hours away.
P: While you were there did you rent a car?
M: Yes. I wanted to take a drive and see the sights.
P: Is it true that when you returned home, you had your hand burned?
M: Yes.
P: Did you burn it while setting fire to a car?
Marcella’s attorney objects and says the prosecutor is trying to confuse his client. Judge overrules and tells Marcella to answer the question.
M: I burned my hand at the hotel. It’s ridiculous that they don’t have records of it.
P: Who bought the medicine?
M: I did.
P: Who prescribed it?
M: Dr. Santiago Rivera.
P: Did you have confidence in the doctor’s capabilities?
M: Of course I did. He is a great friend of the family.
P: So that means you know him for many years?
M: Yes.
The prosecutor tells the judge that he’s done questioning Marcella and wants to call in another witness. Marcella’s attorney objects since he did not have advance warning, but the prosecutor says he just found out about him yesterday. Who is this witness asks the judge. Dr. Santiago Rivera replies the prosecutor. Marcella is open mouthed impactada.
Dr. Santiago Rivera is sworn in. Marcella is visibly nervous.

Laurita asks Francisco if he has told Jackie how he feels about her. He tells her no. That these things takes time. Laurita tells him to hurry up before someone else takes her. Francisco says that’s not going to happen. She’s mine and I will not allow it. He has a plan and she’s going to help him with it.

P: Dr. Rivera, are you a personal friend of the accused?
R: Yes.
P: Where did you meet her?
R: At the university.
P: Where you novios?
R: For a while.
P: Why did you break up?
R: I didn’t have money and she put her eyes on a millionaire.
P: What happened afterwards?
R: She married him and later she made a proposition to me.
P: What was it?
R: She would give me 20% if I helped her kill her husband.
Everyone in the courtroom is shocked.

Victoria is banging on the door for someone to let her out. She has completely lost it. A security guard opens the door.

Marcella erupts and calls Dr. Rivera a liar. Judge orders order in the courtroom. Marcella’s attorney tries to calm her down.
P: Did you complete what the accused ask you to do?
R: Yes.
P: How?
R: I gave her some poison and told her how to use it.
P: How many times have you given her this poison?
R: Various times.
P: Be specific.
R: I gave some to her to poison Mr. Villanueva’s parents and first wife.
Marcella’s erupts again. And calls him an idiot.
R: She also poisoned an employee by the name of Rita‘s brother. And her second husband. Leo’s father.
Marcella’s calls him a liar and tells him to shut up. Leo asks her if it’s true. She tells him that he’s lying. Judge wants order in the courtroom. Leo looks crushed. Dr. Rivera tells Leo that Marcella put poison in his dad’s coffee the morning that he died. And tells Daniel that she put poison in his wife’s coffee the night that she died. Marcella is yelling out that Dr. Rivera is lying and for everyone not to believe it. The judge wants her to stop.

The security guard asks Victoria who she is and what’s she’s doing there. He keeps asking her more questions. She just sits there looking frightened. She goes to her purse and he wants to see ID. She reaches in her purse and pulls out mace and maces him. She runs out.

The prosecutor asks Dr. Rivera to tell the court what excuse Marcella gave him for every crime/killing she committed. In Leo’s case she wanted to collect his life insurance; in Daniel’s case she wanted to avoid his parents from selling his stock in the company to strangers and his first wife was because her plan was to have her daughter marry him. And then one day to inherit his stock. And what excuse did she give you do kill Rita’s brother asks the prosecutor. She needed to silence him replies Dr. Rivera. He was going to the police and accuse her of killing his sister. Rita had confessed her suspicions to her brother that Marcella was poisoning Julio. She poisoned them all. Marcella calls him a liar again. The prosecutor presents evidence that all the dead bodies all show that they had the same poison in them. And they all had a connection to Marcella Arismendi.

Francisco has just finished telling Laurita the plan to conquer Jackie. Laurita thinks its all romantic.

Victoria is walking down the street and hails a cab.

The prosecutor is giving his closing arguments.

Eva and Tia are talking. She tells him that the jury is out and hopefully won’t take too long for them to come back. Alicia walks in when they hang up and wants to hear everything that’s going on.

Victoria finds her vehicle.

Daniel can’t believe that Marcella also killed his first wife. She has to pay for everything that she did.

Julio is trying to console Leo.

JoJo and Renata can’t believe how loyal they had been to her. Renata talks about a secret that soon everyone will know.

Liliana runs up to Daniel and lets him know that he has her full support.

Eva tries to console Leo. Leo says today was a very shocking day. Finding out my father was alive and finding out all the things that my mother has done. Eva tells Leo that she knew all along that Julio was alive. Why didn’t you tell me asks Leo? She tells him that Julio asked her not to tell anyone. Leo says she did right. Otherwise everything that happened today would never have seen the light.

Victoria is banging on Liliana’s hotel door. Except Liliana is no longer there. She has moved in with Daniel.

Laurita is unpacking. Jackie is helping her and Laurita notices her sad face. What’s up asks Laurita. Jackie says that Francisco is in love with another woman. She says not to worry. Everything will be alright. Jackie says you know something. Laurita says no, I don’t.

Jury is finally in and the judge asks Marcella to stand. Foreman says Marcella is guilty. Marcella yells no. this is not fair. She grabs the bailiff’s gun. She points the gun at Julio and tells him that she should have killed him with her bare hands. She points it at Eva and says that she gave to take everything that was hers away from her. Daniel is standing in front of Eva.

Jackie keeps asking Laurita if Francisco told her anything. No replies Laurita. What do you mean nothing asks Jackie. Why are you so sure that everything is going to be okay? I don’t know replies Laurita. I just said that so you wouldn’t be sad. That’s all. Jackie begs her to tell her if Francisco said anything.

Marcella tells Eva to stop hiding behind Daniel. Deborah tells Marcella to stop. Marcella tells her that the death of her daughter is the price for your disloyalty. Idiot. Julio tells Marcella to stop. The only one that is responsible for everything is him. Eva has nothing to do with anything. Kill him. Go on kill him. Marcella points the gun at Julio, but says no. Eva has to die first. She points it at Eva and Leo runs up and pushed her arms up and the gun goes off. Officers come and get Marcella. She yells out that she hates Eva. Daniel consoles a crying Eva.

Victoria finds out that Liliana left the hotel a couple of weeks ago. She remembers the last time she saw Liliana.

Laurita calls Adrian to let him know that she’s finally home for good. Laurita lets Adrian in on Francisco’s plan.

Daniel and Liliana talk about the trial on the way home. He hopes that the police will soon catch Victoria and that he can prove to Eva his innocence. Then stop the wedding. Liliana doesn’t like that sound of that.

Jackie is moping around and remembers Humberto. She gives him a call.

Victoria is outside Daniel’s house and sees him drive up with Liliana. She finally realizes that Liliana wanted Daniel all to herself. She tells herself that this is not going to stay like this.

Jackie is cooking and Francisco comes up to talk. He finds out that Humberto invited Jackie out.

