Friday, March 11, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #249-250 3/11/11 ¿Me dijo Don Fernando? (Did you call me DF?)

Capitulo 249.
Read k-Fuego's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Teresita tries to convince Fern to stay. See the transcript. He tells her that he resigned so Lety might stay. Lety won’t believe him, and he has no way to show his love is true. MamaT gets an idea.

2. Ali thinks Ariel will be the next president so she asks to be his assistant. He tries to pimp her but Tom punches Ariel in the face. Alicia fusses over Tom.

3. Marcia says they need Fern to stay to be president, or Ariel will sell off the company. MamaT says Fern needs Lety – they make a good team. Marcia needs to accept that Fern’s never coming back to her. MamaT knows she loves Fern; is she willing to sacrifice for him and for Conceptos? Everyone’s future is in her hands.

4. RoboPop assures FrostyPop that Lety won’t resign, and she’ll give everything she’s got to save Conceptos. Ali tells Tom she’s evicted. He says he’s not rich and can’t pay five months of back rent.

5. Marcia begs Fern to stay and be president. He refuses and says she should convince Lety instead. She’s the best for the company. Marcia says he’s already lost Lety. He should stay here with those who genuinely love him. She says if he goes he’ll ruin the company. He says he ruined it long ago.

6. Caro bumps into bitter Omar at the gate. He says that Conceptos makes him sick, and she suggests that it’s the other way around.

7. Marcia’s finest hour. She tells Lety (paraphrased), “After Doomsday, Fern confessed that he loves you. You left, he couldn’t find you, and he wanted to die. After his other affairs, he always returned to me. But after you, he never touched me again, nor any other woman. The night he left me, he was very clear. He loves only you. I’m telling you this because I love him and want the best for him.” Six times, Lety tried to tell Marcia she’s staying, but Queen Marcia shut her up. See what bad manners can cost you?

8. Aldo sells his restaurant, and we hear that he’s selling his house and boat too.

9. As Lety eavesdrops, Fern tells Irma how marvelous she is. Saimon begs Fern to stay. Fern counsels him to make up with Paula. Saimon offer a deal – if you stay, I’ll marry Paula and have 15-20 children.

10. Paula remembers to give Lety Aldo’s note. “Remember, I love you, and love is liberty.” Irma urges Lety to admit that she loves Fernando.

11. As Fernando is getting into his car, Lety runs out calling, “Don Fernando!” He freezes, walks to her, and says, “Me dijo Don Fernando?” She nods and he gives her the kiss of the century. Caray, caray!

Capitulo 250.
Read Amanda's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fernando and Lety drive off. The cuartel weighs in. Irmita thinks they belong together and she’s sure Fernando loves her. Juana says it’s Lety’s turn to be happy. Paula, Sara and Lola think he’s going to hurt her again. Marta says nothing. Alicia is shocked.

2. Lety says that coming from Marcia, she believed it. Fern confirms, “I love you, Lety.” Lety says she never stopped loving him. On the phone, Mama warns her to be careful. Fernando butts in, “Hi, mother-in-law!”

3. Ali wants to tell Marcia something and she won’t like it. Marcia says, “Nothing can be worse than having told Lety that Fernando honestly loves her.” She did it to save the company, so Lety wouldn’t resign. Ali says that everyone knew three hours ago that she rescinded her resignation. Marcia blames Lety for not telling her because she always blames her problems on Lety.

4. Fern says, “Just tell me that you’ll come back to me. That we’ll live our lives together. That you’ll accept me again (he probably means intimately).” Lety says they need to work through a lot of things first, and it will take time. His skin and hers need to meet again. He says he doesn’t need time. He needs her with him now and forever (not just until the tide goes out).

5. Fern says that if Lety hadn’t stopped him, he would’ve left for Rio for years, because she wasn’t with him, and because it was the only way he could leave her alone. She’s worried about Marcia suffering (Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!), but he says that their own suffering must not be in vain. He asks what happened between her and Aldo.

6. Teresita suggests to Marcia that maybe Fernando was never really hers. With distance she’s seen that he was never truly committed to her. Marcia refuses to accept that.

7. Lety says she and Aldo kissed twice, and Fern is worried that it was the horizontal kind. Lety explains that she wanted to die and Aldo saved her. Fern admits that he’s insanely jealous.

8. He gets awkward and asks if her skin has met his yet. She stammers then agrees and he starts an ignition kiss, but she scampers away and says it’s all too much. Launch aborted. He waits until she gives tacit permission before he follows her. He takes her hand and gives her space. He takes her face and looks for a green light to kiss her again. When he doesn’t find it, he holds her warmly and she is very content.

9. He writes their names in the sky. In the morning, he says it’s like the dawn of their lives, too. He asks her to marry him. See the transcript. He has to ask six times before she finally says, “It’s what I want most in my life.”

10. Back in DF, he’s eager to get married as soon as possible. He doesn’t want anything to get in the way. And now he wants to get back his dignity by putting Conceptos right.

11. Aldo tells the judge he wants to pay off Conceptos’ debt.

Spanish Lesson: Teresita Shines

Teresita: What are you going to do?
F: What I should’ve done when I lost the presidency. Resign.
T: No, you can’t do that. Now with the resignation of Leticia, we need you more than ever. You should assume the presidency.
F: I have nothing to do here. The most sensible thing I can do is leave. Because maybe Lety will decide to stay, and that will be the best thing for the company.
T: So your leaving is her fault?
F: No, I’m leaving for my sins (culpas). Besides, I don’t want to bother her any more with my presence.
T: Ah. And how do you disturb her?
F: Mama, Lety and I are in love. I hurt her a lot, and she’s still suffering.
T: You really love her?
F: With all my soul.
T: You know I’m not at all pleased with your relationship with that woman.
F: I know. But it finished. I’ll never get her back.
T: Fernando, whether or not I appreciate that woman, I can’t stand to see you like this. Leticia should give you another chance.
F: Lety doesn’t believe me. She’s gone a long time not believing me. She doesn’t trust me, and there is no way to show that my love is true.

