Friday, February 13, 2015

La Gata #118 2/13/15 El Fin: Was this the finale to "El Garabato" or La Gata? (™LN)

First of all, I want to thank Diva for taking on the leadership for both DQTQTQ and then for allowing me to drag her kicking and screaming into this mess. Mea culpa.

Eli-Thank you for jumping in there and with such wit and style. I can't tell you how many times in real life something has happened and I've thought "Oh the F*ckery!"

Lila-You are a pro. Special kudos to you. First time recapper AND it's with this dreck. Any recapping from now on will be a piece of cake.

I am excited that the team is sticking together for La Sombra del Pasado.

Finally many thanks to each and every commenter who stopped by. On a show like this, your support was SO appreciated. The patio has been an absolute blast and I feel really privileged to share it with fun folks like y'all.

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Hasta el Fin del Mundo on Friday, February 13, 2015. [#127] (This week has been crazy but I'm back!)

Chava in an oily tanktop.
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Quiero Amarte on Wednesday, February 11, 2015.

Max says to Juli he needs to be alone for the time being and she understands. Once she leaves, Max screams and smashes a vase in sexy angst.

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Hasta el Fin Del Mundo #126 And This Little Piggy Said Darn Darn Darn All The Way Home!

OK, here's the deal, I watched the show last night, but I dropped my laptop.  I don't know what's up with the scheduled recapper.  I'm putting this up as a discussion page.  I will recap both 126 and 127 on Saturday morning.  In the meanwhile, please discuss the events of last night among yourselves.

I'll start off!  I thought it was hilarious that Igor had to perform CPR on Greta while simultaneously trying to kill her.


Mi corazon es tuyo, #147, Thursday Isa gets out of the cage, Fanny turns 20 and Ana continues to act like she's 15

I feel like whenever is my turn to write a recap, I’m sick. Two weeks ago I had a cold, and today I woke up with a tooth ache. I’ve never really had teeth problems in the past so this is new to me. The pain is still bearable, but I won’t be able to see my dentist in the next two weeks, so I’ll either go mad, or end up in the Emergency Room by then.
Either way, I’m afraid that today’s recap won’t be too stellar. Feel free to add the details that I’ve missed.

Jenny is afraid of Dorofeo and Johhny comforts her; he will protect her and he hopes that God will protect him in return.

Fanny and Lenin talk about how being born within a social class kind of seals your destiny. #stupid 
Lenin asks Fanny to give him Ana’s phone number because he wants to interview her (in reality he wants Ana to help him plan Fanny’s birthday surprise). 

Leon is drawing Fanny, thinking that tomorrow is her birthday.

Isa wakes up in the cage. Freaks remembers how Isa tried to kill him and how she said that the baby is his. Isa says she invented all that because he was trying to kill her at the time. Freaks doesn’t buy it and tells her that his father asked him to get his revenge on. For once Isa is the sane person in the room cage.

Yola keeps calling her daughter, who’s not picking up. She is very worried. She even calls Dorofeo, but he isn’t of much help. 

Fer and Ana talk about Isa and Freaks. They remember that Isa was present during Freaks’ accident, maybe he kidnapped her? Ana is not sure, she thinks that maybe Yola is exaggerating. 
Lenin calls Ana, wanting to talk about Fanny’s surprise party. 
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Que Te Perdone Dios Capitulo 19 - Ah,esa Mendiga Amor ! Full Recap

We are back at this folk story
Of snakes and wisdom 
Slaps and Rainbows 
and nothing could possibly go wrong right?

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Thursday, February 12, 2015

La Gata #117 Thursday, 2-12 Redemption

La Gata Patio PEEEEEPS!  Whaaaasssuup?  My time recapping this thang, that’s whussup!  Hallelujah and I only had minimal Lowencha and G-spot tonight!  Yes! 

This will be short, I don’t know about sweet because everything centered around poor little Carlos Horacio’s diagnosis  of leukemia.  While Victor is getting this difficult news Ines, Rita and Cha Cha are back at Victor’s apartment where Ines is grilling Rita about “Garabato’s” life, does he have a wife?  Why did the child call her abuela?  Ines begs and finally Rita breaks and tells her that Carlos Horacio is her son!

Now.  If Victor told little Carlos he has leukemia, I missed it.  We are served flashbacks from earlier in the day when Carlos Horacio (CH) saved Virginia and Vic tells him he has to fight but I didn’t hear him explain why.  Papa and hijo hug tenderly.
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Hasta el Fin del Mundo #125 20150211

Good Afternoon,

I don't know what happened last night.  I don't know what happened to the scheduled recapper.  If you know what happened, Jarifa (hint hint), please help us out.



Que Te Perdone Dios, Cap 18: A Compromising Confession and a Game of Chicken

~~Parte 1~~
Cap #18

As we left it last time, Fausto was attempting to drown Diana in the river cuz if he couldn’t have her, nobody could—especially anybody younger and sexier like Mateo!!  As luck would have it, who should come trotting by on his white charger complete with a white hat, but Diego!  “—Let her go!”  He jumps into the river and forces Grey ‘n Grizzled Fuzzy to stop then and there!  “—Don’t you mess with me, peon!”  Diego steps back and Di races off to her bling-mobile with Feisty yelling after her to stop.  (She may be daring but she ain’t a total fool.)  Diego, meanwhile, unties Feisty’s hawss and shoos him away, leaving the crusty old homicidal maniac to hoof it home on his own--muy bad mojo.  

Back at the hacienda de Angel, Renata guesses that Abigail is mooning around the house cuz she’s fallen in love with the unavailable Mat.   Macaria sticks her nose in, having overheard the two of them and reminds Abi there’s no way some hacendado’s nephew is gonna ever pay serious attention to some servant’s kid.  Ren sends Abi away and gives Mac grief over speaking to “their” daughter that way.  “--Why not?    Did you really see yourself and Pablo together for the rest of your lives any more than me and your husband? I’m only trying to avoid the same suffering and bitterness the two of us have gone through our entire lives!  What for?  It cannot take place.” 

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Que Te Perdone Dios Capitulo 17 Full Recap

It seems a rather Nasty Mac( I meant Rat)  has infested Caray Caray and decided to remove my recap ,so i am posting it again. Part 2 will be in writing soon! 

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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Mi corazon es tuyo #146 More filler ... Fernando invites Ana to the beach and she is excited about it... Freeky has his first revenge victim in a cage.


Nando and Ximena and Edith at cafeteria, he tells them he did not want to hurt them.

Fernando tells all 7 kids that he is ready to propose to Ana, ring in hand.

Lo Nuevo:

Freeky escapes with the coaching of his ‘dad’.

Ana is visiting Jenny who admits she called her to come over because Fernando asked her to get Ana out of the house. Ana is a bit nervous, what could this ‘surprise’ be?

Hissabella arrives home in a huff, insults her mother again and calling her traitor several times. Hissabella says ‘don’t complain, this(I) is the monster you created!’ She again threatens Yomama not to become her enemy. Can’t kick you to the curb but you better stay out of my way! Ramona comes close to Yomama to give her some support. Yomama claims she is not to blame for what Hissabella is like. Ramona says God is witness that you repented for all the wrong you did. Don’t cry.

Jenny and Ana talk about how dedicated Angel was to caring for Aura all night long. Then they talk about Johny and the permits he is still missing to be able to open the business. Ana wants to call the house to check on the kids but Jenny says Fernando asked that you not be allowed to talk on the cell. He said for Ana not to worry. And asked Jenny to calm Ana down if she got into her hysterics. LOL! Ana proves his point with her reaction.

The kids suggest to Fernando to take Ana to the beach and propose there. Nando and Fanny even skid the proposal for him. The little ones huddle to talk if they agree with Nando and Fanny’s suggestion. But they add to do it like a treasure hunt with clues and hiding the ring somewhere. Even scuba diving… to search for keys… Fernando loves it.

Freeky leaves a dead-like nurse guy on the bed and takes off.

Fernando consults the ideas with Soledad, she gets excited about the whole thing. They all swear to secrecy. Fernando doesn’t even have to ask her… she will gladly take care of the troops. Siete also barks his agreement.

Ana and Jenny talk about how Johnny cares for Jenny. She is moved. The troops call Ana to come back home. All is clear.

At Chicago, Hissabella has made it in to the dressing room. She is looking for some evidence of Ana having been there.

Edith and Lenin talk at her room… She is nagging about Ximena. Edith feels that she will loose Nando. Lenin says its bad signal that Nando takes this long to ‘think things over’. Lenin tells Edith ‘when you feel, you don’t think.’ Edith is determined to fight for love.

Ximena is taking a web course on astrophysics. She tells herself she will show Edith she is not dumb like Edith says.

Edith changes the subject to Fanny. Lenin is not comfortable. Edith asks Lenin why he won’t give up on Fanny if she loves Leon. Edith says ‘there you go’.
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La Gata #116 - Wed 2/11 - La Ironia

Pablo regrets saying he wanted a separation, per Fernando.  And now that he's said it, he doesn't know how to take it back.

