Thursday, October 19, 2006

Heridas de Amor - Thursday October 19

Raul talks to Carola and tells her not to expect Renata to be her friend after she told her that she has always been in love with Juan and will continue to fight for him until she wins him over. Carola she tells him that she just wanted to be honest and raul tells her that Renata did the same, Carola says that there will always be people who will humilate her about her past.

Leonardo tells his family he's opening an account for them abroad and with that money they will be able to live comfortably the rest of their lives. Pamela asks him how come he doesn't include himself in th epicture, he says it was just a figure of speech.

Rebeca confesses to Fabricio that he and Cesar are Julio's sons. Fabricio asks if Cesar and Julio know it and she says no, neither one knows.

Miranda tells Gonzalo that she believes the man he killed was Alfredo Luque but he tells her that Alejandro commented to him that his father was shot in the back and the man he shot was from the front because they were struggling for the gun. He tells her only Fernanda can solve the mistery as she is the only one that knows the truth, Charo informs them that Alejandro has arrived and Gonzalo tells Miranda to go and take care of him.Miranda tells Charo to go offer him a drink, the she changes her mind and tells her to tell him to come up to her room.

Pamela worries about her father and asks if his life is in danger because he touched that bank account, his silence makes them more nervous as they now know that his days are numbered. Alejandro tells Miranda about the bruise Lizania had, and says he doesn't think Lizania is the type that would let someone beat her, Miranda says that for love some people would do anything.
Miranda tells Alejandro that her and Gonzalo were talking about his father. He becomes nervous when she tells him of the conversation she had with Gonzalo concerning his father. Angel and Daniel are having dinner at a restaurant and Angel tells Julio of Daniel's problem. Julio tells him he will look for the best Urologist to see if he can help him.

Leonardo tells Pamela that the money in the account is theirs and that he will protect them. Miranda tells Alejandro that she always dreamed that a prince would save her from the dragon (Berta) but never imagined he would have her sign a document where she would give up not only the crown but have one year to have a child. He tells her she doesn't have to sign it and she says for him she would sign her death sentence if necessary. Alejandro starts feeling sick and tells Miranda he has to go, she says she hopes is not the wedding that is making him sick, he says no , his stomach is bothering him,

Miranda tells him she loves him as he is walking out and he says to her not more than I love you. As he steps outside the room he feels sick as he thinks of the conversation about his dad and Gonzalo. Alejandro comes to the conclusion that Gonzalo didn't have anything to do with his father's suffering.
Leonardo tries to calm down his wife and daughter. Rebeca tells a furious Fabricio not to tell anyone what he just learned, that she is the only one that has the right to say anything/

Alejandro tells Daira what Miranda told him and she tells him they're the ones that concluded Gonzalo shot Alfredo but that it could have been Berta. He questions that if his father got anonymous notes saying that Fernanda was unhappy with Gonzalo but when he got to her house she told him she was happy then why did he insist in wanting to take her. She tells him someone advised him to do it and he says it was Berta. Daira tells him not to think about that since he has a big day ahead of him and he's surprised that she knows he's getting married. The notary tells Miranda and Alejandro that they have to wait several days to learn about the other clause in Alfredo's will because they need to send documentation to Italy. Leonardo thanks Fermin for help as he takes his money.
Miranda informs Santiago of her and his nephew's plans and also tells him about Berta and Lizania. Luciano tells Alejandro that he knows what the clause says and that there is a way to freeze all the assets so no one can touch them,the clause in his father's will will void the documents Berta has as Lizania listens in, Santiago calls Alejandro to talk to Daira as Lizania tells him she's not attending the gathering and wants her inheritance or she'll sue him. Luciano tells his friend about the clause. Ambrosio, a crooked federal agent tells Fermin he gave the money to the wrong person since Leonardo Altamirano is dead. Renata jokes with her family as they get ready for the gathering.

Miranda gets ready with Charo's help and recalls the day Alejandro kissed her and said she would one day yell that she loves him and she says he was right. He walks up behind her and kisses her giving her a necklace saying he couldn't get her the stars so he got her diamonds instead. Nuria and Cesar are married in a civil ceremony, when the judge pronounces them husband and wife, he barely kisses her and turns around and shakes the wittnesses hands. When Nuria asks him what she should do now, if bring her stuff to his a partment he throws one of his hissy fits and theathens to take away the baby and take him far away if she does not do as he says(he is such an ass)as he threatens not to tell anyone they're married. Florencia asks Fabricio for Berta and wonders if she's in Germany. Gonzalo learns that Vicente has found proof against Cesar.

Cesar arrives at the gathering and finds Lizania at the entrance.Lizania tells him she has been calling him but he has his cell phone off, she tells him they're waiting for the bride, that Miranda and Alejandro are getting married. At that moment Miranda appears at the top of the stairs, and Alejandro has this huge smile and is waiting for her along with all the other guests at the bottom of the stairs.

This was a very good episode and so are the next 4. today's episodes brought back memories of our visit it was so exciting to watch those scenes after actually having been right at those steps, a have a lot of pictures taken on those steps or by them. I wish I knew hoew to post them here.


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Heridas de Amor - Wednesday October 18

Fernanda tells Miranda that the one thing Flor doesn’t have is time. Miranda scolds Fernanda for not being positive and losing hope. She tells Fern that to not to have hope is not a sign of a good mother. Then to raise Ferns spirits Miranda tells her that Gonz promised they could all confront Bertha when Bertha returns including TÚ mama. Fern smiles weakly to hear herself included and to be called Mama.

Juan, Renata, Fab and Flor talk over the newlyweds’ secret marriage and how Gonzalo took the news. Flor wants a party to celebrate and Renata offers to cook.

Fern dismisses all the people who are in the waiting room. Daira, Al, Fab, Pam and Miranda kiss Fern goodbye as Renata hangs back. Renata tells Fern thank you for saving her sister. After they leave Fern grins to Juan saying she has hope about Renata. I think she likes me Gosh darn it!

Lisania lies in Cesar’s embrace, savoring her post coital feelings. She compliments him on his skills while Cesar plays innocent. He demurely says that life teaches you many things and he has only learned a few of these things. She tells him she doesn’t want him to hit her again. Cesar explains he had to hit her because she gets so crazy! It was the only way to get her to listen. Ah shucks honey I did it for your own good. Plus you enjoyed it. Fab rings the doorbell. Cesar sends Lisania off to the back bedroom.

Pamela answers her door to find Alejandro. He says he has been talking to Luciano and Al wants to explain some things to her. “I came to Mexico to get revenge on Miranda’s father. Many years ago Gonzalo shot my dad, he didn’t die, but he suffered for the rest of his life. When I fell in love with Miranda I decided to set aside my plans but I set in action things that I couldn’t stop. I am trying to correct it now but things are complicated.” The doorbell rings and enters Miranda. She seems impactada to see Al and Pam together.

Father Santiago reads from Tomasa’s letter. As he reads we flash to a green memory of Tomasa telling Nati to take off with the gun. Young Bertha gets mad and threatens Tomasa with the lives of her children to get the gun back. Bertha actually tells Tomasa to tell Nati to guard the gun with her life but that part is confusing. Nati and Tomasa are shown taking the gun for their own reasons but we know from other episodes that Bertha trumps their actions by getting rid of the sons, and Nuria to make sure she has control of the gun. The green scene then shows a young Tomasa telling her sons to beware of anything that Bertha asks them to do. Father Santiago is then heard reading and that is the last I have seen of my sons. The Father wonders where is the girl (Nuria) and I wonder if she is still alive? He takes the letter, puts it into a large envelope and hides it in an armoire in his room. (This room looks like a hall, it’s not the office we have seen earlier so heck I have no idea what to call this room but the hall.)

Al seems at a loss of words to answer Miranda but Pamela steps in saying they are planning a gift for her wedding. Miranda falls for it and is happy to know they are planning a surprise for her. They decide to talk with a little help of some tequila. Al promises that he will tell her everything…. Al tells Miranda that everything is ready for the wedding tomorrow. They laugh and hug over their happiness.

Fern comes to talk to Father Santiago. He is in the hall so they talk there as the Father puts away some papers. They chit chat about her daughters and the Father offers kind words of faith. Fern gets to the point of her visit, saying she has talked with Charo and would like to see Tomasa’s envelope that Charo gave to him. He asks her why she wants the envelope but then gives it to her anyway. He warns Fern to not let anyone know that she has it. He says that Bertha is unique and wicked, she attacks when a person least expects it. Fern says she has to go and asks that the Father pray for Florencia. Santiago tells her he will but he always prays for anyone close to Bertha. As Fern turns to leave El Guapo, with the cripple arm, enters the hall. Spooky music plays.

El Guapo asks for help, would the Father employ him. Santiago says he has nothing but Fern speaks up saying she might have something. El Guapo immediately declines but asks for her name. When she says she is Fernanda de Aragon El Guapo says on second thought I would like to work at the hospital. I like kids and old people. Fern gives him her card. Fern leaves and El Guapo guilt’s the Father into giving him work cleaning the church.

Fab and Cesar enjoy some dark brandy or cognac. They really like these snifters in this show. The brothers talk over Fabs stupidness of introducing Alejandro to all the building laws in Mexico and to Miranda. Cesar asks Fab if he still loves Miranda. Fab thinks he might. He is a practical SOB. Fab says he dated Miranda for many years, besides Flor doesn’t have much time left. He is sure that Miranda still loves him. She doesn’t have eyes for anybody else. He just knows it plus Al is just a passing fancy. Cesar can barely control himself as he listens to Fab. He walks Fab out of his apartment saying he is expecting someone so Fab has to go. As Fab shuts the front door behind him Cesar uses his foot to slam the door shut and then throws what is left in his snifter at the door. Lisania walks out of the back bedroom to say she is leaving too. She calls him her love and doesn’t seem curious to why there is alcohol all over the door. Idiota.

Juan perfoms medical checks on Flor as she lies in her hospital bed. Fern checks his notes and then Fern flashes to a green memory of her leaving the hacienda “That Night”. Flor is very young crying to her mother saying where are you going? Don’t leave. Young Fern is crying and says she has to go. While baby Flor listens, Bertha enters the room and begins to chastise Fern. Bertha tells Fern it is all her fault for her lust and lack of morals. Fern begs for Berthas help as Gonzalo is heard screaming at Fern over their voices. Gonzalo is yelling for Fern to leave of he will kill her daughters. Fern comes back to reality and Flor wakes up saying she is sleepy.

El Guapo rummages through all the drawers in the credenza in the hall. Bertha calls and interrupts his search. He says he misses her. He hasn’t found anything there and wants to know if Bertha wants him to give the Father a thrashing to get the Father to talk. El Guapo tells her to hurry or he will stay behind with everything. He crosses his chest with his bad arm, laughing as he does and then leaves the hall.

AL and Luciano talk over how Pamela is theirs. Luc wants to know how AL can be so sure with Pam being the best friend of Miranda. Al argues that Pam couldn’t hurt anyone at all. Luc wants Al to be careful. Al then wants to know about Cesar. As they talk Lisania peeks her head around the corner to listen to their conversation. The men continue unaware of Lisania. Al tells Luc to not to overestimate Cesar. He says that Cesar has luck but he is stupid. As Luc continues to worry Al says that when he marries he will tell Miranda all of the truth. He won’t let one lie separate us. (Mark my words Al will let one word separate them in the future I am sure.) Lisania walks out of her hiding place. AL jumps up and grabs her asking her where has she been! After some words between them Lisania spits out that she doesn’t want to give blood to Florencia.

