Tuesday, September 05, 2017

Upcoming Telenovelas: Stevey's Notes (Pt. IIA) – September 5, 2017

Let's hope for the best for the future of our telenovela world. Without further ado, let's let Stevey get to the productions themselves! Now, again, these are all TELEVISA productions. Which of these will actually get broadcast in the U.S. or when, is anybody's guess, but if he has ANY further information as to “yea” or “nay,” he will make sure to note it in his summaries. Here he goes!  :-)
**Mexican debut was on June 5, 2017.** Currently broadcasting on Univision, but I had this written before it started airing, so please indulge me, okay?
First off, I have to confess that I can't stand Juan Osorio. I think he's a megalomaniacal idiot living off of his past successes, who patronizes his viewing audience more than he does anything else by not offering anything of any depth or real quality, just his dancing spawn Emilio (the product of his liaison with the BSC Niurka Marcos, a woman who had her own talk show where she interviewed her guests in a hot tub, and whose general classlessness is almost impressive in its absoluteness—and who appeared as herself in Mi Corazon es Tuyo), ad nauseam (you'll have to forgive me here as I deplore nepotism). In talks about his next production, the currently airing Mi Marido Tiene Familia, Osorio went off on this screed about the genre and the deplorable direction that telenovelas were going. He decried productions in the vein of La Piloto and, well, pretty much anything that Telemundo is airing, really, for being all about drugs, violence, random killings, and generally speaking, not-nice things, CERTAINLY NOT what should be on television during “family hour.” He said HIS production was designed to take the genre back to where he (being all-knowing, life-giving, all-powerful, and all that stuff) feels it should belong, and away from things like gratuitous S&M scenes and torture (as was depicted recently in Sueño de Amor, produced by…uh…oh…wait for it…YOU, Sr. Osorio…hypocrite much?).

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Sunday, September 03, 2017

Upcoming Telenovelas: Stevey Weighs In (Pt.I) - September 3, 2017

This Post comes from our beloved commentator Stevey, observer of all things telenovela, which fits right into all things CarayCaray. His discourse will be posted in three parts over several days: Part I—Behind the Scenes at Televisa (a must read, in my opinion); Part II—Upcoming Telenovelas (some sooner than you think); Part III—Telenovelas Farther Off in the Future (or never). Be advised the opinions expressed in this post are entirely Stevey’s and not necessarily those of the CarayCaray blog.
Note of caution: some of the narrative in Part II especially, contains information that could be considered spoilers, so use caution if you don’t want to read too far ahead (Anita has marked tell-tale storylines with a à.)

Hi everybody! First off, I'm SO sorry that this has been so unconscionably late in getting to you all (Stupid life! Slow DOWN a bit now and then, will ya??), but I really never DID forget about you, and I've actually been working on this for quite some time now (as you will, undoubtedly see), both as a result of my own loquaciousness (read: long-windedness, not knowing when to stop or shut up, etc.), as well as the fact that these situations are always constantly evolving, or at least changing. I also always want to make sure as much as I can, that anything I put out there for you guys is actually a verified FACT (no 'Fake News' here!), HOPEFULLY by contacts within the network, but if not, through viable sources, and this sometimes isn't always that easy to come by. There's actually been all kinds of network drama going on over at Televisa in regards to telenovelas, an inordinate amount, really…lots of unhappy actors, and a lot of producers gnashing their teeth and clutching their 'stress balls' more tightly than usual.  But I hope you'll enjoy what I've got for you all.


(Note: For anyone not interested in these things, wait for Part II – Upcoming Telenovelas, where I actually talk about the upcoming telenovelas.)

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Saturday, February 11, 2017

Upcoming Telenovelas: Stevey Tells Us What’s Happening in Mexico (2017)

The following post is from Commenter Stevey, who shares all he knows about the new telenovelas in the works in Mexico, that we may or may not see eventually in the U.S.

