Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Pasión, Monday 4/21: Gotta crawl before you can walk

One of Lafont's guys catches Clothilde nibbling on pumpkin seeds outside Lafont's door as the Colonel questions him about the amazing coincidences that have occurred. She she claims she was on her way to Lis's room. (I hope a little anvil has been set aside for this woman.)

Lafont tells the Colonel that life is made out of coincidences. He changes the subject to the highway robberies. He says there's a guy who came to town, a pirate using a false name, who is embarrassingly related to Lafont's own wife. The Colonel looks thoughtful and mutters to himself there's a black sheep in every family. Lafont says the man was educated, likable, and made friends with both Uriel and Mateo. He speculates that perhaps he got them to do "that." The Colonel looks a bit skeptical. Lafont reaches for his medicine bottle.

Meanwhile, out in Garbancillo, Ines, Vasco, and Camila approach the midwife's place. Vasco warns Cami to be ready for the possibility that her baby really is dead.

Ric gets there first in his borrowed clothes. Camila & co. arrive just as he is kicking the door down. After a hello kiss, he tells her he escaped. He doesn't have time to give details, however. A neighbor comes by, and they ask what happened to the midwife Auxiliadora. The neighbor says she left several months ago, supposedly she received money from some relatives (heh, yes, relatives of Ric's, LOL) and planned to go to Cuatepec in Veracruz.

Ric asks if she had any visitors - not the usual, but someone of another class - someone from out of town. She doesn't remember anyone like that, but she does remember this poor girl named Conchita who always came around crying that Auxiliadora had stolen her child.

The neighbor seems nervous when she sees Ric and Camila exchange stunned looks!

The Colonel goes back to San Benito, grumbling over the way those townsfolk all stick together. He thinks Jorge's wife lied to him, too, about not being Puerto Paraiso during the pirate raid. He wonders if Salamanca was involved. Then the Captain, Ursula's previous conquest, comes in with the bad news that their favorite prisoner has escaped, and he stole one of their uniforms and a gun. They've sent out patrols to look for him.

The Colonel seems kinda mad. The Captain's great excuse is that he was in his office and didn't know until later. The Colonel muses unhappily that their fugitive will have had time to change his clothes by now.

In San Fernando, Justo and Sofia meet in town for tea. She tells him she's not doing so well - first there's Jorge's mysterious dizzy spell and goofy pulse. And then there's and Uriel and Mateo's deaths - and some whispering that they were involved in the caravan assaults. She fears her husband was involved as well, and surely Lafont. Justo starts to tell her that he was unhappy with the way Ricardo tricked them. Sofia interrupts and says she's sure he's a good person. Justo continues and says that Ric once told him that he actually came to SF to investigate the caravan attacks - on behalf of someone "very important." He didn't have proof, but he was sure that Jorge and Lafont were the ones who organized the thefts. "Would you believe me if I said that doesn't seem so strange to me?" Sofia replies. They both sigh.

Clothilde is briefing Lis and Fran on her spy mission; she admits she got caught. She says Lafont told the Colonel that he did NOT go out with Uriel and Mateo, because he went out to see a woman. Lis chuckles at this. Clothilde says the Colonel remarked on how odd it was that his other two friends went out to attack the caravans - Fran seems shocked by this - and those two ended up dead and Lafont injured the same night. That's when she got caught and she didn't hear any more. She asks them not to fire her. Lis assures her and sends her out of the room.

Fran tells Lis this means she's married a thief who's at least as bad, if not worse than, her cousin, because she saw him go off with his friends. Lis thinks this puts her at an advantage so he can't boss her around, humiliate her, or kick Pedro out.

Blackmail, Lis? Really? You think you're going to blackmail Alberto Lafont? You don't think it's more likely that he'll bludgeon you with his peg leg? Because I think you'll be dead before the next commercial if you try to beat this guy at his own game. Please do it anyway, though.

Fran agrees with me - in fact she thinks he'll probably kill both of them, plus the baby. Lis looks thoughtful, but I think she's just listening to the "on-hold music" that plays in her brain when someone's saying something she doesn't want to hear.

Ric, Camila, Ines, and Vasco go to find Conchita. Camila introduces herself. Conchita doesn't remember much about Camila from that night, but she remembers Ric. She tells them that Auxi treated her well at first, helped her and fed her so she'd make good milk for her baby, but then she told her that the baby belonged to the other woman. (More impactados looks between Ric and Camila.) Auxi had given her the baby because she thought the other woman would die, but she didn't die, so they had to give the baby back.

"But I know it was mine, and she took it away!" she cries. She begs Camila to give it back to her. Camila says she doesn't have it. Ric asks if she'd recognize it if she saw it again. Conchita says of course she would - she nursed and bathed him for two months! Cami asks if there are any birthmarks, etc. but Conchita says no. Jimena asks if she has any family. Conchita says her father kicked her out when she got pregnant, and she's been living in this guy's barn.

At the palacio after the funerals for Uriel and/or Mateo, softhearted Fortunata is telling Ursula and Sofia that she doesn't believe that Mateo and Uriel were robbers. Ursula, who is now an expert in such matters, says why not - pirates aren't the only ones who steal.

Sofia finds Jorge gloomily contemplating the chessboard in his study. She tells him people noticed, and murmured about, his absence at the burial. She advises him to try to right some of his wrongs. He denies doing anything and asks if she thinks he was mixed up with "them." She asks about Lafont. He plays innocent about this too. She reminds him of what he did to Justo and his family and other people. She thinks it's time that he address some of these things so that God will take them into account when Jorge is finally called away. He just gives her a sulky look. She gets up and leaves. "By the grace of God," he tells himself.

The Lost Baby Brigade goes to Safehouse #1, where they are greeted by Bartolome, the Sunday-morning-wine-sippin' caretaker. He's quite impactado to see them, but invites them in. He tells them that his wife, Juliana, took off on him. Camila asks if she went with her aunt, Auxiliadora. "How would I know?" Bart answers in disgust. He doesn't know anything about their having any relatives in Cuatepec. Ric gives Bart a sweet little bag of coins and tells him there's plenty more where that came from if he can find out where Auxi and Juliana are. Bart smiles with newfound interest in his wife's whereabouts.

Outside the safehouse, Jimena is telling Conchita that no, Camila didn't get the baby as Conchita had been told. Conchita wants to know why they're so interested in finding her baby. Jimena says Camila is also looking for her own. Conchita is still confused!

Jorge visits Santi and the twins at the forge, or should I say "Faroles 'Я' Nosotros" since there are lanterns everywhere. Santi sends the twins on an errand for privacy. Jorge says he had some sickness that sent him nearly to his grave. (Santiago doesn't go for the bait.) Jorge says he needs Santi's advice. He says he supposes Santi knows that Mateo and Uriel are dead, and there are lots of rumors. "Yes," Santi replies curtly. Now that the mercantile concession is again ownerless, he's thinking of giving it back to Justo. "What do you think?"

"You're the señor of SF, you can do whatever you please." Santi begins packing lanterns away as Jorge says he's tired and needs someone to talk to. He says the that the other day, when he went to San Benito, Ines and Vasco were there, and they said they were there to see a relative. Santi says they were surely going to see Ricardo - he's imprisoned there. Jorge is surprised. He was there to identify Mateo and Uriel, and no one mentioned Ricardo being there. Santi gives him the stink-eye and continues packing lanterns.

Ursula is washing up when Jorge comes up for a chat. (I swear her hairdo is even hornier than it was last week.) He asks if she's heard the gossip. She says yes, she's heard that U and M were behind the carjackings. Jorge says that there's also some speculation that he was involved too. She snickers and asks if he was. He tells her this is serious and that he needs her help. She is skeptical, but intrigued. He says Colonel Valencia is coming over; he wants her to chat him up and find out what's on his mind. Like does he suspect Jorge, Lafont... whatever she can find out.

All she wants to know is whether he's married. He doesn't know. "Ask him," Jorge suggests. She laughs and fans herself in anticipation.

Santi, now washed up (as in clean, not past his prime), is at church, explaining his confusion to the padre. He doesn't want to turn his father in, but on the other hand he doesn't want to participate in a cover-up either. The padre reminds him of the story of the good shepherd who leaves his flock behind to look for one lost lamb. (I actually had to look up this Bible story to confirm that I had translated this right - it seems like a good way to lose 99 loyal sheep - but I get the point - hopefully Jorge will be willing to sacrifice something to win Santiago back.) The padre says this could be Santiago's chance. Santi doubts that Jorge will give in - he doesn't want to admit his sins. The padre points out that Jorge's willing to give the store back to Justo when he could have sold it. Santi doesn't feel that's enough. The padre tells him not to judge (TATTOO THAT SOMEPLACE, SANTI!!), just help. Honor his parents and be patient and don't dismiss Jorge's offer.

The doctor and the prosthetic specialist, i.e. peg guy, are fitting Lafont's new leg. One of them is saying it's too soon, but Lafont - even between growls of intense pain - says he'll support his weight on crutches. He is told that the damaged tissues could swell dangerously, but he demands that they continue. He tries to stand on it, and immediately flops back on the bed howling in intense pain. "I told you it was too soon," the doctor protests weakly. Lafont screams for his laudanum. The doctor tells him again that the stump needs to be completely healed first.

Jorge shows up at this opportune moment. (Lafont is now hastily ordering them to remove the peg.) My screen's small, I'm not near it and my eyes are watering with a bad cold, but I'm pretty sure I see a hint of a smirk on Jorge's face. The doctor and the peg guy excuse themselves.

Jorge tells Lafont that he just found out Ric's at San Benito. He finds it odd that the Colonel didn't mention it when they were talking about Ric. Lafont thinks Ric gave another false name, so the Colonel wouldn't even know who he had on his hands. Anyway, Ric's got no proof against him and Jorge. Jorge reminds him that Santi and Ascanio know the truth about them, at least with respect to the contraband goods, but he thinks he can handle Santi; he reminds Lafont of what he has to do about Ascanio. Jorge leaves. Lafont takes another sip of his delicious, delicious laudanum. He moans woozily as the stuff kicks in.

Manuela is doing some kind of needlepoint of lovebirds, or peace doves, or something, when her nana comes in to tell her that her dad wants to see her. He tells her she's going to marry that jackass she likes so much. "Ascanio?" she asks, I guess to distinguish him from all the other jackasses she likes. "But don't think I'm going to give him a dowry or anything," he adds. She doesn't care. He tells her to send him a message to come see him.

Out on the dusty trail, Camila is asking Ric how he thinks he's going to find Auxiliadora without an address or anything. He says he'll ask just around for a midwife named Auxiliadora - he thinks she'll continue her profession. He has to figure this out, because the baby Lis has now might not be theirs - it might be Conchita's. Theirs could be dead. Camila says she understands, but she's afraid for him.

Ric says he understands, but Mario will be bringing the proof (about the caravan attacks and/or the contraband... I've lost track) he needs to the Colonel in a few days. As for his true identity, he's sure they already know who he really is, but their baby is more important.

Cami says she's more and more sure all the time that her baby was born alive, but why did she tell her it died? Did it maybe die later on? Ric says he'll find out, and she should go back to SF, don't do anything foolish, and don't let Lis suspect anything. He says Vasco gave him some money. He tells her he loves her with all his heart, and he'll do the impossible to return to her.

Manuela is off on her mission, followed by her nana, who nervously protests that Lafont told her to SEND a message, not deliver it personally!

