Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Primetime on Univision (#1): Doña Flor y Sus Dos Maridos - Week of April 15, 2019

Greetings, Caraymates!

Welcome to our new page for Primetime TNs which are not being covered by recappers. It’s your sandbox where you can gather to discuss, critique, snark, or just plain talk about your favorite or not-so-favorite characters, scenes, dialogues, wardrobe or whatever else you can think of. Everyone is welcome to join in the conversations. You may also provide highlights, summaries, or details of scenes; those will be appreciated immensely by all. Questions about scenes or conversations that may have been confusing or too fast (which seems very likely with Doña Flor since it seems to be on FFW...Ack!) are also welcome. We’ll try to answer promptly and to the best of our ability…and memory J. TNs covered by this page are:
  • 9-10PM – Doña Flor y Sus Dos Maridos: Ep. 1-3
  • 8-9PM   – La Reina Soy Yo (Starting May 7th)
As with other discussion pages for more than one TN, please identify the TN you are commenting on to avoid confusion and so readers can easily find the conversations they are looking for, especially after La Reina Soy Yo starts.

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 10PM from now on.

Have fun, Patio Peeps…let’s start talkin’!

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