Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Llena de Amor #159 (Mex. 180-181) Wed 3/30/11 Weeping, Wailing And Gnashing Of Teeth, But Otherwise, Not Much Happens
Capitulos 180-181
Lots of teasing going on in Capitulo 180. We think Emanuel's going to find out Victoria and Marianela are one, but he's too dense to figure out Netty's explanations. It also looks like Brandon could discover he's actually the father of Ilitia's baby. That too falls flat. There's always the hope that Chema has dragged Fedra off to Veracruz in order to drown her. Nope. We're left hanging on that one. Ax-hole hits a new low by bringing home Lorena and ordering Delicia to bring them a bottle of champagne. And alas, Consuelo has arrived back in town to weep, wail and storm over her son's mysterious illness.
Other than making our ears bleed, the plot progresses not one inch. No Zoloft on hand but I needed a lot of York Mint Patties to get through this one.
We start with nasty Vicky confronting Ilitia about her pregnancy. Is her inconvenient whelp the offspring of Mauricio? Is that why she thought of aborting? Ilitia accuses her of trying to upset her so she'll lose the baby.

After all, that's the only obstacle to Vicky getting her hands on Emanuel. On the contrary, Eman is ready to divorce you as soon as the baby is born, sniffs Vicky. I'm the one who kiboshed the idea. So there.
Downstairs, Netty, snubbing Jorge, wants to drag Eman off for a cup of coffee so she can give him the straight story on the Marianela-Vicky confusion .
And back at the mansion, Oliver has reached the boiling point over Gretel's unfounded suspicions and rejections “Ya estuve suave!” (Enough!) You and your sister (Kristel) are both “chifladas” (crazies) and you'll be sorry for having treated me so badly over and over.

He storms off and Gretel snivels into her mustache.
This scene takes place in the kitchen. A far worse scene develops in the salon where Kristel is insulting Delicia. The writers add to the misery by having a smug Ax-hole and even smugger Lorena swan in, arm in arm. He orders Delicia to get back into uniform and bring them a bottle of champagne so they can celebrate their “luna de miel” in their room.

Kristel is entranced with his new macho attitude. Wowzers, he's as much of a bad-ax as her Mauricio. The jab falls somewhat flat when Lorena finds out he's actually married to De; Ax-hole bleats that mommy dearest is going to help him annul his ill-chosen marriage but Lorena is out of there in 2 seconds flat. Leaving Ax-hole to pronounce he's off for a night of drinking and whoring like any husband who's tired of his wife. Another lovely scene.
Switch to the cantina where Netty's doing her darndest to make Emanuel understand Marianela and Victoria are one and same person. He looks so dopey the whole time we have no problem believing he doesn't get it.

And remains stuck on the idea that he's a faithless bounder for being in love with two different women at the same time.
Now onto the boarding house kitchen. Brandon appears to be making himself a mayonnaise sandwich (what about that six-pack son!) while he and Jorge admit neither likes the other. But they're willing to join forces to keep Eman from Vicky/Mari. Yawn.
At La Mala Noche, Lorenzo, Mauricio and Bernardo are clueless about what happened to Fedra. But here's the 411. Chema has hauled her back to Veracruz and has her installed in a “pocilga” (dump) of a motel while they spar back and forth about their life goal's. What has he achieved with all his high-falutin' morals and virtues...poverty, misery. Nothing else. Whereas she has raked in social standing, a mansion plus a ton of money.
No indeed. Chema has a clear conscience and sleeps like a baby at night. Whereas Fedra....Changing tack, she tries seduction, and when that fails, opines that he must have picked up some creepy sex habits in jail if he doesn't like women anymore. Chema throws some coins at her and says he doesn't have enough cash for her company. Point taken.
Brandon is on task. Right after his chat with Jorge, he cozies up to Vicky and suggest they both cure their broken hearts by starting anew together. And moves in for a kiss. Which the returning Eman and Netty see. The usual blahblahblah about how Vicky is Eman's mujer, love of his life and vice versa. If she's kissing Brandon, it's only to make him jealous.
Upstairs Gladiola overhears Muñeca chastising Ilitia for being in the room of the father of her baby. Classic Cara Impactada as Glad realizes she's about to be a granny.

And then the vow that she must hide this knowledge from Brandon at all costs. Because if Fedra finds out he's the biological father she'll kill him.
We've moved from blahblah to fisticuffs and strangling as Brandon and Eman continue to wrangle over the very dubious prize of Vicky.

Glad charges down with a pistol to break up the fight and bust everybody out of there, starting with Ilitia. Jorge plays peacemaker, negotiates that Ilitia will stay, Eman will leave and Vicky lays her annoying head on Jorrible's shoulder thanking him for his help. Glad meanwhile begs Brandon to forget Ilitia forever. As if Glad! Sorry.
An endless scene follows of Chema dragging Fedra over the sand.

Lots of flailing, lots of leg, a glimpse or two of Chema's love handles, confessions of homicidal intentions but also confessions that indeed Emanuel is Chema's son.
Much more fun to see Ilitia reeling Brandon back in with her convenient belly pains and need for affection. He's cozied up and spoon-feeding her, soothing every little twinge as they speculate about how he'd treat her if HE were the father. You'd take off running, right? queries Ilitia.

No, I'd be the happiest man on earth,” sighs Brandon, moving in for a kiss.
Dang. Beso interruptus. As they so often are. Glad storms in and wants to know what's up. Is that kiss “postre” (dessert) or “digestif” (after-dinner liqueur purported to help digestion)? Jeez. Moms can be such a drag, can't they? I was sure hoping for a little sugar after all the tedium and nastiness of this episode but it was not to be.
So back to the beach. Our chubby little Chema has finally gotten Fedra into the waves (have to admire the actors for this long involved scene. And certainly hope it was filmed during warm weather) while screaming that he's going to free his son of this garbage once and for all. Fedra's doing her own screaming. While admitting that she'll never stop trying to kill him, she shrieks that she sure doesn't want to die herself.
Well, Death comes lurking back at the boardinghouse. Cue the return of Consuelo and Javier. He's dying. Nobody knows why. Lots of screaming and shrieking although Javier looks quite chipper himself. Ready to partake of Netty's breakfast and full of questions about el Lirio de Plata, his very own hero.
Final scene: Chema pulls Fedra down under the waves. (Don't get your hopes up kids. She lives to wreak havoc another day.)
So, the big news and take-away message from the second episode is that Axel is also illegitemate. Kristel is the only daughter carrying Emiliano's genes (hardly a testimonial). Second takeaway message: Ilitia is falling for Brandon now that she has a chance to observe his tenderness, not only in caring for her, but also his nobility in taking on Javier's medical bills and care. All good signs for a Happy Ending with those two.
We begin this episode with Ilitia blithely dismissing her mother's concerns about her and Brandon. And don't worry about Emanuel. I can handle him. Which she does.....Not. A phone call with a cajoling “I miss you baybeee” is blown off by an “I'm sure your lover Brandon is taking care of you just fine.” Click. “ He hung up on me!,” gasps Ilitia.
Well, that was satisfying. We have to take our pleasures where we can in this arduous slog. Now back to the mansion.
All the usual suspects are assembled-- the family (including a hungover Ax-hole)and the hangers-on, with Lorenzo and Bernardo fretting about Fedra's disappearance. And lo, appeareth our Capitán with a damp, bedraggled Fedra in tow, proclaiming that IT'S TIME YOU ALL KNOW WHAT KIND OF WOMAN THIS FEMALE IS.
Other than dropping the bomb that “one of you does not carry Don Emiliano's blood” and that Lorenzo is Fedra's lover, Chema's big reveal ends up being nothing. Between Fedra's fainting, Bernardo's pleas and dopey Emanuel's barking that he doesn't want to hear a thing, Chema never reveals that Fedra is actually Juana Felipe, professional whore. What a letdown. Eman does chastise Kristel for being involved with Lorenzo, knowing he was shagging Mamita (Do you have cereal instead of brains!?) but still and all a big nothing of a scene.
So let's switch to another crisis, shall we? Javier's mysterious illness. Lots of shots of scary medical procedures, drawing blood, rotating tables, MRI's and worried-looking docs.

Balanced out by a waiting room full of hysterical naco buddies and Consuelo wailing “No puede ser's” etc. Sum total: Javier has a brain tumor. Surgery necessary. Alternative therapies won't work. Expensive. Consuelo has no money. Brandon will find the cash somehow (a case for el Lirio de Plata perhaps?). Because that's how naco folk handle it. Small pockets but big hearts. And they stick together. Consuelo has the bad taste to carp because it's just friendship, not luuuuve that motivates Brandon's generosity. But other than that, a good scene showing that poor folk are the salt of the earth contrasted with certain selfish vile trashy rich folk. Got that?
Back at the mansion, the vile trashy rich folk are in a tizzy. Ax-hole is definitely worried that he's the Lorenzo blowby. Paula meanwhile scurries down to the basement, convinced that Emiliano knows Gretel is her and Tio Max's bebita and that she'll be run off. (Over my dead body, thunders Max. We can but hope.) Emanuel broods and worries, sure that his papa knows he's actually the son of José Maria Sevilla. And Kristel breaks out in hives just thinking of how her social standing would plummet if anyone learned she were illegitemate. Yikes. Serious problemo for our fresa.
Mientras tanto, Fedra has actually landed right where she wants to be. In her old haunt, the mansion master bedroom. Emiliano wants her and Lorenzo out of there but Axel nixes that. He wants to hear the truth about his parentage. Right now!
Now as another recapper said....How do you know when (Fedra) is lying?
When her lips are moving.
So why do these people expect a straight answer? I know, I know..don't ask. Just plod on. Fedra awakens just in time to insult Axel. You're such a mediocre waste, you couldn't possibly be Lorenzo's son, she sniffs. You clearly take after my wimp of a husband.
Emanuel, worried about Emiliano, knocks on his door. Marianela softly pleads with him to let papa be. He needs to be alone right now. (I'm finding both Mari and Vicky insufferable right now, aren't you? Or do I just need some more York Mint Patties?)
Or maybe Chema needs 'em. Though I think he'd prefer tequila. He's at the cantina with Bernardo and plenty chapped about how things played out. Eman rejected him! How could that be!? Blood of my blood and all that! Clearly the blame is with Bernardo who took both his woman and his son away from him and ended up the toadying watchdog of this homicidal whore.

