Wednesday, May 23, 2007

La Fea Más Bella #280 5/22/07 Tibet doesn't sound like such a bad idea

Okay, so Lety thinks she just might be caught. Marcia asks if there’s anything wrong with the contract. Aurora pulls a diva move and says she didn’t like how she signed it. She wants a new contract printed. She calls the pen “common” and that she doesn’t like it. Personally, I think she should be thankful they didn’t give her a green pencil to sign! Omar, who is ever helpful when it comes to Aurora, says that he will get a new contract and a different pen. Marcia and Luigi urge Omar to rush to his task. Ummm…doesn’t Omar have the signed contract? Why didn’t Aurora throw it in the trash? Omar seems to be the type that would frame that contract with her signature, kind of like the people who buy Britney Spears’ chewed gum.

Out in the Vortex the cuartel wants to do something, but Irmita won’t go along with the plan. The cuartel wants to know what’s being said between Fernando and Aldo. Irmita thinks they should be given privacy. The cuartel considers and then ignores Irma’s request. Irmita must be of the if you can’t beat them then join them philosophy. She rushes to the presidency’s door to listen.

Inside the office Fernando tells Aldo to start talking. Aldo tells Fernando that he, Aldo, has much respect for Fernando. “Like a winner respects a loser,” Fernando replies. Aldo says that he doesn’t think Fernando is a loser. “Who is with Lety?” Fernando asks. Aldo says that he thinks that everyone won. Needless to say, Fernando does not agree. Aldo thinks Fernando is a winner because Fernando learned that he could love. Fernando points out that he learned to love, but he doesn’t have anybody to love. Now he gets to watch Aldo with the woman Fernando loves. Flash to the cuartel listening at the door. PM almost looks sympathetic toward Don Fernando.

Omar must have returned because Aurora signs the new contract in the correct space. Everybody minus Aurora uses hand signals. I apparently am worse at Spanish sign language then American Sign Language because I have no idea what they’re trying to say. Somehow Omar scurries everyone out the door. Omar begins to place his hands on Aurora’s shoulders, but she stands and tells him “Don’t you dare, Omar Carvajal!” Aurora walks to the other side of Luigi’s desk. Omar begins to plea with her but she cuts him off and says she will never have a romantic relationship with him.

The cuartel are still in the vortex listening in on Aldo and Fernando’s private discussion. Fernando’s explaining to Aldo that he’s fought and fought to re-conquer Lety and show her how much he loves her, but he couldn’t do it. Fernando tells Aldo that Fernando asked Lety to marry him. She accepted, but she realized she had a small doubt about her feelings for Aldo. Aldo says this is why he wanted to speak with Fernando. He thinks that Fernando is right when he says that he needs to rebuild his life. Aldo thinks that trying to get close to Aurora is a great option for Fernando. Fernando turns and smacks the office door. (The cuartel jumps in surprise. Ha that’s what you get you meddling misers!) Fernando turns back to Aldo and repeats Aurora’s name several times.

Outside, the ever perceptive cuartel thinks that one of the men hit the other. They wonder who did it. Lola’s sure that Fernando hit Aldo. They try to go back to the door, but Irma’s found her nerve and blocks the rest of the group from re-attaching to the door.

Aldo tells Fernando that he’s a good person. Aldo’s sure that Lety would have been very happy with Fernando because Aldo knows that Fernando really loves Lety. He’s like those people who you want to like. You know you don’t like them deep down, but you’re nice to them anyway and they seems to be okay. Out of the blue they always come up with some smart ass remark. That’s kind of how I feel about this comment. If the writers are trying to make Aldo more appealing IT’S NOT WORKING! Aldo says some more about Fernando deserving Lety’s love. He walks by Fernando and puts his hand on Fernando’s shoulder. I wish fun, spunky Fernando were present. He would turn and bite that hand! This Fernando just desolately stands there and does/says nothing. Aldo walks to the door and opens it to find the cuartel on the other side. He doesn’t say a word and they part like the red sea for him. Once he’s past they all peer into to the office to see a dejected Fernando sitting in the office.

