Monday, June 19, 2006

Barrera Thurs. & Friday, June 15 & 16

I did watch Barerra both Thursday and Friday but I didn't take notes. Here are my recollections of what happened.
Gustavo survived having been heaved over the balcony by Manola. In the hospital, he is conscious but cannot move or speak. At the end of Friday's episode, he is about to be released from the hospital in this condition and put in the care of his wife who wants to finish the job. Since he is completely helpless, his chances don't look very good.

Rodrigo seems to have been deeply affected by his father's injury and I believe he said that he was going to take over the cow business. I'm sure his attack of responsibility won't last long.

Things are wrapping up with the Canada tour. Veronica continues to cycle back and forth between a clinging almost catatonic woman to a slut and nobody can figure it out.

Juanita and Daniel (Andrés'older brother) had engaged in some email correspondence but when they met, he thought she was Valeria. I guess he has fallen for his brother's girl. Juanita said they could just be friends.

Valeria and Andrés arrange to escape from Jacinta and her henchman, Federico, for various necking sessions. However, on their last day in Canada, Jacinta sees Valeria kissing Andrés goodbye. She accosts the couple, drags Valeria inside and throws her on the bed knocking over and breaking the glass in a picture frame in the process. She turns into the avenging hand of God, grabs a piece of glass and is about to attack Valeria with it when Federico comes in and intervenes. Jacinta ends up cutting her own hand with the glass and Valeria is shaken up but determined to have Andrés.

Back in Mexico, Valeria unwisely tells Rodrigo about her love for Andrés and he promises to help.

Victor goes to see the girls' psychology professor who appears to be in Mexico. She gives him the name of an analsyt for Veronica and then Victor asks her if he should tell Veronica that he is gay. The psychology teacher advises waiting.

Nutria decides that she wants to return to Aguascalientes, or rather the little town outside of there that Jacinta, et al lives in. She seems to think this is the place to get treatment for her brain tumor. What can Unibrow say? She has a brain tumor. He agrees. She also doesn't want to tell anyone, in particular, Andrés and Daniel, about her diagnosis.

That's about all I can remember.


One other kinda interesting item: Manola in the hospital with Gustavo. She figures out that he can see and understand everything, but he can't move or communicate. Then she viciously and audaciously makes out with Federico right there in his hospital room just spite him! I wonder whose side Rodrigo would take if he figured it all out (or more likely, if someone else figures it out and explains it to him)...

Thanks Jean! I've been so busy that I hadn't had a chance to watch Thurs. or Fri. But I did turn the show on for about 5 minutes on Friday I think. Jacinta was in her little shrine flagellating herself. What a scene to drop in on, eh? Do you remember what that was all about?

Alma, I'll definitely have to watch that scene with Manola and Federico. I appreciate the heads-up on the juicy bits.

Thanks Alma, I had forgotten about the Federico/Manola make-out in the hospital room. I think Gustavo had a little tear in his eye. You have to feel sorry for Gustavo. He is/was a decent guy. His big mistake was allowing himself to be duped by Manola for all these years.
Hi Sylvia- Yes, I remember the self-flagellation scene. I think it was just part of Jacinta's delusion of being the instrument of God's justice. If I have a chance, I'll look at it again on the TiVo.

Thanks, Jean! You're hanging in there, which is more than I can say for myself! I wish I'd seen Jacinta almost slash Valeria. Jacinta is the only one I like.

I also forgot to include a scene where Veronica, in the presence of Jacaranda, tells about this dream she has all the time, which is a child's interpretation of her witnessing her mother being murdered. So at some point, she'll either remember what actually happened or Jacaranda and Rafael will decide having her around is too much of a risk.

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