Hi everybody!!  In the past, I've tried to put together a little 'fact sheet' for you guys in regards to what's going on telenovela-wise 'South of the Border', in the land where they come from!   As I realize that whatever it is the staggeringly disgraceful boobs at Univision decide on by way of programming, will ultimately entail just what it is that YOU guys get to watch up yonder, America-way.  Some will make it, some will not... and god knows which will be which (hell, with the Univision execs being what they are, I doubt even HE knows!).  But, that being said, I wanted to come up with a post that hopefully you will find informative, enlightening, useful, entertaining, or any combination therein!  I apologize for its stupefying length, but it's a labor of love to be sure (I just hope it isn't as such reading it!)  To avoid editorializing (I unfortunately do that enough once I get going, for which I apologize... FWIW, I'm writing this paragraph last, so I know what I'm talking about here...), I'm just going to get right in on things, and on the projects that we've got on hand right now, or are already actively in preparation in some way...
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Monday, January 30, 2017

Upcoming Telenovelas: Jan/Feb 2017: What’s Happening Now; What’s Coming Soon?


There are a few changes coming to primetime telenovelas. Here’s a rundown of what’s happening now on Telemundo, Univision and Unimás, and what’s coming soon. Feel free to share any intel in the comments. 


Despertar Contigo sprints to its finish. Its final week’s episodes will be shown in 2-hour slots, 7pm-9pm, this whole week. After that, Univision does NOT seem to be in any hurry to bring in another 8pm telenovela, and instead will run the new season of its kids’ talent show, Pequeños Gigantes (the original version of Little Bigshots shown on NBC that’s hosted by Steve Harvey).  

Vino el Amor, currently in the 9pm slot, is doing so well in Mexico, it’s been extended. Let’s hope it continues to heat up on the vineyard, and we soon learn why the Mexican audience wanted another serving of vino. So far, this wine has mainly been making us sleepy.

El Color de la Pasión is in its final weeks in the 10pm slot. After moving along at a rapid clip for 80+ episodes, it’s hit a lull before what’s sure to be an exciting final few weeks.


La Fan recently started in the 8pm slot, and so far is a very enjoyable comedic telenovela, worthy of the talents of its leading lady, Angélica Vale (La Fea Mas Bella). It’s a fun look at the lives of telenovela actors and their fans, and perfect for anyone looking for a light comedy with heart. La Fan is only two weeks in, so it won’t be hard to catch up!
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Thursday, October 27, 2016

La verdad oculta - starting Monday, November 7

Anybody interested in recapping contact your blog mom at caray@mappamundi.com - thanks! Synopsis is on the way.

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Monday, October 24, 2016

New Telenovela: Vino el Amor, Starts Tuesday, 10/25 at 9PM

Start Date and Time: Tuesday, 10/25/16 at 9PM on Univision (replacing Tres Veces Ana). Please contact Blog Mom, Jane, if you would like to recap this show: caray@mappamundi.com

Set in the majestic vineyards of Napa Valley, California, Vino el Amor introduces us to Mexican-Americans trying to achieve the American dream, and the success surrounding their families.
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Sunday, September 11, 2016

New Telenovela: A Que No Me Dejas, Starts Monday, September 12, 2pm/1c. Synopsis And Cast

Looneyvision has finally deigned to air “A Que No Me Dejas” (“I Dare You To Leave Me”), the 2015 novela acclaimed by critics and audiences alike, in Mexico and the rest of Latin America. 

“A Que No Me Dejas” was the biggest winner at Premios TVyNovelas 2016. It scooped up best script and/or adaption, best direction, best cinematography, best musical theme, best veteran actress and actor for Leticia Calderón and Arturo Peniche respectively, best female antagonist for Laura Carmine and, dare I say, it should have received the best male protagonist prize too, because Osvaldo Benavides deserved it heaps more than any other nominee in that category. The same producer, Carlos Moreno Laguillo, and the same writing duo, Martha Carrillo and Cristina García, that gave us such gems as “Amor Bravío”, “Quiero Amarte” and “En Nombre del Amor”, now bring us this remake of Carla Estrada’s “Amor en Silencio” (1988).   

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Monday, August 29, 2016

New Telenovela: El Color de la Pasion, September 6th Debut

Marcelo y Lucia, our pretty protagonists
(not to be confused with SantMarc y Ana Lucia from 3xAna)

Next Tuesday, September 6th, is the 2-hour debut of El Color de la Pasión (The Color of Passion) at 7:55pm EST. After sitting for two years on Univision’s shelf, it replaces Narcos, which has been recapped by Countx during its 2-week run, in the 10pm EST slot.  