Jorge is already up in Ascanio's office - he is aghast that Ascanio is turning down the offer of Marcelino's job, which will mean more money, the woman of his dreams, and a higher position in the community. "You know why," Ascanio tells him. Jorge is about to explain to him how the world really works, when a knock on the door spares us all from another cynical speech. It's Manuela. Jorge warns Ascanio to think it over carefully - it would mean his fortune, or his downfall.

He greets Manuela with "Convince this moron, because either he marries you, or he dies." Then he stomps out. Impactada, Manuela falls into Ascanio's arms.

Ric, Camila, Vasco, etc. come to a fork in the road. Ric says it's time for them to split up. Vasco offers to go along. Ric turns him down. Jimena wishes Ric luck and adds a word for Mario. One big quick kiss from Camila, and Ric rides away.

"Do you have any idea how many dangers Ricardo has confronted?" Vasco asks the women. "No, but many, I'm sure," Camila answers. "Then have faith," Vasco tells her.

Ascanio tries to explain himself to Manuela. He wants to marry her, but the reason her father's allowing it is because Jorge and her father organized the caravan attacks, plus Ascanio has proof of their participation in the sale of contraband merchandise. They're letting him marry her to buy his silence. He has special loyalty to Camila, and if he turns those documents over to the authorities, Ric can be pardoned for his crimes, clear his name, and marry Camila legally. "And my father goes to the gallows," Manuela concludes. "Do what your heart tells you, but don't forget that I love you," she says. "I love you too. Kiss kiss hug]. (Snif!)

Santi is whining to his mom that he's sick of everyone telling him to follow his conscience. Which conscience - the one of his religion, or the one of his blood? He's going to be his father's own executioner? He demands Ofelia's opinion.

She says that if he turns him in, he'll be complying with the laws of God and of man, but he'll never forget that he sent his father to the noose. And if he doesn't, he'll feel like a crooked, miserable sinner. He asks her which is worse.

She asks what the padre said; she agrees about the good shepherd story and giving Jorge the chance to make it right.

Half a blink later, he and Ascanio are at a pub, and Ascanio is scoffing at the notion of giving Jorge a chance. He thinks it means Ric will get busted. Santi says he doesn't care about that pirate. "Fine, we won't talk about him - what about Camila? She's suffered more than any other woman. Doesn't she have the right to be happy?" Santi insists that Ric will never make her happy.

Ascanio tells Santi that hate has poisoned his heart, and that hate comes from jealousy. "Maybe," Santi says noncommittally, lifting his wineglass at Ascanio, who replies that even if Ric dies or disappears, Santi will never have Camila.

"I prefer to see her with that wretch" is what the captions say and what it sounds like Santi says before he stomps out of the bar, but that doesn't make any sense. Maybe he says "you'd prefer" or something.

Now Ascanio is visiting with Ofelia. He grumps that Jorge didn't bother recognizing Santi until he needed him. In order to protect him, Santi will be sacrificing innocent people. (Notice that Ascanio hasn't even mentioned Manuela to either Santi or Ofelia that we know of!)

Jimena comes home. She gives a quick (much quicker than mine) recap of their trip and says they brought back the woman who gave birth the same day and says her baby was stolen. Ofelia and Ascanio are impactados to hear of Ric's escape from San Benito.

Night falls. Manuela tells her poor old nana that she's disowning her father (wait, now that I think of it, did she say she was disowning him, or that she was turning him in? dammit, I've deleted the episode already, I thought I was done and I needed the disk space!!) - and not even because of her love for Ascanio. "But he gave you life!" Manuela says no, GOD gave her life. If it's true that people reap what they sow ("hizo lo que hizo"... "what's done is made"), then it's too bad that her father has hurt so many people and is so cruel because now he deserves to pay, no matter what ("sea quien sea"... this literally means "whoever does it" but doesn't really refer to people). Poor Agata is horrified.

Camila shows Conchita to her room. She explains that this was her sister's old bed. (Oh, the irony.) She tells her to unpack her things, and promises to find some clothes for her tomorrow. Conchita sits, but she looks very suspicious. "Why did you bring me here?"

"We both gave birth the same day, and only one baby survived. My father buried the other. Auxiliadora lied to both of us, but we don't know which is which." Conchita is pretty sure hers is the one that survived. Camila firmly says that Auxi knows, and the important thing is to find out the truth. She brought her here so that she could know the truth too. Her husband will find Auxi, who will tell them. They could have left Conchita in Garbancilla, and she never would have known. Conchita agrees that this is better. She tells Conchita to rest.

Vasco comes home and Ines pounces on him and showers him with questions, not to mention her own little self, before he can manage a word. He goes straight to bed, with her on top of him. He's too tired to talk. Or even take his clothes off, apparently... he's asleep.

Next day: Ric encounters a traffic jam on his way to Veracruz. On hearing that there's a roadblock at the border, he turns around and goes back. (One of the extras in this scene makes the most of his three seconds of fame, shrugging elaborately at his traveling companions.)

Jimena has a restaurant meal with Ascanio. Jimena says, and I agree with her, that he should marry Manuela and put the screws to Lafont later on anyway. He protests that he's her father, and it'd hurt Santiago too. She's not happy about what this means for Ric. He angrily agrees - he's between the sword and the wall. She asks him where the Documents of Doom are hidden. He says they're in his room, and to her next question, yes they all think Marcelino destroyed them. He quickly changes the subject to ask how Ric was able to escape from San Benito.

The Amazing Ric has found his way around the roadblock and is now questioning random people and women with babies about a certain midwife. (Giant parrot sighting!) One of them tells him she doesn't know Auxi, but the midwife (midhusband?) she goes to is a Don Jacinto who lives over yonder.

Conchita is telling the inhabitants at Justo's that she's sure the baby is hers. She wants to know when they can go see him. She's sure she'll recognize him right away. Camila asks Ines if she's seen Candida, but Ines hasn't, and she's not sure it's a good idea to go looking for her. (Didn't Ric tell Cami not to let on that she's suspicious of Lis?) Justo suggests going to Sofia, but first Cami wants to... er... she asks Conchita to step out for a moment so she can speak to her father alone. Ines offers to introduce her to Paco. She actually steers the poor girl out of the house with both hands!

Cami says she doesn't want anyone to know anything about this until Ricardo comes back. He's looking for the midwife. "They let him go?" "No... he escaped." Justo is impactado. She tells him they're all desperate to know the truth.

Justo says he understands, and he swears that if he had known how horribly this would all turn out, he never would have sent her away. He wouldn't have cared if people saw her [pregnant] or knew. "Forgive me," he says many times as they hug tearfully. His eye twitches.

Back in Veracruz, Ric's questioning of random persons leads him to a man who tells him that Auxiliadora goes down to the beach each morning. Ric is gone before you can say "Ron Jon Surf Shop."

In San Benito, a fancy coach rolls up. The horses are draped in purple, there are escorts carrying red flags, and the coach is covered with gold cloth. A train of red-cloaked attendants lead Don Gaspar into the offices. The Captain tells him that the Colonel is in San Fernando for a dinner date at the palacio; he won't be back till late. Gaspar says that's fine; be a pal and have them fix me up a room because I'm worn out from this trip.

Then he makes himself comfortable at the Colonel's desk while he waits. He's got a room before you can say "La Quinta"! They prepare his room, and an attendant takes off his shoes while he sits on the bed. He asks what they've found out about the caravan assaults. The Captain says all they've discovered is that there were two high-ranking friends of Jorge in San Fernando that got killed in the last raid who were probably the heads of the group.

Gaspar takes a drink from a tray and tells the Captain that if he's got bad news to give it quick, because he's not in a good mood. The Captain says he caught a group of men who he's sure are pirates, and that they were part of the group that attacked the caravans. They insist that they're commercials shippers, however. The Colonel spoke to the one who, in the Captain's opinion, is their boss - a guy who went to SF to see relatives. Gaspar plays dumb. "Oh really? Who is he?"

His face is a blank when the Captain says the man's name is Darien. Then the Captain says that one of the women was named Camila, and Gaspar practically launches himself off the bed. "Camila? Go find that man! Bring him to me!" "I'd love to, your Grace, but he's escaped." Gaspar is beside himself with anxiety. He asks for a description. The Captain answers that he's dark-haired, powerful, with a strong face - an elevated (superior?) man - and in the Captain's opinion, a pirate.

"And you didn't let him go??" Gaspar asks. The Captain is confused. Gaspar tells him to send for the Colonel immediately!

Santi tells his mother he's going to make up with Jorge. He's not going to move back into the palacio, but he's willing to be near his father. Also, he wants to make sure that Jorge follows through on his promise to give the store back to Justo.

Baby Ana cries, knowing there are only four more episodes left.

Jimena tells Ofelia she's going to clean Ascanio's room. Apparently, however, she merely wants to clean it of its dirty documents. She finds a locked drawer; when she jiggles it, a hidden folder falls out from underneath. She reminds herself regretfully that she can't read as she thumbs through the doomsday documents.

Lafont is trying on his shiny new leg once again, this time with his valet rather than that nagging peg guy and the know-it-all doctor. He quickly discovers that it doesn't feel good at all to stand on. "Help me, you idiot!" he yells at the valet. "Help you take it off?" the valet offers, reaching for the peg, but Lafont says he'd rather die. With determination fueled by insanity and an undoubtedly now-heavy laudanum habit, he tries again and makes it to the hallway, where he finds Manuela. He asks if she sent the message to Ascanio - why hasn't he come to see him. She says she doesn't know why. He tells her to tell him to do it, before he (Lafont) changes his mind. "Yes father," she says meekly. (I guess the renouncing/disowning didn't take.)

Tomorrow: Pedrito is indiscreetly reunited with his two moms!


Saturday, April 19, 2008

Pasión, 18 April Fri, Jorge's Lament - Funeral Knells Are Breaking Up That Old Gang of Mine

Alternate Title: Pedrito de Salamanca - Whose Your Daddy?

Where were we? Oh yes, Camila is on bended knee to beg the new Colonel in town for a chance to visit Ric in prison. She assures them we are decent people and I really need to visit him because, because, well, he is my fiancé (prometido). Colonel who hasn't been asleep says, your cousin or your fiancé. She gulps, both. (now we have discussed this advanced kissing cousins thing so I'm not going there again). Here is an excerpt of Margaret's excellent adventure, I mean recap:

Next Camila, Inez and Vasco go to see Col. Jose and tell him they are looking for their relative “Manuel Darién.” He begins to press them on all their family connections. Camila tells him that Manuel Darién is a merchant. He asks about Vasco’s line of work and Vasco tells him that he’ s the town miller. Ines helpfully adds that her (half)brother is Don Jorge Mancera’s recognized bastard. (I’d say he’s been pretty well recognized on this blog for being a bastard!) Camila pleads that they are decent folk and she really needs to see him because….he’s her fiancé. Col. Jose looks confused. “He’s your cousin or your fiancé?” Vasco asks what he’s been accused of. Col. Jose lays out the pirate charges and the attack on Pto. Paraiso. Ines’s voice jumps an octave in her protests that it can’t be. Cami falls apart. She cries. Col. Jose offers her his hanky.

Then on to the the dungeon. Ricardo receives Camila with open arms and a swoon making kiss. How much time do you have here? He asks. She doesn't know so they resume kissing with great fervor.

Outside Ines asks Vasco, If he isn't accused of anything why don't they let him go? He answers, I don't know, I don't know, but why did you tell them that your brother is the son of Don Jorge? Ines responds that she doesn't know but perhaps it will be useful for something.

