Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Teresa Tue 5/10/11 #49 Dumped Twice; #50 Aurora Makes Her Move

Capitulo #49 Dumped Twice

Poolside in Cancun: Paloma gets in Teresa’s face, letting her know quite clearly she’ll be there for Arturo as a business partner, friend, whatever he wants. Tere announces she’ll make him leave the partnership. Paloma suggests that his decision to make and warns her she is not planning to change any of her plans. He hasn’t asked her step aside and doesn’t seem to have a problem with her being his business partner. The one with the problem is Teresa. “Eres Tu”

Alacazar home: Aida couldn’t believe she saw Aurora at the club with that taxista. She calls him a “bon-bon”. Aurora tells her to stop referring to Arturo as a taxista, his name is Mariano and he’s now a Doctor. He only worked as a taxista to get through school. Aida is impressed and sarcastically says there sure is a lot of ambition in that vecindad. When Aurora tells her that’s enough, to stop criticizing him, Aida tells is just that she can’t believe that Aurora is dating the ex of that “Rata trepadora de la vecindad.” What gives? Aurora assures her they’re just friends; he’s still in love with Teresa. Aida remembers them dating but couldn’t imagine Teresa with him because he has no money. Aurora remembers them being very much in love but then Teresa realized she was in love with Arturo. Aida quickly points out the obvious – no, she fell in with his money. When Aurora protests, Aida insists they’ve all known she’s only interested in money but what she hadn’t realized was that Teresa is still in love with Mariano! She looks off and her eyes glaze over – she’s had an “Aha” moment.

Cancún: Arturo is looking for Teresa when he runs into Luisa who tells him Teresa won’t be very receptive at the moment. How could he consider associating himself with Paloma? He had no idea she was involved in the project. She recommends he get out of the project. He feels this is something he needs to work out with Tere. She doesn’t thing Tere will listen. She was very indignant (indignada) and rightfully so. Arturo disagrees and refuses to discuss further with Luisa.

Aurora & Aida: Aida doesn’t want to talk about Teresa or Mariano anymore. She wants to talk about her wedding this Saturday. Just as Aida’s asking who she’ll bring to the wedding, in walks Mariano all guapito in his suit. Aida compliments him on his appearance and he thanks her but says he’s still the same guy who used to be her father’s messenger, a taxista from the vecindad. He has no problem admitting that. Taking her cue, she tells him that’s very different from Teresa’s behavior when she dated Paulo in la prepa. She made everyone believe she was from the same social circle. Paulo never picked her up at the vecindad or Tere would say her chauffeur dropped her off. Come to think of it, that chauffeur was most likely you, Mariano! She hit her mark. He clearly does not like what he hears. Finally! Score one for Aida!

Vecindad: Nachita’s giving Espe the bad news they’re planning to move away. Tearfully, Espe pleads with her not to move away, she needs them, they’re her family. Nachita also cries. She doesn’t know what to do. Pedro has always been good to her, coming along when she was so desperate. They’ve been happy and she couldn’t think of being without him. Even though she knows they’ll be better off in the pueblito she doesn’t want to go because she doesn’t want to be so far away from Espe. She knows something’s wrong. If she sensed everything was ok, she wouldn’t worry so much. Espe promises her everything is fine. She’ll be with Refugio. She’s seen the errors of her ways and promises never to make the same mistake again. She knows Nachita’s place is by her husband’s side even if that means her little brothers will be far away. She’ll be ok. They both begin crying in earnest and hug -- ¡Mamá! ¡Hija! (sniff)

Aurora & Mariano: Aurora tries to blame Aida’s rude on being an only child. Mariano disagrees. Aurora’s also an only child and she’s not like that. He knows his own worth and has come to the conclusion that if someone doesn’t know what they want, they don’t deserve what they have. Changing subjects he asks her opinion on what he should wear to the interview with a reporter. She knows the place is a bit formal. Oh well, he says indicating his suit, I’ll just have to repeat the same suit. She thinks he look swell! Whew, I thought she was going to offer to buy him a new suit, which would have insulted him. He’s not like Tere, always hinting for freebies.

Cancún: Arturo runs into Paloma and his body language changes immediately – tense. Paloma tells him she ran into Teresa and she knows they’re getting married. Arturo acknowledges this and tells her he is in love with Teresa. He thanks her for her well wishes saying he will be happy because this time he will get married. He immediately apologizes when he sees the hurt look on her face. She understands he said that because it’s obvious he hasn’t been able to forget it. It proves to her he still feels resentment toward her. She’s really sorry because now they’re business partners and even though she didn’t go looking for it, she’s not going to avoid it either. She then drops it on him telling him Teresa asked her to abandon the project. Paloma made it clear that she’s not going anywhere and if anyone has to abandon the project it will have to be him.

Aida and Genoveva: Aida tells Geno about dad’s accusation of Paulo’s drug use. Geno admits it’s her fault because she told Rubigote about Paulo’s clean drug test analysis. She even searched his room and found no drugs. Aida’s very relieved and is fed up (estoy harta – my favorite expression) with Teresa’s attempt to ruin her life with all these lies. Aida promises not to let Maira get wind of the drug use stories. Geno tells Aida she has some juicy chisme about Arturo’s ex-novia.

Speaking of whom, Arturo had to alter his life because of Paloma and absolutely refuses to change anything else because of her. Paloma asks, “what about ‘her’?” Arturo: The fact that they’re partners doesn’t give her the right to interfere in his personal life. They’re business partners, nothing more. Paloma: Is he saying this because of Teresa? Or because he doesn’t want to deal with her (Paloma)? Arturo: After what happened between them, the answer is obvious. Paloma’s not so sure. Does he continue to hate her? Or is he afraid that being around her will lead to…..she doesn’t have a chance to finish because he interrupts her. Basta! He’s already told her that their interactions will be solely business related. In Teresa, he has found what Paloma couldn’t give him. He’s happy by her side. He tells Paloma not to waste her time. Their time together has passed and will never happen again. And with that, he walks away from her impactada.

Aida and Genoveva: Geno fills Aida on the story of Paloma dumping Arturo. Aida’s all “¡Guau!” Furthermore, Geno says, Arturo obviously took it hard because he never had another serious relationship. Not until la Rata Trepadora crossed his path, says Aida. Aida only hopes something will happen to break them up. She just knows Teresa’s only interested in Arturo’s money. Furthermore, she just found out Teresa is in love with someone else. Now it’s Geno’s turn to be jaw-dropping impactada.

Aurora and Mariano arm in arm, talking about her career plans. She’s hoping to practice at the Hospital Santillana in order to be close to her (pause) dad. Mariano: What about me? With all her studies, she won’t have time to come by the clinic and he’ll miss her. He starts talking about how organized she is at the clinic. But mostly, he’ll miss her smile. Sigh, she tells him she’s so happy. He puts his arm around her and they continue walking. Caramba! I was hoping for their first besito!

Cancún: Luisa tells Fernando she’s very worried about Paloma being around Arturo. Fernando feels she’s overreacting. Luisa disagrees and doesn’t want to leave Arturo along tonight. Teresa’s very angry and rightfully so. Fernando agrees with Luisa and he doesn’t like Paloma. They need to remember Arturo didn’t choose Paloma as a business associate but there is much more involved in this project and Teresa should understand that. Arturo walks up just then and informs them that Teresa has left the hotel and has apparently returned to Mexico City.

