Tuesday, March 27, 2007

La Fea Más Bella #239 3/26/07 in which Fern cheats once again at Paper-Rock-Scissors

Luigi's bilious attack - brought on by the discovery that Aldo has lovingly inscribed his book to Lety the Platypus rather than to Luigi - turns to noisy rage. He criticises Aldo's poor taste, grows indignant over his "deception," and marvels that, rather than fixing on somebody good-looking ("Even Ali Boobies!"), the sexy handsome Aldo has defied the proper order of the universe by fixing his interest on someone ugly.

The furious screams can be heard in the next room (where Alicia's corsetry is looking more like Marie Antoinette's than ever). Pituca and Pitaca (aka Omar and Fern), their curiosity piqued, peer around the corner and hear Luigi make a fateful telephone call to Aldo's publishers. Pretending to be Aldo, Luigi tells them to re-direct the book shipment to an address in the middle of nowhere. He hangs up snarling, "Aldo, you'll pay, you'll all pay!"

In Omar's office it's Chin Cham Pu again for the chair. Chin Cham Pu is either the same as paper-scissors-rock or is, here, followed by that other time-honored way to see who gets the Seat of Power. Fern takes the throne.

"Should we intervene and thwart Luigi's trick?" Fern is of two minds. On the one hand, he would certainly enjoy watching Aldo be embarrassed. On the other hand, Aldo's book event is critical to Conceptos' survival. (Omar brings up Fern's idea of the giant wooden book rolling into the Expo on little bitty wheels.) Fern debates further: "It's Lety's project. I'd love to stick it to that stupid DomensaEEN but I can't do that to mi Lety."

Fern gets all hyper-ventilated - let's review, he's rattled trying to decide whether it's worth flushing the whole Conceptos recovery down the drain simply to annoy Aldo. In order to calm his nerves he decides to prune his bonsai tree; when he calls for the scissors, Omar realizes that in actual fact HE, Omar, had won the deciding game. "Hey, stone wins over paper! You tricked me!" They trade places.

At the presentation (it looks like a crummy little cafeteria in a hospital basement) Aldo has completely lost his New Age cool, he is ruffled and desperate because his book hasn't arrived. [I kept thinking, "Jeez, get over it," but the principle of All Filler All The Time dictates that this must be a great emergency. -- Ed.] Luigi watches from behind a column while all agonize over the missing books.

(Aldo's dad meets Lety's parents and there is mutual admiration.)

Meanwhile ... in the middle of nowhere, in the rain, delivery guys are trying to figure out where to leave Aldo's books since the specified address is locked up and dark. (Tell me why these guys don't have a cellphone to call the office.)

Fern and Omar drive up; Fern says: "We'll implement Plan A, and if that doesn't work, we'll go to Plan B." Fern tries to convince the delivery guys to give him the books (calling them "little booklets of recipes") but the guys aren't having it, so he coughs into his hand, "PLAN B!" He engages the guys in fatuous, frenetic conversation while Omar removes all the packets of books from their truck. If you like pratfalls, there was one. The guys like Fern so much they ask him to suck down some tequilas with them, but he and Omar make a getaway.

Aldo is onstage, his voice breaking with emotion, sadly cancelling his presentation, when Omar and Fern burst in with arms full of books (more pratfalls). Luigi is dumbfounded: "Super Pituca and Pitaca to the rescue, it can't be!"

Aldo's father takes the mic and says, "I'm proud to present this book, I haven't read it yet, but it proves my son is a great chef who deserves his success. Aldo, I'm glad you disobeyed me and followed your dream!" All rise in spontaneous ovation! Props to dad from Aldo, who says further, "Somebody once called my tome a 'little booklet of recipes'..." ("Who would have such bad taste?" mutters Fern, who was the somebody.) "... that wasn't my intention. Each of us should live in our own way, and my way is in this book."

Luigi staggers off backstage wondering why Fern helped Aldo - "Does he know Aldo loves the Elephant Woman? What can I do NOW to make this the worst night of their lives?"

Meanwhile Carla, all dolled up, is waiting in her hotel lobby. Fern forgot to come for her. She's sure it's because of Lety.

The presentation is over. Erasmo confides to Aldo: "I didn't really understand all that stuff about the connection between Taste and Life." "It'll take a lot of time to explain it," warns Aldo. "That's OK, I have a little bottle put away for special occasions."

Most everybody's gone; Omar and Fern see Aldo and Lety nuzzle and exchange a sweet little kiss. Aldo asks Lety to leave: "I have to have a talk with MANDIOLA and it won't be a friendly one." Fern and Aldo are so hilarious together - they dodge and weave through the tables, wishing they could sock each other some more. They end up in a hallway squabbling, prodding, and picking at each other except when they greet passing guests (graciously and in unison).