Miranda tells Charo that she will get married tomorrow. Gonzalo walks in the room, sends Charo off and then questions Miranda about the harvest. Miranda tells him what Bertha did, telling the workers that they didn’t want to pay the workers, and there wasn’t much she could do to save the workers or the harvest. Gonz seems upset to hear the details. He asks Miranda how she feels and Miranda answers that she feels like she has failed and disappointed everyone. But she wants to marry Alejandro because she loves him. If she doesn’t marry him before Bertha returns she fears she won’t ever marry him. Miranda tells Gonzalo that Bertha now has all of Alejandro’s fortune at her fingertips.

Fern tells Amparo and Francisco that Florencia is not doing well. Flors health has deteriorated. Fern wants them to go to the wedding tomorrow. She is upset to hear that they might not go. They discuss what to wear, blah blah blah. Fern leaves and Amparo strong arms Francisco that they will not go to Gonzalo’s house. To think of everything that man has done to them and Fern!

Daira comes into the house in a fury. She walks up to Al and Lisania asking whats going on and where has Lisania been!? Lisania smarts off and Daira smacks her. She tells Lisania to respect her. All Lisania can says is I hate you both! As she runs off. Al tries to console Daira telling her she has done everything she can. Daira knows something very bad is going to happen. Als solution is to take them back to Italy. Daira doesn’t think that is the way to go.

AL goes upstairs, where the stairs are lined with pipes without a hand rail. Strange construction. Lizania tells AL to give her her inheritance or she will file a demand against him. Al argues and they struggle a little bit. As they struggle Al gets to see a flash of Lisania’s chest that has a bad scrape. He asks her about it. Lisania covers saying Daira has already looked at it, and its nothing. She takes off again. Luc comes upstairs to talk with Al and they go over the possibilities of what is wrong with Lisania. They think it might be drugs. Little do they know that it is the love drug of Cesar.

Renata has made dinner at her happy home. Raul is there and invites Carola to dinner when the streetwalker comes over to the house for a visit. Renata is pissed. Juan and Raul question Carola about her new job. Carola admits to telling the employer that she used to be a prostitute. Renata over hears this and looses her cool.

Cesar gets the lowdown from Rebecca by phone that tomorrow will be a family gathering/fiesta. Rebecca doesn’t know the reason for the party but she wants Cesar to go. He hangs up the phone to Nuria ringing the doorbell. He opens the door to Nuria saying she wants Cesar to marry her tomorrow or she will tell Alejandro what Cesar is doing with Lisania.

Gonz and Miranda continue their talk with Miranda asking Gonz if the man he shot was Alejandros father. Gonz has green memories of advising AL to have no mercy on the man who shot his father. Gonz says he doesn’t think that man was the father of AL. Miranda asks how can he be sure?

Upon hearing her announcement Cesar entices Nuria to spend the night. He is very agreeable to her about getting married, calling her his love. Nuria then repeats their agreement saying tomorrow they will marry at the civil registry with the judge she picks. He agrees and says afterward they can go to the party at Miranda’s.

Juan splits and takes Raul with him leaving the two women to fight it out and that is just what they do. A couple of boring slaps and Carola leaves saying that a girl like her would love to have a friend like Renata. Renata tells her that girls like her don’t want friends like Carola. Carola is a NACA! Now get out!

Luciano still wants Al to sign the prenup with Miranda. Al questions why if Bertha has everything? Luc says it still needs to be done. Al notices that there is a secret clause (which I didn’t know about until just now and so don’t fully understand…) that hasn’t been opened before. When Miranda signs the prenup (or gets married) the secret clause can be opened. Al wants Luc to pay people, talk to his contacts in Italy so he can know, before marrying, what the clause says. Luc says he will try.

Daira tells AL that she doesn’t believe returning to Italy is a good solution. In Mexico at least they have his support. AL agrees then asks about the hurt on Lisania’s shoulder. Daira didn’t know of it. They realize something bad is going on.

Fab tells Rebecca that tomorrow must be something important and they need to go. They hope Julio will go but when Julio arrives he says he won’t go. Fab tries to talk Julio into doing something to reunite everyone. As Fab is leaving the room he gets his pensive stupid look on his face. Rebecca notices and asks what‘s going on Son? What are you thinking? Fab says Mama neither my father nor my grandparents nor you have colored eyes. From whom did Cesar inherit colored eyes!?!


Heridas de Amor, Tuesday 10/17

Doorbells and cellphones and lies, oh my!

"QUE????" Amparito is incredulous. Move out of the house to live with her beloved? Roman has proposed, if you want to call his half-assed suggestion a proposal, but Amparito says she will die without her family, she can't decide, things are moving so fast.

Roman sets the tone by listing his "yo quieros." He does want to be partners. He does not want to be like a brother. He does not want a sister. He does not want a mother. He does want a woman who shares everything. He does not want a woman who's afraid of things. He does want a woman who takes risks. He does not want a coward. OK, now it's her turn to think about what she wants. He gives Amparo a dispassionate peck and leaves before listening to her "yo quieros." Guess she doesn't get her turn. If I were her I'd be thinking that cooking for the four slobs + blondie and washing their poo-poo undies looks pretty good about now.

Leonardo shows Pamela the codebook that he and Andrea have been pondering for weeks. Pamela breaks the code in 3.5 seconds. I counted. Leo rushes off and Pamela complains to Andrea about the excessive sugar in her tea.

Amparo asks herself whether she should marry or not. Puhleaze! Carola arrives and tells her she got the job and had one of the highest exam scores. All was well at the interview until she was asked about past jobs. "Ah Caray!" moans Amparito, "You didn't tell the truth, did you? The whole world will find out and the old pigs will make insinuations." Carola's sure that won't happen. Well really, what does a whore know about corporate? She'll find out soon enough.

Cesar the sleazeball, "faint" from just having saved Florencia's life, asks Gonzo why he continues to hate him after all he has done for the family. Gonzo and Alejandro scowl. Sleazar sniffs in self-pity and shuffles off. Miranda scolds the scowlers and Fabricio says he can't believe the injustice of it all. Score one for Sleazar. Fernanda interrupts to say Florencia is recovering.

I'm not sure but I think the secret code book had bank info in it because that's where Leonardo is. He must want to withdraw a big amount because after Providing The Account Number and Giving The Password the bank mgr. asks to see Leo's I.D. Aha, Leo wants to close the account and he wants cash. It's so much money that the bank needs 24 hours. The bank mgr. asks why Leo is closing the account and he says for personal reasons. Are they allowed to ask questions like that?

Superslut and bad-hair-day-Erika are waiting for the doctor. He must be a reeeally great doctor because his prescribed treatment, that he has to READ FROM A CHEAT SHEET, is: take your medicine, keep your appointments, if you feel bad call me and of course don't take drugs. Slutty gets mad, bares her pirhana teeth, grabs his paper and throws it on the ground. Doctor Dumb says it's her life, she can pick it up or throw it onto the floor (points to crumpled paper).

Miranda and Alejandro make up and agree not to fight about Sleazar. Al tells her Bertha now owns absolutely all of his father's designs and she's in Paris preparing an exhibition of them (I think). In fact he was on his way to Paris to negotiate with her when Miranda called. But now all he wants is to marry her, he would give up everything to have Miranda as his wife. Miranda says it's a good time to go get their blood tests.

In the sickroom Florencia tells Gonzo that thanks to Fernanda her baby will be born. She thanks Fern for everything and apologizes for her past behavior. Gonzo and Fern tell Flor that everything will be fine. Outside the room Fern gives Gonzo the straight poop, for every two steps forward there are four steps back. Flor's health is deteriorating rapidly and as long as she's pregnant a heart transplant is impossible. Gonzo says "Save her, one day she will know that her mother has already given her life two times."

Slutty and Hideous Hair join Renata outside Flor's room. It's a stupid scene with an HIV treatment public service announcement, crass statement by Slutty of Flor dying and Slutty joining her, and Renata and Erika deciding to stick by Slutty even though she's hateful and odious.

Miranda and Al are post-blood test, holding hands and talking about their wedding on the morrow. Miranda tells Renata that she wants her, Juan and his family to join them at the big house tomorrow. Daira arrives and shoots Al a worried look. She is alone.

Leonardo arrives home with something very important to tell Pamela and Andrea. The doorbell rings and it's Luciano looking for Pamela. She yells at him, he wants to speak with her, she glares, he glares, she glares.

Fabricio tells Flor "who would have guessed my own bro would save the life of my love?" Then he whines that Al and Gonzo still hate his bro. Flor says she'll talk to Gonzo and ask him to forgive Sleazar. She thinks Sleazar should be one of the family, he should be the big brother to all of them. She must be on drugs.

Sleazar, smoking and drinking, tells Lasagna about the transfusion. Lasagna smirks and meows, "that must be why Alejandro wanted me at the hospital. I have the same blood type as you my love." Cesar forbids her to help Al or donate blood to Flor. The doorbell rings and Lasagna sidles over. It's Nuria. "Amor! It's for you!" Lasagna yells. "I'm coming my love," he says. Nuria is impactada. Sleazar gulps.

Al wants to know why Lasagna isn't with Daira. She was supposed to donate blood. Daira says at first Lasagna was on board but on the way to the hospital she got a phone call, got out of the car and disappeared. "NO PUEDE SER!" Al says as his cellular rings. He hands it to Miranda. It's Bertha, she's going to auction off (get rid of?) some of the designs and is he interested in any?

Lasagna and Nuria make catty introductions and Nuria finds out that Lasagna is Al's sister. Sleazar tells Lasagna to leave. She gets all kissy-face in front of Nuria and tells him she'll be waiting. Nuria smiles..then slaps him. Hoorah!! Do it again!! He shakes her and we see a side view. She's supposed to be pregnant but is skinny as a stick. Can't they afford a pillow or something? Sleazar says Lasagna is only there so he can spy on Alejandro Luque. Of course he's a suck-up because he thinks she'll be loaded if/when Bertha dies. He convinces her to leave and gives her a wad of cash. He pats her skinny concave belly and she leaves. Estupida. Then he yells at Lasagna.

Alejandro yells at Bertha that the designs mean nothing to him, she can do what she wants. He apologizes to Miranda and Daira, saying "Bertha me saca de mis casillas" which sounds kind of obscene but it turns out it's not. (Bertha pulls him out of his pigeonholes = she drives him crazy.) He tells Daira he'll protect her interests and she tells him not to worry, money doesn't make her happy. Maybe she wants to move out of that feng shui nightmare of an echo chamber and live in a real house. He tells her Bertha said she'd destroy the designs if he doesn't meet her.

Luciano admits to Pamela that he's Al's financial advisor. He admits nearly everything to her. She asks why he would do all those things against Miranda's family and he tells her to ask Al. He asks her not to say a word because it would hurt Miranda. He tries to kiss her but she turns away.

Nuria arrives to check on Flor. Daira and Alejandro ask her if anything happened to Flor to upset her befor she got sick. "Hmmm...the only unusual thing was a phone call from Bertha," says Nuria. Just then Lasagna calls Daira. Al gets furious, Nuria gets faint, Al tells Lasagna to get her butt home or else. Nuria tells Al and Daira she's expecting. She's not married but will be soon. She thought bubbles "Cesar is going to marry me or I'll tell Alejandro Luque what's up with his sister."