Augie advises Lo to get Esme out of the house.  No worries, Lo's got a plan.  And she's going to get Mariano, too, damnit.

HatBroShrink is up in…Mariano's apartment?  planting the One Ring.

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Tuesday, February 10, 2015

2/10 #124 Hasta el Fin del Mundo – Poisoned Tablets and Tainted Chocolates

Casa Ripoll
Alexa pouts over her sisters ganging up on her because of her mishandling of La Empresa.

Operaciones Renzi
Renzi is getting the low down there’s nothing medically wrong with Irma.  He assumes, rightly so, the the hubby must be fed up right about now. 

Casa Ripoll
Irkme and the kitchen maid are gossiping about Chocolate Ripoll when Miguelina and Fausto give them a dressing down.  We must support Chocolate Ripoll – never mind what the papers say and nary a word to Greta – are we clear?
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Mi corazon es tuyo #145 filler, filler and more filler... Ana having 'nostalgia of the future' (could it be more like paranoia, Ana?) yada yada... my favorite part: previews and Luz asking: 'a que sabe la Gloria?'

I prepared a very quick one (one page and a few lines) and also included my longer recap. No need to read the long one, trust me. 
Johnny dances and shakes bootie for Jenny, shows her the tattoo he got on his chest with her name

After spending a hard night, Aura gets better at hospital, and Angel and Magda seem to get closer as well.

Fanny urges Nando to choose between Ximena and Edith, they are bickering at each other and annoying her.

Fernando talks to Fanny and Nando about getting ready to propose to Ana. Ana overhears only a bit of the convo. Ana wants to know what is going on when they come out… ‘deep Freudian stuff’. NOT!!

Fanny in her room is video talking with Lenin. Lenin recites to her some Amado Nervo poetry. Fanny goes to sleep remembering that poetry.

The kids watch the video taken by the remote car. Ana rants at them for watching ‘inappropriate’ stuff.

Isa is having a tantrum at her office, still complaining that she can’t open Ana’s video. Gordofeo calls Isa’s cell. Isa convinces him to lower the amount he wants, but then Isa tells herself she will not pay him anything after all.

Yomama arrives at Lasc Manor with a present for her grandson. Ana lets her in. Yomama warns her Isa is now more determined than ever to destroy Ana. Ana changes strategy: ‘best defense is the offense’.

Fernando shows Betty the ring… (Isa is watching it from door and is pointing finger angry, then runs back to her office to tap angrily that ‘this can’t be!!’ calls Ana: primitive, rustic, ordinary, arribista (social climber).

Gordofeo and his thugs visit Johnny. Calls him ungrateful. Johnny reminds him of when he locked him up with cockroaches. Johnny says ‘I don’t fear you anymore’. Tries to get Gordofeo out, says if the video gets to the police, he will kill Jenny in front of Johnny. Johnny warns he will call police if they come back. Gordofeo and his thugs leave.

Ana visits Isa at office. Asks the tarantula what is her plan. Isa says … the obvious, to terminate her. Ana repeats her warning ‘Don’t mess with me’. Are you going to kick me out of Fernando’s company? ‘Orale! Make my day!!’ Isa predicts agony and a slow death for Ana. Ana says that only happens to bad people. Betty comes in and stops the cockfight just a moment. Ana warns Isa that if she does anything against her, Ana will get payback.

Fernando is in his office rehearsing his proposal when Ana herself walks in. Ana comes up with the excuse she misses him. He is delighted she came. She notices he is hiding something. Fernando tells Ana he is about to walk into a meeting.Ana keeps asking what he was hiding. Fernando says it is confidential and she will know at the right moment.

At the college, Edith ran into Ximena, neither is amused. Ximena keeps provoking Edith. They both hear a bunch of girls swoon over Nando. Nando is speechless at all the attention. Ximena and Edith join them. Nando explains Sebas put his picture in social networks. He is surprised Ximena and Edith might think that he is interested in fame and ego. He says he does not want to make either of them suffer. Ximena and Edith end up leaving him with the other girls.

At Lasc kitchen, Lenin asks Fanny what she is planning to do for her birthday. He mentions she is a Capricorn. She is a work of art of the Creator. He becomes a believer when he sees her, but most of all, he believes in love. They kiss. This time she does not pull back. She half smiles.

At house a bit later, Fernando has all 7 and Siete together in homework room. He shows them the ring for Ana. He wants to let them know in advance, but also wants their help and advice. He says this little box has the ring for Ana. The twins say ‘another ring! You have given her some already!’ Fernando announces he wants to propose to Ana. All the kids are elated.

Previews: Isa arrives at Ana’s dressing room at Chicago. Gordofeo is angry saying no one mocks him!!

Also, Freeky seems to escape the hospital and we see Torres telling Fernando and Ana about it.

Freeky grabs Isa from behind and we see Fernando worried.
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La Gata #115 2/10/15 La Manipulación

This is your mother-in-law.

This is your mother-in-law on drugs (steroids to be precise.)

I started taking notes and then I was drawn into this...

...incredible (as in beyond belief) turn of events. It was like a train wreck and I couldn't stop watching. So I gave up notes after a while. Pabs and Esme fight for pretty much the whole episode with short interruptions for commercials and our other story lines. I'm not sure how to cover this. I definitely didn't take notes because this was the part that just left me gobsmacked. There's some condensing and combining for sure.

I know it was in the Refrito, but Meche says something to Dam about lying to Vicky. So he must have something up his sleeve, but poor Vicky thinks she's just been demoted to second fiddle. Not cool, Dam.
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La Gata #114 Never trust a proven liar

I'm still working on watching the show-so feel free to comment while I try and get through this! Pray for me!

Okay, well, I don't know where to start but I guess I'll start by making a list of things Lorenza has done and gotten away with.

  • Kept Pablo and Esmeralda from getting in touch with each other-it was proven that she had a hand in this, yet nothing happened to her.
  • Was horrible to Virginia-at her wedding: Nothing happened to her
  • Was in on Esmeralda's kidnapping, got caught and nothing happened 
  • Was the master mind behind the whole Juan Garza plot and nothing happened to her
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Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #123 2/9/15 If the Ship is Sinking, Just Keep Bailing Damn It!

The Good Ship Ripoll Sails into Troubled Waters.
From Friday:
Sofia reluctantly joins Dani and Alexa in a sisterly "All for One and One for All" moment pledging to keep the factory afloat. Chava hides his official man card and asks if he can join the sorority too.
Yovet, lounging on the couch in a black leather number, calls Irais and insists that she come home and hustle up some grub for her. Apparently Yovet can't do anything except whine and apply makeup. Lots and lots of makeup. Irais tells Yovet to make herself a sandwich and stop bothering her. Both she and Matias have work to do.
Sofia has letters to write to clients, machinery to clean, products to sort and a factory to save, but still has time to make out with Chava. Priorities people, priorities.
Chava tells Armie that he is sure Renzi and Pato are behind all the bad happenings in the 'hood and they need to break into Renzi's office to find the proof.
At dinner with Pedro, Araceli threatens to sue the Ripolls over the recipes that Paco voluntarily gave to Sofia.
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Que Te Perdone Dios on Monday, February 9, 2015.

Di and Mateo are talking and getting intimate when Fausto zones in on them. Simona comes out in need of a doctor and Mateo goes off with her; thus Fausto has the opportunity to smack Di around. She then lies fot her life and Fausto has subtle mercy on her.

Effie and Eddie are ready to hit the sack.

Di realizes that Mateo's love is genuine and that pisses Fausto off some more.

PatPrize and Ren are at the table when Abi comes in.

Di drives off leaving Fausto with the words in his mouth.

Two people are having sex (I didn't see who they were.)

Simona thanks Mateo for his help and showers him with good humor, compliments and smiles.

Fausto walks in to give Lucio money for all his trouble and a talking to.

MACgiftcard has something up her sleeve.

Two guys are impeded in an escapade by a girl.

In a bar, there is a bevy of men (too many, even for ny taste.) Diego and Lucio act as if they're about to fight forasomething when they don't and Fausto comes in.

Tia Mia and Di talk about Fausto.

Diego has just pushed Fausto's berserk button and is having the stuffing beat out of him. Lucio then beats up another guy because IDK and it's hiur typical Machista Bar Fight.

Renata is having nightmarea about Fausto beating her up ans rapinh her, then wakea up.

Abi is remembering her kissing Mateo

Mateo is as well.

MACgiftcard is in a frenzy.

Abi has gone outside and Fausto is accosting her .She doesn't tolerate it.

Connie has officially lost it. She shoykd have accepted Mel's help.

Fausto is about to accost the life out of a dormant Renata.

PatPrize and Mateo

Fausto eyes Renata's dormant self zome more.

MACgiftcard abuses Abi a bad amount.

Vicenta scolds Diego for having gotten in a fight and you know, typical stuff a Mexican grandma would chide you for.

Fausto is in the dark biding his time when Renata wakes up askinh who ia there. She squabbles with Fausto as usual.