"It's not enough you tried to ruin my presentation, now you want to make a scene with your boxing?" "I rescued your books so you wouldn't look like an idiot, I did it for Lety."

The delivery guy shows up with the police and wants to get Fern arrested. (He calls Fern "the little blond" again, which surprises both Aldo and Fern. "He said that before" Fern confides perplexedly.)

Aldo says everything is fine and signs for the books. Fern says it wasn't he, Fern, who made the dastardly phone call diverting the books to the boonies. Aldo believes him. Lety doesn't, though, saying: "He's an expert liar." Anais shows up again, with Caro. She wants to interview Lety. Yawn.

Tomas shows up at Alicia's desk and invites her to the expo. "And we can take my car." "You mean MY car." "Let's say, OUR car."

She goes off to repair her makeup and comes back so guapa that Tomas's hands are magnetically attracted to her immense, pressurized, artificial globes. Hovering and having a mimisqui of his own, he's almost reached his goal when Marcia shows up, furious. The reason she's been so delayed? Alicia forgot to confirm her plane reservation! "And Alicia, were you about to leave?" "Yes," crows Tomas, who's been thoughtbubbling "This is my lucky night." "Uh, no, I was waiting for you," says Alicia.

Fern, twitching in the way we have come to know as an outer manifestation of his insane love and jealousy, tells Omar: "I didn't tell DomensaEEN who really made the call because I have no wish to get in good with him, I just wanted to help Lety." Omar suddenly realizes Fern has forgotten, in the excitement, to pick up Carla. "Capital crime! Infamy! Who would stand up a bonbon like Carla?"

Carla has just now arrived at the Expo under her own steam. Fern rushes past her and then realizes he doesn't have to hurry since she's already here. He spins some vague blather about a tiny problem which was nonetheless very "grave" and Carla surmises it must have had something to do with Lety, and he complains, "You think everything is about Lety."

He says she looks divine, and they get closer and closer, and he's very nervous, and she says, "Well it doesn't matter now, I'm here and we're going to have a great evening," and the Golden Circle of Goodbye closes around their faces.


Fern & Omar are so cute together, despite their antics to sabotage "everything" Aldo is involved in.

Look whose back from Europa wearing the wide belt and no bra.It's the wicked witch of the west Marcia.Quite obvious that the comments online here about Marcia and the wide belts were not read.

Didn't Marcia's hair grow quite a bit while she was in London? Luigi often was spiteful, but I didn't think he would turn to the dark side this way. I guess the jealousy was overwhelming.

All I could think of at the expo was, "when is Aldo going to change his clothes???" Everyone else was dressed up and he looked way too casual.
I was surprised Luigi would turn on Aldo and show such a dark side.
Was that all of the expo? There must be more since Marcia and some of the others have not arrived.
Hideous I thought of Marcia's new look. Irma La Deuce maybe? She definitely looked right off the streets of Paris in my humble opinion.
I'm really getting to dislike Lety when she treats Fern so unfairly.
Maybe she and Aldo do belong together!
Thanks so much Melinama!

Carrie L.

Thanks for the recap...I only saw the last few minutes where Aldo found out Fern was not behind the missing books war.

Lety is so down on Fernando, geez Lety, he has also been cleared of kidnapping the Lindbergh baby.

See I have this theory that Lety chooses to believe Fern is all bad, that way she is all good. She just can't take responsibility for any of what happened. Calling him a liar, I guess she has forgotten she lied to the board, her parents, the cuartel, Marcia...she was just an innocent victim, not to mention she set him up totally. Not to say that he did not deserve it, but I just hate the innocent victim act.

Did anyone see others at the expo besides the usual suspects and the cuartel? Budget cuts at Televisa, I suppose..

We have Fernando & Omar both in dark suits(handsome as ever) and Aldo looking like he had a makeover at the local Wal Mart. Could Aldo possibly find a dark suit in closet for such a special occasion to be the center of attention?

What did you watchers think of Lety's outfit last night? I thought she looked really nice, especially in black hose and, OMG high heels!

What did you watchers think of Lety's outfit last night? I thought she looked really nice, especially in black hose and, OMG high heels!

nice recap. I loved Fern & Omar rescuing the books. That was too funny and Fern & Aldo's little discussion too.

I like Fern's twitch, don't know it makes me smile. I guess it is contagious.

I can't wait for today's episode although I must confess I saw this on youtube already. But it's more fun on a bigger screen.

P.S. Judging by the rules it does appear Chin Champu is rock, paper scissors although I never knew there was a spanish equivalent.

So true, Beckster. I am also tired of Lety's innocent victim act. She is giving me no reason to care any more whether she and Fernando get together or not. The only reason I would even care is for Fernando's benefit. Otherwise I would just as soon he stay with Carloca now.

I didn't like that Lety made Alicia stay in the office to wait for Marcia, especially while the cuartel crowed over Alicia's having to stay behind. This was a huge company event and Alicia should have been allowed to attend.

