Monday, July 10, 2006

Barrera Friday, June 7

Things are a little crowded in the apartment where Victor, Maite, Veronica, Jaracanda and now Valeria are staying. Of course, Andres is there too kissing Valeria and saying that no one will ever separate them. All this interest by Victor and Maite in Valeria is starting to make Veronica jealous. She turns into Vera and flounces into the room where Valeria and Andres are embracing on the sofa. Maite and Victor come in and Andres announces that he is going to marry Valeria as soon as possible but first he wants to introduce his intended to his parents. Vera –nica stomps out of the room and Jacaranda tells Maite and Victor that she will go help her.

Entering the room, Jacaranda addresses Vera and says that she knows her secret and won’t tell. Vera says that she doesn’t like Valeria and Jacaranda agrees that Valeria is a goody-goody and Vera ought to have the big house, clothes, money etc. that Valeria has. When Veronica tells Jacaranda how she stole Valeria’s credit card when they were in Canada, Jacaranda continues her psychological experiment and says that such an act might bring the police. “The police?” says Vera-nica. “Yes, the police, like on your birthday,” and prang, Veronica the scared rabbit is back saying, “Where are my parents?”

Manola and Federico have a post coital conversation. Federico says that he loved her a lot, once. Manola asks why he is using the past tense. Didn’t she just prove that their passion for one another continues. Federico says that they still have passion but his love for her died when she rejected him twice – first for Adolfo and then for Gustavo. He suggests that they make a truce. Gustavo can stay here in this house without any rehabilitation but Manola cannot do any harm to him. She agrees and he leaves. Alone (except for the sleeping Gustavo), she says that Federico doesn’t know about his parentage. He’s been a great lover but since he is a Valladolid, she’s got to convert their relationship into something more.

Valeria seeks comfort in Maite’s arms and Maite is able to treat her like a daughter. After Valeria goes to bed, Maite and Victor celebrate the fact that Maite has recovered her daughter and swear that she will not lose her again.

Andres tells Unibrow and Nutria that he will bring Valeria over the next day.

Manola rushes home to tell her father about her discovery of Federico’s parentage. He is gobsmacked. They rehash the whole story and now Jacinta’s attitude to Federico now makes sense. Nicolas asks Manola what her plan is and she says that she will pretend that she is in love with Federico so that she can be the wife of the heir to half the Valladolid fortune.

Jacaranda and Dr. Carlos rehash the whole Vera/Veronica dual personality thing. Then the doctor leaves for his appointment with Manola. Manola wants Dr. Carlos to tell her the whole Veronica story and when he declines, she offers him a bribe. He obligingly rehashes the whole story again. The only new fact is that Manola learns that Federico encountered Vera in Canada and probably didn’t realize it was Veronica (the blond wig). Manola pays Dr. Carlos some more money not to tell anyone else about Veronica’s condition. The doctor asks why she is so interested in this case and Manola says that she thinks she can use it to her advantage.

Valeria approaches Unibrow and Nutria without Andres. Unibrow recognizes her from the stuck elevator incident. Andres appears and introduces her (without using her last name) as his novia. They are all happy. Maite decides to go to the church and Jacaranda is going to do some shopping. Jacaranda meets Andres and Valeria and they say it is too bad that because Maite is not around, they can’t introduce her to Andres’ parents.

Jacinta is sulking. Federico tells her that he is sure that Valeria will return to her side. Jacinta says that Valeria is an ingrate. Jacinta says that Valeria is not the first person to disappoint her but that doesn’t include you, Federico. Jacinta says that she is afraid that Valeria will find out that Maite is her mother and she will have to use the arrested-for-prostitution weapon.

Ghastly scene where Remedios charms the children in the school run by the nuns by telling them a story.

Unibrow asks Valeria what she was doing in the vineyard when they ran into her and she says that she lives nearby. He says, “I hope you don’t have anything to do with the Valladolid family.” Everyone else at the table knows who she is and they all choke on their food or look the other way. [Why doesn’t Unibrow say, “What is your last name?]

One of the gossipy ladies (wearing little lavender mitts for God’s sake and a giant orange flower in her hair) helps Sergio understand Maite’s history with Jacinta. No new information is disclosed.

Boring scene concerning Andres’ mother’s day gift for Nutria at the end of which, Valeria wishes she had a mother to give a gift to.

Equally boring scenes in the plaza in front of the church where Maite remembers Unibrow giving her flowers in the plaza. She still loves him as though it happened yesterday.

Federico gives Baldo a dressing down. He accuses him of daring to have opinions about the Valladolid family and threatens that he too can join his father in being fired from the hacienda.

A bunch of ladies from the pueblo commiserate with Jacinta, who is pretending to be a pitiful, deceived grandmother, about the Maite/Valeria situation. They are convinced that Maite is manipulating Valeria to get her back.

In church, Maite thanks God for giving Valeria back to her. She doesn’t even need to tell Valeria that she is her mother as long as she can have Valeria with her.

Federico and Rodrigo are congratulating themselves on their new ventures with Gustavo’s business. Omar is not joining in and even expresses doubts about the deals. Federico tells him off and Rodrigo backs him up.

In a bar, Jacaranda and Dr. Carlos discuss his appointment with Manola. Apparently, Dr. Carlos signed the death certificate for Magdalena indicating that this was a natural death and was paid off by Jacaranda. Dr. Carlos thinks that Manola will use the information against Maite.

That was about it.


Thanks for your recap, Jean.
Surely this stupid show must come to a head soon.
Well, we'll see what Heridas looks like tonight.
Keep up your good work.

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