The Colonel in his office muses out the window that he believes this is the man we are looking for. Another uniform (sorry, I am such a sucker for any well fitting uniform and forget to look at the face) joins in that he seems just like him (tiene la pinta) and fits the description. Col. adds all the supposed Darien family is connected to the Manceras and the sister-in-law is the sister of Santiago. Always the relatives will cover up for each other. A third uniform enters to announce that the funeral coach arrived to collect the corpse of Uriel Arriaga. Let them take him. Also Jorge Mancera y Ruiz has arrived with a physician to see the man identified as Mateo Ruiz de la Garza. ALSO they have brought a priest with them. All right. As the aide leaves, Col. remarks, if this man doesn't say anything, we will have very little to go on.

Ric tells Camila to stop crying, last night he too had a moment of weakness, but seeing you gave me courage and hope. She worries, even if Pablo tells Mario to come, there are so many guards here. Ric says he refuses to risk the lives of his men. I've seen too many have died and I don't want more. Ric adds, remember when I left San Fernando injured? Mario carried away all my papers and personal things and they are in La Iguana. Tell Pablo to have Mario look for two letters to bring marked from Molinar Pastor. Etch this in your mind, Molinar Pastor. These are the letters we found in LaFont's house. She despairs that they are finished but he encourages her to take heart. How are you going to get out of here? He smiles, perhaps with a stroke of luck.

Back at the filthy looking room that serves as both morgue and sickbay, everyone leans over Mateo. The doctor pronounces he is Very bad, to Don Jorge. Jorge tries to get his attention as Mateo just repeats Jorge with confusion, Jorge tells him not to exert himself. The Col. arrives and tries to question Mateo, who was he with? Jorge cautions that this is a dying man here (duh) then turns to the priest to administer last rights. Whose orders were you working under? Mateo tries to raise his head but only takes one last wordless gasp. Jorge pronounces him dead. They all make the sign of the cross, even the Col. has his reluctant respect in the face of death.

Ricardo asks how the Col. was? Camila says correct and polite even friendly. And, how about the Capitan that was with them at the top of the rock pit? He was on the boat when the ladies arrived in Veracruz after Puerto Paraiso. Camila is pretty sure Ursula had "something to do with him" HUH! is Ric's response. Camila thinks maybe they should offer him money? No, in a prison like this, it's not going to be so easy to bribe someone. But he assures her they will find a way...

Still waiting in the hallway Ines and Vasco pace while Jorge comes in with the Col. He asks what they are doing there, the Col.says they are here to see about a detained relative. As they sweep into the office, Ines wonders if Jorge is there for something related to Ricardo.

Ricardo brings up the other big issue on his mind, since she told him that she heard their baby cry when he was born. Listen, take this calmly, but why did your father and Santiago take you to this village. She says to keep people from realizing she was pregnant. And she stutters that her father promised her she could keep her baby. Ricardo presses on but why were you told the baby died when you heard him cry? She thinks perhaps she could have been mistaken. He broaches the possibility that they lied to her and put the baby in someone else's hands. Why were they so cruel to her to take her to an unknown location and not even give her the comfort of Jimena's company. She begins to consider and cry. He cautions that he may be all wrong but the least they must do is verify what happened. Then he starts to give her advise about what if he can't get out of this place. She refuses to let him speak these horrible words. The guard banks on the bars to warn them that time is up. I don't want you to die. but she doesn't want to hear about it. They kiss, and his tender goodbye is that independently of whatever happens, I want you to know that you are the love of my life. It doesn't matter what you are going to do, Antillano, but I need you to live, to live and so much more. Forever he murmurs as she leaves the cell. He gives thanks to God for getting to see her as he had prayed.

We come back to Jorge spilling his guts to the Colonel. He denies knowing anything about what his friends did or not regarding the assault on the caravan. It is his duty to protect the interests of the crown. Col. says he has trouble understanding how someone as intelligent and highly placed as Jorge could have let this get by him. Jorge with cool dismissal says with friendships so deep and old it is hard to doubt your best buds. Yes, and the contraband? The doors and papers in the administrative offices are open to your inspection. And you can count on my total cooperation. Oh and by the way, I wouild like you to come for dinner at my house. It will be a pleasure. Then the big give comes along. Col. begins to tell how he is looking for a Ricardo ..de Carbohal and Jorge just way to cheerfully adds that he in effect is Ricardo de Salamanca who is the same as the pirate Antillano but he disappeared. So is this the purpose of your mission here? Colonel's cagey answer is, Yes among other things... Jorge's curls bobble as he hopes for the best.

Ines adds to Camila's news about what Ricardo brought out about the baby being alive, by saying that she and Vasco wanted to tell her the same thing. Manuela has learned some things from Lis and they think it is strange, that she has named her foundling, the one that they saw with Lis, Pedro de Salamanca. Ascanio said this is the very name of Ricardo's father. A shadow of a story takes place in Camila's head that somehow, that maldita blindwoman, Lis has connived to rob her of her child, and if she finds out this is true, she swears she will kill her.

Poor little ruffle collared Marcelino is confirming to Eustacio that he is heading off to Mexico City for family reasons that he can't expain. Eustacio asks if Jorge knows yet. Yes, yes, he does. Eustacio wishes him lots of luck, they hug like old friends. Marcelino says it has been an honor to work with him and wishes him good luck too.

Vasco and the Darien women return to SanFer and Vasco gives Pablo instructions about heading off to find Mario, Camila remembers that he must tell Mario to find and bring back the letters found in La Font's house from Molinar Pastor without fail. It's of the utmost importance. Pablo wants to know how his Captain is. Fine, fine, Camila wants to be hopeful, considering what's happening to him. Pablo promises to ride like the devil.

Col. discusses that they will finally be able to question LaFont tomorrow. Now the prisoner is being brought in as Col. taunts him with Senor Manuel Darien, Diego de Lujan, or how should I call you? However you like, Ric answers wisely. In the end neither is your name. I talked with your family which means that you are from here. I am not from here but have lived here for some time. Do you know Jorge Mancera? Sure. And his son? How about Alberto LaFont? I know the majority of inhabitants of San Fernando. Col. hands Rick a crystal glass of wine and says a few days ago there was an assault on a caravan, do you know anything about that? I didn't encounter it. The ship we were sailing on was shipwrecked, we traveled to the beach and there we met your Captain. Col, goes on, I spoke with a culprit sentenced here who said that two months ago under the name of Diego de Lujan came aboard (around) asking him for a contact to sell Spanish silver to some English corsair. Is that true? Yes. Please sit down the Col. indicates. In other words you admit to assaulting caravans. No! Ric repeats, I acted under orders. Orders from whom? Ric then takes the offensive in his suave voice, what is it that interests you Col. stopping robbers? I can help you. By denouncing your accompices? Ric remains calm, I have no accomplices because I have never assaulted a caravan. Nevertheless, I know who did these acts. Do you have proofs? Are you interested? This is why I came. The king is fed up with so many assaults. And the loss of silver shrinks the wealth of Spain. Ric adds that the proofs you need will arrive in a few days. But I will exchange these for something. Col. snorts that Ric is in no position to negotiate and further, there are ways to obligate a man to talk. Sure, there is torture, but nothing is served by a cadaver. Also the man who will bring the proofs will expect to find me alive and in acceptable condition. Col. takes his measure and says what is it you want in exchange? Let me leave. I give my word that in a few days I will return with the proofs. I'm not going to trust some friend of yours. Ric heats up a bit, he has a personal affair to attend to, that is that he needs to find out with his wife whether their son was born alive or dead.

Shortly later the Col. and Cap. are riding off on horses, Col. relates that Ric wasn't insolent but he asked to be let free. Cap. says pardon me sir but we have clear and precise orders. The monsignor is already on his way and if he finds out we haven't completed our work, he's going to be upset. Yes, yes, I know. Cap. continues that there is no charge to bring against him. Well, Col. just pulls rank. He's going to keep Ric right there until this mysterious man appears with the proofs. [So Ric's padrino is behind this one somehow].

Back in the Darien yard Camila and Ines greet Jemena and Paco. Camila goes off to find her father.

While over at the palace Jorge has lined up the office functionaries to announce that unfortunately Don Marcelino had to take a personal leave for personal and family matters and his new choice of manager/intendente is Ascanio Gonsalez. A bold clerk points out that Ascanio has been with them a very short time. Jorge sites the confidence his son has in Ascanio. He directly challenges that one of them may have thought they deserved this distinction as Ascanio calls it more than the young one. They should speak up. With that kind invitation the boys all do a quick bobble heads that the Señor knows best.

Camila shows up at Justo's door. They greet and Justo brings out a lovely picture of her mother when she was about Camila's age. What a sweet face. Justo says Camila always looked much more like her mother than Rita did. This morning you left really early, where did you go. To the prison in San Benito to see Ric. Ric's in prison? Yes, but that's not what she wants to talk about. Do you agree that you told me when I my child would come that I could keep him with me? Sure I did, but he was born dead. Camila stands up, he was born dead or died afterward? You were there? No, but Santiago and I arrived shortly after. Are you sure? I saw him, we buried him. Camila blurts out that she thinks a switch was pulled and that somehow the child that Lis has is her baby. Then she drops the bomb that he is named for Pedro, Ric's father. She doesn't want to accuse Santiago but feels sure he has colluded somehow Lis to take the baby from her. Justo is stunned at this news and assures her that she is wrong and worked up. Camila holds out that she and Ric are going to find out whether their baby is alive and justice will be done.

After the break, Jorge is assuring Ascanio that he is the right man for the job. Ascanio is not so sure and knows some of the more experienced people hoped to take Marcelino's place when the time came. Jorge again assures that they need young people and honest, responsible capable people like Ascanio. AND, if he has this responsible position, he will be all set to achieve the hand of Manuela. In fact, he has already talked to Alberto and his has agreed. Ascanio calmly responds that he knows this is all so he won't pursue bringing forth the falsified papers he has found from the customs office in Veracruz. Jorge delivers the lesson, this is how things go between people of power: favor for favor. Ascanio looks as though he has just swallowed something nasty. [Don't bet on it being swallowed though].

Next Camila jumps Santiago at the blacksmith shop. Justo brings up the rear and Ofelia has to stop her accusations that Santiago is responsible for the loss of her child. The twins realize that she said, her child. Must be nice to be so innocent, huh?

Jorge has to tell Sofia that he had to collect and dispatch the bodies of both Uriel and Mateo. Sofia feigns ignorance, how, where, your two friends are dead and Alberto is both one-eyed and crippled and your son has left the house because he can't agree to your decadence. You seem miserable. She smiles that after years of seeing him abuse power given to him by his parents, she wanted to see him like this. He tells her to enjoy herself. She counters that she only feels sorry for him. He doesn't think he deserves it and says she knows his sins as well as he does. Was it worth it, Jorge. At the moment it did, now, I don't know. She observes that he seems unwell. He justs wants to go up to bed and will see how he feels in the morning. As soon as he climbs the stairs, she orders a servant to fetch the doctor.

Camila's reeming of Santiago continues, how could he not know that Lis has her baby and has even named it Pedro Salamanca after Ricardo's father. Santiago seems genuinely stunned but Camila has her teeth sunk in and is not stopping now. How can she have any confidence in him. Justo assures her from the side that they didn't do anything. Camila demands that Santiago swear by his saints that he did not hand her baby over to Lisabeta. He swears he did. After she storms off Justo reveals that she heard all this from Ricardo. Now Santiago is flips when he hears that Ric is behind this, it has to be another trick by this criminal who deserves to die. He assures the crowd around the table that Camila has surely lost her reason. Ofelia appeals for him to be understanding of Camila's plight.