Mandy has prepared a lovely meal for Mateo amd they discuss Renata.

Fausto and Renata are talking and yoi know it's weird because at one point Ren looks like she i going to laigh.

Vicenta and Mandy- Abi and Mateo are eating when PatPrize comes in and eats as well.

Mandy has served Fausto food at a baron table and taht is the end of the episode.

[Here are a few more details for you from ViviDC that merit being included. --edit.]

Mateo blabbed to Fausto that he and Diana have been seriously seeing each other for a year, not the short, non-serious flirtation Diana had led Fausto to believe. Diana's excuse was that she loves Fausto and wants to be his wife. She's getting tired of living in the shadows. Diana also swore to Fausto that she and Mateo have NEVER had sex. Fausto is her only man.Mateo would marry her. She pressures Fausto to get rid of Renata and marry her. Both Fausto and her aunt point out that he would be left with nothing if he divorced Ren. Her basic reply is if there is a will, there's a way. 

Fausto's reaction to this is to think real hard about Ren and their marriage, the benefits (money, power), and the lack of benefits (no sex, no kids). Hearing Pat telling Mateo about having to give Ren a sedative because of her nightmares, seemed to change his mind about raping her. Why? Maybe he likes his victims completely awake? Or maybe he realized Mateo and Pat would hear the screams and beat the crap out of him? Anyway, when she wakes up in the morning they argue about him being in her room, the long ago rape, why she won't have bis kids, and then he asks for her help help convincing Mateo to dump Diana. Ren is amused by this because she suspects Diana is his mistress.  

Simona took Mateo to treat the sick baby of a poor neighbor. She tells Mateo she has been nominated by one of the parties to run for mayor. Mateo thinks this is great, but tells her Fausto has been nominated by another party. This makes Simona more determined to run.

The couple getting it on was glasses sister and the mechanic. Meanwhile, the other sister was getting it on with Simona's barely legal son. Both had to escape through the window. Both were paid for their services by the sisters. The sisters' maid (Abi's friend) is the one who caught them, but she doesn't seem to disapprove. 

Diego and Benito were trying to convince some of the men at the cantina to leave Fausto and to come work with them. Lucio and Fausto didn't like this one bit. Fight!

Fausto paid Lucio well for being his whipping boy and taking the blame for kicking out Mat's mom. Lucio then revealed to Fausto that Macacria is planning to betray Fausto and tried to enlist him. Fausto tells Lucio that Mac has the gun they killed Pedro with. They plan that Lucio will pretend to go along with Mac's plan, and find out where she has that gun.

Meanwhile, it seems that Mac just keeps the gun in her bedroom just wrapped in a handkerchief, while she talks crazy holding it. When Abi goes out for a midnight stroll, Mac accuses her of having been out having sex with Diego and that she'll come back pregnant by a peon, just like Renata...She stops herself before she spills anymore beans.

Mateo, Patricio and Ren all decide to eat in the kitchen, leaving Fausto alone at the big table. This is in solidarity with Abi, who Fausto has now banned from the big table.


Monday, February 09, 2015

♥ Mi Corazón es Tuyo ♥ Lunes 2/8/15 ♥ #144 ♥

Capitulo 144: Dorofeo Gets Trumped... Again

Ana & Jennifer's House: Ana, Jenny, Dana, and Johnny discussed their scheme to get her out of Chicago. She was sure they had Dorofeo where they wanted him because bribing a city official is illegal. They would keep him off her back, then hurt his business by hiring his employees to work for them in the pole-dancing school. Dorofeo would end up in jail.
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Quiero Amarte (Week 21-Feb 9) Highlights and Discussion

As we start a new week in the lives of our characters, keep this in mind, families can indeed be dangerous-to themselves and others. (Apologies to certain movies, tv shows and songs.)

Amaya and Cesar - Strawberries, PizzaPizza and Close Encounters of the Icky Kind
Mariana, Cipriano and Ulises - Sold to the Biggest Loser
Cecelia and Ivan - Kissing Cousins, She Hopes
Hector and Beca - Perfect Strangers
Juliana and Horacio - I Can Help (
Jorge - Playing the Field and Not Liking It
Genoveva, Manuel and Jose - With a Little Help From His Friends
Constanza and Max - Look at Me, I'm a Bargain, I Can be Yours for a Song, or a Baby
Lucrecia and Mauro - Fatal Unattraction
Lucrecia and Max - Don't Throw Momma From This Train Wreck
Lucrecia and Lucio - How I Met My Mother, She is Buena
Lucrecia and Flavia - Happy Days Are Here Again, With Six Degrees of Separation
Lucrecia and Cesar - Stand By Me
Lucrecia and Eloisa - The Wicked Witch of the West and Glinda The Good Witch of the North must try to live together
Lucrecia and Florencia - Ghost Story


TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: Dueños del Paraíso, Los Miserables, Tierra de Reyes, etc - Week of Feb. 9, 2015

Welcome to another week of what are sure to be amazing recaps and smart comments inspired by the current primetime lineup on Telemundo.  

The March issue of People en Español (Yes, damn it, I subscribe --  Please don't judge me!) has a multipage feature on Kate and the retro fashions she wears in Dueños del Paraíso.  One tidbit in the piece really surprised me:

When it comes to judging an outfit for the show, her best advisor is her co-star, José "Chema" Torre [Adán Romero], who is not only an actor but also a Mexican designer who has just launched a line of tailored suits for men.  "I ask Chema, 'Does this look good?' and he helps me," says Kate.

Who knew?  Personally, I'd love to see Adán as a guest judge on Project Runway one of these days...

Los Miserables has us (well, some of us... well, me...) watching breathlessly, though perhaps with less emotional investment and a bit more cynicism than earlier, before we started thinking of it as Los Improbables and Daniel as that round-headed kid, Charlie Brown, with Lily as Lucy, eternally pulling the football away.  (Lucía who?)

Tierra de Reyes has its share of fans around here too.  The speculation about Arturo's hat(s) is proceeding apace, as is the bewilderment at the apparent obliviousness of Aarón Díaz to his facial expressions (which, to paraphrase Dorothy Parker, run the gamut from A to B). 

Stay warm and safe and have fun, folks!

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Saturday, February 07, 2015

Que te Perdone Dios

Ok, here we go! Full disclosure, I have a terrible headache and I'm recapping with no notes, if I miss something please feel free to point it out in the comments section. The recap also won't be as long or detailed as I'd like because this headache is kicking my butt.

We return to a nasty scene, Lucio on Fausto's orders is kicking out Elena (Univison's website has her name spelled as Helena), she tries to reason with him, and even asks him who comforted him while he cried for his son, Lucio seems to have a change of heart and tells the men to bring in the furniture that they had removed. Helena breathes a sigh a relief but that's short lived as Lucio soon says "The furniture belongs to Don Fausto, so that stays, everything else that belongs to this woman goes"- they then throw all her clothes, along with Mateos clothing outside. Lucio invites the two men that are with him to go eat some birria while they wait for the locksmith to come and change all the locks in the house. Well, he might be a rat bastard but at least he has good taste in food. Seriously, if you ever have a chance to have birria order two servings and dig in! Helena is distraught as she finds herself outside her former house with all her  possessions on the sidewalk.
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Mi Corazon Es Tuyo #143. Breaking a contract and the big reveal.

Getting right to the new stuff. Isa is home with a piece of lunchmeat on her black eye. She’s being questioned by YoMama as to how she got it. She informs her that Jen did it and Yo is now getting the picture that it was from a fight over Jonny. Isa now adds one more to her list of who is going to pay, Ana, Fernando, Jen, Jonny.

Ana comes into Fer’s home office to give him an update about the family. He asks when she will quit wearing her uniform, tomorrow she says. They say how much hey love each other, kiss, blah, blah blah. it still doesn’t lead to anything more than that.
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Hasta el Fin del Mundo 20150206 Moral of this Episode: Sleep with a Ripoll Girl and they Will Help You

The CEbimbO, along with her Mimbo, explain to Silvetti that the shipment was sabotaged by her enemies.  Sophia assures Silvetti that the Ripoll Corporation has a firm policy in place against shipping contaminated products to its clients. Sophia presents Silvetti with a corrective action plan with hopes that Silvetti will not sue her.  The machinery will be sanitized and Ripoll supply him a new batch of pesticide-free chocolate at no charge. Silvetti agrees not to sue, but he doesn't want any Ripoll chocolate.  Ripoll still has enemies and he doesn't know if they will attempt poison the product again.  Silvettie offers to settle with Ripoll for a zillion dollars and he wants his all of his money by tomorrow morning...or he will sue.  Take it or leave it.  Sophia protests, but ultimately agrees to Silvetti's terms.
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Friday, February 06, 2015

La Gata #113 2/6/15 OFFS

I still hate this show.
I still hate Latoodle.
I am only mildly annoyed with Univision.

For the first time ever I actually hate the protagonista. Please don't be upset, gringo. I still adore Maite to my core, but it is awful how utterly stupid her character has turned out to be.