Aldo, Marcia and Caro sit around and talk about Omar. Luigi can’t believe that Caro wants Omar. Marcia interjects and points out that Luigi would not exactly reject Omar if he could have him. Luigi says that was before. He now has eyes only for Rulli. Thinking about Aurora makes Luigi feel more like a woman. Aurora inspires Luigi. This fascinates Rulli! Marcia asks Caro why she left the room to leave Aurora with Omar. Caro replies that she thinks that Omar will finally understand that he has no opportunity with Aurora. Marcia asks Caro why she thinks this way. Caro says that a person has their secrets.

Omar Carvajal is still trying to convince Aurora that he’s her Principe Azul. Aurora says that she knows his tactics. Realizing that this may sound strange to Omar, she says that she knows his type with their false promises. They go from woman to woman without committing to any one woman. Omar says that he will be different with Aurora. He will marry her and they will grow old together with their grandchildren. Aurora interrupts. She says that none of this will happen. She stalks toward him and asks him what is his biggest fault. Omar doesn’t want to answer. He only had one and it’s not a problem anymore: he didn’t know how to love. Now he’s fixed because he loves Aurora. Aurora replies that some of his faults are that he’s vain, overbearing/arrogant, cynical, he totally lacks the ability of self-criticism. His vanity is blinding him. He only wants Aurora as a trophy. How can he love her without knowing who she really is? He should remove his blindfold and discover who it is he really loves. Omar says that he thinks all of this “faults” are really his qualities and she can enjoy them with him. Luigi interrupts and points out that they have a lot of things they need to be doing right now. Aurora agrees and says she’s done with Omar. Omar excuses himself. He tells Aurora that now he understands. Caro’s eyes watch Omar leave the room.

The cuartel tows Fernando out of the presidency. They try to prepare him to see Aurora. The smile that we all know and love reappears. Is it just me, or does it sometimes seem like he has extra teeth? He thanks them, but Irma’s not sure he’s really okay. He says that he is and that he needs to go to the studio in order to work. The cuartel tells him how precious and gorgeous he is.

Still in the Vortex, Fernando bumps into Omar. They acknowledge their bad luck in love and attempt to move past each other. It takes a few tries, but eventually they get on their respective ways. Fernando almost runs into Caro, but averts dangers and continues on to the studio. Caro walks over to Omar and asks if he wants to talk. He does and they head towards his office.

Lola tells the cuartel that seeing Fernando like that breaks her heart. Irma has an “I told you so” moment and says that she knew Fernando deserved Lety’s love. For once Team Aldo doesn’t argue with her.

Alicia asks Tommy when he will be finishing his work. He says that all he has to do is sign some checks. The mention of checks excites Alicia. She rushes to his desk to look at the checks. She thinks to herself that she forgot that Tommy was the official signor of the checks. She massages him and compliments him for having Lety’s confidence. Alicia picks up a check for 518,000 pesos. Tommy explains that the check is for a supplier. Alicia continues to massage him and tells Tomas to relax.

Aurora and Fernando practice their scene. Fernando trips over the stairs. I’m not sure that was scripted because it looks like he almost broke his ankle. He recovers from the fall but forgets his lines. Luigi stops the scene and almost trips over the stairs as well. Luigi asks Fernando what’s wrong. Aurora says she doesn’t understand. She insults him as an actor. Fernando asks if she’s ever had a bad day. She says that she’s had various, including today. Fernando points out the coincidence that he’s having a really bad day as well. A cell phone rings and Luigi complains about the presence of a cell phone on set. Aurora walks away from the men and answers in Lety voice. It’s Aldo and he wants to know when they can leave to go eat at Lety’s house. Lety says later, good-bye and hangs up the phone. Fernando walks over to Aurora and asks her to go for a drink after their done practicing the scene. Aurora almost loses her footing. Fernando grabs her and tells her to calm down. (Remember when Lety always had to say that to Fernando?)

Alicia helps Tommy with the checks. She compliments his pretty signature. She picks up a particularly large check and hides it under her arm and then in her bustier.