Over in the palace, the doctor is listening to Jorge's chest and says his heart beat is really fast but doesn't think anything else is wrong. Jorge insists he will be all ducky tomorrow and Sofia tries to reason with him to get some rest, he almost fainted. The doctor leaves it to his discretion and excuses him. A bit unbelievably, Ursula and Fortunata are standing at the end of Jorge's bed observing all of the above. He asks him what they are hanging about for, it isn't time for his wake. They go off talking to each other that he is sure grumpy and must be really tired.

Camla announces to Jemena and Ines that tomorrow she must go to Garbancilla to see the midwife. She momentarily thinks she must be crazy but Ines gives her a boost that she is right to keep pursuing the truth here. Ines sites that Lis was so arrogant to parade her godson in front of Camila the day before. Jemena listens as Camila plans her assault on Garbancilla. She will go to the midwife then find the other woman giving birth to question her. Ines verifies that Jemena will go with Camila and she will go question Candida to find out what she knows.

Ricardo brings his crew up to date when he returns to the prison and lets them know he must try to escape and they are not to stop him or join him that he won't abandon them. They confirm their total confidence in him.

Ascanio joins Santiago at the cafe, he is already up to date from Ofelia so Santiago launches into his usual poor me. He would like the imprisoned Ric to be hung and is sure it is all his fault that Camila has turned against him. Ascanio reasons that they need to verify if the baby that Lisabeta has is Camila and Ric. When Santiago starts to yell his objection, Ascanio demurs, he publically doubts that this is Camila's baby but can see why they want to find out. Santiago is only interested in asserting that it is not his fault. For once he is absolutely right. But Ascanio wants to talk about the dismissal of Marcellino and the offer by Jorge to make him the manager. He reveals that he knows that it is to keep him from talking about the forged documents for the contraband. Santiago then does an interesting twist. He assures Ascanio that pursuing this fraud will end up with his father being hung. He insists that the child is not to blame for the sins of the father [but is he talking about himself or Manuela?, Both?] He accuses Ascanio of wanting more money and then says, well do you love Manuela or not? Ascanio maintains that he can't turn his back on Ricardo's chance to clear his name as the archbishop is about to help him get a pardon. Santiago spits out that this delinquent deserves to die. Santiago stomps out of the restaurant.

Next morning everyone all bright and shiny. Jorge is going out the door with something important to do. Ursula asks if he is going to the wake, but no. even she says the doctor told him to rest. Sofia isn't going either, she seems worried and is going to go with Jorge. She asks for her purse and black cape.

We have a break but there is no rest for the prisoners. Ric feigns weakness [great acting skill here] while the guard whips him to urge him on. Ric really gets a chance to smack him into unconsciousness and begins to take his clothes.

The unstoppable LaFont is drinking something that isn't milk while he badgers the woodworker to get about making him the finest pegleg money can buy. Jorge comes into his bedroom and asks how he is getting on? Lousy snears the crankiest man in SanFer. Jorge brings tidings of the wakes of Uriel and Mateo that are going on as they speak. LaFont's only concern, Did they talk? No. Jorge then happily tells Bouffy of his smart moves in intimating that Ricardo was the pirate responsible for the caravan assaults and LaFont wasn't even with Uriel and Mateo. The only little problem they have is with Ascanio and Santiago. The solution he sees to that is that LaFont will let Manuela marry Ascanio whether he likes it or not.

Next we see Ric with his Mr. Universe shape stuffed like a sausage into a boyscout sized soldier's uniform. He shoots his chained feet apart then hacks at the dangling chains and ankle bands with a rock. Ric fresh from his victory over the suit and the chains finds a peasants horse and the peasants clothes and rides off while the hapless peasants yell ineffectively.

The carriage with Camila, Vasco and Jimena approaches Garbancillo. While Sofia shows up on Justo's porch. He tells the amazed Sofia about the lost baby dilemma and Camila's rage.

Here comes the Colonel again into see LaFont but he gets a chance to see the baby and question Lis with perfect innocence finds out about her godson whom she loves like a real son.

LaFont drinks some more from his medicinal bottle while the servant announces that the Colonel is talking with his wife. Col. is quickly ushered in to the bedroom. Lis coos to the baby and quiets his fussing with calling herself his MOMMY. [Ed. note: Egad, and I am trying to give up swearing, but gag me!!] Back in the bedroom LaFont is entertaining the Colonel with tales that he went not with the boys but to a brothel alone and he doesn't want his wife to know. Clotilde has been sent by Lis to listen to this conversation by the door but a man servant surprises her half way through and she has to scurry off. Then LaFont retells about Ric, his wife's relative, the pirate, blahblah. He rubs his poor old stump while the Col. looks on wisely.

Camila leans on Vasco while they and Jemena try not to get their hopes up too much. There might not be the hoped for ending to the baby story. Switch to Ric arriving at the midwife's in handsome peasant clothes. He kicks in a door or two then turns back outside in time to see Camila roll up in the carriage. They end the evening with a delightful kiss and hug in their joy at being reunited to search for their baby.

Next Jorge prepares to use his daughter as bait for the Colonel. This will be some dinner.


Friday, April 18, 2008

Pasion Thursday April 17—What happens in Pto. Paraiso doesn't stay in Pto. Paraiso

We left our hero Ric in somewhat of a predicament last night—he was with Pablo on board the Camila which was under attack by Spanish ships (Mario having gone on ahead to La Iguana on the Salamandra). The gunpowder caught fire and Ric urged them all to jump into the water to save themselves. Pablo protested but Ric ordered him and he dutifully went along too. Everybody off except for her Captain: Ric stood at the wheel of his burning ship. On board the Spanish vessel, the soldiers cheered to see the pirate ship fully engulfed in flames.

Back in San Fernando, Jorge arrives at LaFont’s and asks to see him. The major domo says LaFont can’t really talk, he’s been given a great deal of laudanum. Jorge says he doesn’t care, to let him in. Jorge comes in and greets the ladies in the great room, Fortunata, Fran and Lis who is holding BOTH the dolly and baby Pedro. Jorge goes in to see LaFont who is lying in bed. He wakes him up. LaFont stirs suddenly and reaches out to feel his leg. He sighs when he discovers it’s gone. Jorge continues “I am guessing that you feel pretty rough. But I need to talk to you. I’d like to know what the hell you did.” Al responds “About what?” Jorge says, “don’t pretend. You robbed a caravan. You lost a leg, Uriel and Mateo have disappeared. And not only that, my son has already discovered the falsified importation docs. “Kill him” says LaFont weakly. Jorge says “the one I’m going to kill is you.” “Ever since you got hooked up with the blind chick, you’ve done nothing but make mistakes. One after the Other.” LaFont tries to put it back on Jorge but Jorge will have none of it. He says he wants two things from LaFont. For him to make up a story about what happened to him and for him to give his permission for Manuela to marry Ascanio, so that he’ll shut up about the docs. LaFont is enraged by the latter but Jorge orders it and LaFont has no choice but to agree. Jorge asks about Uriel and Mateo. LaFont says that he doesn’t know about Mateo but Uriel “died.” (Uh, that’s an artful use of the passive voice, there Bouffy! We all saw you stab him.) Jorge looks disgusted. He asks about the body but LaFont says he doesn’t know. Jorge shakes his head.

And speaking of corpse-like objects, we see Ric floating in the water face up, hanging on to a piece of flotsam from the now destroyed ship.

Next, we are in a barn where the bodies of Uriel and the wounded Mateo along with all the other dead and wounded from the assault have been taken for identification. A guy IDs them for the Colonel and his soldiers and further tells them that they are friends of the Lord of San Fernando and the equally powerful Don Alberto LaFont. The Colonel looks thoughtful. He asks the name of the “regidor,” or crown official and the guy tells him “Don Jorge Mancera y Ruiz.”
Back to Ric who drags himself ashore to the cheers of his fellow surviving men. They are all really glad to see eachother.

In SF, Ascanio and Manuela have a joyful reunion in the park. They kiss. Ascanio tells her that he missed her. He notes that her Dad let her out of the house and she says that he’s in bed and while he’s out of it, she’s free. She asks him if he knows what happened and he says yes. She notes that they cut off his leg. She doesn’t understand what’s going on. First some robbers put out his eye and now this…She knows her dad is no angel but now he’s completely round the bend. Even Lis must be sorry she married him. “He treats her very badly. Especially since she had that child baptized.” Ascanio is puzzled too about why Al would be so pissed off about the baby. Manuela explains that her Dad thinks that the baby is a dirty urchin, plus he’s angry that Lis gave the baby her last name. Ascanio asks why she did that. Manuela says that the servant didn’t know the mother’s or the father’s last name so Lis said to use hers. Ascanio says that he’s not too surprised that Lis would do something like this, after all, she’s always been a little unhinged. “So what name did they give the baby?” he asks. “Pedro.” Replies Manuela. Ascanio is surprised “Pedro de Salamanca?” That’s Ric’s daddy’s name! Manuela says Lis always liked Ric and maybe she wanted to honor him in this way. “Or maybe….” says Ascanio trailing off but looking thoughtful.

And Pedrito’s daddy is on a beach eating fire roasted squid with the boys, talking over what happened. Lots of men were lost, although they might have washed up somewhere else. Pablo is still among the missing. One guy asks about the Camila and Ric makes a throat cut gesture and clicks his tongue. “Lost, sure” says the guy. Ric comments that they need to get together to go back to la Iguana but just then a posse of soldiers appear and the leader tells them not to move. He shouts at them that they must have been part of the gang of pirates that assaulted Puerto Paraiso. He asks if they have a captain and Ric starts to move but one of the men pipes up that No, their captain died when their ship was wrecked in the dogfight. The officer demands that they give up any weapons they have with them. All of them. And he orders his man to search the pirates in case they have any hidden weapons.

Over at Ofelia’s back in SF, Ascanio recounts the strange tale of Pedrito de Salamanca that Manuela has just told him. Ines (who just got some similar intel from the maid Candida) immediately jumps to the same conclusion that maybe…just maybe…little Pedrito is actually Camilia’s baby, who didn’t die after all! That Lis got the baby somehow. Vasco says he can’t believe his father would have lied to them. Jimena says maybe it was Santiago who set it up. Ines can’t believe her brother would have been so bad. Jimena is skeptical; she thinks that he hated Ric enough. He could have done it. Ines says regardless, he wouldn’t have done something like that to Camila. Ascanio says that if this child was Camila’s it could have been other people who took him. Jimena says that Lis was always in love with Ric and she could have had it arranged. Ascanio relates LaFont’s fury at having the baby there, with Ric’s last name. Vasco says that they should remain calm and wait for his sister to get back. They’ll tell her everything and decide what to do.

The pirate prisoners are tied together and are perp-walked to a prison. As they cross a bridge over a ravine, we spy Pablo hiding among some rocks. Pablo continues to follow carefully at a distance. The officer announces to the boys that they will be assigned rock breaking duties on a chain gang until they are tried. “For what? asks Ric. “For piracy” says the officer. Ric says that this is a serious accusation and where is the proof? Ric claims that their merchant ship was caught in a skirmish and they were shipwrecked. The officer says he doesn’t believe him. And he’s sure that the lashing they’ll get will force them to confess, even if they didn’t do it so no big deal. He locks them all in one big cell, still manacled and tied to one another. After the guards leave, one pirate asks Ric what they’ll do. They are like trapped like rats. Ric says that the officer mentioned that they’ll be working on a chain gang. That means that they’ll be outside. They’ll have to figure out the possibilities there for escape. Plus once they don’t show up in Iguana, the other guys will come looking for them. One guy asks what will happen if they don’t come. Ric shuts him up. “Or if they are late in coming?” asks another. Ric doesn’t answer. Instead he yells out the gate that the men need food and water, they aren’t in condition to be doing rock breaking.

