Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Amar a Muerte, 11/12/18, Episode 10: Leonchi Has a Very Bad Start to the Day

Some scenes have been combined to take up less space.

*Leonchi is still in his Secret Man Cave Home Monitoring System Headquarters forcing himself to watch as his loving widow and substitute son nearly get it on in the study. It’s obvious to him this is not a first flirtation. Johny has his hands all over Luciho’s body and she’s letting him explore. Hands to head, Leonchi screams in disbelief and anger. Frau Security comes running, but nothing seems to be disturbing the household’s back hallway. (And he’s head of security and doesn’t know about the Operation Watch Centre in the basement?) Meanwhile, the 4-handed game in the study is over and the two leave for family breakfast together time.

*It seems Guille is also having a bad start to the day. He tries to find out about the shooting he “witnessed” last night. Nothing in the media. He skips the family breakfast to go check out the liquor store. He calls Tonio the Shooter (whom I though was just a bar pickup, but he’s got his number), who is cool with what went down—it’s food on the table for him. Guille sees the store is closed and assumes the worst.
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Saturday, November 10, 2018

Amar a Muerte, 11/9/18, Episode 9: One Shocking Revelation

Parte 1 of 3....

It seems to be Don Leon's lot in the Afterlife, now transmigrated into the body of an electrocuted criminal, to be witness to one "shocking" revelation after the other.  And so it goes.....

At the grave site of Don Leon, the groundskeeper notes to his co-worker how day after day he rakes up the leaves and dead floral and yet there's always a new pile of it leading up to the man's grave like Death's pathway for the spirits; he's certain Don Leon's is somewhere else right now and not where it was left to linger.  (Or so I think.)

Meanwhile, as El Alacrán and Eva are enjoying their moments of illicit lust-making (and Viewerville closes its eyes in disgust) Lupita and Juliana use Panchito's one-way pass to finagle a tight little storeroom in a house that's at least hidden behind a solid gated wall to stay in.

At the same time up town, Guillermo corners Renata, his secretary, in the break area to give him her true first (and thus lasting) impressions of him as a boss.  Does he want the CMA version or the truth, she inquires.  The truth, of course.  She blasts him straight between the eyes: "Rich people to me are always pompous, self-important, self-centered, conceited individuals who arrogantly order around others.  And, you are that."   He leaves the table to nurse his bruised and bleeding ego...somewhere else.

Somewhere in mid-town, it seems that Beltran, aka El Chino, is waiting to see the/his fortune teller.  There's a long line today.

And, Dr. Guerra, knocks on the door of the widow of the only other transmigratory occurrence he can track down.

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Thursday, November 08, 2018

Amar a Muerte, 11/8/18, Episode 8: Love is in the Air OR Black Butterfly Lady, Whose Spirit Did You Plop Into Eva?

·        Lupita and Juli arrive in Mexico City. Juli still wonders what they are going to do…the city is huge, but Lupita has a feeling that they will find her father.

·        Guil goes to see Val. He tries to motivate her to take a shower or walk outside. She shouldn’t be locked up there. Val is looking through social media and comments that there are so many people who look so happy. Guil tells her that people upload pics of the life they wish they had…not the life they really have. Val proposes a deal. He should stop being so bitter and she will return to the university.
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Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Amar a Muerte, 11/7/2018, Episode 7: Baby I'm Baaaaack !

Recap by Kirby J

We saw LeonChi apply for a job as chauffeur for his ex-not-ex wife Lucia.
OK I will never spell that the same way twice, so that’s driver in Gringolingo.

Guil is at work and completely ignores Renata. When she goes into his office to MAKE him notice her he tells her she was right...those were the best tamales.

Alicia is trying to get Beltrino off to work and tells him to hurry. He doesn't wnat to go and definitely doesn't want to wear a tie. She reminds him he can't just leave work because of their son.

Inspector asks about a case then asks for tortas.

The head of security at the Carvajal house, Frau, continues talking to LeonChi about the driver job. Frau checks on Leon's credentials then asks if he isn’t sure they don't know each other. They talk about Leon. Frau feels bad about not protecting him. They agree that if he (Jac) does something wrong in this job, he is out.

Camilo is researching the SanMue and the black moth tattoos. Meanwhile, Beltino arrives at the university as students greet him.
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Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Amar a Muerte, 11/5/2018, Episode 6: Haunting Memories OR Leonchi Cleans Up Well…RAWWR!

·        Camilo is at the police station explaining to a female cop that Jacobo Reyes is his patient; he suffers from schizophrenia. The cop then goes to check on the bail.

·        Renata goes to a vendor and asks if he saw where Guil went. The vendor tells her he took a taxi and left.

