Thursday, September 21, 2006

Barrera de Amor recap: September 20

Andres, lying limply in his hospital bed, is informed by Maria Theresa and Unibrow:
  1. No, Valeria is not a nun;
  2. She has born him a child, Pedro.
He is very confused. He wants to get up and go to her. Owing to being near death, he can't.

He hears Valeria came to the hospital to see him but left after seeing Queen Bonbon.

So Andres tells the Bonbon her reign has come to a close; he intends to win back Valeria's love. "No, no, Andres, I will not give you up - you can only be happy with me." She has taken the news poorly.

Veronica, who is entirely Vera the Perra lately (you can tell because she's always baring her fangs), tells Victor: "Maite is no longer my mother. She only loved me till Valeria showed up. YOU don't have any surprises, do you? No kids? You're mine mine mine. I will live with you here in this apartment, just us." He says she's, uh, not completely cured and must go back to the clinic. She takes the news poorly.

Juanita visits Andres and tells him about her son (his nephew) Daniel. Then he tells her he wants to win Valeria back. "I told Valeria that she was a woman just like her mother - ironically, now I think the world of Maria Theresa!" (He didn't actually say ironically, I am interpolating.)

Remember Guillermo's dad, the brutal obnoxious guy with a drunkard's nose? I guess we'll have to call him Daddy. He goes to the insane asylum (isn't there any security?) and tells Veronica: "Guillermo and Victor live together and are homosexuals, in fact they are plotting to get rid of you because Victor loves Guillermo more than you." Yes, Veronica takes the new poorly.

I can only explain Valeria's wussiness by pointing out that she was raised by a crazed serial killer. She confesses to the Padre right there in the hacienda, with Cleo eavesdropping as Jacinta ordered. When Cleo reports, after a bit of hand-wringing, that the "recogida" (that nobody little snot-nose) is actually son of Valeria and Andres, Jacinta takes the news poorly.

In fact, she is simply magnificent in her rage. She grabs Valeria, shakes her, hits her again and again - and threatens Pedrito. "He's an innocent baby!" "NO, the sins of his parents have marked him forever. You're a child of Satan. Don't stain my house with your obscenities." She throws Valeria on the floor, rips the shirt off her back, and shouts: "If you don't obey me, your son will pay." She gets out her whip and lashes Valeria all bloody, right in front of her crucifix, Jesus bleeding on the cross, wow!

Then Jacinta, her passion slaked, says "This was the only way," kisses Valeria, and leaves her there on the ground.

Valeria becomes virtually comatose and helpless which can be the only explanation for her next move - when she tries to pick up Pedrito and leave, and Jacinta says, "No way either of you are leaving - you are both Valladolids. Only I know what's best for you." - well, she stays.

Juanita storms in, demanding to see Valeria, but Federico runs her off after hitting her HARD and telling her she's nothing but a lousy Indian. He and Jacinta agree that Baldo, Theo and Juanita are dogs who bite the hand that feeds them, and that Juanita must be kept away or Valeria will find out (somehow) that Jacinta engineered the scene which parted her from her beloved torero. Jacinta, somewhat shaken: "It's risky to wait a moment longer! Let's start our plan!"

Speaking of plans, Unibrow is telling everybody in sight that his plan for vengeance is being put into motion. When he invites Remedios and Octavio to Las Barricas and offers them employment, and gives them the shpiel, Remedios mildly says: "Vengeance poisons the soul."

Rafael has snuck into Victor's apartment but can't find the letter Magdalena wrote to Adolfo (that long-ago letter explaining that Adolfo is Veronica's pop). Luckily, Guillermo and Victor come home discussing the very letter he seeks and show where it is as he peeks out of the closet, knife in hand! They helpfully leave and he takes the letter.

Next Guillermo innocently brings pretty art books to Valeria at the asylum, trying to make friends, but she snarls at him. "You can't steal my dad. Disappear from our lives and never come back. If you stay, he loses me forever. You can just watch him suffer. If you love him, leave immediately and give no explanation." I can't imagine Guillermo is any match for Vera the Perra.

Rafael hightails it to the hacienda. Remember, he was charged with replenishing Jacinta's drug supply (this is how she plans to keep Valeria and Pedrito very, very quiet). He's come to get paid and hand over the goods. He also hands Jacinta the letter. Her reaction upon finding out that the "loca" Veronica is her grand-daughter: well, she takes it poorly.


Ay Caramba! That's one helluva recap! I had to scamper right off and watch some of those choice scenes. I sure wish they'd amped up the action earlier. I love Jacinta's crazed glares of righteousness and the cheesy crescendo music. Remarkable recap, well done!
(I think you meant Veronica in the last paragraph, not Valeria, although Valeria is certainly loca for hanging around the Casa of Usher.)

Thanks Sylvia! Yes, it was superb. Jacinta is the greatest. And thanks for the correction, I've made the fix.

Wow! What a scene. And your recap makes it even better. What kind of a religion does Jacinta think she has that lets her kill and maim.
I hope she gets hers.
The plot is really picking up and should race breakneck to the finale on Oct 2.
Thanks again, Melinama.

Great recap, Melinama. I think the explanation for the complete wussiness of Valeria is that Maite is the heroine of this novela and she will rescue her apparently helpless daughter from the clutches of Jacinta, the religious maniac and serial killer.

Melinama, you have really enlightened me on how important it is to have a truly evil character in a novela-- the more evil, the better. Before your recaps, I would have gotten all huffy about the evilness, but thanks to you, now I relish it!! And this episode was incredible!

By the way... This would be a great time for Valeria to take advantage of that tunnel again!

Yes where is the tunnel when you need it?

Great recap! Thanks!

Que???? I've definitely lost track of this show, but it seems that a lot of people are taking things badly and others are just [a] violent, [b]crazy, or [c] both of the above. Susanlynn, lost in space

What a recap! Everything is happening really fast now that the novela's almost over! Jacinta is soooo evil. Caray! Caray!

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