Monday, March 28, 2011
La Fea Más Bella #273-274 3/29/11 No hay patrón sin cliente. (You can't be a patron without a client.)
Read Beckster's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.
1. Origel tells the cuartel that if his reporter finds Aurora at the address, they win the contest.
2. Carmina and Esther probe into Aldo’s personal life, claiming it’s for the book. No dice.
3. Sara, Marta, and the reporters interrupt the commercial shoot.
4. Even Fernando recognizes the importance of the Full Circle theme! He says, “Lety is copying me. She’s doing what I did when I was president. Now all the pieces of the puzzle are coming together.” He believes Lety has another man.

6. Lety tells Caro that she’s going to support Fern in any way she can. Another failure would hurt him too much. Omar and Luigi tell Fern it’s impossible, but he’s confident his company can do it. Caro promises her support.

7. In Reception, Fernando dances around the subject, trying to ask Lety if she had a date with another man. Fernando follows Lety into the elevator, they exit into the vortex side-by-side, and walking across the vortex, Lety drops behind Fernando.
8. Esther and Carmina walk Aldo home. Carmaniac surprises him with a beso en la boca as a goodbye.
9. Ali gives Marcia the honor of paying for the hall, food, and music for her wedding. Marcia refuses the honor. So Ali calls her papi, and it appears that he offers to pay half her expenses, but Ali could’ve faked the call. Ali tells Tom the news. She intentionally breaks his glasses.

12. Then Fernando gets serious.
F: Um, um, I have a question for you, Doña. Why did you support me so much?
L: It makes sense. I have confidence in you. And you have a good eye for business.
F: No, but tell me the truth, okay?
L: The truth?
F: Yes. You already know very well what I’m talking about, don’t you? Are you still in love with me? Accept it, Doña Lety, because I can’t live without you.
13. And they almost kiss.

Capitulo 274.
Read 5ft Latina's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.
1. Fern and Lety almost kiss, but they spring apart. Lety claims that she loves Aldo very much. Fern says forget it ever happened. He admits he’s impulsive, and he got carried away because she supported him so much. She says he deserves it. He says he’s trying with all his might to respect her decision. She warmly says she understands and says he doesn’t need to apologize.
2. The executives meet to brainstorm plot ideas. Fern says the show should be about the great Casanovas of history.
3. Paula wins the drawing. She’ll get the trip to Acapulco from the Aurora contest.
4. Fern works late on his plot idea. Lety checks in on him. Aldo follows and asks if she’s ready to leave; he’s cooking for her tonight (I’m thinking it’ll be leftovers since he didn’t get to enjoy what he had prepared for last night). Lety decides to stay to help Fernando, and Fernando tries to conceal his delight until after Aldo leaves.
5. Paula nervously tells Jaimito that Saimon is now her novio. No worries – Jaimito says Saimon is the best dad she could’ve found.
6. Fern tells Omar that he finished the script but he’s worried that it’s not good enough.