Mexico City – Jaws theme: Teresa with suitcase in tow is walking up to the vecindad. I’m going to start playing the spot the flower on Teresa’s outfit. She stops to take off her engagement ring and puts it in her purse. She sees Mariano and runs to him. He’s stone faced. She tells him she’s returned to be with him, only with him because. She’s going in close and he pushes her back, because what? Because she was tired of being with Arturo in Cancún? She wants to know who told him that. Arturo: did she really think he wasn’t going to find out that she’s playing them? He’s angry now. Oooooh he calls her a mentirosa! It’s over! He no longer wants to play her game. Furthermore he wants her to leave forever! He physically pulls her toward the exit. Tere: He doesn’t know what he’s doing. Mariano: in the contrary, for the first time he knows exactly what he’s doing. The blinders have finally been removed (se me cayó la benda de los ojos) Why didn’t she tell him she wasn’t going alone to Cancún. When she tries to explain, he interrupts her shouting again that she’s a mentirosa. He now tells her he found out she dated that imbécil Paulo and that she pretended she was wealthy. Again he calls her a mentirosa and accuses her of manipulating things at her antojo (to her liking/whim). But that’s all over, it’s finished! At least with him. It’s up to Arturo if he still wants to believe her. “Yo ya no” (I don’t’ anymore). She’s been standing there, silenced by his outburst. She probably can’t believe he’s finally grown some since she’s been gone and is finally standing up to her. The nerve! She snaps out of it. ¡Eres un estupido! She swears he’ll regret this and storms off, grabs her little red suitcase and struts up the stairway.

Chavez home: Refugio is complaining (of course) about Teresa’s sudden trip. They must speak to her about taking off like that without notice (or permission?). Teresa stumbles in, suitcase and all. She kisses her mom hello and true to form, Refugio starts in on her about the trip. Teresa rolls her eyes, exasperated. Refugio walks into the kitchen still yakking: oy! You go far away, alone, without telling anyone. Teresa takes a deep breath, appears to inwardly count to 10 then gamely says she would’ve called them butt points out that in this day and age where everyone has a cell phone, they don’t even have a telephone. She cozies up to daddy asking if he’s happy to see her or if he’s also going to scold her. He says mom was just worried but she’s just as happy as he is to see her. She insists it wasn’t a vacation. She merely went to help a friend. One of the few persons who has supported her, always. She shoots dagger eyes at Refugly who seems to back down – not for long, I’m sure.

Cancún: Paloma has found out that Arturo’s left the hotel. Luisa wonders if Paloma thought he’d stay there because of her or what? Arturo forgave her because he’s noble but as she’s told her before she will never forgive her, least of all now that she’s causing new problems for her brother. Paloma swears that’s not her intent. But she left once to distance herself from him and she can’t keep living her life based on her proximity to him. Luisa thinks she should stay as far away as possible. Fernando walks up: This changes everything. Paloma is surprised to see him. Yup, it’s me he says and points out he hasn’t seen her since she left his friend plantado at the church. Luisa: And yet, here she is and I want to know why. Fernando chimes in saying he doesn’t want her near Arturo or near Luisa. Arturo told him he had forgiven Paloma but Fernando agrees with Luisa and also doesn’t forgive her. In order to avoid further problems, don’t come near us. Luisa and Fer both turn and leave Paloma standing there.

Chavez home: Teresa is fictionalizing her trip, saying fortunately Luisa’s problems were resolved and she left right away to alleviate them of any further worry. She excitedly tells them about the ocean, the sand, and the spectacular hotel. That’s the life she wants to have, instead of spending her life thinking about Ma(riano)….er, tonterías. . Refugio notices she’s not wearing her engagement ring. She explains she took it off on the plane because her fingers were swollen. Refugio wants to make sure everything’s ok with el licenciado. Tere goes off on her, accusing her of wanting their relationship to end, but that’s not going to happen. She turns away from Medusa saying, “Ser ó no ser y yo soy.”

Later Mariano is telling Cutberto about his run-in with Teresa, telling him they’re finished. Juana is standing at the door just as Cutberto is asking him about his hopes that she would break her engagement. Mariano admits he was an idiot thinking she was in Cancún thinking about him when in reality she was living it up with Arturo. Juana steps away just before Mariano start talking about Tere just wants Arturo for his money. At the same time, she doesn’t want to let Mariano go. What hurts him the most is knowing that at one day she really did love him. No one can fake that.

Tere is waiting for Juana at her apartment. Juana asks about the trip, about Luisa, about Art. Tere, who seems upset, reminds her Art wasn’t in Cancún. Finally, Juana calls her on her lies. She can’t believe Tere would lie to her. She overheard Mariano telling Cutberto. Tere apologizes and tells her Luisa really did need her but knew that Juana wouldn’t have allowed her to go if she knew Art was also there. She now regrets having gone because the ex novia was there.

Arturo arrives home and Reina tells him Teresa isn’t there and that she’s asked that her things be packed and would send for them later.

We rejoin Juana and Tere talking about the partnership of between Paloma and Arturo. Juana is shocked. Then she gets on to more important things: did they get down and dirty in Cancún? Of course not! Teresa is insulted she would think such a thing. Knock, knock. Mr. Hawtness himself is at the door. Juana leaves them alone to talk. Arturo tells her again it’s not his fault Paloma’s involved in the project. But he doesn’t want to kick her out, Tere says. She knows that woman will end up harming him. He accuses her of being jealous and assures her nothing will happen. Paloma told her to her face she still loves him. Tere sees that he doesn’t seem to be surprised. He tells her it doesn’t matter if Paloma continues to care for him, nothing is going to happen. He’s tried to explain to her it isn’t easy to dissolve a partnership and besides Paloma doesn’t want out. She demands then that he leave the partnership and sell his interest. He refuses saying he’s always been a serious businessman and this time will be no different. She’s not giving in and starts semi crying: does he mean to say that business is more important than her? He doesn’t care how she feels? That’s not what he meant. He’s trying to make her understand it isn’t wise to play around with a project of this magnitude. Oh she’s pissed. She doesn’t care what he has to do but she wants him to get out of this project. She will not permit him to be constantly by her side. Then comes the ultimatum: do it or she won’t marry him and she turns away from him. He makes her look him in the eye and tells her he’s explained his reasons and if she doesn’t give him any other alternative, the engagement is over! She’s shocked.

Cancún: Luisa tells Fernando her job is done here and needs to return to Mexico City. She also needs to check in on Arturo. They talk about how they’ll see each other once she returns to Mexico. She wants him to have her locket. With this locket, she gives him her heart. It’s his. Smoochies…

Teresa tells him if he wants to break the engagement, so be it. It’s not what he wants but it hurts him that she doesn’t understand him and above all that she doesn’t trust him. She is not giving up the fight. She asks if that woman is so important that he won’t distance himself from her not even for her (Teresa). He tells her this has nothing to do with Paloma. It’s about them. He’s tried to show her in every way possible that he adores her but he sees that she doesn’t have faith in him nor does she try to understand him. It’s no use going further if this is the case. And he leaves! Wow! Teresa is speechless. She can’t even move. She just stands there with tears overflowing. Nyah, nyah, Dumped twice in one day - damn!

Hospital: Mariano and the hawt Dr. Hernán are talking about the possibility of allowing Mariano to rent his office space a few hours a week. Hernán thinks it a good idea but needs to find out if his brother (another possible hottie?) is planning on returning from Querétaro.