You wanted me dead, Bernardo, so you could have my woman. You always loved her! Yes, stammers Bernardo, but platonically. (yeah, right). Chema wants nothing more to do with his old bud, but as Bernardo slinks out, he reminds the Capitán that he still needs him....and he'll always need him. Chema sinks a little lower over the table and meditates on his life mission: to “luchar” for his son's love.
Back to annoying Marianela. She's still consoling Emanuel with the usual drivel about how Emiliano is her true father...he was there for his first steps, cared for him when he was sick, cheered for him in his races etc. Nothing can break those bonds of love. Right, sniffs Emanuel. And I want José Sevilla out of my life. Forever.
Okay. Eman wants Chema out of his life. Not gonna happen. Emiliano wants Fedra out of his house. Not gonna happen either. She refuses to leave and Emiliano barely manages to get Lorenzo to skedaddle. Recouping his dignity though, he orders Fedra to clean up, take a bath and dress herself like an alleged lady.

Then meet him downstairs for a family conference.
Time to goose the plot a little. We're back at the boardinghouse. Brandon and Javier are on the couch chatting about el Lirio de Plata (Jav thinks he's “valiente but Brandon runs a close second) and worrying about the big pain in little Javier's head. Not to worry, sez our naco poli, I'll get the money for the operation and you'll be right as rain. Ilitia, overhearing this, melts as she considers that this third-rate barrio boy has a heart so big his barrel chest can't hold it. Cue the bridal suite...this gal's a goner!
The family conference looks more like a nest of vipers with each child sniping at the other, implying bastard status. Kristel's sure it's not her or Mom wouldn't have let her get involved with Low. Must be that psycho Gretel who was born on the wrong side of the blanket. Gretel points out that Kristel and Ilitia are spittin' images...sisters for sure. Benigno, Delicia, Jorge and Marianela are ordered out but not before Benigno plants a not so hidden microphone on the credenza. Which is discovered immediately. As Paula, Max and Benigno rev up the equipment in the basement and prepare to listen, Emiliano thunders that if Tio wants to know what's going on, he'll have to come upstairs. And click. Fedra arrives finally, looking quite swank and unrepentant in a plunging neckline dress. Got to give her props for resilience. She's like one of those plastic clowns that just keeps bouncing back no matter how many times it's blasted.
Jorge's back at the agency with a somewhat more chastely dressed Jacqui and the magic envelope giving her health status. She assumes he'll lie for her and leave André in fear for his life. He will not. Never agreed to. And invites André and Doris in to hear the presumeably good news that Jacqui is perfectly healthy.
Except she's not.
Our slut model is indeed HIV positive. So ditto for André. Lots of no no's and no puede ser's. Now who will come alongside Jacqui like Doris has for André? Or is this another case where the woman in a telenovela gets treated much worse than a man? Stay tuned. I'm totally bored with this side story.
The episode concludes with a big smarmy scene of all the children, led by Emanuel,

clustering around Emiliano vowing that they are ALL his children and ever shall be. He, in turn, tearfully assures them that he loves them like crazy and forever, their virtues, their defects, their whole being. Little worm Axel still carps that he needs to know the truth about his parentage. And Fedra sneers that Emiliano can drop the whole Noble Padre act. After all he had his own dalliance with that cheap actress Netty Pavon.
Yes, but Netty is THE LOVE OF MY LIFE, thunders Emiliano.
Well, Lorenzo is the Love of MY Life, snaps Fedra.
Never mind. Group hug for Emiliano.

Slink offstage for Fedra. And there we end.
Internet previews: Fedra reminds Emi that she's not leaving this house and she'll take him for every dime in a divorce. Emi vows that he'll leave Fedra just as he found her on the beach—nude and penniless.
Emanuel begs Ilitia to tell him the truth. Is she in love with Brandon and is he the father of her child? Ilitia's lips are about to move. And how do we know when she's lying?.....
Dicho of the Day
Hacer(le) de chivo los tamales a alguien. Lit. to put goat meat in someone's tamales. Fig. To be unfaithful to someone.
Sooo....who's the goat meat in Emiliano's tamales? Looks like it's Axel, Emanuel and Gretel. Only Kristel carries his blood. And of course Emanuel has some Brandon goat meat in his tamales as well. Like Father, like stepson.
Big question: Is there goat meat in Marianela's tamales? And is so, whose?
Labels: llena
La Fea Más Bella #275-276 3/30/11 Wedding Bell Blues
Capitulo 275.
Read Amanda's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.
I neglected to post this "Full Circle" moment yesterday. Fernando is pulling an all-nighter on the script and Lety checks in on him, just like when Lety worked late on the balance and Fern checked in on her.
What a mess yesterday was. Today's a new day with a clean slate. If you couldn't find yesterday's summary (some glitch on Caray), you can find it at this link. I STRONGLY recommend that you at least look at #273. It's a very important episode. If you still want to post there, go ahead. I'll be checking the page through the day.
1. Marcia is pacing outside the wedding hall, and Luigi comes alongside as a friend. She weeps that the important thing is that Tom loves her friend and he didn’t back out two days before the wedding.
2. Ali suggests that Tom drink more so he won’t be as upset by the surprise. Ali’s dad’s still not there.
3. Caro tells Omar that she’s not a shadow, she’s real (unlike Aurora). He says he himself is only an apparition. She kisses him and asks if that’s real. He gently pulls away and says, “I can’t. I’m not the same anymore.”

4. Lety doesn’t want to join the señoritas to catch the bouquet but MamaJ and Aldo push her. Lety catches it and Fernando mourns. Fernando doesn’t join the men gathered to catch the garter, but Tom throws it over them, right into Fern’s hand. Outside, he finds Lety nearly crying.
F: You must be very happy because you caught the bouquet (oh, yes, her joy is written all over her
tears face). That means that very soon you’ll marry Aldo, right? I hope that you two will be very happy.
L: No, Aldo and I haven’t talked about marriage (only shacking up).
F: Can you imagine? Only imagine, of course. How would it be if you and I were still together. You got the bouquet and I got the garter. (Seriously.) I’d marry you tomorrow morning, Lety.

5. Aldo asks Lety if this whim to get married could become reality. Lety giggles and says that if he has something to say, say it. So he says, “Let’s go back to the party.” In the space of five minutes, two galáns have talked to Lety about marriage. See any difference in her reactions?
6. The manager asks for the balance for the hall. Tom paid 50%, but Alidaddy never paid the balance. Tomy yells, asking why papi never showed up. Alicia starts crying, and Tom pays. Saimon and Paula give up their Acapulco trip (from the contest) so Tom and Ali can have a honeymoon. Ali conveniently falls asleep as soon as they get to the hotel.
7. In the morning, Fernando is eager for filming to start but is unwilling to show Luigi the script.

8. Fernando symbolically puts the loan payment between Aldo and Lety. It pays 50% of the debt, so he and Aldo are equal partners. For having just received $3.25M, Aldo doesn’t look very happy, but Lety looks proud of Fern. Aldo leaves.

9. Fernando sits on the throne like he owns the world. Lety gazes at him from across the desk, just like the old days. She tells him she’s sure the script will be wonderful (support). He doesn’t want anyone to know he wrote it. This is his way to prove to himself that he can make the company succeed.
10. Marcia and Omar plant doubts in Fernando about the viability of the project. Lety tells Caro that Aurora will never appear again (6 times). Luigi is in a panic. No actor will work on their project without seeing a script. Fernando says he’ll star in it instead.
Capitulo 276.
Read k-Fuego’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.
1. Aldo yammers about food to Carmina and Esther.
2. Fern reiterates that he plans to act in the pilot. Luigi throws a fit. Lui, Omar, Marcia, and Caro read the script. Fern is scared they won’t like it, but they love it. Fern says he wrote it, and they don’t believe him.
3. Lety invites Aldo to lunch. He begs off because he’s working hard. Lety is jealous that he’s with Carmina, and Lety’s sure Carmina wants to take her man.
4. Fernando’s paycheck is 1% of what it was when he was president. Omar gets nothing because he’s on commission and we know how much he works. Fern says he’ll buy lunch for the tres hermanos if they go to Comidilla. The cuartel goes there too. Fern and Lety can’t take their eyes off each other, and everyone sits together.
5. Luigi makes script modifications. Fern tells him he can’t, and they get into their usual fight. Fern does a really funny imitation of Luigi, tells Luigi he’s exceptionally ordinary, and says Ruli doesn’t want him anymore. Luigi slaps Fern.

6. Fernando performs a very dramatic introduction to the series and everyone is impressed (wasn’t that fun?).
7. Aldo pouts because Lety is busy all the time. She says the pilot is very important. GSNAK.