The Proposal
F: It seems like the sunrise of our life, doesn’t it?
L: Yes, DonF. What a beautiful thing to say. Like our lives are dawning.
F: Lety .. let’s get married. Do you want to marry me?
L: It’s that.. I can’t believe it.
F: Lety, answer me. I’m asking if you want to marry me.
L: Do you mean it, DonF? Are you telling me the truth?
F: Yes, Lety, of course. Tell me. Do you accept?
L: I believed nobody would ever ask me that.
F: I’m not just asking. I’m begging. Marry me, okay?
L: Don Fernando, tan divino. I’m happy, DonF. This is the second happiest day of my life. The happiest was my last birthday. And now today.
F: Then tell me yes, okay? Tell me that you’ll marry me. Please.
L: It’s what I want most in my life. It’s the only thing I live for, Don Fernando.
F: Lety. Mi Lety. Gracias. La amo.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #247-248 3/10/11 That Aldo’s a nice boy, but you, you’re DON FERNANDO!

Capitulo 247.
Read Alma's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Alicia leaves with Tom. It seems like gradually, she is becoming less disgusted with him, much like when Lety first started working for Fernando.

2. At the club, Aldo pressures Lety to go to Acapulco with him immediately, but she wants to check the status at Conceptos tomorrow. That boy’s running scared! Tiziano Ferro sings “Y estaba contentisimo.” He gets blindfolded and searches with his heart to find a woman to kiss, and he picks Lety.

3. Fernando asks MamaJ to let him talk to Lety. See the transcript. She says he can’t fool her. He says he fell in love with an angel, and he begs to know where she is. MamaJ refuses until she sees the “Solo diós sabe” napkin.

4. Omar tells Caro he fought with Fernando. Omar doesn’t see how Fern could hit his best friend after all they’ve been through.

5. At the club, Fern tells Lety that Conceptos is a family that loves her, and he loves her most of all. She tells him to leave her alone. Fern tells Tizi that Lety doesn’t love that dude she’s with; she loves him, Fernando. He’s desperate and he can’t lose her. He asks Tizi to dedicate a song to her. See the old board for a translation of the lyrics. See this link to hear the song.

6. Fernando cries. Lety suffers because Fernando is suffering. And Aldo cringes because his one hope is that Lety believes Fernando will never love her, and that one hope is gasping for breath right now.

7. Fern begs Lety for one more chance. See the transcript. She says she doesn’t love him anymore. He says that’s not true and reads from her diary. He says he wants to share the rest of his life with her.

8. Mama reports her conversation with Fern. It started as a game and turned into love, he left Marcia, he never touched another woman after you, he honestly repents, and MamaJ believes him. He brought the bag of memories and says it’s all true. Lety says he read her diary and that was the last straw. But she reads the message on the napkin and allows herself to hope it’s true, for just a moment.

Capitulo 248.
Read Julie's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fernando is home alone, very alone. Lety’s not alone in her room. Like a demon and an angel on her shoulders, visions of Aldo and Fern appear. She wants to burn the cards and diary. Aldo says “BURN!” while Fern says, “Those are my tears.” She snuffs the fire.

2. Ali finds an eviction notice; she has ten days. Irma tries to convince the cuartel that Fernando loves Lety, but they all desert her. Ali offers to move in with Marcia. Yeah, Marcia will do that when the devil takes up figure skating. Next she tries to scam money out of the cuartel.

3. Tom reports that they didn’t make enough from the expo. Lety tells the board. Humberto asks for her solution but she has none. She failed and she resigns. Los dos padres tell her she can’t. In her office, she tells Aldo she has to fulfill her commitment. See the transcript; note the contrast between Lety’s and Aldo’s world views.

4. And now for something completely different. Fernando tells Lety he recognizes that she quit to get away from him. He won’t let Conceptos pay for his errors anymore. He resigns so she can stay because she’s the only one who can save Conceptos. He tells her, “From now on you can safely open your office door because I won’t be there. You can go to your house without problems because I won’t be waiting for you. And you can answer all your calls because it won’t be me calling you. You asked me to leave you alone, and I’m going to do just that. I’m not just resigning Conceptos. I’m also resigning you.”

5. Aldo leaves for Acapulco. While he’s swimming in the bay, an amorous octopus clutches his arms and legs and won’t let go despite his attempts to pull away. She carries him to her lair because she loves him and wants him all to herself. He suffocates and dies, and Lety lives happily ever after.

6. Now it’s Erasmo’s turn. He says, “I never thought you’d be capable of running away from such an important responsibility.” She’s afraid to fail but she’ll stay until Conceptos is out of debt.

7. Irmita to Fern: What hurts most is that you’re going away from Lety.
Fern: Yes, but she has Domensaín, and that’s the best option for her. .. Or no?
I: Could be. He’s a nice boy. He’s the ideal man for any woman.
But you, you’re Don Fernando!Fern says he’s changed, but he deserves what has happened. Irma says that finding true love is hard; and they love each other like crazy. “Don’t let her go.”
F: Because I love her so much, I don’t want to hurt her. I’m leaving so she can be happy.