Don't be alarmed as I also hate the galán.

I might as well get on with this and put me out of my misery.

Leti and Virginia 2.0 discuss how wretched grandma is. She only likes Pablo. Poor girls.

Mariano and Pablo confab. Pablo wants to know about the fortune Fer gave back to the Martinez Negretes. It hasn't been touched in all these years and surely a lot of interest has accrued? Mariano has some bad news.

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Que Te Perdone Dios Capitulo 14 "Emergency,emergency we need a Shrink!

We are back again,in this trembling hour .  Abi is having a terrible day while the need for a Shrink finally gets revealed but we do not know who is actually crazier yet.

On to the recap: 

Part 1 

The Kitchen Scramble

Abi wishes to know some answers from Amanda( I think i will call her Amie) ,how her father died and who was the woman which provoked his death . Amie says she cannot talk about it. Abi believes cause  Mac probably prohibited her from spilling but she cannot hide things from her ,she promised her. Amie promises the promise and  is insistent of shutting her mouth ,even if she wanted to spill , she cannot. Do not ask me about Pablo Ramos ,much less in this house .Now let me prepare the breakfast. Abi is disappointed that Amie is also hiding secrets from her .

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Mí Corazon #142 -- Compromising Contrition

Cap 142

Soledad tells Magda that she blew it with Angel.  He doesn’t lover her anymore and that he now loves Ana.  She says she knows that but is truly sorry for what she put him through and really wants him back because she still is very much in love with him.

The New Nando is looking pretty fine (considering what we had to work with) according to Fanny.  Lenin suggests the glasses again because they made him look like the intellectual he is.  (Can it, you crazy commie kid!)  Fanny finally tells Nando that they’re worried because Edith’s been incognito for nearly 24 hours.  They try her again on Nando’s phone and text her.  She responds--finally!!
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La Gata #112 2-5-15 Call CPS Quick, Fast, and in a Hurry!!!

La Gata Patio Peeps, the suffering is not over.  Let’s come together to support one another and do all we can to prevent PTSD.  I don’t know about you but I certainly need some positive vibes and some laughter cause there sure wasn’t much of that tonight.  This episode was surely two-in-one the way it jumped all over the place.   Please y’all, show this no mercy.  Don’t follow my lack luster example in this recap.  As they say on Fox:  LET IT RIP!!

About eight or nine years have passed and we open with a birthday party for . . .who?  There are eight or nine candles on the cake and the gang’s all there including Virginia, Pablito and Leti.

Carlos and little Virginia are doing well.  She is an absolute doll and yes, she is blind, and attends the institute.  He adores her and is a loving and proud daddy but little Virginia isn't the only one blind, as we shall see later.
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Thursday, February 05, 2015

Hasta El Fin Del Mundo on Thursday, February 5, 2015 "Cap. 121"

Armie embraces Alexa while verbally easing her and subtly resting (or fueling) his boner.

Sofia cries and Chava comforts her; she's not alone in this problem at all.

Renzi and Patricio are on the phone with each other then Renzi is on the phone with Manjarrez.

Chava is so peppy that I crack a smile as he boosts Sofia's spirit. Noemi comes with positive news then Matias and the other guy whose name I forgot come in to let her know clean-up-time in Chocolates Ripoff has come to order.

Clean-up-time at Paco's emotional dump has begun. Pedro kisses Araceli's hands while turning on the charm with everyone else. Nandito and Benito make Irma squeal in disgust.

Morgana is just eyeing on Isa and Javier (there's something about her gaze that's unsettling.)

Peralta lifts a roast and Morgana snitches to him about Isa's drunkerade with Javier.

The one Grreta and Fausto scene of the day.

Sofia and Chava makes

PatPrick is trying to thwart Silvetti's plans with Chocolates Ripoll and ultimately fails.

ChOfi (Chava & Sofia's moniker) file with Tavares the pressing of charges against Manjarrez. Dani eventually calls and says that unfortunately Manjarrez got away but ChOfi has the charges pressed.

Dani lets Marisol, Lucas and Alexa know what's up with the Manjarrez situation.

ChOfi want to press charges against Renzi because the He in the relationship is sure he is behind everything that's gone wrong (that Patricio or Manjarrez haven't touched at least.)

Araceli lets Paco know she's helping Lupe divorce Javier so he should give her a second chance.

Javier and Isa are playing around in the wannabe speakeasy while Morgana still spies out.

Silvie looks hilarious in a hardhat while Dani scolds Alexa

Olly ends up helping with the chocolate mess (I smell editing on this show.)

Tavares and  co. infiltrate ManWhorez's lair and the whole area. Not a lick of him!

ChOfi is biking when Dani calls letting them know that Clean-Up is going to be overnight as well.

With the door wide open, Silvie and Pato dictate to themselves their evil plans.

Cristian gets his Greta-Be-Gone drugs from a sexy thug friend.

Silvie sells her crocodile tears to Noemi (Maura Duran would mop the floor with Silvana Blanco.)

Irais and Mati scene of the day followed by Olly comforting Dani (Marisol rushes Lucas out of there.)

Armie who has a subtle woodie comes to entertain- err, help Alexa and advise her.

ChOfi and Silvetti bro-shake before having their conference.

Paolo is on the phone with Alexa and Armie eavesdrops.

At Cuco's, Lupe lets it drop that she and Javier are through. Meanwhile Javier is still wooing Isa and Morgana looks absolutely disgusted.

Drunk-off-her-ass Isa is being called out by Morgie and she tries going to the bathroom which turns out to be be the emergency exit. EWWW SHE AND JAVIER KISSED! Ewww they still are! Morgie has had enough but is in fotr more.


Avance- Chava is about to beat up PatPrick when Arnie stops him usual and Silvetti makes his final offer.


Hasta el Fin del Mundo on Wednesday, February 4, 2015 "Cap.120"

Discuss meanwhile I finish cooking this up!


Que Te Perdone Dios #13: Don’t Mess With Me Or You Are History!

Cap 13

Abigail takes both Diana and Fausto to the woodshed while Patricio and Macaria get tea and sympathy from Renata.   However, once Again Renata and Mateo take being conned to an art form.   (Viewerville loves a winner and Abi apparently does not like losing!  Yippee!!  Could the tn gods have finally heard our infinite prayers for a strong heroine?  I think so…..)  

Across the way at Feisty’s ex-rancho,  La EnRamera…er…Enramada  [the bower/branched canopy] Diego and Abigail still have the town slut, aka Diana, locked inside the hacienda caged and pacing like a polecat (defined here for those of you unfamiliar with that animal species: any of several carnivorous mammals [] of the weasel family).   They enter to face and confront the distressed Ms. Di.  who contemptuously slaps Abi  across the choppers as the perpetual servant who doesn’t seem to ever know her place.   However, our Abi is not the slavish type and she slaps back twice as hard.   “—I may be dense but I’m no lying whore!!”  Crack!   Diego steps up to keep DeeDee from attempting any further undesirable physical expression of disrespect towards his new patrona.

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Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Mi corazon es tuyo #140 Smile, Dorofeo!! you're on Dana Camera!! ... Ana and Bruno with the switched flower arrangement cards... and Nando gets a makeover


Ana is sending the kids off to school. Zeus is a bit distracted drooling for Manuela.

Fanny won’t let Ximena come to the college with her to avoid any ugly confrontation with Edith, even though Ximena tells her she talked to Edith and told her she is not trying to take Nando from her.

Ana, Johnny and Jenny watch the camera monitor as Dana is taping Dorofeo and the lawyer who just arrived.

Lo Nuevo:

The broache recording is working well, Johnny and Ana are watching Dorofeo and his thugs in his office. Ana is praying and focusing, they are crossing fingers that Dorofeo will fall in the trap…

Fanny arrives at school, Lenin starts reciting some poem from Octavio Paz (according to the teacher who is not amused at Lenin’s skill in reciting poems)… Fanny is not amused either and even gets reprimanded by the teacher for talking to Lenin.

Leon has arrived to present his thesis and his oral professional exam. He is obviously nervous.

Fernando is waiting for the meeting time, meanwhile he asks Betty to order flowers to arrive at the house for Ana EVERY DAY!!!... he also has a bit of fun with Betty and her relationship with Bruno ‘I get it… “I have everything to do with Bruno”’…

Meanwhile said Bruno is in the kitchen totally zoned out thinking of Betty while Zeus is flirting at Manuela right in his face. Zeus points to Manuela that Bruno seems to not care much about her…

At Chicago, the lawyer asks for a bigger pay for his services so Dorofeo can keep the Chicago open, “you know, inflation”. After some negotiation and rant, Dorofeo gives in and hands him a whole stack of money. Ana and Johnny are celebrating that they finally got Dorofeo where they want him. Jen is watching the door of the dressing room.