The gang gathers at the Arismendi’s house and are relieved that Marcella was found guilty and is behind bars. Leo knew his mother had a strong character, but would never had thought she would have committed such heinous crimes. Especially killing his own father. Julio tells Leo to sit next to him. Julio says that no matter what happened between his mother and him, he will always see Leo has his own son. Leo kisses Julio.

Francisco and Jackie argue.

Leo tells Julio that his words are doing him good right now. Julio says that Leo and Victoria are not responsible for their mother’s bad deeds. Deborah asks if anyone’s heard from Victoria. No, replies Eva. Julio says that he knows she has done some crazy things and should pay for them, but understand she is his daughter. I would like to know where she is to help her. Leo excuses himself to rest and wants to speak to Eva alone.

Victoria says that Liliana will not get her way.

Daniel asks Laurita to forgive him for allowing Victoria to convince him and manipulate both of them to send her away. He should never have allowed it. Liliana butts in and says that once Victoria shows up he needs to finish up the divorce.

Leo tells Eva that without her he would be lost. Their upcoming nuptials is the only thing that is making him happy right now.

Marcella is telling herself that she will get out and seek revenge on everyone. The corrections officer tells her she has a visitor. She yells out that she doesn’t want to see anyone. In strolls Julio and tells her he won’t take too much of her time.

Liliana comes out of the bathroom and finds Victoria in the room. Hola amiga says Victoria.

Monday: Liliana and Victoria fight; Deborah asks Alicia if she’s pregnant


Saturday, April 02, 2011

Bloggers, phone home!

Hello my fine teams, I am sorry I've been absent. You should each have gotten an email from me this evening asking you to write me and let me know how things are going. We have 1-1/2 volunteers for Teresa - we need more. And what's happening when the other shows end? Do we have absent people who need to be replaced? Help me get things back in order. Phone home. (That is, write to me.)

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Triunfo del Amor #83 4/1/11 Doña Demento’s Day of Devine Retribution

As Viewerville loads up on Kleenex, checks the battery in the remote, counts the Excedrin in the bottle, and takes stock of the available adult beverages for commercial breaks, Max has been refused a loan by the bank and Casa de Victoria now faces certain bankruptcy unless a suitable buyer for Osvaldo’s shares can be found. 

Ozzie, meanwhile, has gone straight to the police to give his statement about his shooting Guillermo.  The magistrate on duty assures Oz that Gui is not seriously hurt, having had the bullet barely miss a rib as it passed through the abdomen.  He’s recuperating under guard at the hospital until he gives his statement, he adds.  Oz gives his side of the sorry facts and swears he handed over an entire fortune to Guillermo Quintana; he thought he’d bought half that theatre!  The magistrate tells him they’ll be opening an investigation and he can now have his one phone call.  Oz decides to call ex-Padre Juan Pablo rather than cause more grief on the home front.

When the call comes for JP, he is giving a talk to the orphanage boys about the temptation of drugs.  Domingo bears witness to the perils and pitfalls of his falling victim to drugs.  He promises the group to stay on the straight and narrow from now on.  JP takes the call from Oz (and the less observant of us finally note that he’s a southpaw). 

Outside the new vecindad, Milagros’ new gal-pals go ape-nuts over naco Napo who immediately eats it up.  Millie gets a wee bit jealous.  Along comes a retired history teacher who takes a moment to introduce himself.  She takes advantage of the situation to flirt with the old prof and to give Napo a taste of his own medicine.  FF>>

At Scandal-val Manor, Max explains the dire financial situation to Victoria.  Their only out is to sell the manse or to accept somebody’s offer to purchase stock in the company.  The sticky part is the number of shares the person offering wants to buy and that it’s a take-it-or-leave-it proposition.  She tells Max to accept the offer.

Back at the police station, Oscar claims self-defense for his client, Oz, since Gui pulled a gun on him and Oz was provoked due to the fraud he’d discovered.   Ex-Padre JP adds that he found out that Sr. Quintana doesn’t have a permit for the gun, and that the firearm has never been registered.  He suggests that they fine [multar] Gui for it.  Oscar gets Oz let out on bail. 

Max is heading back to the office but must first suffer through another altercation with the ever-annoyingly cloying Jimena. Max takes a moment to assure her that he’s stopped seeing Maria Desamparada so there’s no reason to continue to freak out whenever she sees him walk towards the front door.  Jimeana’s smile shows just the barest hint of wicked as she feigns immense relief to hear the news.  Max, though, makes it clear that even though he’s stopped seeing Maria she cannot prevent him from continuing to love her. 

He walks out of the house. Ji takes a call on her cell from Gui telling her that he got shot.  She sneaks out of the house to check on him.

On their way back to the car, Oscar pats Oz on the shoulder and tries to calm him down.  Oz is enraged by Guillermo’s swindle and says it’s now become a personal vendetta for him.  Oscar tells him he understands his rage but reminds him that he has more important things to think about--like Vicki and his family.  Oz agrees and admits he knows Vicki gave up on him for good, but she is allowing him to stay in the house due to the kids’ problems.  However, he says, he hasn’t given up hope that someday he’ll win Vicki’s love back again.  (For now, Viewerville could give a flip if he has to eat dirt!)

At Casa de Victoria, Fabian gives Pepino, Roxana, and Antonieta the news about Vick’s sale of the stock to avoid the business going under.  Roxi blames the old fashioned rags [garras anticuadas] Pepi’s been designing for the models.  Another cat fight ensues, during which he calls Roxy a witch and tells her to find her broom, jump on and get out.  Toni shuts them both up, finally.  Fab reminds them that they’d better hope the new business partner gets along with all of them.

Os returns home and tries explaining to Vicki what happened with Gui and how the chiseler scammed him out of part ownership of the theatre. She bawls him out, angry because they’ve got enough problems as it is without having to now deal with a shooting, let alone his having lost all that money to Guillermo!  Besides, it was his forcing her to sell those shares of stock that started the company’s financial woes she reminds him.  Now it’s all been lost on a useless and selfish whim!  Enough of that!  She walks over to the desk and hands him an envelope with the divorce papers for him to sign.  He’s resigned to his fate.  “--Okay.  Once again, Victoria, we will do things according to your wishes!”  (Wait a darn tootin’ minute here! Didn’t she just tell him that the one time she did give in to him what a cuss’nflusterin’ disaster it turned out to be?)  He signs the divorce papers and they agree not to upset the kids by telling them about the divorce being a done deal. 

Later, alone in her bedroom, Vick tearfully bemoans the fact that it’s finally over between her and Ozzie.  (Sorry, Victoria, but Viewerville is light-years beyond caring at this point.)

At the same time, Maria is tearfully thinking back to having finally broken it off with Max.  Suddenly someone presents her with a rose.  She smiles and turns, thinking it might be Max.  It’s Alonso, the sexy Photographer Dude, wearing a hopeful smile on his face (and a t-shirt that displays his triceps to full advantage…Hubba! Hubba!).  He's trying hard to make points with Maria. 

Meanwhile, Max is at his desk downtown, thinking about the romantic moments shared with Maria.