Teresa is really frantic now, crying to Juana that she played her last card with Arturo. She tells her about their conversation. She doesn’t know what she’s going to do. She couldn’t possible return to the vecindad defeated especially after the way Mariano treated her today. She tells Juana that Mariano now hates her and wants nothing to do with her. She had everything and now she’s left with nothing.

Arturo is in his study having his own thoughts: flashbacks of Tere in Cancún with the steamy electric guitar playing in the background. Tere is telling Juana she doesn’t understand how Mariano could have thought they were getting back together. Juana says Cutberto told her the same thing and she doesn’t understand how they thought that when she’s in the midst of preparing for her wedding. Tere tells Juana to keep working on her bridal gown and not tell anyone about this. She’s got to figure out how she’s going to get Rhett—oh excuse me, Arturo -- to take her back. She’s frantic now talking about all the plans she had with him to get ahead. Juana warns her that ambition is the road to perdition. She disagrees vehemently, saying that ambition is wanting those things that life didn’t give her. Entre ser y no ser, yo soy! Juana responds by saying ambition is good only when it’s attained within reason. Tere tells her to stop. She’s got enough to think about with everything that is happening to her. Juana strongly recommends she go after Arturo and admit she was wrong. Tere can’t see herself doing that. It only takes one time for her to concede and then she’ll have to do it over and over. He can never feel that he’s sure of her (que me tiene segura) Juana understands but she needs to be careful because Paloma can get back into his life. Tere can’t let that happen and she begs Juana to think of a way to win him back without seeking him out.

Luisa returns home. Arturo tells her of the breakup.

La vecindad: Espe is telling Tere she can’t tell her mother about the pregnancy or she won’t want to leave for the pueblo which is best for the family. Espe wishes everything were different and she could be with her family. Tere feels she can start a new life here with her baby. Espe only needs to worry about her baby and Ruben has to give him the same standard of life as Aida including his last name. Espe scoffs at the idea. Tere will see to it that it happens and would love to see Aida’s reaction when she discovers she has a half-brother.

Ruben’s office. Ruben apologizes for the way things have turned out with the project playing its part in the breakup of Arturo and Tere. He points out the penalty for backing out of the project would be in the millions. However, what if he assigned a representative/agent (apoderado). This would avoid his having any contact with Paloma. Ruben offers himself as the apoderado. Arturo refuses and says he just wants Tere to stop having a tantrum (berrinche) and understand how things are. It’s a question of trust. Ruben asks if there’s a reason they can’t put an intermediary between Paloma and him. Arturo confesses it’s possible he just wants to tie up loose ends with Paloma. Seeing her again affected him. Ruben suggests he consider determining why it still pains him.

Espe is adamant Aida not find out about this baby. Of course, Tere says, she was just thinking out loud. Nevertheless, Ruben has to take responsibility. Never, says Espe, if he didn’t accept me when he supposedly love me, it’s never going to happen. Besides, she doesn’t want to use her baby to get money out of anyone. Tere says she should ask for what’s fair. Her baby is entitled to a decent living. Just thing what would occur should anything happen to Espe. The father would naturally have to take care of the baby. Espe’s not convinced especially since she’s discovered Ruben is such a bad person. She prefers not to have anything to do with him. After everything he’s done to her, asks Tere. At the very least he should ease her economic difficulties. Her child deserves no less. And if Ruben refuses, they can even take him to court. She asks if Espe is sure he’s the father. Espe is sure; she’s never been with another man. Leave it to her, she’ll see to it that her child has everything he needs and that Espe will be delivered from poverty. Espe isn’t sure. This isn’t how she’d planned it. She had hopes that they would share everything together as a family. That wasn’t possible, says Tere, because he turned out to be a desgraciado. At least do it to get even (desquitar). It’s not revenge, it’s justice for her and her baby. She’s really trying to convince her telling her she’s never given her bad advice. Yeah, except maybe for the time that she told her to continue seeing a married man!

Now Aida is in Daddy’s office and he’s apparently told her about the Paloma issue – so much for confidentiality. Aida is absolutely the last person he should have told. She tells him she would love for Arturo and Paloma to reconcile. Ruben would also like for Arturo to break it off with Tere – she causes too many problems. When Aida asks what problems, he speaks to the way she’s treated Aida. Aida feels he should tell Arturo what he’s always told her – socialize only with people in your same social level.

El Vecindad: Pedro confirms it’s a done deal that they’re moving to his pueblo. Johnny walks in and they break the news to him, saying Pedro will have a better job and Johnny will be able to study. And Espe? She’s made her own way. Johnny can’t think of leaving Espe, especially now that – pregnant pause, pun intended – Pedro asks now that, what? Johnny recovers and says now that she’s alone. He’s sorry but he doesn’t want to leave. Nachita wonders if there’s something he’s not telling them. Pedro asks if it’s because of Pati. Johnny says it’s everything and he’s not leaving.

Luisa comes to see Tere. She’s so glad to see her but shows Luisa only her pouty face. Luisa’s sure they’ll be able to patch things up. Tere doubts that and knows that if Arturo allows that tipa to get near him again, she’s sure this time Paloma will destroy him. Luisa agrees. Tere gives her the low-down on her ultimatum and his choice to stay with the project. Arturo told Luisa Tere had broken the engagement. Tere tearfully pleads with Luisa to help her cancel the wedding plans because she just can’t possibly do it.

Clinic: Aida comes to visit Mariano!

Medina: Nachita asks them not to make her choose. She’s suffering at the thought of leaving Espe behind. Pedro says she’s not coming with them to the pueblo because she’s dead to him. Nachita says that despite the error of her ways, Espe’s still her daughter and she still loves her. Johnny tells them to both leave if they want buy he needs to stay.

Hospital: Cutie Dr. Hernán asks Espe how things are coming along. She’s scared but very emotional when she thinks of the baby growing inside her. Dr. Hernán is happy she’s keeping the baby. He introduces her to a gynecologist (ginecólogo[a]), Dr. Graciela.

Clinic: Mariano doesn’t understand why Aida is here considering she only hangs out with people of her own social class. Aurora has told her lots about the clinic and only wants to help. She asks him to make a list of what he needs and she’ll see that he gets it. As he’s writing this down, she walks around the clinic and makes faces -- very funny. He hands her the list and she says she only wishes to help. They leave together and run into ….. Teresa! Aida says goodbye to him and kisses him on the cheek and he walks away barely acknowledging Tere. She asks what Aida is doing with Mariano. Aida: ¿Celosa? Maybe she’s angry because she knows Aida is getting married for love rather than money. She knows Tere is in love with Mariano and she thinks Arturo should know this. Dun-dun-dun!


Capitulo 50 Aurora Makes Her Move

If Aida dares talk to Arturo about Mariano, Tere will take Ruben’s lover to Aida’s home. Aida isn’t biting. After all Tere will still end up losing. Better yet, she may just go to Paloma with the story. Tere ups the ante and says she can fix it so her wedding with Paulo is cancelled. Aurora walks up and asks whazzup? Aida pretends nothing is going on then explains for Teresa’s benefit she’s already talked to Mariano and will be helping out so she plans to see Mariano quite often. She walks away and Tere tells Aurora that Aida continues to ruin (fastidiar) her life as usual. Aurora then tells Tere she’s upset with her telling her she’s way out of telling Mariano she’s going away to think about their relationship when she’s actually gone away with Arturo. Tere tries to lie again, telling her that she flew alone (not a lie) but that she didn’t know Arturo would be there (big ol’ lie). Aurora doesn’t believe that she wouldn’t know where her prometido is. She goes on saying that while Teresa is off with Arturo, poor Mariano is back here getting his hopes up. She doesn’t understand, what does she want? They’re supposedly friends yet Teresa continues lying to her. Tearfully, Teresa sticks to her story that she didn’t know Arturo would be in Cancún, then she tells her that she and Arturo aren’t getting married. She runs away with Aurora calling after her.