The Ladies have finally returned home, in an open carriage this time. Before they get to town, Sofia tells them she wants to talk to them and gets them all out in the shade of some trees. She says that before they get back she wants them to agree that what happened in Puerto Paraiso stays in Puerto Paraiso. Ursula gets it right away. “You mean you don’t want me to tell anyone that Camila met her lover there.” Sofia says that she doesn’t want it known that Ursula slept with an English Pirate. Ursula laughs. Nor that she flirted with that Captain adds Ursula. (Cami at least has the modesty to be embarrassed. ) Sofia says she better not tell about Cami or she’ll rat out her catting around and for sure her Dad will put her in a cloistered nunnery. Sofia doesn’t have to threaten Romualdo who agrees also not to talk. Sofia says that they will say that they left Puerto Paraiso just before the pirates got there. All agreed, Sofia says,” let’s go home.”
The Colonel and his men ride into SF just ahead of the Ladies. Cami gets dropped off first and her family are excited to see her.

Don Jorge and Marcelino meet up and Marcelino says that he got the forged docs from Ascanio. He adds that nobody has seen Uriel or Mateo. Jorge tells Marcelino that it would be a good time for him to leave town. On vacation, for a rest. Or better yet, forever. Marcelino sputters and protests that he was only following Don Jorge’s orders. Jorge says “my orders?” Who do you think they will believe? You or me? Marcelino is practically in tears when he shakes his head. Clearly the Lord’s word is worth more than his. Don Jorge tells him to take his family and go—and never return to San Fernando. Marcelino, ever the loyal servant, sniffles and bows as he dejectedly leaves the office. As he leaves, the guard comes in and announces that Col. Jose Maria Valencia asks for an audience. Jorge asks where he comes from. The guard says that he’s from the barracks at San Benito. Jorge nods knowiningly.

Outside, the Col. and his men are met by Santiago coming down the stairs who wants to know why they are there. The Col says that they are there to see Don Jorge and Santiago says that he’s Jorge’s son. Just then Jorge comes out and asks their business. The Col says that he wants to talk about two men from the town, one dead the other wounded. Jorge invites them into his office and Santiago follows. We don’t see them tell the whole story but get Jorge’s (fake) reaction of shock and concern. He clarifies that Mateo is still alive and says he doubts that they could have been involved in the robbery. “They probably just happened to be in the area.” The Col says “at that time of night?” Jorge says “maybe they were looking for chicks and got caught up in it.” (We get a look at Santiago’s face which has a pretty incredulous look—not sure if it’s that he doesn’t believe his dad or he can’t believe that his dad would tell such an incredible whopper.) Jorge asks that Uriel’s body be brought back to SF for burial and that Mateo be transported as well so that his family can take care of him. Col Jose says he has no problem releasing the body but Mateo is to stay put. He’s got the barracks doctor looking after him. Jorge makes a caustic remark about the military doctor and Col. Jose cuts him off saying that the family can send a private doctor if they wish—but Mateo isn’t going anywhere. He gives a hard look and Jorge realizes that he’d better not push his luck with this guy. Col. Jose says that he understands that these two men were friends of Alberto LaFont and he’d like to talk to him. Jorge says that unfortunately La Font had “a riding accident” two days ago and had his leg amputated. So he can’t talk. Jorge goes on to lament how these guys could have gotten involved in the caravan robbery. Col. Jose says there’s no doubt in his mind. He was guarding the caravan and he fought them himself. Jorge then changes tack and says “wow, you can be friends with someone for years and not realize what they are hiding from you.” Col. Jose turns to Santiago and asks him if he was friends with these guys. Santiago chokes out a “No.” Next Jorge asks why they’ve sent a Colonel to a small barracks like San Benito. The Col. says that he’s come on a special mission. Jorge looks nervous. Santiago looks keen.

Sofia and Ursula finally made it home. They are just coming in when Jorge comes out with the Col. and Santiago. Jorge introduces them and tells the Col. that they are just back from Pto. Paraiso. The Col.’s eyes grow wide and he says “Pto. Paraiso just got attacked by the English Pirate John Foreman!” Sofia says casually that it must have happened AFTER they left. She gives her apologies leaves. Ursula follows but not before flirting with the Col. Jorge and Santiago exchange looks. ( Jorge is probably wondering if he can work the same magic with Ursula and this guy as he did with Ascanio and Manuela.)

As Camila unpacks, Ines fills her in on all the latest news. She tells her about the attack on LaFont. She asks after Ascanio and Ines says she thinks he is sad but she’s not sure, given how reserved he is. Just then, Paco runs in and gives his aunt Camila a big hug. He asks where Ric is. Cami says gently that he can’t come back yet, he’s still got some stuff to do. Paco pouts and Ines complains that Cami is going to think that he isn’t glad to see her. Paco says he’s glad to see her but he would like to play with his uncle Ric! Cami complains that he doesn’t want to play with her! And she runs out of the room trailing him by the hand.

Col. Jose rides out of San Fernando with his men. He chats with his lieutenant, remarking on the coincidence of LaFont’s “riding accident” with the assault on the caravan. The lieutenant asks if they are going to take it up with the government house. The Col. says no, here everybody is obviously connected. “And what about the daughter of the Lord (Regidor)?” The Col. laughs.
Cami recounts the tale to Ines, Jimena, Vasco and Ascanio of the pirate attack on Pto. Paraiso and how she met Ric. Vasco asks if he took part in the assault and Cami explains that he had to, because he had given his word to John Foreman. He had to borrow the money from him to pay off her debt to Lis. Jimena asks about Mario and Cami tells him YES and that he sent his greetings to her. Cami begs them all not to tell anyone else that she saw Ric. (The next bit I couldn’t get—something about sending a message with Ascanio) All of the sudden, Pablo appears. Tired and bedraggled. Ascanio and the rest run out to greet him. Pablo announces that Ric is a prisoner in San Benito. WHAT HAPPENED? Asks Camila. Pablo recounts the dogfight, the fire and shipwreck. He finishes up that if they don’t manage to rescue him, he’ll be hung. Camila is beside herself. The rest exchange stricken looks.

Jorge and Santiago are in Jorge’s office. Santiago is shocked, shocked that Jorge would use Ursula to gain the compliance of the Col. Jorge is like what is the big deal. Santiago is like but she’s you’re daughter! Jorge throws back in his face that Santiago himself isn’t exactly a model of purity. He’s enjoyed power and the booze and prostitutes that come with it. And besides,” if your beloved Camilia lost her baby it was your fault,” he throws in for good measure. Santiago is enraged and protests that that isn’t true. Jorge tells him that he went nuts when he discovered Ric was alive and well and he (Santiago) committed a series of stupid mistakes. Santiago claims that he did it to save her. “Save her from what?”asks Jorge. “From the flames of hell, for being a pirate’s concubine?” Santiago is speechless. Jorge continues “Or did you condemn her to a hell on earth?” Santiago claims that he did it for love. “And love justifies murder?” asks Jorge archly. “Because you killed her son and you would have killed Ricardo. “ Santiago tries to use the “will of God” explanation for the death of the baby but Jorge says yeah, whatever, console yourself with that. Santiago calls him a monster. Jorge says he’s not a monster, just a sinner like everybody else but now’s not the time to be talking about religion. It’s the time to be saving their skins, even if he had nothing to do with what Alberto and the boys did. Santiago says that he doesn’t believe that. Jorge replies that he doesn’t care what he thinks, he’s to protect the family name (which is also Santiago’s). Santiago says not to count on him. Jorge points out that he treated him well, he made him rich, gave him a position and even got LaFont to consent to letting his daughter marry Ascanio. What does he want, for him to go to the gallows? Santiago has nothing to say to this and flounces out of the office with his shaggy mane flapping in the breeze behind him. Jorge gives one of his now trademarked exasperated looks.

At Justo’s, Cami is now frantic to see Ric. Jimena points out that she isn’t going to be allowed to see him. Ines says maybe Santiago can help get her permission. Cami is like NO WAY. She isn’t going to ask him for anything. Besides, if he knows he’s there, he’ll do something to harm his case. She goes on a tirade about having to see him to help him. Pablo says, while stuffing his face, that the only thing they need to do is tell Mario. Cami says no, Mario’s too far away. She wants to talk to Ric first, to see what he says. Apparently Justo has been napping. Pablo says he’d better go before Justo wakes up. He’s got a tray of food with him. Ascanio suggests that maybe he could get them in to see the prisoners with a stamped permission from the government house. Cami asks if he can risk it. Ascanio says he will. In any event, he’ll help Pablo hide away at the mill. He leaves with Ascanio.

Fortunata, Ursula and Sofia are having tea and biscuits. Fortunata fills them in about baby Pedro’s baptism. She asks why LaFont wasn’t the godfather. Fortunata says she doesn’t know but she breathlessly goes on to tell about LaFont losing his leg. Sofia is grossed out. Ursula on the other hand laughs her head off. Fortunata has to join in. Sofia looks shocked but Ursula says “what a pair! She’s blind and he’s one-eyed and crippled!” Sofia yells at them to stop being vulgar. But the two women don’t stop right away. Finally when they do, Fortunata relates the disappearance of Uriel and Mateo. She thinks it’s suspicious that they disappeared the same night that LaFont was attacked and lost his leg. Ursula puts 2 and 2 together on the presence of the Colonel.

Ines is gtting Paco ready for bed. Paco wants to show Camila the picture of a ship he drew. Ines tells him that he can ask her tomorrow. He still wants to know why Ric didn’t come back with her. Ines tells him to quit asking and that furthermore, he’d better not ask in front of his granddad. Paco is confused. He’s also confused about why she told him that he was getting a new cousin and his granddad said that there was no little cousin. Ines looks thoughtful. Paco thinks that granddad lied or maybe Ines lied. Ines said no, she hasn’t lied. She doesn’t know what happened but when she finds out, she’ll tell him. She tells him again, not to tell anyone about this. He agrees and they kneel down to pray, a prayer to the guardian Angel.

Over at Ofelia’s, Santiago walks in. Ofelia is surprised to see him. Santiago says that he’s decided to return home. He doesn’t want to live at the palace anymore. Ofelia is surprised by this too. She asks why and Santiago tells her that he and his father no longer get along. Ofelia wants to know if something happened. Santiago says no, only that they have different ways of thinking. Ofelia doesn’t buy this explanation but doesn’t push it. She changes the subject to the fact that Camila has returned. Santiago said that he saw when Sofia and Ursula got back and supposed that Cami did too. He asks about her but Ofelia says she hasn’t seen her but Jimena and Ascanio have. He asks about Ascanio but he’s not back yet. Ofelia is worried about him. She thinks he looks unwell. Santiago says that’s so but it’s not his father’s fault, it’s his. He bids her goodnight and leaves. Ofelia looks after him worriedly and goes back to her sewing.
Next—a tender scene between Ines and Vasco getting ready for bed. Ines remarks on what they have learned about Ric and how awful it is that they can’t seem to have a moments’ peace. They hug each other.