Sleazar yells at Lasagna and accidently calls her Nuria. He gets even madder. He tells her she shouldn't let her brother tell her what to do with her own blood. She promises she won't do what Al tells her and she'll do what Sleazar asks and if he doesn't believe her she'll leave. He throws her on the couch, jumps on her and demands respect. The sleazy music starts. She says "OK but you're hurting me Cesar." He says something like "One day I told you I'd teach you some games, well that day has arrived." He kisses her, bites her lip and heads south as the sleazy music reaches a crescendo.

Fernanda gives Miranda the skinny (no pun intended) on Flor's condition. Miranda says the baby HAS to be born and Flor HAS to live so she can be a mother. They embrace. Fern begs Miranda's forgiveness for being one of the worst women on earth, hablah, hablah, hablah. "That's OK Ma, I know you meant well." "I want the forgiveness of all my daughters." "OK Ma, we'll make it happen somehow." All the while the background choir is singing louder and louder. I had to fast forward through the rest of this crap.

Renata and Juan are at Flor's bedside with Faby. Flor is happy to hear they are married. She wants to have a party to welcome Juan into the family. Renata says she will cook. I wonder if it will be that pile of pureed green stuff she served before?

Outside Renata thanks Fern for saving Flor's life. Fern says Renata's smile is all the thanks she needs.

Gonzo is alone again...naturally. He recalls, YET AGAIN, "that night." He thinks there is something rotten in Denmark and he sips his cognac.

Lasagna must have enjoyed Sleazar's little journey because she says she's the happiest woman on earth. Gag me!! A knock on the door. It's Fabricio!

Alejandro pays a visit to Pamela at Luciano's request. He wants to explain things. He originally came to get revenge on Gonzalo. He tells her the story of "that night." His father wasn't killed but he suffered the rest of his days. When he fell in love with Miranda he decided to end his plans of vengeance but some of his actions were already set in motion and he's trying to correct them now. The doorbell rings...Miranda enters. She sees Alejandro and is impactada.


Monday, October 16, 2006

Heridas-- Monday, October 16

At the hospital Alejandro & Fabricio are discussing the ramifications of Bertha knowing that Florencia & Alejandro are siblings. Alejandro assumes the loose lips that are sinking his ships belong to Fab. Miranda shows up and thanks Alejandro for his quick-helicopter rescue and Fab gets grouchy. Renata gets marital advice from Miranda.

At Casa San Llorente, Renata tells Gonzalo that Flo is in danger of losing the baby and has been taken to the hospital. He comforts her and they leave for the hospital.

In the hospital room Dr. Ben delivers the ‘grave’ news to Gonzalo & Fernanda, that it all depends on Flo’s heart being strong. Flo stirs awake and whinges out a couple of things to Gonzalo. He offers to let her see her mom and she says she never wants to see that woman.

Dr. Ben & Juan are discussing the hopelessness of Flo’s situation. They get some results back and see that she needs a blood transfusion. Dr. Ben is so smart that he knows without even needing to consult the inventory that the hospital doesn’t have any of that particular type of blood.

Fernanda & Gonzalo discuss Flo’s paternity issues outside the chapel. She asks that he put himself in her place…he considers it and they leave together.

Mama Amparito & Raul make plans to visit the hospital later that day. She blesses him as he leaves for university. Carola comes in, ready for her job. Amparo blesses her as she leaves for work. Hmmm…all these blessings she’s giving away, doesn’t she deserve one herself?

Cesar & Lisania are on the phone talking about the situation at the hospital. Cesar asks who all is there…the whole family. He “advises” (in his snake-y evil way) Lisania to tell her mom not to go there. She does so.

Renata, Miranda & Gonzalo head home to rest, bathe and change. Juan breaks the “real” news to Fab & Alejandro…Renata’s situation is critical. Alejandro offers his blood for the transfusion but then realizes that he doesn’t have the right kind.

Carola is at her job “exam.” She has done well and is a candidate for the job. The HR lady asks about her former job and references…she ‘fesses up and gets the job.

Cesar shows up at the hospital and he and Alejandro have a little dust-up in the waiting room. Fernanda comes in and tells them they can’t find any AB negative blood. Naturally, Cesar has the right type of blood and is the only choice available (in all of Mexico City, apparently). Alejandro is angry and calls Daira to ask her where the bloody hell she is and what kind of blood she has. It turns out that Lisania has the right type and he tells them to get down to the hospital right away.

Back at the house Renata & Miranda talk about Flo. Miranda blames everything on Bertha and asks Gonzalo that when she comes back, she not be allowed to stay at the house and that the past be forgotten. Gonzalo says they are going to talk about everything, including who Renata’s mother is. Miranda, talking to herself, says that although her sister is sick all she can think about is marrying Alejandro. She is afraid that if she doesn’t do it right away, she’ll lose him.

During the blood transfusion, Cesar is thinking how great this is…since nothing is free in this life and he is doing such a big favor to everyone. Cesar plants another seed of doubt in Juan’s mind about Renata. Um…maybe it’s just me but was Juan under any illusions about what kind of girl Renata was when they met, got to know one another and got married?

Charo tells Miranda about having looked for the envelope. They deduce that it must be at the hacienda, but when Miranda tries to call Gabino, she doesn’t get through. Charo also tells Miranda about how Flo threatened her. Miranda becomes even more determined in her resolve to kick Bertha out of their lives.

Roman visits Amparo and although she is initially indignant that he should come over after his recent confession, he ends up proposing marriage (in a direct and unromantic way).

Fab tries to defend Cesar to Alejandro but he refuses to believe that he has become sort of saint. Alejandro tells him that nothing Cesar does is free and sooner or later he will give him a bill for services rendered to Flo. Gonzalo and the girls show up and Fab lets them know that Cesar donated blood. Cesar comes down the hallway with a nurse, looking drained (ha ha) and everyone stands around staring at each other.


Sunday, October 15, 2006

Heridas Friday Oct 13

Cesar leaves Gonz’s office believing he has sunk Alejandro’s chances with Miranda by what he told Gonzalo. He just has to learn Bertha’s version of the events from ‘that night.’

The scene where Gabino tells about Alejandro’s fight with El Guapo is loooong. However, this is ok because Pamela is wearing a flimsy low-cut top. The group splits up to take care of various things to secure the house.

Miranda and Pamela go see Florencia and Nuria, who are sitting in a room that is wide open to the outdoors, completely the opposite of what they planned in the previous scene. Nuria says she prefers to be ‘here inside’ since it’s so hot out. This room is basically outside. There are walls, but the doorways are wide open and the ceiling is 50% open to the sky. Is there some magic air conditioning that keeps this cooler than ‘outside?’ There are sun rays shining through the whole room. Argh. For some reason this drives me crazy. Anyway, Pamela and Miranda run off to the library.

Fernanda comes into Amparo’s kitchen, anxious for news about Carola’s interview. Carola isn’t back yet. Amparo invites her to stay for dinner, Renata is going to cook it! They talk about her, how she shared her money with the family, she is cooking and taking part in everything. Fernanda feels vindicated, “I knew it! I knew she wasn’t a bad person! It was Bertha’s influence.” She believes this is just one step short of Renata accepting her as her mother.

Daira is telling Alejandro that she doesn’t know where Lasagna went. Renata and the other girls don’t know where she is, Alejandro knows how easily influenced Lasagna can be so he’s worried, they’ll just have to wait until they hear from her. Luciano arrives and says his contacts have news of Bertha, everything Alejandro suspected is true.

Fernanda meets Charo at an outdoor café. Charo tells her about the envelope she found and what Tomasa said in the letter.

Luciano tells Alejandro that there will be a show in Paris featuring Alfredo Luque’s designs, and something about how they are all owned by Berth de Aragon. Alejandro flips out, “No puede ser!” He says first thing in the morning they are going to Paris.

Miranda and Pamela discuss Nati’s chocolate. Miranda says they are going to Mexico in the morning, if she doesn’t get married right away she feels like it will never happen.

Ha ha Luciano asks a frantic Daira “what about the harmony of Feng Shui and all your yoga?” Alejandro says right now none of that will work. Miranda calls Alejandro’s cell phone and they discuss the whole El Guapo deal. Miranda tells Al “don’t tell anyone what I’m about to tell you, not Daira, Lasagna, nobody. The only one here who knows is Pamela” Pamela, who has been sitting calmly in the background looking pretty as always. She tells Alejandro that she’s coming back in the morning for them to get married. That’s the big secret? Whoop de doo.

Charo tells Fern more about how she found the envelope and how evil Bertha is. They also discuss how crazy the idea of Lucas killing Tomasa was. Fern comforts her, telling her she did the right thing, she had no choice but to do what Bertha said.

Al, like any man, says “uh uh tomorrow? That’s not what we talked about.” But in the end he says sure, whatever you want. He gets off the phone and Daira says “something happened?” Al replies “oh uh things at the hacienda, you know.” Then he tells Luciano, who just finished making the plans for Paris, to cancel the whole thing. He’s not going to travel tomorrow. He leaves without explanation. Daira and Luciano are a bit stunned and try and figure out what’s going on.

Cesar gives Sanson some instructions about what they’ll be doing in the near future. Sanson is remarkably servile for being the leader of a gang before.

Miranda announces to everyone that they’ll return to Mexico in the morning. She says it’s for everyone’s safety.

Roman arrives at Cesar’s place. They talk about a couple things I didn’t quite catch, then Roman tells Cesar to leave everyone alone that lives near Fernanda and Francisco’s family. Cesar grabs him but Roman pulls a gun on him and tells him “calm down!” Cesar says he paid Roman for a job he didn’t do and he owes him. About Nuria, she is registered at her school as the natural daughter of Bertha de Aragon. Roman says “now we’re even.” Roman leaves. Cesar calls Sanson and tells him that the ‘estupido’ left, follow him and kill him. That’s what he was hired for. Then he tells him self that Nuria is Bertha’s illegitimate daughter and he’s the only one who knows!

Francisco calls a family meeting to announce something important. Renata is in the kitchen cooking, the rest of them are all in the living room sitting around. Francisco does a president Vicente Fox impression first, then after a full minute of “good news, really this is good news” he says that they are going to have a car. They all go nuts. From what I can tell, Francisco is going to have a taxi to drive. They are all excited, they all want to learn to drive. Renata smiles at their excitement after first not understanding. The smile seems genuine, the first time I’ve seen that look on her face.

Carola prays for good luck on her first day of work the next day, I think. I don’t think it is still the interview, I believe it’s the job. I may be wrong.

The family is still going nuts about having a car, Renata goes back to the kitchen and Amparo follows her. Amparo explains that they never had a car before. She then tells Renata that she admires her strength in adjusting to the new situation and she’ll help her with anything she needs. Renata says good, help me convince Juan that…. She is interrupted by Juan calling them back to the other room where they are all laughing and having a good time. Francisco tells Renata that she is like a good luck charm, since she came good things have happened and she is a daughter to him now. She flashes back to Gonz telling her that he cancelled her credit cards after her drug problem. Then another flashback to Bertha telling her how everything is her mother’s fault, why she has a bad relationship with her father. Back to Francisco’s long hug, she starts crying, I think happily, at being part of a family for real.