Isa arrives at the office, Fernando questions her on her state of mind… ‘are you really ok? Yesterday at the house you were acting… to say the least… wacko’. She gets a bit miffed that he questions her state of mind or her work quality. Hissabella gets Johnny’s full name from Fernando. Seems this is not Fernando’s best mood day… Torres arrives late and Fernando is a bit miffed about that and is not quiet about it…

Ana and Johnny and Jenny get a scare when one of Dorofeo’s thugs comes in the dressing room and seems to have spotted something in Johnny’s hands but Ana finds a way to cover it up with clothes and hide it from sight. After the guy leaves, they talk about Ana being Fernando’s gf and Jenny is a bit jealous that she has no one to call her his gf.

Hissabella is talking on phone to the investigator and sends them to investigate a Juan Gutierrez, alias Johnny, who lives in Ecatepec.

Yomama is confessing at church, tells priest she has hurt some woman named Anita Leal because her daughter made her.
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La Gata #111 - Wed 2/4- La Muerte

Tonight, the quote in the heading is especially apt...
"Come, let us gather together and suffer, sisters and brothers." -- Alice 

With zero refrito, we go right back to the wedding in progress.  Pablo's hair is less sticky-uppy than usual.  Esme's locks gleam.  They remember their first wedding.

Gi monologues to the lighter…and gets busted by HatBro.  She just keeps flicking her Bic uselessly…that's not a euphemism.

The wedding continues.  Everyone smiles at each other.  Vicky is there, which explains HatBro's presence, sort of.  Maybe he doesn't like weddings.  Or needed to use the facilities.  Yes, Lo, you still don't love Esme.  We get it.  We got it the last fifty times you said it.  Mariano's back to a plaid bow tie…and looking at his mother like he knows what she's thinking.  And who doesn't, with that sour expression on her face?  Javier is there, looking only slightly less unhappy.  They close the deal with a big smooch.  Too bad, Gi.

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Que te Perdone Dios Capitulo 12 Whispers&Grazes Part 2

Again ,we are in the deepest corners of the town with the Graceful Amanda arriving back  to chant the BS away (Who knows how long she will last,probably not for much long) ,Saints receiving threats from Losers( I am looking at you Baby Lucy,want a used diaper ?) and Cancer again tempting and smiling away while living for another day to ride  onto  the sunshines!

On to the recap:

Part 1 

Abi is meeting her long missing grandmother ,Amanda. Amanda thinks that she would not recognize her at all,she was so tiny at the time. Abi denies,she had photographs of  her ! She embraces Ms.Graceful and Dr.Pat advises Ren to give them some time alone together. Abi and Amanda are advised to go to the garden while Dr Pat will take care of things .

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Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Tue 2/3/15 #119 Hasta el Fin del Mundo – Chava “El Choferete” Cruz battles Greta “La Ogra” Ripoll; special appearance by Benito el Pigleto

That ain’t no K-Mart Special
Pawnbroker informs a very surprised Lupe that the bracelet is 18k gold!  Lupe had no idea and now doesn’t want to pawn it if it’s that expensive.

Meanwhile, scumbag Javier figures there are other fish in the sea.  If Lupita won’t have him, he’ll find someone else.  He dials up his old standby, Isa-idiota.  He really lays it on thick (Sra. Bonita, etc. etc.) but we don’t hear Isa’s side of the conversation.
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Mi corazon es tuyo #140 Hissabella attacks Ana and Fernando... she swears to split them. Fernando makes an indecent proposal to Ana...


Bruno arrives to Betty’s for a 2nd helping. He is alarmed when she tells him she told Fernando about ‘em, but when he hears Fernando was ok with it he is ready for eh…. Dinner.

Johnny arrives at the kitchen, doorbell rings, Manuela sends him to open the door… it’s Hissabella!! Ready for trapping another craving into her web… she pushes Johnny right into the sofa... for some close-up greeting.

Lo Nuevo:

Johnny is trying hard to resist her… is able to avoid her kisses, but she keeps on pushing and flaunting her desire…

Magda and Angel arrive at some restaurant… she is ready for a romantic night… him, not so much, more like feels like he just needs to go badly…

Johnny is able to get Hissabella off him, only briefly… she swirls herself back on his lap… he is breathing hard… really working on resisting the temptation. He gets to stand up, she keeps flaunting herself as the golden treasure he never dreamed of… he admits she is really gorgeous and desirable, but… she keeps walking him to pin him against the wall/column. She grabs him by the belt loops and invites him to her apartment. He finally ‘gets it’ that the plumbing emergency was intentional of her… he finally gives in to the kisses…

Jen is worried at hime, remembering the conversation with Fanny about being able to adopt a baby only if they’re married. Jen is starting to like the idea of marrying Johnny if he asked her.

Johnny is able to resist and snap away from Hissabella’s grip… she is outraged that he is able to resist her. She is in disbelief when he tells her ‘I don’t think that Jenny will like it if I do this…’

In the kitchen, Soledad and Nando talk to the 5 younger ones… They hear the ruckus in the living room between Hissabella and Johnny… She is throwing things at him… Manuela, Soledad and the kids come out…

M: Everything alright?

J: No, not everything is alright!

Kids at unison : Isabella!!!

The baby is crying and they all hear it through the monitor, Hissabella announces she came to see her beautiful baby… and walks around all the gang right toward the library (why would she go to the library if she is going to see the baby who usually is in Ana’s room??? ) Isabella goes into library, followed by everyone. She breathes green smoke like a train locomotive (with sound effect and all) and launches after Fernando and Ana when she sees them kissing… The kids give Fernando a yell and Fernando is barely able to push Ana and himself out of Hissabella’s way so she lands on the couch… He (concerned) asks her if she’s alright… She says ‘NO! Of course I’m NOT Alright!!’

Ana: what happened?? (to the kids)

Nando: Johnny opened the door to her!

Alicia: And then she came in here and saw you two kissing!

Fernando is still concerned for Hissabella’s emotional status… (he is swinging his hands at her face to see if she follows them, he is also stuttering!!?? LOL!!) tries to get her to sit down and asks Manuela to bring her some water, but she walks out fast angry telling herself ‘I will separate them if it is the last thing I do in my pathetic life!’ (Fernando stares at her, not really knowing what to think about what just happened). Soledad asks if someone knows what just happened.

Angel asks Magda what she is after. She wants him to understand that she realized she made a mistake letting him go. She loves him! She wants them to try again!. Angel adds that she must think that having a new child would turn the page for her on the guilt she feels for the one she lost. She insists she just wants a 2nd chance. Insists she loves him and that she is suffering having lost him and is so sorry to have lost him. She gave him that xmas present to try to get close to him because she knows he is really dreaming of having a family. She insists she loves him. He can only tell her he is not sure if he still loves her. Magda insists… lather… repeat…

Magda changes strategy and has a proposal. She accepts he ‘believes’ he loves Ana. She accepts that he does not trust her or is sure he still loves her. She only wants a 2nd chance to be with him and to give him a child. He rolls his eyes… lather… repeat.

At the house, Fernando has finally come off the surprise trance and Ana sends all the kids to bed. Nando congratulates him one last time. Once they are left alone, they start smiling at each other in a very high school sweethearts-cootie way.
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La Gata #110 2/3/15 Know Your Enemy

I hate this show.
I hate Ms. Latoodle-oo.
I hate Univision.

As usual, keep those expectations low and pardon my rage induced rant-cap. I didn't take notes and I'll do what I can. I'm trying not to drop the F-bomb all over this.

Fer finishes throwing Lo out of the house and tells everyone that she is NOT to be let back in. Meche wonders if Lo really has repented. *eyeroll*.

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La gata #109 02/02/15 Team work people, team work!

Ugh, this episode was lame, yeah sure Jarocha got kidnapped but I have no doubt that she will be rescued.

So we start with Pablo coming home and finding creepy doctor having lunch with Esmeralda, Pablo is not liking this and so he starts talking about what a wonderful day he had with the kids-the kind of day only a real father could give them. Whatever, Pablo. Whatever. 

Esmeralda frets because Jarocha is not home yet, Pablo tells her not to worry. She should worry because Jerocha has been kidnapped by Tilico, his good for nothing daughter and one of Garabato's former friends.These three don't understand the concept of team work and fight about everything, including how much each of them is going to get from the ransom money, Ines wants it to be split three ways but Tilico tells her he will determine how much Ines and Garabato's friend get. Team work guys, team work! If you can't trust the people you kidnap with who can you trust?
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Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #118 Like a Boomerang, Pato Comes Back

This is for all of you who are suffering through the snow storms in New England and the Midwest.

I intend to shoot the first rat bastard who sees his shadow.
This is going to be a brief recap, because my hubby just returned from working at the Super Bowl.
Greta undercuts Sofia at the Board of Directors meeting and Pato is reinstated at the factory. Sofia begins to suspect Greta's motives for insisting that Pato be re-hired.
Alexa goes to a coffee shop with Paolo so they can read the script and get to know each other. Paolo tells Alexa they will be spending many hours working together. He admires her passionate and professional attitude. Alexa gets even more goofy and googly-eyed than when she's with Armie.
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Que Te Perdone Dios on Monday, February 2nd, 2015.

