Thursday, March 22, 2007

La Fea Más Bella #237 3/22/07 Aldo-itis Spreads Like a Plague

PM is still depressed over her break-up with Saimon. To cheer her up, Lety tells PM a story: Once, an ugly girl was in love with a man, but her heart was broken. But then she realized she had to learn to love herself. Although her scars are still healing, she knows that she can still find happiness. PM listens with tears streaming down her face but she agrees to stop moping.

Lety tells the cuartel she is holding a meeting and that, although it’s late, a secretary must stay until meeting ends. The ladies look over at Alicia, who is admiring herself in the mirror.

In the meeting room, Lety sits down at her spot just as Fern gets call from Carla. Fern makes sure to say Crazy Carla’s name many times to annoy Lety, “Hi Carla… What’s up, Carla… that sounds great, Carla!” As he talks, Lety taps Fern on the arm with her finger to remind him that they are supposed to be conducting a meeting. He ignores her. Finally he hangs up and announces that that was Carla on the phone. Omar and Lety sarcastically pretend to be surprised.

The cuartel determine that they won’t be able to practice their “show” routine if one of them has to stay late. Sara has an idea to get Alicia to work late. They go over to Alicia’s desk and tell he about Lety’s orders. Sara says they will determine who has to stay late by pulling a name out of a coffee cup. They give her the honor of picking a slip paper from the cup. She takes a slip of paper from the cup and of course it’s her own name. The girls jump for joy and leave. Alicia laments her bad luck as she goes back to the cup. She opens up the rest of the papers in the cup and sees that they all have her name. She calls them ugly witches but they are already long gone.

Luigi and Aldo walk into the meeting room. Lety calls for the meeting to start. Just then Carla walks in. Fern stands up and calls “Carla, Carla, mi amor, Carla!” He grabs Carla and gives her a dramatic hug. Lety attacks Carla like a lion. She growls as she tears into her. Fern yells for Lety to “sit! sit!” (in English). Omar throws imaginary chains on her. Fern continues to hold Crazy Carla tight (but with her face to his chest so you cant see her face). Lety wimpers like a wounded puppy. Luigi yells at Lety snap out of it – it was a daydream, of course! Lety-- who after that run-in with her runaway imagination needs some comfort -- asks Aldo to sit next to her. This means Fern has to move over. Everyone scoots over a seat and Tomas falls off the seat at the end.

Finally, the meeting starts. Luigi describes his vision for the entertainment at the inauguration of Aldo’s book at the expo. He describes lots of pots and pans used as drums, fireworks, music, dancing girls and a big Mexican flag. Tomas asks how much this production will cost. Luigi is offended that cost is a factor.

The meeting is interrupted by another call to Fern from Crazy Stalker Carla. Again, he makes sure to state her name at the end each sentence. Lety is both annoyed and hurt. After the call, Omar remarks that Carla calls Fern as much as Marcia does.

The cuartel go to what I think is the roof of the building. It’s got that green synthetic grass carpet stuff but it’s otherwise it’s pretty nice, with benches and tables and a view of the city. They practice their dance routine, with PM leading them. A guy jogs by and PM follows him happily. [This girl is a pendulum… swinging this way and that way, happy and sad, love-sick and lust-sick...]

At the meeting Fern does not think the book should be introduced at the expo. Lety points out that the decision to do so has already been made. Fern grabs a big piece of easel paper. He dramatic and exaggerated excitement, he begins to describe his vision for the presentation of the book at the expo, involving a huge wooden book on wheels. And guess who pops out of the book like a stripper out of a cake? Aldo!

Aldo says that it would be like the Trojan Horse, except it’d be a book, not a horse. Fern enthusiastically agrees. Lety tells him to stop teasing. Fern insists it’s a good plan. Aldo agrees that it is a good plan, but can make it even better. He describes himself breaking out of the Trojan Book in a taquero (taco maker) outfit, bringing out a big platter (he folds the paper and holds it like a platter). He says on the platter there will be a huge marrano (pig), seasoned with spices (he waves the imaginary marrano in front of Fern’s face). He says he will have a big fat apple stuffed in the marrano’s mouth. He asks, “What do you think, Fernando Marrandiola?” Fern looks like the imaginary marrano has made his stomach queazy.