Lety is winning no points with me these days, and I used to be such a champion of she and Fernando. It's mind boggling why anyone would want her these days.

I'm also finding it difficult to be sympathetic to Lety lately. I did like the black outfit, but I liked the white thing she was wearing before better (but not the blouse).

Marcia - liked the hair, but the outfit was not flattering.

Would you eat a mole or anything with any kind of sauce if you were dressed like Carla? I wouldn't.

So... nobody noticed that Luigi wasn't at the presentation?? I know Fern didn't want to say anything (and his excuse was pretty feeble, I think), but he could have just innocently said "say, where's Luigi?"

I don't know if that event was part of the regular expo. I didn't see any mole or dancers (well there were dancers in the dressing room but not on stage). I think they did the book presentation first, and then the grand opening (with dancers and food) will be next. But I could be wrong.

I can understand how Lety has become so bitter. But geez I wish she could see/hear something that would at least give her a sliver of hope again.

Psychologically thinking: Lety wants to believe Fern was in the wrong with the books, as well as many other things, because she needs to beleive he is bad, deceiving,untrustworthy, etc. in order to think she hates him, so she can enjoy aldo. The more she convinces herself she dislikes him, the easier it is to have a relationship with Aldo. She doesn't really hate him. She just needs to find reasons to be mad, so she is not emotionally involved.

Wow you guys sure psychoanalyze these people. And here I am just watching it for the Fern and fun factor. Very intresting reading.

We all know Fernando's true feelings about Lety, but she doesn't and this is what she sees:he lives with Marcia, & seems to be having a very public fling with Carla.

Would you trust him? Looks like the old Fernando. Actions speak louder than words. His actions are damning him & he still doesn't get it.

Lety has to see him change before she can trust him again. Not hear his words , but SEE a change.

He has to break with Marcia - he can't even do that...what hope is there for Lety? She just wants to forget him and move on, and with good cause.

I would do the same.

Thank you Anya. That's how I see it too. We see the way Fern talks about Lety and his puppy dog eyes and we feel for him, but that is not what Lety sees. Aldo is a nice guy and she would love to fall in love with him. But she loves Fern despite it all and that makes her upset at herself and she tries to find reasons to get over Fern. I don't blame her.

I am SO fed up with the sanctimonious lying Lety that I feel like puking every time she shows up and goes with her holier than thou act. Her rudeness when Fern showed up with the books and snapping at him in public was unforgivable. I just wish he would look at her and ask "what ever happened to the sweet funny girl I fell in love with and lost my company for. The clone that came back from Acapulco is a cold, nasty b**ch who sleeps with another man and betrays what we had'. He could then walk away and take up with CC who at least can make him laugh. Lety no longer deserves him my book.

Oh yeah and I'm sick of smirking Julieta and butt kissing Robopop as well.

Actually my first thought when I saw Marcia is oops Dale Evans to the rescue. Now my question is will she show up at the expo, dressed like that and confront the gorgeously dressed Carla?

That book presentation was cheesy looking and I wonder what Lugi will do next to wreck the evening although a nice three way cat fight might liven things up a little.

Omar and the books where one of the few things that made me laugh. He gets all the books and then doesn't put them in the car. What a dolt!

The star of the evening Aldo did looked severely underdressed for the occasion and as much as I dislike him will give him credit for believing that Fern is innocent. He at least has the judgement to recognize that as much as Fern might have been tempted to let Lugi's dirty trick proceed since it would embarrass Aldo he wouldn't do anything to deliberately hurt Lety. Too bad she is too immature and vengeful to see it herself.

Can you tell I was seriously PO'd at her last night?

For those who want more help learning spanish: I took 3 terms of online, no credit classes through my community college. Everything was online, lessons, tests and the certificate of completion. The community college used a place called ed2go.com. They were good lessons with an ongoing story line. You might check your com. col. or check with ed2go.com.


I agree to a point with what you are saying but Lety also has to show Fern some faith and trust. She knows that he isn't comfortable with words and public displays and she has given him virtually no chance to even talk to her. She released the bomb at the big meeting and ran even after he asked her to wait so he could talk to her. When he tried to tell her after she came back how much he loved her she told him to get lost. She throws Aldo in his face every chance she gets. She doesn't know that he believes she slept with Aldo and he stills tries to stay close to her.

She is too judgmental and she refuses to accept the consequences of her own actions. She knows there is nothing between him and his semi-sister so now she is focusing on Carla as an excuse to push him away. In reality she is too chicken to fight for what she wants and is content to settle for second best therefore cheating herself and Aldo.

It is apparent to me in this relationship that Fern loves her far more than she ever loved him.


