Thursday, May 17, 2007
La Fea Más Bella #276 5/16/07 Mendoroels slummin’, Luigi slappin’ and 00 FEO Fer stylin’
Stooge agrees, that no one makes the chiles de nogada like my Abue. He says that’s it, exactly! He asks what comes to mind if he says white rice and raw fish, and Carmaniac very proudly thinks of Japan, and he says yes, the Orient. He says imagine this scene, we come upon a man in the middle of the Salar de Uyuni “One to Savor” (so clever), and he is longing for the flavor of a good maté, a corte, coming out of the boca juniors soccer field to buy a choripan.

They think that’s beautiful and finally understand that he wants to fuse where one is living with culinary culture. He confirms that’s what he’s refering to. In the case of Oaxaca, food made with many spices and hundreds of ingredients. And all those are going to reflect our southwest of Mexico. He leaves to see the editor. Carmaniac tells her friend she loves him and would give her life for him. Stooge tells her to keep her life until after we finish this book, eh?

Fer tells Lety he’s nervous because Luigi made him doubt himself. Lety doesn’t know if Luigi will let him do it, but if he really wants to do it, well then she admires him for that. He says Really? L- Really. He proclaims that is enough for him then.
He asks her what she is doing and she says that besides Retromode they still need more biz so she’s going to make some client calls. He wanders over to her side of the desk to check out her work and she looks up at him just as he looks down and again they are close enough to invoke the spring sound. They back up quickly and Fer begs her pardon and leaves. Lety makes her funky pout face as she appears to contemplate what just happened. Maybe she’s finally breaking under his heat. She has to verbally remind herself to work.
Fer peeks in to Luigi’s office where all the others are reading the script. He asks if they are done and what they thought. Luigi first acts like it’s no good, then says it’s genius. Everyone agrees that it is wonderful, and they want to know where he found such an excellent writer. Fer starts to think of something to say then busts out that he wrote it. Everyone laughs and Luigi mocks, ha, "just like when Lety said she was Aurora." Fer is befuddled. Luigi asks everyone to leave so he can be alone to concentrate. Fer double checks that Lui really likes it. He kicks Fer out.
Here at Conceptos where we have this giant building and presumably quite a number of people working in it…have you noticed the randoms that wander through the vortex periodically…and we have the president doing marketing? Anyway, Lety is on the phone pitching Conceptos to additional prospective clients for work besides the Retromode campaign. She promises to send them a proposal for their review.
Then she whips out her best baby voice and calls Aldo. He asks if something's wrong because he thinks it's strange that she called when they just saw each other in the morning. She said she’s fine she just wanted to hear his voice. He says that makes him happy. She asks if they can eat together and he says unfortunately he’s very busy with the book and can’t get away. She asks if he’s with the editora and he says yes. She asks herself what she should do because that woman wants to steal her boyfriend!!
Just then, commercial break that doesn’t make sense, and then we come back to her telling Aldo she’s not jealous. She’ll await him later when he’s unoccupied.
Marcia comes in to her office mocking that Fer would have such multi-talents. She looks at her computer and it’s an e-mail photo of Ali and Tomy on their Luna de Miel, eating of course. Ali tells Mar not to be jealous of how queenly she’s being treated, and that they are eating incredible banquets like this one all day long.
Lety in her office is looking at a similar e-mail and Tomy tells her they are having fun, but they have no money and can only eat during the hotel's free breakfast so they fill up on this for the whole day. Lety wonders what he got himself into with this marriage.The cuartel miraculously appears and is surrounding Lety. PM says she and Saimon would have had more fun because they wouldn’t have come out of the room!!
Simon in the F&O office says to Fer even though you are only an assistant now, you are still my hero. Simon says he’ll follow his orders because they are brothers and that now they are at the same level at the firm. Simon tells him he’s now earning 1 % of what he was earning when he first started. Don Omi makes fun until Simon tells him he has no compensation, because he is on commission as a freelancer and gets paid only when he brings in clients. Simon leaves. Omar whines. They discuss that he should be happy to have what he has and Fer admits he hasn’t lost hope with Lety.
The cuartel beg Lety to eat with them. She says ok, how about we go to a great restaurant. They get excited. We then flash to O and F counting their pennies to try and get lunch. Fer says they can go to the Comidilla, and he’ll buy if they want. Marcia interjects can you imagine the Mendiola-Villaroels eating at almost the same table as the cuartel? Omar can’t stomach that (pun intended). Fer essentially says they have two choices, they either die of hunger or they go to the Comidilla. Omar wants Marcia to invite them to Le Noir.