12. Ariel stomps around the vortex. Ali denies any romance with Tom. Ariel yells, “When I’m president, everything will change.”

Spanish Lessons

Fernando and Julieta
F: Good evening, Señora Julieta
J: Tell me. What are you doing here?
F: I need to talk with Lety.
J: She left, and I don’t know when she’ll return.
F: I suppose she left with Aldo?
J: Yes. And if you want to talk with her, wait until tomorrow.
F: Doña Julieta, it’s that, Lety is going to resign Conceptos for that Domensaín. I can’t let that happen. It’s critical that I talk with her. Please.
J: My daughter already made her decision. Leave her alone, please.
F: No, I can’t I can’t because I love Lety. I love her and I’m not willing to lose her.
J: You can’t fool me. I know very well the you caused her. I know it, tear upon tear.
F: You only know Lety’s version, with all due respect, Doña Julieta. Not mine. I beg you, please, to hear me out.
F: Believe me, I know it was horrible, everything I did to Lety. I repent profoundly. You don’t know how much..
J: It’s too late.
F: But look. What started as a deception, unfair, reprehensible, turned into the greatest thing to happen in my life.
J: You fell in love?
F: Yes, Doña Julieta. With Lety I met (conocer) love. True love. At first I believed I could control the dirty game. But little by little [the treasure of Lety won me over? XG the garbage at Lety?]
J: I don’t know if I believe you.
F: Look. Nobody has ever loved me like Lety. Her kisses (and other stuff!) were the most sincere that I received in my whole life. I felt their tenderness XG. I guy like me understands tenderness. Doña Julieta, I fell in love with an angel.
J: I don’t understand. Why didn’t you you tell Lety you’re in love with her?
F: I told her many times. Including, I started writing the messages in the cards myself. For that reason I brought those memories. But Lety found that maldita letter from that idiot Carvajal, and since then, she doesn’t believe a thing I say.
J: Not even in your dreams will she believe you.
F: I know. But look. Ever since Lety got angry at me, I never went back to going out with other women. NEVER. I broke up with Marcia. And I did it all to show her how much I love her. And now Lety wants to leave with Domensain. She’s going to make a mistake.
J: It’s that, the way you deceived my daughter, now maybe it’s beyond repair. Get away from her. Forget her.
F: I can’t I can’t because if Lety doesn’t give me another chance, my life doesn’t doesn’t have a purpose anymore. I wouldn’t have a reason to live.
J: No. No, don’t say that. Don’t say such things. No.
F: Look. I’ve asked forgiveness from God. From life. From Lety, many times. Now I ask your forgiveness.
J: I forgive you.
F: You know that she still loves me. So I ask for your help, DoñaJ.
J: Don Fernando, don’t even say that to me, because I know my daughter.
F: Nothing more than to tell me where I can find her, okay?
J: No.
F: DoñaJ, I won’t be able to sleep without talking to her. (She shakes head no.) Okay. I understand. And thank you for listening to me. (He walks toward door, then pauses.) Just one last favor, okay? Give Lety the memories. I already took out all the trash. What’s left is entirely the truth. Oh! Above all, this. (Takes napkin from his pocket.) “Lety, only God knows how much I love you. Only God knows it. Fernando.”
J: You wrote that?
F: Yes, when Lety disappeared, when she went to Acapulco. Give this to her for me too, okay? Thank you. (He opens the door to leave.)
J: This time I’m going to believe you. If you honestly love my daughter, she needs to know it.

Final Plea At The Restaurant
L: I don’t know what you’re trying to do, but I beg you. Let me leave.
F: No, you can’t leave until you give me a chance to show you how much I love you.
L: Do you really think you’re going to convince me? What kind of fool do you think I am? Get it into your head (darse cuenta – realize, notice). The only thing I can feel for you is.. compassion.
F: You’re still in love with me. And I know it.
L: How (conceited?). Tell me, how do you know that?
F: That doesn’t matter, Lety. Give me another chance. And I’ll show you how long I’ve loved you. How long you’ve held the key to my heart. Because you’ve suffered for me as much as I’ve suffered for you.
L: Sr. Fernando, it took me a lot of work to get you out of my heart, but I’ve managed to. I don’t love you anymore.
F: That’s not the case (no es cierto). (He takes out her diary.) Your drawing is very pretty. (Reading:) Today my heart beat like crazy, with only a look from him. With his voice, I felt so weak. My heart is not able to renounce/let go of him. It’s a traitor that doesn’t recognize the other (is a) traitor in front of it.
L: You dared to read my diary.
F: I know I did wrong, but believe me, when I read this, I stepped up out of Hell. And by every single page, Lety, it gave me back my life. A life that now I would like to share with you.
L: I have forgiven you a lot of things, Sr, Fernando, but this I will not forgive. I want nothing more to do with you.

Aldo & Lety’s Contrasting Value Systems
L: My father’s right. I promised. It would be much easier to run away from it all, but I can't go to Acapulco with you and forget about everything. I’m obligated to stay.
A: But why? They knew XG the money. Besides, you accepted my invitation. (IOW you should ignore commitments to others but abide by commitments to me.)
L: I’m sorry, Aldo. But the big thing is that.. there’s something important that I’ve just been thinking about. In this company they’ve humiliated me a lot. I won’t let that happen.
A: You’re totally right. Why do you insist on saving this company?
L: If I don’t move Conceptos forward, I won’t be able to feel satisfied / at peace with myself. If I leave now and let the company fail, I myself will agree that they’re right. I’ll feel useless.
A: So you’re willing to sacrifice your happiness for them? (Wasn’t he listening?)
L: No. On the contrary. I want to be happy, but I can't leave here because I would never forgive myself. I would carry this huge failure with me for the rest of my life. A person can't run* from his mistakes. One has to confront them. You know that.
A: That's why I love and admire you more every day. (In a pig’s eye! If that was true, why’d he try seven ways to Sunday to dissuade her??)