Aurora addresses Fernando and gets his name right, but he starts to correct her anyway. Aurora says she doesn’t want to be rude, but she doesn’t accept that type of invitation. Fernando reaches for her, but she tells him not to touch her. Fernando says he thinks Aurora misinterpreted the invitation. He wanted to talk to her about his friend, Omar Carvajal. They banter a bit about how Omar is stupid. For the first time in a couple of shows I giggled. Fernando says he wants to know what Aurora said to Omar to put him in such a depression. Aurora replies that she only told Omar the truth. Fernando tries to coax “the truth” out of Aurora but she tells him to stop being a clown. One of the things she told Omar was that she was not interested in him. Fernando asks if she is interested even a little bit. Aurora replies that she interested not at all. Luigi and Marcia re-enter the room. Luigi wants to get back to working through the scene. Aurora replies that she’s done practicing until she sees Fernando dressed as his character. She can’t figure out her role until she sees his. Fernando says that he’s not in the mood to get into character. It takes like 45 minutes of make-up to look like Inocencio. Aurora says that she’s leaving. She stalks off the stage. Marcia tells Fernando that now she understands why he calls Aurora a diva. Fernando, frustrated, leaves the stage as well.

Alicia goes to the bank and traces Tomas’s signature onto a check. She thins out loud that she hopes she doesn’t get caught. Yeah, that’s a great idea. Say out loud, in a bank, that you hope you don’t get caught. That won’t raise suspicions at all. No siree. She makes the check out for 15,000 pesos. Alicia walks to the teller and hands him the check. He asks her how she would like to be paid. She responds that she would like cash. He says of course, but in what denomination. She says she wants the biggest bills possible. She next tells the teller that it’s a great feeling to earn money through work. He half smiles.

Fernando sits in Omar’s office and looks at the photo of Lety. He tells the photo that he doesn’t want to see it anymore. He goes to throw it away, but he’s not able to follow through. Fernando pulls the newspaper to him and looks at Aurora’s photo. He thinks aloud that she lacks a touch of beauty and authenticity. He whips out one of the sexy green pencils and begins to draw on the photo. First he gives her bushy eyebrows. Next, he gives her glasses. He gives her a subtle moustache and some braces. Finally, he draws on some bangs. Fernando starts to congratulate himself on drawing a better Aurora, but he’s hit by a startling revelation. He gives a Carvajal worthy scream. Aurora is Lety!

Omar and Caro talk at a coffee shop. He tells Caro that he doesn’t understand what Aurora was trying to say to him. Caro says that it’s not all that complicated. Omar tells Caro about the first time he saw Aurora and how that was an important experience for him. Caro intently watches Omar’s face. Omar says that when love like that is not returned, then it’s terrible and painful. Caro thinks that he’s preparing to fall in love again. Omar thinks that loving again is too risky. Caro says that when love is returned there will not be suffering. Omar says that he doubts he will ever encounter a woman who truly loves him because he doesn’t deserve it. Caro touches his hand and says that he deserves it. He should open his eyes. Omar says he’ll try to follow Caro’s advice. They decide to return to Conceptos, but Omar points out that Caro will have to take him because he doesn’t have a car, a house or happy memories. Caro tells him it’s like he’s a whole new Omar in all respects. She congratulates him. They stare into each others arms.

Is it bad that every time I see the face of a cuartel member on the screen I cringe? Sara’s complaining that she’s not like Aurora. They discuss how she treated Omar. Lola thinks that he deserved it. The cuartel agrees that he should suffer a little more. The phone rings. It’s Pepillo Origel. (aka Juan Jose Origel. He’s a Mexican reporter and radio host.) He must be calling about the dinner with Fernando Colunga. Sara loudly announces that the dinner is that very same night. The cuartel cheers. Sara gets back on the phone and gets the time. Once she hangs up the cuartel celebrates some more. Alicia enters and shows off her new jewelry. She waltzes off to someplace.

Tomas sits in his office and debates paying the credit card balance or paying for rent. While he’s figuring out the finances, Alicia enters the office and asks him if he notices anything new. This chick really isn’t all that bright, is she? He starts looking at her legs but she pulls him up to her new gaudy necklace and earrings. He asks where she got them. She says that’s not important, but does he like them. He says he does and asks if they’re real. She acts insulted and confirms that they are in fact real. He asks again who gave them to her. She lies and says that her father did. As quickly as she entered she leaves. Tomas is left confused and a little upset.

Fernando paces around Omar’s office. He does a little crazy talk and compares the photo of Lety with the artistic rendition of Aurora. Fernando tries to convince himself that he’s the one who made Aurora look like Lety. He convinces himself that it’s crazy to think that Aurora is Lety. He takes the picture of Aurora and tears it but thinks better and puts it into his pocket to check again later at his house.

