Tuesday, February 18, 2025
El extraño retorno de Diana Salazar Second Season
According to Zap2it, Season 2 will be shown on Univision starting Sunday 2/24/25 from 8-10 pm EST. Univision also has it listed. There are eight episodes in Season 2. Hope to see you on the patio! You can expect recaps some time on Mondays if not on Sundays.
Sunday, February 09, 2025
El extraño retorno de Diana Salazar #4 ( Season 1 Finale) 2/9/25
Leonor is enjoying the waterfall and more in the arms of Eduardo. At the same time, Leonor’s father Gustavo has noticed she is not at the banquet. He is upset and tells Ofelia the servant that he needs his daughter to be present. He is about to toast to her and her fiancé the count. Ofelia quickly leaves to find her.
Gustavo addresses his guests. It is an honor for the De Santiago family to share this occasion with all of them. They are celebrating two events. First, they are celebrating the discovery of a new vein of silver in their mine which will provide even more work for the community. Secondly, and most important, they are celebrating the engagement of their "little princess" Leonor to Count Lucas de Treviño.
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Sunday, February 02, 2025
El extraño retorno de Diana Salazar #3 2/2/25
Diana asks her father if he always was that way, too, and if her mother knew about it. He answers that he did and yes, she did. He sees that Diana is going through the same thing that he did. He thinks he is the only one that can understand her and addresses her as daughter. She corrects him by saying the only thing that they have in common is the curse. He asks her not to call it that. She asks what else is she supposed to call it? Is she supposed to consider a gift? It destroyed their family. It turned him into a murderer. Her father explains that the death was just an accident. He was trying to cure a boy who is very sick. She asks whoever told him that this thing that they have was to be used for curing people? He explains that he was trying to make sense out of it all feeling fed up, distressed, desperate. That is why he ended up turning himself in. He’s not a bad person and it’s not his fault that he was born this way as it’s not hers.
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Sunday, January 26, 2025
El extraño retorno de Diana Salazar #2 1/26/25
Some time latein the 20th century, a baby has been crying from 8:30 p.m. to 2:15 a.m. A man is in the house looking at the baby. As he turns to leave, a mirror on the wall explodes on its own. He seems terrified and leaves A woman comes down the stairs calling out to him "Emiliano." He apologizes to her and leaves quickly. The woman follows him out of the home and into the street. A little girl comes down the stairs to investigate what is going on.
Malena asks her sister why she thinks the reflection was their father's. Diana refers to the, albeit, few photos they had of him. Diana swears that she never touched the glass. Malena believes her and then tells her that this is not the first time this has happened. Malena says she was very young and even though she doesn't remember very well, she does remember being awakened by the sound of a mirror shattering.
Read more »Monday, January 20, 2025
El extraño retorno de Diana Salazar #1 1/19/25
There is a list of the main characters in my previous posting.
Here we go . . .
A man is screaming as an interrogator is torturing him and asking him if he knows Leonor to be a witch. Leonor shouts for him to just say yes and save himself. As she thinks back on her romantic relationship with the man, she is branded with a cross on her chest. She screams. In the present, Diana awakens with a start and also with what looks like a cross shaped birth mark on her chest, Clearly disturbed, she gets up to get some water in the kitchen and is soon joined by her sister Malena wondering if she had the same nightmare again. Diana says she did. Malena comforts her before going back to bed. The sisters do not know what they would do with each other. Diana takes a shower and fixates on the cross on her chest.
Read more »Thursday, January 16, 2025
EL EXTRAÑO RETORNO DE DIANA SALAZAR Gran Estreno: Sunday 1/19/25 8:00-9:30 EST
I thought I was taking a break from recapping until this series appeared and I was hooked!
Directly from the promos:
"If a love from another life found you in these times, would you recognize him?"
"There are loves that never die."
If you are in the mood for something different, Univision has taken its series “El extraño retorno de Diana Salazar” off of its VIX service and will be showing it on Univision in 90 minute episodes on Sunday nights.
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