PM is still chasing the jogger on the roof. The women grab her and chastise her for chasing the first guy she finds when she’s supposed to be depressed over Saimon.

After the meeting, Lety, Aldo, and Tomas walk into Lety’s office. Lety and Tomas are chanting “Aldo! Aldo! Aldo!” They remark that Fern was obviously trying to bug him with the Tojan Book idea, but Aldo sure showed him! Aldo says he has to go work on the presentation. He goes in for a kiss from Lety. Lety leans in too but then hesitates and turns her head so Aldo kisser her on the cheek. After Aldo leaves, Lety shows Tomas the book Aldo gave her. Tomas says he doesn’t understand why she hasn’t fallen head over heels for Aldo The Hero yet. By the look her face, she’s asking herself the very same question.

Lety is in her office talking on the phone with her mom when PG walks in grabbing Fern by the elbow. He says that they have to talk NOW, because the bad karma in this office reaches way over to his house. Fern and Lety are very uncomfortable with the idea of group therapy session, they both think they should speak to the PG separately. PG says no way, they need to discuss this together, and he is going to clear everything up RIGHT NOW. And he then he tells them that their love for each other it the real deal and that they must immediately stop playing games and start up the hot romance again because that’s what the viewers want! …Oh, wait, that was my own imagination getting carried away…

Actually, PG comes down with a case of Aldo-itis and gives them a Deep Thoughts speech about encircling themselves in good energy. He says that the workplace can often be stressful and the bad energy spreads amongst co-workers. Lety agrees that this sometimes happens to her, giving Fern a pouty look. Fern returns the look and mimics her. They make faces at each other like adorable kindergarteners. PG says he has the perfect solution for the negativity that hangs over Conceptos heavier than the Mexico City smog. All they have to do is alimentar (nourish) their work place by adding more natural elements like water, plants, and light to the new deco -- seriously, this was his advice to resolve their crisis!

The cuartel go back in the building and find one of Luigi’s rehearsal spaces. For some reason, there is a funhouse mirror there and they waste a lot of time being goof. Lola says they will look ridiculous if they do their show. Irma says they must learn to laugh at themselves because what’s more important is how they are and how they see themselves. They agree that they are all beautiful… and talented... and great friends. The Aldo-itis is spreading like malaria.

Alicia waits for the microbus in a bad mood. Tomas drives up. Alicia claims she is waiting for her ride. Tomas gets jealous and demands to know who. Alicia says it’s her dad. Tomas offers her a ride, tempting her with the opportunity to feel her ex-car, her ex-seats, her ex-steering wheel, etc. She pouts. He gets out of the car and asks if she wants to drive it. She suddenly gets excited and jumps in the driver’s seat and begins to drive off before he can get in. He runs after her and jumps in.

The cuartel continue to goof around as they practice their routine. PM choreographs but they basically seem hopeless.

In front of Alicia’s building, she butters up Tomas with a sweet “Ay To-o-o-o-ommy”. She asks if he has money… so he can get himself home. He is good-naturedly agrees to take the bus and gets out of the car. She shouts victoriously and then Tomas jumps back in and reminds that it’s his car. Alicia asks what his deal is. He says he just wants to spend more time with her. He offers to pick her up in the morning. She tells him off yet again for all the promises he has broken (i.e. all the money he did not give her). She gets out of the car and stomps off. He is happy anyway because any Oxi interaction is good interaction in his book. As he drives off just as Alicia runs back out but he’s gone.