Hospital Santillana: Hector the Director has called in Mariano and tells him he wants to introduce him to a woman who’s worked with him in the past and thinks Mariano may be able to help her. He’s vague about details when in walks Paloma and her attorney, Martin.

Vecindad: Juana and Cutberto pass each other. He tries not to talk to her, reminding her she didn’t want anything to do with him. She seems happy to see him and says there’s no harm in greeting each other. He shakes her hand and he can least fill her in on the chisme. He starts to tell her about Teresa running off to Cancún with Arturo when the bruja Refugio walks up, “What do you mean Teresa was with el licenciado de la Barrera in Cancún?” As Iluminada on STuD would say, “Achis achis!”

Hospital: Paloma tells Mariano she’s heard about his clinic project and fills him in on her foundation, “Renacer” (reborn) set up to help homeless children. They provide them with shelter, food, and education. She’d like to set up a way to help them with health care which brings us to this meeting with Mariano.

Vecindad: “Es el colmo!” (that’s the limit/last straw) says Refugio. Juana tries to tell her she didn’t know Arturo was there. She just found out from Cutberto. Refugio’s not buying it. Now she’s accusing Juana of joining forces with Teresa to hide the truth. She also says Juana has always supported Teresa in everything she does. Instead of watching over her as she was supposed to, she’s allowed Teresa to do things Refugio never would have allowed. Juana tries to deny any wrongdoing and offers to talk to Tere. Refugio says nothing doing, “I’ll talk to her. I’m her mother!” and stomps off. Now Juana turns on Cutberto blaming him for everything for being such a chismoso. She takes it further and says that’s what she gets for befriending people like him when she could go out with a man of another class. He asks that she tell him if she’s going out with someone else. She tells after this, it’s none of his business what she does.

Chavez home: Tere’s complaining that Armando’s still working as a mozo (service worker) at the hospital . She suggests he take a day off to job hunt even if it’s without pay to find another job. In blows Huracán Refugio pulling Tere off her chair and calling her shameless (desvergonzada).

Casa de la Barrera: Reina tells Arturo Tere has not called but Juana came by asking for him and the wedding invitations have arrived. Arturo is left standing there looking at the invitation.

Casa Chavez: Aw Jeez, now both parents have joined forces. Armando: Is it true you went with el licenciado? Refugio: What were you thinking, going there with that man? And just before the wedding. Armando: What exactly happened? Refugio: What do you think happened? How far did you go with that licenciado? Teresa: If you’re asking if I slept with him, the answer is no! Refugio: How can you expect me to believe you after all the lies you’ve told and that your madrina has covered for you. Teresa swears Juana didn’t know Arturo would be there because she herself didn’t know he’d be there. Refugio tells her to stop lying and wonders if Tere still thinks he’ll go through with the wedding after she went on a trip with him. Tere tells them the wedding will be cancelled only if she decides to cancel it and not because Arturo no longer respects her. But no! Right away her mother mistrusts her. She pushes Refugio in front of the altar to Virgen Guadalupe and swears that she did not sleep with Arturo. She’s not as stupid as Esperanza and won’t let what happened to Espe happen to her. That’s what she said, says Refugio (chuckle). Tere assures her she respects herself. Refugio tells her not to be so sure of herself, the rich don’t take the poor seriously. When it comes to something serious the rich always look for someone of their own class.

Casa de la Barrera: Luisa tells Arturo that Tere is very sad. He’s feels the same but she needs to come to her senses and understand the situation. Luisa doesn’t think she will because she asked her to cancel all the wedding plans. He thought for sure she’d react with the maturity she’s shone in the past. Luisa understands but this is very complicated and points out this will be the second time he cancels a wedding because of Paloma’s. She’s sorry to talk to him this way but if he doesn’t do something fast, he’ll end up losing Teresa.

Hospital: Aurora has joined the meeting with Mariano and Paloma. He introduces her as the coordinator of the clinics. Hector the Director leaves them to continue the meeting with Paloma and Martin. Mariano fills them in on his plans to share office space with Dr. Ledesma. They discuss the opening of a second clinic. Paloma is interested in providing adequate low cost health care for the children. Mariano shares that Hector the Director has offered them space in the hospital for another clinic, but they don’t have necessary funds. Paloma may be able to cover that given her recent involvement in Cancún real estate.

Casa Chavez: the interrogation continues. Refugio wants to know why Tere spent the night at Juana’s rather than return to el licenciado’s with Juana. She’s thinking that man left her. Tere comes out with it. She’s broken off with Arturo. Of course, they both think it’s because she slept with Arturo. Tere screams at them, I didn’t sleep with him! They go back and forth like this ending when Tere assures them she knows her place and in the end her life will be better than theirs. She storms off after spitting out her mantra: Ser ó no ser, yo soy.

Hospital: They’re finishing up the meeting. Paloma leaves. Mariano tells Martin he’s sure this project will be beneficial to both the hospital and Paloma’s foundation. Martin lingers after Mariano leaves and asks Aurora if he can join her and visit the clinic. Oh no, I want her for Mariano. :(

Juana’s apt: Juana tells Tere she wasn’t able to see Arturo and then talks about her argument with Refugio. Tere tells her both parents are convinced she’s slept with Arturo. Juana agrees Tere’s behaved badly and truthfully Refugio is her mother. Tere says that may be so but if she could choose, her mother would’ve been Juana. [this has come up a few times. A hint perhaps?]

Aida and Geno: Aida’s describing her confrontation with Teresa. Teresa was green with jealousy when she saw her with Mariano. If Arturo should see that one of these days, well adios to Tere’s wedding! Paulo walks in, What, Tere’s not getting married? Geno is quick to say Tere’s still getting married, she’d never let this opportunity pass.

Juana & Tere: Juana is so happy to know Tere loves her so much. It’s true, Tere says. Her mother doesn’t understand her, mistrusts her and only criticizes her. Juana says Refugio only tries to guide her and is strict precisely because she loves her so much. Back to Arturo. Tere needs to figure out how to get him back or she’ll just die! Juana will try to talk to him again and asks about her visit with Luisa. Tere says she asked Luisa to cancel all the wedding plans. Juana’s worried about this approach. Tere’s very confident that Luisa will speak with Arturo for her. But she thinks it’s also important Juana try again to speak with him.

Aida & Paulo: Aida asks bebé if he approves of their honeymoon plans. By the time they return, Tere will already be married and they won’t have to attend her wedding. Paulo disentangles himself from her embrace and mumbles something about looking at suits and leaves. Geno warns Aida it’s important that Paulo not realize Teresa and Arturo are having problems. Aida agrees and this Saturday she’ll be married to Paulo and there isn’t anything Tere can do to stop. Geno says what they do need to stop is the wedding between Arturo and Teresa. Aida remembers talking about brining Paloma and Arturo together again. Geno says Tere did suggest they have a dinner party once the fourth investor was signed on. Geno’s got a dinner to plan!