Lety talks to her mother on the phone. She tells Julieta that Fausto will also be attending dinner. Julieta wants to make sure she prepares a special dinner for this occasion. Lety smiles and says yes, she’s very happy. She kisses her $0.50 vending machine ring. Julieta sends Lety her kisses. Once they hang up, Erasmo asks Julieta about the time of the dinner.

Fernando’s still pacing in Omar’s office. Omar enters and cheerfully greets his friend. Fernando says he’s trying to convince himself not to go find Lety and take her to the end of the world where no one will find them. Queue the dramatic music!

Omar tells Fernando this isn’t a good idea. Lety will only leave with Aldo. Omar asks Fernando to give Omar a reason not to leave for Tibet to live for the rest of his life where he can be alone and far from all women. Fernando says he’ll give Omar a great reason. The men lean toward each other over the desk. “None! You can go when you want because no one here will miss you. Bye!” We can complain about how mean Fernando is to Omar but isn’t this just like when a skinny friend looks in the mirror and says she feels fat and we, just so we don’t feed her ego, agree and say that she is looking a little plump that day? Omar sarcastically says thank you. They lament once again, their misfortune with love. They both think that they should leave for Tibet.

Lety’s in her office giving Caro the reasons why Lety wants to get married. Caro says that she would like to join in that night’s dinner, but she’s not in the spirit. Lety asks if that has anything to do with Omar Carvajal. Caro confirms. Aldo enters and greets the women. Caro congratulates Aldo. He replies that he’s happy because he’s marrying the woman he loves. IT’S STILL NOT WORKING! They all get up and leave the office.

They say good-bye to the cuartel. Sara tells Lety that tonight’s the night of the dinner with Fernando Colunga. She asks if Lety would like to join. Because women should be seen and not heard, Aldo replies for Lety. She can’t go because she has an important commitment tonight. (Sorry, I’m trying to give Aldo a chance, but like I’ve said before IT’S JUST NOT WORKING!) This of course makes the cuartel curious. Aldo announces that tonight he is going to ask Julieta and Erasmo for permission to marry Lety. With classic telenovela timing, Fernando walks in just as Aldo makes his announcement. Everyone cheers except for him. Irma sees him and his downcast face, but he shushes her so that she won’t say anything to ruin the moment. He enters the presidency and everyone except Irma congratulates the couple. Aldo and Lety finally take their leave. Omar walks into the room and he and Caro goofily stare at each other. Lety comes back and asks if Caro’s coming. She turns in different directions. Finally, Omar stops her from leaving. He says good-bye and kisses her hands. She leans in and kisses his cheek. The cuartel gushes.

Irma still looks upset. She tells the cuartel about how upset Fernando looked when he heard Aldo’s announcement. The cuartel sneaks into the office and knocks on the cave’s door. They all peek into the room. Fernando scoots over to them and asks them for what they want. They ask if they may enter. He says that they may. Like a flock of seagulls going after the last piece of bread on the beach, they rush into Fernando’s little office. No one wants to talk, until they get to Irmita. She asks if he’s okay. He says that he is. Sara leans over him and asks if he needs anything. He does a weird eye tickle and then says no. He tells them that he’ll see them tomorrow. They don’t leave, so he does.

Out in the Vortex Marcia catches him and asks if they will be leaving together. He tells her that he’s not going to the apartment. Marcia says she can go with him, but he says he would prefer to go alone. The cuartel comes out of the office and asks again if he needs something. He takes his leave of all the women. Once he leaves, the cuartel tells Marcia that they’re worried about him. Marcia says that loves like that and he’s crazy in love with Lety.

Omar stands in the apartment and remembers Caro’s words about love. He picks up his jacket and head for…????

Julieta and Erasmo stand outside the house. Julieta forgot half of the preparations for the supper. Julieta says that she’s just nervous. A cab pulls up to the house. Fernando gets out of the cab but doesn’t give a tip. Fernando thinks to himself that he just needs to say a final good-bye to Julieta. He goes to knock on the door, but can’t work up the nerve. He instead shouts at the window and then thinks about throwing a rock. Realizing the rock is to big, he switches to a pebble. Nobody answers his off target throws, so he knocks on the door. The door opens and he stands in the doorway.

Caro’s doorbell rings. It’s Omar. She doesn’t want to let him enter, because she’s not dressed. She lets him in but scurries out of the room. Omar takes Caro by the arms and asks her to stay close to him; he doesn’t want anything more. Caro asks him if she can change. He says okay. She awkwardly passes him.