Saimon walks into the lobby with a miniature tree and a miniature fountain he found in storage. He runs into Fern, who reprimands Saimon for calling Fer “tu” again. Saimon says he found the fountain Fern asks for and hands it to him. Fern asks if Lety is still around. Just then Lety walks into the lobby. Fern jumps behind a couch. She asks Saimon if he’s seen Fern. Fern signals “no” to Saimon from behind the couch. Saimon pretends not to know where Fern is, but adds that he found the plant she asked him to find. Lety mentions that the plant is for Fern. At hearing this, a huge grin spreads across Fern’s face. He comes out of his hiding place. He says the mini-fountain is for her. They trade gifts. Saimon exclaims how sweet the exchange is. He insists that Lety and Fern kiss and hug. Fern hands Saimon his gift and gives Lety a huge bear hug, and a grin now spreads on Lety’s face. Lety then gives Fern an awkward hug. Saimon is satisfied by this and leaves.

Tomorrow, it's the cuartel's turn for a make-over!


Thank you Alma for the quick recap and post. Its always appreciated.

I missed part of the Lety daydream in the meeting. Did we ever see Carloca's face? I missed it if they did show her. I was wondering if they didn't show us her face because Lety has yet to see this woman and therefore wouldn't be able to give her a face in her daydream. Just a late night thought. Unfortunately I'm sure I'll still be thinking about this when I head up to bed. (sigh)

I loved the way Fern played with his plant - he hearted it the way he hearted Lety's stuffed animals. Psychic Guy was as dumb and pointless as hell last night.

It's funny that Fern has succeeded in dragging the once high-minded Aldo down to his level. I've seen this happen in real life many times. I liked when Aldo pretended to stuff the giant apple "manzota" into Fern's mouth.

Now that I realize they're all just gonna be a bunch of babies I'm not as irritated. I think this show hit a high point around the time Lety left Conceptos and it's just been wandering since then and is going to keep wandering.

Absolutely cannot stand the cuartel scenes. They are misusing/abusing those poor actresses, I bet they hated going in to work every day. Those are such stupid and pointless scenes, thank god for fast forward.

Melinama, you are so right. I have just about had it with the "Keystone Cops" (cuartel). Their scenes are absolutely ridiculous. And please tell me that they are not going to do a dance.
Thanks Alma for the recap. I really look forward to these recaps.

You're a lifesaver Alma (and all the other recappers). I was out last night and my VCR failed to function. SO UPSET!!! Then I remembered that at least I could read your recap. Crossing my fingers that there will be more Lety/Fernando hugs in the future. Judy B.

Aldo-itis, I love it and very true its spreading.

For some reason I find it funny that Aldo is stooping to Fern's level and I don't even like Aldo that much, but I imagine it's going to get more fun.

Fern giving Lety the hug, very, very cute. I too loved the way he played with the plant. Again, tan lindo. I can't stop saying about him but it's true.

I think the fact that Lety put the fountain behind her desk where as Fern put it on top of his desk says a lot. Or I am just reading way too much into that.

The Lety imagination scene was too funny. I liked the fact that Tomas' poofy hair kept bouncing up and down while he held back Lety. LOL.

Okay, time to put on my work face and get busy.

I thought maybe they didn't show CC's face because of the way Lety was grabbing her hair and shaking her? I thought it might have been a stunt double? On the other hand, it makes more sense to not see the face because Lety didn't know what CC looked like.

Can anyone tell me what Lety was saying in her crazy "super Lety" ranting after the attack on CC?

I thought the whole daydream was the funniest scene! Omar growing at her like a dog and Lety whimpering like a puppy and calming down. I had to watch it a couple of times!!

With all the silly dialog and nonsense scenes I guess the actors love doing the comedy.
Many times I have noticed how Fern will put his head down and cover his face when he is trying not to laugh.

When I saw PG I had hoped that maybe he could restore some order and force Lety and Fern together at least briefly.

I did love seeing the hugging with Simon. It was so sweet to see the looks on their faces when they held each other.

I enjoy the show last night. Thanks so much Alma for the recap!

Carrie L.

The smog of Mexico City..truthfully you can taste Mexico is in your mouth. The air is very dirty...but hey they have internet cafes and television, so I am totally willing to make a trade. Coming out of the mountaints Monterray has a brown cloud hanging over it you can see for miles.

