Thursday, May 11, 2006

Barrera de Amor Wednesday May 10

Tonight’s episode started with Jacinta thanking her new son, Federico. (Both of them being very creepy.) Then we got a quick flash of Nurias car crash thanks to Manola. Back to Federico who wants to see some of the vineyard land sold. Jacinta agrees and tells him that she prefers to know nothing of the deal. Meanwhile Remedios is outside the door listening to them.

Maite is upset that it looks like Jacinta will keep her daughter due to the pictures in the newspaper. She gets a backbone (although with the wrong person) and yells at Victor that the LAW has taken her daughter. She tells him he doesn’t know what it feels like because he is not a parent. He tells her that he does understand being very patient and kind telling her she has to continue fighting. Maite says that Jacinta has a horrible soul. Jacinta es una mala persona. She knows that Jacinta will tell her daughter all these horrible things and that Valeria will hate her. She says she has lost her daughter forever.

Jacinta admits that had Adolfo signed the divorce decree she wouldnt be so anxious. Had he signed the decree Jacinta would have an easier time of keeping Valeria away from Maite. Federico says he will sign for Adolfo. Jacinta agrees, then asks him if he would like to smoke as he is about to sign Adolfos name to the divorce decree. The Jacinta tells him to blow the smoke away from her. Funny scene of how she manipulates! Federico stalls a little saying he needs to practice Adolfos signature, so he doesnt sign the document.

Remedios is upset by what she hears. She says she needs to talk to someone who is impartial who can give her advice.

Unibrow gets the news that Nuria has had a wreck from el gordo. Meanwhile Manola wonders if Nuria has had her accident yet as she walks through the airport. Unibrow is relieved to find out that Nuria is alright except that she lost the baby. He wants to see her but the doctor tells him that her mind is fragile. He tells unibrow that an old couple with Nuria died. Unibrow figures out it was her parents or his or whosever’s. (Interesting scene here where Unibrow is able to look through a window and see Nuria. Just like fathers do on their newborns in the hospital nursery. I didn’t know that hospitals had observation rooms like these for adults.) While he gazes at Nuria he asks God on how he will tell Nuria of the deaths of the older couple and her unborn child. This is a very religious novella...

Remedios goes to a Father/priest for advice. She admits that she is having problems with Federico but first she has to fill him in on her past. This is where she tells him of how she conceived Federico with Jacintas husband. She also admits to Federico being envidious, he holds resentments but isn’t a bad person. The priest believes that because Jacinta is taking in Federico she is doing a grand thing. Remedios argues that Jacinta could hurt her son but the priest doesn’t believe that Jacinta could hurt anyone. Remedios says she is very afraid that Federico could abuse his position with Jacinta. Again the priest argues that Federico is getting close with Jacinta on his on volition. He says Remedios needs to have faith in God. Ask God to give you faith and faith in Jacinta and Federico too. Vete con Dios tranquilla.

Elvira (Rodrigos nanny?) hopes the catechism class at the church will help Rodrigo. Meanwhile the child has skipped his church appointment and meets up with Federico behind the church. Federico says he is the same as Rodrigo, he never wanted to go to church either! He says he wont tell Rodrigo’s parents that he skipped the class. They share a moment throwing rocks.

Unibrows family is all crying talking about how they miss their mother and now the grandparents will be with her. They are sad that they lost their sibling too. They all wear black. Magdelena and her daughter Veronica decide to go to the park. The other whores are going to the cine. Magdalena feels a little stronger and thinks the air will do her good., she is feeling better.

Valeria gets scolded by Jacinta for drawing a picture letter for her father. Jacinta tells her that the only thing memories do for us is hurt us, that is why she ripped Valerias drawing. Valeria doesn’t buy it and tells Jacinta that if her mother was there her mother wouldn’t let Jacinta do these things. Jacinta tells her that she shouldn’t talk to her in this manner and the only bad one is Valerias mother who killed her father. Valeria asks why her mother is bad but is sent to her room without dinner. Valeria runs off yelling for Remedios.

Unibrow prays for his family and complains to God about Maites betrayal. We get to see Jacintas fine car as she leaves to give clothes to the poor.