8. Everyone watches as they film the beginning of the show. A big drum turns, revealing Agent 00-FEO in salmon-colored plaid slacks (What? No bell bottoms?). We never see the face, but everyone is shocked.
Labels: fea-2010
Eva Luna #101 Tue 3/29/11 Orange does not become her.
Eva Luna for March 29, 2011
The recap is UP! Video clips coming later. I need a nap. LOL.
Episode 101
Marcela is handling her gun in her office and talking about doing Eva in. Renata looks hesitant about this, but Marcela blows her off. Renata then leaves and sees Eva and says she's got something to tell her. But it appears that before Renata can say anything, Marcela appears with a gun and points it at them both!
Justa goes into her bedroom looking for something and sees a note on the bed left by Don Ricardo. He's bowing out so she can be happy with Julio. But that's not what she wanted! She chose him over Julio, after all!
Justa reads Don Ricardo's goodbye note. (Click on image to see larger version.) |
Eva and Renata are facing Marcela at the end of a gun. In rushes Dan. Now Marcela points the gun at all of them and is threatening to kill them. She says her plan is to tell the police that she came home and robbers had killed all three of them, including the "faithful" Renata. (She now knows that Renata ratted her out.)
Dan brings up her killing his parents. "Ah, you've been talking to Deborah!" she cries.
Justa rushes into Adrian's room. Where is Don Ricardo? Adrian doesn't know. You know how the rest of the scene is going to go. She tells him what's going on. Lots of tears.
For sanity's sake, again I will be combining and consolidating scenes, due to all the quick cuts.
Marcela presses the trigger on the gun and NADA! Nothing. Renata had removed the bullets. Renata steps forward and tells the whole story. She took the bullets out of the gun. She called Eva and told her everything. Dan was told too (I think). "Your murders are over!" they tell her, as the police come in, guns drawn, and surround her. Marcela looks less than pleased about this.
As she is being dragged away, she yells, "You can't do this, you don't know who I am! I am Marcela Arismendi!" Eva and Dan remind her that she's nobody. Dan says he's going to prove that she killed his parents. She screams back, "Nobody can prove that! But I will return and kill you all! I am Marcela Arismendi!" She is dragged off by the police, still screaming.
Lileach is brining supplies to Icky, who is hanging out in some ratty dump. Icky believes that Lileach is working on convincing Daniel to forgive her and take her back. Liliana says she's working on it, but it'll take time. But Icky can't leave that apartment, because they'll catch her and put her in the looney bin. To this Icky starts screaming that she's not crazy! She's not!
Lileach has this whole freaky enabling line where she tells Icky that only she (Lileach) can keep her out of the mental hospital. Icky is totally dependent on Lileach.
Back to the big house, the police are saying that Marcela thought she was invincible, and this is what brought her down. Dan hopes that they can find proof that she killed his parents. The detective says there are new forensic methods they can use and he's hopeful. Dan and Eva hope that she's in prison for many years. Then Renata says that she shouldn't have been surprised that Marcela turned against her in the end. Everyone thanks Renata for her help and she says she only did the right thing.
Daniel is leaving the house now. Eva thanks him for his help. He says they'll talk tomorrow. He also says that together they took down Marcela and she doesn't have to thank him for anything. He has this hopeful puppydog look on his face.
Hopeful puppydog eyes from Daniel as he talks to Eva. (Click on image to see larger version.) |
Marisol, Adrian and Justa talk about where Don Ricardo is and what's going on, blah blah blah. Justa laments that all she wanted to do was say goodbye to Don Julio, she doesn't want to be with him, she wants Ricardo!
We cut to Ricardo, walking down some city street, crying and lamenting too, over the loss of Justa as well as Adrian.
Deborah, Tia Tilde and Eva are regurgitating the latest news about Marcela, chatting about it all. They're going to tell Don Julio but he's probably sleeping right now.
Justa tells Adrian that she's going to go to church, to pray for the return of Don Ricardo. Adrian wants to come along too.
We cut to Renata talking to herself about her still unconfessed truth about the stolen baby of Justa and Don Julio. They must know what I did, she thinks. I can't live with this sin any longer!
We have a scene of a shell-shocked Marcela being escorted into the police station and booked. Everyone is talking in
English. I always find the use of English in this telenovela fascinating. It seems to be showing us that this is a cold and scary place. The policewomen are impatiently barking orders (in English) to those being booked. As Marcela is being fingerprinted, the policewoman says curtly in English, "Your hand! Give me your other hand!" and Marcela, greatly humiliated, unfurls her burned hand to have it fingerprinted.
Marcela's beloved son, Leo, is oblivious to Marcela's distress, because he is making out with a hot babe in a red dress in Gallo's office. Gallo appears and shoos the girl away. "Go!" he tells her, in English.
They laugh about all the money Leo has lost in gambling. Then Leo gets a phone call about Mommy being in jail. "No puede ser!" Leo yells.
Justa and Adrian are in church, praying for the return of Don Ricardo, and saying how much they love him and miss him.
Tony hears Marisol's song on the radio. He's elated and yells for her to come listen. Much rejoicing and happiness from Marisol and Tony, and Tony seems genuinely happy for her success.
Eva and Alicia recycling all the stuff that has been going on. Discussing Renata. Eva thinks that Renata turned to the Good Side when she discovered that Marcela was poisoning Don Julio.
Alicia tells Eva that she feels partly to blame for Marcela's meltdown, because she told her that Leo signed the prenup and that Leo wouldn't inherit any money. Then Leo bursts in, all aflame with outrage over Mommy being arrested.
Tony and Marisol and rejoicing over her success as Francisco listens in, looking distressed. "The only thing that matters is singing!" Marisol is telling Tony. Francisco chooses this time to come in and congratulate her, his attitude that of sadness, and imply that her singing is more important than anything—including him. (He doesn't say this but you can tell.) She chases after him as he walks away.
Francisco listens in. (Click on image to see larger version.)
Eva explains that Marcela tried to kill her and that's why she's in jail. That cools down Leo a bit. He pretend to be shocked, like he didn't expect that she could do something like that.
Heartfelt discussion between Marisol and Francisco. Let's pull the plug and be happy as friends, he is saying. They both look choked up. They agree that maybe divorce is the best thing, but neither of them look happy about it.
Marcela is wearing a new wig, which is down in a ponytail sort of thing, and being escorted to her cell. She looks very unhappy, and the orange does not suit her. It doesn't make her caboose look any smaller, either. (It wouldn't help my caboose either!) She curses Eva for all of this.
Leo is trying to explain away Marcela's confession about killing Daniel's parents. He's saying that it was an accident, that Marcela didn't do it, she's drunk blah blah blah. But he says if she did do it, it would be a great blow. Then he turns the puppydog eyes on her and asks that she not dump him due to what his mom did. She says she won't.
Marisol goes in to see the music guys. Her song is doing awesome. It is one of the most requested songs on the radio.
Justa comes to visit Renata. Renata wants to talk.
Marcela gets a visit from her lawyer.
Clingy Lileach comes into Daniel's office and pleads with Daniel for his help, while hugging him. Naturally Eva peeks in through the door at this moment. As Lileach continues to cling, Eva gets the wrong idea and leaves. Idiot!
Evesdropping Eva (Click on image to see larger version.)
Lileach has some sob story. Icky is out to get her because she thinks she (Lileach) is after Danny! (Well, it's true about the last part!) "Protect me!" she pleads, clingingly.
Liliana clings to Danny. This is the face of a man who is not into being hugged by this particular woman. (Click on image to see larger version.) |
Eva is an idiot and assumes this means that Dan and Liliana are an item. Idiot!
Justa is telling Renata the whole love-triangle story about Julio and Ricardo, blah blah blah. Renata says that she's got something to tell Justa.
Marcela's lawyer reminds her that she tried to kill three people the night before. The judge has refused jail. She's a very dangerous person. Marcela denies it all, of course. The lawyer asks her to level with him and tell him the truth about what happened.
She tells him to convince the authorities that she only pulled the trigger because she knew the gun was empty. She just wanted to scare them. And she was drunk and her nerves were all over the place. The lawyer says he'll do his best.
Marisol is is rejoicing over the success of her song. She's told that the public loves her. They want her to participate at various events. Tomorrow you'll go on tour! She comments that this is strange, because now she's free to go—she's separated from her husband so they can go their separate ways.
Don Ricardo is at the Greyhound station, feeling sorry for himself now that Justa is out of his life. But he worries about Adrian's happiness.
At Don Julio's house, the good doctor is telling Don Julio that he had no reason to expect that Justa would fall into his arms after so many years. Don Julio says he let himself be dazzled by the flash of Marcela.
Cute music label guy (Gerardo! It's Gerardo, right?) asks to be left alone with Marisol, after this news that she's separated. She confirms to him that she's getting divorced. She tells him that her marriage to Francisco was full of lies and madness. He tells her that he not only fell in love with her voice, but her, as a woman, and he hopes he can have a chance with her. She says that she's not ready for anything yet, that she doesn't love him as he deserves to be loved, and that if she divorces Francisco, that she needs to focus on her singing career.
Don Ricardo has returned and greets Adrian. Adrian hugs him and is elated to see him.
Eva visits Don Julio and tells him about Marcela's mishaps. She thinks it's time to tell everyone about what he tried to do with Daniel's parents. Julio says cryptically that finally it's time for him to give the "final blow," and she'll be in prison for a long time. End of episode!
Don Julio has something else up his sleeve regarding Marcela. (Click on image to see larger version.) |
Bulleted list of episode highlights:
- Marcela flips her lid, pulls out a gun on Eva, Renata, and Dan. She admits to enough crimes to put her away. Which, thankfully, happens, because the police were waiting and listening.
- Renata saved the day by taking out the bullets in Marcela's gun. Renata still is troubled by the whole baby-stealing business, though. I think Renata's story is going to resolve pretty soon.
- Don Ricardo is convinced that Justa is going to choose Don Julio, so he takes off, leaving a note for Justa, who of course chose him, not Don Julio. Lots of big-eyed overacting from Justa for the entire episode as she laments losing Don Ricardo. He shows up at the end, though, in a scene with Adrian.
- Leo chews out Eva for the arrest of his mommy dearest, but backs off a tad when he finds out she was going to kill everyone.
- It looks like Francisco and Marisol are headed for divorceville. Cute label guy (still can't remember his name, sorry) is so not unhappy about this news, as he tells Marisol. But she doesn't get carried away with cute label guy just yet—she's still married, after all.
- Marcela ends up in jail with a not-fetching orange jumpsuit. (And it looked so good on Carlos. But I guess orange is not Marcela's color.) You know things are going to be bad in jail because when she is being booked in, everyone speaks in English. Uh oh.
- Icky is hiding out in some nasty place and Lileach is enabling her and helping her out. Not sure what else is going on there, need to rewatch.
Here are some additional screencaps:
Orange does not suit Marcela. (Note her burned hand. No glove—or should I say "mitt"—here, eh, you bruja?) Click on image to see larger version.
Gratuitous Guy Ecker shot: Daniel looking intense after the police nab Marcela. (Click on image to see larger version) |
Video clips are coming!
Labels: eva
Triunfo del Amor #79-80 3/29/11 A Father Returns and Gui Descends Into the Ninth Circle of Hell
Recap by Susanita
Disclaimer : Gentle Reader, as a substitute recapper, I am here merely to provide continuity, not creativity!
We begin our story where we left off in the capítulo anterior with Max opening the door (slamming, actually and looking as if he is entering Miss Kitty's saloon in Dodge just looking for a fight) to Maria E's new home where he finds Juan Pablo (JP) hugging Maria.
Max demands an explanation, but JP seems suddenly strangely mute with a smile plastered across his face that is bordering upon inappropriate. After being slammed up against the wall by Max, the good Padre (currently on sabbatical) is finally able to blurt out that Maria E is his daughter! JP claims that he loves Maria E with all his heart. --” She is my daughter!” --”Es sangre de mi sangre. Es carne de mi carne” professes JP. Maximiliano so impactado he can barely take it all in. “No puede ser!”, utters Max.
Max and JP sit down for a heart to heart. Max hears the whole story with JP emphasizing that he now feels so much closer to God having experienced the wonderful blessing of now having a daughter. Not surprisingly, JP informs Max that Maria does not know that JP is her father as “the time has not yet come” to let Maria know this bombshell bit of infos. JP begs Max not to say a word. The two men shake hands on this deal, but not before Max asks JP to please look in on Fer who is now suffering from a horrible accident.
We break to a quick view of Victoria on the phone to Toni asking her and the others not to come to visit today as Padilla's visit has upset her greatly and she could not possibly handle any visitors.
Vic returns to Fer's bedside in hospital. A visibly distraught Fer is still trying to take in Padilla's accusations that Fer and Vic are responsible for Fede's (Scuzzy Boy) death. Vic tries to console her daughter by touching her forehead, but Fer responds with an almost violent --”Don't touch me; don't touch me!” “¡No me toques! ¡No me toques! ¡Que me dejes sola! Victoria reminds Fer that the car was new and that this accident could not possibly be their fault, but Fer throws it right back at Vic saying that she, Fer, was in the car and saw Fede frantically pumping at brakes that did not work! Fer feels responsible for this. Fer continues to tell her mother that she is sure Vic is happy now that Fede is gone.Vic's standard reply ('he was not for you') causes Fer to scream at her mother to leave the room and leave her in peace!
Elsewhere, Gui cleverly manipulates Padilla and his misplaced rage to new heights, all the while pumping him for more infos about the Scandovals. Padilla mostly mumbles, but claims that he helped Victoria when she was starving (PUH-L E EZE! And what elese did you do , Mister?!) To Gui, these words, and Padilla's obvious hatred of the Sandovals, are like a shot of heroin sending him on an all time high. Gui can barely contain his exuberance when Padilla announces that he knows someone who hates Victoria Sandoval more than the two of them combined!! (Caray!!)
Not content to work his charms just on Padilla, Gui (still on his high) saunters up to the floor where Fer is currently hospitalised to visit with Vic. Vic is pensive (and crying!) when Gui offers Vic any and all sorts of help whenever Vic needs it. These words bring Vic immediately back to reality. Her head snaps back so quickly front and center that even Gui is, for the briefest of moments, taken aback. Vic looks at Gui incredulously as she literally spits out the words--”You are offering to help me?! You...the person who sheltered and gave a home to Linda HO?!”Gui...not missing a beat...quickly explains that it was OZ...yes, Oz who demanded that Gui provide a place for Linda HO because Oz said that he had never loved anyone as much as he had loved Linda HO! (Heaven help us!) Of course, he really did all of this to protect Vic from Linda HO, he slyly explains to an ever incredulous Vic.
Thankfully, the good Padre JP interrupts things by asking if he could speak with Vic. Gui tries to send JP way with a “can't you see that I have not finished speaking with Vic?” tone of voice, but Vic has the upper hand when she sarcastically asks JP --”Are you really coming to speak to me about the word of God...when you yourself have abandoned Him and the priesthood?!” Gui saunters away knowing he accomplished what he set out to do while Vic and and JP stare at each other waiting to see who will blink first.
Short break to Max and Maria E with Max offering financial help, etc. Maria, as usual, refuses saying that his love is what she needs most of all. She inquires about his conversation with JP with Max saying that JP had nothing but wonderful things to say about Maria. Maria acknowledges that she enjoys having JP help her. She doesn't really know why, but having JP there is like having a real father! Max knowingly smiles, but does not reply.
We return to Vic and JP in the hospital hallway where the eye to eye showdown has ended with JP looking Vic straight in the eye and saying he will never abandon God or the priesthood. He is simply TDY (temporary duty) to deal with an issue from the past. For further emphasis, JP tells Vic that in spite of St. Bernard's (Bernarda) wishes to the contrary, he IS going to take this time off in order to address a debt from the past (deuda del pasado) . Furthermore --”I don't need to tell you what this 'debt' is”. Vic, looking evermore confused, is left to figure out this cryptic statement on her own as the increasingly handsome JP walks into see Fer.
Padilla, fresh from his ghastly encounter with Gui, heads off for another ghostly encounter with St. Bernard. St. Bernard finds herself rather astounded to hear that Gui (---”You mean the actor?!”) wants to meet her. Padilla confirms the same. With a sly smile, St. Bernard states that she finds it 'very interesting' that she will be meeting someone else who also desires the downfall of the Sandovals (this could be good for business!)
JP is now busy comforting Fer telling her that things happen because of “God's Plan”. Fer is having none of it. Fer thinks it is grossly unfair that Fede died and that she is alive, but JP tells her that this is her opportunity to now really review all that has happened and to reconsider (literally...abandon your ego/egoismo) how her huge ego has harmed her and others and to start thinking about someone besides herself. Remarkably, the twenty something Fer continues to listen as JP drives home his point. He tells Fer that her behaviour towards her mother is nothing more than an attention getting device because she really does need and love her mother. Fer counters with the fact that Vic “only cared about her work and not me! I only need my father. He understands me!! He loves me!” JP has the final say when he tells Fer to accept her responsibility, put it in her pipe and smoke it.
FF>>to Vic with the usual flashbacks in history including Oz telling her he loves her with all of his heart when who should appear?! the flesh and on bended knee!! Amazingly, Vic is actually kind to Oz and brings him up to date on Fer's accident. Vic is ready to tell Oz what Fer has just screamed at her, but Max walks in muy impactado to see the repentant husband and father. The two men share an abrazo muy fuerte, but Vic chooses this moment to drop the bombshell that Fer may never walk again!
Back at the new flat, Millie, Don Napo, and JuanJo (JJ) are thankful for their new home, etc. JJ volunteers to go check on Maria E and Nathi and exits. The next knock we hear is at the girls' door. As Nathi opens the door, El Alacrán presents himself to the girls with an offer of help any time they should need it because he is the new manager 'el encargado'! The girls seem quite mystified at his presence with Nathi (amazingly) really having her doubts about this character. He kisses Nathi's hand on the way out (which Nathi promptly wipes on her sleeve when he turns his back to her) and Maria admonishes Nathi about making first impressions about someone based upon their appearance. (Sorry, Maria dear, but I am with Nathi on t his one!)
FF>> Toni calling Pepino and telling him about her 'date' with the usual chipmunk business from Pepino. The only good thing here is that Toni confesses that she cannot forget Oscar.
FF>>Dirty Teeth Rox in Oscar's office looking over his books and wiping her hands with glee at the prospect of nabbing this guy who handles all of the money! She's got to trap him!
Now we move on to St. Bernard's where the malevolent twosome finally meet! Gui approaches St. Bernard to shake her hand, but St. Bernard, looking ever so royally evil and cunning, extends her hand for a kiss...not a mere handshake! Gui is somewhat surprised and even looks a tad uncomfortable in these surroundings. (I believe St. Bernard makes some comment to Gui about his inability to look her in the face) As he kisses St. Bernard's hand, (such a sly devil, isn’t her?) he then takes a look around the room...taking it all in and then jauntily seats himself as far from St. Bernard as possible!! Gui wastes no time in getting right down to business by offering that he is no “White Dove” (Blanca Paloma), but a man with many dark secrets which he has no intention of revealing. St. Bernard tells him not to worry as she is sure he will reveal them eventually.