So far, there seems to be lots of interest in watching this popular telenovela, and also some interest in recapping it from: Delilah, dy77, Anna Nabil, Anita, Jardinera, and Cathyx. I would also be interested in sharing a night with someone. If those listed are still interested, please email me and we can decide on a recapping schedule. If others are interested, please also email me. Gracias, amigas y amigos!
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Friday, August 19, 2016

New Telenovelas/Series Coming to Univision- Aug/Sept 2016

Hola Amigos!

Here’s an update on some changes coming in the next few weeks to Univision’s lineup, if you haven’t already seen the ads. Three new shows are coming our way. Two of them are not so new, as one is a popular telenovela that aired in Mexico in 2014, and the other already aired as a Netflix series last year. Keep in mind that Univision has been known to change its mind often, and last minute. No word yet on if Uni still plans to split Tres Veces Ana into 2 seasons (temporadas), but it seems they don't. If you would like to recap any of these new shows, please let Blog Mom/Jane/Melinama know.  Let’s go in order of Univision start dates…
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Monday, May 23, 2016

Upcoming Telenovelas: Stevey's Notes for 2016-17 Season

Commenter Stevey sent this post about upcoming telenovelas to share with you all. Thanks for this info, Stevey!

Hi everybody!  With so many telenovelas ending, starting, changing names, time slots, hell, even NETWORKS (poor 'Yago'...), I thought it might behoove me to write one of my 'UPCOMING' posts for everybody, so that you all might know a bit more what's likely to be coming your way.  Now, again, as always, this news will be about projects that are in the works to premiere IN MEXICO first... but I'm hoping that you all still may find this a useful guide as to what you all can (hopefully) look forward to up yonder North-way.  Which one of these will air up in the States, and which ones will be relegated to the nether-regions of time is anybody's guess, but still... I hope you guys may find this useful and/or enjoyable.  HERE GOES:

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Sunday, May 22, 2016

New Telenovela: Tres Veces Ana, Starts Monday, May 23rd

Recappers are needed for this telenovela which starts Monday, May 23rd in the 9 pm time slot. A few of you have now expressed interest in recapping-- let Blog Mom Jane/Melinama know and email her ASAP: caray@mappamundi.com

**News flash: as of 5/21, Uni has once again changed its mind about the fate of Yago, and it is supposedly no longer moving to the graveyard shift on UniMas. I have no idea what will happen to A Que No Me Dejas. During its first week, Tres Veces Ana will be shown in 2 hour blocks, 9pm-11pm. After that, it will be on at 9pm and Yago on at 10pm. This schedule is changing almost daily, so stay alert.

The story of "Tres Veces Ana" starts with a family road trip—the Álvarez del Castillo Rivadeneira family. Triplets Ana Laura, Ana Leticia and Ana Lucía, along with their parents, suffer a dramatic car accident, crashing by the side of a river. The event leaves both parents dead, Ana Laura losing one leg, and Ana Lucía dragged by the river’s current. Only Ana Leticia emerges unscathed. Soledad, a woman who is mourning her own daughter’s death, finds and helps Ana Lucía. Although Soledad discovers who the girl is, she takes advantage of Ana Lucía’s memory loss about the accident and her family and decides to keep her, making her believe she is her mother.
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Monday, May 02, 2016

New Telenovela: Yago begins tonight. Here's a synopsis. Who is in? We need recappers.

Hi friends,

I ordinarily write the synopsis for a new show but because this one is starting tonight I'm giving you one I found elsewhere. If you would like a recapping slot please leave a comment. We need somebody for tonight if possible!