Maria thanks Lon for the rose and politely introduces him to Nathy.  (Like he’s really going to look twice at her?)  He charmingly explains that he came back by because he was still worried about her after the business at the park that afternoon.  Maria says they’re about to finish their shift and head home.  He invites himself along.  She says she doesn’t think he’s going to stay charmed with the likes of her, considering she’s pregnant.  Lonnie seems very excited at the news.  It’s a blessing, he says, and all the more reason they should all get to know each other better!  The three of them head over to Maria and Nat’s little hole in the wall.

Back at Casa de Victoria, Oscar tells Max about Guillermo’s scamming his father out of joint ownership of the theatre.  Max is incensed.

Outside in the garden under Fernanda’s window, Cruz worries about the love of his life.  Upstairs in her bedroom, Fer gets a visit from an uber-cheery physical therapist.  The Fer-beast shows her fangs and   wildly attacks Cheery PT Lady, whose screams of terror bring everyone running. (Whoa!  Not that uber-cheery doesn’t do a number on me, too, but that attack scene with Fer-beast was worthy of the best werewolf movie-thons!)  Cheery PT Lady is now anything but as she quickly explains to Vicki and Oz that she was only doing what the doctor sent her there to do, i.e., her frickin’ job!  She leaves in a grumpy huff, her PT professionalism having been ranked by one of her charges at an all time low, as Fer cries to her papi that she doesn’t want anybody seeing her like this.   

At the same time, Jimeana is visiting giddy Gui in his bachelor pad and listening to him drone on about how “that damned Osvaldo” was about to kill him; bragging that he, of course, isn’t going to just take it; and that he’s going to destroy Oz since that’s always been the game plan.  Ji says it was pretty moronic to have pulled a gun on the guy cuz now the police are involved, and they’re going to open an investigation which is going to show that he really isn’t the owner of that theatre at all.  Gui says that’s what she thinks!   He has all his paperwork in order and it points to him as the theatre’s only legitimate owner.  Oz will be the one going through bad times now, and Gui won’t stop until the whole Sandoval clan is destitute! 

However, Jimeana has heard enough.  She slugs Gui’s wounded side with his cane and asks what he was thinking by letting her marry Max if that was his idea!  She’s not going to live in poverty and neither is his baby!  Gui blows her off and tells her she belongs in an asylum, and that he could care less about that frickin’ baby!  It’s no skin off his nose.  (That’s right.   She’s definitely the one who’s got to carry it for nine months!)  Cant’s she understand that he’s a playboy, always was, and always will be?  “--I don’t belong to anybody, understand?  Not to anybody!”  Just then Max walks in on the two of them.  He’s stopped-in-his-tracks impactado to see Ji standing there sheepishly.  “--What are you doing here, Jimena?  Well?”  Ji takes a quick minute to consider a credible hedge. 

Max gets impatient.  Ji tells him she came there to give Guillermo grief for cheating Max’s daddy like he did and to stick up for the family!  He tells her it wasn’t her place to and moves her out of the way for a better look at the grinning ghoul.  Max stares Gui down and tells him what a shameless slug he is.  Gui pulls a bully-style nanny-nanny-boo-boo, tauntingly asking him if he’s going to pick a fight with him like his daddy did.  “--I’m not scared of you!  Your daddy doesn’t have a legal leg to stand on!  That theatre is mine and the paperwork is all in order!”   Max tells Gui he’ll be back to square things another time, and then drags Jimeana out the door with him.  Gui allows himself a gratifying gloat.

Back at the Scandal-val manse, Cruz asks Formerly-Cheery PT Lady what happened inside.  She tells him Fer is in crisis and won’t take therapy.  He says she’s obviously suffering right now.  PT Lady warns him that if the girl doesn’t get her head on straight and refuses to accept help, she going to be suffering a lot more down the road and stomps off.

Max doesn’t believe a word Ji’s told him apparently, and once they’re in the car and speeding merrily towards home, Max asks her again why she was there at Guillermo’s house. (Viewerville crosses all their fingers and toes in hopes that finally Max might be beginning to see his way to the possibility that the future psychopath now gestating in Jimeana’s womb, this demon spawn with a double whammy of crazy gene, might not really be his.)  Ji goes into deflect and redirect mode.  “--Stop torturing me with questions!”  She insists she was there only to defend his daddy’s honor.  Max says that seems pretty lame since it has nothing to do with her. 

Ji changes the direction of the conversation, complaining that he refuses to accept her--the mother of his child--as part of his family!  He groans. “--Here we go again!” She kicks the rant up a couple notches.  “--If you won’t love me and give me my place in this family, I don’t want to live!”  Jimeana pushes open the car door and leans out at 80 mph. “--This is what happens!”  Max panics and swerves.  “--My life is meaningless if you don’t love me!  Don’t you understand?”  “--Jimena!  Think about our child for gawd sakes!”  Max grabs her by the arm and pulls her back in, courtesy of a major adrenaline rush. (Two more words for you, Max: padded cell.) He pulls over to the side of the road till she gets a grip. 

Maria and Nat have brought Alonso home with them.  He tells them he’s a professional photographer and has his own publicity agency.  Nat brags about Maria having been a top fashion model.  He wants to hear more.  Maria demurs and says It’s too long a story to go into now.  Lon figures she quit due to the pregnancy and emphasizes again what a marvelous thing pregnancy is.  He considers Maria’s decision to keep the baby.  “--Doing the proper thing does exist!”  He weeps as he then relates his sad, sad story to the two of them regarding his fateful experience with unwanted pregnancy.  Lonnie was in love with a woman once and realized only too late what an evil person she was.  She was pregnant with his child, but she went to doctor and got rid of it!  After he found out, his great love for her turned into enduring hatred.  He never wants to see or hear from her again in his lifetime!  

Scheme-ena now goes in for the coup de grace with Max.  “--I only want for you to love me!  Without your love my life is worthless! What I want is for you to be with me always! Don’t leave me, because otherwise I swear to you that I will kill myself!  Just love me. Just love me!”  Max appears to have now developed one mellovahellova major migraine.

Once Max gets back home, he has it out with his dad over the major fuster-cluck the theatre deal turned out to be.  There has got to be something Oz can do about it!    He simply can’t understand how Oz could have blindly signed some papers for Gui without having read them first!  (Hey, Oz is only a screen-stud.  He’s not expected to use his brain for anything.  He’s only ever been expected to stand around posing for the camera while he pumps his pecs.  It doesn’t take much in the way of smarts for that, Max!)  Oz whines that he was otherwise occupied and confused with other things at the time.  Vick walks in on this conversation and accuses him of confused thinking alright and not with his head!  Max gripes at her for drinking and mixing in with them.  She says she enjoys imbibing to help her forget and then takes the opportunity to let him know the divorce is a done deal before strutting out of the living room.

Max confirms the news with Oz who tells him that his mother will never forgive him, and if it weren’t for Fer he’d have left for sunnier climes by now.  Max reminds him that Vicki is having financial problems and has had to sell a part of her business to save her company from insolvency.  Oz asks if they know anything about this new business partner.  He says no, not a thing.  The person sent their representative in to sign the papers and to leave a deposit.  They insisted on keeping the person’s identity a secret from them until the next morning.