Before we get to the meat of this interesting conversation, we cut to Daddy Oz with his beloved Fer who greets him with “You understand me. I need you. Don't abandon me! Are you going to come home?!” She makes some unfavourable comments about Vic with Oz pleading with her not to speak that way. Fer says “No!” and complains that her mother continues with her divorce plans. With Max, Vic, and JP looking on, Fer moves to get closer to her father and then comes to the shocking realisation that she cannot move her legs!
The intense conversation in St. Bernard's Chamber of Horrors continues with St. Bernard asking Gui --”You don't like Osvaldo? Are you capable of doing anything to harm him?” Gui, with glee that almost defies description, tells Bernarda that she has found the one person who is capable of doing anything for vengeance! The one person capable of doing anything to carry out Bernarda's concept of justice! They share a toast as St. Bernard remarks upon how incredible it is that destiny and celestial strength and power continue to be on her side! Little does Gui realise that he is now on the Fast Track to the Ninth Circle of Hell.
In Fer's room, Fer asks to speak to her father alone. Fer begs Daddy Oz to come home, but Oz can't and won't commit to anything. Oz tells Fer that he accepts responsibility for all that has happened to his relationship with Vic. Fer only wants to be with her Papa and begs to go with him because Vic “only thinks of herself”. Oz feels that Fer, because of her youth, cannot understand the great hurt he has caused her mother, but he reassures Fer that he loves her mother, but worries that he will never get her love back.
FF>>Dirty Teeth Rox putting the moves on Oscar, the newly christened 'Bomboncito'. (? ?!!)
Vic is standing in the hallway again vowing to Fight for Fer! Oz comes over and says he wants to return home in the name of their former love. Vic defiantly tells Oz that she cannot love him, but before we continue with this discussion, we go back to Fer's room where a saddened Max is telling Fer that they cannot expect people who do not love each other to stay together. Max emphasises to Fer that for the first time in herself centered life, (and who taught her this?!) she is going to have to use all of her considerable energy to fight for herself.
Vic and Oz finally get down to brass tacks. Vic tells Oz that not only does she not forget what he has done, but she still does not forgive!--”I cannot forget your betrayal because I still cannot understand what I did for you to betray me in this way!” Oz acknowledges the gravity and seriousness of his mistakes. He implores her to let him know how he can show her that he is truly repentant of what he has done. He tells her that he knows he did what he did without thinking about the consequences of his actions. Vic literally spits out the words that--”Your repentance serves me no purpose. I do not know why I had to fight so hard to have a family with you to be treated in this way and have you find another woman. Perhaps you don't understand me because I don't understand myself, but I am filled with bitterness, resentment, (rencor) and hatred (odio). The only thing I know is how I feel”. “How much longer are you going to punish me?” asks Oz.
--”No, it is not about punishment (castigo) Osvaldo, because the last thing I care about is recapturing your love. My daughter nearly died. It made me understand the vaccum (vacío) in my soul...a vacuum that no one has filled and will not fill. I lost my first daughter and no one filled that vacuum. Not even that love you said you felt for me filled the vacuum”
--”Please, Victoria, don't say that” says Oz.
--”Look, don't misunderstand me. I believed in that love. I believed in it for as long as it lasted. I used to be very happy with that love, but that love no longer exists. You are no longer the center of my universe (was he ever, Vic?) and my life. And now, the most important thing is to save Fer which is why I am going to fight so that she can walk again.”
--”Victoria, Fer is also my daughter”
--”I know”
--”...and she also needs me at her side”
--”I know...and for that reason, if you want to return to the house, fine, go ahead and do it. It is also your home, but don't ask me for anything more because I don't have anything else to give to you. You can be close to Fer, but you won't find the woman who used to love you with all her heart. The only thing you are going to find is the mother of your children. And your wife...your wife, kille d with your betrayal!”
Oz is left speechless and stunned.
Fin. Parte 1
Parte 2
Repeat of the scene that ended the capítulo anterior with Oz and Vic (as above).
FF>>Millie, Napo, and JJ fighting over whose football (soccer) team is better. (Chivas vs Águilas, I think...)
FF>>Max promising Fer that they will fight with all their might to have Fer walking again (...and Maximiliano looking rather dashing sans scarf with that peach coloured shirt!)
FF>>Back at Millie's. JP walks in and wants to speak with JJ. Bottom line: JP wants JJ to accompany him to have an 'intervention' with Domingo. They hit the streets; find Domingo; intervention accomplished!
In hospital: Fer touching her legs.
Vic tells Oz that she wants to go and thank the bomberos for saving their daughter. Oz wants to accompany her. Victoria simply walks away with Oz following her. Right before the couple arrives, JJ is discussing his 'mission accomplished' with Cruz. Cruz tells JJ he is so very disappointed that he was unable to see Fer.
--”Is she really that important to you?”, asks JJ of the face with flattened affect (which I’d love to slap from here to kingdom come).
--”Yes, but it's one thing to flirt and another thing for Fer to notice a 'pobre jardinero como yo” (Don’t worry dear Cruz…we are noticing you!)
--”Love is the most beautiful thing in the world!” says JJ (since when does JJ know about love?!) to Don Napo.
--”Yes, but I am just a pollón.” replies Don Napo. As soon as Don Napo finishes his sentence, the fire alarm goes off and our heroes are off and running again!
FF>>Back at the orphanage (or the church...I never really know) the other orphans welcome back Domingo with cries of “¡Carnal...carnalito!” (Friend, buddy)
While Vic and Oz are waiting for the 3 bomberos to return, we do a quick flash over to Nathi and Maria E's place where they are happily looking at baby clothes. Nathi asks Maria E if she ever thinks about her father the way she thinks about her mother. Maria replies that, of course, she thinks about him, but “with JP close to me, I don't need any other father!” Just as she finishes her sentence, there is a knock at the door and it is Padre JP himself! JP tells Maria he has a surprise for her...something he made with his own hands. He places his hands over her eyes as the orphans come in bringing a beautiful crib. Maria is so impactada upon seeing this handmade crib, that she hugs JP as hard as she can! (I'd gladly trade places with you, Maria!)
At long last, our hard working heroes return and meet the Sandovals face to face. There is a moment of discomfort on all sides as Don Napo, Cruz, and JJ step forward to 'meet' Vic and Oz. When Oz and JJ see each other for the first time, JJ gives Oz the evil eye. In order to give everyone time to regain their composure, we switch over to Fer's hospital room where she throws her limp legs over the side of the bed; tries to stand, and falls to the floor screaming ¡No puedo caminar! ¡No puedo caminar! (I can't walk!)
The bomberos, Vic, and Oz have it together now as Vic starts by sincerely thanking JJ directly for all that he has done for the Sandovals in spite of all that has transpired in their lives. JJ replies that he was only doing his work (mi obligación). Oz also gives his thanks while Don Napo looks on with a very tense face. (Linda might be gone, but her presence is still felt) Oz reaches for his wallet to 'pay' the bomberos as JJ looks on with disgust and Vic asks Oz ¿Come te atreves...? (How dare you? ) JJ puffs up like a little rooster and asks Oz not to offend him by offering him money as his work is priceless, especially when it came to saving the Sandoval's daughter. Oz politely states that he had no idea that it was JJ who had saved his daughter especially when he thought JJ was dead! Further puffing himself up, JJ replies that, indeed, a betrayal did kill him, but he has now fully recovered. (O y!) “Don't worry about me”, JJ replies to Oz. Vic immediately jumps in to say that a part of herself has also died and JJ has no idea how much this, too, has hurt her (Vic is really turning the knife here, and Oz can only stand there silently and take it all in). Vic goes on to thank Cruz and tells him that she owes him a huge debt for the rest of her life not only for saving Fer, but for also donating blood for her.
Vic hugs and kisses the 3 bomberos. Oz offers a handshake, but only Cruz accepts. Oz then tells JJ he wants to speak with him, but JJ replies: “Excuse me, Mr. Sandoval. Listen to me very carefully. I never want to see or speak with you ever again. Forget I saved your daughter and leave me alone in peace!” Oz is once again left to stand alone and take what has just been dished out to him (and it won’t be the last time, either).
Back at Gui's secluded lair, X-Factor (Ximena) is whining that she's going crazy in the Sandoval's crazy house! Gui laughingly reminds her that she is the chief loca! --”You finally have the family of your dreams; the family that will provide you with the riches you crave, but don't kid yourself, everything comes with a price!” Gui brings the crime scene evidence (the little black bag) out from its hiding place and begins to taunt Ximena with it. As he puts on the glasses and the wig, he snidely asks Ximena “What did you feel as you were getting dressed? What did you feel when you killed her? What were you thinking about...fear...or pleasure?!” “What was it like have the life of another in your hands!?” “Did you have remorse?”
With a sickening look on her face, Ximena taunts him unmercifully and asks if he wasn't feeling something as well as he watched the whole scene unfold?! To which Gui replies: “ME? I am an actor and I feel many things!” Ximena (surprisingly) is not easily fooled (who would have thougth?!) and throws it right back at Gui by saying: “You don't fool me, Gui. I'm pretty sure you have killed someone. I KNOW you!”
Because Viewerville can only take so much of these two, we are taken back to Fer's room where she remains hysterical at the thought she might never walk again. Maximiliano tells Fer that the doctors have offered some hope, but poor Fer tries to chalk it all up to being in a dream and all of this happening because of the anesthesia, but then she stops and asks Max to leave. “I am dead! I am dead!”