Now on a lighter moment...Yep, the chemistry that was there is gone after Lety left for Aca...but you tune in each day, hoping for a spark...anything, a look, a hug. And you will continue to tune in...

I believe the govt., would call this a quagmire with no solution and no way out.

We struggle through these things
for months and then when it's the next to last episode, no recap.

THE HUG FERN GAVE LETY!!!!!!!!! I can't get over it! I felt that hug!

And Melinama is right, everybody is going to be a big baby and I love them all. Ok, the cuartel gets on my nerves and it would be better if they weren't in every single episode doing the exact same things every day. I want to whack Simon up alongside his head for that "gift" he gave PM. How cruel. I'll never forgive him for that.

Did you notice that Fern was kissing the plant that Lety gave him? I don't care how spoiled or childish he is, I adore him. He and Lety belong together and, in my opinion, they will be together. This is not a spoiler, I haven't looked ahead anywhere because I don't want to know. But, shout it happen, can you imagine Omar helping Fern get ready for the wedding in a side room of the church? How hysterical that could be!

I liked seeing Fer & Lety hugging, for whatever reason. He just melts my soul when he hugs her. Pobrecito.

They were cute and stupid with the "are you jealous, noooo, not me" - I wanted to reach in and choke them both until they declared their undying love.

I am a staunch Fernandista (could ya guess?), but have to give Aldo thumbs up for the marrano/manzota scene - smooth and sly! Finally Fer has met someone who doesn't back down, and that's good for him.

If only Lety really would let it all out and react the way she did in the that would be a cambio (change)! Who would care about any physical transformation? Bella, fea, - no importa.

And that ends today's dissertation on LFMB. May have to post afterthoughts later. :)

Isn't he just adorable Ellen. Ayyy. Everytime he does something adorable I just want to do a cuartel Aldo-swoon and I hate that they do that mind you.

Amazing how they're just now talking about the entertainment for presenting Aldo's book. Um, not amazing, what's the word I'm looking for... oh yeah, stupid.

My recap is going to be a little late this weekend. I am definitely going to be doing the recap this time, but I'm warning about the lateness now so that people like Anon 11:02 don't whine when it's not there at the exact moment they want it.

Like the rest of the recappers, I really appreciate the kind words. That's why I'm always shocked by the handful of people who don't realize that we're doing these recaps for free, on our own time. I can understand being disappointed, but a "hey where's my recap???" attitude is really inappropriate. Especially when the next episode is still nearly 10 hours away!

Has anyone had problems with the program last night. An actor would speak, but you don't see the mouth move for a few seconds and by the time that person starts moving their lips to the words just said, I was seeing the next person. sometimes it was a female speaking, but the words came later, after the camera was on the man, so it was a female voice but showing the man?????? Almost like the song Aqui estare out of sync, but this was longer each time. This is in PA TV.

Has anyone had problems with the program last night. An actor would speak, but you don't see the mouth move for a few seconds and by the time that person starts moving their lips to the words just said, I was seeing the next person. sometimes it was a female speaking, but the words came later, after the camera was on the man, so it was a female voice but showing the man?????? Almost like the song Aqui estare out of sync, but this was longer each time. This is in PA TV.

Julie - you owe no one an explanation...I'm so grateful and impressed that you and other recappers do this at all!
Thank you!

I'm surprised no one else has mentioned this yet, but I thought the most hysterical scene last night was Fer demonstrating his idea for Aldo's book unveiling. I was dying! He was so incredibly animated and like every part of his body was moving and he actually kept it together while drawing on himself and everything else with the lines. I bet he was breathing a little heavy for a bit when he finally sat down after all that! That was just so great!!! His acting is really impressing me. I guarantee in a few years we'll see him break into the US movie scene. I mean he's really only been "on the scene" for a couple of years now and only has like three substantial acting roles under his belt. To think he was really a singer until they asked him to act! Anyway, my opportunity to give my kudos to Jaime Camil.