The next day, Nat, Maria, Millie and Israel’s widow (Anita?) are having punch on the sidewalk outside the new vecindad with JP, discussing the baptism and/or how nice it was of the widow to give Maria all her maternity clothes, when Ozzie walks up and says hello.  Maria is definitely showing now and Oz suddenly realizes that Maria is preggers.  He mentions it to her.  JP offers to discuss things with him, but Maria says she’d rather handle it and the two of them go inside to talk.

Vick and her crew, meanwhile, await the arrival of her new business partner.

In the barrio once again, Oz is all smiles at this revelation.  Maria tells him she’s five months along.  He says he supposes Max knows by now that she’s expecting.  Maria says no and she wants to keep it that way.  Oz can’t imagine why not and adds that, knowing her the way he does, he’s certain it’s Max’s child and so Max really needs to know.  She explains that she had thought to tell Max, but that day he broke her heart when he came to tell her Jimena was expecting a child of his and he’d be taking responsibility by marrying her.  Oz blames himself for that because he’d harangued him about how sacrificing for a child is priority numero uno.  He regrets it now because he realizes that Max doesn’t love Jimena (Excuse me?  He knew that from the beginning.)  Besides that, Jimena isn’t right in the head. 

As far as Maria is concerned, though, Max married Ji and that is the only thing that counts!   She tells him how she secretly went to the wedding and saw how he was forced into marrying her like that, all because of the baby. She swore then and there that she didn’t want Max to ever feel obligated to marry her because of her pregnancy either.  That’s why she decided never to tell him. 

Oz says he knows that Max loves her and only her.  Maria knows, but tearfully reminds Oz that Max isn’t free.  “--He’s too compromised right now, and there is always some obligation that prevents the two of us from finally realizing our dream of finally being together.”  Oz says he knows that Max has already told Jimena that once the baby is born they’re separating so he can be with Maria.  Maria tells Oz to look her in the eye and tell her if he really thinks that Max could abandon his child once he’s held it in his arms.  Oz says he guesses she’s got a point at that.  So, says Maria, she’s come to the realization that she’s got to get used to the idea that it was an impossible dream.  She’s wide awake now, though.  She asks him to promise that he’ll never let Max know the truth, though, of course, Jimena does; but Ji would never let her husband know that her rival was also expecting a child of his.  “--Ji isn’t that stupid!” 

Oz still can’t understand why Maria wouldn’t tell Max the truth.  Maria finally breaks down in tears and blurts out that he’s got way too many other problems to be tortured by one more!    Oz finally gets it and promises not to say a word to anyone.  He does ask her to at least let him continue to look in on her and his grandchild.  She agrees, but asks him to make sure that no one suspects anything about his visits.  He agrees. 

Back at Casa de Victoria, the gang’s all there and sitting on pins and needles.  The clock’s way past 10 and the new partner is still a no-show.  Suddenly the phone rings.   The new partner’s has arrived.  A couple minute later the door to the conference room opens and the faces of everyone around the table register with shock.  “--¡Buenos días!”  Bernarda de Iturbe smiles broadly at them and then looks over triumphantly at Victoria.


Llena de Amor #161 (Mex. 184-185) Fri 4/1/11 Justice

Part 1 I'm Not a Puppy You Bought

At the subasta, a giant cockroach drops from the rafters, removes Fedra's tiara, and ascends into the heavens as Comisario Tejada and Inspector Brandon look skyward with pistols drawn firing at the dark insect. The super-roach is of course

el Lirio de Plata.

Urging the helpless police to capture the giant bug is none other than Emanuel Ruiz y de Teresa who... hey wait just a stinkin' minute isn't he

el Lirio de Plata?

......and thus begin tonight's dissected episodes of Llena de Amor . Let's see if Dr. Carlos can reassemble the severed parts (without the aid of any aspirants to Telenirvana as described by Maggie in her solicitation for recapping volunteers) into a semi-coherent Frankenovela for your amusement.

Meintras tanto, a rather tasty looking Gretel is entertaining a hunky guest in her bedroom and it ain't Oliver. Cripes! It's that walking talking chunk of dog dropping, Alfredo. Has she lost her everlovin' mind? Oh, that's right... she's CRAZEEE! It's back to the wine cellar with you young lady.

She is very seductive and he is clearly smitten and... Well thank goodness... it's a sting operation. Somehow Oliver and Delicia have convinced Gretel to help them entrap that scum. They are in another room with that little buzzard-puke, Axjólio, watching Gretel ensnare Alfredo with her charm (which is nicely displayed, I might add) on a video monitor. Excellent! Of course Axel, who looks like something the cat coughed up, is skeptical. Oliver grabs him and sets him down in front of the monitor so that he can watch and learn. Alfredo leaps into the bed, pulls down his tanktop and pats his pec as we try to swallow back the vomit welling up in our collective throat. The years in the wine cellar must seem like Spring break compared to what Gretel is facing at this moment, but let's not forget, she is a journalist and will suffer to get her story. She even touches him... GACK!... Well... that's why Dios invented soap, but Delicia is disgusted. Oliver encourages her to remain strong.

Gretel pushes him back and he quickly sniffs his armpit and wonders, "Should I have used Right Guard?" She says that her last lover was the worst kind of traitor. Back in the control room, Oliver objects. Alfredo kisses his bicep. Gretel closes in again "I want my next novio to be faithful (fiel). What about you and the servant girl?" It's wakeup time for Axjólio. Alfredo spills the soup. He tells her of Delicia's drugging by Fedra and the job he carried out for Axel's mom. Axel is stunned. Delicia glares at Axel. I don't detect forgiveness in her eyes.

Folks mill about the stage where

el Lirio de Plata

has just relieved la Reina de la Noche of her recently acquired coronet. Lo is relieved. No way is he going to pay a cool million for a stolen tiara. Mauricio is livid... no... actually he is still a sickly shade of orange, but he's very angry. Fedra mourns the loss. Kristel finds it, "shocking!" Muñeca wonders how

el Lirio de Plata

could be responsible with youknowwho still in the room. Fidel doesn't have the foggiest idea. Ilitia complains to Emanuel as Victoria suddenly thinks of something that she must do to help and hurries away leaving Jorge with Jesús en su boca.

*Alfredo reveals everything to a fascinated (and fascinating) Gretel. The drugging, the photos, the graffiti on Dee's back. Axel realizes his stupidity, but waaay too late. Delicia spurns his pleas for forgiveness and sadly kicks his sorry butt out. Quiet justice.

A self-satisfied Alfredo continues to gloat and settles in for some sweet lovin' from the sultry Gretel. She moistens her lips, gives him a wanton hungry look, asks if he'd like for her to disrobe, and reaches into the cleft between her billowing globes to reveal.... a microphone. Gotcha!

WTF! Her seductive smile contorts into that angry grimace that we've come to know as the face of Gretel, she reaches way back, and then delivers a slap that causes cheers to erupt across this land. Not so quiet justice.

They are joined by Delicia who is seething. She delivers her own petite but powerful punch. Next!

Gretel orders him out and just as it looks as though he has plans to rape them both reaching to unfasten his belt... heeere's Oliver! Close behind is Axjólio who delivers a right cross to the chin. OK... warranted, but once again, too little... too late. Run along sonny, we girls have it under control.