Caro runs into her bedroom, with a goofy smile on her face. Omar didn’t wait, and he enters the room. He tells her that after their talk he thinks now is the time to open his eyes and his heart. He says he’ll wait for her downstairs. She calls to him. He comes back to her. They think to themselves about what they’re doing. Caro wonders about her feelings. Omar wonders if this is his chance to find true love. They lightly kiss and credits!

Tomorrow: The Padillas get their celebration on, Fernando gets his tequila on, Omar and Caro get it on. Oh, and Jaime Camil does a little ditty. Sigh.

Good-night, All!


Did everyone notice the old o
opening last night? It's like they were trying to remind us of when the show was clever and worth watching - the good old days.

Yeah, the best part was that Aldo wasn't in the opening credits! :)

Hmmm...Now that Lety and Aldo are getting married, Fern has to find a way to stop the wedding. Juan Soler was in a novela where he rode into the church on horseback, and stole the bride at gunpoint! (He got the girl too!)Fern can come up with something as good as that! Maybe he can swing down from the ceiling like Spiderman? He'd be hot in a spandex superhero outfit!


The Graduate only works if the bride is marrying against her will...this is not the case..Now even worse Fernando while never the brightest bulb on the marquee has fallen to...not getting the whole Aurora/Lety cause well...sorry but he is dumb too...

Since this won't turn into a real TeleNovela and one of these AssHats get whacked...well I say bring on the Wedding of bad bridesmaid dresses (pleeeese pleeeese pleeeese let Lety of bad taste pick the dresses)

What is wrong with Alicia? She has a serious Money jones. I can't believe that she actually stole a check from her husband forged his name and bought some gordy jewelry.
When are we going to get to see "Papi"?.
Poor Fernando. I feel so bad for him. All he needs to do is plant one of those delicious kisses on Lety and she would forget all about Aldo.
I noticed the old opening too. So does that mean that the scenes from the other opening are not really part of the story? You know, the scenes in Acalpulco with Marcia in the wedding dress on the beach?

Thanks for the recap.

The opening did remind me of why i fell in love with this novela.

Aldo man its times like this i wish Erasmo is more like that guy in Duelo.Don Alvaro would have shot that Asshat Aldo coz he deserves it.Then his would have taken care of our big problem...... i can dream can't i

Tomorrow's episode aired while I was in Costa Rica (Mexican version), sometime between January 28 but prior to February 2, if that gives anyone an idea of how much longer we have. I didn't watch anymore because it was too upsetting to see Fernando drinking tequila and Lety supposedly marrying Aldo while it was advertising ultimate weeks. When did this show end in Mexico?

How can Alicia be so stupid as to think she can get away with forgery of business checks. The girl has NO brains at all. She is so money hungry it is disgusting to me now.

It was a breath of fresh air to see the old opening credits. In hindsight, I think the Alcapulco credits were just symbolic of what was going on or was maybe going to happen. I think the "new" old opening credits forbode something good and I know we're all praying for something good to happen, i.e. Fern & Lety.

I used to think Alicia was funny. I'm beginning to despise her. Forging checks doesn't endear me to anyone. I wish that when Tomas finds out about the check (and he will) that he would finally get a backbone and rip Alicia up one side and down the other, throw his wedding ring at her and go see the goofy lawyers for a immediate annulment. Won't happen, but I can dream.

I actually wept a little when I saw the original opening last night. Maybe it's just me, but I thought it set a whole different tone for the rest of the show.

I think Aurora kept the old contract (that she had signed with Lety's name) so no one would see it.

I also cringed when Aldo spoke for Lety. Was he worried that she would blow off her engagement dinner in order to meet Colunga?

Speaking of which, I'm still not sure about Aldo and Aurora. I still think he knows, and is being extremely mischievous. Not the fun kind of mischief, either. The kind of mischief where you set someone up for a "test" even though you suspect it will confirm your worst suspicions.

The only other alternative I can think of is that he thinks Aurora truly is a good match for Fern. I don't know why he would think that, though. She wouldn't be a good match for anyone!

I thought Omar's sudden love for Caro was implausible, but it was still nice to see. It's always nice to see a couple get together that doesn't turn your stomach. :)

I don't think Tomas should throw his wedding ring at Alicia. She'd just sell it.

You're absolutely right, Julie, about the wedding ring. What was I thinking?