I'm impressed with how fast the recappers get the job done. When i first started watching novelas 10 years ago I had to tape the episodes, look things up in dictionaries and then guess what would be appropriate in the scene. I also wrote everything down as a reference. It isn't an easy task. I still have over a 1000 pages that I kept when i watched Morelia.

After the show is over i want to rush to the computer to see what people have to say about it but force myself to wait until my morning work is over. I must say that a lot of morning things are now being shifted to the afternoon or not being done at all. LOL

Thanks for the heads up so on Saturday I won't skip stuff and will wait patiently. Those previews tonight don't look like much more than filler and cuartel makeover dios mio!

I agree that we won't have Jaime Camil to our limited audience much longer. He is a true star and his comedic scenes are fabulous. The American movie makers will latch onto him in a heartbeat the first time one catches a glimpse of Jaime. How any woman could not fall for him is beyond me. The man is sex appeal in a bottle, and he is young enough to be my son.

Fernando hugging Leticia is priceless. He holds on as if he is never going to let her go. How could anyone feel that and not realize the emotions are/were for real?

Recappers, most of us realize what a great sacrifice of your time and talents you make in volunteering to write these blogs, and we are eternally grateful. Please don't let the few demanders out there spoil your zeal to do these recaps! No apologies or explanations are ever necessary for a work of charity.

Bless you.


What an odd episode. All that junk with the cuartel. Sorry to say this but when they were dancing? around all I could think of was an old commercial that had a bunch of dancing cows. What an appalling time waste those scenes are.

PG really disappointed me last night and I had a hard time understanding him since just as he appeared we had a horrendous thunder and lightening storm and the thunder was directly overhead drowning out the scene. Fern and Lety did act a tad childishly I thought and I wanted to give them both a good shaking.

Enough with the plague of Adoitis that is covering Conceptos like an evil miasma. And Lety really should have gotten that meeting under control and not let either one of them act so stupid but what could she do after she let Luigi run amok.

Love, loved, loved the scene with the plants and fountain and those hugs. The looks on their faces were so telling especially Fern's. He looked like he had died and gone to heaven. It is really a tribute to Jamie and that extremely expressive face of his. Angelica is good but I think those braces and glasses handicap her to an extent. Then they ruin it all with the jealous me routine.

Fern was adorable with his little plant and finding the right place for it on the shared desk. I'll wait to see if Lety moves the fountain, oh and what happened to her zen garden? I didn't see it on her desk.

Don't worry - no one's going to spoil my recapping fun, and I know what it feels like to be a grateful reader because I'm one of the grateful readers, myself. :)

I am furious that anyone would complain about any of the recappers. It can't be stressed enough that they do the most wonderful job, not only in explaining the nuances of the story but doing so with magnificent senses of humor. I watch Zorro in English and have thought about helping those recappers and have tried to recap an episode for myself just to see if I could do it. Heck, it's English and I'm not ready to help out yet! You recappers are my heroes!

I never stopped to think in the dream scene that Carla's face wasn't shown because Lety still doesn't know what she looks like but loved Omar's later comment that carla calls Fern almost as much as Marcia. I thought the same thing.

I'm almost afraid to think of what we are going to see with another one of Luigi's extravaganzas if his description is to be believed.

One thing has occurred to me lately. The 30 day period where they have to come up with the first 2 Million is just about up and of course they have it with Aldo's project but what are they going to do for the next payment. No one seems to be looking ahead. I guess they are somehow thinking that maybe they can get another 2 million out of the US association? At least Tomas tends to think about the cost of things which seems to be ignored by everyone else. And i though Robopop was supposed to be keeping an eye on things but he hasn't been to the his closet office in days.

The lack of continuity and logic is a sure sign of the stretching out of the show as well as the endless introduction of new characters and needless back stories. I wish they would finally cut to the chase and focus on the problems between Lety and Fern because of her lack of trust and their mutual inability to communicate.


yeah, they got the $2 million from the restaurant assoc. but that is not necessarily all profit. I guess they have other smaller projects in the works too. What ever happened to Ricky Armstrong and the lemon soda commercial??