Gonzalo is at home thinking over what Cesar told him before, trying to figure it out. He realizes that Bertha is the only one who knows everything.

Pamela asks Miranda if she’s sure, Miranda says more sure than anything ever. Pamela has decided to keep wearing the flimsy tank top, which I appreciate. Wait, it’s not for me, it’s still THE SAME DAY. Two of the worker women enter, one younger, the old lady is Nati. The younger one says that cocolbosh is a special delicious recipe of some sort made from cocoa plants, only some of the old people know how to make it, I think the old lady here knows how, this I’m sure will save the day for the San Llorentes. Cripes, it isn’t even some special method for processing the chocolate, it’s some new age positive energy/charka/feng shui thing. Something about having the right energy in your body when you process the cocoa. Can you say Deus Ex Machina? “crap we’re in a hole here, what can we do?” “how about if they align the chakras of the cocoa trees?” “BRILLIANT.”

Renata presents dinner, to great applause. Francisco lectures his son Joel, I think, on how to talk to a lady after some rude remark. Everyone starts eating slowly, it appears that the food sucks, turns out they are in shock about how good it is. They all dig in, Renata is happy. I don’t know why I’m enjoying the rehabilitation of Renata so much, I’m so cynical about everything else, but her storyline really appeals to me. I have absolutely no idea why.

We see Gonzalo eating alone fade to the Francisco family all together and happy, to show the contrast, then back to lonely old Gonzalo leaving the dinner table. As Charo comes in to clean up, she decides that if she stays she’ll go crazy, so she’s going to leave without telling anyone.

Nati tells Miranda about the fantastic tantric method of processing chocolate. Florencia comes in saying she has a problem, she’s bleeding and something is happening with her baby! Perhaps she hasn’t realized yet that she can’t possibly be pregnant and keep that nice slim body. Who knows what alternate reality her mind is in. She stands there staring into space, like she’s trying to see back into our dimension.

Lasanga is on the phone with Al, he’s yelling at her to tell him where she is so he can come and talk. She’s at Cesar’s place but won’t tell him. She says it’s all his fault, she wants to die. Cesar takes the phone away from her to hear Al say that he’s going to get everything back from Bertha, don’t be stupid. Cesar hangs up the phone. He asks Lasagna what documents? She tells him everything. “Bertha is now the owner of our entire fortune!” Cesar twitches.

Miranda tries to take care of Flor. She calls Fabricio. Pamela and the equally fine and equally flimsy tank top wearing Nuria breeze in first, hello ladies, then Fab comes in, in a panic, to see what’s going on. Fab rushes of for a doctor. For tells Miranda to call Fernanda.

Lasagna explains everything further to Cesar about the portfolios. He flashes back to looking through the portfolio and finding nothing but pictures of jewelry.

Renata and family continue their happy meal, Fernanda shows up. They tell her that Renata made the food, Fern says good for you! Renata won’t look at her and says she’s leaving to go to bed. Fern says wait, then her phone rings, it’s Miranda to tell about Florencia. Miranda puts Flor on the phone. Renata grabs Juan to talk in the other room, I think she’ll try and convince him to go to the hacienda to help. In the other room, she calls Alejandro because he can get them to Tabasco right away. She tells Al what’s up, he says they’ll go right now. Al runs out to tell Daira and Luciano what’s going on and to make preparations. Al leaves. Renata and Juan tell Fern that Al is on the way. Renata begs Fern to save Flor’s baby. Fern says “you don’t understand fully what I’m telling you, but I would give my own life to save Flor and her baby.”

Lasagna the dumbass wants to stay with Cesar, he convinces her that she should leave. He pumps her for information and says maybe Al will try and take her back to Italy. She says she’ll just say she has to stay to get married with Cesar. “whoa whoa whoa no that wouldn’t be a good idea.” He says because he wouldn’t be accepted in the family. Whatever. She believes it all. Dumbass.


Friday, October 13, 2006

Heridas de Amor -Thursday Oct 12th

Miranda wonders what to do with the cocoa beans that she has in the warehouse. Amparo tells Francisco about Renata's change of attitude and wonders what to do to help Fernanda. Miranda asks Naty how she feels and she tells her not as bad as she does. She gives her a cup of chocolate Miranda tells her she never drinks chocolate at night, Naty tells her is not chocolate is extract of Cocolbosh. Miranda tells her it has something magical in it as Arcaria says it tastes like any other chocolate. Naty tells her she's not the heiress of the cocoa bush, Miranda is. Miranda says she now knows what she's going to to do with the cocoa she has. Alone in her room she tells Alejandro she loves him and he answers her saying he loves her also. The next morning Fernanda tells Santiago she wasn't able to tell Gonzalo the truth. He tells her he has to when Alejandro arrives. Santiago begs his nephew to stop investigating the bank account. Renata didn't sell all the food she had so she gives her the money Berta gave her and Amparo is shocked at the amount.Alejandro tells Santiago that Fermin has to pay for what he did. He advises him to forgive him and that Fermin came to see him. He also tells him if the news becomes public a bigger scandal will occur so he reluctantly backs down. Miranda invites Pamela to the fair. Gonzalo's bothered when he sees Cesar arrive in his office. He tells him to leave as Cesar tells him he's a victim of someone's revenge. Renata tells Erica she doesn't know if she can handle being poor. Veronica arrives and insults her saying if Juan really loves her he would agree to live in the mansion. Miranda tells Pamela she's going to produce chocolate candies and beauty products from the cocoa she has when Florencia arrives and tells her she has a visitor and she finds El Guapo in her office and he tells her he wants to buy the hacienda, because an hacienda like that should not be run by a woman.
Miranda is taken aback and she tells El Guapo, that La Santa Maria is not for sale, and in any case he would have to speak directly with her dad, she asks him to leave and he tells her he knows there's no men on the premises. He tells her not to piss him of or the devil in him could come out and she responds likewise and She orders him to leave and points a gun to him. He gets cloe to her and sniffs her and tells her he will make her 3 offers and that this is the first one.He tells her he'll return for the ranch or for her.
When he leaves the rest of the crew comes in the office and Florencia gets nervous when she sees the gun and asks Miranda what is goinn on, and says her and Nuria are going for a walk, Miranda then orders to no one leave the house. Fermin tells Alejandro that he will do what he asks of him and admits that it was Berta who opend the account. Veronica tells Renata what to do as Erica tells her to stop butting in. Gonzalo tells Vicente that Cesar is like Berta when they opened their mouths all they spit out is venom. Cesar's offended as Gonzalo tells him to just say what he came to say. He tells him he knows he killed a man years earlier but asks him if he's sure he was really dead. He thinks of that night as he asks him what he meant but he gives him the run around. Fermin and Alejandro talk about Berta and Alejandro promises to find a way not to hurt him or his uncle. Erica meets with Raul and tells him what happened between Juan and Renata. Fernanda coaches Carola on how to act in her interview. Cesar tells Gonzalo to investigate the name of the man he killed then he'll know who wants to get revenge on him. Vicente tells Gonzalo that Cesar knows more than he knows and he agrees saying that only name that comes to his mind is Alejandro Luque. Cesar believes he's won. Miranda learns from Gabino that Alejandro got in a fight with El Guapo.


Thursday, October 12, 2006

Heridas de Amor - Wednesday Oct. 11

Juan and Fernanda are talking in her office. Juan whines to Fern that Renata is HIS wife. He is upset that Gonzalo wants Renata to return home. Juan claims that Renata is suffering from a cold nothing more. (Last time I checked in my mother book it said colds don’t have HIGH fevers but I digress.) Juan says it would seem that we live in the street Madrina! Its one thing that we live without luxuries and another if we lived like we were indigents! Fern tries to make Juan feel better by telling him that he will never understand Gonzalo. Fern claims that maybe when Juan is a father he will understand what Gonzalo is thinking.

There is a replay of Renata’s nightmare with Carola. (Makes me think we might see this cat fight later on in the telenovela.) Amparo comes in to check on Renata and says she is delirious. Amparo then starts to practice some weird home remedies that I have never tried on my child and from what I recall has never been done to me. Ive tried cold towels to the head folks but never to the feet. Could I have missed something in my parenting handbook? Amparo takes some wet towels and places them on Renata’s feet to help break Renata’s fever. Hmmmm.

Gonzalo and Vicente talk over the lost harvest. Meanwhile Florencia tries her best to guilt Miranda into marrying Alejandro to save the family. Just tell me why isn’t she showing! Where is her growing stomach? Is she really pregnant?

Pamela and Nuria talk of Nuria’s sensation that she knows the hacienda. She has only been there once before but she knows this house! To further her point Nuria does a show and tell of the doll she found for Pamela. The girls start to get freaked out (ghosts?) about the possibilities. Is Nuria remembering another life?

Miranda tells Flor that Si she will marry Alejandro because she loves him, he’s the man of her life. Not for any other reason. Their father calls and Miranda tells him about losing the harvest. He is comforting telling her there is always a first time in all things and she has to be strong and overcome this. She tells him she plans to go to the Tabasco Fair to look for a solution.

Alejandro begs Faby to not say anything. Al argues that it was only a question of time that SLI tanked; it wasn’t just because of him. Al tells Fab that he hasn’t cleared everything up because it takes time and he won’t shock Flor. She wouldn’t be able to handle it. He then tells Fab that if anything happens to Flor he will hold Fab responsible.

Miranda comes into the library where Al and Fab were fighting. They talk over their approaching wedding. Then AL asks Miranda to sign a prenuptial agreement. He says all three of them (Daira, Lisania and Al) have to sign a prenup agreement due to stipulations his father left in his will. She says she will sign it and more. Al says there is one more thing. She has to give him a child before the end of the first year of marriage. (First posting I put that Al said he needed a son. He said nino so that could be either, but Im still secretly suspicious that he wants a male heir!)

Al goes and finds Pam and asks her to be his spy (he didn’t use that exact word but that is what he meant). She balks at the idea telling him she won't be his spy and she isn’t his employee. After Al explains how much he loves Miranda Pam decides she will help. She will tell Al if Fab or anyone else tries to say something bad to Miranda.

Renata is feeling better. Juan comes home bearing flowers while Amparo is making her soup. After Amparo brings the soup and with Juan watching Renata calls her Mama Amparito and she tells her Thank you. Juan plays doctor with Renata, he listens to her chest with his stethoscope and this scene was stupid.

Carola prepares for a job interview when Daniel comes knocking on her door. He has been to see his psychologist and has talked about her with him. He wants to be Carola’s only client. He wants to be charged whatever, he will set her up in an apartment, with car, chauffer whatever. Carola says no.

Miranda whines to Pamela about how Al found her after the cosecha (harvest) was stolen. Miranda talks about having to do everything to save her family from ruin. Pamela then takes the moment to play devils advocate. She asks Miranda what family? Flor is in her ivory tower, your dad is trying to save his company and that is the only thing that is important to him, Renata has gotten married. So what family is Miranda trying to save?

Daniel talks with Carola and Raul. (Raul has just arrived.) They talk over their families when they discover that Raul knows Daniels family, he is Julio Bustamante's son. Raul tells Daniel that Renata married Juan. Daniel is impactado. He says he can’t believe it. He says Renata only does two things, one is to make fun of people and the other is to challenge (dare) someone. Daniel leaves after saying this. Carola and Raul are inspired by Daniels comments to see if Renata and Juan are having problems. They decide they will call Erika to see if she will tell them anything.

