Monday, September 25, 2006

Barrera de Amor recap: September 25

  • Victor and Guillermo's mommy make a pact to stick together and find Guillermo, but have no luck today.

    Victor goes to the insane asylum and Doctor Monica tells him: "Veronica's grandmother Jacinta came with proofs of kinship and certificates from doctors, and Veronica wanted to go, so I had to let her."

    Since Maite and Victor never legally adoped Veronica, they have no rights. Victor is consternated - or as they say in the esmas recaps, está impactado. Everybody's always impactados in these shows.


  • Veronica (these days, Vera la Perra) is pleased to be installed at the hacienda as a Valladolid. In fact, Jacinta gives her Valeria's room! "Valeria is on a spiritual retreat, she won't be back soon." Veronica is pleased that she now has all that Valeria once had. Jacinta tells her: Valeria is in Oaxaca. Cleo overhears and tells Artemio, so we can assume the news will trickle back to the Good Guys, who are gnashing their teeth about Valeria's disappearance.

    Jacinta is impactada to realize Veronica actually remembers Adolfo's famed visit to the House of Ill Repute and his argument there with Maite, after which he supposedly was killed in a car crash which Jacinta blames on Maite. Actually, Federico bashed Adolfo's head in.

    All suddenly realize: it's just as well the marriage between Veronica and Federico didn't happen, as it would have been incest. Federico is impactado to hear that Jacinta has, for years and years, had in her possession a birth certificate proving he is Adolfo's son - which she never told him about. He asks to see it, but since Nicolas stole it out of her safe somehow, she now "can't find" the certificate. Federico thinks she's making the whole thing up. He has to figure out some way to inherit the Valladolid fortune even though there are now TWO inconvenient young heiresses.

    Veronica says Victor and Maite are now only part of her past. The Valladolids are her future.

  • Jacaranda continues needling Nicolas: "Don't you feel a malevolent presence here?" She knows a witch who is good at calming the dead, but Nicolas will have to pay well. He says everything is Manola's fault - but he's willing to spend any amount that will silence Gustavo's ghost.

    Lunching with Rafael, Jacaranda fields a call from Gustavo himself and says all is going well. She is concealing Gustavo's failure to be dead from Rafael, as she is somehow planning to collect money from him and many other people by playing her cards right.

    Jacaranda has the famous tripartite mirror which belonged to Veronica as a little girl (remember when her alternate personalities appeared in the side mirrors?). She tells Manola: "When Veronica broke it, it was only partly broken, I had it put back together and maybe I'll give it back some day or maybe not."

  • The Maldonados and the ancient retinue prepare to go to the mysterious party in Las Barricas. They may or may not be going by private jet.

  • Rodrigo is tender and sweet with Juanita's baby and there is a spark of chemistry. He muses to a servant that he always liked Juanita, but Valeria was constantly thrust in front of him as his future. He thinks he might like to get to know Juanita better and show her he has changed. (I am wholeheartedly in favor of this union.) Unbeknownst to him, Jacinta has now decided he is a worthy match for her new grand-daughter Veronica.

  • Jacinta flagellates herself, muttering "Forgive my sins, father, but especially forgive the sensual sins of those around me, particularly Valeria, who has fallen to the devil - now only fire will purify her ..." As she mutters, Federico tries to talk to her but she doesn't hear. He says: "Now I know where Veronica gets her loca streak from." I guess we can also suppose there will be FIRE in the near future.

  • All get ready for the party. For instance, Unibrow fishes out a ring he tried to give Maite long ago when I wasn't watching the show - he's been saving it all these years - he proposes and she accepts. She's wearing an amazing tight red floorlength dress with a high collar. We will not discuss the kiss which clinches this deal - if you saw it, you know what I mean.

    It's decided that Veronica will not go to the party - she doesn't have nice enough clothes, and people might gossip about her. Better she should stay home. Victor finds her and tries to talk to her through the gate. She says: "Don't you call me daughter."

    The guests arrive - Jacinta is displeased to see the party is less exclusive than she had expected - and Bruno says welcome to all, and then Unibrow and Maite (her chin held very high) arrive and all guests are muy impactados.


Oh, nice job on los impactados!! My favorite is the monkey. He looked the most impactado of all.

Maite's dress was something to behold. She was truly an architectural wonder.

I felt sorry for Yadhira. It seemed she was trying to act her heart out during Unilog's proposal and he was about as animated as a...well, a log! They have no chemistry.

I was left impactatada by all of the impactados!!!Your recap was great! Finally the novela is getting interesting!

Wonderful recap! Now that Jacinta's quirks are starting to peek through, I'm wondernig whether she will end up in the asylum herself. Melinama, any theories on what kind of end she will meet? I hope it's brutal!

Well, Alma, since you ask ... it seems to me that Jacinta has been talking about fire a lot lately. She wants to purify Valeria with fire. I think there's gonna be a fire. I've seen in other novelas that the one who sets the fire often gets trapped in it. So that's what I'm gonna guess. Poison would not be dramatic enough. Rifle? too swift. It's too late for her to be rehabilitated. She's not going to get diabetes in time to need insulin. I guess she could fall out a window. Or, wait, trampled by a bull! But there've been so many bulls already. So I vote for fire. What do you think?

You're on the right track!

I've been thinking that Jacinta will rue the day she took in Vera, but, oh, fire would be so appropriate and poetic!

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