In the prison, the pirates sleep all tied together and manacled. All accept Ricardo. He’s up praying to God that if he’s doomed, then please let him see Camila one more time!
It’s the next morning. Cami and Ines are out walking. They see Fran, Lis and Clotilde holding the baby. Cami remarks on the baby—how small it is and how it is about the same age that hers would have been. Lis tells Fran that she wants to bring the baby over to Camila. Fran thinks she’s crazy but she takes her over anyway. Camila makes a casual remark about her godson and Lis responds that it’s a shame that her baby DIED! She walks away. When they are away, Fran tells her she’s crazy to provoke Camila for no reason. Lis says she wanted her to SUFFER. Ines and Camila are still standing around and Ines wonders how she knew that her baby died. Camila says that LaFont must have told her. Cami cries.

Across the plaza, Ascanio hands Vasco a permission to visit the San Benito barracks. Vasco takes it to Camila and Ines and they get into a carrraige.

Manuela comes to Mansion Mancera to accompany Sofia to the Orphanage but she’s already gone. Ursula asks her to sit and visit instead. Manuela protests again. She’s sad and Ursula asks her if she’s worried about her dad or if her stepmother is giving her a hard time. She is worried about dad sorta but she says she hardly speaks to Lis. Ursula guesses that she is pining for Ascanio. Ursula works on her some more about jumping into bed with Ascanio. Just then Jorge comes in and notices her downcast demeanor. He asks about her father and she answers timidly and then beats a hasty retreat. Jorge asks Ursula what her problem is and she explains that she’s in love with Ascanio, Ursula says that she really feels sorry for her. She stops her father before he walks out and asks him if he were ever in love. He answers, yes, with your mother. “Unfortunately she couldn’t get over my failings and I couldn’t change.” He walks away and Ursula smiles to herself.

Back at San Benito, the chain gang is hard at work breaking rocks, under the supervision of the soldiers from the barracks. One of them collapses after hauling a cart full of rocks. Ric helps him up. The other guys complain that they don’t see any way to escape from this gig. After Ric goes back to work with his sledge hammer he talks to the prisoner next to him. Surprise! It’s Molinar Pastor, the crooked merchant who was the original fence for Jorge and Al’s little side business. He remembers Ric from his fake name Diego de Lujan Apparently he wound up there after getting into a dispute with a guy who owed him money. They fought and MP killed him. He was sentenced to 10 years breaking rocks. Ric asks him about LaFont. MP says not to remind him. LaFont gave him a few pesos for arranging the deal and then cut him out by working directly with the English pirate. He thinks he got screwed. Ric asks if he could denounce LaFont. “Why? What good would it do?” Ric starts to answer when a guard comes by and whacks MP for not working. Ric tells the guard to calm down, they are working already.

High above where the men are working, Col. Jose looks down at them. He asks one of the guards about the men, names? etc. The guard says they are some criminals that they rounded up but since they captured them they haven’t gotten their real names. Col. Jose is interested in talking to one guy, the one who they just beat up for talking. The guard tells him that he’ll get him.
Next thing, Molinar Pastor is in the Colonel’s office. The Colonel remarks that he is in for killing a man. MP starts to explain that it was a barroom fight, that the guy owed him money. Col. Jose isn’t interested in his story. He was already judged by the court and sentenced. He wants to know about the guy he was talking to. MP at first feigns ignorance but then admits that he was talking to a guy. He met him a long time ago in San Juan. His name is Diego de Lujan. He met him with another guy, a big bad looking dude. They were looking for some help to sell some stolen silver from an English Pirate. Col. Jose asks how they knew to contact him. MP feigns ignorance again and says they were probably just randomly looking for some merchant to help them. Col. Jose looks skeptical.

Vasco, Ines and Camila are still riding to San Benito. They try to figure out whether they should use Ric’s real name or a fake name. They decide on giving him the Darién surname. They arrive at the pit where the men are working. All of the sudden, the captain that Ursula was so friendly with rides up and recognizes her from the ship. He’s nice to her and they exchange pleasantries. He asks what they are doing there and she says that they are there to find a family member. She hands him the paper. The Captain calls out for “Manuel Darién.” Ric looks up, spies Camila and despairs about what she’s doing there. Ric starts shouting back and the guard gets mad and hits him with a rifle butt. Camila screams and all hell breaks loose. Col. Jose rides up and demands to know what’s going on. Later in his office, he demands to know what the captain was doing, messing with the prisoners. The captain explains that he was talking to the people on the ridge who he had met previously on a boat escaping from Pto. Paraiso after the pirate attack. The woman was with Don Jorge Mancera’s wife and daughter. Col. Jose cuts him off and says that’s all for now and dismisses him. He looks thoughtful.

Ric gets thrown in solitary.

Next Camila, Inez and Vasco go to see Col. Jose and tell him they are looking for their relative “Manuel Darién.” He begins to press them on all their family connections. Camila tells him that Manuel Darién is a merchant. He asks about Vasco’s line of work and Vasco tells him that he’ s the town miller. Ines helpfully adds that her (half)brother is Don Jorge Mancera’s recognized bastard. (I’d say he’s been pretty well recognized on this blog for being a bastard!) Camila pleads that they are decent folk and she really needs to see him because….he’s her fiancé. Col. Jose looks confused. “He’s your cousin or your fiancé?” Vasco asks what he’s been accused of. Col. Jose lays out the pirate charges and the attack on Pto. Paraiso. Ines’s voice jumps an octave in her protests that it can’t be. Cami falls apart. She cries. Col. Jose offers her his hanky.

Meanwhile, down in the hole, Ric is balled up in a corner. Suddenly, Cami bursts in and they kiss passionately.

Next time: Ric tells Cami to prepare for the worst, but before then, he has to float his theory by her that their child didn’t die but was spirited away by Santiago and her Dad. Cami protests that her Dad promised her…could he have lied? She could have imagined the chid’s cry. Ric doesn’t think so.


Thursday, April 17, 2008

Pasion – April 16, 2008 – As Boufy looks more like a pirate, Jorge tries to cover his own a$$ and Ric finds himself in a pickle

Episode 88:

When we last left our heroes, Inés and Ofi discuss Santi’s new Godson. Inés wants details and mom says Santi didn’t tell her much, other than it was a request from Jorge. Talk turns to how every time Ofi thinks of Santi hanging with Jorge she gets a knot in her stomach. They discuss Santi’s wish to marry Cami. Inés knows that Cami still loves Ric, but Ofi comments that he hasn’t shown, and Santi loves her. There’s also the little matter of GRita’s last wish. Inés decides not to comment on what she knows and talk turns to talk about married life with Vasco. Inés mentions that he’s all grown up and finally loves her. She wants to give him a baby, a girl to complete the set with Paco. Ofi says: “As long as it’s strong and healthy.” They now muse how sad it must have been for Cami to have hers die.

Fran berates Lis who claims she used Salamanca ‘cause it’s her last name. Fran says “yeah right, you also wanted to name him Ricardo.” Lis admits it was over Ric and wonders if Santi can intervene for her. Fran reminds her that it’s Al’s house, so she better find somewhere to stash lil’ Pedro. Lis says she’ll think of something.

Back at Puerto Paraíso, Ric, Mario, and Pablo hit the local pub. The innkeeper is terrified and bows as they order food and rum. Ric has no appetite. It’s not just the fighting and Cami’s leaving, it’s the death of his son. He tells them about Santi moving Cami and how it triggered early labor. Mario says in solidarity that he’ll kill Santi the next time he sees him.

On with the new: Over on the merchant ship, Sofi tells Cami she’s been afraid to sleep and when she does, she has nightmares after all the cruelty and barbarities of the day before. She asks Cami what’s Ric’s take and she tells Sofi that Ric wants to retire ‘cause he’s sick of it all. Sofi asks Cami if she still loves him. She says yes and Sofi mentions that it’s obvious Ric adores her. Whoresula takes a walk and spies a military chap drinking wine. Since Foreman’s not around, Ursu goes and visits. He says he’s Captain Enrique Cordoba Leon. He says he’s off to the San Benito barracks, near Veracruz. Ursu wants to know why he’s not on a military boat, and he explains there wasn’t one to put at his disposal. Ursu mentions that Veracruz isn’t too far from SF. He gives her every pick up line and finishes by handing her a seashell to “hear the ocean.” Sofi watches from the deck above and tells Cami that Ursula is always looking for a little “something something.” She got it from her dad.

Back at the not-so-Paraíso-like port, Ric goes back to the castle to see Foreman. On the way, we see a couple of soldiers being tormented by the pirates. Foreman decides to split up the loot right there and tells Ric they got much money from the treasures and ransoms. He asks Ric about his plans and he talks about retiring. Foreman asks Ric if he plans to get Gaspar to help him get a pardon. He muses that the Spanish crown won’t give something for nothing and asks Ric if he’s going to turn around and hunt them like pigs ‘cause he’d hate to see Ric on the opposite team. Ric tells him that he’d rather not fight on either side and that he has no plans to hurt Foreman ‘cause for better or worse, they’ve been his comrades. He asks if Foreman’s continuing and he replies he’s retiring as well, to a plantation he bought in New Orleans. Ric sees this as an opportunity to ask for one last favor. He wants the ledgers Foreman kept from the loot he bought from Al and Jorge. Foreman asks what for and Ric says: “You don’t need them anymore, but they could give me my liberty.” They shake on it. We all cheer at the thought of Ric getting his good name back!

In the brig of the merchant ship, Henry (Enrique) brags to Ursu that he’s going to be the commandant of the San Benito Barracks. They’re part fort, part prison. Ursu actually looks concerned about the treatment of the prisoners and asks if he flogs them. He says “when necessary.” False alarm, Ursu wasn’t worried, she was turned on. She tells him that she likes men with power and they kiss. Methinks her romance with Foreman might be in a little jeopardy.

Back at the Paraíso pub, team Ric discusses how there’s a Spanish fleet coming, so they have to leave soon through the same route they came. They got a very nice share of the booty. As Pablo makes out with a local wench, Mario comments that they’ll have to be careful ‘cause the local critters can be deadlier than the Spaniards. Alas, there’s no choice, as Foreman wants the captains to re-convene in the Coralina. Mario thinks it’s silly, but there’s some dispute with the Dutch over ransoms and there’s lots of red tape with the brotherhood. Mario will take the loot on the Salamandra back to the Iguana. Ric and Pablo will take the Camila to Foreman’s Kaffeklatch and pick up LP and the foundling. The armada will probably be chasing them, so splitting up is probably better anyway. Mario doesn’t like leaving Ric alone (What’s Pablo? Chopped Liver?), but Ric says they’ve done it before. He now confides that Cami heard the baby cry before she passed out. When she finally woke up two weeks later, they told her he died. Pablo immediately assumes they lied and Mario comments that if they hid her to hide the pregnancy, they very well could have given the baby away and told her it died. Pablo suggests they investigate. Ric says he didn’t say this to Cami so she wouldn’t get her hopes up.

Over at Chez Boufy, Lis goes to try to talk Al out of evicting her Godson. Al says no dice and Lis comes closer saying “please.” Her hand touches the gun and she asks what that’s all about. He ignores her and walks out of the room. A servant tells Al that Uriel and Mateo are waiting for him. Lis makes one final attempt and Al tells her that tomorrow, the maid and the kid will be gone. Lis is left very confused. Team Boufy rides off to meet with the rest of their posse. Looking from the window, Fran tells Lis that they look like a bunch of “facinerosos” (criminals) on their way to something. Lis wonders where, and at this hour?

Nothing good apparently! Team Boufy gets their hindies beaten as the troops are numerous and both Uriel and Mateo are wounded. Al fights pretty well for a guy with low depth perception. He runs into Uriel who asks for help. Al helps him by stabbing him in the chest. With friends like that...A soldier runs an axe through the back of Al’s leg and he drops to the floor screaming to his posse to turn back ‘cause it’s an ambush. Some of his men carry him off. And so the payback begins...