Fernanda goes to the Mexico City house to meet with Gonzalo. While she waits she talks with Charo. After a few minutes Charo remembers that Fern is the woman that Tomasa used to talk about. Gonzalo comes in and sends Charo out. Charo goes to the kitchen deciding to give the envelope that she found in Tomasa's room to Fern. She talks to herself as she figures out how to let Fern know. She decides to write a note and pass it to Fern while giving Fern some coffee. She does this and is dismissed again by Gonzalo. Gonzalo tells Fern that he doesn’t want to continue fighting. Fern agrees. Gonzalo wants to know if Fern remembers what happened “That Night”. He tells her that before Tomasa died she told him “Ella tambien disparo.” She also shot.

Al, Daira and Luciano are talking over what the investigator told Luciano. Lisania knew she was being followed. They decide to stop the investigator and then begin to talk over Bertha and the documents that Bertha has. Luciano confirms that the documents are as valid today as they were the day Al’s father signed them many years ago. Daira says she can’t believe their lives are in the hands of Bertha! Al says he doesn’t have any other option than to tell Lizania what is going on.

Miranda tells Pamela that she is not a fool for trying to save her family. She is doing it for herself. Pamela tells her forget that I ever said those things to you. I just care for you and see all the hard work you have done. Miranda says the value is for her, she has a clear objective of what she wants to do. Pam agrees and begs forgiveness again.

Fern tells Gonzalo that only he and Bertha know exactly what happened that night. After some more note comparison on what happened Fern reveals that Tomasa’s children died after throwing the body into the river that night. Fern also tells Gonzalo that Bertha took Tomasa’s granddaughter away after that night. Gonzalo is impactado. He can’t believe that Tomasa never told him, and that Bertha would take the child. Fern says it’s because Nati and Tomasa took the gun and hid it.

Fab whines to Flor about everything that is happening. Flor takes the opportunity to brag about how strong she has become. She talks about surviving her illness and being strong. As she talks she clues into the thought of what if I have passed this illness on to my child. (The child that is not showing through her tight outfits.) She then wonders which one of her relatives has this illness. She lists them all and none have it so she questions just who passed the illness (by heredity) to her?

Juan tells Renata about his new position with Doctor Cohen at UNAM. Renata wants her tour of the University. Then Juan asks her if she will take precautions not to get pregnant or should he? She is stunned asking you don’t want to have kids with me? Juan shakes his head as the scene ends.

Daira asks who could of told all of this to Faby? Al thinks it was someone really close because Fab knows everything. Luciano says that he is beginning to worry about this when Lisania blasts into the room screaming at Alejandro. She tells him to take the tail (investigator) off her. She continues yelling at Al asking when is he going to give her her money? Al says he won't give it to her. Why? Because none of us can spend a dime right now, Bertha has the designs and documents of our father and if she turns them into cash we will be ruined! Lisania says Bertha loves you. You swore you watch over us and take care of us! Al tells her he won't marry Bertha. Daira even tries to talk sense into Lisania but she screams she will never forgive Al if they lose their money and runs out. Very stable girl there.

Al admits its true he swore to his father that he would watch over them. Daira says you can't marry Bertha. You have to marry Miranda before Bertha returns. Al agrees that this seems like what he needs to do. He then tells them that Miranda will sign the prenup and will give him a son. They are happy to hear this.

By the way everyone is drinking cognac in these scenes with Fern and Gonzalo, Daira, Alejandro and Luc. That must be "The" drink for the wealthy in Mexico. Ok back to Gonzalo and Fernanda who are talking about "That Night". Fern tells Gonzalo that Nati was in her hospital and that Nati talked about hiding the gun in the Arbol Lloron (lloron = weeping willow, so arbol lloron could mean that or maybe weeping tree). Gonzalo tries to remember the tree but seems to think the name refers to something else and not a tree. He tells Fern his chauffer will drive her home and they agree to talk more another day. Gonzalo reminds her that all this nice talk hasn’t changed anything between them. Fern says she understands. Gonzalo ends the conversation by saying that when Bertha returns she will have a lot to tell them about what happened "Aquel Noche" that night.

Renata is still upset thinking Juan doesn’t want to have kids with her. He tells her it's not that, it's that the timing is not right. They should have kids when they can offer the kids a home with a yard etc. He suggests they be democratic and that for a period of time he will take precautions and then for a period of time she can. Renata is calmed and agrees. She then mouths off about not liking Fernanda. Juan calls Fern an extraordinary woman. He says that Renata needs to give Fern a chance and then she will see how great Fern is. He also tells Renata that if she doesn’t knock it off about disliking Fern he is going to have to get mad at her.

Miranda talks to God about how she needs to save her family and what is she going to do?! Arcadia walks by and asks what is Miranda doing. Miranda says she couldn’t sleep and what is Arcadia doing? Arcadia is doing some cleaning but Miranda wants her to rest, she will do it. They politely fight over who will clean what showing what a humble hard working soul Miranda is. They end the discussion with Miranda going off to talk with Nati. Hmmm what will she find out tomorrow?


Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Heridas De Amor, Tuesday October 10th

Squeaky (Renata) has walked in on Fernanda and Gonzalo arguing in Fern's place. She is impactada and faints. When she comes to she wants to know what her dad is doing there; he was about to ask her the same thing. Squeaky says she lives in the house next door. "How quickly your concept of house changes. This is no house," he says offensively, "no offense but it's the truth." Squeaky mouths off that she's not really his daughter so why is he worried? Gonzo tells her it's Florencia who is not his real daughter. Her eyes bug out, impactada twice in one paragraph. He tells her to pack her bags, she's going home with him.

Fabricio is on the phone with mom asking how Sleazar was able sell El Manglar (Mangrove Swamp) when it belongs to her. He says he's going to go to the new owner and try to get the property back. Mom tells him that Sleazar sold the quinta to get enough money to spring Gonzo from jail. Florencia and Nuria confirm they heard this same story from Vicente and Luis Alberto. Nuria says it was sold to Luciano Sartori, the same guy who bought the reserved shares. "NO PUEDE SER!" says Faby. Sleazar walks in and says it's so.

Amparo is setting the table as Squeaky enters, dazed. Amparo tells her to put a wet cloth on her head because she looks feverish. Squeaky wants to wait until Juan comes home. Amparo says it's always the way that "en casa de herrera azadon de palo", the blacksmith's house has to hoe with a stick, i.e. the cobblers children go without shoes. Squeaky is whining so much that Amparo asks her what's up. Squeaky admits seeing her dad next door and he wants to take her home with him. Just then Juan arrives and sees her upset. Then he gets upset, he's way too sensitive, and drags her around the house forcing her to look at their abject poverty. This is all he can offer her while her dad can give her the life of a princess. In the other room Amparo is begging, "Go Renata go, there's still time for you to go before completely destroying my boy's heart, GO GO GO." Juan tells squeaky they've made a big mistake, she should go. Squeaky cries. Amparo keeps her fingers crossed.

Miranda and Pamela are cleaning up after a hard day's work. Hey, weren't they already clean at the pozole feast? Well I guess they need this bathtub scene so here we go...Miranda and Pamela are getting into their respective and separate baths but still within shouting distance. Pamela asks if Alejandro was proposing something to Miranda earlier that evening. Miranda says he asked if they could make love and she almost accepted. What stopped her? Everything and nothing, but next time she won't refuse.

She is now in the steaming tub and we can see her reflection in the mirror. She gets all dreamy as she sponges water on herself. She thinks she's talking to Pamela but suddenly Alejandro's hand takes the sponge and he begins washing her. He tells her how much she means to him, she is his whole universe. They kiss and kiss some more. "Miranda, Miranda!" It's Pamela, waking her up out of her sexy fantasy. Miranda gasps, then laughs, then plays around some more with her sponge, embarrassed because Pamela says she knows she was thinking of Alejandro. We don't get to see Pamela in her tub, sorry Chris.

Down in the library the brothers Beltrán Campuzano aren't fighting for once. Instead they are drowining their sorrows. Sleazar tells Faby that Alejandro only used him to get close to Gonzo in order to seek vengeance. Faby says little by little Alejandro used him to get all sorts of info that could be used against Gonzalo. Sleazar says they have to do something, he sold their family quinta to help Gonza and to prove his own innocence, never thinking the property would end up in Al's hands. He's SO sorry he says, weeping crocodile tears. Faby, who until this moment has loathed his brother for his wickedness and bad sonmanship, has suddenly been suckered in by his lies. "Don't worry brother," he stupidly says, "one important thing, Miranda is going to hear about all of this." "Not so fast," warns Sleazar, "First let's put on a good show. Telling Miranda will be the coup de grace, then he'll disappear from our lives forever." They shake hands, slap each other on the back and during the man hug Sleazar smirks behind Faby's back. Fab says "Nothing is going to separate us Cesar." Sucker.

Amparo consoles Juan as Squeaky walks by with bags packed. She sobs "I don't want to go Juan. I love you and want to stay with you. Please don't kick me out, this is the only house I have." They embrace and Amparo nods her approval, tears in her eyes. She says "yes, it's poor, very poor, but it's your house." Group hugs all around. These people sure change their minds easily!

Cesar surprises Nuria with a Mundo de Fieras kiss. "Ouch, that hurts!" she cries, rubbing her lip. Sleazar says, "if it doesn't hurt it doesn't mean anything." Nuria has something weird to tell him, she feels like she's been in this hacienda before, many places are familiar. "In fact," (picks up old ratty doll) "here is the very doll I have seen in my dreams" she says. "What do you think? Could I have lived here in another life?" Sleazar tells her it's impossible and as a show of compassion throws the doll in her face.

Fernanda convinces Gonzalo to let Squeaky live her own life and he reluctantly agrees. She runs right over to Squeaky's house and proudly tells her she convinced her father to leave her alone. Squeaky squeaks that she doesn't need the Dr.'s help and now she knows that what her aunt Bertha said is true, that Fernanda is her dad's lover!

Miranda and Pamela are again dressed in their high fashion peasant outfits and Miranda's has a built-in pushup bra. Arcadia tells them that during the night all the bags of cacao were stolen. Miranda and Pamela are indignant and beautiful.

We are in Tapijulapa, Tabasco. Al is in a cantina with Gabino and orders a double tequila. A mystery man calls him "blondie" and asks if he's from Santa Maria. How does he know? In this town everybody knows everything. Since he knows so much Al offers to pay him for information on the cacao robberies. The mystery man says such questions could get Al killed. He walks off. Gabino tells Al this guy "El Guapo" is dangerous and should be avoided.

Al approaches him again. We now see El Guapo has a withered hand which may be the cause of his crankiness. Al tells him to name his price. El Guapo tells Al to keep his money. (He says "no le busques ruido al chicharron", anyone know what that saying means?) He says behind all of this is a Very Important Person and he can't tell Al anything about HER. Oops. Aha, Alejandro knows it's a woman! El Guapo clumsily draws his gun and aims at Al's head. Gabino draws his own gun and aims it at El Guapo. I think we all know what this is called. Finally Al convinces El Guapo to lower his gun and they leave. Guapo dials his cell phone..."Miss Bertha, Guapo here, we have a problem."