Mateo mentions the kiss between them and Abigail saysbit was her first, so don't worry about it. I eavesdrop on their conversation and swoon; their relationship and love gonna pay off in the long run. Abi says she will always remember it (fondly) and Teo says he had never seen her like, Abi cuts in with, "as a woman?" "Yeah that and I promise never to sneak-a-kiss again." "OMG STAHP." "Well did you want me to kiss you? " (Cara de Yes I Did and Enjoyed Every Second of It.) Aaand here comes Mac in a lovely off-a-shoulder ensemble and syas that Renata needs her. Mateo says they can't leaveRen waiting and asks if she'd like him to go with her. She walks off, with Mac not far behind, yonder in a huff and with a smile, Mateo follows.

Renata says to Abi that with the receiving of the docs'n'deed she will be given "El Ramada(?)" as the ONLY owner (cue Fausto's poo-face) and tells her she knows Abi is capable of making it thrive. Abi thought El Ramada was Mateo's and he reminds her about having wanted to sell it and Renata once again chimes in with positive choice words. Now Fausto does; Color me surprised, my wife is she who pleaded to keep things under wraps? Mateo's expression just screams you bet your britches. Renata reminds him of Racing Day; Teo did it as a mega sweet surprise for her. So you two were in league together this whole time? (I want to throttle yiuto death right now but) I'm (too) proud of you for having swam circles around me in this aspect. Mateo keeps sweetly nudging Abi to accept it and Mac pipes up; Of course we accept! It's always been like my dream to be the Duena y Senora of El Ramada (I call BS on MAC from in the crowd and add that red lipstick with gloss makes her look bloody-lipped.) Renata then twists Mac's nipple a bit; then help me convince "your daughter." Come on Abigail, this is my gift for your 18th birthday. Fausto then says it's evident why he's so happy; his nephew isn't just a doctor but is a little casanova and Fausto himself has a valuable wife who is such a good example and lastly but least of all, Abigail who he whole-heartedly (burns at the crotch for) congratulates. He says she has always (been the flash of his mind while releasing himself) something to him and with that, a HUZZAH! and a toast! Applause all around. Ren tells Abi not to confide in anyone since there are a lot of people who will try to snatch it from her the first chance they get. Only you must hold uo that title you'e been given just now. Fausto calls Mac who still has the documents over with a motion of the fingers and  they're on the home stretch when Abi takes them since she wants Renata to take care of them.

Fausto and Mac take it (but not the D'n'Ds) outside. He is so mad and angrily says he is the only owner of El Ramada, understood?  She calls him Mi Amor and he gets mad; don't call me that. She wants to owen he is gong to divorce Renata and get with her; he call that an estupidez. Renata trusts me Fausto, like a sister and keep in mind I can manipulate Abigail. Then get to it damnit because I'm not going to become the laughingstock of the town! Mac suggests he change his attitude with her and she misses him most at night then walks away.

Tia Mia says that Abigail is more active than Diana to Princess Di herself and that she isn't even just trying to take Mateo away. Look at her go, she's got that mansion  that's probably worth a butt-load! Princess Diana then says she can't stand a second more and TM than says they can leave, just tell her when. Di than says she can't leave and needs to find a way to talk with Mateo.

Mateo and Patricio are now talking. Pat wants to know why he didn't tell him about having won the rancho from a horserace and Mat says that it was for a good cause. Pat then says that was a grand gesture on his part and that Abi interests him in more than he wants to admit. Don't get confused Pat, the confused one is you Mat.

At the table of Chatty Cathies, Eddi asks the girls if anyone else thinks Mat's gift was too much. Effie than says yes but Abi is like a daughter to poor (spinster) Renata. Simona (my favorite, Zaide Silvia) is in on the convo and tells them not to talk so low since there's nothing to hide (I think Mona has had a little too much to drink LOL.) Mona points out Renata loves Abi as if she were her own flesh and blood! The most logical explanation is that she would want to protect Abi and nothing more. Eddi (who I liked WAY more as Raiza on CI) says Mona es tan...asi. Effie than says tgat that's why the town loves her so much. Mona than says if people love her so much, it's because she always lends a hand to those in need and nothing less! Cheers to that!

Lucio is getting his drink on and thought-bubbling that once Fausto realizes that the police found Pablo's remains because of Lucio himself, wait, I didn't say anything. It's that damn BrujoGuyMel's fault damnit. No one knows what Fausto and I did it to him.

Fausto has left the Chatty Cathies' ChaCha and is with his type of people getting his drink on. Cheers to Abigail, the prettiest woman in town!

Princess Di asks Mat if he can take her and TM home. Mat says he can't. PD then says the dead mosquito's kiss left him feeling gewd right? He iisn't having this right now, they'll talk tomorrow.

Meanwhile Vicenta and the servants are having dinner when she asks Benito where Diego is. He invited Diego to come and eat but he didn't accept so now he doesn't know. Vic is worried about Fausto firing him and Ben then says after all the fights he has fights with Fausto, it's inevitable. Vic says not even to joke about that and Amanda says that Renata will always be the one to defend him no matter what. Bentio asks Amanda when she will present herself to Abi and Vic then says when Mandy is good and ready. Mandy says she is hoping soon since there is a ton to talk about.

Mac has sauntered into Fausto's study for some smooching and evil interaction.

Pat'n'Mat talk about Renata and the conversation helps Mateo realize he is geuninely in love with her.


Monday, February 02, 2015

♥ Mi Corazón es Tuyo ♥ Lunes 2/1/15 ♥ #139 ♥

Capitulo 139: A Modest Proposal?

No refritos, just tonight's action:

La Costeña: Fanny tried to get her father to talk all about Ana and he told her he needed to talk to all of them first for what he was planning.
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Quiero Amarte (Week 20-Feb 2) Highlights and Discussion


Our heroes, heroines, villains and villainesses are heading in different directions where they think they will triumph over their adversaries. None of this is pleasing to Viewerville. Please, Sr. Moreno, don't let your writers and directors run this novela off the rails. It's not too late for new recruits to become engaged in this wonderful telenovela. 

Let's review:

Amaya-has ended her romantic relationship with bon-bon Max in order to devote full time and attention to bringing his mother's evil and criminal deeds against her family members to light. She feels hypocritical to move ahead with their plans to marry if what she is doing will ultimately devastate him. To finalize the breakup, she intends to begin a relationship with nob-nob Cesar, whose immoral intentions she is now privy to. She plans to use him to get to Lucrecia. This is her new direction.

Max-has just been dealt a blow to the heart. Whether it is terminal or not is up to him. The love of his life, with whom he was sure he would spend the rest of his life, has cut him off with the barest of excuses. Max is not one to sit around with his arms crossed. He's going to get to the bottom of this inexplicable repudiation of his love for her, or he's not who he believes himself to be. He has a host of allies to turn to. This is his new direction.

Cesar-in his quest to be the Head of the Holy Mexican Coffee Empire, needs to secure his position as sole heir to his father's fortunes, dominate the business empire he plans to run and not least, his father's undying admiration (or it could be his dying admiration). He's not above using nefarious schemes to rob his father's company, do his mother's bidding (as long as it's in his selfish interests) and entertain thoughts of eliminating his only rival, Max. In the interim, he's content with taking away his brother's fiancée and marry her himself, despite his mother's objections. This opportunity fell in his lap (so to speak) just last week. Undoubtedly he will act on this swiftly. This is his new direction.

Lucrecia-thinks she has all her ducks well in hand and will pick off the ones that disturb her the most whenever she feels like it. Cesar, her favored child, though having no Montesinos blood in his veins, cannot be trusted completely. She has loved torturing Mauro with unending hopes of finding his beloved Florencia, has succeeded in keeping her son Lucio quiet about her transgressions, Omar permanently quiet, Emma permanently quiet, Juliana on her way to being permanently depressed, and Flavia unbalanced and self deprecating. Now she expects Amaya to come into her sphere and be subservient to her intentions, using her pious grin and behind-the-scenes machinations. This is her new direction.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: Dueños del Paraíso, Señora Acero, Los Miserables, Tierra de Reyes, etc - Week of Feb. 2, 2015

The weather outside (at least in the East and Midwest) may still be frightful but Telemundo novelas are hot, hot, hot with last week's posts reaching the magic 200 number. Here is your new page for this week. Enjoy!

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Saturday, January 31, 2015

Fausto gets the shaft, and it was awesome! Que te Perdone dios #10

The recap is up and totally done. I apologize for it being so late but all my recaps will be done like this, it is very hard to recap a show, especially a good one that has a lot of things going on at once, when I was recapping LQLVMR I would on occasion work will three in the morning to get it up on time, currently I don't have internet or cable at home so I'm recapping either before work, or after. You will always get a recap from me, unless I have an emergency, for now they will be posted late but I hope they are worth it!

So I've made up my mind that I really hate Fausto and so for me this episode was extra satisfying, let's get to it!