The intensity of the screaming match between Gui and X-Factor continues to rise. Ximena continues her taunting and says she can tell she's hit a nerve. “So, where is Ofelia? We know that Pedro and Ofelia separated and that Pedro returned to Spain, but where is Ofelia?” At this, Gui's face becomes darker and darker as suddenly, Ximena shouts out “YOU killed Ofelia!” Gui 'reminds' her to stop saying stupid things, but Ximena can't seem to read his dangerous body language and kicks things up a notch. Gui's next question to her “Is this what you believe?” “I am certain” says Ximena. “Yes, but I am not an assassin like you!” shouts Gui. Gui then threatens X-Factor and tells her she had better be quiet or else she could have a little accident, too. Ximena turns around; looks Gui in the eye and says that they are “a mano”. The first one who turns traitor will sink (se hunde).
FF Max>> flashing back to the time Fer apologised to him for her ugly behaviour
FF Maria E>>looking at her new baby crib and remembering the ugly things St. Bernard has told her.
FF St. Bernard>>looking pleased as punch with a Chesire Cat Grin and 'sure' that God sent Gui her way in order to complete her saintly mission! (OY!)
Vic and Oz just can't seem to let things rest for they comment to each other how much hurt they have caused in the name of love. Vic asks Oz “How did you feel talking to that man whom you hurt?” She doesn't stop needling him, but Oz finally reminds her of her own bad choices in life (which she conveniently tries to brush off), but Oz says that “things are different when we are talking about you, aren't they?” Oz asks her to tell him once and for all what really happened to her in her life before having met him. Instead of taking the opportunity to finally get it off her chest, she makes herself and Oz even more miserable by sarcastically saying that “once upon a time, when I finally got up the nerve to speak to you about this, what did you do? You fell asleep!” Vic then vows to punish him for the rest of his life by never repeating this important story to him again. She tells Oz that he can remain with his doubts for the rest of his life and then storms off once again leaving Oz hanging and staring blankly into space.
At Maria's, Maria thanks JP again for all that he has done and especially for how she feels so protected when he is around. JP then asks her to think about Vic's suffering (JP doesn't ask for much, does he?) Sweet Maria generously agrees to do so, but she wants some explanations regarding Vic's behaviour. For starters, Maria would like to know why St. Bernard and Vic despise each other so. “What is the truth?” Maria asks. JP doesn't come up with any good answers right away, but says in his usual cryptic manner, that soon enough, Maria will learn the truth and then she will understand everything (Of course, he couldn’t just tell her now for it would just ruin things, wouldn’t it?) Maria, on the other hand, is not content with these answers. She presses the good Padre some more. “Do you know Victoria's daughter?” JP says that “Yes, I know her, but my mother forced me to keep this secret as it was told to me in confession, but Love Will Triumph and one day, my mother will tell the truth. (Right.)
It's a new day at Maria's. Milagros comes in with Almita and her baby. Maria immediately asks to hold the baby and is in 7th heaven. Almita wants to make plans to baptise the baby. Milagros says it's wonderful that the child will grow up supported in their little neighbourhood. Almita points out that they will need to ask the permission of the dueña of their housing units to hold the baptismal party. She asks if anyone has met the owner, but Nathi volunteers that they have met El Alacrán. For some reason, Millie then says that the new owner must be a real bruja! (At this point, Viewerville relises that they have been offered a huge clue as to who the new ownere really is!) Almita hopes that JP will be able to perform the baptism, but Maria reminds everyone that this has to be discussed with JP given his new TDY (temporary duty) status.
Speaking of our handsome Padre, he is praying in his new room that his mother think seriously about all that Maria has endured and how she deserves to find her mother. When that day comes, JP is sure that he completed his mission which caused him to temporarily leave the priesthood.
A small group has gathered around St. Bernard. Bernarda orders Adalberto (El Alacrán) to keep a close eye on Maria and to slowly insinuate himself into her life. “Do you want me to cause a little accident?” asks a Smiling Scorpio (Mr. Faustus nearly faints while walking up the stairs at this question). NO! I will let you know if I need your services!
Back at Fer's room, Fer is really letting Vic have it. “You won, mother! You must be happy! Now you will have me locked up in the house like you have always wanted.” She proceeds to blame Vic for just about everything which visibly upsets both Max and Oz. Fer tells everyone to quit trying to motivate her with their little lies. Oz jumps in and tells Fer that she should not speak to her mother that way. This, after Fer has yelled at Vic to leave the room. Oz bluntly tells Fer that what has happened to her is of her own doing. Fer is rather shocked and quiet to hear these words from her beloved father. Fer begs Oz not to get angry with her. Oz tells her that he will support her 100%, but that includes telling her the painful truth. Fer has also yelled at Max to leave and has told him she doesn't need him. Oz says again that he will always tell her the truth, but she cannot be unfair and treat her family this way. “I hope you will repent one day soon after how badly you have treated your mother” says Oz.
We close with a final scene at Maria E's. Maria is quietly walking into her flat. It is dark inside. As she turns on the lights, she sees beautiful flowers everywhere! Max surprises her and nearly scares her, but Maria is thrilled at his gifts. Max tells Maria that he wants the flat to be filled with joy, happiness, and peace. Maria assures him that this is going to happen very soon and that there will be new life in her tiny flat. Max presents her with an enlarged foto of their first kiss. They hug and then we see Sweet William in the Kayak.
Advances: Bernarda has a surprise for Vic!
Ximena slaps Maria in public!
-SusanitaLabels: triunfo
Llena de Amor #158 (Mex. 178-179) Tue 3/29/11 Pirates, booty, and treasure-seeking
Capítulo 178: Stabbing pains
Julia fans, just hang on. Since Llena wasn’t on Monday, it’s me, Maggie, helping Julia out by doing the first capítulo of tonight’s show, and Julia will be with you in a minute with the second one.
Anybody out there who wants to earn some excellent karma points could also volunteer to help the recapping team, whose knees are buckling from these double-headers. The capítulos are available online at and No need to have 100% comprehension – the commenters are wonderful about filling in the gaps. You can just e-mail your piece to that night’s recapper, no need to know how to post. The e-mail addresses are available by clicking on the recapper’s name at the end of a comment or recap posting. Ask a recapper if they would like to have you do the first capítulo of the night, and I’m sure they’ll say yes. If you volunteer, you are guaranteed a spot in telenovela heaven where the men are all hunky and weep easily, the women muy noble and muy stacked, and there’s a boda every day.
And now here we go! This is from the internet, with no captions, so corrections and additions are welcome, necessary in fact, I’m sure.
Friday: Ilitia is at Netty’s, and Brandon is telling her to git on home and attend to her own life when suddenly she’s hit with a bad cramp in her innards.
Out in nature it’s a stranglefest! Fedra and Jose Maria have each other by the throat. Her mike is getting strangled too, so she’s muffled, but we gather that JM is upbraiding her for her evil ways, and she tells him that she wanted more out of life, something he never understood. He shoves her to the ground, but then has chest pains, taking him out of action. She hauls out a big knife and stabs him in the side, real deep. Adios para siempre!
In her bedroom, Vicky tells Jorge it looks like if Ilitia really did cheat on Eman, that once again she’s setting a trap to separate them, er Vicky and Eman anyway. Jorge doesn’t think Ilitia’s capable of it, but Mari sure does, listing all her past tricks. They both wonder why Eman doubts Ilitia. Mari figures Kristel told some lie, or gosh, is the baby actually Mauricio’s? She begs Jorge to help her find out the truth so she and Eman can maybe be together. Jorge, surreptitiously rolling his eyes, says sure, I just want you happy.
Back to doubled-over Ilitia. Gladiola and Netty send prayers heavenwards that the baby won’t be lost, while Brandon is solicitous, even calling her “mi vida.” He’s kind and she’s grateful, and Netty goes off to call the doctor.
Jose is still alive, and Fedra is telling him he asked for it, he didn’t leave her alone like she asked, so now he’s gonna be dead, like he was 26 years ago. The background sound is really loud and they’re hissing at each other, so I can’t make out what they’re saying. She swears that Juana Felipa doesn’t exist anymore. He hisses something else and faints dead away.
Fedra stands over him and looks at the knife in shock and awe. Die, she says, kicking him. Nobody can know! I can’t believe it, she keeps repeating, and looks around, scared, and gathers up her things. You know, a lady’s usual stuff: purse, coat, high heel, and of course pistol.
Paula has her arms around Max and laments how Delicia has suffered and how changed Axel is, how mean. Delicia comes in, apparently summoned. Max tells her not to have her tail between her legs and to be feisty like a real Ruiz y de Teresa. He’s going to help. She retorts that the name is a burden and she can’t wait to get a lawyer and sign her some divorce papers. Max isn’t in favor, so Delicia says maybe he could shoot Axel for her.
Enter Axel, also summoned, and when he claps eyes on Delicia he’s all ¿Qué haces aquí? and tries to leave. Sit! Stay! orders the general, who’s fixing to give him what for.
Ilitia is sleeping on somebody’s bed – Brandon’s? - while Gladiola and Netty look on. Couldn’t they have loaned her some jammies? Brandon comes in to get the news. Apparently Ilitia has to have absolute rest or she’ll lose the baby. Netty thinks Brandon needs to advise Eman, but he doesn’t want to. They fuss and he stomps out. After he’s gone, Netty remarks that Brandon seems to like Ilitia an awful lot. Gladiola thinks it’s worse, it’s love.
Axel insults Delicia and she wants to leave, but Max tells them they both have to stay put. Axel is a complete snot, saying Delicia doesn’t deserve his name, etc. He figures Max is much smarter than he is because he didn’t marry Paula, knowing that servants were just for having a little fun. Max hauls off and slaps him, but not hard enough, because he’s still standing. Max tells him Fedra’s evil blood is in him. Axel repeats his insult about servants not being worthy of the family’s fine name and storms out of the room.