Clinic: Aurora is showing Martin around the clinic. He gets around to asking if she has a boyfriend and then asks her out to dinner. Aurora declines but says will go out with him tomorrow. Well, he’s cute, but he’s not Mariano.

Geno’s house: Paloma is visiting and Geno and the talk turns to Arturo and Tere. She tells Paloma Tere is arribista, muerta de hambre. She tells her all about Tere pretending she was wealthy to attract Paulo and when they broke up she went after Arturo. She’s only after him for his money. Paloma is shocked.

Casa de la Barrera: Juana has finally made it in to speak with Arturo and is telling him she can’t believe the way he’s treated Tere. He feels he’s only given her love and respect. Juana feels he’s not giving her “su lugar” by having Paloma as an associate. All Tere can do is cry and cry. Art assures her he loves her very much but she went to Cancún throwing a tantrum. He just can’t allow that and he can’t get out of that contract. Juana asks if he can’t, or he won’t. Arturo explains on the one hand cancelling his contract would cost millions of pesos. On the other hand, Teresa must understand that he loves only her and nothing will happen with Paloma. Juana tells him Teresa is dying of jealousy only because she loves him so much and furthermore Paloma is more than an ex-novia, they were going to get married. Arturo sets her straight, telling her this is between Teresa and him. While Teresa remains uncompromising (intransigente).

Geno/Paloma: Arturo can’t marry that woman; he doesn’t deserve to marry a woman who doesn’t love him. He’s a wonderful man. She tells Geno she still loves Arturo with all her soul and there was a time when he returned that love. She wishes for that love to be reborn.

Clinic: Mariano is talking to Aurora about clinic stuff and she’s clearly not paying attention. She tells him she needs to tell him something about Teresa. At first Mariano says he doesn’t want to hear anything about her. Aurora tells him Teresa broke up with Arturo. Mariano is impactado.

Juana returns home and tells Tere that Arturo stubbornly refuses to cancel that contract and insists that Tere needs to understand. Tere is stunned – she thought for sure he loved her. Juana assures her he adores her but she needs to understand this is business and the cancellation of that contract would cost him millions of pesos. Tere feels she’s worth more than that and she won’t let him twist her arm. He’ll regret it when he sees her with Mariano.

Clinic: Mariano asks if Aurora is sure about the breakup. Aurora says she heard it from Tere herself and then asks if he’s planning to seek her out. Mariano says no, it’s over. Even if it kills him, he’ll never seek her out again.

Juana asks Tere to ‘splain herself. Tere knows Arturo is terribly jealous of Mariano. Juana doesn’t agree with seeking out Mariano just to make Arturo jealous – it wouldn’t be right. She’s misunderstood, says Tere, she doesn’t plan to encourage Mariano. She just thinks if Arturo were to find out Mariano is coming around again, he would be able to handle it. Mariano doesn’t have to be involved. It’s only necessary for SOMEONE to tell Arturo. She looks pointedly at Juana who tries to avert her eyes lest she be turned to salt. Aaaaarg!

Aurora can’t believe what she’s hearing. Mariano is adamant. She went to Cancún with Arturo. She lied to him. Tere keeps manipulating things to her liking and he’s just not in agreement with that. Now it’s he that’s through with her. Aurora gets him by the hand and tells him she’s very happy with his attitude. He says he has to do this even though he still loves her. Aurora tells him it may take time but someday this too shall pass and he’ll be free to find someone else. They smile at each other. Oh please, please, TN gods, PLEASE let them end up together.

Garage: Johnny tells Espe his dad was angry cuz he thought Johnny was staying for Pati’s sake. They argued but he told him he’s staying to be with Espe. Truthfully the baby will need his tío. Espe’s grateful but doesn’t want him to sacrifice the chance to study in the pueblo besides, where will he live? She’s not sure where she’ll stay once Refugio is aware of the pregnancy. Never mind, they’ll figure it out. He’s not leaving her or her baby.

Geno and Ruben are very cozy at a restaurant. Isn’t this fool ever worried someone will see them? Geno brings up the subject of the partners’ dinner proposed by Tere. He’s on to her, he knows her too well. He doesn’t want to cause problems for Arturo. Geno suggests they both approach Arturo with the idea. He’s ok with that and anyway, he prefers Tere as far away as possible because she knows too much. Geno guesses Tere found out about his amante then gives him the “I told you so” about Espe. Back to the subject of the dinner, Paloma already confirmed she would attend. It only remains that Ruben convince Arturo to attend.

Clinic: Mariano is telling Aurora that he’s so happy all his plans for the clinic have come to fruition. Aurora couldn’t agree more and then pulls out a magazine with the interview he gave and they look at the picture of them both along with the article. Mariano admires the picture and says they make a handsome couple. YES!

Juana keeps working on Tere’s wedding dress but says Tere has to do her part to fix things. Tere wants to wait a little to give Arturo a chance to miss her. In the meantime maybe Juana can go visit him again? Juana resists but ends up giving in. Tere waltzes out to take a walk.

Hospital: Espe and the cute Dr. Hernán Ledesma are talking about her pregnancy. He warns her to take it easy – she’s been working double shifts. She wants to work as long as possible. He wonders if she’s planning to keep the baby a secret from the father. She says yes although Tere has told her she has a right to some support from Ruben. She’s not sure about that because it will give him visitation rights. Hernán wonders if she’s even curious to see his reaction to the news. She’s sure he could care less. Hernán recommends she reconsider. If Ruben is aware and doesn’t want to meet his responsibility, that’s his choice. But if she doesn’t tell him, she takes on all the responsibility.
Tere’s out and about in the neighborhood and reaches a newsstand and sees Mariano on the cover of Gente Magazine. She sees the picture of Mariano and Aurora. Talking to herself, she says Mariano is mine. He’ll never take you seriously Aurora.

She walks back to the vecindad and runs into Aurora and congratulates her on the photo. She asks if he’s finally noticed her. Aurora wonders if she’s serious why did she tell Mariano she was going to Cancún to think over their relationship. Tere laughs and tells her to get over it. Aurora tells her she has reason to be happy because Mariano has his clinic. Of course, says Tere, just as he promised her. Aurora tells her she broke the news to Mariano about the breakup. Tere thinks that was a bad idea seeing as that would break the only tie she had with him. Aurora disagrees and tells Tere Mariano has no plans to seek her out. Tiburoncita is not happy at this news.

Juana’s apt: Cutberto comes by visit. Juana is furious with him. Thanks to him Refugio is not speaking to her. She kicks him out.

Tere and Aurora are still at it. Aurora: Are you sure you no longer love Mariano? Tere: A better question is whether or not Mariano will ever stop loving me. Aurora: He’s no longer going to look for you. Tere: He’s said that so many times. Aurora: Maybe he wouldn’t look for you if you didn’t keep giving him hope. One day you say you’re getting married and the next day, you’ll say you have doubts. It’s not right. It only gives him hope and makes him suffer. Tere: The one with her hopes up is you. It’s been a long time now that I’ve left the way clear for you. It’s not my fault if you haven’t been able to get Mariano to notice you. Do something-dress better, fix your hair. Do something so he’ll notice you. Aurora: What I do or don’t do is my problem. I don’t need to adorn myself. I’m honest. I’m with him wholeheartedly, alongside him at every step.