I agree about Omar and Caro, kinda unbelievable, but maybe Aurora did teach him his lesson about women and he's known Caro for a long time and maybe he always felt something for her, but didn't realize it until he had to be whacked upside the head, so to speak. Men are clueless.

I think the sudden love between carol and omar, wasn't sudden actually. If we go by soap opera time. There is not enough time for them to begin establishing a romance.

Just like fern asking lety to marry him and the next day it is something different.

Thanks for the recap Amanda. I'm like you with regard to Aldo and it not working. I really got upset that he had the audacity to suggest Fern turn to Aurora. That's just beyond rude and arrogant!! How can you suggest to someone s/he just switch his or her el amor de vida like you change a pair of socks. So much for Aldo's sensitivity and kindness. He was a real A**hat with that comment as well as being manipulative. Just tell the man he will heal and love again (end of rant)

Yeah the old credits make me think of the good old days...when the show was so much fun.

I think the Omar/Caro thing is within the realm of credibility for this novela and as Ellen said, its good to have one couple on the show that you can be happy for and their romance might help me until the ones that I want get together.


I'm willing to believe that Omar has found enough enlightenment to seek True Love with Caro. When he came to her apartment, not only was she dressed down, but she didn't have her makeup on. I thought she looked pretty and possibly a little vulnerable without the sophisticated makeup. Seemed like a nice detail to me.

If Aldo was going to go the old-fashioned route and ask the parent’s permission to marry, shouldn’t he have done that before he presented the .50 vending machine ring (love that, Amanda, hee hee) to Lety, and before word of the engagement got around?

So now that Lety has signed a contract as Aurora, she has officially committed fraud on the very company she is President of, right?

Who wants to go tie one on with Fern?


Actually, I’m kinda disappointed about Caro and Omar. I had been guessing all along that the very nice Caro would be a consolation prize for Aldo at the end of the show. There’s a good reason why Caro had so many divorces – it probably wasn’t her love of work, as she said earlier, but her unfortunate lack of ability to screen future mates. Omar has never had Fernando’s depth or understanding. Fernando may have run wild for a bit, but he’s a good man at heart. Omar has been totally clueless and uncaring when it comes to other people’s feelings and it’s highly unlikely that he could suddenly develop empathy and caring at his age. Only in novelaland!

A thank-you a week late to Beckster for explaining how the show was extended… I had thought that it had a set time frame from the get-go. It explains a lot, particularly the part about the falling ratings influencing the story line and the speeded-up ending.

Here in L.A. LFMB was the #1 show some months ago. Now Dancing with the Stars and Idol have the top spots, but, more tellingly, Destilando is beating out LFMB. Which is surprising to me because the latern-jawed male lead on that show is nothing compared to Jaime Camil! - Maggie

once again, about caro "She picks the wrong men!!!"

Loved the old opening last night - even though it made me a little sad and wistful.

By telling Fer to go for Aurora, Aldo either doesn't believe that Fer has changed from his mujeriego days, or thinks that pairing would kill any doubts or love that Lety still has for Fer. Or Aldo is just plain stupid while trying to be helpful.

It was a nice touch for Caro to be without make-up and wearing big floppy slippers and Omar didn't notice or care. How refreshing to see that!

I hope Fernando doesn't start drinking again. I think he got that out of his system after the beating in Acapulco.

The notion of Omar and Fer running away to Tibet made me think of that movie with Brad Pitt. LOL - three gorgeous men on a mountaintop in Tibet. I'd be climbing up with or without sherpas in a heartbeat.

Thank you, Irmita for being the only one aware of Fernando's hurt.

Teresa, I'll join you to go tie one on with Fernando. Sounds like fun.

It seems Caro and Omar are really comfortable together for her to be able to see him when she isn't all dressed up.

I'll be happy to join you all in Tibet with Fern and Omar and Brad, as long as someone brings beer or tequila. I don't think I would like yak milk.

I had such a huge lump in my throat last night when Fern walked by when Aldo said that he was going to officialy ask for Lety's hand. (Oh by the way just a sidebar) But doesn't Fern say Lety's name so sexily? "Laytee" Any way my other comment is that Aldo is a scoundrel. The nerve of him to tell Fern "We all win", And at least now you know how to love. I'd like to knock him to Tibet!!!