Oliver ejects Alfredo, leaving a truly contrite and miserable Axel (accompanied by his own creepy clumsy guitar strumming in the background) who drops to his knees and earnestly pleads for forgiveness... nopis! Well, actually, she forgives him, "from the depth of my soul," but...

"I. Want. A. Divorce."

Anyone want mercy for Axel? Me neither.

Vicky leads

el Lirio de Plata

into the basement and stashes him in a cabinet. Really? Is that a good choice?
She drops down behind a large cardboard box. Really? Is that a good choice?
Tejeda and Moreno hurry in with pistols drawn and quickly flush out Vicky. As she stands up, she tugs down the hem of the clingy knit dress which is perhaps a size too small. Chocolates? The cops try to send her on her way but she lingers and denies that she was helping

el Lirio de Plata

but her worried eyes linger a bit too long on the cabinet.

Looking dim for José Maria. A Dr. are poised with defibrillator paddles over his bared chest. Pop! As a grieving Letty observes. She doesn't want him to die. Another Dr. assures her that he is in good hands.

Vicky has plastered herself to the cabinet doors removing all doubt. Brandon removes her and he and Tejeda fill the cabinet with lead. Yikes! This annoys Vicky so she pulls Brandon's hair. He ushers her from the basement as Tejeda kicks the cabinet open...

It's a Festivus miracle! EMPTY!

*At the hospital, more pops of the defibrillator. Nada. The Dr. with Netty declares that it looks like it's over. Netty sends a telepathic message to the lifeless José M, "You have to live, your son needs you." Monitors... flatline.

Suddenly the monitor comes to life. J M gasps.

It's another Festivus miracle!

Brandon returns Vicky to Jorge. "They killed ...

el Lirio de Plata,"

she wails. Tejeda huffs and puffs as he jogs up and announces, "He escaped!" Vicky rejoices. Brandon bites his fist. We all wonder, "How the heck did he do that?" Out of sight Eman notices that while Vicky wants nothing to do with him, she seems quite taken by... yes... sigh...

el Lirio de Plata.

He strolls out and expects an apology from Brandon. Brandon is sorry. Cops are human. They make mistakes. Eman was their best suspect. They shake hands.

*Doris is departing with a suitcase. Gladiola inquires. Yep, she's going on a trip with Andre. Gladiola is unhappy and so am I... Next!

Fidel, Benigno, and Eman return to la Buena Vida, rejoicing over a successful operation, though Fidel and Benigno are wondering, "Who was that masked man?" They are joined by

el Lirio de Plata.

A perfect caper. The tiara will help lots of sick kids.The alternate unmasks and we see... Emiliano! He's grinning from ear to ear with jauntily tousled hair.

*At the police station, Victoria (or maybe it's Marianela... who cares?) chews on Brandon. Jorge observes that Mari is smitten. Next!

Back to the celebration. Eman thanks his dad. Emiliano admits that it's the most fun he's had in years. Emil is Eman's hero and vice versa. Emiliano gives credit to Vicky for aiding him. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Emiliano admits that he needs to get in shape as his back reminds him of his age. Huggies. Smiles. Tequila!

"¡Salud!" Emiliano coughs and chokes a bit and based on his reaction and that of the others, it looks like perhaps real Tequila was slipped into this scene. Excellent.

*Gladiola pleads with Doris. Doris gives her (and us) a lecture about HIV. Doris loves Andre. Off she goes. Consuelo consoles.
Oliver and Gretel return the equipment they borrowed for the sting to the police station. They have not made up, but not to worry. They are promptly arrested by Brandon for an improper unauthorized use of police equipment. Two other officers cuff them and lead them to a cell. Oliver and Brandon exchange conspiratorial smiles.

*At Netty's Nest, Vicky returns and is accosted by a (you've got to be kidding me!) a mini-

el Lirio de Plata

brandishing a gun.

el Lirio de Plata

abhors firearms, so we know that this one is a fake. Cute, but clearly a fake. He unmasks... hey it's... Javi!
Who would have guessed? Even the bitter Vicky is charmed.He asks her if she really knows the real thing. She does. He asks her to deliver a message the next time she sees him. He wants to meet and partner-up with him. Consuelo joins them and sends Javi off. Vicky is genuinely concerned and tells her that she knows someone who will help Javi. Consuelo says no thanks. Brandon is going to help. Well excuuuse me!

Gretel's as mad as a wet hen. She and Oliver are tossed into the same cell. Jail over-crowding. Oliver goes to work. After a few exchanged insults he works that old Oliver charm. She can't resist those dark pleading eyes. Beso!

*Doris arrives at Andre's place and they're set to go, but... here's Jacki.

Gretel is still resisting but... more Oliver charm... she's cracking.

*Doris leaves Jacki and Andre alone to iron out there differences. Jacki wants to resume her relationship with Andre. He supports her, but they can't be a pair. He loves Doris. Yikes! Por favor! Let these two be together!

Gretel's reluctant again. More Oliver oil. He opens his heart. She resists, "¡Te amo, te amo, te amo!" She cracks as her feelings for him boil up and over. Gretel is basically a lusty lass. We have ignition!

*The Dr. is explaining the gravity of Chemo's condition. His heart is bad. He had an infarto (Heh, heh, the Dr. said infarto) and so he's worse. Basically, José Maria shouldn't start any thick books or buy any green bananas. Netty grieves. As she approaches his bed he groans, "Hijo. Emanuel." Netty struggles with what she knows.

At la Buena Noche the party is on. Tequila and male bonding. Emanuel, Emiliano, Benigno, and Fidel celebrate. Emanuel crowns Benigno with the tiara. E&E are both proud. Haven't you boys had enough to drink?

*Emil asks about Chema, "Doesn't he work here?" No, Eman let him go when he learned that he had murdered his grand parents. "For the best," Emiliano observes.

*At José Maria's bedside, Netty realizes what she must do and resolutely exits.

*Sipping coffee Paula is distraught to learn that her daughter has been locked up, but Delicia hastens to reassure her that it's a good thing. Then Paula wants to know why Delicia looks so sad. Hasn't the matter of the photos been resolved? The reason for the sad look strolls in and asks to be alone with his wife (not for much longer if we have anything to say about it, Buster). He gives her a wan, pleading look.

Fedra, accompanied by Bernie, enter Chepa's room. Fedra's distraught as her girls are struggling to jump ship. It's more than she can take. She sends Bernardo for something... "...with alcohol, por favor." Hmmm, with Bernardo gone, she seems to recover her strength... she removes the oxygen cannula to make him more comfortable. Look, she's going to fluff his pillow... awwww... Yikes! She puts it over his face, "¡Hasta nunca, José Maria Sevilla!"

Part 2 Marianela Is a Total Idiot

She holds the pillow over his face as she berates the unconscious sea captain. This little bedside tableau is interrupted by Netty who has returned. Netty rushes in shouting at Fedra to stop. Fedra shushes her, "¡Callate!" This is a hospital, imbecile!" They struggle... boy, do they ever struggle. They shout. They insult.Speaking of struggle, Fedra's girls, loosely restrained, struggle to make an escape. Is it getting hot in here? You'll excuse me as I rewind.