Fernando is not having a fling with Carla..She would love to be bedding down with Fern,but it's not going to happen..It's all on Fern's part to make Lety jealous. Carla will be history in a few days now that Marcia has parked her broom back in Mexico City. Por favor, a little credit to Fernando. Lety's attitude is punishment enough for our boy Fern.

With Aldo around to constantly remind her of how awful Fernando is Lety will be bitter,but it may not result in too many points for Aldo. Hopefully, Lety will eventually come to her senses and forgive Fernando.She's not without blame less she forgets.

Ellen, I really liked Lety's outfit last night. I think that she looked very nice, especially with the black stockings & heels.
I can see that her transformation is very very gradual. Maybe next she will comb out that braid & pluck her eyelashes.

Diane: I love what you call it:

Letti's trying very hard not to see Ferni's "puppy dog eyes" (which have helped him lie to her a lot, and not just about nothing-things) which she knows have an effect on her.
Besides his face-expressions camil uses a lot of body english too, I just loved the time he was keeping letti in his car by shoving/pushing on the car door [some people on youtube have gathered a lot of his funny moves into clips, but off to the side other clips are featured and those who wish to avoid seeing the future will catch glimpses if they go there; hope the clips are still there after this is has ended. I really enjoy scrounging around over there]

Alma: "sliver of hope" yeah, altho it's hard to live life w/o hope -- feas accept reality btw 18-21. (A human needs to havealife.)

Vale is still my fav comic/vocalist/actress and she's still why I'm here. Camil is GRavy. The cast is good. I'm content. Amazing how most view thisthing as a drama. I laff my ribs off, puttem back; next nite I laffem onto the floor again, I puttem back - I'm a very happycamper.


Ouch, I hope you mean eyebrows!

Thanks for the tip about ed2go.com, Anonymous 12:34 - I'll look into that.

It's getting to the point where the one I Really want to see more of is MOTY! He is cute, sweet, dependable and LOYAL--all attributes that seem to missing from fom virtually all of the main characters right about now.....

No FBMB this evening :(. I live in Michigan and there are no Spanish channels on Cable. I have a package from Dish with S. American channels. There are two Univision channels. The one with the Fea at a reasonable time has just gone on the blink due to severe weather! The other one has the Fea at a time when I have to be in bed for work tomorrow.

shows ya

never been anywhere but northeast

thought it was spring

gotta go look at nat'l weather map

never been to michigan

how severe?


I love Moty. He growled once at Erasmo, and I thought, hmm, wonder if this dog is trained to do action scenes? And if so, who should he attack? The possibilities are endless.

speaking of Moty, there is a very funny blooper with him on youtube. If you don't mind spoilers its worth a viewing.

Even minor changes in the weather seem to affect the Dish Channel! Its sunny again - so maybe it will have cleared by this evening - just heard some more thunder.


Thanks to the props for Moty, Louise! I've been saying it all along! He's great and he doesn't say a word!!! Wonderful, from a recapper's point don't cha know!


I thought Lety looked very nice in her black with the hose and heels.
Aldo looked like he forgot to get dressed for the event.
Marcia looked trashy, I hardly recognized her. What's with the hair? A lot of extensions I guess.

I'm sure Marcia will zero in on Carla. Fern will probably back off in fear. Carla will probably laugh and be friendly to Marcia. Carla seems to be nice to everyone.

Luigi has gotten pretty scary. I wonder what he will do next???

I'm in southeast Michigan and we haven't had any storms in my area. I did hear that some others are flooded.
Typical springtime! 80 today and 47 tomorrow!

I am glad I'm not the only one who thought Aldo was under-dressed. Tacky. If you think your book is all that (and we know he does) dress up a bit. I am really hoping Fern breaks with Marcia now that she is back. He could not do it over the phone while she was away.


We do have rock, paper, scissors in Spanish! In Venezuela we even called it the same: "Piedra, papel o tijera"...

I cracked up when Omar said in English To be or not to be

Melinama, thanks for the great recap! I do love that title!

Tweedledum and Tweedledee were there just in the nick of time to hear Luigi’s phone call, weren’t they? If I had overheard that, I might have just busted Luigi right then and there, but I guess they used the info about where Aldo’s books were going to their advantage. Sort of.

“At the presentation (it looks like a crummy little cafeteria in a hospital basement)” ROTFL! I thought it looked unsatisfactory, and now I know why. How about those chairs with the white covers and pink bows? It’s hard to dress up a hospital basement….

Somehow, I can’t see Erasmo and Aldo looking like Erasmo and the HHAs with the special bottle Erasmo has….but that was all I could think of when he mentioned it.


"could not do it over the phone"

why-ever not

berger dropped carrie with a post-it note (in a once-semi-popular-usa-series)

"I'm sorry, I can't, don't hate me"

(lfmb people do not seem to use emails, but somebody must have a wad of post-its in one of those desks)


The 2011 discussion for Capitulos 239 & 240 is at this link.

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