Fern's hug...tan divino. I want one too!

Lety's hug...a little akward. Almost like her Aldo hugs.

Speaking of the Aldo hugs what's up with her suddenly turning her face when he went to kiss her when just hours before she had made a pass at him and he walked out of the office. She had already thrown her celos fit so once again she sends mixed messages.

I think she was so awkward when she hugged Fern because she wanted it to be like it was before, like the way he hugged her but she is thinking about Carla. How she can not feel how much Fern loves her, despite his silliness since he returned, is beyond me. Doesn't she think there must be some motivation for his obvious dislike of Aldo. As someone said too bad she doesn't react like her daydream Lety.

Thanks to all the recappers and commenters. I love this blog and read it everyday. You all do a wonderful job. Muchas Gracias!

I also want to thank the people who gave me the info on the theme songs. I was able to find them and download them and that made me very happy.

I'm looking forward to more scenes between Lety and Fern showing glimpses of how they really feel about each other.

Patrick in Oregon

- Im looking forward to more scenes between Lety and Fern showing glimpses of how they really feel about each other.-


From you lips to God's (Rosy OCampo) ears.

Saimon's gift to PM might have been cruel but just look at the way she was acting on the roof. Moping around all day and then the first male that goes by and she is off on the hunt. Saimon gets on my nerves sometimes but I think he is being very smart in his we're finished routine. He's doing a much better job that his idol Fern.

I can't believe they were up on the roof, exercising or dancing. The smog in Mexico City is awful. literally air so thick you can almost touch it. Every time I've been there I've never even seen people out jogging. The first time we went my husband who had gone to college in the DF was horrified because he remembered blue skies and being able to see the volcanos but now it is just one horrific brown mess.

What a mess that episode was. The cuartel dancing is hideous. And how could they be running into joggers on the private property of the Conceptos roof. It's not Central Park?

But I loved those hugs between Fern and Lety. I keep saying to myself that this is all filler ... filler ... filler ...

"Lety taps Fern on the arm with her finger to remind him that they are supposed to be conducting a meeting."

She didn't tap him until he was standing so close to her chair that his right hipbone was in her left ear. If they were currently intimate I doubt she would have signalled him to cut it out.


I missed the first half of yesterday's episode and I want to thank you recappers for all of your hard work in putting these together. They greatly enhance my enjoyment of the show.

I am with those who are apalled at how one could be so demanding on the charity of others, in this case the recappers. Sometimes when you look and realize that something was posted at 1:00 a.m. you realize this really is a gift to all of us who come to rely on them and enjoy the camaraderie of the blog and its participants.

Other than that, loved the hug, tired of the cuartel, bored with Aldo. Did enjoy what appeared to be Luigi's preparations for the cuartels' makeover. He may want to include earplugs though.

Marg. in Minnesota

from yestiddy's postings: "I don't speak a word of Spanish"

Except for final of Alborada beating out Kennedy center honors; and for lfmb's summertime ratings I haven't seen any signif appreciation abt telen's ratings in usa. I think they haven't a clue how many people who are not native spanish speakers are turning on univision.


Also from 3/21: "If Julieta gets her way and Aldo wins"

Terri: a lotta ladies have married the wrong guys bcs the mother says you'll never get another proposal - grab'im.


3/21: "recipes"

Teresa: recipes? are we're gonna get recipes? If we don't, a good place for recipes you can't find is:
[Uncle Phaedrus, Finder of Lost Recipes]


Many times while I watch LFMB, I get disappointed because it is a filler. In fact, the other day, I swore that I was no longer going to watch the show. I really can't stand the cuartel and their gossiping. Lety should put them in their place and remove herself as their friend. Then there is that one moment in the show when I realize why I am still watching it. It is when Fernando and Lety embrace and are the only two people at that moment in the world. It is so powerful that it keeps me hoping for more.