Axjólia grovels and bleats. You pitiful little swinelet. Have some dignity at least. She calmly tells him, "You broke my heart... I. Want. A. Divorce." He pleads and admits that he made a mistake. You think? You really think? She reminds him of that final insult when he took her to his bed. She's not calm anymore as she tells him of her plans for the future. The main thing is... he's not in it. She leaves him to wallow in self-pity. His freaky hair looks even more ridiculous now. Go practice your guitar, kid. You need the practice.

Round two in Chema's room. Ah heck, Bernardo shows up. Fedra seeks solace. Letty tattles. Bernie knows Fedra. José M comes to and tells Netty that he needs her now more than ever. Fedra snatches the pillow from Netty and once more pounces on Chema. Bernie peels her off. An attentive Netty repositions the nasal cannula and orders Fedra out. Bernardo escorts Fedra out.

*Doris has returned home. Gladiola is ... um... glad, but supportive. Doris is sad but strong.

It's morning. Fedra has changed clothes (boooo!) and is wearing a more modest (boooo!) but attractive black dress which exposes (yey!) her right shoulder.Seated on the patio, she seethes over her orange juice. She tells Bernardo that she wants Chema dead. Bernie wants her to leave him alone. "I want him dead!" Emanuel wonders who she wants dead as he strolls up and joins the conversation. Fedra explains. Her lips are moving so we know that she is lying. José Maria is a very dangerous assassin. Emanuel tells her that he knows that José Maria is his real father but that she shouldn't fret. He has severed all ties with José Maria. Bernardo is disappointed in Eman. "Thanks to you, my captain is at death's door." Fedra focuses her deathray vision on Bernardo.

*It's morning. Snuggled on a narrow cot in a rather spacious jail cell, Oliver kisses the cheek of a contentedly slumbering Gretel. She opens her eyes and smiles. Looks as though things are alright between these two. Marianela joins them... well she walks up to their cell. She starts to explain the events of the night before but is joined by Brandon. He tells of how this lockup of the snuggle bunnies was to help his chum Oliver reconcile with Gretel. Gretel is actually cool with that and looks adoringly at Oliver as she tells Marianela not to be angry with Brandon, because thanks to him, "I'm the happiest woman." Brandon opens the cell to release the lovebirds and offers Mari a ride home, "We need to talk."

Oliver says, "Well lets get dressed." Gretel instead closes the cell door, smiles and says, "Oliver Gonzales, you are arrested for an assault on my heart. Therefore, don't leave. I want a couple of more hours locked up with you."

Eman is shaken by Bernardo's revelation,"No puede ser." He asks where he is, but Fedra objects. Bernardo stands up to her and encourages Emanuel to go see his father. Fedra expands her lie, telling Eman that her father caught José M raping her after he had beaten her, then the yacht caught fire... Eman interrupts her story as Bernie looks on appalled. Eman does not want to be manipulated anymore. He doesn't know what he's going to do, but it will be his decision. He leaves. Fedra smacks Bernardo.

Axel pleads and begs, then tells Dee that he will not permit her to divorce him. She tells him, "Axel, I'm not a puppy that you bought and can do whatever amuses you. I'm a person who feels and suffers." He takes her hand, "Mi amor...," She swats it away, "¡Suéltalo!" He tells her that he has asked forgiveness a thousand ways, "What more do you want me to do?" She tells him to get on with his life as she picks up the pieces of hers. She thanks him for the lesson. Now all she needs is a lawyer.

Eman arrives in José M's room and Netty fills him in. She tells him that his days are numbered. Eman thinks for a moment and then instructs Netty not to tell JM that he was here. He leaves.

Brandon and Mari stealthily approach the morbid manse. She needs to enter undetected or risk exposing her masquerade. He warns her that it's risky. Not to worry, eLdP has taught her the utility of windows. He tells her that she can deny all she wants, but he knows that she is in love with eLdP. Nevertheless she denies it and tells him that she will never forgive him if he harms eLdP. He assures her that one day he will capture him and put him away. Ilitia joins them, "What's going on here?

*Netty tries to encourage JM and even reveals that Emanuel came to visit but likely will not return. He pleads with her to help him gain Eman's love... just as Emiliano makes an appearance and locks eyes with Netty.

Ilitia requests that if Vicky wants to talk with the whale, do it away from here. She doesn't want to see Vicky. Turning to Brandon, she asks if he too is bewitched by this unsalted leg of Serrano ham. Vicky tells her that she should be relieved since it directs her attention away from Eman. Vicky leaves Brandon to cope with Ilitia. Brandon tells her to be careful how she speaks about his future wife. Ilitia glare

JM and Emi engage in an interesting pithing contest since JM is flat of his back with an oxygen tube in his nose... dying. "Netty is mine, she's been here with me all night..." Netty stammers that it's no more than she'd do for anyone else alone in the world under the same circumstance. "I'm not alone, I've got you." They compare the Hells that they've each inhabited for the last 28 years. JM... prison. Emi... Fedra. Emi wins.

Emi announces that he'll soon be free to be with the woman he loves. Netty weakly smiles but moves closer to Emi.

Ilitia asks Brandon if he's sure that Vicky is what he wants. After all she's had Emanuel and Jorge and eLdP. "Should I go on? Sould I add your name to the list? Because nothing surprises me." He reminds her, "You let me into your bed, or have you forgotten?" "That's very different." Brandon tells her that they're talking about betrayal and she betrayed Eman. She asks if that is what he really wants and he assures her that it is.This pleasant discussion is terminated by the approach of our chunky cherub. "¡Hola, Brandon!" Big hug for , "¡Mi Gordita!" Ilitia tells her that she wants to talk to her and Victoria.

Andre arrives at the pensión looking for Doris but finds Gladiola. Doris isn't there but Gladiola wants to talk to Andre. She tells him that Doris has shed many tears over him. He explains that he's sick and has been lashing out. Doris treated him well and thanks to her, he's still alive. He is in love with Doris. She tells him that if indeed he is in love with Doris, "... then leave her alone."

*At the agency dressing room, Doris is joined by a refreshed Jacki who announces that she and Andre have made up. She tells Doris, "Andre es mio." I say let her have him. Doris, however seems willing to fight for her love. Jacki wants Doris to do her job and do her make up for her.

Ilitia is sitting on the patio with Mari and Brandon. She wants to speak to both Mari and Vicky... together. They spar. "Vicky left." "No, I saw her in the Garden with Brandon." and on and on... Ilitia then tells Mari that Brandon is planning to marry Vicky, Mari's thrilled. Ilitia then tells hr of Vicky's conquests, including Jorge... Mari's crushed. Now she'll have to dump Jorge... leaving the door open for Emanuel... and with poor Ilitia... prenant... Brandon leads Mari away as they exchange smirks and snickers...

Marianela 1 Ilitia 0

*Javi has a headache. Consuelo escorts him to the sofa and offers to go get him some medicine at the pharmacy. He offers to go along. She leaves him alone, but not for long because he is joined by

"¡El Lirio de Plata!"