I agree with Tani. I was so happy Alpo wasn't in the credits yesterday! It was the old credits, but longer than the original, right?

I personally like the couple of Omar and Caro. As long as they continue to act so cutely together.

I also hate Alicia now. I used to enjoy her character, particularlly making fun of her, "aaaayyy Marcia" 's, but now she just makes me sick. Maybe Thomas did need her in his life so she could teach him a lesson to stand up for himself, and that he deserves better. But who else could we match Tomy up with?


Just a minor thing, but I can't resist commenting on the menu choices Tomas had that were described in Monday's (5/21)episode. The "ninos envueltos" caught my eye, as I am Polish and we have a dish just like this (beef with rice wrapped in cabbage with tomato sauce). We call it "golombki" which means "pigeons" and some folks in English refer to them as "pigs in a blanket" which would explain the "kids wrapped up" name. I guess I'm just thrilled to have another pleasant connection to Mexico besides the thrill of watching this great novela! I wonder if they make is spicier in Mexico, though. Would anyone know?
Just wondering.

-Toni from Massachusetts-

Gee..where did Lety go to business school??? First oooking the books now signing a fake name. Yikes. Can't look too disapprovingly on Alicia when Lety has done questionable stuff too with company money. I miss the by-the-sea-Aldo. He was much more carefree and fun than the Aldo now.


I second that Barb (about by the Sea Aldo). What happened to him did he get sacrificed too?

Alicia has some nerve showing up with gawdy jewelery saying they are from papi when dear papi left tomas paying for the wedding but then again her actions shouldn't surprise me.

I am worried about what's going to happen to Don Fern today. He's very gutsy even if drunk.


They mostly drink hot, salty butter tea with Yak milk in Tibet. I've tried it and it's actually not too bad but is an acquired taste. I once was at a retreat with the main actress from Seven Years in Tibet. The actress married an American who had been living in India for four years as a monk but gave it up for her.

I thought the whole Aldo talking to Fern conversation was incredibly condescending and I felt like giving him a couple of good smacks.

Loved the OmaR/Caro thing as the two of them are carefully finding their way to each other. He has already said she was a friend and he confides in her so his suddenly looking at her through different eyes is perfectly plausible and as a three time loser she is scared of making another mistake. I think they play off each other very well and will be divinely happy together. And they are hot, hot, hot together.

Yep Lety is once again guilty of fraud and Alicia of theft. Perhaps in the end the obnoxious blonde can share cell time with "papi:'" if that's where he is. Tomy is an idiot and if they cut out every scene with this repulsive duo I would be happy.

I've come to the conclusion that Lety is an idiot and that Miss B**ch and Mr. Bore will be suitably happy living at the beach with a passel of dentally challenged feitos. In any event I no longer care about them.

It really hurts to see Fern suffer. Even the heartless cuartel has come to realize that. Anyone notice that some of the offices have new pencils? What have I notice the pencils and prefer the old opening. LOO

Yup,Its not working!I have tried to like aldo but everytime i start to like him a tiny bit he ruins it,where in his shell obsessed mind did he get that Aurora BS.when he said that i just wanted to slap him (anon 9:58 comment hilarious! Lol)Lety was definalty dropped as a baby Her personlity as a diva just gets on my nerves(event though at times its funny) I try to avoid people like her... I just want aldo to get back in his daisy dukes(shivers in disgust) and go back to "EL MAR" and stay there FOREVER!!!Marcia has done alot of growing up i like her personality alot more and i hope she gets a happy ending too


Jeeze, that's what i get for not proof reading. That last line should read What have I become if I have time to notice a change in pencils and prefer the old opening over the beach number. LOL

I did notice new pencils recently. How sad is that we'd rather look at the pencils than the people. Because most of the people are either being mean, or crying. :...(

I think Omar is looking for comfort from Caro. She is kind and caring and it's what he needs right now.

Poor Fern, his tears just break my heart! I hope he doesn't go back to drinking again. That would be awful.
I was really proud of him when he was always holding a glass of water.

I think Tomas is at his wits end with Alicia. Maybe he should move back in with Tomama and let her handle his bride!!

Thanks so much Amanda!
Carrie L.

Thanks, Amanda for such a terrific, detailed recap!

I am hopeful for Caro and Omar. I think if he really has changed he'll be okay for her. She deserves a good one this time.


The 2011 discussion for Capitulos 279 & 280 is at this link.

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