8. Fern spends the reception capturing ideas to add to his script.
Labels: fea-2010
Do you ever watch characters typing? I’m pretty sure Alicia is actually typing. Aldo never uses the top row of letters. Fernando only types on the left side of the keyboard.
Thank you Pat for all the great pictures.
I'll be gone most of today. Enjoy a fabulous episode!
Paula, thanks for reminding us that Pasion was getting ready to air. This info adds interesting background.
Great recap and screen shots so far, thanks.
I loved the scene where Fernando, Marcia, and Lety did the hand stack. The three of them together will certainly put Conceptos back on the map. I also noticed how Aldo had a cheshire grin on his face after Carmina kissed him. I don't think he minded the kiss on the lips at all. As a novio, he should have done all he could to avoid that kiss. It seems he's not the saint he likes to project himself as and is as vulnerable as most men. Carmina had the same sappy look on her face as Lety in Acapulco when Aldo was spouting for his dribble. Why dont' these women on this show have any brains in their heads to be able to see beyond the surface prettiness of words.
Tomy and Alicia's wedding - what a farce. Pretty sure there'll be a wedding night with no hanky panky. Tomas needs to wake up and realize that Alicia only sees him as a meal ticket and a place to lay her head. He deserves better.
I think I miss a lot of the subtlety in the show because of my poor Spanish translation skills. I hope the almost kiss spurs Fernando to pursue Lety. I know he promised to stay away but she's giving off enough signals to make him forge ahead.
also he and Lety belong together because they are the only two it seems in all of Mexico with slick black hair. I am fixating on this hair thing way too much.
Good thing Tomama didn't buy a nice dress for her only son's wedding it looks like she will be footing more than half the bill.
1. Is there anything I can do, so everyone can see today's post? Or is it just a glitch and I'm powerless? If someone else can fix it for me, adelante!
2. Yesterday I told you to watch for patron/client moments. What did you see?
3. Why do you think I included the triptych of elevator photos?
Someone might recognize today's title as similar to a vulgar dicho.
Haven't thought about your other questions yet.
I had trouble as well finding the recap today.
I also like seeing Fernando get his groove back. Lety looked so proud of him (as Aurora) when he came up with the TV idea. She's seeing the best part of the man she originally fell in love with so I think Lety is going to fall in love with Fernando all over again. He's the heart of her heart, the soul of her soul, the breath of her breath. She can't dislodge him from his residence in her heart and, if truth be told, she doesn't want to. Aldo is the safer place; the pacifier; but Fernando is the heat, the passion, the all-encompassing love. Once she is able to embrace the Aurora side of her, I think she will begin to come around to embracing the passion and fire she has with Fernando. Lety's relationship with Fernando is a furious boil; with Aldo, it is a gentle simmer. She might get burned with the fire of Fernando but she'll go to sleep with the dullness of Aldo.
The time is coming when she not only has to face the fact that she is fea only because she is comfortable being fea but also the fact that Fernando is her one and only. This will take courage; something that Lety is sadly lacking now. Only when she is playing Aurora does she have courage and backbone.
Oh that almost kiss. That was hot. I was sure that it was a daydream. I stopped watching at that point and went out to do errands. I just wanted to savor the moment. When I came back I was just wondering which of them was having the dream. I was so pleased to find that it was no dream.
I hope they give Fernando & Lety some time together in these last weeks. I hate the way they have to keep the tension going right up to the last episode before they finally let them get together. I wish they would unite the lovers for a couple of days and then tie up the minor characters loose ends before the final wedding episode. These two are so cute together when they are in sync. The working relationship is really nice to watch.
thanks agai Paula and Pata.
Something HUGE happened in today’s cap’s. Lety accepted Fernando as her patron again. The theme of it runs all through yesterday’s and today’s shows. Reminder, the client SUPPORTS the patron.
I said that yesterday was the Continental Divide when Fern announced he was able to pay half the debt to Aldo. He started acting like the president, and Lety started acting like his assistant.
Today, Lety accepts Fernando as patron, and we saw it in four stages.
1. Fern takes charge at the shoot. He has his old confidence and boldness, he acts like the president, and Lety looks at him with adoration. I believe that is when she makes her decision.
2. Lety goes out to the trailer and tells Carolina that she’s going to support Fernando in any way she can. That is when she announced her decision, at least to Caro. Carolina goes outside and tells Fern that she will support him – as far as he knows, he just gained one client, Caro.
3. They get to the office and (see my triptych) Fern follows Lety into the elevator – she’s the patron and he’s the client. They come out of the elevator as equals. But then Lety falls behind him. That is the precise moment when she implements her decision. But Fern doesn’t know it.