Chavez home: Juana visits Refugio and wonders if they’ll ever be on speaking terms again. What did she expect, asks Refugio. She not only doesn’t take care of Theresa she also supports her in all her barbadidades (ridiculous). Juana swears she didn’t know Art would be in Cancún. She does the best she can. Refugio says then she needs to do more. Look what happened, Tere ended up going to Cancún with el licenciado then returns saying she’s not getting married and then says it’s to darse su lugar (loosely means to take her proper place/respect in the relationship). Did he cross the line, or what? Juana says most assuredly not. She tells her about the Paloma incident and again swears nothing frisky happened in Cancún. Refugio just needs to give Tere the opportunity to tell her what happened. Refugio seems to be coming around but now she’s adamant that if Tere isn’t getting married she needs to return home.

Casa Caceres: Maira and Ruben are talking about grandbabies. Aida tells them she’s not planning on starting a family so soon. Maira tells her to appreciate Paulo and not let him work so hard, like her father. She leaves the room to get her purse. Aida takes this chance to warn Rubigote now that Maira will have more time alone he’d better not cheat on her again. He tells her to forget about that “muchacha”, it will never happen again.

Tiburoncita sighting at the clinica: She rounds the corner and calls to Mariano.

Cutberto is talking to Juana. Juana tells him Tere is leaving for Refugio’s. He’s happy that he’ll be able to be alone with her. Juana says nothing doing and she doesn’t want Tere to leave.

Mariano speaks coldly to Tere. He’s made it very clear there’s nothing left to say. She’s lied to him about Arturo and played both of them and doesn’t wish to continue in the same manner. She tells him he’s loco if he thinks she’s come to beg. She’s just hurt that he didn’t allow her to explain everything that happened. What’s she doing here then, surely she doesn’t need medical attention. She tells him she’s here on behalf of Espe. Ruben doesn’t want to have anything to do with her and she’s pregnant. Mariano is shocked, no puede ser. She comes very close to him then says Espe asked to promise not to say anything. Mariano promises to be discreet. She lingers for a second then leaves.

She comes back to Juana’s crying, “no me hizo caso, no me hizo caso” (he didn’t pay attention to me). Juana comes into the room telling her she’s sad too. Then tells her Refugio wants her to return home. Tere doesn’t want to return home and prefers to stay with Juana. Tere now begins to cry in earnest, asking how it happened that she lost Arturo, how? Out comes the tequila. Juana toasts that Tere never leave and Tere toasts that he not stop loving her (ah, she doesn’t clarify who “he” is)

Clinic: Mariano asks if Espe has seen the gynecologist. She’s sorry she hadn’t told him before. He’s glad she’s chosen to keep the baby. Mariano agrees with Tere in that she should ask Ruben for support.

Geno’s house. The partners are meeting. Geno asks after Tere and Paloma is very happy Tere won’t be joining them. They have a little chit-chat and make a toast.

Tere and Juana are tying one on. Juana is waiting for Hector the Director. He arrives and asks how she is and even invites her to join them. Tere declines and they leave for their date. Tere continues to drink after they’ve left asking, how does he expect me to feel when his daughter is after Mariano like un perro!

Geno’s home: Business talk. Paloma suggests they offer horseback riding for the guests. Arturo asks if she continues to ride. She responds that she does then asks if he remembers the time they went riding together. Yes, he replies, but he forgot all about horses after she left. Oh, SNAP! But he agrees her idea is a good one. He turns and offers up Fernando as an asesor (advisor) to the project. Paloma wonders if that’s such a good idea seeing as Fer told her he wanted her to keep her distance. Arturo will take care of that.

Teresa is really wobbly now. Flashback of Cuernavaca and the promises they made to each other. Espe comes by. Tere offers her a drink. She can’t due to her pregnancy and sees that Tere’s had enough for all three of them. In her drunken stupor she confesses to Espe that she still loves Mariano and was only marrying Arturo for his money. ¡Salud!

Arturo is walking Paloma to her car. She’s glad he’ll be interceding on her behalf with Fernando. She doesn’t want to have problems with him especially now that he’s with Luisa. Arturo reminds her she didn’t like Luisa. Paloma admits she was nervous about being responsible for an eleven year old girl. Her father used that to convince her not to marry him and she stupidly agreed. She’s since learned to make her own decisions and take risks. She’s also determined to fight for what she wants. WHOA! She tells him she loves him and begins to kiss him and he appears to kiss her back but I guess we’ll figure that out tomorrow!


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Teresa Mon 5/9/11 #47-48 Discussion

I'm away for the next month so this and the next Monday's recaps will have to be discussion pages.  SandyTN will be doing the recaps for the last two Mondays I'll be out --TKS mucho, amiga!  If anyone has bullet points/hi-lites, I will be happy to post them. (I haven't even had a chance to watch the episodio myself yet. ) Since I'm unable to post this to the side while I'm gone, will somebody do that for me?  Thanks!  Enjoy!

Highlights by Anon. 207, ViviDC and Emarie follow--with appreciation:


Teresa flies to Cancun 1st class and books fancy hotel room.

Arturo charges after Fernando for getting with his sister. Fernando calms him down.

Arturo talks with Luisa about Fernando.

Teresa & Fernando meet on the beach, sparks fly. She thoughtbubbles about teaching Arturo that he's not the only man around, especially since she's only with him for money.

Later Teresa & Fernando formally meet each other with the de la Barrera siblings.

Paloma shows up and reveals she's part of Luna Turchesa. Arturo is mad & calls Ruben, who is like "I ain't know & besides, it's business."

Teresa finds out Paloma is in the mix and demands Arturo throw her out of the business or forget about being with her.

Later on Teresa gets all up in Paloma's face and Paloma gets back up in Teresa's face telling her she will work with Arturo if she wants and be whatever he wants her to be. Teresa fumes.

Debbie Downer is upset Teresa is in Cancun. Juana tells her not to worry.

Hector visits Aurora at the clinic. Juana stops by, they make a date.

Mariano is all happy that Teresa is in Cancun thinking about ditching Arturo & coming back to him. Aurora gets uncomfortable & leaves.

Pedro comes by Debbie Downer's house and sees Espe there. He's mad to learn Espe now lives there, tells her she's only his step-daughter and orders her not to see her brothers again.

Juana & Hector have a date. She tells him she can't have kids & that's why she's so close to Teresa.

Aurora runs into Aida who is talking about wedding plans. Aida badmouths Teresa per usual, and Aurora finds out that Arturo is also in Cancun.

Aurora runs straight to Mariano and tells him Arturo is also in Cancun. Mariano starts flipping up tables and destroys the rooftop.

Aurora gets Mariano to calm down. Dario invites them out to dance. 

Ruben tells Genoveva that Arturo called him up all mad that Paloma is part of the project and who Paloma is to Arturo. Genoveva deduces Paloma is a thorn in Teresa's side.

Ruben grills Paolo over his drug problem and tells him if he's a drughead Ruben will be his worst nightmare. He then grills Aida to see if she knows about Paolo's problem.

Aida then grills Paolo over the drugs and he's all like "you don't trust me so lets break up." Aida gives him a bunch of bebes FF>>>>>>>>

Mariano & Aurora go to the club and clearly cannot dance. But they have fun. Paolo & Aida are also at the club and make fun of Mariano (I guess they don't know he's a doctor now). Mariano wants to throw blows. Aurora stops him. Aida tells Paolo she can't believe Aurora wants the taxista now.

