Saturday, June 24, 2006

Barrera - Friday June 23

A weeping Federico tells Jacinta that he has discovered the true character of his mother. He has learned that she was the mistress of Pedro Valladolid, Jacinta’s husband. He is surprised to learn that Jacinta knows about this. Federico asks why she didn’t throw Remedios out. Jacinta tells him that she found out about it after the fact and she didn’t want to turn an innocent child out into the street. Federico is ashamed that his mother betrayed Jacinta’s confidence. Jacinta says that had she followed her initial impulse and thrown Remedios’ out, she wouldn’t now have Federico by her side. For his part, Federico says that he considers her more of the mother to him than his biological mother.
Jacinta says that Federico should forgive his mother just as she has. He isn’t convinced though.

Maite looks at her picture book of Valeria’s childhood and wishes that her daughter could hug her and call her, ‘mama.’

Remedios has a sepia memory of going to her brother’s house, pregnant then having the baby. Then Pedro shows up and says that if Remedios will have him, he will divorce Jacinta. Remedios shows him the baby – his son named Federico.

As she leaves the house, Manola says the right things to Nutria about hoping for her recovery, etc. and promising not to tell anyone about her illness. But her thought bubble says, ‘I hope you die soon, Nutria, along with Gustavo. Then Unibrow and I would both be widowed and we could have the little fling [capricho] that I’ve always wanted.’

At the restaurant, Pancho shows up with his buddy Guilermo. Victor and Guilermo exchange significant looks. Is this a possible love interest for Victor?

Jacinta is chatting with the priest who will perform the mass this evening to pray for Gustavo. The two gossipy ladies appear. They gush about Sergio and prod Jacinta into promising to give a small reception for him at the hacienda.

Manola tells Rodrigo that a poor student like himself could hardly expect to be successful in running a business. Not surprisingly, Rodrigo reacts badly to being told that he will fail. Manola then says they can talk about it later; she is going to Mexico City on some business for Jacinta. Nicolas overhears her conversation with Rodrigo and suggests that she isn’t handling the situation very well. He points out that since Federico could send her to prison, it might not be a good idea to oppose his plans, which include Rodrigo.

Don Jose calls Unibrow on his cell, interrupting a lecture from El Gordo on winemaking. He offers his services if Unibrow needs anything, blah, blah, blah. No point to this conversation.

Valeria tells Juanita about Sergio’s support for her relationship with Andres. Juanita is cautious about trusting him. ‘He is Jacinta’s brother.’

Andres asks Daniel why he hasn’t gone to see Juanita. Daniel gives a load of excuses like he has been busy unpacking their things and learning about viticulture. Andres suggests he could make time if he wanted to.

Jacaranda gives Veronica a red dress. Veronica is acting like a deer in the headlights of a car. Jacaranda suggests that she wear it at her birthday party. Veronica says she hates birthday parties and Jacaranda suggests that this is because of bad memories about the birthday party where the police raided the brothel. Veronica says that she doesn’t remember but she is very agitated and runs out. Jacaranda hopes that Veronica continues to be a mental basket case so that she doesn’t remember what happened when Magdalena died.

While waiting for Nutria to get ready to go to the mass for Gustavo, Unibrow tells his sons and El Gordo that Gustavo was the only person in Santa Maria that never stopped believing him in spite of all that happened.

Octavio comes to get his answer from Remedios. She tells him about Pedro and Federico complete with sepia recollections. Pedro wants to marry her and recognize Federico. Young Remedios asks for time to think and by the time she is ready to say yes, he has been killed by a bull. Now that he knows her story, Remedious offers to let Octavio withdraw his proposal but he doesn’t and she accepts. She will leave Jancinta’s house this evening only stopping to say goodbye to Valeria.

Veronica tells Maite that she misses her friends from school. She has tried to contact Valeria by email and phone but she doesn’t answer. Maite is worried that something has happened to Valeria.

Walking into the church for the mass, Unibrow meets Jacinta. (Andres drops back so as not to have Jacinta see him). Manola appears and asks if Jacinta was aware that Unibrow and his family had moved back to Santa Maria. Jacinta says that she hadn’t been aware of that fact. Unibrow reminds her that he once worked for her son Adolfo and Jacinta responds that people often took advantage of Adolfo. Having delivered her zinger, she proceeds into the church.

Jacaranda walks into Veronica’s bedroom while she is having a mirror conversation between her various personalities. This again reassures Jacaranda that Veronica is still as crazy as she was when she was a child and won’t be a threat to her.

Victor and Maite have a pointless conversation about how the Maldonados are just nice folks and what an amazing coincidence it is that Jacaranda knows them. Apparently, the sale of Jacaranda’s designer clothes will be held at Victor’s restaurant.

Federico speaks to Unibrow after the mass and says that in spite of the opinion of his “patrona,” he has always had a good opinion of Unibrow and offers any assistance that he can. Unibrow thanks him.

That was about it.


Thank you for the recap!

Wow, you recapped Thursday and Friday! You're the best.

During this episode I was struck by the facial similarities of the young, sepia tone Remedios with the current Remedios. I'm not sure why, maybe the big nostrils?

A Barrera curse: my neighbor's beautiful Jacaranda tree is blooming, but now everytime I look at it I think of Jacaranda the Horrible from Barrera. Help!!!!

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