It’s nighttime and Mari, in her fat suit out by the pool, has figured what the hey and has a whole box of chocolates that she’s working on. Eman comes out and greets her, but she tells him to get on back to his wife. Eman says Ilitia took off without telling anybody, and he needs to think over what he’s going to do. First he needs to make sure that she cheated on him. Eman’s glad that Ilitia’s away and Jorge too, so they can chat uninterrupted.
He’s thrilled that Mari’s right there in front of him. She reminds him that they’re married and that from now on, they should act like what they are, cousins. Eman doesn’t think Jorge’s playing straight with her. Yes, Jorge’s a little jealous, says Mari, but she knows what happened with Jorge and Victoria, and it’s a matter between him and her. More important is what happened between Vicky and Eman.
Emil has asked Muñeca out to a nice restaurant because he wants to talk to her about the relationship between Lorenzo and Fedra. Muñeca winces. Her cells rings and she switches it off so they can talk. Emil is stunned to hear that she’s suspected for years. Muñeca brings up Lorenzo’s relationship with Kristel, and says Fedra and Lorenzo are two of a kind. They both rag on their money-grubbing, cheating spouses. Muñeca’s glad she’s divorced from that scum (and ended up with Christian and didn’t have to give Lo any money) and Emil ought to do the same thing. He thinks Fedra will give him a divorce only over her dead body.
Fedra comes into Lorenzo’s pad, shaking and triumphant, bloody knife in hand. She tells him she did it. He keeps telling her to put the knife down, and they end up necking.
Eman wants to know if Vicky told Mari about what happened between them, and Mari says of course, she’s my best friend. Mari wonders if he was going to hide it. No, he says, he was going to tell her, but after all the other gazillion things he wants to tell her. He admits he fell in love with Vicky, and he figures Mari will hate him. She turns from him and smiles, then turns back and seriously tells him of course not.
He says that since he’s seen her, he’s had such an urge to hug her, to kiss her. He’s bewildered over his feelings for her and for Vicky and thinks he’s a big disaster. Look at our lives! I’m married to a woman I don’t even love, and you’re married to a guy who is … blech.
I have to tell you something, Mari starts, but he cuts her off, talking about two years ago when she left without any explanation, and now all those feeling have come rushing back. He can’t help himself! He kisses her
She kisses him back. How I’ve missed your kisses, he says, your lips (if he only knew) and how you smell, like chocolate. She backs him off saying she feels like the worst woman in the world. He figures she could hate him, but she says he’s the one who has the right to hate her, after all she did to him, after what she’s doing to him now.
He reaches for her and she pushes him away, telling him not to touch her or he’ll realize. What I feel for you? he asks. I can tell you still love me! Anguished Mari says they can’t go on, because he’s going to hate her, and she runs off.
Eman’s cell rings and it’s Netty with the news about Ilitia.
Emil asks Muñeca if she’s ever wondered what their lives would have been like if they’d married. They both share a chuckle and Muñeca smiles that they were never in love; it was all arranged by their families and she was awfully relieved when he cancelled out. She was so in love with Lorenzo – stupid, huh? Emil thinks he was equally stupid to pick Fedra. They have a laughing toast to their stupidity.
Muñeca thinks he’s found the true one in Netty, and he should fight for their love. As for Garduño, she hasn’t heard from him in days. He was going to make some major changes in his life for her, but it looks like love wasn’t enough. They joke a bit and laugh and toast again.
Lorenzo and Fedra are under the sheets post-we-don’t-even-want-to-think-about-it. She’s feeling great, a real queen and nobody can destroy her. He figures that together they’re indestructible, but she says he needs punishing. WhaddidIdonow? he wants to know. I’m thinking of what a schmuck he was when she was in jail, but she’s thinking of his admitting to Emil that they’d been having an affair for years, plus he blabbed to him that Kristel was his daughter.
Lorenzo counts on his fingers: he showed up, he insulted me, he hit me… he knew way too much; Bernardo had to have been the informer. Lo knows some guys who could take care of Bernardo, but Fedra says leave him to her. Anyway, she purrs, she wants to keep celebrating Jose Maria’s demise. Let’s go to La Mala Noche!
Gladiola and Netty are expecting Eman and Muñeca, but Gladiola is weepy because she’d rather that her Brandon had taken up with Consuelo than with that…. Consuelo’s out of the picture, though, and Brandon won’t change his mind.
Jose Maria staggers in and falls on the floor. They pull his shirt open to reveal the stab wound.
Bernardo comes into Nerieda’s room and she falls joyfully into his arms. It’s been awful with him gone from the house. Don’t worry, he smooches her, he’s at work putting things back they way they were. She’s glad because Fedra needs her more than ever now that La Gorda has returned. Bernardo can’t believe it – Vicky and Mari are the same person. Nereida says Fedra thought so too, but apparently not. Bernardo laughs that this he’s got to see with his own eyes. They end up kissing.
The ladies want to call the doctor, but Jose Maria refuses, saying he just wants some rum and something else I couldn’t catch – anybody get it? Netty fusses that he needs to go to the hospital, but he’s having none of it. He needs to go wreak revenge on the person who did this to him.
Fedra, huh? says Netty. Gladiola wants to get Brandon so JM can report her. JM doesn’t want the police either, just the rum and ? (whatever it was I couldn’t catch). The ladies shiver at his wonderful manliness.
Mari is pacing with her chocolates, telling herself that Jorge was right – she can’t tell Eman because he’ll hate her. In strolls Bernardo. I can’t believe my eyes (Lo veo y no lo creo), he smirks. What’d you come back for? To get what’s mine and to hand out justice, says Mari the Chocolate-Lipped Avenger.
You may run into something else, warns Bernardo. Mari smiles that he must be having pangs of conscience watching her eat chocolates, since they’re the same kind he poisoned.
Jorge, slippery charm set to maximum ooze, has stopped by Muñeca’s looking for Ilitia, but Flora the maid is not impressed and tells him she’s not there and waves him off. On the steps, he thoughtbubbles that he has to know what Eman’s thinking before she does something else stupid.
Solicitous Brandon is lying spooned next to Ilitia in the bed, stroking her arm and telling her everything is going to be okay if she follows the doctor’s orders. She thanks him for his support and asks him not to leave her alone. Ow! Another cramp. She doesn’t want to lose the baby. Brandon sweetly strokes her arm and kisses her cheek and tells her he wants the baby to be healthy and her to be happy happy happy. The camera backs up and we see Eman in the doorway, watching. Comfy? he asks.
Bernardo pretends he has no idea what Mari’s talking about. She states that on Fedra’s orders he was killing her slowly, poisoning her chocolates. He denies it smoothly, but she tells him he and Fedra are gonna pay, and soon. He thinks all that fat has gummed up the circulation to her brain. Whap! she slaps him a good one and reminds him that she is the dueña of this house and he is but a servant. He does an elaborate flourishing bow and sarcastically apologies.
Mari tells him that anybody who gets in her way is going to be bulldozed, so he better watch his mouth. Off she goes and Bernardo’s cell rings. It’s Jose Maria telling him that Fedra tried to kill him and this time Bernardo wasn’t there to save his life.
Eman remarks on Brandon and his
faithful wife’s friendship. She would never mess with Brandon, right? Byyeee, right? Ilitia explains that she came to the pension to find Vicky who had insulted her, and then she had these bad cramps. Brandon tells her maybe that’s why she got cramps and she needs to control her little impulses. Ilitia pouts that it hurt and she was scared. Eman has heard from Netty about the absolute rest thing, but what he wonders is what Ilitia’s doing there in Brandon’s bedroom.
It was the closest bedroom, says Brandon. How touching, smiles Eman. So it’s true what she (Kristel? Ilitia?) said, that you are in love with her?
Jairo and Manolo have left the bar where they were hoping to find Jose Maria, but he never showed up. They hug and off Jairo goes. She’s just a few feet from the pension when she’s astonished to see Jose Maria coming out clutching his side. She follows him down the street.
Brandon assures Eman he would have done the same thing for any woman, and no, he doesn’t feel anything for Ilitia, who pouts at Eman, wanting to know if he’s jealous. Nah, says Eman, but she wonders why he’s acting so strange (though he seems the same to me). They agree that Kristel tells a lot of lies, but Ilitia presses on, wanting to know what she actually said. No luck on that one, Eman just says having Mari around affects him.
Anyway, he’ll bring her some clothes and stay the night with her. Brandon puts the kibosh on that one, saying Eman can’t stay in the house because Vicky lives there and she wouldn’t like it. That’s her problem, says Eman. Fortunately we don’t have to suffer through a big scene about it because Muñeca shows up and says she’ll stay with Ilitia.
Oliver has asked Kristel to come into the station, so she appears, zeroing in on him like a heat-seeking missile. He tells her nope, he just wants to talk about Mauricio, and he asks her to sit down, which she does, on his lap, arms all busy tentacles. He brushes her off and tells her that tomorrow is the hearing about Mauricio’s charges against Mari (Seriously? Those were legit charges?) and Kristel’s testimony is important.
She is in full Kristel bloom, vamping, pawing him, teasing him, and finally telling him she’ll be his informant if he repays her in cash.
Jose Maria meets up with Bernardo in the park. Bernardo is ashamed he wasn’t there to defend him. JM says it was up to him (JM), but there’s only one end to this story: Either JM kills Fedra or she kills him. Manolo hides behind a nice big tree trunk and watches.
Bernardo says that Fedra has lost her mind and is making a lot of mistakes, and it’s all because of Lorenzo, he’s the guy they need to get rid of . Help me save her from him! JM snarls that he’s not interested in saving Fedra, he wants to kill her and Bernardo is to help. Fedra’s determined to kill him and it’s because of that damned (drat – I couldn’t make out what he was saying, then he says something about a son- anybody get this part?). It has to stop – tonight! Please – take me to her.