Fausto is visiting Diana and showing her a watch that he got Abigail for her birthday, she says that the gift is too expensive and far too good for a simple servant, the watch is something a woman like her should be getting. Fausto tells her to keep the watch but to make sure to wear it to the party. He then leaves.

Diana looks at her aunt and asks her what she should do, she is told to go to the party and wear the watch. Ummm, am I the only one bothered by the fact that Fausto and Diana has a mini-makeout session with the creepy aunt in the background? Gross. But even worse, what the hell was the woman wearing. Seriously. WTF. That coat was hideous! A true crime against fashion. do not get me started on her makeup.

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Mi Corazon #138: It's In The Bag...Or Maybe Not

Cap. #138

It’s the Epiphany or Three Kings’ Day in Mexico—the traditional day when Mexican kids receive their Christmas presents.  While the twins mischievously put a fish on their big brother’s pillow, the police chase down Ana’s Three Wise Men thinking they’re hot on the trail of bank robbers who are using the same theme for their disguise [disfrazado].  

When the cops catch up to them in the SUV, Don Fernando tries to explain that they’re on their way to the hospital’s Children’s Ward, but the police don’t believe them because the supposed bag of toys in the trunk turns out to have the Lola costume in it, complete with Ana's bra that the police hold up to them as proof they're lying.

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Hasta el Fin del Mundo #117 20150130 Happy Birthday to Araceli (Alledgely) Cosby! Girls, Hide Your Men and Your Liquor!

  • Paco brings Araceli a big bouquet of flowers for her birthday. 
  • Igor, Fausto and Greta are at the hospital waiting for Greta's test results.  Once again, Igor remembers the night before when he almost choked the life out of Greta. 
  • Chava prays to the Virgin Mary that he find a sponsor for Patotas. 
  • The Cruz Clan breakfast is interrupted by a visit by Sophia.  Lupe tells orders Chava and Matias to take showers. 
  • At the Romero Residence, Nandito asks to take Bacon Bits to school with him.  Irma hopes that the cafeteria will make ham sandwiches out of him.  Nandito is not amused. 
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Friday, January 30, 2015

Weekend Discussion: Videos for those who aren't into football

If you aren't into football and don't care who wins the Super Bowl, here are some excellent items to choose from for weekend viewing.  Open a bottle of your favorite wine, get some nice cheese, crusty bread, and fresh fruit and enjoy the finest drama -- or comedy -- to be found online.

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La Gata #108 1/30/15 The Plot Thins, No Thickens...Strike that....Thins...

Indulge me while I rant-cap (from it's out of order)

Most of the first 30ish minutes were crap and filled with flashbacks (*snort* I think I'm being generous.)
  • Refrito
  • Pablo looks at a picture of Esme the Revolutionary and can't believe he painted it. Neither can I. She didn't go revolutionary until he was in Valle del Bravo getting shot. Whatever continuity crew.
  • Apparently his work induces headaches and flashy flash-backs since he started clutching his head, writhing on the floor and moaning. (I may have done the same.)
  • Lo goes to see Fer. They exchange barbs. She didn't even thank him for not putting her in jail. Rude. Ruder still...she shoots the guy! Ok, she missed...still rude. Fer calls her a black widow. I remember that Meche came running. I'm pretty sure Dam came running, too. Did anyone call the cops? Hell no. Meche just said something about making sure Lo made it out the door.
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Que Te Perdone Dios Capitulo 9 - Bad singing makes for good Graves Full Recap

Hello ladies and gentlemen
It is  time 
A glorious day
Full of snow 
Snake women
Drunk losers
Horny lads 
and mariachis!
Its Cxa"s wonder day!

(Some scenes will be merged)
On to the recap:

                                                           Part 1                  

We skip towards the scenes that were shown at the end ,like Fausto"s stalking spree on Abi , the scene with Efgenia ( Ana Patricia Rojo)  on the market  flirting with Tonito ( They clearly have the hots for eachother!)  and race ahead to the more important scene of the night ,Mac and Abi"s conversation. Mac is showcasing her dress for the party but Abi"s not into it, and does not have the mood. Mac taunts her that Abi  would definitely love to see herself  dressed as a servant. Abi asks the million dollars worth question ,why do i not look like You? Mac does not react well and spews that Abi  has the looks from her father.  Abi wants some photos but Mac is tired of her BS and goes to rest,clearly upset and butt-hurt  (She has a nice butt BTW!), atleast she wants to go to the Party .

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Mi corazon es tuyo, #137 That's why presents always need to be wrapped

Hello, everybody. I'm going to keep this short, because I'm feeling a little bit under the weather and as I was writing the recap I realized it made much more sense in my head if I cut out some of the continued silliness. I hope I haven't forgotten something important, but feel free to add whatever you think necessary in the comments.

Refrito : Ximena/ Nando/ Edith triangle

Magda/ Angel/ Ana (who has no clue) triangle

Isa & Johnny (who has no clue, either, but loves the attention)

The new stuff:
We begin with a musical number: Sebastian is singing for Sarai, while all his siblings and most of the young cast (+ Manuela) dance – Luz is totally adorable and Nando is totally hot with his normal hair.

Johnny & Isa
She asks him to come to her place because she has a leak … in the bathroom. He is a little bit surprised, but he’s happy to do the job for the money.
Before he arrives, Isa causes a huge mess in the bathroom, by hitting the faucet with a hammer. The maid, Ramona, arrives just in time to witness the whole thing, which Yolanda hilariously calls one of the Chabelaventuras (Isabela’s Adventures).
Johnny arrives and sure enough, Ramona looks smitten with him, too. He gets himself soaked in the bathroom and almost slips on the wet floor. Isabela keeps him from falling, they embrace in the middle of the watery mess, with Yolanda and Ramona looking on. She is totally turned on and Jonny seems to be quite receptive to her charms, too. He turns off the main water source and fixes the faucet. He realizes that Isabela broke it with a hammer and asks her why she did that, but she obviously has no answer. After Johnny leaves, Isabela is furious with Yolanda because the plan didn’t work.

Angel & Marta
Angel explains that he fell in love with Ana at first sight. Marta doesn’t think they’re compatible, but she refrains from saying more, because she knows it would only be her jealousy talking. She knows that he’s a decent, honest, man, which means that he would never interfere in Ana’s already existing relationship. Yes, Angel admits, my love is platonic and it will stay this way. Why not turn to a more accessible woman, then, Marta asks and Angel seems torn and rather tempted, too.

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Hasta el Fin del Mundo #116 20140129 A Replay of All of the Scenes that I Thought were Boring the First Time They were Broadcasted

  • Sophia tells Chava that she fired Patrick and rehired Silvana. 
  • Chava can't believe that he's in love with such an idiot!  He tells Sophia that she shouldn't trust Silvana, but he will support Sophia's decision because he's whipped.  Matter of fact, he wants tells her how much her really enjoyed gettin' some.  He was wondering when he could get some again. 
  • Sophia and Chava remember the time that they supposedly made love.  We can't be certain since we didn't get to witness it.  They say that they did, so we have to assume that they did until someone shows us otherwise. 
  • Iker recalls that he almost choked the life out of Greta before he was rudely interrupted by a phone call from his love-sick, psycho sister.  She told him that Sophia hired her back, so he doesn't have to kill Greta after all.  She would have called him sooner, but she had to call Patrick first in order to gloat about getting her job back.
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La Gata #107 1-29-15 How Lo Can You Go?

Hey, y’all, I wish I could start snarky and wax wacky but this episode totally peed me off and if you watched, I know you know why and if you didn’t, well, I’m going to try to get right to the point.  First, let me run this other stuff past you:

Damian, Osorio and Fer discuss Lo’s fate.  She will pay but the time has to be right.  Pablo and Esme have to settle their differences and Virginia is going to marry today.  Besides, he wants to talk to Pablo and Mariano first.

Augie is laughing at Lo who is, what’s new, fuming and sputtering about her next venganza.  Augie asks if she’s going to Virginia’s wedding while she laments having lost Pablo.  Augie continues to laugh about the wedding and asks her in between cackles what are they going to say to people when Virginia has black children.

Fer has his talk with Pablo and Mariano, neither of whom can fix their mouths to ask that Lo not pay for her crimes.  This sends them, I guess, cause I wasn’t there, into a flashback fit and I get to see Lo in her clown pants (thanks, Diva).  She has shown herself to be heartless.  Fer will pursue charges against Lo “after the waters have calmed”.  I guess that means after the ho dies.

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Thursday, January 29, 2015

Que Te Perdona Dios 8: So Far A Few Half-Spoken Truths and Not A Lot of Consequence

Cap # 8

 2 Min. Review:  Feisty Fausto has handed the title to El Ramada over to Mateo .

The New:

The wealthy old maids, the de la Santa Cruz sisters (Efi and Edi)  are chatting with Ramona who is hitting them up for donations—actual materials rather than nasty, dirty money.  Only after reminding them she, and thus, the whole town know about their oversexed proclivities and their needing to untarnish their reps a bit, do the ladies agree to meet her with the charitable goods in tow.