Mariano tells Aurora for the first time he sees her as his friend and not just Teresa's friend and hopes he can have her as a friend forever.

Pati is hanging out with Johnny in the garage when Grumps comes by. She lies and says she was waiting for Aurora & Mariano (who just happened to be walking by) to take her to volunteer at the clinic.

Johnny & Mariano make up.

Johnny finds out Espe is pregnant. They make up.

Dr. Ledesma comforts Espe.

Mariano and Aurora:

-Mariano gets his hopes up that Teresa will choose him, after her solo soul searching (he should know by now that she doesn’t have a soul).

-Mar’s hopes are dashed when he finds out Teresa lied to him from Aurora. Aida mentioned in casual conversation to Aurora that Arturo is in Cancun. They are both smart enough to add one plus one and get two.

-Mariano has a huge hissy fit when he finds out and he and Aurora come the closest to kissing than they ever have as she tries to calm him. They get invited to a club for a party by the other young doc and have a great time dancing with each other.

-Paulo and Aida nearly ruin the mood by taunting the “taxista”, but Aurora defends he friend Mariano. Mar is really touched and the two affirm that they are bffs, apart from Teresa.
-Aurora relates this progress to Proud Papa Hector the Director. They speak about why he never dated. He didn’t want to bring a woman into his house that might mistreat his baby, and he was holding out hope that her mother would return to them. Aurora encourages to date Juana. Sweet hugs all around.

Juana and her men:
-During a date Juana tells Hector her sad story. She’s a widow and when her husband died, her circumstances were reduced. She and Refugio were pregnant at the same time and became close then. Juana had a difficult pregnancy and lost her baby. She fell into a deep depression and only came out of it when Refugio had Teresa and placed Teresa in her arms. This snapped her out of her depression and for this she loves Teresa like a daughter. She is Teresa’s baptism godmother, not the godmother of her first communion. The consequences of her difficult pregnancy left her unable to have more children.
-Cutberto declares his love and desire to marry and have BABIES with Juana. In order not to deceive him and encourage his hopes, she cruelly tells him to bug off.

Esperanza Embarasada:
-Esperanza has moved into Teresa and Rosita’s old room. Rasario refuses payment and tries to plead Espe’s case to her dad. He points out that he is her STEP-dad (cold) and that now Espe is nothing to him.
-Espe cries on the shoulder of sweet Doc Ledesma (the Younger), and then faints. She reveals all to him about the family ostracism, the dumping by the married bf, and the pregnancy. He gives words of encouragement about her strength and ability to raise the baby, gives her prenatal vitamins, a referral to an OBGYN, and pledges to be the baby’s pediatrician. Open your eyes to the fine (single) man in front of you Epse!
-Espe’s mom hugs and kisses her and tells her she will always be her baby. Espe does not tell her about being preggers.
-Johnny overhears Espe on the phone with Teresa speaking about the pregnancy. His initial anger turns into brotherly concern and love. Espe explains how Mariano tried many times to talk her out of her relationship with Ruben and even came to blows with him. Johnny eats humble pie and apologizes to Mariano and takes up him night taxista duties once more.
Rubigote and Family:

-Rube and Geno realize who Paloma is after Art calls. Geno thinks she can use this to get at Teresa. Rube doesn’t want to rock the money boat by ticking off Tere, and in turn ticking off Art.

Lovers, Cheaters and Exs in Cancun:

-Arturo nearly breaks Fernando’s face as soon as he sees him. Although he has many doubts, he is assured and supportive of the two after Luisa and Fernando have heart to heart talks with him.

-During the Art/Luisa talk, Teresa (who is super excited to finally see the ocean and be staying in a fancy hotel) has an encounter with Fernando at the beach. They both check out each other’s assets and like what they see. But the flirting is left to just their eyes and knowing smiles as she says she’s waiting for her fiancé, and he says he’s waiting for his girlfriend. 

- They are pleasantly surprised to learn the identity of the other later during a cozy lovers’ dinner for four. The lovey dovey kissing and cooing continue throughout the trip on a spectacular yacht, at the pool, on the beach, etc. (with Ter and Fer slyly checking each other out). Ter is even more impressed when she learns from Art that Fer will inherit a massive inheritance from his mom. 
-Art wants to take the lovey dovey action even further in Teresa’s hotel room. We get some hot, insistent kissing from the Hot Prof, but Teresa can’t get herself fired up or get Mariano out of her mind. She temporarily puts off the really frustrated Prof by claiming she wants to go to her wedding bed a virgin. I would gladly help Ter out here by stepping in for her. I’m unselfish like that.
-Paloma shows up at the same hotel and runs into Art. They realize that they both invested in the same beach condo development. After the initial shock, they both seem ok about being co-investors. Teresa, however, is NOT ok about it. Teresa tries to intimidate Paloma into backing away. Paloma is not having it. Teresa tries to browbeat Art into backing out of the deal. He is not willing to sever a legal contract or drop out of such a deal because Ter is jealous. Teresa thought bubbles that she will make him pay for not bending to her every whim.

here are some highlights not necessarily in order


Triunfo del Amor #107 5/9/11 Leonela and the XiMonster: Parallel Lives

Poor poor Osvaldo. Still languishing in the worst attended hospital in the world: a place where a man whose heart had stopped -- who was clinically dead! -- whose damaged heart is hooked up to monitors that apparently no one … well, monitors -- And these crazy people keep coming up to his bedside to pick fights with him!

Os is still trying to explain to Vic why he kept Leonela’s story a secret. He wanted to protect Max. And if Victoria had a right to know his secret, well hell’s bells, he had the same right to know hers.

Meanwhile, Leonela is in the cafeteria playing the loving mother tragically separated from her son by the scheming Osvaldo. If you don’t believe me, just ask your father, she tells Max.

And in the church, papá padre Juan Pablo explains to María ya no Desamparada that as a papá, he wants her to be happy; but as her spiritual advisor, he’d prefer she seek that happiness elsewhere, with someone other than Max…

Take that nice boy Alonso. Please.
Get a Life Al sits on a park bench and mopes and moons about the old days when he could still exploit M ya no D’s vulnerability. Good times!

Milagros is astonished when M ya no D fills her in – the father is her father but he wasn’t yet a father when he fathered her, so it’s all cool. María declares the life lesson she has learned: she is going to be faithful to her love and fight for her right to happiness with Max.

Victoria must have missed that class because she continues giving Osvaldo his unorthodox cardiac stress test. She can’t forgive him, she snarls through gritted teeth, turns and leaves. (Someone check the monitor! Please!)

Enter Max to the sound of ominous drumbeats. He demands to know why Osvaldo lied to him, why he denied the existence of his mother.

Back in the vecindad, María assures little JP that now no one can keep them from forming a happy family with Max and Osguito. Uh oh. Watch out María – here comes trouble with a capital “R”. It’s Roxana and she wants to talk about Xi.

Os tries to explain why he lied to Max – it was to shield his son from a painful reality. Max can’t square what he’s hearing with what Leonela told him – that his father snatched him away from her.

Roxana sniffs dismissively at the vulgarity of her surroundings as María puts the baby in his cradle. So ordinary. Once María is back, she tries to lay a guilt trip on her – it’s María’s fault Xi is in the manicomio, that the marriage failed. Xi isn’t responsible for what she did – she’s insane! And only Max’s love can save her now. Isn’t María ashamed of being so cruel and selfish?