* She says “vivir” but I think she meant to say “huir.”


Wednesday, March 09, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #245-246 3/9/11 The Diary.

Capitulo 245.
Read Amanda's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fern follows the cuartel into the bathroom. They chatter away and tell him Lety and Aldo will soon get married, and Aldo wrote a romantic inscription to her in his book. Fernando storms out. Irma suggests that Fern is jealous over Lety.

2. Fernando searches Lety’s office for the cookbook but instead finds her diary and starts reading. Lety and Aldo enter. Lety asks, “What are you doing in my office?” Aldo corrects her, “Our office.” (Since when??) Fern ducks out to his office.

3. This is not a transcript. I’ve extracted the key points from the exchange between Lety and Aldo.
Lety: It’s my fault. I should’ve supervised the project better.
Aldo: Stop thinking about it. Tomorrow we’ll find an answer. It’s everyone else’s fault.
L: No, it was my responsibility.
A: Thinking like that will destroy you. Your only obligation is to be happy. Come live with me in Acapulco.
L: I have obligations to Conceptos.
A: That’s only because of Fernando. You trembled when he was near. You should move in with me to prove that Fernando doesn’t interest you.
L: I have a commitment to Humberto. It’s about my promises and my honor.
A: You work too hard. Do you want to keep working hard?
L: If that’s necessary.
A: I’m offering you a paradise in Acapulco. Be free! Make yourself the most important thing in your life.
She asks for time to think about it.

4. Fernando reads Lety’s diary: She will devote her life to serving him, he needs her, he overlooks her ugliness, she’s the right woman for him, he’s given up on finding the right woman and she can’t show him it’s her. Fernando goes to the cave and continues reading. He wishes he could turn back time so none of this would’ve happened. Her entries tell of the first kiss, their first night together and Omar’s apartment, her fear of another tragedy, and her belief in him. Every sentence tortures him more as he cries, “My God, my God, what have I done?” He reads her pain in finding the letter.

5. Lety tells Mama what Aldo wants her to do. She loves Fernando. Aldo is wonderful but she can’t love him. But working next to Fern will make her suffer.

6. Tom takes Ali to breakfast and says he can take her to restaurants every day. She likes that. At work, Tom encourages Lety to take Aldo’s offer. He says he’ll take care of Conceptos.

Fernando spends the night crying in the cave. The first picture is from Episode 35, when Lety spent the night crying in the cave, trapped when Fernando was "entertaining" Fatima Bosch.

7. Fern says he should not have been born and he belongs in Hell. He starts throwing things. Omar asks what’s up. Irma asserts again that Fern is jealous of Aldo.

8. Aldo calls his manager, Gerardo, about the restaurant. He says he coming back to Aca with someone special.

Capitulo 246.
Read k-Fuego's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fern tells Omar, “I never knew how much that woman loved me. I knew I hurt her, but I never imagined how much. I fell in love with an angel who lived only for me. She deserves that I love her for the rest of my life.”

2. Lety accepts Aldo’s work offer, but not the shacking up part. She needs to tell the board about the shortfall. He says that until Tom finishes the numbers, it would be an incomplete report.

3. The cuartel tells Fern that Lety left with Aldo, and that she’s soon moving to Acapulco with him. He’s too late to catch them, so he tells Paula to call her for him.

4. Fern finds Omar laughing derisively at Lety’s diary. He says, “Hey! The battle’s not lost yet,” just before Fernando pummels him because he has desecrated the sacred. Omar thinks it’s fair game because they’be both been in on the romance from the beginning. Omar says the guilt is Fernando’s because he’s the one who acted on it. Omar says that Fern himself was disgusted at the thought of sleeping with Lety. That one pushes Fern too far. He shifts into total rage and the fight spills into the vortex. Omar screams, “You’re a worse pig than me because you carried out the plan. You punch me to [purge?] from yourself what you always knew was a crime.”

5. Fern answers, “Yes, but I regret it and I’m paying for it. Not like you, who can still laugh at what we did to destroy a woman.” Omar explains to Marcia that Fernando is trying to wash his hands of it (a reference to Pontius Pilate). He tells Fern, “I hope it works, so that you purify your soul and you redeem yourself.”

6. Marcia assures Fern that Lety is a lost cause and when he comes running back to her she’ll be waiting. She plans to make Fernando president to show she’s the only one who will love and support him.

7. Fern continues reading and discovers that Lety is still rejecting Aldo, and she’s suffering because he might have a new girlfriend. He asks himself, with hope, “Does she still feel something for me?” He reads, “Fernando is not yours. He never was and never will be.” He says, “Yes, she does still love me. I won’t lose her, God I swear it. I’m going to get her back.”

8. Paula calls Lety, who orders her to tell Fernando she couldn’t reach her. Fern knows Paula is lying, and he’s disappointed that his cuartel has turned against him and wants Lety with Aldo. MamaJ hopes Aldo will crowd Fern out of Lety’s heart. Lety wants her parents to move to Aca with her and she won’t go without them.

9. Fern says to himself, “Lety, I’m going to show you that I wrote the truth because I love you.” He removes Omar’s trash from the black bag, and he takes the rest. Irma tells Fern that Lety’s at home. She says, “I know you love Lety; go get her,” and she blesses him.