*JoséM contemplates his situation and vows to fight for Emanuel and Letty... ummm... if you say so.

In the boardroom Emiliano and Letty await Licenciado Pacheco who arrives with papers. Emiliano announces to her that he is signing over everything he owns to her. Pacheco nods in affirmation then looks for the donuts. OK, I added that last bit.

*Javi tells eLdP that he has the very same outfit, "Hey, I'll show you." "No, wait, I only have a little time." He has Javi sit and joins him on the sofa. He's heard that Javi is sick but very brave. He's going to help. They fist bump and He gives Javi the briefcase full of money for his operation.

Ilitia is angry with Mari and with herself. Nereida escorts Gladiola onto the patio. "We need to talk." Ilitia tells her that she is not accustomed to talking to people like her. Then why is she messing with her son, Brandon. Actually, Gladiola understands perfectly.

Mari and Brandon on the street. She tells him that she knows that he loves Ilitia and he tells her that he's certain that she loves Emanuel Ruiz y de Teresa, but should give him a chance. He knows they could be very happy together. A man in black exits the building across the street and climbs onto a motorcycle. Mari spots him and then proving once and for all that she is a total idiot exclaims, "He's alive! He's OK! Nothing happened!" Drawing and pointing his pistol,Brandon completes the thought,

"¡El Lirio de Plata!"



El Mundo de Telemundo, Week of April 4: Discuss Amongst Yourselves

LA REINA DEL SUR – hasta viernes

This week we see Teresa complete her sentimental and academic education in prison, under the tutelage of Patty O’Farrell, black sheep of a wealthy Irish-Spanish clan of aristocrats. We also get a glimpse of the dark secrets in the O’Farrell family, including a suggestion of a history of father-daughter sexual abuse that helps to explain Patricia’s hatred for her parents and perhaps her self-destructive behavior.

Patricia uses her influences to get Teresa released from prison after serving about half of her five year sentence. She arranges a job for her -- waitressing in a place in Marbella, perhaps a step up from the ‘puticlub’ of Yamila. And a year or so later, Patricia herself is a free woman and joins her friend Teresa.

Patty knows where Jaime Arenas hid the half ton of cocaine three years ago, the cocaine that got him killed and Patty gravely wounded, and which the Russian mob still has a claim on. Teresa and Patty gamble their lives by confronting Oleg Yasikov with a proposal to sell him back his own drugs. But it is Teresa who seals the deal, convincing him first that she can move the cocaine from its hiding place to the marketplace; and also that she can teach them the hashish trade.

On Thursday’s episode, the daring coke retrieval is carried out. Knowing that the police have been watching their every move, they distract them with a decoy yacht (yate señuelo). Meanwhile Oleg, Patty and Teresa speed away in a Zodiac. When the police – as expected -- catch up with the three, they find no drugs in their possession. (I’m still a little fuzzy on this switcheroo, but clearly the drugs were moved on one vessel while the police were watching another.)

Oleg makes good on his promised six million Euro payment. He’s impressed with la Mexicana. As they say in the movies, he tells Teresa: This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

Oleg is less pleased with Patty and her propensity for nose candy and infelicitous business disclosures in public, especially when Teresa leaves her alone – and kind of jealous -- during her two day visit to Melilla. He catches her out by using a Russian mob agent, Katia, to pose as Spanish ‘Ana’; Katia reports back to Oleg on all of Patty’s indiscretions. That’s the last time you talk about our business with strangers, Oleg tells Patty. Nobody threatens me, she snarls back.

Comisario Flores visits former Comisario Saturnino Juárez in jail and questions him about Teresa Mendoza’s relationship with the Russian mob and tries to get him to spill the names of his contacts. Juárez gives him a big fat nada and tells Flores it’s just a question of time before he turns into a dirty cop too.

Meanwhile the journalist Oscar Lobato spreads the word – Teresa Mendoza is back, she’s paired up with Patricia, the enfant terrible of the O’Farrell family, and allied with a capo of the Russian mob. He wouldn’t want to be in the shoes (en el pellejo, literally in the skin or hide) of the people who betrayed her and the Gallego.

When Teresa shows up for her brief visit to Melilla, her old friends -- Fátima and her son Mohamed, Soraya, Sheila and Ahmed -- are thrilled to see her. They are impressed with how much she has changed. (She looks beautiful and sophisticated and speaks with authority.) She promises to take Fátima and Fati’s son Mohamed back to the Peninsula to live with her.

But some are less than thrilled by her sudden appearance in Yamila: Dris (architect of Santiago’s death and Teresa’s capture) and two of his accomplices, Cañabotas (who set up Santiago in Algeciras) and Velasco, a crooked cop who was part of the plot. These two disappear when Teresa and Dris step into his office to talk. She tells Dris straight out:
No voy a descansar hasta que te hunda. Ojo por ojo, diente por diente!
(I’m not going to rest until I destroy you – an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.)

Later, Dris complains to Cáceres and Coronel Chaib that Teresa has threatened him. Their conversation is interrupted when Chaib gets a call: Teresa has a business proposal for him…

Can someone fill us in on Herederos?

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Friday, April 01, 2011

Teresa Fri 4/1/11 #3 You have hunger for knowledge

(Caray needs recappers for this telenovela. Thanks to Aribeth for the title and screen caps; I have written an episode synopsis, included below the screen caps.)

Synopsis (Jeri)

Teresa promises Aída and Paulo they will be sorry one day when they need her help and she won't give it. Rosita lies to her mother about her health and enthuses about her coming-out party. Mariano's father and Cutberto regret Mariano's ditching his dream of medical studies.

Teresa resents a friendly visit from Aurora to her humble home in the projects and proclaims her recent mortification only made her stronger. Aurora assures Teresa she's her friend and that if she had a boyfriend living there in the projects herself it wouldn't matter. Unbeknownst to her, Mariano stands in the background.

Paulo's mother feigns ignorance of Aída's mother's suspicions regarding her husband's faithfulness. At a cafe, Aurora tells Teresa she wants to get married, have a couple of kids and be a teacher. She's not brave like Teresa, who insists Aurora will wind up being a pediatrician instead like her doctor dad wants.

Paulo's mother doesn't like to see him sad about Teresa and tries to interest him in a nice girl like Aída who ostensibly isn't a liar. Teresa's godmother, Juanita, made her the perfect dress in which to visit her professor; and Teresa insists Rosita depend on getting what she wants for herself, too.

Teresa rescues the (Fabiola's) fake-nurse character from the hot seat of bringing one of her supposed medical friends home for a consultation. Teresa's mom, Refugio, becomes catatonic, tortured about Teresa's involvement with the professor and sends Mariano tearing off after her to drag her back.

Hysterical Refugio is astounded to learn Teresa's dad trusts her and permitted her to talk to the professor. At Arturo's house, Teresa adores its magnificence and learns the young woman who tried to brush her off without an appointment is his sister. The sister has an inferiority complex about her appearance, in contrast to Teresa.