Post battle scene. There’s a new sheriff, I mean commanding officer, in town. He instructs his men to pick up their own. As for the others, take the living prisoner and bury the dead. Keep those in nice clothes separate. Looks like this one may actually have a clue...

Al gets home and a servant is sent to fetch the doctor while Al insults the rest as they get him inside. From their rooms, Fran and Mani poke their heads out and Al yells at them to get back inside. In their room, Lis asks Fran if Al’s wound is life threatening. Fran has no clue, and wonders how a man with a full escort keeps getting attacked by bandits. Lis says he must be up to something bad, like robbery or murder. Fran hopes not, but Lis hopes yes! She smiles musing he might not survive this one. The doc examines Al and explains that the cut hit a nerve and the tourniquet was too tight, cutting off all circulation. His only chance of survival is to amputate the leg, lest he develop gangrene. Can you spell irony? Al doesn’t want to lose another body part. Mani pleads that he do as the doctor says, but Al tells the doctor to do anything to keep the leg, or he’ll kill him. Doctor looks worried. Cloti fills in Fran and Lis on the happenings. We hear Al’s screams from his room and Lis placidly wonders if he’s dead.

Over at Chez Santi, Justo comments to Ofi how they haven’t chatted in a while, and so much has happened. Rita’s sudden death, Santi’s change, and Cami’s tragedy. He feels responsible and that he should have endured the shame and allowed her to stay so Ofi could have taken care of her and the child could have lived. Ofi says it must have been the will of God and Justo says he’s heard it before and tried to convince himself of it. But even though Cami forgave him, every time he looks at her he sees the pain and the reproach in her eyes. Ofi reminds him that Cami’s young and healthy and can have more children. He asks if Santi’s still set on trying to marry her. Ofi says yes, but doubts she’ll take him. Justo agrees, and Ofi feels sad because she knows her son will be miserable for the rest of his life.

Mani tells her Nana that Boufy will only become more violent with this new injury. She wants to talk to Ascanio and convince him to run away with her. Nana warns her that Boufy will just send the guards after them and Ascanio and possibly she will end up dead. She also comments that people will say that she abandoned her dad when he needed her most. Mani says she can’t live afraid anymore. She’s tired of getting beaten and wants to be loved and start a family and have kids. Nana makes her promise that she’ll wait to talk to Ascanio until Sofi’s back and sees what she can do for them.

Over in San Benito (SB), the HMG (Head Military Guy) talks to his men about how Uriel and Mateo are dressed like rich men. He asks what the nearest towns are and a soldier tells him SF, Ciudad Valle, and Salvatierra. Since he’s new to the region, HMG wants info on the mayors, regents, and military chiefs in those towns. The soldier tells him he’ll send some men to get that info and to find out where the dead and wounded come from.

Outside his palace, Jorge tells Santi he’s glad he wants to plan for the future, but not to get too impatient. Marcelino runs up to Jorge and tells him about Boufy’s predicament. Santi offers to come, but Jorge wants to go alone. Ascanio comes over and Santi asks if he’s heard. Ascanio says “yes, and they assaulted another caravan last night and many were killed or wounded.” Santi asks if he thinks that’s how Al got injured.

Back at Chez Boufy, Fran tells Jorge that Al’s asleep ‘cause the doctor gave him laudanum for the pain. Jorge wants details and Mani says they know nothing. Lis wants to throw some salt on the wounds and tells Jorge that Al left with Uriel, Mateo, and some other men. Jorge asks about Uriel and Mateo and Mani says they’re not the ones that brought him and they haven’t heard about them. Lis mentions that Al was packing. Jorge tells them to say nothing lest the people gossip about them doing something improper. Lis feigns innocence asking why and Jorge says to trust him. Lis wonders out loud (for Lis and Fran’s benefit) what Jorge could have meant by “improper.”

Over at City Hall, Ascanio shows Santi the fake documents. The seals look right enough, but the calligraphy is different. Santi says they could have been different staff people and Ascanio points out it’s all Marcelino’s handwriting. Santi asks if it’s for contraband and Ascanio says “what else?” He then tells him how Ric was looking into who was attacking the caravans and knew about the contraband and even asked Ascanio for help. Santi thinks it’s BS that Ric used to get Cami to trust him and that he was probably in on it. Ascanio says think what you want, but here’s the paperwork. Santi says this could implicate Jorge and Ascanio reminds him that he warned Santi he might not like what Ascanio found.

Jorge stomps through town murmuring what an idiot Al was. He looks for Uriel at the store and asks an employee to look for Uriel and Mateo. At the palace, Santi confronts Jorge about the doctored docs. Jorge says he suspected something was up and says everyone steals. He’s saved by a messenger telling him that Domingo, from the store, is here. Santi’s annoyed at the interruption, but shuts up when the Domingo tells Jorge that he looked for the guys everywhere, even the brothel. Santi wants an explanation and Jorge covers himself saying it was probably the other three. Santi asks if he knew and he swears he didn’t. Santi asks if Ric was their contact and Jorge says maybe. Santi likes the possibility of finding some mud to throw at Ric.

The traveling ladies are back on dry land and take a break on the road. Romualdo has materialized by their side. Sofi comments to Cami that she looks much better now. Cami smiles at finding Ric in the middle of the mess. Sofi says she’s glad Cami didn’t take off on her own and asks Cami if Ric’s really quitting. Cami tells her that he’d wanted to quit for a while, but he had to make a deal with Foreman and that piracy was a brotherhood where you were expected to keep your promises. Cami asks Sofi not to tell anyone they saw Ric. Sofi comments she must be dreaming of angels if she thinks they’ll be able to get Ursu to keep her mouth shut. Ursu runs up at this point and asks Cami if she’s sure Ric will come back for her. Cami’s positive he will. If Cami’s smart, she’ll get Ursu to stay quiet about Ric, lest Foreman comes with him for Ursu... Romualdo can probably be persuaded on the whole issue of Ric and Mario saving his life.

At the palace, Jorge wants Santi to cool his jets until they give Al and co. a chance to defend themselves. Ditto for Marcelino. Santi thinks Jorge wants to do nothing and Jorge tries to argue this sort of scandal could bring down the regency deal. Santi wants justice and insists the guilty must be accused and punished. Jorge reminds him that he’s still in charge and things will happen when he’s good and ready. He tells Santi to wait ‘till he’s spoken with Al and Marcelino and to get Ascanio to do the same. Santi looks unhappy.

Jorge confronts Marcelino about letting Ascanio find the forgeries. He should have at least disguised the calligraphy. He tells him to find all the fake docs and destroy them.

Back at SB, Henry arrives and tells the guard that he’s the new guy in charge. The soldier tells him that Colonel Jose María de Valencia is in charge. Henry hands him his credentials and tells him he was sent from Spain to take over.

Marcelino goes to Ascanio’s office and asks for the docs he’s been looking at ‘cause there were some mistakes and he needs to send them to Veracruz. Ascanio hands him a stack, but he keeps another stack, which he hides in his vest. Marcelino leaves and Santi walks in asking Ascanio not to tell anyone about the docs. Ascanio asks why, and Santi says please, don’t say anything for now.

The Colonel tells Henry that his papers are in order, but they’re from two months ago, and he was just transferred from México City to take charge. Henry tries a pissing contest by telling him his dad’s a general and his uncle’s a judge and his orders come from Madrid. Colonel tells him his orders are different and anyway he outranks him, regardless of lineage. That puts him in his place. Colonel instructs the lieutenant to assign Henry a bunk and tells him his duties will be the usual: inspecting a troop and patrolling. He dismisses Henry, then tells the remaining soldier he’s sick of guys from the peninsula (I’m guessing the Iberian one – Spain and Portugal) trying to use their family influence to get their way thinking they’re better than “us” (I’m guessing Mexican-born soldiers). Soldier tells him he seems to have gotten the message. Anyway, they found some locals that can identify the dead guys.

Lis plays with Pedrito and tells him they’ll run away at the first chance they get to Italy or France. She can’t appreciate the sites, but he can. She wants him to grow up with nicer, more refined people. Fran busts the party telling her it’s imprudent to have him there still. Lis says it’s no big deal ‘cause Al’s unconscious. Even if he wakes, they can hear him screaming ‘cause he can’t get out of bed on his own. She feels his death would solve all their problems. Fortunata arrives to check on Al. She comments how Pedrito looks like and angel and Lis says he IS an angel. Fortu comments how devastating the eye and leg thing must be for Al and how upsetting it is that people can’t go anywhere without fear of being assaulted.

Ric spies two Spanish boats coming their way. Pablo suggests running, but Ric says it won’t work ‘cause they’ve got the wind in their favor. He instructs the guys to ready the canons and prepare for battle. They are hit and Ric sends Pablo to check on the gunpowder. Pablo tells him the fire’s reached the gunpowder; they’ll sink or crash. Ric tells them to abandon ship. Pablo and some others try to stay, but Ric orders them to leave. If we didn’t still have a week to go, I’d venture to guess our hero’s a goner. I can see an image of him landing on an island, wet and shirtless, lying down in exhaustion...where was I? Oh yeah, end of episode. What a cliffhanger!!!!

On deck for tomorrow:

The Colonel’s at Jorge’s office. Jorge makes up a story of Uriel and Mateo probably looking for some women and getting caught in the middle of the battle. He asks to get Uriel’s body for his family and Mateo so he can get medical attention. Colonel says they’ll release Uriel’s body, but Mateo’s staying put. He can send the doctor over if he wants. Santi looks on as Jorge tries to get out of this one.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Pasion April 15, 2008 Mutiny in the gallery and Passion in the bedrooms

* Rico talks with Cami - Cami says she came with Sofia and Ursula and then was going on to find him. They hug; Rico asks about their son; Cami cries and says he died, he was born too early. Rico is impactado and kind. He asks her why she's there; she says Jimena gave her his message and she just had to tell him about the baby and be with him. Rico consoles her and helps Mario escort them out to a safer place.

* Mario and Rico hurry Sofia, Ursula, Romualdo and Cami down the stairs to a large green space. Rico stops Cami and advises her strongly that whatever confrontation happens to keep her mouth shut and not say a word. Cami is curious and agrees.

* In the main hall of the palace, Foreman and all the pirates are enjoying a special grand feast in their honor (wild pirate party). Foreman and pirates toast their success. Romualdo, Sofia and Ursula enter first, followed by Mario. Sofia is mortified and upset by Foreman and knowing he lied to them about who he was. Foreman apologizes to Sofia and Ursula and tells them the truth about his true profession. Ursula is aghast, disgusted and scared by all the dirty, nasty pirates. Foreman tries to console her. Rico and Cami then enter. A pirate yells down with his complaint against Rico taking away his right to have sex with Cami. Rico yells back that Cami is his wife and he needs to respect that. The two argue back and forth with Foreman trying to mediate. Foreman yells for the pirate to choose duel or money. Rico yells at the pirate to answer the question. Pirate yells back he and his buddy will duel against Rico. Rico is baffled by the pirates' decision. Mario stands in the hall, protecting Sofia, Romualdo and Ursula. Rico whispers to Cami and then has Mario take her to join Sofia, Romualdo and Ursula on the side of the room. Foreman calms the crowd down, reminds Rico what kind of duel this will be. Rico, reluctantly, says to the death. Foreman and everyone move around the room and make plenty of space for the duel. Cami is scared and worried. Rico walks out to the middle of the gallery and wraps his hands. As the pirates get into position with their arms, Rico grips his sword in one hand with his dagger in the other. Rico and the pirates start their duel right there in the gallery. Rico and the pirates have their two on one sword fight until the swords and daggers all cross and stall out - Rico overpowers the two and eventually succeeds in slicing a cut on one's upper arm, then cuts the other also. The pirates fall on the ground, one gets up to go again. Cami tries to run into the action but Mario forces her to stay back. Rico stabs, swings his sword at the pirates, then jumps on the table and using the chandelier as a swing, takes out a pirate with a push of his mighty powerful legs. He takes out another pirate then uses the chandelier rope to help him climb the walls (like spiderman) and climb onto the balcony where he takes out another pirate and tosses him down on the table below; he rolls a beer barrel down the stairs at another, and breaks the neck of yet another. (I think it was more like a six on one mutiny that Rico was fighting.) As Rico runs down the stairs, Foreman hands him a sword and he sword fights with the final challenger of the mutiny - this one he stabs clear through the stomach and the pirate drops dead. Rico and the pirates all have a chest-thumping cheer - Rico stops as soon as he sees Cami put her head down in sadness; Rico turns human and puts his head down and gulps down his manly Tarzan yell. Sofia and Ursula are impactado (in different ways) by the scene.