10. Pop tells MamaJ that Lety can’t leave until she has fulfilled her commitment to Humberto.


Tuesday, March 08, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #243-244 3/8/11 Throw off everything that hinders, and run with perseverance.

Capitulo 243.
Read Julie's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.
1. Fernando takes his suitcase, says “Adios,” and walks out of the door for good, for great, for fantastic.

2. Luigi talks to Aldo. Aldo says Lui’s utter failure was punishment enough. Lui is horribly ashamed for how he behaved, and Aldo forgives him.

3. Irma suggests that the cuartel turns over a new leaf and abandons gossip. Irma, Sara and Juana join the no-gossip branch, leaving Marta, Paula and Lola in the gossip branch.

4. Aldo leaves Lety’s door open so the gossips observe, and he gives Lety a heart necklace. The card reads, “Keeping hope alive is part of success in life and love.” Lety says some battles are lost. Aldo says battles, yes, but he’s sure he’ll win the war. She says that’s what she wants most. He turns up the heat as he puts the necklace on her.

5. Fernando tells Aldo that the expo is finished so he can go back to Aca; he’s not needed here. Aldo says Gui wants him in charge, so “I’m your boss.”

6. Marcia arrives in widow’s weeds. Marta hears Marcia say that Fern broke up with her and doesn’t love her. She’s sure it’s final. Out of Marta’s hearing, Marcia says it’s because he still loves Lety.



7. Paula tells Lety that Fern dumped Marcia. Paula asks rhetorically, “What could move him (llevar) to make such a drastic decision? It’s never happened before.” Lety rationalizes that he did it for Carla, but Paula answers sarcastically, “Yeah, and Carla moved him like nobody else.”

8. Paula leaves and Lety weeps, “Carla achieved what I never could. She changed his heart.” Marcia tells Ali, “The only one who could change Fernando is Leticia.” Ali hollers and Marcia tells her to shut up. She doesn’t want anyone to find out that Fern loves Lety. She admits that she bore some of the blame because she was possessive, jealous, and suffocating.

9. Ali tells Marcia to face the facts; it’s a lost cause. Delusional Marcia answers with the dicho, “Donde hubo fuego, cenizas quedan,” where there was a fire, there are still hot coals (and a chance to reignite a fire). Ali counters that, “Este es el presente de un futuro muy pasado.” I think it means, “The far past’s future already passed, long ago,” but I’m not sure. Marcia says Fern knows he can’t get Lety back, and her last delusion is, “I know Fernando can only be happy with me.”

10. Carla arrives and tries to kiss Fern. He tells her he broke up with Marcia last night, and he’s relieved.

Capitulo 244.
Read Chapel Hill Fiddler's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Marcia torments Lety because Fern was with Carla. She suggests that Lety and Carla duke it out for the prize. Fern halts this torture saying “If you really want to talk about this in front of everyone, I’ll be happy to. Lety, I’ve told you many times, but now I’ll say it with witnesses. Yo la a…” Fernando stops because Aldo walks in.

2. Tom asks Ali for his cell phone, but she declines. Then she mourns her lack of a car, and Tom offers to drive her. She asks him for a ride home tonight. Both leave happy: Tom has his girl and Ali has her car.

3. Carla says she’ returning to NY. Fern escorts her to keep Omar at bay. Carla again asks him to live with her. He says, “In another time, I would’ve given anything to be with a woman like you. Thank you. For the first time in my life I was completely honest with a woman.” He tries to give her a besito but she grabs a kiss, a very long kiss.

4. Omar pumps Fern for the locker room details of last night with Carla while Marta listens. Fern says nothing happened; he dropped off Carla then broke up with Marcia. Omar thinks Carla must’ve turned him down since Omar can’t comprehend that Fern turned her down.

5. Marcia says that Lety believes Fernando loves Carla, and that helps Marcia’s cause. Ali says Lety will find out he doesn’t. Marcia swears that Lety will leave Conceptos empty handed, and we know Marcia’s never wrong (cough, cough).

6. Lety tells Tom that Fern started to say something that seemed important, and she’s trying to sort it out. Aldo arrives. Tom says they didn’t make enough profit because Luigi spent too much. Lety feels like a failure.

7. Fern tells Omar that he turned down Carla because he’s in love with another. Marta gets pulled away before Omar says Fern hasn’t slept with anyone since Lety. Omar says Fern should tell Lety he loves her.

8. Irma worries that if Lety finds out Fern didn’t fall for Carla, Lety will get her hopes up. Marta adds, if Lety finds out he’s in love, she’ll think it’s with her. They join forces to get Lety to fall for Aldo.


Monday, March 07, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #241-242 3/7/11 Fernando's Finest Hour.

Capitulo 241.
Read k-Fuego's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Luigi throws a tantrum because Aldo loves Lety. He dismisses the dancers. Irma says it’s not Lety’s fault Aldo loves her. Luigi tells the cuartel to dance in the show. They’re stunned that Aldo loves Lety. Irma suspects that Lety still loves Fernando.

2. Mariana Seoane sings for the event. Omar realizes she looks like Carla. Luigi announces that he resigns. He tells Lety that her type doesn’t belong in the world of glamour. The cuartel performs a novelty song to Banda Recodo. (The board hated it, but I hate Luigi’s shows, so what’s the diff?) Lui blubbers because the audience liked the cuartel’s act.

3. Carla congratulates Lety. Fernando starts to, but Aldo RUNS to her, interrupts Fern, and grabs her shoulders and face. Fern asks to finish but Aldo turns away and ignores him. Fern insists, so Aldo reluctantly steps behind her, still grasping her shoulders, pulling her against his chest. She breaks free and Fern congratulates her, but quickly Aldo yanks her back.