Episode 179: So, a pirate, a mob boss, and an orange walk into a bar…
So we’re still with Capitán Jose María Sevilla, who, being a tough old pirate and thus none the worse for a little stabbing, tells Bernardo that Fedra wants to keep him separated from his son, and he won’t allow this. Her games end now. Take me to her, he demands.
Kristel and her hormones run amok all over Oliver in Brandon’s office. She tries and she tries to seduce our favorite supersupersupercop (her term), but he isn’t tempted. He fights her off and tells her he can’t be with just anyone (cualquiera), his tone strongly insinuating he means UNA cualquiera (a slut). Especially not the sister of his beloved Gretel. She’s still in Little Engine That Could mode, but Oliver fortunately gets a call on his radio and takes the chance to flee. Kristel mutters to herself that her current heat-seeking missile trajectory is all Mau’s fault for wanting that flamenco guanabi “no matter what.”
Over at La Mala Noche…well, if you only saw the TV version, you missed a REALLY long scene of La Reina’s “act.” It’s a big hit, as usual. Low escorts Fedra to a table afterward, and they toast and she suggests he’ll get an encore later. Mau joins them and Fedra leaves. Low says he and Dandy are planning something, and this time El Lirio de Plata won’t get in the way.
Meanwhile, at La Buena Vida, Emanuel tells Fidel that he (Eman) and El Lirio need to appear in the same place at the same time and be seen by the police, to clear Brandon’s suspicions about Eman.
Outside La Mala Noche, Oliver calls off his backup officers so that he can go into the club as a regular patron and stalk Fonseca.
CJMS and Bernardo get out of a cab at LMN. Cap’n is surprised at the locale, but Bernie says Fedra is still up to her old tricks. Gretel/Manolo gets out of another cab across the street, and spies as Bernardo refuses to let JM go in alone. Bern says he won’t let either Fedra or JM hurt the other.
Brandon snuggles up with Ilitia on his bed, rubbing her tummy. He muses that her baby could have been his. No, no, that’s just crazy; good thing that didn’t happen; it would just cause all kinds of problems, he says. Ilitia starts to respond to that, but Muñeca walks in and asks Brandon what the heck he’s doing. Did Ilitia tell him the truth?
Olly olly oxen free; Marianela has made it into her bedroom. Jorge helps her take off the fat suit and she complains that it’s super hot. Jorge offers to go fetch her some dinner, since she obviously can’t leave the room without the disguise.
Downstairs, Emanuel hides when he sees Jorge heading to the kitchen. Then he sneaks by and races upstairs to his gordita. He calls out to her and Mari freaks out and races to the door to stop him from barging in. She slams his arm in the door and shrieks at him to go away. Emanuel says he just wants to talk. Marianela squeals that she’s naked. “Even better!” he says. Mari manages to lock him out and she tries to get the fat suit back on, but only succeeds in crashing around and knocking everything over. Eman wonders what’s going on.
Brandon says of course he knows the truth; Ilitia’s baby is at risk and she needs to rest. That’s why he’s giving her such hands-on care. Muñeca tells him she’s no fool. She gets Brandon to leave and tells Ilitia she can’t keep deceiving both Brandon and Emanuel. Ilitia mocks Brandon’s poverty. Muñeca tells her if she’s not serious about him, then to stop teasing him. Either tell him the baby’s his, or stay away from him para siempre.
Mari is still having trouble getting fat again. She tries to convince Eman to go away and hollers for Jorge. Emiliano comes along and tells Eman to stop being childish and drags him away. Jorge returns, sans dinner, and tells Mari she looks like a plucked chicken. Ah, romance.
Still at LMN, Mau professes his loyalty to his new boss Lowrenzo. Low tells him to stay away from Kristel. Malicio claims she is the love of his life, which Low ridicules. He says he’ll kill Mau if he hurts Kristel again. Hm, that seems win-win.
Oliver and GretelMan run into each other inside LMN. ¡¿Qué haces aqui?!
CJMS and Bernardo watch another long stripless tease. This time La Reina’s got a whip. Again, the crowd goes wild.
Oliver tells GretelMan he’s following Mauricio. GMan accuses him of only wanting Mau in jail so that he can have Kristel to himself. Oliver hauls GMan out of the club for his/her safety.
Downstairs at the house, Emiliano gives Eman a fatherly lecture about proper and moral behavior. Eman insists he just wanted to talk with Mari. He admits he’s done a lot, A LOT, of stupid things, first and foremost marrying Ilitia, and his life is just chaos and he has no idea what to do. He and Ilitia are expecting a baby, he thinks she’s cheating on him, he’s in love with Victoria who helped him get over Marianela… “You got over Marianela? Then why are you chasing her all over the house?” Hmmm. Good question. Eman says he’d like to find out himself. Emiliano advises him to clarify his situation with Vic and forget about Mari, and above all, don’t let the baby suffer.
Jorge peels off Mari’s chicken suit again. She asks him to help her sneak out so she can go to the pensión and talk to Ilitia.
La Mala Noche – another big round of applause for La Reina. JM joins in and stands up to praise her performance. He loudly says he hasn’t seen a show like that in more than 25 years. Fedra and Low are both mad that el capitán is not dead after all. JM suggests he could save Juana Felipa again, like he did years ago, caballero that he is. Fedra snarls that she doesn’t need saving; she is LA REINA. “Queen of WHAT? Of all the whores in the whorehouse?” JM sneers. Lowrenzo goes after JM, but Bernardo holds a gun on Low and pulls him away. Capitán JM rants to the whole crowd that he’d like to see the face of this society lady of the evening’s husband if he found out what she’s up to. Mauricio holds a gun on Bernie, giving Low the opportunity to punch JM. They all run backstage. The rest of the crowd doesn’t seem terribly concerned about all this. Maybe they think it’s part of the show.
Muñeca wants to take Ilitia home. Brandon and Ilitia both protest that she can’t move. Brandon gets a call from Consuelo. Javier is really sick, and she has no money and is frantic. The naco in shining armor is on his way. Ilitia’s mad that he has abandoned her.
In the dressing room, Chema and Fedra threaten to kill each other. He mentions their son and Fedra claims Eman is not his son. Low drops by to kill Chema, but Bernardo’s right behind him with a gun at his neck to stop him. Mau points his gun at Bernardo. Fedra begs Low and Mau to shoot the cap’n. Chema stands there, having brought a knife to a gun fight.
In the pensión kitchen, Muñeca apologizes to Gladiola for all the trouble Ilitia’s putting them to. Gladiola says it’s no problem, but she asks Muñeca to make Ilitia leave her son alone. Muñeca says it takes two to tango. She confesses that she wishes Ilitia would marry Brandon.
JM’s holding his knife to Fedra’s throat. The other guys are still lined up like dominoes with guns. Suddenly it’s a lot of action really fast, and some of it gets left out of the tv version. I think Mau turns away, Low hits JM with a bottle, M hits Low and maybe takes his gun, and Bernardo attacks Mau.
MariVicky and Jorge arrive at the pensión, and Netty’s having trouble remembering to call MV Victoria and talk about Marianela as a separate person. MV’s worried Ilitia will overhear. Netty explains to her why Ilitia is there. Sneaky Jorge excuses himself to go “to the loo.” MV tells Netty she wants Ilitia out of there ASAP, “before she finds out about me.” Of course Eman has just walked in and he asks what Ilitia could find out.
Jorge visits Ilitia and gripes that Kristel has made Emanuel suspect that the baby isn’t his.
Now JM’s holding a gun while Fedra binds and gags Mauricio and Lowrenzo with feather boas and masks and other bordello accoutrements. Bernardo is unconscious on the floor. Cap’n Pirate hauls off his booty i.e. Fedra.
MV claims she just doesn’t want Ilitia to know she’s there, because of the childish fit that would be certain. So she wants Ilitia gone so she can have some peace. Eman says the baby’s in danger so Ilitia can’t move. He asks to speak to Victoria privately and Netty warns him to behave himself.
Emanuel asks Vic for forgiveness. He knows she didn’t try to get Ilitia to abort the baby. MV says she had nothing to do with Mau raping Ilitia, either. Eman says he knows. He also says Mari’s return hasn’t changed anything; he’s still 110% in luuurve with Victoria. Jorge comes downstairs and asks “are you sure? Then why are you still chasing after my wife?”
Oliver has hauled GretelMan back to the cave, er, the kitchen at Casa RydT, and s/he’s hopping mad that he won’t let her go where s/he pleases. “Leave me alone! We are OVER! Forget about me!” Oliver says that’s impossible. He clamps his arms around his beloved and says he won’t let go until Gretel admits she still loves him. She won’t say it so I guess Oliver decides to extract the words by suction. Smoocheroochy. Kristel walks in and gags! Oliver! Liplocking with a DUDE! What is he even doing in her house?! Oliver tells Kristel it’s time she and the whole world knew the truth. He will never be interested in Kristel because he’s gay! Oliver puts on a big display of passion with Manolo to prove it. Kristel is like totally sickified.
JM has Fedra bound and gagged in the back of the car, driving to Veracruz. He tells himself he’s taking her back to where their story began, and there it will end.
Oliver swoons that he’s way completely in love with the mustachioed little reporter. Kristel sarcastically says “I’m sure!” She says she’d love to see Gretel find out about that; she’d go even “más psycho” than she already is. Oliver says he can’t help how he feels, so just leave him alone. Kristel tells him he only likes Manolo because he hasn’t experience a girl like her (she holds two tomatoes to her chest to suggest her charms), someone who can get him in touch with his “dark side” (she says in English). “Get ready.” She says she’ll have him at her orders in one second, just by snapping her fingers! Kristel snaps her way out of the kitchen.
Emanuel admits to Jorge that the love he had for Marianela isn’t dead after all. Insults are slung both ways as usual. Eman says he totally loves Victoria, too, and he’s so confused. MV leaves. Jorge asks Eman what his intentions are. He can’t have two women. One to a customer. Netty tells Eman he only loves one. She won’t let Jorge play dirty; this deceit is over.
Upstairs, MV demands that Ilitia tell her who is the baby’s father.
Avances: Axhole brings Lorena to the house for a “honeymoon” to torture Delicia. Netty tells Eman that Mari never stopped loving him and has never loved Jorge.
Se le caen las medias a ese imbécil – his stockings fall off for that idiot. Fedra mocking Bernardo’s slavish devotion to Capitán Sevilla
Zafarrancho – total chaos
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