Chicharron update: literally means "don't go looking for the noise the breaking of the chicharron makes" i.e. "don't push me till I crack" or "don't provoke me."

Arcadia tells Miranda that the thieves are now stealing them blind on the other side of the river. Miranda jumps on a horse and off she rides just as Alejandro and Gabino return. Al grabs another horse and follows. Because Miranda is yelling at the top of her lungs long before she gets to the river the thieves are warned and make their escape. Nice job big mouth. She's sobbing into her empty cacao pods as Al rides up to console her. He looks mighty fine in bluejeans but he's no Fernando on a saddle. Nevertheless she loves him, sobbing that she has lost everything except him. If she loses him she'll die and so on and so forth. They get right to the kissing and lots of it, even the horse tries to get in on the action. Really. I'm not making that up.

Back at the hacienda Al continues to console Miranda. Fabricio bursts in and asks them do they know that Luciano Sartori bought El Mangrove Swamp from Cesar? "You know him?" asks Miranda. "Yes," Faby accuses, "and so does Alejandro!"

"NO PUEDE SER!" cries the shocked Miranda. But Pamela saves Alejandro by running interference, saying they have too many other things to worry about at the moment. After they leave Al and Faby get into a shoving match. Faby says he doesn't appreciate being used for Al's plans of vengeance. Chest thumping, arm twisting, and scowls fill the room.

Miranda and Pamela spread the cheer to Flor and Nuria that the cacao has been stolen, they have lost everything. Flor gets philosophical, saying there is a solution for everything...except death. She confronts it day after day and she's winning the battle. Even when Florencia is right she's so holier-than-thou in her delivery that I just want to slap her! Miranda is inspired by Flor's insipid resolve. She promises to face whatever comes her way.

El Guapo is at the cantina with two cronies. All three of their hats look brand spanking new. The cronies tell Guapo that they were able to sell all the cacao and tools at the market. Nobody suspects a thing and they are perfectly clean. (Especially their hats.) They want more work but Guapo says do nothing until they receive further instructions from Miss Bertha. I wonder how she'd feel about him throwing her name around like that? In the meantime they are to spy on Santa Maria and report all comings and goings to him.

Al throws Fabricio down. Fab says he doesn't appreciate being the imbecile that Alejandro used to get back at Gonzo. Ha, his word not mine. Al says it was only at first, now he thinks of Fab as a brother. More of the same blah, blah, blah.

Amparo is caring for Squeaky who has chills and fever. Squeaky sleeps while Francisco and Amparo talk loudly in her room. He wants Amparo to sell tacos but Amparo says she can't leave Sqeaky home alone and sick. Guess they're best buds now. Francisco looks at her sleeping and say his grandchildren will be beautiful, tantrum-throwers but beautiful.

While Squeaky is sleeping Carola swaggers into the room and wakes her. "Feeling bad Princess? I came for Juan's things." Squeaky tells her to get out of her house. Carola jumps on the bed, says it's not Squeaky's house, and tries to drag her out. They fight and Carola says a witch like Squeaky belongs on the street. She adds, "Juan doesn't love you. Do you know why he married you? We had a bet and I lost. Can you imagine what the prize was? My body! Juan has always wanted me." Squeaky cries, "No, no, he loves me!" Amparo comes in; Carola wasn't real, only Squeaky's delirium. Amparo puts cold cloths on her feet.

Vicente tells Gonzo that the entire harvest was lost even though Miranda did everything she could. The first crop of the year was completely lost and bad guys destroyed the telephone lines. The hacienda is in the same sorry state as the business.

Florencia flashes back to a green memory with Squeaky saying Miranda could save the business by marrying Alejandro. Flor tells Miranda that the hacienda and business have reached a critical state. They need to find a solution and fast. Flor says the only option is for Miranda to marry Alejandro. She says this like she's helping out, but she has a really mean look in her eyes. Or maybe she just always look mean. Or maybe she thinks if Miranda is married then she possibly won't be a threat to her husband. Or maybe I should just go to bed now.


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

HERIDAS DE AMOR - Monday, 10/09/06

When Cesar realizes that he has actually sold his hacienda to Alejandro Luque and that Luciano Sartori was nothing more than the intermediary, he becomes enraged. He throws his glass at the wall and breaks it, then starts knocking over vases and ripping up artwork (so-called) on the walls. He walks along the hallway tapping this huge jagged-edged Japanese(?) sword menacingly and then he starts tapping the sword menacingly on the table in front of Alejandro’s naive little sister, Lizania, as she looks on in horror at all of this. (My apologies to Lynyrd Skynyrd, but “Give me three steps, give me three steps, Mister! .....Give me three steps to your door.....and you won’t see me no more!” just kept going through my mind. Now I am convinced Lizania is dense as well as naive and has no sense of self-preservation.) Finally he throws the dagger away. (Shooh!) He yells that her damned brother was just as two-faced as he’d told her he was, and Alejandro enjoys hitting below the belt, and how he’s tricked him into selling off his inheritance, the ranch, the only thing he had left from his father! (Right! “Cry me a river” started playing in my brain; must be the night for golden oldies.) Liz comes over to comfort Cesar saying Alejandro can’t go running over people like that. She’ll make sure Alejandro returns it to him. (Yep, naive and dense.)

Alejandro tells Daira that he’s uneasy about Miranda for some unknown reason. Daira assures him that she’ll be fine with so many people there around her at the hacienda. He decides to wait until the next day to fly over and check up on her. He’ll fly back immediately as long as she’s ok.

Florencia gives her husband the news about Juan and Renata eloping. Later he tells her that he has been asked to submit a design for his company to an international competition and that he might have to travel because of it. She throws a tantrum and tells Fabricio that she refuses to let him go and just abandon her. She refuses to be left abandoned "like Nuria!"

Miranda and Pamela are dragging bags around and raking over the harvested cocoa beans (in the most beautiful peasant outfits and ribboned sandals! Why not sensible shoes and jeans like Gabino?) when Arcadia comes to tell Miranda that part of the crop is infested and has to be destroyed. She sends Gabino off to get pesticides, but the phones are still out and the other plantation owners cannot be gotten a hold of yet.

Florencia apologizes to Fabricio and says she wants him to enter the competition. It was selfish of her to demand anything else. Nuria brings them in breakfast and leaves. (She enjoys cooking.)

Fernanda comes to visit Amparo and to ask Renata over for lunch and some conversation. She is so excited by the thought of finally getting to know her daughter better. Renata appears and Fernanda tells her she came by to say hello, but the other of the two faces of Renata reappears. She starts acting snide and snippy and answers, “Well then, “Hi and Good-bye!” She then gets angry to find that Fernanda already told Florencia about her and Juan getting married when her sister had called earlier asking about Juan’s coming back to help with her therapy. She tells the two of them that she’s been nice for Juan’s sake, but nothing more. She isn’t the least bit interested in those women and she tells Fernanda to for-get-it! Just as abruptly the girl walks out of the apartment and Fernanda begins to cry (talk about your “sainted mother”) on Amparo’s shoulder when Ramon and Francisco come back. Francisco wants to know what just happened.

At the same time Julio and Cesar are discussing strategy and where to open up offices. Julio tells him that he’s been sweetening the pot in order to get the old clients to come over to their new investment house. Cesar wants to make sure none of those clients stick with Gonzalo.

Fernanda apologizes to Francisco and Ramon for the emotional display. They all blame Renata’s behavior on her father. Ramon says the girls need to know what kind of a man their father really is, and he accidentally lets slip that he knows all about how Gonzalo has run her off from each hospital and teaching position she’s had during the years. Fernanda says she doesn't seem to know as much as he does about her past. After Fernanda leaves Francisco demands to know why and how he knows so many things about Fernanda’s personal history. When Ramon decides to tell them both the truth about his job and how much he’s grown to love the family and to feel a part of them, Amparo and Francisco reject Ramon's apology and throw him out. They want nothing more to do with him.

Fernanda visits Santiago at the church and he tells her it is time to tell Gonzalo the whole truth about what happened back then and what led up to that night he ran her off.

Erika and Renata meet Veronica for lunch. They forgive her for the problems she caused over the bet about Juan. Renata says it was a test of her marriage and was glad that it happened. (This novela is chock full of naive and ditzy females!) So then Veronica says she’s going out that day to look for her casket, but before she dies she’s going to make sure everybody pays for what they did to her. Erika asks Veronica to try to think of who could have infected her with AIDS and she whips out a list of every boy at the country club that she’s had sex with (and it is a long one).

Juan is offered an assistantship with Dr. Cohen, his boss. He gets a raise in salary and is also to be teaching an anatomy class at the university.

Alejandro arrives at the cocoa plantation and Miranda is relieved to see him. She graciously (for once) accepts his offer to help with the pesticides and to stick around for her.

Gonzalo is remembering Tomasa’s dying words in his office later that day. Fernanda arrives but he refuses to talk to her. Just then the phone rings and it’s Florencia calling to tell him she missed him and needed to tell him how much she loves him and how great God was to give him to her as her father. The irony of this remark is not lost on Gonazalo. After they hang up, Gonzalo reluctantly agrees to meet Fernanda at her place that evening to discuss things.

Nuria and Florencia are beginning to warm up to each other and so Florencia asks Nuria to tell her about the other side of her father, the business side.

Daira gets hold of Renata on her cell and asks her to come over to chat so she and Erika drop by. They tell Daira that they have no idea who Lizania is hanging out with. They tell her that certainly she couldn’t have a boyfriend so soon since she was so broken hearted over Raul not so long ago. Just then, Lizania arrives and the girls try to get her to open up to them, but she’s too sly. Then Liz mentions something about is it true Juan and she got married. Renata answers, “Yeah, but hey, how did you find out?” (Lizania will have to think fast to give her an answer.)

At the hacienda Florencia informs Fabricio that Rebeca just told her his brother sold “The Manglars”.

That night the workers are singing or playing their guitars and chatting after a long, hard day spraying, picking and burning. Alejandro and Miranda pass through them all and thank them profusely for all their hard work. The two of them sit down and begin to kiss. He does not want to return to Mexico and to be without her. She says once they get back to Mexico in a few days they will immediately get married . Alejandro tells Miranda he is anxious to have her wake up at his side every morning and in fact, he doesn’t want to wait any longer for her to share his bed.

Gonzalo arrives at Fernanda’s. He remarks he can’t believe the miserable situation she is living in. (Sorry? I thought she was doing quite nicely in that middle class neighborhood, thankyou.) He suggests they go out to dinner to discuss things. It makes him nervous to see her waiting on him with coffee. Besides, he wants something stronger to drink than coffee. Fernanda goes back into the kitchen to get something and Renata walks right on in to Fernanda’s place without even knocking. She looks up and sees her father walking towards her. Just as Renata asks him what he’s doing there she faints.


Sunday, October 08, 2006

Heridas Friday Oct 6

Alejandro tells Gonzalo that Cesar and Julio are going to steal all of SLI’s clients with their new company, Gonzalo doesn’t seem to care, he’s just waiting to get started smoking that cigar he’s holding.

Miranda and Pamela have a good old-fashioned man-hating party. The details are irrelevant. Lots of bitching. In this case Pamela has the right to be angry, but really even if she were totally wrong this scene would be the same. After the men suck part, they discuss Cesar selling his property to Luciano.