So that's why the first comment on the smog was posted. I was wondering where that came from. I though it was an inside joke I was not privy too (which I guess still applies cuz i have never been to Mexico).

Oh well, that said good question nina, I wonder too and if they were in their winter coats why would they show anyone jogging anyway?

Thank you to all of the recappers! I looked so forward to reading the recaps after each show. I also enjoy reading the comments of the other LFMB watchers. It is a great show. Even though my spanish is very minimal, I feel like I am understanding more with the help of the recappers.
I hope to see Lety and Fern realize that they are meant for each other. I also hope that Tomas finds himself someone who cares for him, not a selfish Oxi who needs her "coche and dinero."
Thanks again to everyone. This blog is wonderful!

Anon 5:04

I can almost see Tomas and Oxi together. She wants someone who adores her and falls all over her and Tomas does all of that. If he had a bucket load of dinero she would be all over him and to hell with what he looks like. I have become curious about where she spends all her money. It can't be on clothes and jewelry although she want money for them. I wonder if her Papi has problems and there is more to her than meets the eye although the way she dresses it would be hard to see what it could be .BIG GRIN

I'm with all the people who wonder why we keep sticking it out to watch the gossipy cuartel screech and then attempt to become dancers, Aldo's endless preaching, Lety' wavering, Mama J's not to subtle pushing and then we get a hilarious scene with Omar and Fern or better yet one of those endearing looks or hugs between F & L and the light bulb goes on -That's why I'm sticking it out. Those are the nights when I can get to sleep instead of worrying about what it happening to two fictional people who have gotten way too deep under my skin.


Lety's fantasy/dream fight with Carla was one of the funniest scenes ever. Being held back(was it Tomas and Omar?)and then flinging them off while she went at it again, Luigi cheering her on while Aldo calmly watched, and Tomas working her braid like a horse's rein! I saw that scene without sound at the laundromat (broken washer, long story) and then watched it a couple more times once I got home. Laughed and laughed.
Not so funny, the time-wasting cuartel dancing and fun house mirrors scenes. The only positive was their finally getting the message of inner beauty.
Luigi describing his extravaganza was funny enough, especially once
Fern started drawing the big book plans. That was a great comeback from Aldo with the "Marrandiola" I knew there was an insult there, just lacked the vocabulary. That's why I value this site so much--you guys fill us in on the details! Love and thanks to you recappers.
PG was sort of useless--I wanted something more definite from him.
The plant/fountain gift exchange was so sweet and Fern's hug was marvillosa. Lety's return hug was too skimpy. Those kind of embraces have been in short supply for a long time.

Thanks so much for the Recap! You know, it figures that somebody complaining like that would do so Anonymously..! Enough said.

Here is something that I can't believe either! My HUSBAND saw a detail that I missed last night during the board meeting. Aldo had his wedding ring on!! If anybody taped it, it is right at the beginning of the big mtg. with Luigi. Sometime during Fern's "suggestions for the book" he took it off. You will see his hand go under the table and then when he pulls it out-the ring is gone. Guess they didn't want to re-tape the scene, so went with it. At first, I thought Denis must have been seeing things, but when I saw it again, he was right! Just one of those little details that make it more interesting--especially during these "filler days"...;)

Loved the scene where Fern kissed Lety's plant. So sweet. Like everybody else-wish there was more scenes with them together (and being nice to each other)!

I agree with praise for our recappers. If we get it late, better then not having it at all. I appreciate these so much. I am the one who writes in about my frustation understanding the soap and how i have a tutor, spanish computer programs, spanish music,able to read spanish fluently and yet still don't understand when someone else speaks in spanish, so to see the recap, it is awesome. Sure on saturday mornings when fea is not on, I am upset, but not at recappers, at me cause i am so disgustingly addicted to it rotf. And with the watching la fea and why are we? I agree with a few of you who said that you wait to see fern and lety. That is the only reason i got attracted to this in the first place. The cuartel is a mess and takes up space. Why didn't ocamp just do the regular months and leave out the fillers instead of extending it way beyond need and add all the fillers. It is bull. I fastforward. I am also upset that these women are that desperate for acting, that they will let themselves be used like that; however, many stars play bad parts. Look at Joseline in El Mundo. When I see her on Bailando for la boda, I cringe; yet that was only her part, not her. DUH. Still did not hear anything. Did anyone in PA have problems watching fea last night. Their lips did not coincide with the sound and words. It was way off sync. More than the Aqui Estare at the end of the tele. Ret

Alma, what a wonderful recap! Thanks so much! RECAPPERS ROCK!!!