4. In her office, Fern tells Lety what he did and he’s scared. Marcia comes in and stomps on him. But Lety supports him. Thus she declares that he is her patron. Fernando is so happy, he almost levitates! He specifically asks, “Then you SUPPORT me?”
5. As soon as they’re alone, Fern asks why she supports him so much, he declares his love, and he dares to ask if she still loves him. Why? Because, what right did he have to be her patron? Not professionally – she’s still the president. So it must be personally. Fern concludes that she took him as her patron because he’s “her man.” It reminds me of when the prophet Samuel anointed David as king of Israel, even though Saul was still wearing the crown. The fact was established, it just wasn’t implemented yet.
Now, maybe you disagree with my conclusions – that’s fine. But my two strongest arguments are, 1. the word “support” is used repeatedly in #273, and 2. Fernando connects Lety’s support to asking if she still loves him.
It's interesting to see Fern trying to make the full circle connections in regards to his and Lety's situations...if he would just connect the dots with all of the information he already knows he'd figure out that Lety is Aurora...which I think he'll eventually be the one...
Marcia surprises me each day. The fact that she so quickly changed her tone when Lety supported Fern, that is definitely a change in this character...I sometimes watch the show wondering if her character has been taken by an invasion of the body snatchers and replaced with a pod person. I like the change, but it's sometimes disarming when you consider how nasty she was before...
I just watched the caps. and I actually think i
that Aldo was a WHOLE lot LESS flirtatious with editor girl than he was with Luigi, Alicia and the cuartel. I think he didn't resist the kiss, but his reaction sort of just seemed like he was stunned and sort of shocked that she'd be so forward...she's worse than Carloca was for sure!
What did you guys think of the dancing at the wedding? I sort of enjoyed that scene - I also noted that Lety gets her bad dancing skills from Julieta! I was also surprised that Alicia's dress was almost modest...I was totally expecting a short white little number...
I haven't read the full recaps yet, but I did notice the questions from Tomy about Alicia's father...I'd think that's a warning sign for him that he hasn't met his father in law yet, but it makes me very curious now about Alicia's backstory. I also thought that her defense of herself to Tomasita about why they should get married was very strong. Poor Tomy...I agree he probably won't be getting any loving tonight...
Paula - I haven't been able to get to this posting from the delicious link. Not sure how to fix the problem, but thank you again for posting the link to this recap in yesterday's recap.
I've never cared for them with their nosiness and gossip and their nastiness to anyone who isn't one of them. Obviously they must have all chipped in to buy the same bolt of cloth for their tacky wedding get ups. I'm am also fed up with the whole win a date with an aging galan and wouldn't you know PM would win it. It was so obvious that Televisa was pushing Pasion.
Once again we see the return of Lety and her spaz dancing complete with mugging. And good lord how much more hideously can they dress her. My grandmother at 80 dressed better than she does.
Looks like Conceptos has turned into stalker central with Carmaniac (good one) sitting in her car mooning over the vapid Aldo. What is wrong with these women? Who is the whole place hasn't at one time or the other stalked someone.
Paula I've always laughed over typing scene with people pounding away at the keyboard and never using the space bar.
I think I miss a lot of the subtlety in the show because of my poor Spanish translation skills. I hope the almost kiss spurs Fernando to pursue Lety. I know he promised to stay away but she's giving off enough signals to make him forge ahead.
there was a quick moment yesterday where most people would miss... when Lety goes into the hole and is asking Fer if he is staying much later, (remember Fer would leave and Lety would stay working late by herself but he would also be concerned so another role reversal)... Aldo comes to get Lety and Lety tells Fer she and Aldo have a dinner date where Aldo is cooking something special for her... Fernando just turns to face his monitor and says something like 'eso fue un poquito demasiada informacion' (what we would call 'TMI'... I loved Fernando's face as he said this... too sweet sad)
And regarding Lety's opinion of her own beauty, I always thought Aurora was the exaggerated version of Jessica Rabbit, almost like a Alicia twin, and Lety never felt really comfortable dressing as Aurora... I totally agree that once Lety begins to look inside for the 'beauty' then Aurora will dissappear and we will SEE the internal beauty Lety finally discovers... but Aurora is not the RIGHT answer in the appearance side, just like Aldo is not the RIGHT answer in the significant other side.
Aurora is another attempt at resolving her self-image issues (like the dreaded green outfit early on)...
He specifically asks, “Then you SUPPORT me?”
..well, he not only asks... he interrupts Marcia like he needs confirmation of what he just 'heard' right away... and it trumps all else they are talking about... THIS is his top priority.
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