Our main character is Iván Sánchez. (See dreamy picture.) The story begins with Omar Guerrero, a simple young man living in a middle-class neighborhood next to his inseparable best friends Abel (Pablo Valentin) and Lucio (Flavio Medina). Omar’s life changes dramatically when Sara (Gabriela de la Garza) moves into the neighborhood with her father Damián (Manuel Ojeda) and her sister Ámbar (Ximena Romo). Damián is a conman who is about to pull off the perfect heist on the big Casino in the city. Unable to do it alone, he convinces Lucio, Abel and his daughter Sara to involve Omar. Even though Sara has fallen in love with Omar, her father manipulates her to go through with the plan. During the heist, a guard is murdered and Omar is framed for both crimes, and is sentenced to sixty year in prison. While in prison, Omar meets Fidel Yampolski (Patricio Castillo), an old and powerful mafia boss who becomes his mentor. After a prison riot burns the prison down, the two men plot an ingenious revenge; Fidel helps Omar get a new face and a new identity: Yago. Now, twelve years later, Yago has returned to execute his revenge upon the three people who betrayed him. But, will love be stronger than his hunger for vengeance?

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Sunday, May 01, 2016

New Telenovela: Yago - Synopsis & Main Characters. Gran Estreno Monday May 2, 2016. Recappers Needed.

Hello Patio Pals! I took the liberty to post this page as a brief introduction to the story and the characters of this exciting series, premiering tomorrow night at 9 pm EDT on Univision. 

Yago is a remake of the Turkish drama series, Ezel, which is loosely based on the literature classic "The Count of Monte Cristo" by Alexandre Dumas (Père).

Iván Sánchez is Yago. Yago used to have a different name, a different face and a different voice. In what seems like another life, he was Omar, a kind and loving young man with a head full of dreams and a promising future ahead of him. However, everything came crumbling down when the love of Omar’s life, Sara, and his two best friends, Lucio and Abel, accused him of a crime he never committed. The crime in question made the traitors very rich and landed Omar in jail for life. Then, one day, Omar manages to fake his own death and he creates the Yago persona to exact his vengeance on those who robbed him of everything: of his family, freedom, innocence, love and life.

Gabriela de la Garza is Sara Madrigal, the woman whom Omar loved more than anything in the world. She ended up betraying him and destroying his life.

Flavio Medina is Lucio Sarquis, Omar’s best friend and one of the perpetrators of the crime for which Omar became the scapegoat.
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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Premiere March 8: Sueño de Amor. Brief synopsis. Who's in?

Nandicta has said she'd like to recap this one. Other takers? Contact me at caray@mappamundi.com

Dream of Love tells the story of Esperanza and Ricardo and their desire to find each other again twenty years after living the intensity of first love. But today their lives are very different ...

Esperanza is a single mother and teacher in two different schools: in the exclusive Institute Palacios and also in the simple College Vasconcelos. She struggles every day to get ahead.

Meanwhile, in Los Angeles Ricardo is married to Tracy, a woman who puts puts her profession ahead of their children, Rodrigo and Selena. For this reason Ricardo is practically a "single" parent who must combine parenthood with his work as an agent of Interpol.

Life reunites them when Ricardo arrives, as an undercover agent, at Institute Palacios; he is following the trail of the terrible criminal "La Sombra".

Betty Monroe -- Esperanza Guerrero: a friendly, patient, fair and brave teacher. She is the mother and father at the same time and gives unreservedly to her family. She has dreams: to have her family improve its station in life, to build a school for poor children, and above all to see Richard, the love of her life, again.

Cristián de La Fuente -- Ricardo Alegría: the man who fought for the American dream and got it. He's an Interpol agent and the father of two wonderful children. But living with his wife Tracy has become untenable. Ricardo will have the good fortune to reunite with the love of his life. With patience and a lot of affection, they will establish a "reconstructed family" with all their children.

Carmen Salinas -- Margarita Manzanares: bold, cheerful and witty. She's a lively granny who understands technology. She always gives the right advice and wants to help her family find happiness. There is conflict with her daughter Silvana, director of the pompous Institute Palacios bombastic while Margarita runs the simple College Vasconcelos.

La sombra: a very dangerous international criminal, an art and jewel thief and jewels willing to do anything to get what he wants. He's been a nightmare not only for police but also for Ricardo and his family. He can even abandon his identity so nobody can catch him.

Sabine Moussier -- Tracy Kidman: Ricardo's capricious, impatient and selfish wife. For her the job comes first, she neglects her marriage and children. But as soon as she realizes Ricardo and his family can find happiness, she'll do what she can to become their nightmare. She is American and has little command of Spanish.