“The cuartel determine that they won’t be able to practice their “show” routine if one of them has to stay late. Sara has an idea to get Alicia to work late. They go over to Alicia’s desk and tell he about Lety’s orders.” That was so cute, with the cuartel putting her name on ALL the slips of paper. Very clever!

“A guy jogs by and PM follows him happily. [This girl is a pendulum… swinging this way and that way, happy and sad, love-sick and lust-sick...]” Chuckle!

Thanks for explaining the “Fernando Marrandiola” joke. I wasn’t paying enough attention last night, with competing interests in my television room. That was pretty cool!

“PG walks in grabbing Fern by the elbow. He says that they have to talk NOW, because the bad karma in this office reaches way over to his house. Fern and Lety are very uncomfortable” I just roared when PG called them on the bad karma thing. That was so funny! Fern and Lety behaving like toddlers; he’s going to shake them both and tell them to play right or they’re going to their rooms!

“And he then he tells them that their love for each other it the real deal and that they must immediately stop playing games and start up the hot romance again because that’s what the viewers want! …Oh, wait, that was my own imagination getting carried away…” ROTF!

“They agree that they are all beautiful… and talented... and great friends. The Aldo-itis is spreading like malaria.” Ah, so that’s what it is, Aldo-itis. It certainly is an inflammation that’s pervading Conceptos…..and I like Aldo, too.

I was so glad Tomás did NOT give his car to Alicia. Is he acquiring some common sense with more proximity to her?

The cuartel, other than the few cute things they do now and then, are definitely tedious. At least we don’t have so much Luigi behaving badly filler any more.

Those hugs! Could they BE any stiffer? Fern’s blissful look, though, as he held his Lety was beautiful. I could swear he was even smelling her hair just so he could remember everything later.



Thanks to all the Fea recapper, you are my heros. I just love this website and have become such an addict, my co-workers are now teasing me about it all the time. I tell them they don't know what they're missing.

I so look forward to reading the recaps --to check my comprehension of Spanish, but mostly because of the comments from the recappers and everyone else.

Last night's episode, UGH with the cuartel. I've said it before but apparently it needs to be repeated because they are still getting too much air time. What was up with the mirrors.

Fer and his plant, tan divino. Then when he kissed it, oh boy did my heart melt. The hug was good but left me asking for more.

Thanks to all of the recappers once again from a grateful reader. I understand most of it but things like last night's pig with an apple get by me. And it was fun to rewatch that portion with my new knowledge! Here's a link to a sweet commercial with Jaime Camil on YouTube, no spoilers!

Thanks recappers you are much appreciated!!!
I loved loved Fer last night in the board room he is soooo funny when he is all manic like that.
Muchas gracias. Connie J

what did donFerni say when he was writing on the paper against himself and tickled his own bellybutton? [I looked at the mex11/28-29 place but they didn't say]

3/23fri b/f lfmb came on univision (channel 14 dc md va) and aft, sound was 95% loud static then every so often a few seconds of ok-sound

not speaking spanish it shouldn't have been a prob but the comedy is greatly enhanced by the tone of each person's voice

if the transmitter were knocked out altogether it would have been a snowy screen, so I spose I should be thankful that it wasn't worse


Alma, seeing the episode a couple of day late - you're recap was hilarious. Thanks so much.

I agree with the comments that once the U.S. discovers "our Fernie" it will be all over - he'll be too big. Sigh. Sandy

The 2011 discussion for Capitulos 237 & 238 is at this link.

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