Later in the day, Mat and Abi go for a walk and gossip.  “--Dunno what Uncle Feisty wanted with Diego.  Hope it didn’t have to do with lending me his horse so I could…..”  "--Moving back here?"  "--Nope.  My practice is in Ciudad de Valle."  “—Whachya doing with El Ramada?”  “--Selling it.”  How could he??!! His Unkie Feisty will have a fit, she replies worriedly!!  (Yep and won’t that be fun to watch, sportsfans?)

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Hasta el Fin del Mundo on Wednesday, January 28, 2015.

ArmieOnceAgainSexyInGreen is arguing with IrkSomeone but rather calmy and says once she gets better,they're splitting up and that's final.

Sofia runs into IkStian and she walks into Greta's room. Sofia spills it thay she is coming back to the Ripoffery and Greta's face lights up until Sofia drops the ball she isn't following a certain rule of hers and leaves the room.

Armie and Chava are talking about Tavares' interpretation of IrkSomeone's accident and Renzi in general while IrkSomeone is eavesdropping,

Grrrreta is on the phone with PatPrick taking about Sofia's return and Pato's possible but unlikely return. Blah, blah, blah, yada, yada, yada, Pato threatens spilling the beans that Paco Fernandez is Sofia's real dad and Greta has soiled her where-the-sun-don't-shine-orange silk big girl bloomers!

Chava and Armie talk somemore while Irma eavesdrops some more.

Greta tries denying thay Paco is Sofia's dad but Pato is no fool. She begs Pato to have mercy and will beg Sofi for Pato's job back.

Hopefully after changing her bloomers, Greta paces back and forth then talks to he mirror saying Pato cannot tell Sofia the truth

Fausto and Sofia talk about planning an independence party. Sofia says she will give Silvie a second chance since she is least to blame in this brouhaha. Now Fausto and Sofia are talking about her relationsships with silvie, PatPrick and Chava. Apparently SilvieBigButt and SofiBottleBlonde have been besties for years.

Fausto recognizes the nobility of Sofia's heart.

Dani and Alexa talk about Armie's relationships with  Irma and Alexa herself. Some blah-blahing laater and Dani made Alexa cry.

Fausto is checking up on Greta who needs to get her butt to sleep because she has body exams in the morning. She mentions about Pato's blackmailing I thonk.

Alexa and Dani talk about Silvie and Alexacalls Dani too noble-hearted.

Silvie with a glass of wine in one hand dictates to Cristian the next installment of their not that nefarious schemes.

Pato and Renzi are in Pato's apartment which is now the JerkCave.

Dude and Sofia are on the phone talking about saving the Ripoffery's reputation. She hangs up when Greta saunters in ready to vouch for Patricio and make Chava sound like a gold-digging jerk.



Wednesday, January 28, 2015

La Gata #106 - Wed 1/28- La Redada

Is this the last ride of The Hat: Esme Style?  She leaves Pablo to rather literally "watch" over the kids as she goes out for veggies for soup.

Lo is having a hard time getting the cops to understand that she's a woman accustomed to being obeyed.

Vicky is in the DF now and HatBro is on his way.  Mariano meets with her to reassure her that Pablo will be back to his old tacky-painting self soon enough.  Doc Javier shows up at Vicky's because he heard Pablo disappeared while he was with her.  From a flashback, and her face, we find out that Javi has something to do with her Deep Dark Pain that she didn't want to tell Pablo about.

Ines is getting released, per Osorio.  Too bad Osorio has been working on that instead of on any number of other matters where his expertise and non-stupidness would have been useful.

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Mi corazon es tuyo, #136, Ximena is back! and Nando is torn between two lovers... Edith is devastated at his silence... Isa calls Johnny and Ana is living dangerously for memories sake


On Bruno’s signal, Fanny leaves Edith at kitchen and heads outside. Edith is left with kids, something’s going on.. Alicia says never in this house!

Sarai arrives to kitchen to say goodbye to everyone.

Ana fails at getting Fernando’s attention to package so she opens it, is confused at the box she finds inside.

Fanny heads outside. Bruno is left with the kid at couch.

Nando and Ximena outside… she wanted to surprise him. How’ve you been? Did you get my email? You never replied. Was analyzing it (LOL!)

Fanny joins them. Nando is concerned.

Ana tries on the ‘inserts’ on her shoes… wonders why Fernando needs those. She loves him as he is.

Ximena tells Fanny, Nando that she and her mom are getting along great. She is even prepared for any news. Nando does not waste time to tell her that Edith, his gf, is in ‘da house! Fanny is surprised Nando had not told Ximena yet.

Lo Nuevo:

Fernando finally comes out of closet. Ana is in awe of his fragrance. He is willing to go shower again. Or give her the bottle, but she would rather him wear it. He blushes at her flattery. She wonders why a man like him buys things to ‘grow’. He drops his jaw when he realizes she opened the package, she apologizes, won’t do it again, he reminds her opening others packages is a felony. Ana keeps egging herself saying he has no reason to feel embarrassed. She does not mind torture and if he wants to use ‘that’ he is welcome to. (he starts giggling) he says he did not order them. She asks what does it say here. He confirms his name is Fernando Lascurain, but he is not the ONLY Fernando Lascurain in the house. She finally ‘gets it’.. he asks her if she knows about Nando having interest In ‘growing’. Ana now feels real bad and tells Fernando that Nando won’t like it that ‘we’ opened his package. Fernando confronts her ‘"we??", Kemosabi?'’.

Outside, we finally get the reaction. Ximena keeps repeating to him not to worry. It was ‘logical’ we were far apart and she was nuts. Fanny is glad Ximena looks and acts so well. Fanny even wants to retake the friendship and wants to catch her up to everything that has happened to her. Ximena says she no longer lives at the house, she lives in a nearby apartment. That house depressed her. Fanny leaves them alone. Ximena has to insist to a shocked Nando not to worry. Its all cool. She says she will leave now, but when he calms down he can tell her all about Edith, and leaves with a smile on her face. He finally smiles, and says Ximena is so different.

Inside, Edith asks Fanny why she was outside. Fanny has to lie. Edith insists. Fanny says it is for Nando to tell you.

Fanny finally tells Edith that Nando is outside. Ana comes down running. Fanny tells her Ximena is outside.

Edith is startled outside, but Nando says just chill and I will tell you all about it. Edith tells him she is dying of anguish. He tells her Ximena is back. Edith turns around very shocked.

Bruno comes down, Ana has baby in her arms again. Ana wants him to be straight with her about Betty. She is pretty, single, self-sufficient, charming, discrete and most importantly, she likes you! The problem is you are not experienced in the art of the greek god of love. If the chance shows up, what is wrong with pursuing it? Fernando comes down so they stop the chat.
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Que Te Perdone Dios Capitulo 7 - Honor among Bullshit Full Recap

 We are back again,with Doc Mateo making his return to the grand town alongside the hot blonde who is secretly giving the Devil Sandwiches that  taste like snakes. No one knows yet  from which pit  the Devil came from but he certainly was God"s favorite( Is Pedro Medina his distant cousin?) up until this mendiga dia !  Anyway on to the recap:

Mateo and Abigail are still sipping ice cream . Abi wants to know if Mateo will come to her birthday party ,he will come and the talk ends up with dance partners .He would love to be her partner ,but he cannot. He asks if Abi has one but she denies it,there were some weirdos but thats it .She asks him the same exact thing and plays stupid but Abi is not fooled and has seen how the Nasty Diana  Montero was looking at him,i think she got annoyed that we were playing Patsy Patsy together !

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*~Que te Perdone Dios (Yo No) Recap Schedule~*

OK so CxA and I aren't alone on this. Eli and Jardinera want to help which is great. As of now, here is the schedule.

Monday-CS (Yep that's Me!)

Tuesday-CxA(Jardinera, if you'd like you can back CxA up if anything comes up since you stated Tuesdays are best for you.)

Wednesday- CS (until someone claims this spot.)

Thursday- CxA 

Friday- Eli (she did do last Friday so you can tell I'm following by last week.)

I know I'm staying in my spot(s) but there is the possibilty this schedule is subject to change as the show progresses(and with wishful thinking this rather grim show will last as long as Ernesto Alonso's version.)

While I'm here, I'm up for double duty on HEFDM (meaning today and Thursday) and will help in Quiero Amarte on Wednesdays as well. 

If any questions or volunteers for anything, just comment! Thank you!


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Hasta el Fin del Mundo….or Hasta la Vista, Amiga! #114 Tue 1/27/15

You’ll cry tears of blood, etc. etc  Pato leaves in a huff.

Ostras!  Sofia tells Alexa Pato is fired! She’s overjoyed – que te lo digo yo! (hic)  Alexa fesses up she was working with Chava to kidnap  her at her wedding.  Sofia apologizes to Alexa for putting her in charge of the empressa.  There was so much going on in her life and she was overwhelmed.  Thanks to Chava and being there at the factory, she’s realized this is where she belongs.  She’s ready to resume her post as the head of Ripoll.  Alexa’s really, really, but really happy. 
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