The scene again where Alejandro tells Gonz that he loves Miranda and wants to give her his shares as a wedding gift. Gonz says they’ll talk again tomorrow, for now Al should leave. Gonz asks what he did to cause Al to want to hurt him. Al just leaves.

Rebeca tells Miranda how much Cesar is hurting because he loves her, Miranda tries to be nice, but really should she care? Fern shows up Miranda yells at her “are you going to tell me that I’m not Gonzalo’s daughter either?” She snaps at Fern a bit more and rushes out.

Al and Daira are talking in his house, Luciano is there too, the men are smoking cigars. They go over (again) various things about Cesar, and about his selling the property, and Pamela, same old stuff. Also, with his father’s papers, Bertha can ruin Al. He says he needs to get married to Miranda soon before Bertha reappears.

Miranda, Fab, Flor, Pamela, and Nuria arrive in Tabasco and Miranda starts giving the help orders for this and that.

Vicente comes to talk to Gonz. Vicenta is ready to go to London. Gonz thinks he can get everything back – his company and his family. Vicente leaves and Al arrives. Gonz asks Al if he has told Miranda everything – Al’s face says no.

Miranda and Pamela are dressed in their country outfits now, taking a walk. They are going to talk to the help at the cacao plant, I think. They aren’t looking forward to it. I didn’t understand all the details of this particular conversation. The camera pans to Gabino and some other woman that works there. Miranda and Pamela catch up. Turns out there is a group of women standing there, they must be on strike or something. Miranda tells them that they are the only ones left and have only their hands to work with. The women start griping in the most lethargic way possible.

Back in Gonzalo’s office – Al explains that his actions against SLI were simply business. The conversation is longer, but that’s what it comes down to – it was just business. Nothing about his father or any of that. I was hoping we were getting somewhere towards the final showdown, but apparently not. Finally Gonz asks a tougher question – why are you protecting Fernanda? Al has to take a breath first, then explains “she and Bertha were friends of my mother, so when I came here I wanted to look out for her.” Gonz accepts this and moves on to business. Gonz starts talking business but Al says first he needs to settle the deal about him marrying Miranda. Gonz says he knows that they don’t need his permission, so he’ll just say that whatever happens, Al needs to make her happy. Al swears it will be that way.

Cesar shows up at Fern’s house and she is very happy to see him. She thanks him for telling Miranda about what happened way back when. They talk about some nothing for a few minutes. He tells her to count in him for help for anything. He then tells Fern that he knows that Miranda loves him but Al just confuses her. Fern sets him straight, Miranda loves Al, sorry buddy but that’s the way it is.

Back to Villahermosa in Tabasco. Flor and Nuria discuss being pregnant. Nuria complains that her baby daddy can’t be with her, Flor says why? Is he married? Nuria doesn’t answer. Have you noticed how often people just simply don’t answer questions? Now when my six year old ignores me I feel like he’s expecting a commercial break so he doesn’t have to answer.

Alejandro tells Luciano the story he told Gonz about why he acted against SLI and wants Luciano to play along. Lasagna overhears the end of the conversation. Al tells Luciano to prepare the papers for Lasagna to get her inheritance – Lasagna smiles and disappears. Since she’s gone, she doesn’t hear the last part. Luciano says “you’re going to give it to her?” Al says of course not, he just wants to know why and for who she needs the money so badly.

Renata is IN THE KITCHEN COOKING. And looks somewhat like she knows what she is doing. She’s on the phone with some friend at the same time, explaining that she’s making a surprise for Juan. Juan calls for her from the other room so she asks Erika to call her back in a bit. Juan walks in shirtless for all the lady viewers. He says, “what are you doing?” She says she’s making breakfast, so he should go take a shower and get ready. He says he better hurry up so he can help. She says NO – it’s one thing to have never cooked before, but it’s another thing to be incapable of cooking. So Juan get to the shower and let me be ok thanks. She takes a mournful look around the house, then says a prayer to the virgin. Then she cries a little, as required by novela contract. She tells the virgin she needs to find a way to prove her love to Juan, aaand there’s Juan eavesdropping. He steps away, no idea if he was touched by that or not.

Gonz is telling Bertha on the phone to get home right now. He has stuff to discuss with her. She is obviously giving him a hard time, he keeps having to say “now. I have to tell you some things. Get home. You don’t understand. Get back here.” Then he yells at her for never telling him about Flor not being his daughter. He says come back and give him some answers, or never come back. Click. Vicente arrives. Vicente says Al was right, people are calling and wanting their money back to go to Cesar’s company. They are offering better rates or something. Perhaps free toasters for opening accounts.

Flor gives Nuria advice on men. Hahaahahaahahahahahhahaahahahaahahahahahahaahaahahaha. Just the idea kills me. Nuria flashes back to an argument with Cesar, Flor has struck a nerve. Bertha calls Flor’s cell phone. Flor gushes to Nuria how great Bertha is. Nuria knows better, she decides to leave but faints when she gets up. Flor stands there like a complete idiot and makes no move to help or anything, just looks at her like she’s about to pop back up and say “just kidding!”

Miranda is still trying to win over the ladies at the cacao farm/grove/plantation/whatever it’s called. Now they are all on board, yes we can do it! I have no idea how they got to this point after the lame, bored protestations from before. Turns out those weren’t country outfits Miranda and Pamela were wearing, they were work clothes, matching what the other women are wearing. They all get to work.

Nuria woke up, Flor is giving her a tissue or something. Way to help. Flor says they need to see Fern, and when Juan returns he can take care of both of them.

Renata has breakfast all ready when Francisco and Amparo return from selling tacos and Juan is ready to eat. They don’t know what to think, but they sit down and Renata serves them. Turns out the food is pretty good. Renata flashes back to Miranda yelling at her for spending so much money and how she was such a brat about it. Now she is learning the other side of things. The flashback also includes a shot of old school Bertha. Back in the present she starts crying. Juan says tenderly, what’s wrong? The food is good, really! They all agree. She says great, thanks, gotta go and runs out. Francisco just about reaches over the table to slap Juan – “go after her you idiot! She’s your woman go help her!” So Juan goes and finds Renata in the other room crying. He is nice to her but not so warm like a husband would normally be, she asks how long he’s going to be so cold? He said “yesterday you said you’d give me time.” Ok, she says, fine. Oh, my Aunt Bertha gave me some money to buy clothes but I told her no, I don’t want that to come between us (her and Juan). Juan says buy whatever, it’s your money. She says no, it’s OUR money. Juan tells her to take Erika with her. He acts like he’s going to kiss her then, but ends up kissing her on the cheek, visibly distressing Renata. Then Juan leaves. I would have to say that this is the first scene in the entire show that actually pulled the emotion that it was trying to get from the viewer. I felt bad for Renata, the whole thing was quite a tender scene. Juan ruined it of course by still being too macho, but it appears that he’s softening.

Fern gets a phone call, it’s Flor. They catch up. Flor is happy to be on a transplant list, Fern says if the treatment is going so well she might not need a transplant at all. Flor asks when Juan is coming back. Uh, nobody told you? Juan and Renata got married. Flor’s eyes pop out of her head.

Some woman I don’t recognize walks up to the house at the hacienda. Oops it’s Miranda, looking like a wet dog. She put in a hard day’s work. She magnanimously tells Gabino that she has to work as hard as the other woman to keep their respect. He rightfully points out that they are used to the work, she needs to work her way up to it, physically. Pamela comes up saying her back hurts. Pamela.. why don’t you let me rub your back for you? Sorry back to the story. Miranda and Gabino discuss business, the cacao quality is lower than before apparently. She scribbles out some numbers for production targets, Gabino tells her she’s crazy, they can only do half that. She says we are gonna do it. Then she gets a determined look on her face that is probably supposed to look proud or something like that but she still looks like a wet dog.

Oh god kill me Cesar and Lasagna are at his place making out. She tells him everything she overheard between Al and Luciano. Bitch. I hate her now.

Some shadowy figure is telling Bertha on the phone, “yes Bertha. Everything her in Tabasco is ready.” It’s some guy with shaggy hair but we can’t see who it is. He tells her everything was done as she instructed.

Lasagna is checking out Cesar’s ceremonial sword that he keeps on display at his place. She’s soo surprised that Al could be that way! Oh my gawd! Cesar encourages her to doubt Al. “He lives a double life.” A lot more kissing. Bleah. The sad part is that Cesar is right, he’s not telling Miranda the truth. Lasagna tells Cesar the whole history of how Alejandro decided to come seek vengeance.

Al is reading poetry. SUuuuure he is. Oh senor dreamy you’re so deep you read poetry. Whatever. He then daydreams out loud about Miranda and how much he loves her. He hears her voice telling him she loves him over and over. He hears her yelling his name in his dream and drops his poetry book over the balcony. He comes out of his dream and she’s not there but he’s sure she is in trouble, he finds his cell phone to call her.

Rebeca tells Cesar about her discussion with Miranda the other day and what Miranda said about not loving Cesar like a man, etc. He looks over at Lasagna and tells Rebeca “gotta go, things I have to do.” Cesar asks Lasagna if everything Luciano bought (like his property and Julio’s shares) were for Alejandro, she says yes. He freaks out, throws his glass against the wall and starts hitting things with a short sword. Lasagna is a little afraid, but not enough in my opinion, she should be running for the door. Doubtless she will try and go console him, since that would be the dumbest thing to do.


Thursday, October 05, 2006

Heridas de Amor Thursday, Oct 5

Gonzalo asks Renata who she married as Juan walks in and says she married him. He tells the couple he's not giving them any money and that I Juan thought that by marrying Renata they were going to have money, he was wrong, Renata says she only came for her things and Gonzalo tells her that everything inthe house is his and she can't take anything with her, that Juan should buy Renata all the things she needs. Fabricio informs Fernanda that Florencia's doctors in Germany are dead. Fernanda says that Bertha probably killed them and Fabricio tells her that Bertha can be a monster but not a killer. Luciano tells Alejandro that Gonzalo knows he's the real owner of the shares and wants to talk to him. He tells him it's time to reveal the truth saying he doesn't want to lose Miranda. Fabricio wonders if Bertha could have killed the doctors as Fernanda asks where Florencia's medications are. Alejandro is driving to see Gonzalo as he says he loves Miranda and can't lose her. Miranda also on her way to see Gonzalo says she loves Alejandro and isn't going to let anyone separate them. Carola plans to apply to work at Chedraui. Unknown to Alejandro, Miranda drives up behind him and calls him saying he has been selected for a blind date. He tells her if it's with the woman behind the voice he accepts. She tells him she called to tell him she loved him and he says the same. She asks him where he's going and what would he do if she was standing next to him. He tells her he would get out of his car and kiss her right there in the middle of all the traffic. She tells him to do it since she's standing right next to him. He gets out of the car as they kiss right in the middle of traffic. Juan makes his argument to Gonzalo and he asks him if he knows that Renata can spend in one minute signing her credit card what he makes in 2 yeaars, Juan responds, she will not have luxuries with me but she will have love.Gonzalo asks him to leave. Erica tells Juan how things really happened as Renata apologizes to Juan. She tells him she's grateful she made the bet because that made her realize she really loved him. He tells her she made him a wound of love that can't easily be cured. Roman offers to help Francisco financially get his taxi. Bertha orders Florencia to hide some documents she has in her room and Charo catches her. She tells her to be quiet or she'll regret it. Daira talks to Fernanda when Rebeca arrives and she confronts her about telling Berta that Florencia is not Gonzalo's daughter. Veronica learns she has AIDS and has a negative reaction. Luciano admits to Pamela that he loves her but he warnes her that he is not a one woman manand she's shocked saying it's not possible. Miranda and Alejandro arrive at Gonzalo's office and are surprised by Gonzalo who insinuates to Alejandro he knows who Luciano is as Miranda wonders what he's talking about. Alejandro tells Gonzalo to tell Miranda what he's talking but he stops himself confusing Miranda even more. Pamela breaks up with Luciano. Veronica denied to get her life straight as her doctor tells her she can live a healthy life. She decides that world is going to pay and if she got AIDS out in the street she will go out there and spread it too. Fernanda fears that Berta will tell her daughters the truth. Gonzalo tells Miranda that she'll never have to meet with Luciano ever again. Alejandro says that Luciano never knew who he was dealing with when Miranda gets a call from Pamela. Juan learns of Veronica's condition and tells Erica and Renata. Cesar learns of Juan's family and the connection Roman has with them. Gonzalo tells Alejandro that he didn't tell Miranda the truth saying he doesn't want to hurt her and for him to find the right moment to tell her. Alejandro offers to help him but he turns him down. He explains to him why he bought the shares. Miranda supports Pamela. Alejandro tells Gonzalo he loves Miranda and plans to give all the shares she bought to her as a wedding gift. He tells him he understands but asks him what is it he did to him so he would want to ruin him.