El Chapo de Sinaloa -- Jerónimo Durán: a very cheerful and hardworking bricklayer whose talent for singing may turn him into the builder of his own dream.

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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Un camino hacia el destino - synopsis in English

Starting at 6:30 pm tonight!! Anybody want to recap this one? Contact me at caray@mappamundi.com

Setting: the hacienda of the Altamirano family. Fernando Altamirano (Red Gustavo), head of the family, is a widower and the father of Amelia (Lisette Morelos), the eldest daughter, and Mariana (Ana Patricia Rojo), the apple of his eyes.

Pedro Perez (Jorge Aravena) is gardener on the estate. He has secretly loved Amelia forever. But she's in love with Luis Montero (René Strickler), an ambitious young law student.

At the age of 18 Amelia gives herself to Luis and becomes pregnant. But Luis rejects her in order to marry Marissa Gomez Ruiz (Eugenia Cauduro), a widow millionaire banker. Somehow Don Fernando comes to believe the child Amelia is expecting is Pedro's - he throws both of them out of the house.

Pedro marries Amelia and for love of her assumes paternity of the child whom Amelia christens Luisa Fernanda (Paulina Goto). (Luisa for the real dad and Fernanda for the grandfather).

Luis and Marissa's wedding takes place quickly because she has to go to Spain for bank business. She ends up paying for Luis to study law in Spain.

Marissa has a son, Carlos Gomez Ruiz (Horacio Pancheri), who despite his young age is not deceived. He's always known Luis is a playboy who married his mother for money. This makes for an awful relationship between Luis and Carlos.

Years pass ... Luisa Fernanda is a beautiful young lady of 18, who is finishing high school and has two passions in life: she plays the violin beautifully though she's never studied it, and she loves gardening, which she learned from her father Peter.

A meeting led by fate makes Luis run over Fernanda, ending at the hospital where Carlos works ...

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Saturday, January 16, 2016

Recappers Needed: Hotel de los Secretos Premiers January 25th, 10pm, Univision

Hello Caraymates!

On January 25th we will start a new journey together…a journey to turn of the last century Mexico. Once we arrive at our destination, we will enter the doors of a grand hotel, filled with shadows and mysteries—El Hotel de los Secretos. Your guides and hosts on this journey will be:

Jardinera (Tuesday)
Vivi (Wednesday)
Cathyx (Friday)
Nandicta (Friday)

As you can see, we still need at least two additional fearless guides to recap Mondays and Thursdays. We’re flexible, if another day works best for you.  Please leave a comment, or email me if you want to join this intrepid recapping team. See you all soon in the dark corridors and passages of the hotel…  

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Monday, January 04, 2016

¿Qué nos cuenta, Caray, Caray!? (January 4, 2016)

Hola Carayites!

In this week's edition:

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Monday, December 28, 2015

¿Qué nos cuenta, Caray, Caray!? (December 28, 2015)

Hola Carayites!

In this week's edition:

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Thursday, December 24, 2015

Familiarize Yourself with the Background of "The Hotel of Secrets" - Starts 1/25/16

It’s 1905 and an unexpected encounter in a train will change the lives of Isabel Alarcon and Julio Olmedo.  They sit together at the same table and realize that neither of the two of them belongs to the places from which they come.  

Protected by anonymity and the brevity of the train trip, they speak of their dreams and desires.  Julio jumps off the train without saying good-bye, thinking that he’ll never again meet up with this fantastic being that Fate lent to him for a few hours.

Juliio arrives at The Grand Hotel in order to look for his sister, Cristina.  However, he receives a nasty surprise: that his sister was fired and nobody has had any idea of her whereabouts for a month now.  From this moment a search will begin that will take him along unimagined pathways; he will unearth each hidden mystery at the majestic hotel; and he will begin a stormy and passionate romance with Isabel.  

Isabel and Julio will have to traverse a river of blood not only to find out the truth about Cristina, but to succeed in freeing themselves from the trials and tribulations that have marked their lives.

[ed. note: Translated from UVideos Conoce la historia de El Hotel de los Secretos]

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Monday, December 21, 2015

¿Qué nos cuenta, Caray, Caray!? (December 21, 2015)

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