The cuartel is discussing restaurants when Omar goes out to find out if they are going to the Comidilla. He finds out they are going elsewhere and that makes him happy. They ask where he’s going and he says probably Le Noir because they like the finer things. Martha says maybe you’ll invite us then. Omar says yes, then no.
Lety then asks if they decided and of course they couldn’t agree. Just then Saimon comes up and says he knows the menu for the Comidilla. He tells them the delicious foods and they get really hungry for it.
The trio continue discussing whether or not they should got to the Comidilla. Fer tells him each time he looks more like his ex girlfriend Alicia. Omar bawks. Fer continues to tell Omar "don’t act like that, you have your past."
They then decide to play Chin Chan Pu to decide if they should go to the Comidilla. Marcia grows impatient and tells them just let’s go.
So then we are there. They are enjoying the food, Mar thinks it’s good but a little greasy, but the boys are fine. Of course the cuartel shows up. They discuss how life can turn it’s tables and how they ought to handle running into them. Juana says very casually lets walk by. She then screams for them and runs over to the table. Fer asks them all to join them for lunch. He smiles a very cute smile.
We suddenly leave this great opportunity for funnies and go to the studios where Luigi is walking through the script on the set, [Notice the logo and initials of the agent FEO, again clever..] and he decides that something is missing and that maybe a few things need to be changed.
The trio shows up asking if Lui is ready. He says yes and that he’s just making the final changes to the script and waiting for the actress. Fer gets mad and asked who authorized him to make changes to his masterpiece. Luigi mocks that he is challenging the director’s right to modify the script to make it more ingenious. Fer looks at it and mocks that changing a comma or one word makes it so much more ingenius? Luigi says yes, that lastima is not the same as lastima (with accent- one is pity or shame and the other is hurt)
Fer begins to berate him. Uh oh…Fer begins to tell Luigi to come back down to earth, that he is common and ordinary, and nothing special or extra ordinary. And you know who drives you mad, Ruly, you know why he’s not answering the phone, because he’s left you!! At this, Lui loses it and B-slaps Fer right across the face!! Mar jumps in and pulls them apart.
We come back from the commercial to chaos. Mar checks his face and says there is only a small scratch. Omar holds back Fer as he lounges toward Lui. He tells Omar he’s not going to hit an old lady. Fer complains it won’t stay this way, and Lui says of course not, it’s going to swell.
Luigi apologizes to the whole studio, but says that Fer brought out the beast that lives within him and noone has said such horrible things to me before. Fer says that’s because no one has told you the truth. He complains about being scratched and that he can’t film this way and that he’s not in sequence, as the phrase says. Luigi tells him not to worry because the only thing in sequence is wardrobe. Lui tells him he shouldn’t have messed with him and anyway he’s going to be in character and besides make up will hide it.
Omar restrains him again and Fer tells him, look I’m not going to hit him Carvajal. Fer calls him a little girl among other things and Mar tells him to quit.
They discuss that he is going to be in character as a super seducer, but it’s a secret. If Reynard accepts the program then you concede that we’ll have to get a real actor right? Mar reminds them of their debt and that they should get to work. Fer says he works and doesn’t scratch people.
Mar asks for them to each extend their hands. Reluctantly they both agree, finally Luigi grabs Fers and shakes it but then leans in for a kiss. Fer freaks saying only the hand.
In the vortex Irma calls for a code red and describes the bloodshed when a playboy bunny type shows up looking for Luigi. They lead her back.
The make up woman is touching Fer up. Fer asks Omar how it looks, and O says it looks like it’s starting to swell. Fer screams for a mirror fast to look at his face. Mar teases that he’s more vain than Aurora. Fer tells her, I’m not vain, it’s just that actors have to….and he cuts himself off and gives back the mirror.
They get ready for Fer to start. He does his “acting calisthenics” and reminds himself to enunciate. He then launches into a sensational description about the pilot.
"We present a program based on a very special personality, different. The person is a secret agent a spy and dynamic visionary of the federation of expert operatives of the ultra secret international agency. Your lead character does come with certain defects, yes he is an interesting, adventurous, and valiant man, but, and there is a big but….Woman don’t pay him any mind why you ask? You will see when the show continues with the Federation of Expert Operatives, FEO secret agent."