4. Aldo asks Luigi why he did it. Luigi says he was crazy for Aldo. How could he love that monster? Aldo says he’s too disappointed to talk. Lui brags that he’s the one who redirected the books.

5. Marcia steps between Fern and Carla and is sarcastic as usual. Carla asks for a taxi, but Marcia says Fern should take her to the hotel. Marcia rebukes Fern for never calling her for 20 days, and for strutting around in front of the world with that woman when he’s supposed to be her novio. Marcia: What happened between you two? Fern: Nothing. M: Are we still novios? Fern refuses to talk now. He’ll take Carla home, then go to Marcia’s to talk.

6. Luigi essentially tells Lety, “You won, I lost, and you’re here to rub it in.” Instead Lety flatters him for his commercials. She asks him to stay and he’s stunned because he saw her as an enemy who beat him. She flatters him some more and offers him a vacation on Conceptos’ tab.

Capitulo 242.
Read Alma's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Marta loudly says, “We know Aldo loves you.” Aldo gloats and Fern suffers. Fern has to admit to Carla that he doesn’t expect a future with Lety at his side. Nor Marcia. Carla asserts that she’s his best option, and she asks him to live with her. She wants an answer tonight.

2. Ali and Marcia see Fern leave with Carla. Marcia says it means Fernando has let go of Lety. Ali points out that he let go of Marcia too. Marcia reminds Lety the night wasn’t all happiness – “tonight we both lost something, didn’t we?”


3. Lety tells Carolina Fernando was so different tonight. He was really nice and treated her like a friend. She’s unsettled because she doesn’t know what Fern feels for Carla. Lety knows Fern never loved her, but she still holds hope. Ariel takes a few swipes at Lety but both seem to be in it for sport, not battle.

4. Fern tells Carla he’s going to Marcia’s to “define” their situation once and for all. Carla: You hurt her. Fern: (with remorse) It’s not the first time. Carla: Are you going to break up with her? Fern: I should’ve done it long ago. It’s been a mess for a long time. She forgave me too much. Things I never should’ve done.”

5. Carla asks if he’ll come to NY with her. Fern admits that she’s a great woman, and at another place in his life ... But now.. it’s not just Lety. It’s Conceptos too. “That company is my life. And I’ll luchar con todo – struggle using all that’s in me – to rescue it.” My father built it and he lost it because of me.

6. Fern breaks up with Marcia with compassion and assertiveness. He takes blame but also puts some blame on her. They once had a wonderful love, but then he started running around and she suffocated him. They fought all the time, but they never addressed their problems. Marcia begs him to stay. See the old recap for complete details.

7. At the party at Lety’s, Marta toasts because Aldo is in love. Julieta pressures Aldo to tell who he loves. He says it’s a wonderful woman, blah x3. Lety shows him the seascape in her room. He promises that one day soon they will kiss again like the did then. He leaves and Lety cries quietly, “I adore you but I can’t love you.”

8. Lety tells Mama, “Yes, Aldo loves me.” MamaJ couldn’t be happier, until she notices Lety’s face. Lety says, “I love someone who makes a mockery of me. And the man who truly loves me, I have to tell no.”


Friday, March 04, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #239-240 3/4/11 Fernie stole the cookbookie from the cookie jar? Who me? Yes you! Couldn't be! Then who?

Capitulo 239.
Read Chapel Hill Fiddler's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Luigi has a meltdown over this insult to all things holy. Fern and Omar listen as he calls the publisher and redirects the delivery to the middle of nowhere.


2. Fernando and Omar struggle for the chair, then they decide to "shoot" for it. We knew chess was over Omar’s head. Pinochle too. Today we discovered that chimchampu is beyond his mental faculties. Omar stares blankly at the rock and scissors, so Fern takes the chair. Fern would love to see Aldo embarrassed at the book launch sans books, but it’s part of Lety’s campaign to rescue Conceptos. He says, “I can’t do that to mi Lety.”

Omar dares to touch the bonsai.



3. At the book launch, Aldo is beside himself because the books haven’t arrived. The publisher says they were redirected, and Lety and Aldo assume that Fernando did it. Instead, Fern and Omar rescue the books. It’s a funny scene, though much of it is over my head. The driver calls Fern “blondie (huerito).” The driver, who is taller than Camil’s 6’3”, says that he’s from Oaxaca, whose people are very short. Fernando distracts them while Omar takes the books.

4. Just as Aldo is canceling the event, Fernando proudly arrives with the books he rescued for Lety’s sake. But instead of thanks, Lety snarls at him. Aldo privately asks Fern what he’s up to, diverting the books then playing the hero. Fern says he didn’t divert them, but he did rescue them so the event wouldn’t be ruined, and he did it for Lety.

5. Luigi throws a pity party because his plot failed. He looks for a new plot.

6. Ali is stuck at the office waiting for Marcia, and she wasn’t invited to the event. Tom offers to take her and she accepts. At the last minute, Marcia bounces into the room, mad at her brilliant secretary who never reserved a flight.

7. The “Oaxacan” driver arrives with the police, wanting to arrest Fern for stealing the books. Aldo tells Lety he’s sure Fern didn’t redirect the books. Lety would prefer to believe the worst of Fern. Omar asks Fern where he left Carloca, and Fern realizes he was supposed to pick her up. But Carla has just arrived on her own.

Capitulo 240.
Read Amanda's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Marcia’s not real happy with Ali. Ali never reserved her flight, wasn’t going to wait, calls Tom a desgraciado but accepted his offer, and will return Marcia’s SUV with an empty tank. Worse yet, Ali hands her a tissue and says, “I think you’re about to be displaced again.”