Magdelena and Veronica are getting ready to leave. Veronica has to get her sweater that she left downstairs. Maggie takes the letter she wrote to Adolfo but never sent and says she will keep it to give to Veronica so the child will know who her father is. The bad guy investigator arrives at the brothel and starts laughing with Jacaranda about what they have done to Maite. Magdalena overhears while Veronica is caught hiding behind the couch. The guy admits to everything to Jacaranda, that he is there to help take Valeria away from Maite, when Magdalena confronts them. Veronica sees everything as her mother confronts the bad people and then gets strangled for her efforts. (Another witness down the drain.) Even Jacaranda is frightened to see Magdalena killed but what do you do when you are left alone with a mad man? I guess you say nothing so he doesn’t kill you and that is exactly what Jacaranda and Veronica did. Yuck!

Meanwhile Federico digs through Jacintas desk and finds her will. He finds out that he will get something for all his years of service. (They dont tell us what exactly). He says she isn’t an ungrateful woman after all. OF course whatever she left him is less that what he deserves but…. Sure Jacinta will give Valeria what Adolfo was to inherit but he will get the rest. That isn’t bad he says to himself. He has assured himself his future…..Adolfos death has been the best deal he has done in his life….

Veronica switches personalities to Violeta and runs and hides from Jacaranda and the crazy murdering, investigator, pedophile guy. The girls return from the movie to find Jacaranda upset sitting on the couch. The guy is there and answers for her saying they have to be strong….blah blah blah... Magdalena has died. He has the death certificate saying she died from a pulmonary affliction of some sort. The girls ask where is Veronica - she is no where to be found. A little later Maite and Victor enter the house with Veronica who claims she was in the park playing. She is informed that her mother is dead. Later she acts like she hasnt seen or heard of her mothers death. Her multiple personalities are coming out to help her through this tough time.


Thanks Lynn for the great recap! I am puzzled about Nutria's accident. When she had the accident, was it just me or did they say she was on they say that she had a dr. appointment? Why did she have an evening dr. appointment? Tomorrow begins the "nueva etapa." It'll be neat to see how time has changed the younger characters, especially Veronica.
Great job, Lynn!

oops, typo on my comment. i meant to say, when she had her accident, was she on the way to a doctor appointment? sorry about the screwy sentence. it's been a loooong day:)

wow! there is more mayhem in this soap than I'm used to! do you think they have to kill off Nutria - and her baby - to leave the field clear for Maite?

Nuria was on her way to a doctors appointment. Why at that hour I have no idea! I feel bad for her because she loves an ugly man who doesnt like her and she gets to lose her parents and her baby. What a deal for her! Meanwhile she has Manola sliding up to her husband and the ever present threat of Maite. That is one mistreated character.

I also didnt put that at the end Jacinta talks to her husband or father in laws painting and remembers how she promised him to never let the Valladaloid blood line die out. Weird. Weird. Weird.

But maybe Federico can have a turn of heart and then he and Nuria can get together. They would make a beautiful couple.

You know I am a little frightened to learn that this show will last for sooooo long. I could handle a month or two of this but 200 episodes?!?!?

I love reading the recaps but to watch the show religiously (good play on words here, since there is a religious reference every other second in this show) like Alborada is impossible! Where is Fernando Colunga when we need him? Hell I would even settle for Chayanne and I dont even like him.

Lynn -- I have seen Chayanne in telenovelas and he isn't much of an actor. But he certainly is wonderful to look at. This guy has been totally gorgeous since he was a small child singing in a group (called Los Chicos I think) in Puerto Rico.

200 episodes? Ugh! It's going to a while til we see the light at the end of this tunnel. I hope tonight's fast forward of years will make it all worth it.
Doubt it? So do I.

Lynn-Enjoyed your recap!

Excellent Lynn! I'm sorry I had to miss Magdalena's demise (hockey game), but as for the rest of it I'm sure your recap is better than the show anyway. I fear Nutria is going to be a goner at some point. People meet their maker at a rather furious pace on this novela.

The elderly couple that was killed were the parents of Unibrow's first wife from what I have understood so far. Also, Federico said last night that according to Jacinta's will he stands to inherit one half of the hacienda. This was also mentioned at the beginning of the novela, Jacinta's husband stipulated in his will that both boys were to be raised together and were each to inherit 1/2 of everything.

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