Omar runs up and wants his autograph. Luigi is muy impactado and pleased. They all think he did a great job.
Aldo and Lety are together and she is saying that right about now they are making up Don Fer. Aldo laughs that he is going to be dressed up as character. Aldo says he misses Lety. She says she misses him to. More baby talk about how she is the reason for his existence etc.
We go back to the studio where now on stage is a steel fermentation barrel. Luigi knocks on it to ask if Fer is ready, and he doesn’t want to come out.
Luigi runs around to the back and tells him he has to be ready. The suspense mounts. The barrel spins. Fireworks light up. Through the smoke we start at the floor and follow some light colored sort of striped pants up to the very nice buttocks, and we get a glimpse of an arm holding a large black weapon.
We flash to a surprised audience and then a muy, pero muy, impactado Lety!!! and cut!
Labels: fea
So it's not a productive comment, but I had to share the joy with someone!
I will second the motion on Fern's butt.
And when Luigi slapped him,that was priceless. I really enjoyed that episode. Thanks for the recap.
I'm so delighted you added those pictures of the flesheaters vs. the hulk. It's great you could let us know what they were talking about...
I like the initials, F.E.O. that's cute. So Don Fern is going to be a James Bond, cute.
Yeah Fern talking about vain actors was funny, reminded me of his interview when asked if he was vain.
Thanks for the posters I had no idea what they were talking about.
Wow! Fern in those light colored pants. How Lety can resist him is way beyond me.
I'm really feeling sorry for Tomas with Alicia hogging all the food. I guess when he gets back home Tomama will feed him.
Did they ever have a honeymoon night??????
I couldn't believe Luigi and the slap! I was sure Fern was going to punch him!
Carrie L.
around. It seems strange. None of the principles
seem to talk to them, but then everything about
Conceptos is strange. Nobody seems to work very
hard. I thougt Luigi's office was around a corner
but now it's right near the vortex. I still can't figure
out the layout of the office.
And yes Fern's butt is spectacular!
I thought the Fern/Luigi catfight was a little over the top. They spent more time on it than the Tomalicia wedding scene. They've been trying to show us the more responsible, mature side of Fern and then this...????
Loved the F.E.O., I bet Fern's going to be feo-fied tonight! Maybe dark-rimed glassed with tape on the middle, Urkle style.
Not that tape machines ever screw up. :)
Luigi's office - I think his office is around a corner, but his studio is off of the vortex. Or something. I know he has kind of a suite (that's how he was able to give Aldo an office), so there's more than one way in or out.
BTW, Fernando's butt in those pants is a great example of why I prefer men in casual clothes, rather than suits. And does anybody remember when Omar was in Germany and he spent the day with Marcia and his hair wasn't slicked down? *Sigh*
The penny counting scene about lunch money was hilarious as was the snit scene between Fern and Luigi even if it did go on a little too long.
Since when did Lety become so clairvoyant that she is sure that Carmania is going to steal her boyfriend? She met the woman once, okay at Aldo's with a bottle of wine at night but it seems an awful big leap for someone who has as little experience in the dating scene as Lety.
That preview where Jacques said he wanted Aurora and Fern to do the show means tonight should be hilarious and Omar will predictably be screaming. Lety set herself up for the big recognition scene if she has to kiss Fern. Counting the hours here
That was funny about Eduardo Capetillo and Alexis. Hire them they'll accept anything anybody pays them or something along those lines.
I saw the Germany clips on youtube. Yes tan divino as long as his hair isn't too long. The esmas chat his hair was too long and wild looking, I wanted it slick back.
I do notice random people walking around Conceptos but because nobody paid them any mind I don't dwell on them and at the same thought the staff at Conceptos don't highly of their job to be all loud and obnoixious with guests around.
I thought this episode was really funny. Loved the warm-up before he read the script. I feel a little bad for Fernando though. Omar's taken a swing at him, Thomas and Aldo have punched him, and Marcia, Lety, and now Luigi have slapped him. At least everybody loved his script and thought his acting was great.
I loved all the comments. For the record, though, that butt isn't really Fern's, it's Jaime Camil's, and that's a Good Thing, ladies. It means once Fern has retired into DVD-land, we still have chances to see it on other novelas. I, for one, am counting on it.
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