* Cami is in her bedroom, ready for bed and kissing the pocket watch. Rico knock as asks to enter - she says come in. Rico walks quickly into the bedroom - they hug tightly. He missed her so much; she was in his thoughts the whole time they were apart. She tells him she was going to La Iguana to look for him; he hugs her and says that was crazy - he couldn't imagine all the dangers she could get into during the search. He dies just thinking about it. He asks about their son. Cami sits down and tells Rico the whole story - from when she and Jimena discovered she was pregnant, her father's animosity towards him and how he went straight to Santo and they devised the plan to have her stay at Jorge's property at Garbancillo in order to hide her and the pregnancy - she agreed to it because all she wanted was to give birth to Rico's son. Then Santo and Justo came in and had to move her quickly because they said Rico's men were in town - Rico says that was right, he did return to town, he searched for her and found the midwife Auxiliadora, but then he got stuck in La Coralina due to the plague and everyone was quarantined. Cami is concerned and curious. Rico explains all the deaths and disgusting sights - he asks her to tell him more about their son. She tells him that the midwife was busy delivering another baby so in the pain of childbirth, Santo and Justo forced her to move to the midwife's house - Rico is disgusted and grows angry with Santo. She tell him she thought she heard the baby cry - Rico realizes maybe their son was born alive. Cami says the midwife said it was stillborn so she may have been dreaming or wishing it. She's not sure, she was out of it with a high fever for several weeks. When she woke up, that's what the family told her and she even visited their son's grave - she's crying as she describes the grave and her feelings - she sits on his lap and says how much she needed him and his consoling hugs at that moment. Rico is grimaces with thoughts of revenge against Santo.

* Foreman visits Ursula in her room. She's ready for bed; he pours some wine in two glasses for him and her to share. They go to the bedroom and talk; she wants to know all about his battles and adventure stories. Foreman responds in delight. She asks him about Rico's position in his team. Foreman says all captains are independent but on this occasion, he is the Captain General. Ursula flirts and asks about Foreman's next adventure. Foreman says it's the most dangerous he's ever attempted. She asks what is it? He says falling in love with someone like her, and not getting himself killed in the process. They kiss.

* Rico holds Cami in his arms; they kiss and tell each other how they missed each other so terribly while they were separated. They love each other. Rico sits himself and Cami on the bed - they are still hugging and getting closer and closer to kissing. After Jimena told her about his visit, she continued to have hope that one day they would be together again. They kiss. She needs him. He, in mid-kiss, says he needs her too... They make mad, passionate love all night long (ed. note: a bit of really fuzzy, censored video on the television screens here, folks.)

* Ursula wakes up alone in her bed, wrapped up in her bed sheet and finds the pearl necklace laying on her neck. She smiles and laughs as she is enchanted by the necklace and who gave it to her (Foreman).

* Foreman and Rico walk down to breakfast together; they discuss the other pirates, their mistreatment of the innocent citizens, and fair payment for all their work (partition of the treasures). Rico tells him that the ladies need to leave town, it isn't safe for them to remain in town. Foreman tells Rico that he had done something with Ursula last night; he enjoyed it. Foreman mentions Rico being with Cami last night also. Rico says he sent Mario to La Bonita to book passage on a merchant ship that will take the ladies away. Foreman agrees and will stay in case the citizens decide to revolt against them. Foreman mentions Rico and Cami; he notes that Rico is a man of strong passions. Rico nods.

* Ursula is fixing her hair and her necklace in the mirror as she and Sofia talk in their bedroom. Sofia is grateful to Rico for arranging for their passage away from town. Ursula wants to stay, she likes the palace and says it's safe and Foreman is there also. Sofia looks up and sees the necklace that Ursula is playing with. She asks what is it? Who gave it to you? Ursula says it's a gift from Foreman. Sofia slaps her daughter right across her cheek. On her way out the door, Sofia grumbles, ('lo ramera jamas se le quitara') "a whore will always remain that way." Sofia leaves.

* Rico and Cami hug in their bedroom. Cami isn't happy about being separated from Rico again. Rico explains this time, it's necessary and promises that this will be the last time. He explains he has to go to La Coralina for the partition of the treasure and ... and they sit down and he tells her about his adopted son. Cami is surprised; he explains how he wanted to tell her this under better circumstances, not after finding out about their son. Cami is happy and agrees to being the boy's mommy - as if he were really his son. Rico explains his mother died during the plague and his mother gave him to Rico to care for. Rico tells Cami the boy is three years old, and describes him. Cami wonders where they will see each other - Rico says how about San Fernando. I will bring the boy with me. Rico mentions a favor for Ascanio to do for him. They hug - he emphatically asks her to wait for him - she smiles and promises to wait. They kiss.

* Foreman visits Ursula in her room - they flirt together as they say good-bye. She tells him she wants to travel and have adventures with him. He proposes that they take off on an exciting adventure just the two of them. Ursula is doubly enchanted by the idea. They kiss.

* Candida and Ines are at the San Fernando town market. They gossip about the baby that Candida cares for. Ines is pleased about Lis arranging for the baby's baptism and being the baby's godmother. Candida mentions that Alberto is furious with the baptism, and informs Ines about the violent fights he's had at night over the subject. Candida goes inside; Ines is intrigued.

* Santo comes outside to the patio after checking on Ana Maria. Ofelia asks him about the baptism and the parents of the baby - Santo says the mother is the niece of a servant. Ofelia wonders if it's another of Jorge's bastard children. Santo doesn't suspect that, and he will be the godfather. As Jorge explains, it is all part of being the Lord of San Fernando. Santo doesn't know more, Lis is planning everything. They turn their conversation onto Manuela and Ascanio's relationship. Santo then asks about Cami. Ofelia says losing her baby was really difficult for her so she needs time to heal. Santo holds out hope that she will return alone and he can marry her. She's the only woman he would consider marrying.

* Vasco shows businessman outside after their productive and successful meeting. Ines stops by - Vasco smiles and hugs her. They sit and have a picnic. He tells her how beautiful she is; he stares at her and notices how distinct she is. Ines cries and confesses that she overheard his conversation with Ursula the other day. She was deeply touched. Vasco meant every word. In fact, he's almost thankful that Santo and his dad forced him to marry her - he's lucky to have such a wonderful treasure in his corner. Ines says she's always felt the same way. They laugh and kiss.

* On the coastal walkway towards the docks, Sofia and Ursula walk ahead with Mario. Rico and Cami trail behind, talking again about the plan. Rico has to assure Cami that he will be free and will be with her again. He begs her to trust him. She does trust him. They kiss. Mario whistles and thumps his chest. Rico and Cami break up the kiss. Rico wishes Ursula and Sofia a safe trip. Ursula thanks him and goes on to the dock. Sofia talks with Mario, compliments him on being a gentleman. Mario respects her also. Mario asks Sofia to tell Jimena that he misses her and will see her soon. Sofia agrees to deliver the message. Pablo reminds them they have to leave. Rico and Cami have a last moment together to hug and kiss, and he asks her when they reunite, and he asks her to leave her family and hometown to go away with him, will she go? She says yes. She watches him walk away with Mario. Rico tosses a kiss and his heart to her. Cami cries and smiles. Rico and Mario dart away. Cami walks slowly towards the boat dock.

* Ines and Jimena wander through the streets, gossip about Lis and the baptism of baby Pedro.

* At the door of the church, Santo and Fortunata wait and talk with Don Agustin. Lis, Fran, Cleo, Candida and baby Pedro greet them at the door. Cleo and Fran hand the baby to Lis. Lis greets Santo and Fortunata and Padre; she thanks them for agreeing to the baptism. Santo replies. Don Agustin asks for the baby's name. Lis says Pedro. Don Agustin wonders about the last name; he suggests using "N.N. for no nombre". Lis objects, thinking that's not dignified. Don Agustin asks Cleo for the last name of her niece - Cleo nervous replies a made-up story of her niece not having a last name. Fortunata and Santo say it's perfectly fine for a child not to have a last name in the eyes of G-d. Lis doesn't like it, she wants the child to be dignified - she says that the baby will be "Pedro de Salamanca." (UY!)

* Later, in the salon, Alberto slaps Lis hard across her face in front of Fran and Manuela. He goes ballistic over Lis going ahead and giving Pedro her last name. He hates the idea and wants it changed. Fran and Manuela try to help Lis defend her position. Alberto yells and screams even more. He storms out. Lis screams after him, It's already registered! It's already registered!

* Alberto meets with Don Agustin at the church. Alberto is furious and demands the padre delete the last name from Pedro's registration. Don Agustin apologizes but church rules are very different and once the baptism has been performed, the name stays with the child. Alberto continues to bully and try to force the pastor to do as he demands. Don Agustin is adamant and says no, besides Lis, Santo, Fran, and Fortunata were signed witnesses. Alberto storms out. Don Agustin crosses himself and kisses his cross necklace.

* Alberto returns home. In the salon, he demands Lis take herself, her maid and the baby and leave the house immediately - he no longer wants to have them live under his roof. Lis cries and asks where will she go? Alberto storms away. Lis cries, "where? where?"

* Ines talks with Ofelia in the sewing room at the house. Ofelia tells Ines all about Santo's dream of marrying Cami - just listening to him, she is sick in the stomach. As they continue to discuss Santo and Cami, Ines says Cami is very much in love with Rico. Ofelia knows this and fears the worst for Santo, especially after Rita made her wishes known, about Cami and Santo raising Ana Maria together, before she died. Ines tells her mom that she and Vasco are extremely happy together now. Vasco is much more responsible and grounded. Ines is hoping that someday soon she will have a baby - and Paco will have another cousin. All the baby talk and Ines and Ofelia grow sad thinking about Cami and the baby she "lost".

* Lis and Fran argue in their bedroom about Lis making her husband angry over her decision to name the baby Pedro de Salamanca. They wonder where Alberto ran off to, and if he went to talk with Santo. Fran advises her about Alberto's temper. Lis needs to think of a plan, where to live.

* Rico, Mario and Pablo sit down for drinks at the local watering hole (saloon). Mario and Pablo talk about the ladies departing on the ship. Rico, really sad and lonely, tells Mario and Pablo that his son died at birth. He tells them the story Cami told him about the disgraceful Santo moving her to Garbancillo, then to another location and then to the midwife's cottage during labor. Mario sympathizes with Rico. Rico grumbles about revenge against Santo.


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