·        A male cop tells Camilo that they can’t set bail for Jacobo because they have to confirm if Jacabo and Mauricio “El Chino” Valdez are the same person since they found that the fingerprints are the same. 
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Friday, November 02, 2018

Amar a Muerte, 11/2/2018, Episode 5: Where There is No Will, There is a Way…ward Heir

·        Leonchi tells Camilo that he knows it sounds crazy, but he is Leon Carvajal; and Camilo is the only one who can help him. When Camilo refuses to believe him, Leonchi calls him “Apache” and tells him that is what he has called him since they were young. After Leonchi continues to tell Camilo things from their past and swears that he is Leon, Camilo wonders how he knows all that; so Leonchi continues to tell him more info about Leon until Camilo believes him.
·        At the Carvajal home, Celina makes coffee for Val. Lucia approaches Val and tells her that she knows she came home drunk last night. Lucia advises Val that alcohol only makes things worse. Val cries as she goes toward the table for breakfast. When Lucia sees Eva, she tells Eva to let her know when she will be coming to breakfast….since this is her house. Eva gets up and tells Lucia not to get to used to that idea. After Lucia tells her to be quiet, Eva replies that she won’t be quiet until she sees Lucia walk out the door and go back to the bordello she came from. Lucia seethes and slaps Eva.
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Amar A Muerte Needs Recappers!!!

Hi all!  I am coming late to this party that Rgv Chick is heading up.  She's started some recapping rundowns Mon. and Thurs. and is doing yeoman's work.  I will be recapping Friday's beginning next week.  We're only 4 episodios in.  At this point a binge marathon would get most of you up to date within an afternoon or evening if you were unaware of this little gem. Let Rgv/Mappamundi/Anita know.  It's got a great cast led by Angelique Boyer and some familiar new hunks like El Falco's Michel Brown, Alejandro Nones, and familiars like Alexis Ayala, Arturo Barba and Macarena Achaga. It's a LemonStudios production ( La Piloto1 and 2) from Televisa for Uni.  I do believe the theme/main storyline is unique for Looney and Telerisa: transmigration of souls into others' bodies at the moment of death--think musical souls instead of musical chairs--not to mention a death by electric chair carried out in the U.S. in only 90 days.

So.....CU there, amig@s

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Amar A Muerte - Main Characters

Lucia Borges: a beautiful, elegant, "with it" woman who, in her youth, was forced into prostitution by her mother.  She runs off to Mexico City and starts working at Grupo Carvajal, where she meets and marries Leon in order to leave poverty in her past.  She and her lover, Johny Corona, are betting on the swift death of Leon.

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Amar a Muerte, 11/1/18, Episode 4: Guilt Becomes Her

·        Lucia looks at a pic of herself in her younger years and recalls being at the bordello and hitting a man over the head.

·        Eva is ready to start her Board of Director’s meeting; so Johnny introduces the Board to Guil, but Guil tells Johnny that his father was just killed and he needs time before he can participate as a board member. Johnny tells him he has to start some time. Eva tells Guil that she needs him there; and as one of the board members tells him that his vote will be needed, Lucia enters and tells them Guil’s vote won’t be necessary because there are already 7 on the board…with her vote.
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Thursday, November 01, 2018

Amar a Muerte: To Love To Death - Synopsis

Life always gives a second chance and Death also.  This premise Leon Carvajal and Macario "El Chino" Valdés live out in the flesh: they die the same day, but under different circumstances.
Leon, a telecommunications magnate in Mexico, is assassinated the exact day of his wedding with Lucia Borges, while El Chino, a contract killer in the US is executed in the electric chair.  
The soul of the magnate (Leon) crosses up and over into the dead body of the assassin (El Chino) while at the same time El Chino's enters the body of Beltran Camacho, an obscure Anthropology professor who has problems with his wife over the health of their son.
Now, Léon Carvajal, in Chino's body, and under the name of Jacobo, discovers dark secrets about his wife, Lucia Borges, about his right hand man, Johny Corona, as well as his three grown children; meanwhile, with the assassin reincarnated as the professor, he takes the new opportunity to hide himself from his enemies.

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Amar a muerte index

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Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Amar a Muerte, 10/29-10/31/18, Episodes 1-3: And So the Story Begins…

Greetings to everyone and welcome to Amar a Muerte!

As of now, there are no recappers for this TN, but I thought I'd provide  a space to see if a patio forms to discuss this intriguing story. Feel free to tell us what you liked, what you didn’t like, what made you roll your eyes or what brought tears to your eyes….and anything else you might want to comment on

I will put up a discussion page every Monday and Thursday at 11 pm (this may change depending on how many comments are posted).

If you would like to post some highlights or a recap in the comments, you are encouraged and welcome to do so.

Let the comments begin!! Enjoy!
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