2. Fern asks Luigi why he redirected the books. Luigi whines that he loves Aldo but Aldo loves the ugliest woman on earth. Fern glares at him and Luigi says, “Don’t tell me you’re in love with her too?” Fern yells at him, “Yes, I love her. What of it?” Luigi bawls, “How can this be? What has she got?” Fernando pantomimes Lety’s features.

3. Luigi says he will make the night a disaster because two super guapos dare love that “thing.” Fern laughs and says, “Did you really believe I love Lety? C’mon!” Fern tells Lui, “I’d love if you are rotten to Aldo, but leave Lety alone. She’s the president and this campaign must succeed.”

4. Anaís sees her old pal Carla and she gushes about the galán who was smitten with Lety in Acapulco. Fernando gets upset. When he hears Anaís likes Aca, he rushes off with an idea.

5. Aldo of Perpetual Universal Harmony is still livid, I guess because Fern rescued the books??
A: Fern drives me nuts. He’s selfish and insensitive (projection?) I can’t stand to see him near Lety.
Fausto: He still loves Lety.
A: Yes, but I’m not worried. He’s incapable of showing his love. Instead he goes around showing off “his new love,” throwing it in Lety’s face.
F: Maybe he’s trying to make Lety jealous?
A: Maybe, but I don’t think Lety would fall for his childish games again. (Nice try, Aldo, but it’s not a game, it’s true love, and you know it. No wonder you’re scared to see them together.)

6. Luigi asks if Lety will give the opening speech from the stage. At the word “speech” he smells fear and exploits it. He reminds her she’ll be in front of corporate heads and the international press.

7. I love this scene!
Fernando finds Lety, afraid to give the speech after what Luigi said. She doesn’t feel worthy because it’s not her company. Fern tells her that she’s president because she deserves it, and the facts back it up. She’s fixed problems and put this campaign together. She’s worked for this moment all her life. Now is the chance to enjoy her success, to show the world what she’s made of. Fern says, “I know you hate me, and you don’t believe what I say. So don’t believe in me. But believe in yourself. Show them the woman I fell in love with.” He kisses her hands, then he backs off, afraid he’s invaded her space. When he leaves, Lety gazes and sighs, “Don Fernando.”

8. Aldo heard all this. The look on his face says he knows he’s a goner. Lety tries to minimize it; she doesn’t believe anything from Fern. Aldo says he hates to admit it, but he’s seen another side of Fern and now he respects him much more. Lety dreamily says, “That’s the Fernando I fell in love with.” Aldo says, “I’ll keep fighting so you fall in love with me.”

9. Marcia and Alicia arrive and see Carla pawing Fern. Teresita tries to wedge between them, asking, “Where’s Marcia?” Fern hustles her away and explains to Carla that his mama doesn’t like any woman except Marcia.

10. Lety trips on her way to the stage, and Fern and Aldo dive to help her. Lety gives her little speech, then Fern competes with Aldo for attention.


Thursday, March 03, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #237-238 3/3/11 Lety's persecution complex, and a breath of fresh air.

Capitulo 237.
Read Alma’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. The witches trick Ali into staying late. They practice on the roof and play in a hall of mirrors.

2. Fern makes a fuss over Carla’s call, so in Lety’s fantasy Fern kisses a faceless Carla passionately, the board laughs at Lety, she comes out fighting, and Fern says that her jealousy shows that she loves him. Aldo says that since she can’t forget about Fernando, she’s lost him (Aldo) and the love he offers. They all laugh her to scorn. Out of the fantasy, as revenge against Fern, Lety gives Aldo the seat of honor which had been Tom’s.

3. Luigi tells the board his grand vision for the show. Tom asks how much it will cost and Luigi throws a fit.

4. Fern jumps up with a suggestion for the book presentation. Make it a Trojan Horse which enters through the gates, and Aldo pops out. Aldo says he should pop out with a roasted PIG (he gets in Fernando’s face) and an apple crammed in its mouth. Cómo te parece, Sr. Marrandiola? (Marrano = pig.)

5. PG drags Fern into Lety’s office and says he can feel the bad energy. They need to make good energy at work. They need fountains, plants, and the right kind of lights.

6. Tom offers Ali a ride in the MB. She refuses until he offers to let her drive. At her door, he offers to pick her up in the morning and she rudely refuses, but later wishes she had accepted.

I love the gift exchange scene! Saimon brings Fern the fountain from storage.



Hearing Lety, Fern vaults the divider to hide.



Lety thanks Saimon for getting the bonsai, and she asks if Fern left. She doesn’t want Fern to find out that it was from her. Fern comes out from hiding and says, “You wanted to give me the plant, and I wanted to give you this fountain.” Saimon says they should hug.

Ecstasy! Fernando hugs Lety,

and then Lety hugs Fernando.

They exchange gifts and Fern asks what she was doing with Aldo at SMR. Lety says he has no right to criticize, considering his time with that NY woman. Fern asks if she’s jealous, and she puts on a laugh and denies it. She asks him the same thing, and he mimics her laugh and denial, then says, “Why should I be?” He says he doesn’t want her gift, but a friend’s grandmother told him it’s rude not to accept a gift. Lety puts her fountain on the credenza behind her and pretends she doesn’t care. Fernando makes no such pretense.

Capitulo 238.
Read Julie’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Aldo asks Luigi to do makeovers for the cuartel. Luigi tells Aldo he’s going too far (no te pasas). Aldo sweet talks and flirts until Luigi agrees.