As it turns out, all Arturo asks in return for footing the bill for her education is that Teresa become her class valedictorian and work the first couple years with him after graduation. He wants someone dedicated and intelligent to work with him, as he thinks she is. He passionately declares she has a hunger for knowledge. Teresa in turn begins to makes him one condition, which we don't see, off camera.

Mariano pulls up in his taxi as Teresa's exiting and raises holy hell outside Arturo's gate trying to get to her, through the housemaid and Arturo's sister, who doesn't approve of the people Teresa associates with. She tells Arturo she doesn't want Teresa in the house again.

Teresa is somewhat vexed to hear that Mariano came there because her mother sent him instead of her suspicion he's jealous. The fake-nurse calls Aída's dad to meet with him, and he brushes her off due to his wife being in the room. Later on when they meet at the condo, the dad is not happy the fake-nurse wants a real job.

Back home at the projects, Refugio is startled to hear that the professor only wants her to excel and work hard. Next day Teresa tries to enlist Juanita to convince her mom the professor's ok and enthuses how Mariano still loves her like she loves him. At school later, Teresa is taken aback to see that the "Mariano" Aurora has such a crush on is none other than Teresa's own.


La Fea Más Bella #279-280 4/1/11 Hope is crushed.

Capitulo 279.
Read 5ft Latina’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Lety says she needs to think about Aldo’s proposal and everything that’s happening / what’s really happening. Aldo tells her that what she needs is to tell him yes.

2. Fern tells Marcia that Lety was jealous about Aurora, and he thinks she’s confused and doesn’t know/realize who she really wants. Marcia counsels him to not get his hopes up and his heart broken.

3. Ali locks Tom out of the bedroom of their new apartment. She tells him he should make her his assistant and triple her salary. Ali is obnoxious to Tom throughout the show.

4. Lety tells MamaJ that Aldo proposed. Mama worries that Fernando will suffer. Lety says Fern has decided to go on living, and he’s thinking about taking up with someone else. Mama says, “And you believed him?”

5. Caro tells Lety she likes Omar and he’s changed. Lety tells Caro Aldo proposed, and she has to give him an answer today.

6. Lety tells Fern that Aurora is not for him. He comes up behind her, inches from her ear, and ppppuffs in her ear as he asks if she’s jealous.

7. Fern tells his diary that he showed Lety he was capable of forgetting about her and pursuing another woman, so she could be happy with Aldo and not think that he (Fern) was suffering. But instead she got jealous which means she still feels something for him. Then he hears Aldo propose to Lety, and she accepts.

8. Lety suddenly realizes she forgot about Fernando. He quietly says, “You forgot about me when Aldo walked into your life.” As always, Fernando’s first worry is Lety’s happiness. He congratulates them and leaves. Lety says she feels horrible for Fernando. Aldo says, “Oh, I’m sure he’ll recover quickly.”

9. Marcia tells Omar that Fern has no interest in Aurora. He just faked it so Lety could be happy. The cuartel sees Fernando suffering. Fern tells Omar what happened, and Omar only asks if Aurora is coming in today.

10. Lety and Aldo make their announcement to the Padillas, and Julieta asks if they’re going to invite Fernando.

11. Fern writes, “I have no hope left. Lety’s getting married and I have to forget her. First I had to learn how to love her, and now I have to learn how to forget her.”

12. Lety tells Tom that her problem is worse than his problems with Ali. She doesn’t want to deceive Aldo but she doesn’t want to tell him about Aurora.

13. Aurora signs her contract, but she signs Lety’s signature block by force of habit.

Capitulo 280.
Read Amanda’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Aldo has a talk with Fernando. See the transcript. He says that Aurora is a great option for Fern (5 times), Lety would’ve been very happy with Fern because he’s sure Fern loves her, and he’s convinced that Fern deserves Leticia’s love.

2. Omar shoos the others out to be alone with Aurora. He says she should give him a chance. She says he plays with women and refuses to commit. He says he wants to marry her and grow old together. She tells him he’s vain, arrogant, and incapable of seeing his faults. He only wants her as a trophy; he doesn’t even know her.

3. In rehearsal, Fern fumbles his lines because of all the stress of the day. Aurora is snotty about it. He invites her out for drinks though his heart’s not in it. She acts like she’s above such an invitation. He says he just wanted to talk about Omar. Whatever Aurora said left him very depressed. She says she’s not the slightest bit interested in Omar. She decides she’s finished practicing for today, since Fernando isn’t in costume. She leaves.

4. Fernando tries to throw away Lety’s picture, but he can’t. To distract himself, he starts doodling on the Aurora picture in the newspaper. He says everyone thinks she’s beautiful, but he thinks she lacks something. He modifies the picture to make her look perfect – unibrown, mustache, etc. He’s proud of his work, but then he realizes the result is Lety!

5. Omar tells Caro how he felt when he first saw Aurora. He’s learning how to feel. It’s love, but love is suffering. She says, “not when love is returned.” He doesn’t think anyone can love him because he doesn’t deserve it. She tells him to open his eyes and his heart.

6. Origel tells Sara that the dinner with Colunga is tonight. Ali stole two blank Conceptos checks. She buys lots of bling and tells Tom her papi bought it for her.

7. Fern decides that the picture looks like Lety because that’s how he drew it. Of course Aurora can’t be his Lety. But he puts the picture in his pocket to examine later. He tells Omar he feels an urge to take Lety to the end of the world where nobody will find them. Omar wants to go to Tibet and get away from all women. Fern gets clobbered again when he hears the cuartel celebrating Lety’s engagement. Irma’s heart goes out to him, and he shushes her so his suffering won’t spoil Lety’s spotlight moment.

8. Omar calls to Caro but then gets tonguetied. They both steal besitos. At home, Omar starts thinking about Caro’s words, and he finally puts one and one together. (Why not “put two and two together?” Because that math is too complicated for Omar.)

9. Fern goes to Lety’s house, telling himself he just wants to say goodbye to Julieta.

10. Omar shows up at Carolina’s door. He tells her he just wants to be close to her. She excuses herself to dress and they can go out for coffee. He follows her and she doesn’t stop him. He says maybe it’s time for him to open his heart. She kisses him, and they kiss and kiss and kiss.

Spanish Lesson, Aldo and Fernando.

A: I respect you.
F: Like the winner respects the loser?
A: You’re not a loser.
F: Who’s with Lety?
A: No, we all won.
F: Yeah, right.
A: You learned how to love.
F: Lucky me, except that I have no one to love. Instead I get to see you beside the woman I love. I fought for her but it wasn’t enough to ask for forgiveness, nor to show her how much I love her. Do you know that I proposed to her too? And she accepted. But then she realized she felt something for you and had doubts. I would give my whole life so that she would return to me
A: You’re right that you need to put your life back together. You should get close to Aurora. She’s a great option for you.
F: Oh, that’s all I need. Now you want to find me a novia?
A: I just want to help.
F: Oh really? You want to see me happy?
A: You’re a good person. I’m sure that Lety would’ve been very happy with you because I’m sure you love her.
F: Yes, I love her, and where has it gotten me?
A: Look. Leticia decided, and even though she chose me, I’m convinced that you earned it (hiciste suficiente meritos), and you deserve Leticia’s love.
Aldo leaves.


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