Well Roxana is right about one thing. Xi is truly nuts. We see her in her bed in the loony bin, raving “Mi hijo está muerto… no no no.. el tren… el tren” and flashing on images of the train and the car with Max and Osguito inside.

Osvaldo tells his son the parts of the story Leonela left out. His mother was an impulsive, unpredictable woman who tended to take out her rages on Os. When he could no longer stand the situation, he separated from her. Then out of spite, she took a lover. One day, she and her lover argued and – cue the echo machine – Ella lo mató… Ella lo mató… Ella lo mató!!! She killed him.

She was sentenced to life in prison (cadena perpetua). It was only after she had gone to prison that Os learned she was pregnant. And Max was born in jail.

Os couldn’t let his son grow up in prison in the care of an emotionally unstable mother. And he thought it would be easier for his son to believe his mother had died than to cope with the shameful truth that she was a convicted murderer. Of course Victoria’s loving presence was vital.

Ay ay ay. Vic still has those teeth gritted. Toni gets an earful: Osvaldo deceived me! Max’s mother is alive!

Leonela has made her mad way back to Gui’s Palace of Pretense and Porn. [And she is so eerily Xi-like. Aha! That’s why Gui had a thing for Xi! She was Leo-Lite!] Drink in hand, she relives her thespian past – I was Medea (still are, sweetie!)! I was Julieta! I was Ofelia! She thanks the public that only she can see and then dissolves into diabolical laughter. The laughter turns to sobs as she sinks onto Gui’s whoopee cushions.

Osvaldo begs his son to forgive him. Max gets why he protected him when he was a child, but once he was an adult, surely he had a right to know the truth. But Osvaldo was afraid of the harm it would do to invite Leonela back into their lives.

Now Max wants to give him some good news – this is what he came to tell him in the first place – the judge has awarded Max custody of Osguito!

We get a brief glimpse of baby Os snuggled on Fabián’s chest while Luci looks on fondly. [Sorry, Nati. You get stuck with the lout.]

And Rotten Rox is still trying to persuade María to step aside so Max can save Xi with his Magical Love Beams. Go see Ximena, Rox tells her. You’ll find out for yourself how obsessed she is with Max.

Images of delirious Xi – mi hijo…

Even as Rox throws herself on her knees and asks if María can be happy at the expense of someone else’s misery, María stands firm. I have to look out for my own happiness now, she tells her.

The news about Osguito’s custody gives Os a moment’s joy. You’re the first one to know, Max tells him. Then Os reflects: Maybe I was wrong to hide the truth; I was afraid I’d lose you and Victoria, your love and admiration. You chose badly, says Max. And now you may have lost both of us.

Lurking Leonela (who must be traveling around town by magic broomstick – didn’t we just see her at Gui’s?) is enjoying Os’s despair. Payback is just getting started. Soon he’ll be weeping “lagrimas de sangre” for abandoning her in that damn jail!

Rotten Rox pleads for María’s help. But María hasn’t forgotten who Ximena is -- a cruel person capable of murder. She shows Rox the door.

Wow! Those Lovely Cosmetics commercials are everywhere. Xi goes ape when she sees María’s face on the tv in the dayroom and grabs another patient’s doll and starts a fight. Attendants rush in to restrain her.

Casa Bernarda is not a happy place at the moment. The Demented One rails against the ineptitude of her contract killers, Padilla and Scorpion Guy. The latter thinks Max must have a pact with the devil – nothing seems to touch him. He gets a Demente swat for his trouble – how dare he mention the evil one in her presence! (Professional jealousy?) And she slams Padilla even harder with her words: He was going to get even with the Sandovals, but Victoria is winning; he’s the one with the dead son!

Eva announces that Luciano Ferreti wants to show her his new designs. The Demented One welcomes him with a smile. (I’m disappointed. I was hoping for Pipino’s evil twin. This is all your fault, Sara!)

Victoria is back home and stops in to see Fer. Vic knows that her daughter felt excluded in the past when the family hid things from her. So now she is going to be upfront with her: Osvaldo’s first wife is alive. That means he and Victoria aren’t really married. And this woman -- Max’s mother – is a murderer who until recently, had been in jail.

[Timeout: Is this a continuity problem? An Os problem? Because Os told Padre JP that he was divorced from Leonela. So is he? Do the writers know? Is it just that Victoria didn’t give Os a chance to tell her about the divorce? Inquiring recappers want to know.]

Let’s take a moment in the mercado where Napo is trying to teach Nati a few dance moves for her date with JJ. The Jarochas move in until Millie loses her patience and shoos them away.

Another cardiac stress test for Os: Leo’s back. She slithers up to his bed and admits she’s there to make his life miserable, to upset (perturbar) Max’s life. It’s what Os deserves for his selfish behavior. Os says he did try to help her but that Leo brought her misfortunes on herself.

Max updates Fabián on the Leonela situation. He still doesn’t know what to make of it all. But his one consolation is that finally, María ya no Desamparada has decided to come back to him. And the divorce is a done deal.

In the vecindad, Nati holds JPito and advises María not to go see Xi. But María has made up her mind to confront her.

For attacking the other patient, Xi has earned herself a stay in a padded cell, straightjacket and all. She sees the train, she hears an infant’s wails – Max! No! Mi hijo!

The other Xi, that is Leo, looks like she’s bucking for a padded cell of her own. We get to hear more of her crazy diabolical laughter. (Is anyone checking Os’s heart monitor???) She is there for vengeance!

Os reminds her that he was forced to save their son from her. Well now she is ready to switch things around. She’s going to turn Max against him, she’ll take him away from him. And she’ll destroy Osvaldo.

Fabián congratulates Max on getting back with María. He wants to know what he’s going to do about Os. After all, he was only thinking of Max’s welfare.

Fabián is right. And even in his hospital bed, Os continues to defend his son from the forces of darkness. He looks hard at Leonela: Don’t dare hurt Max, he tells her. Go back into the shadows! You’re dead to us and we won’t let a dead woman harm us! We’ll see, smirks Leo and leaves. She doesn’t seem to notice when one of her earrings drops to the floor beside his bed.

Fabián urges Max to put himself in his father’s place. What is he going to say to little Osvaldo – “Your mother was crazy and she tried to kill both of us”???

The great Leonela Montenegro sashays down the street. She is replaying some memories: she remembers how she looked her lover in the eye and shot him dead; she remembers how the police found her, gun in hand, before his dead body; and she remembers demanding that Osvaldo get her out of jail. The real world intrudes on her reveries when a police car passes by, siren blaring. Leonela hugs the wall as if to hide and takes a swig from a bottle.

Just as Oscar arrives with Max’s divorce decree, Rox bursts in and pleads with Max not to abandon her daughter.

María gets to the manicomio and spots Ximena sitting quietly, knees drawn up to her chin. She is lucid enough to recognize María but not lucid enough to understand that Max and little Osvaldo are still alive. María doesn’t get distracted by Xi’s whining and blaming. She wants Xi to know she is done sacrificing her happiness for her. She and Max are getting married, they are forming a family and they are going to raise the boys.

And then canny crazy Xi looks at her slyly: ¿Aunque mi hijo no sea de Max? ¿Aunque mi hijo muerto sea de Guillermo? (Even if my son isn’t Max’s? Even if my dead son is Guillermo’s)

Kayakless credits roll.


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