2. Lety wishes the book inscription was from Fern. He comes in to introduce Lety to Carla and catches her gazing at the fountain. Lety is snarky to him again. Carla and Lety chat; most of the conversation is under the surface. Lety is on the defensive and interprets everything Carla says as an attack, insult, or condescension. Carla flatters Lety on the campaign concept and tells her that Fern never stopped talking about her. Carla says, “You fell in love with him, didn’t you?” I’m not sure what Carla’s game is. Lety insists that it was all just business.

3. Carla tells Fern he must’ve hurt Lety very much. How? He says, “I used Lety to save my company and along the way I fell in love. Later she discovered that I had used her from the beginning, lied about love, and betrayed her.” Omar drools over Carla. Fern mocks him while he tries to flirt.

4. Omar tells Fern he needs to forget about Lety and enjoy Carla’s attention. Fernando’s not paying attention so Omar reaches for the bonsai and Fern panics. Omar wants the locker room version of the story of Carla, and Fern can only shake his head in disgust and leave because Omar has no respect for women.

5. Boring cuartel makeover stuff. Luigi hears that Aldo gave Lety the book and he throws a fit. He answers Aldo’s phone and takes a message that the book delivery will be late. Boring Saimon / Paula stuff.

6. Fern and Carla enter the vortex and Aldo paws at Lety possessively. Lety is snotty toward Fern. The men step toward each other and the women pull them off. Lety is snotty some more. Remember that Lety used to be kindhearted, even to Marcia? The cuartel tells Lety to forget about Carla being since she has Aldo. It’s not working.

7. Lety teases Robopop for paying so much attention to Carla. He says, “I’ve never looked at another woman since I met the beautiful Julieta Solis. I’ve never betrayed her, neither by thought nor deed, even though there are temptations everywhere.” Those Solis women have that effect on men, huh?

8. Ali angles for an invitation to the expo, but Lety says she needs to stay and wait for her boss, Marcia.

9. Luigi reads the inscription in the book Aldo gave to Lety.


Wednesday, March 02, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #235-236 3/2/11 I don't care one pepino. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Capitulo 235.
Read Amanda’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fern reports to Lety about his trip. He’s very professional and only talks business. He leaves and she gazes after him with a “tan divino.”

2. Lety tells Caro that Fernando changed on his trip. Caro asks if she wants the old Fern back. Lety says he seems like he met and fell in love with someone. If he did, it would be easier to forget him.

3. Sara announces to the meeting that Carla has arrived. Fern hops up, smiles, and primps himself before going out, and Sara gestures to Lety how beautiful Carla is. The jealousy plan is working. Fern and Carla put on a show for all Lety’s spies. Carla says she’s there to scramble his life. He gushes about the great time they had in the US. In the hall, Carla keeps pushing for kisses and Fern keeps dodging.

4. Fern introduces Carla to Luigi, who admires her style and warns her what a womanizer Fern is. Carla basically says, “You can’t prove it by me.” As Fern intended, the cuartel reports everything to Lety and emphasizes how hot she is and how connected they seemed. She asks them to stop telling her these things. Meanwhile Ali reports to Marcia the same things.

5. Finally Lety admits to Tom that she’s jealous, but there’s nothing she can do.

Capitulo 236.
Read k-Fuego’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Lety admits that she’s dying of jealousy but she has to hide it so Aldo doesn’t find out.

2. Fern gives Carla the grand tour of Conceptos. While Ali spies, Carla says she came to scramble Fern’s life, and he says she came to fix it. Ali is busted and Fern sends her away. He tells Carla that he hates Ali but strangely, sometimes we hit it off well (me cae bien). Carla worries that she’ll report them and he’ll have problems with Marcia. Fern is sure that Carla’s presence will fix his problems.

3. Fern catches Marta spying and holds hope that Lety sent her because she’s jealous. Lety is jealous, so she calls Aldo who’s preparing the expo. Paula reports on Marta’s spying. Fern brags on Lety and her brilliant foods campaign, and Carla wants to meet her. Fern’s eye twitches like Lety’s.

4. Tom reports to Aldo that Fernando returned with a bella on his arm. Aldo thinks that news will upset both Marcia and Lety. Tom, covering for Lety, says Lety didn’t seem jealous at all. Aldo asks if Tom thinks Lety is over Fern. Tom decides to lie for what he believes is Lety’s good; he says yes.

5. Saimon has a gift for Paula: a calendar and colored markers, so she can keep track of all the different men she dates.

6. Omar asks Fern what he has going on with Carla, but Fern refuses to answer. Fern finds an excuse to see Lety, so he can observe whether he’s making her jealous. But when he gets to her office, Aldo is already there with a gift, his first book off the presses. Pobre Fernando! He has to recompose himself, and Fern and Aldo exchange threats. He listens from outside the door and hears Lety put on a show for Aldo, demonstrating how not-jealous she is. Fern is disappointed again, that she’s not jealous.

7. Aldo gives Lety the book. He has signed it, “What does love taste like? With you, love tastes like glory (heaven).” Lety gives Aldo a hug, though she holds the book between them like a shield. She tells him “Te quiero mucho,” and she almost kisses him but her phone rings. She tells herself that she won’t let Aldo suffer for her jealousy of Fernando.

8. Fern goes back to his office kicking himself because Lety thinks he’s a pig. But his plan is to play it cool and convince her that he doesn’t care.

9. Aldo tells Fern he’s the same mujeriego as always, and he asks if Marcia knows about his latest conquest. Alone with Omar, Fern says that his problem is that Lety spent the night with Aldo in SMR.


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