Heridas de Amor - Wednesday October 4

Gonzalo and Vicente decide to hold a press conference to calm investors. Pamela and Miranda are tearing up Berthas room while Charo watches. Charo finally tells them she has the briefcase.

Lasagna throws a fit telling Alejandro and Daira that she wants her inheritance that her father left her. Alejandro says he will give her what she needs. Lasagna doesn’t want that she wants her money gosh darn it! Luciano walks in midst of the scene. Lasagna asks him what does she need to do to get the inheritance that her father left her?!? . Luciano says simply ask him looking at Alejandro. Commercial break to hold the tension. When the show returns AL tells Lasagna no and that's his last word. Lasagna steps up her game saying that if he doesn't give it to her she will file theft and abuse of confidence charges against him and runs off. Daria is upset and Al repeats he won't give Lasagna her inheritance. Luciano is sorry he stuck his nose in the middle of things.

Charo walks into Berthas room with the briefcase. It's empty. The girls figure out that Bertha took what was important out.

Daira believes there is something behind Lasagnas behavior. Al & Luciano agree with her statement. Alejandro decides he is going to have Lasagna followed so he can investigate what is going on with her. Al asks Luciano to find someone to follow her.

Miranda calls Alejandro to tell him she has found a briefcase. She has him describe the briefcase he is looking for and then tells him she has one in her hands just like he is describing. What she doesn't tell him is that the briefcase she has is empty. So…. all excited he tells her he is coming right over.

Sleazar, meanwhile, in his car and on his cell phone, arranges for someone to attend the press conference that Gonzalo has set up. Sleazar yells at the person on the other end of the line to "ask him what I told you!"

Fernanda chews out Juan in her office asking him where he was last night (wedding night)?! He tells her he went to Carola's apartment. This information immediately gets Fern mad but Juan stops her to say Raul was there and don’t misinterpret things. Stop treating him like a kid. He then lies saying he hasn't had any problems with Renata. Fern asks for his help to get her closer to Renata.

After watching Pamela and Miranda tear up Bertha's room looking for the briefcase, Charo finally spits out that Bertha has left for Europe. Miranda wants to know why Bertha went to Europe and with what money.

Sanson enters Amparo's house asking if Renata remembers him. She has a green memory of her run in with him at the taco stand/robbery. She gets very wide eyed as Sanson tells her that he wants them to get to know each other better.

Father Santiago is in church when he sees a man at the back. The man asks for him by name and asks to talk with him. The man tells Santiago that he works at a bank and he is about to get a big promotion. He has a wife and children and the family is very united and happy . . . but many years ago he committed an error that now is going to affect his whole family.

Alejandro arrives at Miranda's and goes right over to the briefcase. He gets agitated as he rummages through the pockets to find nothing is there. (Speak up people. Words! Use them!) He tells Miranda that they can't underestimate Bertha anymore. Al tells Miranda and Pamela that Bertha has planned and calculated every step and she is way ahead of them. He believes that this scene they are going through was a warning from Bertha. Miranda chimes in that's why the door wasn't locked! Duh! The trio starts to put things together. Pamela asks Alejandro what is so important that was in the briefcase? He sits down and puts his head in his hands saying the story is long and complicated.

Sanson has grabbed Renata from behind and he is groping her. She calls for help Auxilio! Out of no where Sleazar busts in and takes Sanson and throws him out. He wants to know what Renata is doing there. She tells him she got married.

Luciano tells Gonzalo that he doesn't have any hidden intentions. Gonzalo doesn't believe him. Gonzalo asks Luciano if he is crazy. Gonzalo wants to know who is behind all of this. Vincente announces the reporters are there and they all shuffle into Gonzalo's office.

The man tells Father Santiago that he was the one who opened the account in his name. Santiago voices his disbelief as the man tells more. He explains that his mother was ill. She was getting help through a special medical program that was only offered by the bank. The man felt that if he didn't do as Bertha said he would lose his job, then the medical coverage that his whole family was depending on. Santiago admits that Bertha sure knows peoples weak points. The man wants Santiago to denounce Bertha.

The reporters ask Gonzalo a slew of questions like how was jail, the business, his family history, etc.. A girl reporter asks him if he suspects someone set him up. Gonzalo has a green memory to Sleazar and Alejandro but denies suspecting anyone. Gonzalo insists that he has a clean name and is irreproachable. Then we hear a mans voice and we see the room through the mans video camera. The man/reporter mocks Gonzalo's statement and then says that "we know some years ago you committed a murder in your hacienda."

Pamela asks Alejandro again what is so important that is in the briefcase. Al tells the girls that Bertha is now the owner of almost all of his fortune. Miranda calls Bertha a monster and Al agrees but thinks Bertha is worse. Fabricio and Florencia walk into the room at that moment to hear these last words. Flor wants to know why they are talking like this about her Tia. Commercial break. Everyone hugs and kisses the couple. (Personally I haven't missed them at all and find myself irritated with Flor's voice. Ahhhh.) Flor asks again why they are talking about Bertha and what are they doing in Berthas' room? Miranda tells her it was a joke. Flor wants to know where is Bertha. When she finds that Bertha has left town she asks "Another time to Europa?" Miranda is stunned asking what do you mean another time to Europe? Flor explains that Bertha said she was going to New York last time but she really went to Europe. Miranda then tells Fab and Flor about Tomasa's death.

Sleazar is seen smoking in Amparo's house. Renata tells him her story and Sleazar calls Juan a Naco. Renata asks what is Cesar doing there. He says he is looking for Dr. Fernandez who looks after Julio. He tells Renata about being fired by Gonzalo and going into business with Julio. He then coaches Renata on how to approach Gonzalo inspiring her to defend herself against Gonzalo. As he leaves he tells Renata that had she accepted his marriage proposal she would be living with him and not having to go through any of this. Oh Well! You can count on him!

Gonzalo tells the room of reporters that everything is rumor without foundation. There is no proof for any of these stories. The plant of Sleazars pushes on saying you didn't answer my question. Gonzalo cuts him off and ends the conference. He heads for the cognac. Luciano, sitting in a corner through out the whole conference, pipes up that Gonzalo handled the press well. Gonzalo tells Luciano that he wants the owner of the reserved stock to prove himself in front on Gonzalo.

Sleazar lamely beats up Sanson outside of Amparo's house. He asks if Sanson knows the neighborhood and then proposes that Sanson work for him. He asks Sanson if he knows anything interesting. Sanson tell him about Renata being the daughter of Fernanda. Sleazar seems to appreciate this and then asks Sanson if he knows how to drive. He throws Sanson around a little bit more and then they both get into Sleazar's car.

Back in Berthas room the lovely duo Fab and Flor are happy to report that Flor is reacting well to her treatment. They tell how the Miami doctors said that Fern is treating Flor with the latest treatments. Miranda tells Flor that Fern got her on a heart transplant list. Yea! Afterward Miranda talks alone with Alejandro about the news that Bertha didn’t go to New York.

Santiago tells the man that he wants him to do as he says. He doesn’t want the man to disgrace himself and lose his family. The man believes he should pay for his error. Santiago tells him that he has by having the courage to tell him the truth.

Gonzalo tells Luciano that he is not an investor or business manager. He says you and whoever is behind you will not laugh at me behind my back. He then tells Luciano to tell Alejandro Luque the game is over. He orders Luciano to tell "the coward that I know everything he's done behind my back." Luciano seems stunned and offers apologies. Gonzalo finishes off the meeting with tell Alejandro that "I will wait for him and meet him when he wants."

In Fern's office Alejandro tells Fern that Bertha told Miranda that Flor is not Gonzalo's daughter. Fern quickly tells Al that this is all his fault. He told this information to Fab who told Rebecca who told Bertha. (Got that folks?) Al insists he had to because Fab was questioning his intentions with Flor. Fern then has a watershed moment realizing it was also Bertha who told Gonzalo that Flor is not his daughter. They both agree that Bertha is always one step ahead of everyone else.

Fab, Flor and Charo are outside the Mexico City mansion. Flor is whining about Tomasa and how she died. Fab tries to get her to stop obsessing. She agrees to let it go and goes to take her medicine. Fab sits down and gets an email on his laptop. He says to himself that he got an answer back from Germany. It can't be he says to himself. (I wasn’t sure if he was happy or said with the email.)

Sleazar takes Sanson shopping. We see Sanson doing turns for Sleazar so he can check him out in the dressing room of a high scale retail establishment. (Is Sleazar gay? Would explain his masochistic behavior. ) Sleazar then takes Sanson to get a shave. He tells Sanson that he will call him Simon. He orders Simon to speak proper Spanish and leave his gutter mouth at the door. He then tells Simon that the only rules he has to live by are to be loyal to him and to not remember anything Sleazar says or does. They take off together in Sleazars SUV with the newly minted Simon driving.

Gonzalo tells Vicente to go to London to investigate the company who bought stock. Gonzalo tells Vicente that he hopes he will find parallel accounts that will point to Sleazar or he will have to pardon Sleazar. Gonzalo doesn’t want to do that.

Renata is seen filing her nails in her new home. Amparo and Francisco return acting more like a married couple than brother and sister. Renata tells them she has to go to a meeting with her father, but she doesn’t know how to get there. Amparo tells her to go out in the street and ask directions if she doesn’t know the way. Renata scoffs out loud at the suggestions claiming that if she isn’t safe inside the house then she certainly wont be outside the house. Erika arrives and takes the bitchy Renata away. Roman arrives at the house and no sooner has he said hello to Amparo, who looks at him with doe eyes, than Fransico pulls him away to help him buy a taxi.

Renata goes to Gonzalos office. He asks where she has been, her bed wasn’t slept in. Renata defiantly tells him she got married. Gonzalo starts to get angry in his deep voice saying "Con Quien!" With who! From the door we hear Juan speak up "with me Senor." More of this tomorrow.


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